Last updated by Steven Libis & Associates on 03/12/2001
March 6, 2001. Sometime between March 1 to March 5, 2001 Tripod deleted my account/web site. As per their useage agreement that I signed to get their free space, they are not required to notify me that they don't like what I am doing, or give advance notification (or notification of any kind) about my removal from their site. So I was quite taken by surprise when I tried logging in one day and no longer had a web site.
The last stats Tripod gave me were 9,000+ visitors per month. Since my site is so popular, I have decided to keep it going, in spite of this major setback. I continue to work on modifying the web site for relocation to Modifcations to this web site include removal of all web pages no longer needed, including QWK networks that have ceased to function or have merged into larger networks, the radio show which ended in 1998, the Tripod search engine, Guest Book, ...
The music site I helped with decided go with to host their new I wish them the best of luck.
October 22, 1999. The Earthquake City BBS web site hit the big time! And I didn't even know it.
Tripod stats showed that this web site had more than 4,000 unique visitors last month (September 1999). Because of that, Tripod has increased my web space from 11mb to 50mb.
And now a brief comment about the search engine available on this site.
PicoSearch indexes this site whenever I request it (normally about once per
month). Therefore you won't be able to find the newest additions to this site
using it. However, it displays the results much nicer. Not only does it show
you what page it found the item on, it also displays the surrounding context.
And, you can click on the link to get there.
January 25, 1999. I have made more than a few changes to wcFileGate since I first started working on it. Some of those changes have included additional features for both the sysop, as well as the end user. The most recent wcFileGate help message is included on this page.
November 2, 1998. I added this page. This is a copy of the HELP.TXT that wcFileGate sends out when a request for help is sent, or when it can't handle the message that you sent to it.
wcFileGate is NOT one of the typical features of a BBS. I just finished writing this program that allows remote users of the BBS to participate more fully with Earthquake City BBS and not worry about the long distance charges.
wcFileGate sends/receives QWK/REP packets via internet e-mail. It also allows the caller/user to upload/download files to the BBS via internet e-mail.
Base requirements to run wcFileGate on your BBS are:
Wildcat! v4.x
UUCP account wcFileGate.
Base requirements to use wcFileGate for the user are:
An internet e-mail account that allows attachments.
An offline mail reader.
Welcome to wcFileGate, a UUCP service of Earthquake City BBS This automated service allows the following functions: 1) request this help file; 2) request an information file; 3) send/retrieve files; 4) send/receive message packets for "NET" status callers, and non "NET" status callers. (net status is available to hubs/nodes in QWK networks) including: configure your QWK packets, (if your offline mail reader supports it). upload your *.PTR, ... This service functions by reading and responding to the SUBJECT: line, and ignores any text in the body of the message. Therefore, you must be careful how you write your subject line. The way this works here on Earthquake City BBS is as follows: 0) Earthquake City BBS dials the ISP once an hour. wcFileGate runs each time the ISP is dialed. Therefore, response time should be no longer than 2 hours for any request. 1) All messages must be addressed to: bbs *EXCEPT* your first message. 2) Your first message *MUST* be addressed to: sysop In your first message (requesting to be set up on this system), you must include: - A valid internet address. (If you change your internet address, notify the sysop!) - The name you want to use on this BBS. - If you want to be set up on a regular schedule to receive packets. (All other set up information is optional.) I would like to know how you found out about this service. I would like to know what you are looking for with this service. I would like to know that you already know how to use an offline reader. Your QWK packet will be set up with: NO new bulletins. NO new file list. Local Private conference only. (All these options can be changed through some offline mail readers [OLX, BlueWave, ... please let me know if yours works].) (The system will only send QWK/REP packets to your initial) (address. The sysop must be notified of a change.) 3) The message *MUST* be addressed like this: TO: bbs 4) The subject line must look like this: If you are a caller - To send the BBS a REP packet: SUBJECT: REP First Last (The first and last name you use on this BBS. This is your user name on the BBS, *NOT* your alias. If you are an individual, this is to send your REP packet to the BBS. This is a wcMail function. You must attach your EQCITY.REP to the message. This feature requires sysop set up.) If you are a caller - To request a QWK packet from the BBS: SUBJECT: QWK First Last (The first and last name you use on this BBS. This is your user name on the BBS, *NOT* your alias. If you are an individual, this is to receive a single EQCITY.QWK from this BBS. *ONCE* This is a wcMail function. E-mail the sysop if you want automatic QWK packets sent. This can be anywhere from hourly, daily, weekly, monthly to any time you send a REP packet to the BBS. This feature requires sysop set up.) If you are a caller - To upload a pointer file to the BBS: SUBJECT: POINTER.ZIP (You must put your *.PTR file inside a POINTER.ZIP file. This is a wcMail function. You must attach your POINTER.ZIP to the message. This feature requires sysop set up.) Anyone - To send (upload) a file to the BBS: SUBJECT: FILE file.ext (This is for e-mailing a file to the BBS. *NO* sysop set up required.) (Plain text file attachments will generate an error message. If you want) (to send us a text file as an attach, zip it before doing your attach.) Also - Anyone - To send (upload) a file to the BBS: SUBJECT: GIVE file.ext (This is for e-mailing a file to the BBS. *NO* sysop set up required.) (Plain text file attachments will generate an error message. If you want) (to send us a text file as an attach, zip it before doing your attach.) If you are a caller - To retrieve (download) a file from the BBS: SUBJECT: TAKE file.ext (This is for retrieving a file via e-mail from the BBS. This feature requires sysop set up.) Anyone - To retrieve this help file from the BBS: TO: bbs SUBJECT: help (This will get you this text file. *NO* sysop set up required.) Anyone - To retrieve an information file from the BBS: TO: bbs SUBJECT: info (This will get you a text file. *NO* sysop set up required.) For HUBS/NODES to send/retrieve their packets to/from this BBS: For Nodes and/or Hubs - to send/retrieve their packets to/from this BBS: SUBJECT: NET file.ext (This feature is *ONLY* for hubs/nodes [*NOT* regular BBS users] e-mailing a QWK/REP packet to the BBS. This feature requires sysop set up.) 5) The message can be whatever you want it to be. This software will *NOT* read the body of the message. 6) Please be aware, that if you configured wcMail to *NOT* include new files, and *NOT* include new bulletins, no packet will be created for you if no new mail has arrived since the last packet was sent to you. If you are using AOL to receive your packets, you may have problems. While this may change in the future, as of January 12, 1999, I have heard that AOL doesn't handle file attachments, or long messages very well. And I am not aware of any plans to change that. Features *NOT* requiring subscription: Sending a file to the BBS requesting HELP.TXT (this file) requesting INFO.TXT (an information file describing this BBS) Features I haven't decided on requiring subscription: (this will be based on level of activity of users, ie free to start with) Local conferences QWK message networks Features requiring subscription: Internet e-mail address at Earthquake City BBS. Retrieving files from the BBS via internet e-mail. Internet newsgroups on the BBS via internet (and requesting newsgroups). Subscriptions are $10.00 (or more) for 12 months. Please send checks for $10.00 (or more) to: Steven Libis Earthquake City BBS P. O. Box 8106 Mission Hills, CA 91346-8106 Steven Libis Sysop, Earthquake City BBS (818) 368-3337 sysop
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