Earthquake City BBS - Steven Libis - Interesting Serious Politics / Economics / ... Web Sites - 05/15/2024 web site map

Earthquake City BBS

Running from January 1, 1995 until December 31, 2006.

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Last updated by Steven Libis & Associates on 05/15/2024

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October 1, 2009. I noticed that more than a few people concerned with politics and the economy have been emailing me links to serious articles on the subjects. So I removed them from my main links site, and they are now all bunched together on this page.

SERIOUS LINKS (Economy, Liberty, Government, ...)
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"If you're not a liberal at 20, you have no heart.
If you're not a conservative at 40, you have no brain."
- attrib. Winston Churchill

The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words. - Philip K. Dick

A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open. - Frank Zappa

The suicidal part of the human race composed of the Liberal / Progressive / Democratic / Socialists has a religion that disallows thinking, but for the rest, you will find food for thought here.

I haven't had a chance to double check all these address yet (I may never check all the links). When I do, I will correct any listing that needs it. If you beat me to it, please let me know what corrections are needed.

This sub-page is a collection of URLs that might be of interest to people concerned with politics, the economy, health care issue, ... This list of URLs is in a vaguely alphabetical order. Any additions/corrections/deletions to this list will be greatly appreciated.

Text Browsers (Lynx), the / forward slash will allow you to search this page for specific text.

Graphical browsers (Netscape, IE, ...) [ctrl]-[f] will allow you to search this page for specific text.

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Abortion: - Pro-Choice = Anti-Life - doing it for the children - population control - Because If They Can't Kill Children, They'll Kill Adults
Planned parenthood says proper term for unborn baby is now womb colonizer - Babylon Bee
If you can kill this motherf***er, I can at least abandon him! It’s my money, my choice. And if I’m wrong, then perhaps we’re wrong. Figure that sh!t out for yourselves. - Dave Chappelle
We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population ... Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood
I believe that now, immediately, there should be national sterilization for certain dysgenic types of our population. - Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood
In order to protect women's rights to obtain an unsafe abortion, the U.S.Supreme Court recently ruled that medical standards that apply to every other health care facility do not apply to abortion mills. This means that if you want to minimize your chance of a getting an infection, you should bring your own clean coat hanger for the procedure.
If it's not a human being, then why are you harvestubg organs from it? - Dr. Ben Carson
mrc tv Praising Death: Lefties Celebrate 'Abortion Provider Appreciation Day'
Truth Revolt Planned Parenthood Caught Selling Organs Obtained During Abortions - "Between $30 to $100 per specimen."
Truth Revolt Malkin: The Wine-Sipping Butchers of Planned Parenthood - Hannibal Lecter ain't got nothing on Planned Butcherhood
Truth Revolt CNN, Newsweek, Etc. Try to Spin Planned Parenthood Video - The media circle the wagons.
Truth Revolt Ben Carson: 'The Whole Purpose' of Planned Parenthood Is to 'Eliminate Black People' - "You wonder if Obama actually knows the history of Planned Parenthood."
Truth Revolt Harry Reid Says Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Prove Nothing - Just look at this light and forget the whole thing.
Truth Revolt Carson: Nazis Loved Margaret Sanger - They said "she was a great person"
Truth Revolt Nick Cannon: Planned Parenthood 'Modern Day Eugenics' - "It’s population control."
Truth Revolt CDC: 35% of Abortions are Black Babies - "A disproportionate number of minorities still receive them."
mrc tv NY Times Editorial Board Defends Fetal Trafficking Scandal
mrc tv African-American Ohio Dem: 'Black Lives Matter Protesters...Should be in Front of Planned Parenthood'
mrc tv Bozell: News Shows Blackout 'Atrocities Not Seen Since Nazi Germany' at Planned Parenthood's Request
mrc tv Planned Parenthood to Conduct One of the Most Insulting, Ironic Marches Ever
mrc tv Pro-Life Students At More Than 200 Schools Are Walking Out Against Abortion Tomorrow
American Thinker Would it bother us more if they used guns?'
Daily Wire Teen Charged With Murder After Killing Her 2-Pound Premature Baby. How Is This Different From Abortion?
Daily Wire 'The Atlantic' Mourns That Women Aren't Aborting Their Kids After Seeing Ultrasounds
YouTube REBUTTAL: Samantha Bee’s Abortion Lies
Mises Institute Inferno and the Overpopulation Myth
Louder With Crowder SICK: Pelosi Tells Adopted Girl Moms ‘Should Have the Choice’ to Abort...
Freedom Outpost University Students Sign Petition To Legalize Abortion After Birth
Louder With Crowder OPINION: You Cannot Change The Minds of Evil People. Evil People Must Be Defeated.
mrc tv Wow: House Dems Block Vote on Bill to Stop Infanticide for SIXTH Time
Political Insider Six Democrats Running in 2020 Voted No On Providing Medical Care to Babies Surviving Abortion
Daily Wire WATCH: Sen. Tim Scott’s Powerful Speech On Senate Floor After Democrats Refuse To Protect Born-Alive Babies
Daily wire WATCH: Feminist Repeatedly Punches Pro-Lifer In The Face On Campus. She's Been Charged With Assault.
rumble Abortion Is Racist - and the Left's Finally Admitting It
mrc tv Five of the Most Racist Arguments the Left Made For Abortion This Week
mrc tv NJ Governor Enacts Law Allowing Abortion Up Until Birth, Allows Midwives to Perform Abortion
mrc tv CA Becomes THIRD State Considering Bill To Legalize Infanticide
mrc tv Killed Your Baby? No Worries! You’re Free to Go
mrc tv Jezebel’s Fear of Crisis Pregnancy Centers
mrc tv Abortion Activist Loses Her Mind at Pro-Life Students Outside SCOTUS
mrc tv Antifa Celebrates Bombing of Pregnancy Centers
Epoch Times Destruction and Vandalism by Pro-Abortion Extremists Sweeps America
Louder With Crowder Violence Committed by Pro-Abortion Leftists Post Roe v. Wade (Updated)
Louder With Crowder Patricia Heaton Unloads on Elizabeth Warren's Incendiary Abortion Rhetoric: 'We Have to Hire Armed Security'
Epoch Times Are Pro-Aborts Burning Through Their Credibility?
mrc tv UNFPA Zoom Panel Says Abortion is ‘Lifesaving,’ Overturn of Roe Is ‘Draconian’
mrc tv Nearly 100 Democrats Call For National Public Health Emergency Over Roe’s Overturn
Louder With Crowder Teen Legend Sets Up Two Pro-Choice Protesters With an Easy Question, Then Embarrasses Them With His Follow-Up
Federalist 10 Ways The Pro-Abortion Left Proves It Isn’t Pro-Choice Or Pro-Women
Montana shamed as residents vote ‘No’ on measure to protect babies after they’re born: ‘Unimaginable’
mrc tv Paper Suggests Pregnant 'Trans Men' Should Keep Taking Testosterone, Even If It Harms the Unborn Baby
Louder With Crowder Watch: Dem Governor celebrates the "sacrifices" of abortion providers on... Abortion Provider Appreciation Day
Louder With Crowder Minnesota's woke Lt. Gov slam dunks the virtue signaling with this all abortion March Madness bracket
Louder With Crowder AP "News" Makes Absurd Claim Pregnant Women Are Being Denied Care Because Of Abortion Bans
Louder With Crowder Watch: Super Bowl champion WRECKS Joe Biden at college commencement for being a pro-abortion fake "Catholic"

Abortion: - Safe and Effective
mrc tv Woman Dies After ‘Routine’ Abortion & Left Still Claim They’re ‘Safe’

Abortion: - Abortion Supporters
Louder With Crowder 'Hope you get raped': Teen Pro-Lifer claims to be assaulted by pro-choice creature, had plate thrown at her
mrc tv High Schoolers Escorted Out of the Tax-Funded Smithsonian For Wearing Pro-Life Beanies
mrc tv World Health Organization Releases Guide About Abortion Care, Doesn’t Mention 'Baby' Once

Abortion: - Right To Kill
Louder With Crowder Watch: Evil Med Student Promises To Leave Wisconsin If She Can’t Kill Full-Term Babies

Abortion: - Abortion Wrongs
mrc tv Concerned Women For America Office Vandalized By Pro-Abortion Activist
mrc tv Biden’s Abortion-Pushing EO Is Just the Start Of More Anti-Life, Anti-Constitution 'Executive Action'

Abortion: - Next Best Thing - Having Children Is A Crime
mrc tv An Indian Man Is Suing His Parents For Giving Birth To Him 'Without His Consent'

Abortion: - For The Children
Daily Wire WALSH: You Can't Give A Lethal Injection To Criminals In New York But You Can Give It To Infants
Daily Wire Here's The Viral Sign Of The Small Business Owner Who Closed To Protest New York's Horrific Abortion Law
Conservative Review 13 states plus D.C. where a teenage girl can’t see an R-rated movie about abortion - but can get one by herself
Louder With Crowder Watch: Liberal TikToker Says Quiet Part About Abortion Out Loud: “It Has Never Mattered When Life Begins...”

Abortion: - Good For The Environment
mrc tv Sierra Club Exec: Abortion Helps the Environment by Controlling the Population
Washington Standard 45 Population Control Quotes: The Elite Are Eager To Eliminate People On Earth

Abortion: - Good For The Economy
Louder With Crowder Michael Ian Black: It’s Cheaper to Abort Babies Than to Let Them Live
Louder With Crowder Janet Yellen Attempts to 'Whitesplain' Importance of Black Abortions to Sen. Tim Scott, and He's Not Amused

Abortion: - Humor
Babylon Bee ACLU Clarifies It's Only In Support Of Immigrants After They Leave Womb
Daily Wire WALSH: It’s Time To Finally Legalize Post-Birth Abortion
Peoples Cube I took my cat in for an abortion
Babylon Bee Kamala Harris Polling Poorly Among Unborn Babies
Babylon Bee Close One: This Baby Was Almost Born Into Poverty But His Mother Killed Him In The Nick Of Time
Babylon Bee Experts Warn Murders Will Just Occur In Back Alleys If Murder Outlawed
Babylon Bee Alyssa Milano Calls For Strike On Starring In Any Noteworthy Film Projects
Babylon Bee Nation That Kills 3,000 Babies A Day Feels Morally Superior To Slaveowners From 200 Years Ago
Babylon Bee After Fending Off Pandemic Challenger, Planned Parenthood Retains Title For Most Americans Killed In 2020
Babylon Bee Unborn Babies Disguise Selves As Death Row Inmates So Liberals Will Defend Their Right To Live
Glorious American Roe v. Wade Overturned, Gay Men Hit Hardest
Glorious American Roe v. Wade Overturned After Pro-Abortion Lawyer Unable To Define “Woman”

A.V.Club North Korea declares Seth Rogen and James Franco movie an act of war

Ace Of Spades HQ

Accuracy In Media critiques botched and bungled news stories and sets the record straight on important issues that have received slanted coverage.
Accuracy In Media How Obama Truly Was Like Trayvon Martin

ACORN not just for nuts any more (great for fraud, embezzlement and cover-ups)
Rotten Acorn Not Just Voter Fraud
Big Government Fraud, Embezzlement, and Cover-Ups: A Brief History of ACORN
Big Government The Media's Complicity: Analysis of ACORN Coverage
National Review Online Inside Obama's Acorn
Fox News ACORN Story Grows But Mainstream Media Refuse to Cover It
Judicial Watch Blog - Corruption Chronicles ACORN Workers Arrested In Fla.
Washington Post ACORN's Overdue Unraveling

Act For America

Active Rain Playboy Magazine Cars and the War......

Activist Mommy A Civil Rights Organization for Color Blind Justice

Afluent Investor North Korea’s H-Bomb: The Lesson You Haven’t Thought Of

AlignPay PayPal alternative

The Altucher Confidential The 10 Commandments of the American Religion

America First
America First The Top 13 Best Conservative Media Outlets

American Center for Law and Justice

American Conservative Daily opinons and commentary from conservative, liberty loving Americans.

American Daughter Rightwing Extremism Threat Assessment

The American Dream commentary
The American Dream crime
The American Dream big brother
The American Dream moral crisis
The American Dream politics

American Greatness Our Exhausted American Mediocracy

American Liberty Awards

American Enterprise Institute think tank on public policy

American Institute for Economic Research (AIER)
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) There is Cosmic Wisdom in this Simple Question
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) Hail to the Chief, President 6PRKr4!
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) Legal Mafias and Moral Asymmetries

American Mind The Way Forward

American Mirror

American Renaissance My Career as a White Police Officer

American Shareholders represent the interests of America's shareholder-majority which is currently over 50% of all Americans.

American Spectator
American Spectator Goodbye, America - Standing on the corner isn’t what it used to be.

American Thinker
American Thinker The United States at the Point of No Return
American Thinker Yes, Virginia, There Is Truth in Media
American Thinker Sorry, the 'Climate of Hate' is Going Nowhere
American Thinker Tucson and the Kamikaze Left
American Thinker Killing Politicians and Other Guilty Pleasures
American Thinker Did taxpayers finance the Aurora massacre?
American Thinker Psychopaths-in-Chief
American Thinker How to Destroy a Rich Country
American Thinker What to Do with Sanctions
American Thinker Boehner Says He 'Absolutely' Trusts Obama - We Are in Trouble Now
American Thinker Liberals to the Law: Get Lost!
American Thinker Can't New York Do Better?
American Thinker Poor Lil' Huma
American Thinker The Colorado recall was about more than gun control
American Thinker Panicky Senate Democrats meet to find a way out of Obamacare mess
American Thinker America’s (Current) Suicide Attempt
American Thinker Crushing the Barbarians Inside the Gates
American Thinker The DNC Tsunami of Schmaltz and Mendacity
American Thinker Five ways the Democrat convention backfired on Joe Biden, benefitting Donald Trump
American Thinker Dissecting Obama's Delusional DNC Speech
American Thinker New York Had It Coming
American Thinker Due process is no more in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota

American Wire Today’s Best In Conservative Humor

Hogeye Bill's Anarchism Page Anarcho-Capitalism; Classical Anarchism; Libertarianism; Limited Government
Hogeye Bill's Anarchism Page Anarcho-Capitalist Manifesto
Hogeye Bill's Anarchism Page Anarcho-Capitalist FAQ
Hogeye Bill's Anarchism Page links

Animal Rights - PETA
Wherever there is animal worship, there is human sacrifice.
In my experience, those who profess to believe in animal rights usually don't believe in human rights. - L. Neil Smith
Humane Watch
L. Neil Smith's Down With Power The Myth of "Animal Rights"
Outdoor News Service HSUS getting taste of its own medicine in court
PR Newswire ASPCA Pays $9.3 Million in Landmark Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Settlement
Neatorama Facebook Commenters are Steaming MAD at Steven Spielberg for Killing This "Innocent Animal"
mrc tv New York Daily News Praises Disney Alligator: You Have to Love It When It Does Something Natural'
mrc tv Animal Rights Protestors Scream At Fishermen, Free Fish
mrc tv PETA Claims Eating Cheese Is As Sexist As Sex Trafficking and FGM
mrc tv PETA Wants You To 'Stop Using Anti-Animal Language' - What?
mrc tv Huh? PETA Wants to Change Name of Road Because It's Offensive to Chickens
Louder With Crowder PETA Lashes Out at Elon Musk, Not for Buying Twitter, But for Enjoying Chocolate Milk
Louder With Crowder Oregon Looks To Be First State To Criminalize Farming, Breeding With New Ballot Initiative

Animal Rights Activists - Killing Animals
Truth Revolt Thousands of Mink Dead After Activists Release 38,000 From Fur Farm - As always, Leftists hurt the ones they claim to help...

Animal Rights - PETA
PETA Kills Animals
Canadian Free Press PETA's Dirty Secret - 7 Things You Didn't Know About PETA
Daily Caller The insanity of PETA: Its frivolous lawsuit against SeaWorld compared whales to black slaves
Daily Caller Documents: PETA kills more than 95 percent of pets in its care
Daily Caller PETA bikini-babe promo bans pieces of meat [VIDEO] PETA killed almost 90% of the animals handed over to the charity
mrc tv PETA Applauds 'Jurassic World' For Not Using Real Animals in Film
Truth Revolt PETA Equates Women's Rights to Chickens' Rights - "Equal consideration of their interests."

Animal Rights - vegans vs. People Eating Tasty Animals
YouTube If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 35

Animal Rights - Save The Whale
Mises Institute The Petroleum Industry Saved the Whales

Animal Rights - Humor
Babylon Bee Opinion: You Can’t Oppose Killing Puppies Unless You Adopt Every Dog On The Planet
Louder With Crowder WATCH: Arby’s Flips Off Vegans with ‘Carrot’ Made of Meat!
YouTube Arrogant Worms - Carrot Juice is Murder

Anonymous Conservative understanding political thought through evolutionary psychology

Ayn R. Key blog

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Fox News When satire becomes reality: Nearly 100 Babylon Bee joke stories have come true
Babylon Bee Aliens Report No Intelligent Life On Earth After Landing In Portland
Babylon Bee Cleveland Indians Change Name To 'Cleveland Genderless Sports Players With No Discernable Racial Features Or Specific Ethnic Background'

BadBlue the news that old media doesn't want you to see.

Bailout: Where the U.S.Government proves once again, that nothing succeeds like failure. So time to bail out the incompetents once again.
When did "Too Stupid to Succeed" become "Too Big to Fail?"
They Broke It You Buy It
Buy My Shitpile
True Majority America Says NO Bush Bailout
Suburban Guerrilla Buy My Shitpile
Newsday Spin Cycle - Buy My Shitpile
Down With Tyranny Progressives Starting To Demand An Alternative To Paulson's Boneheaded Proposal & Corporate Giveaways
TechPresident Web Gearing Up to Block "Blank Check" Bailout of Wall Street
Wall Street Journal Hey, U.S.Govt.! Buy My [Expletive] Pile!
Boing Boing Buy My Shitpile: Hey Washington, can you buy my bad investments, too?
Daily Reckoning Who Will Bail Out the Rescuers?
Daily Reckoning Government Bailouts By Design
Daily Reckoning Bankruptcy: The Glorious New Beginning
Daily Reckoning Tesla’s Great Deformation
International Liberty TARP Was Bad, but the Looming Obamacare Bailout for Corrupt Insurance Companies Could Be Worse

Bed Bug Registry ever since the government made the bed bug an endagered species, they have been returning in growing numbers. You now have a place where you can track their return.
Laissez Faire Today Rachel Carson and the Bed Bugs
Rachel Was Wrong Rachel Carson's Dangerous Legacy

Baltimore Sun Baltimore's rat hot spots

Bayou Renaissance Man That gets it said

Bearing Arms - Saving Liberty and Lives
Bearing Arms - Saving Liberty and Lives news
Bearing Arms - Saving Liberty and Lives guns saving lives

Before It's News What We Must Do When Facing Martial Law

Joe Biden - Resident - Pseudo-President - Liar-In-Thief - Surrender-In-Chief - Presidential-Thief - Puppet-In-Chief, SCROTUS - So Called Ruler Of The United States
Biden sucks, Kamala swallows
Cadaver Joe Biden
2 senile 4 trial
Jim Crow Joe
Joe Bribin'
Sleepy Joe
Big Brother Biden
Baby Killer Biden
Geriatric Joe
Sloppy Joe
Bare Shelves Biden
Empty Shelves Joe
Beijing Biden
Bolshevik Biden
Brain freeze Biden
Brainless Biden
Bumbling Biden
Masked Bandit
Blithering Biden
Brandon and Kackles
Joe and the Ho
The zombie and the whore
Joseph Stealin and Heels Up Harris
Dumb and Dumber
Dementia Joe and The Commie Ho
Old JOe and Confused Kamala
Harris-Biden: Elect me to find out what I stand for.
Fraudulent China Joe and Commie Lawhorish - Sarah Hoyt
Build Back Blunders
Building Backwards Better
Build Back Bankrupt
Build Back Better = Bare Buildings Biden - Cynical Pessimist
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f*ck things up. - Barack Hussein Obama
American Thinker Americans are enduring a Biden reign of terror
Orange Man Bad. Sure. But Bad Touch Grandpa Worse. - Larry Correia
We’ll pass election reform, and make no, make sure no one, no one has the opportunity to steal an election again! - Joe Biden
We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. - Joe Biden
Washington Times Why I will not accept Joe Biden as president - Unwillingness to accept election result grows out of a level of outrage unlike anything previously experienced

There once was a president in Nantucket.
Whose policies tell American's to "suck it."
    If given the chance,
    Joe will poop his pants,
And force Secret Service to touch it.

Democrats support elder abuse. Allowing Joe Biden to wander the halls of the White House is proof.
What Joe Biden lacks in leadership, he makes up for in incompetence.
"Whether it is true or not," the Afghanistan botched retreat was a success
LGBTQ - Let's Get Biden To Quit. - Caitlyn Jenner
Joe Biden lied, Americans died.
Joe Biden - Oaths taken, oaths broken
Baghad Biden is making Afghanistan great again
Beijing Biden is Making China Great Again
After watching Joe Biden at the debate: If lies were a drinking game, we’d all die from alcohol poisoning.
Joe Biden is as dishonest as the day is long.
If Biden knew how to fix America ... then why didn't he just tell Obama?
Joe Biden Was Not Very Smart Before He Became Incapacitated. He Was Always Kinda Dumb. Now He’s Clearly Cognitively Impaired. - Rudy Giuliani
Newest Slogan: Joe and the Ho. She passed the sniff test.
Newest Slogan: I'm Joe Biden, and I forgot this message.
Not all Joe Biden supporters are pedophiles and rapists, but all of them decided that groping kids and raping women aren't a deal breaker.
If Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are on a boat together, and it sinks, who survives? America!
Biden dozed and people froze. - Michael Z. Williamson
Go green, turn blue. - Eric Tollefson
FBI = Follow Biden's Instructions
Joe Biden links
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Town Hall The Dumb and Dumber Administration
Federalist If Biden Were Trying To Destroy America On Purpose, He’d Do Nothing Differently
American Thinker Joe Biden's most disgusting, dishonest speech
Federalist Fake Unifier-In-Chief Ends First Year In Office The Same Way He Began
American Thinker Anybody notice how cold and heartless Biden was in his Afghanistan speech?
Liberty Loft Don’t Stand with the U.S. Because They Won’t Stand With You
American Thinker Executive Order Canceling the Constitution
American Thinker Joe Biden: More Heel Than Healer
YouTube Joe Biden's TOP 50 Bloopers, Blunders, & Gaffes: 2020 Election Edition
American Thinker Joe Biden continues his reign of incoherence and weirdness
Geller Report Joe Biden: I Am ‘Prepared’ To ‘Shut’ The United States ‘Down’ To Stop The Coronavirus
Real Clear Politics Scott Adams: Brain-Dead Race Hoaxer Joe Biden Is The Biggest Asshole In America
The Real Joe Biden read up on the lies and crimes of Joe Biden.
American Thinker Where Is Joe Biden's Brain?
mrc tv Civil Rights Atty. Leo Terrell Blasts Joe Biden: He 'Has the Mindset of a Plantation Owner'
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden's Top 10 Creepiest Moments
YouTube Joe Biden’s policies go swimmingly with the Far-Left!
breitbart Joe Biden Exploited S-Corporation Loophole to Avoid Payroll Tax
Louder With Crowder Biden Tells 56% of Americans Better Off Under Trump They Shouldn't Vote for Him. Then He Got Insulting.
American Thinker Joe Biden mocks a reporter who asks him a legitimate question
PJ Media Biden's Team of Racists and Anti-Semites: An Anti-American Coalition in the Heart of the White House
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Warns July Fourth May Be Canceled if Americans Don't Do What They're Told
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Latest Climate Scheme Might Mean Giving Up Cheeseburgers: Experts
American Thinker The real Joe Biden stands up — again
Louder With Crowder Biden's UN Ambassador Brags That United Nations Sent Taliban a 'Strongly Worded' Letter About Women's Rights
Turley Talks DUMB and DUMBER Billboard Goes Viral as Another Dem SWITCHES to GOP!!!
mrc tv 6 of the Craziest Moments From the KBJ Confirmation Hearing
mrc tv 'Some Guy Named Brandon': 5 of the Most Embarrassing Fails From Biden's WHCD Speech
mrc tv Presidential Blunder: Biden Tells Paralympians ‘Don’t Jump!’
Louder With Crowder 'Zero Trust in Our Government': Spouse of WNBA Player Jailed in Russia Blasts Biden Administration
City Journal Biden’s Green Hypocrisy
Red State Remember July 4, 2021, When Biden Was Just a Dolt?
Louder With Crowder Snoop Dogg Promotes Anti-Biden Cannabis Product: 'You Won't Remember What Country You're In'
Fireworks by the Dozen: Here Are the Top WH Briefing Room Moments of 2022
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden throws a WH BBQ while Americans held hostage: "Biden had nothing to say about Israel on camera today"
Louder With Crowder Weapons left during Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal used by Hamas in Israel attack... just as Biden predicted in 2007
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden makes it weird creepin' on a young lady at a coffee shop as he's asked about embattled cabinet member
Louder With Crowder Watch: Biden looks lost wandering around a gas station to show him "connecting" with normies
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden continues to show Americans why they hate him with his new comments on grocery prices

Joe Biden - Border Wall
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv Biden Puts Up Fencing...Around The Capitol
Dan Bongino Show Biden Now Says He’s “Not Sure” He Can Shut Down the Border

Joe Biden - Election Denying
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv Watch: Protestors Take Over Biden’s Abortion Rally
BreitbartPoll: Majority of Democrats Oppose Certification of 2024 Election If Donald Trump Wins

Joe Biden - What Hostages? - American Lives Don't Matter
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Dan Bongino Show Biden: No New Hostage Deal for Americans Held Captive by Hamas Expected Anytime Soon

Joe Biden - A Threat To Democracy
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Dan Bongino Show Biden’s Primary Challenger Blasts Him as a “Threat to Democracy”

Joe Biden - Media Protection - Lying to the public
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Louder With "Crowder Fox News Analyst Wants You To Believe Joe Biden Is Our, Quote, 'Third Black President'

Joe Biden - War On The Secret Service
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Daily Mail How Biden's tension with Secret Service goes back to his VP years when he skinny-dipped in front of female agents - and the dog biting has just made things worse

Joe Biden - War On Journalists
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv The Blaze Journalist Covering Jan. 6 Tapes Surrenders to FBI, Put in Cuffs for Alleged Misdemeanors
Louder With "Crowder Watch: Joe Biden claims the press likes Trump more than him, and seriously dude... shut the f*ck up

Joe Biden - War On The Second Amendment - War On 2A - Contempt For The Constitution
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Louder With Crowder Biden Plans To Announce First-Ever Federal Gun Control Office (Note: Hunter Biden Was Indicted On Gun Charges)

Joe Biden - War On Americans - Contempt For Americans
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Post Millennial BREAKING: Joe Biden compares devastating Maui wildfires to small kitchen fire he once experienced
Dan Bongino Show Biden Jokes About Heat in Maui, Says He Can Relate to Survivors Because of Small Kitchen Fire in 2004
New York Post It’s ‘1984’ all over again in Biden’s ‘Police State’
Louder With Crowder Biden DOJ: Law Making Prostitutes Disclose They Have HIV Violates Americans With Disabilities Act

Joe Biden - War On Language
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Louder With Crowder Karine Jean-Pierre's brain short circuits when reporter asks: So what about when Joe Biden calls things a "bloodbath?"

Joe Biden - Cocaine Coverup - Cocaine In The White Huse Scandal - The Ever Changing Cocaine In The White House Coverup
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Red State Holy Coke: The White House Cocaine Story Changes Yet Again
Daily Wire Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino Says Biden Family Member Brought Cocaine To White House
Secret Service Ends White House Cocaine Investigation by Insulting Everyone's Intelligence
Red State Andrew Weissmann, Mueller's Top Guy, Decimates Story on White House Cocaine With Hilarious Comment

Joe Biden - National Security Risk For Mishandling Classified Documents - High Crimes and Misdemeanors
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
NY Post Classified documents found at Biden’s namesake think tank
Just The News Belated revelation classified documents found in private Biden office turns legal, political tables
mrc tv WHOA: CNN Asks How Biden Can Prosecute Trump After Stashing Classified Docs As VP
Red State NEW: More Classified Documents 'Found' That Were Illegally Taken by Joe Biden
mrc tv Biden Spox Says Classified Docs Found In Biden's Garage Were Just 'Inadvertently Misplaced'
Just The News Five more pages of classified documents found at Biden's Delaware home - Multiple sets of classified docs found in recent months.
Just The News Biden scandal intensifies as FBI finds six more classified memos in search of his Delaware home
Dan Bongino Show Hunter Biden Email Indicates He Potentially Was in Possession of Classified Docs
New York Post There’s no hiding Biden’s fright over classified document scandal
Dan Bongino Dan Bongino: Did Somebody Flip on Joe Biden?
Washington Examiner Biden notebooks found in FBI search might have referenced classified information
New York Post Forget classified docs, show us the real haul of Biden’s records in Delaware
mrc tv Biden: ‘Totally Irresponsible’ Since ‘1974’
America First Legal BREAKING: America First Legal Releases First Set of Joe Biden’s Vice-Presidential Records from National Archives
Just The News House Republicans claim Biden team knew of classified docs earlier than admitted - "The boxes were not in a ‘locked closet’ at the Penn Biden Center and remained accessible to Penn Biden employees as well as potentially others with access to the office space," Comer said.
Breitbart VP Biden’s Former Assistant: Classified Docs Left Unlocked in Penn Biden Center Closet
New York Post Biden aide Kathy Chung refutes classified docs ‘locked closet’ spin: Comer

Joe Biden - Support For Chinese Spy Balloons - Joe Biden Threat To National Security
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv Sure It Did! CCP Says Spy Balloon that Entered U.S. Airspace Over Montana Happened 'Accidentally'
Just The News China spy balloon bursts back into headlines as Biden story crumbles: 'They lied about it'

Joe Biden - Corruption - Crimes - Biden Crime Family
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Breitbart Biden Crime Family
Just The News Russia and Ukraine Scandals
Zero Hedge Sperry Exposes The Complete History Of Hunter Biden's Crony-Connected Jobs
Loudere With Crowder Breaking: Emails Show Hunter Biden Introduced Ukrainian Businessman to Joe Biden
Louder With Crowder Tucker Carlson Exposes New Emails That Could Be Problematic for Joe Biden
American Thinker Biden campaign, MSM, and social media oligarchs all are signaling voters that Joe Biden's pay-for-play scandal with Hunter as bagman is a BFD
mrc tv 'There Is No Controversy': Joe Biden Blasts Reporter Who Dared to Bring Up Hunter Scandal
Geller Report Hunter Biden Emails Show Deal They Were Working On Included Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
Louder With Crowder Bombshell: Forensic Expert Concludes 'Smoking Gun' Hunter Biden E-Mail is 100% Real
American Thinker Ukraine press conference explicitly ties Hunter and Joe Biden to corruption
American Thinker Corrupti-looza: Biden family wastes no time profiting from public office
mrc tv Bank On It: Hunter’s Laptop Indicates Possible Shared Account With Joe
Federalist How Senator Biden Helped Create The Student Debt Crisis President Biden Is Pretending To Fix
Fedralist Corporate Media Enable Biden Family Corruption By Refusing To Ask Tough Questions About Hunter
Fox News Tony Bobulinski tells Tucker Carlson Joe Biden was 'chairman' of Hunter Biden's overseas business dealings
Breitbart Chinese Business Deal Email from Louisiana Lawyer: ‘I Have Requested Him to be Available for a Call with Joe Biden and Hunter’
Breitbart Blue State Blues: The Classified Documents Hold Key to Biden Family Corruption
Breitbart Treasury Withholds Biden Family Suspicious Bank Records, James Comer Threatens Subpoena
New York Post Biden’s brother was hired to broker secret $140M Saudi deal when Joe was veep, docs reveal
Hot Air Whistleblower threatening to "name names" in Biden Inc.
Fox News Six additional Biden family members 'may have benefited' from Hunter business dealings
Dan Bongino Show James Comer: At Least Twelve Biden Family Members Now Potentially Involved in Influence Peddling Scheme
mrc tv ‘Criminal Scheme’
Fox News 2011 emails reveal Hunter Biden helped business associates get access to VP Biden, top aide
Red State James Comer and Chuck Grassley Claim 'Highly Credible' Evidence of Joe Biden Bribery Scheme
Dan Bongino Show James Comer: Biden Crime Family Tried to Hide Over $10 Million in Foreign Payments
Federalist 9 Questions Corporate Media Should Ask Biden About Latest Corruption Evidence But Won’t
Breitbart James Comer Believes Barack Obama Knew of Biden Family’s Foreign Deals
The Hill America’s state media: The blackout on Biden corruption is truly ‘Pulitzer-level stuff’
New yORK pOST Biden grins, chuckles when asked about alleged tapes of him getting bribed
Dan Bongino Show James Comer: Biden Family Took Up to $30 Million From Foreign Nationals
Louder With Crowder Uncovered photo places Hunter Biden at his dad's house when he invoked "Joe Biden" to threaten Chinese business partner
Daily Caller EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Worked To Secure US Visa For Ukrainian Oligarch Allegedly Involved In Suspected Bribery Scheme
New York Post Biden $10M bribe file released: Burisma chief said he was ‘coerced’ to pay Joe, ‘stupid’ Hunter in bombshell allegations
Breitbart Exclusive–Karoline Leavitt on Biden Family Bribery Allegations: ‘Greatest Political Scandal in American History’
Washington Examiner Hunter Biden investigation: Joe Ziegler said path to look into president was blocked — 'We can't ask those questions'
Loluder With Crowder Hunter Biden's former business partner drops bombshell testimony over DOZENS of times Joe Biden got involved
New York Post Hunter Biden put then-VP dad Joe on the phone with business associates at least 2 dozen times, ex-partner Devon Archer to testify
Dan Bongino Show House Republicans Release Biden Family Bank Records Documenting Over $20 Million in Foreign Payments
Red State NEW: Hunter Biden Team Used Threat of Joe Biden to Pressure and Coerce the DOJ
Dan Bongino Show James Comer Reveals Latest Updates in Biden Family Investigation
Washington Examiner Is this checkmate for Joe Biden?
New York Post Viktor Shokin says Hunter Biden was recruited by Burisma to ‘provide protection’ while company engaged in ‘illegal activities’
Washington Times Email aliases gave Biden cover with Ukraine, while son Hunter dealt with foreign businesses
New York Post National Archives has 5,400 Biden emails in which he uses fake names to dish government info to Hunter, others as VP: suit
DanBongino Show National Archives Acknowledges Up To 5,400 Biden Pseudonym Emails
Daily Mail EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden helped devise plan to 'close down' Viktor Shokin's investigation into Burisma, emails reveal
Dan Bongino Show Clueless Journo Questions Evidence for Biden Impeachment - Gets Torched by Freedom Caucus Chair Scott Perry
Louder With Crowder Nancy Mace shuts down ABC News hack's claim there is no Biden impeachment evidence: "Text messages, e-mails, witnesses..."
Federalist As VP, Joe Biden Emailed His Brother And Son About Foreign Business More Than 29,000 Times
Red State Whoops: Chinese Doctor Who Paid Hunter Biden a Million Dollars for 'Legal Services' Wants Refund
mrc tv ‘Joe Biden Had 8 Million ($) Reasons To Break The Rules’ – Hur Goes Before Congress

Joe Biden - Corruption - Crimes - Biden Crime Family - Crime and NO Punishment - Two Tier Justice
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv Guilty! Hunter Makes Plea Deal - Critics Call Punishment 'Slap On The Wrist'
Breitbart Whistleblower: DOJ Twice Prevented U.S. Attorney from Charging Hunter Biden for Greater Crimes
Red State HUGE: Hunter Biden Claims Joe Was in the Room While He Threatened Chinese Official to Pay Up; DOJ Sunk the Investigation
Louder With Crowder Genius video shows Joe Biden demanding harsher penalties for crack while Hunter Biden smokes along

Joe Biden - Unfitness For Office
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
American Thinker We're being governed by imbeciles
American Thinker Fools, meet the evil you elected
American Thinker The top 100 79 Bidenisms of all time
Canada Free Press 9 reasons Joe Biden's mental fitness must be tested immediately - It's Illegal & Immoral to Run a Mentally Incompetent for Public Office
American Thinker The Biden Hoax
Geller Report WATCH: Biden Can’t Read Teleprompter, Forgets His Own Proposal
PJ Media Joe Biden's Gibberish on How He'll Approach China Is Both Hilarious and Scary
PJ Media 6 Recent Examples of Joe Biden’s Cognitive Decline That Should Concern Us All
Power Line Biden’s nastiness and racism revealed again
mrc tv What Did He Say? Joe Biden Tries to Describe the COVID Pandemic, and...Well...
mrc tv Joe Biden Says He Worked On 2016 Paris Accords With a Chinese Leader...Who Died in 1997
American Thinker Startling anonymous post from a claimed Biden ex-staffer lays out the alleged depths of his dementia
American Thinker Joe Biden: Unfit for Office
Federalist Joe Biden Forgets What Office He’s Running For, Declares Senate Candidacy
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Seemingly Forgets It's 2020, Thinks He's Running Against George W. Bush
mrc tv Biden On If He and Kamala Harris Ever Disagree: 'I'll Develop Some Disease and Say I Have to Resign'
Louder With Crowder Jen Psaki Dodges When Challenged Why Biden's Avoided Press Conferences Longer Than Anyone Else
Louder With Crowder White House Can't Chase Media Away Fast Enough When Biden's Asked About a Crisis at the Border
Louder With Crowder President Biden Appears to Forget Name of Defense Secretary. Also, Name of Department of Defense.
Louder With Crowder Freudian Slip Much? Joe Biden Brainfarts, Calls Kamala 'President Harris'
American Thinker The Unfit President
American Thinker Biden has a strange theory about women and men
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Masks Up for Zoom Call with 16 Other World Leaders. He's the Only One.
Louder With Crowder Five Times Joe Biden Embarrassed Himself and America at the G7
American Thinker Biden is a joke on the world stage
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Gets Distracted by Shiny Object, Starts Rambling About Children and Aliens for Some Reason
powerline Crotchety Joe Bites the Hand that Feeds Him
PJ Media Joe Biden Had the Opportunity to Denounce 'Defund the Police.' But He Says Something Disturbing and Unhinged Instead.
Louder With Crowder Five Things You Need to Know About Joe Biden's Incompetence Causing the Chaos in Afghanistan
Red State Ron DeSantis Responds to Joe Biden and Rips Him Apart Over Afghanistan
mrc tv Puppet President? Biden Ends Address by Saying 'I'm Supposed to Stop and Walk Out of the Room'
YouTube Even with the assistance of an autocue' Biden is 'utterly incoherent'
Louder With Crowder 'Look at Me': Jill Biden Tries Saving a Confused Joe Biden from Embarrassing Himself, But Fails
Louder With Crowder What a Buffoon: Joe Biden Mumbles About "Needing to Follow Orders" Yet Still Gets Those Orders Wrong
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Walks on an Empty Beach, Gives Most Pathetic Performance of Mask Theatre Yet
mrc tv 5 Of the Most Embarrassing Moments From That Biden Presser
Monstewr Hunter Nation The One Year Anniversary of Utter Failure
Louder With Crowder 'Divisive, Angry, Out-of-touch': Analyst Annihilates Joe Biden in Most Honest 60 Seconds You'll See on CNN
PJ Media Awkward: Asked if He Underestimated Putin, Biden Stares Vacantly and Picks His Teeth
mrc tv Former WH Doc Calls For Biden Cognitive Test - Pres. 'Not Fit'
mrc tv Five of the Most Cringeworthy Moments From Biden's State of the Union
Louder With Crowder 'Watch: Joe Biden Accidentally 'Announces' He Has COVID, Needs to Be Reminded He's Not Kamala Harris' Husband
mrc tv Gaffes Galore: Mumbling Biden Refers to Kamala Harris As 'First Lady'
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Implies the 82nd Airborne's Being Sent to Ukraine, Forces WH to Correct Him in Record Time
Louder With Crowder 'No, No, No, No, No, No, No!” Joe Biden Handler Panics When Reporter Dares to Attempt to Ask POTUS a Question
mrc tv Huh? Biden Appears to Confuse Title 42 With Mask Mandates on Planes
American Greatness A Cabinency of Dunces - The common denominator to these Biden appointees is ideological rigidity, nonchalance, and sheer incompetence.
Louder With Crowder WH Can't Answer Basic Questions About Baby Formula Shortage: 'POTUS Has Multiple Crises at the Moment'
Louder With Crowder Three Most Cringe-Worthy Moments From Joe Biden's Tongue Bath With Jimmy Kimmel
Louder With Crowder Jimmy Kimmel and Joe Biden Think You're a Big Dumb Idiot
Louder With Crowder Biden's Brain Buffers as He Struggles to Read a Teleprompter: 'We Need to Improve Climate'
Louder With Crowder President in Perfect Mental Health Needs Aides to Remind Him When to Stand Up and Sit Down
Louder With Crowder Watch: Elderly man calls on reporter without permission, is shamed by handlers as they shoo press out of room
Federalist In Speech Walkback, Biden Now Admits He’s The Real Threat To Democracy
Louder With Crowder Three most derpy moments from Biden's 60 Minutes interview: 'The proof of the pudding is in the eating'
Louder With Crowder Watch: Jean-Pierre gives all-time worst excuse for pandemic gaffe, blames Biden 'looking around' at cars
Dan Bongino Show Biden's Brain Misfires Again, Claims Congress Passed His Student Debt Bailout "By a Vote or Two"
Daily Mail ‘YOU will sit’: Biden is caught with cheat sheet at G20 informing him when to sit, speak and take a photo
Louder With Crowder On his 80th birthday, we celebrate Joe Biden being old AF with some of our favorite embarrassing moments of his
Louder With Crowder Watch: Obama warns Americans about letting their 'Uncle Joe' have any responsibilities. Their 'Uncle Joe.'
Federalist Biden’s Top 10 Blunders Of 2022 That Prove He’s In Cognitive Decline
Canada Free Press Has Joe Biden Resurrected the Old 'Peter Principle'?
Dan Bongino Show Biden Forgets How to Pronounce Name of Supreme Court Justice He Nominated
mrc tv Sen. Kennedy at CPAC: 'Biden Administration Sucks,' President has been 'Spectacularly Awful'
mrc tv Biden Thanks 'Kamala, Who I Work For Up In the White House'
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden needs to be led like a child after saying he'll solve the existential crisis of our time... by 2020
Dan Bongino Show Biden Apparently Not Sure What Year It Is
Dan Bongino Show Rep. Boebert to Force Biden Impeachment Vote Over Border Crisis
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden awkwardly walks off MSNBC after butchering and confusing America's founding documents
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden was such an incoherent rambling mess, his staff cut off his presser while he was mid-sentence
Louder With Crowder Biden Campaign says Hispanics need to have economy "explained" as Biden confuses them for the Congressional Black Caucus
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Has More Concerning Senior Moments, This Time In Front Of Zelenskyy
Louder With Crowder Biden's team has been forced to put these protocols in place to prevent him falling down in public all the time
Louder With Crowder Former ESPN host exposes what it's REALLY like trying to interview Biden: "That's why he was in his basement the whole election"
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden attempts to give a speech and... yep, he almost falls down again
Louder With Crowder They let Joe Biden go on '60 Minutes' and, you guessed it, it was a trainwreck: "America's oldest president looked tired"
Louder With Crowder Watch: Biden can barely lift his head up in presser with Netanyahu and... what the deuce is this clown saying?
Louder With Crowder Watch: A discombobulated Joe Biden wanders to the press on AF1, starts taking questions as his staff looks on in terror
Louder With Crowder Watch: The highlight of Joe Biden's address to the nation are these eight seconds he didn't know he was live
mrc tv 'Oooh, Earth Rider. Thanks For The Great Lakes' - Biden Befuddled At Brewery
Louder With Crowder Drunk or Dementia? Help us translate Joe Biden's latest old-man jibberish: "Whoa Earthrider"
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden effectively ends his reelection campaign yesterday, even if the senile old coot didn't realize he did it
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden saw dead people for second time this month, claims he had conversation with German Chancellor four years after his death
One America News Network (OANN) Biden Makes Address After Counsel Report, Defends Memory But Confuses Presidents
Louder With Crowder Watch: White House releases video of cranky old man yelling about his snacks, and the internet's got jokes
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden wanders around outside confused AGAIN, forgets he took a photo with his caregiver Jill
Dan bongino show Biden Loses Another Battle With Stairs
Louder With Crowder Steve Doocy says what we're all thinking about Biden being untrusted walking up stairs: "Why don't they just..."
Dan bongino Show Biden’s Brain Breaks While Trying to Deliberately Misquote Trump
Louder With Crowder Watch: Did Joe Biden confuse this other blonde lady for his wife?
mrc tv Biden Says He Commuted Over Collapsed Maryland Bridge 'Many, Many Times' By Train - There's Just One Problem

Joe Biden - I See Nothing, I Hear Nothing, I Know Nothing - Liar-N-Thief - Playing The I'm Stupid Card just like Obama
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Washington Examiner Breitbart Oversight Committee Presses DHS on ‘Sanitizing Border Crisis’ Before Biden’s ‘Photo-Op’

Joe Biden - Refusing To Protect American Plane Flights
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Restoring America US air marshals plot 'mutiny' against Biden plan to leave flights unprotected

Joe Biden - Dishonest - Liar - Promises Made-Promises Broken
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Federalist Here’s The Full List Of Every Lie Joe Biden Has Told As President: 203 And Counting
Federalsit Here’s The Full List Of Every Lie Joe Biden Has Told As President: 139 And Counting
Federalist Here’s The Full List Of Every Lie Joe Biden Has Told As President
Washington Free Beacon Biden Has Earned 11 Pinocchios From Fact-Checkers During Coronavirus Crisis
PJ Media Joe Biden Promises Fewer Fires, Floods, and Hurricanes if He Wins in November
PJ Media FACT-CHECK: Here Are Biden's Biggest Lies From His CNN Town Hall
PJ Media The Debate Segment on Race Was Appalling and Not Because of President Trump
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Still Claims No One Lost Insurance Under Obamacare
mrc tv Biden Says He Never Called Trump 'Xenophobic' For His China Travel Ban - Except That's Exactly What He Did
PowerLine The real Joe Biden
PowerLine Our Biggest Liar? Joe Biden
mrc tv Biden Says Masks Should Be Worn 'Through the Next Year'
Louder With Crowder Reporter Asks Psaki if Biden Will Keep Repeating Lies About Georgia Bill, Even After Called Out By WaPo
mrc tv Biden's 5 BIG LIES
Louder With Crowder White House Shows True Colors, Repeats False Narrative About Columbus Shooting
American Thinker Biden's past lies resurfaced this week
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Lies About Visiting Synagogue After Terror Attack. Biden 1988: 'I Know' My Stories Aren't True
Louder With Crowder Watch: Biden stabs supporters in the back, says they 'can't expect much of anything' on abortion rights
Louder With Crowder Twitter users hit Joe Biden with another brutal fact check over his misleading job creation numbers
Red State Biden Makes up a Story About Awarding a Purple Heart, and It Gets Much Worse From There
Red State It's Not Biden's Gaffes That Matter, It's His Blatant Lies That Are Inexcusable
Townhall 7 Big Biden Lies of 2022
Washington Examiner Year in Review: Biden's top 10 blunders of 2022
Post Millennial BREAKING: Biden falsely claims he fought apartheid, was in civil rights movement, in gaffe-filled MLK Day speech
Washington Times Biden reverses his long history of supporting entitlement cuts
Red State Joe Biden's Claims of Cutting the Deficit Get Torpedoed by Twitter's 'Reader Context' Function
Jewish World Review President Biden Claims GOP Wants to 'Sunset' Entitlements: What about Clinton, Obama and then-Sen. Biden?
Fox News Biden makes unproven claim that he was a civil rights activist during Selma speech - President Biden has made similar claims in the past
Blaze Biden's 'fair share' tax tweet instantly challenged; Elon Musk weighs in with enlightening fact-check
Washington Examineer The fictional world of Karine Jean-Pierre
Red State Broken Promises and Neglect: Why Black Voters Are Losing Faith in Biden
Dan Bongino Show Biden Claims to Have Reduced National Debt by $1.7 Trillion After Increasing National Debt by $4 Trillion
Dan bongino Show Debunking Biden's Three Biggest Lies From His Speech Promoting Bidenomics
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden lies about being at Ground Zero the day after 9/11, doesn't understand how video works
Louder With Crowdeer Watch: Joe Biden runs through his greatest hits of fake stories, looking confused, racist comments about blacks and Latinos
Louder With Crowder Watch: OnlyFans model exposes the "political propaganda" she was asked to push about Ketanji Brown Jackson by the Biden Admin

Joe Biden - Support For Voter Suppression - Support For Oppressing Blacks
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden embraces Jim Crow 2.0, takes part in Delaware's restrictive voting system

Joe Biden - Encouraging Democrats To Kill Republicans
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Louder With Crowder Man admits to murdering teenager with his car that he claimed was in a 'Republican extremist group'

Joe Biden - Speaking Lies For Power - Speaking Lies To The Powerless - War On Truth - Liar-In-Thief - Department of Truth - Support For Disinformation - Dishonest - Liar
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv White House Falsely Claims There Was 'No Vaccine Available' When Biden Took Office
Louder With Crowder 'Hey Dad, Try This Crack': POTUS Claims Americans are 'Financially Comfortable' Because of Him
mrc tv Biden Claims Record Numbers of Americans 'Feel Financially Comfortable'
Epoch Times Border Agents Falsely Accused of Whipping Had Careers ‘Ruined’ by Biden: Union Chief
Louder With Crowder Ohio AG: There's 'Not a Whisper' of Evidence About 10-Year-Old Rape Story That Joe Biden Told
Louder With Crowder Twitter users are quick to rebut the White House's insane attempt to rewrite history over school closures
Louder With Crowder New Team DeSantis video explains who the real divisive extremists are slow enough for POTUS to understand
Louder With Crowder What are MAGA Republicans? Crowder Drops truth bombs
Dan Bongino Shw Fact Checkers Ignore Nearly All of Karine Jean-Pierre's Many Lies
Dan Bongino Show Biden Tells Another (Mostly) Made Up Story
Daily Wire Biden Claims He Spoke To Insulin Inventor. There’s Just One Problem.
Dan Bongino Show Twitter Is Fact Checking the White House for the First Time Ever Since Elon Musk Takeover
Louder With Crowder Twitter users fact-check a White House tweet so hard the White House DELETES the tweet
Washington Post Washington Post fact-check blasts Biden with ‘Bottomless Pinocchio’ rating
Ann Coulter George Santos Embraces ‘Storytelling’
Ann Coulter State of the Union Highlights Reel
Red State Karine Jean-Pierre Showered With Receipts After Blatant Lie on Biden and the Debt Ceiling
Louder With Crowder Watch: Biden leaves for Christmas lashing out at reporters to report on Bidenomics "the right way"
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden has a new scapegoat for your skyrocketing groceries prices and, no, it's not admitting he's the problem

Joe Biden - Joe Biden Derangement Syndrome
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
According To Hoyt Then Farce
Red State Joe Biden Crosses Lines in Grotesque National Address, Heckler Spoils His Party
Babylon Bee Biden Swallows Cyanide Capsule In Underground Bunker
Babylon Bee After Using FBI To Suppress Son’s Crimes And Raid Political Rival’s Home, Biden Warns Democracy In Danger

Joe Biden - War On Freedom - War On The Constitution - War On Citizens
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv Biden Announces Towering Attack On Constitution, Rights, With New COVID Jab-Test-Mask Mandates
mrc tv Biden’s Marxist 'Comptroller' Nominee Pushes For End Of Private Banks
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden, the President, Claims Our Constitution is 'Always Evolving' in Terms of 'Curtailing Rights'
mrc tv Biden Suggests Jailing Republicans For Not Following Democrats' 'Rules'
American Thinker Tucker Carlson exposes the totalitarian Biden regime

Joe Biden - War On Freedom - War On The Constitution - War On Alochol
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Louder With Crowder Warning: Joe Biden's alcohol CZAR wants to limit how much beer you should drink a week

Joe Biden - War On Washing Machines - War On Citizens - War On The Poor
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Daily Mail Biden's green energy crackdown on washing machines will hurt the poorest Americans by taking cheaper models off the market and making appliances worse, industry insiders say
mrc tv Bidenomics: Dollar Tree Blames Rampant Theft, Inflation, & Rising Energy Prices For Plummeting Sales

Joe Biden - Last Best Hope Of The Evil (Democrat) Empire?
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
American Thinker Why Joe Biden can't resign, or be removed — or die
American Thinker Can the Biden presidency last much longer?
OAN The End of Democracy

Joe Biden - Afghan Epic Failure - Massive Coverup of Failure
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Surrender In Chief
Federalist Joe Biden Is Lying To Americans About Afghanistan
YouTube Judge Jeanine: Joe Biden has given a terrorist organization their own nation
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Allegedly Tells Afghan President to Lie About Taliban, Jen Psaki: 'It Was a Private Phone Call'
mrc tv Taliban Has ‘Kill List’ Provided By U.S. of Evacuees to Let Through
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Smirks at Reporter Who Asks About Americans Trapped in Afghanistan
mrc tv ‘Utter BS!’ House Dem NUKES Biden’s Afghanistan Claims
Louder With Crowder Biden Tells ABC News He Made No Mistakes, Snaps When Asked About 'Afghans Falling' from Airplanes
Western Journal ICYMI: 30 Seconds After Biden's Afghanistan Speech, 1 General Nailed Him on 2 Huge Lies
American Thinker 'Stupid is as stupid does' in Vietnam and Afghanistan
Turley Talks ‘RESIGN in DISGRACE’! Biden HUMILIATED by the TALIBAN!!!
American Thinker Joe Biden's Afghan fiasco
American Thinker Videos: Yes, Joe, it's like Saigon
American Thinker Biden administration turns into a dumpster fire of blame-evasion
American Thinker Our Secretary of State does his best Baghdad Bob imitation
American Thinker Biden's Afghanistan Failure
American Thinker Saigon all over again
mrc tv DIRE SITUATION: School Kids from California Stranded In Afghanistan, Can’t Get To Airport
mrc tv 'Failure Of Leadership': Former Civilian Intel Officer Slams Biden On Afghanistan
mrc tvAudio Recording Reportedly Has 'Taliban Combatant' Asking Which Way to Kill Afghan Allies
mrc tv Biden Admin Purges Public Records Of $83B In Weapons, Aid Handed From US Taxpayers To Afghanis
Louder With Crowder Another Biden Fail: Offending Pregnant Widow of Marine Killed in Kabul by Making It About His Son Beau
Louder With Crowder 'You Rolled Your F***ing Eyes': Gold Star Mother Shares Her Unfiltered Experience with Joe Biden at Dover
Louder With Crowder Psaki Bombs: Exploits Beau Biden When Reporter Calls Out Bored POTUS Checking Watch During Dignified Transfer
Louder With Crowder 'I Hope You Burn in Hell': Gold Star Father Shares His Joe Biden Experience, Including POTUS Getting Snippy
Louder With Crowder Listen: Mother of Marine Killed in Kabul Unloads on 'Dementia-Ridden,' 'Treasonous' Joe Biden
Dan Bongino Show Marine Wounded in Kabul Terror Attack Reveals Biden's Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal Was Way Worse Than We Thought

Joe Biden - Failure As Parent - Unfit Parent - Hunter Biden
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Hunter Biden - Crack Pipe Czar
Louder With Crowder Hunter Biden Proposed Unionizing Prostitutes. Strippers Too.
American Thinker MG! You won't believe what Hunter Biden told a prostitute.
National Pulse EXC: Hunter Biden Firm Invested In VR ‘Metaverse’ Used by Child Sex Groomers… And His Laptop Shows He Had an Account.
Louder With Crowder Report: Hunter Biden Caught Making Amateur Adult Movies, Sharing Them With 'Dad'
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse How the Hunter Biden Case Will Go Down
Daily Wire Hunter Biden’s Laptop Documents At Least 459 Legal Violations, Watchdog Group Says
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse How the Hunter Biden Case Will Go Down
Washington Post Inside Hunter Biden’s multimillion-dollar deals with a Chinese energy company
New York Post Hunter Biden finally admits infamous laptop is his as he pleads for criminal probe
mrc News Busters 10 Brand NEW Hunter Biden Breaking Stories the Nets Are Burying
Red State Confirmation That the Biden Family Are Disgusting Human Beings Arises
Louder With Crowder Watch: A timeline of Hunter Biden's crimes and the Left's attempts to cover them up
Louder With Crowder These Statements From Biden Did Not Age Well After Hunter Biden Got Busted Not Paying Taxes

Joe Biden - War on Second Amendment - Take Your Guns - Take Your Rightds
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Louder With Crowder Tucker Carlson Perfectly Summarizes POTUS's Address in Four Words: 'Frail, Confused, Bitterly Partisan'
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Announces Push to Eliminate Handguns, NOT Just 'Assault' Rifles
Louder With Crowder ck-rights-thus-far">mrc tv Biden 'Ghost Gun' Executive Order Could Be His Biggest Attack On Rights Thus Far
Louder With Crowder POTUS Hates It When WH Corrects Dumbs Things He Says, Says Dumb Things About Cannons and Second Amendment
mrc tv Biden's Lack Of Knowledge On Guns Is Quite 'Disarming'

Joe Biden - War On The Military - Hatred Of The Military
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
American Thinker Joe Biden ignores D-Day
PJ Media Whistleblowers Explain How Biden's Woke 'Extremism' Training Is Tearing the Military Apart
Hillsdale College - Imprimis The Rise of Wokeness in the Military
Federalist Meet Lt. Col. Michael Berry: Father Of Four, 18 Years Of Service, And A Victim Of Biden’s Vaccine Tyranny
Louder With Crowder Watch: Biden disrespects Medal of Honor Recipient, walks out before ceremony is over
Louder With Crowder Biden's walking away from Medal of Honor recipient made even more bizarre when you hear Karine Jean-Pierre's flimsy excuse

Joe Biden - War On The Police - Hatred Of Citizens - Love of Criminals
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
American Thinker Joe Biden's Chicago plan for crime set to be another big loser
American Thinker Another Brutal Murder, and Silence from the White House

Joe Biden - Unpopularity - F*** Joe Biden - F**k Joe Biden - F*ck Joe Biden - Let's Go Brandon - Buck Joe Fiden
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
National File Biden Agrees He Should Go F**k Himself: Repeats 'Let's Go Brandon' During White House Christmas Call
Louder With Crowder Top 5 F*** Joe Biden/Let's Go Brandon Moments of 2021
mrc tv Biden's Speech Was Filled With Expensive Socialist Promises...But Apparently, Nobody Tuned In To Watch
Louder With Crowder Video Shows Utility Workers Turn Their Backs as Joe Biden Drives By: 'How All of Us Feel About Him ...'
Louder With Crowder College Bros Get 'F*** Joe Biden" Chants Going at Football Games, It Needs to Catch On Across America
Louder With Crowder 'F*** Joe Biden' Week 2: College Football Fans Grow Louder with Their Disdain Towards Our Puddingheaded POTUS
Red State Biden Gets Booed at Ground Zero, Then Says More Offensive Things at Memorial
Counter Globalist News Happening Now: New Yorkers Chant “F**k Joe Biden” as They March on Brooklyn Bridge Against Mandatory Vaccines (VIDEO)
Louder With Crowder 'F*** Joe Biden' Week Three: College Football Fans Continue Telling POTUS What He Can Do with Himself
mrc tv 'F**k Joe Biden' Chants Spreading Beyond College Football
Louder With Crowder Not Just College Football: Rockstar Leads Massive Audience in Chanting 'F*** Joe Biden'
Louder With Crowder 'Joe, You Suck': Biden Booed at Congressional Baseball Game, but It May Have Been by His Own Party
Louder With Crowder 'F*** Joe Biden' Week 5: Media Covers Up #FJB Chants in Most Pathetic Way (and Dave Portnoy Enters the Chat)
mrc tv Massive Increase of 'F**k Joe Biden' Chants: Football, NASCAR, Concerts, Parties & More
YouTube Aaron Lewis Leads Huge Anti ‘Joe Biden' Chant During Show
YouTube F JOE BIDEN !!!!!!
YouTube "Fuck Joe Biden" chant at Brantley Gilbert concert at West Virginia State Fair
YouTube F*** Joe Biden just went Universal....
Louder With Crowder 'Let's Go Brandon' Joins 'F**k Joe Biden' as the Chants of Choice Over the Weekend
Western Journal Video: Local Resident Welcomes Biden to Michigan with Brutal Backyard Message POTUS Can Read from Marine One
Louder With Crowder Rapper Drops Anti-Biden 'Let's Go Brandon' Track, Hits #1 on iTunes Hip Hop Charts
YouTube Cali Police Officer Joins 'Let's Go Brandon' Trend
YouTube Let's Go Brandon: The #1 and #2 Songs on the iTunes Charts are Anti-Biden Anthems Beating Adele, Ed Sheeran
YouTube Man displays huge ‘Let’s go Brandon’ lawn ornament in front yard
mrc tv 'F**k Joe Biden' Rivals 'Let's Go Brandon' as Chant of Choice Over Weekend
Louder With Crowder "The 'F' You Can Fill in the Blank": Pizza Place Debuts Anti-Biden Pizza, 'FJB' Spelled Out in Pepperoni
Louder With Crowder Kid Rock Unleashes New Anti-Fauci, Anti-Biden Banger 'We the People,' Including a 'Let's Go Brandon' Chorus
Louder With Crowder Kid Rock Releases Official Video for Anti-Fauci, Anti-Biden Song, Includes 'Let's Go, Brandon' Chorus YouTube Jailerman: An American Sea Shanty
Louder With Crowder Watch: The lil'est patriots launch into deafening anti-Biden chant at youth wrestling tournament
Louder With Crowder Maui resident who lost everything offers harsh message for Joe Biden: "Get back on the f***ing plane"
Louder With Crowder Watch: Viral country star Oliver Anthony leads crowd in deafening "Joe Biden's a pedo" chant
Louder With Crowder Watch: Stephen A. Smith goes on epic anti-Biden rant, that while not full-MAGA is at least 75%
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden whines that a little kid gave him the middle finger, sounds like he wants us to bring back "F*ck Joe Biden"
Louder With Crowder Rapper turns classic pro-marijuana anthem into anti-Hunter Biden parody: "He wasn't gonna show all them d*** pics..."
Louder With Crowder Watch: Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestine protestors unite under common cause... chanting "F*** Joe Biden"

Joe Biden - Unpopularity, other signs
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv Scary Polls: More Americans Believe In Ghosts Than Approve Of Biden
Washington Examiner OPEC humiliates Biden once again
Louder With Crowder "Burn in hell": Gold star moms blast Biden's heartless faux empathy, calling one mother by the wrong name
mrc tv Kids Dressed As Joe Biden Are the Most Hilarious Thing You'll See All Week
Louder With Crowder Team Biden invites reporters to meetings where they lecture them for not carrying enough water for Biden: report

Joe Biden - Facism
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
American Thinker The dark night of fascism has finally landed in the United States

Joe Biden - Facism - Covid - No Privacy - War On Privacy
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Louder With Crowder Frightening Biden Admin Claim: It's Absolutely Government's Business to Know Your Personal Medical Decisions

Joe Biden - Puppet Masters
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
YouTube Judge Jeanine reveals who she thinks is running the White House
American Thinker How the Obama Crew Makes Things Worse

Joe Biden - Treason
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Federalist Leaked 2016 Call Reveals Joe Biden Risked National Security To Sabotage Trump
Powerline Joe Biden’s Priorities
American Thinker Biden is the Most anti-American President in US History
According To Hoyt The Junta’s Abolition of the Constitution
American thinker The Two Uncle Joes
PJ Media Biden Gives a Middle Finger Salute to the Supreme Court—and the Left Cheers
Town Hall The Controlled Demolition Of America
Louder With Crowder Elon Musk Files Lawsuit Against Biden Admin Over DOJ's Demand SpaceX Hire Illegals

Joe Biden - War On Business - War On The Economy
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Bare Shelves Biden
Build Back Badder
Louder With Crowder Dan Crenshaw Illustrates How Stimulus Bill Only Makes Sense Using 'Democrat Math'
PJ Media Biden Rushes to Short-Circuit the Economic Recovery Because He Has No Choice
mrc tv Consumer Prices See 'Largest 12-Month Increase' Since 2008
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden to Business Owner Struggling Due to Biden's Policies: Drop Dead
rumble Dragging The Supply Chain: Biden’s Vax Mandate For Non-Resident Truckers At Border
Louder With Crowder Watch: Elon Musk Rejects Biden Agenda, Calls Government 'Corporation with a Monopoly on Violence...'
mrc tv Food Prices: How Biden’s Authoritarianism Has Contributed To Farmers’ Massive Fertilizer Shortage
mrc tv Biden Claims Teachers & Firefighters Pay 'More Than Double the Tax Rate' of Billionaires
rumble No Offshore Leases? Manchin Shows Biden Official Her OWN Office Doc
mrc tv FLASHBACK: Biden Said He Would Kill Oil Industry Drilling During 2020 Dem Debate
mrc tv Chevron CEO: ‘There Will Never Be Another Refinery Built In The U.S.’
Independent Minute These Are Just Some Of The Food Manufacturing Plants That Have Gone Dead During The Biden Administration!
Louder With Crowder WH Gives Up on 2022, Says Americans Must Pay High Gas Prices 'as Long as It Takes' for 'Liberal World Order'
MRC TV That's Trillion with a 'T': Stocks Down $7,600,000,000,000 in Market Value Since Biden Took Office
Louder With Crowder Watch: POTUS takes steaming dump on small business owners, claims student loan bailout will 'grow the economy'
Federalist Biden Keeps Promising To Make Energy More Expensive. Believe Him.
Real Clear Energy Joe Biden’s War on Fossil Fuels
Daily Fetch Biden Admin Finally Admits Cancelling Keystone Pipeline Killed Thousands of Jobs
Dan Bongino Show Analysis: Biden's "Inflation Reduction Act" Could End Up Costing $800 Billion More Than Expected
Dan bongino show U.S. Credit Rating Downgraded for Second Time Ever on Biden's Watch - White House Says They Disagree
Louder With Crowder Watch: Karine Jean-Pierre makes stunning claim that data shows Bidenomics doesn't suck. Not this data...
mrc tv World’s Largest Toymaker Cuts One-Fifth Of Workforce In Biden’s Catastrophic Christmas Economy

Joe Biden - Economics - War On Employees - War On Workers - War On Citizens
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
American Thinker Too bad about those worker wage gains, Biden's inflation has already wolfed them down
Just The News Biden criticized over new IRS plan to target service industry tip

Joe Biden - Bidenomics - Economics - Inflation - War On Citizens
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Biden-Mart compare what Joe Bden has done to the economy.
TruFlation US Inflation Rate: Aggregated
rumble Biden's 'Transitory' Inflation Doesn't Seem So 'Transitory'...
Louder With Crowder 'Impossible Not to Know These Things': Dan Crenshaw Destroys Joe Biden's Energy Agenda in Three Minutes
mrc tv Inflation Hits Fresh 40-Year High As the Price of Goods $ Gas Skyrocket
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden Has Old Man Meltdown, Declares He's Sick of Americans Blaming His Government for Inflation
New York Post Fears of recession are everywhere — except at the clueless White House
mrc tv In Midst of Govt-Created Food, Supply Shortages And Price Spikes, Biden Pushes Farmers To STOP Growing Crops
mrc tv Biden Is Sending Pallets of Baby Formula To the US Border Amid National Shortage, GOP Rep Claims
City Journal Build Back Never - Inflation is eroding Joe Biden’s ability to deliver on his main legislative achievement in office.
Louder With Crowder POTUS Stops Blaming Putin, Celebrates Americans Paying Higher Gas Prices as an ‘Incredible Transition’
mrc tv Biden Administration Continues to Struggle with Cost-of-Living Issues
mrc tv ‘Bidenflation’ Keeps Chugging, Hitting 9.1 Percent In June
Epoch Times Inflation Hits 9.1 Percent in June, New 40-Year High
Federalist Grocery Shop With Me To Fact-Check Biden’s Inflation Up ‘Hardly At All’ Claim
The Jive Five: Biden’s New 2023 Tax Hikes
Dan Bongino Show Bidenflation Rises More Than Expected in January
Red State Inflation Surges after Biden Bragged About Beating Inflation at the SOTU
Washington Examiner The fallacy of Biden's economic victory lap
Dan Bongino Show White House Brags About Chart Showing Inflation Skyrocketing on Their Watch
Louder With Crowder Watch: Kamala Harris doesn't realize she exposes Bidenomics failure by saying how close most Americans are to bankruptcy
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden admits truth about his Inflation Reduction Act... that he lied about it reducing inflation
Dan Bongino Show Report: Bidenflation Forcing Americans to Spend An Average of $709 More Per Month Than Two Years Ago
Louder With Crowder Watch: Dude walks around Costco showing the REAL cost of inflation Biden and the media won't
mrc tv Bidenomics: Inflation Rose 3.7% In September
Louder With Crowder White House Claims They Lowered Thanksgiving Meal Prices, Then Facts And Reality Get In The Way
Louder With Crowder A TikTok Video On Bidenomics Has Team Biden So Wee-wee'd Up, They Want Social Media To Label It Misinformation
Louder With Crowder Americans Need Over $11,000 More Under Joe Bidem Just To Afford Bare Minimum To Survive: Report
Louder With Crowder Bidenomics: Average household paying AT LEAST $1,000 more a month just for groceries
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden declares war on Snickers. No, really. This is where we're at as a country.
Louder With Crowder Watch Sen. John Kennedy blast Bidenomics as only he can: "Like trying to defend a fungal infection"
Louder With Crowder Foul-mouthed twins go viral with explicit rant on inflation: "Been saying this for the last f*cking three years..."
Louder With Crowder MAGA PAC launches “Biden-Mart,” now voters can compare grocery prices under Trump and Biden

Joe Biden - Treason - Immigration - Support For Sex Trafficking - Support For Human Trafficking - Support For Alien Invaders - Protecting Our Border Doesn't Matter - Because Protecting America From Invaders Is NOT An Option
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Louder With Crowder Reporter shares shocking event that happened at the border while Joe Biden had 'more important things' to do
PJ Media New Biden Admin Program Will Hide Numbers of Illegal Immigrants Entering the Country
mrc tv Open for Invasion: Report Says Border Patrol 'Admitted' to Welding 114 Border Wall Gates Open
mrc tv All Hell Just Broke Loose At the Border, and Biden's Nowhere To Be Found
mrc tv Musk Says 'No Question' Biden Admin. 'Facilitating Illegal Immigration,' While Tim Pool Claims Collusion with 'Human Traffickers'
Louder With Crowder Whoa: Texas seizes control of border city to stop Biden Admin from letting illegals in, now Biden's DOJ wants SCOTUS involved
Louder With Crowder Jill Biden makes insane claim Trump is the one making Joe Biden look bad on the border: "You see what happened today"
Louder With Crowder "We’re being victimized:" Sheriff EXPLODES after human trafficking investigation reveals illegals given free flights by Biden Admin
mrc tv #BidensBorderBloodbath Trends On Social Media

Joe Biden - Immigration - War On Citizens - Support For Terrorists - Support For Terrorism
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv Terror On the Border? Number of Migrants Flagged As Possible National Security Risks Spiked 600% In FY2022

Joe Biden - Immigration - War On Citizens - Support For Slavery - Support For Rape - Support For Murder
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Because when Joe Biden encourages invaders to come so he can put them into overcrowded holding cells, that is compassionate. - Cynical Pessimist
mrc tv WATCH: Disturbing Footage From Within One of Biden’s 'Migrant Holding Facilities'
American Thinker Biden's latest Wile-e-Coyote scheme to fix border crisis: Paying would-be illegals to stay home
mrc tv Biden Opens 13th Shelter For Illegal Alien Kids As the Border Crisis Escalates
PJ Media Biden's Solution to the Border Crisis Is Just Awful
American Thinker Border surge: Venezuelan crossings up 8,000% since October
mrc tv Biden’s Found a Way Around the Border Crisis - By Flying More Illegal Alien Kids In On Your Dime
mrc tv Convicted Sex Offenders Arrested at Border Increases by 542 Percent
mrc tv 275 Sheriffs To Biden: Stop ‘Encouraging And Sanctioning Lawlessness’
Federalist Biden Is Keeping Migrant Kids In Horrible Conditions. Where Is The Outcry?
Federalist Kamala Harris: We Can’t Secure The Border Until We Transform Central America Into A Paradise - The Biden administration’s strategy for solving illegal immigration is a pipe dream of nation-building in Central America that’s designed to fail.
mrc tv Senate Dems Block Infrastructure Provision to Resume Border Wall Construction
Louder With Crowder Biden Forced to Admit (Accidentally?) That Border Is Out of Control as Secret Service Whisks Him Away
Creators Biden's Open Door to Criminals, Drug Pushers and Human Traffickers
Louder With Crowder WH shows how petty AF they are, lash out at the ONE REPORTER who is reporting from Biden's border crisis
Louder With Crowder "Keep our name out of your mouth": Border Patrol Union ANNIHILATES Joe Biden over pathetic border crisis PR stunt

Joe Biden - Immigration - Immigrants Lives Don't Matter - Support For the Slaughter Of Illegal Immmigrants
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv Biden's Border: At Least 46 Illegal Aliens Found Dead in a Trailer In Botched Human Smuggling
Epoch Times Texas Gov. Abbott: Biden Responsible for Deaths of 50 Illegal Immigrants Found in Truck
Epoch Times As Border Crossings Surge, Biden Admin Hiding Data on Illegal Alien Deaths
mrc tv Migrant Lives Matter? Nearly 750 Illegal Aliens Have Died Crossing the U.S. Border This Fiscal Year
mrc tv Biden's Border: Texas Morgues Request More Refrigerators As Migrant Deaths Soar

Joe Biden - Impeachment
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv Freshman Congresswoman to File Articles of Impeachment Against Biden After Inauguration
American Thinker Time to file articles of impeachment for Biden and Walensky
Dan Bongino Show James Comer Outlines the Case for Impeachment in First Inquiry Hearing
Dan Bongino Show James Comer Outlines the Case for Impeachment in First Inquiry Hearing

Joe Biden - Lawlessness
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv Biden Says He’s ‘Keeping The Promises’ With Mask Orders - Which He Quickly Breaks
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Admits His Eviction Moratorium May Not Be Constitutional. He Doesn't Care, But You Need To
NY Post Biden allies move to intimidate witnesses ahead of GOP’s coming Hunter probe
Daily Wire Biden Ignores Supreme Court, Cancels Another 74,000 Student Loans
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden, alleged president, BRAGS about ignoring SCOTUS and cancels his supporters' student loans while YOU struggle

Joe Biden - Lawlessness - Oppressing Political Opponents
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
America First Legal America First Legal’s Investigation Reveals the Biden White House Was Involved With the Mar-a-Lago Raid and that NARA Misled Congress; AFL Launches Additional Investigation

Joe Biden - Lawlessness - Executive Orders
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Louder With Crower Joe Biden Calls Joe Biden a Dictator Back in October. Well, Kinda ...
mrc tv Biden Admin Offers Schools FEDERAL $ To DISOBEY Florida's Mask Freedom

Joe Biden - Lawlessness Of Biden Officials
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv Biden's Drag-Wearing DOE Official Arrested For Stealing a Woman’s Luggage
Dan Bongino Show Non-Binary Biden Nuclear Official Identifies as Innocent After Being Charged With Stealing Luggage at Second Airport
mrc tv DOE Fires Airport Panty Raider Sam Brinton
mrc tv A Fashion Designer's Bag of Clothes Went Missing In 2018 - Now, She Says Sam Brinton's Wearing Them
New York Post Antony Blinken swore he never emailed Hunter Biden — despite laptop proof
Dan Bongino Show AG Garland "Stands By" Testimony Despite Hunter Biden Whistleblower Contradicting Him
Dan Bongino Show IRS Purges Entire Investigative Team From Hunter Biden Probe
Daily Wire Ex-Biden Nuclear Official Sam Brinton Arrested As ‘Fugitive From Justice’ For Luggage Theft

Joe Biden - Incompetence Of Biden Officials
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Dan Bongino Show Reporter Tells Jean-Pierre She's Not a Great Fit for Her Job
mrc tv Buttigieg in Over His Head: Downplays Ohio Derailment, Because They Happen All the Time
Dan Bongino Show Biden Admin Rejects Federal Disaster Assistance Request for Ohio Town Impacted by Toxic Train Derailment
PJ Media KJP vs. English: White House Diversity Hire's Reading Problem
Louder With Crowder Grab popcorn! The WH wanted to secretly FIRE Karine Jean-Pierre, but was afraid to because she is a black, lesbian immigrant

Joe Biden - Accomplishments - Failures
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
American Thinker Biden’s First Hundred Days: A Failing Report Card
Speaking The News Biden Has Spent 47 Years in Washington With Almost Nothing to Show For It
American Thinker Biden's first year of epic failures
mrc tv What's Joe Accomplished In Two Years? Americans Say, Not Much
rumble Biden’s Top 5 Foreign Policy Failures
mrc tv Biden’s Top 5 Foreign Policy Failures

Joe Biden - Winner ? Loser
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv Feds to Biden: You're Not Getting Transition Funds Because You Haven't Won Yet

Joe Biden - War On Capitalism - War On Innovation
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Washington Times Biden cancels Elon Musk's adventures in space - New president is making his space policy increasingly clear: America will remain grounded for the time being

Joe Biden - War On Free Speech - coverup is the new transparent - blackout is the new transparent
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
American Thinker Biden's Wednesday night massacre at Voice of America
mrc tv Biden Places Border Agents Under Media 'Gag Order' While Denying Press Tours At the Border
Louder With Crowder Biden Homeland Security Chief: We Have a Plan to Protect Your Kids from 'Misinformation'
mrc tv White House Directs Media To Defend Biden From Impeachment Inquiry
Louder With Crowder Biden aides pressured Amazon to REMOVE BOOKS they deemed to be “Misinformation”: report

Joe Biden - War On Science
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv Biden: ‘Science Will Always Guide’ Me - Except on Life and Gender
PJ Media Biden Gets Destroyed for Failing to 'Follow the Science' on COVID

Joe Biden - War On Honest Elections - Support For Voter Fraud
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Louder With Crowder Ted Cruz Explodes Over Democrat Voting Reform Bill: 'YOUR Bill Is Jim Crow 2.0'
Louder With Crowder Idiot President Claims Common Sense Voter Integrity Laws Almost as Bad as 'The Civil War'
Louder With Crowder Reporter Asks Psaki if Biden Will Keep Repeating Lies About Georgia Bill, Even After Called Out By WaPo

Joe Biden - War On Americans
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Compares Republicans to Nazis, and CNN's 'Fact' Checker Thinks You're an Idiot
Louder With Crowder Three Examples of Media Already Ignoring Joe Biden's Call for 'Unity'
Louder With Crowder Dan Crenshaw Declares Dems 'Worst Working Class Party Ever,' Provides Plenty of Examples
American Thinker One week in, Biden administration shows its exquisite cruelty
American Thinker Biden and Kerry gaslight about green jobs
mrc tv Here’s Why Biden's Preschool Plan Is a No-Good, Terrible, Horrible Idea
American Thinker Biden admin pledges goal of zero traffic fatalities...and how do you suppose it'll accomplish that?
Louder With Crowder Watch: This can't possibly be the WH excuse for Joe Biden being first POTUS to NOT go to NYC for the 9/11 memorial
mrc tv Biden Says Climate Change Is 'More Frightening Than a Nuclear War'

Joe Biden - War On American Allies - Insulting American Allies
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
American Thinker Mr. Diplomacy: Joe Biden manages to enrage Brazil
mrc tv Canadian Premier 'Deeply Disturbed' Biden Admin. Revoked Keystone XL Permit, Calls for Sanctions: 'Not How You Treat a Friend and Ally'
American Thinker Afghanistan: Biden's denial of responsibility
Louder With Crowder Trans/Non-Binary Biden Officials Represent US at French Ambassador's Bastille Day Celebration
Just The News Russia ridicules Biden's trans and non-binary appointees

Joe Biden - War On Christians - War On Christmas
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv U.S. Embassy Flaunts 'Pride' Flag at Vatican as Biden Admin. Steps Up Its Assault on Christians
Louder With Crowder The dance troupe behind Jill Biden's creepy Christmas video? Turns out they're radical leftists who hate police, whiteness
Louder With Crowder Calling out Joe Biden's war on Christianity: "The entire DNC is rabidly anti-Christian, and they are trying to replace..."

Joe Biden - War On Women - War On Birthing Persons - Joe Biden, Sexual Predator
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv New Report Claims Secret Service Confirms It Destroyed Records On Alleged Biden Dustup With Agent
Louder With Crowder Here's a Montage of Joe Biden Inappropriately Touching Women. And Girls.
Louder With Crowder Creepy Joe Biden is Back. Something About Little Girls Dancing...
Conservative Institute Woman accuses Biden of unwanted advances during ceremony for Boston Marathon bombing victims
Breitbart Nolte: Rose McGowan Rips DNC, Clintons — ‘I Believe Joe Biden Is a Rapist’
Gateway Pundit Report: Nearly 80% of Women and Girls Crossing into the US by Way of Mexico Are Raped or Assaulted
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Erases Women in His Budget, Refers to Them as 'Birthing People'
mrc tv Biden's SCOTUS Pick Says She Can't Define the Word 'Woman': 'I'm Not a Biologist'
mrc tv Biden Met the Argentine President's Girlfriend - and Wouldn't Let Go
Louder With Crowder Former senator reveals threat he made against Joe Biden after Biden got handsy with his wife
Louder With Crowder Watch: Reporter finally asks Jean-Pierre the perfect question about trans athletes in girls' sports, she short circuits

Joe Biden - Love Of Children - Pervert? - Pedophile?
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe "Stranger Danger" Biden wants to take your kids for ice cream, refers to himself as "daddy"
Joe Biden - War On Children - Support For Child Mutilation
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Louder With Crowder Watch: Team DeSantis blasts Biden's sinful comments on gender-reassignment surgery for kids with graphic photos

Joe Biden - War On Children - Lack Of Concern For Murdered Children
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv Biden Laughs And Jokes About Christians Being Targeted By Transgender Killer

Joe Biden - Sanctuary Country For Rapists and Human Trafficking - Support For Rapists and Human Trafficing
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
PJ Media Just How Many Sex Offenders Have Crossed the Border Under Biden?
American Thinker Illegal aliens are bringing in things worse than COVID

Joe Biden - War On Children - War On Students
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Louder With Crowder Even MSNBC Is Blasting Joe Biden Selling Out to Teachers' Unions: 'Don't Attack Trump ...'
Louder With Crowder Biden's School Opening Guidelines Are Horrible for Parents and Students
Louder With Crowder Reset the 'Days Since' Counter: Joe Biden Makes Creepy Comments to Little Girl
mrc tv Abortion Extremist Biden Makes Plans For More Baby Slaughter

Joe Biden - War on Christians - Support For Terrorists
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv Caught Vandalizing a Catholic Church? Don’t Worry About ‘Devout Joe’s’ DOJ

Joe Biden - War on Jews - Support for anti-Semitism - Support for antiSemitism
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
American Thinker Is a Vote for Joe Biden in the Interest of American Jews?
American Thinker Where the heck is Joe Biden as anti-Semitic attacks engulf America?
American Thinker Let's see how much Joe Biden really cares about dead children
mrc tv Biden Claims ‘Silence Is Complicity’ - But WH Is ‘Not Going To Get Into’ Anti-Semitism On Campuses
Dan bongino show Another Biden Judicial Nominee Gets Exposed by Sen. Hawley

Joe Biden - War on Jews - Support for Muslims
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
PJ Media Biden: ‘We Will Speak Out for Religious Freedom for All [Muslim] People”
PJ Media Biden Called Kyle Rittenhouse a White Supremacist, but Won't Speculate on Motive of Malik Faisal Akram
mrc tv As Anti-Jewish Protests Break Out At Colleges Biden Admin Announces Effort To Combat...Islamophobia

Joe Biden - Racism - War On Blacks - Black Lives Don't Matter - War On Latinos
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
American Thinker Joe Biden’s History Of Race Baiting
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Insults Black Senate Candidate, But the Candidate Hits Back Hard
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Just Asked a Black Reporter if He Does Cocaine. No, Really.
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Tells Black People That They 'Ain't Black'
PJ Media Joe Biden's Race-Baiting Fourth of July Message
Louder With Crowder Man Has Emotional Breakdown After Losing Job Over Joe Biden's Executive Order
mrc tv Biden Says Many Hispanic and Black Americans 'Don't Know How to Get Online' To Find COVID Info
mrc Biden Calls Minorities Ignorant, Univision and Telemundo HIDE It
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden: Black Entrepreneurs Can't Hire Lawyers and Accountants Without My Help
Louder With Crowder Did Joe Biden Say Minorities Don't Know How to Use the Internet?
American Thinker Biden Privilege: A Tale of Two Racists
mrc tv Racist Again? Biden Suggests All ‘Latinx’ People are Illegal Immigrants
Louder With Crowder Black YouTuber: Systemic Racism Exists ... in Typical White Liberals Like Joe Biden
mrc tv Politico: Biden’s Ancestors Owned Slaves
One America News Network (OANN) Sen. Cruz rips into judicial nominee Kenly Kato

Joe Biden - Support for Rioters - Support For Rapists - Support For Assaulters - Support for Robbers - Support For other Criminals
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Federalist Kamala Harris Promoted Fund That Bailed Out Man Accused Of Raping A Child
PJ Media These Debate Moments May Haunt Joe Biden for the Rest of the Campaign

Joe Biden - Support for Rioters - Support For Rapists - Support For Attacking Anyone Who Disagrees With Him
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Laughs Off Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Getting Harassed in the Bathroom: 'It's Part of the Process ...'

Joe Biden - Supporters
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Monster Hunter Nation Where have all the Biden Voters gone?
mrc tv Even Bin Laden Knew: 2010 Letter to Followers Said Biden 'Will Lead US into a Crisis'
PJ Media Obama Questioned Biden's Fitness for Office: 'Don’t Underestimate Joe’s Ability to F--k Things Up' [REPORT]
PJ Media HUGE: Joe Biden Alienated Black Voters by Choosing Kamala Harris
American Thinker Obama's DNC speech was vicious, dishonest, and mostly about Obama
mrc NewsBusters Column: Phony Lines from Barack Obama's Speech
Canada Free Press Undignified Obama - What an ex-president’s inflammatory and hateful nominating-convention address was made of
Canada Free Press When Barack Obama Went Low, Trump’s Numbers Went Higher
Canada Free Press Democrat Convention Showed Michelle Obama As ‘Queen of Bee-Ess’ - The lies of Michelle Obama and AOC are coming back to haunt the Dems in the middle of their convention
Canada Free Press Democrats Offer a Rancid Smorgasbord - That is why your vote in November is really between Communism and Freedom!
American Thinker Why a Leading White Supremacist Endorsed Joe Biden
American Thinker As Biden falls in the polls, the media's lies get bigger
Geller Report Why won’t Biden condemn Antifa or BLM violence?
American Thiner Why do You Support Joe Biden?
Washington Free Beacon FBI Raids Home of Netflix Star and Biden Surrogate Over Underage Sex Allegation
NY Post Senate report links Hunter Biden to ‘prostitution or human trafficking ring’
mrc tv Leftwing Organizer Who Ran Over a Trump Supporter's Head With Her Car Is Charged With Attempted Murder
Federalist Here Are The 11 Dumbest, Most Slanted Questions Asked By Chris Wallace
Federalist Chris Wallace Just Gave The Most Embarrassing Moderator Performance In History
Gateway Pundit Body Language Expert Alleges Numerous Indications in the Presidential Debate That Joe Biden May Have Been Wearing a Wire
Louder With Crowder Las Vegas 'Latinos for Biden' Rally is Just Sad
Louder With Crowder This Joe Biden Car 'Parade' Is Just Simply Embarrassing and Sad
Louder With Crowder Embarrassing: Biden-Harris Held Arizona Rally, According to Media, No One Showed
Federalist Facebook Is Now Officially Censoring The New York Post’s Hunter Biden Bombshell
New York Post Facebook censors The Post to help Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign
mrc tv Social Media Giants Lock Down The Sharing Of Hunter Biden E-Mail Story
Louder With Crowder ‘Crowd’ Photo of Kamala Harris Event Implies Embarrassing Lack of Enthusiasm
Louder With Crowder Obama Praised Young People ‘Protesting in the Streets.’ Here Are Some of the Unhinged Liberals He’s Praising...
PJ Media The Morning Briefing: Barack Obama Hates Joe Biden, the Truth, and Man Jeans

Joe Biden - Supporters - Regrets
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Breitbart New Mexico Voted for Biden; Now Regrets Oil, Gas Suspension
Turley Talks New Data PROVES People Moving to Red States ‘OVERWHELMINGLY’ Vote REPUBLICAN!!!
mrc tv Cracks in the Stone: Filmmaker Oliver Stone Joins Growing List of Dissatisfied Biden Voters

Joe Biden - Evil, Pervert Appointments - Useless Unqualified Appointments - Unfitness For Office
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
mrc tv Buttigieg's Been Vacationing For Weeks Amid National Supply Chain Crisis
mrc tv The Biden Admin Just Hired This Guy To a Top Dept. of Energy Position - Really
mrc tv Disgusting: Biden DoE Hire Defended Underage Gay Prostitution Website in Op-Ed

Joe Biden - Kamala Harris
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
How can you tell when Kamala Harris lies? Her lips move!
This is obscene @KamalaHarris. You speaking with Bill Clinton about empowering women & girls is disgusting. Have you no soul? Have you no ethics? Ask him about being on an island of human trafficking victims 27 times. You are showing us exactly who you are. - Actress Rose McGowan
Kamala Harris - stupid is as stupid does.
Kamala Harris set a new standard for feminists. Her meeting with Bill "rapist" Clinton proves that women are empowered by being raped by powerful Democrats.
Kamala Harris set a new standard for feminists. Now all women know that no matter what their skin color, they too can sleep their way to the top.
Kamala Harris set a new standard for feminists. Now any women raped by a black man knows her rapist will become a symbol for black empowerment.
Blunderwoman - If you can't be the sharpest tool in the shed, you can always be the hoe.
PJ Media What Does Joe Biden Really Think of Kamala Harris? Now We Know
YouTube Kamala Harris would be a threat to Biden if she was ‘even remotely half-competent’
American Thinker Kamala’s Lies
Louder With Crowder Donald Trump Just Dropped Attack Ad Against Kamala Harris. It's Brutal!
Louder With Crowder Hodgetwins: Black People HATE Kamala Harris
Louder With Crowder Dear Kamala Harris, You Anti-Gun, Opportunistic, Hypocritical Skank...
American Thinker Willie Brown admits it: Kamala Harris slept her way to the top
American Thinker It says a lot that Biden chose Kamala, and none of what it says is good
Louder With Crowder A TikToker Points Out the Hypocrisy of Kamala Harris Accepting the VP Spot
Power Line Kamala Harris: America’s Least Sincere Person
American Thinker Kamala Has Already Struck Out
mrc tv Kamala Harris Calls Accused Sexual Assaulter Jacob Blake And His Anti-Semitic Father 'Incredible'
Federalist No, Kamala Harris Isn’t A ‘Moderate’ - She’s A Radical Threat To America
mrc tv Freudian Slip? Kamala Harris Weirdly Touts 'A Harris Administration, Together With Joe Biden'
American Thinker Kamala Harris won - if the prize was awarded for the most lies in a debate
mrc tv Kamala Harris, Other Prominent Dems Among 'Key Contacts' in Biden Family's Business with 'Now-Bankrupt' Chinese Energy Co.
mrc tv Watch: Harris Claims More Than Half Of U.S. Population Has Died Of COVID Over A Few Months
mrc tv CA School Threatens 12-Year-Old With Arrest For 'Truancy' After Missing 90 Min Of Zoom Class
American Thinker What Kamala Harris's big Kwanzaa lie reveals about the medi
mrc tv Kamala Harris Accused of Plagiarizing MLK Story To Score Social Justice Points
Louder With Crowder Dan Crenshaw Gives Four Examples Why Kamala Harris Is Horrible to Lead Border Crisis Response
mrc tv Rose McGowan Speaks For Millions In Slamming Harris-Clinton 'Empowering Women' Event
American Thinker On Memorial Day weekend, Kamala outdoes Obama’s self-centeredness
American Thinker Kamala Harris can't keep staff
Louder With Crowder 'Who Wrote This for You?': Dan Crenshaw's Response to Kamala's 'Woke' Naval Speech Is Brutal
Louder With Crowder 'I'm Not Finished': Kamala Harris Lashes Out at Hispanic Reporter Questioning Her on Border Crisis
American Thinker Clean-up on Aisle 2: White House scrambles to salvage flailing Kamala Harris
American Thinker Power struggle: The White House bid to oust Kamala Harris
Louder With Crowder Former Democrat Presidential Candidate Blasts 'Zealots of Wokeism,' Calls Kamala Harris Unqualified Disaster
Western Journal White House Doctors Kamala Harris Transcript After Realizing How Badly She Screwed Up
mrc tv WATCH: VP Harris Serves Up More Word Salad Over 'Passage Of Time'
mrc tv ...Huh? Kamala Harris Serves Up More Bizarre Word Salad When Talking About Jamaica
Louder With Crowder Kamala Harris Rambles Incoherently During Speech Meant to Convince You That She’s Doing Actual Work
American Thinker Kamala Harris train wreck continues, this time at ASEAN Summit
Louder With Crowder How Degrading: DNC Forced to Slash Price of Photo With Kamala Harris by 66% Over Lack of Sales
Red State Dems Reveal They Don't Want Kamala in 2024 While She Gaffes and Laughs About Gas Prices
American Thinker NY Times signals Kamala that her White House ambitions are hopeless
Louder With Crowder Kamala Harris gets booed of out an Iowa arena when they showed her attempting to pander for March Madness
mrc tv Kamala Harris: 'Some of Our Younger Small Business Owners Actually Self-Identify As Entrepreneurs'
mrc tv ¡Bon Appétit! Here Are Kamala Harris' Top 10 Word Salads
Mises Wire The Government versus the People, Kamala Harris Version
Louder With Crowder Watch: Kamala Harris has "had it, had it, had it" with Americans who oppose porn in school (Dems call it "book banning")

Joe Biden - Kamala Harris - Lies - Dishonesty - Untruthful
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
How can you tell when Kamala Harris lies? Her lips move!
Dan Bongino Show VP Harris Says the "Border Is Secure" as Biden Border Crisis Continues Spiraling Out of Control
Louder With Crowder Watch: Kamala claims she never supported Minnesota Freedom Fund, gets fact-checked by her tweet supporting it
mrc tv VP Harris Lies In Order To Push Abortion Pill Support
Louder With Crowder Kamala Harris clowns herself with shameless pander on when women were allowed NCAA "brackets." Also, she's dead wrong.

Joe Biden - Kamala Harris - Humor
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
How can you tell when Kamala Harris lies? Her lips move!
Kamala Harris For Arresting The People
Glorious American Kamala Harris Still Searching For The Right Person To Sleep With To Solve Border Crisis
Glorious American Kamala Harris Still Searching For The Right Person To Sleep With To Solve Border Crisis
Babylon Bee Biden Taps Kamala Harris To Counteract Rise Of Intelligence

Joe Biden - Opponents
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
National File BREAKING: Marjorie Taylor Greene Keeps Promise, Files Articles Of Impeachment Against Joe Biden
Amerian Thinker Going Sour on Joe Biden
mrc tv Truckers Prepare For MASSIVE Strike To Protest Biden
National Pulse ‘The Most Popular President Ever’ is Getting DESTROYED by ‘Dislikes’ on YouTube.
Louder With Crowder Dan Crenshaw Emotionally Pushes Back Against Joe Biden's Climate Agenda. Take Notes.
Louder With Crowder South Dakota Moves to Block White House EOs. A Preview of Joe Biden vs. Kristi Noem?
Louder With Crowder Tim Scott Wrecks Joe Biden's Divisive Speech: Biden Wants to 'Tear Us Apart' with Radical Agenda
Louder With Crowder 'I Don't Wanna Hear Anything Out of You': Ron DeSantis FINALLY Hits Back Hard at Joe Biden Attacks
Louder With Crowder College Bros Get 'F*** Joe Biden" Chants Going at Football Games, It Needs to Catch On Across America

Joe Biden - humor
How can you tell when Joe Biden lies? His lips move!
Touchy Joe Biden
rumble Biden’s GREATEST Achievements So Far!
Babylon Bee Girlfriend Keeps Referring To Herself As 'Wife-Elect' Despite No Official Word From Boyfriend
Babylon Bee Biden: 'I'll Survive The Coronavirus Just Like I Survived The Black Death'
Babylon Bee Biden Selects Aunt Jemima As Running Mate
Babylon Bee Biden Says He Can't Wait To Find Out Who He Picked For VP
Babylon Bee 'I Don't Need A Cognitive Test!' Biden Screams At Pigeon
Babylon Bee Biden Campaign Says He Is So Close To A VP Pick He Can Smell Her
Babylon Bee Party Of The Poor And Oppressed Nominates Old, Rich, White Man And Cop
Glorious American Biden Accidentally Wanders Onto RNC Stage, Endorses Trump
Glorious American Tired Of Hearing He’d Not Really Be The President If Elected; Biden Picks Someone As Stupid As Him
Glorious American Swiffer Mop Destroys Biden In Practice Debate
PJ Media Biden Campaign Horrified by Our Secret Transcript They Don't Want You to See
Glorious American Kamala Harris Accidentally Touts The 'Soros/Harris Administration'
Glorious American Biden Website Expands Ways For Supporters To Contribute
Babylon Bee Kamala Harris Proposes Housing Plan Where Everybody Gets Free 10'x10' Room And Three Meals A Day
Babylon Bee Biden: 'You Have To Elect Me To Find Out What My Policy Positions Are'
Babylon Bee Biden Cuts Hole In Mask So He Can Still Sniff People's Hair
Babylon Bee Biden: 'I Am The Only Candidate Who Can Beat Ronald Reagan
Babylon Bee Biden: 'I Won't Reveal Whether I Plan On Abolishing The Constitution And Establishing A Glorious Communist Utopia Until After I'm Elected'
Babylon Bee Kamala Harris's Ratings Plummet As People Realize They'd Have To Listen To Her Voice For Next 4 Years
Breitbart Joe Biden Is ‘Swamp Thing’ on Massive Hollywood Billboard
Babylon Bee Twitter Shuts Down Entire Network To Slow Spread Of Negative Biden News
Sacramento Brie Biden: ‘Mueller, Comey to head Ukraine investigation after I win election’
Glorious American China And Iran Strike Historic Agreement On Who Gets To Blackmail Joe Biden First
Glorious American Joe Biden: ‘Civil War Vets Have Given Me A Mandate!’
Glorious American Japan Immediately following Strike On Pearl Harbor: ‘Time To Heal’
Glorious American Just In Case: Facebook Adds Disclaimer To All Trader Joe’s Signs
Babylon Bee Kamala Harris Recalls How As A Little Girl She Helped Slaves Escape On The Undewgwound Wailwoad
Babylon Bee Biden Claims Anyone Can Go To A Gun Show And Buy A Nuclear Missile With No Background Check
Babylon Bee Biden Bans High-Capacity Assault Stairs
Louder With Crowder Dana Carvey Nails Epic Biden Impersonation, Mocking Feeble-Minded Biden's Confusion Over Saying 'Words'
American Thinker How to speak Bidenese
YouTube Lets go Brandon Burger
Babylon Bee White House Sends Out Christmas Cards With Heartfelt Message, 'You Will Get Sick And Die This Winter'
Babylon Bee Game, Leave Billions Worth Of Equipment On The Field
Louder With Crowder Brutal (and Accurate) Saudi State TV Sketch Shows How Little Respect the World Has for Joe Biden
Glorious American Biden’s Approval So Low Hunter No Longer Wants To Be Seen With Him During Drug Deals
Glorious American ‘F–k Joe Biden’ Chant Breaks Out At Biden Dinner Table
Babylon Bee '60 Minutes' Editor Exhausted After Pulling All-Nighter Removing Racial Slurs From Biden's Interview
Babylon Bee Biden Deploys 20,000 National Guard Troops To Defend Home From Incoming Migrants
Babylon Bee 9 Reasons Not To Worry About The Tanking Economy
Babylon Bee Biden Asks For COVID Amnesty, Afghanistan Pullout Amnesty, Gas Prices Amnesty, Inflation Amnesty, Student Loan Amnesty, War With Russia Amnesty, Nuclear Armageddon Amnesty, And Weaponizing The FBI Against Political Enemies Amnest
Babylon Bee Biden Recounts Time He Faced Down Hitler While Working As A Lifeguard At The Pool
Babylon Bee President Informs Nation He's Doing Great Job
YouTube Playing Scrabble with Joe Biden
YouTube How To Speak Bidenese
Babylon Bee Biden Taken To Coroner For Annual Physical
Babylon Bee 'OK, Take Us To A Different Leader,' Say Exasperated Aliens After Trying To Communicate With Joe Biden
Babylon Bee Biden Annual Physical Confirms He Is Technically Still Alive
Glorious American Biden’s Approval So Low Hunter No Longer Wants To Be Seen With Him During Drug Deals
Glorious American Joe Biden Achieves Excellent Work-Life Balance By Barely Working And Barely Living
Glorious American Hunter Biden Accidentally Discharges Weapon Through Father’s Gun Control Bill
People's Cube New Biden Classified Documents Cache Found at Maryland Waffle House
Babylon Bee Biden Pulls Out Handy 'Wheel Of Distraction' To Deflect From Latest Scandal
Babylon Bee McCarthy Says 783rd Impeachable Offense By Biden Will Be The Last Straw
Babylon Bee Hero: Biden Announces He Will Donate The Rest Of His Bribe Money To Charity
Babylon Bee Biden Approves Continuation Of Border Wall After Getting 10% Kickback From Construction Company
Babylon Bee Biden Apologizes For Racist Gaffe: 'I Like All Races, Even The Bad Ones'
Louder With Crowder Watch: Trump Trolls Biden With Hilarious "White House Senior Living" Ad
Dan bongino show Trump Trolls Biden With "White House Senior Living" Ad

The Big Picture The Handling of the Economic Crisis May Lead to Civil Unrest
Daily Reckoning Darkening Storm Clouds on the US Civility Horizon

The Black Sphere There is a positive about progressivism: when libraries get looted, they don’t steal the books.

Walter Block Austrian Economist and Libertarian Theorist

Big Government
Breitbart Big Government
Breitbart Academic Bias: Scientific Studies of Conservatives Can't Be Replicated
Breitbart FNC’s Pirro: ‘You’re Not a Leader, De Blasio. You Are a Coward, a Classic Bully'
breitbart Diet Google: DuckDuckGo Will ‘Down-Rank’ What It Decides Is ‘Disinformation’

wikipedia Blasphemy Day
FaceBook Blasphemy Day International
Center For Inquiry International Blasphemy Rights Day 2011

The Blaze After Hearing What a Tea Party Group Recently Did in Ferguson, You Likely Won’t Be Surprised That You Haven’t Heard About It

Blue State Conservative 17 Conservative Companies to Buy From and Support

Blunt Force Truth

Bongino Report

bookworm room Conservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts

Boston Herald TD Bank takes heat for missing data tapes

Breitbart Rocker Glenn Danzig: Punk Rock Explosion Couldn’t Happen Today Due to ‘Cancel Culture and Woke Bulls**t

The Bunion political satire for conservaties or for anyone who thinks liberals are nitwits.

If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand. - Milton Friedman
We have a system that increasingly taxes work and subsidizes nonwork. - Milton Friedman
Only government can take perfectly good paper, cover it with perfectly good ink and make the combination worthless. - Milton Friedman
Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program. - Milton Friedman
There's no such thing as a free lunch. - Milton Friedman
Brainy Quotes Milton Friedman

Buddy Brown conservative musician

You will never understand bureaucracies until you understand that for bureaucrats procedure is everything and outcomes are nothing. - Thomas Sowell
The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's good-bye to the Bill of Rights. - H. L. Mencken
Mises Institute Whoops, we already have a bureaucracy for that
Mises Institute A Free-Market Operative in the Bowels of Bureaucracy

SERIOUS LINKS (Economy, Liberty, Government, ...)
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Cafe Hayek
Cafe Hayek An Open Letter to a U.S. Trade Official
Cafe Hayek I Do Not Care About Income or Wealth Inequality

Cagle Cartoons topical, political, ...

California - Sanctuary State For The Mentally Ill, The Homeless, The Drug Addicts, And The Criminals - Because Law Abiding Citizens Have No Rights And No Representation
come for the free health care, stay for the free welfare.
How can you tell when governor Gavin Newsom lies? His Lips Move
[California - Sanctuary State For Crime
Transparent Ca;ifornia California's largest public pay and pension database
Flash Report on California's most significant political news
California Alliance To Protect Private Property Rights
Cal Watchdog Your Eyes On California Government
California Watch
Citizens for California Reform proposition to make California Legislature part-time.
Dumb Laws California
S F Gate Californians have the opportunity to fix state
Yahoo! Finance The Best- and Worst-Run States in America (California: 2 time winner for worst run state in the country)
Powerline Is California Starting to Circle the Drain?
Federalist California’s Blackouts Display The Results Of Kamala Harris’s Favored Energy Policy
Louder With Crowdr Watch: Homeless Guy Moves to San Francisco, Gets Paid for Being Homeless. Also Shows Teens How to Do Fentanyl
Louder With Crowdr 'Echoes of the previous night's mental breakdown': Vlogger takes us for a walk through the hell hole known as San Francisco
Reform California
Restore Public Safety fighting against woke politiciains
Reform California Stop The Tax Hikes
Reform California Expose Gavin Newsom
Reform California Gavin Newsom’s Top 5 Lies from the Fox News Debate
Louder With Crowder Gavin Newsom Passes "Ebony Alert" To Prioritize Missing Black Children, Because Amber Alerts Weren't Equity Enough
YouTube Newsom got caught in some GLORIOUSLY bad 2A lies in debate vs DeSantis... This is just insanely bad
Louder With Crowder LOL! Gavin Newsom’s Wife Forced Him Off Debate Stage: Report
Louder With Crowder California To Begin Handing Out Fines To Stores That Don’t Have A ‘Gender Neutral’ Kids Toy Section
Louder With Crowder Biden Admin Give BILLIONS Of Your Tax Dollars To California's “Train To Nowhere”
Louder With Crowder Pizza Hut Forced To Lay Off Over 1000 Delivery Drivers Thanks To California's New Minimum Wage Law
Louder With Crowder Democrat Senator Introduces Bill That Would Physically Stop Cars Letting You Drive Over The Speed Limit
Louder With Crowder Panera gets exemption from Gavin Newsom's minimum wage hike. Also, they donate a lot of money to Gavin Newsom

California - Reparations
Louder With Crowder California Is Establishing A Genealogy Office to Determine Who Qualifies For Reparations

California - Sanctuary State For Genital Mutilation of Children
Louder With Crowder Sacramento Declares Itself A “Trans Sanctuary” In Retaliation Of States Regulating Genital Mutilation Of Minors

California - War On The Second Amendment - War On The Constitution
How can you tell when governor Gavin Newsom lies? His Lips Move
Louder With Crowder Guess what? If you live in California, your credit card is gonna start tracking your firearm purchases
California - Crimeafornia
How can you tell when governor Gavin Newsom lies? His Lips Move
Louder With Crowder Watch: Gavin Newsom asks to speak to a manager when Target employee blames "the governor" for shoplifting, thinks he's the hero
mrc tv Cali Bill Would Give Tax-Funded Legal Support to Violent Criminal Aliens

California - Flee While You Can
How can you tell when governor Gavin Newsom lies? His Lips Move
Dan Bongino Show Debunking Gavin Newsom’s Defense of California (Part 1)
Dan Bongino Show Debunking Gavin Newsom’s Defense of California (Part 2)
Washington Examiner Gavin Newsom's claim there is no California exodus, debunked

California - Come For The Free Welfare, Stay For The Free Healthcare... and other Free Benefits
How can you tell when governor Gavin Newsom lies? His Lips Move
One America News Network (OANN) California To Expand Health Care Coverage For Undocumented Immigrants In 2024
Louder With Crowder Lawmakers Move To Offer A New Path For First-Time Home Buyers, But Only If You Are Here Illegally

Campus Reform

Campus Unmasked

Amereican Thinker Justin Trudeau’s Canada Is Obama’s Dream for America

Canada Free Press
Canada Free Press Incidentism - Incidentism leads to armies tiptoeing around conflicts and losing them by default.
Canada Free Press Obama’s War With The Military - There is palpable tension between the US military and the Commander-in-Chief today.
Canada Free Press Obama and other Traitors Bring an End to Sanity and My Country - I have been watching my country be assaulted over and over again, with few to none-in-office coming to her rescue
Canada Free Press The Snake in the Bloody Garden - The Left: It pretends to grieve, when it is sneering on the inside; it pretends to want to help, when it is really seeking to destroy
Canada Free Press Taxpayer-funded assistance paid for terrorists-in-training - The Tsarnaev family benefited from more than $100,000 in taxpayer-funded assistance
Canada Free Press A Not So Happy Fourth of July - The government the Founding Fathers feared would happen is the government we now have
Canada Free Press Dear Corporate America - Your lobbies and associations keep pushing for amnesty for 12 million illegal aliens even while your companies keep fleeing California
Canada Free Press So the Democrats are Nervous, Are They? ObamaCare: Not one individual who participated in this legislative obscenity should be pardoned
Canada Free Press 2019: The Future of Doctors Under Obama Universal Coverage for Health (O.U.C.H.)
Canada Free Press Low Information Voters in the Information Age - Low information class votes for more freebies, more enslavement to government that only cares about its citizens’ blind voting allegiance

Cancel This Companby The BIG list of 'woke' companies to boycott

Christopherb Cantwell
Christopherb Cantwell Voting Against Economics is Like Praying Against Cancer
Christopherb Cantwell Transgendering A Toddler Is Child Abuse
Christopherb Cantwell Capitalism Gets Blamed For Everything, Even Greece
Christopherb Cantwell How Many People Have To Die Before The Abolition of Public Education?
Christopherb Cantwell Top 10 Reasons Libertarians Aren’t Nice To You

Capital Research Center
YouTube The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution (Starring Tom Woods & Michael Malice!)
YouTube The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism (Starring Tom Woods & Michael Malice!)
YouTube The Politically Incorrect Guide to Real American Heroes (Starring Tom Woods & Michael Malice!)
YouTube The Politically Incorrect Guide to Journalism (Starring Tom Woods & Michael Malice!)
YouTube The Greatest Liar in Journalism | Politically Incorrect Guide to Journalism
YouTube The Politically Incorrect Guide to Public Education (Starring Tom Woods & Michael Malice!)
YouTube The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Industrial Revolution
YouTube The Politically Incorrect Guide to Modern Capitalism

Mises Institute Mises in Four Easy Pieces
Mises Institute Mike Pence Thinks the "Free Market" Is Making You Poor
Daily Reckoning The Long, Withdrawing Roar of American Capitalism
Daily Wire Why Do Taxi Drivers Racially Profile, While Uber And Lyft Drivers Don't? It's Called The Free Market Working.

Capitalism Institute Capitalism Institute: Rise Up and Defend Your Country.

Capitalism Magazine

Cars - when gas cars are too expensive, try even more expensive and less reliable electric cars - Because Electricity Is So Much Better Than Gas - Because Less Efficient More Expensive Power Is Better Than More Efficient Less Expensive Power
mrc tv High Charge! Owner Finds Battery Replacement More $ Than Electric Car
Louder With Crowder Coal miners push electric vehicle that broke down outside of a coal plant in world's most ironic viral post
American Thinker Electric vehicles and the evacuation of Florida
Louder With Crowder Florida EVs are catching fire because it turns out that's what happens to the batteries in a Hurricane
Louder With Crowder Author finds driving electric vehicle across state 'very difficult,' it took him 15 HOURS to go 178 miles
Louder With Crowder Another electric vehicle explodes into a fireball needing over TEN THOUSAND gallons of water to extinguish
mrc tv Volkswagen CEO: It’s 'Practically Unviable' for Corporation to Build EV Batteries in Europe
mrc tv Shock! Electric Vehicles Perform Poorly In Cold Weather
Breitbart Sorry, Elon!: Wyoming Legislators Draft Resolution to Ban Electric Vehicles by 2035
Federalist By Forcing Americans Into Electric Vehicles, Leftists Ensure Road Trips’ Demise
PJ Media Three Huge Reasons Why Electric Vehicles Will Never Dominate American Roads
Dan Bongino Show Electric Vehicle Company Heavily Promoted by Biden Admin Goes Bankrupt
Louder With Crowder Family finds electric truck such a disaster they abandon it on the side of the road and rent gas powered one
mrc tv Electric Cars Catch Fire After Being Hit By Salt Water From Hurricane Idalia
Louder with Crowder Biden Admin's EV road trip turns epic fail when family calls cops on staffer blocking charging station with gas-powered car
mrc tv Buttigieg Says Quiet Part Out Loud to EV Skeptics: 'It is Coming No Matter What'
mrc tv Jackson, Wyoming Ditches Broken EV Buses For Working Gas Ones
mrc tv Those EVs the Left Loves So Much? Yeah, Turns Out They Break...a LOT
mrc tv Maine EV Mandate Vote Delayed… By Power Outages
Louder With Crowder Car Rental Company Will Replace 20,000 Electric Cars With Gas Cars Because The EVs Are Too Expensive To Repair

Sara A. Carter national and international award winning investigative reporter

Tucker Carlson

Casey Research personal freedom through financial freedom
Casey Research What We Now Know

Cato Institute National Police Misconduct Reporting Project

Cato Institute Individual Liberty, Free Markets, and Peace.
Cato Institute You’re Eight Times More Likely to be Killed by a Police Officer than a Terrorist

cdr salamander Prepper Math

Celebrities - Hypocrits, world class stupidity, Celebutards, ...
How can you tell when a celebrity says something stupid? They open their mouths.
Celebrities perform a public service. Every time they open their mouths you realize how stupid they are and how smart you are.
If I had one million dollars for every celebrity who promised to leave American when something they disliked happened, I'd be flat broke.
Truth Revolt Prager U: Dear Celebrities: No One Cares What You Think - Well, maybe your mother and your therapist.
YouTube Dear Celebrities: No One Cares What You Think
YouTube Dear Virtue Signalling Celebrities
Daily Wire Ron Perlman Tweets Picture Of Obama To Prove He Was Tough With Putin. Twitter Laughs.
Daily Wire COLLUSION! Michael Moore Attended Anti-Trump Rally Organized By Russian Government Agents
Daily Wire Hollywood Actresses To New York: Eliminate Tip Credit. New York Waitresses To Actresses: Shut Up.
Daily Wire GHOULS: Celebrities, Leftists Tweet Appreciation For Trump Tower Fire That Left One Dead, Several Injured - "Burn, baby, burn."
Guardian Sean Penn's debut novel - repellent and stupid on so many levels
mrc tv Jamie Lee Curtis Accuses a Truck Driver of 'Stealing the Election' By Towing a Mail Truck - and the Internet Responds
Jon Del Arroz The NFL Hates YOU
American Thinker Celebrity Privilege
Power Line Thoughts from the ammo line
mrc tv Macy Gray Spits on U.S. Flag, Calls it Replacement For ‘Confederate Flag’, Demands New One
mrc tv Jennifer Aniston: ‘MORAL OBLIGATION’ to Reveal Vaxx Status
Louder With Crowder Wow: Alec Baldwin Now Says Halyna Hutchins Is to Blame for Him Shooting Her With a Gun
Louder With Crowder Actress lashes out at Ron DeSantis, accuses him of being in the KKK while the Tony Awards erupts in applause
mrc tv Hell No, Why Won't They Go? Celebs Threaten To Leave, But Never Do
mrc tv Here We Go Again! Cher Says She'll Leave U.S. if Trump Wins in 2024
mrc tv 'Get the F**k Out!' Singer Aaron Lewis Calls Out 'Communist' Springsteen, Other Celebs for Threatening to Leave U.S.
Louder With Crowder Alyssa Milano blasted for attending Super Bowl after begging fans to donate to her son's Little League Team
Louder With Crowder Elon Musk drops atomic truth bomb on Robert DeNiro's moronic claim Trump is the next Hitler
Louder With Crowder Watch: Robert De Niro is crying again because Americans don't hate "Hitler" Trump as much as he does

Celebrities - Hypocrits - Unethical - Seellouts - Hypocrits, world class stupidity, ...
Louder With Crowder Joe Rogan gets the last laugh as Neil Young comes crawling back to Spotify: "Great to know you got some ethics”

Celebrities - Support For Murder - Support For Gun violence - Hypocrits, world class stupidity, ...
mrc tv Actors Union Defends Alec Baldwin in Hutchins Shooting Death Ahead of Manslaughter Indictment

Celebrities - Support For Terrorism - Support for anti-semitism - Hypocrits, world class stupidity, ...
Louder With Crowder Alyssa Milano (of course) leads Hollywood in an open letter to Joe Biden demanding an Israel ceasefire
mrc tv Susan Sarandon: Jews 'are Getting a Taste of What It Feels Like to be Muslim in this Country'

Celebrities - War On Men - Hypocrits, world class stupidity, ...
Breitbart Jane Fonda Blames Men for Climate Change: ‘We Have to Arrest and Jail Those Men’
mrc tv Jane Fonda Blames 'White Men' For Climate Change and Every Other Problem

Celebrities - Supporting Socialism While Enjoying Wealth Created By Capitalism - Hypocrits, world class stupidity, ...
Louder With Crowder Clueless 'Stranger Things' Actor Can't Understand Why People Hate Socialism

Celebrities - Blinded By Hatred - Hypocrits, world class stupidity, ...
mrc tv Robert De Niro: Leftists Are 'Beyond Trying to See Another Person's Point of View'
mrc tv Hey West Virginians, Bette Midler Says You're All ‘Poor, Illiterate, Strung Out’

Celebrities - Gun Grabbers - Hypocrits, world class stupidity, ...
Truth Revolt Anti-Gun Celebs Protected by 500+ Police Officers at Oscars - "We have a lot of officers in fixed posts and foot beats keeping an eye on the event."
Louder With Crowder Dear Braindead Anti-Gun Celebrities Saying Stupid Things About Guns: THANKS!
Truth Revolt Ted Cruz: Celebs Are Gun Control Hypocrites - "Hollywood liberals on gun control is akin to Hollywood liberals on global warming."
Truth Revolt Streisand: Trump Inspired School Shooter Because He Was Mean to Hillary - Oh, Babs. Shut up and sing. On second thought...

Celebrities - Oppressing Women and Children - Hypocrits, world class stupidity, ...
YouTube Hollywood is a Satanic Cesspool

Celebrities - Supporting LBGTQ - Supporting Sexualizing Children - Supporting Grooming Children - Hypocrits, world class stupidity, ...
mrc tv Inaugural Children's & Family Emmys Honors and Focuses on LGBTQUIA Targeting of Kids
Louder With Crowder Watch: Acadamy award-winning actress will "f*** you up" for not wanting your kids exposed to drag shows

Celebrities - Opposing Gay/Lesbian/LGBT - Hypocrits, world class stupidity, ...
mrc tv 'Woke' At Home, 'Broke' On the Road: 5 Times Hollywood Censored Blockbuster Films to Appease Foreign Governments

Celebrities - Predators Hollywood Hypocrits - Hypocrits, world class stupidity, ...
Louder With Crowder Watch: Former child actor loses agent, role in Marvel movie for not letting himself get sexed up by the director

Celebrities - Opposing Diversity - Oppposing freedom to act and freedom of thought
Louder With Crowder "They make me vomit": Legendary actor wrecks Oscars' new woke diversity requirements

Celebrities - Clueless - Oppposing freedom to act and freedom of thought
Louder With Crowder Mayim Bialik wonders where the feminists are and why they're not condemning the systematic rape and torture by Hamas

Celebrities - Humor - Hypocrits, world class stupidity, ...
Babylon Bee Inspiring: Celebrities Spell Out 'We're All In This Together' With Their Yachts
Babylon Bee Alyssa Milano Confirms FBI Investigators Have Not Reached Out To Her To Get A Celebrity's Opinion On Kavanaugh Yet

Celebrities - Common Sense - Question Authority
Louder With Crowder "The Democrat Party can KISS MY A$$": Rock legend goes anti-woke, trashes the Left like it's a 70s hotel room

CensorTrack - because big tech, big media, and big governement is afraid of the truth
Censor Track find out what YouTube, FaceBook, Google, Instagram, Amazon, Twitter, Reddit and other media are doing to suppress free speech and supress your First Amendment rights.
rumble Big Tech Silences Mother Of Murdered Marine
rumble Big Tech RESTRICTS Past and Present Military Truths
rumble CensorTrack With TR: Big Tech Spreads FALSE ‘Horse Dewormer’ Articles
rumble CensorTrack With TR: Big Tech BLOCKS Ads on Life Saving Measures
rumble CensorTrack with TR: Big Tech Allows ‘TERF’ But Blocks Actual Science
rumble CensorTrack With TR: Big Tech Censors GOP Congressmen TONS More Than Democrats, 54-1
rumble THE IRONY! TikTok Censors Show On Anti Censorship
mrcNewsBusters CensorTrack With TR: THE IRONY! TikTok Censors Show on Anti-Censorship
rumble CensorTrack With TR: Big Tech Censors America’s #1 Song!
rumble CensorTrack With TR: Twitter Bans Conservatives For 'Misgendering' Rachel Levine
rumble CensorTrack With TR: 3,000 Examples of Big Tech’s Biased Censorship
rumble CensorTrack With TR: Rittenhouse Is NOT GUILTY, But Big Tech IS
rumble Jokes are Funny, Big Tech’s Censorship Is Not
rumble CensorTrack With TR: Missed That! Twitter Got Its Medical Degree?
rumble CensorTrack with TR: YouTube Hides Youth Lecture Against Socialism
rumble Big Tech HATES CHRISTmas!
rumble CensorTrack with TR: Really? Liberal Sites Score 93% Accuracy?!
rumble CensorTrack with TR: Year of Anti-Trump, Anti-Life & Anti-Free Speech
rumble CensorTrack with TR: Big Tech Is NOT Smarter Than Scientists
rumble CensorTrack with TR: Big Tech PURGES Free Speech Backer, Dan Bongino
rumble TechShark: YouTube Reportedly Censors Interview with Cardiologist Before It Was Even Published!
rumble CensorTrack with TR: Big Tech PRAISES Abortion But CENSORS Life
rumble CensorTrack with TR: When Big Tech Censors Them, You’re Censored, Too
rumble CensorTrack with TR: Parental Voice In Education? SILENCED
rumble CensorTrack with TR: Big Tech Censors 808 COVID-19-Related Post
rumble CensorTrack with TR: Big Tech Attacks MRC TikTok 16 Times!
rumble CensorTrack with TR: Big Tech Permits Dictators — Blocks Ukrainian Sentiments
rumble CensorTrack with TR: YouTube Bans News Reports from The Hill & MRC
rumble CensorTrack with TR: WHAT!? YouTube Removes CONVERSATION with Trump
rumble CensorTrack with TR: YouTube Gives ‘Everyone a Voice’ … Except Conservatives
rumble CensorTrack with TR: ‘Trust the ‘Science’…Unless You Call a Man, a Man
runble CensorTrack: LinkedIn Censors Story of Air Force Veteran For NO Reason
rumble CensorTrack with TR: Ignorance Is Bliss? Twitter Hides Evil Truth of Abortion
rumble CensorTrack with TR: Big Tech Protects Biden’s Reputation 646 Times!
rumble Amazon Censors Best Selling, Innocent Kids Book
rumble Biden Disinfo Board — The New Orwellian Speech Police!
rumble Big Tech Despises Pro-Life Content
rumble TikTok Censors MRC’s Free Speech 34 Times!
rumble Big Tech Repeatedly Targets Libs of TikTok
rumble Are ‘Groomers’ Allowed Online, But Opposers Not? | CensorTrack with TR
rumble Etsy, PayPal CANCEL Biologist for Defending Real Gender Science | CensorTrack With TR
rumble Popular Pro-Life Podcaster Says Big Tech Is ‘Targeting’ Her for Censorship | CensorTrack With TR
rumbe TikTok Bans SBA Pro-Life Group on Day of Roe Reversal | CensorTrack With TR
rumble Big Tech Has No Sense Of Humor | CensorTrack With TR
rumble Peterson, Rubin Silenced Over ‘Ellen Page’ Tweets
rumble Big Tech Censors ‘God Bless America’ Over ‘Racism’ and ‘Phishing’ | CensorTrack With TR
rumble Big Tech’s Censorship Effect Is BERSERK
mrc tv Big Tech Protects ‘Groomers’ | CensorTrack With TR
rumble Big Tech Censors The Babylon Bee’s JOKES
rumble Big Tech’s Pro-Abortion, Anti-Military & Anti-Christian
rumble Big Tech to Censor Election Content (Again)
rumble Zuckerberg Says Facebook Censored Hunter Biden Bombshell After FBI Pressure
rumble CCP-Tied TikTok Hates Free Speech
rumble HYPOCRISY ALERT: YouTube CEO Claims Platform Promotes Free Speech
rumble PayPal’s Ultimatum: Go Woke or Go Broke
rumble Global Elites Brag About Big Tech Partnerships to Control Speech
rumble CNN’s Tapper, Biden Gov't Prepping to Control Censorship Narrative Ahead of Midterms?
rumble Meta Exec Claims Neutrality, Says Congress Should ‘Set’ Speech Rules
rumble A 'Threat' to Free Speech: Media Meltdown Over Musk-Twitter Deal
rumble Google: The Ultimate Election Puppetmaster?
rumble TikTok CEO: Content Moderation is a 'Top Priority'
rumble 2 Years Too Late? Ex-Twitter Safety Chief Admits Censoring NY Post Hunter Biden Story a Mistake
rumble Top 7 Free Speech Hits and Misses of 2022 l CensorTrack with Paiten
rumble Dangers of Censorship & Gov’t-Big Tech Collusion with Rep. Ken Buck (CensorTrack with Paiten)
rumble NewsGuard’s Not So Subtle Censorship (CensorTrack with Paiten)
rumble Left Deflects on Import of House Twitter Files Hearing (CensorTrack with Paiten)
rumble Soros-Tied Group Is Reportedly Blacklisting Outlets (CensorTrack with Paiten)
rumble State Department-Backed Group to Stop Funding GDI Blacklists
rumble rumble AI: Censorship’s Final Frontier? A Conversation with Kristen Ruby (CensorTrack with Paiten
rumble New Civil Liberties Alliance on Big Tech-Gov’t Collusion to Censor Americans (CensorTra

The Christian Science Monitor The 50 largest US charities in 2009
Mises Institute Rethinking Charity
American Thinker Why I Don't Give to Beggars
Daily Reckoning Zuckerberg's Facebook Gift is as Harmful as Crack Cocaine...

Charity - Humor
Babylon Bee Salvation Army No Longer Accepting Bills Or Coins With White People On Them

Checkpoint USA
Checkpoint USA Roadblock Revelations

Chicks on the Right
Chicks on the Right College Students Sign Petition To Support ISIS. This Is How I Know We're Doomed.

Chicago Sun-Times Roger Ebert's Journal - The gathering Dark Age (the dumbing-down of America)

Chilling Effects Clearinghouse of cease and desist orders

mrc tv Chinese Whistleblower Tells Tucker Carlson Chinese Gov't 'Intentionally' Released Virus, Says It's 'Man-Made'
Epoch Times Evidence Points to China Ramping Up Forced Organ Harvesting From Uyghurs: Expert

mrc tv ‘Woke Watching’ Christmas Classics: Why Let Lefties Have All the Fun?

City Journal The Cost of America’s Cultural Revolution

When asked by a reporter, "what do you think about Western Civilization," Mahatma Gandhi is said to have replied: "I think it would be a good idea!"
Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think. - Thomas A. Edison
American Thinker The Big Picture: Our Curiously Failing Civilization
American Thinker America Votes to End Modern Civilization
Mises Institute Three More Attacks on Civilization
Victor Davis Hanson - Private Papers Are We Becoming Medieval?
Canada Free Press The Agony of the American Nightmare - America in Chains, The Champion of Freedom is Free no more, The Night the Lights went out in America
Canada Free Press From Open Palm To Closed Fist! The last four years have been nothing more than one long bribe of the American electorate
Canada Free Press Did Civil War Just Become Inevitable? It will take nothing short of Divine Intervention or civil war to save America
Canada Free Press An angry black man
Canada Free Press Memories of Thanksgiving’s Past - Optimism drained by four years of Obama’s regime and the prospect of four more. Congress steadily marched toward a European socialist economy
Canada Free Press Showing Liberty the Door - Through propaganda, education, disinformation, indoctrination, and imposed ignorance, the political left has succeeded in subverting a segment of the American population
Double Plus Undead How Fucked Can One Country Be?
Federal Observer America Can Never Be Rebuilt
Daily Caller Defense Department guide calls Founding Fathers ‘extremist’
Truth Revolt Horowitz: The Democrats’ Second Secession & America’s New Civil War - How to look at the bizarre turn our political life has taken.
Patrick J. Buchanan Who Truly Imperils Our Free Society?
Hillsdale College - Imprimis Our Increasingly Unrecognizable Civilization
breitbart Nolte: A Drag Queen-Loving Military Can’t Defend You. Go Buy an ‘Assault’ Rifle

Clash Daily DESTROYED: Larry Elder Paper Shreds Piers Morgan Over Coddling Rachel Jeantel
Clash Daily ZIMMERMAN TRIAL: How to Make it Easy for People to Say, ‘You’re an Innocent Child’ When in Reality...
Clash Daily BOOM: Cop Pens Hilarious Letter to Kanye After He Compares His Rapping to War/Police Work

James Clear Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds

Hillary Clinton - HiLIARy - factually false when it matters, what difference does it make if Americans die
mrc tv Holy Orwell! Hillary Suggests a 'Formal Deprogramming of Cult Members,' aka Trump Supporters
Louder With Crowder Watch: Hillary Clinton Stops Pretending, Demands 'Formal Deprogramming' Of MAGA 'Cult Members'
PJ Media Hillary Clinton's Response to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Death Is Quite Deplorable
American Thinker Hillary Clinton, malevolent child
mrc tv District Court Judge Rules Hillary Clinton 'Must Answer' More Questions About Email System
Hashtag Media Rage on Hillary
National Review If Only Hillary Had Won . . .
The Charlie Daniels Band - Blog Fortunes, Foibles and Fallout
Nats Writings List of Corruption
Daily Wire WikiLeaks Drops Proof That NYTimes Colluded With Hillary Clinton
Truth Revolt Comey Initially Described Hillary’s Handling of Top-Secret E-Mails ‘Grossly Negligent' - That would’ve paved the path for actual charges. But nooooo!
mrc tv Three Stunning New Developments In the Clinton-Uranium Scandal the Media Has Totally Ignored
Louder With Crowder Dear Hillary Clinton: You Lost Because America Hates You...
Daily Wire The Complete (And Ever Expanding) List Of Hillary's Excuses For Election Loss
Truth Revolt Hillary-Voting NY Daily News Writer Tells Her: 'Shut The F**k Up And Go Away' - Can't argue with his column.
Truth Revolt Biden Mocks Hillary: Not a 'Great Candidate' - "No man or woman should announce for the presidency unless they genuinely believe that ... they are the most qualified person."
Canada Free Press Report: Hillary blames loss on Obama more than Comey, Putin. Still no mention of blaming herself - Hillary is always the victim
Canada Free Press Hillary: Lock Her Up! - Move forward with the investigation, Mr President! If all proceeds as the evidence so far leads, lock her evil crooked condescending derriere up!
ETF News JUST IN: Russia Adds Hillary Clinton To Terror Sponsor Watchlist… Trump Was Right!
Kevin Jackson Hillary Clinton’s Party Turned into a Funeral - Hillary Clinton got her ass kicked, and it was thorough! Donald Trump slapped the smirk off her face. But Hillary wasn’t the only person impacted, so we wanted to document the carnage in pictures.
WND Hillary, Huma carted off 'Muslim' files, other docs - State allowed them to classify work-related items as 'personal'
83% of likely voters believe that Hillary Clinton did something wrong.83% - McClatchy-Marist Poll
Hillary Clinton's biggest flaw is not that she routinely breaks the law like all Democrats, but that she lies so unconvincingly when caught.
Purveyor of hate and corruption.
Hillary Clinton is the Evita of Arkansas.
If you think Crooked HilLIARy Clinton fights dirty now, wait until she controls the FBI, DOJ, IRS and the rest of the government.
So many falsehoods and so little time. - Bill Whittle discussing Hillary Clinton debate
Publicly, Hillary Clinton pretends to be the warm, likeable grandmother. But privately she is a foul mouthed, short-tempered, nasty, vicious, extraordinarily abusive, maniac. I think she has bipolar, at least. - Roger Stone
And my view is that if you (Hillary Clinton) can’t run your (her) own house, you (she) certainly can’t run the White House. Can’t do it! - Michelle Obama
Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris. - Colin Powell, former Secretary of State
Put the LIAR into HiLIARy.
Bill Clinton’s problem was that he had casual relationships with other women. Hillary’s problem is she has a casual relationship with the truth. - Kellyanne Conway
I do not lie, I just don't tell the truth. - Hillary Clinton.
Hell no DNC. We won't vote for Hillary. - Bernie Sanders Supporters
Hillary will go down faster than Bill's pants - anonymous Bernie supporter
The next time you are caught committing a crime, just use the Hillary Clinton Defense. I didn't intend to commit the crime. I was simply careless. No reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.
Hillary Clinton was "extremely careless" - FBI Dir. James Comey
And being President of the United States means ... You can't be reckless." - Barack Hussein Obama
Bill and Hillary Clinton are the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics.
When asked about her accomplishment as Secretary Of State, in addition to taking bribes from the countries she negotiated with and in addition to collecting more frequent flyer miles than any other government official, Hillary Clinton replied, "I never received nor sent any material that was marked classified."
There is nothing on earth could persuade me ever to vote for Hillary Clinton. Absolutely not. She represents the political elite. It is almost as if she feels she has a divine right to have that job. - Nigel Farage, Brexit leader
While her opponent rambles incoherently and mindlessly, every phrase from Hillary’s mouth is a carefully polished imbecility. - Bill Bonner
By endorsing Hillary, Obama is telling his DOJ, "I don't want this woman indicted, no matter what the FBI finds." - Dinesh D'Souza
Hillary Clinton is the most qualified female under criminal investigation to ever run for the office of the President of the United States. - Barack Hussein Obama
Hillary Clinton - criminal-in-waiting
Polls show Hillary Clinton is the most despised democratic candidate in U.S. history. Who in the hell is voting for this woman? Dead people and illegal immigrants. - James Woods
Hillary Clinton is nuttier than Nancy Pelosi, and Pelosi is the gold standard of nuts. - James Woods
When the murder of a U.S. Ambassador s 'spun' to tip a presidential election, that's worse than Watergate. - James Woods
Hillary Clinton has been wrong on every foreign policy issue since 9/11. - Jim Webb, Democrat and former candidate for President
Syphillis is more popular than Hillary Clinton with young Democrats.
5% of New Hampshire Democrat Voters Say Hillary Clinton Is Honest, Trustworthy.
Based on her responses to inconvienient questions, Hillary Clinton's qualifications for the president of the United States is the inability to recognize top secret or important information when sent by email and the inability to remember anything that would contradict her claims of stupidity for not recognizing important information.
Hillary Clinton is more concerned about threats of violence from "white terrorists than ISIS. I suspect anyone married to Bill Clinton would feel the same way. - Cynical Pessimist
If Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America. - Donald Trump
Let us all show our approval and support by changing "Hil-Liar-y" - Cynical Pessimist
Hillary Clinton is a two faced liar. Unfortunately, both of those faces are ugly.
Hillary For Prison 2016
Hillary Clinton Successes: she successfully avoided prison in all of these scandals.
EmailGate, ChinaGate, TravelGate, WhiteWater, Vince Foster Jr Death, FileGate, Cattle-Futures, LooterGate, Drug Dealer Donor, Benghazi, Rose Law Firm, Tyson Foods, Mena Drug Smuggling, ...

Hillary Clinton Successes: She successfully ignored more than 600 requests from an American Ambassador for additonal security, thus allowing four Americans to be murdered.

Hillary Clinton Successes: She suppported the rights of these women to have affairs with her husband.
Suzanne Coleman, Gennifer Flowers, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky.
There are others that she has managed to prevent the news media from reporting on.

Hillary Clinton Successes: Under oath Hillary Clinton answered hundreds of times, "I don't know" or "I don't remember" yet she was paid millions for her memoir.

I am a real person. - Hillary Clinton
Vote For Me Or You’re a Misogynist Pig. - Hillary Clinton
Asked which enemy she was most proud of making during Tuesday night’s debate, Hillary replied, "Well, in addition to the NRA, the drug companies, the insurance companies, the Iranians, um, probably the Republicans."
It's good to know that if Hillary Clinton gets elected, unlike Barack Hussein Obama who hates all Americans, she only hates half the Americans, the Republicans.
[Hillary] Clinton, one of America’s most accomplished sociopaths - Matthew Vadum
because she was a liar ... an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality. - Jerry Zeifman (when asked why he fired Hillary Clinton)
Left wing apologists for Hillary Clinton are worried that if people watch the movie 13 Hours, it may remind voters that Hillary Clinton was never punished for not protesting the Stand Down Don't Rescue Those Americans and instead when web surfing for a video to blame for the deaths of Americans that could have been saved if she actually cared about the lives of Americans.
Hillary Clinton is a Wall Street Democrat. - Professor Cornel West
Hillary Clinton - Links
Patriot Report Hillary hates us
Daily Wire 6 Things You Need To Know About Hillary's Democratic National Convention
Daily Wire 5 Facts You Need To Know About Hillary Clinton ‘Shattering The Glass Ceiling’
Daily Wire Hillary's Sexist Attack on Donald Trump's Fat-Shaming Sexism
Daily Wire 6 INSANE Things Hillary Said In Last Night's Debate
Daily Wire Hillary, Media Say Trump's Too Sexist To Be President. These 3 Democratic Presidents Were WAY Worse.
Daily Wire Hillary's Campaign Implodes...If Anybody Cares Anymore
WND Here they are: Hillary's 22 biggest scandals ever
1) Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’
2) Covering Bill’s dirty deeds
3) Looting the White House
- 1) seats on overseas trade missions
- 2) export licenses for high technology sales to communist China and elsewhere
- 3) commissionerships and judgeships
- 4) rides on Air Force One
- 5) overnight stays in the White House’s Lincoln Bedroom
- 6) graves at Arlington Cemetery
- 7) meetings with key Clinton-Gore administration leaders
- 8) and other favors.
4) Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies
5) Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’
6) Vince Foster’s 1993 death
7) Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’
8) Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets
9) Travelgate: Always room for friends
10) Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons
11) ‘Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia
12) Hillary’s ‘missing’ law firm billing records
13) Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions
14) Hillary’s cash cows and 9,987 percent profit
15) Clinton body count: ‘You find dead people’
16) Hillary’s radical pal, Saul Alinsky
17) Hillary laughs about defending child rapist
18) Hill ca$hes in: Iranian fundraising
19) Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming
20) Benghazi: 4 American lives lost
21) Peter Franklin Paul: Another Hillary friend goes to prison
22) Watergate: Fired for being a ‘liar’
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle's Firewall: Is Hillary Guilty? - Of course the fix is in. Of course we see through it. They don’t care. They’ve got us pegged.
The Daily Wire Hillary Clinton: Too Big To Jail
The Daily Wire 6 Reasons Hillary's a Complete Political Horror Show
The Daily Wire DNC DISASTER: Hillary Now Trails Trump. Here Are 5 Reasons Why.
The Daily Wire Watch Judge Jeanine Lay Into The DNC And The 'Fundamentally Dishonest' Clintons
Truth Revolt Malkin: Iovi Et Bovi: The Teflon Hillary Standard - "What is permissible for Jove is not permissible for an ox."
Truth Revolt Horowitz: The Most Frightening Political Fix - The most breathtaking fix in American history.
Lying Crooked Hillary
YouTube "Hillary's America" Trailer | First Trailer HD
mrc tv 10 Scandals Involving Hillary Clinton You May Have Forgotten
William Jefferson Clinton Memorial Library The Clinton Crime Family Exposed
Truth Revolt Honest Campaign Ad Says What the Media Won't About Hillary - "Hillary Clinton, technically allowed to run for president."
Canada Free Press Hillary Clinton: prison cell, not Oval Office - Delusional, morally bankrupt, self-obsessed Hillary Clinton-a metaphorical modern day power-obsessed Lady Macbeth
American Thinker Hillary May Just Be Dumb
American Thinker Hillary's Qualifications
American Thinker Hillary's disqualifying defense
akdart News and Opinion about Bill and Hillary Clinton
Breitbart Five Scandals for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders that Would Sink any Republican
New York Post Hillary Clinton news more like a rap sheet
Truth Revolt SCHLICHTER: Detonate the Narrative: Questions No Mainstream Media Hack Will Ever Ask Hillary
The Daily Hillary Benghazi, Arkansas, Bill Clinton, State Department, Clinton Fondatin, Cronies, ...
The Daily Hillary Obama Throws Hillary Under The Bus
Politico A Millennial’s Guide to the Nineties - From Whitewater to Troopergate, here’s everything you don’t remember about the Clintons.
Front Page Mag Why Hillary Will Lose Again
American Thinker When Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Insulted Palestinian Culture
Daily Reckoning Regime Change, Hillary’s Head Fake
Daily Reckoning Billary Clinton and the Perfection of Consumerist Narcissism
Daily Reckoning Anything Trumps Hillary
American Thinker Hillary Cheered Broadway's Book of Mormon, Condemns Innocence of Muslims
Mises Institute The Devilish Principles of Hillarycare
Mises Institute Why Hillary Clinton Is Not Like Edward Snowden
American Thinker Oversight committee releases report on Benghazi faulting Hillary for letting top officials off the hook
Canada Free Press Hillary’s Benghazi Report (ARB) Blames Amb. Christopher Stevens
Canada Free Press Hillary’s attempt to ease Cuba restrictions didn’t go so well - An American held hostage, and apparently the Castros don't need an "excuse" to be thugs.
Mr. Conservative Judge: Hillary May Face Prosecution On Benghazi
Capitalism Institute Surreal: Hillary Hired Islamic Radical Group to "Defend" Benghazi
American Thinker Politics of Racial Division: Hillary and Obama Ignoring Genocide against Whites
American Thinker Hillary Clinton: America's Worst Secretary of State
American Thinker Hillary's damage control (of her political career)
American Thinker MSM protecting Hillary from scandal taint
American Thinker Hillary! Because What Difference Does it Make?
American Thinker Why Mrs. Clinton's Entire History Matters
American Thinker Why Hillary Will Flop
American Thinker Will Hillary Break The Criminal Conduct Glass Ceiling?
Canda Free Press Barack Obama, the Pinocchio President! Misrepresentations, denials, fabricated stories, exaggerations and out-and-out lies promulgated by President Obama, DOJ boss Eric Holder, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
New American N.Y. Times’ Benghazi Whitewash Backfires, Spotlights Obama/Clinton Coverup
Personal Liberty Digest Hillary’s Hard Choices Is Hard To Praise, Say Critics
Personal Liberty Digest Hillary Clinton, Warmonger
Yahoo! Finance Hillary Clinton Says She Isn't 'Truly Well Off'
Yahoo! News Clinton blames Islamic militants rise on Obama policies
YouTube ZoNATION: Hillary-ous Feminism
Truth Revolt Hillary Clinton: Corporations and Businesses Don't Create Jobs
Truth Revolt Internal Memo from State Dept. Shows Hilary Banning Use of Personal Email
Truth Revolt Ben Shapiro: Hillary Clinton Lies... A Lot
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: The Criminal Arrogance of Hillary Clinton
Truth Revolt Candidate of the People: Hillary's Van Parks In Handicap Spot
Truth Revolt Hillary's Failed SoS Policies Displaced 30 Million Children - Makes NO statement on World Refugee Day
Truth Revolt Time to Arrest Hillary - Arrest, not elect.
Political Insider Malkin: A Closetful of Hillary Clinton's Immigration Costumes - When it comes to immigration policy, Hillary's had more career costume changes than Katy Perry.
Truth Revolt Sheriff Clarke: No, Hillary, You're the Racist - "A classic case of the pot calling the kettle black."
Truth Revolt Prager: The Immaturity of Supporting Hillary Clinton as a Woman - Only the left claims that having members of one's gender or ethnic or racial group in political power is important.
Truth Revolt Coulter: When Do The Mothers Of Isis Speak? - Why does the Democratic platform endorse Black Lives Matter?
Truth Revolt Prager: Did #NeverTrumpers Hear Hillary Clinton's Frightening Speech? - She will finish the job her predecessor started: fundamentally transforming America, perhaps forever.
Truth Revolt Sanders Activist Found Dead After Serving Papers to DNC - And that’s not the only mysterious death as of late.
Truth Revolt FBI Agents: Hillary Routinely Breached Security and Diplomatic Protocols While SecState - And agents did not want to work with her because of it.
Truth Revolt Hillary Abruptly Ends Press Conference When Confronted with Undercover Vids - "Conspiracy theories."
Truth Revolt Malkin: A Fifth Clinton Presidency? Hill, No! - Can we long endure another four or eight more years of Clinton schlock and awfulness?
Chicks On The Right Carly Fiorina Slams Hillary Clinton For Being Totally Unoriginal and Unaccomplished. It's As Awesome As It Sounds.
Freedom's Back When Do Rules Not Apply?
Freedom's Back The Hillary Cover-Up and the End of Democracy
PJ Media Obama Urges Democrats to ‘Turn the Page,’ Abandon Hillary’s Failed Candidacy
New York Post Obama adviser behind leak of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal
Reuters Exclusive: Clinton charities will refile tax returns, audit for other errors
Response Action Network Another ding in Hillary's armor
Chicks On The Right Kate Harding Is Voting With Her Vagina, And She Wants You To Know All About It.
Chicks On The Right Open Letter To Americans Who Plan To Vote For Hillary
Business Insider Let's be honest, Hillary Clinton is a mediocre presidential candidate
mrc tv FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton's Gay Marriage Quote Shocks Students
mrc tv CNN Panel Laughs at Clinton's Changing Claims
mrc tv Lynch Meeting Suggests Bill Actually WANTS Hillary in Jail
mrc tv Galifianakis Asks Hillary: ‘What’s the Best Way to Reach You? Email?
Political Insider Hillary Clinton Calls Donald Trump a RACIST... And Trump FIRES Back in an EPIC WAY!
Canada Free Press C is for cookie, that's good enough for Hillary - Concussion, Coughing, Caskets, Conspiracy, Corruption, Communist, Clinton
Jewish World Review Trump vs. Clinton: a Risk vs. a Disaster
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Hillary Supporters Are Retarded Hypocrites And I Can Prove It

Hillary Clinton - Hillary's America
Truth Revolt Greenfield: A Frightening Preview of Hillary’s America - Dark and unaccountable.

Hillary Clinton - Debate
Truth Revolt Prager: Clinton Won on Nonsense, Trump Won on Substance - On many truly significant subjects, she said things that were actually frightening, and he said things that were actually important.

Hillary Clinton - Accomplishments
National Review The Trials of Saint Hillary
Town Hall Hillary's Email Scandal Takes Down the FBI
Truth Revolt Dick Morris Destroys Bill Clinton's Lies About Hillary in DNC Speech - Lies, omissions and half-truths.
Truth Revolt Report: FBI, DOJ Insiders Furious Over Comey, Lynch Decision Not to Prosecute Clinton - "No trial level attorney agreed, no agent working the case agreed, with the decision not to prosecute."
Truth Revolt Camille Paglia: Hillary is 'a Disaster!' - "It’s an outrage how she’s played the gender card. She is a woman without accomplishment."
Truth Revolt Columnist: If the Nation is More Important to Hillary Than Power, She Will Step Down - "It would be the most responsible thing to do."
Truth Revolt Coulter: My Final Argument for Trump - Humiliate the Media! - Hillary wakes up early in the morning to make sure she does the wrong thing for America.
Truth Revolt Unfit to Serve: New Trump Ad Highlights Hillary's Latest FBI Investigation - "Hillary Clinton - Unfit to serve."
Truth Revolt The Atlantic Asks 'Why Is Hillary So Widely Loved?' Seriously. - "Why is Hillary So Widely Reviled and Distrusted?" There, Atlantic, we fixed it for you.
Daily Wire Will Incompetence Save America From President Hillary?
YouTube HILLARY WIKILEAKS: Top 10 You Must Know
Daily Wire Hillary IMPLODES: Trump 'Took Everything...Paid Nothing To Support Us!'
Medium Yes, The Clintons Are Uniquely Corrupt: A Grand Finale Essay
Right Wing Tribune First Hunter Biden, Then Paul Pelosi Jr, Now HRC’s Chelsea C.’s $uper High Income Via Board Seats Comes To Light

Hillary Clinton - Accomplishments (insulting the majority of Americans)
basket of deplorables - standard rednecks - racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, ...
mrc tv O’Reilly on Hillary’s ‘Deplorables’ Remark: ‘That’s Lunacy,’ ‘Smears Millions’ of Americans
Truth Revolt Smug NY Times: Now That Trump Leads Hillary in Ohio, Buckeye State No Longer Important, Filled With Uneducated Whites - Is there anyone left that Hillary and her surrogates HAVEN'T disparaged?
Truth Revolt Carlson: Anti-Catholic Emails 'Infuriating" - Imagine if They Were Anti-Islam - "Catholicism is backwards in its view of gender relations? Compared to what?"
Truth Revolt Bubba: Trump Supporters 'Your Standard Rednecks' - "The other guy's base is what I grew up in."
Daily Wire Hillary Clinton Is Sorry You 'Misunderstood' Her Quip About Husbands Forcing Wives To Vote Trump - Spoiler alert: she's not actually sorry she said it, however.

Hillary Clinton - Role Model
Truth Revolt Prager: On Hillary Clinton as a Model for Young Girls - They are telling their daughters that gender solidarity is more important than moral character.
Truth Revolt Greenfield: Trump Tapes and Clinton Morals - Only the Clintons can protect our moral values.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Hillary's Climate of Hate - The choice should not be difficult.
Truth Revolt Prager: Still Think Hillary Clinton Is a Role Model for Your Daughter? - The notion that Hillary Clinton is a role model for young American women is yet another testimony to the moral decline of America.

Hillary Clinton - Racism
All Democrats agree that the Confederate Battle flag is racist when held by a Republican. I guess it isn't when supported by a Democrat.
Gateway Pundit Hillary Clinton Celebrated Confederate Flag Day Every Year as Arkansas First Lady
Daily Wire Hillary Clinton Says Blacks 'All Look Alike,' Then Laughs As Audience Applauds
Louder With Crowder Hillary Clinton: Clarence Thomas Has Always Been an Angry Black Man for as Long as I've Known Him

Hillary Clinton - Health
Hillary Clinton is perfectly healthy. Doesn't everyone have heat-related fainting spells when the temperature reaches 75 degrees?
If Hillary Clinton thinks the fawning sycophantic mainstream media are treating her unfairly compared to Donald Trump, then her sanity and her detachment from reality are much more serious issues than her physical health. - Cynical Pessimist
mrc tv Clinton: Media Coverage ‘Frustrating,’ But ‘I’m Not Asking for Any Special Treatment’
Truth Revolt Questions on Hillary's Health Loom Larger Than Ever in Wake of New Leaks - From inquiries about powerful drugs to how to treat "cracked heads" to friends asking Hillary if she's "resting comfortably."
Truth Revolt 71% of Doctors 'Seriously' Concerned About Hillary's Health, Say It Could Be Disqualifying - But they should "get a life" ... right?
Truth Revolt Bill Clinton Said Hillary ‘Frequently’ Faints, CBS Edits That Out - They don’t make White Out anymore, but the MSM still has a few bottles left.
Truth Revolt Testy Bill Clinton Tells Crowd: Hillary Just Has The Flu - Allergies, dehydration, overheating, pneumonia, the flu.. get your story straight, lefties.
Daily Wire Hillary Clinton Lies About EVERYTHING, Including Her Health
Daily Wire Doctor Admits Hillary Diagnosed With Pneumonia

Hillary Clinton - Foreign Policy
Truth Revolt Rudy Giuliani: Hillary Could Be Considered 'Founding Member' of ISIS - And as former SecState she is directly responsible for unraveling of the Middle East.
Truth Revolt Finally! Now Let's Focus on Why Hillary Approved Sale Of At Least 20% of Our Uranium to Russia - But tell us again how Trump is in cahoots with Putin....

Hillary Clinton - Foreign Policy - Support For Terrorists
Pamela Geller Hillary Gave Visa to Egyptian TERRORIST

Hillary Clinton - Lawlessness - Criminal Activity
Drug Dealer Donor
Rose Law Firm
Tyson Foods
Mena Drug Smuggling
1975 to 2001numerous scandals
WhiteWater - real estate fraud
Paula Jones
Monica Lewinsky
Vince Foster Jr Death
Juanita Broaddrick
1997 to present Clinton Foundation - conflict of interest and disclosures
2001 to present million dollar speeches
2009-01 to 2013-02 conflict of interest
2009 to 2013 EmailGate
2009 to 2013 Sidney Blumenthal
2012-09-11 to present Benghazi
There should be no bank too big to fail and no individual too big to jail (except me). - Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton who violated the Espionage Act by using a private email server for government business and expects to get away with it because the Barack Hussein Obama Department Of InJustice will never prosecute a Democrat, is now complaining that even though she is above the law, low level government officials should be forced to obey the law.
True Pundit Breaking Bombshell: NYPD Blows Whistle On New Hillary Emails: Moneh Laundering, Sex Crimes With Children, Child Exploitation, Pay To Play, Purjury
Truth Revolt Pentagon: Hillary Should Be Arrested for Leaking Nuclear Intelligence During Debate - "What she did compromises our national security. She is cavalier and reckless and in my opinion should be detained and questioned."
Daily Wire Hillary Could Shoot A Puppy, And The Media Wouldn't Care
Daily Reckoning Hillary Says "F You" Again
Daily Wire 4 Reasons Republicans Are Right To Chant ‘Lock Her Up’ About Hillary Clinton
Daily Wire The Clinton Foundation's 7 Worst Scandals
Mises Institute The Political Class vs. the Rest of Us
Washington Examiner The dirty two dozen: Clinton's top controversies
Atlantic From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer
Truth Revolt Hillary on Kim Davis: Officials Should 'Uphold the Law'
Truth Revolt ELECTION PRIMER: Bill Whittle's 'The Criminal Arrogance of Hillary Clinton' - Lawlessness is endemic in this administration. But beyond the lawlessness is, of course, the contempt.
Truth Revolt Hillary's Libya: Number of ISIS Fighters in Beleaguered Country Doubles - It's now the largest ISIS branch outside Iraq and Syria.
Truth Revolt Comey Found Pattern of Negligence in Hillary's Actions as FLOTUS and SecState - My, how things haven't changed.
Truth Revolt Claim: Clintons 'Got Rich' Off Poor Haitians Following Earthquake Tragedy - "This is Hillary's America."
Truth Revolt WATCH: Chris Christie Puts Hillary on Trial in RNC Speech - Guilty!
Truth Revolt Report: IRS Says it Referred Clinton Foundation Charges for Investigation - Referred, however, does not mean it will actually investigate.
Truth Revolt Hillary Clinton Broke These Four Laws Over Private Email, Says Former AG - One "that General Petraeus was convicted of."
Truth Revolt More Pay-to-Play Emails Reveal Top Clinton Foundation Exec Sought Diplomatic Passports From Huma - Do voters even care about the corruption at this point?
American Thinker Hillary Decides What’s Top Secret, What’s Not
American Thinker Hillary Clinton -- Career Criminal
The Week Why 'Crooked Hillary' is likely to stick
Federalist Bombshell: FEC Records Indicate Hillary Campaign Illegally Laundered $84 Million -The mainstream media took no notice of a federal court filing that exposes a $84 million money-laundering conspiracy Democrats executed during the 2016 presidential election.
TVRTinfo Clinton Foundation Cargo Ship Raided At Port Of Baltimore Reveals Sick Secret
Daily Wire GOP Senators Say Hillary, DNC Colluded With Ukraine To Undermine Trump Campaign, Press DOJ To Probe
Daily Wire BOMBSHELL: Audio, Email Evidence Shows DNC Colluded With Ukraine To Boost Hillary By Harming Trump, Report Says

Hillary Clinton - Supporters
Truth Revolt San Francisco Bay Area Rages Against Trump Victory - We're going to see a lot of this over the next four years.
Hillary Clinton in a speech recently caracterized her supporters as: grievance-mongers, ne'er-do-wells and people who believe they are victims, who believe government has an obligation to take care of them.
At the Democratic National Convention, former President Bill Clinton spoke about the love of his life, his wife Hillary Clinton, who he cheats on whenever he can.
In a show of democratic solidarity for Hillary Clinton, Bernie supporters held up signs saying, LIAR and chanted Lock Her Up
Pamela Geller Donald Trump Rape Accuser Sees Tables Turned: ‘Not Telling the Truth’
WND Just in case, impeach Hillary plans ready - Congressman details bold move before Clinton swearing-in if elected
Washington Examiner The fact-checkers keep destroying fact-checking
Investors Business Daily Media To Voters: Drop Dead, We're Getting Hillary Elected
Front Page Mag Hillary’s Greatest Nightmare is Coming True - No one likes her.
Truth Revolt Obama Campaigns for Trump - "That's some politics being played by Hillary Clinton."
Ann Coulter When Do The Mothers Of Isis Speak?
Daily Wire 5 Reasons Obama's Big Speech Won't Help Hillary. At All.
1. The Speech Was About Obama.
2. Obama Lied About His Record.
3. Obama Lied About Hillary.
4. Obama’s Popularity Isn’t Transferable.
5. Obama Lied About What He’s Done To America
Daily Wire Leftist Filmmaker Uploads Video Showing His Shock At Just How Empty The DNC Is
Daily Wire 3 Things You Need To Know About The Orlando Jihadist Dad Showing Up At Hillary's Rally
Daily Wire Hillary Surrogate Hilariously FAILS to Explain Hillary on Sanctuary Cities, Email
Truth Revolt James O'Keefe Exposes More Democratic Disunity - "At this point, what difference does it make?"
Daily Wire Bill Clinton Blows It. Oops, Poor Choice Of Words.
Daily Wire 'Don't Let Anyone Ever Tell You That This Country Isn't Great,' Says Michelle Obama, Who Once Said She Wasn't Proud Of Her Country
Daily Wire Media Defend Hillary, Call Trump Supporters 'Deplorables.' If That's True, So Are Lots of Democrats.
Daily Wire To Rally Youth Vote, Hillary Recruits...Al Gore. Yes, Seriously.
Daily Wire Obama DOJ Drops Charges Against Arms Dealer Who Threatened to Expose Hillary
Daily Wire How Barack Obama Destroyed Hillary Clinton
National Review Obama's Final Revenge: The Accidental Destruction of Hillary Clinton
Breitbart FBI Director James Comey: We Will Not Indict Hillary Clinton Even Though There is ‘Evidence’ of Violations
Truth Revolt Hillary Supporters Literally Speechless on Her Accomplishments - "I really can’t name anything off the top of my head."
Truth Revolt Video: Hillary Supporters Struggle to Name Her Accomplishments - "Being a lawyer - that's super hard to achieve."
Truth Revolt Hillary's Terror-Tied Aide Had Full Access to Benghazi E-Mails - "Allah is our objective"
Truth Revolt Trump: Under Prez Hillary, 'We Will Have a Crime Wave Like You've Never Seen.' - "Hillary'd be a terrible President."
Truth Revolt Dice Video: Hillary Voters Support Repealing Bill of Rights - "You can’t have the rules of yesteryear now..."
Truth Revolt Eric Holder: 'Progressive' Hillary Best to 'Protect Obama Legacy' - She's an "agent of change."
Truth Revolt Only Six People Greet Hillary at Texas Airport, She Ignores Them - She doesn't even feign interest...
Truth Revolt Hollywood Women Avoid Giving to Hillary - Staying away in droves
Truth Revolt Emcee of African-Americans for Hillary Event Used Anti-Gay, Anti-Semitic Slurs - But we thought Hillary was a friend to the LGBT and Jewish communities...
Truth Revolt Hookers for Hillary! - Bunny Ranch workers pimp Hillary.
Truth Revolt Hillary Endorsed by KKK Leader, Media Look the Other Way - "Once she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out and her true colors are going to show."
Truth Revolt DNC Defends Hill's Email Abuse - Wasserman Schultz declares investigation "ludicrous."
Truth Revolt Trump Slams 'Pocahontas' Warren - False claim to Native American heritage.
Truth Revolt Convenient: State Department Seeks 27-Month Delay in Releasing Thousands of Clinton Foundation Emails - It's like they're going out of their way to look guilty.
Truth Revolt The Counsel Hillary Keeps: Son of Advisor Sidney Blumenthal Defames Elie Wiesel - He is pure hate.
Truth Revolt Trust Hillary? Bernie Won't Say - Refuses direct question on matter of trust.
Truth Revolt Report: Bill Clinton Received Millions From World’s Largest Sharia Law Education Group - That's comforting...
Truth Revolt Terrorist Omar Mateen's Father Comes Out in Support of Hillary - He said he agrees with "everything" she says.
Truth Revolt Reporter to State Dept Dodging Clinton Question: ‘Am I Not Speaking English?’ - Bravo, Matt, bravo!
Truth Revolt Clinton Aide Worked for Mag That Blamed America for 9/11 - Huma worked for radical Muslim publication.
Truth Revolt Hillary Campaign Chairman Tied to Russian Lobby - Podesta Group did Putin PR work.
Truth Revolt Billionaire Clinton Foundation Donor on Terror No-Fly List, Denied US Entry - "He's key guy there and to us..."
Truth Revolt Communist Party Endorses Hillary, Media Crickets Ensue - Too busy reporting on Trump and the KKK.
Truth Revolt Goldman Sachs Enacts Rule Prohibiting Partners From Contributing to Trump - But somehow it's OK to contribute to Hillary....
Truth Revolt FLASHBACK: Michelle O Slams Hillary as Unfit for Presidency - Now a major supporter!
Truth Revolt Lesbian Trump Supporter to Robby Mook: 'You're a Disgrace' - "Reporting from my basket..."
Truth Revolt VIDEO: SJW Woman Loses Her Mind During Traffic Stop After Flipping Off Trump Supporter - A Hillary supporter’s true colors come shining through!
Truth Revolt ‘Dilbert’ Creator Switches Vote to Trump: Clinton Proposes ‘Robbery by Government’ - "Fairness is an argument for idiots and children.
Truth Revolt Desperate? Hillary Camp Gives Out Handwritten Signs at Rally as if Attendees Brought Them - We knew enthusiasm for Hillary was low, but this takes the cake.
Truth Revolt Video: Huma Abedin's Terrorist Ties to 9/11 Funders - Hillary: "If I had a second daughter, it would be Huma."
Truth Revolt Shocker: Hillary Winning Muslim Vote by a Landslide - 72 percent lead
Truth Revolt Obama Plays Sexism Card for Hillary: It Will Plague Her Entire Presidency - From the man who played the race card for the last eight years.
Truth Revolt 2-Terabyte Drive of Bill Clinton White House Data Stolen from National Archives - The Clintons: shrouded in mystery.
Truth Revolt Jill Stein: Hillary Means Nuclear War - Hillary's war-mongering "is a mushroom cloud waiting to happen."
Truth Revolt Glazov Gang: Top 10 Reasons Huma Abedin Should Terrify You - What happens if Hillary wins the election and the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Abedin becomes Chief of Staff?
Truth Revolt Clinton Foundation Head Said Chelsea Used It to Fund Multi-Million Dollar Wedding, Lifestyle - "Not smart..."
mrc tv Report: Hillary Email Story Leaked by Closest Obama Adviser to Sabotage Nomination Run
mrc tv Obama: President 'Can't Be Reckless' - FBI Dir.: Clinton Was 'Extremely Careless'
mrc tv Sarah Silverman, Al Franken Fail to Laugh Off Anti-Hillary Chants of 'Bernie!'
Western Journalism Watch: Hillary Supporters Get Asked A Very Simple Question - Their Responses Say It All
Project Veritas HIDDEN CAM: Lovefest Between Top Clinton Aide Huma Abedin and Syrian Refugees
National Review The Clinton Foundation Reeks of Crooks, Thieves, and Hoods
wizbang Google Is Suppressing The Search Term "Crooked Hillary" By Pretending It Doesn’t Exist
Fox News Wall Street for Hillary?:Clinton has $48.5M in hedge fund backing, compared to Trump's $19K
mrc tv Clinton Supporter Sets American Flag on Fire, Assaults Senior Citizen
Breitbart Khizr Khan Believes the Constitution ‘Must Always Be Subordinated to the Sharia’
Dr. Rich Swier Letter from a Blue Star Mother to the Muslim Gold Star father that spoke at the DNC
Daily Reckoning Is Janet Yellen in Bed With Hillary?
American Thinker FBI's 302 Report Proves Complicity in Clinton Email Scandal
Town Hall Hillary Clinton Sees Her Own Voters as the 47 Percent
Legal Insurrection Did Top State Official Try To Bribe FBI To Reclassify Emails?
American Spectator The Nastiness of the Clinton Campaign - How will she govern having made so many new enemies?
Jewish World Review Hillary Ads Reaching Out To Stupid Women
Times Wikileaks: Mexican Drug Kingpin, El Chapo, Donated 15M to Clinton Foundation
mrc tv Chinese Ambassador & Propaganda Outlet Praise Hillary Clinton For Pushing 'Racist' Trump Virus Response

Hillary Clinton - Supporting Voting Fraud
Do whatever you can get away with. - Christina Gupana, a Hillary Clinton supporting Las Vegas attorney advising voter registrars to break the law
We’ve been bussing people in to deal with you fuckin’ assholes [Republicans] for fifty years and we’re not going to stop now, we’re just going to find a different way to do it. - Scott Foval, the National Field Director for Americans United for Change
Time Magazine Conservative Sting Video Goes Inside Clinton Campaign Training
Project Veritas Hidden Cameras Capture Clinton Campaign Staff in Nevada not Only Skirting the Law but Mocking it
Truth Revolt Clinton Voter Fraud Live on C-SPAN? - Sanders wins! No, wait... (distractions) Clinton wins!!
Truth Revolt Video Shows Hillary Supporters Voting in Nevada Caucus Without Registering - "They’re letting them into the caucus right now without registering them," said one woman.
Truth Revolt Nearly 85,000 Progressives Sign Petition Demanding Bill Clinton’s Arrest for 'Egregious' Campaign Law Violations - How's that monster the Left created?
Truth Revolt Petition to Arrest Bill Clinton Close to 100,000 Signatures - "The people are tired of the Clinton's breaking the laws and walking away winners when they have clearly cheated!"
Truth Revolt WATCH: Hillary Voter Registration Fraud Captured in Nevada - "Stand Up to Trump! Register to Vote"
Zerohedge New Evidence Links Voting Machines And Clinton Foundation

Hillary Clinton - Speaking Lies For Power - War On Truth
Red State Prayers for Jonathan Turley After His Definitive Takedown of Hillary’s Latest ‘but My Emails’ Defense
I didn't lie. I just didn't tell the truth. - Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton said, "We Will NOT Build a Wall." What she didn't say but was obvious to the cameras, "We will not build a wall to protect Americans from illegal invaders. However, we built walls to protect the the political elite at the Democratic National Convention from undocumented delegate without the proper ID."
Liberty Blitzkrieg Video of the Day - Watch Hillary Clinton Lie for 13 Minutes Straight
Daily Mail EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton’s lover - before and AFTER his marriage - tells how 'lumpy' Hillary with her 'fat ankles and hair on her toes' schemed to get her to LIE on 60 Minutes about Bill's other affairs
mrc tv Hillary Clinton: ‘We Will NOT Build a Wall’
YouTube Ben Shapiro: Hillary Clinton Lies... A Lot
Truth Revolt Watch Hillary Clinton Lie for 13 Minutes Straight - Liar, liar, pantsuit on fire.
Louder With Crowder 5 Times the Clintons Have Blatantly Lied to the Press
Hot Air Hillary to CNN: I was never subpoenaed. Gowdy: Um, here’s the subpoena
Truth Revolt Gowdy: Hillary Got Three Subpoenas
Truth Revolt Clinton Told Chelsea Truth, Lied to American People on Benghazi - Called Benghazi an attack by terror group
Truth Revolt Exit Poll: 5% of NH Democrat Voters Say Hillary Clinton Is Honest, Trustworthy - 93% view opponent Sanders as honest.
Truth Revolt Gallup: 'Liar' Most Common Word Used to Describe Hillary - Again - Americans felt exactly the same eight years ago.
Truth Revolt Hillary's 'We Made History' Photo a Lie - "Guess you didn't get the memo..."
Truth Revolt Hillary Fundraises Off... Wait For It... Being Victim of MEDIA BIAS! - Now that's chutzpah.
Truth Revolt Oops! Hillary Demands Prez Have ‘Rock Solid Steadiness’ Days Before Collapse - It’s time to step aside.
Truth Revolt Hillary: I'm the 'Most Transparent' Presidential Candidate Ever - If by "most" she means "least," then we agree.
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle's Firewall: The Clinton Lie Ratchet - It's useful to recognize and understand the pattern that Hillary and Bill revert to when confronted with unflattering evidence.
Truth Revolt Greenfield: They Knew: The End of the Clinton Lies Begins - There’s only one lie left.
Daily Wire Pathological Liar Hillary Says AGAIN That FBI Called Her 'Consistent And Truthful'
Daily Wire Clintons Promise They'll Be Honest If Elected. You're A Fool To Believe Them.

Hillary Clinton - Speaking Lies For Power - War On Truth - Russian Collusion - Russian Delusion
Law Enforcement Today Declassified: Report suggests Obama-Biden administration knew of Hillary Clinton’s possible Russia-hoax involvement
Daily Wire Hillary Clinton: Tulsi Gabbard A ‘Russian Asset’ Being Groomed For Third-Party Run
Daily Wire Tulsi Gabbard Gets Lawyers Involved, Accuses Hillary Of Defamation, Demands Retraction
mrc tv Durham Indicts Primary Source of 'Steele Dossier' for 'Making False Statements to the FBI'

Hillary Clinton - Speaking Lies For Power - War On Truth - Global Warming Hypocrisy
Truth Revolt Hill Boards Private Gas Guzzling Plane After Global Warming Speech - Pushes global warming agenda moments before taking private flight

Hillary Clinton - Speaking Lies For Power - War On Truth - Lawlessness - email - National Security Scandal
FBI Director James Comey just announced in an entirely non-political way that because Hillary Clinton is a female and a Democrat, it doesn't matter how many laws she broke, only a sexist right wing crazy would want to prosecute her for her crimes.
There should be no bank too big to fail and no individual too big to jail (except me). - Hillary Clinton
Ambassador Stevens sent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton more than 600 emails requesting beefed up security. She never saw any of them. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton answered every email Hollywood actor Ben Affleck sent to her. I guess Ambassador Stevens didn't contribute enough to her campaign or wasn't famous enough to deserve an answer to his emails.
In the recent debate, we heard that Hillary is tired of hearing about her email. So are the American public. We just want to see her arrested, convicted and imprisoned for her multiple felonies including gross negligence under the Espionage Act as well as Obstruction of Justice, ....
In the recent debate, we heard that Hillary is tired of hearing about her email. Since the Department of Injustice will likely not prosecute her for her federal crimes, she will have to get used to the American people talking about her lawlessnes.
By the way, you may have seen that I recently launched a Snapchat account. I love it. I love it. Those messages disappear all by themselves. - Hillary Clinton
Richard Nixon was a piker. He only deleted 18 minutes from one tape. I deleted 30,000 messages. - Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton, smart enough to set up her own email server, but dumb enough that neither she or anybody on her staff was able to figure out what classified meant.
Hillary has spent her entire life attempting to avoid blowback from a rogue weiner - her husband’s. Who would have ever thought her presidential campaign would be laid low by another rogue Weiner? - Ben Shapiro
The first shot of the second civil war has just been fired by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Judicial Watch Judicial Watch Victory: Court Grants Significant New Discovery in Clinton Email Case
Dan Bongino Show Clinton Email Scandal Not Over, New FBI Failure Uncovered
YouTube Trey Gowdy's Furious "What Happened To Hillary Clinton's 14,000 Emails?"
Truth Revolt FBI Sources: Moving Towards 'Likely an Indictment' in Clinton Foundation Case - And they're 99% certain that her server was hacked by foreign sources... at least five times!
Daily Wire 7 Things You Need To Know About The FBI's Renewed Hillary Investigation
Daily Wire BREAKING: FBI Found Hillary Emails On Weiner Electronic Device
Daily Wire Team Hillary: Yeah, Hillary 'Wanted To Get Away With It'
Truth Revolt Wallace and Bernstein: Reopening Hillary Investigation a 'Bombshell" - "You know he didn’t want to do this, ... go back to these committees and announce this... fully aware of the bombshell effect it would have.
Truth Revolt Left-Wing Hypocrisy: Clinton Employee Handbook Forbids Staff to Use Private Email - Do as I say, not as I do.
Truth Revolt UPDATED: More Damning Podesta Email Leaks Emerge, MSM Ignores - State Department colluded with Associated Press to plant distorted story on Hillary emails.
Canada Free Press Was the Fix in on FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton’s Emails? - It is clear that the FBI did hold Mrs. Clinton and her aides to a different standard-one which gives a free pass to lies and corruption
Canada Free Press FBI notes prove Hillary crony Mills lied about server, and investigators knew it - Comey's response is Clintonian: "I don't remember."
Daily Wire 5 Reasons James Comey's FBI Investigation of Hillary is a Total Joke
Daily Wire FBI: Hillary Deleted 30 Emails About Benghazi
Daily Wire Did Hillary Clinton's Email Server Get An Iranian Spy Killed?
Daily Wire Democrats Try to Slam Trump For Saying He Hopes Putin Has Hillary’s Emails. There’s Just One SMALL Problem.
Truth Revolt Hillary Used Special Tool to Wipe Homebrewed Server - It was not a cloth.
Federalist Donald Trump Just Got Hillary Clinton To Admit Her E-mails Are A ‘National Security Issue’ - "This has gone from being a curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security issue."
Affluent Invstor FBI Admits Clinton Wrongdoing But Won’t Press Charges
Daily Reckoning Hillary Beats the Rap!
mrc tv Video-Fmr. U.S. Atty.: I'd Indict Clinton; Comey's Comments 'Over the Line'
anti-media This Man Was Charged After Committing Same Crimes as Hillary Clinton
anti-media Oops: When Clearing Clinton, FBI Accidentally Proved She Committed Perjury
The Daily Wire Yes, Hillary Had 'Intent' Under Law. Comey Lied. She Should Be Prosecuted.
AP AP FACT CHECK: Clinton email claims collapse under FBI probe
Truth Revolt Horowitz: The Most Frightening Political Fix - The most breathtaking fix in American history.
Truth Revolt AP Fact-Checks Hillary's Lies: Her Story 'Collapses' Under Scrutiny - She escaped legal ramifications; will she escape the court of public opinion?
Breitbart FBI Director James Comey: We Will Not Indict Hillary Clinton Even Though There is ‘Evidence’ of Violations
YouTube Clinton Emails On Film - Bryan Pagliano's deposition
YouTube Clinton Emails On Film - Stephen Mull's Deposition
YouTube Clinton Emails On Film - Cheryl Mills' Deposition
Truth Revolt Hillary IT Staffer Pleads 5th Amendment 125+ Times - "...a sad day for government transparency."
Truth Revolt Clinton Staffer Refused Every Question Regarding Private Server - He sounded like a broken record.
Truth Revolt Internal Battle at Kremlin Over Release of Hillary's Top Secret Emails - "Should Clinton’s top secret emails be released more damage to Russian peoples could be done."
YouTube Hillary Clinton is Going to Prison
American Thinker With new email release, total of classified emails on Hillary’s unsecured server reaches 1,818
Hot Air Former Attorney General: Clinton may have "disqualified herself for elected office"
Truth Revolt HROD17: Hillary Email Claim Proves False - This directly contradicts Clinton's claim that she used only one email address as Secretary of State.
Truth Revolt Clinton Emails Discuss Weapons in Benghazi - Blumenthal release raises more questions
Truth Revolt Axelrod Knew About Hill's Emails! - Documents tell a different story from his public statements
Truth Revolt Hillary Finally Turns Over Email Server - Too Bad It's Blank - How did THAT happen?
Truth Revolt MSNBC Liberals Turn On Clinton - Want answers on email scandal
Truth Revolt Report: 60 Clinton Emails Flagged as Classified
Truth Revolt Clinton Aide: Don't Know What Wiped Means
Truth Revolt Busted! Hillary Can't Decide Whether Her Lawyers Deleted Her Emails or She Did - Both. Neither. No wait ... Bush!
Truth Revolt CIA Confirms Hillary Emails Contained 'Top Secret' Info - Clinton Campaign says investigation "hampered by bureaucratic infighting among the intelligence community"
Truth Revolt Employee at Hillary Server Company: 'Covering Up Some Shady Sh*t' - The company was told to reduce the data backed up from the server.
Truth Revolt Clinton Advisor Emails On Benghazi to be Released - Shows Blumenthal stood to gain financially from war.
Truth Revolt Rubio Destroys Charlie Rose's Defense of Hillary's Benghazi Lies - Watch Rubio have Rose for lunch.
Truth Revolt FBI Expands Probe of Clinton Emails - Same statute of law that landed Martha Stewart in jail.
Truth Revolt FBI Steps Up Clinton Email Probe - Legal questions have not stopped
Truth Revolt Clinton's Weasel Word Emails on Benghazi - Playing semantics while Americans die.
Truth Revolt Is Hillary Manipulating the Investigation Into Her Email Server? - Hillary doing something shady? Nah.
Truth Revolt Clinton's E-mail Cover Is So Full of Holes, Even the NYT Noticed - Well, noticed as in, 'Let's do a really soft takedown.'
Truth Revolt Clinton Email Dump May Show Law Broken - State Dept. drops docs in the middle of the night
Truth Revolt Hill-arious: Clinton Still Laughing About E-mail Scandal - But she's just SO relatable, right?
Truth Revolt BREAKING: State Dept Won't Release 22 of Hillary's Emails Because They Are, Get This, TOP SECRET - Yeah, remember how she wasn't handling classified material?
Truth Revolt Cruz Ad Mocks Clinton Email Server Problem - "Damn, it feels good to be a Clinton."
Truth Revolt Hillary Clinton Broke These Four Laws Over Private Email, Says Former AG - One "that General Petraeus was convicted of."
Truth Revolt Clinton Lied About Email Server, Again! - Latest proof Clinton isn't telling the truth
Truth Revolt Clinton Server Breached by Romanian Hacker: 'It was Easy' - "... for everybody."
Truth Revolt IG Report: Clinton Broke the Rules
Truth Revolt Media Uninterested in Possible Hillary Email Leak of CIA Names - #valerieplame
Truth Revolt Security Protocols Were Disabled on Hillary Clinton's Server - "We were attacked again so I shut it down for a few min."
Truth Revolt Powell: Real Risk is Blackmail, Not Just Interference with U.S. Politics - Voters now face the possibility that Hillary’s email scandal has legs with lasting consequences.
Truth Revolt New Emails Reveal Clinton Foundation Official Asked Favors of Hillary’s State Department - The proof keeps mounting, but the media and willfully blind voters just don't care.
Truth Revolt While MSM Ignores, Here Are the Most Damning Podesta Email Leaks So Far - But let's see what Gloria Allred has sniffed out about Trump instead...
Truth Revolt Retired CIA Officer Explains Why Hillary's Emails Matter - This is for anyone you know who still doesn't "get it."
Yahoo! News Newly disclosed Hillary Clinton emails may undercut her earlier claims
Fox News Benghazi night call between Clinton and Obama withheld, documents show
mrc tv Forget Legality, Hillary's Personal Emails May Have Compromised National Security
mrc tv FLASHBACK: Sec. Clinton Blasted Cyber-Sloppiness While Sharing Gov't Secrets on Personal Server
mrc tv Hypocrisy of Marine Hero Being Forced Out for Smaller Classified Email Infraction Than Hillary's Exposed by Liberal Website
mrc tv Perjury? Defense Dept. Finds Hillary Work Emails Never Turned Over
mrc tv Walls Closing in on Hillary? FBI Grabs Second Email Server
mrc tv Megyn Kelly: Media IGNORED ‘Bombshell’ Email at Benghazi Hearing, Left Clinton ‘Unscathed’
mrc tv Gov't Review Confirms Hillary Had Top Secret Material on Personal Email Server
American Thinker Hillary's private server emails contained info from 5 intelligence agencies
American Thinker Hillary's Email: It's a Felony!
American Thinker Petraeus Prosecuted -- Why not Hillary?
Political Mavens So, how did Sec. of State Hillary Clinton get her classified messages?
Judicial Watch Judicial Watch Obtains New Huma Abedin Emails from Server
Doug Ross @ Journal Clinton Emailed Identity Of Top CIA Asset Over Unsecure Server
Fox News Gov. Palin: I faced tough questions over email, so should Hillary Clinton
Breitbart Gross Negligence? Report Suggests Hillary Clinton Violated The Espionage Act
mrc tv President Bill Clinton Lost One Million Emails: The First Clinton Email Scandal
New York Post Clinton directed her maid to print out classified materials
Daily Wire 'Final Batch' Of Emails Clinton Tried To 'Delete Or Destroy' Uncovered: Contain More Classified Material
Daily Wire Report: FBI Had An ‘Oh S---’ Moment When They Discovered Hillary Clinton’s Emails On Anthony Weiner’s Laptop
American Wire State Department Concludes Clinton Email Review, Says It Found Nearly 600 Security Violations

Hillary Clinton - Speaking Lies For Power - War On Truth - Four Dead In Benghazi
Hillary Clinton - the Butcher of Benghazi
"... we came up with a way of supporting their efforts that did not cost a single American life (since I don't care about the 4 dead in Benghazi). - Hillary Clinton
Democratic voters are not going to reject Mrs. Clinton even if she were to admit that she had flown to Benghazi and joined Al Qaeda in the attack. - Erick Erickson
mrc tv Benghazi Report SHOCKERS: Rescue Delayed by Wardrobe Worries, Cover-up Preceded Victims' Deaths
Truth Revolt Damning House Benghazi Report Released, Obama Admin Still Blames Video - "It's time to move on," says Hillary.
Truth Revolt Trump Online Attack Ad on Benghazi - Calls Hillary a liar over terrorist attack.
American Thinker Hillary declares the 4 dead at Benghazi compound non-persons
Truth Revolt Hillary: 'We Didn't Lose a Single Person' in Libya - We lost FOUR people in Libya.
Truth Revolt Benghazi Victim’s Mother Screams 'Hillary Is a Liar!' After Watching '13 Hours' - Smith later said she wants to see Hillary in jail for her actions.
Truth Revolt Benghazi Movie Brings Back "Stand Down" Controversy - Democrats circle around Hillary
Truth Revolt EMAIL SHOCKER: Troops Were Ready to Deploy to Benghazi - Email from Pentagon to Hillary's staff shows the truth
Truth Revolt Megyn Kelly's Definitive Dismantling Of Benghazi Lies - This is why we have journalists.
Truth Revolt Hillary Knew Benghazi Was a Terror Attack, Not a Spontaneous Protest - Did she keep to herself to ensure Obama's reelection?
Truth Revolt Clinton Email Shows Amb. Stevens Was Worried About Libyan Security - Clinton's unsecured emails "definitely increased risk."
Truth Revolt Hillary Emails Reveal She Didn’t Know Murdered Ambassador’s Name - "She actually got BOTH names of the dead wrong."
Truth Revolt [WATCH] Fiorina: Hillary 'Has Blood on Her Hands' over Benghazi
Truth Revolt Mother of Benghazi Victim Erupts at Hillary: ‘She’s Lying!’ - "[Hillary] has not given me any information except to tell me I am not a member of the immediate family and do not need to know."
Truth Revolt Hillary: Mother of Murdered Benghazi Victim 'Absolutely Wrong' to Call Me a Liar - Does she really wish to go this route?
Truth Revolt Short-Term Memory: Hillary Forgets Four Americans Died in Benghazi - Shameful.
Truth Revolt Benghazi Vet Says Special Operators Will 'Leave Military' if Hillary Elected
Truth Revolt Benghazi Dad Fires Back At Hillary: Maybe Head Injury Affected Her Memory - Touché.
Response Action Network Hillary Lied about Benghazi
American Thinker Not everyone was swooning over Hillary's Benghazi testimony
American Thinker How can you have a serious inquiry with one party in the tank for the witness?
Canada Free Press Hillary sure gets a kick out of Ambassador Stevens’s wacky sense of humor, huh?
Canada Free Press Hillary: I Didn’t Blame Benghazi On The YouTube Video - Four pinocchios for the pantsuit
mrc tv WATCH: Clinton Claims She Never Got Any of the 600 Security Requests from Libya
Clinton Suggests Benghazi Victims' Relatives Are Lying
mrc tv Benghazi Survivors Respond to Clinton Suggestion That Victim Families Were Lying

Hillary Clinton - Speaking Lies For Power - War On Truth - Illegal Alien Invasion
mrc tv President Obama Agreed To Ban Refugees In 2011
Truth Revolt Hillary: ‘We’ve Done a Really Good Job Securing The Border’ - "Immigration from not happening anymore."
American Thinker Clinton claims our border is secure

Hillary Clinton - War On Gays
Hillary Clinton supports gay rights. She supports their right to be thrown off of buildings in Muslim countries. - Cynical Pessimist
Truth Revolt Trump: Hillary Takes Money from Countries that Throw Gays Off Buildings - Should she give back the money?
Truth Revolt Will Hillary Return the Millions Donated to Her From Countries That Kill Gays? - No.
Fox News Rights groups silent as Clinton Foundation takes millions from countries that imprison gays

Hillary Clinton - War On Women
All women claiming to be attacked by men deserve to be believed. Unless their attacker is Bill Clinton (Hillary's husband).
Ann Coulter Every Rape Victim Deserves To Be Heard -- Except By Hillary Clinton
Truth Revolt New Rape PAC to Give Platform to Bill and Hillary's 'Victims' - Poetic justice.
Truth Revolt WATCH: Hillary Supporters Aghast Learning She Paid Women Less
Truth Revolt Hillary’s Women's Empowerment Project Accepted $5 Million From Sexual Abuser - "I think the Clinton Foundation would accept anything from anybody and close their eyes where the money comes from."
Truth Revolt Harassment Complaints at State Dept. Spike Nearly 300% Under Clinton, Kerry - "A disclosure that could have political implications for election campaigns."
Truth Revolt Fmr Clinton Aide Kathleen Willey: Hillary 'Is the War on Women' - "This woman wrote the book on terrorizing women."
Truth Revolt Hillary Thinks It's Hilarious That Man Wants to 'Strangle' Carly Fiorina - The real War on Women continues ...
Truth Revolt BACKLASH: Hillary says Sex Assaults Victims Must Be Believed - Tweet draws outrage
Truth Revolt Woman Slammed as 'Heckler' by Hillary, MSM a Rape Survivor - Apparently only liberal survivors of rape are to be taken into consideration.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Chris Matthews' Hillary Amnesia - Matthews has been scoffing at Trump's description of Hillary as an "enabler" of her husband's serial abuse of women.
Truth Revolt Clinton Foundation Pays Men 38% More than Women - "It is way past time to end the outrage of so many women still earning less than men on the job," says Hillary.
Truth Revolt Remember When Hillary Thought Bill and 'the Other Woman' Was Funny? - Hill-arious!
Truth Revolt Coulter: Every Rape Victim Deserves to be Heard - Except by Hillary - The central theme of Hillary's campaign is the biggest lie of all.
Truth Revolt Leftist Media Finally Notices Juanita Broderick - Buzzfeed says she just wants to be believed.
Truth Revolt Giuliani: For Trusting Bill, Hillary is 'Too Stupid to be President' - "Her husband disgraced this country with what he did in the Oval Office and she didn’t just stand by him, she attacked Monica Lewinsky."
Truth Revolt Hypocrisy Alert: Hillary Paid Female Staffers Much Less Than Men - Wait a second... isn’t she supposed to be FOR women?
Breitbart EXCLUSIVE-Kathleen Willey Thanks Donald Trump for Highlighting Bill Clinton’s History with Women, Urges More Victims to Come Forward
Breitbart EXCLUSIVE - Clinton’s Alleged Ex-Lover: Hillary a ‘Terrorist,’ ‘Sex Addict’ Bill Told Me He Had 2,000 Women
Ann Coulter Trump's Problem With Women
Daily Mail EXCLUSIVE: Child rape victim comes forward for the first time in 40 years to call Hillary Clinton a 'liar' who defended her rapist by smearing her, blocking evidence and callously laughing that she knew he was guilty
mrc tv Clinton Deletes ‘You Have the Right to Be Believed’ from Campaign Website
Daily Wire 7 Times Hillary Clinton Threatened, Smeared and Targeted Women
Daily Wire Performer Who Calls Women 'B****es' And 'H**s' To Headline Concert For 'Feminist' Hillary
Daily Wire ‘Underage Girls’ On Epstein’s Plane When Clinton Flew On It, Says Investigative Journalis
Daily Wire Jeffrey Epstein Accuser Names Multiple Democrats In Alleged Sex Ring
Daily Wire Ronan Farrow: Bill Clinton ‘Credibly Accused’ Of Rape, Investigation Long ‘Overdue’

Hillary Clinton - War On Children
True Pundit NYPD Turns Against the FBI: Seized Laptop Shows Hillary Clinton Covered Up Weiner’s Alleged Sex Crimes With 15 yr old During Election

Hillary Clinton - War On Sick
American Thinker Hillary Wants to Kill Me

Hillary Clinton - War On Poverty (gimme some money)
We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt - Hillary Clinton
Truth Revolt Half of Clinton Charitable Giving Went to the Clinton Foundation
Truth Revolt The Clintons Earned $25M from Speeches in 2014
Truth Revolt Hillary Charges Boys & Girls Club $200,000 to Speak, Keeps it All - The candidate of the people.
Truth Revolt 'Candidate Cribs' Shocks Young Voters - Mistake Clinton homes for Republican mansions
Truth Revolt Clinton Foundation Takes Big From Foreign Governments - Millions from overseas sources.
Truth Revolt Gal of the People, Hillary Defends Speeches to Wall St. - Claims to fight for the average citizen while getting paid mega-bucks.
Truth Revolt WATCH: 'Clinton Cash' Now a Documentary Movie - "I gotta pay our bills."
Truth Revolt Hillary Wore a $12,495 Jacket While Speaking About Inequality - Remember when Hillary said she was "dead broke" after leaving the White House?
Truth Revolt Hillary's Free College Failure: Plan to Tax Rich Comes Up Billions Short - Missed it by that much.
Truth Revolt Big Donors Fund Clinton While Hillary Pitches to Blue Collar - Elite dinners for the uber rich.
Truth Revolt Hillary Raises $11M+ at Fancy Hollywood Fundraisers - She's just like you and me!
Truth Revolt Report: Hillary Campaign Overcharging Poorest Donors - "We see this same scheme with a lot of seedy porn companies."
Yahoo! Finance The latest Clinton cash intrigue involves a Czech model and a 'distasteful' $500,000 donation
Truth Revolt Don't Be Fooled, Hillary Loves Taking Wall Street Money - Goldman Sachs-full of money!
Truth Revolt Networks Not Interested In Clinton's $12 Million Pay-to-Play With Moroccan King - Another pillar of human rights and democratic values.
National Review How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians
Daily Wire Hillary Looks To Loot Rich Corpses, Protects Her Own Assets From Estate Tax
Daily Wire 7 Things You Need To Know About The Clinton Foundation
Daily Wire Clinton Foundation Says It Won’t Take More Foreign Donations. They Lied About Doing That In 2008.
Daily Wire MEMO: Clinton Used Foundation As Cover To Raise Cash For Their Own Benefit
Observer Exclusive: Hillary Clinton Campaign Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors - Wells Fargo fraud department inundated with calls from low-income Clinton supporters reporting repeated unauthorized charges
mrc tv Clinton Fundraiser Charges $500 to Join 'Conversation with Chelsea'
Daily Reckoning Waking up in Hillary Clinton’s America
Information Liberation FACT CHECK: Hillary Said 90% of Clinton Foundation Donations go to Charity. Actual Number? 5.7%
Breitbart Peter Schweizer: Clinton Global Initiative Folded Because They Can No Longer ‘Sell Access to Political Power’

Hillary Clinton - War On Jews - War On Israel
f---ing Jew bastard - Hillary Clinton talking about Bill Clinton's former congressional campaign manager
Truth Revolt Huckabee Responds to Hillary: 'What's Truly Unacceptable Is A Mushroom Cloud Over Israel'
Truth Revolt Hillary Pens Op-Ed Claiming Love For Israel: Her Record Says Otherwise - "I will do everything I can to enhance our strategic partnership." Riiiight.
Truth Revolt Damning Op-Ed Exposes How Hillary's Top Aides Are Rabidly Anti-Israel - Will the American Jewish community continue to stand by her?
Truth Revolt Glick: Clinton, Libya, and Israel
Truth Revolt Clinton Campaign Panel Includes Muslim Leader Who Blamed Israel for 9/11 Attacks, Supports Terrorist Groups - This is a man who justified Hezbollah's bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut that left 241 Marines dead.
Truth Revolt Audio of Sen. Clinton in 2006 Wishing for Rigged Palestine Election - And making other "questionable moral equivalencies."
Truth Revolt Rebel Media: The Trump Video Every Jew Must Watch - Jewish and voting liberal? Watch this video first.
American Thinker Latest emails reveal the end of Hillary's claim to be a friend of Israel
mrc tv What Hillary Clinton Forgot to Mention at AIPAC About Why Negotiations Are So Difficult
Breitbart Hillary Clinton Campaign Rejects Max Blumenthal’s Antisemitism

Hillary Clinton - War On The Economy
Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs! That old theory, trickle-down economics, has been tried. That has failed.- Hillary Clinton
Daily Reckoning Hillary Saves Capitalism!
Human Events What Creates Jobs
Breitbart Hillary: ‘We Are Going to Raise Taxes on the Middle Class’
mrc tv Bill Clinton Mocks Devastated W.Va. ‘Coal People’ for Blaming Obama’s Efforts to Bankrupt Them
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle's Firewall: Debating Hillary, Part 1: The Economy - Wow, Hillary: so many falsehoods and so little time...
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle's Firewall: Debating Hillary, Part 2: The Financial Crisis - Democrats caused the problem, then Democrats took credit for solving it.
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle's Firewall: Debating Hillary, Part 3: Energy and Climate Change - Didn’t President Obama promise us unlimited prosperity from this new Green economy eight years ago? And four years ago?
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle's Firewall: Debating Hillary, Part 4: Cyber Security - There’s a word for people who sell out their nation’s security for money.
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle's Firewall: Debating Hillary, Part 5: Fighting ISIS - Everything Hillary has touched overseas has turned into a disaster.
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle's Firewall: Debating Hillary, Part 6: Provocations - The country deserves somebody who is not a traitor, a pathological liar and a felon, or an unprepared, thin-skinned egotist.

Hillary Clinton - War On The Environment
Truth Revolt What a Load of Crap: Clinton/Kaine Bus Emptied Human Waste on Georgia Roadside - "They just turned that lever and let it rip."

Hillary Clinton - War On Blacks and other undesireables
mrc tv FLASHBACK-Hillary: 'I Admire Margaret Sanger...Her VISION' ('A RACE of THOROUGHBREDS')
mrc tv FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton's Gay Marriage Quote Shocks Students
Truth Revolt Black Author: Bill & Hillary 'Decimated Black America' - "Some might argue that it’s unfair to judge Hillary Clinton for the policies her husband championed years ago. But Hillary wasn’t picking out china while she was first lady."
Truth Revolt Clinton Suddenly Sorry for Calling Blacks 'Super-Predators' - Regrets… she's had a few. Might be a little late on this one, though.
Truth Revolt Sheriff Clarke: No, Hillary, You're the Racist - "A classic case of the pot calling the kettle black."
YouTube Hillary Clinton on "Superpredators"

Hillary Clinton - War On Police - War On Cops
Truth Revolt Coulter: Hillary Honors Dead Cops - Hillary would not stop lecturing the police for their lack of sensitivity.
Truth Revolt DNC Will Exclude Widows, Family of Slain Police Officers at Convention - Pandering.
Truth Revolt Giuliani: Uniformed Law Enforcement Not Allowed on Democratic Convention Floor - "Go look at your footage. You find me a uniform. Hillary Clinton didn’t want uniformed police officers on the convention floor."
Truth Revolt Greenfield: Protest Thugs and the Real Evil in Charlotte - Nothing says "family man" like assaulting women and children.
Daily Wire 11 Horrible Things Hillary Said To The NAACP About Cops And Race
Jewish World Review Hillary Lies, Cops Die
mrc tv Hillary Speaks 'Directly To White People' For Latest Cop Shooting

Hillary Clinton - War On Americans
Blacks are super predators - Hillary Clinton
Hispanics are taco bowls - Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump Supporters are deplorables - Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders supporters are basement dwellers - Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders supporters are a bucket of losers - Hillary Clinton
PJ Media Basement Dwellers: Clinton Attacks Millennial Bernie Backers in Leaked Audio
PJ Media Racist, Sexist and Possibly Homophobic Clinton Rally Goes Unnoticed for 8 Years
PJ Media Hillary and the Democrats Continue Their War on Black
Truth Revolt Hell Hath No Fury Like a Progressive Scorned: Wikileaks Prompts Left to Turn on Hillary - Apparently they don't like being called losers, pompous, bitching, basement-dwelling ideologues.

Hillary Clinton - War On Americans - support for Islamic - Muslim Terrorists
mrc tv Clinton: 'Muslims Have Nothing Whatsoever To Do With Terrorism'
Front Page Magazine How Hillary and Obama Caused the Orlando ISIS Attack - Obama ignored ISIS, Americans died.
Truth Revolt Hillary Ignores Istanbul Terror Massacre During Town Hall - She focused on what really threatens lives: cyber bullying.
Daily Wire The Dumbest Thing Tim Kaine Said in Last Night's Debate

Hillary Clinton - War On The Second Amendment
Truth Revolt 20 Gun Control Groups Endorse Hillary for President - "The 2016 Election is one of the most consequential for the gun violence prevention movement."

Hillary Clinton - Transparent
Hillary Clinton has managed to block the release of the depositions of her and her team of criminls. She must block anything that will make her look bad because there isn't anything out there that makes her look good. - Cynical Pessimist
Yahoo! News Hillary Clinton Hasn't Answered a Press Question in 21 Days (And Her Opponents Are Taking Notice)
The Weekly Standard Hillary Hides from Media, Voters for First Month of Campaign - The Invisible Campaign.
Washington Post Hillary Clinton hasn’t answered a question from the media in 20 days
Truth Revolt Hillary Wiped Email Server Clean; All Emails Erased, Lawyer Says
New York Magazine The Clinton Foundation’s Behind-the-Scenes Battle With a Charity Watchdog Group
Truth Revolt Hillary Created Private Email Account The Day Senate Hearings Began - Communications during tenure at State Department lost due to illegal use of private account
Truth Revolt Her Royal Hillaryness Teaches Impertinent Reporter A Lesson For Daring To Ask A Question - Due consideration?
Truth Revolt Scarborough: There are a Lot of Questions Hillary Can’t and Won't Answer
Truth Revolt NYT Editor: Hillary Stonewalling Reporters is No Biggie - "I don't think her not talking to the press is an issue."
Truth Revolt Clinton Aide Seeks To Keep Deposition Video Secret - Claims partisan nature of case
Truth Revolt Hillary Blocking E-Mail Deposition Tapes from Public, Filmmaker Re-Enacting Transcripts - "Truth is more important than politics."
Truth Revolt Huma Abedin Admits: Hillary Burned Her Daily Schedule - This is unprecedented for a Secretary of State.
Truth Revolt The Films Hillary and Her Cronies Don't Want You to See - An interview with fearless filmmaker Phelim McAleer.
New York Post Hillary had second secret email address
Fox News Clinton's State Dept. calendar missing scores of entries

Hillary Clinton - Corruption
Turley Talks Clinton CAUGHT RED HANDED Trying To INFILTRATE Trump Servers!!!
Truth Revolt MSNBC Says 'Clinton Cash' Movie 'Connects the Dots' - The film premieres at Cannes next week and opens in the US just days ahead of the Democratic convention.
YouTube Clinton Cash - Official Trailer
Truth Revolt Hillary Had ‘Change Of Heart’ On Trade Deal After Donations to Foundation
Town Hall Report: At Least 181 Clinton Foundation Donors Also Lobbied Hillary's State Department
Truth Revolt Clintons Reveal Up to $26 Million in Undisclosed Payments - Claim they mistakenly marked millions in speaking fees as "revenue" rather than donations
Truth Revolt Govt. Watchdog Group: Hillary 'Worst Ethics Violator' of 2015 - "Overwhelming evidence shows that she abused her official position."
Truth Revolt Hillary's University Problem - Bigger than Trump University
Truth Revolt Clinton Chief 'Volunteered' for Clinton Foundation While on Gov't Payroll - It's OK to volunteer for "charity" they say.
Truth Revolt Over Half of Hillary’s DoS Meetings Were With Donors - The plot thickens... again.
Fox News Clinton Foundation hit with racketeering lawsuit
MRC TV RICO Suit Against Bill, Hillary, And Clinton Foundation Trial Date Set for Jan.
Project Veritas Staff Caught on Video Knowingly Breaking the Law
Daily Wire 6 People/Countries That Bought Favors From Hillary Clinton
Daily Wire WOW: Over Half Of Hillary's Meetings At State Department Were With Clinton Foundation Donors
Town Hall Hillary's Corruption Is Overwhelming
Sputnik International No More Pay to Play? Australia Halts All Clinton Foundation Funds
True Pundit FBI & NYPD: Clinton Foundation Probed for Money Laundering, Financial Transactions with Islamic Terror Groups
Proud Conservative Hacker Breaks Into Clinton Foundation Servers, Discovers Millions in Fraud
American Thinker Clinton gang insider spills sleazy secrets, savages Chelsea

Hillary Clinton - Corruption - government jobs in exchange for campaign contributions
ABC News How Clinton Donor Got on Sensitive Intelligence Board
US Politics and News How Did Everyone Miss This Obvious Hillary-Epstein Connection?

Hillary Clinton - Immigration Policy - Sanctuary City - Death Trap For Citizens - Support for Murdering American Citizens by Illegal Aliens
Truth Revolt FLASHBACK: Hillary Supported Sanctuary Cities

Hillary Clinton - Stand By Your Pervert
New York Post Bill Clinton’s libido threatens to derail Hillary - again
The Farce Report Bill Clinton’s Mistress Endorses Hillary For President
Truth Revolt Shock Claim: Hillary Visited Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Island 6 Times - Bombshell after bombshell and just days to go before the election.

Hillary Clinton - Humor
The People's Cube Hillary Clinton Sues Satan - Wants Her Soul Back
Babylon Bee Hillary Clinton Releases DNA Test Results Proving She's Only Half Lizard Person
Babylon Bee Recently Pardoned Turkey Found Dead After Claiming To Have Dirt On Hillary Clinton
Babylon Bee Missed It By That Much: Hillary Clinton Almost Wins 'Wheel Of Fortune' But Then Shouts 'Easter Worshiper' Instead Of 'Christian'
Babylon Bee CDC: People With Dirt On Clintons Have 843% Greater Risk Of Suicide
Babylon Bee Staffer Nervously Informs Hillary Clinton She Lost 2016 Election
Babylon Bee Recently Pardoned Turkey Found Dead After Claiming To Have Dirt On Hillary Clinton
Babylon Bee Asylum Orderlies Return Hillary Clinton To Padded Cell Disguised As Oval Office
Babylon Bee Hillary Clinton Accidentally Posts Condolences For Tulsi Gabbard's Suicide One Day Early
Babylon Bee Hillary Clinton Asked To Leave Costco After Repeatedly Accusing Sample Lady Of Being A Russian Asset
Babylon Bee Bill Clinton: Epstein's Cause Of Death Depends On What Your Definition Of 'Suicide' Is
Babylon Bee Hillary Clinton To Give Keynote Speech On Winning Elections
Babylon Bee Hillary Clinton Slams Trump For Not Taking A More 'Hands-Off' Approach To Embassy Attack
Babylon Bee CDC: People With Dirt On Clintons Have 843% Greater Risk Of Suicide
Babylon Bee New York Times Accidentally Publishes Ghislaine Maxwell Obituary Ahead Of Schedule
Babylon Bee Apple TV+ Announces New Show 'Clintons In Cars Killing Witnesses'
Babylon Bee Elderly Woman Escapes Nursing Home, Rants About Deprogramming The Populace
Genesius Times Suicide Hotline volunteer shocked when Hillary Clinton tried to ‘place an order’

Chelsea Clinton - What do you get when you cross a crooked politician with a crooked lawyer? Chelsea Clinton.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Chelsea Clinton's Cheerleading Cult - Welcome to the liberal media's manufacturing of "cool."

College Fix your daily does of right-minded news and commentary from across the nation.
College Fix Libertarian sci-fi author predicted current progressive-induced cultural failures over 60 years ago

Concerned Women for America Alternative Options to Woke Companies Funding Abortion Travel for Employees

Pat Condell Welcome To Pat Condell's Godless Comedy
YouTube Pat Condell
YouTube How to insult a "progressive"
YouTube Message to offended Muslims
YouTube Islamist dickhead
YouTube What I know about Islam
YouTube It's good to be anti-Islam
YouTube The trouble with Islam
YouTube A cure for Islamophobia
YouTube American Dhimmi
YouTube A word to rioting Muslims
YouTube Tell the truth about Islam
YouTube Pat Condell - Obama's Silence
YouTube Pat Condell - A Society Of Cowards (The best Condell vid ever)

Community of the Wrongly Accused
Community of the Wrongly Accused Add these to the misandry hall of fame

Conservative HQ Why is Assad’s Alleged Killing of 1,400 Syrians So Much Worse than the Slaughter of 800,000 Rwandans?

Conservative Opinion

Conservative Review Horowitz: It’s time to make the state governments feel the pain and consequences of the disproportionate shutdown of America

Conservative Tribune
Conservative Tribune It Took Greta Just 74 Seconds to Take Down Obama Over Our Jailed Marine [WATCH]
Conservative Tribune School Officials Threaten to ARREST Pro-Gun Students for Passing Out the Constitution [WATCH]

Our Constitution, which was intended to limit government power and abuse, has failed. - Rep. Ron Paul
What was once the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave is now a Thing of the Past.
What was once the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave is now Land of Debris and Home of Depraved.
Constitution - Links
The Hertage Guide To The Constitution
Read The US Constitution A petition to require the reading of the US Constitution.
American Thinker All Right, Have It Your Way - It's a Living Constitution
Constitution Society
Constitution Society The Battle of Athens - 2 AUGUST 1946
Cafe Hayek Constitutional Fun (Or, Two Can Play this Game)
Sobran's The Real News of the Month How Tyranny Came to America
Down Trend Student Banned From Passing Out Constitutions On College Campus, Sues University
Truth Revolt Imagine If the Founding Fathers Wrote Constitution Like College Speech Codes - The freedom to use free speech zones as long as it's approved in advance.
Truth Revolt Prof: Heart of Declaration of Independence is 'Racial Fear and Exclusion' - "For more than two centuries, we have been reading the Declaration of Independence wrong."
Mises Institute The Myth of the Constitution

Constitution - Declaration of Independence
Truth Revolt State Rep: Don't Teach Kids Declaration of Independence, It's Racist - "All men are not created equal..."

Constitution - 2nd Amendment - The Right To Bear Arms
Truth Revolt Sheriff Clarke Boldly Defends Constitution: 'I Will Die Fighting for This Document' - "Now, if you think for one minute that I'm going to cede these rights back to the federal government, or any government, or any court, you better think again."

Constitution - Bill Of Rights
Bill of Rights - For every single one of its provisions, there is somebody who wants to dismiss it as outdated, obsolete, irrelevant, or because it "gets in the way of government" -- which is precisely what it was meant to do. - L. Neil Smith
Constitutional Amendments To Recapture Freedom proposal to change constitution and bill of right to prevent the governmental abuse of individuals freedom.
Cato @ Liberty Today Is Bill of Rights Day
Wasington's Blog Americans - Like Nazi Germans - Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away
Mises Institute Why the Bill of Rights Is Failing

Constitution - Liberal Assault On The Constitution and The Bill Of Rights
Digital Journal Worksheet asks children to remove parts of the Bill of Rights
Project Veritas Hidden Camera Captures College Officials Disparaging and Shredding Constitution
Project Veritas The Campus Investigations - Part 2
Project Veritas North Carolina State Bans U.S. Constitution in Dormitory
Truth Revolt Update: New Video Shows College Officials at Yale, Cornell Shredding Constitution - Why would anyone expect more from an Ivy League?
Truth Revolt Jake Tapper Brilliantly Trolls Sensitive College Students - Ahh, the sweet smell of satisfaction.
Truth Revolt Park Ranger Tour Guide Puts Progressive Spin on Constitution, Founders - And makes $95K a year in the process.
Truth Revolt Circuit Court Judge: Studying Constitution a Waste of Time - "The original Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the post-Civil War amendments do not speak to today."
American thinker Baltimore Judge Guts the 5th Amendment

Constitution - Bill Of Wrongs
Truth Revolt Illegal Immigrants Release 'Bill of Rights' - Meanwhile, U.S. professors are shredding the actual Constitution.

Conservative Firing Line Tired of Facebook censoring conservatives? Check out these alternatives, or learn to be a good little slave

David Stockman's Contra Corner the place where mainstream delusions and cant about the Warfare State, the Bailout State, Bubble Finance and Beltway Banditry are ripped, refuted and rebuked.

Copyright - Intellectual Property - Patents
"I believe, Sir, that I may with safety take it for granted that the effect of monopoly generally is to make articles scarce, to make them dear, and to make them bad. And I may with equal safety challenge my honourable friend to find out any distinction between copyright and other privileges of the same kind; any reason why a monopoly of books should produce an effect directly the reverse of that which was produced by the East India Company's monopoly of tea, or by Lord Essex's monopoly of sweet wines.
"Thus, then, stands the case. It is good that authors should be remunerated; and the least exceptionable way of remunerating them is by a monopoly. Yet monopoly is an evil. For the sake of the good we must submit to the evil; but the evil ought not to last a day longer than is necessary for the purpose of securing the good." - Baron Thomas Macaulay (February 5, 1841)
Bloggers Guide to Copyright and DMCA
Boing Boing As expected, the EU has advanced the catastrophic Copyright Directive without fixing its terrible defects
Tech Dirt Appeals Court Says It's Okay To Copyright An Entire Style Of Music - from the this-is-really,-really-bad dept
boingboing Copyfraud: making the case for actual copyright enforcement
Torrent Freak iTunes is Illegal Under UK Copyright Law
Who Is Hosting This The Ultimate Guide to Copyright
Social Science Research Network Copyright and Innovation: The Untold Story
The Atlantic The Missing 20th Century: How Copyright Protection Makes Books Vanish
Big O Zine The Copyright Industry - A Century Of Deceit
Mises Institute Let's just shut down all progress using copyright and patent
Mises Institute Thank goodness you are still free to make a shoe with red soles
Mises Institute Motorola: Enemy or Friend of Google?
Mises Institute We are all copyright criminals: John Tehranian’s "Infringement Nation"
Mises Institute Drugs and Copyright: A Fable
Tech Dirt Meet The Patent Thicket: Who's Suing Who For Smartphone Patents
Tech Dirt Aussie ISP: We Won't Be Hollywood's Copyright Cops If Hollywood Won't Fix Its Own Business Model
the guardian Copyright enforcers should learn lessons from the war on spam. by Cory Doctorow
Eric Flint Salvos Against Big Brother
Mail Online Sweet smell of success for eBay seller who wins court battle against Seventies glam rock guitarist over sale of secondhand CD
militant Libertarian Your enemy isn’t piracy. Your enemy is obscurity
The Guardian The real cost of free
tech dirt Top Photographer On Why He Doesn't Care If His Stuff Is Pirated
tech dirt US Government 'Suspends' Over User Generated Forms; Censorship Regime Expands
tech dirt Congrats, US Government: You're Scaring Web Businesses Into Moving Out Of The US
Locus Cory Doctorow: Music: The Internet’s Original Sin
The Daily Caller Legal experts: YouTube’s removal of Romney ad may abuse ‘fair use’ law
Electronic Frontier Foundation Takedown Hall Of Shame
dot tech French court orders Google to censor illegal file sharing words
Los Angeles Times - Business Section Blame a dysfunctional patent system for Apple vs. Samsung verdict Insight Research: Maintenance cost of DRM to reach $9bn by 2012
Bruce Schneier Who Owns Your Computer?
Boing Boing Lockdown - The coming war on general-purpose computing
Market Watch Your right to resell your own stuff is in peril - It could become illegal to resell your iPhone 4, car or family antiques
Laissez Faire Today Intellectual Property Is Childish
Laissez Faire Today Digits Won’t Destroy Music After All
Torrent Freak It’s Time To Debunk The Myth That Copyright Is Needed To Make Money - Or That It Even Makes Money
Torrent Freak Police Raid 9-Year-Old Pirate Bay Girl, Confiscate Winnie The Pooh Laptop
Falkving & Co. On Infopolicy The Pirate Bay Is The World's Most Efficient POublic Library
dotTech Dumb DMCA: Movie producers ask Google to take down links to their own websites, legitimate sources to purchase content, and film reviews
dotTech Research shows Megaupload shutdown "had a negative effect on box office [movie] revenues"
dotTech Megaupload helped FBI take down a video pirating website, then FBI used that same evidence against Megaupload
dotTech ‘Six-Strikes’ anti-piracy system is powered by the same company that flagged for pirating HBO content
Daily Reckoning It’s Not Evil to Copy
Daily Reckoning Smart People Share
Daily Reckoning The Company That Owns Your Genes
Daily Reckoning Does Innovation Require the Patent Office?
Publishers Weekly Lawsuit Seeks to Put Sherlock Holmes in the Public Domain Boing Boing Lawsuit: "Happy Birthday" is not in copyright, and Warner owes the world hundreds of millions for improperly collected royalties
ars technica Israel rebukes US: Our copyright laws are fine, thanks
Michael Geist Canada Remains in Good Company in USTR Special 301 Report
Michael Geist The U.S. Stands Alone: How the U.S. Is Increasingly Isolated on Intellectual Property Policy
Torrent Freak Copyright Collecting Societies A Morass Of Bad Incentives
Torrent Freak Copyright Group: Chilling Effects DMCA Archive is "Repugnant"
Big O Once You Accept File-Sharing Is Here To Stay, You Can Focus On All The Positive Things
RT Proposed copyright bill could outlaw holiday snaps of EU landmarks
ars technica Filmmakers fighting "Happy Birthday" copyright find their "smoking gun" - A 1927 kids' songbook proves "conclusively the song is in the public domain."
ars technica Georgia sues legal rebel for posting state’s copyrighted law online - Well, it's OK to copy the actual law. But if you copy the state-ordered summaries...
Jon Del Arroz Copyright Law

Copyright - Intellectual Property - MegaUpload
dot tech Megaupload CEO: Leaked industry report ‘vindicates’ Megaupload, shows it didn’t encourage piracy
tech dirt Jonathan Coulton Destroys The Rationale Behind The Megaupload Seizure With A Single Tweet; Follows Up With Epic Blog Post
web2carz FBI Claims Copying Data is Not Stealing. Ironic defense provides irony to Megaupload case.
Torrent Freak FBI Did Not Steal Megaupload Evidence Because It’s "Digital"?
Torrent Freak US Govt. Says it Can Keep Megaupload’s Assets When the Case is Dismissed
Dvorack Uncensored When is Theft Not Theft to the FBI?

Copyright - trolls
ars technica Enraged by abusive lawsuits, anonymous troll slayers fight back
Fight Copyright Trolls
Die Troll Die

Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter archives
Breitbart Ann Coulter: The Wrath of Khan
Ann Coulter Would It Kill You To Hire More Black Cops? (Yes)
Ann Coulter Statistical Analysis Shows 4% Of NYT Reporters Are Serial Killers
Ann Coulter Don't Stigmatize Murderers!
Truth Revolt Coulter: Springtime for Pundits - If you're into self-dramatization, Donald Trump’s candidacy is perfect for you.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Could Hillary Tell Us What Percentage of Muslims Are 'Deplorable'? - Specifically, what percentage are "sexist" or "homophobic"?
Truth Revolt Coulter: All We Need is Love -- and Deportations - Western leaders are in full possession of the tools to end Islamic terrorism in their own countries, just as their forebears once ended Nazi Stormtroopers.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Anatomy of a Coup - When your entire investigation turns on a handful of people with corrupt motives, maybe it's time to call off the investigation.
Ann Coiulter Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI
Ann Coulter No Biggie, Just the End of Civilization

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... Medical Tyranny - Medical Dictator (MD) - Whitecoat Supremecy
Diary Of Covid Diary Of A Psychosis - How Public Health Disgraced Itself During Covid Mania
"15 Days to Slow the Spread" Ends After 1,120 Days
American Thinker Now the Disgraced COVID 'Experts' Want 'Amnesty'?
... according to the Nuremburg Code, it is an international crime to order people to take an experimental medication
Covid-19 is the new global cooling, warming, climate change.
Fauci Flu - bought and paid for by Fauci, Medical Dictator
Fauci lied, people died
Lord Fauci, Patron Saint of WuHan Flu
Covid-19 - Chinese Flu - Kung Flu - Winnie the Flu, WuHuFlu, plandemic, Scamdemic, Covidiocy, ...
Covid-19 Survival Rates
age 00-19: 99.997%
age 20-49: 99.98%
age 50-69: 99.5%
age 70+: 94.6%
source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through August 8, 2020
The virus is real, the death toll is inacurrate, and the fear is politicial.
Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - links
Daily Mail Bombshell emails show a top Fauci aide used his personal Gmail to 'intentionally' HIDE discussions about COVID origins... and would delete anything 'incriminating'
Daily Mail CIA whistleblower claims agency 'BRIBED' their own analysts to say COVID did NOT come from Wuhan: Bombshell Republican report exposes alleged virus origins cover-up
Covid Quiz Charts
According To Hoyt No Forgiveness Without Repentance
Lancet Past SARS-CoV-2 infection protection against re-infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Newswek It's Time for the Scientific Community to Admit We Were Wrong About COVID and It Cost Lives | Opinion
Louder With Crowder Twitter's top lawyer wanted pandemic Trump tweet removed for misinformation, tells all you need to know about the left
Doc Anarchy Influenza Death Debacle - Don't believe any of their numbers
mrc tv Fauci: 'I Don't Think [COVID Shutdowns] Forever Irreparably Damaged Anyone'
mrc tv No, Really?! CDC Director Admits Agency Made 'Pretty Dramatic, Pretty Public Mistakes' in COVID Response
Epoch Times Emails Confirm Why CDC Changed Definitions of Vaccine, Vaccinated
Sott - Sign Of The Times Police charge big pharma boss with falsifying his Covid vaccination status
According To Hoyt Not in My Name by I. Ratel
AIER - American Institute for Economic Research Did We Need Operation Warp Speed?
Tom Woods Show The Fact-Free COVID Dystopia
Political Vel Craft Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam
Daily Reckoning The Most Dangerous Man
American Thinker Mask On, Mask Off
rumble SUMMIT SESSIONS: The Science ~ Ryan Cole, MD ~ "COVID-19 Vaccines & Autopsy"
gab tv Dr. Destroys The Entire Covid Narrative
gab tv Senator Rand Paul, Do Not Comly
Stat News The Covid-19 Tracker
American Thinker What do you mean, the virus mutates?
Telegraph Covid could be spread through flatulence, say ministers
American Thinker The Depravity of the Democrat Party, the American Left, and the Media
American Thinker Should COVID now be called the ‘Fauci Flu’?
American Thinker Extraordinary revelations about scientists colluding to hide COVID’s origins
Louder With Crowder Five #FauciEmails Exposing Truth on Masks, Lab Leaks, and Trump Being RIGHT
Not The Bee The graveyard of meaningless terms has gained another resident: "Science"
COVID Charts Quiz
No Jab For Me
Life Site It’s ‘entirely possible’ vaccine campaigns ‘will be used for massive-scale depopulation’: Former Pfizer VP
Louder with Crowder Ron DeSantis Reveals Exact Moment He Stopped Listening to Fauci
Gary D Barnett The Covid Propaganda Continues Even in the Face of Vaccination Murder
New Eastern Outlook (NEO) Gates Vaccine Spreads Polio Across Africa
American Thinker Vaccine resistance and COVID fear within families
Soren Dreier 1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code
Louder with Crowder OPINION: Coronavirus Panic is a Trojan Horse for Socialism
Louder with Crowder Kirchoff: I F*cking Told You So. COVID-19 Panic was Used to Control You!
American Thinker Virologist who warned Fauci COVID ‘potentially engineered’ (and then did a 180) has now deleted 5000+ tweets
American Thinker California’s upcoming COVID disaster
American Thinker How Much Longer Must We Endure the Mask?
mrc tv California County Cuts COVID Death Tally By 25% After Review Exposed Hundreds of Non-COVID Deaths
Louder With Crowder Rapper Tweets Thought-Provoking '20 Things I Learned During the Pandemic' That's Must-Read
Louder With Crowder 'How Many More Rights Will We Take Away?': Dude Destroys County Board Over Public Health 'Propoganda'
Louder With Crowder Pro-Vaxxer Encourages Mike Rowe to Push Vaccine on the Rest of Us. Mike Responds with Spicy PERFECTION!
American Thinker Medical insanity, as described by an MD
American Thinker How Sweden Triumphed over COVID
Louder With Crowder Rolling Stone Claims Hospital Overrun by Humans Overdosing on Horse Dewormer, Hospital Says Story's Horses***
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Dear Conspiritard Shitheads: You Will Probably Not Die From The Covids
Louder With Crowder EU Chief Wants to Abolish the Nuremberg Code, Gets URGENT History Lesson from Jordan Peterson
BBC News Covid-19: Common cold may give some protection, study suggests
mrc tv Ho-Ho-NO! Leftist Group Kills Maskless Santa With COVID In New Video

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Lies - Misinformation - Disinformation - Fauci, WHO, FDA, CDC, and NIH Spread Lies
How can you tell when Dr. Anthony Fauci lies? His lips move.
Louder With Crowder Fauci Did Not Follow The Science, Now Admits Social Distancing Was “Arbitrary” And Just “Appeared”
OAN CIA Sued Over Alleged Hidden COVID-19 Records Of ‘Monetary Incentives’ Paid To ‘Change’ Findings
Zero Hedge The Unforgivable Ivermectin Swindle
Dan Bongino Show Ex-DNI Ratclife Confirms Fauci Lied to Congress About Gain-of-Function Research
SSRN Statistical and Numerical Errors Made by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention During the COVID-19 Pandemic
New York Post commissioned scientific paper in Feb. 2020 to disprove Wuhan lab leak theory
mrc tv Under Oath For Censorship Suit, Flip-Flop Fauci Demands Stenographer Be Masked
Federalist Fauci Can’t Whitewash His Disastrous Legacy
Tom Woods Show Guess where the disinfo has been coming from
breitbart Nolte: Fauci Spreads Vaccine Misinformation on ‘Woke AF’ Podcast
The Centers For Disease Control’s Lies Have Destroyed Its Legitimacy
Defender Fauci Emails: How Top Public Health Officials Spun Tangled Web of Lies Around COVID Origin, Treatments
Federalist The Corporate Media Freakout Over The Omicron Variant Isn’t Normal, It’s Psychotic
Federalist The Biden Administration Has Caused More Vaccine Resistance Than Fox News Ever Did
Federalist How Obeying The Corrupt World Health Organization Cost Lives
YouTube Robby Soave: MASSIVE Covid Data Error Reveals Legacy Media's HYPOCRISY On Misinformation
Louder With Crowder Wow: Health Official Admits to Misleading Child Hospitalization Rate in Order to Terrify Parents
Fox News Washington Post blasts Sotomayor for ‘false’ COVID claim that ‘over 100K’ children are in 'serious condition’
PJ Media CDC Director Makes Stunning Admission About COVID Deaths
YouTube DOH Whistleblower Says Covid Inflated for Profit ‘He went for gunshot wounds and was coded as COVID’
Louder With Crowder Undercover Video Catches FDA Official Exposing Truth Behind Biden Admin, Emergency Vax Approval
Louder With Crowder Watch: FDA Executive Claims Vaccines 'Recurring Fountain of Revenue' for Big Pharma
Western Journal 'Tell the Truth:' CDC Under Fire from Experts for Keeping Huge Portions of COVID Data Secret
Louder With Crowder The CDC finally admits what?? we've known all along about COVID-19
rumble CDC Drops Highly Controversial Mask Recommendation, And You're Still Paying Them
rumble CDC’s Tax-Subsidized 'Non-Profit' Wing Is Wasting Millions On Pro-Vax Rap, Dance, 'Art'
mrc tv COVID Deflation: Mass. Health Dept. Removing Over 4,000 Deaths as Being 'Associated with COVID'
Louder With Crowder Jen Psaki Bombs: Claims We 'Don't Know' COVID Affects Old People Like Joe Biden Worse Than Youngsters
Gateway Pundit FOIA Reveals NIH Secretly DELETED COVID Data Provided by the Wuhan Lab at the BEGINNING of the Pandemic
Epoch Times Fauci Makes Surprising Concession Regarding COVID-19 Vaccines
Dan Bongino Show Judge Orders Dr. Fauci and Karine Jean-Pierre to Turn Over Emails Sent to Social Media Companies
mrc tv 'No, Haha': Pfizer Exec. Admits Vax Wasn't Tested to Stop Transmission BEFORE It Entered the Market
Blaze Pfizer executive admits COVID-19 vaccine was never tested to prevent transmission: 'This is scandalous'
Dan Bongino Show Dr. Fauci Tries to Rewrite History - Insists He Had "Nothing to Do With" School Shutdowns
Just The News CDC knew COVID vax associated with myocarditis but left off post-vax survey
Breitbart Anthony Fauci Admits Daughter Worked for Twitter and He Spoke Directly to Zuckerberg During Censorship Deposition
mrc tv Fauci Bucks Biden, Says 'We are Still in the Middle of a Pandemic'
American Thinker ‘Censorship actually killed people’: Dr. Jay Battacharya on the consequences of government suppression of honest discussion of Covid on Twitter
Just The News Emails show Washington officials discussed COVID breakthrough cases amid vaccine push - State and local officials knew COVID-19 vaccinations weren’t as effective as hoped at stopping the spread of the virus.
Just The News From colds to commotio cordis, medical pundits reaching to rule out COVID vax in health scares
Just The Nws New memos unmask secret deal between US, Britain to hide COVID vaccine adverse events
Federalist Doctors Sue FDA For Prohibiting Ivermectin To Treat Covid-19
Ann Coulter 15 Days to Flatten the Truth
Just The News Masks forever? Feds, medical world double down on mandates despite evidence they don’t work
Red State Joe Rogan Challenges Vaccine Researcher Peter Hotez to Debate RFK Jr. - Then Elon Steps Into the Mix
Tablet The Media’s Hypocrisy on Vaccines
New York Post CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury findings that COVID lab leak was likely: whistleblower
Louder With Crowder Anthony Fauci Grilled By Congress, Now Claims He Does "Not Recall" Much About The Pandemic

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - - WuFlu - China Virus
NY Post Scientist who worked at Wuhan lab says COVID was man-made virus
Red State Blockbuster GOP Report Points to Potential Link Between COVID and China's Bioweapons Program
Daily Caller Energy Department Concludes That COVID-19 Pandemic Likely Originated From Chinese Lab Leak: REPORT
New York Post CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury findings that COVID lab leak was likely: whistleblower

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Why Illegal Aliens Don't Need To Get Vaxxed, But Legal Travelers Do
Louder With Crowder WH stammers explaining why it's okay to cross border illegally without proof of vax, but not play in US Open

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Why NY Entertainers Don't Need To Get Vaxxed, But City Employees Need To
Fax News New York Supreme Court reinstates all employees fired for being unvaccinated, orders backpay - State Supreme Court found that being vaccinated 'does not' stop the spread of COVID-19

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Support For Super Spreader Events (Monkeypox)
Louder With Crowder Pro-lockdown, pro-mask Democrat on Monkeypox response: People will make their own decisions about risk levels

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Here Comes The New Jab, Just As Useles As The Old Jab
Epoch Times Why Mass Vaccination Worsened the Pandemic - SARS-CoV-2 readily mutates and thrives in the vaccinated
Epoch Times Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Fauci’s Admission: Mainstream Media Makes No ‘Effort to Hold Him Accountable’

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Here Comes The New Jab, Just As Dangerous As The Old Jab
Reuters EU adds severe allergies as side effect of Novavax COVID vaccine
Epoch Times Will 100 Million Die From the COVID Vax by 202
Conservative Review Horowitz: Possibly the most important study on COVID shots might explain why COVID never seems to end

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - No Lives Matter - War On The Human Race
Daily Mail EXCLUSIVE: 'This is playing with fire - it could spark a lab-generated pandemic': Experts slam Boston lab where scientists have created a new deadly Covid strain with an 80% kill rate
Imprimis The Economic Disaster of the Pandemic Response
mrc tv FLASHBACK: Fauci Said in 2017 There was 'No Doubt' Trump Admin. Would Face ' the Arena of Infectious Diseases'
American Thinker Texas Medical Board targets doctor for saving lives with off-label prescriptions

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Death - Vaccinated Lives Don't Matter
Epoch Times 1st COVID-19 Vaccine Damage Payment in UK Confirmed With Others Expected to Follow
Informed American A Top Neurosurgeon Just Spilled The Beans On The American COVID Response!
NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?
Patriot Nation News What They Just Revealed About The Long Term Affects Of The Mrna Vaccine Will....
Defender COVID Vaccines Linked to New Type of Incurable, Fatal Degenerative Brain Disorder
Epoch Times CDC Confirmed Post-Vaccination Death From Blood Clotting Two Weeks Before Alerting Public: Emails
Epoch Times Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects
Epoch Times Researchers Suspect New Variants of Rapidly Progressing Brain Degenerating Diseases From COVID-19 Vaccines
Conservative Review Horowitz: 5 shocking new studies and data points that nuke the COVID shots
Post Millennial Florida Surgeon General: Covid mRNA vaccine found to cause 84% increase in DEATH for men ages 18-39
The Forgotten Side of Medicine The Most Important Dataset of the Pandemic Was Just Released
Just The News Pfizer COVID vaccine under harsh glare from FDA, foreign research on serious side effects
Conservattive Review Horowitz: 12 new safety signals showing devastating dangers from COVID shots
Conservative Review Horowitz: Did 7.5 million people die from COVID shots?
Conservative Review Horowitz: German health insurance company experiences 76% increase in employee sick days as excess deaths skyrocket
Independent Sentinel Dr. Dalgleish’s Observations About Vaccines Accelerating Cancer Dan Bongino Show COVID Vax Maker AstraZeneca Admits to Deadly Side Effect for First Time Ever in Court

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Death - Unvaccinated Lives Don't Matter - Vaccinated Lives Don't Matter - Children's Lives Don't Matter - Adults Lives Don't Matter - No Lives Mattter
Yahoo! Finance CHD Says Pfizer and FDA Dropped Data Bombshell on COVID Vaccine Consumers
Expose Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia’s Invasion, the UK Gov. released a Report confirming the Fully Vaccinated now account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths in England
American Greatness Funeral Directors and Embalmers Alarmed By Weird, Freakishly Large Blood Clots Clogging Veins in Vaccinated Bodies
American Thinker VAERS Data Indicates the Covid Vaccines Have Killed At Least 140,000 Americans
Fox News More kids shot in Chicago than have died of COVID-19 across US this year - A total of 214 minors have died of COVID-19 in the country; 261 were shot in Chicago
3% The Autopsy Of This Dead Vaxxed Body Should Have US All VERY SCARED!
mrc tv Colorado Gov. Signs Exec Order - Claims Power to Tell Hospitals To Turn Patients Away
Gun Free Zone This COVID injustice had made me angry - Unvaccinated cancer patient fired from job at ULA
Pierre Kory's Medical Musing Saturday Night Fight.. At The Pharmacy
Patriots Beacon The Level Of Transmission And Death After Vaccines Is Absolutely…
mrc tv FDA Removes Emergency Use Authorization for Monoclonal Antibodies 'Without Any Advanced Notice'
rumble Tax-Subsidized Hospital Denies Father Heart Transplant Because He's Unvaxxed
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medeicine Autopsy Histopathologic Cardiac Findings in Two Adolescents Following the Second COVID-19 Vaccine Dose
mrc tv Cleveland Clinic Refuses a Child's Kidney Transplant Because Donor Dad Is Unvaxxed
mrc tv College Expels Student For Refusing 'Booster'… After She Took Two Jabs And Experienced Injury
Epoch Times COVID Vaccines Increase Menstrual Irregularities Thousandfold, Fetal Abnormalities Hundredfold: Doctors’ VAERS Analysis
mrc tv NYC: 20K Illegal Migrant Children Estimated to Enter Public Schools...with No Proof of ANY Vaccinations

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Children's Lives Don't Matter - Support For Harming Children - War On Children
Arrested cognitive and social development are some of many benefits provided by forcing children to wear muzzles that provide NO health benefits.
Other benefits include higher levels of drug addiction, loss of socialization skills, and higher suicide rates.
OAN 400 doctors declare crisis over COVID vaccines, recommend immediate stop to programs
American Thinker Honor student athlete commits suicide due to COVID-19 school lockdown
Power Line Are shutdowns leading to youth suicide?
mrc tv SHOCKER: CDC Study Finds Virtual Learning Has Damaged Kids' Mental and Physical Health
American Thinker More evidence of the terrible harm masks do to children
American Thinker Masking Facial Expression in Children
mrc tv CA Principal Calls Cops Over Four-Year-Old Refusing To Wear a Mask
FEE CNN Medical Analyst Says Masking Stunted Her Toddler’s Language Development—and Taught Her an Important Lesson about Tradeoffs
Conservative Review Horowitz: Create the illness, mandate the cure. What is causing the explosion of RSV?

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Anthony Fauci - Anthony Fraudi - Fuhrer Fauci - Anthony Fascist - Dr. Anthony Faustus
Dan Bongino Show Dr. Fauci and His Wife's Wealth Grew By $5 Million During COVID Pandemic
rumble Why Does Anyone Still Listen To 'Dr.' Fauci?
American Thinker The madness stops only when Fauci is stopped
Louder With Crowder Ted Cruz Hits Back Hard Against Anthony "the Science" Fauci's Attacks, Makes Four Points to Prosecute Fauci
YouTube Dr. Fauci Losing Credibility, with Victor Davis Hanson | The Megyn Kelly Show
Three Percent Nation Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Says Fauci Making This Whole Pandemic Thing up as He Goes!
American Thinker Fauci’s entire dishonest house of cards just collapsed
Louder With Crowder Anthony Fauci Whines About People Criticizing Him, WaPo Reporter Hits Back Hard
American Thinker Confession: I don't like Anthony Fauci very much
Front Page Magazine White Coat Supremacist Anthony Fauci Still Wears Yellow Beret
American Thinker Who Believes Anthony Fauci?
Louder With Crowder Rand Paul Breaks Down his Public Disembowelment of Media's Beloved Doctor Fauci
Louder With Crowder Anthony Fauci on MSNBC: 'I Know Americans Like Their Freedom, but ...' Let Me Stop You There
PJ Media 'Sociopath' Fauci Finally Openly Admits He Doesn't Care About Freedom
rumble Fauci is Literally Killing Puppies in Cruel Medical Experiments
Savage Takes WATCH: Fauci Flabbergasted When Told Americans May Not Be Taking Vaccine Because Of Him — ‘People Won’t Listen To You’
Louder With Crowder 'It's Flat Out Disgusting': Ron DeSantis Eviscerates Anthony Fauci Over Report NIH was Torturing Puppies
mrc tv NIH Quietly Removes Gain-of-Function Research Info From Its Site
mrc tv Fauci, Lord of Science: Dr. Once Again Claims Criticizing Him is 'Criticizing Science'
mrc tv Fauci: Vaccine Mandates 'Supersede Individual Choice'
American Thinker Biden's comments about air travel create massive instability in America
Louder With Crowder CNN's Dana Bash Asks Anthony Fauci's Permission to Eat at a Restaurant, Gets Told NO Because of the Omicron
YouTube Military Documents about Gain of Function contradict Fauci testimony under oath #ExposeFauci
Dan Bongino Show Fauci: We Don't Have Time to Do a Clinical Trial for New COVID Boosters

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - War On the American Economy - Death Of All Americans
Federalist Rep. Thomas Massie: Biden’s Vaxx Coercion Will ‘Destroy Our Economy’

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Collateral Health Damage
American Thinker Cancer Death Rates Are Up Because of COVID Protocols
Louder With Crowder Four Newborns Denied Heart Surgery due to COVID Travel Restrictions. Yep, they Died.
New Americaan ALARMING Study: COVID Regulations, Masking May be DRASTICALLY Lowering Kids’ IQs
Federalist For Deaf People Like Me, Mask Mandates Impose Never-Ending Isolation
Epoch Times Lockdown Policies and Mask Mandates Linked With Lower IQ in Children: Psychiatrist
American Thinker Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla makes startling admissions about the vaccines
One America News Network (OANN) CDC Data Reveals Vaccines Are Killing Far More Children Than China Virus Itself
Epoch Times COVID Vaccines Increase Menstrual Irregularities Thousandfold, Fetal Abnormalities Hundredfold: Doctors’ VAERS Analysis

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Experts
mrc tv Vacationing School Doctor Allegedly Faked Being a Frontline COVID ‘Expert’ – and the Internet Believed Her

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Science
When science can't be questioned, it's not science anymore, it's propaganda. - Aaron Rodgers
American Thinker When it comes to COVID, experts just want us to listen and obey
Louder With Crowder 'A Corruption of Science’: NIH Funded 257 Equity Studies Related to COVID, Only FOUR on the Spread
Federalist Japan’s Refusal To Mandate Vaccines Shames Joe Biden’s Despotism
rumble Fauci Emails Suggest He and NIH Director Collins Coordinated Attack On Dissenting Scientists
American Thinker The Medical Profession Implodes
Off Guardian 30 facts you NEED to know: Your Covid Cribsheet
American Thinker Biden and Fauci stick their snoots in at FDA and top scientists resign
mrc tv TWO High-Level CDC Vaccination Bureaucrats Resign As Heat Rises Over Efficacy Of Boosters
American Thinker From a doctor bewildered at where all this COVID stuff is going
American Thinker Flip Flop Fauci
American Thinker CDC's Walensky won't admit illegals spreading COVID at border; promises 'guidelines' someday
PJ Media Texas Just Proved That Biden and Fauci Are Fools
Louder With Crowder Gay Activist Explains How CDC's Provincetown Study Advising Masks is ... Let's Just Call it 'Flawed'
Western Journal Researchers Review COVID Database, Make a Huge Discovery When They Exclude Vaccinated People
Unreported Truths All the idiocy of Covid and vaccine mandates in one neat package

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Test - Lies
Louder With Crowder Chief 'Health' Official: If You are Sick but Don't Get a C*VID Test, We're Saying You Have C*VID Anyway
Louder With Crowder Left Celebrates COVID Testing Facility Denying Candace Owens Service. But What About "Stopping the Spread"?!
American Thinker Served Its Purpose? CDC and FDA Recall Faulty COVID PCR Test
Louder With Crowder Joe Rogan Embarrasses Sanjay Gupta Over CNN's Horse Dewormer Lies: 'You Work for a News Organization ...'

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Lies - Coverup - Junk Science - Fake Science - Woke Science
rumble ICU NURSE: "You're being lied to about COVID."
American Thinker Trust in public health plummets, and it's easy to see why
American Thinker The Lancet’s reputation continues to decline
Federalist One Of The Lockdowns’ Greatest Casualties Could Be Science
Power Line Do Masks Work?
American Institute for Economic Research (AIR) WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity from Its Website
You Tube Governor Newsom's Covid Edicts
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Yet More Covids Self-Contradiction
Louder With Crowder 'It's Not Science, It's Politics': Ted Cruz Goes Scorched-Earth on Democrats and 'Discredited' CDC
American Thinker How Those COVID Charts Are Lying
American Thinker The biggest lie about COVID
rumble ICU NURSE: "You're being lied to about COVID."
American Thinker With COVID, Democrat bureaucrats finally admit the truth
Just The News Masks forever? Feds, medical world double down on mandates despite evidence they don’t work

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Lockdown - Facism - America (and elsewhere)
Epoch Times New York COVID-19 Quarantine Rules Unconstitutional and Illegal: Judge

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Lockdown - Facism - Canada (and elsewhere)
mandates are the way to avoid further restrictions - Prime Minister Trudeau
Town Hall Trudeau's Government Goes Nuclear in Attempt to Crush Canadian Truckers
Louder With Crowder Five Most Soviet Things Justin Trudeau Said While Declaring Insane 'Emergencies Act' Against Freedom Convoy
Rebel News Convoy Reports
runble Washington Gov. Inslee to First Responders: Get Vaxxed By Oct. 18 Or Get Fired
Mises Wire Covid Lockdowns Will Be Remembered as One of the Greatest Policy Failures Ever
mrc tv IS Washington State Poised To Put Un-Vaxxed In Detention Camps?
Louder With Crowder Government Bans Citizens' Right to Assemble While WaPo Claims 'Freedom Convoy' Truckers Are the Fascist Ones
mrc tv WATCH: Freedom Convoy Protesters Push Back Against Media Narratives
YouTube Tucker: Trudeau has declared Canada a dictatorship
mrc tv Trudeau Cracks Down On Freedom Demonstrators - Trampled Beneath Horses, Businesses Corralled & Closed
Louder With Crowder 'That’s Bulls***': Woman Trampled By Justin Trudeau's Police Horses Speaks Out, Slams Cops and Prime Minister

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Lockdown - Facism - China (and elsewhere)
Louder With Crowder Footage From Chinese Quarantine Camp Is Something Out of a Horror Movie
Louder With Crowder Pay Attention, America: Shanghai Fencing In People’s Homes to Prevent Them Breaking Lockdown

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Lockdown - Facism - France (and elsewhere)
Louder With Crowder Police Use Tear Gas on Anti-Mandate Protesters. Also, Uses Tear Gas on Parents and Little Kids

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Lockdown - Facism - Australia (and elsewhere) - Medical Apartheid
Louder With Crowder Top 5 Times Australia Lockdowns Terrified Us in 2021
American Thinker Sweden’s no-lockdown Covid strategy vindicated
mrc tv World Economic Forum Withdraws Foolish Claim That 'Lockdowns Are Quietly Improving Cities'
mrc tv Public Explodes After Ontario Health Officials Tell Parents To Isolate COVID-Exposed Preschoolers Alone For 14 Days
American Thinker Totalitarian madness comes to Australia's New South Wales
Louder With Crowder Pay Attention, America: Australia Is Building C*VID Jails ... I'm Sorry, I Mean 'Quarantine Facilities'
Louder With Crowder Australian Arrested for 'Incitement' of 'Unlawful Gathering,' Yet Somehow That's Not the Scary Part
Louder With Crowder Little Girl Sits on Father's Lap as He's Handcuffed. His Crime? Not Wearing a Mask.
Louder With Crowder Riot Police Beat Down Woman Who Entered Mall Without Showing Her 'Passport'
Louder With Crowder Australia's Health Official Looks Forward to the New World Order. Yes, She Actually Said 'New World Order'
Louder With Crowder Australia Introduces 'Freedom Pass,' Which They Say Is the Only Way to Get Your Freedom Back
Louder With Crowder Police Being Sent Door to Door to Question Citizens Suspected of Attending Lockdown Protests. Guess Where?
Louder With Crowder 'No Valid Reason to Be Here': Australian Police Go Full Police State, Swarm People Not Wearing Masks
Turley Talks IT’S HAPPENING: Concentration Camps and Insane Mandates in the West
PJ Media Three Teens Who Escaped From Aussie COVID Camp All Have One Thing in Common, and It's Not the Virus
Louder With Crowder 26-Year-Old Taken from Home to Quarantine Camp, Offered Valium and Told 'It Doesn't Have to Make Sense'
mrc tv Disgusting: NYPD Remove Mom and Crying Boy From a Pizza Parlor For Being Unvaxxed
Washington Examiner Six unvaccinated protesters arrested after 'sit-in' at New York Cheesecake Factory
Louder With Crowder Anti-Mandate Protesters Are Arrested for Not Showing Their Papers at a Burger King
Louder With Crowder Australia Targets Unvaccinated Citizens With Extreme Lockdown, Won't Let Them Leave Home to Exercise or Work

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Fauci Support For Developing Bio-Weapons To Attack Americans
mrc tv Fauci: It Would’ve Been 'Almost A Dereliction Of Duty' To Not Fund Wuhan Lab Experiments
American Thinker Dr. Fauci is Finally Unmasked
rumble NIH Quietly Removes Gain-of-Function Research Info From Its Site

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Passports
BallotPedia State government policies about vaccine requirements (vaccine passports)
Turley Talks Europe REVOLTS Against Vaccine MANDATES!!!
American Thinker Did the CDC Director just kill the rationale for vaccine passports?

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Quarantine
American Thinker Gleanings from 1760’s 'Great Small Pox Epidemic' in Charleston

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Vaccine Protection The vaccine is as useless as the mask, house arrest, and martial law are for protecting from a virus.
Rasta vs. Babylon WATCH: Israeli Bombshell - 4th Shot 'Not Good Enough' - Ron Paul (27:09)
American Thinker Big Pharma CEO Blows a Hole in Vaccine Mandates
mrc tv Pfizer CEO Backpedals: Two COVID Vax Doses 'Offers Very Limited Protection, If Any'
mrc tv CDC Director: 'What [Vaccines] Can't Do Anymore Is Prevent Transmission'
Gateway Pundit Massive 145-Country Study Shows Sharp INCREASE of Transmission and DEATH After Introduction of COVID Vaccines
Louder With Crowder BuzzFeed Party Turns into Superspreader Event with Completely Vaccinated and Boosted Crowd
Uncovered mD.C. WHO Database Lists 2.7M Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines
American Thinker Hard Data Shows the Covid Vaccines Don’t Work
American Thinker Fauci Finally Admits Vaccines Don’t Protect Against Serious Covid or Death
Team Tucker Carlson Watch: Bill Gates Admits Covid Vaccines Don’t Stop Viral Transmission
VAERS Analysis Weekly analysis of the VAERS data
VAERS Analysis VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 10/22/2021
Gateway Pundit EXCLUSIVE: Analysis Shows More COVID Deaths in 2021 than 2020 with Large Percent of 2021 Deaths Fully Vaccinated
Youube SHOCK VIDEO: Pfizer Scientist admits Pfizer Covid vaccine "just doesn't work" in some people
Jon Rappaport's Blog Boosters: how to kill more people with impunity
Jon Rappaport's Blog California, you had your chance to recall Newsom; now he’s putting the poisoned needle into all your children
Savage Takes BREAKING: Fully Vaccinated Supreme Court Justice Tests Positive for Covid
Savage Takes World-Class Athlete Suddenly Drops Out of 2021 Season After Getting Vaccine, Says He Developed Problems After Getting it
Great Game IndiaPolish Doctor Mocks Critics Of COVID-19 Vaccine While Taking Jab. Dies Just Days Later
bmj Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial
Town Hall Yale Doctor: I'd Pull a Healthy Kid From School Before Giving Them the COVID Vaccine
Western Journal FDA Won't Approve Moderna's Vaccine for Teens This Year, Cites Risk of Deadly Heart Condition
American Thinker Japan warns of cardiac health risks from COVID vaccines
Epoch Times EXCLUSIVE: Hospital Faces Staff Shortages Due to COVID-19 Infections, Despite Vaccine Mandate

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Vaccine - Resist Medical Tyranny - Danger
The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. - Nuremberg Code
He who gives up a little freedom to gain a little security, deserves neither and will lose both. - Benjamin Franklin
The virus is real, the death toll is inaccurate, and the fear is politicial.
Gateway Pundit SHOCKING: Compilation of Nurse Whistleblowers from Around the World Warning About COVID Vaccines
American Thinker Physicians and the Vaccine Tyranny
Market Ticker Mandates, Contracts And Facts
Turley Talks Texas BANS Vax Mandates as Red States REVOLT Against Biden!!!
Louder With Crowder Practicing Doctor Highlights Issues of 'Leaky Vaccine' and how the Vaccinated Might Make COVID-19 ...Worse?
Louder With Crowder DOOCY Asks Psaki: Why Should Texans Risk C*VID from Illegal Migrants and Joe Biden's Border Crisis?
YouTube PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings "Vaccine is Full of Sh*t"
YouTube PART 2: FDA Official 'Blow Dart African Americans'& Wants 'Nazi Germany Registry' for Unvaccinated
YouTube PART 3: Johnson & Johnson: 'Kids Shouldn’t Get A F*cking [COVID] Vaccine;' There are "Unknown Repercussions"
YouTube PART 4: Pfizer Scientists: ‘Your [COVID] Antibodies Are Better Than The [Pfizer] Vaccination.' #ExposePfizer
YouTube PART 5: Pfizer Whistleblower LEAKS Execs Emails EXPOSING Suppression of Covid Vax Info From Public
American Thinker Simple solution to vaccine mandate
Humans Are Free VAERS: Approx. 70 People Die from COVID Vaccines Every Day in America
Vaccine Impact Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead
America's Front Line Doctors Immunization expert: ‘Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others’
Gateway Pundit Moderna Says People Who Received its Covid Vaccine Early On Are TWICE as Likely to Get ‘Breakthrough’ Infection – Pushes Booster Shot
Wiley Online Library International Journal Of Clinical Practice: Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease
Trial Site News COVID-19 Vaccinations 98 Times More Deadly Than Flu Vaccines (According to VAERS Reports)
Zero Hedge 'This Ends The Debate' - Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta
3% Nation This Is EXACTLY What the mRNA Vaccine Does To Your Body’s Cells…
Daily Expose Pfizer Will NOT Mandate Covid-19 Vaccines For its Own Employees
Rotter News Covid Vaccine Mandates Can Be Avoided
Deconstructing Coventional 18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine
Health Impact News 3,964 DEAD 162,610 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 "Vaccines"
Life Facts COVID-19
Covid Blog
Life Site Former Pfizer VP: ‘No need for vaccines,’ ‘the pandemic is effectively over’
Life Site mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are really ‘gene therapy’ and not vaccines: ethicist
Epoch Times Over 100 Fully Vaccinated People in Washington State Test Positive for COVID-19
America's Frontline Doctors Expert evaluation on adverse effects of the Pfizer-COVID-19 vaccination
Mercola COVID Vaccines May Bring Avalanche of Neurological Disease
Epoch Times CDC Investigating Heart Inflammation in COVID-19 Vaccinated Teens, Young Adults
American Thinker A massive surge in COVID vaccine deaths
American Thinker What is the true number of vaccine-related deaths?
American Thinker Why Are Media Ignoring Data Showing Massive COVID-19 Vaccine Death Spike?
Louder With Crowder Teacher Fail: 40% of New York City Educators Haven't Gotten Their Fauci Ouchie
Louder With Crowder 'They Can't Arrest All of Us': Rand Paul Lays Down Gauntlet with Powerful Anti-Lockdown Call to Arms
PJ Media Fight Back: Here's How People Are Legally Resisting Dystopian Diktats to Get a Covid Shot or Be Fired
mrc tv Mike Rowe Rises Against Demonization Of Those Who Decline Vax
American Thinker My troubling COVID vaccine story experiences
3% Nation Hospitals Nationwide On The Brink of Collapse Due To COVID Restrictions
American Thinker The unvaccinated and the Democrat media
mrc tv NY Hospital To Stop Baby Deliveries As Vax-Mandates Cause Employees To Leave
Christian Post Amish survived COVID-19 better than most by not locking down, ceasing church gatherings: report
mrc tv Lightfoot Says Chicago Police Union Opposes Vax Mandate 'In Order to Induce an Insurrection'
Turley Talks Mainstream Media Blackout as Walkouts Sweep the Nation!!!
Turley Talks Huge Whitepills as Masses WAKE UP to Vaccine Tyranny!
Zero Hedge After Thousands Of Parents Refused To Comply, California School District Reverses Child Jab Mandate
You'll stand up and cheer after seeing these Canadian trucker convoy videos
mrc tv Censored, Fired Vaccination Victims Speak Out Against ‘COVID Cartel’

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - War On Religion
YouTube The Gestapo came again attacking the Church!
mrc tv COVID-Crazed Cops Brutally Arrest Canadian Pastor For Giving Saturday Sermon
Epoch Times Disney Employees Suing Company Over Vaccine Exemption Refusals

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Vaccine - Pandemic Cosplay - Hypocrisy
mrc tv NYC To Exempt Athletes & Performers From City's Vax Mandate

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Masks - Pandemic Cosplay - Hypocrisy - Mask Health Risks
The virus is real, the death toll is inacurrate, and the fear is politicial.
no mask needed unless you look like Nancy Pelosi - sign outside Preslee's Restaurant in Houston, TX
mrc tv CDC Keeps Masking Research On Masks - Lack of Efficacy, Increased Depression
Louder With Crowder Watch: Fauci stammers when even CNN (?!) presents him with evidence his mask mandates did nothing
Daily Mail Mask study published by NIH suggests N95 Covid masks may expose wearers to dangerous level of toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer
Covid Quiz Charts
JUst The News Masks offer 'small' benefit against COVID, increased CO2 may be tied to stillbirths: research
Creators Why the Left Is Pro-Mask
Restore Childhood New meta-analysis should end discussion of mask mandates in schools
Federalist Leana Wen Created A Mob Of Covid Karens And Now They’re Coming For Her
Hennessy's View This Is How Masks Will Change People
YouTube DO NOT COMPLY: Liz Wheeler drops major truth bombs about anti-science mask mandates
bad cattitude no, n95 masks do not stop covid either - this is just more pandemic cosplay being used as cover for the increasingly obvious failure of mask policy
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse How To Talk To Your Conspiracy Nut Friends About COVID Masks
mrc tv Fauci Suggests Facemasks On Planes...Forever
Louder With Crowder CDC Busted Changing School Mask Guidance to Appease Teachers' Unions. Yes, Again.
Federalist The Top Reason I Hate Masks Is They Force Me To Live By Lies - Being forced to wear a mask is being forced to communicate that I support treating COVID-19 as if it should take priority over everything else in life. That's not only false, but evil.
YouTube Do Masks Work? Viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle performs a simple experiment to see.
Louder With Crowder Jen Psaki Bombs, Can't Answer Simple Question: If the V-Word Works, What's with the CDC and Masks?
American ThinkerIf you dig down, permanent masks make sense for a lot of people
American Thinker Now there's even more reason to resist the masks
American Thinker Masks Mandates Counterproductive. How Much More Data Do We Need?
American Thinker Masks are a Joke, But No One is Laughing
Washington Times CDC guidelines say wearing a mask during prolonged exposure to coronavirus won't prevent possible infection
Blaze Horowitz: E-MASK-ulation: How we have been lied to so dramatically about masks - What did the scientific literature say before the issue became political?
Federalist CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks
Healthy Amerian Science Says Healthy People Should Not Wear Masks
Louder With Crowder CNBC Demonstrates Why You Should Wear THREE Masks. Yes, Really. It's Not Just a Meme.
American Thinker Masks! What are they good for?
Louder With Crowder Cop Gives Reporter Citation for Breaking Pandemic Restrictions and 'Shaking Someone's Hand'
American Thinker The CDC uses discredited, inapplicable authority to back its new mask guidelines
PJ Media Congressman Shows Biden's New Mask Mandate Is Based on Bogus Study – Again. 'This Is Why We've Lost Trust'
mrc tv Pelosi Will Require Masks In The House, Contrary To Her Beloved CDC 'Guidelines' American Thinker And Just Like That, Masks Are No Longer Necessary
American Thinker Time for Modern Masking Madness to Be Cast into the Dustbin of History
American Thinker Maskless in Washington
rumble Biden Admin Offers Schools FEDERAL $ To DISOBEY Florida's Mask Freedom
Louder With Crowder Heartbreaking Video Shows Two-Year-Old in Day Care Being Forced to Comply with Democrat's Mask Mandate
Louder With Crowder Teenager Arrested, High School Sent Into Lockdown All Over a Student Not Wearing a Mask
Daily Mail COVID rules are blamed for 23% dive in young children's development: Disturbing study shows scores in three key cognitive tests slumped between 2018 and 2021, with face mask rules among possible culprits
Legal Insurrection Rep. Eric Swalwell is Latest Democrat Caught Maskless in the Free State of Florida
mrc tv Yeah, If You’re Ugly. Study: Covid Masks Make Men More Attract
mrc tv Social Elites And Politicians Party Maskless At NFC Championship Game
Federalist Democrat Politicians Were Never As Afraid Of Covid As They Want You To Be
mrc tv Super Bowl of Hypocrisy: Maskless Celebs Party at Big Game
Louder With Crowder State Health Secretary: Celebs Can Go Maskless at Super Bowl, But Kids in School Are S*** Out of Luck
mrc tv Rules For Thee: NY Gov. Hochul Warns Against 'Bullying' Those Who Still Wear Masks
Epoch Times New Study Adds to Growing Body of Evidence Suggesting Mask Mandates Are Ineffective
Town Hall Yet Another California Official Exposed for Mask Mandate Hypocrisy
City Journal Masks Still Don’t Work - More than two years on, the best scientific evidence says that masks don’t stop Covid—and public health officials continue to ignore it.
This Study Could Be 'Scientific Nail in the Coffin' for Masks - Masks make 'no difference,' according to study by world-renowned medical database
mrc tv They’re Baaack!: Some Colleges Bring Back Masking Policies
Dan bongino Show Study Published by NIH Suggests N95 Masks Could Expose Wearers to Toxic Compounds Linked to Cancer
Louder With Crowder Reporter busts Joe Biden engaging in mask theatre hours after WH virtue signaling he was going to wear one indoors again

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Mask Fascists - Police Oppression
Louder With CrowderMan Allegedly Suffers Heart Attack after He's Arrested... for Not Wearing a Mask. OUTSIDE!
Louder With Crowder Wisconsin Police Officers Berate a Mother for Allowing Her Child to Visit a Friend
Louder With Crowder Mom at Son’s Football Game Wasn’t Wearing a Mask. The Police Reaction Is HORRIFYING!
Louder With Crowder TYRANNY: Police Pepper Spray Pre-Teen Girls. They Weren't Wearing Masks
Louder With Crowder Authorities Pepper Spray Kid at Anti-Lockdown Protest. She Was Holding a Sign That Said 'Let Me Play'
mrc tv Loudoun County Ignores Rape, But Cites Maskless Students For Trespassing
Louder With Crowder Watch: Mom Shows Maskless Pictures of Hypocrite School Board Members, Board Flips Out and Calls Security
Louder With Crowder 'Wear the Mask on Your F***ing Balls!’: School Board Member Freaks Out on Parent With Medical Exemption
mrc tv CA Principal Calls Cops Over Four-Year-Old Refusing To Wear a Mask

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Criminals Support For Masks
Yahoo! Finance NYC police want shoppers to remove masks before entering stores
mrc tv Way to Go, Sherlock! NY Mayor Adams Tells Shop Owners to Bar Patrons Who Won't Lower Their Masks Because of Rising Crime

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Judicial Lawlessness
The virus is real, the death toll is inacurrate, and the fear is politicial.
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) The Year of Disguises
Daily Wire San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths
Durango Herald Montezuma County disputes state’s coronavirus death count
mrc tv Stripped Of Their Rights? CA Strip Clubs Allowed To Open - But Not Churches
American Thinker COVID: The Perfect Crime?

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Resistance - Resist Fascism
The virus is real, the death toll is inacurrate, and the fear is politicial.
Federalist Biden Forced Americans Into A Game Of Chicken Over Their Livelihoods, And They’re Not Flinching
Louder With Crowder 'Just Obey': Street Musician Goes Viral with Song Mocking Lockdown Supporters. He Also Makes Sheep Sounds ...
Louder With Crowder 'For the Sake of Freedom...': Scottish Reporter Shares Powerful Message All Americans Need to Hear Now
mrc tv EPIC: Fox News' Judge Jeanine Pirro SLAMS Lockdowns and Leftist DC Hypocrites
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) The Year of Disguises
Daily Wire San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths
Durango Herald Montezuma County disputes state’s coronavirus death count
mrc tv Real Resistance: CA Churchgoers DEFY Newsom – Worship God INSIDE Together
Detroit Metro Times Novi ammo store bans mask-wearing customers because of ‘thugs,’ calls Whitmer a 'bitch'
Off-G COVID World - Resist!
mrc tv Idaho Police Arrest Worshippers Attending Outdoor Church Without a Mask
PJ Media [WATCH] Buffalo Business Owners Revolt Against Health Department and Sheriffs: 'GET OUT! WE WILL NOT COMPLY'
PJ Media Newsom Wanted Snitches to Turn in Thanksgiving 'Scofflaws' But Several California Sheriffs Say They Will Not Comply
PJ Media Oregon County Sheriff and DA Draw the Thin, Blue Line: They Will Not Enforce Criminal Penalties For China Virus Violations [UPDATE: More Counties Refuse COVID Lockdown Order]
Federalist Politicians Aren’t Canceling Their Celebrations And Gatherings, And Neither Am I
Federalist I Won’t Arrest You For Celebrating Thanksgiving, And No Good Cop Would
Louder With Crowder Andrew Cuomo Attacks Sheriffs Refusing to Enforce His Tyrannical Thanksgiving Restrictions
PJ Media [WATCH] Buffalo Gym Owner Tears Up $15,000 Health Dept. Fine—to the Cheers of Business Owners
NO More Fake News Rebellion rising; the people have had enough
Louder With Crowder NYC Bar Owner Works Around Cuomo's Tyrannical COVID Restrictions: I'm an Autonomous Zone
mrc tv LA Restaurateur Fights Hypocritical Leftist Politicians And Their Anti-Rights Lockdowns, Vows To Stay Open
Louder With Crowder California Health Secretary Admits Real Reason for Outdoor Dining Ban. HINT: It's Not Science ...
mrc tv Sending A Sign: NJ Gym Owner Continues To Battle Gov’s Closure Orders
Breitbart Rural Communities in California Defy Newsom’s Coronavirus Lockdown Orders As Backlash Grows
Louder With Crowder Fed Up Restaurant Owner BLOCKS Health Inspector's Car, Delivers Awesome Rant
Louder With Crowder Maskless Woman Confronted by Mask Nazis Declares She's DONE with COVID Restrictions
Louder With Crowder Police Reportedly Raid 'Illegal Gathering' of Six People at Private Residence
mrc tv Elderly NM Man HAS TO SUE THE STATE To Touch His Wife, Who Is In Same Nursing Facility
mrc tv World Multitudes Defy Politicians, Rally For Freedom From Lockdowns
The Last Refuge Righteous, Pastor in Calgary Throws Out COVID Police
Red State Tinhorn Flats Update: Burbank Sends in SWAT and Boards up the Restaurant
breitbart Watch: London Mayor Candidate Laurence Fox Says ‘Get Your Mask Off; Grow Some Balls!’
Louder with Crowder Mother's Emotional Demand to Councilmembers: 'Take These Masks Off of My Child'
mrc tv Arizona Parents Explode After School Board Refuses to Nix Classroom Mask Mandates
Louder with Crowder Annoyed Little Girl Destroys School Board Over Masks and It's Adorable
American Thinker Thousands protest harsh Covid lockdowns in Australia as police vow to identify and charge as many participants as possible
Louder with Crowder Restaurant in Huntington Beach, CA Flips Major Bird to Pro-Vax Adherents
Federalist ‘These Are Not Your Children’: Wisconsin Parents Tell Joe Biden To Stuff Masking Their Children Where The Sun Don’t Shine
mrc tv Study: 17 States Spent $89M On COVID Cash Bribes - and They Didn't Work
YouTube Travis Tritt Speaks Out On Mask Mandates At His Shows, Cancels Gigs With Mandates Of Any Kind
PJ Media Street Artists on Both Coasts Take Aim at COVID Authoritarianism and the Lefties Can't Cope

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Playing Politics While America Burns
The virus is real, the death toll is inacurrate, and the fear is politicial.
American Thinker The Rise and Fall of Andrew Cuomo
Louder With Crowder Freshman Congressman Annihilates Pelosi's Stimulus Plan Point by Point in Only Four Minutes
mrc tv Dem-Dominated Senate Passes $1.9 TRILLION 'COVID Relief Bill'

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Fascism - Biofascism
The virus is real, the death toll is inacurrate, and the fear is politicial.
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) The Year of Disguises
Daily Wire San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths
Durango Herald Montezuma County disputes state’s coronavirus death count
AIER Lockdown: The New Totalitarianism
American Thinker Falling for the Biggest Hoax in History
Dennis Prager The Lockdown Has Gone From a Mistake to a Crime
Hillsdale College - Imprimis Four Months of Unprecedented Government Malfeasance
Louder With Crowder 600 Doctors Write Powerful Letter to Trump: The Shutdown is an "Order of Magnitude Error..."
scribd open letter to Trump from 600 doctors
Louder With Crowder Hey Democrats, We Found the Real Nazis. Hint: It's YOU!
Louder With Crowder Modeling Experts Discover Neil Ferguson's COVID-19 Model is Complete Bullsh*t
Breitbart Germany’s Bild Newspaper Says ‘Lockdown Was a Huge Mistake’
Louder With Crowder Brit Hume: ‘Time to Consider Possibility Lockdown a Colossal Public Policy Calamity
U.S.News CDC: 80,000 People Died From Flu Last Season (2017-2018)
Legal Insurrection First Amendment Fail - Raleigh Police: "Protesting is a non-essential activity"
American Thinker Governor Gretchen Whitmer, poster child for the abuse of power
American Thinker Michigan residents take to the streets for a massive protest
Louder With Crowder Northern Michigan Sheriffs State they will NOT Comply with Governor’s Overreach
Louder With Crowder NJ Governor Straight-Up Admits: ‘I Wasn’t Thinking of the Bill of Rights’ [VIDEO]
PJ Media New Jersey Woman Charged With Plotting to Violate Governor's Stay-at-Home Order
Louder With Crowder Northern Michigan Sheriffs State they will NOT Comply with Governor’s Overreach
The Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse And Then The Pendulum Swung The Other Way
The Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse A Message From The Governor Of Rationalania
The Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Businesses That Are Going To Fail
The Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse A Comparison To Isolation
The Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Everything You Are Doing Regarding COVID is Stupid
Canda Free Press The Last Time I Saw America
Canda Free Press Crackdown lockdown downtown: fiddling case numbers while Rome burns - Mass Imprisonment Of The Population
Conservative Review Horowitz: As cops arrest moms at playgrounds in Idaho, burglaries surge in New York
Conservative Review Horowitz: A new declaration of independence - from coronavirus fascism and anarchy
mrc tv 'We Won't Tolerate This': Ohio Cops Bust Up Large Amish Barn Party Amid COVID-19 Shutdown
Federalist Instead Of ‘Flattening The Curve,’ We Flattened Hospitals, Doctors, And The U.S. Health Care System
Federalist Police Have Started Revolting Against Draconian Coronavirus Edicts From Local Tyrants
PJ Media Houston Police Officer's Union to Harris County Judge Hidalgo: Take Your 'Idiotic' Mask Order and Shove It
PJ Media Four Southern California Counties Start Declaring Independence From Wuhan Virus and the Governor
American Thinker COVID-19 lockdowns are killing thousands of Americans
mrc tv AZ COVID Cops: 'We Don’t Want You To Feel Like We’re Harassing You' - Shut Down Mom And Pop Store
City Journal The Economy Is Not a Machine - Recovery from Covid-19 will take more than government pump-priming; the market process itself, in all its complexity, must revive.
Conservative Review Horowitz: Liberal governors publish plan to reopen society ... never
mrc tv VIDEO: Wisconsin Deputies Threaten a Mother For Letting Her Daughter Play At a Neighbor's Home During Shutdown
Louder With Crowder Police Approach Dallas Salon Owner who Wouldn't Comply with 'Non-Essential' Work Order
Louder With Crowder Wisconsin Police Officers Berate a Mother for Allowing Her Child to Visit a Friend
Louder With Crowder Police Approach Dallas Salon Owner who Wouldn't Comply with 'Non-Essential' Work Order
Louder With Crowder Elon Musk DOUBLES DOWN: 'This is Fascist!'
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) Woodstock Occurred in the Middle of a Pandemic
Louder With Crowder KIRCHOFF: Stop Telling Me to "Stay Safe" and "Stay at Home"!
Louder With Crowder Tucker Carlson Reveals How Totalitarian Government Has Become
mrc tv Health and Safety? Dozens of Sex Offenders Have Been Released From Prison Due to COVID-19
Louder With Crowder Dallas Salon Owner JAILED for Refusing to Close. The Judge's Statement is Frightening!
Louder With Crowder Canadian Police Pull Gun on Girl Dressed as Star Wars Stormtrooper
Conservative Review Horowitz: Moving goalposts: Oregon governor now demanding COVID-19 cases drop BELOW flu levels to reopen
mrc tv Fresno, CA, 'Social Distancing' Health Enforcers Turned Away By Customers In Restaurant Line - So Cops Cuff One Man
Louder with Crowder WA Gov. Jay Inslee Goes Full Nazi, Wants Restaurants to Track Customers with Daily Log
mrc tv Colorado Govt. Attacks Restaurant That Opened In Defiance Of State Diktats
Law Enforcement Today Police hang “closed” sign on gym door. Owner replaces it with the Bill of Rights and opens up shop.
Conservative Review Horowitz: COVID-1984: The criminal is the victim and the victim is the criminal
Louder With Crowder Dan Crenshaw: The Left is Using COVID-19 to Restructure America...
Federalist Wuhan Flu Lockdowns Are Teaching Local Police To Manhandle Citizens
Conservative Review Horowitz: 67K criminals released so far under coronavirus jailbreak. And crime keeps rising
YouTube Judge Jeanine: There is no longer justification to shut down America
Sun LOCK & AWE Lockdown ‘panic virus’ among world leaders cost more lives than it saved, claims Nobel Prize scientist
Canada Free Press Cuomo & Friends Killed The City That Never Sleeps - Stop believing their lies! Go back to work and to hell with Cuomo and DeBlasio
Conservative Review Horowitz: European politicians blaming each other for insane lockdown idea while US politicians double down
Louder with Crowder New Study: COVID Shutdown Will Cost Americans 'Millions of Years of Life'
mrc tv Judge Rules Against Stay At Home Order: 'People Are Not Being Governed, They Are Being Ruled'
Federalist Mandatory Masks Aren’t About Safety, They’re About Social Control
Armstrong Economics Is it Time to Throw Every Politician Out of Office Who Imposed Lockdowns?
mrc tv VA Mayor Who Delayed Reopening Over COVID Two Weeks Ago Just Gathered With Protesters, Wearing No Mask and Passing a Bullhorn
Conservative Review Horowitz: It’s time to end the great American COVID-19 police state
Legal Insurrection Government Gone Wild: Wuhan Coronavirus has Led to Massive Overreach
mrc tv Hundreds Rally To Support Mass. Gym Owner After Gov't LOCKS HIS BUSINESS
mrc tv Florida Keys to Require Face Masks Until June...of 2021
mrc tv Oregon County COVID19 Mask Mandate Offers 'Special Exemption' – Based On Race, Of Course
Federalist Americans Should Never Again Comply With Pandemic Lockdown Orders
mrc tv CA Gov. Newsom Reinstates COVID Lockdown...and Adds 'Strike Teams' To Enforce It
American Thinker Deferred disease disaster dawning on Democrats
Zero Hedge The Number Of Permanent Business-Shutdowns Is Rising
PJ Media Are Members of Congress Immune From COVID-19? DC Mayor Bowser Seems to Think So
Louder With Crowder Tucker Carlson Obliterates Fauci for Giving a Social Distancing Pass to Protesters
mrc tv KICK DOWN THE BARRIERS! NJ Gym Owners Break In and Reopen
Summit News Melbourne Lockdown: Police Can Enter Homes Without a Warrant to Carry Out ‘Spot Checks’
Federalist L.A. Threatens John MacArthur And His Church With Fines, Arrest For Holding Services
Federalist How Forced Isolation Makes Huge Power Grabs Possible
American Thinker The Minneapolis scheme to exact taxes from the businesses under the riot rubble
Federalist Fauci Spills The Beans: A Vaccine Won’t End COVID-19 Restrictions
mrc tv US District Court Rules PA Gov Wolf’s COVID Lockdown Is Unconstitutional
mrc tv Mom Is TASED & HANDCUFFED For Not Wearing Mask At Son's Football Game
mrc tv MI Supreme Court Rules Whitmer’s Lockdowns Run Afoul of the State Constitution, But She Vows To CONTINUE
mrc tv Calif. Governor's Office Wants People to Put Mask on 'In Between Bites,' Immediately Contradicts Itself
mrc tv NY Gov Cuomo Mandates 'Negative Test' House Arrest For Visitors from 47 States and New Yorkers Returning From Travel
mrc tv RINO NH Gov. Sununu Flouts Fourth Amendment, Demands Restaurants Collect Data of Patrons
Louder With Crowder Andrew Cuomo Announces New Tyrannical Shutdown, This Time Including Your Own Home
Louder With Crowder Pennsylvania Announces Tyrannical New Mask Mandate, Including What You Do in Your Own Home
Louder With Crowder Gov. Cuomo Goes Full Tyrant on Reporter Asking About School Closures
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Goes Public, Wants to Limit Who You Can Have for Thanksgiving
mrc tv Cuomo Threatens Investigation and 'Legal Action' Against Synagogue For Holding a Wedding Despite COVID Mandates
mrc tv 'Get a Warrant!' NY Business Owners Defy Cuomo's COVID Edicts
Daily Torch When a business dies, a dream dies with it
PJ Media L.A. Sheriffs Detain 900 for Heinous Crime of New Year's Eve Partying
Louder With Crowder British Police Fining Citizens $8,000 for Breaking Lockdown Without 'Reasonable Excuse'
reason Federal Mask Cops To Start Targeting Travelers Today
mrctv LA County Health Inspector Caught Doing a 'Happy Dance' After Telling a Struggling Local Brewery to Close On Super Bowl Sunda
Louder With Crowder Health Inspector Caught Dancing After WRONGLY Shutting Down Brewery Over Lockdown Restrictions?
mrc tv Kroger to Close Stores in Seattle Thanks to Hazard Pay Mandates
mrc tv Federal and State Eviction Bans Are Forcing Some Landlords Into Poverty
mrc tv As Volcano Erupts In St. Vincent, Only 'Vaccinated' Can Board Evacuation Ships
American thinker 'Your papers, please!'
American Thinker Is this the USA?
mrc tv NIH Director Calls For Spreaders of COVID 'Misinformation' to Be 'Brought to Justice'
rumble Political Power Play: The COVID Crackdowns
mrc tv Poll Finds Huge % of Dems Support Imprisonment & Loss of Child Custody For the Unvaxxed
Common Sense Yesterday I Was Levi’s Brand President. I Quit So I Could Be Free. - I turned down $1 million severance in exchange for my voice.

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Relief - Aid - Covid Corruption - Is It Infrastructure Yet?
The virus is real, the death toll is inacurrate, and the fear is politicial.
Louder With Crowder Five Ways Democrats Plan to Spend Taxpayer Money in COVID 'Relief' Plan
mrc tv California Man Arrested After Using $5 Million in COVID Relief Loans To Buy Luxury Cars and Vacations
mrc tv 'Hamilton' Musical Receives $30M in COVID Bailout - It's Historical American Pork!
mrc tv New Hampshire Abuses COVID Relief Dollars by Funding a 'Youth Pride Event'

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Democrat Super Spreaders
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
The virus is real, the death toll is inacurrate, and the fear is politicial.
American Thinker House Democrats promote ignorance about COVID masks, just to blame Republicans
mrc yv Texas Town Erupts After Charity Books Entire Local Hotel For COVID-Infected Illegals
American Thinker Sneaky: Biden officials ordered workers to cover up COVID outbreak at migrant center, whistleblowers say

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Cover Up
Federalist The Media’s COVID Origin Coverup Campaign Has Begun
Louder With Crowder Jedediah Bila Provides Sources After Being Attacked by the Shrill Harpies on 'The View' for 'Misinformation'

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Covering Up The Murders of Thousands of Innocents - Democrat Super Spreaders
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
The virus is real, the death toll is inacurrate, and the fear is politicial.
mrc tv NYT: Cuomo's Office Was Covering Up Nursing Home Death Counts Last JUNE - Months Before the Feds Came Knocking

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Fascism - Corruption
The virus is real, the death toll is inacurrate, and the fear is politicial.
mrc tv Sen. Kennedy: Dems' 'COVID Relief' Bill Is an 'Orgy of Pork' That's 'Chock Full of Spending Porn'
Louder With Crowder Fauci Lets His Mask Slip, Flat Out Tells Americans "Do What You're Told"
Federalist How COVID Vaccine Coercion Drove Me Out Of West Point

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Crime
American Thinker COVID House Arrest and Mass Shootings
mrc tv James Carville: It Should Be Legal To Punch 'Piece of S***' Unvaxxed People In the Face

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Hypocrisy
The virus is real, the death toll is inacurrate, and the fear is politicial.
The massive number of politicians and celebrities not obeying the tyranical mask mandates is not because they are hypocrites, it's because they don't believe the bullshit spewing from their lieholes.
mrc tvc Congress, Judicial Branch, Exempted From Biden Jab Mandate
Powerline Biden Joins the Ranks of COVID Hypocrites
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) The Year of Disguises
Daily Wire San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths
Durango Herald Montezuma County disputes state’s coronavirus death count
mrc tv Gavin’s Mask-Less Gathering: Photos Emerge Of Gov’s Dinner Party With Lobbyist
PJ Media 10 Hypocrite Dems Who Prattle on About Masks and Lockdowns But Personally Act Like They're All BS
City Journal Rank Hypocrisy - California governor Gavin Newsom fails to follow his own restrictive Covid-19 policies
mrc tv Denver Mayor Tweets 'Stay Home' For Thanksgiving – Half an Hour Before Flying To Mississippi For His Own
mrc tv McEnany Calls Out Dems Who Violated Own Pandemic Orders During WH Video Presentation
Post Millennial WATCH: McEnany SLAMS reporter for saying White House should not host holiday parties: 'If you can loot businesses... you can go to a Christmas party'
American Thinker Once again, The Simpsons predicted modern politics
Washington Examiner Here’s a list of all the Democratic officials who have defied their own coronavirus restrictions
Louder With Crowder Comedian Summarizes Hollywood's COVID Hypocrisy in One Brutal Tweet
mrc tv Rules for Thee: Dem Lawmakers in California Dine Together Hours After Socially Distant Ceremony
mrc tv 11 Government Officials Caught Violating Their Own COVID Rules
American Thinker Live from New York, it's Saturday Night liberal hypocrisy
mrc tv Dr. Deborah Birx Caught Visiting With Family Over the Holidays After Telling Others to Stay Home
Dan Bongino Show Dr. Birx to Retire After Getting Caught Violating Her Own Guidance
American Thinker Obamas spending Christmas in Hawaii and generate the best picture ever of the former first couple
Louder With Crowder New York Democrat BUSTED Playing Hockey After Banning Kids from Playing Hock
American Thinker Ain't hidin' it: De Blasio hoofs it up at Times Square on New Year's Eve after banning all New Yorkers
Louder With Crowder Aaron Rodgers Calls Out Government Hypocrisy Over COVID: 'It's Becoming a Joke'
mrc tv After Leading School Closures, Video Shows Teachers’ Union President Putting Child Into In-Person Preschool
American Thinker More blatant ‘masks for thee, but not for me’ behavior yesterday from John Kerry and Sen. Tom Carper (D DE)
mrc tv Whitmer’s Top Aide Caught Flouting the Gov's Lockdown Edicts - Then Attacks Those Who Exposed Her
mrc tv COVID-Fearing AZ School Board Cancels Prom, But Plans a RETIREMENT PARTY For One Of Their Members
mrc tv Michigan Gov. Whitmer Apologizes After Being Caught Ignoring COVID Protocols
mrc tv Teachers Union Boss Posts Group Photo From a Restaurant While Pushing To Keep Classrooms Closed
PJ Media [WATCH] Hypocrite Pelosi Goes Maskless at White House Event, Social Media Erupts
Federalist The Media’s Big Lie About Who Isn’t Getting Shots Is How You Know They Don’t Care About The Unvaccinated
PJ Media HYPOCRITE: DC Mayor Bowser Attends Maskless Wedding Reception
mrc tv Superspreader Event? Obama to Host 'Nearly 700' People for 60th B-day Bash in Martha's Vineyard
Louder With Crowder BUSTED! Pro-Mask AOC Wears Mask for Crowd Photo... Then TAKES IT OFF<
mrc tv Obama’s Maskless 60th Birthday Hypocrisy Takes the Cake
mrc tv Squad Member Rashida Tlaib Spotted Partying Without Mask
mrc tv School Board Member Votes To Force Masks – Next Day Attends Huge Concert, Sans Mask
rumble Things That Need to Be Said: Mandate Merchants Don't Buy Their Own Edicts
mrc tv CNN’s Lemon Doesn’t Don Mask On FLA Trip – After Criticizing State Leaders For Resisting Mask Mandates
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden Busted Maskless (Again) Behind Sign That Says Masks Were Required
mrc tv Masks For Thee – Not Pelosi: Speaker Meanders Maskless Despite Presidential Push Louder With Crowder 'Not Hypocrisy, It's HIERARCHY' Team DeSantis Wrecks AOC Living It Up Maskless in Miami While NYC Suffers
mrc tv Swalwell Caught Maskless In Florida After Blaming Republicans For 'Prolonging' COVID
mrc tv Trevor Noah Questions Non-Sensical Vaccine Mandates In NYC

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Political Warfare
Louder With Crowder CDC Updates COVID Guidelines Allowing 100% Occupancy ... at Biden's Child Migrant Shelters
Imprimis - Science, Politics, and COVID: Will Truth Prevail?
Tom Woods Covid Religion
American Thinker CDC/NFL Publish Revealing Wuhan Virus Paper
mrc tv $16T Later: New Stanford Study Says COVID Lockdowns Have 'No Clear, Significant Beneficial Effect'
Steadfast Clash More Evidence Shows Total Deaths in 2020 Are No Different Than Prior Years
Louder With Crowder Fauci Admits Lying to the American People, Then Claims He Was Guessing
Front Page Mag Democrat Governors Freed the Criminals and Killed the Elderly - They released criminals to protect them from the virus - and locked nursing home patients in with the virus.
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) The Year of Disguises
Daily Wire San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths
Durango Herald Montezuma County disputes state’s coronavirus death count
American Thinker AMA Lied - How Many Died?
Great Barrington Declaration sign the petition to end the lockdown
medium The Silent Pandemic: Medical Errors Will Kill Far More Americans Than COVID-1911:46 PM Thursday, December 24, 2020.
Classically Liberal Thou Irrational Fear of COVID-19 Is a Mark of Privilege...
American Thinker Follow the Science (Except When the Results are Inconvenient)
PJ Media Johns Hopkins Study Saying COVID-19 Has 'Relatively No Effect on Deaths' in U.S. Deleted After Publication
Zero Hedge "Pandemic is Over" - Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer Says "Second Wave" Faked On False-Positive COVID Tests
Just The News Nearly 50,000 doctors and scientists, 630,000 citizens have signed global anti-lockdown proclamation
Louder With Crowder Justin Trudeau Exposes Truth About Pandemic, Tells UN It's an Opportunity for 'Great Reset'
Tom Woods Show Some COVID Resources
Tom Woods Show Death by Lockdown
Collateral Global review studies about how much damage the science deniers supporting lockdowns are causing.
Federalist These 12 Graphs Show Mask Mandates Do Nothing To Stop COVID
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Here's What Happens When You Don't Wear A Mask
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Here's the Science On COVID Masks
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse The Latest Virtue Signal From The Branch Covidians
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Everything You Are Doing Regarding COVID is Stupid
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse "Fact" Checking at Fecesbook
Federalist CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks
Federalist More Than 3,500 Health Experts Sound The Alarm On COVID Lockdown Policies, Urge ‘Focused Protection'
AIER Lockdown: The New Totalitarianism
Washington Times Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history
Louder With Crowder Heartbreaking: Nursing Home Residents Protest Restrictions, Would Rather 'Die of COVID' Than Loneliness
Blaze Dr. Fauci says even with a vaccine, masks and social distancing will continue until 2022
Federalist California Governor Breaks His Own COVID Rules To Eat Fancy French Food While Americans Go Hungry In Lockdown
Louder With Crowder Gov. Kristi Noem Tells Liberal Critics Where to Stick Their Mask Mandate
Louder With Crowder Report: 'Experts' Advised Bill de Blasio Not to Close Schools, de Blasio Ignored the 'Experts'
Just The News McCarthy slams Newsom for dining without a mask: 'He lost a lot of credibility' - Newson was spotted recently dining at a restaurant with a group not wearing a mask
Louder With Crowder Patriot Confronts Maskless New Jersey Governor at a Restaurant
Federalist Why Is Big Media Hiding That Illinois Has Far More COVID Cases Than Florida? Because Illinois Has A Democrat In Charge And Tighter Lockdowns
City Journal On the Ropes in Philly - A new lockdown may cost the city its vibrant dining scene.
Louder With Crowder John Hopkins Publishes Shocking Study Calling COVID Overrated, Then Deletes It For Some Reason
WLWT5 OHSAA coronavirus rules: Students can wrestle, but can't shake hands
Louder With Crowder Dan Crenshaw ANNIHILATES Nancy Pelosi for Four Minutes Straight
Life Site Scientists show COVID tests are ‘useless’, are based on ‘flawed science’ - The ‘worldwide misdiagnosis of infections’ stemming from the tests has resulted in ‘stringent lockdowns which have destroyed many people’s lives and livelihoods,’ the scientists argue.
YouTube Trey Gowdy Goes OFF on Pelosi after She Admits to Screwing Over the Entire Country
YouTube JUST IN: Dan Crenshaw TORCHES Pelosi in blistering House floor speech
Louder With Crowder Mike Rowe Blasts Politicians Arbitrarily Deciding What Employees are 'Essential'
American Thinker A Look at the COVID School Insanity in Minnesota
Louder With Crowder Marco Rubio Backs the Truck Over Anthony Fauci for Lying to the American People
Fox News Sen. Marco Rubio: Dr. Fauci lied about coronavirus to manipulate our behavior — that's appalling
Breitbart Up to Half of Health Care Workers in Parts of California Refuse Coronavirus Vaccine
mrc tv CA COVID Travel Advisory 'Recommends' People Not Travel More Than 120 Miles, But 'Special' People Are Exempt
mrc tv It's Magic! Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Now Says Restaurants Must Reopen 'As Quickly As Possible'
American Thinker If One Mask Doesn’t Work, Try Two, or Three, or Four...
mrc tv Psaki: Social Distancing and Masks Will Be 'Essential' Even After You're Vaccinated
mrc tv New Study: Lockdowns Were Biggest Factor In Destroying US Economy
Louder With Crowder Andrew Cuomo Lied About COVID Numbers to Protect Democrats, Avoid Trump: Report
Louder With Crowder NBC News Writes Hit Piece Attacking Ron DeSantis for ... Vaccinating People?
Louder With Crowder Ted Cruz Gives Perfect Response to Reporter Demanding He Cover His Face
mrc tv Florida Gov. DeSantis Says 'No' to Vaccine Passports: 'Completely Unacceptable'

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Murder - Suicide - Bio Warfare - Political Warfare
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) The Year of Disguises
Daily Wire San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths
Durango Herald Montezuma County disputes state’s coronavirus death count
mrc tv Cuomo Denies His Own Direct Order On Nursing Homes Taking COVID Patients: 'It Never Happened'br> summit news Australia: Four Newborn Babies Die After Being Denied Heart Surgery Due to COVID Travel Rule
Legal Insurrection Letter Offers More Evidence of Wuhan Lab Project Source of COVID Pandemic

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Pandemic Panic - Science Deniers - Political Warfare - Covid Derangement Syndrome
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) The Year of Disguises
Daily Wire San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths
Durango Herald Montezuma County disputes state’s coronavirus death count
Tom Woods Show Death by Lockdown
Louder With Crowder NBC News Suddenly Discovered Sweden Didn't Lockdown for COVID, and is SHOCKED By the Results...
Red State Literally Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Have Come Out Against Fauci’s Lockdowns Including a Nobel Prize-Winning Biophysicist. The Media Just Doesn’t Want You to Know
Louder With Crowder HOT MIC! Pennsylvania Democrats Caught Admitting Masks Are Just 'Political Theater'
Technocracy News & Trends Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy
Technocracy News & Trends Masks Are Neither Effective Nor Safe: A Summary Of The Science
revolver Revolver Exclusive Study: COVID-19 Lockdowns Over 10 Times More Deadly Than Pandemic Itself
mrc tv 'Mistake': CDC Removes Guidance Suggesting COVID Is Airborne After People Freak Out
Federalist Nashville Mayor, Health Department Covered Up Data Showing Bars And Restaurants Weren’t Spreading COVID-19
American Thinker Falling for the Biggest Hoax in History
Blaze Horowitz: E-MASK-ulation: How we have been lied to so dramatically about masks - What did the scientific literature say before the issue became political?
Gateway Pundit Van Morrison Blasts COVID-19 Live Concert Limits As ‘Pseudoscience’
Louder With Crowder This Viral Video Brilliantly Mocks the Absurdity of Mask Mandates
Red State The CDC Accidentally Admits Cloth Masks Are Not Effective
Headline Health CDC Accidentally Admits Cloth Masks Are NOT Effective
Louder With Crowder Steven Crowder to hold Michigan rally demanding answers from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on virus deaths in nursing homes
Gun Free Zone I was mad, now I’m furious - Suicide is now the leading cause of death for children ages 10 to 14
Federalist Why Those Who Claim To ‘Follow The Science’ Are More Likely To Ignore It
American Thinker Oh my God, the Delta Variant is going to kill us all!
Louder With Crowder Hysterical Teacher Compares Lack of Mask Mandate to School Shooting, Claims Teachers are Writing Out Wills
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse More Proof that Covids Derangement Is A Symptom Of Mental Retardation

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Bio Warfare - Pandemic Panic
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) The Year of Disguises
Daily Wire San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths
Durango Herald Montezuma County disputes state’s coronavirus death count
Red State NY TIMES: Up to 90% Who’ve Tested COVID-Positive Wrongly Diagnosed! TRUTH: A Whole Lot Worse! (Pt 3/3)
Gateway Pundit Despite Shunning Lock Downs And Face Masks, COVID-19 Cases In Sweden Plunge
American Thinker The Big COVID Con Exposed
Conservative Review Horowitz: Coronavirus casualties from Sturgis biker rally super-spreader event don’t make news because they didn’t happen
Conservative Review Horowitz: Coronavirus cases, hospitalizations soar in Hawaii since indoor and outdoor mask mandates
mrc tv CDC: Only 6% of COVID Deaths Have Resulted From COVID Without Comorbidities
The Unz Review Mask Mandates Are a Public Health Menace
Conservative Review Horowitz: CDC: 25% of young adults seriously considered suicide during lockdown
Conservative Review Horowitz: Panic toll: New survey shows greater mental health crisis in US than other countries
Louder With Crowder Report: New York's COVID Related Nursing Home Deaths are Worse Than Originally Thought
Gateway Pundit Sweden’s Top Epidemiologist: ‘We See No Point In Wearing Masks’
Conservative Review Horowitz: Lost common sense: How America lived through the Asian flu of 1957
Louder With Crowder MEANWHILE IN SWEDEN: Covid Cases and Death Plummets. Without a Shutdown, Masks, or Panic...
PJ Media Dr. Fauci: 'There's No Inconsistency' in Banning Church and Business But Allowing Mass Protests
mrc tv DC's Face Mask Order Applies to Everyone...Except Gov't Employees
PJ Media Now We Have Proof Dr. Fauci Is Full of Crap and Can't Be Trusted
Louder With Crowder Pro-Mask Poster Boy Dr. Fauci Has Some Explaining to Do After This Photo Emerges
Louder With Crowder A Nashville Man Was Told He Tested Positive for COVID. Problem: He Never Took a Test for COVID ...
Louder With Crowder Florida Man Died in a Motorcycle Crash, and His Death Was Listed as a COVID-19 Death
Conservative Review Maskerade: COVID-1984 and evidence-free compulsory masking
Market Ticker FACT: Mask Mandates UNLAWFUL In US
Louder With Crowder Cloth Masks Aren't as Effective as Masked-Hordes Insist. According to This 2015 Study!
American Thinker The morons of the pandemic
Powerline German Report Blasts Shutdown
mrc tv IT'S A MIRACLE! Dozens of 'Public Health Experts' Sign Letter Saying COVID Risk Shouldn't Stop People From Protesting
Louder With Crowder Dr. Fauci: Masks Aren't 100% Effective, but Are SymbolicAF!
DGateway Pundit The Experts Lied: Children in England Under 15 Are 4 Times More Likely to be Struck by Lightning than Die of COVID-19
PJ Media Washington State Counting Gunshot Victims Among Its Coronavirus Deaths
Horowitz: This is the most blatant example of inflated COVID-19 death stats yet
Life Site EXCLUSIVE: Virus researchers uncover new evidence implying COVID-19 was created in a lab - Preliminary study results suggest virus was produced in lab cultures using human cells.
The Law Dog Files Stop panicking over bad data
Canada Free Press The CDC Confesses to Lying About COVID-19 Death Numbers - Fake death data from the CDC, coupled with wild guesstimates from experts, and the relentless barrage of fear porn the mainstream media subjects Americans to around the clock, have been getting results (and songs)
Louder With Crowder ENOUGH: The COVID-19 Panic is Insane and Destroying Our Way of Life!
Louder With Crowder Dr. Birx Says Initial Doom and Gloom COVID-19 Predictions Don’t Reflect Reality
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education Why Taiwan Hasn't Shut Down Its Economy
Louder With Crowder Dr. Birx Explains How COVID-19 Deaths are Counted: ‘A Liberal Approach to Mortality’
Louder With Crowder Mike Rowe Flattens Media Matters’ Attack Over the Coronavirus
Louder With Crowder Sweden Didn’t Lock Down, Didn’t Tank Their Economy, and DIDN’T Suffer from COVID-19
Louder With Crowder Former NYTimes Reporter Warns About the Drastic Repercussions from COVID Response
American Thinker Maybe there's a reason why dire projections about COVID-19 have been wrong
Federalist In Social Distancing Frenzy, Little Rock Suburb Takes Little Girl’s Basketball Hoop
Unz Review The Grand Farce of American Social Distancing
Unz Review CDC: Centers for Damaged Credibility
Legal Insurrrection Gov’t Gone Wild: Michigan Governor Bans In-Store Purchase of Non-Essentials, Like Garden Seeds Legal Insurrrection Government Gone Wild: Wuhan Coronavirus has Led to Massive Overreach PJ Media Whitmer's Nursing Home Policy Shows 'Reckless Disregard of Human Life'
American Thinker COVID Senicide – The Overlooked Tragedy
True Pundit Couples should wear face masks during sex, new study insists
Conservative Review Horowitz: The new panic lie: Increased coronavirus hospitalizations and cases in the southwest
American Wire Experts Disgraced Themselves By Prioritizing Woke Politics Over Public Health
Federalist Americans Should Never Again Comply With Pandemic Lockdown Orders
American Thinker Callous contempt: The crisis of blue-state one-party Democrat goverance
According to Hoyt To Mask or Not To Mask... By I.M. Doctoo
Daily Wire Texas Rep Louis Gohmert Targets NY’s Cuomo: ‘We Don’t Have A Governor Sending People With COVID To Our Nursing Homes’
Conservative Review Horowitz: Amid rioting in Minneapolis, coronavirus cases spike among younger people
Louder With Crowder This Social Distancing Snitch Discovered His Political Opinion Cures COVID
Federalist Evil Coronavirus Rules That Force Americans To Die Alone Must Never Happen Again
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education 3 States Account for 42 Percent of All COVID-19 Deaths in America. Why?
City Journal The Nursing-Home Catastrophe - Governor Andrew Cuomo’s fateful decision to return Covid-19 patients to care facilities ought to haunt him-and us.
Geller Report Killer Cuomo sent 6,300 COVID-19 stricken patients to nursing homes during pandemic
Louder With Crowder Two Masked Morons Confronted This Guy for Not Masking Up. His Response is Perfection!
mrc tv Investigation Reveals Florida's COVID Data May Be Wildly Off
Louder With Crowder Some Florida COVID Testing Is Off by Only ... 89%
Louder With Crowder This Chart Shows When the Second COVID Outbreak Started. SPOILER: It's Because of the Protests and Riots!
Louder With Crowder With Just a Few Tweets, CNN's Jake Tapper Exposed THE TRUTH About Andrew Cuomo and COVID-19
Louder With Crowder Crazy Mask Nazi Is Caught on Video Pepper-Spraying a Couple for Not Wearing Masks ... While Eating
PJ Media Here’s Exactly How Andrew Cuomo Covered up His Deadly Nursing Home Policy
Conservative Review Horowitz: More than money: GDP loss from lockdowns will cost millions of life years
Geller Reprot Witnesses Convinced that Cuomo Is Intentionally Hiding Actual Number of Nursing Home Deaths
Federalist Why Democrats Have Started To Cave On Reopening Schools
American Thinker Running scared: Cuomo pulls out all stops to avoid responsibility on NY's massive COVID nursing home death count
American Thinker How Fauci's Stubborness Costs Lives
California Globe Gov. Newsom’s Weird Press Conference; Admits Public Health Director Dr. Sonia Angell Was SJW Hiring
mrc tv AP Report: New York Officials Using a Loophole to Underreport Nursing Home Virus Deaths
Unz Review Give Them Hugs and Let Them Play
Conservative Review Horowitz: Study: In 2 weeks in Denver, more people died of heart attacks in lockdown than of coronavirus
Louder With Crowder Man Assaults Teen Girl for Not Wearing a Mask But Gets Knocked Out By Another Passenger
PJ Media We Just Had the Nation's First Virtual School Shooting
Mercola Blistering Backstory Behind COVID-19

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Pandemic Panic - Covid Derangement Syndrome - Mask Nazis
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Wears Mask Outside to Tell Americans They Don't Have to Wear Masks Outside (Sometimes)
American Institute for Economi Research (AIER) Why I Believe that Covid Derangement Syndrome Is Real
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) The Year of Disguises
Daily Wire San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths
Durango Herald Montezuma County disputes state’s coronavirus death count
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) Don’t Live Your Life In a Bubble
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) Older Americans Should Be Anti-Lockdown Activists
Louder With Crowder Here's a Crazy Mask Nazi Screaming in a Little Girl's Face: 'I Hope You Die'
Louder With Crowder New Jersey Teacher Hopes These Students Die of COVID-19
Louder With Crowder Iowa Teachers Set a New Standard of COVID Stupidity. It Involves Obituaries ...
Louder With Crowder Lunatic Opens Fire on a Mother and Son Because They Weren't Socially Distancing
Louder With Crowder A Mask Nazi Couple Threw Coffee at a Maskless Man Eating a Burrito. Then Punches Were Thrown...
Louder With Crowder Check Out This Idiot Having a Full-Blown Meltdown Over Someone NOT Wearing a Mask at a Pizza Place
Louder With Crowder Crazy Mask Nazi Is Caught on Video Pepper-Spraying a Couple for Not Wearing Masks ... While Eating
Louder With Crowder NY Man Threatening Maskless Jewish Kids with Murder gives New Meaning to ‘Mask Nazi’
Summit News Governor of Maine Orders Restaurant Staff to Wear COVID Visors Like Dog Cones
Louder With Crowder Mask Nazi Spits on Hikers for Not Wearing Masks ... While They Were Outdoors Hiking
Louder With Crowder Top 5 Mask Nazis of 2020
Louder With Crowder Two Crazed Mask Nazis Melt Down Over Trump Supporters Trying to Drink Coffee
Louder With Crowder Starbucks Demands Woman Mask Up at Drive-Thru While Sitting In Her Car. It Gets Dumber.
Louder With Crowder Woman Has Epic Elevator Meltdown Over Someone She Claims Isn't Masked Up Properly
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Another Modest Proposal: The Final Solution to the COVID Problem
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse The Cult of Covid Attacked My Wife
Louder With Crowder Watch: Crazy Lady Assaults Elderly Man Mid-flight, Screaming 'Put Your F***ing Mask On
Louder With Crowder Watch: Lunatic Freaks Out on Anti-Mandate Protestors, Says They're Invading Her 'Territory' of Washington, DC
Louder With Crowder 'I'm Looking for Stuff in His Beard': Lady Tries Shaming Maskless Couple in Store, Shames Herself Instead
Louder With Crowder School Boards Declare War on Virginia Governor, Sue to Continue Forcing Your Kids to Wear Masks
Louder With Crowder Six Adults Assault/Hospitalize Teen Girl for Not Wearing a Mask

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Crime - Catch And Release
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) The Year of Disguises
Daily Wire San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths
Durango Herald Montezuma County disputes state’s coronavirus death count
Conservative Review Horowitz: More sex offenders released nationwide as peaceful Americans arrested
mrc tv Dem. Massachusetts AG Suggests Riot Fires Could Be a Good Thing: 'America is Burning, But That's How Forests Grow'
Breitbart Federal Judges Help Free Over 230 Illegal Aliens in Last Month, Including Rapists, Murderers, Sex Offenders
Conservative Review Horowitz: Man accused of murdering 11-year-old at July 4 BBQ in DC was released under coronavirus jailbreak
Conservative Review Horowitz: Democrat calls for treating non-mask-wearers as murderers, while actual murderers are released from jail
Big League Politics BIG: FBI Raids Pennsylvania Nursing Home with Highest COVID-19 Numbers in the State
Law Enforcement Today Governor Whitmer has police, 200 troops block Republican electors from Michigan state capitol

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Economics
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) The Year of Disguises
Daily Wire San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths
Durango Herald Montezuma County disputes state’s coronavirus death count
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Businesses That Are Going To Fail
mrc tv Reports Say Half of NYC Eateries May Close Forever - But Owners Say It's Worse Than That
mrc tv Report: Nearly A THIRD Of ALL CA Restaurants Forced Out of Business By Newsom Lockdowns

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Education - Brainwashing - Propaganda - War On children
Mises Institute Public Schools Refuse to Open. Give the Taxpayers Their Money Back
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) The Year of Disguises
Daily Wire San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths
Durango Herald Montezuma County disputes state’s coronavirus death count
PJ Media School's Out: Portland's Quiet Crisis
Conservative Review Horowitz: College kids much more likely to die from car wrecks, alcohol, or drugs than virus
Federalist Stuck In Online Schooling, U.S. Kids Are Failing More Classes Than Ever And Will Never Recover
Louder With Crowder Unhinged Woman Yells 'Kill Yourself' to Shutdown Protesters ... and She's a Teacher?
Louder With Crowder Frustrated Father Lights Up School Board Over Lockdowns: 'You Should All Be Fired ...'
Louder With Crowder Mike Rowe: COVID-19 Has Exposed How Expensive (and Unnecessary) College Is
Federalist Most Kids Are Better Off With Schools Shut Down Because They’re Anti-American Daycare
Louder With Crowder Gretchen Whitmer Hires Santa to Promote Her Lockdown to Children. It's as Bad as It Sounds ...
Louder With Crowder School Board Member Is So Happy She's Forcing Your Kids to Wear Masks, She Dances About It

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Slavery - War On Freedom
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) The Year of Disguises
Daily Wire San Diego Supervisor Says Only 6 Of 194 Coronavirus-Recorded Deaths ‘Pure’ Coronavirus Deaths
Durango Herald Montezuma County disputes state’s coronavirus death count
Washington Tribune California town declares itself 'sanctuary city' for businesses, opens up in defiance of stay-at-home order
Louder With Crowder Black Sheriff Warns Rioters and Protesters: The Citizens Are Armed and I Have Their Backs
Creators Americans Against Unconstitutional Mask Mandates

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Big Tech Censorship of Science
mrc tv Whitlock Skewers NFL, Big Pharma For Ruling Out Vaccination Harms

Covid / Coronavirus / CCP Virus / Fauci Flu / ... - Humor
Glorious American Dr. Fauci Says ‘Jury Still Out’ On Health Risk Of Protesting On Freeways
YouTube SuperBadTransmittableContagiousAwfulVirus (a Poppins Quarantine song)
Babylon Bee Church Hangs 'Black Lives Matter' Banner To Prevent Spread Of Coronavirus
Babylon Bee Dr. Fauci Recommends Encasing Your Entire Body In Bubble Wrap To Protect Against Coronavirus
Babylon Bee Study: Lockdowns Successfully Exchanged COVID Deaths For Other Kinds Of Deaths
Babylon Bee Gavin Newsom Says California Will Stay On Lockdown Until Scientists Discover Cure For Death
McSweeney's Arkham Board of Health Feedback On Miskatonic University’s Draft Plan for a Safe Campus Reopening
Babylon Bee Party That Wants To Run Your Healthcare Roots For Political Opponent To Die
Babylon Bee Chicago Mayor Limits Gatherings To Ten People Unless You're Involved In A Drive-By
Babylon Bee Biden To Defeat Skin Cancer By Ordering Americans To Avoid All Sunlight For 100 Days
Babylon Bee Politicians Breaking Own Rules Can Now Purchase 'Hypocrisy Credits'
Babylon Bee Study Finds Most Americans Trust Dr Pepper Over Dr. Fauci
Babylon Bee Governors Reinstate Lockdowns To Combat Recovering Economy
Babylon Bee Governor Cuomo Orders Restaurants To Put Pineapple On Their Pizza
Federalist Pritzker Is Keeping Illinois Locked Down Not For Health But For A Federal Bailout
Babylon Bee Governor Whitmer Refuses To Throw Ring Of Power Back Into Fires Of Mount Doom
Babylon Bee Governor Newsom Declares California A Coronavirus-Free Zone
Babylon Bee Governor Newsom Orders Police To Go Door To Door Arresting Anyone Not Depressed And Alone
Babylon Bee Walmart Thanks Government For Completely Obliterating Their Small Business Competition
Babylon Bee State Governor Frees All Drug Dealers To Provide Prison Space For Families Celebrating Thanksgiving
Glorious American Newsom Orders ‘How The Grinch Stole Christmas’ Be Moved To How-To Section Of Library
Babylon Bee Help At Last: House Relief Bill Will Provide Free 'Going Out Of Business' Signs To Small Business Owners
Babylon Bee California Declares Christmas Caroling A Felony
Babylon Bee McDonald's Drive Thru Backs Up For Miles As Dr. Fauci Keeps Changing His Mind
Babylon Bee Dr. Fauci Gets In Heated Debate With Seventeen Previous Versions Of HimselfBabylon Bee Here Are 8 Indisputable Reasons Kids MUST Wear Masks At School
Babylon Bee To Defeat Delta Variant, Experts Recommend Doing All The Things That Didn't Work The First Time
YouTube What Southwest DOESN’T Want You to Know…
Babylon Bee 10 Undeniable Proofs That Mask Mandates Work
Babylon Bee Study Finds Most Americans Trust Dr Pepper Over Dr. Fauci
YouTube Why You Need a Second Life Jacket!
YouTube Advice for the Authoritarians - 9 Helpful Suggestions
odysee But the nurses dance all day - while the doctors count their pay [Covid Christmas song]
Babylon Bee Liberal Emerges From Home To Face Eerie Dystopia Of People Living Normal Lives
Babylon Bee Researchers Determine The Science Has Changed After Carefully Examining Poll Numbers
Glorious American College Student Given 68 Years To Live After Contracting New COVID Varian
Babylon Bee Hasbro Releases Exciting New 'Fauci Says' Game
People's Cube CDC Renews COVID for a Third Season
Babylon Bee Study Finds Masks 75% Effective At Keeping Kids Safe From Oxygen
YouTube The Twelve Doses Of Christmas...
Genesius Times BREAKING: Fauci can’t recall COVID-19: ‘What pandemic? I don’t know what you’re talking about’
Genesius Times BREAKING: Death by coincidence is at an all-time high
Genesius Times BREAKING: Santa Claus has died unexpectedly following Fauci visit
Louder With Crowder Watch: Dana Carvey, David Spade take turns cracking hilarious "anti-science" jokes at Fauci's expense
mrc tv Comedians Dana Carvey, David Spade, Slice Fauci To Shreds

Creeping Sharia

911 - otherwise known as dial-a-prayer.
A prosecutor ... may receive absolute immunity from suit for acts violating the Constitution in order to advance important societal values. - Elena Kagan, Solicitor General, 2009
Fabrication Of Evidence During An Investigation Does Not, By Itself, Violate The Constitution - Elena Kagan, Solicitor General
The State calls its own violence, law; but that of the individual, crime. - Max Stirner - The Ego and His Own (1845)
Legislators and law enforcement officials recently decided that allowing citizens any rights "adversely impacts" criminal investigations. - Cynical Pessimist
The more corrupt the State, the more numerous the laws. - Cornelius Tacitus - Annals (c. 116 A.D.)
Americans are now eight times more likely to die in a police confrontation than they are to be killed by a terrorist.
One thing about a police state, you can always find the police. - L. Neil Smith
Crime - links
American Thinker Trickle-down lawlessness
Border And Beat The coming crime wars
google supreme court rules police have no obligation protect anyone
mrc tv Parkland School Cop Claims He Had 'No Legal Duty' to Protect Kids During the Shooting
What Really Happened Court Rulings That Say Police Do NOT Have Obligation To Protect Citizens From Violent Crime
New York Times Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone
American Thinker The Supreme Court Again Upholds Your Right to Be Framed
Reason Magazine Why Cops Aren’t Whistleblowers
Mises Institute To Serve and Protect - the State
Mises Institute The Machinery of Justice
Yahoo! Local News Job Performance Discussion Led To Shooting That Left 1 ICE Agent Dead, Another Wounded
Yahoo! News Wrong man was executed in Texas, probe says
The Daily Caller UCLA professor of 35 years suing to keep his job after challenging environmentalist status quo
Lew Rockwell A Healthy Disrespect of the Police
MyWay Local police grapple with response to cybercrimes
New York Times For $82 a Day, Booking a Cell in a 5-Star Jail
Salon Worst bailout ever?: Corporate welfare meets community destruction
Free Thought Project State Passes Law to Legalize Shooting Police
The Rutherford Institute Vigilantes with a Badge: The War Against the American People
Yahoo! News How does a police department lose a Humvee? Theft, fraud plague controversial Pentagon program spotlighted by Ferguson
Photography Is NOT A Crime
Legal Insurrection Citizen journalists don’t need "Press Credentials" - but that badge may help
Armed and Dangerous Worse than racism
mrc tv Guards Force MRCTV Reporter to Stop Filming in Front of Federal Building Housing U.S. Constitution
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Ask A Cop.
AP Study: Reduced criminal penalties contributed to more thefts
Louder With Crowder New Documentary Explores PTSD, Suicide Among Cops. It's POWERFUL!
YouTube TUCKER & DHILLON: DOJ blew ‘fed. law, constitution, and civil rights’ ‘Deepest level of corruption’
Louder With Crowder Watch: Police pelted with rocks because they dared enforce the law and broke up an illegal street race
Breitbart Biden Crime Wave: Target Reports $400 Million in Looting Losses
mrc tv CRIMESPRINGA! Woman Steals Amish Horse and Buggy From Walmart
Louder With Crowder Rats Keep Getting Stoned By Breaking Into Evidence Room And Consuming Drugs At New Orleans Police Department
Louder With Crowder Woke councilwoman lashes out at men not doing something about NYC women getting attacked in the streets. Two words: Daniel Penny
Dan bongino Show Liberals Are Claiming Crime Is Dropping - Here's How They're Misleading Everyone

Crime - Two-Tiered Justice System
mrc tv Pull the Other One! AG Garland Denies There's a Two-Tiered Justice System

Crime - Injustice System - Police Misconduct
Louder With Crowder Watch: Police tell father his preteen daughter, after being groomed by a predator, could be arrested for child porn

Crime - Injustice System - Police Incompetence
Louder With Crowder Police Say They Can’t Figure Out Gender Of A Sexual Assault Suspect, Even Though The Suspect Left Behind... Let's Call It "DNA"

Crime - Insanity Privilege
mrc tv Freshman Shot Dead By Career Criminal Released Earlier This Year For 'Incompetence to Stand Trial'

Crime - Blame Game - War On Words - War On Thought - Hate Crime
Loudeer With Crowder Police in Scotland are so busy investigating "hate crimes," they don't have time for things like theft and assault

Crime - Blame Game - Victim Shaming
Louder With Crowder Of course! Democrat Mayor wants to hold BUSINESS OWNERS accountable for the crime committed against them

Crime - Misgender
Louder With Crowder Using The Wrong Pronouns Could Land You In Jail For Two Years Under New Law
mrc tv Leftist Outrage Over Jimmy Fallon Proves You Can Never Satisfy the Woke Mob
Louder With Crowder Teacher Jailed INDEFINITELY After Refusing To Use Student's Preferred Pronouns

Crime - Prayer Free Zone
Louder With Crowder Watch: Another Brit gets FINED for silent prayer, this time an Army vet
Louder With Crowder Watch: Woman gets arrested for PRAYING because in the UK there are certain places where that's against the law
Louder With Crowder Christian man arrested for not letting LGBTQ "have their day" and reading a Bible quote. Seriously, watch the video.
Louder With Crowder "It was worth it": Police arrest teen for reading the Bible in a park near a drag queen event for children

Crime - Government Corruption and Liberal Support
Ann Coulter Show Us the Way, Rich Liberals!

Crime - Police Protection? - Lack Of Protection - Protecting Citizens NOT Part Of Job Requirement
Find Law Do the Police Have an Obligation to Protect You?
YouTube Liberty Dol - Cops Do NOT Have a Duty to Protect You

Crime - Police Protection? - Police Protecting Pedophiles
Louder With Crowder Watch: Dude caught thinking he was going to molest children, but the 'real crime' is that he was misgendered

Crime - Police Protection? - Police Protecting Other Criminals and Investigating Victims
Louder With Crowder Crime Is At Unprecedented Levels, So Of Course This City Council's Considering Barring Police From Investigating Crime
Louder With Crowder Thugs Loot A Chanel Store. Naturally, Police Are Investigating The Security Guard Who Tried To Stop Them

Crime: - Joe Biden Criminal Enterprise - White House Criminal Activity
mrc tv New Report: Gov't Docs Reveal Biden Regime Knew About Trump Investigation/Raid the Whole Time

Crime: - Criminal Privilege - Democrat Sanctuary Cities For Criminals - Democrat Sanctuary States For Criminals
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Daily Signal 27 of Top 30 Crime-Ridden Cities Run by Democrats
mrc tv Watch: CONFRONTED - Some Stores Have Had It With Shoplifters
Louder With Crowder To combat Philly crime, an iconic cheesesteak joint hires armed security so customers won't get assaulted
Louder With Crowder 'Please Arrest Him, Lock Him Up:’ Ohio Mom Says She Turns In Son For Car Theft But Police Keep Releasing Him
Louder With Crowder Thieves have created a brand new online economy... reselling stolen goods on eBay and Facebook
Louder With Crowder “If a house is not inhabited, we can seize it”: TikToker now giving illegals instructions on how to squat in your home

Crime: - Sanctuary State For Criminals - Washington DC (District of Criminals)
mrc tv Another Day, Another 12-Year-Old Arrested For Armed Carjacking In DC
Louder With Crowder Viral video shows empty CVS shelves because shoplifters are utilizing new trick to help their thievery
mrc tv Secret Service Protects Biden Granddaughter From Carjacking In Crime-Ridden DC
Louder With Crowder Here it is, the dumbest thing said by a crime-ridden progressive city official: "We can't prosecute or arrest our way..."
Washington Examiner DC Council bill would invite massive hike in violent crime
Louder With Crowder Crime Is At Unprecedented Levels, So Of Course This City Council's Considering Barring Police From Investigating Crime

Crime: - Sanctuary State For Criminals - Nevada
Bongino Report Democrat Nevada AG Shocked to See Spike in Theft After Advocating for Decriminalizing Theft

Crime: - Sanctuary State For Criminals - Virginia
mrc tv If the Crime is Right: Loudoun Cty., Va. Atty Biberaj Plans to No Longer Prosecute Multiple Crimes

Crime: - Sanctuary State For Criminals - Illinois
Louder With Crowder INSANE: Illinois seeks to eliminate cash bail, allow violent criminals to walk free

Crime: - Sanctuary City For Criminals - Chicago, Illinois
mrc tv Walmart Is Closing Half Its Chicago Stores Amid Staggering Rise In Retail Theft
Twitchy ‘S**thole’ and home to next DNC Convention Chicago ironically shows what Dem leadership looks like (watch)
Louder With Crowder "They said they're gonna kill us': Chicago couple details violent mob attack, getting NO help from police
mrc tv 'Chaos': Chicago Carnival Shuts Down Early After Hundreds of Teens Start a Brawl
mrc tv Twitter Roasts Dude Who Visits Upscale Tourist Traps To Mock the City's Crime Crisis
Louder With Crowder Crime-ridden progressive city votes to remove police from public schools because, and I quote, "safety is a top priority"

Crime: - Sanctuary City For Criminals - Austin, Texas
Louder With Crowder Austin Police Tell Victims Not To Call 911, File An Online Complaint Instead

Crime: - Sanctuary City For Criminals - California - Crimeafornia
Louder With Crowder Police department uses "Lego Heads" on mugshots to comply with (and mock) California's silly new law

Crime: - Sanctuary City For Criminals - Sacramento, California - Crimeafornia
mrc tv California Stealin': Thieves Haul Trashbags Full of Stolen Merch Out of a Store In Broad Daylight

Crime: - Sanctuary City For Criminals - San Francisco, California - Crimeafornia
Not The Bee Cops in San Francisco are now letting thieves walk away even if they literally catch them in the act of ripping off cars on city streets Dan Bongino Show San Francisco Mayor Targets Elon Musk While Continuing to Ignore City's Crime Wa
New York Post San Francisco Whole Foods closes a year after opening due to crime: report
mrc tv Report: 11-Year-Old Among Four Suspects Accused of Beating Elderly Asian Woman in San Fran
Louder With Crowder Watch: Ron DeSantis sh*ts on what sh*tholes progressive policies have turned cities like San Francisco into
mrc tv Of Course, California: Teen Criminals Are Attacking Soccer Moms With Bats in 'Stroller Alley'
Louder With Crowder Shop owner melts down after getting punched in the face by a guy peeing in the street: "I'm fed up with this city"
Louder With Crowder Woman melts down describing another incident on the San Francisco streets: "Move, or I'll rape you"
New York Post San Francisco drug overdose deaths hit record high: ‘It’s like a zombie apocalypse’
Louder With Crowder Crime is so bad in San Francisco Bay, boats are being raided by pirates (no, not the kind you're thinking)
Louder With Crowder Watch: Thief loads up bag full of stolen goods, rides his bike out of the store while security stands there doing nothing
Louder With Crowder San Francisco’s Shoplifting Epidemic Is So Bad That One Store Now Has To Require Customers To Shop With An Employee
Louder With Crowder City Officials: Here are “intervention cards" for you to give to people in case you find yourself being harassed in public
Louder With Crowder San Francisco tells grocery stores: you can't close, no matter how sh*tty the city is

Crime: - Sanctuary City For Criminals - Oakland, California - Crimeafornia
Newsweek Oakland NAACP Blames 'Defund the Police' for Rampant Crime in City
Louder With Crowder Watch: Add Taco Bell to the list of businesses making drastic decisions because of rampant California crime
Louder With Crowder Oakland business owners have had enough, make ultimatum to city about what will happen if crime isn't dealt with
Louder With Crowder Oakland Officials To 102-Year-Old Man In Wheelchair: Clean Up This Graffiti Or Fork Over Thousands Of Dollars

Crime: - Sanctuary City For Criminals - Los Angeles, California - Crimeafornia
Moonbattery Collapse of Civilization on Display at Los Angeles 7-Eleven
Louder With Crowder There goes the neighborhood: Ice T says Los Angeles crime is so bad, it's not safe for west coast rappers
Washington Examiner Los Angeles doesn't want to prosecute criminals if they are illegal immigrants
mrc tv 'Outrageous': Councilwoman Blames Company - Not Thieves - For Auto Parts Thefts
mrc tv Just Another Day in Cali: Nine Thieves Rob an LA Gucci Store In Broad Daylight
Louder With Crowder Family-owned business sees livelihood destroyed in sixty seconds thanks to another California smash and grab
Louder With Crowder Rapper 50 Cent is getting the last laugh after viral flash mob attacks Los Angeles Nordstrom: "Told ya so"
Louder With Crowder Man caught sniffing women's butts is back on the street despite lengthy criminal record... because this is California
Louder With Crowder CA wants to criminalize employees and shop owners confronting shoplifters, and that's NOT the insane crime bill
Louder With Crowder ‘Tenant From Hell’ Refuses To Pay For Luxury Airbnb And Won’t Leave After 540 Days Unless Her Demands Are Met
Louder With Crowder Woke DA Won’t Prosecute Recorded Assault As Attempted Rape Because, Quote, “That’s Not What He Said He Wanted To Do”
Louder With Crowder Watch: Celebrity chef goes into explicit detail why he'll NEVER open another business in crime-ridden California
Louder With Crowder Watch: Thieves Caught On Camera Looting Bakery, But Not Before Crashing Their Kia Through The Front Of It
Louder With Crowder Watch: Mailman forced to throw down his mailbag before throwing down career criminal who jumped him from behind

Crime: - Sanctuary City For Criminals - New York City - New York
mrc tv VIDEO: Shoplifter Attacks Store Worker Who Confronts Him
Louder With Crowder Watch: Dude shoplifts a Walgreens with a freakin' blowtorch because I guess that's where we're at now
mrc tv Illegal Alien Arrested 7 TIMES In His First Two Months In NYC
Louder With Crowder New York's “Clean Slate Act”' Puts Criminals First, Further "Dismantles Law And Order" In An Already Lawless State
New York Post NY retailers lost $4.4 billion due to organized shoplifting rings in 2022: group
mrc tv NY State of Crime: Illegals Who 'Allegedly' Beat Up 2 Cops 'Released Without Bail'
Louder With Crowder Appalling Video Shows Moped Gang Of Illegals Drag Elderly Woman Along Street
Louder With Crowder That illegal migrant who assaulted a cop in Times Square and was released? He got himself arrested again...
Louder With Crowder County Attorney Refuses To Extradite Murder Suspects Back To Weak-On-Crime NYC: “I’m Putting The Victims First”
mrc tv Illegal Alien TikToker Urges Followers to Support Migrant Times Square Shooter
Louder With Crowder NYC Arrests Homeowner For Mistakenly Thinking She Has A Right To Kick Squatters Out Of The Million Dollar House She Owns
Louder With Crowder Two NYC Squatters Wanted For Beating A Woman To Death. Stuffing Her In A Duffel Bag Inside Her Late Mother's Apartment
Louder With Crowder Watch: As Ron DeSantis passes law ending "squatters rights," NYC suggests putting up a "No Trespassing" sign instead
Dan Bongino Show Progressive NYC Councilwoman Wants To Know Why Men Don’t Defend Women Against Street Violence - Here’s The Answer
Louder With Crowder Man Breaks Woman's Nose, Is Released Thanks To Woke Bail Reform, Gets Arrested Again For Punching A Child
Louder With Crowder NYC Judge Releases Psycho Who Randomly Sucker-Punched A Mom, Then Suddenly Retires Two Years Early And Moves To Florida
Louder With Crowder Watch: Thug who slashed 11-year-old girl needs police to save him from angry (and sweet) street justice

Crime: - Sanctuary City For Criminals - Philadelphia, PA
Louder With Crowder Seven Cars Stolen From Philadelphia Dealership, It's Only Been Open Less Than A Week
Louder With Crowder Viral Looting Sensation "Meatball" Has A Message For Fans After Philly Riots, And Now Her MOM Is Getting Involved

Crime: - Sanctuary City For Criminals - Minneapolis, MN
Louder With Crowder Minneapolis public transport installs new rules for riders: please avoid pooping or sexually assaulting anyone

Crime: - Sanctuary City For Criminals - Memphis, TN
Louder With Crowder Memphis Mayor to gangs: Please stop stealing cars, killing each other for seven days

Crime: - Sanctuary City For Criminals - Portland, OR
Louder With Crowder Video of an addict nonchalantly cooking up fentanyl in front of a child tells you all you need to know about Portland

Crime: - Sanctuary City For Criminals - Sanctuary City For Criminals - Make Crime Pervasive Again
Louder With Crowder Starbucks Closes 16 Stores Over Crime, Drug Use, and I'll Give You a Hint: They Aren't in Conservative Areas
Breitbart Report: 10 Criminals Arrested Nearly 500 Times, Thanks to New York’s ‘Insane’ Bail Reform
Louder With Crowder Man beaten to death by criminal freed 8 days earlier, judge made him promise 'not to commit any more crimes'
Dan Bongino Show Fact Checker: It's a Myth 100% of America's Most Violent Cities Are Run by Democrats Because "Only" 95% Are
Louder With Crowder BC Supreme Court Declares Drug Use On PLAYGROUNDS Is Your Constitutionally Protected Right As A Canadian
Louder With Crowder Thug Throws Pole Through County Building, Take A Guess How Many Priors He Has
Louder With Crowder Mayor Says Illegal Immigration Not Connected To Death Of Georgia Nursing Student Who Was Killed By An Illegal Immigrant

Crime: - Canada Where Self-Defense Is A Crime
Louder With Crowder Assault Because He Took A Bat From An Attempted Robber And Hit Him With It

Crime: - New York Where Self-Defense Is A Crime - New York Where Defense Of Others Is A Crime - New York: You Have An Obligation To Die At The Hands OF A Criminal
American Thinker The 'bodega' case will hurt Democrats
mrc tv NY Man Arrested After Firing 2 Warning Shots to Deter Homeless Man Mugging Woman
Daily Mail NYPD apprehends gunman John Rote, 43, who 'shot at homeless robber who attacked a woman inside the subway'

Crime: - Police Support For Victims
Louder With Crowder Sheriff Doubles Down, Says if Homeowner Shoots and Kills Intruder 'Chances of Them Reoffending are Zero'

Crime: - Police Supporting Tyrannical Thugs - Police Support Dictators
American Thinker Canadian police ‘on the wrong side of history’?

Crime: - Just Say Yes To Drugs
mrc tv 'The Hunter Plan?' Twitter Shreds Biden's Tax-Funded Crack Pipe Program

Crime: - Just Say Yes To Murdering Asians
mrc tv Chinatown Killer Who Stalked & Stabbed an Asian Woman Had Been Arrested 7 Times Since Last May

Crime: - Government Lawlessness - District Attorney Refusing To Obey The Law - District Attorney Corruption
mrc tv Soros Funded Prosecutor in Va. Will NOT Enforce Abortion Laws 'No Matter What the Law...Says'

Crime: - District Attorney Corruption - District Attorney Support For Criminals - District Attorney Support For Crime
PJ Media L.A. Sheriff Asks DOJ to Take Over Prosecution of Cop Killer, Cites DA's Leniency
American Thinker That scene at the Union Pacific rail depot is all about wokesterism, not the weird things the press is cooking up
Louder With Crowder Elderly Bodega Employee Charged With Murder by NY DA After Defending Himself From Career Criminal
Western Journal Walmart CEO Warns What Woke Prosecutors Will Soon Force His Stores to Do

Crime: - Federal Government Corruption - Federal Government Support For Criminals - Federal Government Protecting Criminals
Washington Times Biden to bar federal agents from considering race, nationality in most investigations

Crime: - Police Corruption - Police Crime
YouTube Concealed Carry Pay to Play Scheme Exposed In California!!!
American ThinkerTime to Police the Police Force

Crime: - Victim Blaming
Louder With Crowder Chicago Mayor: Local Businesses Should Blame Themselves for Criminals Committing Crimes Against Them

Crime: - Police Murdering American Citizens With Impunity
louder With Crowder Documents Show there was No Reason to Shoot Ashli Babbitt

Crime: - War On Privacy
YouTube Taxidermist Threatened with Jail for Refusing Warrantless Search

Crime: - War On Parents - War On Thinking - Disagreeing With Government Bureaucrats Is Domestict Terrisim
Louder With Crowder Tucker Carlson UNLOADS on Biden Admin Treating Concerned Parents as 'Domestic Terrorists'
YouTube Mark Levin: The FBI is turning into the East German Stasi
Louder With Crowder Government agency admits: we spied on citizens who believe in parental rights, think minors shouldn't mutilate their genitals

Crime: - FBI Employees Profiting From Their Treasonous Activities
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
rumble The Durham Report Cites FBI Eels - But Where Are They Now

Crime: - FBI Protecting The World From Twitter Parody Accounts
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder FBI called on Twitter to suspend an account that...parodied WWE legend The Undertaker pooping his pant

Crime: - FBI Protecting Feelings Is More Important Than fighting Crime
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder FBI Makes A Major Change, Replaces "LGBT+" To Add A Bunch More Letters To it
Post Millennial FBI forces all employees to use LGBTQIA+ after directive from Bureau Equality diversity advisory committee: report

Crime: - Twitter, A Subsidary of the Federal Government - Twitter, The Propaganda Arm of The Govenment
To be totally frank, almost every conspiracy theory that people had about Twitter turned out to be true. - Elon Musk
PJ Media Twitter Files, Pt. VIII: the Pentagon's Secret Twitter Psyop Mission
Louder With Crowder Watch: Elon Musk says the obvious part out loud about 'almost every Twitter conspiracy theory'
Imprimis The Twitter Files Reveal an Existential Threat
mrc tv Members Of Congress BLAST Former Twitter Execs For Censorship

Crime: - FBI Protecting The World From Twitter Accounts - Purging Twitter Of Inconvenient Facts
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
New York Post Twitter’s top ranks riddled with ex-FBI employees
Louder With Crowder Watch: Feds paid Twitter MILLIONS to suppress news, and Elon Musk claims they aren't the only ones
Daily Mail Twitter colluded with Pentagon to run network of fake accounts around the world – including AI-created deep fakes – despite publicly claiming to delete government backed propaganda

Crime: - FBI Oppressing Citizens Isn't A Crime Since We Do It All The Time
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
Federalist FBI Admits It Meddles In ‘Numerous Companies,’ Not Just Twitter
National Review FBI Internal Memo Warns against ‘Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology’
Federalist Whistleblower: FBI’s D.C. Office Tried To Sic Local Agents On Innocents After Bank Of America Volunteered Gun Records
Fox News FBI documents associate internet slang like 'based' and 'red pill' with 'extremism'
Reclaim The Net The FBI Broke The Law Over 278,000 Times With Illegal Searches On Americans

Crime: - FBI Protecting Terrorists and Arresting Peaceful Protestors
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
Washington Times Garland says crisis pregnancy sites’ firebombers are too ‘clever’ for FBI

Crime: - FBI Support For Oppressing Political Opponents (Anyone who disagrees with the Democrat Party narrative) - Mar-a-Lago
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
Just The News John Durham releases final report, concludes FBI had no verified intel when it opened probe on Trump
Just The News Top 10 takeaways from Durham report
Federalist Here’s Everything The FBI Deliberately Ignored To Get Trump In Russian Collusion Hoax, According To Durham
OAN The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks Of An Authoritarian Regime
Gateay Pundit MUST READ: One of America’s Greatest Patriots Disagrees With The Last Line In Trump’s Statement About The FBI Raid of Mar-a-Lago
rc tv Dan Bongino on Gestapo-Style FBI Raid on Trump's Home: 'This is Some Third World Bull$#it!'
mrc tv Garland Blasts 'Unfounded' FBI Criticism: 'I Will Not Stand By Silently While Their Integrity Is Unfairly Attacked'
Unz Reiew FBI: Feds Behaving Incorrigibly
Federalist Think The FBI Deserves The Benefit Of The Doubt? This Laundry List Of Corruption Should Make You Think Again - A look at the FBI’s last six years shows a pattern of irredeemable corruption.
Town Hall Ex-Gorsuch Law Clerk Takes a Blowtorch to the Imaginary Law Violations the FBI Cited in Trump Raid
mrc tv Dan Bongino on Gestapo-Style FBI Raid on Trump's Home: 'This is Some Third World Bull$#it!'
American Thinker The FBI: A Campaign Arm of the Democrat Party
Unz Review FBI: Feds Behaving Incorrigibly
America Free News Network Is This the Public Image the FBI Wants?
Just The News Old case over audio tapes in Bill Clinton's sock drawer could impact Mar-a-Lago search dispute
mrc tv Top FBI Agent Who Investigated Trump For Russian Collusion Is Now Being Investigated For...Russian Collusion?
Louder With Crowder Report: Whistleblower says FBI is shelving child sexual abuse cases to pursue 'leadership's political agenda'
Just The News FBI whistleblower alleges Jan. 6 cases manipulated to create illusion of national crisis
American Thinker The DOJ and FBI are beyond fixing Fox News FBI allegedly engaging in 'purge' of conservative employees, retaliating against whistleblowers: Jim Jordan
Washington Times FBI insiders say agents who took a knee during BLM protests were rewarded
Political Insider Lawsuit Filed Against FBI After They Fail to Provide Communications With Facebook About Censoring Hunter Biden Laptop Story
PJ Media You Knew the FBI Was Corrupt, But Did You Know It Was THIS Bad?
mrc tv REPORT: FBI Offered Christopher Steele $1M to Prove His Dossier - Before Using It to Spy On Trump Anyway
Dan Bongino Show FBI Offered Christopher Steele $1 Million for Proof of Debunked Anti-Trump Dossier Claims
Just The News Bombshell revelation of $1M offer to Steele shows FBI misled Congress on Russia probe: Kash Patel
Just The News FBI whistleblower says bureau using excessive tactics to ensure 'process is the punishment'
Federalist Danchenko Case Exposes Another FBI Dirty Secret: Politics Prompted Crossfire Hurricane
Just The News Moral of the Durham trials: Jurors won't convict sources if the FBI wanted their bait
Federalist The FBI Has Announced Indictments Of 22 Pro-Life Protesters And Zero Pregnancy Center Firebombers
Commentary Can the FBI Be Saved from Itself—And Can We Be Saved from the FBI?
PJ Media SHOCKER! WaPo Sheepishly Admits the FBI Found No Nuclear Secrets, or Anything Else, in Mar-a-Lago Raid
American Thinker What we know now: The CIA and FBI have been corrupt for seventy years
Washington Free Beacon Plot Twist: Ex-FBI Agent Involved in Trump-Russia Probe Indicted For Violating Russia Sanctions
Red State FBI Supervisory Agent Corroborates IRS Whistleblower Testimony, Points to FBI-Involved Cover-Up

Crime: - FBI Support For Russia Collusion Hoax - FBI Support For Lying To The Public
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
Washington Examiner CIA has known Trump-Russia collusion data not ‘technically plausible’ since 2017, Durham say
Town Hall Did Mark Zuckerberg Prove the FBI Created the ‘Russian Disinfo’ Narrative on Hunter’s Laptop?
Just The News From Durham to CIA, evidence mounts FBI was warned Russia collusion story might be disinformation
Hill FBI’s Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA

Crime: - FBI Support For Other Hoaxes or Committing Fake Crimes? - Pipe Bomb Hoax or FBI Incompetence or FBI Hoax
Federalist The FBI Knows What Car Was Used In J6 DNC Pipe Bomb, But Refuses To Identify Prime Suspect
Revolveer Former Head of FBI J6 Pipe Bomb Investigation Comes Clean With Stunning Admission: “I Don’t Want Any Conspiracy Theories, Right?”
Washington Times Former FBI official reveals more challenges in the stalled D.C. pipe bomber investigation
Revolver Secret Service Foreknowledge or Criminal Negligence? Damning New Evidence Surfaces In FBI’s January 6 “Pipe Bomb” Story
PublicFBI And Secret Service Are Covering Up Their Role In Alleged January 6 “Pipe Bomb” Plot, New Evidence Suggests

Crime: - FBI Support For Pedophiles - FBI Support for Raping Children
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder FBI Whistleblower Shocker: ‘The Feds Don’t Give a Damn About Pedophile Cases’ Like the CNN Producer

Crime: - FBi Crimes - FBI Covering Up Biden Crimes - FBI Protectring Criminals - FBI Incompetence
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
Washington Examiner FBI has 'voluminous evidence' of Hunter Biden's 'potential criminal conduct': Whistleblowers
NY Post How the government hid the truth behind Hunter Biden’s laptop
Post Millennial Lead FBI agent who warned Twitter about 'Russian disinformation' dump is repeat donor to Democratic Party: report
New York Post AG Garland grilled by senator over ‘dozen sources’ with Hunter Biden criminal tips
New York Post FBI told Twitter Hunter Biden laptop was real on day of Post scoop, official says
Breitbart Exclusive–Karoline Leavitt on Biden Family Bribery Allegations: ‘Greatest Political Scandal in American History’
New York Post FBI agent lied under oath about knowledge of Hunter Biden laptop, talks with Facebook, document reveals

Crime: - FBI Covering Up Clinton Crimes - FBi Crimes - FBi Protectring Criminals - FBi Incompetence
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
Real Clear Investigatins Despite Comey Assurances, Vast Bulk of Weiner Laptop Emails Were Never Examined

Crime: - FBI Covering Up Hate Crimes - FBi Incompetence
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
mrc tv FBI Backtracks on Texas Synagogue Hostage Situation, Finally Admits 'Jewish Community was Targeted'
PJ Media Why Was Texas Synagogue Jihadi Allowed Into U.S. Two Weeks Ago Despite ‘Long Criminal Record’?
Louder With Crowder Texas Synagogue Terrorist Has Criminal Record and Rants About 9/11. U.S. Officials Let Him Travel to New York
Federalist Texas Synagogue Attack Smells Like More Evidence Of FBI Corruption
Federalist An FBI So Corrupt It Lets Mass Shooters Rampage Needs To Go
American Thinker Seven lessons to learn from the Texas synagogue attack

Crime: - FBI Other Proof Of Incompetence - FBi Incompetence - Other FBI Criminal Activity
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
NY Post The FBI Agents Association rewarded agents who took a knee in front of BLM, proving the rot isn’t just at the top
Revolver Did the FBI Tamper with the Frame Rate of the Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Footage?
Wired The FBI Just Admitted It Bought US Location Data - Rather than obtaining a warrant, the bureau purchased sensitive data—a controversial practice that privacy advocates say is deeply problematic.
Washington Examiner FBI worked secretly with hospitals to strip US citizens' gun rights, documents show
PJ Media Federal Bureau of Inanity: FBI Plans Coloring Event for Agents
Washington Times Former FBI official reveals more challenges in the stalled D.C. pipe bomber investigation

Crime: - War On Children - Think Of The Children
Louder With Crowder Graphic Footage Shows Deadly Crash After Two Teen Girls Carjacked an Uber Eats Driver
PJ Media Why the Left Ignores the Killing of a Pakistani Immigrant Uber Driver
PJ Media Police State Nightmare: Rochester Police Handcuff and Pepper-Spray 9-Year-Old Girl
Louder With Crowder Report: CIA Employees and Contractors Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children ... and WEREN'T Prosecuted

Crime: - Defund The Police Hypocrisy - Defund The Police Insanity
Daily Mail EXCLUSIVE: 'Defund the police' activist Alyssa Milano calls 911 sparking massive police presence in her quiet California neighborhood claiming a gunman was on her property - but it was really a teen shooting at squirrels with an air gun
Louder With Crowder Anti-Cop Alyssa Milano Terrorizes Her Neighborhood by Calling Cops ... on a Teenager and a Squirrel
Illicit Info You Can’t Make This Up: Portland City Commissioner Who Wants to Defund Police Called 911 Once Over A Dispute With Lyft
mrc tv LA County Increases Police Budget By $36M After Crime Skyrockets Following Massive Cuts
mrc tv Security-Protected Rep. Rashida Tlaib Calls For a Total End to 'Policing, Incarceration, and Militarization'
rumble Hypocritical Celebs With Private Armed Security Back Gun Prohibition March
American Thinker ‘Defund the police’ hardliner AOC spent $34k on private security in the first 6 months of 2021
Louder With Crowder Squad Congresswoman Brags About Lavish Private Security, Still Demands YOUR Police be Defunded
American Thinker A grandiose Rep. Cori Bush says the quiet part out loud
mrc tv New Law Neutering Portland Police Has Residents Asking, ‘Are We A Lawless City?’
YouTube CBS San Francisco: Residents Are So Upset With Crime They Are Hiring Private Security
mrc tv 'Defund the Police' Rep. Cori Bush Spends Another $70K on Personal Security in 2022 Alone!
mrc tv Two Years After #DefundThePolice, Seattle Is Reaping What It Sowed
Louder With Crowder 'Shut Up B****': Toddler Throws Punches, Curses at Police as They Investigate Murder
Western Journal After Entire Police Department Quits, Council Fires Town Manager
Louder With Crowder 'F*** your horse': Watch as a brawl outside of a gay bar turns into chaos in yet another crime-ridden progressive city
Louder With Crowder Notorious 'Defund the Police' councilwoman demands police catch whoever is throwing poop on her house
mrc tv San Fran District Supervisor Begs Crime-Ridden City For More Cops, Three Years After Calling to 'Defund the Police'
Dan Bongino show "Democratic Socialist" Georgia Mayor Who Called for Defunding Police Is Arrested on Trespassing and Burglary Charges
mrc tv Portland's OD'ing: City Tells Residents Not to Call 911 'Except in Event of Life/Death Emergency'

Crime - War On Blacks
Conservative Review Horowitz: Black lives matter. Empower good cops to save them
mrc tv Filmmaker/Journalist Ami Horowitz Exposes the Hypocrisy of the Left on the Issue of Abolishing the Police

Crime - Criminal Enterprise
j Canda Free Press Democratic Party has become a Continuing Criminal Enterprise

Crime - Tax Evasion - Serious Crime
j Mises Institute Does the State Care More About Tax Evasion than Murder?
mrc tv PA School District Threatens Parents With Seizure of Kids Over School Lunch 'Bills'

Crime - Use A Straw - Go To Jail
Western Journal Pointless: CA Bans Straws But US Plastic Pollution Is Tiny Compared to Other Countries

Crime - Use A Toy - Go To Jail
mrc tv Police ARREST And CHARGE Two 10-Year-Old Colorado Boys For Playing With Toy Guns

Crime - Use Chalk - Go To Jail
Louder With Crowder These Students Got Arrested for Writing Outside of a Planned Chalk

Crime - Fix Your Own Car - Go To Jail
rumble Sacramento CA Makes It ILLEGAL for Many People to Fix Their Own Cars

Crime - Racism
American Renaissance The Color of Crime

Crime - War On Business - Legalize Shoplifting - Legalize Theft
Louder With Crowder 'Or What?': Shoplifter Casually Robs Small Boutique Because This is Life in Liberal Cities Now
Louder With Crowder Marijuana Dispensary Owner Claims Crime is So Bad in Bay Area, He Was Safer Dealing Drugs on the Streets

Crime - Business Support For Crime - Business Support For Criminals
Louder With Crowder Lowes employee gets assaulted by shoplifters, yet still got fired over company's "zero tolerance" policy

Crime - War On Citizens - War On Police Defund the police ... except the ones protecting politicians
mrc tv Report: Chicago Mayor Lightfoot & CPD Ban Protests on Her Block, Police Ordered to Arrest Those Who Don't Dispers
Gateway Pundit Breaking: BLM Storms Stage at #WalkAway Rally in Dallas, Punches Security Guard, Gets Smashed to the Ground — Police Arrest Security Guard

Crime - War On Citizens - War On Police - Police Reform - Defund Police
Louder With Crowder Dan Crenshaw Exposes the Truth About Democrats and "Police Reform"
Breitbart Oakland Abolishes School Police Department
Louder With Crowder This Officer Got a Hysterical Request from a #DefundThePolice Protest
Louder With Crowder YouTuber Explains Why He Quit His Job as a Cop. HINT: It Involves Rayshard Brooks
mrc tv NYPD Retirements Surge 400% After Billion-Dollar Budget Cut To Police
PJ Media #DefundThePolice: Murder Rate Spikes 10-50% in Major Cities
Power Line Portland suffers most killings in three decades
PJ Media Minneapolis Police, Defunded by City Council, Advise Residents to Obey Criminals
mrc tv Another 76 Shot In NYC As Violent Crime Skyrockets Amid Police Budget Cuts
mrc tv Entire Rochester Police Department Command Staff Steps Down Amid Anti-Police Protests
City Journal Breakdown - The unwinding of law and order in our cities has happened with stunning speed.
PJ Media New York City Subway Crime Is WAY up, Even as Ridership Is WAY Down
American Thinker In Minnesota, attacks on police are escalating in ugly ways
Daily Wire More Than 200 Seattle Police Officers Quit Citing ‘Anti-Police’ Climate
American Thinker Putting an end to 'Reimagining’ the Criminal Justice System
Federalist Washington State’s New Laws Handcuffing Police Will Increase Crime And Chaos
mrc tv San Fran Down Over 500 Officers Thanks to War on Police and COVID Mandates
mrc tv Dallas Residents Told to File Police Reports Online As 911 Calls Soar Amid Lack of Officers
Dan Bongino Show DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Shocked Nobody Wants to Be a Cop in Her City

Crime - War On Police - White Privilege
Louder With Crowder White Leftist Gets BTFO'd Lecturing Black Cop on Racism
Louder With Crowder WHITE PRIVILEGE? 'Becky' Explains Racism to Black Police Officers
Louder With Crowder Idiot White Liberal Can't Understand Why Black Cop Thinks Blue Lives Matter

Crime - War On Police - The Ferguson Effect
Truth Revolt Murder Rates in Chicago, L.A., Dallas, Vegas Skyrocket - "Holy cow, do we have a problem."
Truth Revolt Ferguson Effect Spikes Murder Rate in Kansas City - "Out of sheer self-survival they abandon their duties in black neighborhoods... so gangs and criminal elements take over... and violence explodes."
Truth Revolt Violent Crime Rises in U.S. in Democratic Cities Two Years Running - Murder, U.S.A.
Conservative Review Horowitz: Anarchy will rule in every major city

Crime - Justification
Truth Revolt Family of Slain Burglar Complains, 'How Else Was He Gonna Get Money?' - Could have been Obama's son.
Truth Revolt Italy: Not a Crime to Steal Food if You're Hungry - " the face of an immediate and essential need for nourishment."

Crime - Catching Criminals
mrc tv ICE Brags About Catching 0.0002% of Criminal Aliens
mrc tv ICE Boasts About Arresting Only 101 of 172K Criminal Aliens
Mises Institute Police Departments Overflowing with Extra Time, Money
Mises Institute Why We Get More Policing Than We Need: It's "Free"
Mises Institute Too Many Laws: Why Police Encounters Escalate
Mises Institute Private Policing Isn't a Fantasy
Truth Revolt Malkin: The Crisis in America's Crime Labs - It's time to incentivize more whistleblowers, instead of more destructive witch hunts.
Daily Wire Baltimore's Leaders Admit They Know How To Reduce Murder Rate, But REFUSE To Do It - State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby admits more stringent policing policies save lives, but says that's not "the way forward."
Daily Wire BREAKING: Informant Warned FBI About Parkland Shooter's Desire To Shoot Up School, FBI IGNORED IT
Krebs on Security Money Laundering Via Author Impersonation on Amazon?

Crime - Republican Until Proven Democrat - Blame Game - Coverup Real Motives
Truth Revolt Cruz on Criminals: Overwhelming Majority are Democrats - And the media will never admit it.
Red State The Paul Pelosi Story Makes No Sense, and the Public Needs Answers

Crime - Guilty Until Proven Innocent (crimes including holding cash)
The Circle Bastiat Man Has Home Ransacked by Police for Paying Cash
Yahoo! News Man wrongfully convicted of murder celebrates freedom after nearly 25 years in prison
Yahoo! News Man cleared of NYC murder after 25 years in prison
WND Bang! Payday for man suing cops over guns
Addicting Info Police Brutalized, Tasered Deaf Man: Now They Face A Lawsuit
San Diego Reader Carlsbad mall security banishes steampunk group
Bookworm Room The shakedown artistry of our criminal justice system
Personal Liberty Digest Air Force Captain Assaulted At Home By Cop Who Mistook Him For Burglar; DA Won’t Drop Charges
Personal Liberty Digest Trickle-Down Tyranny: Cop Doesn’t ‘Give A Damn’ About Constitution Because Obama Doesn’t
Personal Liberty Digest Officials: It’s ‘Objectively Reasonable’ For Cops To Terrorize Innocent Civilians
Personal Liberty Digest Ferguson Events Offer A Reminder: You Can Photograph Police On The Job
Tech Dirt DOJ Whines That A Warrant To Search A Mobile Phone Makes It More Difficult To Catch Criminals
The Advice Goddess Things Are Scary In The Courts, Too
The Baltimore Sun Man charged with street robbery that happened while he was in jail - Tyree Threatt, 21, was not released for almost until the day after robbery
The Verge Cops are seizing hundreds of millions of dollars from drivers and bragging about it in chat rooms
Yahoo! News Woman exonerated, freed after 17 years in prison
Yahoo! News Boy with fake gun dies after shot by Ohio officer
Response Action Network We're all guilty
A Public Defvender Cops’ thuggery continues unabated; now they’ve moved on to arresting lawyers
Yahoo! News Hong Kong bra protest after woman jailed for 'breast assault'
American Thinker The Baltimore Judicial Railroad
Mises Institute The Continuing Demonization of Cash
Truth Revolt Federal Court of Appeals Attacks Second Amendment - The wrong man was shot inside his own home, and the court says his family can't do a thing about it.
Daily Wire WALSH: The Horrifying Case That Proves Our Parental Rights Are Under Serious Attack In This Country
Daily Wire District Attorney In Maine Wants To Start Prosecuting People Based On Accusations And Nothing Else
Louder With Crowder City Council FIRES City Manager Who Said Officer Involved in Daunte Wright Shooting 'Deserved Due Process'

Crime - Police Protection? - Uvalde - Stand Down - Support For School Shooters to Slaughter Children and Teachers
Louder With Crowder Spox Confirms Shocking Report Cops Went in for Their Own Kids During Uvalde Shooting
Louder With Crowder Lt. Says Cops Afraid of Getting Shot to Engage School Shooter, Tucker Carlson Asks This Important Question
Louder With Crowder Five Most Devastating (and Sickening) Things to Come Out of the Uvalde Shooting Press Conference
Federalist The Uvalde School Shooting Was A Failure Of Leadership, Not Gun Laws
Louder With Crowder Armed Patriot Attempted to Confront Uvalde Shooter Before Rampage, Was Stopped and Told 'Shut Up' by Police
Louder With Crowder Uvalde Teacher Told Officer Husband 'I'm Dying,' He Had Gun Taken Away and Was Detained From Saving Her
Louder With Crowder Director Says Uvalde Shooting Could Have Been Stopped in Only Three Minutes During Heartwrenching Testimony
Louder With Crowder 'What About the Cops? Are They Chicken S***?': Uvalde Cop Seen Sanitizing Hands While Kids Are Being Killed
Epoch Times 77-Page Report Details ‘Systemic’ Law Enforcement Failures in Uvalde School Mass Shooting
Epoch Times Acting Uvalde Police Chief During School Shooting Placed on Leave After Report Details ‘Systemic’ Failure
Louder With Crowder Watch: Video Shows Moment Uvalde Officer Held Back From Rescuing His Dying Wife

Crime - Police Protection? - Stand Down - allow thugs to loot and riot - allow school shooters to kill children
"Can you ask him to go away?" 911 dispatcher to woman about to be raped. In this case, the dispatcher could just as easily said call back during regular business hours because the police only respond to crimes during normal business hours (9am - 5pm, Monday through Friday)
Cop Block - Badges Don't Grant Extra Rights
wikipedia Warren v. District of Columbia - case that held that the police did not owe a specific duty to provide police services to the plaintiffs based on the public duty doctrine.
New York Ties Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone
Vakyrie Arms Warren vs. District of Columbia - The respective trial judges held that the police were under no specific legal duty to provide protection to the individual appellants and dismissed the complaints for failure to state a claim upon which relief could be granted.
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education Just Dial 911? The Myth of Police Protection - Most Police Have No Legal Duty to Protect Citizens from Criminal Attack
Daily Reckoning Epicenter of a Bursting Bubble
Daily Reckoning Protect & Serve (Themselves) "Blow Me B*tch!" - Female NYPD Cop Filmed Berating Vendor
Cato Institute National Police Misconduct Reporting Project
L.A.Times Sheriff's Department hired officers with histories of misconduct
The Free Thought Project Men Thought to Be Impersonating Cops Robbing People, Turned Out to Just Be Cops Robbing People
The Free Thought Project Cop Savagely Beats a Young Man for Telling him to "Shut Up"
The Free Thought Project Cop Beats Schizophrenic Man to Death on Video, Faces 15 Years in Prison
Lions of Liberty State Sanctioned Murder: Officers Found Not Guilty In Kelly Thomas Slaying
Reason What Do I Know About Corrupt Cops? My Family Owned a Few.
Filming Cops 3 Reasons Intelligent, Rational Americans Don’t Trust Police
Personal Liberty Digest LAPD Officers Tamper With Recording Devices To Conceal On-Duty Activities
Personal Liberty Digest Police Union Head Wants Citizens To Stop Filming Police
Personal Liberty Digest Family Sues After Cops Shoot WWII Vet In Assisted Living At Close Range With Shotgun Beanbags
Personal Liberty Digest Another Idyllic Community Alarmed By MRAP-Loving Law Enforcement
Personal Liberty Digest Where The Law Doesn’t Apply To The Enforcers, There Is Tyranny
Personal Liberty Digest 911 Dispatcher Tells Octogenarian To Lower Her Weapon And Wait For Police While Thug Breaks Into Her Home
National Review Online The United States of SWAT? Military-style units from government agencies are wreaking havoc on non-violent citizens.
National Review Online Unarmed Man Goes On Shooting Rampage
CBS Miami Police Shooting Frenzy Raises Concerns
Mail Online Female Texas trooper fired for illegal cavity search on shocking dashcam video pleads guilty to criminal charges - but DENIES touching anyone's privates
Personal Liberty Digest Georgia SWAT Unit Responsible For Critically Injuring Baby Has A History Of Violence Toward Civilians
Personal Liberty Digest Ferguson Fiasco Reveals Standing Army By Proxy
ACLU War Comes Home: The Excessive Militarization of American Policing
Yahoo! News Good Samaritan says 911 operator debated him instead of quickly sending help for carjacking
Yahoo! News uper-Tough Cops Take Down 70-Pound High School Girl Who Wanted To Keep Her Cell Phone
Yahoo! News 911 Dispatcher Disciplined for Not Helping Baby Locked in Hot Car
Mises Institute Police States and Private Markets
Mises Institute Why Police Prefer Drug Raids Over Investigating Violent Crime
Mises Institute When Gunmen Strike, You're on Your Own
The Liberty Doll Police Shoot "Armed" Man Holding Airsoft Rifle in WalMart Airsoft Aisle
Lowering The Bar Woman Won't Have to Pay for Her Own Cavity Search
MRC TV Detroit Police Chief Claims: 'I Wouldn't' Pump Gas Here at Night
MRC TV UK Police Arrest 78-Year-Old Man For Murder After He Stabbed a Burglar In His Own Home
Truth Revolt Sheriff Clarke: Obama's 21st Century Policing Creating 'Unnecessary Black Carnage' - "It's been a disaster."
Truth Revolt Baltimore Cop: No Proactive Policing
Truth Revolt Maryland Sheriff: Baltimore Officers Have Been 'Disemboweled' - "...the worst I've ever seen in 31 years of law enforcement."
Truth Revolt Baltimore Cops Admit They Were Told to Stand Down During Riots
Truth Revolt Malkin: Look Who's Coddling Denver's Social Justice Jerks - "The city of Denver is a disgusting, intolerant place."
Truth Revolt 2015 Marks Baltimore's Worst Year Ever for Murders - July saw the city suffer its highest monthly murder rate in 43 years.
Truth Revolt WATCH: Berkeley Cops Hang Back as Protest Violence Escalates - "I’ve been watching all day people get beat up pretty bad and I haven’t seen you guys around much."
Truth Revolt Armed Resource Officer Waited Outside School for 6 Minutes During Shooting - "Devastated. Sick to my stomach. There are no words."
Patriot Videos Is This the Real Reason The Murder Rate in Baltimore Is So High?
mrc tv Terrorist Who Attacked 'Draw Mohammed' Contest in Garland, Texas Had Gun From 'Fast and Furious'
mrc tv Officer Caught On Tape Pepper Spraying Motorcyclists
Mises Institute Privatize the Police
Mises Institute The Consequences of Militarized Police Forces
American Thinker What We’re All Missing from the United Airlines Fiasco
Narrative Collapse 500+ riot and attack police in Philly. Cops stand down.
Daily Wire Where The Hell Are The Police In Berkeley?
Daily Wire Could The Broward County Sheriff's Office Have Stopped The Parkland Shooter? You Bet They Could Have.
Daily Wire WATCH: Broward County Sheriff Gives Embarrassing Interview, Says He's Offered 'Amazing Leadership' - Faced with calls for resignation, Sheriff Scott Israel says he's staying put.
BuzzFeed The FBI Was Warned About A School Shooting Threat From A YouTube User Named Nikolas Cruz In September
Law & Crime Can the FBI Be Legally on the Hook for the Parkland School Shooting?
Business Insider Armed police are guarding the home of the deputy who resigned over his lack of action in the Parkland school shooting
Last Refuge Broward Coward - Armed County Sheriff Cowered Outside Building - Refused to Confront Parkland School Shooter...
Daily Wire WATCH: Broward County Sheriff's Office Releases Video Of School Resource Deputy Standing Around As Massacre Occurred
mrc tv It Gets Worse: Parkland School Guard Had Been Suspended For Sexual Harassment
mrc tv ICE Rep. Calls Out Portland Mayor After Local Police Ignore ICE's 9-1-1 Calls
Louder With Crowder Judge Rules Cops, School Had No Responsibility to Protect Students in Stoneman Douglas Shooting
Daily Wire NYPD Police Commissioner: Crime Has Skyrocketed Because Of Democrats’ Bail Reform
Conservative Review Horowitz: Seattle commuter shooting: Nearly 70 prior arrests among three suspects
Daily Wire Murderer Paroled, Given Permission To Satisfy His ‘Sexual Needs.’ Then He Murders A 22-Year-Old Woman.
mrc tv Parkland Cop Fired For Hiding During School Shooting To Be Reinstated With Full Back Pay
Gateway Pundit You’re On Your Own: Raleigh Police Chief Says She Will Not Put Officers in Harm’s Way to Protect Property
Conservative Review Horowitz: Whose streets? Not Antifa’s. Time to take the roads back from the mob, America
mrc tv Seattle PD Reportedly Abandoning Precinct as Protesters Attempt to Claim Area as Their Own
PJ Media Madison Ave. Business Sues Cuomo, De Blasio for Riots, Estimates $100M in Damages
Political Insider Seattle Police Chief Tells Residents: We Cannot Enforce The Law, You Are On Your Own
Louder With Crowder Disabled Marine Assaulted, Hospitalized By Armed Antifa Thugs Speaks Out: Where Were the Police?
Western Journal Massive Armed Mob in 25-Car Caravan Rolls Up to California Nordstrom Store, Ransacks the Entire Building
American Thinker Our partisan FBI failed again, costing taxpayers $130 million (and 17 innocent people their lives)
City Journal Police Must Rush to the Sound of the Guns

Crime - Police Protection? - Police Protecting Democrats
mrc tv DNC-YA: ‘Over 100 Agencies’ Have Pulled Out Of Policing Dem Convention
Inspector General: FBI Agents 'Failed to Report' Having Sex with Prostitutes in Addition to Other Crimes">Gateway Pundit BREAKING: Documents Released in Ghislaine Maxwell Case Show DOJ Knew Years Ago that Epstein Abused Girls “As Young as 12 But Younger the Better” But Did Nothing

Crime - Criminal Enterprises - Join The FBI and Get Immunity From Prosecution For The Crimes You Commit - FBI Corruption - FBI Incompetence - FBI Treason
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
Inspector General: FBI Agents 'Failed to Report' Having Sex with Prostitutes in Addition to Other Crimes">Louder With Crowder nspector General: FBI Agents 'Failed to Report' Having Sex with Prostitutes in Addition to Other Crimes
American Thinker What Do We Do with the FBI Now?
American Thinker The FBI Is Not What It Used to Be
American Thinker How Did the FBI End Up in This Mess?
American Thinker Will the Arrogance of the FBI Ever End?

Crime - Criminal Enterprises - I'm From The Government And I'm Here To Steal Your Property - Loot - Eminent Domain - theft - civil asset forfeiture - ... Destroy Your Property Or Your Life
When did "serve and protect" become "observe and collect?" The Forfeiture Racket - Police and prosecutors won't give up their license to steal. Indiana Attorney General on Asset Forfeiture Abuse: Not My Problem
Daily Reckoning Champions of Dishonesty
Daily Reckoning The Outrageous and Totally Legal Threat to Your Wealth
Daily Reckoning Government Creates a New Criminal Class
Downsize DC Asset Forfeiture: Are You Guilty Until Proved Innocent?
Downsize DC End Asset Forfeiture
Institute For Justice Policing For Profit
Mises Institute California Seizing Property from Safety Deposit Boxes
The Circle Bastiat The Gift That Stops Giving
Natural News NaturalNews exclusive: Michigan government unleashes armed raids on small pig farmers, forces farmer to shoot all his own pigs
American Thinker Big Brother set to use eminent domain powers to rip off investors and line the pockets of Obama backer
The Daily Caller Jeff Sessions on mayors against Chick-fil-A: ‘Give me a break’
reason Why Asset Forfeiture Abuse Is on the Rise
reason When Eminent Domain Is Just Theft Oakland, California Accidents Decreased with Longer Yellow Times (but it reduced ticket revenue so they shorten the Yellow Light times.)
Police Misconduct Reporting Project
New Yorker Taken - Under civil forfeiture, Americans who haven’t been charged with wrongdoing can be stripped of their cash, cars, and even homes. Is that all we’re losing?
King World News The Shocking Truth About Secret Documents & The CFTC
Want To Know It is Government Policy to Manipulate the Silver Markets
Yahoo! News After audit reveals corruption, Florida town's days could be numbered - "They make Boss Hogg look like a Sunday school teacher," says sheriff
Yahoo! News Rural Nevada sheriff defends I-80 drugs stops
Yahoo! News How cops take millions from motorists not charged with crimes
Personal Liberty Digest New Police Footage Renews Scrutiny On Nevada’s Asset Forfeiture Law
Personal Liberty Digest Minnesota Ends Law Enforcement’s Civil Forfeiture Money Grab
Eox News Policing for Profit? Lawmakers, advocates raise alarm at growing gov’t power to seize property
Yahoo! News Cash-stuffed bra lands Florida woman in trouble at airport
Steyn Online The Punitive Bureaucracy's Day Off
YouTube Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Civil Forfeiture (HBO)
Project Veritas Holder's Civil Rights Division and their Record of "Grotesque" Misconduct
Yahoo! News Video Exonerates Man Set Up By Louisiana Cops And Prosecutor
Response Action Network The Fifth Amendment under Siege
Vox Police seized his life savings without charging him for a crime. Now he's fighting back.
The Daily Signal How the Government Got Away With Taking This Innocent Man’s Life Savings
The Daily Signal Thanks to This Supreme Court Decision, The Government Could Seize Your Living Room
mrc tv Small Business Owner Sues IRS for Seizing Bank Account Without Evidence of Crime
mrc tv This Indiana City Is Actually Fining People Out Of Their Homes
YouTube John Stossel - A Cops License to Steal
Advice Goddess Blog New Mexico Passes Law Against Cops Stealing Your Stuff: Albuquerque Decides It Doesn't Apply To Them
Desert Sun They confessed to minor crimes. Then City Hall billed them $122K in 'prosecution fees' - In Indio and Coachella, prosecutors take property owners to court for some of the smallest crimes, then bill them thousands and threaten to take their homes if they don't pay.
reason Chicago Is Trying to Pay Down Its Debt by Impounding Innocent People’s Cars - How a uniquely punitive city impound program combined with the drug war and asset forfeiture to deprive people of their vehicles for years at a time.

Crime - Hate Crimes (real and imagined - Hoaxes - Fakes)
Fake Hate Crimes fake hate crimes: a database of hate crime hoaxes in the USA
Truth Revolt The ‘Hate-Crime’ Victims Of Trump Who Weren’t - The deranged fantasy world of the totalitarian cry-bully.
Truth Revolt We're Shocked, Shocked: Trump-Inspired Hate Crimes Prove to be Hoaxes - "Whether it’s alt-right or nationalism or Brexit, things are happening that are inciting the passions of those people in this country." Or not.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Tips for Hate Crime Hoaxers - Not one of the alleged post-election hate crimes committed by Trump supporters has turned out to be true.
Truth Revolt University of Michigan Student Admits to Hate Hoax Trump Attack - That’s twice, now, at the same school.
Truth Revolt Racism Hoaxes Sometimes Result in More PC Nonsense, Not Less - A new hoax at St. Olaf College reminds us why "higher education" is doomed.
Truth Revolt Another Day, Another Race Hoax: Racist Graffiti at High School Written By 'Non-White' - "This act is a serious violation of...the core values of this community."
Truth Revolt Five Black Churches in New Jersey Vandalized by - Wait for It - Black Guy - And the hate hoaxes keep coming.
Truth Revolt Why Hijab Hoax Girl Lied - Totalitarian movements know how to portray themselves in order to gain power.
mrc tv Sailor’s Claims of Racial Vandalism Aboard USS George H.W. Bush a Hoax, Navy Investigation Finds
mrc tv Hate Crime Against 11-Year-Old Muslim Girl Walking To School Turns Out To Be A Hoax
mrc tv Whoops: Police Say Abortion Activist Made Up a Hate Crime Against Herself
mrc tv Texas Waiter Who Cried Racism In Viral Post Admits He Lied
Daily Wire WATCH: Woman Claims Boy Sexually Assaulted Her, Then Surveillance Video Released
Daily Wire Senate Judiciary Refers ANOTHER Kavanaugh Accuser For Criminal Investigation
mrc tv Once Investigated As Hate Crime - Trans Activist Now Accused Of Arson Of Own Home
Western Journal These 18 Hate Crimes Were Blamed on Trump Supporters. Every One of Them Was a Hoax
Louder With Crowder Independent Journalist Investigates Hate Crimes in Portland, Finds Many Are Faked
Daily Wire WATCH: Surveillance Video Of Democrat Who Said She Was Told To 'Go Back' By 'White Man' Is Released
mrc tv Christian School Student Who Accused Three White Boys of Attacking Her Admits She Made It Up
Daily Wire Gay Radio Host Claims Employer Called Him Slur On Twitter. They Just Fired Him, Accusing Him Of Writing The Tweet.
Daily Wire Surprise, Surprise, The Latest College Racism Claim Turns Out To Be A Hoax
mrc tv Another Hoax? Mississippi Man Arrested For Insurance Fraud Following Reports of 'Racist Graffiti' on Vehicles
American Wire In NASCAR flare-up, no ‘noose’ is good news, but bad news reporting can’t tell the difference
Daily Caller Tucker Carlson: FBI Won’t Arrest Rioters, But Sent 15 Agents To Investigate ‘Absurd’ Bubba Wallace Noose Story
Breitbart Police: Mayoral Candidate Faked Own Kidnapping, Beating for Sympathy Votes
Louder With Crowder Student Admits to Racist Graffiti. Surprise, Surprise: It’s Not a White Kid
Washington Times FBI insiders say White supremacy threat overblown as Biden opens summit about racists, extremists - FBI insiders say white supremacy, domestic terror threat exaggerated
mrc tv Black Teen Arrested In Connection To ‘White Power’ Death Threats
mrc tv Flying Low: Airman Caught In Racist Hoa
Louder With Crowder Elliot Page shares unbelievable story about being trans-bashed in Los Angeles that's... unbelievable

Crime - Hate Crimes (real and imagined - Hoaxes) - Jussie Smollett
Daily Wire 3 Lessons From The Jussie Smollett Hoax
Daily Wire WALSH: 5 Reasons Why The Jussie Smollett 'Hate Crime' Story Is Probably A Hoax
Amereican Thinker Two Nigerian immigrants to be charged for Jussie Smollett 'hate crime'
New York Times Accused of Faking Own Assault, Jussie Smollett Arrested on Felony Charge
American Thinker Thanks to Jussie Smollett for blowing open the fake hate crime epidemic
Louder With Crowder Chicago Superintendent, Mayor Emanuel Nail Jussie Smollett: "This is a Whitewashing of Justice"
Gateway Pundit New Evidence Suggests Cory Booker, Kamala Harris and Others Were In On the Jussie Smollett Hoax

Crime - Hate Crimes Covered Up By The Media - That Don't Fit The Narrative
Federalist Hate Crimes Against Catholics Are Multiplying (But Politicians And Media Don’t Want To Talk About It)

Crime - (real and imagined) and excessive punishment
Raw Story Why is marijuana banned? The real reason is worse than you think
Mises Institute Criminal Justice Is No Job for the State
Mises Institute Prison Nation
Mises Institute Teacher Gets 30 years for Consensual Relationship with Student
Mises Institute How Government Values Life ... and IP
Mises Institute 35 years in prison for JSTOR downloads? Seems like a joke
Mises Institute The Freedom to Buy and Sell Raw Milk
reason Setbacks and Bizarre Turns in the Raw Milk Saga
New York Times In Prison for Taking a Liar Loan Federal gestapo illegally raid Gibson Guitar factories, arbitrarily confiscate millions of dollars worth of wood used to make instruments
Hot Air Another interesting tidbit in the Gibson Guitar saga
The Barr Code Gibson Guitar to Uncle Sam - "From my cold, dead hands"
Wall Street Journal Guitar Frets: Environmental Enforcement Leaves Musicians in Fear
Daily Reckoning Guns vs. Guitars
Daily Reckoning Power vs. People in the Digital Age
Daily Reckoning Why Weed Should Be Legal - and Why You Should Fight For It
Daily Reckoning "Inspecting Business Records" via SWAT Raid
Free Bieber the Movie and Music industry want to make posting music videos a felony punishable with prison terms.
Dangerous Minds Vintage X-Ray ‘Vinyl’ from Russia
Yahoo! Local News LA County OKs $1,000 Fine For Throwing Football, Frisbee On Beaches
Yahoo! News Indian official: Diplomat's arrest in NYC barbaric
Yahoo! News Obama plans clemency for hundreds of drug offenders
rt ACTA in UK: 10 years in jail for 'illegal downloads'
Yahoo! Finance Jailed for $280: The Return of Debtors' Prisons
American Thinker No Civilized Country Would Ever Banish Eduardo Saverin
Hot Air Nanny State Alert: Man goes to jail for drinking rain water
reason How a Single Oxycontin Pill Nearly Ruined One Man's Life
reason Little Girl Points Crayon at Classmate, School Makes Her Sign Contract Promising Not to Kill Anyone
Yahoo! Finance Juror says he’s too homophobic and racist to serve, now faces prosecution
Yahoo! Finance High school students suspended for possession of energy mints
Yahoo! News California Prisons Were Illegally Sterilizing Female Inmates
Yahoo! News Iowa fires agent who pursued gov's speeding SUV
Lew Rockwell I'm Behind Bars
Global Voices Club-Goers Rebel Against Japan's Dance Regulation
The Tea Party Economist Justice Achieved: Coffee Mug Threat Is Halted by State Attorneys General.
Popular Mechanics 10 Crazy Red-Light Camera Cases - Photo ticketing of motorists creates extreme costs and nasty legal battles.
The Stranger Police Threatened to Arrest Me for Taking Their Photo Last Night
The Stranger Dear Chief Pugel: I Am Not Alleging "Rudeness"
Tor / Forge's Blog Cory Doctorow on Aaron Swartz
Politicial Blind Spot Police Corruption
Politicial Blind Spot Two Leaked Videos Prove Police Officers Sexually Molesting Motorists
L A Weekly Stop-Sign Cameras Ticket 70,000 in Los Angeles Parks
Safer Streets L.A. MRCA Stop Sign Cameras: The Crosswalk to Nowhere Quad City Police Officer Beats Female Shoplifter
InfoWars Dash Cam Footage Captures Cops’ Panic Following Illegal Detainment
Daily Caller Felony weapons charge for student who brought fishing supplies to school Teenager Christian Adamek commits suicide after he faced being put on sex offenders list for streaking at gridiron game
Police State USA Police perform "simulated drug raid" on 5th graders; child attacked by police dog - A "drug awareness" event turned out to be more of a "police state" conditioning drill for a group of 5th graders.
WND Man arrested, cuffed after using $2 bills
cracked 6 Laws You've Broken Without Even Realizing It
KRDO Six year old suspended for 'sexual harassment'
RT Italian girl ‘sexually assaulted’ riot cop with a kiss
Daily Caller Recording the police is NOT a crime... but cops will still beat you up for doing it
Yahoo! Shine Girl Shaves Head to Support Pal With Cancer, Gets Kicked Out of School
The Federalist Papers School Had Mom Arrested For Not Signing In As She Raced To Help Special-Needs Son
Volokh Conspiracy ‘Disorderly conduct’ for high school student to secretly record his tormentors in the classroom?
The Rutherford Institute Lights, Camera, Arrested: Americans Are Being Thrown in Jail for Filming Police
Personal Liberty Digest Woman Files Federal Lawsuit Over Naked Pepper Spraying Ordeal At Indiana Jail
CNS News Man Sentenced to 30 Days for Catching Rain Water on Own Property Enters Jail
Marginal Revolution Ferguson and the Modern Debtor’s Prison
National Review Online The Drift toward Despotism - Too many of our rulers and their enforcers reflexively see the citizenry as a threat.
The Free Thought Project Instead of the Ambulance She Needed, This Woman Got Assaulted By Cops After Dialing 9-1-1
Zero Hedge San Antonio Woman Fined $2000 For Feeding The Homeless
alternet Cursing Out Police Is Perfectly Legal, But Cops Routinely Arrest People for It - Why do so many cops needs a refresher course in civil liberties and the First Amendment?
Truth Revolt US Marshals Arresting People For... Not Repaying Student Loans - But they'll let illegals and terrorists run rampant.
mrc tv Man Arrested For Not Returning 14 Year-Old VHS Tape
mrc tv Man Faces Life In Prison For Stealing Chocolate Bars
The Federalist This Man Saved A Girl From Being Stabbed To Death, And Now Target Is Suing Him For It
YouTube Police Now Arresting YouTubers for "Offensive" Videos
Federalist Tennessee Governor Pardons Cyntoia Brown, Who Killed Allegedly Threatening John
Fox News Best Buy security guard fired after tackling man who allegedly struck California cop, tried to flee
Daily Wire High School Bans Student After He Goes To Shooting Range With His Mom, Snapchat Post
mrc tv Iowa Man Sentenced to 16 Years In Prison For Burning a Church's Gay Pride Flag
Breitbart Nolte: Good Riddance to Mueller’s Monstrous Roger Stone Prosecutor
PJ Media Woman Faces Federal Felony Charges For Unreturned Movie Rental... From 21 Years Ago
Federalist Report Reveals Shocking Double Standards For Bringing U.S. Rioters To Justice
American Thinker Dr. Strawman, Or How I Learned To Stop Loving The FBI And Start Worrying

Crime - (real and imagined) and excessive punishment - Zero Tolerance
Randy Cassingham's This Is True Zero Tolerance: Alive and Well
Reason Zero Tolerance Teaches Students Important Lessons About Authority: Don’t Share Information, Don’t Consent to Searches
Legal Insurrection 13-year old boy suspended for twirling pencil in "gun motion" manner
Personal Liberty Digest Student Protests Suspension For Wearing T-Shirt With Image Of AK-47
Truth Revolt High School Evacuated Because of ‘Star Wars’ Costume - Geez, you can’t even celebrate May the Fourth Be With You day without somebody freaking out.
Daily Mail Danish 17-year-old girl who used a pepper spray to fight off a rapist near migrant asylum centre is told SHE will be prosecuted for carrying the weapon
mrc tv Elderly NY State Man Shoots Home Invaders, Govt. Seizes His Home, Charges HIM

Crime - Inadequate or no punishment at all. - Corruption - Coverup - Catch And Release - Jailbreak - Crime and No Punishment - Protecting The Criminals - Democrat Support For Crime - Democrat Support For Criminals
Mars Is F*%K the memo
Breitbart MEMO RELEASED: FBI Officials Knew Political Origins of Dossier, But Used It Anyway
Daily Wire What FBI Director Comey Did Wrong
Daily Wire Bombshell Report: Comey's Memos Were GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS, Contained Classified Material
Daily Wire COMEY MEMO BOMBSHELL: Evidence Hillary Committed A Felony, Deleted Mentions Of Evidence - "There is evidence to support a conclusion that Secretary Clinton, and others, used the private email server in a manner that was grossly negligent with respect to the handling of classified information."
Daily Wire 'PEOPLE WILL GO TO JAIL': #ReleaseTheMemo Trends As Republicans Call For Releasing 'SHOCKING' Classified Memo Showing 'FISA Abuses' In Russian Collusion Investigation
Daily Wire SHOCK: New Texts Between Anti-Trump FBI Agents Show They Wanted To Go Easy On Clinton Because 'She Might Be Our Next President'
Daily Wire GOOD RIDDANCE: FBI Deputy Director McCabe, Who Helped Cover For Hillary While Refusing To Recuse, Steps Down
Daily Wire The Death Of The FBI And DOJ
Daily Wire 12 Things You Need To Know About The Inspector General's DAMNING Report on The FBI's Hillary/Trump Conduct
Daily Wire BOMBSHELL: FBI Agent Said He’d Make Sure Trump Was Never President, Texted 'We'll Stop It'
Truth Revolt Report: FBI Agents Say Comey Stood in the Way of Clinton Investigation - He thought it would go away. It won't.
The Circle Bastiat Plutocracy in Action
Fresno Bee Núñez pardon leaves foul stench
Cal Watchdog The Nunez-Schwarzenegger Legacy
Yahoo! Finance In Financial Crisis, No Prosecutions of Top Figures
Mises Institute Paulson Tipped his Friends about Fannie and Freddie in ’08
Daily Reckoning The Corruption of America
Daily Reckoning The Perfect Heist: Why Government Theft Continues to Go Unnoticed
Daily Reckoning The "Corzine-Dimon Syndrome"
Daily Reckoning Why Goldman Sachs May Have Trouble Maintaining its Business Model
Daily Reckoning US Government Asset Seizures on the Rise
Daily Reckoning Revolving Zombies
Daily Reckoning S&P On the Kill List
Daily Reckoning An Empire in Panic
Daily Reckoning S&P Aspires to Disown Business Model
Randy Cassingham's This Is True The Opposite of Zero Tolerance
Yahoo! News North Carolina Death Row Inmate Writes Letter About Life of 'Leisure'
Yahoo! News Official saw no immediate danger for Detroit girl
Yahoo! News Cirque du Washington: “This Town” author Mark Leibovich on what’s wrong with D.C.
Yahoo! News 18 LA sheriff's officials charged in jail probe
PJ Media The LAPD’s Continued Defense of Illegal Immigrants
PJ Media Occupy L.A.: A Cop’s Perspective
PJ Media New Emails Suggest Eric Holder Perjured Himself
American Thinker Warren, Obama, and Harvard's Culture of Corruption
American Thinker Guess Whose House Wasn't Raided by the FBI
Velvel on National Affairs Re: Larry Tribe, Larry Summers, And Elena Kagan: Because Of The Larry Tribe Affair, It Is Time For Larry Summers To Go ...
Bookroom Worm Just as Obama vows to ignore federal law, the California State Bar vows to ignore state law
USA Today ZeekRewards scam leaves N.C. town millions poorer
Crazifornia Dirty Business as Usual at California High Speed Rail
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education For Safer Streets, Use Fairer Courts
Canada Free Press House to explore whether lying liar Holder’s obvious lie is legal perjury
Wall Street Journal Noonan: An Antidote to Cynicism Poisoning - Restoring public faith will require a full investigation of the IRS's politicization.
L.A>Times Paroled Sex Killer Strikes Again, Gets Death Penalty for the Third Time
Yahoo! Finance The Last Mystery of the Financial Crisis - It's long been suspected that ratings agencies like Moody's and Standard & Poor's helped trigger the meltdown. A new trove of embarrassing documents shows how they did it
Rolling Stone The Last Mystery of the Financial Crisis - It's long been suspected that ratings agencies like Moody's and Standard & Poor's helped trigger the meltdown. A new trove of embarrassing documents shows how they did it
Rolling Stone 'You F--ked Up, You Trusted Us': Talking Ratings Agencies With Chris Hayes
Judicial Watch Obama Lets Key Cabinet Agencies Go Without Watchdogs
Judicial Watch Illegal Alien Rapes Baltimore Girl 1 Year after City Becomes Sanctuary
Judicial Watch Black Caucus Chair Asks Judge To Go Easy On "Charming" Jackson Jr.
Market Watch Fraud, failure and bankruptcy pay well for CEOs - Commentary: Have you fed your Cash-Eating Organism today?
Rand Paul Review Trey Gowdy Goes Off, And It's Spectacular
Filming Cops declare war on police brutality
Filming Cops Government Chemist Tampered With 40,000 Cases, Locking Countless Innocent Americans in Prison
Filming Cops BREAKING: Another Government Chemist Accused of Deception, Over 180,000 Cases Now Need Review
Time Justice - The Affluenza Defense: Judge Rules Rich Kid’s Rich Kid-ness Makes Him Not Liable for Deadly Drunk Driving Accident - He got 10 years probation for causing a wreck that devastated three families
New York Daily News Texas rich kid who killed 4 in drunken car crash spared jail
O C Register Out of the way, peasants - Government workers are a privileged elite exempt from even basic traffic laws.
vice Why Are Bitcoiners Going to Jail for Money Laundering While Big Banks Walk?
Daily Reckoning In Defense of Money Laundering
Volokh Conspiracy Five police officers found lying - and why it’s so rare
Personal Liberty Digest Thousands Of Pentagon Workers With High Security Clearances Owe $730 Million In Back Taxes
Reason Four Chicago Cops Were Responsible For 200 Internal Affairs Complaints in a Five Year Period
Truth Revolt Secret Service Prostitution Scandal Lead Investigator Resigned Over Paying for Sex
Truth Revolt John Podesta's BFF at DOJ Joining The FBI's Investigation Into Huma's Emails - Just how incestuous can this get?
Truth Revolt Black Teen Who Broadcast Torture of White Special-Needs Teen Gets Slap on Wrist - That's some Chicago "justice" for you.
Truth Revolt Is There a 'Secret Society' Inside the FBI? - Lovers texts under scrutiny
Zero Hedge John Podesta's Best Friend At The DOJ Will Be In Charge Of The DOJ's Probe Into Huma Abedin Emails
Liberty news Now Feinstein Shows How "Lowly Paid Lawmakers Leave Office Filthy Rich"
Yahoo! News US secret service latest embarrassment gets worse: report
New York Times 5 Banks to Pay Billions and Plead Guilty in Currency and Interest Rate Case
Reuters Major banks admit guilt in forex probe, fined $6 billion
Christopher Cantwell The Twisted Priorities of the State
Nesstman Famous politician gets caught in his own web
mrc tv D.C. City Council Passes Measure to Pay Criminals to NOT Commit Crime
Truth Revolt U.S. Cities Paying Criminals Monthly Salaries Not to Kill - Also paying ex-cons to "mentor" violent offenders, but won't rat them out for homicides.
mrc tv Family of Abused Baby Denied Justice Because Baby Can’t Talk
mrc tv Iowa Teen Pleads Guilty To Sexual Assaulting a Baby, Gets No Jail Time
mrc tv REPORT: Comey Used a Private Email While Investigating Clinton For...Using a Private Email
ETF News WATCH: Trey Gowdy OUTS FBI Agents As MORONS - Forces Them To Admit They’re CLUELESS...
Judicial Watch Judicial Watch Statement on Justice Department’s Decision Not to Charge Lois Lerner in IRS Scandal
WND Only 1 reason DNC destroyed server, says U.S. intel expert - 'Killing it is the stupidest thing I ever heard'
American Thinker The Never-Ending Mueller Witch Hunt: An Affront to the Constitution
American Thinker Investigators find documented evidence of irregularities in FBI Hillary email probe
Last Refuge Broward County Sheriff’s Office Did Not "Miss Warning Signs" or Make "Mistakes"...
Hillsdale College - Imprimis The Politicization of the FBI
American Thinker Brazile, Rice, Obama Gave Russian Hackers Free Rein
Federalist Former CIA Station Chief In Moscow: ‘Brennan And Clapper Are Doing Putin’s Bidding’ - A former CIA station chief is worried that Brennan and Clapper are doing Putin's bidding when they sound off about their Russia collusion theories.
Mises Institute Elderly Homeowner Calls 911: Police Then Kill Him
NY Post James Comey discussed sensitive FBI business on his private email
Fox News Illegal immigrant found not guilty in Kate Steinle’s killing wants gun conviction dropped
Federalist Lindsey Graham Needs To Pursue Those Who Lied During The Kavanaugh Debacle
Daily Wire Sarah Sanders Blasts FBI Double-Standard Over Roger Stone: Why Not Arrest Hillary, James Comey
Daily Wire New Emails Confirm FBI Tried To Work Deal With State Dept To Minimize Hillary Email Scandal
Daily Wire New Indictments In Mueller’s Final Report - A Comprehensive Guide
Daily Wire BREAKING: Mueller Report Released To Attorney General, NO FURTHER INDICTMENTS Included
Accuracy In Media BREAKING: Chicago Police Were Told Not to Investigate Weeks Before Charges Were Publicly Dropped
Free Thought Project Charges Dropped for 119 People After Cop Caught on Video Planting Meth on Innocent Grandma
Conservative Review Government continues persecuting doctors & pain patients to protect drug traffickers & illegal immigration
Conservative Review Victims silenced: 74% of PA voters approve victims’ rights initiative. Judges block BEFORE the vote
Conservative Review Suspect in disappearance of UFC star’s daughter was out on bail despite prior charge of attempted murder
Conservative Review The terrorist behind the London Bridge attack was released early from prison
Conservative Review Beatings and sexual assaults making a comeback to New York subways
Conservative Review De Blasio wants to fight NYC’s anti-Semitism problem with a weakened criminal justice system
Conserative Review Horowitz: Man charged with attempted assassination of NYPD officers was out on parole despite rap sheet
Trib Live Scott Brady: Sanctuary cities undermine law
Conservative Review Horowitz: NY man with 139 arrests: ‘The Democrats know me and the Republicans fear me’
Conservative Review Horowitz: Houston career criminal released after arrest for murder now wanted ... for murder
Conservative Review Horowitz: Pro-criminal organizations blocking Georgia Gov. Kemp’s anti-gang bill
Horowitz: Sanctuary Montgomery County: Police interrupt illegal alien rape in progress
Conservative Review Horowitz: Baltimore’s coronavirus plan: Free criminals & beg killers to stop killing
American Thinker It has started: Convict let out on coronavirus concerns arrested for assault and robbery
mrc tv Sen. Paul: ‘Biden Is Guilty Of Using Gov’t To Go After a Political Opponent’
Conservative Review Horowitz: Repeat criminal who violated his bail 3 times arrested for murder days later
Conservative Review Horowitz: Justice for David Dorn? Man accused of killing retired black cop never served a day of 7-year sentence
Louder With Crowder Man Who Shoved 92-Year-Old Woman to the Ground was Arrested 103 Times. 103 Times!
Power Line The real world consequences of releasing felons early
PJ Media If You Thought 'Defund the Police' Was Insane You'll Love 'Abolish Prisons' in Seattle
mrc tv Seattle Police Chief To Businesses: We Have 'No Ability to Safely Intercede To Preserve Property'
Law Enforcement Today Treason! Los Angeles Sheriff’s Office announces they’ll release illegal immigrants into the community
PJ Media Portland Rioter Allegedly Stabs Two to Death Just One Week After D.A. Dropped Other Charges Against Him
mrc tv Portland Rioter Released- Allegedly Stabs Two To Death One Week Later
American Thinker/a> FBI lawyer who lied to judge on FISA warrant will be able to practice law again in August after zero jail time
American Thinker Chesa Boudin's free pass for shoplifters drives San Francisco store owners to lock all goods behind glass cases
Louder With Crowder Criminals Casually Walk Out of Store with Armfuls of Stolen Merchandise While Staff Does Nothing
rumble SF DA Shrugs Off Epic Shoplifter,Says Wallgreens Has ‘Insurance’
Liberty Loft Two women attack child ON viral video over MAGA hat, but prosecutors back down.
Louder With Crowder Lawmakers Seek to Reduce Drive-By Shootings Penalties for, You Guessed It, 'Equity' Reasons
PJ Media Antifa Rioter, Arrested Three Times for Assaulting Police, Has Case Dismissed
Louder With Crowder Police Identify Subway Murder Suspect, and Of Course, He Has an Alarming Number of Prior Arrests
Dan Bongino Show California Democrat Argues Communities Will Be Safer If People Have to Live Alongside Criminals
Louder With Crowder Woman Charged With Aggravated Battery Against Four Cops Gets Released THE FIRST DAY Chicago Eliminated Cash Bail
mrc tv Teen Ordered To Write a Book Report For Threatening To Shoot Up a Synagogue
Louder With Crowder Watch: Trans Killer Smirks At Family Of Victim After Getting Off On Murder Charge
mrc tv Alabama Woman Who Perpetrated Kidnapping Hoax Avoids Jail Time, Cites 'Emotional Issues and Stress'

Crime - DOJ Criminal Activity - Department Of Injustice - AG Garland Purjury
when refusing to partner with someone is not turning them down
Dan bongino show
Crime - Ignorance Is Bliss - FBI Corruption - FBI Criminal Activity - DOJ Criminal Activity - Department Of Injustice - Oppressing Citizens - Subverting The Constitution
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
YouTube FBI and Southern District of New York Raid Project Veritas Journalists’ Homes
Federalist Supercut: James Comey Doesn’t Recall Anything About Anything
mrc tv Cruz to Comey: 'You Were Deliberately Corrupt or Woefully Incompetent, and I Don't Believe You Were Incompetent'
Daily Wire The FBI Is Now Mainly A Weapon Against Republicans
gab The Total End Of A Free Society - AF Docuseries Episode #1
American Thinker The FBI's Broken Relationship with Us
mrc tv Ya Don't Say?! GOP Sen. Claims 'Highly Credible Whistleblowers' Say 'Widespread Effort' in FBI & DOJ to Downplay Negative Hunter Biden Info
Imprimis The Politicization of the Department of Justice
Just The News DOJ snooped on House Intelligence Committee investigators during Russia probe, subpoenas show
JustThe News Whistleblower bombshell: IRS agent alleges DOJ thwarting criminal prosecution of Hunter Biden
New York Post Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss was an inside job

Crime - Corruption - FBI Corruption - FBI Criminal Activity - DOJ Criminal Activity - Oppressing Citizens - Subverting The Constitution
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
Zero Hedge Flub Or Felony: 17 FISA Errors Submitted Four Times?
Liberty Nation Flub or Felony: 17 FISA Errors Submitted Four Times? - The idea that this many errors approved by that many officials was accidental is preposterous.
Gateway Pundit Good News! Pelosi-Schumer Demand Mueller Testify — Here Is the List of 100 Times Mueller Gang Deviated from Standard Practice or Broke the Law
Mises Institute The FBI Is an Enemy of Freedom
WND Tables turn: Now FBI probed for election interference - House Intel Committee investigates plot to stop Trump
Bayou Renaissance Man So much for the FBI's oath of office
New York Post Cambridge professor outed as FBI informant inside Trump campaign
Imperial Requiem The IG Report (6/14) First Take
Imperial Requiem The IG Report’s Second Take
Daily Wire Comey Says The Inspector General Report Vindicates Him. Nope.
Daily Wire WATCH: Strzok Says His Texts Didn’t Mean He Was Targeting Trump. Gowdy Destroys Him.
Hill Inspector general report could convince even skeptics of FBI's anti-Trump bias
Federalist 5 Key Takeaways From The House Hearing With FBI Counterintelligence No. 2 Peter Strzok - Yesterday's joint hearing in front of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees was the first public hearing Congress held with the official who launched the Russia probe two years ago.
Federalist The DOJ Has Turned The Russia Investigation Into A Puzzle Designed Never To Be Solved - Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and others embarrassed by DOJ’s actions are shielded by the never-ending nature of the investigation.
Louder With Crowder Judge Ted Poe To Peter Strozk: "You’re Biased, Arrogant and Protesting Too Much!"
Louder With Crowder WATCH: Trey Gowdy Just DISEMBOWELD FBI Agent Peter Strzok
Last Refuge Rosenstein Delivers Indictments For 12 Russians - Then Buries in Lock-box of DOJ National Security Division ...
Imperial Requiem The FBI Made a Big Mistake on Friday
100PercentFedUp JUST IN: Hillary Fan-Boy and Fired FBI Director James Comey Stumps For Democrat Party ... Gets Hammered On Twitter
True Pundit FBI: Lisa Page Dimes Out Top FBI Officials During Classified House Testimony; Bureau Bosses Covered Up Evidence China Hacked Hillary’s Top Secret Emails
The Hill Opinion: One FBI text message in Russia probe that should alarm every American
Federalist 10 Key Takeaways From The Released FISA Warrants Against Carter Page - The 412 pages of documents turned over in response to a lawsuit included the initial October 2016 surveillance application and three applications for its renewal.
Daily Wire Report: Whistleblower Who Found Information Showing Feds Ignored Hillary's Dealings With Russians Has Home Raided By FBI
Chicago Tribune Commentary: The double standards of the Mueller investigation
Western Free Press Judge "Investigates Mueller" After FBI Misconduct Explodes
Federalist DOJ Destroyed Missing Strzok/Page Text Messages Before The IG Could Review Them
WSJ Checking Robert Mueller - The sentencing judge brings to light dodgy FBI conduct in the Mike Flynn case.
Daily Caller POWELL: New Facts Indicate Mueller Destroyed Evidence, Obstructed Justice
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse The Solution To the Russian Problem
True Pundit FBI: Hundreds of Bureau Agents Took Bribes from CNN, NY Times, NBC News and More; Wray Looks the Other Way to Protect Media Partners
Federalist 7 Big Takeaways From Andrew McCabe’s Planned Coup
Daily Wire Fired Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Claims DOJ Discussed A COUP Against Trump
Daily Wire James Clapper Claimed He Didn’t Lie, But Misunderstood A Question. Democrat Senator Destroys Him.
Federalist Bruce Ohr Revealed Political Operatives Got The FBI To Investigate The NRA
American Thinker Two Possibilities in Trump Wiretapping, and Neither Is Good
Geller Report DOJ Won’t Pursue Criminal Charges Against Andrew McCabe
Washington Examiner Trump considering 'full pardon' for Michael Flynn after FBI 'lost' records
Daily Caller The FBI DELIBERATELY IGNORED ‘Golden Emails,’ Crucial Abedin Messages And More
Powerline Deep rot at the FBI (and the Times)
mrc tv Son Of A BleachBit? Mueller Investigative Team Allegedly Wiped Phones In Potential Felony – And Few Reporters Care
True Pundit FBI: Hundreds of Bureau Agents Took Bribes from CNN, NY Times, NBC News and More; Wray Looks the Other Way to Protect Media Partners
PJ Media Shocking New FBI Texts Reveal Panic Over Handling of Trump Probe
mrc tv Anti-Flynn Judge’s Delay Ends Up Revealing More Incredibly Biased FBI Conduct
American Thinker Stunning! New Floyd Case Exhibit Confirms Witness Coercion
3% Nation F.B.I. Finds NO EVIDENCE That Trump Supporters Organized January 6th Riots
YouTube SHENANIGANS! Can Americans Trust The FBI Anymore? | Louder With Crowder
mrc tv FBI Cyber Chief Admits He Doesn’t Know Where Hunter’s Laptop Is

Crime - FBI Criminal Activity - James Comey
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
Big League Politics Citizen Files FBI Complaint Against Comey For ‘Two Separate Felonies’ For Memo Leak
Lew Rockwell Comey Thought He Knew of Obstruction Of Justice in Hillary Case - Furthered the obstruction instead of reporting it
Zero Hedge The Comey Testimony Is Great For Trump, Terrible For Democrats
WND Government watchdog in court again over Comey's memos - Scandal centers on fired FBI chief's released notes of conversations with Trump
Daily Wire Bombshell Report: FBI Never Examined Vast Majority Of Emails On Weiner's Laptop, Despite Comey's Claims - "There was no real investigation and no real search."
Real Clear Investigation Despite Comey Assurances, Vast Bulk of Weiner Laptop Emails Were Never Examined
Daily Wire Comey Admits Damning Fact About Anti-Trump FISA Warrant Abuse In Closed-Door Testimony
Federalist FISA Court Confirms The Government Lied In Every Spy Warrant Application Against Carter Page

Crime - FBI Criminal Activity - Coverup of Hillary Clinton Crimes
99.99% of the FBI agents give the rest a bad name.
Project Veritas Undercover Video Exposes Early Clinton Email Witness Who Was Never Interviewed by FBI
Breitbart Fitton: Judicial Watch Uncovers FBI Knew of Hillary’s Abuses
mrc tv More Evidence Surfaces Of FBI Misconduct During the Clinton Email Investigation
Daily Wire Chuck Grassley Rips Comey: You Missed Key Evidence In Clinton Investigation. I’m Going To Find It.

Crime - When it is against the law to protect yourself, your only alternative is to flee the country.
Yahoo! News Countless Juarez residents flee 'dying city'
Mises Institute Are You Authorized to Defend Yourself?

Crime - Support For Illegal Drug Usage
rumble Things That Need To Be Said: Is That You, Hunter? Put That In Your Pipe And Smoke It

Crime - Drug Wars - War on Drugs - Drug Laws - Prohibition
Has anybody noticed that authorities can’t even keep drugs out of the prisons? How can making our entire society a prison solve the problem? - Ron Paul
In any war, the first casualty is common sense, and the second is free and open discussion. - James Reston
The War on Drugs is a price support system for terrorists and drug pushers. It turns ordinary, cheap plants like marijuana and poppies into fantastically lucrative black market products. Without the War on Drugs, the financial engine that fuels terrorist organizations would sputter to a halt. - Ron Crickenberger
Alcohol didn't cause the high crime rates of the '20s and '30s, Prohibition did. And drugs do not cause today's alarming crime rates, but drug prohibition does. - US District Judge James C. Paine, addressing the Federal Bar Association in Miami, November, 1991
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse You Are the Victim of Drug Prohibition.
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Drug prohibition: A thought experiment.
Mises Institute The Special Interests Behind Marijuana Prohibition
Mises Institute The DEA: A Good Place to Cut the Federal Budget
Stop The Drug War
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Whiskey and Gunpowder The Evils of the Drug War Prohibition = Violence: The Drug War points the finger-but has three more pointing back at itself.
Mises Institute What Motley Crue Can Teach Us About Drug Legalization.
Mises Institute Another Plea to End the Insanity
Mises Institute Prohibition vs. Private Solutions at the Electric Daisy Carnival
Mises Institute Welcome to Needle Park
Mises Institute Obama on Drugs
Mises Institute Prohibition Caused the Greatness of Gatsby
Mises Institute Mises Explains the Drug War
Mises Institute How the Drug War Makes Drugs Less Safe
Mises Institute An International View of Drug Prohibition: An Interview with Mark Thornton
Mises Institute The War on Drugs Was Born 100 Years Ago
Mises Institute Guns, Drugs, and Booze: The Bipartisan Support for Prohibition
Mises Institute How Legal, Branded Heroin Would Make Drugs Safer
Mises Institute Trump Won't Stop the Drug-Legalization Movement
Mises Institute The Drug War: Will the Trump Administration OD on Authoritarianism?
Mises Institute The States Are Revolting Against the War on Drugs Prohibition = Violence: The Drug War points the finger-but has three more pointing back at itself.
Yahoo! News Y! Big Story: Mexico’s six-year drug war behind the Mother’s Day massacre
L. Neil Smith's Down With Power Some Random Thoughts About the War on Drugs
reason 3 Accounting Tricks the Obama Administration Uses to Hide the Cost of the Drug War
Marijuana Policy Project 2012 Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users
Vote No On Question 3 In Massachusetts
Daily Reckoning Misconduct Prevention Workshop
Daily Reckoning The Election Topic Nobody’s Discussing
wikipedia List of United States politicians who admit to cannabis use Who Was Killed in America's Drug War Last Year? [FEATURE] US Has 330,000 Drug Offenders in Prison
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education The Cost of the War on Drugs [video]
YouTube Best Marijuana Argument Ever: Given By Superior Court Judge James P. Gray
Pro Libertate "Damned from Memory": When the Drug War Turns on its Own
Conservative Review The media willfully ignores the connection between killer drugs and illegal immigration

Crime - Police State (Big Brother)
Federal Bureau of Investigation training - the FBI has the ability to bend or suspend the law to impinge on the freedom of others.
The NSA Video
Cato Institute Botched Paramilitary Police Raids - An Epidemic of "Isolated Incidents"
Yahoo! News Ex-CIA Interrogator: Obama's War on Terror Is Less Ethical Than Bush's
Scribd National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) For Fiscal Year 2012
Truthout Why I’m Suing Barack Obama
Truthout Why Are SWAT Teams Answering Routine Police Calls?
Long Island Lwayer Blog Mother of 3 Arrested for Taking Pictures of Tourist Attraction at Airport
Mises Institute The Police State Is Personal
Mises Institute The Flame of Oppression
Mises Institute Legalize Drunk Driving
Mises Institute The Police State Abolishes the Trial
Mises Institute Decriminalize the Average Man
Mises Institute Martial Law vs. Market Law: Reflections on Boston
Mises Institute Does Government Cause Crime?
Mises Institute Abolish the FBI
Mises Institute Don't Confuse "Private" Prisons with Free-Market Prisons
Mises Institute There Are Now So Many "Criminals" in America, Uber Wants to Hire Some
Mises Institute Dismantle the FBI, and Give its Money Back to the State
The Circle Bastiat Prison Nation Going Broke
Mises Economics Blog The American State and the Postal Service’s Arsenal
Daily Reckoning Louisiana Law
Daily Reckoning We’ve Crossed the Rubicon
Daily Reckoning "Power Corrupts ..."
Daily Reckoning Feral Drones ... and Other Invasive Species
Daily Reckoning Okay, Grandma’, It’s Your Turn in the Pokey
Daily Reckoning The Drones Are Watching and Waiting
Daily Reckoning The Reality of America
Daily Reckoning A Web of Collaborators
Daily Reckoning How Much Surveillance Can We Accept?
Daily Reckoning When They Come For Your Guns, You Will Turn Them Over
Are You A Criminal In Praise of 'Rogue' Cops
The Freeman Watch the Watchmen
CBS Boston Charlton Library Sends Police To Collect Overdue Books From 5-Year-Old
Wall Street Journal You Commit Three Felonies a Day
Big Journalism D.C. Metro Police Escorted SEIU Protesters to Bank Of America Executive’s Home
dot tech Government of Canada financially supports The Pirate Bay ...
dot tech FBI does not need warrant to access data of Google users, says US judge
TorrentFreak UK ISPs Must Censor The Pirate Bay, High Court Rules
reason America, the Law-crazed
reason This Dog Can Send You to Jail
Photography Is Not A Crime California Man Jailed Four Days for Recording Cops
Yahoo! News 'What?' Confused 911 caller outs NYPD spying in NJ
Yahoo! News Woman gets $81 ticket for parking car with windows down
Yahoo! News - Good Morning America Ind. Officer, Wife Could Face Jail for Saving Deer
Yahoo! News Icelandic girl wins right to use her given name
Yahoo! News - Good Morning America 7-Year-Old Handcuffed Over $5, Says Suit
Yahoo! Finance Jailed Seniors Cost Americans $16 Billion Per Year
Gary North - Tea Party Economist War Games in Your City: Preparing for Civil Unrest
Sovereign Man 5-year old girl labeled ‘terrorist’ in American police state The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)
The Foundation for Rational Economics and Education Liberty Was Also Attacked in Boston
American Thinker When You Have to Shoot, Shoot; Don't Talk
Electronic Frontier Foundation NSA Spying On Americans
Natural News Big Brother is tapping your mobile phone: Obama admits NSA routinely spying on all Verizon phone customers in the USA
Natural News Alert: Obama administration aiming to arrest local sheriffs who back Second Amendment
Center For Investigative Reporting License-plate readers let police collect millions of records on drivers
Breitbart 911 Audio: Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Surrounds 20-Year-Old for Buying Bottled Water
Clash Daily The Militarization of American Cities Fourth Amendment Dead in Los Angeles Cops Now Enforcing Anal Probing On Americans Routinely - As second horror story emerges, doctors face being banned from practicing medicine
Canada Free Press Licensed to Kill: The Growing Phenomenon of Police Shooting Unarmed Citizens - "Trigger happy" cops, NSA surveillance, drones
Canada Free Press Welcome to the United Police States of America, Where Police Shoot First & Ask Questions Later - If ever there were a time to de-militarize and de-weaponize local police forces, it’s now
Canada Free Press Refusing the California Fruit Nazi Checkpoint & Driving Away
GigaOM Satire is dead: Cops question German after he jokes about NSA on Facebook
Ben Swann Exclusive: NSA Using Copyright Claims To Crush Free Speech?
Computer World Lying, prying and spying: Is the NSA worth it?
WND NSA 'goes after man who mocked agency' - 'The only part of government that actually listens' Cleveland police suspend 63 officers over deadly chase
The Rutherford Institute Who Will Protect You from the Police? The Rise of Government-Sanctioned Home Invasions
gawker Dad Calls Cops on Son to Teach Him a Lesson, Cops Shoot Son Dead
CBS Minnesota Sauk Rapids Graphic Artist Challenges National Security Agency
The Guardian Russell Brand: Philip Seymour Hoffman is another victim of extremely stupid drug laws - In Hoffman's domestic or sex life there is no undiscovered riddle – the man was a drug addict and, thanks to our drug laws, his death inevitable
The Rutherford Institute Jesus Lived in a Police State
The Rutherford Institute The U.S. Supreme Court Is Marching in Lockstep with the Police State
Personal Liberty Digest Congressman Mulls Legislation To Defund Armed Federal Bureaucrats
Pro Libertate The Vampire State Draws Blood
New York Times 2 Teenagers Were Eager to Shovel Snow. Then the Police Paid a Visit.
American Thinker Canada's Ontario goes for a police state in the name of COVID suppression
American Thinker The National Subterfuge Agency
YouTube Dan Bongino: Has America quietly become a police state?
Dan Bonigo Show Dan Bongino: We're No Longer Living in a Constitutional Republic

Crime - Organized Crime
Daily Reckoning Oil’s Piracy Premium

Crime - Rape
CNN Raped, pregnant and ordeal not over

Crime - Liberal - Political Correctness - Protecting The Rights of Criminals and Oppressing the Innocent
Mises Institute PC Is About Control, Not Etiquette
Chicks On The Right Political Correctness Now Trumps The Safety Of University Students. Because YOU FREAKING RAAAACIST!
Truth Revolt French Government to Travelers: Don't Make Sexual Comments in U.S. - "Comments, behavior, and jokes, which might be harmless in Latin countries, can lead to criminal cases."
Truth Revolt Report: U.S. Soldiers Disobeying Orders to Ignore Afghan 'Allies' Raping Boys - Told to look away: "It's their culture."
American Thinker San Bernardino Shooting: Political Correctness Kills
PJ Media Confirmed: Demoralized Cops Equal Higher Crime
Chicks On The Right Here’s How Anti-Police Rhetoric Has Affected How Officers Go After Criminals
Daily Wire Pastor Lobbies For Murderer's Release. Murderer Marries Pastor's Daughter. What Happens Next Is Horrifying.
Conservative Review Washington couple sue Seattle for releasing career violent criminal who savagely beat them
Conservative Review Horowitz: Virginia Dems seek to release murderers from prison … while restricting guns for law-abiding citizens
Louder With Crowder Suspected killer declares he's trans and wants to change his name, so they're postponing his murder trial

Crime - Colorado please don't hurt the feelings of criminals
nrc tv It Hurts Their Feelz: Colorado Kills Term ‘Sex Offender’

Crime - Police Privilege
Louder With Crowder 'Get the f*ck out of the way': Female officer demonstrates the absolute worst policing has to offer

Crime - Humor
YouTube Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!
YouTube Dave Chapelle: why terrorists won't take black people as hostage
Babylon Bee 911 Will Now Require White Callers To Press 1 To Check Their Privilege
Glorious American LeBron: ‘It’s Getting To The Point Where A Rapist Can’t Even Resist Arrest Anymore’
YouTube Christmas Shoplifting in California!
Babylon Bee FBI To Begin Raiding Homes Of Those Who Criticize FBI Raid
Babylon Bee Sharpie Scores Huge Endorsement Deal With FBI
Babylon Bee FBI Storms Convent To Arrest Group Of Dangerous Pro-Life Extremists
Babylon Bee Batman Unable To Keep Up With Rising Crime As Gotham City Elects Another Democrat
Genesius Times op Ten Signs Your House Will Be Raided By the FBI
Babylon Bee FBI Stops By Antifa Riot To Ask If They’ve Seen Any Dangerous MAGA Around

Critical Drinker
YouTube Oscars Ratings Disaster - An Open Letter To Hollywood (April 27, 2021)

CynicalPessimist666 speaking the truth others dare not even think about.

Climate Change Fraud

Climate Realists Congressional Directory (searchable by name, state, committee, ZIP code, ...)

Congressional Accountability Project

Louder With Crowder One Reporter's Road Trip Nightmare Proves the Electric Vehicle Skeptics Right

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D'Souza Media podcasts, videos, films, books, ...
D'Souza Media rumble videos

Daily Caller
Daily Caller Who Does The Government Intend To Shoot?
Daily Caller Mark Levin: You lay one damn hand on a WWII vet, I’ll bring half a million people to DC [VIDEO]

Daily Reckoning
Daily Reckoning Who's Anti-American?
Daily Reckoning The Rule of Law and the Republic Are Dead
Daily Reckoning The Greater Good: Relative Value and the Endowment Effect
Daily Reckoning Wake-Up Call: Top 10 Trends of 2011
Daily Reckoning Generations of Wealth
Daily Reckoning Bubble to Bubble, Dust to Dust
Daily Reckoning Morons and the Economic Elite
Daily Reckoning Climax Time: The Top 12 Trends for 2012
Daily Reckoning Depression-Proof Banks
Daily Reckoning How Digits Are Reinventing the World Order
Daily Reckoning The Coconut Wars
Daily Reckoning An Odd Way To Play America’s Crumbling Roads
Daily Reckoning Coming Soon: The Next Industrial Revolution
Daily Reckoning Turmoil Coming: How to Survive and Thrive
Daily Reckoning The Dark Side of Technology
Daily Reckoning The Idea of America
Daily Reckoning Winners and Losers in the Battle of Economic Stupidity
Daily Reckoning A Federal Program that Could Turn Your Town into a Warzone
Daily Reckoning The Shock Doctrine: When Order Trumps Personal Freedom
Daily Reckoning In the Year 2024
Daily Reckoning Collapse, Part 2: The Nine Dynamics of Decay
Daily Reckoning Does "Creative Destruction" Include the State?
Daily Reckoning The American Disease: I Deserve to Get Away With Anything and Everything
Daily Reckoning Following in Ancient Rome's Footsteps: Moral Decay, Rising Wealth Inequality
Daily Reckoning When the Aristocracy Leaves the Commoners in the Dust, the Empire Is Doomed
Daily Reckoning The System Has Failed
Daily Reckoning America's Ruling Classes: No Fear, No Caution, No Prudence
Daily Reckoning Why Super Tuesday Voters Were Wasting Their Time...
Daily Reckoning This Country is So Screwed Up
Daily Reckoning Trump, Hillary and the American Autumn
Daily Reckoning Dark Dynamics
Daily Reckoning Sizing Up the Endgame
Daily Reckoning The Ruling Elite Has Lost the Consent of the Governed
Daily Reckoning The Deep State Panic of 2016
Daily Reckoning Iran Sinks U.S. Fleet

Daily Wire DC 'Dyke March' BANS Israeli And Jewish Pride Symbols, Refuse Entry To Marchers Carrying Star Of David Flag

Daily Wire WALSH: I Disavow The Daily Wire

Daily Job Cuts


Charlie Daniels soap box.

Data Hound a list of products and services that respect your privacy

3D Printing
Defense Distributed defend the civil liberty of popular access to arms as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and affirmed by the United States Supreme Court, through facilitating global access to, and the collaborative production of, information and knowledge related to the 3D printing of arms; and to publish and distribute, at no cost to the public, such information and knowledge in promotion of the public interest.
defcad files for the Defense Distributed printed gun.
Daily Reckoning 3D Guns: Your Move, State
dotTech There is a new 3D-printed gun, and its cheaper and more powerful than the Liberator
dotTech NASA funds research for 3D printer that will print food - food you can eat
Wired A Landmark Legal Shift Opens Pandora’s Box for DIY Guns - Cody Wilson makes digital files that let anyone 3-D print untraceable guns. The government tried to stop him. He sued-and won.

Parents Defending Education fighting for the average citizen

Democracy Is Not Freedom Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote

Democrats Against U.N. Agenda 21

Department Of Justice Department Of Injustice - Upholding Only The Laws The Left Supports - Prosecuting The Innocent - Protecting The Guilty
mrc tv Ya Don't Say?! GOP Sen. Claims 'Highly Credible Whistleblowers' Say 'Widespread Effort' in FBI & DOJ to Downplay Negative Hunter Biden Info
Mises Institute DOJ: Freedom Means Taxes and Jailing Foreigners
Mises Institute DOJ Kidnapping, False Imprisonment Scheme Succeeds
Mises Institute DOJ Orders Company to Make Improvements Delayed by DOJ Lawsuit
American Thinker Federal judge chastises DoJ in noncitizen voter registration
Truth Revolt AG Lynch Dodges Questions About Clinton Prosecution - Mum's the word.
Daily Wire CROOKED: DOJ Shut Down FBI Investigation Of Clinton Foundation
Daily Wire 3 Justice Department Field Offices Wanted to Investigate The Clinton Foundation. The DOJ Refused Anyway.
mrc tv Obama's DOJ Is Preventing the Prevention of Illegal Alien Fraud
mrc tv Ironic: The DOJ Just Busted a Guy For Keeping Classified Info At Home
Legal Insurrection Prosecutor of George Zimmerman Loses Bid for Re-Election
American Thinker Rudy Giuliani responds to FBI search warrant raid and goes on the offensive
Louder With Crowder Biden's DOJ Warns American Banks Not to Reject Illegal Immigrants’ Loan Applications

Department Of Justice Department Of Injustice - War On Police - War On Citizens
Truth Revolt DOJ: Criminal Background Checks Are Barriers to Police Applicant Diversity - Because people with a badge and a gun shouldn't be vetted.
mrc tv Denver Sheriff's Dept. Fined for Not Hiring Non-Citizens
mrc tv DOJ Condemns Cops Coast-to-Coast: ‘Broken Systems and Unconstitutional Policing’

Department Of Justice Department Of Injustice - Support For Protecting Democrat Crimianls
New York Post Judge calls out blatant double standard when it comes to Biden’s Justice Department and Hunter

Mark Dice
Mark Dice YouTube Channel
Mark Dice YouTube Channel Obama Supporters Petition to Repeal the FIRST AMENDMENT. Seriously! Watch!
Mark Dice YouTube Channel People Sign Petition to add Soylent Green to School Menus for Michelle Obama's Lunch Program
Mark Dice YouTube Channel Selling 1 Oz Gold Coin for $25 (when it's worth over $1,500)
Mark Dice YouTube Channel Americans Don't Know WHY We Celebrate the 4th of July or WHAT COUNTRY We Declared Independence From!
Truth Revolt VIDEO: Liberals Sign 'White Privilege Tax' Petition
Truth Revolt VIDEO: Men & Women Eagerly Sign 'Male Privilege Tax' Petition - Liberals being sexist to defeat sexism!

Dirty Spending Secrets

Discover The Networks

Dissecting Leftism
Until you accept that the aim of Leftists is to hurt, not help, none of their actions makes sense
Leftism, Liberalism, Progressivism are all words for the politics of hate. They hate the world about them.
And with motivations like that behind them, principles pass them by like a fart in a breeze

Dog Face Ponia It's not fake news, it's fairy tale news.

Pat Dollard - The War Starts Here
Pat Dollard - The War Starts Here New Hampshire Fires First Shot Of Civil War - Resolution Immediately Voids Several Federal Laws, Threatens Counterstrike Against Federal "Breach Of Peace"

The Dollar Vigilante surviving and prospering during and after the dollar collapse

Down With Power

downsize DC reduce the size of government

Downsizing the Federal Government

Down Trend because that's the direction of our economy and freedoms.

Drudge Report news aggregator

Drug Policy Alliance Drug War Statistics

Duffel Blog

Dumb Laws

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Socialism is the abolition of rational economy. - Ludwig von Mises
The governments view of the economy can be summed up in a few short phrases. If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. If it stops moving, subsidize it. - Ronald Reagan
An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today. - Laurence J. Peter
... if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. - Barack Hussein Obama
If you are a failure, you didn't get there on your own. Your government did it to you. - Cynical Pessimist
When did "Too Stupid to Succeed" become "Too Big to Fail?"
The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics. - Thomas Sowell
Bernanke giving politicians advice about fiscal stability is "about as useful as an arsonist’s lecture on fire prevention. His radical zero interest rate policy has destroyed the bond market, crushed the yield curve and eviscerated any resolve to address the deficit on Capitol Hill." - David Stockman
What the doctrine of balancing budgets over a period of many years really means is this: As long as our own party is in office, we will enhance our popularity by reckless spending. - Ludwig von Mises
When the government spends more, the public spends less. Public works are not accomplished by the miraculous power of a magic wand. They are paid for by funds taken away from the citizens. - Ludwig von Mises
You shouldn't go around touting that you balanced your budget when your deficit is $44 billion. - Sheila Weinberg
Did you ever think that making a speech on economics is a lot like pissing down your leg? It seems hot to you, but it never does to anyone else. - Lyndon Johnson
The government's War on Poverty has transformed poverty from a short-term misfortune into a career choice. - Harry Browne
In any war, the first casualty is common sense, and the second is free and open discussion. - James Reston
Tooth Fairy Economics - The belief that taxing private businesses out of existance and the government spending like a drunken politician will fix an economy. Even though since the dawn of recorded time it never has fixed an eeconomy and never will fix an economy.
Bonner’s Law: In the hands of economists, the more precise the number, the bigger the lie. - Bill Bonner
Main Street economy is failing while Washington is piling a soaring debt burden on our descendants, unable to rein in either the warfare state or the welfare state or raise the taxes needed to pay the nation’s bills. - David Stockman
Easy to create lots of new jobs. Just cut wages and benefits. Slavery was a full-employment system. - Robert B. Reich, former Secretary of Labor in the President William Clinton (D) administration and now professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley
Being an economist must be interesting since they are paid handsomely to be wrong most of the time. - Mike Huckabee
It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a 'dismal science.' But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance. - Murray Rothbard

Economics - links
Mises Institute Ten Fundamental Laws of Economics
Mises Institute The Free Lunch Is Over
Mises Institute Economics vs. Politics
Mises Institute Economics Is Dead, and It Is Being Killed Again
Mises Institute Why We Don't Need Macroeconomic Data in a Free Economy Deck the Halls with Macro Follies
Money News Trump Says The Way President Obama Is Running The Country Is "Stupid"
Economists For Romney
The Daily Caller More than 500 economists, 5 Nobel laureates back Romney’s economic strategy
BBC Viewpoint: Why the young should welcome austerity
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education Economics In One Lesson, by Henry Hazlitt (read online, or download PDF)
Measuring Worth U.S.Consumer Price Index 1774 - 2009 What does one TRILLION dollars look like?
Uncommon Wisdom Why All the Double-Dip Talk Is Pure B.S. ...
The Business Insider Bear Market Cliff-Diving: 1929 All Over Again
The Business Insider Crash Of 2008 Now Worse Than Crash Of 1929
Daily Reckoning Economic Irony: Creating Bubbles to Maintain Stability
Daily Reckoning How the Fed Keeps Feeding the Financial Crisis
Daily Reckoning US Debt Crisis: What NOT to Do When Your Country is Broke
Daily Reckoning Print, Print and Print
Daily Reckoning Faber: Dollar Will go to a Value of Exactly Zero Eventually
Daily Reckoning Dollar Down... So Why is the Euro Falling Too?
Daily Reckoning Unsustainable Economic Activity
Daily Reckoning An Economy on Life Support
Daily Reckoning The J.P.Morgan Effect.
Daily Reckoning Fixers Aim to Fix Fixes With Another Phony Fix
Daily Reckoning Consumer Credit Has Fallen Off a Cliff
Daily Reckoning An Overdue Collapse of Money
Daily Reckoning The Foreclosed Upon are Increasingly Moving Into Homeless Shelters
Daily Reckoning Son of a Bubble
Daily Reckoning Legislating "Too Big to Fail"
Daily Reckoning Peak Oil - The Risks
Daily Reckoning Legislating Wall Street
Daily Reckoning The Fiscal Plight of the "Man on the Street"
Daily Reckoning How the "Disturbing" Rising Market Shreds Hope
Daily Reckoning The Fed's Real Objective in Keeping Rates Near Zero
Daily Reckoning Major Companies Hoarding Cash, Preparing for Second Wave of Financial Crisis
Daily Reckoning When the Borrowers Stop Borrowing
Daily Reckoning The Two Things That Really Matter
Daily Reckoning Berlin Wall Street
Daily Reckoning The Biggest Financial Deception of the Decade
Daily Reckoning How Zombies Get Rich and Drive the US Economy
Daily Reckoning Water is Too Cheap!
Daily Reckoning Another Warning Shot for Bond Investors
Daily Reckoning The War on Small Business
Daily Reckoning Emerging Markets: Working Hard While Others Hardly Work
Daily Reckoning Money Printing: How Counterfeiters Saved the World
Daily Reckoning Plaza II
Daily Reckoning Largest 15 US States are Spending Over 220% of Their Tax Revenue
Daily Reckoning Plumbers Crack
Daily Reckoning Worlds Apart: A Firsthand Look at Emerging Market Growth
Daily Reckoning Tolerating Deception for the Sake of Economic Growth
Daily Reckoning Why Central Bank Secrecy is Detrimental to Free-Market Capitalism
Daily Reckoning A Global Glut of Deepwater Oil ... With One Major Exception
Daily Reckoning US Continues Deficit Spending With No End in Sight
Daily Reckoning Rising Food Prices Through the Scope of Quantitative Easing
Daily Reckoning Budget Deficits, Pension Plans, and the Seeds of Rebellion
Daily Reckoning Japanese Markets: Trendsetters in the Global Economy
Daily Reckoning Making the Chicken Run
Daily Reckoning How Quantitative Easing Has Paralyzed the US Economy
Daily Reckoning Consumers and Investors Seek Protection With Guns and Gold
Daily Reckoning The Central Bank Stock Market Indicator
Daily Reckoning Our Economic Future: From Best to Worst Case
Daily Reckoning Economic Growth in the Internet Age
Daily Reckoning Imperial Suicide
Daily Reckoning The Effects of a Financial Repression
Daily Reckoning Not Like 2008
Daily Reckoning Multiplying by Zero
Daily Reckoning What to Do in the Event of an Out of Control Money System
Daily Reckoning Handout Nation
Daily Reckoning Zombie Wars
Daily Reckoning Break On Through
Daily Reckoning A Perversely Perfect War
Daily Reckoning Educated Guessing Game
Daily Reckoning World’s Biggest Zombies
Daily Reckoning Economic Recovery Without the Pain of De-Leveraging
Daily Reckoning The Illusion of Choice
Daily Reckoning A Crisis Veiled in Public Spectacle
Daily Reckoning About the New Book
Daily Reckoning Too Much of a Good Thing
Daily Reckoning Too Much of a Good Thing, Continued ...
Daily Reckoning The Downside of Mathematics
Daily Reckoning Could the Government Get a Mortgage?
Daily Reckoning Measurable Improvements
Daily Reckoning Disaster Area
Daily Reckoning Clothing for All: The Slow, but Relentless Revolution
Daily Reckoning Should You Be Hoarding?
Daily Reckoning The Irreversible Plight of the Aging Welfare State
Daily Reckoning Marginal Steps Toward a Better Life (marginal utility)
Daily Reckoning How Business "Recesses" Itself
Daily Reckoning Is It Fixable?
Daily Reckoning A Wobbly Table Built on Unsound Legs
Daily Reckoning And the Natural Result of "Planned Obsolescence" is ... (Drumroll) ... Bankruptcy!
Daily Reckoning The Empire’s Next Effort to Extract Your Wealth
Daily Reckoning Federal Wimps Have Ruined U.S. Credibility
Daily Reckoning 4 Basic Truths to Help You Navigate the Financial News
Daily Reckoning Platitudes, Hypocrisies and "Pimpocracy"
Daily Reckoning Pope Francis Takes the Zombie Side
Daily Reckoning Mogambo Guru: Of Course We’re Freakin’ Doomed!
Daily Reckoning The Return Of Zombie Wars
Daily Reckoning The Systemic Failure of High Finance
Daily Reckoning The World Economy Wreckers of Beijing
Daily Reckoning Can Trump Really Win the Election?
Daily Reckoning Simple Math Shows America Is Headed for an Economic Disaster
The Freeman Gun Control: An Economic Analysis
The Freeman Meltdown: A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse - By Thomas E. Woods, Jr. - Reviewed by: Steven Horwitz
The Freeman Why the Government Fails to Maintain Anything - By Jim Powell, October 2009, Volume: 59, Issue: 8
cnbc Here's Why the Fed Plan Is Failing: We're All Austrians Now
Mises Institute The Economic Irrationality of the State
Mises Institute Economics and the Citizen
Mises Institute Evonomics
Mises Institute Crystal Ball or Creditcard Bill
Mises Institute PPI Jumps - Talking Heads Say All is Well
Mises Institute Leading Economic Indicators (and food stamp use) rising
Mises Institute Auntie Beeb Looks at the Bright Side
Mises Institute While Politicians yammer, enterprise does work
Mises Institute Shrinking Motown
Mises Institute It’s Not Just the Sand States Anymore
Mises Institute Jack Daniels Explains The Deficit
Mises Institute The Penny Slot Economic Indicator
Mises Institute Faculty Spotlight Interview: Paul T. Prentice
Mises Institute Why Get For Free What You Can Pay For?
Mises Institute Who’s Suing Whom in the Telecom World
Mises Institute Used car prices up: who would have guessed?
Mises Institute Live by IP, Die by IP: Poetic Justice for Mattel
Mises Institute The Most Evil Column Ever
Mises Institute Where do they get this stuff?
Mises Institute Why the Crisis Hasn't Ended
Mises Institute Meltdown's Monetary Heresy
Mises Institute Rothbard Vindicated
Mises Institute Joseph, Secretary of Agriculture
Mises Institute Greedy-Bastard Economics
Mises Institute A House Regulated Cannot Stand
Mises Institute Extending the Recession Indefinitely
Mises Institute Free the Clogged-Nose 25!
Mises Institute Rich Uncle Pays Your Mortgage
Mises Institute The Broken Window
Mises Institute How the Fed Helped Pay for World War I
Mises Institute Obama and the Aqueduct
Mises Institute Menger the Revolutionary
Mises Institute Secrets of the Most Successful Touring Band of All Time
Mises Institute Fiscal Euphemisms
Mises Institute What's Cost Got to Do with It?
Mises Institute The Myth that Laissez Faire Is Responsible for Our Present Crisis
Mises Institute The Bigotry of the Literati
Mises Institute Does Favoring Free Enterprise Mean Favoring "Business"?
Mises Institute Bust Looms As China Booms
Mises Institute What Is Your Plan for the Day After Tomorrow?
Mises Institute Guerrilla Hoarding
Mises Institute Fear the Boom, Not the Bust
Mises Institute The Road to Taxi Serfdom
Mises Institute The Myth of Natural Monopoly
Mises Institute Five Ways to Create a Monopoly
Mises Institute The Importance of Capital Theory
Mises Institute The Broken-Window Fallacy
Mises Institute Occupied by Government
Mises Institute The Rich Aren't Dispossessing the Rest
Mises Institute Shadow Labor
Mises Institute Everything You Love You Owe to Capitalism
Mises Institute The Fallacy of the "Public Sector"
Mises Institute Post-Sandy: A Man-Made Disaster
Mises Institute The Unseen Consequences of Zero-Interest-Rate Policy
Mises Institute Frédéric Bastiat’s Economic Sophisms Is Now More Important Than Ever
Mises Institute Price Controls May Be On the Way
Mises Institute Jeff Bezos Got Rich By Giving His Customers What They Want
Mises Institute Economics Is Like Birdwatching - You Have to Know What to Look For
The Circle Bastiat Turning Rich Natural Resources Into Scarcity
google 23 Quadrillion Dollar Bill
Wall Street Mess Welcome To Zombieland USA
Cato Institute Fiscal Reality Cntral
Hot Air politicians say all kinds of things, find out what they really mean.
Hot Air U.S. Postal Service reports major losses ... again
Rolling Stone Obama's Big Sellout
Rolling Stone Wall Street's Naked Swindle: A scheme to flood the market with counterfeit stocks helped kill Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers and the feds have yet to bust the culprits U.S. to Lose $400 Billion on Fannie, Freddie, Wallison Says Obama Plus Congress Equals Economic Chaos.
Mackinac Center For Public Policy Too Big to Succeed?
Big Government The Pork Report: October 19, 2009
Keith Hennessey The long term budget problem begins now
Yahoo! News Several mortgage firms getting federal funds have spotty records
Yahoo! News Consumer spending falls in September, incomes flat
Yahoo! News Census: Near-record level of US counties dying
Yahoo! Finance In Prison Interview, Madoff Says Banks ‘Had to Know’
Yahoo! Real Estate Cities Where Things are Getting Worse
Real Clear Markets Stimulating Failure
The Examiner Scott Ott's Examiner Scrappleface: Obama Main Street tour reveals shocking ignorance The $787 Billion Flop economic commentary
The Wall Street Journal The Coming Deficit Disaster
Crossville Chronicle STUMPTALK: Washington's war on the American citizen
Enter Stage Right A nation of whiners and panderers
The Reformed Broker The Periodic Table of Finance Bloggers - 128 Top Finance Blogs You Should Check Out
kitco Zimbabwe: A Fresh Start
kitco Using the Same Economic Recipe means getting the Same Tragic Results
kitco America's Impending Master Class Dictatorship
kitco The Dollar Rally is Hugely Bullish for Precious Metals
kitco Why is the U.S. Government Protecting BP?
kitco The 100% "Certain" Forecast From the Guy Who's Been Wrong 100% of the Time
Whiskey and Gunpowder The Economy Has Six Months to Live
Washington Times EDITORIAL: Obama is killing the economy
green faucet Goldman's Global Oil Scam Passes the 50 Billion Madoff Mark!
24/7 Wall St. 24/7 Wall St. Ten Brands That Will Disappear in 2011
24/7 Wall St. The Ten Brands That Will Disappear In 2010
24/7 Wall St. Twelve Major Brands That Will Disappear The Real Reason Germany Wants to Buy the NYSE 2010 Is Just Deck Chair Politics on the USS Titanic Count Our Holiday Blessings: At Least We're Not Starving
Counter Punch Weed Weirdness, Pot Legalization Measure Creates Strange Alliances in California
Forbes Five Things Printing Money Can't Do And One It Always Does
Yahoo! Real Estate America's Most Miserable Cities, 2010
Yahoo! Real Estate America's Most Miserable Cities, 2011
Yahoo! Real Estate America's Most Miserable Cities, 2012
Harvard Business Review "Big Content" Is Strangling American Innovation
Market Watch IMF bombshell: Age of America nears end Will the 'Age of America' end in 2016?
quora In Fifty Days, Payments Innovation Will Stop In Silicon Valley
Forbes Skyscrapers Are A Great Bubble Indicator - They tend to go up before the economy goes down. Will Congress Declare a Trade War Against China? Economic Apocalypse Goes Mainstream: Meltdown in Two to Three Weeks; It Will Spread Everywhere; Most Serious Financial Crisis Ever; Worse Than Great Depression
Town Hall Obama Budget Rearranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic
Canada Free Press The Empire of Poverty
The Lid MUST WATCH Romney Video Just Released,Gives Face to Small Businesses Hurt By Obama
Virginia Right! Scott Brown Opponent Elizabeth Warren is an Idiot! The Factory PAID FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS!
Whiskey and Gunpowder Happy Interventionists: The Economist’s Attack on Your Property
American Thinker Even Worse Than California
Gold Price News The purpose of market intervention
Canada Free Press Money For Nothing & Your Kicks For Free (Fact . . . we are becoming, or maybe have become, a welfare nation)
Canada Free Press Carbon Tax is Still Environmental Piracy - Fiscal Cliff, Accompanied by higher unemployment, higher inflation, higher food and energy prices, and higher interest rates
Canada Free Press Dumbest idea ever: Tip-free restaurant is ‘a bit of socialism’
New York Post Behind the tragedy of Detroit
The Economic Collapse 25 Facts About The Fall Of Detroit That Will Leave You Shaking Your Head
Personal Liberty Digest States With Democratic Governors Raise Taxes; Those With Republicans Lower Them
Kansas City Star Sex trade in eight cities, including Kansas City, is worth nearly $1 billion
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Income Redistribution
YouTube Andrew Klavan: Obamanomics 101, Understanding How the Obama Economy Works
YouTube Andrew Klavan's Economic Smackdown: Paul Ryan vs. Barack Obama
YouTube Andrew Klavan: Financial Crisis 101
Robert Ringer The Economic Ecosystem
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education #23 - "The Balance of Trade Deficit Requires Government Action"
mrc tv Popular Deli, But Not for Lack of Business
Contra Corner Central Banks Have Shot Their Wad- - -Why The Casino Is In For A Rude Awakening, Part I
Real Clear Markets When Billionaires Build Stadiums, Taxpayers Get Whacked
Truth Revolt Prager U: Why Are Restaurants' Profit Margins So Low? - Five things you didn't know about the restaurant industry.
Affluent Christian Investor African-Americans Are Among The Richest People On The Planet
Bigger Pockets What Can U-Haul Rates Tell Us About U.S. Migration Patterns?
mrc tv Report: Average Salary Nowhere Near Enough to Live in Major U.S. Cities

Economics - Common Sense
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) The Economics of Thinking One Step Further

Economics - Collapse
Daily Reckoning The Structure of Collapse: 2016-2019
American Thinker Uh, Hillary, Your Hubby Caused the 2008 Recession
Federalist We Cannot Destroy The Country For The Sake Of New York City
Fox Business Americans struggling to make car payments is highest since Great Recession - Car repossessions grow as Americans still struggle with high car prices and inflatio

Economics - You Didn't Build That
When does "You Didn't Build That" become "You Can't Build That?"
Truth Revolt You Didn't Build That! Pelosi Claims Feds, Not Apple, Invented iPhone - Anything to tout the all-wonderful government and its abuse of taxpayers.

Economics - You Shouldn't Own That - Tax Refugees
Fox Business High-tax state exodus accelerates as more Americans flee to Florida, Texas
Dan Bongino Show Report: California and New York Lose $1 Trillion Each in Managed Assets Due to Financial Firms Fleeing

Economics - Success Stories = liberal failures - Liberal Policies
The Daily Signal Progressive Paradise Lost
The Daily Signal The ‘Mini Greece’ of the United States
The Daily Signal Puerto Rico: America’s Greece
mrc tv 'Rich States, Poor States' Report Finds Poorest States have Dem. Governors
Liberty Nation Connecticut Up to Its Neck in Red Ink
Daily Wire Panera's Socialist Pay-What-You-Want Restaurant Implodes: Students, Homeless Mob The Place

Economics - Wealth
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education Dear Ultra-Rich Man - An ultra-middle-class man’s letter to Nick Hanauer
Forbes Six Waltons Have More Wealth Than the Bottom 30% of Americans
The Freeman Wealth, Poverty, and Natural Disasters. Prosperity saves lives.
Mises Institute Trade Creates Wealth. Protectionism Destroys It.
Daily Reckoning The Increasingly Fragile Upper-Middle Class

Economics - Share The Wealth
YouTube Penn & Teller: OBAMANOMICS EXPLAINED: Spreading the Wealth
Daily Reckoning US Wealth Distribution: Where Zombies Go to Feast
Daily Reckoning The Disconnect Between Household Wealth and GDP Growth
Mises Institute The Fantasy of Wealth Redistribution
Mises Institute Mises, Kant, and Welfare Spending
Larry Elder So What If Taxing Rich Hurts the Economy?
Canada Free Press Why the federal government cannot fix the economy - As far as Obama and the Democrat Party are concerned, the economy actually has to remain broken so they can try to "fix" it by putting government bureaucrats in charge
Canada Free Press The federal government has us in economic slavery - Shackles and chains
American Thinker How Social Justice Crashed the Economy
mrc tv Harvard Prof.: Immigration Is 'Just Another Redistribution System' of a Half-Trillion Dollars
Daily Reckoning Dear Government: Leave Me the Hell Alone

Economics - Middle Class
Daily Reckoning The Rise and Fall of the American Middle Class
Daily Reckoning Central Banks Have Pushed the Middle Class Down into Neofeudal Serfdom
Daily Reckoning Honey, I Shrunk the Middle Class
Daily Reckoning The Cultural Contradictions That Have Crippled the Great American Middle Class
InfoWars 44 Facts About The Death Of The Middle Class That Every American Should Know
Of Two Minds Endangered Species: The Self-Employed Middle Class - Including the professional class, perhaps 3% of the workforce is truly independent.
Larry Elder Taxman to Middle Class: 'Bend Over'
Capitalism Institute WSJ: Obama Worst President for Middle Class ‘in Modern Times’
Yahoo! Finance How the Bubble Destroyed the Middle Class
Yahoo! Small Business Advisor An Obituary for the American Middle Class
Market Watch How the Bubble Destroyed the Middle Class
Canada Free Press Killing the Middle Class - The Federal Reserve signs on to more of the same policies that have exacerbated the wealth gap
Truth Revolt Disappearing Middle Class: First-Time Homebuyers at 28-Year Low - In the Obama economy, this hardly comes as a surprise.
Mises Institute The Myth of a Middle Class
American Thinker The O-Conomy: How President Obama's Economy is Crushing the Middle Class

Economics - Poor - Poverty - War on Poverty - War On Poor
Washington Times NUGENT: Poor parental choices make poor children
Mises Institute The Poor
Mises Institute Starving the World's Poorest
Mises Institute Resource Prosperity & Reducing Poverty
Mises Institute State Splendor and Public Poverty: From Rome to Washington
Mises Institute The Many Ways the State Taxes the Poor
Mises Institute Soaking the Future Poor
The Ornery American America Unplugged! Obama's Cruel Tax on the Poor. Obama's "ideological" energy plan would cripple U.S. economy
Yahoo! News America's Poor: Where Poverty Is Rising In America
Yahoo! News Census: Number of poor may be millions higher
International Liberty The War on Poverty Has Been a Disaster for Taxpayers…and for Poor People
International Liberty The Moocher Hall of Fame Welcomes its First Danish Member
Canada Free Press The War on Poverty-$21 Trillion Late - The big fat leftist failure. Now where is the mea culpa?
Daily Reckoning How Free Money Leaves Everyone Poorer
Eric Peters Autos Dracula and the Dawning Sun
Louder With Crowder California Wants to Add 1% Surcharge on Restaurant Bills to Combat Climate Change

Economics - Poor - Poverty - Feed The Poor
Truth Revolt Feds Spend $1 Million to Fix Chicago... With URBAN FARMS! - Because nothing says lay down your weapons like feasting on lead-poisoned carrots.
Armstrong Economics 90 Yr-Old Threatened with 60 days in Jail For Feeding Homeless People

Economics - Education
Daily Reckoning Economics in 99 Pages
Mises Institute How Saving Grows the Economy
Mises Institute Why Economics Matters
Mises Institute Ignorance Is More Costly in Politics than in Markets

Economics - Ethanol
Mises Institute The many evils of ethanol
Daily Reckoning Fill It up With ... Deathanol!
Canada Free Press New Study: Ethanol costs one million jobs - Ethanol does little to reduce U.S. greenhouse emissions, but diverting grain from to fuel is ramping up survival costs for the poor across the world
USA Today What will ethanol rule change mean to you?

Economics - Capitalism
Capitalism Institute Capitalism Institute: Rise Up and Defend Your Country.
Mises Institute Wealth Must Be Created Before We Can Give It To the Poor
Mises Institute Capitalism at the Farm Stand
Mises Institute When Capital Is Nowhere in View
Mises Institute McDonald's as the Paradigm of Progress
Mises Institute The Economic Delusions of the Political Class
Mises Institute The Rise of Capitalism
Mises Institute The Social Function of Profit-and-Loss Accounting
Mises Institute Can Capitalism Survive?
Mises Institute The Case Against the Market Economy
Mises Institute Free markets have made us incredibly richer
The Circle Bastiat Creative Destruction - The Best Game in Town
Mises Institute Voluntary Exchange vs. Government Mandates
Daily Reckoning Misunderstanding Capitalism
Daily Reckoning The War on Small Business
Daily Reckoning Debunking the Myth of a Free Market Run Wild
Daily Reckoning The Real Crisis in Capitalism
Daily Reckoning System D is for Free
Daily Reckoning Markets Seen and Unseen
Daily Reckoning How a Deficit in Capitalism Helped Engender the Financial Crisis
Daily Reckoning What Does "the Market" Mean to You?
Daily Reckoning How Three Neighbors Got Gas
Daily Reckoning apitalist Dystopia
Daily Reckoning When Capitalism Turns To Cannibalism
Daily Reckoning The Elves of Capitalism
Future of Freedom Foundation Free Market Capitalism vs. Crony Capitalism

Economics - Regulation (including price controls) (why things don't work)
When you treat people like idiots, they'll behave like idiots. - Hans Monderman
More research is needed to understand what policies allow people to move up the economic ladder and what holds them back. - Janet Yellin, fed chair
Janet Yellin translation: I a moron and I don't know what I'm doing. However, I am willing to believe anything that fits my narrative as long as it doesn't fit reality. - Cynical Pessimist
Federal Register Agency List - 430 Agencies Found
Daily Reckoning Our Government, Destroyer of Jobs
Daily Reckoning The Attack on the Washing Machine
Daily Reckoning The Folly of Intellectuals
Daily Reckoning How Employment and Economic Growth are Hindered by Politics
Daily Reckoning A Big Oops at JP Morgan!
Daily Reckoning Storm Economics in One Lesson
Daily Reckoning How the State Will Die
Daily Reckoning The Entitlement Cliff
Daily Reckoning The Gas Price Story of Hurricane Sandy
Daily Reckoning Laws Tie Moving Companies in Red Tape
Daily Reckoning The Cost of Not Acting
Daily Reckoning The Good, the Bad, and the Unhealthy
Daily Reckoning The Hidden Cost of Gov’t Protection
Daily Reckoning Be Your Own Manufacture
Daily Reckoning Black Markets Aren’t Just for Pimps and Drug Dealers
Daily Reckoning Vice, Hypocrisy... and Money
Mises Institute Up with Vietnamese Catfish
Mises Institute Legalize Milk, Real Milk
Mises Institute Scandalous Regulators
Mises Institute Virginia Is Not for Small Businesses
Mises Institute How Blessed Is the State That Thus Destroyeth the Car
Mises Institute The Hand-Sanitizer Martini
Mises Institute The Candlemakers' Petition
Mises Institute Scandalous Regulators
Mises Institute Statistics: Achilles' Heel of Government
Mises Institute The Dating Market: Anarchy in Action
Mises Institute Clean Water, Scarcity, and Market Prices
Mises Institute How to Make Goods More Expensive: Target Trucker
Mises Institute Ten Economic Blunders from History
Mises Institute What Romance Can Tell Us About Government Regulation
Mises Institute Without Government, Who Would Force a Men's Barbershop to Cut Women's Hair?
Mises Institute "Discrimination" Isn't About Religion, It's About Private Property
Mises Institute Court to Bakery Owners: You Have No Property Rights
Mises Institute Price Controls May Be On the Way
Mises Institute FTC Cracks Down on Sponsored Content
Mises Institute Price Controls Are Disastrous for Venezuela, and Everywhere Else
Mises Institute Interventionism: Government's War Against Consumers
Mises Institute Feds to Ban Leaf Used in Herbal Teas
Mises Institute "Sharing Economy" Reveals that Licensing Laws Are Really About Shutting Down the Competition
Mises Institute How Regulation Protects Established Firms
Mises Institute Latest Regs Show "Consumer Protection" Can Justify Pretty Much Anything
Mises Institute Federal Meddling in Dairy Farms Hurts Both Consumers and Producers
Mises Institute New York Declares War on Homesharing
Mises Institute Making Sugar a Delicacy
Mises Institute Government Regulators Drive Legal Marijuana Underground
Mises Institute New Overtime Rules Will Make Life Much Harder for Young Workers
Mises Institute When Cannabis is "Legal," But There's Nowhere to Smoke
Mises Institute State Regulators Deny the Homeless a Free Meal
Mises Institute Europe's War on Tobacco
Mises Institute We Shouldn't Have to Ask the State's Permission to Work
Mises Institute Janet Yellen on Workforce Development
Mises Institute Net Neutrality and the Problem with "Experts"
The Circle Bastiat JP Morgan Loses $2 Billion trading, FDIC says no more TBTF (Too Big To Fail)
The Circle Bastiat A Seedy Business
Scribe - Bluey Reports Feds to Trucking Company: You Cannot Fire Alcoholic Drivers
Forbes Twelve-Year-Old's Green Tea Stand Shut Down in Massachusetts
Forbes Airbnb At The Tip Of The Spear Of The Regulatory State Versus Innovators
Forbes It's Easier To Become A Bounty Hunter Than A Barber In Idaho
American Thinker Regulators Gone Wild
American Thinker How Detroit Almost Killed My Business
Whiskey and Gunpowder They Wrecked Our Mowers
Whiskey and Gunpowder The Case of the Missing High-Mileage Car
Laissez Faire Books Death by Regulation
Yahoo! Shine Health Risks of Soda: Is it Really so Bad?
Yahoo! Finance ank of America finds a mistake: $4 billion less capital
Town Hall The Chicago Shakedown: Why it's Impossible to Run a Business in the Windy City
The Daily Caller Michael Bloomberg’s double standard: 68 hot dogs good, 32 oz. soda bad
Whiskey and Gunpowder Business Begging for Life
reason Chicago's Disgusting New Food Truck Regulations
The Daily Caller Environmental regulations hit manufacturing hardest
The Daily Caller Magnets attract harsh regulation
The Daily Caller GOING ROGUE: Idaho wants to nullify all EPA regulations
The Daily Caller California dairy farmers tired of getting milked
DNA Lounge Wherein the Permit Apocalypse is revealed.
Laissez Faire Today Regulators Destroying Your Home Appliances
Canada Free Press Are all Laws Necessary? With more laws than any one person can read in multiple lifetimes, it is fair to say America is over-regulated 6,125 Proposed Regulations and Notifications Posted in Last 90 Days--Average 68 per Day Subway 'Wouldn't Exist' If Started Today Due to Regulations: Founder Deluca
Gary North - Tea Party Economist Here Come the Salt Police!
Gary North - Tea Party Economist New York Gun Manufacturer Moves to Pennsylvania. "Catch Us if You Can."
The American Myths of American ‘Cowboy Capitalism’
Human Events Victims of government
The Foundation for Rational Economics and Education When they came for the Raw Milk drinkers ...
Fire Andre Mitchell Canadian relief for Oklahoma tornado victims denied at border
Power Line Manufacturing Drops-Unexpectedly!
New York Times A Shuffle of Aluminum, but to Banks, Pure Gold
Yahoo! News NY fights site listing homes for tourists to rent
Karenstan - Stunning Quotes & Photos From Around The World collecting rainwater now illegal in many states
Karenstan - Stunning Quotes & Photos From Around The World Feds To Parents: No Lunches From Home Without Doctor’s Note, School Lunch Only
Yahoo! News Mom fined $10 by daycare for packing ‘unhealthy’ lunch
Yahoo! News California Town Bans Smoking in Condos and Apartments That Share Walls
International Liberty Which Nation Has Dumber Bureaucrats and More Political Correctness, the United States or United Kingdom?
Acting Man Protecting Rent Seekers by Curtailing Competition
reason Let’s Hear It for Price Gouging - Government has no business dictating prices in the first place.
Power Line Is There a Market For Stupidity?
Laissez Faire How Government Wrecked the Gas Can
Open Market CEI’s Battered Business Bureau: The Week in Regulation
Open Market Red Tapeworm 2014: U.S. Regulation Compared to the World’s Largest Economies
Motorcycle Info and Accessories Airbags are Evil
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education How Physician Licensing Hurts Medicine and Helps Pseudoscience
El Paso Inc. Dry California tries to stop private drilling for water
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: Tie-Dyed Tyranny
Truth Revolt Report: U.S. Regulations Now Tenth-Largest Economy - Almost $2 Trillion in 2014
Truth Revolt Prager University Video: What's Killing the American Dream? - Spoiler alert: it's the government.
Truth Revolt Thousands of Homeless Almost Had Free BBQ Until the Gov’t Soaked it with Bleach - They know what’s best for us.
Truth Revolt Farmer Fined $2.8 Million for Plowing His Own Field - I don't think this is a very cost-effective way to grow crops.
Vegas Inc Uber arrives in Las Vegas today; battles with taxi companies loom
Nestman The Raisin Administrative Committee Strikes Back!
American Thinker Administration's efforts to reduce red tape results in $16-billion increase in costs
Intellectual Takeout Without the State, Who Will Handcuff Teens for Selling Water Bottles? - Or children selling snow cones?
mrc tv Gone To the Dogs: NYC Requires a License To Dog-Sit
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education How Government Wrecked the Gas Can
NY Daily News Cuomo to announce new regulations on work schedules for hourly employees
Seeking Alpha Did The Supreme Court Potentially Bankrupt Tens Of Thousands Of Small Online Businesses?
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) Ride Sharing and the Absurdity of "Protecting" Workers Out of a Job
AIER - American Institute for Economic Research The True Cost of a Hamburge
AIER - American Institute for Economic Research Decriminalizing Cannabis Won’t Stop the Black Market
rumble Biden Admin Poses As Savior For Baby Formula Shortage Caused By Government
Louder With Crowder Woke energy company locks customers out of setting their 'smart' thermostats and too bad if you don't like it
Louder With Crowder Watch: Barstool's Dave Portnoy goes berserk on "pink-haired, crazy liberals" looking to ban wood-fired pizza
mrc tv Study: DC Mandates Cost Small Biz $50K PER EMPLOYEE in 2022

Economics - EPA - Regulation (including price controls) EPA - Environmental Pollution Agency (why things don't work)
Powerline Federal Judge Denounces EPA As Rogue Agency
Truth Revolt Internal Documents at Energy Dept Scrubbed of Climate Change So Trump Won’t Cut Programs - Time to smoke out the moles.
Truth Revolt Retired Geologist Predicted EPA Spill Week Prior, Says It Was Intentional for Money - A "superfund blitzkrieg"
Truth Revolt Malkin: Obama's Toxic Environmental Pollution Agency - Protecting the environment has become a full employment racket for green crooks and cronies.
Truth Revolt EPA Insiders Knew 'Blowout' Risk of Contaminated Water Inside Mine, Did Nothing - Documents reveal repeated acknowledgement of the potential disaster
Truth Revolt EPA Hates Trees: Spends Millions on Wooden Furniture - "It’s Herman Miller furniture for the bureaucrats, but Ikea for the taxpayers."
Truth Revolt Govt. Report: Colorado Spill Was EPA Fault - Three million gallons of waste.
Truth Revolt EPA Knew About MI Water Contamination for Months, Said Nothing - Do we need more proof that government bureaucrats aren't here to help?
Truth Revolt EPA Regional Chief Resigns over Flint Water Crisis
Truth Revolt WATCH: EPA has No Answer Why They Didn't Inform Public About Lead Water 1 Yr Ago - That's a big uhhhhhhhhhhh... ..
Truth Revolt EPA Stalling on Underground Fire Near Nuclear Waste Dump - We're from the government, and we're here to help.
Truth Revolt Irony: San Francisco EPA Workers Fight Poisonous Air Quality ... at Their Own Building - And the unions aren't happy, either.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Tale of Two Tribes: 'Climate Refugees' vs. EPA Victims - While meddling liberals conspire to displace one tribe in the name of saving the planet, another is begging for help.
Truth Revolt Dramatic Footage of Toxic Water Spill Courtesy of the EPA: ‘What Do We Do Now?’ - And the DOJ refuses to prosecute anyone!
Truth Revolt What? EPA Hiring ‘Diversity and Inclusion Specialists’ - Never mind all the toxic spills they caused! Diversity is where it's at!
Truth Revolt EPA’s Head of ‘Environmental Justice Office,’ Whatever That Is, Just Resigned - Who? What?
American Thinker EPA Corruption and Scandal
American Thinker A word from a toxicologist who defected from the federal junk science army
Fox News Armed EPA raid in Alaska sheds light on 70 fed agencies with armed divisions
Hot Air New EPA regulations would require 230,000 new bureaucrats to administer
Canada Free Press The EPA’s Planned Destruction of the U.S. Economy
Canada Free Press President Obama, Affordable Energy Killer - Carbon dioxide emissions, Coal, Environmental protection agency, EPA, Obama, Power Plants
The Daily Caller The EPA’s new mandate: Flying unicorns powered by pixie dust
Competitive Enterprise Institute CEI Releases Global Warming Study Censored by EPA, The Public Shouldn't Be Kept in the Dark by an Agency Supposedly Committed to Transparency
Quartz A new suspect in bee deaths: the US government
Personal Liberty Digest EPA Conducted Toxin Tests On Human Subjects Without Disclosing The Health Risks
Personal Liberty Digest Inspector General: EPA Potentially Basing Costly Regulations On Fraudulent Data
Personal Liberty Digest ‘That’s Enough’: Farmers Protest EPA’s Water Takeover With ‘Frozen’ Parody Five Years of Gas-Can Hell!
Breitbart Obama's EPA Pleads with Employees to Stop Pooping in Hallways
Fox News More missing emails, crashed hard drives, this time at EPA
mrc tv EPA Chief Admits ‘Low-Income Minority’ Families Will Be ‘Hardest Hit’ by New Climate Regs
mrc tv Senator Accuses EPA of Stacking the Deck on Air Quality Panel
Patriot Post Environmental Protection Army?
American Thinker EPA wants to force Volkswagen to build electric cars in US
American Thinker McCain wants criminal charges against EPA officials involved in toxic spill
Mises Institute Did Free Markets Cause the Flint, Michigan Water Disaster?
mrc tv Rep. Chaffetz Eviscerates EPA Head McCarthy Over Agency Inaction in Flint Water Crisis
WND Supremes join Trump to dismantle Obama power grab - 'A victory for the rule of law and for accountability in government'

Economics - Supply and Demand
mrc tv Public Figures Were Wrong to Chide Uber for Higher Prices After Manhattan Bombing
Truth Revolt Pepsi Laying Off 100 Philadelphia Workers after Only Two Months of Onerous Soda Tax - Keep the government out of our vending machines!
Daily Wire BACKFIRE: Philadelphia Implemented Soda Tax, But It Didn't Go As Planned

Economics - Drugs
Mises Institute Colorado’s New Cannabis Economy
Mises Institute The Legalization Cure for the Heroin Epidemic

Economics - Stimulus (SwindleUs) - Covid-19 - Chinese Flu - Kung Flu - Winnie the Flu, WuHuFlu, plandemic, Scamdemic, Covidiocy,...
Boston Herald Feds: Stimulus money sent to 4,000 cons
Daily Reckoning Stimulus is Only Stimulating "Economic Misery"
Daily Reckoning The Successful Failure of US Money Printing
Daily Reckoning How to Stimuluate Inflation and a Weak Dollar
Daily Reckoning How Central Banks Attempt to Prop Up the Economy
Daily Reckoning Worse Off in a "Better Than" Economy
Daily Reckoning Financial Diabetes
Daily Reckoning Great Expectations
Daily Reckoning Maintaining the Illusion of Stability Now Requires Extremes
Daily Reckoning Don’t Be Fooled... "Helicopter Money" Is Already Here
Mises Institute Stimulus: Fail
Mises Institute Can Fiscal Stimulus Revive the US Economy?
Mises Institute How the Stimulus Racket Works
Mises Institute Operation Twisted Logic
Mises Institute Cash for Clunkers: A Personal Look
Mises Institute Why Central Bank Stimulus Cannot Bring Economic Recovery
Mises Institute Gee, why the sudden shortage of used cars?
Mises Institute Does the UK Need Even More Stimulus?
Yahoo! News Whoops-'Cash for Clunkers' Actually Hurt the Environment Stimulus Failure By The Numbers (a one year after review)
Fox News Tax Delinquents Collected Billions From Obama's Economic Stimulus Plan, Report Shows
Doug Ross @ Journal Star Trek: The Stimulus Doomsday Machine
PJ Media Another Obama Greendoggle Bites the Dust
Daily Caller Obama hikes subsidy to wealthy electric car buyers
Daily Caller Analysis: Real stimulus spending is at least $2.5 trillion since 2008
Washington Times Tax cheats got $1.4 billion in stimulus loans
Canada Free Press Another Electric Car Company Falters - Coda Holdings Inc., an electric car company
Conservative Review Horowitz: Congressman discovers coronavirus shutdown check sent to Norwegian citizen in Norway

Economics - Stimulus (SwindleUs)
Louder With Crowder Donald Trump Excoriates Congress for Disastrous COVID Relief Bill

Economics - GDP - GDP - Government Destruction of Property, GDP - Grotesquely Delusional Programs
Daily Reckoning Downside: After the Returns Stop Diminishing, Part II
Chris Martenson Crash Course Chapter 16: Fuzzy Numbers
Gold Money Lies, damn lies and GDP statistics
Daily Reckoning Nothing's Over: The Top Reason GDP Does Not Show Recovery
Daily Reckoning The "GDP Fraud"
Daily Reckoning 5 Big Reasons for You to Doubt the GDP Growth
Daily Reckoning Pyrrhic Stimulus
Daily Reckoning How the Fed is Destroying Capitalism
The Business Insider - Clusterstock CHART OF THE DAY: Cash-For-Clunkers MASSIVELY Distorted GDP
Mises Institute Should We Believe the GDP?
Mises Institute Austerity as Economic Liberation
Mises Institute How Reducing GDP Increases Economic Growth
Mises Institute Why the Government Hasn’t Yet Managed to Destroy the Economy
Mises Institute These Feminist Economists Are Right about GDP
Shadow Stats Have you ever wondered why the CPI, GDP and employment numbers run counter to your personal and business experiences? The problem lies in biased and often-manipulated government reporting.
Wall Street Journal Larry Schweikart and Burton Folsom: Obama's False History of Public Investment - Entrepreneurs built our roads, rails and canals far better than government did.

Economics - Recovery - BLS - Bureau of Labor Statistics - BLS - Bureau of Lies and Subterfuge
Daily Reckoning Statistics: The Bureaucrat’s Weapon
Daily Reckoning There is No Food Inflation; the BLS Made Sure of That
Daily Reckoning More BS from the BLS
Mises Institute Manipulation: The Phony Job Recovery
Louder With Crowder Biden Employment Reports Exaggerated, US Overstated Hundreds Of Thousands Of Jobs In 2023

Economics - Recovery
Affluent Investor Gallup-ing Criticism: Job Stats Don’t Add Up
American Thinker Study: 93% of US counties have not recovered from recession
alt-market Lies You Will Hear As The Economic Collapse Progresses
The Gold Report John Williams: How to Survive the Illusion of Recovery
Black Listed News 25 Questions To Ask Anyone Who Is Delusional Enough To Believe That This Economic Recovery Is Real - The Daily Web Log for prepared Individuals Living In Uncertain Times Twenty-Two Reasons Why this Recession is Different and Why it Will Endure
Financial Armageddon The Sum Total of All That Is Wrong
Las Vegas Review Journal Extending the recession indefinitely
Daily Reckoning Misconceptions About the Consumer’s Role in a US Recovery
Daily Reckoning No Hope for a Consumer-Driven Economic Recovery
Daily Reckoning The Economic Recovery Fantasy
Daily Reckoning From Employment to Housing: "Reality" in a Great Correction
Daily Reckoning Zombie Spending on Things Already Consumed
Daily Reckoning How to Benefit from Depressed Housing and a Declining Dollar
Daily Reckoning The Continuing Delusion of Economic Recovery
Daily Reckoning PIIGS, Presstitutes and the Global Meltdown
Daily Reckoning Visions of Phony Economic Growth
Daily Reckoning More Debt for Your Money
Daily Reckoning The Developed World Shifts from "More" to "Better"
Daily Reckoning Why Economic Growth Will Continue to Disappoint in 2012
Daily Reckoning Misguided Faith in an Economic Recovery
Daily Reckoning Economic Recovery Education
Daily Reckoning US Unemployment and the Ubiquitous "Zombie Job" Market
Daily Reckoning Borrow-As-You-Go Politics
Daily Reckoning The Internet Is a Dud
Daily Reckoning Trickle Down Stagnation
Daily Reckoning I’m in the Mood for Cash
Daily Reckoning The Return of the Worldwide Crack Up Boom
Daily Reckoning Phony Growth From Higher Debt
Daily Reckoning The Trouble With The U.S.’s Return to "Prosperity"
Daily Reckoning Danger! Exploding Wealth Gap!
Daily Reckoning Diminishing Returns on Central-Planning Policy Extremes = 2016 Crash
Daily Reckoning Why Bubble Finance Will Fail
Daily Reckoning One Part of the Economy is Booming: the Undergroung/Cash-Only Sector
Daily Reckoning America's Factories Are in Recession
Daily Reckoning Look Out Below: The Real Economy Just Hit Stall Speed
Daily Reckoning Why This Sucker Is Going Down... Again!
Daily Reckoning Our "Star Wars" Economy: The Fed-Farce Awakens
Daily Reckoning 2016 Global Economic Turmoil Is Just The Beginning
Daily Reckoning The World is Getting Crazier, But We No Longer Notice
Daily Reckoning Good for Donald, These Clowns Need to Be "Rattled"
Daily Reckoning Washington’s Fiscal Hypocrisy Is Too Rich for Words
Daily Reckoning What’s Coming Is Going to Be a Mess
Daily Reckoning The New "Big Short" - This Is THE Crisis of 2017
Daily Reckoning The Day the Malls Went Silent
Yahoo! Finance Americans’ financial difficulties increase sharply
Yahoo! News Calif dairies going broke due to feed, milk prices
Yahoo! News Share of young US adults who move hits 50-year low
Market Watch The next, worse financial crisis
Mises Institute Happy Talk Replaced by Grim Forecasts
Mises Institute 80% of Americans Say Economy Stinks
Mises Institute Stabilization Is Chaos
Mises Institute Printing and Swapping
Mises Institute The Austrians Were Right, Yet Again
Mises Institute How Canada Escaped the Global Recession
Mises Institute Regime Uncertainty: Some Clarifications
Mises Institute The Keynesian Endgame
Mises Institute Shinzo Abe and the Three Magic Arrows
Mises Economics Blog Productivity Declines, Fewer Startups, and Regime Uncertainty
Mises Institute Three Reasons to Be Worried About the Economy
Mises Institute Living With Your Parents
The Atlantic The 4 Scariest Economic Graphs I've Seen This Year
Yahoo! Finance The 10 American Industries That May Never Recover
Yahoo! Finance Family Net Worth Drops to Level of Early ’90s, Fed Says
Jewish World Review Choking on Obamacare
PJ Media GOP-Governed and Right-To-Work States Saved the Economy’s Bacon in 2011
Forbes The World's Richest Man On Fixing The Global Economy
Washington Free Beacon Optimism Run Amok - As unemployment stagnates, claims of economic recovery premature
CNBC America Lost 129,000 Millionaires in 2011
Zero Hedge Greek Deposit Plunge Continues As Tax Inspection Finds Every Business On Zakynthos Broke The Law
Whiskey and Gunpowder U.S. Poverty: It’s Spreading
The Economic Collapse The Sobering Reality Of What Life Is Like In Reno, Nevada
The Economic Collapse You Will Not Believe What Some People Are Willing To Do For A Paycheck These Days
The Economic Collapse 22 Stats That Show How The Emerging One World Economy Is Absolutely Killing American Workers
The Economic Collapse More Than Half Of All Americans Are At Least Partially Dependent On The Government
Money News ShadowStats' John Williams to Moneynews: US Job Indicators Are 'Absolutely Bogus'
Federal Observer America Went Over the Fiscal Cliff Long Ago
Warning Signs Poverty Nation
Canad Free Press Just Say NO?! Negotiating With Obama
Washington Examiner Morning Examiner: The Republican surpluses
Breitbart Internal Walmart Email: 'Sales Are a Total Disaster'
The Foundry Morning Bell: Remember the Economy? It’s Still Bad
Investors Business Daily CBO: ObamaCare Reduces Work; Social Security Worsens
Personal Liberty Digest The Fed’s Hands Are Tied
Personal Liberty Digest Mass Flight From U.S. Labor Force Drives Down April Unemployment
Personal Liberty Digest The Regime’s Recovery Con
Personal Liberty Digest Commerce Department Says First-Quarter GDP Shrank More Than First Reported
Personal Liberty Digest Median Wealth Of U.S. Households Plummeted By One-Third In The Past 10 Years
Washington's Blog No, Millions of Americans Have NOT Dropped Out of the Labor Force Just Because They’re Retiring Baby Boomers BLS: In 20% of American Families, No One Works Women Not in Labor Force Hits Record High
Zero Hedge Workers Younger Than 55 Lost 259K Jobs In April
Zero Hedge Almost 3 Times As Many People DROPPED OUT of Labor Force As Joined It
Personal Liberty Digest The Obama Recovery: U.S. Economy May Have Shrunk In First Quarter Of 2014
Personal Liberty Digest Obama Recovery Shows Recession-Like Contraction In First Quarter
Personal Liberty Digest First Quarter GDP Revised Downward Even Further; Apologists Say Don’t Worry
Personal Liberty Digest Legendary Business Owner Warns Of Economic Collapse
Personal Liberty Digest Report: American Wages Down 23 Percent Since 2008
The Burning Platform The Fourteen Year Recession
The Fiscal Times 8 Signs America is Becoming a 3rd World Country
The Economic Collapse Major U.S. Retailers Are Closing More Than 6,000 Stores
Contra Costa Thanks Fed, For Helping The Average Guy- -Inside The New Home Sales Bust
American Thinker 'Peddling Fiction' Or Repealing Math?
mrc tv 'Youth Misery Index' Hits Record High, Skyrockets 32% Under Obama
mrc tv Obama's $38.8M Plan To Replace 2% of Lost Mining Jobs

Economics - Depression
The Gold Rport Escaping the Great Depression, and Extending the Greater Depression
American Thinker The Great Depression II
Daily Reckoning Reliable Account of the Great Depression
Daily Reckoning Chronic Depression
Daily Reckoning The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal
Daily Reckoning Collapse: It’s Coming! Are You Ready? (Part One of Two)
Daily Reckoning The Greater Depression Is Upon Us
Daily Reckoning US Poverty Stats: Where the Feds Are At Fault
Daily Reckoning Collective Action to Prolong a Depression
Daily Reckoning More Upside for Gold as Government Spending Continues Unabated
Daily Reckoning Let the Depression Burn Itself Out
Daily Reckoning Debunking the Myth of the Great Recession
Forbes Be Prepared for the Worst, The large-scale government intervention in the economy is going to end badly.
Forbes Krugman's War Cry Won't Avert Depression
24/7 Wall Street Ten Signs The Double-Dip Recession Has Begun
Mises Institute The Forgotten Depression of 1920
Mises Institute Rothbard Revises the History of the Great Depression
Mises Institute The Hoover-Roosevelt Depression
Town Hall The Worst Recovery Since the Great Depression
Personal Liberty Digest Let’s Call Obama’s Bluff

Economics - Inflation
TruFlation US Inflation Rate: Aggregated
U.S.Inflation Calculator
Bank of Canada Inflation Calculator
Shadow Stats Alternate Inflation Charts
National Inflation Association Preparing Americans for Hyperinflation
National Inflation Association Mainstream Media Hijacking Tea Party Movement
Daily Reckoning US Hyperinflation Leads to the new Obama Bill
Daily Reckoning Imported Inflation Hits US Consumer Prices
Daily Reckoning Today, Zimbabwe Tepidly Marks 31 Years of Independent Rule
Daily Reckoning The Milkman Indicator
Daily Reckoning The Downside of Debt
Daily Reckoning Benny and the Monetary Jets
Daily Reckoning "Phase 3" Inflation!
Daily Reckoning How to Profit From Stealth Inflation
Daily Reckoning I Sure Am Glad There’s No Inflation
Daily Reckoning Revealing the Real Rate of Inflation Would Crash the System
Mises Institute A Path To Runaway US Inflation
Mises Institute Money Can't Buy You Economic Prosperity
Mises Institute Hyperinflation Is Not Inevitable (Default Is)
Mises Institute Ten Reasons to Condemn Inflation
Mises Institute Global Inflation
Mises Institute Argentina Charging Economists
Mises Institute Chavez vs. Rothbard
Mises Institute Six Things to Consider About Inflation
Mises Institute Inflation Is Not About Price Increases
Forbes Inflation is Here to Stay
Forbes Why More Money Printing Will Increase Unemployment
New York Times Food Inflation Kept Hidden in Tinier Bags
YouTube National Inflation Association - Unintended Consequences of Government Meddling.
applet-magic The Hyperinflation in Brazil, 1980-1994
Forbes Why More Money Printing Will Increase Unemployment
Laissez Faire How Inflation Picks Your Pocket
Affluent Investor Yield Purchasing Power: $100M Today Matches $100K in 1979
mrc tv Pawn Stars' Rick Harrison Says People Are Pawning Wedding Rings to Make Ends Meet
mrc tv Ill'egg'al Immigration? Black Market for Eggs Growing at Southern Border, Seizures Up 300%

Economics - Deflation
Daily Reckoning Rationalizing the Fight Against Deflation
Mises Institute Deflation Disaster in Memory Prices
Mises Institute Deflation's Inflationary Source
Mises Institute What's So Scary About Deflation?

Economics - Ben Bernanke (Economist?)
the bad economist pursues a small present good that will be followed by a great evil, while the good economist pursues a great good to come, at the risk of a small present evil. - Frédéric Bastiat
The Daily Beast 10 Reasons Bernanke Should Be Fired
Canada Free Press Welcome to Bernankeville, the City of Jokernomics
Daily Reckoning Bernanke-Savant Syndrome

Economics - Economists (other)
the bad economist pursues a small present good that will be followed by a great evil, while the good economist pursues a great good to come, at the risk of a small present evil. - Frédéric Bastiat
We will not have any more crashes in our time. - John Maynard Keynes in 1927
I do not expect insolvency or near insolvency among major financial institutions. - Ben Bernanke, December 2007
Counter Punch Deceptive Economic Statistics, While Economists Lied, the Economy Died
Daily Reckoning The Folly of Intellectuals
Daily Reckoning Faith in Untrustworthy Numbers: How Economists Missed the Crisis
Daily Reckoning Jim Rogers and His Case for the Asian Century
Daily Reckoning This Car Won’t Move
Daily Reckoning The Most Qualified Fed Chair Since Arthur Burns
Daily Reckoning Fed Incompetence: Your Financial Bubble Indicator
Daily Reckoning 6 Major Flaws in the Fed’s Economic Model
Daily Reckoning Slouching Toward The Dark Side
Mises Institute Austrian economics program denied at Loyola New Orleans
Mises Institute Economists and the "Zimbabwe Solution"
Mises Institute Welcome to Zimbabwe
Mises Institute The Clear Language of the Austrian School
Mises Institute A Misesian Century
Mises Institute The Austrians Were Right
Mises Institute Two Sides of the Same Debased Coin
Mises Institute Krugman's Call for a Housing Bubble
Mises Institute Unemployment and A Tale of Two Financial Crises
Mises Institute Why the Mainstream Fails to Understand Recessions
Mises Institute You Can’t Run an Economy with Spreadsheets
Mises Institute Böhm-Bawerk: Austrian Economist Who Said “No” to Big Government
Mises Institute How Macroeconomic Data Encourages Government Intervention
Mises Institute Waiting for Growth
American Thinker An undergraduate takes-down Paul Krugman
American Thinker How Much More?
Future of Freedom Foundation TGIF: Immortal Keynes?
Bonner and Partners Why Listening to Economists Is Dangerous for Your Health
mrc tv Twitter/X Finally Flags Celeb 'Economist' Paul Krugman For Lies on Bidenflation

Economics - Savings
Mises Institute We Need the Pain that Comes with More Saving

Economics - Banking - Central Banks - Federal Reserve
Daily Reckoning What The Federal Reserve Really Is
Charles Hugh Smith How The Fed Has Failed America, Part 2
International Man Unsound Banking: Why Most of the World’s Banks Are Headed for Collapse
Daily Reckoning Bank Failures in Slow Motion
Daily Reckoning Behind Closed Doors at the IMF
Daily Reckoning Trump Declares War on the Deep State
Daily Reckoning Trump Must Fire Janet Yellen - First Thing!
Helium Parasitic qualities of the Federal Reserve
F.D.I.C. Failed Bank List.
The Wall Street Journal Tracking The Nation's Bank Failures
portal seven Monthly bank failures cost to FDIC
Mises Institute The Origins of Government Paper Money
Mises Institute Commodity Money in Colonial America
Mises Institute Insuring Deposits, Ensuring Insolvency
Mises Institute Banking Corporatism in 1912
The Circle Bastiat Paying Off One Handout With Another
Daily Reckoning In Case You Thought They Were, Banks Aren't Actually Paying You Back
Daily Reckoning The US Federal Reserve: A Bank that Will Live in Infamy
Daily Reckoning Tracing the Fed’s Vital Role in the Decline of the US Dollar
Daily Reckoning "When Money Dies"
Daily Reckoning A Real Stress Test: Could Any Major Bank or Developed Nation Survive?
Daily Reckoning How Ben Bernanke Rationalizes "Exceptionally Low" Interest Rates
Daily Reckoning The Death of Small Banks in the US
Daily Reckoning None Dare Call It Theft
Daily Reckoning Committed to Ruining the Economy
Daily Reckoning Don’t Bother Saving Anymore
Daily Reckoning The World’s Most Powerful and Influential Business
Daily Reckoning Danger: Mad Scientists Are Experimenting With Your Money
Daily Reckoning How to Protect Your Wealth from Fed Monetary Policy
Daily Reckoning Central Bankers’ War on Your Savings
Daily Reckoning The Next Financial Crisis Won't Be Like The Last One
Daily Reckoning The Latest (and Dumbest) Central Bank Fraud
Daily Reckoning Governments Change, the Corporatocracy Endures
Daily Reckoning Crisis - The Inevitable Result of Modern Central Banking
Daily Reckoning Deranged Lunatics Have Taken Over the World
Daily Reckoning Get Ready for "Unencumbered" Interest Rate Policy
naked capitalism 34 Banks Miss TARP Dividends And Almost No One Notices
Washington Post At rescued banks, perks keep rolling: BOSSES BENEFIT AFTER BAILOUT: Fringe compensation rose 4 percent last year Geithner Aides Reaped Millions Working for Banks, Hedge Funds
Rapid City Journal Geithner and Goldman are thick as thieves
Bloomberg Banks Shut in 4 U.S. States, Pushing 2009 Bank Failures to 89
Yahoo! News Bank failures top 100, only part of industry woes
Yahoo! Finance Say goodbye to traditional free checking Bank failures stack up: Now 106 for 2009. Banks in Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin, were shuttered, costing the FDIC an estimated $356.6 million.
Yahoo! Finance Banks in Ga., Mich., Minn., Mo., Calif. closed. Regulators shut banks in 5 states; marks 120 US bank failures this year
Prison Planet Commercial real estate maturities will peak in 2012 - $350 billion in loans coming due and hundreds of additional bank failures. Bank lending in the CRE market collapsing
Kitco Gold, a Hedge Against the Financial Predators of Our Society.
Daily Reckoning Ben Bernanke’s Paper Dollar Embodies Systemic Risk
Zero Hedge Switzerland Next: Swiss Banks Set To Foward Confidential Bank Client Data To U.S. Officials
Daily Reckoning Deja Vu ... All Over Again!
Mises Institute Priceless: How The Federal Reserve Bought The Economics Profession
Daily Reckoning The Chairman of the Federal Reserve is Clueless
Daily Reckoning The Fed Chairman’s Oath
Washington Times Gov. Perry: Texas wants its gold back from the Federal Reserve
South China Morning Post Kunming mother sues US central bank over shrinking cash - She claims Federal Reserve has allowed her deposit of US$250 to lose a third of its value
American Thinker The Federal Reserve's Century of Failure
Mises Institute The Fed Obliterates the Savings Ethic
Louder With Crowder Report: Senate Republicans Reveal China Infiltrated Federal Reserve

Economics - Banks - Cyprus
Yahoo! Finance Why the Cyprus Bail In Is a Bigger Deal Than You Think
Canada Free Press Cyprus and the European Union Excesses - Technocrats and their lavish pensions, Confiscation of private property initiated by the socialist governments
Canada Free Press EU theft of private bank accounts a "sacrifice" to mainstream media - Meanwhile, pray that what is happening in Cyprus this weekend is not precedent setting for other nations
Canada Free Press Cyprus wealth confiscation scheme: It could happen here - It's not yours. It's theirs. Just ask them
Canada Free Press Road to Serfdom: Eurocrats to Seize Citizen Money from Bank Accounts - Cypriots are getting a firsthand look at what happens when EU elitists, "run out of other people's money to spend"
Canada Free Press Life’s Little People always Ripped off First by Socialist Governments - It was never "the seizure of a percentage" but the seizure of the cash
Daily Reckoning In Gold, Not Cyprus, We Trust
Daily Reckoning Deposit Taxes: Should We Prepare?
Daily Resource Hunter Just When You Thought Central Banks Couldn’t Get Any Dumber ...
Zero Hedge Is Spain Preparing For Its Own Deposit "Levy"?
Mises Institute Lessons from Cyprus
The Foundation for Rational Economics and Education The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery

Economics - Interest
Daily Reckoning Why Interest Rates Are Never Going Back to Normal

Economics - Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP)
Bloomberg Negative Interest Rates - Less Than Zero
Daily Reckoning Why Negative Rates Can't Stop the Coming Depression
Daily Reckoning If You Have a Bank Deposit, You Will Be Charged to Save Money
Daily Reckoning The Deep State is Coming for your Savings
Daily Reckoning Banks Are Now Paying People to Take Out Mortgages

Economics - Debt
We don't have a Debt Crisis, we have a Dickhead Crisis - meaning there are way too many of them running around Washington not doing what they're supposed to do. - Joshua Brown
Daily Reckoning Everything You Need To Know About Debt
Daily Reckoning Debt Is the Third Benjamin Franklin Certainty
Mises Institute It's Not Really about the Debt
Mises Institute Repudiating the National Debt
Mises Institute The US National Debt Load is Second-Worst in the World
The Reformed Broker
U S Debt Clock
wikipedia List of sovereign states by public debt
Daily Reckoning Bad Debt
Daily Reckoning How Much Government Spending is Costing You Per Day
Daily Reckoning Debt Is a Bummer
Daily Reckoning How to Get Trapped by Sovereign Debt
Daily Reckoning Debts... They Grow Up So Fast!
Daily Reckoning No Rest for the Debt-Addled Middle Class
Daily Reckoning The Problems With "Printing Your Way out of Debt"
Daily Reckoning The Path to Debt in America
Daily Reckoning Debts Make a Deal
Daily Reckoning The Sound That Washington Made
Daily Reckoning Causes of an Unstable Market
Daily Reckoning The Losers Club
Daily Reckoning It’s Not Armageddon?
Daily Reckoning A Shrinking Distinction
Daily Reckoning Now What?
Daily Reckoning The Path to Debt in America
Daily Reckoning Dinosaurs, Dodos and AAA Governments
Daily Reckoning Borrowing Your Way Out of Debt and Other Normal Abnormalities
Daily Reckoning Opposing Trends in Debt and GDP Growth
Daily Reckoning What the Greek Rescue is Really About
Daily Reckoning Over Their Dead Bodies
Daily Reckoning Serial Bubble Blowers
Daily Reckoning The Hurricane Whisperer
Daily Reckoning Wipe the Debt From the Books
Daily Reckoning The Making of a Modern Debt Slave
Daily Reckoning Life in a Modern Debtor Nation
Daily Reckoning A Growing List of Lies in the Debt Ceiling Debate
Daily Reckoning $205 Trillion in Unfunded Liabilities
Daily Reckoning Economic Doom on Ice
Daily Reckoning How to Shield Yourself from the Next US Debt Crisis
Daily Reckoning Platitudes, Hypocrisies and "Pimpocracy"
Daily Reckoning Attention to Deficits Disorder
Daily Reckoning The End-Game of Debt-Fueled "Growth"
Daily Reckoning Fiscal Stimulus: Just an Excuse to Grow Government
Mises Institute Lower the Debt Ceiling
Mises Institute Repudiation Is an Option
Mises Institute The Ethics of Repudiation
Mises Institute Day of Reckoning
Mises Institute People Deleverage While Government Ramps Up Debt
Mises Institute How Central Banks Are Bleeding the Middle Class Dry
The Circle Bastiat When Bubbles Pop
Northwood Univrsity - In Defense of Capitalism & Human Progress Debt Reduction Delusions and the Menace of Big Government
Ask Heritage What is Washington Doing About America’s $15 Trillion Nightmare?
Yahoo! Finance iggest Holders of US Government Debt
Forbes Trade Deficit Data Belies U.S. Recovery
Just Facts National Debt Facts
CNBC US Credit Rating Cut by Egan-Jones ... Again
zero hedge Putting America's Tax Hike In Perspective
Gary North - Tea Party Economist $11 Trillion Increase in Federal Debt in One Year
Canada Free Press Don’t be fooled: So-called shrinking deficit means nothing - Debt still rises
Financial Sense Professor Kotlikoff: Government Conspiracy to Hide True Debt Burden
Truth Revolt SCHAPER: Big Fat Greek Default - Greece, the womb of Democracy, may in turn become its tomb.

Economics - Bankruptcy
governing Bankrupt Cities and Municipalities Map
governing Mapping Municipal Bankruptcies U.S. Is Bankrupt and We Don’t Even Know It CIT Files Bankruptcy; U.S. Unlikely to Recoup Money (Update 3)
U.S.Courts Bankruptcy Filings Per Capita
Mises Institute The Knee-Jerk Government Reaction
Mises Institute How to Bully a Country into Bankruptcy
Mises Institute A Short History of US Credit Defaults
Mises Institute The First Step to a Free Detroit: Let Them Work
Mises Institute News Flash: U.S.P.S. is broke
Daily Reckoning Why 119,874 Consumer Bankruptcies Should Worry You
Daily Reckoning Economic Zombies Shuffle Toward Bankruptcy
Daily Reckoning Government Spending: A Lesson in How to Go Bankrupt
Daily Reckoning US Road to Bankruptcy Runs Parallel to France
Daily Reckoning When All Roads Lead to Default
Daily Reckoning Two Ways for the US to Go Broke
Daily Reckoning The End of an Era
Daily Reckoning Give Collapse a Chance
Daily Reckoning Confusing Gradual Bankruptcy with Economic Recovery
Daily Reckoning Default Therapy
Daily Reckoning A Greek Debt Crisis Recap
Daily Reckoning Goodbye, Motor City
My Budget 360 Bankruptcy Filings Spiking: Chapter 7 Booming and 8 Years of Credit Card Industry Lobbying and $100 Million in Fees.
The International Forecaster Obama Presiding Over The Bankruptcy Of The United States
Yahoo! Finance 16 U.S. Cities That Could Face Bankruptcy in 2011
Yahoo! Finance Alabama Town's Failed Pension Is a Warning
Yahoo! Finance A Path Is Sought for States to Escape Debt Burdens
Yahoo! Finance 9 American Cities and Counties Going Broke
Yahoo! Finance Eight Retailers That Will Close the Most Stores
Yahoo! News San Bernardino, California, files for bankruptcy with over $1 billion in debts
Yahoo! News Detroit Cash Woes Prompt Emergency
The literary term for what's happening in Detroit right now is foreshadowing.
Yahoo! News Detroit files for bankruptcy protection
Yahoo! News Judge: Detroit eligible for Chapter 9 bankruptcy - Judge says Detroit eligible for bankruptcy, clearing way for city to fix billions in debt
New York Times on MSNBC Plans being drawn up to let states declare bankruptcy
The New Yorker Living By Default
American Thinker California town pioneers in fiscal irresponsibility
reason Stockton, California Went Bankrupt. Is Your City Next?
True / Slant U.S. government, on its way to bankruptcy, Part 1
PBS Obama Says We Must Never Default, But Would It Really Hurt Us If We Did?
Tea Party Ecoonomist Liberal PBS Runs an Article on Government Default
Tea Party Ecoonomist $11 Trillion Increase in Federal Debt in One Year

Economics - Foreign Workers
Truth Revolt Malkin: The Myth of H-1B Job Creation - It remains an article of faith among Big Business flacks and Beltway hacks that H-1B fuels miraculous job growth.

Economics - Hiring
Heat Street Connecticut Company Offers ‘Snowflake’ Test to Vet Potential Employees

Economics - Parental Leave
Mises Institute The Problem with Paid Parental Leave

Economics - Work
Daily Reckoning What Happens To Our Economy as Millions Lose the Habits of Hard Work?
Mises Institute We Don't Need to Create Jobs - We Need to Create Value

Economics - Work - Gender Pay Gap
Breitbart Whoops! Vox Just Disproved the Gender Pay Gap By Accident
Forbes Don't Buy Into The Gender Pay Gap Myth
Louder With Crowder Google Searches for Gender Pay Gap, Finds it’s Underpaying Men

Economics - Minimum Wage (causes unemployment and other problems)
Washington Free Beacon Study: Seattle Minimum Wage Increase Led to More Restaurant Hygiene Violations
CBS News Minimum wage doesn't cover the rent anywhere in the U.S.
Daily Wire Study: The Negative Impacts Of California’s Min Wage Increase On The Restaurant Industry
Louder With Crowder McDonald's Slams New 'Draconian' California Fast-Food Laws: "Devastating financial blow"
Louder With Crowder Bernie Sanders Proposes New Minimum Wage Hike, Guess How Many Hundreds Of Thousands Of Jobs It Would Kill
Louder With Crowder Viral video shows fully automated McDonalds, a glimpse of the future the Left wants with their minimum wage hikes
mrc tv Seattle 'Higher Meal Delivery Pay' Mandate Predictably Backfires

Economics - Minimum Wage (causes unemployment) - Liberal Hypocrisy
American Thinker How Our Leftist Government Gets Its Minimum Wage Hike without Legislation
Truth Revolt Bernie Sanders Won't Pay Interns 'Living Wage' - Do as I say, not as I do -- the socialist mantra.
Truth Revolt Dems in Congress Want Big Corps Paying $15/Hour, Not So Much in Own Offices - Standard hypocrisy here.
Jewish World Review Dear Jane Fonda: Minimum Wages Destroy Jobs
Louder With Crowder Dan Crenshaw Exposes Bernie Sanders' Dirty Secret About a Minimum Wage Hike
David Harris Jr. Vanita Gupta Supports $15 Minimum Wage While Family Business Pays Mexicans $1.30 an Hour

Economics - Minimum Wage (causes unemployment)
People deserve a living wage or have no right to work.
People deserve a living wage or no wage at all (no chance at employment).
Higher minimum wages for everyone make economic sense. Let's force the evil employers to pay $100,000 per hour so that unskilled, uneducated, unmotivated workers can afford the same things that highly skilled, educated and motivated workers get. - Cynical Pessimist
The American Spectator Liberalism’s Simple-Mindedness on Defiant Display - It's now taken minimum-wage law insanity to the next level.
Truth Revolt Gov. Jerry Brown: $15 Minimum Wage Makes No Economic Sense, But Makes 'Moral Sense' - The left's utopianism in a nutshell.
Truth Revolt Seattle's $15/Hr Wage Increase Had 'No Effect on Workers' Earnings' - You mean they ended up working fewer hours and couldn't find other jobs? Shocking.
Rod Martin Truth Hurts: Minimum Wage Hike’s Victims
Daily Reckoning A Fine Time to Raise the Minimum Wage?
Daily Reckoning The Claptrap Behind the Minimum Wage Debate
Breitbart Obama Denies Economic Science Behind Minimum Wage
American Thinker Why Not a $100 Per Hour Minimum Wage?
American Tinker California reaches deal for $15 an hour minimum wage
reason The Push For a Higher Minimum Wage Ignores Economic Reality
Mises Institute Outlawing Jobs: The Minimum Wage
Mises Institute Elizabeth Warren's Unwarranted Wage
Mises Institute How Special-Interest Groups Benefit from Minimum Wage Laws
Mises Institute Even the Feds Admit Minimum Wages Cause Unemployment
Mises Institute The Unseen Costs of the Minimum Wage
Mises Institute Baltimore’s Unemployed and the True Cost of Minimum Wages
Mises Institute The Failed Moral Argument for a "Living Wage"
Mises Institute The Minimum Wage: Taking Away the Right to Work
Illinois Review The Minimum Wage: A Maximum Distortion of the American Way
Cafe Hayek Maximally Mysterious
Forbes The Apple Boycott: People Are Spouting Nonsense about Chinese Manufacturing
Forbes The Apple Boycott Graphically Explained
Canada Free Press A $15 an hour minimum will force fast-food chains to replace humans with robots - Good intentions do not repeal the laws of economics
Canada Free Press You Want Fries With That? - Fast food chains, Demanding increase of the minimum wage to $15.00, Living Wage
Daily Reckoning Burger Machines to Replace Workers
Daily Caller Report: Minimum wage hike backers rarely pay interns
Daily Caller Krauthammer: Obama admin ‘robbing the people it says it wants to help’ with minimum wage hike [VIDEO]
The Future Of Freedom Foundation Why Do Progressives Hate Black Teenagers?
4th St8 Raising minimum wage is nothing but a giant income redistribution scheme
Personal Liberty Digest Study: Mandatory Minimum Wage Increase Will Lead To Layoffs, Hiring Freeze
Personal Liberty Digest Government Turns Vermont Business Owners’ American Dream Into Nightmare
Personal Liberty Digest Minimum Wage Laws Kill Jobs
The Minority Report McDonald’s hires 7,000 touch-screen cashiers
Mercatus Center Does the Minimum Wage Increase Worker Productivity?
U S News A Higher Minimum Wage Harms the Economy - Public sector intervention won't reduce poverty or boost wages.
U S News Obama's Misleading Minimum Wage Statistics - Don't buy the argument that a higher minimum wage enhances job creation.
Young Conservatives McDonalds’ response to Democrats threatening to raise the minimum wage is incredible!
Conservative Opinion The Forgotten Flaw in the WalMart Wage Argument
Bloomberg Not Everyone Can Work for Costco
Idiosyncratic Whisk Teen Employment and the Minimum Wage, 60 years of experience
Borderland Books How Could Borderlands Stay Open?
Bookworm Room Mike Rowe on high minimum wage laws and their bad unintended consequences
The Federalist Papers Project Brilliant Explanation of the Minimum Wage in One Cartoon
Viral Buzz Seattle’s Minimum Wage Crash: $15 to ZERO! Profits Tumble!
YouTube Raise the Minimum Wage to $50!
Forbes Mother Jones Proves To Us, Once And For All, That The Minimum Wage Destroys Jobs
The Right Scoop MSNBC moron host BEWILDERED by business that SHUT DOWN because of minimum wage hike
Louder With Crowder The Real Fallout of L.A.’s $15 Insane Minimum Wage...
Curbed Every Single Part of Los Angeles is Unaffordable on $15/Hour
Truth Revolt LA Unions Who Demanded $15 Minimum Wage Now Want Exemption - "This provision gives the parties the option, the freedom, to negotiate that agreement."
Chicks On The Right This Is What Happens When You Demand $15 An Hour For Flipping Burgers
Motley Fool $15 Minimum Wage: You Can Change the Wage, but Not the Laws of Economics
mrc tv This is What Happened to Chipotle’s Menu After the SF Minimum Wage Hike
mrc tv Seattle Confused Why $15 Minimum Wage Leads to Restaurants Closing
NFIB Seattle Restaurants Closing Their Doors Ahead Of Minimum Wage Increase
mrc tv Bernie Sanders Introduces Bill for $15 Minimum Wage, Pays Staff Only $12
mrc tv This is What Happened to Chipotle’s Menu After the SF Minimum Wage Hike
mrc tv Guess What? San Diego County's Minimum Wage Hike...Is Hurting Jobs!
mrc tv 'Progress'? McDonald's Is Making a Massive Move to Automation
Gateway Pundit McDonald’s Announces Its Answer to $15 an Hour Minimum Wage - Touch-Screen Cashiers
Fox News Seattle sees fallout from $15 minimum wage, as other cities follow suit
Young Conservatives CEO Raises Salaries to $70K for EVERY Employee, Now has to Rent Out his Own Home to Make Ends Meet
Truth Revolt Seattle CEO Pays Higher Minimum Wage, Loses Employees - Who didn't see this coming?
Truth Revolt Fast Food Workers Believe They Deserve More Pay Than Paramedics - "I work, I sweat, I want my $15!"
Truth Revolt Report: D.C. Restaurants Hit Hard by Minimum Wage Hikes, Losing 8 Jobs a Day - 1,400 jobs lost in the last six months alone.
Truth Revolt Prager U: How Does the Minimum Wage Work? - Prager U gets an upgrade.
Truth Revolt Former McDonald’s CEO to $15 Wage Strikers Replaced by Automation: ‘Told You So’ - "The push for a $15 starter wage has negatively impacted the career prospects of employees who were just getting started in the workforce while extinguishing the businesses that employed them."
Truth Revolt Here’s What Your $15/Hour Wage Demand Gets You: a Burger-Flipping Robot - They asked for this.
Truth Revolt McDonald's Hits All-Time High After Replacing Cashiers with Kiosks - Thanks, minimum wage activists.
Truth Revolt Seattle’s $15/Hr Fight has Cost Jobs - Shocking to no one with half a brain.
Truth Revolt Shock: Seattle’s Minimum Wage Hike Hurting Low-Level Workers - It's basic economics...
Truth Revolt Prager U: Who Does a $15 Minimum Wage Help? - Sounding caring, compassionate and concerned is all well and good. But having a job is better.
Truth Revolt California's Sky-High Minimum Wage Set to Hurt the Poor as Jack in the Box Automates - "It 'just makes sense' to replace people with robots if wages rise."
Jewish World Review $15 Minimum Wage: Women, Blacks Hurt Most
Chicks on the Right McDonald's Staffed By Robots? If Minimum Wage Hikers Get Their Way, That Could Be Next...
American Thinker Minimum Wage for Thee, But Not for Me
American Thinker NY State nears political deal to saw the bottom rung off the economic ladder
American Thinker How to Stop Losing the Minimum Wage Issue to the Democrats
The Daily Signal Seattle Voted to Hike the Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour. Here’s What Happened to Seattle’s Job Market.
Of Two Minds Why I Will Never Hire Anyone, Even at $1/Hour
Washington Post District leaders furious Walmart breaking promise to build stores in poor neighborhoods
Human Events Minimum Wage Dishonesty
The Daily Signal Data Show These 6 Big Cities Aren’t Faring Well After Minimum Wage Hikes
Daily Wire Seattle's Hiked Minimum Wage: It's Hurting Workers
Daily Wire Remember When Leftists Wanted $15 Minimum Wage For Fast Food Workers? Now Wendy’s Is Replacing Them With Robots< Daily Wire Oops: Democrats Push Raising Minimum Wage, Blacks Lose Jobs
Daily Wire A May Day Tale: Seattle Worker Loves $15 Minimum Wage - Until He Loses His Job
Jewish World Review Living Wage Is as Wrongheaded as the Minimum Wage
Breitbart Minimum Wage Killing San Diego’s Restaurants
Michelle Malkin Study from Captain Obvious about min. wage law effect will baffle progressive economists
Intellectual Takeout Progressive Business Owner on Living Wage Law: ‘The arithmetic doesn’t work’
Daily Wire Canadian Province Increases Minimum Wage To $14/hr. Wanna Guess How Businesses Are Responding?
Daily Wire Minnesota Raised Minimum Wage. Wisconsin Didn't. Here's What Happened.
Wall Street Journal The Evidence Is Piling Up That Higher Minimum Wages Kill Jobs - President Obama says there is ‘no solid evidence.’ Yes there is—lots of it.
Forbes We Are Seeing The Effects Of The Minimum Wage Rise In San Francisco
New Atlas Hamburger-making machine churns out custom burgers at industrial speeds
Intellectual Takeout Former CEO of McDonald’s: $15 Minimum Wage Will Cost Jobs - UC Berkeley recently offered a real-life case study on this very topic.
Louder With Crowder Red Robin Fires Busboys to Make Up for Minimum Wage Hikes
Daily Wire NYC Implemented Minimum Wage Hike For Fast Food Workers. Now They're Looking For Jobs.
The DC Patriot Whole Foods Cuts Workers Hours to Make Up for It’s New $15 An Hour Wage
mrc tv Whole Foods Slashes Workers' Hours After Amazon Implements a $15 Minimum Wage
Daily Wire WATCH: ‘Anybody With An Economics Degree Would Have Predicted This’: Dan Crenshaw Lights Up Bernie Sanders Over Minimum Wage Hike
Fox News New York City businesses struggle after minimum wage increase
Legal Insurrection Large Minimum Wage Hike Strikes Again, Killing Restaurant Jobs in California and Washington State
mrc tv Looming CA Law to 'Regulate Away' Many Freelance Jobs, Sponsor Says They 'Were Never Good Jobs' At All
mrc tv Florida To Impose Job-Slaughtering $15 Per Hour Minimum Wage, Portland, ME, Does Them One Worse: Makes It $18
mrc tv CBO Estimates Biden's Move to $15 Min. Wage Could Cost 3.7 Million American Jobs

Economics - Unemployment - Jobs
Help the government reduce the unemployment rate, give up looking for work. - Cynical Pessimist
... officially reported unemployment numbers decrease when enough time passes to discourage the unemployed from looking for work. - David John Marotta, Wall Street adviser
investing Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
Daily Job Cuts
Hudson Institution Obama’s Jobs Bill: Read It and Weep
Shadow Government Stats Alternate Unemployment Charts
Fox Business Lies, Damned Lies and Government Jobs Data
Fox Business Upon Review, Jobs Picture Not So Pretty
Hot Air Jobs "saved or created" from $787 billion Porkulus: 30,083
The Boston Globe Stimulus job boost in state exaggerated, review finds. Errors, incomplete data, estimated positions go into federal report
Committee on Ways and Means Republicans 48 Out of 50 States Have Lost Jobs since Democrats' Stimulus Law
Daily Reckoning Percent of Permanent Job Losses at Highest in Over 30 Years
Daily Reckoning A Long Winter for the Unemployed
Daily Reckoning US Unemployment and Other Data Not Indicative of "Recovery"
Daily Reckoning US Unemployment Another Counterfeit Figure from the Fed
Daily Reckoning Somehow Unemployment Looks Even Worse When Broken Down by State
Daily Reckoning Playing Old Maid
Daily Reckoning Zombies Born of Government Spending
Daily Reckoning Counting the Zeros in the US Economy
Daily Reckoning What to Make of Obama’s Jobs Speech ... Before it Even Happens
Daily Reckoning Full Employment is Easy
Daily Reckoning Unpopular Cures for Unemployment and Economic Depression
Daily Reckoning The Role of Youth Unemployment in Staving Off Default
Daily Reckoning Where Do Real Jobs Come From?
Daily Reckoning What the Labor Pool Collapse Means
Daily Reckoning he Basement Beneath the Wage Floor
Daily Reckoning We Are Becoming a Nation of Burger Flippers
Daily Reckoning Why The Bulls Will Get Slaughtered Economist: 1 in 3 U.S. Jobs Could Go Abroad
Yahoo News Even as layoffs persist, some good jobs go begging
Yahoo! News Jobless rate tops 10 pct. for first time since '83
Yahoo! News What recovery? Unemployment shoots past 10 percent
Yahoo! News STIMULUS WATCH: Stimulus jobs overstated in report
Yahoo! Finance Help Wanted on Factory Floor
Yahoo! Finance 5 reasons the US job market might be weakening
Yahoo! Finance ajority of New Jobs Pay Low Wages, Study Finds
Yahoo! Finance Exclusive: 4 in 5 in US face near-poverty, no work - Exclusive: Working-class whites are gloomy about future amid rising income gaps, racial shifts
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta The growing case for a jobless recovery Job losses ebb, but unemployment up. Unemployment jumps to a 26-year high of 9.7%, even as employers cut the smallest number of jobs since August 2008. Jobless Recovery?: 25 Unemployment Statistics That Are Almost Too Depressing To Read
Workforce Management Congress, Obama Extend Benefits as Unemployment Rises
The Examiner Newt Gingrich: Crashing the Obama jobs summit
The Examiner UPDATED: 92,500 jobs 'not really created or saved' by the Stimulus (and counting)
Washington Times EDITORIAL: Killing jobs, Obama-style
Inc. Why I'm Not Hiring ADP Employment Report Still Weak: Last Update: 04-Nov-09 08:45 ET
naked capitalism Employed Taking Deeper Pay Cuts (Except on Wall Street, of Course)
Mises Institute The Cost of a Government Regulator
Mises Institute Labor vs. Capital Spending
Mises Institute That Jobs Report
Mises Institute Youth Unemployment Around the World
Mises Institute How to decipher the government’s unemployment data
Mises Institute Nobody to do the Picking
Mises Institute Why Is Unemployment So High?
Mises Institute What Drives Higher Unemployment?
Mises Institute Obama's Antitrust Luddites
Mises Institute A Primer on Jobs and the Jobless
Mises Institute Minimum-Wage Rates
Mises Institute The Crippling Nature of Minimum-Wage Laws
Mises Institute The Effect of Wage-Rate Interventions
Mises Institute Waging War on Work
Mises Institute Starvation and Military Keynesianism: Lessons from Nazi Germany
Mises Institute The Minimum Wage Forces Low-Skill Workers to Compete with Higher-Skill Workers
Mises Institute What Drives Higher Unemployment?
Financial Bin Half of Last Month’s New Jobs Came from a Single Employer - McDonald’s
Market Watch Poor jobs data stuns Wall Street, politicians
Heritage Foundation How Much is Obama’s Fake Jobs Scheme Costing America?
Heritage Foundation Did President Obama Kill Thousands of Jobs?
Whiskey and Gunpowder How To Ruin A Kid’s Life
The Daily Caller Republican governors, statehouses linked to job creation more than Democrats
Forbes Why Higher Inflation Destroys Jobs
The Weekly Standard Dem. Congressman: Food Stamp Usage Up Because Real Unemployment Higher than 8.2 Percent
The Perfect Labor Storm Who’s to Blame for Job Skill Shortages: Employers, Workers, or Schools?
American Thinker What's Strangling Job-Creation
American Thinker Maryland, and others, gets the 'hope and change' that they voted for
American Thinker August jobs report: We're 'dead in the water'
American Thinker Automation: the Joker in the Deck
The Wall Street Journal Mortimer Zuckerman: Those Jobless Numbers Are Even Worse Than They Look (Still above 8% - and closer to 19% in a truer accounting.)
The American Dream Only 24.6 Percent Of All Jobs In The United States Are Good Jobs
Breitbart Fuzzy Math?: CNBC Describes New Unemployment Numbers as 'Contradictory'
American Thinker Sign of the times: Chain cuts hours of full time workers because of Obamacare
New American Friday’s Surprisingly Strong Jobs Numbers Aren’t Real
Laissez Faire Club Hiding the Unemployed: Disability and the Politics of Stats
Capitalism Institute Phony Recovery: 97% of New Jobs Are Part-Time
Cato Institute Repealing Obamacare: Not a Waste of Time
Morniong Money Will Pelosi Cost You Your Full-Time Job?
The Wire Economists Say Strong Job Numbers Are for Real This Time (Maybe)
Acting Man 1,500 Applicants for 50 Jobs? The Reality in America Today
Fiscal Times Obama’s Workforce: Discouraged, Disincentivized, Downsized
Fiscal Times CBO Shoots an Arrow in the Heart of Obamanomics
Canada Free Press Amnesty for All, Jobs for None - Amnesty is a declaration of war by big government and big business against the American middle class
reason Workers Really Are Dropping Out of the Job Market
Personal Liberty Digest The Obama Pattern: Workforce Shrinks, So Unemployment Drops
Personal Liberty Digest Don’t Believe Those Lying Job Numbers
National Review Online The Post-Work Economy - A permanent dependency class means a citizenry deprived of dignity.
Imprimis Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Economic Productivity
Forbes Under Obama: One Million More Americans Have Dropped Out Of Work Force Than Have Found A Job
Truth Revolt Workers Giving Up Hope See Unemployment Rate Fall - More people aren't employed - fewer people are looking for work.
Doug Ross @ Journal Why Does It Feel Like a Depression for Most of Us?
mrc tv BLS: Seasonally Adjusted U6 Unemployment Rate is 9.9%
Truth Revolt Man Shames Able-Bodied Panhandlers Who Refused His Job Offer - "Offered these guys a job. They said no. Don't give money."
Washington Examiner The gig is up: California's latest destructive regulation is already backfiring
Competitive Enterprise Institute California to Eliminate Independent Work
Miss Liberty AB-5: COVID and California’s Freelancer Disaster
Daily Reckoning A Retirement Society
Daily Reckoning Best Places in the World to Retire
Daily Reckoning An Unexpected New Growth Industry for Retired Americans
Daily Reckoning Baby Boomers Put Retirement on the Back Burner
Daily Reckoning The Awful Way Social Security Might Be "Saved"
Daily Reckoning No Jobs for the Young, No Retirement for the Old
Daily Reckoning Social Security Defaults Again on Its Promises: No COLA for 2016
Yahoo! Finance The Number One Obstacle to Retirement
Yahoo! Finance The Best Places to Retire Outside the U.S.
Yahoo! Finance Forced to Early Social Security, Unemployed Pay a Steep Price
Whiskey and Gunpowder Forget Retirement And Retirement Savings
Retire In California California Does Not Have a Friendly Tax Climate for Retirement
Mises Institute Means Testing Your Social Security Payments
Mises Institute Social Security: The New Deal’s Fiscal Ponzi
Mises Institute The Government Runs the Ultimate Racket
Mises Institute Social Security: The Long Slow Default
Laissez Faire Today Who Is Plotting to Steal Your Pension?
Wall Street Pit The Coming Raid on Social Security
Bloomberg Retirement Savings Accounts Draw U.S. Consumer Bureau Attention
Washington Post After Detroit bankruptcy filing, city retirees on edge as they face pension cuts
mrc tv WH Unveils ObamaSave: Employer Mandate, Mandatory Enrollment, State-Run Marketplaces
cns news Social Security Programs Near Depletion

Economics - Housing - Rent Control
Mises Institute Rent Control Makes for Good Politics and Bad Economics
Mises Institute L.A. to Worsen Housing Shortage with New Rent Controls
Mises Institute The Unintended Consequences of Rent Control
Mises Institute How Governments Outlaw Affordable Housing

Economics - Housing - Homes - Foreclosures
You Walk Away Empowering Homeowners Through Intelligent Strategic Default
Washington Post Bernanke began leadership of Fed in 2006 believing economy could avoid damage from housing
Mises Institute The end of the government-created house cult
Mises Institute Some Stimulation
Mises Institute Home Prices Decline, Past Sales Data Overstated
Mises Institute No sign of a housing recovery
Mises Institute Obama’s Economic Team: More of the Wrong People
Mises Institute Making it Tough to Create Jobs
Mises Institute BoA to Donate and Demo
Mises Institute Walk Away 90210
Mises Institute The New Deal Origins of Fannie Mae and the Government-Housing Complex
Mises Institute The True Cost of the Homeownership Obsession
Mises Institute Homeownership at 51-Year Low: The Feds Have Failed
Laissez Faire Club Banker Hypocrisy and Zombie Homes
Daily Reckoning The New Housing Crisis
Daily Reckoning Housing Prices Still the Bane of Economic Recovery
Daily Reckoning The House Is Still a Dump
Daily Reckoning Housing Market Update: The Low-Hanging Fruit is Gone
Daily Reckoning Why a Wounded Housing Market Refuses to Heal
Daily Reckoning Here Are Three Observations On Housing That Show There's No Way Out
Daily Reckoning Red Hot Housing Recovery? Not Quite
Yahoo! Finance Housing Prices Fell in March for Eighth Straight Month
Yahoo! Finance Low prices and rates can't slow fall in home sales, Low mortgage rates and prices fail to stop home sales from sinking to weakest in 15 years
Yahoo! Finance US homes lost to foreclosure up 25 pct on year - US home repossessions spike in August to highest level since start of mortgage crisis
Yahoo! Finance American Cities That Are Running Out Of People
Yahoo! Finance The Eight States Running Out of Homebuyers
Yahoo! Finance Home prices fall 4.1%, near 2009 lows
Yahoo! Finance Which Cities Face Biggest Housing Risks?
Yahoo! Finance States Where No One Wants To Buy A New Home
Yahoo! Real Estate Homes for the price of a car
Yahoo! Real Estate America's emptiest cities, 2012
Yahoo! Real Estate More than 300,000 homes are foreclosed "zombies," study says
Capitalism Magazine Economics Alone Doesn't Explain the Housing Market Collapse Home prices in 'double dip'
Business Insider A Frightening Satellite Tour Of America's Foreclosure Wastelands
Wall Street Journal Second-Mortgage Misery Chase offers mortgage holders a way out
Salon Your mortgage documents are fake! - Prepare to be outraged. Newly obtained filings from this Florida woman's lawsuit uncover horrifying scheme (Update)
mr tv Palo Alto Plans to Subsidize Housing for Those ‘Struggling’ on $250K

Economics - Subsidies
Mises Institute Water Subsidies and Shortages in the American West
Daily Reckoning The Welfare State is Doomed

Economics - Portland
mrc tv Businesses Flee Portland Due To Rioting

Economics - California - California Fascism - War On The Economy - War On The Citizens
Dirty Needle Hop Scotch. Longest rolling blackouts, Who Wants To Be a Crime Victim Olympics, cesspool of poverty and despair .
American Greatness California’s Rendezvous With Reality
CA Job Killers CalChamber Releases 2013 Job Killer List
Manhattan Institute For Policy Research The Great California Exodus: A Closer Look
Wall Street Journal Cali to Business: Get Out! Firms are fleeing the state's senseless regulations and confiscatory taxes.
The Business Relocation Coach California Business Alert #1: Governor’s Contempt for Biz Environment Is Warning Flag for Future Woes
The Business Relocation Coach Updated Again: California's Hostile Business Climate -- 129 'Business Disinvestment' Events
The Business Relocation Coach California's Hostile Business Climate: 100 'Moving-Out-of-State' Events
The Business Relocation Coach How to Stem the Tide of Businesses Fleeing California (aka) 'Top Ten List of Why California Companies Are Calling the Moving Companies.'
The Business Relocation Coach Part III: County-by-County Losses, For California Disinvestment Events (as of September 21, 2010 158 businesses moved out of California)
The Orange County Register 14 companies added to 'leaving California' list
Daily Reckoning The First Runner-Up in This Year’s Daily Reckoning Dodo Derby
Daily Reckoning Down and Out In California
American Thinker California Dreamin': A Nightmare of Collapse
American Thinker Your Money or Your Schools
American Thinker Funding Failure
American Thinker The utter stupidity of California in one project
American Thinker Bring out your dead
City Journal The Big-Spending, High-Taxing, Lousy-Services Paradigm. California taxpayers don't get much bang for their bucks.
Laissez Faire Today Who Is Plotting to Steal Your Pension?
Victor Davis Hanson - Private Papers Bankrupt California
Warning Signs California is Destroying Itself. The U.S. is Next.
Yahoo! Finance The Best and Worst Run States in America (California is the worst-run state for the third year in a row)
Monster Hunter Nation California is broke
Personal Liberty Digest Californians Realize They Pay The Government Too Much In Taxes
Progressives Today California’s economic demise a preview of what progressives are planning for the rest of us
Truth Revolt Report: 80% of California's Illegal Hispanics In Poverty - "[D]espite the state’s relatively generous transfer payments, subsidies and general assistance."
Daily Wire SURPRISE! CA Announces MASSIVE Debt Problem
Daily Wire Six Insane California Laws That Go Into Effect Monday
TeleRead New California law will make it harder to sell autographed books, art
Gateway Pundit REPORT: Democrats Worry As Wealthy People Flee California Over High Taxes
Fox News California Democrats want some businesses to fork over half tax-cut savings to state.
Truth Revolt Left-Wing California ‘Poverty Capital of America’ - Wait, spending other people’s money isn't helping?
Mises Institute Why California Has the Nation's Worst Poverty Rate
mrc tv California Appoints Its First Illegal Alien Government Employee
mrc tv New Numbers for Boondoggle CA Railroad Scheme Reveal State Near Collapse
Fox News California’s crazy one-party liberal politics is why I had to finally leave the state -- and I’m not alone
American Thinker The Once 'Golden State' Is Badly Tarnished
American Thinker Democrats have made California one of the poorest states in the nation
Daily Wire REPORT: The Giants Missed Out On Signing Bryce Harper Because Of California's Crazy Taxes
PJ Media California Bill Threatens to Destroy Uber, Lyft, and the Gig Economy
PJ Media California Democrats Propose 'Wealth Tax' to Combat Massive Deficit
mrc tv CA Govt Threatens to Drive Uber and Lyft Out of State
mrc tv San Fran Officials Debate Spending Big Money Renaming Non-PC Public Schools– While Keeping Them COVID-CLOSED
mrc tv Kat Von D Says She's Leaving California, Citing 'Tyrannical Government Overreach' and 'Terrible Policies'
Breitbart Bacon May Disappear in California as Pig Rules Take Effect
runble California Gov Newsom Signs Statute Requiring Many Stores To Offer 'Gender-Neutral' Sections
mrc tv Supply Chain Crisis: California Ports Reportedly Among 'Least Efficient' in the World
Jewish World Review No Wonder Why People and Businesses Are Dumping California
Epoch Times 70,000 Self-Employed Truckers in California Face Shutdown Under New State Law
Louder With Crowder Sacramento Becomes New Homeless Capital of California with This HUGE Surge in Homeless, Crime Rates
mrc tv Cali Ranks #1 In Outbound One-Way U-Haul Rentals For Third Year In a Row

Economics - Illinois
Daily Wire WELL DONE, DEMOCRATS: The Entire State Of Illinois Is About To Go Bankrupt

Economics - America - Mexico
Informed American He Finally Did It, Joe Biden Is Forcing People To Flee To Mexico!

Economics - New Zealand
Louder With Crowder NZ Prime Minister brags 'no other country' has developed a tax on cow farts like she has

Economics - Predictions
Daily Reckoning False Prophets
Daily Reckoning Social Unrest is Here to Stay: Here's How to Protect Yourself
New American Prediction: Economic Collapse, Civil Unrest in America by 2016

Economics - Obamanomics The Obama Economy ObamaCare Flatlines: ObamaCare Taxes Home Sales - Clobbers Middle-Class Americans
Yahoo! Finance - CNBC CEO to Workers: I May Fire You if Obama Wins
The Fundry Obamacare
The Fundry Medicaid Is Failing the People It Is Intended to Help
The Daily Signal Obamacare a Factor in IHOP Owner’s Decision to Sell His 16 Restaurants

Economics - Humor
The Onion Nation Ready To Be Lied To About Economy Again
The Onion Department Of Labor Spends $40 Billion To Create One Amazing New Job
Babylon Bee INEQUALITY: This Woman Makes Just $13 A Day Selling Pet Rocks On Etsy While MALE Robert Downey Jr. Made Millions Playing Iron Man
Babylon Bee Groundbreaking New Study Suggests Shutting Down Economy Could Contribute To Unemployment
Babylon Bee California Ends Exploitation Of Workers For Good By Banning All Jobs
Babylon Bee Residents Become Chief Export Of California

The Economist Animal Behaviour - Clever Hounds

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Modern American schools are brain-free zones
I strongly suspect that mainstream U.S. higher education is morally and intellectually corrupt, beyond the possibility of self-repair, and therefore no longer a worthwhile setting in which to spend my time and effort - UCLA professor Joseph Manso
here are two things wrong with our schools—everything our children don’t learn in them, and everything they do learn. Public schools are beyond reform; we have to start over. - Providence College English Professor Anthony Esolen
(sampuses) Whorehouses and mental wards would be much cheaper. They might well be healthier, too. - Providence College English Professor Anthony Esolen
Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is. - Isaac Asimov
First God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards. - Mark Twain
I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. - Mark Twain
Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. - Jim Rohn
Schools are now safe spaces where snowflakes and crybullies can hide from opposing opinions and censor speech they disagree with.
Academia? Now, there’s a hotbed of idiocy. - Daryl Hall, of Hall & Oates
American academia is, by and large, idiotic - Bret Stephens, Pulitzer Prize-winning Wall Street Journal columnist
Modern day education is all about whitewashing history and grievance studies rather than reality and useful skills.
Under the liberal influence, schools have changed from institutions of learning into cesspools of left-wing brainwashing. - Cynical Pessimist
In the first place God made idiots. This was for practice. Then he made School Boards. - Mark Twain
Public schools are the machinery of oppression.
Ignorance Is Strength - George Orwell
I Think, Therefore I'm Annoyed
A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state. - Isabel Paterson
Government schools have a predictable agenda: justifying the government and its programs. - Ron Paul
Public Schools too often fail because they are shielded from the very force that improves performance and sparks innovation in nearly every other human enterprise - competition. - Robert Lutz/Clark Durant
Education - compulsory schooling, compulsory learning - is a tyranny and a crime against the human mind and spirit. Let all those escape it who can, any way they can. - John Holt
The public school system: "Usually a twelve year sentence of mind control. Crushing creativity, smashing individualism, encouraging collectivism and compromise, destroying the exercise of intellectual inquiry, twisting it instead into meek subservience to authority." - Walter Karp, Editor Harper's Magazine
Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed. - Joseph Stalin
The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. - H L. Mencken
Historically, much of the motivation for public schooling has been to stifle variety and institute social control. - Jack Hugh
(public schools) Get them out (your children) now before you ruin their life. - Jack A. Chambless
Promising to educate every child in every culture through primary schooling is a bit like promising to clothe every child in every climate by giving them a parka.
There is nothing as stupid as an educated man if you get him off the thing he was educated in. - Will Rogers
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. - Derek Bok
The public education system is doing what the Soviet Union could not -- DESTROYING AMERICA. - Robert Stacey McCain
"The Constitution is an oppressive document" says Carol Lasser, Professor of History-Oberlin College
We are lending money we don't have to kids who can't pay it back to train them for jobs that no longer exist. - Mike Rowe

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - links (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Amrican Thinker American Students -- Dumber and More Woke
Townhall ‘Harmful’ Americans ‘Stuck on Stupid
PJ Media Are Universities Doomed?
Imprimis Education as a Battleground
aCCORDING tO hOYT Let’s Separate State and Education
American Thinker American Thinker Published My Article When I Was 11. Now I'm Back.
Everyman Why I'm Leaving Education
Fox News North Korean defector says 'even North Korea was not this nuts' after attending Ivy League school
Louder With Crowder Mike Rowe Wrecks 'Profound Unfairness' of Your Taxpayer Dollars Paying for Others' College Tuition
Common Sense with Bari Weiss The Miseducation of America's Elites
Common Sense with Bari Weiss Whistleblower at Smith College Resigns Over Racism
Common Sense with Bari Weiss I Refuse to Stand By While My Students Are Indoctrinated
Common Sense with Bari Weiss You Have to Read This Letter
American Thinker Race-obsessed Brearley school claims victimhood when challenged
American Thinker ‘Higher’ education a threat to America
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education The Myth that Americans Were Poorly Educated before Mass Government Schooling
Louder with Crowder OPINION: Can We Finally Admit the Public School System is Useless?
Trending Politics Tucker Carlson Reveals Scandal That Could Bring Down Barack Obama
Quillette How Ed Schools Became a Menace to Higher Education
Daily Wire Famous Actresses Paid Bundles Of Money To Bribe Their Kids' Way Into College. Here's Why.
Taki's Magazine The Education America Needs
College Fix Conservative professor rebukes higher ed: ‘Whorehouses and mental wards would be much cheaper’
American Thinker Time for conservatives to stop griping about the liberal university system
American Thinker Useful Idiots Gone Wild
Truth Revolt George Will to Grads: Universities Owe You an Apology - "... you’ve been saddled with debt and bad ideas ..."
National Review The Modern University Is Failing Students in Every Respect
True Activist This Is How Education Kills Creativity
Ann coulter How Much Is That Psychology Degree Worth?
Washington Post Teacher spends two days as a student and is shocked at what she learns
Students Matter fighting against the bureaucracy for a better education for students.
Mises Institute Move Over, Obamacare. Here Comes Obamaschool
The War On Kids documentary on why schools are designed to be non-educational.
Miller-McCune The Real Science Gap
Cato Institute Education Race to Top Hits Bottom
downsizing the Federal Government - Cato Institute Reality, Meet Education Policy. Education Policy, Please, Meet Reality!
Mises Institute What If Public Schools Were Abolished?
Mises Institute The Trouble with No Child Left Behind
Mises Institute Conventional Education Will Go the Way of Farming
Mises Institute Education in Seven Questions
Mises Institute In Defense of the Shadow Scholar
Mises Institute The Higher-Education Bubble Has Popped
Mises Institute One Race to School Them All
Mises Institute Horrible Schools for the Whole World
Mises Institute Institutionalizing Ignorance
Mises Institute The State’s Education Monopoly Increases Prices and Destroys Choice
Mises Institute Tiger Moms and the Central Plan
Mises Institute The Costs of Compulsory Education
Mises Institute The Danger of "Public" Education
Daily Reckoning Government-Backed Income Opportunity
Daily Reckoning Misguided by Higher Education
Daily Reckoning The Problem with Contemporary Education
Daily Reckoning Give the Gift of Capitalist Understanding
Yahoo! Finance James Altucher's 8 Alternatives to College
Yahoo! News Virginia county library system destroyed 250,000 of its own books
BBC News China 'to overtake US on science' in two years
Minding The Campus Has the Higher-Ed Revolution Begun?
Judicial Watch Ariz. Public School District Creates Race-Based Discipline
Arizona Republic MacEachern: Tucson schools create race-based system of discipline
Paul Graham Why nerds are unpopular
American Thinker Black Teen Run Off the Liberal Plantation
American Thinker The Real Cost of a College Education
American Thinker Academic Tenure, or Trickle-Down Entitlement Theory
American Thinker Progressive Education's War On Knowledge
American Thinker Dreaming Up a New America: Progressive Education and the Perversion of American Democracy
American Thinker Why We Lost the Republic
American Thinker Extra! Extra! American Newspapers Don't Care about Reading
American Thinker Why I'm Glad I'm Gone from Academe
American Thinker College admissions: aristocracy or meritocracy?
American Thinker The End of the University?
American Thinker Why I Quit Teaching
The Daily Caller English teacher to wealthy, entitled high school grads: ‘You’re not special’
U.S.News For the U.S. Economy the News Is Bad and Worse
tech dirt University Requires Students To Pay $180 For 'Art History' Text That Has No Photos Due To Copyright Problems
Hill Buzz Marxism in Public Schools
My Fox Detroit 4 Michigan universities on list of fastest growing 'Sugar Baby' schools
PopSci Why I Let My Students Cheat On Their Game Theory Exam
Yahoo! News 'Virgina'? Radford University's Diplomas Misspell 'Virginia' (It shouldn't surprise anyone that students paroled from Universities are incapable of thought when the University can't even spell their state correctly. - Cynical Pessimist)
Yahoo! News Teacher of the Year: There’s No Excuse for Our Poor Evaluation System
Yahoo! News The perils of homeschooling: German police storm home, seize four children
Larry Elder Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: A Product of an All-American Left-wing Education?
Information Liberation School Test Teaches Kids: "Commands Of Government Officials Must Be Obeyed By All"
Daily Caller DOJ to schools: It’s racist to punish students for behaving badly, texting in class
Finally Failing John Cleese's Educational Philosophy
Progressives Today Newspaper blasts teachers unions for blaming bad test scores on poverty
Personal Liberty Digest Truancy Shouldn’t Be A Life Sentence
YouTube The Struggle For Stupidity
Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership GRAND-CORPS against "Zero Tolerance"
Jewish World Review Elite Contempt for Ordinary Americans
According To Hoyt It’s Not Your Job to Indoctrinate My Children - Amanda Green
Truth Revolt Shapiro Speaks To Brandeis Students About Combating Leftism - "... you’re here to use all those great liberal credentials and [later] turn them
Truth Revolt USC Student Leaders Demand Action Plan to End Discrimination on Campus - They'll need $100 million and some "inclusion programming."
The Daily Signal An End to Colleges’ Racial Discrimination in Admissions?
Truth Revolt CA School District: No Homework, No Tests, You Pass - 'F' means Fantastic!
Truth Revolt Occidental Professors Cave in to Social Justice Demands - "All departments must incorporate issues of cultural and racial identity and diversity in their curricula."
Truth Revolt Prager: American Universities Begin to Implode - "If you donate money to an American university, you are subsidizing the most anti-liberal, anti-American institution in America."
Truth Revolt Video: Penn State Students Fail Israel IQ Test - "I don't know... Egypt?"
Truth Revolt Duke Student: Free Speech and Murder Not All That Different - First Amendment is nothing but white supremacy, white fragility, and white noise.
Truth Revolt Video: Sanders' Supporters Love Socialism, But Have No Idea What It Is - This about sums it up.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Hillary's Federal Education Jackboot Squad - Destroying the village to "save" it.
Truth Revolt Middle School Students in Spanish Class Asked to Fill Out Form on 'Privilege' - "To me, that has nothing to do with Spanish."
Truth Revolt College SJWs Label Minority Dissenters 'Shady Persons of Color' - Gee, no racism there.
Truth Revolt Elite Private School Segregates Children: Blacks Coddled, Whites Shamed Over 'Privilege' - "Ever since Ferguson, the school has been increasing anti-white propaganda in its curriculum."
Truth Revolt Leftist Professor: 'Melting Pot' a Racist Phrase - "WE CELEBRATE DIVERSITY, NOT SAMENESS."
Truth Revolt Fliers Mocking 'Welcome Black Week' at Kentucky Campus Spark Protest - It's a "Pizza Party for Tolerance."
Truth Revolt Study: Liberal Professors Outnumber Conservatives 12 to 1 - "Well, I don’t know that there’s a whole lot of news here."
Truth Revolt Teacher Dances In Front of Class to ‘F*** Donald Trump’ - Now THAT’s how you set a proper example for young minds.
Truth Revolt Oppressed Groups Vie for Most Attention at Students of Color Conference - Don't these kids ever have to study or go to class?
Truth Revolt High School Principal Bans Cheering Team Color ‘White’ Over Fears of Racism - When will this madness end?
Truth Revolt Drain the Higher Ed. Swamp That Produced the 'Hang Trump' Prof. - Lunatic lecturer is only a symptom of a larger disease.
Truth Revolt Universities to Professors: Sign a Pledge Committing to Diversity or Else - Some colleges even track which professors go to which 'diversity events.'
Truth Revolt Leftwing Indoctrination, Bullying Plague Minneapolis High School - Not even bus drivers are exempt: they, too, are required to take political re-education classes.
Truth Revolt UK Education ‘PC Gone Mad,’ Teacher Blames Left-Wing Indoctrination from Young Age - This is why we broke away from the British. Why do we keep acting like them?
Truth Revolt University of Oregon President: Social Justice Warriors Are Fascists - "[It is] ironic that they would associate fascism with the university during a protest in which they limit discourse."
mrc tv Hitler, Stalin and ISIS Leader Featured in High School Yearbook
mrc tv Feds Use Americans With Disabilities Act to Shut Down 'Free' Online Berkeley Offerings
mrc tv No, Algebra Isn't a 'Civil Rights Issue,' and Kids Aren't That Stupid
mrc tv Lawyers Are Suing California Because So Many Kids Can't Read
Daily Wire Shapiro At Yale: 'Diversity Isn’t Our Strength. Decency Is Our Strength.'
New York Post This account of being a substitute teacher will make you fear for our future
Canada Free press Role of Education in America-Phobia
Canada Free press LIBERAL INDOCTRINATION TRUMPS EDUCATION AT U.S. COLLEGES - On our college campuses, today, politically correct professors and liberal proselytization is protected, while whistle-blowers and open debate are condemned
Moonbattery Seven Dormitories Closing as Mizzou Pays the Price of Submitting to Moonbattery
PowerLine Out of their minds at Stanford
PowerLine Out of "their" "minds" at Brown
PowerLine The case of Yale
mrc tv ASU Is Allowing Students To Skip Their Final Exam to Protest Trump
YouTube College Made Me a Conservative
YouTube I Learned More at McDonald's Than at College
en Volve Liberal Professors RUINING College...Students Fear ‘Coming Out’ As Conservatives
Intellectual Takeout College Illiteracy is Growing
New Boston Post Undoing the Dis-Education of Millennials
Federalist Nearly Four In Five College Departments Don’t Employ A Single Republican - Among tenure-track college professors at the nation’s top-ranked liberal arts schools, registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans by more than 10 to 1.
Daily Wire ADAMS: My Preferred Pronouns
Daily Wire ADAMS: One Less 'Anti-Fascist' Professor
Daily Wire ADAMS: UNC, The University of Narcissistic Criminals
Fox News Evergreen State sees 'catastrophic' drop in enrollment after social justice meltdown
Newsweek Ben Shapiro: The Real Reason Democrats Want Free College Tuition
PJ Media Professor Accused of Racism for Asking His Student to Try Harder
Conservative Review Mark Levin and Bill Bennett discuss how the Left has warped public education - and young American minds
Daily Wire LIMBAUGH: Many University Campuses Are Playgrounds For Insanity
Federalist ‘The Dumbest Generation’ Has Gotten Even Dumber 10 Years Later
War History Online Instagram Influencer, 22, Claims Learning About WW2 Would Hit Millennials’ Mental Health
Leal Insurrection Heather Mac Donald: ‘Higher Education Today Resembles a Massive Ponzi Scheme’
Canada Free Press A Harvard graduate? Really?
Classically Liberal Thoughts On the Kerfuffle In Re: Jill Biden's Degree...
City Journal Radicals in the Classroom - San Diego’s school district tells white teachers that they are guilty of "spirit murdering" black children and should undergo "antiracist therapy."
Daily Caller The Top 10 Moments Of Campus Insanity In 2021
FdB Freddie deBoer Why the Fuck Do You Trust Harvard? - college admissions has, does, and will always serve only the institutions and their incredible greed
Louder With Crowder Senator Drops Mic With School Choice Question That Leaves Colleague Speechless: 'What Do I Tell Parents...?'
mrc tv Woke, 'Equity' Focused CA Proposal Would End Grades In State Colleges
Louder With Crowder Bill Maher Wrecks POTUS Plan For Taxpayers to Pay Off College Tuition for the Upper-Middle Class
Louder With Crowder Middle School Librarian Defends Inappropriate Prostitution Book Because ‘Kids Might Be Sex Workers’
Breitbart ‘Morally and Intellectually Corrupt:’ Longtime UCLA Prof Retires Due to ‘Woke Takeover’ of Academia
mrc tv NYC Chemistry Prof Canned After Students Complain His Class Was Too Hard
American Thinker School Boards Accelerate Race to the Bottom
PJ Media Inmates Take Over the Asylum at a Kansas High School
PJ Media Kirk Cameron Slams ‘Nefarious Progressive’ Public Schools
Louder With Crowder Joe Rogan shares shocking story about LA schools: They hired an anti-racism "expert" to indoctrinate my five-year-old
Louder With Crowder Watch: Woke Students Turn "Most Prestigious National High School Debate Tournament" Into Cringe Safe Space
mrc tv Teachers Are Turning To OnlyFans To Supplement Low Salaries
Louder With Crowder Teacher Quits After Viral Video Showed Her Being Viciously Attacked By Student: "There's Nobody To Help Me"
Louder With Crowder Biology teacher gets his job back after being fired for teaching biology: males and females are different, etc
Louder With Crowder New York Public Schools Uses Lesson From The UN To Force “Equity” Lessons On Students
Louder With Crowder Watch: "Undocumented" Cornell Professor Throws Temper Tantrum At Ann Coulter Event And Gets Herself Arrested
Louder With Crowder Parents Are Furious That A School Officer Had To Use Pepper Spray To Break Up A Fight Caught On Video
Louder With Crowder Chicago Teachers Union $50 BILLION Worth Of Demands, Includes Funding For Abortion Services And Housing For Migrants

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Support For Insanity - Science Denier (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Louder With Crowdeer Watch: Berkeley Holds Lecture From Furry Who Claims “Living Openly Gay” Gave Him “Superpowers”

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Support For Rape - Support For Porn (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Louder With Crowder University buys 500 feet of nylon rope, it was needed for a workshop led by rape-porn author
Louder With Crowder High School facing major outrage after allowing rap group to film EXPLICIT video on campus with students present

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Plagiarism - Support For Plagiarism, if you're a black female (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Louder With Crowder Harvard Stands By Plagiarizing President Claudine Gay, And The Woman She Plagiarized Is Speaking Out
New York Post Harvard covered up secret plagiarism probe into president Claudine Gay during antisemitism storm — threatened The Post
Dan Bongino Show Plagiarist Claudine Gay Set To Teach Harvard ‘Reading And Research’ Class
Outkick Serial Plagiarist Claudine Gay To Teach ‘Reading And Research’ Ethics Class At Harvard

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Unsafe Spaces For Normal People (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Louder With Crowder NYC school tries to cover up safety officer getting assaulted, same school that rioted and terrorized Jewish teacher
Louder With Crowder Watch: Chippewa Falls School Responds, We Debunk Their Bullsh*t!

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Unsafe Spaces For Students - Trans Privilege - Crime Coverup (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Louder With Crowdeer Watch: Trans middle schooler beats female student to a bloody pulp and this brave girl wants to know why the school did NOTHING
Louder With Crowdeer Video Evidence Shows Students Being Harassed By Barking Furries After School Officials Denied Allegations

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Support For Beastiality - Support For Zoophilia (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Louder With Crowder Progressive Author Promotes "Moral Permissibility" Of "Sexual Contact" With "Animals"

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Sexualizing Students (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Louder With Crowder Watch: Daisy Dukes Dad Strips Down To Crop Top And Shorts At Board Meeting To Protest Absurdity Of School's Dress Code
Louder With Crowder Watch: Cop swoops in to prevent woman from showing sexually explicit images the school board allows in children's libraries
Louder With Crowder Watch: New chairman gets sworn in on stack of porn he wants in school libraries because this is what progressives do now
mrc tv Wisconsin Middle School Offers Porn to Middle-Schoolers
Louder With Crowder Watch this superintendent squirm when a mother exposes the sexually inappropriate assignments given to middle schoolers
Louder With Crowder College Forced To Cancel Bondage Class For Students, Turns Out Parents Found It Objectionable
Louder With Crowder Watch: Assistant principal thinks it's totally fine for 8-year-olds to have access to books referencing pornography
Louder With Crowder Justifiable outrage ensues after school officials hire a drag queen to "entertain" at prom

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Making Schools Unaffordable (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Washington Examiner Brutal new research shows how the government ruined higher education

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - School Choice (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Washington Examiner Biden's accidental endorsement of school choice reveals the deep rot in public education
Louder With Crowder Chicago Teachers Union President Busted Sending Son To Private School, Makes Hypocritical Excuses After Backlash

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Support For Sexually Mutilating Children - War On Gender (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Daily Mail EXCLUSIVE: Doctors from St Louis transgender clinic told teachers to 'affirm' an entire group of fifth graders - despite fears they were being influenced by their friends
Louder With Crowder Watch: Students jeer Pride video forced on them in MATH class, so the teacher threatens them with weekend detention

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Intelligence (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv BOMBSHELL: Nation's Top High School Withheld National Merit Awards to Promote 'Inclusiveness'
YouTube Why Did We Let Stupid People Run America?
Louder With Crowder White teacher tries comparing Armenian Genocide to defend trans agenda, one Armenian parent is NOT having it
Louder With Crowder Watch: 4th graders shown this video claiming a dog can identify as a cat in another deranged attempt to promote gender ideology

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Failure Factories / Educators (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
equity not education! because knowledge is racist
Hot Air ACT college admission scores drop to lowest level in 30 years
Creators College Industrial Complex's Left-wing Lies
Federalist America’s Hatred For Merit Is Leading Us To Total Incompetence
Louder With Crowder Teachers Union Calls For Ending Basic Skills Test For New Educators Due To, You Guessed It, The “Equity Barrier”
Louder With Crowder A win for sanity? School district terminates "Woke Kindergarten" contract after nationwide backlash
Louder With Crowder Mattel is dumbing down Scrabble after implying Gen Z is not smart enough to play

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Woke Professors - Woke Educators (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Louder With Crowder EXCLUSIVE: Professor peddles CRT, Marxism, and advocates for censorship: 'A lot of noise needs to be made'
American Thinker Toxic English Departments and the Students Who Now Avoid Them
Louder With Crowder Biden education official claims anything she doesn't like is 'white supremacy,' such as democracy and fatphobia
Louder With Crowder Watch: Educators caught explaining how they push CRT on kids, hide it from their parents
Louder With Crowder Woke prof brags about failing student over saying "biological female," cites transphobia, white supremacy as an excuse

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Spying On Students (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Unz Review Beware of Big Bathroom Brother

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Thinking - Supporting Irrational Thought (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Louder With Crowder Exclusive with Anti-Woke Scholar James Lindsey: 'This Isn't Business-as-Usual America Anymore'
Tilting At Windmills A glimpse into the lack of diversity in college faculties
Louder With Crowder Watch: Little man got punished for wearing a "there are only two genders" shirt, so he goes off on his school board

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Thinking - Suporting Defamation - Supporting Lying (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Campus Reform OP-ED: Oberlin learns a $31 million lesson for falsely accusing a local family business of racism

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Thinking - Lotteries: Proof Our Education System Is A Failure (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
AIER - Amewrican Institute for Economic Research
Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Science (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv Science Teachers Association's New 'Gender-Inclusive Biology' Guide Prefers 'People With Ovaries' Over 'Women'
mrc tv Massachusetts College Tells Students To Drop 'Gendered' Language Like 'Mother/Father'

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Students Need to DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity) (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Louder With Crowder Jordan Peterson Resigns His Tenured Professorship, Blasts ‘A Stunningly Corrupt Enterprise’ on His Way Out

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On White Children - Hatred of Children - War On Children - War On Students - Hatred of Parents - Teachers, Unions, School Boards doing it for the children (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Louder With Crowder ‘Disrupt Wherever I Can’: Teacher caught admitting she forces her agenda on students, attacks 'white boys'
Louder With Crowder Posh private school defends woke teacher exposed for attacking her 'white boy' students
mrc tv CA High School: ‘Whites,’ ‘Heterosexuals’ And ‘Christians’ Are Fascists
mrc tv Connecticut School Board Overrules Moms, Votes to Keep Book About Crossdressing In Second-Grade Curriculum
mrc tv Teacher Secretly Transitions 5th Grade Student, Child Becomes Suicidal
Louder With Crowder WATCH: California Mom Rips School Board After Guidance Counselor Secretly Transitioned Her Daughter To A Boy
Louder With Crowder School District Kept Daughter’s Transition A Secret Before Bullied Teen Ran Away, Was Sex Trafficked: Lawsuit
mrc tv Male Tennis Coach Contract Renewed Despite Entering Female Locker Room
Louder With Crowder Preschool teacher goes viral bragging about teaching 4-year-olds they can find another family: "F*** your mom"
Louder With Crowder NJ Teacher Resigns After Posting Ex-Student’s Nude Pics, Gets Hired By Another School
mrc tv Milwaukee Public Schools Teaches Staff to 'Decenter Whiteness'
Louder With Crowder School district wants to hire a new asst. superintendent for one specific role: "Examine the presence of whiteness"

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - School Support For Violence Against Children (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv Shocking Video Shows Huge Girl Strangling a 7th Grader On a School Bus
Louder With Crowder Teacher gets arrested for LITERALLY hosting a fight club for kids in her sixth-grade classroom
mrc tv Video: Trans Teacher Admits 'Therapy Would Not Work’
Louder With Crowder School responds to viral video of trans student violently assaulting girl in the hallway, and... wow

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Hatred of Children - War On Children - War On Students - Hatred of Parents - Teachers, Unions, School Boards doing it for the children (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
You (teachers) are either ignorant when it come to science or you just don't want to be in classes. - Joe Scarborough
Louder With Crowder 'This Ride Has Just Begun': Angry Parent Goes on Epic Rant, Explains to Elitists Why Parents are So Angry
Louder With Crowder Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel: Five of the Worst Teachers of 2021
Louder With Crowder Top 5 Lil' Patriots Dropping the Mic at School Board Meetings
Louder With Crowder Loudoun County Calls Teachers 'Second Mother,' Claims Parents' Role to 'Respect Teachers' Authority
Gun Free Zone Cruelty is the point and teachers dish out cruelty to children with alacrity
American Thinker The education establishment self-destructs
Prager U Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids
Union Watch The Wrong March
Daily News Girl, 15, with low IQ gang-raped under desk during class in Elmont: suit
Education Action Group News Posts Tagged ‘Predators in the classroom’
Education Action Group News Posts Tagged ‘spending series’
reason Teacher's Aide Sent 14-Year-Old-Girl to Bathroom to Get Sexually Assaulted by a 16-Year-Old Eighth Grade Boy So He Could Get Caught in the Act
Fox News Insider School District Argues Middle Schooler Consented to Sex with Teacher
Truth Revolt FL Eighth-Grader Gets Detention for Hugging Fellow Student - Raising hordes of robots instead.
Truth Revolt 9-Year Old Threatened With Sexual Harassment Charges for Passing Love Note to Classmate - Innocence is a punishable offense.
Truth Revolt Elementary Students to Learn Reading, Writing and ... Social Justice Activism? - Hey, teacher, leave those kids alone!
Truth Revolt Lecturer: Amherst Prof Pressured Her to Use Sex to Lure Students - "That is what I brought you here for."
Truth Revolt Common Core Textbook Exec: 'I Hate Kids... It's All About the Money' - But, but, but it's all about the children right?
Truth Revolt Failing Chicago School System Pays Admins Over $100k Per Year - But what about the children?
Truth Revolt They're Practically Giving Away A's at Colleges and Universities - We are living in the "student as consumer era," according to researchers.
Truth Revolt School Calls Police on 9-Year-Old for 'Racist' Remark, Called Snack 'Brownies' - No, this is not The Onion, this is real life.
Truth Revolt MD School District Admits it Won't Inform Parents if Transgenders Bunk With Daughters on Field Trips - The school knows what's "best."
Truth Revolt Prager U Kicks Off 2017 School Choice Initiative - Unions oppose any change to the current outdated and failing school system.
Truth Revolt College Offers Workshop to Cure Your Racist, Sexist Toddler - And while they're at it, they'll sign your kids up for the resistance.
Truth Revolt Prager: Why Professors Object to Being Recorded - Any professor who is not ashamed of what he or she is saying in class should welcome being recorded.
Truth Revolt Resigning Principal Allowed Teacher/Student Sex Abuse, District Awards Him $220K - Talk about a corrupt public school board.
Truth Revolt DC Area Children Can't Go to School Today Because of 'Day Without a Woman' - In case you need more proof feminists care more about themselves than children, here ya go.
Truth Revolt After Illegal Aliens Gang-Rape 9th Grader, Superintendent Says Allowing Them into School System ‘Beneficial’ to Other Students - Unfortunately, it’s the law of the land.
Truth Revolt Former Professor Arrested for Brutal Berkeley 'Bike Lock' Attack - If you had any doubt professors hate conservatives, now you don't.
Truth Revolt Shock! No Students At Six Baltimore City Schools Are Proficient in Math and English - Why are Democratically-run cities so horrible for minorities?
Truth Revolt Prager U: Why Self-Esteem is Self-Defeating - Is having high self-esteem key to happiness?
mrc tv Parents Shocked After 6-Year-Old Son Suspended for 'Shooting' an Imaginary Bow
mrc tv Update: Student Suspended for Mocking School Costume Censorship
mrc tv GMU Prioritizes Diversity While Ignoring Bomb Material Found on Campus
mrc tv Parents to Sue NYC for $5m After School Employee Punched Their Autistic Son
mrc tv Boy Sent Home From School for Having a Boy’s Haircut
mrc tv An N.C. School Just Suspended a 5-Year-Old For Playing With a Stick
mrc tv 13-Year-Old Girl Named ‘Most Likely to Become a Terrorist’ by Her Teachers
mrc tv Lefty Professor: Make MATH Political - Multiply Social Justice
American Thinker Fired Prof. Melissa Click claimed she feared student journalist had a gun
American Thinker The Decline and Fall of Higher Education
American Thinker Progressive professors behaving badly
American Thinker K-12: How Our Schools Make Monsters
College Fix Student officially changes his personal pronoun to ‘His Majesty’ on campus roster
Truth Revolt Preferred Pronouns Done Right: Conservative Student Chooses ‘His Majesty’ - LOL! Thank you, sir, for helping to point out the absurdity!
Project Veritas Yonkers Teachers Union
Project Veritas CA Teachers Union Official Admits That He Has Hit Students Before, But "Made It Look Like an Accident"
Canada Free Press Indoctrinating the Young in Hate Factories - Our education system has created a multitude of young, inexperienced, poorly educated, indoctrinated minds, speaking as with authority...scary!
RT Hacker who helped expose Ohio rape case pleads guilty, faces more prison time than rapists
St. Louis Post-Dispatch Washington University dean of students indicted on child pornography charge
Bullying - completely unacceptable, unless you are a liberal (libtard, progressive, regressive, dumbocrat, demoncrap, ...)
Yahoo! Finance Teacher Ridicules Student for Romney T-Shirt
PJ Media It’s Time to Start Suing Schools and Officials - Personally - for Abusing Students
PJ Media Demonic Clown Drag Queen Does Story Time at Michelle Obama Public Library
Medium Professors & Staff Arrested for Trading in Child Rape
Intellectual Takeout Former Teacher: 7 Ways Schools are Creating ‘Empty’ Children
Kansas City Star New Pittsburg, Kan., High School principal resigns after student journalists question her credential
New York Times The Country That Stopped Reading
Daily Wire Broward Student Lays Out Devastating Case Against School Board For Neglecting School Safety
Project Veritas BREAKING: NJ Teachers Union President Will “Bend the Truth,” Cover Up Child Abuse in Schools, Protects Drug-Using, Shoplifting Teachers
PJ Media When Every Boy is Guilty, Every Girl Becomes A Monster
PJ Media Church Hosts Summer Camp to Train Grade School Kids to Be Antifa Activists
American Thinker K-12: Fake News, Fake Education
mrc tv 5th Grade Teacher Wears 'Columbus Was a Murderer' Sweatshirt To School
mrc tv Colleges Now Exploring ‘Inclusive Grading’ Because A's and B's are Racist
mrc tv First Grading, Now Good Grammar is Racist, According to this College Professor
Daily Wire WALSH: We Teach Our Kids To Be Doormats And Then Wonder Why There Is A ‘Bullying Epidemic’
Louder With Crowder New Jersey Teacher Hopes These Students Die of COVID-19
mrc tv 'Teacher' Claims '2+2=4' Is Legacy of Western Imperialism - Seriously
PJ Media Teacher Worries Virtual Classrooms Will Let 'Conservative' Parents Hear Them Brainwashing Their Kids About 'Gender/Sexuality'
American Thinker Fairfax County, Virginia public schools tell parents not to hire tutors because it is unfair to kids whose parents can’t afford them
PJ Media Teacher Spying on Student During Virtual Class Sends Cops to Search 11-Year-Old's Home After Spotting a BB Gun
PJ Media If Your School District Pulls What One Tennessee District Did, Know Your Rights
Louder With Crowder Teacher Calls Joe Rogan the 'Biggest Threat' in the 'Last Decade'
mrc tv University English Teacher Restricts 'Disparaging Commentary' In Class That Perpetuates Racial Disharmony
Louder With Crowder Teacher Reportedly Attacks 12-Year-Old for Trump Support, Calls Trump 'Racist' and 'Pedophile'
Stedfast Clash California Threatens 7th Grader with Jail Sentence, You Won't Believe Why
mrc tv California Teacher Made Third-Graders Rank Their 'Privilege' Based on Their Race, Gender, Religion and Family
American Thinker Parents at ultra-elite prep school mobilizing against race-obsessed curriculum changes
American Thinker California school board mocks parents wanting schools to open as pot-smokers 'looking for babysitters'
mrc tv Schools Are Requiring Kindergarteners To Recite a 'Land Acknowledgment' That They 'Occupy' Stolen Land
mrc tv Entire CA School Board That Was Caught Insulting Taxpaying Parents RESIGN
Louder With Crowder Connecticut Second Graders Shown Cartoon of Scared Little Girl and Man with an Erection
Louder With Crowder Tucker Carlson Delivers Must-See Monologue Exposing Nation's Largest Teachers Union
mrc tv Thousands of Teachers Sign Pledge to Teach Progressive 'Truth’
Louder With Crowder Antifa Teacher Caught on Video BRAGGING About Indoctrinating Your Kids: 'I Only Have 180 Days ... '
mrc tv Angry Calif. Parents Confront School Board Over Pro-Antifa, Pro-Communist Indoctrinating Teacher
Everyman The American Federation of Teachers Apparently Have Much More Important Things to Worry About Than Their Students
mrc tv Indoctrination Nation: Virginia Tech Prof. Apologizes in Bio for Being 'Caucasian Cisgender Female'
N.Y.Post Maspeth HS diplomas ‘not worth the paper’ they’re printed on
Louder With Crowder Megyn Kelly Shares Shocking Story: Her Sons' School Taught Third Graders About Chopping Off Their Genitals
mrc tv Uncovered Email Confirms Loudoun County School Superintendent Knew Of Assault On Day One
Louder With Crowder School Board Member Takes Children on Field Trip Gay Bar, Says She Was “SO Honored” to Do So (UPDATED)
Louder With Crowder Loudoun County's Racial Equity Consultant Says Public School Isn't For Learning, 'The Internet's Better ...'
mrc tv AZ Public Schools Featured Pornography, Descriptions of Bestiality in Summer Reading Material
Louder With Crowder Teachers Union Wants High Schoolers Teaching THEMSELVES Once a Week Because Teaching Five Days is Too Hard
PJ Media LA School District Fires Hundreds of Employees For Refusing to be Vaccinated
Louder With Crowder Chicago Teachers’ Union Gives Students the Middle Finger, Goes Remote Due to Omicron Surge
Louder With Crowder Biden Gave Schools $130 Billion to Reopen Last Year. They Used It on CRT and are STILL Shutting Down
Louder With Crowder Joe Scarborough Attacks Teachers' Union in Brief Moment of Sanity: 'Stay Home and Stop Teaching Children ...'
Louder With Crowder Busted: Largest Teachers’ Union in America Demands Social Media Censor Opposition to CRT
Louder With Crowder Dad Confronts School, Daughter Left in the Cold Without Food and Water for Hours Over Not Wearing a Mask
mrc tv 13-Year-Old Boy Berated By Cop-Hating Teacher For Wearing ‘Thin Blue Line’ Mask
rumble Private DC School Makes Kindergarteners March and Chant BLM Slogan
PJ Media The War on Parents Continues
Louder With Crowder School Faculty Training Says ‘Parents Are Not Entitled’ to Know Things About Their Kids. Take a Guess Why?
Louder With Crowder School District Responds to Parent, Claims Child Can’t Be Discriminated Against Because She's White
Louder With Crowder Report: Teachers’ Union Colluded With CDC, Wrote Restrictions That Kept Schools Shut Down
mrc tv MA Parents Sue After School Allegedly Helped Kids 'Transition' In Secret
Louder With Crowder Teacher Put on Leave After Video Surfaces of Her Bragging About Inappropriate Conversations With Students
Louder With Crowder Elementary Teacher Brags About Ignoring Parents' Wishes in Video Meeting: ‘There’s Nothing They Can Do’
Louder With Crowder Mother Outraged Daughter, 12, Was Invited to 'Arts' Club Where Teacher Said 'It's Ok to Lie to Your Parents'
American Thinker Public schools are feeling the fallout from the COVID lockdown
YouTube< Why I Stopped Teaching
Louder With Crowder Teacher Arrested on Suspicion of Molesting Four Elementary School Students Inside the Classroom
Louder With Crowder University Asks People Not to Discriminate Against Sex Offenders (You Read That Right)
Louder With Crowder Father Claims Teacher Took His Son to Dance Performance With Sex Offender Who Assaulted An Eight-Year-Old
Louder With Crowder School District Takes Indoctrination to Extreme: 'Work AGAINST Families to Affirm Sexualities'
Louder With Crowder Watch: These three teachers demonstrate exactly why you shouldn't trust your children to the public schools
Louder With Crowder 'I'm just awash with bullsh*t!' Crowder decimates ridiculous complaints from teachers' union
Louder With Crowder Activist teacher displays 'defund the police' sign after student's brother was killed in the line of duty
Louder With Crowder Watch: Cops called on 4-year-old not wearing mask to school, school board shames parent for posting video
Louder With Crowder 'Don't hire catholics': School official busted admitting how they indoctrinate kids, don't hire conservatives
Louder With Crowder 'Repugnant': Ex-principal charged after shoving an upset special needs student
Unz Review Exposing the Woke School Counselor Cabal
Washington Examineer California students learned no math in two years, yet Gov. Newsom wants to be president
mrc tv Oregon Dep. of Education Encourages Schools To Hide Student’s Gender Identity From Parents
mrc tv The Kids Aren't Alright: Two Teen Boys Brutally Attacked a 9-Year-Old Girl On a School Bus
Federalist ‘Queer’ Whistleblower Exposes Evils Of The School-To-Scalpel Pipeline

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Support For Mass Murder - Support For Fascism (and support for other sick and twisted agendas
Race To The Bottom!
Louder With Crowder Teacher Says the Unvaccinated Should Die From COVID... or Be Shot

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Setting Bad Examples
Race To The Bottom!
Legal Insurrection Chairman of College’s Criminal Justice Department Arrested for Felony Shoplifting
Louder With Crowder Teachers’ Union Sends Out Press Release Full of Typos, Gets Sent Back by Parent with Corrections
Louder With Crowder Substitute Teacher Arrested After Masturbating In Front of Students, Somehow It Was His Second Offense
Louder With Crowder Watch: Teacher on leave after being caught watching porn in front of students, enjoying himself a little bit too much

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Sex Education - Support For Rapists - Support For Pedophiles - Support For Grooming - Support For Sex With Students - Support For Minor Attracted People (MAP) - Support For Groomers - Support For Grooming
Race To The Bottom!
Louder With Crowder Professor Attempts to Normalize Pedophilia with a New, Nicer Term for Pedophile
mrc tv Summer Camp Teaches Kids Masturbation, Sex While Trans, ‘Self Managed’ Abortion
Louder With Crowder Teacher Sends Kindergarten Students Home With Homework to List Best Places in Their Houses to Masturbate
mrc tv Romper Groom: NC Teacher Pushes LGBT Agenda to Preschoolers
mrc tv Creepy Teacher Who Bashes The Right Gets Arrested On Child Pornography Charges
Louder With Crowder School Votes to Keep Sexually Graphic Book in Schools to Promote Inclusivity: 'It's a Resource to Refer to'
Louder With Crowder 'Laws Prevent Reading This Material to Children': School Board Doesn't See the Irony in Silencing Parent
mrc tv Michigan School Employee & LGBTQ Propagandist Arrested For Soliciting Kids For Sex
Louder With Crowder Paper published about masturbating to underaged boys receives backlash, is only now being investigated
Louder With Crowder District knew a counselor had solicited two minors for prostitution and he's only just been fired
Louder With Crowder Teacher formerly arrested for sexting student arrested for twerking on another student during prom
Louder With Crowder Middle school students create 'pedo database' to track creepy teacher and the teacher was just put on leave
Louder With Crowder New Jersey will punish schools, teachers who refuse mandate to teach middle school kids about anal: report
Louder With Crowder HS teacher put on leave for assigning essay about 9-year-old girls watching man masturbate to completion
Louder With Crowder Teacher's aide has job for all of two weeks before getting arrested for sexing up a high school student
mrc tv Loudoun County Superintendent Finally Gets Canned For School Rape Cover-Up - But He's Still Getting Paid
mrc tv SAVAGE: 11 Yr-Old Roasts School Board Over Library Book About Sex
Louder With Crowder Watch: Father obliterates school board over daughter's in-class assignment about who she would do...and in what orifice
Louder With Crowder Watch this mother GO OFF challenging her school board to explain what's 'family friendly' about drag shows
Louder With Crowder Portland family sues school district after lack of accountability In NINE-YEAR-OLD daughter's gang-rape

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Parents
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv National School Boards Assoc. Labels Concerned Parents 'Domestic Terror' Threats
mrc tv 'F*** You': Cali School Board President Caught Cursing At an Anti-Mask Mom
rumble Nat. School Boards Assoc. 'Actively Engaged' Biden Admin. While Calling Parents 'Terrorists'
Louder With Crowder Teachers’ Union President Criticizes Anti-CRT Advocates: ‘Thankfully, We Have the White House...’
mrc tv Public School Nurse Suspended For Revealing School is Secretly Transitioning Students
Louder With Crowder Counselor Exposes School District, Claims Teachers Were Encouraged to Call CPS on Parents Over Woke Agenda
mrc tv Richmond Schools Reject Youngkin's Policy For Parental Voice In Education
Louder With Crowder Teachers Union Advised Teachers To Hide Students' Gender Identity Surveys From Parents

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Hidden Agenda - Not So Hidden Agenda
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv Loude With Crowder Student's Shocking Testimony: Teacher Assigned Mandatory 'Equity' Survey She Couldn't Tell Parents About
Louder With Crowder 'Parents are Freaking Dumb:' Teacher Caught On Video Indoctrinating Students on First Day of School

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Education Is Racist
Race To The Bottom!
American Thinker Now hiring college grads is racist, too

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Minorities - War on Intelligence
Race To The Bottom!
David Thompson I Axe You
David Thompson Doing It For The Kids
Louder With Crowder High School Implementing Racist Grading System, Claim It's All In the Name of 'Equity'

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Words
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv U of Michigan’s IT Department Told To Ban Word 'Picnic' Because It's 'Racist'
mrc tv NY Private School Tells Students To Avoid Non-'Inclusive' Words Like 'Mom' and 'Dad
Dan Bongino Show Campus Craziness Update: The Phrase "Trigger Warning" Now Deemed Triggering
Louder With Crowder Watch: High school student gets suspended for saying “illegal alien," his mom is speaking out to us exclusively

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Monitor The Classroom
Race To The Bottom!
Power Line What Our Children Learn In School

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Western Civilization
Race To The Bottom!
Law Enforcement Today Professor publicly posts that he wants "the last cop strangled with the intestines of the last capitalist"

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On History
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv Survey Finds 20 Percent of Millennial and Gen-Z in New York Think Jews Caused the Holocaust
mrc tv St. George Gets the Woke Treatment: English University Puts Trigger Warning on Medieval Legend

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Privacy - Invasion Of Privacy
Race To The Bottom!
mrctv Parents Can't Watch Online Classes, But Schools Can Call Cops About BB Guns?

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Support For Socialism
Race To The Bottom!
PJ Media The Frankfurt School and Excellent Foolishness: How the Left Infects Impressionable Minds
PJ Media Amid Riots, Washington and Lee University Offers a Class on 'How to Overthrow the State'
PJ Media Academics Give Aid and Comfort to the BLM and Antifa Riots

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Gender - War on Race - War on Disabilities - War on Intelligence
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv U.K.'s University and College Union Declares Anyone Can 'Self-Identify' As Female, Black Or Disabled
mrc tv Trans ‘Biology’ Teacher Knows Nothing About Science
Louder With Crowder An alleged 'phenomenally bright' girl claims she identifies as a cat, and her high school is running with i
Louder With Crowder Watch: Arrest Follows School District’s Approval Of Sex Ed Opposing “Female” and “Male” In Florida
Louder With Crowder School District Socially Transitioned Autistic Child And Hid It From Parents, Now They Are Suing
mrc tv Teacher Allegedly Offered to Take 'Trans' 10-Year-Old from Family
Louder With Crowder Amount of students claiming to identify as trans, non-binary SURGE at one state's university system

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Human Race - War on People
Race To The Bottom!
Daily Wire Clemson Philosopher In NYT: Maybe We Should All Kill Ourselves, Or At Least Abort All Future Children To Save The Planet
McGill Media UC Berkeley Instructor Says Rural Americans Are Bad People Who Deserve "Uncomfortable" Lives
Zero Hedge Prof: "Nothing Wrong With" Murder Of Right-Wing "Fascist... From A Moral Perspective"

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Ethics
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv Univ. of Illinois to Present Obama With 'Ethics in Government' Award

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Intelligence
Race To The Bottom!
Intellectual Takeout Why Professors Are Writing Crap That Nobody Reads
mrc tv Professor Claims FELT Is Powerful Weapon to Battle White Supremacy
mrc tv NO CLASS: Student Removed After Stating There Are Two Genders

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Teachers
Race To The Bottom!
Truth Revolt MSNBC Loses It Over Arming Teachers, Who Would Surely Murder Black Boys - "This is the dumbest idea of many dumb ideas."
mrc tv High School Teacher Fired For Refusing To Call Female Student by 'Preferred Pronouns'

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On The Military
Race To The Bottom!
Truth Revolt Gary Sinise ‘Outraged’ by Anti-Military School Teacher: ‘Such Stupidity, Ignorance’ - Does he not realize his freedom to say such drivel was won by our military?

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On The Police
Race To The Bottom!
Truth Revolt Vermont High School Will Fly Black Lives Matter Flag in Feb. - "I think it's easy to overlook the issue of race disparity in the state because we are such a white state."

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Feminist War On Education - War On Education
American Thinker The feminization of academia is a disaster for intellectual freedom

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Education - Support For Bad Parenting
Race To The Bottom!
yourot Why are our children so bored at school, cannot wait, get easily frustrated and have no real friends?

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Education - support for socialism
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv Video: Liberal College Students Can't Define Socialism
Conservative Review Williams: More university corruption
mrc tv Fordham U Punishes Chinese-American Student For Posting Pro-2A Reference To Tiananmen Square

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Education - Useless Degrees
Race To The Bottom!
Louder With Crowder Princeton, The Ivy League One, Launches "Drag University" So Your Son Can Major In Being A Drag Queen

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Education
Race To The Bottom!
Power Line It’s Official: Yale Is the Worst
Times Of Israel Duped academic journal publishes rewrite of ‘Mein Kampf’ as feminist manifesto - To highlight alleged intellectual bias in university ‘grievance studies’ programs, three scholars write 20 absurd papers; seven are accepted to top publications
American Thinker The Death of Academic Rigor
American Thinker Toxic Feminism
Daily Wire Grammar Is Racist? You Bet It Is, You Racist.
Daily Wire New York: We Need Black Teachers For Black Students. It Doesn't Matter If The Teachers Can Read.
Truth Revolt College Writing Center Says Grammar is ‘Racist’ and ‘Unjust' - So, what exactly do they teach at this writing center?
Truth Revolt Bawer: Groupthink on Campus - My "diversity statement."
Truth Revolt Prager U: The Least Diverse Place in America - Colleges want students to look different, but think the same.
Truth Revolt Hearing Instructors in Sign-Language Class Accused of ‘Cultural Appropriation’ - Remember when we all wanted to be able to communicate with each other?
Truth Revolt Prager U: Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings - Why does it seem as if America's college campuses have totally lost it?
Truth Revolt New Book Spotlights Leftist Brainwashing in Public Schools - "Political bias...has turned many public schools into indoctrination centers."
Truth Revolt YAF Reports: College Courses Rife With Leftist Insanity - "Beyond the inane topics, these classes advance a liberal agenda, malign conservatives, and shut out ideological diversity."
Truth Revolt Math Prof Condemns Meritocracy as ‘Tool of Whiteness’ - Thinks math should be “equity-directed, culturally relevant, and taught for social justice.”
mrc tv New York Nixes Literacy Tests For Teachers, Blaming Racism and Poverty
mrc tv No Students Are Proficient in Math And English At Six Baltimore City Schools
mrc tv University of Georgia Professor Allows Students to Choose Own Grades to Avoid Undue Stress
American Thinker Since when did people start going to college to get stupid?
American Thinker K-12: Quacks Rule
Intellectual Takeout This is What Happens When Education Loses Its Purpose
Intellectual Takeout Many College Students are ‘Book Virgins’
Intellectual Takeout The 10 Least Intellectually Diverse Colleges in America - A new report by the Heterodox Academy ranks schools based on their diversity in points of view.
Intellectual Takeout Report: Deep-Thinking Students Don’t Like Their Schools
Blacklisted News Depressing Survey Results Show How Extremely Stupid America Has Become
Campus Reform Prof: ‘ALL white people are racist,’ ‘ALL men are sexist’
WND Government schools intentionally making children dumber? - 'It's a system deliberately designed to handicap the individual'
American Thinker Universities are morphing into Clown College before our eyes (content warning)
American Thinker K-12: Killing Democracy
Top Tenz Top 10 Useless College Degrees & Classes
Truth Revolt Trigger Alert: Learning About Greek Mythology Is Too Traumatic, Say Columbia Students - The precious snowflake lobby strikes again.
Campus Reform Purdue writing guide: Words with 'MAN' 'should be avoided'
Daily Wire INTERVIEW: Teacher Who Questioned Student 'Walkout Day' Describes School's Stunning Response
mrc tv Ohio School's 'Diversity' Assignment Asks Students To Pick Who Should Live or Die Based on Race, Religion and Gender
Federalist 12 Of The Craziest College Classes In America, All Subsidized By Your Tax Dollars
Conservative Review Williams: College cheating scandal
Louder With Crowder WATCH: High School Valedictorian Excoriates Crappy Counselor, Unhelpful Staff, and Drunk Teacher
Federalist While Americans Gobble Up History Books, Colleges Shut Down History Departments
Forbes University Of California System Will Drop SAT, ACT Requirement For Admissions
American Thinker Lying for Diversity
PJ Media Peak Idiocy: Rutgers University Declares Grammar 'Racist'
mrc tv Sure, That'll Help: Major Calif. School Districts Getting Rid of 'F' Grades, Limiting 'D' Grades
Semi-Pro Pilgrim Oakland Schools Triumphantly Meet Own Expectations
Louder With Crowder Former Professor Exposes How Untethered to Reality Universities Are: 'It is better for you to look at a wall'
mrc tv Sayeth it Ain’t So! Shakespeare Gets Trigger Warning
Louder With Crowder Superintendent Busted Trying To Secretly Close A School For Special Needs To Turn It Into A Migrant Facility
Louder With Crowder Brooklyn congresswoman wants more migrants for "redistricting" purposes, now they're causing a high school to be shut down

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Support For Violence (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
American Thinker San Francisco State University once against embraces terrorism
American Thinker National Teacher of the Year will be ‘more careful with his words’ after tweeting out a violent threat against a U.S. Sen

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Consequences of supporting violence and censorship (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Truth Feed BREAKING : UC Berkeley Loses Major Donor
Truth Revolt Sowell: The Real Lessons of Middlebury College - Why these incidents are only going to get worse.
Truth Revolt Conservative Students at Lutheran College Feel ‘Violently Threatened’ - "‘If you voted for Trump, you better be f***ing scared.’ Everyone clapped and applauded."
Truth Revolt Report: Many Violent College Protesters Come From Wealthy Families - Ah, so, it’s the privileged that throw the best tantrums.
Truth Revolt Vandal Calls for Beheading of Berkeley College Republicans - New Berkeley motto: where free speech was born and where it's going to die.
Truth Revolt Prager: The Cowards of Academia - Their open letters aren't worth the printer toner that prints them.
Truth Revolt Perazzo: Revolutionary Communists Seek to Protect Students from Conservatives - The fascist attempt to prevent conservative "fascists" from poisoning young minds.
Truth Revolt Evergreen Prof Confronts Clueless Board: ‘Do You Know the College Descended into Literal Anarchy?’ - They gave him no answer, so they must not have known.
Truth Revolt 100+ Dartmouth Faculty Defend Prof Who Called Antifa Violence ‘Legitimate Response’ - C’mon, people, it’s just "self-defense!"
Truth Revolt Video: Students Support Antifa Violence - "Beating up fascists is good."
Truth Revolt Jordan Peterson Speech Met With Broken Widows, Calls to 'Burn it Down' - School stood up for free speech, refused to cancel.
mrc tv A Professor Was Forced to Hold Class Off Campus Amidst ‘Racism’ Accusations
mrc tv Middlebury College Announces Sanctions For Students Involved in Violent Protest

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Minorities - Support For Racism (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Powerline Princeton’s "systemic racism" captures the government’s attention

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Support For Terrorism - Support For Terrorists - War On Jews - War On White Males - War on Conservatives - War on Christians - Support For Anti-semitism - Support For Antisemitism - Tolerance for anti-white, anti-male, anti-conservatism, anti-semitism and other hate mongering (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
breitbart ‘Terrifying’: Filmmaker Gets Portland College Students to Donate to Sham Hamas Fund to Kill Jews
Te UNZ Review Notes for a White Kid in University - An Introduction to the Blindingly Obvious
Stop The Jihad On Campus
Stop The Jew Hatred On Campus
Yahoo! News College speaker calls students immature, arrogant
IJ Review College Socialist Club Gives America a Good Look at How ‘Tolerant’ They’d Act If They Were in Charge
Truth Revolt Report: Anti-Semitism on Uni Campuses Skyrockets - 516 Incidents in Last Year Alone - But let's remember to refrain from microagressions.
Truth Revolt Black Christian Pro-Israel Campus Activist Causing A Stir - Chloe Valdary is shaking things up on college campuses, and angering the anti-Israel left
Truth Revolt UCLA Republican Students Attacked for Being White - Because diversity does not include white people, obviously.
Truth Revolt South African University Student Council Demands Jews Be Expelled - "We took the decision that Jewish students, especially those who do not support the Palestinian struggle, should deregister."
Truth Revolt Brandeis Center Fights Anti-Semites At UCLA
Truth Revolt Posters Showing Hamas Executing Prisoners Appear On Several Campuses - Students for Justice in Palestine condemn posters as "Islamophobic and anti-Arab"
Truth Revolt MSNBC Host Hopes Trayvon Martin 'Whooped The Sh*t Out Of George Zimmerman' - Melissa Harris-Perry address to university caught on camera
Truth Revolt Heritage Foundation's Gonzalez: Multiculturalism On Campus Fosters Anti-Semitism "Why [do] Americans keep handing their sons and daughters over to this nihilistic form of cultural suicide?"
Truth Revolt Berkeley Black Student Union Wants Building Renamed For Cop-Killer - Convicted of murdering a state trooper, FBI-designated terrorist
Truth Revolt ISIS Club at Cornell? School official supports inclusive club for terrorists
Truth Revolt USC Professor: Holocaust Denial Doesn't Make You A Radical - Extremism in the pursuit of the bomb is a virtue!
Truth Revolt USC Stands by Prof That Defends Holocaust Denial - University won't condemn comments
Truth Revolt Jewish Student Who Displayed Israeli Flag Targeted For Vandalism - "This is not the first expression of anti-Semitic sentiment on our campus."
Truth Revolt Boston U Prof Who Denounced "White Masculinity" Now Taunts White Rape Victim - "You promote your #whitegirltears like that’s some badge you get to wear."
Truth Revolt Students Out of Control as St. Paul Schools Spend Millions on ‘White Privilege’ Training - "Students are out of control because
Truth Revolt Teacher: We Shouldn't Teach Shakespeare Because He's White - Teachers have a duty to combat "Eurocentric presentation of the literary world."
Truth Revolt MALKIN: The Creepy Consequences of Oppression Chic - Why was America so shocked by homegirl hoaxer Rachel Dolezal?
Truth Revolt Republicans Not Welcome in USC 'Safe Space' for Marginalized Students - Hypocrisy abounds
Truth Revolt VIDEO: Berkeley Students Call Terrorist Attack on Chattanooga Soldiers 'Legitimate' - And of course, it's racist to fault Islam.
Truth Revolt Leftist Professor Threatens to Fail Students Who Say 'Male' or 'Female' - "If I see it or hear it, I will correct it in class"
Truth Revolt U. Michigan Forced to Vacate Sexual Assault Ruling - "About 70 male students found responsible for sexual misconduct have brought lawsuits against their schools"
Truth Revolt Black U Penn Professor Calls Carson a 'Coon' - "I can’t get fired."
Truth Revolt Republicans Not Welcome in USC 'Safe Space' for Marginalized Students - Hypocrisy abounds
Truth Revolt College Caves to Black Lives Matter, Slashes Funding of Newspaper After Negative OpEd - The newspaper should be a "safe place for people of color."
Truth Revolt Student Report: A Professor's Passion for Palestine - "Colonialism is a major theme in our class."
Truth Revolt Horowitz Freedom Center Launches 'Stop the Jihad on Campus' Campaign - Harvard, Columbia and Brandeis are on the list.
Truth Revolt When Students Cheer Jihad - Calling things by their right names is a prerequisite for seeing them as they really are.
Truth Revolt Students for Justice in Palestine in NY Blame High Tuition on ‘Zionist Administration’ - It's the Jews' fault, as usual.
Truth Revolt Horowitz Freedom Center Claims Credit for Posters Linking Campus Anti-Israel Groups to Hamas - "Our goal is to expose the true motivations of these terrorist proxy-groups and challenge their genocidal propaganda."
Truth Revolt Report: Anti-Semitic Activity Skyrocketing on American College Campuses - Over 520 anti-Israel events were held on American college campuses in 2014.
Truth Revolt Anti-Israel Events Skyrocketing on U.S. Campuses - Universities were themselves complicit in the events.
Truth Revolt University of Colorado Anti-Racism Event Cancelled Because Organizers Are White
Truth Revolt Cambridge Professor Refuses to Answer Israeli School Girl's Question About Horses - Because taking out her warped social justice views on an adolescent is the "mature" thing to do.
Truth Revolt Horowitz: The Terrorist Propaganda Campaign on Boston Campuses - Terrorist infiltration of our campuses is real. And prestigious universities are supporting and funding it.
Truth Revolt Portland Community College Launches 'Whiteness' Shaming Month - It's time to find alternatives to a "culture of white supremacy."
Truth Revolt Horowitz Freedom Center Launches Campaign to Combat Jew Hatred at American Colleges and Universities - New initiative will refute genocidal lies about Israel which fuel anti-Semitism on campus.
Truth Revolt Glick: The Lie of Pro-Palestinian Activism - For them, the Palestinians whose rights they claim to champion are nothing more than means to another end.
Truth Revolt Oberlin Prof's Bizarre Anti-Semitic Rants A-OK, Says College - "ISIS is not a jihadist, Islamic terrorist organization. It’s a CIA and Mossad operation..."
Truth Revolt Oberlin College President Supports Anti-Semitic, 9/11 Truther Professor - Freedom of speech.
Truth Revolt Oberlin Professor Under Fire from Trustees for Anti-Semitic Statements - "These grave issues must be considered expeditiously."
Truth Revolt Anti-Israel Organization Banned from Israel’s School System Welcomed at Columbia - "The operations of Breaking the Silence caused the slander of Israel in the world."
Truth Revolt Univ. of California Approves 'Softer' Anti-Semitism Statement - "Anti-Semitic forms of anti-Zionism"
Truth Revolt Vassar Pro-Palestinian Group's Terrorist Chic - "Resistance is not terrorism." Except when you commit acts of terror.
Truth Revolt Black San Francisco Student Attacks White Peer Over 'Cultural Appropriation' of Dreadlocks - This is what a paid university education gets you.
Truth Revolt Obama Policy Punishes 'Racist' Teachers Who Discipline Criminal Students - Two-thirds of teachers say they fear for their safety, and 43% complain their schools are no longer committed to protecting them.
Truth Revolt Horowitz: Reply to Slander - Calling people you don’t agree with racist seems to be a favored gutter tactic of activists on campuses like UCLA these days.
Truth Revolt Harvard Students Hurl Anti-Semitic Slurs at Liberal Israeli MK - "A question about the odor of Ms. Tzipi Livni, she’s very smelly, and I was just wondering."
Truth Revolt Great Lengths Taken to Conceal Identity of Harvard Law Anti-Semite Who Called Former Israeli Foreign Minister 'Smelly' - Husam El-Qoulaq is a member of the radical Muslim Brotherhood affiliate, Students for Justice in Palestine.
Truth Revolt Jew-Haters at Berkeley and UCLA Strike Back - The Freedom Center’s campaign against Hamas supporters at both schools has touched a nerve.
Truth Revolt Fatah Student Election Campaign: 'Plant a Knife in the Heart of Your Enemy' - The PA’s map of "Palestine" is painted in the colors of the Palestinian flag, implying sovereignty over Israel.
Truth Revolt Vassar Rejects Israel Boycott - The vote was close.
Truth Revolt Anti-Israel Groups Upstage Holocaust Remembrance at UC Irvine - Horowitz: "These people are Jew-haters... The fact that Irvine is funding them is a disgrace."
Truth Revolt Dartmouth Refuses to Punish Aggressive Black Lives Matter Disruption - "In essence, no rules for which there are recorded and communicated sanctions were broken."
Truth Revolt College Offers Lessons on How to 'Stop White People' - #StopWhitePeople2k16
Truth Revolt Freedom Center Urges College Presidents to End Aid to Campus Supporters of Terror - "We ask that you withdraw all university privileges granted to SJP."
Truth Revolt The Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists - A David Horowitz Freedom Center report.
Truth Revolt The Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists: UC Berkeley - "Let it be known that we here at Berkeley support the Intifada."
Truth Revolt UCLA: The First Front - Engaging the campus supporters of terrorism in Los Angeles.
Truth Revolt The Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists: UC Irvine - A notorious base for supporters of terrorists.
Truth Revolt The Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists: San Diego State University - Calling the campus supporters of Hamas barbarity by name.
Truth Revolt The Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists:San Francisco State University - The campus is notorious for its glorification of anti-Israel terrorism.
Truth Revolt The Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists: Brooklyn College - "Jews - root of all evil" was graffitied on campus.
Truth Revolt The Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists: Vassar - "Resistance is not Terrorism."
Truth Revolt The Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists: University of Chicago - An amendment supporting the continued self-determination of the Jewish people and the existence of Israel was proposed and rejected.
Truth Revolt The Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists: Tufts - Tufts SJP labeled Students Supporting Israel "literally a hate group."
Truth Revolt Exposing SJP as a Terrorist Front at UC-Berkeley - Berkeley campus is one of the "Top Ten Worst Schools that Support Terrorists"
Truth Revolt UC-Irvine: Abetting Terrorism and Targeting Jews - "Intifada, intifada / Long live the intifada"
Truth Revolt University of Chicago Supporting Terrorists - Silencing opponents.
Truth Revolt Freedom Center Provokes Reaction From Pro-Hamas Campus Left - Terrorist supporters charge that Freedom Center posters are "racist, Islamophobic, anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian."
Truth Revolt Shilling for Hamas, Censoring Dissent - "Now that Saint Louis University has cancelled a scheduled October speech by conservative activist David Horowitz, it joins the small group of campuses that are universities in name only."
Truth Revolt San Francisco State U: Supporting Terror, Suppressing Free Speech - "My Heroes Have Always Killed Colonizers"
Truth Revolt Brandeis University: Backing Hamas on Campus - SJP defended student who called for an American intifada
Truth Revolt U. Chicago and DePaul: Promoting the Terrorist Narrative - Two Chicago-area campuses demonstrate their support for Hamas
Truth Revolt Brooklyn College: Advocating Genocide and a Third Intifada - SJP issued demands for "Zionists off campus."
Truth Revolt University of North Carolina: Whitewashing Anti-Israel Terrorism - UNC SJP invited the daughter of convicted terrorist Sami Al-Arian to campus.
Truth Revolt San Francisco State University: Allied with Hamas - "My heroes have always killed colonizers."
Truth Revolt SFSU Student Paper Reports on Freedom Center Campus Posters - "It exposes the truth about SJP’s ties to terrorism and challenges the SF State administration to defend speech that deviates from the typical anti-Israel narrative."
Truth Revolt Tufts and Brandeis College Administrations Promote Terrorist Propaganda, Silence Opposing Views - Brandeis professor: "Zionist olive trees grow wondrously on Palestinian corpses."
Truth Revolt Brooklyn College Among Top Ten College Administrations Most Friendly to Terrorists and Hostile to 1st Amendment - Posters placed on campus depict SJP as a puppet of Hamas, demand #NoSupportForCampusTerrorists.
Truth Revolt Brandeis Study: Students for Justice in Palestine Fosters Hostile Campus Climate Toward Israel and Jews - This study looks at the hostility at different campuses and the ways in which it influences the lives of Jewish students.
Truth Revolt Brooklyn College Takes Down 'Illegal' Freedom Center Anti-Terrorism Posters - "We support free speech, and we seek to maintain a safe and tolerant campus."
Truth Revolt English Professor: Canoes Are Symbols of Colonialism and Genocide - Because we all know only white people have ever used canoes.
Truth Revolt Professor: Christians Bigger Threat Than Islamists - They control nuclear codes.
Truth Revolt Hate Spaces - A new film reveals a toxic bigotry on American campuses.
Truth Revolt New Documentary Captures Rampant Campus Anti-Semitism - "Death to Jews! Death to Jews!"
Truth Revolt Communications Class Tackles ‘Whiteness’ With Two-Hour ‘Whiteness Forum’ - Vanna White would be the perfect hostess for the "Wheel of Whiteness."
Truth Revolt Activists Manipulate Third-Graders into Hating Israel - "You are all defend us, you can do a lot for, and to be the freedom fighter for the Palestine."
Truth Revolt University Offers Racist Course on 'the Problem of Whiteness’ - "Have you ever wondered what it really means to be white?"
Truth Revolt Harassment Causes Bryn Mawr Republican to Drop Out - "Nobody has the right to an opinion of bigotry. 0 tolerance for fascists!"
Truth Revolt Professor Wants 'White Genocide' for Christmas - "When the whites were massacred during the Haitian Revolution, that was a good thing indeed."
Truth Revolt U of Chicago Student Planned to 'Projectile Vomit' to Protest Trump Press Secretary Visit - So, social justice warriors are going to completely ruin 2017, too.
Truth Revolt Professor Says Palestinian Truck Attack on Israeli Soldiers Not Terrorism - "An active combat soldier, even if not in the field, can be killed," as well as any civilian who "is a direct participant in hostilities."
Truth Revolt Greenfield: Safe Spaces for Fascists - Campus free speech was replaced with fascism.
Truth Revolt NY Education Chief Supports Arguing in Favor of Killing Jews to Aid ‘Critical Thinking’ - Oh, that’s nice for kids.
Truth Revolt UCLA: Coddling Hamas on Campus While Trampling the First Amendment - Supporting terrorist propaganda on the taxpayer’s dime.
Truth Revolt Dartmouth Refuses Event with Israeli Soldier, Anti-Semite Sarsour Speaks Tonight - Campus "diversity" in action. Truth Revolt Prof Calls for Overthrow of ‘White Democracy,’ Violate Laws of ‘White Man’s Constitution’ - "This man will send those who disagree out of class."
Truth Revolt Oberlin College Convicts Male Students of Sex Assault in Every Single Case - A new lawsuit says the process is rigged.
Truth Revolt University Bringing Back Controversial ‘Problem of Whiteness’ Course - They should rename it, "How to Lose Even More Tuition."
National Review Online U Michigan Department Chair: We Should ‘Hate Republicans’ - A professor explains that studies show the GOP is bad.
Yahoo! Parenting Dad Upset Over Anti-Republican Homework Assignment
American Thinker UCLA: Worse than Oklahoma
American Thinker Ignorant Bigots Running Universities Now
American Thinker Drexel University defends white genocide-wishing professor
Project Veritas Barry Video Release
Young Conservatives Man flies ISIS flag on UC Berkley campus then Israeli flag, students react VERY different
Truth Revolt MAEL: An ISIS Flag, Israeli Flags, And The Murder of Jews - Anti-Semitism at Berkeley
mrc tv 'Whiteness Is Terror,' University of Memphis Professor Preaches
mrc tv Ivy League Professor Calls Ben Carson a 'Coon'
mrc tv Purdue Police Investigating Staff Member's Alleged Threat to Rape Pro-Life Women
mrc tv Professor May Deny Student a Recommendation Because Student Likes Guns
mrc tv U.K. Student Unions Elect Muslim Pres. Who Sympathizes with Terrorists
mrc tv Waitress Denied a Tip For Being White Receives Over $5K in Donations
mrc tv UC Berkley Awards Commencement Speakership to Left-Wing Journo
mrc tv Prof Suspended for Anti-Semitic Posts Says She Was Punished Because She Is Black
mrc tv White D.C. Public School Spokesperson Tweets About Getting Rid of White Men
mrc tv University of London Students Demand White Philosophers Be Removed from Curriculum
mrc tv Fresno State Professor Calls For Trump to Be Assassinated
mrc tv NYU Hires Professor Who Tweeted About Wanting ‘White Genocide’ For Christmas
National Review Professor: White People Are Conditioned to Commit Mass Murder Like in Charleston
Pamela Geller Email of the Day: "You Deserve to Be Raped by Hordes of Muslims"
American Thinker Teaching Antisemitism at Vassar -- and Beyond
Stop The Jew Hatred On Camputs
Campus Reform UWM prof advocates ‘abolition of whiteness’
Detroit news The anti-Semitic face of political correctness
Canada Free Press The American Inquisition - The cancer of Jew hatred has taken over the body of US academia
Daily Wire High School Teacher Lectures Students: 'To Be White Is To Be Racist. Period.'
College Fix TRENDING: Universities work to purge male students of their ‘toxic’ masculinity
Legal Insurrection Arrested Development Week in Higher Education
Daily Caller DC Public Schools Spokeswoman Wants To ‘Get Rid Of’ All White Men
Daily Wire University of Wisconsin-Madison Offers 'Problem of Whiteness' Clas Daily Wire Princeton Freshman: They’re Training Us To Hate Each Other
Daily Wire AIPAC-Affiliated College Dems President Endorses Anti-Semite For DNC Chair
Daily Wire If You Don't Agree With Me, You're A Racist Who Likes Death Threats
Breitbart Drexel University Professor’s Christmas Wish: ‘All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide’
Canada Free Press U. Wisconsin professor teaching "whiteness" class celebrated murder of 5 cops in Texas - Professor D is keepin' it real in his sick mind
FrontPage Mag The Top 10 College Administrations Most Friendly to Terrorists and Hostile to the First Amendment - Targeting the nation’s worst offenders.
Omaha World-Herald An Elkhorn elementary school principal tried to ban Christmas. It didn't go well.
American Thinker Student Says He Loves White People; Columbia University Explodes
mrc tv 'Some White People May Have to Die For Black Communities to Be Made Whole'
American Thinker UC Berkeley has set up what are essentially ‘Jew-free’ zones on campus
Louder With Crowder University of Florida president sets gold standard in responding to terrorism, calls out his pro-Hamas peers in academia
mrc tv 'Harvard's Leading Antisemites': Media Truck Exposes Students that Blamed Hamas Attack on Israel
Louder With Crowder NYC public school teacher praises Hamas, celebrates slaughter of women and children as "successful military campaign"
Louder With Crowder Watch: Pro-Hamas students take over high school, smile while chanting for the elimination of Israel
Louder With Crowder Jewish Students Attacked At School, Forced To Sign Gag Order So They Don't Discuss It
mrc tv School Tells Jewish Students They Can 'Hide In the Attic' As Palestine Ralliers Bang On Doors
Louder With Crowder NYC students cause pro-Hamas riot, terrorize and force Jewish teacher to lock herself in her classroom for her own safety
Right Scoop Harvard president ridiculed after reversing course today, claiming genocide calls against Jews has no place at Harvard
Louder With Crowder Biden's Department of Education Just Dished Out The Largest Fine Ever On A Christian College
Jewish World Review Elite Colleges Defend Antisemitism
Louder With Crowder Watch: Exposing Who Is Behind the Hamas Contagion Taking Over US Campuses
Louder With Crowder Watch as these anti-Israel schmucks stage walkout at Duke's graduation over the Jewish speaker: Jerry Seinfeld

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On White People - White Privilege (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv #LiberalPrivilege Trends on Twitter
mrc tv EXCLUSIVE: Students to Receive Excused Absence from Class to Attend Privilege Simulation
Campus Reform Students demand Pomona rescind offer to prof because she's white
Truth Revolt Students Verbally Assault Professor for Questioning School's Racist Policy - "We are not speaking on terms of white privilege. This is not a discussion. You have lost that one."
Truth Revolt College Activists Upset Video Captured Their Racist, Anti-White Remarks - Oh, so sorry that you all were exposed for the thugs you are.
Activist Mommy Insane Iowa Professor Vows To "Dismantle" Her Students’ Whiteness
PJ Media High School English Students Forced to Learn Gender-Bending Pronouns and Anti-White Propaganda
Daily Wire Georgetown Issues Statement BACKING Professor Who Said White Republican Men Should Be Murdered, Castrated
mrc tv Evergreen Hosting Weekly Workshops to 'Unlearn Whiteness'
mrc tv Professor Says 'Whiteness is Terrorism' and 'White Kneegrows' Like Obamas Need 'A Good 'Ol A** Kicking'

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On The Environment (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Truth Revolt Backfire: Campus Bottled Water Ban Increased Plastic Waste - As students turned to soda instead!

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Halloween - protecting the culture from Halloween - War on Halloween (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv Ontario High School: Halloween Costume Can’t Appropriate Your Own Culture
Truth Revolt Colleges Offer Sensitivity Consultants for Halloween Costumes - Is your costume politically correct?
Truth Revolt NYU Confirms: Halloween Next Year Will Be Way Less Triggering - "Some of the imagery at this year’s Fall Ball was inappropriate and it won’t be used again."
Truth Revolt Offended by Halloween Costumes? U of Florida Offers Counseling - "Think about your choices of costumes and themes."
Truth Revolt Tufts Students' Halloween Threat: There Will Be 'Consequences' For Offensive Costumes - "This campus, as well as many other universities around the country, have fundamentally inverted the meaning of tolerance."
Fox News College's Bias Incident Team cries foul over '3 blind mice' Halloween costumes The War on Halloween is Not Healthy for Children and Other Living Things.
Daily Wire Check Out University of Texas' INSANE 29-Point Checklist on Halloween Costumes
mrc tv Most Americans Say Colleges Should Restrict 'Offensive' Halloween Costumes
Daily Wire West Virginia University Student Investigated For Border Patrol Halloween Costume
Daily Wire Happy Halloween! Annual ‘Offensive’ Costume Bans Begin, Starting With Michigan State University
Daily Wire Schools Are Canceling Halloween Celebrations Over Inclusivity
Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Christmas - protecting the culture from Christmas - War on Christmas (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Since the LibTurds (shite for brains educators) want to make Christmas Winter Holiday more inclusive, they should add beheading Christians and Jews to make the Muslims feel more included in the holidays. - Cynical Pessimist
Truth Revolt University: 'Make Sure Your Holiday Party Isn't a Christmas Party in Disguise' - ...and also, don't play with a dreidel.
Truth Revolt Principal Scrubs Christmas, Thanksgiving, Pledge of Allegiance - Welcome to politically correct public school.
Truth Revolt Public School Principal Bans Valentine's Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Other 'Dominant Holidays' - We must first better understand "how the dominant view will suppress someone else’s view."
Truth Revolt Social Justice Christmas at Colleges: No Religious Icons on Display - Put away your baby Jesus or your menorah and bring on the "greenery" and "bells."
Truth Revolt Texas School Bans Charlie Brown Christmas Display - War on Christmas
Truth Revolt Leftist Professor: 'Holiday' Not Inclusive Enough
Truth Revolt Elementary School Cancels ‘A Christmas Carol’ Because Tiny Tim Mentions God - It was a tradition for more than 40 years.
American Thinker Cornell warns students mistletoe isn't 'inclusive' so don't use it
Gateway Pundit University Bows to Sharia Law, Suggests Ban On Christmas and Holiday Parties! (VIDEO)
Truth Revolt University Employee Called Christmas Trees, Dreidels Inappropriate for Display - These people must be miserable on the inside.
mrc tv An Elementary School Principal Tried to Ban Christmas...and It Didn't Work Out So Well
mrc tv School District Tells Staff Not To Display 'Christmas Themed Decor'

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Costumes - protecting the culture from improper clothing (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Truth Revolt FSU Students: No Native American Headdresses at Seminoles Games - "...shall no longer be permitted into athletic arenas at FSU."
mrc tv Frat Cancels Their Egyptian-Themed Party After Being Accused of 'Cultural Appropriation'

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Self Respect (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Truth Revolt Progressives Offended by College Girls Who Don't Want to Live in Festering Piles of Trash and Slime - We should all live in equal filth.

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Teachers doing it for the children - Teachers Unions (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Project Veritas Teachers Union - part I
YouTube New York Teacher Alleged to Have Sexually Assaulted Students With Knife-May Still Be at Large
Louder With Crowder Rhode Island Teachers’ Union and ACLU Object to Bill Outlawing Sex with Students

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Use Of Limited Funds To Benefit Students - Abuse Of Limited Funds (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Truth Revolt School Needs Money for Kids, But Dems Want to Spend $750K to Remove Confederate’s Name - That’s not what the community says it wants.
Gateway Pundit California Admits that 65,000 Students in its Community Colleges Are Fake – Costing the State Millions

/ation (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Social Justice (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Truth Revolt MA School District to Spend $20 Million on Laptops for Students, Because Social Justice - "This is a really important move for our kids."
Truth Revolt U of Iowa Creating 'Social Justice' Degree - "Justice for All"
Info Wars Ohio State University Terrorist Was a Social Justice Warrior - Abdul Razak Ali Artan was undergoing politically correct "microaggression" indoctrination

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Student Demands (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Truth Revolt Oberlin Progressives Want Low Grades Thrown Out, Conversations Instead of Written Exams - Students believe it's their role to educate those around them.
Truth Revolt College Students Fake Menstrual Stains to Protest Lack of "Free" Hygiene Products - "I think you all collectively benefit from me not bleeding in your seat." Yale Students Tell English Profs to Stop Teaching English: Too Many White Male Poets - 'We have spoken. We are speaking. Pay attention.' Watch Students Tell Yale to Fire a Staffer Who Upset Their Safe Space - Yale just became ground zero in the campus free speech wars.
New York Post Student held professor against her will in hopes of getting make-up exam
Steadfast And Loyal Feminists Suing University for Not Protecting Them From Mean Comments

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Government Mismangement (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Truth Revolt Detroit Public Schools Can't Make Payroll After June 30 - Looks like school's out for the summer too.

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Free (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
American Thinker Free College Is Too Expensive
Truth Revolt Undocumented Student Brags About Free Tuition - Just to be clear, "undocumented" means "illegal."
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle's Firewall: Bernie's Free College Isn't Free - Can we just think this through for a minute? Please?

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Support for Crime and Criminals (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv Stealing From Wal-Mart Is Not a Crime, UW Relations Director Declares
mrc tv Exclusive: University Students Encouraged Not to Report Rape to the Police Because Police are Men
Truth Revolt Obama Admin: Colleges Shouldn't Ask Prospective Students about Criminal Records - "How do we broaden opportunity?"
Truth Revolt Anti-Gun Prof Calls for Shooting Up NRA Ensuring 'No Survivors' - The tolerance of the left.
Truth Revolt Rutgers Professor of Beyonce and Feminism Investigated Over Anti-Trump Twitter Threats - "Will the 2nd Amendment be as cool when I buy a gun and start shooting at random white people?"
Truth Revolt OSU Diversity Officer Wants ‘Compassion’ for Buckeye Jihadist - And tagged her post with #BlackLivesMatter. Ugh.
American Thinker Education Department recommends that colleges no longer ask applicants about criminal records

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Encourage Lawlessness (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv School District Teaches Kids How to ‘Defend Yourself From Enforcement’ of Laws
PJ Media Student Assaulted for Pro-Second Amendment Views, Then Suspended for Defending Himself

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Support For Segregation - Safe Spaces (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Safe Spaces Are Creating A Generation Of "Snowflake Tyrants"
Truth Revolt Mizzou Protestors Create 'Black Only Healing Space' - "for the students to share, decompress, be vulnerable & real."
Truth Revolt University of CT to Introduce Black Male Only Segregated Dorm - This is an alternate reality.
Truth Revolt UC Berkeley to Open Segregated Housing in the Fall - So much for that whole civil rights movement.
Truth Revolt Cal State University Provides Blacks Separate Housing as Safe Space - Welcome back, segregation.
Truth Revolt Black Harvard Professor: Safe Spaces Harmful - Increased victimization feelings more.
Truth Revolt Student Activists Want Permanent Whites-Free Zone on Campus - Wait... isn’t that racist?
Truth Revolt College Prez Rejects Safe Spaces, Student Activists Want Her Gone - Cheers to another college president refusing to kowtow to social justice warriors.
Truth Revolt White Students Blocked from Lounge Designated as ‘Sanctuary’ for Blacks - Segregation is alive and well on campus. It’s even approved!
Truth Revolt University of Chicago Students Ask for Segregated Dorms - We want segregation, we want it now!
Truth Revolt ‘No Whites Allowed’ Campus Magazine Announced at U of Texas - That sounds so... inclusive.
mrc tv University in LA Unveils Segregated Housing for Black Students
Daily Wire Great News: Columbia Embraces Segregation, No Whites Allowed!
Federalist Papers What Every Liberal in America Needs to Know About "Safe Spaces"
Spectator Safe spaces and ‘ze’ badges: My bewildering year at a US university - Fear of causing offence on campus is stifling free thought - as I’ve found to my cost
Spectator There were no safe spaces at the dawn of democracy - The culture of ancient Athens relied on rigorous separation of action and debate
Post Millennial Racial segregation implemented for events at University of Chicago, open to BIPOC only
Washington Times Colleges expand ‘segregated’ graduation events

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Free Speech - Censorship - Supressing Free Speech - Freedom From Freedom - Freedom From Thinking - Safe Space from different ideas (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Where free speech is encouraged, as long as we agree with it.
YouTube Hidden Camera Captures Officials Shredding Constitution at Vassar College as it "Triggers" Students
Truth Revolt MUST WATCH: Neil Cavuto Crushes College Liberal's Utopian Dream - Beautiful job, Neil. Just beautiful.
Truth Revolt Dershowitz: I Need Armed Guards When I Speak in Favor of Israel on Campuses - No "safe space" for pro-Israel speakers.
Truth Revolt New Yorker Mocks Sensitive College Kids with Constitution Rewrite - Another edition of When Liberals Eat Their Own.
Truth Revolt Colleges Welcome Diversity in Race, Religion, Orientation -- Ideas Not So Much - This is what political correctness brings in its wake.
Truth Revolt Horowitz: Guilty Until Proven Innocent - One woman’s hate speech is another man’s truth.
Truth Revolt Conservative Prof Must Confess 'Guilt' for His Political Views or Be Fired - Deems his views "reckless and incompatible with the mission and values of Marquette University and you [must] express deep regret for the harm" they've caused.
Truth Revolt More 'Trump 2016' Chalkings Terrorize Students, This Time at U of Kansas - It's an epidemic.
Truth Revolt 'The Chalkening' Continues: DePaul Accuses 'Trump 2016' Conservatives of Hate Crime - "It’s sad that even at a school as diverse and accepting as DePaul, I still feel attacked."
Truth Revolt It Took a Special Emory U Panel to Determine Free Speech... is Protected - "The knowledge that someone supports Trump and is willing to express his feelings in chalk is not a threat."
Truth Revolt Video: Is the University Killing Free Speech and Open Debate? - Free speech - the one free thing college students don't want.
Truth Revolt Masked Activist Attacks Ohio U Pro-Life Display... with CLUB - This is what passes for intelligent "discourse" in today's university system.
Truth Revolt Safe Space: Colleges Offer Coloring Books to Calm Students - "Color the Campus"
Truth Revolt College Students Offended by ‘Man Up’ Play in Children’s Ball Pit - The latest in safe spaces for the fragile snowflakes.
Truth Revolt Black Lives Matter Disrupts ‘Racist’ Debate - Demanding their voices be heard while silencing everyone else.
Truth Revolt Safe Spaces for Me, But Not for Thee - More progressive double standards.
Truth Revolt U of Kansas SJWs Go Ballistic AGAIN at Another Safe Space Meeting - "I have that humanity where I can shout when you come for me with hate speech in a room!"
Truth Revolt 35 Very Common Phrases You Can’t Say at College Anymore - James Madison is rolling in his grave.
Truth Revolt University Disinvites Sheriff David Clarke Over His Black Lives Matter Criticisms - Don’t worry, the school says it fully supports free speech.
Truth Revolt Musical Canceled Because White Actors Cast as Egyptians and Slaves - Cultural appropriation strikes again.
Truth Revolt Faculty Said ‘No’ to Trigger Warnings... And That Triggered Students - Of course it did!
Truth Revolt Iowa State to Students: Surrender First Amendment Rights or Risk Not Graduating - Some free speech is considered "harassment."
Truth Revolt UCLA Communists Disrupt Republican Event, Call for Overthrow of U.S. - "Illegal immigrants are not the real criminals. The criminals are this country and the entire system that feeds on the exploitation and people of the world."
Truth Revolt Horowitz: Is the University of Chicago a Safe Space? - A phony champion of campus free speech destroys Freedom Center posters.
Truth Revolt NYU Professor Criticizing PC College Culture Forced Out - "I’m afraid my academic career is over. Academic freedom: It’s great, as long as you don’t use it."
Truth Revolt U of Virginia Profs, Students Want No More Thomas Jefferson Quotes - Enough about the slaveowner, already!
Truth Revolt Greenfield: Pro-Israel Artist Threatened With 5 Years in Jail for Anti-Terror Posters at GMU - The actions of GMU and its campus thugs need to be challenged.
Truth Revolt UT Austin Professor: Political Correctness Killed Moral Ethics Course - "Students clam up as soon as conversation veers close to anything controversial."
Truth Revolt CSUN Disallows Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager to Host Campus Event - "Logistics could not be accommodated."
Truth Revolt No More Free Speech for Professors at University of Oregon - "Orthodoxy, enforced on threat of institutional punishment, is what the University of Oregon is now about."
Truth Revolt Violent Protesters Shut Down Milo Speech at UC Davis - Language warning for the video.
Truth Revolt Whiteboards Banned in Dorms Because Somebody Might Write Something Offensive - The second chalkboards were replaced, all hell broke loose.
Truth Revolt UCLA Professor Accuses University of Hypocrisy on Anti-Hamas Posters - "They continuously and consistently trample students’ rights."
Truth Revolt LA College Tells Student He Can’t Pass Out Copies of Constitution - He was outside of the "free speech zone."
Truth Revolt Conservative Club Says College is Intolerant of Free Speech, Is Promptly Banned - Nothing says "hey, we're totally open to all ideas" like banning one's critics.
Truth Revolt Berkeley Hates Free Speech - The totalitarian acts of a cowardly university days before my scheduled appearance.
Truth Revolt Mac Donald: Get Up, Stand Up - All who cherish free expression, especially on campuses, must combat the growing zeal for censorship.
Truth Revolt Berkeley Cancels Ann Coulter Lecture, But She's Coming Anyway - "If Berkeley wants to have free speech, it can have it."
Truth Revolt The Anti-Free Speech Movement - UC Berkeley’s gravediggers of freedom.
Truth Revolt Judge Rules in Favor of School Forcing Conservative Prof to Apologize for Political Views - Everyone, this is happening in America.
Truth Revolt Spencer: The New Brownshirts: Thugs vs. Free Speech on Campus - The future for free expression in the West is looking bleak.
Truth Revolt Historian Niall Ferguson: Biggest Threat to Free Speech is the Left - "If the criterion for censorship is that nobody’s feelings can be hurt, we are finished as a free society."
Truth Revolt UC Berkeley Faculty Want to Shut Down Campus for Free Speech Week - "This is a clear threat to public higher education."
Truth Revolt Professor Who Erased Pro-Life Messages to Pay Fine, Receive Training - "Like all government officials, professors have an obligation to respect the constitutionally protected free speech of students."
Truth Revolt Study: Over Half of Universities in UK Actively Censor Speech - "They claim to censor in the name of protecting students, but students are often the targets of their censorship."
Truth Revolt Princeton Cancels Free Speech Class After Professor Uses N-Word - Free speech is good to talk about, but not actually practice.
American Thinker Liberal academia is reaping the just rewards of its labor
mrc tv Harvard Prof. to Students: Stay Home if You Want a 'Safe Space' from Opposing Ideas
mrc tv UCSD Police are Investigating 'Racist' Pro-Trump Chalk Messages Found on Campus
mrc tv Study: Liberal Graduation Speakers Outnumber Conservatives Four to One
mrc tv H.S. Student Suspended, Investigated by Police, for Pro-Second Amendment School Project
mrc tv Calif. Dems Frivolously Sue Cal State College Republicans
mrc tv Milo at Berkeley: the Media Tell One Story, But the Truth Tells Another
mrc tv Leftist Students Verbally Abuse and Harass Conservative Female Speaker at Lewis and Clark College
mrc tv UK Grad Student Fired From Two Jobs & Free Speech Group For Retweeting 'Women Don't Have Penises'
mrc tv College Professor's Office Door Vandalized After He Expressed a Conservative Viewpoint
The Daily Wire CSULA Canceled Shapiro After Leftists Compared Him To KKK. Hundreds of Protesters Ripped University In Response.
The Daily Wire Breaking: DePaul University Bans Shapiro
The Daily Wire Shapiro: DePaul Ban Indulges Leftist 'Rioter's Veto'
The Daily Wire David Limbaugh: Leftist DePaul Had To Shut Down ‘Threat’ Shapiro
The Daily Wire DePaul Doubles Down On Shapiro Ban
The Daily Wire WATCH: Professor Tears Down Students' 9/11 Memorial Posters
The Daily Wire University Program Director Forced to Resign for Pro-Trump Remark
The Daily Wire Shapiro Tells Megyn Kelly DePaul University Threatening His Arrest For Speaking Is 'Tolerant Enough To Ban It'
The Daily Wire Video: DePaul University Threatens To ARREST Ben Shapiro If He Steps On Campus
The Daily Wire DePaul Student Fires Back At University For Banning Ben Shapiro From Campus
The Daily Wire FASCISTS ON CAMPUS: How The Academic Left Paved The Way For Anti-Free Speech Riots
The Daily Wire UCSB Faculty Staff Scheming To Disrupt Shapiro's Speech
The Daily Wire THE END OF AMERICA: Poll Shows 51% Of College Students Say It's Fine To Shout Down 'Offensive And Harmful' Speakers
Project Veritas Action Berkeley Mob Shuts Down Free Speech
Project Veritas Action Emotional First Aid Kit Concept
Legal Insurrection That is the price you pay for being a Libertarian or Conservative on American college campuses
Legal Insurrection Another School Changes Policy on Handing Out Copies of Constitution
Geller Report At a Free-Speech Event, UCLA Bans Book About Jihadists
PJ Media Ben Shapiro Stormed Congress and Blew the Left’s Argument Against Free Speech to Smithereens
Weekly Standard The Purge: Scott Yenor and the Witch Hunt at Boise State - A political science professor at Boise State writes a piece about transgenderism and the university tries to tie him to the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.
Young American's Foundation After Awarding $16.50 For D'Souza YAF Lecture, Stanford Slaps $19,000 Security Fee on Conservative Club
Voice Of Europe UK Student barred from free speech debate for saying ‘women don’t have penises’
Young Americans - The New Guard Stanford Leftist Plan Diruption Of D'Souza Lecture
Daily Wire Christian University Students Bar Shapiro From Speaking UPDATE: University President Responds
Daily Wire High School Mulls Removing George Washington Murals Because They 'Traumatize' Student
Fox News Alan Dershowitz: McCarthyism comes to Harvard -- Why this should alarm us all
mrc tv Teacher Threatens To Kick Student Off Online Class Unless He Removes Trump Flag
mrc tv UC Davis Chancellor Tells Students To Protest TPUSA Event
Red State ASU Megadonor Yanks $400K a Year Donation After Professor Fired for Holding Event With Conservative Speakers
Louder With Crowder Harvard Places DEAD LAST In Annual College Free Speech Rankings

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Freedom From Badness (revolt of the snowflakes and crybullies) (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
This is Not a Day Care. It's a University! - Dr. Everett Piper, President, Oklahoma Wesleyan University
Daily Mail Why today’s young women are just so FEEBLE: They can’t cope with ANY ideas that challenge their right-on view of the world, says a top academic
Truth Revolt Video Compiles 14 Different Reasons for Mizzou Protests - Nobody seems to agree on what the brouhaha is all about.
Truth Revolt Second Mizzou Professor Resigns, This Time From Actual Job - "It's a shame that he's leaving while Melissa Click stays."
Truth Revolt Another Scalp for the Protesters: Claremont McKenna College Dean Resigns Over 'Racial Insensitivity' - "A controversy that has divided the student body and disrupted the mission of this fine institution."
Truth Revolt Three Ridiculous Reasons Why Black Students Want Ithaca College Prez Out - Up next on the chopping block...
Truth Revolt Now at Vanderbilt: Conservative Professor Targeted by Offended Students - Female, black, conservative, Christian, and outspoken -- a toxic soup for progressives.
Truth Revolt Missouri Student VP 'Tired' of First Amendment Protections - The eye-rolls continue...
Truth Revolt Malkin: The Ululations of Radical College Crybabies - Man, oh, man, are the kids "DEMAND"-y these days!
Truth Revolt University Cancels Free Yoga Class for 'Cultural Appropriation' - Namaste, imperialist.
Truth Revolt Prager: A Response to a Black Student at Columbia - At Columbia, race trumps profundity, wisdom, beauty and excellence.
Truth Revolt Oberlin Students Say Sushi Is 'Disrespectful' to Japanese
Truth Revolt Students Sign Petition to Ban Racist Song 'White Christmas' - "White supremacy is everywhere."
Truth Revolt San Diego Muslim Student Association Demands Islamophobic Speech Be Punished - "Get out of this country."
Truth Revolt NY School Offers Fake Report Card with 'Good' Grades to Show Kids - The school wanted to care for the "emotional needs of those students who are really trying very hard."
Truth Revolt 'Marginalized' Students Make Wild Demands, Threaten to 'Mobilize' if Ignored - An insane 19-page list including racial quotas and free money.
Truth Revolt Emory University President, Students: 'Trump 2016' Writing on Sidewalk is Racist Microaggression
Truth Revolt Scripps Student: 'Trump 2016' Whiteboard Message is 'Intentional Violence' - "We hope to find the person responsible so they [sic] can be held accountable for their [sic] actions."
Truth Revolt Edinburgh Student Violates Safe Space by Raising Her Hand - According to safe space rules, only gestures that indicate agreement are "permissible."
Truth Revolt The Trump Chalkening Continues: UC San Diego Latinos 'Outraged' - "A continuing hostility towards communities of color on campus."
Truth Revolt Anything Southern is Now Racist at Dartmouth, Apparently - "The millennial generation desperately wants good feeling all around - matters of principle be damned."
Truth Revolt Unlike 'Trump' Written in Chalk, 'Death to Pigz' Brings Major Student Support - "F*** white supremacy, this is our university!"
Truth Revolt Fragile Snowflake Triggered by Peaceful Painting of a Flower Gun - "It’s truly in bad taste to have a large depiction of a gun in a dorm space - especially when students of color also reside there."
Truth Revolt College SJWs: 'Hatred of White People' is 'Legitimate Response to Oppression' - Thank goodness there's a guide to help figure out the rapidly changing offenses!
Truth Revolt College Students 'Depressed' Over Brexit - "Constant sick feeling in my stomach"
Truth Revolt Washington Education Dept. Tells Schools to Help Students Deal with Trump Rhetoric - "Teachers are told to create "safe places," plan for "recovery" from election rhetoric."
Truth Revolt Snowflakes Afraid of Police Presence During Convention, Force University to Provide Counseling, Safe Space - "Having [cops] on campus period is unacceptable."
Truth Revolt College Takes Down Historical, 'Racist' Paintings - "They feel bad when they look at them."
Truth Revolt Insane: 'Make America Great' Hat is Hate Speech on Campus - "Make America Great Again means make America all for white people: no immigrants, no people of different sexual orientation."
Truth Revolt University of Michigan Now Allows Students to Pick ‘Designated Personal Pronouns’ - You've got to be kidding me - I mean, ze.
Truth Revolt Come to Duke University and Have Your ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Neutered - Of course it’s "Sponsored by the Duke Women’s Center!" What did you expect?
Truth Revolt College Student Suspended after Challenging 'Oops!' and 'Ouch' Rules against Free Speech - Wait, did this conversation happen at a pre-school or at college?
Truth Revolt Wellesley Student Creates Database of Professors Who Commit Microaggressions or Fail to Respect Students’ Pronoun Preferences - "Does this professor use/perform ableist microaggressions?"
American Thinker The Real Problem on Today's College Campus
American Thinker This is what happened at Rutgers U after a conservative spoke on campus
mrc tv UMass-Amherst Students Protest 'Hurtful' and 'Violent' Seal Signifying Peace
mrc tv 'Grow Up!,' University's Pres. Tells Students: 'This is Not a Day Care. It’s a University'
mrc tv College Cancels Classes to Cater to Student Demands for a Safe Space
mrc tv Only NBC Notices College President Blasting Political Correctness on Campus
mrc tv School President Rejects Student Demands for Hiring/Firing Power, New Spelling and College
mrc tv America Themed BBQ Too 'Offensive' For Ramapo College
mrc tv GMU Faculty Signs Petition to Create ‘Hate-Free Zone’
mrc tv Professor Grants Student An Extension Because Her Boyfriend Dumped Her
mrc tv UMass Is Using Care Bears to De-Stress Adult Students
YouTube Paul Joseph Watson - Fvck Your Feelings
The Blaze Nobody Really Cares About Your Feelings, College Kids
Project Veritas James O’Keefe Makes Columbia University Student Cry Over Trump Chalking
Daily Wire Clemson University Bans Harambe Memes For Promoting 'Rape Culture,' and 'Racism'
Pamela Geller Yale professor makes midterm optional for students distraught over Trump win
Daily Caller Virginia College Students Complain Of ‘Racial Battle Fatigue’ Due To Traumatic Microaggressions
College Fix White, female student ‘glares’ at peers, gets reported as bias incident

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Free Speech vs. Microagression vs. banned speech - intolerance for different ideas (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Where free speech is encouraged, as long as we agree with it.
YouTube Students Condemn Free Speech On Video!
Campus Reform LA Times blasts UC Berkeley 'microaggressions'
mrc tv TCU Student Suspended for Social Media Posts Speaks Out - Exclusive Interview
Truth Revolt Student Suspended for Tweets "Inflicting Emotional Harm" on Muslims, Mexicans, Rioters - Because diversity.
The Atlantic The Coddling of the American Mind
The Righteous Mind Where microaggressions really come from: A sociological account
Academia Microaggression and Moral Cultures
Truth Revolt This Week In Progressive Lunacy: UC Faculty Trained to Banish Microaggressions - Janet Napolitano wants her professors to stop saying, "America is the land of opportunity."
Truth Revolt Poll: College Students Favor Speech Codes and Trigger Warnings - Welcome to the marketplace of ideas.
mrc tv U of Cal. Bans 'America Is The Land Of Opportunity' And Other Racist, Sexist Phrases
Chris Hernandez, Author "Microaggressions", "Trigger Warnings", and the New Meaning of "Trauma"
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: The Newest Threat on College Campuses: Microaggression
mrc tv University Apologizes to Illegal Aliens for Mexican Food at Sci-Fi Event
American Thinker Maximum Mexican Multicultural Madness
American Thinker Depaul U bans 'political chalking' because of 'offensive' Trump slogans
Truth Revolt Columbia Student Traumatized by White-Centric Core Curriculum - "I have no power or agency as a black woman, so where do I fit in?"
Truth Revolt 'Black Students of Emory' Demand Protection from Microaggressions, Bias, Oppression - "If we do not receive a response, and our demands are not met, we will take appropriate nonviolent actions which will escalate until our demands are met."
Truth Revolt Yale Students Sign Petition to Repeal First Amendment - "I think this is fantastic," says one student.
Truth Revolt Left Tries to Shut Down Shapiro - So much for free speech.
Truth Revolt Harvard Student Describes Life on Campus: 'A Culture of Sensitivity' - "... a place where one has to monitor every syllable that is uttered to ensure that it could not under any circumstance offend anyone to the slightest degree."
Truth Revolt American U Law Profs Flip Out Over 'White Supremacist' Message 'All Lives Matter' - "What is wrong with your faculty and staff members?"
Truth Revolt Teen SJW Blasts Anti-Free Speech Peers for Ruining His College Experience - "Sometimes, good intentions can yield bad results."
Truth Revolt High Schooler's Satirical Essay Assignment Called Politically Incorrect - When everything is offensive, faux controversies wait at every corner.
Truth Revolt LAPD Investigate Belief in Two Genders as a Hate Crime at Catholic College - "Denying transgenderism"
Truth Revolt DoJ Just Broadened the Definition of 'Sexual Harassment' and It Threatens Free Speech - Just about anything could be deemed sexual harassment.
Truth Revolt Still More Campus Insanity: American Identity the 'Most Blatant Microaggression' of All - America "has decided to take it upon itself to identify as an entire hemisphere."
Truth Revolt UC San Diego Paper: Trump Chalkers Tarnish First Amendment - Let us help define what constitutes free speech.
Truth Revolt The New Counterculture: Conservative Students Speak Out Against PC Mania on Campus - "I was called a 'race traitor,' 'Uncle Tom' and 'coconut' by black students."
Truth Revolt DePaul Activists Declare All-Out War on Free Speech, Storm Conservative Event - Considered it "hate speech" that leads to the killing of black people.
Truth Revolt Listen to CSULA President Conspire with 'Traumatized' Students to Censor Conservative Speakers - College - where diversity means uniformity.
Truth Revolt U of North Carolina Employee Forum: 'I Love Your Shoes!' a Microagression - So is golfing and asking students to "stand and be recognized."
Truth Revolt Auburn Professor Mocks ‘Silly’ Trigger Warnings with a Dose of Reality - CAUTION: Real life ahead.
Truth Revolt Travesty: Occidental College Vandals Desecrate 2,977 American Flags Commemorating 9/11 Victims - Because they were triggering.
Truth Revolt Crucifix Reported as 'Hate Incident' at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse - It represents "oppression and hate of the LGBT+ community."
Truth Revolt Pro-Trump University of Pittsburgh Students Face Violence, Vandalism - "I felt unsafe when there was a hoard of people clapping and cheering along with the girl screaming at me for being a woman behind a Trump table."
Truth Revolt Wisconsin College Investigating Message Mocking Trump Trauma as 'Hate Crime' - "Suck it up, pussies!"
Truth Revolt Discarded Banana Causes Racist Paranoia for Students at Ole Miss - NOT an Onion story.
Truth Revolt College Librarians Blame 'Christian Fragility' for Microagressions - "Saying ‘God bless you’ after someone sneezes conveys one’s perception that everyone is Christian or believes in God."
Breitbart BEWARE THIS MAN: State College President Bans Breitbart’s Shapiro
mrc tv Violent Protesters Disrupt Shapiro's Speech, Trap Crowd Inside
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: President and Students at Emory University
mrc tv University Debates How to Censor Art After Nooses Found on Campus
mrc tv EXCLUSIVE: School's 'Dumb Things' Not to Say Speech Guide Includes Compliments
mrc tv Vanderbilt Hits New Low In Political Correctness
Fox News Portland public schools ban textbooks that cast doubt on climate change
Daily Wire Shapiro Eviscerates Raucous Protesters At University Of Wisconsin
Louder With Crowder Mother Suing California School for Punishing First-Grade Daughter Over 'Any Lives' Matter Drawing

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Corruption (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
MRC TV Chicago Public School CEO Resigns Amid Federal Investigation, $1 Billion Deficit
Canada Free Press Con Game Extraordinaire? (The large-scale corruption that insinuated itself into the American educational system)
Truth Revolt 12 Detroit School Principals Charged with Bribery - Allegedly, more than $900,000 was paid out.
Truth Revolt Detroit Principal Pleads Guilty to Taking $190K in Kickbacks - " one has ever gotten caught."

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Support for Islam - Support for Sharia Law (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Truth Revolt University Professor: Chopping Off Hands Per Sharia a 'Better Solution' - "It sounds barbaric, I know..." but just think of the upside!
Truth Revolt College Republican Threatened After Asking Muslim Student Association to Condemn Barcelona Terrorism
Geller Report Georgetown Islamic Studies Professor Jonathan Brown: Slavery OK, So is Non-Consensual Sex
Campus Reform VIDEO: Harvard students say Trump is more dangerous than ISIS
Big League Politics Mother Suing New Jersey School for "trying to make her kid Muslim," Judge Accepts Case

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Support for HAMAS and the Murder of Women and Children - Anti-Semitism (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Truth Revolt Watch: College Kids Happily Fund 'Hamas' Attacks Targeting Schools, Cafes - This is what years of poison on campus yields.
Truth Revolt Terrorists on Campus: The New Face of Anti-Semitism - When does reasonable criticism of Israel cross the line into anti-Semitism?

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Support For BDS Anti-Semitism (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
The real meaning of BDS is NOT Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions but Bigoted Demented Scum. - Cynical Pessimist
The real meaning of BDS is NOT Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions but Brainless Deviant Scum. - Cynical Pessimist
The real meaning of BDS is NOT Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions but Boycott, Divest, Stab.
Truth Revolt UC Santa Cruz Jewish Student Leader Told to Abstain from BDS Vote - "Echoes the racism Jews have faced all over the world throughout our history."
Truth Revolt BDS In Solidarity with the Intifada - "If you see those infidels, strike their throats ... Allahu akbar"
Truth Revolt Video: Irish BDS Supporters OK Doing Business with Iran, North Korea, Sudan - "Gulag workers are making this and we're passing the savings on to you."
Truth Revolt The Link Between BDS and Terrorist Attack on Paris' Bataclan Theater - You guessed it: Jew hatred.
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Who Put the BS in BDS?
Truth Revolt American Anthropological Association Votes Overwhelmingly to Boycott Israeli Institutions - Because Israel is a "colonialist" power.
Truth Revolt Roseanne Barr Denounces BDS Movement's 'Fascist Narrative' in Jerusalem - That's right, Roseanne Barr.
Legal Insurrection Stunning defeat for BDS at American Historical Association (Updated)
mrc tv Report: Anti-Semitism Spikes on College Campuses
Daily WireUCLA Student President Leaves Due to Anti-Israel Harassment

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - School Safety - Student Safety (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Truth Revolt LA School District To Return 3 Grenade Launchers Obtained Through Pentagon Surplus - Going to keep 60 M16s and a military vehicle, though
Truth Revolt Straws and Spitballs, BB Guns Bring Felony Charges at University of Georgia - Is this even America anymore?
Response Action Network How a kiss becomes sexual assault on campus
The Federalist How Affirmative Consent Laws Criminalize Everyone - If a student throws her arms around her boyfriend and kisses him without his permission, even if she has done this dozens of times before, she has violated affirmative consent policies.
Daily Freeman Amid social media storm, Rondout Valley defends taking ammo belt and helmet from student in Captain America outfit
Extrano's Alley The Chances An Armed Teacher Would Harm A Student?
Extrano's Alley A Garden of Eden - With Guns In The Schools
City Journal Mass Shootings and School Discipline

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Making False 911 Calls (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv Professor Vows to Call 911 On ROTC Drills
Daily Wire HOAX: Muslim College Student Who Said Trump Supporters Assaulted Her Lied

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - miseducation at its finest (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Improve Education The Crusade Against Knowledge
American Thinker Killing Knowledge in K-12
American Thinker A Liberal Magazine Just Spilled the Beans about K-12 Education
American Thinker K-12: Parent X Takes On Principal Zero review: Blowing the whistle on failure factories
Yahoo! News Florida Principal Agrees With Mom Angry Over Son's Honor Roll Status
Phys One in four Americans unaware that Earth circles Sun
The Ornery American World Watch - How to Get Stupid Children
Town Hall Are We Serious About Education?
USA Today Higher ed becoming a joke: Column
The Chronicle Of Higher Education The Great College-Degree Scam
Orlando Sentinel Is it time to think about home schooling your child?
Return Of Kings 5 Signs The American Education System Is Doomed
Young Conservatives Conservative professor writes epic letter after he’s called "the biggest embarrassment to higher education in America"
EAG News Teacher group: Math is ‘the domain of old, white men’
Truth Revolt Stanford Students: Israel/U.S. Have 'No Right to Exist' - "If we are working towards a world in which Black and Palestinian people are finally free, then by definition we are working towards a world in which both these states no longer exist."
Truth Revolt MALKIN: The College Board's Sabotage of American History - "Their mission is not to impart knowledge, but to instigate racial, social and class divisions."
Truth Revolt UPenn Prof Made Students Sit Around in a Circle and Watch Porn - "It created a very uncomfortable environment for us-some of the class even got up part of the way through and left."
Truth Revolt This Week in Progressive Lunacy: Wonder Woman Lunchbox Too Violent for School - In the progressive mindset, superheroes are just as morally unacceptable as super-villains.
Truth Revolt Tragic: Nearly EVERY Eighth-Grader in Detroit Public Schools Not Proficient in Math, Reading - This is the real way in which the African American community is being failed.
Truth Revolt Marx's 'Communist Manifesto' Most Frequently Taught Text in U.S. Colleges - Must be why millennials prefer socialism over capitalism.
Truth Revolt OSU Nursing Students Forced to Learn About White Privilege, Microaggressions, Police Brutality - There is no topic immune from left-wing bias anymore.
Truth Revolt UMass Students Earn Academic Credit for Building LGBTQA-Themed Light Displays - No. We're not making this up.
Truth Revolt Higher Learning: University Offers For-Credit Course on 'Taco-Literacy' - Required reading includes books like "Taco Planet" and "Tacopedia."
Truth Revolt Fake Blood, Feminism, Black Lives Matter Disrupts Speech on Progressivism Destroying Education - Oh, the irony!
Truth Revolt Identity Lost: College Kids Won't Tell Grown Man He's Not a First Grader - Whatever, man! Just go with it.
Truth Revolt Schools Scrap Valedictorian Honor Over Claims It Creates 'Unhealthy Competition' - We all are winners, until life proves we're actually losers.
Truth Revolt Education Board Prez: Time to Drop George Washington's Name from School Buildings - Bring on more women and LGBT figures because they’ve NEVER done anything wrong.
Truth Revolt This Week in Progressive Lunacy: Science Must be 'Decolonized' and Scrapped - #ScienceMustFall
Truth Revolt Poll: One-Third of Millennials Think Bush Killed More Than Stalin - These morons are our future.
Truth Revolt American University Students Prefer Castro to Trump - "I know that Fidel Castro has done some good things for the world so I’d say he’s proven himself."
The Daily Caller NY Teacher Exam Thrown Out For Being Discriminatory
mrc tv VIDEO: New High School Grads Fail Basic History Quiz
mrc tv Colleges Now Offering Students 'Pokemon Go' Classes
mrc tv Outrage Over Sexual Assault Literature Incorporated into Math Homework
mrc tv Public School Employee Fired for Correcting a Student’s Spelling
Jewish World Review How Helicoptered Kids Grow Up to Become Hypersensitive College Students
New York Post Many NYC students so tech-oriented they can’t even sign their own names
Intellectual Takeout Failure to Teach Cursive is Becoming a ‘Security Issue’ - "Many Big Apple students... can’t even sign their own names."
mrc tv Professor Requires Students to Read About His Graphic Sexual Conquests
mrc tv EXCLUSIVE: Berkeley Offers ‘White Privilege 101’ For Students Who ‘Feel Too White’
mrc tv Union Threatening Student With Legal Action For Recording Professor's Anti-Trump Rant
mrc tv Choose the Race That Matches Your 'Real Body': RI College Offers ‘Transracial’ Course
Jewish World Review Parents: Prepare Your College Kids for Left-Wing Campus Bias
mrc tv Treasury Dept. Finds Fewer Than 1-In-3 High School Grads Can Answer Basic Finance Questions
mrc tv Sad: PragerU Video Shows College Students Thinking Trump & Reagan are Worse Than Hitler
Breitbart Wisconsin School District Abandons ‘A-F’ Grading Scale to Prevent Stress
Little Squirrel Books The New York Times States The Obvious: A Literacy Fisk
Powerline Shame at the Sociology Department
Louder With Crowder 'Not outside the norm': Superintendent downplays male student masturbating in class in front of female classmates
mrcv tv Texas Christian University Offers 'Queer Art of Drag' Course

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Common Core (miseducation at its finest) (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Federalist 9 Years Into Common Core, Test Scores Are Down, Indoctrination Up - Common Core sucked all the energy, money, and motivation right out of desperately needed potential reforms to U.S. public schools for a decade, and for nothing.
Yahoo! News This second grader’s revenge against Common Core math will make your day
YouTube TN Student Speaks Out About Common Core, Teacher Evaluations, and Educational Data
YouTube Arkansas Mother Obliterates Common Core in 4 Minutes!
The Federalist Papers Frustrated Father Who ‘Obliterated’ Common Core Shares How His Son’s Teacher Reacted
The Daily Caller ‘Why are they making math harder?’ More absurd Common Core math problems
The Daily Caller Common Core MATH lesson plans attack Reagan, list Lincoln’s religion as ‘liberal’
The Daily Caller This Common Core math worksheet offers a glimpse into Kafkaesque third-grade hell
The Daily Caller Is this Common Core math question the worst math question in human history
The Daily Caller Obama math: under new Common Core, 3 x 4 = 11 [VIDEO]
Yahoo! Shine California School District Under Fire for Holocaust-Denial Assignment
Personal Liberty Digest Ron Paul: Opt-Out Of Common Core And Opt-In To Pro-Liberty Curriculum
Personal Liberty Digest Polls: The More American Parents Learn About Common Core, The More They Disapprove
Young Conservatives Legit: Tennessee high school senior decimates Common Core
Inquisitr Holocaust Denial Conspiracy Theories Part Of Common Core? California School Questions Jewish Persecution Facts
Tea Party News Network Common Core Lesson Teaches that America is a Racist Nation
Truth Revolt Chinese Immigrant: Common Core Reminds Me Of Communist China - "I'm here to tell you, Common Core really scares me."
Truth Revolt Common Core-Approved Workshop Teaches Sympathy for Hamas
Truth Revolt High School Test Ridiculously Defines 'Family' - Related by blood = WRONG!
Truth Revolt Common Core Exec: 'Damn the Second Amendment' - Says conservatives are "idiots."

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Educational Gulags (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
YouTube A Prison By Any Other Name - Josie The Outlaw
Daily Reckoning Is School Like Jail?
USA Today Fighting education fanatics: Column - Schools treat 5-year-olds like hardened criminals. It smacks of fanaticism.
Legal Insurrection The zero-tolerance war on kindergarteners
Yahoo! Sports Oklahoma youngster forced to turn his Michigan shirt inside out at school
Monster Hunter Nation Fisking Slate over Public Schools
Salon School is a prison - and damaging our kids
Canada Free Press Teachers, Facilitators, Babysitters: is there a difference - All the latest educational theories require that teachers stop teaching. No one should be surprised if children stop learning
Collective Evolution School & Experts Put Genius Boy In Special Ed. Now He’s Free & On Track For Nobel Prize
Collective Evolution This Is What Happens When A Kid Leaves Traditional Education
The Daily Caller MORON: School employee feared kid’s science project resembled weapon, so star teacher suspended
Daily Caller No wrong answers left behind

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Debt (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Daily Reckoning Interesting Facts About the Student Loan Debt Bubble
Daily Reckoning The Subprime Student Loan Bubble
Daily Reckoning Student Loans Going the Way of Housing
Daily Reckoning Government, the New Debtors’ Prison
Dangerous Minds Will crushing student loan debt and worthless college degrees radicalize the Millennial generation?
bloomberg Student-Loan Debt Reaches Record $1 Trillion, Report Says
Yahoo! Finance Even a PhD Couldn't Keep This Man Off Food Stamps
Yahoo! Finance Duke Grad Student Secretly Lived In a Van to Escape Loan Debt
Yahoo! Finance Homeless college student ditches housing to afford tuition
Personal Liberty Digest Why Does Obama Want New Graduates In Perpetual Debt?
Ann Coulter As Long As Obama Brought Up The Cost Of College ...
Truth Revolt Strip Club Advertises ‘Now Auditioning the High School Class of 2015’
Mises Institute No End in Sight For Higher-Education Malinvestment
Mises Institute How Student Loans Create Demand for Useless Degrees
Mises Institute Why Those Student Loans Aren't Getting Paid Off
Prager University The Game of Loans
College Insurrection Obama Administration Argues Student Debt is Good for the Economy - Nothing to see here, folks. Just another Orwellian proclamation by the Obama administration.
Truth Revolt Obama: Student Debt Good for Economy - That would explain his attitude toward the national debt.
Daily Wire GENERATION IDIOT: College Students Using Student Loans For Spring Break Debauchery

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Useless Degrees and Classes (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Yahoo! Education Don't Bother Earning These Five Degrees
Yahoo! Education Don't Let Your Kids Study These Majors
Yahoo! Finance 5 Graduate Programs That Aren't Worth the Money
Yahoo! Finance My Master's Wasn't Worth It
Wall Street Journal A Message for the Class of 2013 - Dear Graduates: You're pampered, privileged and oversexed-but at least your employment prospects are dim.
Bloomberg Can't Get Tenure? Then Get a Real Job
Personal Liberty Digest College Professor Attacks Child, Crows ‘Try And Stop Us’
Return Of Kings What To Do If You Have A Worthless Degree
Conservative Opinion It’s Not Wall Street’s Fault That You Wasted Your Time In College
Truth Revolt Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal Gives College Commencement Speech
Truth Revolt Coulter: How Much Is That Psychology Degree Worth?
Truth Revolt Obama's College Plan Busted: 6 Million Bachelor's Degrees Exceed Jobs Available - A third of those with bachelor's degrees have jobs that don't even require them.
mrc tv Purdue University Business Writing Course Teaches about Feminism

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Censorship - Suppression - Books Too Dangerous To Read - Banned Books - Banning Books (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Where free speech is encouraged, as long as we agree with it.
Tech Dirt High School Principal Cancels Entire Reading Program To Stop Students From Reading Cory Doctorow's 'Little Brother'
Personal Liberty Digest Student Discovers School Filtering Out Conservative Web Results, Leaving Liberal Sites Untouched
Truth Revolt Wesleyan Paper Stolen by Activists for Daring to Critique "Black Lives Matter" - "Some said they saw newspapers being burned or shredded"
Truth Revolt Harvard Students Edit Wikipedia to 'Dismantle the Patriarchy' - "The group of about eight students went on an editing spree, taking out phrasing they saw as offensive."
Truth Revolt Conservative High School Student Learns the True Meaning of Diversity - Hint: Diversity does not mean diversity of opinion.
Truth Revolt Colorado University Yanks Free Speech Over Bible Reference - Removed all donor nameplates to "purge any trace of free expression from the facility."
Truth Revolt Progressives Hate Free Speech: Political Chalking Banned at DePaul - The Chalkening claims its first victim.
The College Fix White student columnist tormented by Black Lives Matter activists for op-ed critical of movement
mrc tv High School Removes Swastikas From 'The Producers' Over Offensiveness
mrc tv School District 'Proud' They Let Child Wear Trump Hat for 'Several Days' Before Trying to Remove It
PJ Media Terrified Academics Withdraw Study Showing White Cops Aren't Killing More Blacks
Louder With Crowder School Board Bans All Books Published Before 2008, But It's For "Equity" So It's Okay

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Censorship - Suppression - Books Too Dangerous To Read - Banned Books - Banning Books - Humor (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Babylon Bee Courageous Dissident Reads Banned Book He Bought From The 'Banned Books' Section Of Barnes & Noble

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - War On Religion - Unintelligent Design (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv Cali School Admin Finally Backs Off Mandating Students Chant To Aztec God Of HUMAN SACRIFICE

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Intelligent Design (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Telegraph In the beginning there was the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM)

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Racial Equality (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Daily Wire Seattle Public Schools Teaching ‘Math Ethnic Studies,’ Asks, ‘Who Gets To Say If An Answer Is Right?’
KIRO Radio Dori: Math racist in Seattle Schools according to ‘Math Ethnic Studies Framework’
American Thinker The Times’s series about failed public schools may be on to something

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Gender Equality (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
National Review Online School Told to Call Kids ‘Purple Penguins’ Because ‘Boys and Girls’ Is Not Inclusive to Transgender
The Daily Wire University of Toronto Dumps Transgender Bathrooms After Peeping Incidents
mrc tv Harvard to Punish Frat Members Because They Show ‘Privilege’
Truth Revolt Pamphlet Helps Students Properly Conjugate Gender-Neutral Pronouns - Xyr outta xyr freakin’ minds!

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - Sex Education - Sex With Students (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
Truth Revolt Elementary School Touts Sex Columnist as Role Model For Gender and Sexual Identity - "For him to be a role model for four-year-olds to 11-year-olds is utterly disgusting."
Atlantic Mutually Nonconsensual Sex
College Fix Students may opt out of mandatory harassment training if it makes them uncomfortable
Louder With Crowder What Is Going On?! Teachers Arrested, Sentenced for ‘Inappropriate Relationships’ With Students
Louder With Crowder High School Teacher Arrested for Sexing Up a Student, Got Caught When Husband Exposed Her
Louder With Crowder School District Encourages Teachers Attend Conference for Sex Toys, ‘Bigger D*** Energy’
mrc tv School Board Member to Host 'Open Mic Night' For LGBTQ Kids - At Her Sex Shop
Louder With Crowder Warrant Issued After Middle School Teacher Sends Inappropriate Messages to Student 'She Heard Liked Her'

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - spectacular results (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
The American Dream Newly Discovered Eighth Grade Exam From 1912 Shows How Dumbed Down America Has Become
Tea Party News Network VIDEO: Useful Idiots Sign Petitition to Support Obama’s Plan to EXPAND Illiteracy
The American Dream Dumb As A Rock: You Will Be Absolutely Amazed At The Things That U.S. High School Students Do Not Know
Daily Caller Despite outrageous school spending, students actually dumber than in 1972
NPR 2012 SAT Reading Scores Lowest Since 1972
The Federalist Papers Pop Quiz: University Students Can’t Name Single U.S. Senator

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - grade socialism - grade fairness - redistribute grades (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv Grade Redistribution at Carthage College
mrc tv VIDEO: Students Like Socialism - Until It's 'Applied' to Their GPA'
Truth Revolt Davidson College Students Tricked into Rejecting Socialism, Are Angry about It - When it came to grades, the students weren't socialists after all.

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - political activism (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv Brown University Students Say Activism Causing Drop in Grades
mrc tv Syracuse Student Says She Won't Return To Campus After Receiving Death Threats For Conservative Views

Education (Brainwashing and Propaganda) - humor (no moron left behind-no genius allowed to get ahead)
Race To The Bottom!
mrc tv Our Campuses Are Melting, And Only We Can Save Them
Babylon Bee Feelings Now Acceptable As Answers To Math Problems
Babylon Bee SAT To Be Replaced With DNA Test To Determine How Oppressed You Are
Babylon Bee Teachers Refusing To Go Back In The Fall Launch 'Every Child Left Behind' Movement
Babylon Bee Public School Teachers Continue To Insist Their Jobs Are Non-Essential
Babylon Bee Parents Disguising Kids As Illegal Immigrants So They Can Receive In-Person Teaching
YouTube AwakenWithJP: Why College Is a “GREAT” Idea in 2021
Babylon Bee Harvard To Pay Elizabeth Warren $400,000 To Teach Class On Why College Is So Expensive
Babylon Bee College Student Aces Final By Just Answering 'Racism!' To Every Question
Babylon Bee Colleges Announce They Will Offer Gender Studies Course Credits For Sitting Through 'Barbie' Movie

Education Action Group

Elder Statement - Larry Elder
Elder Statement - Larry Elder FLASHBACK: The Reverend Al Sharpton's Rap Sheet
Jewish World Review Larry Elder archives
Jewish World Review 36 Reasons to Stop Me Before I Tweet Again

Electronic Freedom Foundation
Electronic Freedom Foundation blogger's legal guide

Larry Elder
Jewish World Review Larry Elder archives
Larry Elder Show
Elderado Larry Elder Show Podcast
Truth Revolt Elder: ‘Uncle Tom’ Is More Destructive Than the ‘N-word’ - The black left, as a rule, does not believe that there is such a thing as thoughtful disagreement.

One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence. - Thomas Sowell
Truth Revolt Prager: The Most Dangerous Addiction of Them All: Entitlements - the left in every country -- in America, the Democratic Party -- should literally be regarded as a drug dealer.
mrc tv YouTuber Cries After Hotel Rejects Her Request For a Free Vacation

Environment - EPA (Environment Polluting Agency)
1914, the U.S. Bureau of Mines predicted our oil reserves would last 10 years.
1939, the U.S. Department of the Interior revised the estimate, saying that American oil would last 13 years.
1970, Paul Ehrlich warned: "In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish."
1972, the Club of Rome's report "Limits to Growth" said total world oil reserves totaled 550 billion barrels. Environmental Fear-Mongering Isn't Just Silly, It Kills People
American Thinker Environmentalism is unhealthy for the planet
American Thinker The 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch' myth
Mises Institute Happy Mother Earth Day, Citizen!
Mises Institute Environmental Protection Is a Consumption Good
Mises Institute Environmentalists Clobber Texas
Mises Institute To Protect and Conserve
Mises Institute on Environmental Disasters, What We’re Doing Tonight
Yahoo! News Woman Claims Neighbor’s Energy Efficient Windows Are Melting Her Toyota Prius
Yahoo! Autos Woman wins small-claims suit over Honda Civic Hybrid
Yahoo! Autos Five new 2012 hybrid cars to consider steering clear of
The Daily Caller Biting the hand that feeds them
Don't Settle With Honda
Bookworm Room Life in an increasingly fascist city — what San Francisco’s plastic bag ban means Environmental Fear-Mongering Isn't Just Silly, It Kills People
Truth Revolt EPA Now Defines What Constitutes A 'Waters of the United States' - A "power grab and an attack on property rights."
Truth Revolt They Did It Again: EPA Causes 2nd Toxic Spill in Colorado - Oops! We did it again. We screwed up a mine. We are really lame.
Truth Revolt Report Reveals EPA ‘Running a $160 Million PR Machine’ - Under the most transparent administration in history.
Truth Revolt EPA Warns: Holiday Leftovers Contribute to Climate Change - "Before sitting down with friends and family this holiday season, consider the impact your meal can have on our planet."
Truth Revolt Coulter: Your Choice: A Green America or a Brown America - Give me your tired, your poor, your empties and pizza boxes, your Cheetos bags, your soiled diapers and abandoned couches ...
Truth Revolt Environmental Scam: Solar Panels Produce More Toxic Waste than Nuclear Plants - Watch out -- your virtue-signaling might be ruining the earth.
mrc tv Vt. Gov's 'All-Green' Plan Would Require 90,000 Acres of Solar Panels
mrc tv California 'Failing to Meet Its Obligations' to Protect Environment, EPA Chief Says in Letter to Calif. Governor
nrc tv New Study Exposes How Facemasks and Gloves Are Killing Wildlife in Droves
American Thinker The EPA Has No Credibility

Environment - EPA (Environment Polluting Agency) - Fracking
Truth Revolt EPA Report on Fracking Crushes Environmentalist Claim - 4-year study found no signs of "widespread, systemic" drinking water pollution
Truth Revolt Lawyer Suing Oil Company Admits 'No Proof' that Fracking Fluid Contaminated Water - "Pennsylvania DEP and Federal EPA scientists have all failed to find contaminants in the water despite vigorous, multi-year testing."
mrc tv ABC, NBC Continue to Skip EPA Report Finding Fracking Doesn’t Harm Drinking Water

Environment - Earth Rights
WND 'Personhood' demanded for Colorado River - 'Ecosystems themselves possess certain rights'
YouTube Why I Left Greenpeace

Environment - EPA (Environment Polluting Agency) - Virtue Signaling
Mises Institute Plastic Bans: Imaginary Benefits, Real Costs

Environment - Humor
Babylon Bee East Palestine Sees Real Estate Surge From Californians Seeking Better Quality Of Life
Babylon Bee ‘Our Tests Show The Water In East Palestine Is Safe For Drinking,’ Says Official With Gills And Glowing Yellow Eyes
Babylon Bee Officials Remind Residents Of East Palestine To Protect Themselves By Getting Their COVID Booster

Epoch Times Conservative Gays Speak Out Against ‘Radical LGBTQ Agenda’

Ethics or rather lack of ethics displayed by elected representatives. But whitewashed by Obama and the rest of the unethical ruling class.
The next time you hear about polticians investigating politicians for unethical behavior ask why that makes sense but asking pedophiles to investigate pedophiles for bad behavior doesn't make sense. - Cynical Pessimist
Yahoo! News/AP California Rep. Waters may face fall ethics trial
Yahoo! News/AP Obama: Rangel case troubling; some Dems say resign
Yahoo! News/AP Rangel using 3-way defense against ethics charges
Yahoo! News/AP Sex is major reason military commanders are fired
The Daily Caller Rep. Capps rented room to staffer for years, didn’t report income to IRS for over a decade
The Daily Caller Gutfeld: Rahm Emanuel tolerates Chicago ‘death spiral,’ not Chick-fil-A [VIDEO]
The Daily Caller Antoine Dodson: ‘The gay community - we have went from being bullied to becoming bullies’
American Thinker Dems Better Put Some Ice on That 'Rape' Talk
Project Veritas MD Attorney General’s Office: Sex, guns and egregious ethical behavior
Ethics Alarms

I'm not mad. I'm just...well, differently moraled, that's all. - Jasper Fforde
Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results. - Margaret Atwood
People who claim that they're evil are usually no worse than the rest of us... It's people who claim that they're good, or any way better than the rest of us, that you have to be wary of. - Gregory Maguire
Neither love nor evil conquers all, but evil cheats more. - Laurell K. Hamilton
Evil isn’t the real threat to the world. Stupid is just as destructive as Evil, maybe more so, and it’s a hell of a lot more common. What we really need is a crusade against Stupid. That might actually make a difference. - Jim Butcher
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts. - Bertrand Russell
More evil gets done in the name of righteousness than any other way. Few villains think they are villains. - Glen Cook
I would say exploit the stupid, because they’re expendable and loyal, but it’s a fact: politicians are not loyal. - Jarod Kintz
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke
He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. - Thomas Paine
Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil. - Jerry Garcia
YouTube Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity

Expatriation - renounce citizenship, flee the country, ...
Mises Institute How Governments Keep You (and Your Money) From Leaving
Amrican Thinker Obama Driving Citizenship Renunciations
The Daily Caller Study: Marylanders moving to Virginia because of high taxes
Whiskey and Gunpowder Why More and More Americans Are Abandoning Their U.S. Citizenship
Whiskey and Gunpowder Going Deep
Daily Reckoning Patriotic Expatriates
Laissez Faire Club U.S. Senate to Retroactively Punish Runaway Tax Slaves
Mises Institute Abolish the Expatriation Tax
Daily Reckoning Tax Laws, Corruption and Other Reasons to Expatriate
Daily Reckoning Crisis, Capital Controls, and Accidents of Birth
Yahoo! Finance The Renouncers: Who Gave Up U.S. Citizenship, and Why?
Yahoo! Finance Should You Renounce Your Citizenship?
Yahoo! Finance Americans Giving Up Passports Jump Sixfold as Tougher Rules Loom
Yahoo! Finance More Taxpayers Are Abandoning the U.S. - Year's Tally for Expatriations Sets Record; Increase Comes Amid Tax Crackdown on Offshore Assets
Yahoo! Finance Why expats are ditching their U.S. passports
Yahoo! News Renouncing U.S. citizenship is about to get a lot more expensive
Yahoo! News Record Number of Americans Renouncing Citizenship Because of Overseas Tax Burdens
Personal Liberty Digest Expatriation Soars On Approach Of FATCA Deadline
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education Tax Exiles Flee America - Entrepreneurs are high-tailing it out of the United States, and it’s the politicians’ fault
Truth Revolt Record Number Renounce U.S. Citizenship - Why on earth would anyone do that?

Expatriation - celebrities or elites who would rather flee the country than live under a republican president
mrc tv Ala. Mayor Starts GoFundMe Page For Celebrities Who Said They'd Leave U.S.

Expatriation - Flee Your City or State
Breitbart Nolte: Democrat-run New York City Loses 16% of Top Taxpayers

Extrano's Alley, more than a gun blog.

SERIOUS LINKS (Economy, Liberty, Government, ...)
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Facebook FakeBook, FecesBook, FarceBook, FascistBook, ForceBook, FailBook
Because dishonesty is their policy.
Not The Bee Read the blistering letter from the editors of one of world's most prestigious scientific journals, slamming one of Facebook's fact-checkers as "inaccurate, incompetent and irresponsible"
British Medical Journal Rapid response to: Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial
American Thinker Stunning: Facebook court filing admits 'fact checks' are just a matter of opinion
Wall Street Journal The Facebook Files - A Wall Street Jouranl Investigation
mashable It's time to imagine a world without Facebook
mashable Republicans and Democrats actually agree on something: Breaking up Facebook
mashable Will eliminating quantitative popularity on Instagram actually make it safe for kids?
mashable Facebook whistleblower says Zuckerberg put viral posts over safety — and may have given bonuses for it
mashable 5 damning revelations from the Facebook Papers - Internal Facebook documents paint a troubling picture.
FaceBook Conservative Political Cartoons

Facebook - Support For Peophiles - Support For Child Predators
Louder With Crowder Watch: Facebook Executive Allegedly Caught Attempting to Meet With 13-Year-Old Boy

Faces of Lawsuit Abuse
Yahoo! News The 10 Most Ridiculous Lawsuits of 2011 find out the facts behind politicians speeches.

Fake Hate Crimes

Farewell California find out why so many people are fleeing the state

Bre Faucheux identitarian, alt media, ...

The Federalist What I’ve Learned From Dropping Fox News
Federalist Mark Milley Deserves To Be Fired And Court-Martialed For His Afghanistan Lies
The Federalist Why America’s Ruling Class Is So Incompetent
The Federalist How Should Republicans Respond To Fulton County? Indict The Left
Federalist Leftists Excuse Hamas For The Same Reasons They Support Black Lives Matter, Defund The Police, And The Rest

Feminism - Feminist - FemiNut standing up for what is unimportant - fighting for untruths and injustice
The deception at the heart of the feminist movement is nowhere more apparent than in the silence with which self-professed feminists and feminist movements ignore the inhumane treatment of women who live under Islamic law. - Caroline Glick
If women are paid less because of sexism, why aren't sexist employers hiring only women to save money?
2,475 Muslim attacks in 61 countries, in which 21,238 people were killed and 26,677 injured in 2016 and Women March Against Trump. - Amy Mek
men are obsolete - Hanna Rosin
babies are time sucking monsters - Amanda Marcotte
unborn babies are mere goo - Sarah Silverman
Feminism - Feminist - links
Front Page Mag My Sister Kate: The Destructive Feminist Legacy of Kate Millett - A conversation with the feminist icon’s sister.
Truth Revolt MILLETT: No Gun Ever Killed Anyone - Only the Hand of an Homicidal Person Kills YouTube Feminists Are Useful Idiots, And Doomed. Must Watch
YouTube Girl DESTROYS feminism in 3 minutes
YouTube If Men acted like FEMINISTS!
YouTube If Men acted like FEMINISTS! (Part 2)
YouTube Factual Feminist
YouTube From Feminism to Fascism
YouTube Feminism vs. Truth
YouTube FACTUAL FEMINIST S4 • E6 - #MeToo: Movement or witch hunt? | FACTUAL FEMINIST
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Just Say No To Feminism
Truth Revolt This Week in Progressive Lunacy: Air Conditioning is Sexist
Truth Revolt Feminist Horror: GOP Candidates Speaking Very Highly of Their Wives - What do you mean by "loving wife and mother?" How Dare You Demean Them Like That!!
Advice Goddess Blog A Hug Now Requires "Affirmative Consent" At UVA -- Or You're Guilty Of Sexual Assault
Legal Insurrection Feminists freak out over ‘Jurassic World’
Chicks On The Right This "How To Spot A Feminist" Demonstration Is Terrifying. And Kind Of Hilarious.
Truth Revolt Feminism Ends 72-Year-Old Nobel Scientist's Career - Has become "toxic" after saying women cry
Truth Revolt This Week In Progressive Lunacy: The "Trigger" in "Trigger Warning" is Too Triggering - There aren't enough faces or palms in the world to do this one justice.
Truth Revolt Feminists: 'White Feminism' Isn't Feminism - "Because, sometimes, as white ladies, we just need to shut the f*** up."
Truth Revolt Feminist Freshman: The Word 'Too' has Ravaged Women Long Enough - It's mass hysteria! Dogs and cats living together! It's adverbs run amok!
Truth Revolt Prager: Feminization of America Is Bad for the World - Three sentences explain one of the most important phenomena in American life.
Truth Revolt Air Force Tech. Sgt. Accused of Hitting on Women Faces Harsher Prison Sentence Than Deserter Bergdahl - We are officially living in the age of lunacy.
Truth Revolt Radical Feminist Activist Denounces Feminism, Apologizes to Christians - “In the feminist movement women are not of any importance but serve as fuel for the fires of hatred."
Truth Revolt Greenfield: Why Feminism Failed Cologne's Women - A feminism in thrall to the left is one of the biggest threats to women.
Truth Revolt Prager: Male Sexual Nature and the Left’s Culture of Denial - Why do feminists - male and female - and others on the cultural left still deny the unpleasant truths about male sexual nature?
Truth Revolt Coulter: Trump's Problem with Women - Trump's dealings with women forced me into a weekend of self-examination.
Truth Revolt Swedish Pol Says It's 'Worse' When Swedish Men Rape Women Than When Migrants Do It - Because you know, they're supposed to get gender equality issues.
Truth Revolt Gloria Steinem Dismisses Trump's Female Campaign Manager, Says 'Regressed' Male Reporters Threatened by Hillary - Steinem also said Lewinsky gave her consent to Bill Clinton, so it was A-OK.
Truth Revolt Germans Introduce New 'Anti-Rape' Measure: Girls Can Wear Fake Tattoos That Say 'NO!' - Rapists are supposed to fear this?
Truth Revolt Feminist: Talking to a Woman With Headphones is 'Sexual Harassment' - "Encourages men to violate nonverbal body language."
Truth Revolt Prager: Did the Famous Sailor Sexually Assault the Famous Nurse? - Any American who looks at that photo today realizes just how different a time we live in.
Truth Revolt PC Police ‘Concerned’ that ‘Large-Breasted, White’ Wonder Woman Sends Wrong Message - And she dresses like the American flag?! Burn her!!
Truth Revolt Prager: Feminism Makes Weak Women - Nearly every time the words "misogyny" and "sexist" are used, they are untrue and only reinforce the conviction that feminists are weak.
Truth Revolt Prager: On Men Viewing Women as Sex Objects - Leftism is first and foremost a denial of reality.
Truth Revolt Prager: Feminism and Intelligence - Today's universities -- especially women's studies and gender studies departments -- generally make people stupid.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Keith Ogre-mann: Conde Nast-y's Misogynist-in-Chief - Once a woman-hating blowhard, always a woman-hating blowhard.
Truth Revolt Leftist Female Mayor Refuses to Step Down After Affair with Employee - Double standards abound.
YouTube Tomi's Final Thoughts: Why I'm NOT a Feminist!
mrc tv Feminist Writers: Office Air Conditioning Is 'Sexist,' Part of 'Overbearing Patriarchy'
mrc tv Feminists Attack Kermit's New Girlfriend for Her Looks
mrc tv Feminist Website: Don’t Use ‘Neckbeard’ Because There’s Nothing Wrong with Living in Your Mom’s Basement
mrc tv University Won't Recognize Men's Issues Group after Feminists Say it Makes Women Feel Unsafe
mrc tv State Dept. Uses International Women’s Day to Tout LGBT Rights, College Rape Stats and Job Inequality
mrc tv Northwestern Frats Apologize For Acknowledging Sexual Assault Is a Problem
mrc tv Liberals Flip Out Over Volleyball Olympian Mom
mrc tv Feminists Wage War on 'Sexist' Definitions
mrc tv Dear Progressives: Who Died and Made You Arbiters of Feminism?
YouTube 2014: The Year Feminists Lost the Debate
YouTube Boo-Hoo! Whining Feminists Admit Defeat
YouTube Most Insane Feminists of 2014
YouTube Feminazi Getting Owned
YouTube Why Are Feminists Fat & Ugly?
News Machete Why feminists want to be dominated
Breitbart The Sexodus, Part 1: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society
Breitbart The Sexodus, Part 2: Dishonest Feminist Panics Leave Male Sexuality In Crisis
Breitbart The Left’s Bloody War on Women: Sending Chicks into Combat Betrays Men, Women and Civilization
Legal Insurrection Feminists Fall For #PissForEquality Hoax
American Thinker The Schizophrenic Left and Women
mrc tv Harvard Editorial Executive: Due Process Supporters Are ‘Rape Apologists’
mrc tv Here's Why Kristen Bell's Wrong In Her 'Sexism' Video
mrc tv Australian University Says Women Should Work Fewer Hours Than Men - But For the Same Pay
Daily Wire Crazy Leftists Blame the Alphabet for Creation of Sexism
Louder With Crowder Dear Feminists: Stop Lying. You Really Don’t Care About Women...
Louder With Crowder Dear Leftist Feminists Crying Over a Memo: YOU Are Reinforcing Female Stereotypes
Daily Wire 101 Things Feminists Say Are Sexist
Daily Wire This Tweet From One Women’s March Organizer Shows How NUTS The Left's Worldview Is
Daily Wire What More 'Equality' Do Women Want?
Daily Wire Now Leftist Women Are Angry At Taylor Swift For Not Joining The Women’s March. Because They’re Fascists.
Daily Wire MUST-WATCH: Steven Crowder Infiltrates Women's March in Drag
Daily Wire The Left's Vagina-Based Politics Demeans Women
Daily Wire 7 Reasons Yesterday’s ‘Day Without A Woman’ Was Asinine
Daily Wire NARRATIVE COLLAPSE: Judge Judy Wrecks Feminist Lies - "I never had an issue with gender."
Advice Goddess Rotten, Bullying SJW Annaliese Nielsen Goes Off On A Lyft Driver For The "Crime" Of Having A Hawaiian Hula Dancer Dashboard Doll
Adam Piggott All the indicators are pointing to women being an unmitigated disaster in the workplace.
Ann Coulter The History Of Sex In America, Part 1
Ann Coulter Sex In America, Part 2
Dangerous Can’t Out-Crazy Actual Feminists
American Greatness Moms to Daughters: Don’t Be Ali Watkins
Red State Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Reveals the Fragility of Feminism
Daily Wire 'Cosmo' Covergirl Is 'Morbidly Obese' Body Acceptance Model
mrc tv Feminist Frenzy During Kavanaugh Hearing
PragerU Who Needs Feminism?
Louder With Crowder Free Advice, Feminists: People Might Take You More Seriously if You Weren’t Full of Sh*t
A,merican Greatness The Feminist Sociopath
Everyman The Feminism of Andre Alice Norton
Daniel Greenfield Can Feminism Destroy China?

Feminism - Feminist - War On Health
breitbart Pop Star Lizzo: ‘I Gained Weight’ … ‘I Look the F**k GOODT’

Feminism - Feminist - War On Religion
Daily Wire Female Rabbi Publishes The Single Stupidest Piece On Biblical Adam And Eve Ever Written. It's Not Close

Feminism - Feminist - War On Jews
Daily Wire Debra Messing Joins Alyssa Milano, Condemns Anti-Semitic Women's March Leaders
Daily Wire Women's March Takes Another Hit, This Time In Obama's Hometown
Federalist A Reminder From Tamika Mallory: When You March In The Women’s March You March Behind Anti-Semites
mrc tv WATCH: Women March Leader Tamika Mallory Can't Say That Israel Has the Right to Exist
Jewish World Review Israel vs. Hamas: Where Have All the Feminists Gone?

Feminism - Feminist - War On Science
Truth Revolt Feminist Geographers Tell Colleagues Not to Use Research of White Men - Shock! Feminists think there's not enough Gender Fluid Geography research.
Truth Revolt Feminist Profs: Scholarly Citations Promote 'White Heteromasculinity' - A "system of oppression... that bolsters the status of the white, male, able-bodied, economically privileged, heterosexual, and cisgendered."
Truth Revolt 'Feminist Science' Event Urges Researchers to Do 'Only Socially Just Science' - "Who benefits? Who is harmed? Who is most vulnerable? And ultimately, who do we do science for, and why?"
Campus Reform Dartmouth library guide extols ‘Feminist Geography’
Campus Reform NYC college offering ‘Feminist Economics’ course
Daily Wire Trans Miss Universe Contestant: 'Having A Vagina Does Not Make Me A Woman'
Truth Revolt Hillary Dumps 1500-Word Defense of Protecting Sex Harassing Staffer - "Just. Go. A. Way."
Truth Revolt Women’s March Organizers Want to 'Confront White Womanhood' - The social justice crowd is never satisfied.
Daily Wire Grammys Show #MeToo Might Be About Stopping Abuse, But It Certainly Isn't About Promoting Female Dignity
Daily Wire Gillibrand Rants About Evils Of Republican Sexual Abuse. Meghan McCain Dismembers Her With Two Simple Questions.
Daily Wire Feminists Attack Tomi Lahren's Appearan
Columbia Post Feminism is a Cancer
American Thinker The Feminist Useful Idiot
National Review Phyllis McGinley and the Left’s War on American Motherhood
Washington Post Marine experiment finds women get injured more frequently, shoot less accurately than men
PJ Media Hysterical 'Kavanope' Harpies Set Women Back 100 Years
mrc tv Surprise! - Man Wins Women’s Cycling World Championship
mrc tv Liberal Feminists Call Red-Voting White Women Racist, 'Footsoldiers of the Patriarchy'
Federalist The Left Won’t Celebrate These History-Making Republican Women, So We Will
Federalist Stop Shaming White Women For Voting Republican - What's wrong with white women? Perhaps there's nothing wrong with them as a group. Perhaps many just don't adhere to groupthink that strips us all of our individual liberty.
Federalist Anticipating Blowback From Feminists, Megan Fox Keeps Me Too Stories Private
David Harris Jr. ‘Silence from Feminists Has Been Deafening on This Issue’ - Atty Elizabeth Yore
N.Y.Times Another Side of #MeToo: Male Managers Fearful of Mentoring Women
Daily Wire WATCH: These Two SOTU Reactions Expose The Democrat 'Women In White'
American Thinker Feminists Screaming about 'Transgenderism,' Their Own Demon Child
Federalist 55% Of Women Prefer Socialism To Capitalism. Here’s Why They’re Wrong.
Power Line Kavanaugh versus Biden
Federalist Don’t Let The Washington Post Get Away With Memory-Holing Its Anti-Kavanaugh Campaign
mrc NewsBusters The Death of #MeToo: 95 Celebs Who Smeared Kavanaugh are Silent on Biden
mrc NewsBusters Column: Feminist Hypocrisy Is a Fact, Not a 'Right-Wing Trap'
reason Feminists Who Now Claim They Never Meant 'Believe All Women' Are Gaslighting Us
Louder With Crowder Watch: Father hits school board with receipts when they say there's never an issue letting boys use the girl's bathroom

Feminism - Feminist - War On White Women
Louder With Crowder Women’s March Rally Cancelled For Being too White
Louder With Crowder Feminist Blames “Whiteness” For Her Friends Abandoning Her. That’s Not It ...

Feminism - Feminist - War On Men
feminist motto - believe all lies because truth never supports our position
Louder With Crowder Equality? Feminist NYC Pharmacy Charges Men More With ‘Man Tax’...
Truth Revolt LOL: Manhattan Pharmacy Institutes 7 Percent 'Man Tax' Increase Because Sexism - "All Male Customers Are Subject to a 7% Man Tax."
Truth Revolt Feminist: 'All Men Are Rapists' - "Should be put in prison then shot."
Truth Revolt Lena Dunham Posts Weird Video Celebrating 'Extinction of Straight White Men' - Because open bigotry against straight white males is okay.
Truth Revolt How to Date an Intersectional Feminist - A conspiracy theory designed to be immune to criticism.
Truth Revolt Female Dem and Voice of #MeToo Movement Investigated for Lewd Groping - Do as I say, not as I do.
mrc tv Feminist Writer: Put Men in ‘Some Kind of Camp’ with 'Wardens, of Course!'
mrc tv Feminist Writer: ‘I’m Done Pretending Men are Safe (Even My Sons)’
mrc tv Feminist Atheist Writer Tweets 'If You Have a Penis You Probably Deserve Murdering'
National Review Men, Stop Virtue-Signaling and Return to Rules
Daily Wire Leftist Writer Strikes Again: 'If You Have A Penis You Probably Deserve Murdering'
Daily Wire Does Yes Ever Mean Yes?
Daily Wire Stop Feministsplaining Sex to Men
City Journal olicing Sexual Desire - The #MeToo movement’s impossible premise
Del Arroz What You Missed In #MisandryInPublishing Last Week Will Shock You
The Other McCain Tip: Pentagon Covering Up Fact That Female Officers Nearly Sank Navy Ship
Quillette On Toxic Femininity
Medium Denmark Begs Men to Have Sex with its Feminists
Louder With Crowder COLUMN: Feminists’ Blatant Double #MeToo Standards Are Appalling
PJ Media 'Female Blackout' to Take Over Social Media for One Day to Stick It to Men
Trib Live Lawsuit accuses Seneca Valley 'mean girls' of targeting boy with false allegations
Real Clear Politics The #MeToo Mob and Our Judicial System
Media The Misandrist Editorial the Washington Post Should Be Ashamed Of
Daily Wire WATCH: Woman Claims Boy Sexually Assaulted Her, Then Surveillance Video Released
Daily Wire She Claimed He Broke Into Her House And Assaulted Her. A Selfie Proved She Lied.
mrc tv Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Displays Her Toxic Femininity: 'Our Future is Female'
National Review Gillette Joins the Fight against ‘Toxic Masculinity’
National Review Procter & Gamble’s Toxic Sanctimony
Daily Wire WALSH: A Feminist Sexually Assaulted A Man On Camera At The Women's March And Nobody Cares
Daily Wire She Begged Him For Sex And Then Accused Him Of Sexual Assault. Columbia Expelled Him Despite Audio Proving His Side.
YouTube Everything wrong with Woke Culture (and the impact on feminism)
Louder With Crowder NFL star lost job over rape allegations, new evidence shows he wasn't even at the party
Louder With Crowder "Being an absolute WHORE to get in on his 51 million": MLB star speaks out after being falsely accused of sexual assault

Feminism - Feminist - War On White Men
Gateway Pundit Liberal Activist Is Brutally Raped in Haiti by a Black Man - Blames White Men
Daily Wire Feminist Author: When I See Women Reading Books By 'Dead, Usually White' Males, I Want To Replace Them With Books By Women

Feminism - Feminist - War On Language
Bored Panda Feminist Accuses English Language Of Being Sexist, Gets Brilliantly Schooled By Linguist

Feminism - Feminist - Support For Sharia Law - Support For Muslim War On Women / Subjection of Women
YouTube Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?
Truth Revolt Prager U Video: Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women - Ayaan Hirsi Ali on why this matters more than ever.
Louder With Crowder Dear ‘Feminists’: You’ll Never Be Relevant Until You Address Islam’s Real Rape Culture...
Louder With Crowder Calling all #SJW Feminists: Top 5 Examples of Islam Abusing Women
Truth Revolt Mizzou Prof Arrested for Beating Teen Relative Not Wearing Hijab - Cue the protests in 3,2... what? Nobody?
Truth Revolt Leftwing Hypocrisy: UK Feminist Party Has 'No Position' on Sharia Law - Because forced marriage, female genital mutilation and honor killings aren't feminist issues.
Truth Revolt FBI's New Mission: Combat Female Genital Mutilation - Because this is Islamaba...uh, I mean America.
Truth Revolt Women’s March Organizer Loves Sharia Law, And That’s Not Very Pro-Woman
Truth Revolt Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Real Feminism vs Fake Feminism - "No principle degrades and dehumanizes women more than Sharia law."
The Muslim Issue Turkey: One third of marriages involve underage girls
Legal Insurrection VIDEO: Ayaan Hirsi Ali Asks Why Feminists Don’t Defend Muslim Women
Legal Insurrection Women’s March Leader Linda Sarsour Embroiled in Sex Abuse Cover up Scandal
Louder With Crowder Dear ‘Feminists’: You’ll Never Be Relevant Until You Address Islam’s Real Rape Culture...
mrc tv ‘Where Is The Outrage?'- MRC's Bozell On Media Blackout of Genital Mutilation Case
American Thinker Are Feminists Aiding Muslim Domination?

Feminism - Feminist - War On Motherhood
Truth Revolt Aussie Feminist: Stay-at-Home Mothers Should be Illegal - "Only when the female half of the population is expected to hold down a job and earn money to pay the bills in the same way that men are routinely expected to do will we see things change for the better for either gender."
Truth Revolt Feminists Heckle Kerri Walsh Jennings for Being a Proud Mom - "I would be a mommy."
PJ Media Son, Don’t Marry a Feminist
America First - Sebastian Gorka A Tale of Two Marches

Feminism - Feminist - Leaders
Truth Revolt Organizer Behind Next Women's March is Convicted Palestinian Terrorist - Brace yourself for a "new wave of militant feminist struggle."

Feminism - Feminist - Exclusion
Breitbart 5 Women The Left Forgot To Mention on International Women’s Day

Feminism - Feminist - Inclusion
Daily Wire I Would've Marched...
Daily Wire The Left's Vagina-Based Politics Demeans Women
mrc tv Transgenders Felt 'Isolated' By the Progressive Women’s March

Feminism - Feminist - Logic (or lack thereof)
Daily Wire Feminists Suddenly Over The Moon About Pregnancy, Babies. Thanks, Beyonce!
Daily Wire Grammys Show #MeToo Might Be About Stopping Abuse, But It Certainly Isn't About Promoting Female Dignity
Truth Revolt Lena Dunham Wishes She’d Had an Abortion to Be More Authentically Pro-Choice - "I feel so proud of them for their bravery..."
Truth Revolt Feminist Bookstore Protests Silencing of Women Authors By... Silencing Male Authors - They’ve got all the best titles in fiction, biographies, sci-fi, and hypocrisy.
Truth Revolt Marie Claire: Woman Cheats on Boyfriend with Her Rapist to Reclaim Identity - It doesn’t get any more insane than this.
Daily Wire Some Feminists Are Enraged At ‘Wonder Woman.’ Probably Because She Doesn’t Have An Abortion And Likes Men.
PJ Media The Moving Finger Fingers Our 'Moral Betters'

Feminism - Feminist - Debunked
Acording To Hoyt Wrong Battle, Insane Tactics

Feminism - Feminist - War On Humor
Daily Wire Professor Tells A Harmless Lingerie Joke On Elevator. Unfortunately, There's A Gender Studies Professor Aboard. You Can Guess What Happened Next.
Louder With Crowder Apple executive goes viral for joke about big-breasted women, gets fired because fun is dead

Feminism - Feminist - Humor
The People's Cube Women's March in DC Leaves Millions of Cats Hungry at Home
The People's Cube EEOC defines women's perfume as non-verbal sexual assault
Truth Revolt The People's Cube: What to Do When a Refugee Crushes on You? - A good woman always knows her progressive place.
Daily Wire WALSH: 13 Words That Are Even More Offensive And Sexist Than 'Mankind'
Babylon Bee Mobs Of Women Protest Nation's Logging Companies For Equal Work
Babylon Bee INEQUALITY: This Woman Makes Just $13 A Day Selling Pet Rocks On Etsy While MALE Robert Downey Jr. Made Millions Playing Iron Man
Babylon Bee Opinion: If Americans Aren't Sexist, Then How Come They Refuse To Elect The Most Unlikable Women On The Planet?
Babylon Bee Huge Setback For Female Dictators As Kim Jong Un Fails To Die

FECinfo Federal Election Campaign Contributions (who paid who off)

The Federalist Papers

Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

Fight For The Future

Filming Cops declare war on police brutality

FEAR Forfeiture Endangers American Rights

Fight Club PAC

Center for Fiscal Accountability transparency. accountability. limited government.

Financial Armageddon

Flags - Confederate Flag
Train Web The True Meaning of the Confederate Flag's Design
Allen West Republic Five IMPORTANT Facts You Did Not Know About This Flag
The Blaze Black College Student Wins Fight to Display Confederate Flag in Dorm Room
Truth Revolt Ann Coulter on the Confederate flag controversy, immigration
Truth Revolt Limbaugh: Confederate Flag is the Legacy of Democrats - Gov. Clinton presided over Confederate Flag Day, signed bill dedicating star in Arkansas flag to Confederacy
Truth Revolt Young Black Man Schools CNN Anchor About True Freedom - "I refuse to allow a symbol or word have power over me."
Truth Revolt Civil Rights Lawyer: Media Didn't Get a Riot in Charleston, Targeted Flag Instead - "Poor, poor media - no Ferguson, no Trayvon Martin ..."
mrc tv CNN Poll Shows Majority of Americans DO NOT Consider Confederate Flag Racist
YouTube (ORIGINAL) Florida Gun Supply's Muslim Free Zone
YouTube Ann Coulter Sounds Off On Confederate Flag Backlash
YouTube Ann Coulter Confederate Flag Debate ‘Completely Moronic’
Daily Wire INSANE: New York Subway System To Remove Tiles That 'Look Like' Confederate Flag

Flags - American - Union Flag - Hatred of America - War on Patriotism
Truth Revolt Farrakhan: We Need to Put the American Flag Down
Truth Revolt WATCH: Californians Sign Petition to Ban American Flag - "...we’re gonna put up a new American flag over the capital to signify the new world order."
Truth Revolt Black Lives Matter Protesters Burn 'Piece of Sh*t' American Flag - "To us the Confederate flag and the American flag, those represent the same thing which is that this country, this social system was built on slavery and genocide."
Truth Revolt Students Asked to Stop Flying American Flags - Causing disruptions
Truth Revolt Video: Take down this flag! - Simultaneously hilarious and depressing.
Truth Revolt Jackson Hole High School Cancels 'American Pride Day' - Students revolt with American flags aplenty.
Truth Revolt Journalists Decline to Stand for Anthem at Dem Debate - "Oikophobia is so in this season."
Truth Revolt CA Student Forced to Remove American Flag Shirt for being 'Gang-Related' - Did the school go too far?
Truth Revolt High School Bans Flying Flags on Vehicles, Threatens Violators' Graduation Rites - Finally reconsidered as long as they flew them "respectfully."
Truth Revolt Oklahoma, South Carolina High Schools Ban American Flags at Football Games - In case it "blocked the view of the game" or ... taunted Hispanics.
Truth Revolt High School Teacher Has ‘No Regrets’ for Stomping on American Flag in Classroom - He actually wants the student responsible for taking the photo punished.
Truth Revolt Hampshire College has Removed All American Flags From Its Campus - The flagpoles now stand empty in opposition to Donald Trump.
Truth Revolt Prager U: The American Flag: A Symbol of Hate Speech on Campuses? - "To be inclusive, sometimes you have to exclude things you don't like."
Truth Revolt Salon: National Anthem is ‘Another Neo-Confederate Symbol’ - Boosted by the "white supremacist South."
Truth Revolt Prager U: Everyone Should Stand for the National Anthem - Why? Because the Anthem and the flag represent America, and America is a free nation.
Fox 5 News Student punished for American flag shirt
mrc tv American Flag and Pledge of Allegiance Banned from Veterans Day Service
mrc tv Hampshire College Stops Flying American Flag After Trump's Election
Daily Wire We Have Nothing Left Holding Us Together
American Thinker If those kneeling NFL players were serious about making a difference...
Federalist Why Nike’s Capitulation To Kaepernick Matters
Louder With Crowder High School Football Players Suspended for Flying American Flags. On 9/11.
mrc tv 'Antifa,' 'BLM' Assault Man at Beverly Hills Pro-Trump Rally for Not Letting Them Steal His Flag
PJ Media Oregon Business Owner Ordered to Remove American Flag Mural on Private Property
mrc tv A Student Was Told To Remove the US Flag From His Truck - So His Classmates Responded
Louder With Crowder "Triggered and unsafe": American-flag clad dance squad KICKED OUT of competition over small group who cried about their patriotism

Flags - Other Flags
mrc tv Professor: Minnesota's Flag Is Now Racist
mrc tv Historians: New Orleans' 'Fleur-de-Lis' Flag, NFL Helmet Are Now Racist
Truth Revolt Watson: England Bans Its Own Flag to Avoid Offending Muslims [Video] - Language alert. Sarcasm alert. Logic alert.
Daily Wire Seattle Residents Complained About A 'Confederate Flag.' It Was Actually The Flag Of Norway. - "Suddenly there is a Confederate flag flying in front of a house in my Greenwood neighborhood."

Food - Diet
DOA = Department Of Agriculture = Dead On Arrival (the health of our food producers)
FDA = Federal Dunces Association
FDA = Fvcking Dvmb Americans (inspired by Jonathan Gruber)
Food - Diet - links
Yahoo! Health The 15 Worst Health & Diet Myths
Yahoo! Shine Seven Million Pounds of "Pink Slime" Beef Destined for National School Lunch Program
webMD Morbid Obesity Bulge Gets Bigger As U.S. Obesity Rate Grows, Extreme Obesity Grows 3 Times Faster
Natural News Maine town becomes first to declare food sovereignty
Mises Institute A housewife (my housewife) on FDA and salt ...
Mises Institute Pork: The Government's Other White Meat
Mises Institute For WHO, Red Meat Is a Red Herring
Yahoo! News $2M Michigan lottery winner defends use of food stamps
reason Feds Want to Help You--Whether You Want Help or Not
Contrary To Popular Belief The dark side of the anti-GMO movement
Political Blind Spot Hamburger Chef Jamie Oliver Proves McDonald’s Burgers "Unfit for human consumption" Cosmetics Improved the World (So they Must be Destroyed)
Truth Revolt Skool Food: Cafeteria Serves 4-Year-Old Pork Roast to Students
Truth Revolt Michelle O's Unintended Consequence: School Lunch Waste Up 56% - A study confirms what parents have known forever.
Truth Revolt Gut Busted: Federal Dietary Fat Guidelines Not Backed Up by Any Evidence - Double quarter pounder with extra cheese and salt, please.
mrc tv Disney Slammed for 'Fat-Shaming' Polynesians
Federalist The FDA Thinks You’re Too Stupid To Know That Almonds Don’t Really Make Milk - The American people can tell the difference between coconut and dairy milk without the help of Food and Drug Administration regulators, thanks.
Louder With Crowder Vegan Restaurants Are Putting Meat On The Menu Because Lack Of Meat Leaves Them Too, And I Quote, "Exhausted"
Psychology Today 84% of Vegetarians and Vegans Return to Meat. Why?

Food - Diet - Another Obama Success Story - Federally Mandated Inadequate Meals For Students
American Thinker Michelle Obama's Share-the-Starvation School Lunch Program
American Thinker NJ high school students to boycott cafeteria lunch to protest Obama guidelines
Personal Liberty Digest Former Ally In The School Nutrition Campaign Flips On Michelle Obama
Ben Swann Controversy Erupts Over Viral Photo of Paltry-Portioned, Federally-Mandated School Lunch
mrc tv School Nutritionists Blast Regs: ‘Students Walking Away,’ ‘Go Off Campus for Fast Food,’ ‘Just Don’t Like the Flavor’
mrc tv School Nutrition Experts Blast Michelle's Lunch Standards: 'Food Is Only Nutritious IF THEY EAT IT'
Truth Revolt Montana School Food Program Thrives After Opting Out of Michelle O's Plan - Michelle's regulations were driving students off-campus to fast-food joints instead.

Food - Binge - support for unhealthy lifestyles
mrc tv Fat-Positive Adult Coloring Book Teaches Obesity is Good
mrc tv Gallup: Americans Getting Fatter, More Depressed Since 2008
Mises Institute Government Nutrition Policy: A Big, Fat Failure
Louder With Crowder Enjoy the latest in body positivity: Don't shame donuts, but blame white people for your fatness

Food - Frankenfood - Let Them Eat Maggots
Zero Hedge ‘Beyond Meat’: Technocrats Replace Meat With Mealworms For the Peasant

Food - Frankenfood - Let Them Eat Bugs
Louder With Crowder Our USDA is funding research into edible bugs. Edible bugs, that they feed with trash...

Food - Frankenfood - Let Them Eat Bugs - Bug Burger with French Flies
Canada Free Press Let Them Eat Bugs - What becomes manifestly obvious is the contempt the "elites" hold for common humanity
Louder With Crowder Tyson Foods Jumps On The Bug Bandwagon, Expands With "Sustainable" Insect Protein

Mises Institute Déjà vu on the greatest food stamp fraud

FEE - Foundation for Economic Education
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education How to Lose a Constitution - Lessons from Roman History
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education 16 Children's Books You Didn't Know Were Anti-Authoritarian

Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) learn about the Constitution of the United States. Learn about the Declaration Of Independence.

Fox Nation

Fred On Everything Wimp Nation: Poised to Fall
Fred On Everything Why They Hate Us

Free Press The Day the Delusions Died (October 8, 2023)

Freedom Forge hub for freedom loving creators and fans.

Freedom Outpost
Freedom Outpost Judge Strikes Down Polygamy Ban Citing "Homosexual Marriage" Ruling

Freedom's Back

Free Patriot The ObamaCare Marriage Tax

Freedom - Liberty
Most people prefer security (slavery) over freedom (liberty)
Man is not free unless government is limited - Ronald Reagan
Government defination of Peace - what prevails among nations as long as they acknowledge the sovereign authority of the American Empire. - Butler Shaffer
Government defination of Life - a respected value as long as the living act in conformity with the collective interests of institutions. - Butler Shaffer
Government defination of Liberty - a condition in which your obedience to the state will keep you out of prison. - Butler Shaffer
The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities. - Ayn Rand
The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution. - Thomas Jefferson
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.- Ronald Reagan
America was founded as "the home of the free" only because at the time government was too weak to intervene in the private lives of people.
Try using recreational pharmacuticals at home or paying for sex behind closed doors and then try to explain to me how that is NOT government intervention.
Where there is no market economy, the best-intentioned provisions of constitutions and laws remain a dead letter. - Ludwig von Mises
As soon as the economic freedom which the market economy grants to its members is removed, all political liberties and bills of rights become humbug. - Ludwig von Mises
Freedom is indivisible. As soon as one starts to restrict it, one enters upon a decline on which it is difficult to stop. - Ludwig von Mises
The idea that political freedom can be preserved in the absence of economic freedom, and vice versa, is an illusion. Political freedom is the corollary of economic freedom. - Ludwig von Mises
As soon as we surrender the principle that the state should not interfere in any questions touching on the individuals mode of life, we end by regulating and restricting the latter down to the smallest detail. - Ludwig von Mises
Opium and morphine are certainly dangerous, habit-forming drugs. But once the principle is admitted that it is the duty of the government to protect the individual against his own foolishness, no serious objections can be advanced against further encroachments … Is not the harm a man can inflict on his mind and soul even more disastrous than any bodily evils.? Why not prevent him from reading bad books and bad plays, from looking at bad paintings and statues and from hearing bad music? The mischief done by bad ideologies, surely, is much more pernicious both for the individual and for the whole society, than that done by narcotic drugs. - Von Mises, Human Action
It took about 150 years, starting with a Bill of Rights that reserved to the states and the people all powers not explicitly delegated to the federal government, to produce a Supreme Court willing to rule that growing corn to feed to your own hogs is interstate commerce and can therefore be regulated by Congress. - David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom
Did you hear, Al Gore is making a new movie about politics? An Inconvenient Democracy.
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
In the Second World War, the Supreme Court of the United States could not, for the life of it, discover anything in the Constitution that might prohibit the rounding up, transportation to the interior, and incarceration of American citizens simply because they were of Japanese descent. - Ralph Raico
Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom. - Alexis Charles Clerel de Tocqueville - Democracy in America (1835)
Those who suppress freedom always do so in the name of law and order. - John V. Lindsay - New York City Mayor
7 Easy Steps to Becoming a Modern Slave - Ilias Tsagklis
1. Enjoy mindless entertainment on TV or the Internet for hours
2. Blindly entrust your future to the government
3. Disrespect your own body and let it degrade
4. Be a good obedient consumer and spend more
5. Be an employee for the rest of your life
6. Stop reading books and educating yourself
7. Associate with losers and whiners
Freedom - Liberty - links
mrc tv Joe Rogan Posts Instagram Video Promoting American Ideal of Freedom
mrc tv Conservative Leaders: Tech Companies Pose Existential Threat, Must Be Broken Up
Daily Wire Watch Company Pushes Back Against Censorship And Lockdowns With Stirring Ad About Freedom
Daily Wire Report: U.S. Falls Out Of Top Ten In Freedom Rankings
Freedom In The 50 States
Washington Post 10 reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free
Whiskey and Gunpowder Libertarianism vs. Statism
Whiskey and Gunpowder Neither Left Nor Right: Of Liberty And Libertarians
Whiskey and Gunpowder Slipping the Noose: Americans Are Learning to Resist the Feds Quietly
Whiskey and Gunpowder Defiance: A Lost Virtue?
Whiskey and Gunpowder What Racetracks Can Teach Us About Government Roads
Mises Institute Liberty Is the Theme, Again
Mises Institute It's Time to Rethink Everything
Mises Institute Democracy and Liberty
Mises Institute The Blessed Institution: Liberty
Mises Institute Should There Be Shop-Closing Laws?
Mises Institute The Free-Market Lesson of the Web
Mises Institute Legalize It
Mises Institute Passport to the Total State
Mises Institute Free Speech and Occupy Wall Street
Mises Institute Freedom Is Not "Public Policy"
Mises Institute Private Property Is the Essence of Liberty
Mises Institute Mises Explains the Drug War
Mises Institute Enjoying the right to property
Mises Institute "Freedom" does not mean actual freedom
Mises Institute Government’s Definition of Terrorism
Mises Institute Constitutional Law Is Supposed to Be Different
Mises Institute The overiding importance of an ethic of liberty
Mises Institute Repeal the Drinking Age
Mises Institute Vote with Your Feet: Free States Are Happier and Richer
Daily Reckoning Freedom: The New and Future Experiment
Daily Reckoning SBM - Sweet Disposition - Seeks Loving Home
Daily Reckoning The Corruption Continues ...
Daily Reckoning Obama’s Fairness Doctrine
Daily Reckoning "America Has Become a Piñata ..."
Daily Reckoning A Caveman’s Account of "Civilized Society"
Daily Reckoning What Does Liberty Really Mean to You?
Daily Reckoning What Does Liberty Really Mean to You? Part II
Daily Reckoning Government Will Lose the War on Piracy
Daily Reckoning The American Story ... Abroad
Daily Reckoning How Markets Fixed the Travel Problem
Daily Reckoning One Hundred Years of Intrusions
Daily Reckoning 4 New Bills From the Political Elite in the Land of the Free
Daily Reckoning The Political Class and the Counteroffensive
Jewish World Review Giving bullies a veto on the First Amendment
The Future Of Freedom Foundation Antitrust Is Central Planning
Yahoo! News CA Judge Deems Ramming Jewish Woman with Shopping Cart ‘Free Speech’
My Fox 8 NC preschooler’s "unhealthy" lunch replaced with cafeteria nuggets
Casey Research Thinking Critically
Yahoo! News Report: N. Korean officials executed in staged traffic accidents
Yahoo! News N. Korea soldier defects across land border
Daily Caller Elderly NJ woman faces eviction for hanging American flags
Daily Caller FDA rule prohibits Bay Area woman from artificial insemination
Daily Caller ‘Million Big Gulp March’ to protest Bloomberg soda limits
Town Hall Abort a Baby, Pro-Choice; Drink a Slurpee, No Choice
52 Weeks In Slovakia Has America Lost Her Way? The 22nd Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution
The Daily Caller Adam Carolla: Liberal Hollywood puts conservatives on ‘list of people who need to be put in their place’
American Thinker SCOTUS and the Collapse of States' Sovereignty
reason The Supreme Court’s Dismal ObamaCare Decision
WND Liberty: Rare and getting scarcer
Canada Free Press America’s Emasculation (America's Police State)
The American Dream 19 Signs That America Is Being Systematically Transformed Into A Giant Surveillance Grid
Laissez Faire Today The Fundamental Right of Secession Liberty Was Also Attacked in Boston
Human Events Kansas community cracks down on couches
Personal Liberty Digest Charles Koch Doesn’t Sound Like A Guy Who’s Playing Defense
Personal Liberty Digest Liberty Movement Rising
Personal Liberty Digest Ron Paul: Celebrate Independence Day By Opposing Government Tyranny
Preserve Freedom Poll Shows 79% of Americans Satisifed with Tyranny
Bookworm Room A RANT: Jon Stewart exemplifies why Obama is in the White House
Mises Institute End the Shutdown
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) South Korea Preserved the Open Society and Now Infection Rates are Falling
PJ Media CA Governor to People: No Fireworks! People: Watch This
mrc tv Michigan AG Appeals Ruling Protecting Christians From Being Forced To Host Gay Weddings
Federalist It’s Not Okay For Corporations To Take Away Our Freedom Just Because They’re Not Government
AIER - American Institute for Economic Research Is There Any Chance of Restoring Our Lost Freedom?
Louder With Crowder High Taxes and Over Regulation: New York Ranked Least Free State In America... Again

Freedom - Liberty - Protest For Freedom
Turley Talks Freedom Convoy Awakens Patriot Protests Around the World!!!

Freedom - Liberty - freedom from responsibility
Resurgent Oregon’s Legislature Is A Cautionary Tale For Other States

Freedom - Liberty - freedom from privacy
Daily Reckoning Snowden’s Flight to Freedom
Daily Reckoning Thank You, Russia?
Daily Reckoning We’re All Edward Snowden Now
Free Thought Project Supreme Court Rules that Cops DO NOT Need a Warrant to Search Your Home
Tea Party Politics Seattle Libtards Pass Law to Assess $50 Fines on Food Found in Garbage
FL Students Who Begged Gov’t to Take Their Rights Away, Now Angry Gov’t Took Away Their Rights
newsbusters Spy Games? Tucker Says NSA Whistleblower Warned Agency Monitoring Him

Freedom - Liberty - freedom to live where the government tells you to live
Truth Revolt Americans Overwhelmingly Reject Forced 'Residential Diversity' - 86% say government should not play a role in determining where people live

Freedom - Liberty - freedom to obey the ruling class
The Economic Collapse Feeding The Homeless BANNED In Major Cities All Over America The Case Against Government Bans on Feeding the Homeless
Local 10 Police charge 90-year-old man, 2 pastors with feeding homeless
Yahoo! Shine Utah Teen Kicked Out of Class for Dyeing her Hair... Auburn?
Yahoo! Shine Should This Little Girl's Big Bow Be Banned? 4-year-old's Hairstyle Sparks School Drama
Yahoo! Shine Peanut butter and jelly sandwich sparks controversy: Can we really ban nut products from schools?
Yahoo! Shine School Officials Ban Kilt at Prom Because It's "not Normal"
Yahoo! Shine Baggy Pants Ban in Florida Sparks Controversy
Yahoo! News Bloomberg’s big-soda ban approved by NYC health board
Yahoo! News New Jersey middle school bans hugging
Yahoo! Sports Kid whose Michigan T-shirt was banned at school gets VIP treatment at Wolverines game
Yahoo! News Virginia considers dropping ban on unmarried couples cohabitating
Yahoo! GMA Amish Girl With Leukemia, Family Flees US to Avoid Chemotherapy
ABC News French President Proposes Banning Homework (homework is unfair for children who don't have parents to help them)
reason California Wants to Ban Your Big Screen TV
Dick Puddlecote Freedom Is Officially Banned In Washington
Adventures Of A Broken Soldier Disabled Purple Heart veteran, embarassed at local business.
American Thinker Banning the American Flag and Reconquista
Personal Liberty Digest Another Town Launches An Assault On Liberty

Freedom - Liberty - freedom from travel
Daily Reckoning Aspiring to Travel Freely in a World of Invisible Borders
Daily Reckoning Congress’ Plan to Lock You In
Daily Reckoning Congress Votes to Take Your Passport Today

Freedom - Liberty - freedom from sexual choice - sex regulations - police in your bedroom - no part of life unregulated
Truth Revolt Democrats Introduce Bill to Criminalize 'Stealthing' - Akin to "sexual assault."

Freedom - Liberty - police in your bedroom - no part of life unregulated
mrc tv First Gas Stoves, Now Biden's Coming For Your Water Heater

Freedom - Liberty - Humor
Babylon Bee 'We Are Living In A Totalitarian Nightmare,' Says Protester Freely Without Any Fear Of Government Retribution

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - censorship
I have certain rules I live by. ... and I don't take very seriously the media, or the press, in this country. - George Carlin
When the mass media in some foreign countries serve as megaphones for the rhetoric of their government, the result is ludicrous propaganda. When the mass media in our country serve as megaphones for the rhetoric of the U.S. government, the result is responsible journalism. - Norman Solomon
I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire
New liberal free speech motto:
I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to your death my right to prevent you from saying it. - Cynical Pessimist
How does so much [false news] get into the American newspapers ... journalists are, in the main, extremely stupid, sentimental and credulous fellows -- because nothing is easier than to fool them -- because the majority of them lack the sharp intelligence that the proper discharge of their duties demands. - H. L. Mencken
Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views. - William F. Buckley
Even Goebbels was in favor of free speech he liked. - Noam Chomsky
Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Suppression of Free Speech - Links
FIRE Free Speech Makes Free People - Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression'(FIRE)
GAB Judge Issues Injunction To Protect Free Speech On Social Media Platforms
mrc tv Conservative Leaders Call on Feds to Cease Collusion with Social Media Platforms
mrc tv AOC Says House Dems Are Discussing a Commission to 'Reign In' Media Who Publish 'Disinformation'
mrc tv Brookings & CNN Want Biden's Feds To Censor the Internet AND TV Broadcasting
mrc Tech Watch Media Research Center Launches #FreeSpeechAmerica to Battle Big Tech
censor track find out which big tech companies oppose and are fighting against the First Amendment and free speech
Brain Pickings The Freedom of the Press: George Orwell on the Media’s Toxic Self-Censorship
Louder With Crowder Defining Free Speech: A Primer for Morons
Truth Revolt Report: U.S. Ranks 41st in Global Index of Press Freedom - Behind Ghana - Does this come as a surprise to anyone?
American Thinker Is It Worth Reading a Newspaper Anymore?
Don't Censor The Net
Fight For The Future fight the Stop Online Piracy Act
dotTech What are Stop Online Piracy Act and PROTECT IP Act, and how they will affect you [dotTech Explains]
TorrentFreak Pirate Parties Supply Wikileaks With Much Needed Servers
wired Vigilantes Take Offensive in WikiLeaks Censorship Battle
Washington Post WikiLeaks' resilience shows strength of Internet-age lifelines
Washington Post Shut up and play nice: How the Western world is limiting free speech
Mises Institute "Independent" Media Requires More Government
Mises Institute Enjoying the right to property
Mises Institute It’s Not a Promising Future
Mises Institute The Injustice of Social Justice
Mises Institute The Real Meaning of "Defense"
Mises Institute The Myth of the Voluntary Military
Mises Institute The Dawn of Late Fascism
Mises Institute When You're Popular, You Don't Need Freedom of Speech
Natural News Maine town becomes first to declare food sovereignty
Daily Reckoning Where Are Your Papers?
Daily Reckoning Getting out of Dodge
Daily Reckoning A Message from the People at
Daily Reckoning What a Stunning Comeback!
Daily Reckoning A Caveman’s Account of "Civilized Society"
Addicting Info Congressman Lamar Smith, Author Of SOPA, Breaks Copyright Law On Campaign Website (IMAGE)
matthewkiichiheafy Another "Massive Check" From Matt Heafy
Loud Wiree Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe Drops Another Pipebomb on Internet Censorship
Mother Jones American Airlines Boots Woman With Pro-Choice T-Shirt From Flight
CNN Google reports 'alarming' rise in government censorship requests
The Daily Caller House committee passes resolution opposing UN Internet regulation
Free Software Foundation Dear Microsoft: is not a "gambling site"
PowerLine How the Democratic Media Spin the News
reason President Obama Says We "must" Condemn "those who slander the prophet of Islam," Among Others
rt Pussy Riot: Our arrest signals start of repression campaign to spread fear
The Daiy Caller White House considers executive order, leaves Internet takeover a possibility
akdart Examples of "spiked" news stories - Items which appear to have been deliberately omitted by the mainstream press
Monster Hunter Nation Netanyahu and America’s idiot media
Human Events This is what real censorship looks like
Canada Free Press Dick Durbin not sure the 1st Amendment applies to bloggers, ‘new media,’ etc ...
Canada Free Press Freedom of Speech As Long As You Agree With Me - Freedom of speech in America: A figment of their naïve imagination
Washington Examiner Washington Post: The Justice Department has allowed us to say AG Holder supports press freedom
Washington Post What about these leaks, Mr. Holder?
USA Today Jonah Goldberg: Press shield has holes - Such a law would give government the right to define who is a journalist, and who is not.
Natural News Judge Napolitano: Obama more threatened by journalism than terrorism
WTRF 7 14-year-old at the center of "NRA T-Shirt Controversy" now facing possibility of 1 year in jail Feinstein: You’re Not a Real Journalist Unless You Draw a Salary
Electronic Freedom Foundation Barrett Brown Prosecution Threatens Right to Link, Could Criminalize Routine Journalism Practices
Project Veritas The government wants to decide who is a journalist and who isn’t
Fox News Court rules school can ban American flag shirts to avoid racial strife
Daily Caller Conservative prof who was denied promotion wins First Amendment lawsuit
Personal Liberty Digest Bill Authorizing Government To Define Legitimate Journalism A Political Albatross For RINOs, Democrats
The Rutherford Institute Free Speech, RIP: A Relic of the American Past
Personal Liberty Digest Another Test Case In Government’s Ongoing Push To Define ‘Real’ Journalism
Politico Justice Department urges SCOTUS to pass up reporter's privilege case
Tech Dirt State Dept Launches 'Free the Press' Campaign Same Day DOJ Asks Supreme Court To Jail Reporter
Power Line Democrats Vote For Partial Repeal of First Amendment
reason Harassment Charges for Student Who... Told Joke [Gasp!]
The Raw Story District suspends ‘dangerous’ teacher for writing scifi novel about school shooting in 2902
The Washington Post The Volokh Conspiracy - ‘Freedom from Speech,’ by Greg Lukianoff (FIRE)
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: Silence Drudge!
Truth Revolt Ben Shapiro: The First Amendment is Dead
Truth Revolt Pamela Geller Announces 'Draw Muhammad' Ad Campaign in D.C. - Winning cartoon to be featured on buses and trains.
Truth Revolt Steven Crowder: Is America The Greatest Country In The World?
Truth Revolt Oregon Silences Bakers Who Wouldn't Make Gay Wedding Cake - Fines them $135,000, issues "cease and desist" order on voicing their objections
Truth Revolt One Year After Massacre Charlie Hebdo 'Feels Alone' in Poking Fun at the World - So much for #JeSuisCharlie.
Truth Revolt Fort Riley Caves to Threat, Cancels Christian General's Speech - “I sincerely doubt America can win wars if the people tasked to do so are frightened by an old retired general with Biblical views and a testimony of faith."
American Thinker The Threat to Free Speech in America
Imprimis Are We Free to Discuss America’s Real Problems?
Ruminations Supreme Court: Free Speech Means Free Speech
Louder With Crowder British Police Arrest Nine People a Day for Posting Offensive Messages Online
CompariTech How the Earn IT Act could affect privacy, free speech and encryption
mrc tv Rumble Exits France As French Gov't Demands Censorship
Washington Examiner Dominion's Fox News lawsuit is not what the media are making it out to be

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - War On Free Speech - War On The First Amendment
Federalist DOJ Indictment Of Trump Is A Declaration Of War Against American Voters
Washington Times Subjective rankings sap conservative news assets
Louder With Crowder Globalists announce we are facing a worse crisis than climate changing... it's "misinformation" and "disinformation"

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Is Elon Musk Providing Free Speech For All?
Zero Hedge Musk Neuters Twitter 'Ministry Of Truth' Ahead Of Midterms

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - California War On Free Speech
Post Millennial Gavin Newsom signs bill to punish doctors who spread 'Covid misinformation'

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - England War On Free Speech - Thought Police
Louder With Crowder Watch: Police arrest man for 'hateful' social media post that - and I quote - 'caused someone anxiety'
Louder With Crowder Watch: A woman getting fined for praying in the "wrong place" somehow NOT as ridiculous as the questions the cop asks first
Louder With Crowder Watch: Another Brit gets FINED for silent prayer, this time an Army vet
Louder With Crowder Watch: Woman gets arrested for PRAYING because in the UK there are certain places where that's against the law

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Canada War On Free Speech - Thought Police
rumble Canadian Judge Tells Pastor He MUST Preach That His Vax Views Contradict 'Medical Experts'

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - New Zealand War On Free Speech - Thought Police
Louder With Crowder Police frisk, arrest woman in front of her children over posting 'offensive' memes on Twitter

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Liberal Media War On Free Speech
Red State Anatomy of a Media Hoax - The Desire for Book Bans Leads to Rampant Lies in the Press

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Apple War On Free Speech
mrcd tv Poisoned Apple? Glenn Beck Says Apple has Removed His Podcast from Platform

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Patriots on Twitter
Dan Bongino Show The Top 10 Twitter Accounts for Conservatives to Follow If Elon Musk Takes Over

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Politico War On Free Speech - Politico Spreading Misinformation - Because Dishonesty Is The Best Policy
Red State 'Politico' Embarrassingly Hoist With Own Petard in Report on 'Disinformation' in Paul Pelosi Case

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Wikipedia War On Free Speech - Wikipedia, Banning Truth Because Lying Is What They Do Best - Wikipedia, Because Dishonesty Is The Best Policy - Wokepedia
Hot Air Wikipedia editors considering deleting the article on the Twitter files
Daily Signal Wikipedia’s Left-Wing Bias

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Free Speech Comes To Twitter?
Louder With Crowder Japanese users discover something about Twitter trending topics we always knew about Twitter trending topics

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - X War On Free Speech - Twitter War On Free Speech - Twitter, Banning Truth Because Lying Is What They Do Best - Twitter, Denying America Basic Human Rights - Threatenng To Murder Conservatives Does NOT Violate Twitter's Terms Of Service - Twitter Supporting Killers - Twitter, Where Dishonesty Is The Best Policy
Elon Musk, here comes the new boss, just the same as the old boss
To be totally frank, almost every conspiracy theory that people had about Twitter turned out to be true. - Elon Musk
Town Hall Post-Musk Twitter is Doomed. Disruptive Social Media Platforms Are Primed to Replace It
Louder With Crowder Did Twitter Just Admit They're Denying Trump His 'Essential Human Right?' Ted Cruz Thinks So.
Louder With Crowder New Twitter CEO Thinks Free Speech is Dated, Claims Misinformation's Not About What's 'True' and 'False'
Louder With Crowder Libs of TikTok Threatened With Assassination, Twitter Says It Doesn't Violate Their Policies
Monster Hunter Nation Twitter – We Knew The Game Was Rigged, but Damn…
mrc tv 'Twitter Does NOT Believe in Free Speech,' Twitter Sr. Engineer Tells Undercover Project Veritas Reporter
Louder With Crowder Reporter Shuts Down Blue Checkmark Leftist 'Hack' Distorting His Coverage of Texas School Shooting
Daily Wire Libs of TikTok Locked Out of Twitter – Again
Louder With Crowder Twitter whistleblower shocker: 4000 employees have access to your personal info, can dox users on a whim
Just The News Twitter censorship targets Florida, but not FDA adviser, for undermining COVID vaccines
NY Post Latest ‘Twitter Files’ reveal secret suppression of right-wing commentators
Federalist All The Times Twitter Execs Lied To Our Faces About Their Insidious Shadowbanning
Federalist Third Batch Of Twitter Files Shows Twitter’s Lead Censor Joking About FBI Collusion
Dan Bongino Show Dan Bongino: The Twitter Censorship Is Just the Beginning
reason Twitter Files: FBI, DHS Reported Tweets for Election Misinformation - Content moderators had "weekly confabs" with law enforcement officials, reports Matt Taibbi.
Fox News Twitter Files reveal Trump ban came after Michelle Obama, others pressured the company
Dan Bongino Show Twitter Censorship Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg
mrc tv Members Of Congress BLAST Former Twitter Execs For Censorship
Louder With Crowder "Lawful, but awful": X (Twitter) CEO Linda Yaccarino validates all our free speech concerns about her
Reclaim The Net X Partners With Company Tied To Group That Blacklisted Conservatives
Just The News Musk's X seeks job applicants to stop disinformation, promote 'credible' election stories
mrc tv Elon Musk's X Quietly Changes Pronoun Rules, Reigniting Free Speech Concerns

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - YouTube - War On Free Speech - Suppressing Free Speech - Promoting Misinformation - Supporting Misinformation
Louder With Crowder YouTube suspended Louder with Crowder for our interview with Kari Lake
Louder With Crowder BANNED! YouTube's OFFICIAL Election Interference on Full Display! GUEST: Kari Lake (Show Notes)
Hollywood In Toto Russell Brand Scorches YouTube for Misinformation Double Standard
Reclaim The Net YouTube punishes journalist for video of GOP election denial, allows video of Democrat election denial
Federalist YouTube Censored User After He Published Democrats’ 2016 ‘Stolen Election’ Claims
Just The News YouTube repeatedly censors RFK Jr. as Democratic leaders demand reinstatement of 2020 censorship
Louder With Crowder Watch: Did the Irish Government get YouTube to remove our Ireland riots/Conor McGregor video?
Louder With Crowder Congressman drops the YouTube files, details how deep the Biden White House operation went to CENSOR Americans

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Facebook - FascistBook - War On Free Speech - Suppressing Free Speech - Support For Hate Speech - Support For Terrorism
FecesBook is not as evil as Shitter - Snark FuckUberger (or is that) Snark FuckerBerg
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse An Open Letter to the Facebook Moderators
American Thinker Stunning: Facebook court filing admits 'fact checks' are just a matter of opinion
Louder With Crowder Here we go: Big Tech is censoring GOP criticism of Biden's student loan bailout
Louder With Crowder Watch: Zuckerberg admits to throttling story because of FBI, but it's okay because he's not as bad as Twitter
NY Post Facebook spied on private messages of Americans who questioned 2020 election
NY Post Facebook ‘silencing’ activity related to FBI whistleblower Steve Friend
American Thinker Facebook: Where Jihadist Hate Thrives
Louder With Crowder Facebook Files catch Biden Admin demanding platform censor Americans, based on phony data from a foreign non-profit
mrc tv Say What?! Meta Spox Claims 60% Of Employees Work On Censorship & 'Safety'

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Paypal - War On Free Speech - Suppressing Free Speech
Louder With Crowder PayPal busted in attempt to penalize users $2,500 for ‘misinformation,’ caves once plan was exposed

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Facebook - Government War On Free Speech - Government Support For Suppressing Free Speech
mrc tv Government Officials Can Block People They Don't Like Online

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Trust In Media Censorship - Bad Faith
mrc tv Poll: Americans’ Confidence in Newspapers, TV News Continues Steep Decline
Truth Revolt Atbashian: Facebook-Google-Twitter 1984 - How to fight for freedom in the Left’s social media gulag.
National Review Viewpoint Discrimination with Algorithms
PJ Media Facebook Demands Driver's License, Social Security Number to Run Ad for Obama Expose Book
Gateway Pundit BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone Provides Statement in Response to Social Media Giants Censoring His Free Speech Rights
Breibart Twitter Suspends PragerU, Prominent Conservatives, and Doctors for Commenting on HCQ
mrc tv 'Twitter Insider' Records CEO Jack Dorsey's Plans for Censorship: '...Going to be Much Bigger Than Just One Account'
mrc tv ND State Reps Intro Bill To Allow Censored Users To Sue Big Tech
mrc Newsbusters MRC’s Bozell SLAMS ‘Fraudulent’ Facebook Fact-Checker Program for Spreading ‘Chinese Propaganda’
ederalist Twitter Suspends Spanish Politician For Saying ‘A Man Cannot Get Pregnant’
National Review National Review, Other Conservative Outlets Branded as ‘Disinformation’ and Blacklisted

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Government Regulation - Censorship - Suppression - Protection From Free Speech
American Thinker FEC targets conservative media while giving liberals a pass
American Thinker Dems on FEC want to investigate political jokes
Truth Revolt WATCH: Air Force Vet Forcibly Removed from Flag Ceremony for Mentioning 'God' - *Redacted* bless the USA!
Truth Revolt France: Le Pen Charged for Tweeting About ISIS Crimes - "The crime is punishable by up to three years in prison."
American Spectator California Aborting Free-Speech Rights - Opposing Planned Parenthood is now a criminal activity.
Zero Hedge The Mainstream Media Is Asking For A Government Bailout Via Censorship
Daily Wire TYRANNY: California Criminally Charges Undercover Reporters Who Exposed Planned Parenthood's Baby Body Part Sales. Where's The Outrage?
PJ Media Burning Books in Sweden
Breitbart Media Matters Attacks Tucker Carlson for Discussing Online Free Speech with Gab CEO
Daily Wire New York Times: Hey, Let's Kill The First Amendment. It's Helping Conservatives Too Much.
RT ‘RIP, 1st Amendment’: New York City Mayor intervenes to cancel Milo Yiannopoulos university talk
mrc tv EU On Brink of Massive Meme Censorship, Vote Tuesday on 'Article 13'
mrc tv Canadian Father Jailed For Using Correct Pronouns For His Trans-Identifying Daughter In Court
mrc tv Jankowicz Implies Federal 'Ministry of Truth' Could Have Stopped Uvalde Killer
American News BREAKING: Elon Musk says there are 'more smoking guns' to come and he's not suicidal

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - honesty - truthfulness - knowledgeable - ...
Truth Revolt CNN Identifies Flag Covered in Sex Toys as ISIS Flag - The most trusted name in news.
Truth Revolt Cruz a Bestseller But Not For NYT - Grey Lady won't include Cruz's book on bestseller list
Truth Revolt Cruz Book Makes NYT Best Seller List After 'Partisan Bias' Feud
Truth Revolt Fake Rape Story Editor Leaving Rolling Stone - Departure comes as UVA dean and students file lawsuits against magazine
Truth Revolt Malkin: The Baby Butchers and Their Media Butchers - Pro-life journalists have struck a nerve.

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - debate
Front Page Magazine Liberals Blame Racism, Environmentalism for Obama’s Debate Loss
Real Clear Politics Chris Matthews Freaks Out At Obama: "What Was He Doing?"
Real Clear Politics Brokaw To Obama: "Get It Together, You're The President Of The United States"
Right Wing News Romney Destroys Obama in First Debate, Left-wingers Go Nuts
American Thinker NY Times 'fact checker' needs his 'facts' checked
American Thinker Journalists as Professionals
American Thinker Candy Crowley Plays Biggest Loser with Obama
American Thinker Romney Wins the Three-Way Debate at Hofstra

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - media malpractice, liberal mainstream media bias exposed
Considering the epic dishonesty displayed by the mainstream media, I can only conclude that they must be classified as using weapons of mass distortion. - Cynical Pessimist
Storyboarding = liberal media twisting, ignoring or fraudulently creating facts to present their deluded reprehensible opinion as news. - Cynical Pessimist
In America the president reigns for four years, and journalism governs for ever and ever. - Oscar Wilde - The Soul of Man Under Socialism (1895)
Truth Revolt Media Fail: 70% Believe News Reporting Intentionally Biased
New York Post Ex-CBS reporter’s book reveals how liberal media protects Obama
Daily Caller Media Matters
Daily Caller Inside Media Matters: David Brock’s enemies list
Daily Caller Inside Media Matters: Sources, memos reveal erratic behavior, close coordination with White House and news organizations
Daily Caller Gutfeld explains ‘starry-eyed school girl’ media’s double standard on rich GOP vs. rich Dems
American Thinker The Most Pathogenic Media in History
American Thinker When Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Insulted Palestinian Culture
American Thinker A stunning admission on polling
American Thinker Believe Your Lyin' Eyes
American Thinker Why Can't CBS Be Honest About Jihad Against Christians?
American Thinker Ariel Castro, Cleveland Kidnapper, Is a Registered Democrat
American Thinker Those crazy, lone-wolf, low level IRS employees
American Thinker Islamist Showdown
The Daily Caller Survey: 95 percent of congressional staffers believe media is biased
The Daily Caller Michael Steele to Chris Matthews: ‘You’re a good sycophant’ for Obama [VIDEO]
The Daily Caller Mark Levin goes nuclear in defense of TheDC’s Neil Munro
The Daily Caller Steyn: Media play double standard in coverage of Aurora shooting versus Ft Hood shooting
The Daily Caller Tea party familiar with being wrongly blamed after horrific tragedies
The Daily Caller Greg Gutfeld: Stephanie Cutter was right, there’s ‘no difference between the news press and the entertainment press’
The Daily Caller Artur Davis rips MSNBC, CNN’s Roland Martin
The Daily Caller MSNBC abandons GOP convention during every speech by a minority
The Daily Caller Voight: Obama controlling American media like Hugo Chavez does in Venezuela
The Daily Caller Newt Gingrich asks Chris Matthews, ‘What kind of racist thinking do you have?’
Town Hall Trayvon and the Good Victim
Breitbart Big Three on Fast & Furious: CBS Reports, ABC Downplays, NBC Spins
Breitbart Media Strikes Back After Dirty Harry Dares To Mock Obama
The Other McCain Barack Obama Is the Antichrist - and Other Neutral Objective Facts
International Liberty Shame on the Associated Press for Sloppy and/or Biased Reporting about Poverty
Canada Free Press For Half The Day, MSNBC Ignored U.S. Embassy Attacks in Cairo
Canada Free Press The Media’s Net Full of Red Herrings
Canada Free Press Why So Much Anger At Manti Te’o? Manti Te'o was just following President Obama’s example
Canada Free Press White House Correspondents’ Dinner restores columnist’s belief that America is screwed
Canada Free Press Rachel Maddow: Islamic Terrorism? Never Heard of It - We are now witnessing the birth of a new MSM lie that there is no such thing as Islamic terrorism
Canada Free Press The Path to Tyranny - The growth of tyranny would not be possible without the support of one other group within the progressive movement
Canada Free Press Death of a Naked Liberal
Canada Free Press Jay Carney: Jon Stewart was Obama’s toughest interviewer. News media, you’ve failed. CBS, NBC, ABC News? Nah. Left wing comedians. They're tough.
Human Events The media protects Obama by assaulting Romney
National Review Online My Pessimism On Egypt
National Review Online 2017 and the End of Ethics - Will the Obama-era hypocrisy continue when the next president takes office?
Human Events Wildly out of touch media complain Romney not regular guy
American Thinker The Audacity of These Dopes
American Thinker Media's Obama Narrative Collides with Reality
Accuracy In Media Pat Caddell - "The Audacity of Corruption"
akdart News Media Bias in President Obama's Favor
Breitbart Juiced: Pro-Obama Polls Rely On Record Dem Turnout
Draw and Strike So How DO You End Up With A 'Surprise!' Romney Landslide, Anyway?
Canada Free Press Newsweek: An Obituary
News Busters After Apologizing for 'Terrible' Hurricane Comment, Matthews Features Bill Maher for Hitler Jokes
News Busters Stephen King: NRA Should 'Clean Up Blood, Brains and Chunks of Intestine' After Next Massacre
News Busters John McCain Asks NBC's David Gregory 'Do You Care Whether Four Americans Died?'
The Ornery American Civilization Watch - Democracy Did Not Fail
Yahoo! News Washington Post fooled by fake story of Sarah Palin joining Al-Jazeera (journalist integrity at its finest, ie. don't check the facts if you like the story)
Yahoo! News Scarborough Savages NYT For Burying IRS Email Scandal: ‘This Is A Scam!’
Hot Air Cable news replayed the clip of Rubio sipping water more than 200 times yesterday
Hot Air Dorner sympathy goes mainstream: "Like watching ‘Django Unchained.’ It’s kind of exciting!"
Independent Journal Review Jumping to Delusions: Media Damage Their Reputations Covering Boston Marathon Bombings
The Daily Beast How Hope and Change Gave Way to Spying on the Press - Much of the Fourth Estate shrugged when the Obama administration attacked Fox News. But now it’s coming for them, too.
Natural News All three mainstream news networks are little more than shameless parrots for White House propaganda
Warning Sign Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.
Clash Daily Can of Whoop Ass: Lead Singer of Disturbed Slaughters Rolling Stone Mag in Epic Rant
Canada Free Press Rolling Stone’s Jihadist Rock Star
Larry Elder CBS Anchorman's Clueless Apology
WND Telling the truth in Seattle
PJ Media The Many Misperceptions of the Martin-Zimmerman Matter
Salon There is no terrorist threat: The feds want you to think there is, compliant media goes along - "Chatter" from "affiliates" causes a "crisis," while media reports nonsense generated to justify NSA surveillance
The Ornery American Would the Last Honest Reporter Please Turn On the Lights?
Before It's News Video: Faking It – How the Media Manipulates the World into War
Sharia Unveiled Media Silent as Muslims Ethnically Cleanse 60,000 Christians in Philippines
Media Research Center ABC, CBS and NBC Censor Newly Released IRS Scandal E-Mails
Media Research Center MRC Special Report: The Media's Obama Miracle - How Journalists Pretend There Aren't Any White House Scandals
Media Research Center MRC Study: Even Before Shutdown, Networks Dumped Most Blame on Conservatives
Media Research Center MRC Study: How the Broadcast Networks Spun the Shutdown Obama’s Way - ABC, CBS and NBC Touted Victims of Government Closure and Invariably Blamed Republicans
Media Research Center Newly Obtained E-Mails Show Lerner Gave Tea Party Tax Info to FEC, Big Three Networks Censor
Media Research Center Deluge: Now 44 Times More TV Coverage of Christie's Traffic Scandal Than in Last Six Months on IRS
Media Research Center Priorities! Nets Spend Twice as Much Time on Michelle Obama's Birthday Bash Than Benghazi
Media Research Center ObamaCare Costing Government Jobs Too! Big Three Networks Ignore
Media Research Center O'Reilly: 'Disgraceful' Media 'Doesn't Give a Damn' About Benghazi
MRC TV State Trooper Defies Liberal Media Narrative
MRC TV Bozell: Media 'Complicit in Cover-Up of Criminal Misconduct' in IRS Case
MRC TV MRC President Calls Out Media For 'Heavily Edited Footage' Hypocrisy
Project Veritas James O’Keefe, Project Veritas Sue Main Justice for Defamation
PowerLine Administration, Lobbyist, Journalist: Who Can Tell the Difference?
PowerLine The Washington Post Responds To Me, and I Reply to the Post
Washington Free Beacon A Quick Lesson in Media Bias
Personal Liberty Digest ‘White House Director Of Progressive Media’ Is A Job That Actually Exists
The Federalist Papers Star CBS News Reporter Quits Over ‘Liberal Bias’
Personal Liberty Digest Yee Of Little Faith
Nearly Famus Bulletin Board Media Matters, New York Times Deceptively Edit Bundy Video To Smear Him as a Racist
Truth Revolt Limbaugh on Brown: Media Knew About The Robbery All Along - "They deal in rumors all the time, if they like what the rumor is."
The Minority Report Video: Bill Maher on Charlie Rose show absolutely destroys the argument that Islam is the same as Christianity
Truth Revolt SHAPIRO: A Bowla Ebola Idiocy
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Helping the Pro-Obama Media Learn From the Past
Truth Revolt Coulter: Can The Left Come Up With One True Story?
Lew Rockwell Want To Become a Writer for the Establishment? The Rule for Respectable Commentary.
examiner Obama's 'if you like your plan' promise backfiring
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: How the Media See the Midterms
Truth Revolt Media Hall of Shame: ABC's $105 Million Contract with a Clinton Apologist - Another media credibility fail.
Truth Revolt Media Hall of Shame: Marc Lamont Hill is Confused on Who is a Terrorist - Attacks bikers, defends terror suspects
Truth Revolt Media Hall of Shame: The Cost of Brian Williams' Lies - Sources: NBC star has likely lost his anchor chair for good
Truth Revolt Media Hall of Shame: Reuters' Repeated Anti-Israel Bias - Headlines focus on Palestinians as victims rather than attackers.
Truth Revolt Bikers to Draw Mohammed at Mosque
Truth Revolt Twilight Zone: Jon Stewart, Chris Hayes Ridicule NYT's Rubio Hit Piece - "Snobbily judgmental nothingburger"g
Truth Revolt Coulter: Media Hide Facts, Call Everyone Else a Liar - The govt. won't tell us how many immigrants are committing crimes in America.
Truth Revolt Ted Cruz Calls Out Latino Media - Doesn't give Republicans or conservatives "a fair shake"
Truth Revolt Major Garrett's Tough Question For Obama Sparks Liberal Outrage
Truth Revolt Sheriff Clarke: MSM's 'Intoxicating Message' of Free Stuff Keeps Blacks on 'Liberal Plantation' - And the hits keep on coming, folks. If there'd been a mic, it would've been dropped.
Truth Revolt RNC Head Rips CNBC Debate Moderators - Who let this happen?
Truth Revolt ABC News: Hillary Didn't Lie About Trump Being in ISIS Video, She 'Predicted' It - They are trying to make her right after the fact.
Truth Revolt Popular Conservative Channel Removed by YouTube - After audio of anti-Israel activists was reported. Coincidence?
Truth Revolt YouTube’s Fake News Spotters ‘Mistakenly’ Removed Conservative Videos - Oops! Honest mistake. Happens all the time... literally.
mrc tv Jon Stewart Absolutely EVISCERATES The New York Times for Their Rubio Story
Breitbart Phoenix ‘Draw Muhammad’ Organizer Allegedly Threatened with Beheading, Goes Into Hiding
Response Action Network The Real Story Coming Out of Baltimore
MRC Newsbusters Poll: Only 23% of Voters Say Reporters Will 'Offer Unbiased Coverage'
Freedom Outpost Pamela Geller: Loyal Islamic State Muslims Plotted to Behead Me - Are You Next?
mrc tv AP Removes Controversial Pictures of Ted Cruz From Site
The Daily Signal State Silences Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple, Fines Them $135K
Info Wars CNN Turns Mixed Race Oregon Shooter into a White Man - LA Times claims Mercer was a white supremacist
The Federalist Why Is Google Honoring A Marxist Terrorist Who Thanked Bin Laden For 9/11?
Zero Hedge Twitter Fined For Multiple Campaign Finance Violations
YouTube ‘The Five’ discuss Facebook whistleblower exposing dangers of big tech

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Liberal Version (otherwise known as censoring anything that bothers them)
Truth Revolt Lena Dunham Threatens To Sue Truth Revolt For Quoting Her - Lena Dunham may not like our interpretation of her book, but unfortunately for her and her attorneys, she wrote that book.
Fox News Insider BOMBSHELL: Melissa Francis 'Silenced' by CNBC for Criticizing ObamaCare
Truth Revolt Steven Crowder: Of COURSE We Should Draw Muhammad
Truth Revolt LOWRY: Why Won’t Pamela Geller Shut Up? How dare Pamela Geller get targeted by terrorists bent on committing mass murder?
Truth Revolt Albertson's Bakery Refuses 'Trump 2016' Birthday Cake - Make America Bake Again
mrc tv Judge Jeanine Slams 'Draw Mohammed' Contest Critics: 'Political Correctness Be Damned, We Are At War'
YouTube Does Free Speech Offend You?
Capital Berg Medical Marijuana Pages Are Taken Down by Facebook
Dangerous Twitter Admits it No Longer Defends Free Speech
Daily Wire ‘NO VIOLATION’: After Rosie Tells Shapiro ‘Suck My D***’ And 'Lick Me,' Twitter Rules No Abuse
YouTube BREAKING: Sr Network Security Engineer Reveals Twitter Ready to Give Trump's Private DMs to DOJ
PJ Media Microsoft Threatens to Shut Down Gab After Anti-Semitic Posts by User
Intercept Inside Google’s Effort to Develop a Censored Search Engine in China
Louder With Crowder Twitter REMOVES Trump's Call

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - on the internet - debate
dot tech Verizon, an American ISP, wants to censor the Internet
Mises Institute Great Comment on Net Neutrality
Chilling Effects first amendment rights on the internet.
Capitalism Magazine Net Neutrality: Obamacare for the Internet Stop the Internet Blacklist!
Extreme Tech The unsuspecting (but intended) victims of SOPA and PIPA
SOPA Strike January 18, 2012 Blackout / Strike - numbers, results, screenshots
Sum Of Us fighting the newest attempts to censor the net
Los Angeles Times SOPA blackout: Bills lose three co-sponsors amid protests
Extreme Tech Boycott SOPA: An Android app that terrifies publishers and politicians
PJ Media SOPA, Security, and the Singularity
CSO Microsoft to ban 'offensive language' from Skype, Xbox, Office and other services - Microsoft will ban 'offensive language' and 'inappropriate content' from Skype, Xbox, Office and other services on May 1, claiming it has the right to go through your private data to 'investigate.

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - on College Campuses - Schools - Liberal Version (otherwise known as censoring anything that bothers them)
reason Greg Lukianoff: How Colleges Fight Free Speech
YouTube Don't Mess with Firefly! How SciFi Fans Made a Campus Safe for Free Speech (feat. Neil Gaiman)
Minding The Campus 6 Ways to Defeat the Campus Censors
Canada Free Press Silencing Free Speech on College Campuses - The enemies of these freedoms, as expressed in the First Amendment, have always been at work to narrow and eliminate them.
Warning Signs Silencing Free Speech on College Campuses
Personal Liberty Digest University Of Hawaii Sued For Restricting Handout Of Constitution To ‘Free Speech Zone’
Personal Liberty Digest California College Settles Lawsuit Alleging 1st Amendment Violation Of Student Who Handed Out Constitution Copies
reason Asking If 'Big Gov't Sucks' Got This Girl in Trouble with Cops, Kicked Off Campus
Truth Revolt Students Protest SJP, Supposedly Pro-Israel Groups Undercut
Truth Revolt Student Suspended for Wearing Military T-Shirt Honoring Brother - "These school administrators have gone soft in the brain."
Campus Reform Mayor pressures UC-Berkeley to cancel ‘Free Speech Week’

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - in comic books
The Federalist Forcing Political Correctness On Employees And Characters Is Killing Marvel Comics - Their comic books have lost their core of good storytelling, and are instead pandering to social justice warriors and offering phony diversity pushes.
The Guardian Wonder Woman artist Frank Cho quits in row over ‘vulgar’ covers
Bleeding Cool Frank Cho Walks Off Wonder Woman After Sixth Cover
The Daily Dot Marvel writer driven off Twitter by sexist harassment
PJ Media Secret Facebook Page Reveals Marvel, DC Comics Writers Conspiring to Harass Comic-Con Conservatives
PJ Media 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Comics Artist Tweets Death to All GOP
Truth Revolt Leftists Continue Ruining the World of Comics - "If I had a magic button I could push that would magically kill every GOP politician in Washington, I would push it and then take a nap."
John C. Wright Fat Chance and Her Amazing Friends!

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Snotty Narcissist Leftists (SNL) Protest Against Comedy and Comics
Louder With Crowder SNL's 'comedy' writers are boycotting over Dave Chappelle hosting (let that one simmer in your brain)

Freedom Of The Press - Freedom Of Speech - Humor
Babylon Bee Twitter CEO Apologizes For Allowing Conservatives On Platform In First Place
Babylon Bee Zuckerberg Vows To Keep US Elections Safe From Unapproved Opinions
Babylon Bee Opinion: When The Founders Wrote The First Amendment, They Never Imagined There Would One Day Be Things I'd Disagree With
Glorious American Chris Cuomo: ‘Show Me The Law That Says Protesters Can’t Commit Assault’
Louder With Crowder 'We See What You're Doing': Comedian Explains Free Speech Slow Enough for Joe Biden to Understand

FreedomWorks reform Social Security, tax reform, limit government, ...

The Freeman Freedom for Economic Education

Free State Project move to a state, New Hampshire, that actually believes in freedom (unlike most of the United States).

The Free Thought Project

FTC - Federal Trade Commission, or maybe - FTC = Fvck The Citizens.
Mises Institute Acrylic Latex and the Pretense of Knowledge
Mises Institute Workers Down Under Antitrust
Mises Institute FTC Resorts to Carjacking
Mises Institute FTC Chairman: Era of Big Government Just Beginning
Mises Institute Privacy, Piracy, and the New Internet
Mises Institute Under FTC (Mis-)Management
Mises Institute FTC Does Its Part to Extend Depression
Mises Institute The Sociopaths Win Again
Mises Institute FTC Opposes Art Gallery, Saving Money
Mises Institute Realcomp Challenges FTC "Right" to Dictate Website Content
Mises Institute FTC Expands Censorship Campaign to Radio, Facebook
Mises Institute Google Allies Itself With FTC
Mises Institute The March Towards Internet Totalitarianism
Mises Institute Blockbuster vs. the FTC (Keeping Future Competition Safe?)
Mises Institute The Pricing Politburo Slams Shampoo
Slay Elon Musk Warns Biden: ‘This Is a Serious Attack on the Constitution by a Federal Agency’
Daily Wire REPORT: Biden Regulator Asked Twitter To ‘Identify All Journalists’

Front Page Mag Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

Mises Institute Fringe Benefits: A Threat to Progress

Gil Fulbright honest politician
Personal Liberty Digest Meet Phillip Mimouf-Wifarts, An Honest Politician

The Future of Freedom Foundation

SERIOUS LINKS (Economy, Liberty, Government, ...)
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Gatestone Institute a non-partisan, not-for-profit international policy council and think tank is dedicated to educating the public about what the mainstream media fails to report

Gateway Pundit
Gateway Pundit And Just Like That, DuckDuckGo Becomes Google — One Time Free Search Engine Now Down-Ranks Conservative Content – Bans Gateway Pundit

Gay Patriot
Gay Patriot And Now a Few Things Sarah Palin Was Mocked Relentlessly For That She Turned Out to be Totally Right About

Pamela Geller reporting the threat to freedom by Muslims

Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
If masculinity were truly toxic, then growing up without fathers children would be better off thab those who have them. But they're not.
The correct response to "My genitals do not define my gender" is "Your IQ obviously does not define your intelligence."
Louder With Crowder Watch: Man Asks Vet To Perform Gender Transition Surgery On His Tutu-Clad Dog In Telling Skit
Creators Why the Redefinition of the Word 'Woman' Matters
Louder With Crowder Democrat Demands Gender Equality in Crash Test Dummies and ... I'm Sorry, What?!
YouTube Lesson from History: Transgender Mania is Sign of Cultural Collapse - Camille Paglia
American Thinker A 1991 study may have found the root cause of transgenderism
Federalist Why Are Lesbian Teens Having Two To Seven Times As Many Babies As Their Heterosexual Peers?
Daily Signal I Was America’s First ‘Nonbinary’ Person. It Was All a Sham.
Age Of Shitlords Complete List of Tumblr Genders (SO FAR)
Age Of Shitlords Complete List of all Tumblr Sexualities (So far)
Age Of Shitlords Complete list of Tumblr pronouns (So far)
Affinity Magazine Gender Identity Your Dog
Skeptic The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct: A Sokal-Style Hoax on Gender Studies
cns news Nearly Everything the Media Tell You About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Is Wrong
Daily Wire Report: Transgenderism Not Supported By Science
Daily Wire The Left's Transgender Propaganda Push Targets Your Children
Daily Wire TRANSGENDER AGENDA FAIL: Scientists Say There Are More Than 6,500 Genes That Express Differently In Men And Women
Daily Wire Happy Legal Guardian Of Unspecified Gender Day!
Daily Wire No, You're Not A Bigot If You Don't Want To Have Sex With Everyone
Daily Wire More Transgenders Are Regretting Surgery, But No One Wants To Talk About It
American Thinker Want to Improve Your State? Pass an Anti-LGBT Law!
American Thinker Potty Parity, Freedom Fighters, and the Boss
American Thinker New York City proclaims a man who thinks he's a woman is a 'real woman'
Truth Revolt NY Gov. Cuomo Bans Official Travel to NC Because They Have Men's and Women's Restrooms - "As long as there is a law in North Carolina that creates the grounds for discrimination..."
Truth Revolt After Barring City Employees From Traveling to 'Anti-LGBT' States, Santa Fe Mayor to Travel to Anti-LGBT Qatar - Will the leftist hypocrisy never end?
Truth Revolt College Students: 'Gender is Fluid - "Whoever you think you are."
Truth Revolt 8-Year-Old Girl Attacked by Man Inside Ladies' Room -- Mother in Next Stall - "Walked in and targeted the girl, choking her and trying to lock her in a stall."
Truth Revolt Middle School Students Protest Obama's Transgender Bathroom Decree - "One of our girls was crying because she didn't feel safe going into the girl's bathroom or locker room."
Truth Revolt Gov't Enforced Fines and Punishment for Anyone Using Wrong Gender Pronouns - "This is the government as sovereign, threatening civil penalties... if people don’t speak the way the government tells them to."
Truth Revolt Black Civil Rights Leader Slams AG Lynch for Comparing Transgender Fight to Civil Rights - "You cannot pimp the civil rights movement."
Truth Revolt In NYC, You Can Chose from 31 Different Gender Identities
Truth Revolt 'Equality' Conference Bans Straight White Men - Must be female, ethnic minority, gay, or disabled.
Truth Revolt New Sexual Identity Revealed: 'Macrosexuals' - Arousal by Literal Giants? - Not Satire
Truth Revolt DC First In Nation to Offer 'Gender-Neutral' Driver’s Licenses - Good to know DC has its priorities in order.
Truth Revolt Prager U: Gender Identity - Why All the Confusion? - Are male and female one and the same?
mrc tv VIDEO: Man Tries to Use Women's Bathroom While Wearing a Dress
mrc tv ‘Gender Neutral’ Teen Begs the Internet for Donations So She Can Remove Her Breasts
mrc tv Bill de Blasio Mandates That NYC Businesses Acknowledge 31 Gender Pronouns
mrc tv University of Melbourne Refuses to Hire Men to Promote Gender Equality
mrc tv Lesbian ‘Gender Non-Conforming’ Couple Tries to Force Son to Have ‘Queer’ Gender Relationship
mrc tv Liberal Logic: A Guy Just Dominated Women's Weightlifting, #Equality!
mrc tv A High School Teacher Is In Hot Water Over a 'Gendered' Bathroom Pass
mrc tv Trans Man/Woman/Man Is Switching Genders For the Third Time
mrc tv Parents Erupt After a Kindergarten Teacher Holds a 'Gender Reveal' Event For a Trans Student
mrc tv California Could Start Jailing People For Using the Wrong Pronoun
mrc tv That's All, Boys and Girls: Couple Says They're Raising a Gender-Neutral 'THEYby'
YouTube Women: Decide For Yourselves (do you want men in women's bathrooms, showers, ...)
Matt Walsh Blog Sorry, Girls Just Have to Deal With Being Assaulted for the Sake of Trans People
Project Veritas NC Officials Enable Male Reporter Posing as Sexual Predator to Use Female Bathrooms
Jewish World Review Cancellations Over North Carolina's 'Discrimination' --- Silence About Hypocrisy
Breitbart Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’
Breitbart Stacey Dash On Trans Bathrooms: ‘I’m Not Putting My Child’s Life At Risk Because You Want to Change a Law’
Breitbart ACLU Leader Quits, Urges Transgender Compromise, After Men Enter Daughters’ Restroom
Daily Caller Security Guard Arrested For Removing Man From Women’s Bathroom
Daily Wire NBA Kills North Carolina All-Star Game To Push For Transgender Bathrooms
Daily Wire Lawsuit: Transgender 'Girl' Twerked, Grinded Against Biological Girls In Locker Room, Leaving Them in Tears
Daily Wire Insanity: Tinder Dating App Gender Profiles Just Outdid Baskin Robbins' By 6 Flavors
Daily Wire BAD PARENTING: Actor Brian Austin Green Celebrates His 4-Year-Old Son Wearing Dresses
YouTube I sexually identify as an Attack Helicopter
Daily Caller Scholar Explains His Hippopotamus Identity In Peer-Reviewed Paper
quartz The US Marines tested all-male squads against mixed-gender ones, and the results were pretty bleak
Crisis Magazine The Latest Absurd Manifestations of Transgenderism
Activist Mommy These Transgender Parents Say They’re Raising A "Genderless" Child
Institute for Family Studies Straight Talk About Sex Differences in Occupational Choices and Work-Family Tradeoffs
Acording To Hoyt The Inmates Are Running The Asylum
mrc tv All-Women's College Tells Faculty Not To Call Students 'Women' To Avoid 'Misgendering'
Federalist After I Said Transgenderism Is A Mental Illness, Twitter Blocked My Account - It seemed unimaginable a year ago to have to define what a mental disorder is to make an argument to even remain on social media, but this is how far the left has gone in big tech.
PJ Media When Your 'Gender Revolution' Needs a Glossary It's Time to Throw in the Towel
Louder With Crowder New Documentary Features Transgenders Who Regret Switching Genders
YouTube I Want My Sex Back. Transgender people who regretted changing sex
Louder With Crowder Trump Administration Recommends Classifying Men and Women by Their Genitals
Louder With Crowder REBUTTAL: ‘New York Times’ Says Anatomy Doesn’t Determine Gender. Let That Sink In.
Caldron Pool Australian Senator declares himself a woman so that pro-choice lefties will no longer be able to attack him for opposing abortion.
mrc tv What? No More 'Gingerbread Men'? Scottish Parliament Says They're 'Sexist'
Louder With Crowder UK Woman Thrown in Jail for ‘Deadnaming’ a Transgender Online
Louder With Crowder Ricky Gervais Defends Women, J.K. Rowling Against Hateful Transgender Allies
Louder With Crowder Transgender Activist Jessica Yaniv Goes Berserk, Physically Attacks Reporter [VIDEO]
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse The Gender Mafia
mrc tv High School Closes Gender Neutral Bathroom After Alleged Sexual Assault
Louder With Crowder Watch: Drag Queen Spanks Woke Mayor In Front Of Kids At All Ages Democratic Fundraiser
mrc tv Trans-Action: Ore. Boy Pretending to be Girl Beats the Crap Out of Real Girl
Louder With Crowder Watch: Tucker Carlson's Face After Being Told What Caused Trans Boom Says It All
mrc tv Transgender ‘Girl’ Sues Ex For Throwing Away His Preserved Testicles
Louder With Crowder Watch: College Student Goes On Unhinged Trans Rant, Says You “Absolutely Can” Identify As A Cat
Louder With Crowder Watch: There Is A New Deranged “Sexuality” And It’s The Worst One Yet
Louder With Crowder Watch: Guy gets kicked out of "queer fat club" because he only identified as being a fatty
Louder With Crowder “Gender Seasons” Is Now A Thing: People Are Changing Their Gender For The Different Times Of The Year
Louder With Crowder Boy Scouts To Now Be Called "Scouting America" To Be More Inclusive
Louder With Crowder "Straight people are getting too comfortable": Rotund TikToker wants you to be deathly afraid of her

Gender - Support For Gender Sanity - Opposition to Gender Insanity
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Daily Wire WALSH: If Your Sex Life Is None Of Our Business, Stop Demanding That We Celebrate It And Fund It
American Conserative America, Tear Down This Flag
Louder With Crowder Texas University cancels drag show after president compares it to "blackface" and students are freaking out about it
mrc tv Lib: Oklahoma’s Save Our Sports Law is ... 'White Nationalist?'
Louder With Crowder Nonprofit Unveils A New ‘Detransitioner Bill of Rights’ To Counter The Left's Trans Agenda

Gender - Transition Regret
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
YouTube PragerU - Detrans (documentary)
American Thinker Transgender Regret Coming Out of Closet
mrc tv Former Trans Teen Is Now Suing the Hospital That Mutilated Her Body
mrc tv 'I Destroyed My Life': Former Navy SEAL Who Lived For Years As a Woman Says He Regrets Transitioning
mrc tv Girl Sues CA Doctors For Chopping Off Her Breasts At Age 13
mrc tv Her Nipples Were 'Literally Peeling Off,' Detransitioner Sues for $1 Mil
OAN Detransitioner Sues Academy Of Pediatrics

Gender - What Is A Woman?
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Blaze Matt Walsh silences trans debate opponent who tried to use EMT training to prove sex is 'complicated spectrum'

Gender - War On Words - War On Truth
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Louder With Crowder LGBTQ+ Groups Praise Writer Being Sent To PRISON For Calling A Journalist A ‘Fat Lesbian’
Louder With Crowder Biden's Secretary of State warns his staff against using offensive language... like "manpower" and "mother"
Louder With Crowder JK Rowling trolls Scotland's new "hate crime" law with epic April Fool's thread on who is now considered a woman

Gender - War On Parents - War On Educationo
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Louder With Crowder New woke state law BANS school boards, parents from having a say in what books are appropriate in grade school

Gender - Derangement - Dishonesty
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
mrc tv Lib Realtor Compares Helping LGBT People Leave Red States to the Underground Railroad
mrc tv ACLU Upset Rapist Did Not Receive ‘Gender Affirming’ Care Before Execution
Louder With Crowder Trans Activists Terrorize Students Outside Riley Gaines Speech, Wind Up In Handcuffs

Gender - War On Gender
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Louder With Crowder Study Justifying Child Sex Changes Included Teen Who Died After Doctors Used Colon Tissue For 'Neovagina'
PJ Media Is This Why Transgenderism Is Exploding in American Public Schools?
Louder With Crowder A Court Will Decide If Taxpayers Must Pay For A Trans Man’s New Lady Parts While Also Keeping His Man Bits
Louder With Crowder Watch: Man Goes Off On Australian Court, Holds It Accountable For “Greatest Child Abuse Scandal In The History Of Modern Medicine”
Louder With Crowder Queer Activist Sentenced To Life In Prison After Streaming “Genital Mutilation Pornography”

Gender - Hypocritical Transphobic: Chest Feeders, Ovulators, bleeders, pregnant people, birthing person, birthgiver, people with front holes or innies or chesticles, Bleeders, ...
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Louder With Crowder Watch: Leftists are upset men took over a women-only tech conference. But they identified as "non-binary," so...

Gender - Hypocritical Transphobic Lesbians
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
mrc tv WNBA All In For Trans Athletes ... But Not in Their League!

Gender - Support For Treason
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Louder With Crowder Army's first trans officer shatters another glass ceiling, becomes first trans officer indicted for spying

Gender - Support For Spreading Monkeypox - Support for Super Spreader Events
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Louder With Crowder 'It's going to be a super spreader': San Francisco BDSM festival still scheduled amid monkeypox fears

Gender - War On Parents - War On Children - War On Sanity - Support For Evil
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Unz Review The Great Parental Replacement
mrc tv Video: Trans Teacher Admits 'Therapy Would Not Work’
mrc tv Tax-Funded Program Pairs Kids With Gay & Trans Adult 'Mentors' Online
mrc tv Trans TikToker Pleads Guilty to Child Sexual Abuse
Louder With Crowder Watch: Video Captures Drag Queen Indoctrinating Kids, Getting Them To Chant... “Free Palestine”

Gender - War On Women - War On Biological Women - Support For Imaginary Women - Do Women's Rights Matter When Anyone Can Be A Woman? - Support For Harming Women
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Democrats are proving the best woman for any job is a man.
Drag queens are to women as blackface is to blacks.
Males in titface are just as offensive as whites in blackface
New Democrat Mottto: if the chick's got a dick you must acquit - Brodigan, Louder With Crowder
Women Are Human
Witherspoon Institute The Degenderettes: The Transgender Hate Group Taking Aim at Women
Louder With Crowder Naked Man in Women’s Bathroom, Cites Gender Rule… And the City Can’t do Crap!
Daily Wire 'Lesbian Activists' Stall London Pride Parade To Protest Against Transgenders - "A man who says he's a lesbian is a rapist."
National Review The Real-World Consequences of Submitting to the Transgender Zeitgeist
Louder With Crowder WATCH: Feminist Speaks Out Against Transwomen Invading Female Only Spaces
mrc tv Huh? Woman Designs 'Chestfeeding' Kit To Combat Gender Inequality, Men Can Now Breastfeed
Daily Wire WALSH: The Simple Preschool-Level Question That No Leftist Can Answer
Louder With Crowder Imprisoned Transwoman Moved from All-Female Prison After Getting Naked with Female Inmate
Feminist Current Women warned you: Yaniv’s human rights case is the inevitable result of gender identity ideology
Breitbart Women Kicked Out of Women’s Shelter to Make Room for a ‘Transgender’ Man
Daily Wire WALSH: A Trans Person Is Trying To Force Women To Wax Male Genitalia. Disturbing Messages Reveal True Motivations, Report Claims.
Louder With Crowder Dear Jessica Yaniv: You’re an Evil Sex Predator ...
mrc tv P&G Caves To 'Trans Rights' Groups, Removes Female Symbol From Women's Product Packaging
Louder With Crowder School Allows Transgenders into Girls’ Locker Rooms. Trans Student Celebrates, Girl Fights Tears.
mrc tv Trans 'Woman' Jessica Yaniv Slams Gynecologist For Refusing to Treat Him Because He's a Man
Federalist Transgender Demands Are An Attack On Real Human Rights
Louder With Crowder ‘Human Ken Doll’ Comes Out as Transwoman, Insults Women with Female Stereotypes<
mrc tv Civil Rights Groups Sue West Virginia on Behalf of 11-Year-Old Over Transgender Sports Law
breitbart Nolte: Victoria’s Secret Seeks to Destroy Brand with Spokeswoman Megan Rapinoe
American Thinker I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar, Just not at the Olympics
Louder with Crowder Woman Confronts Spa After Man Exposes Himself in Women's Locker Room, Gets Told Man Is a Woman
mrc tv A Man Wins Miss Nevada USA Pageant, On Track To Win Miss USA … Then Miss Universe?
Louder with Crowder 'It Was Slightly Erected': Woman at Center of Spa/Transgender/Genitals Controversy Speaks Out
mrc tv Biological Dude First to Be Nominated For ‘Best Actress’ at Emmys
mrc tv Charges Filed Against Trans LA Spa Flasher, a Repeat Sex Offender
Prestigious Medical Journal Erases Women: ‘Bodies with Vaginas’
mrc tv REPORT: Loudoun County Public Schools Broke Law By Failing To Report Sexual Assaults
YouTube Matt Walsh Reacts To “Benefits of Dating Trans Women”
mrc tv Women’s Locker Room Get’s Teste Over Thomas
mrc tv TIME's 'Woman of the Year' is a Man, Baby!
mrc tv Radical Feminists Feel 'Politically Homeless': 'I Don't Think the Democrats Care About Women and Girl
mrc tv UK Hospital Now Asks Men If They Might Be Pregnant After Pro-'Trans' Terms Cause Confusion
rumble NSTA's New 'Gender-Inclusive Biology' Guide Prefers 'People With Ovaries' to 'Women'
mrc tv Sorry Gals, a FLA Public School Says You’re Now ‘People With Vulva’
YouTube Gutfeld: Where are the feminist groups?
mrc tv Transgender Cheerleader Chokes Out Teammate After Being Called A Man
Louder With Crowder High school female volleyball players banned from locker room for speaking out about changing with trans teammate
mrc tv Girls' Volleyball Team Booted From Their OWN LOCKER ROOM After Complaining About Trans Student
YouTube An Obese Man Won A Woman's Beauty Pageant
Louder With Crowder Watch: School board says girls should accept biological male competitors since they won't amount to much anyway
Louder With Crowder USA Today names new 'Woman Of The Year,' and of course they used to have a penis
Louder With Crowder Watch: A university spent tens of thousands of dollars to host Dylan Mulvaney for some unknown reason
Louder With Crowder Female students sue sorority over trans sorority sister, claiming "her" constant boners make them uncomfortable
Louder With Crowder Watch: Woke Democrat says biological men in girls school sports are okay since female athletes won't amount to much anyway
Louder With Crowder Trans soccer player allegedly injured female players, sending one to the hospital. Why? Because equality.
Louder With Crowder High School does nothing after male student exposes genitalia in girls' shower because... you know
mrc tv Calling A Bluff: Florida Man Wins Women's Poker Event
mrc tv Ladies Boycott Anthropologie After Using a Male to Model Their Dresses
Louder With Crowder John Hopkins creates exciting new woke way to erase women in the name of science. Excuse me, I mean "non-men"
Louder With Crowder Watch: Woke activist claims Serena Williams disproves trans dominance in girls' sports, gets hit with facts and reality
mrc tv NC State Swimmer Shares Her Testimony of Being Around Lia Thomas
Louder With Crowder Lia Thomas opponent shares chilling detail of what she had to do to avoid being exposed to him in the NCAA locker room
Louder With Crowder Sorority changes definition of "woman," blasts sorority sisters who are uncomfortable with one sister's raging erections
mrc tv Cancer Fund Suggests Doctors Replace 'Vagina' With Trans-Inclusive 'Bonus Hole'
mrc tv She's the Man: Meet the Newest 'Miss Netherlands'
mrc tv Shoe & Coffee Companies Push Unnecessary Double Mastectomy Surgery
mrc tv ‘Let Women Speak’ Event Will Proceed Despite Eventbrite’s Biased Scrub
mrc tv Tragic Kingdom: Men in Drag Are Now Greeting Kids At Disney's Princess Boutiques
Louder with Crowder New Jersey Inmate Claims She Was Sexually Assaulted By Male Inmate Housed In Women’s Prison
Louder with Crowder "Way to cheat, bro:" Dude ranked 172nd in high school track. Then he became a girl. Now she's ranked 4th!
Louder with Crowder Watch: Barista goes bananas on nice old lady she claims was "transphobic," and then things got violent
Louder with Crowder Trans soccer player breaks female player's knee, claims victimhood when girls fearing for safety won't play against him
Louder with Crowder Girls HS Volleyball Player Suffers Concussion Thanks To Male Opponent, Her Dad's Afraid Of Being Called "Transphobe"
Louder with Crowder Parents not notified when school forced 11-year-old daughter to share bed with boy, he's "trans" and was in "stealth mode"
Louder with Crowder Megan Rapinoe: Playing soccer for America? Literally the "worst job in the world"
Louder with Crowder Below average high school male sprinter turns female, now SHE'S crushing records in college
Louder with Crowder Man Who Murdered Two People and Fed Them To Pigs Has Been Sent To A Women's Prison
mrc tv Pro-Trans Leftists Boycott Bethany Hamilton For Standing Up for Women
mrc tv VOLLEY-BALLS: FIVE Dudes Steamroll Canadian College Women's Game
Louder with Crowder "I don't feel mature enough to see any man's p****": Students forced to confront school board over woke "inclusive" bathroom policy
Louder with Crowder Watch: Cyclist who was born a man but is now a woman claims it's not safe for him/her/them to compete against other men
Louder with Crowder Woman catches man in girls Planet Fitness changing room, gets membership revoked for saying something
Louder with Crowder Rep. Jayapal’s claims trans athletes aren't hurting real girls, gets BLASTED by girl still suffering after being injured by one
Louder with Crowder "Stop taking things away from our little girls": Dad breaks down speaking out against letting boys ruin girls sports
Louder with Crowder Video captures trans student (aka, a boy) viciously attacks teen girl in high school bathroom before dragging her by her hair
Louder with Crowder Trans track star sexually harassed female opponent, telling her what his boy parts were gonna do to her girl parts: lawsuit
Louder with Crowder Sorority Girls Appeal Ruling That Allows The Opposite Sex To Be Members After Court Refuses To Define “Women”
Louder with Crowder Female student confronts man using the girls' restroom, now the school's investigating HER over it

Gender - Support For Evil
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
mrc tv Netflix ‘Gay James Bond’ Cartoon Embraces Demonic Eroticism, Calls Jesus ‘Her’

Gender - Personal Pronouns
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Louder With Crowder Iranian Immigrant Father Explodes on 'Disgraced' School Board's Latest Indoctrination Attempt
rumble Canadian Court: Gov't CAN Punish People For Not Using Newspeak Pronouns
mrc tv 'Punishing Pronouns': Va. County Warned Over 'Malicious Misgendering' Plan
Louder With Crowder Watch: 90-year-old volunteer at the National MS Society didn't understand what pronouns were, so they fired her

Gender - Death Threats, for when cancel culture isn't effective enough
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Louder With Crowder J.K. Rowling Refuses to Back Down When Trans Activist Threatens Her with a Pipe Bomb
Louder With Crowder WaPo works overtime attempting to bury what group's calling in bomb threats to Target. Hint: Not MAGA
mrc tv TRANTIFA: UN Official Warns Of Trend Of Trans Activist Violence
Louder With Crowder Board president calls for only American Flag to be flown at schools, now LGBTQ+ activists are threatening his children

Gender - Murder Sprees - Mass Shootings
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Breitgart Nolte: Four Transsexual Mass Shooters in Less than Five Years
mrc tv The Lakewood Church Shooter Was Trans, and the Media Go Silent

Gender - War On Sanity - War On Science
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Louder With Crowder Watch: Gender Therapist Claims Your Baby Sends You Nonverbal Messages That They're Trans
mrc tv UK Hospital Turns Away Blood Donor For Refusing to Say Whether He Was Pregnant
College Fix Gender activists push to bar anthropologists from identifying human remains as ‘male’ or ‘female’
Federalist The Left’s Latest Frontier In The Trans Craze? Ban Misgendering Skeletons
Louder With Crowder Leftist says wanting biological children with your partner is transphobic: 'It feeds into the stigma'

Gender - War On Sanity - Support For Transhumans
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Louder With Crowder SLOPE SLIPPED: ‘Gay’ Man Knocks Up Transman ‘Boyfriend’
Federalist NYC’s New Nonbinary Birth Certificates Are A Self-Contradictory, Harmful Mistake
PJ Media LGBTQ Bigotry: Tyranny Masquerading as Tolerance
Louder With Crowder WATCH: These Lesbians Are Also Non-Binary and Desperately Need You to Care
Louder With Crowder Not Satire: Transman Uses Sperm from Transwoman to Make Baby with Non-Binary Partner
Louder With Crowder Non-binary Person Whines About How Tough it is to Get a Haircut
PJ Media Transgender Surgery Does Not Improve Mental Health, Academics Belatedly Admit
mrc tv Cali Will Now House Inmates Based On Their Gender 'Identity'
Quillette On Sex and Gender, The New England Journal of Medicine Has Abandoned Its Scientific Mission
Quillette Like It Or Not, Keira Bell Has Opened Up a Real Conversation About Gender Dysphoria
American Thinker It’s unbelievable what the American Medical Association wants to do
mrc tv WATCH: Boston Administrator Pushes 'Gender Equity' Snow-Plowing
mrc tv Woke Weirdness: This Girl Says She's a Non-Binary Bird
mrc tv Woke Weirdness: Cat-Lady Describes How She 'Talks' To Her 'Kitten Family,' and It's...Bizarre
Unz Review Fists of Furry

Gender - War On Jews - War On Israel
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
American Thinker A Big Weakness Opens Up in the Anti-Israel Movement

Gender - War On Christians
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Daily Wire Masterpiece Cakeshop Was Just Sued For 'Discrimination' For A THIRD Time
Louder With Crowder Drag Queen Pens "Christian" Devotional Book... Of Course While Also Attacking Christians
Louder With Crowder Letitia James demands Supreme Court force a Christian baker to make a cake celebrating a SATANIST'S gender reassignment

Gender - War On Hetrosexuality
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
tv CA University Professor: Heterosexuality Is A 'Tragedy'

Gender - War On Men
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Louder With Crowder Hate Crime Opened After Male Photographer Refuses to Have Sex with Transwoman with a Penis
mrc tv Lena Dunham’s Woke Teen Show Wants to ‘Break Iron Shackles of Patriarchy
Louder With Crowder Oberlin Student Triggered By Maintenance Workers. They Were Cis-Males in a No Cis-Male Safe Space
Louder With Crowder Watch: School superintendent brags about gaslighting male coaches into allowing female students in boy's locker rooms

Gender - War On Children - War On Gender - Castrating Children - Nutering Children
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
mrc tv Rainbow Haired Dr: Parents Who DON'T Chemically Castrate Children Are Abusers
mrc tv NY Declares Itself A 'Safe-Haven' For Trans Minors Seeking Sex Reassignment Surgeries
Red State Democrats Froth and Seethe After John Kennedy Reads 'Gender Queer' During Senate Hearing
Louder With Crowder Nine-Year-Old Sues North Carolina For Blocking Medical Gender Transition
Louder With Crowder 11-Year-Old Becomes Youngest Grand Marshal At Orlando Pride Parade
mrc tv Father Details Losing Custody Battle Over 2-Year-Old's Gender Transition
Louder With Crowder Grown man (who thinks he's a girl) goes to Disneyland to explain how he got his "cake pops" chopped off

Gender - War On Children - Support For Raping Children - Support For Sexually Exploiting Children - Because They Love Children
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
mrc tv Recordings Show 'Transwoman' Convicted of Molesting a Child Gloating Over Light Sentence
Louder With Crowder Trans TikTok influencer faces charges on eight counts of child sexual abuse
mrc tv Idaho Teacher & LGBTQ Activist Arrested For Allegedly Raping 16-Year-Old-Boy
Louder With Crowder Update on the first trans lawmaker who shattered another glass ceiling as the first trans lawmaker arrested for kiddie porn
mrc tv Dave & Busters Sponsors a 'Young Entertainers Drag Show' At a Wisconsin Pride Festival
mrc tv Drag Queen Principal Reportedly Previously Arrested for Child Porn
mrc tv Gays Against Groomers Expose Raunchy Content at 'All Ages' Sex Shop
Louder With Crowder Women Receiving High Doses Of ‘Libido Boosting’ Cross Sex Hormones Sentenced For Preying Upon Children
mrc tv Oh, Honey: Dem Activist Nervous FLA Death Penalty for Child Sex Offenders is 'Genocide' For LGBTQs
Louder With Crowder Trans daycare worker sexually abuses a baby, gets ZERO jail time after taking a plea deal
mrc tv Drag Queen Arrested AGAIN For Sex Crimes Against Kids
mrc tv Fla. ‘All-Ages’ Pride Event: Rainbow Penises, Bare Butts & Bouncing Boobies

Gender - War On Children - Support For Age Confusion
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Louder With Crowder 29-Year-Old Biological Male Wins Women's Skateboarding Competition, Beating Out 2nd Place 13-Year-Old Girl

Gender - War On Children - Pizza Hut and Simon and Schuster Support For Cross Dressing - Pizza Hut and Simon and Schuster Support For Gender Confusion
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
mrc tv Pizza Hut Is Panned For Pushing Perverse Book Featuring Kids in Drag

Gender - War On Children - Penguin Random House Support For Cross Dressing
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Louder With Crowder Popular Publisher Distributes Children's Books For Drag Queen Story Time That Normalize Child Sex Changes

Gender - War On Children - Child Abuse - Support For Gender Confusion
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Spectator Your child isn’t trans, she’s just a tomboy
Louder With Crowder Watch: Resurfaced clip shows Jazz Jenning's mom casually explaining forcing Jazz to dilate know
Loudeer With Crowder Los Angeles Students Young As 5 Set For Week-Long Celebrations Of ‘National Coming Out Day’

Gender - War On Children - Child Abuse - Child Grooming
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Daily Wire Mom Says 6-Year-Old Son Is Transgender. Dad Disagrees. Now He Might Lose His Son.
Daily Wire 10-Year-Old Boy 'Drag Kid' Photographed With Naked Adult Drag Queen
Louder With Crowder Now You Can Buy "Tuck Buddies" for Your Transgender "Daughter" (A Little Boy)
Daily Wire Britain's 'First Transgender Family' Now Transitioning Their 5-Year-Old Son To Female
Daily Wire Kate Hudson: I'm Raising My Daughter 'Genderless'
Daily Wire Parents Refuse To Facilitate 'Sex Change' Of Autistic Son, So Authorities Threaten To Put Him In Foster Care
Daily Signal I’m a Pediatrician. How Transgender Ideology Has Infiltrated My Field and Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse.
Louder With Crowder WATCH: Drag Queen Strips for Kids at Drag Queen Story Time. How Does This Promote Reading?
Daily Wire Psychologists: Children Should Undergo Irreversible Gender-Transition Surgery Without Parental Consent
mrc tv Texas Jury Rules Against Father Trying to Protect His 7-Year-Old Son From 'Gender Transition'
Louder With Crowder OPINION: Children Can’t Consent to Sex But It’s Okay to Sex Change Them?
Louder With Crowder Woman Interviewed About Drag Kids Doesn’t See the Problem with Drag Kids. But I Do.
Louder With Crowder Remember 8-Year-Old James Younger? A Judge Just Ruled His Mother Can Turn Him into a Girl...
Louder With Crowder Grown Adults Force 4-Year-Old to Participate in Disturbing Transgender Naming Ceremony
PJ Media Here's More Proof That the Transgender Movement Is Insane and Extremely Dangerous
American Thinker The New England Journal of Medicine is now fully woke
Not The Bee Here's a HuffPo article encouraging parents to support "sex-change" surgeries for their children next to another discouraging people from neutering their dog. Let's walk through them.
American Thinker The decadent world of 'woke approved’ child exploitation
Louder With Crowder Transgender Couple Attempts Breastfeeding, Science and Biology Get in the Way
Louder With Crowder Library Hosts Children's Reading Time with a 'Rainbow D**** B*** Monkey.' Apologizes After
Federalist The Left Has A Pedophilia Problem, And It’s Out In The Open
mrc tv Cali Man In Women's Clothing Arrested After Attacking 12-Year-Old Girl
YouTube UNBELIEVABLE: Pastor Hosts "Drag Prayer Time" for Children
Louder With Crowder Male Pedophile Who Identifies as 5-Year-Old Girl Is Convicted for Breaching Court Order, Kissing Young Girls
mrc tv Parents Outraged After Learning 'Gender-Neutral' Men Bunked With Their 5th Grade Daughters During a Camping Trip
mrc tv No Thanks: NBC 'Today' Celebrates Trans Barbie
Louder With Crowder Queer Group Seeks Children to Perform for Them in Drag Show
mrc tv Grooming on Display: 'Family Friendly' Dallas Drag Show Sees Kids Giving Scantily-Clad Dancing Queens Money
mrc tv Virginia Parents Sue Over School Policy Allowing Students to 'Transition' Genders Without Notifying Parents
YouTube The Sexualization of Children
mrc tv ‘Family Friendly’ Drag Show Featured At Utah Back-To-School Night
mrc tv EXPOSED: Children’s Hospital Offers Puberty Blockers And ‘Tucking’ Advice To 9-Year-Olds
mrc tv Groomer's Paradise: 'All Ages' Christmas Drag Show Includes Simulated Sex Acts, Exaggerated Private Parts
Louder With Crowder Watch: Meet 'Screwdolph,' the family-friendly drag queen who guides Santa's slay with his nipples in front of kids
Louder With Crowder Watch: Dutch TV show that exposes children to naked adults tries to normalize doing so
mrc tv LGBT Groups Cancel All Fla. Pride Parades After DeSantis Signs Legislation Banning Minors at Adult-Themed LGBT Events
Louder With Crowder Watch: Alleged adult helps toddler tip drag queen during another "family-friendly" sexualized performance
mrc tv Of Course the Left’s Coming For Your Kids - and Yours Aren’t Immune

Gender - Pay Gap
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Louder With Crowder Dear Feminists: The Pay Gap Isn’t Real. You Just Suck.
mrc tv Five Facts To Trigger Feminists on #EqualPayDay
BBC News Who are the winners and losers from degrees?
Louder with Crowder Harvard Grad Students Perform Study, Debunk Gender Wage Gap
Daily Wire WALSH: Women's Soccer Players Say They Deserve ‘Equal Pay.’ But The Stats Show That They Are Actually Overpaid.
rumble Biden 'Bank Regulator' Nominee Praises Genocidal USSR: 'There Was No Gender Pay Gap There'

Gender - Public Support For Men In Women's Bathrooms, Locker rooms and Prisons
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Truth Revolt Target Faces Boycott over Bathroom Policy: Half Million Sign Petition - "This means a man can simply say he 'feels like a woman today' and enter the women's restroom...even if young girls or women are already in there."
Truth Revolt Target Suffers $10 Billion Loss, CEO Still Pushing Trans Bathroom Policy - "An 18 percent drop in seven weeks."
Patriot Post Obama Demands School Let Boy Shower With Girls
American Thinker The DOE is now in the High School Girls' Shower
American Thinker The Left Seeks End of Sex-Segregation Everywhere
American Thinker Bathroom Boycotts Flush Safety of Women and Girls
Truth Revolt De Blasio Signs Executive Order: All City Bathrooms, Male or Female, Open to Anybody - Prediction: Longer lines at the women's restroom.
PJ Media Perv Exposes Himself to Little Girl in Target Restroom in Chicago
Federalist Indiana Teacher: I Was Forced To Resign Because I Won’t Pretend Boys Can Be Girls
mrc tv Transgender Prisoner Transferred After Getting Two Female Inmates Pregnant

Gender - Homosexual
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity
Enough Of Duck Dynasty, the Media, and Such....
Tradition In Action Everyone Should Know These Statistics on Homosexuals

Gender - No Difference
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Strategy Page Morale: Too Fat To Fight
Daily Wire Trans 'Male' On Testosterone Wins Girls' State Wrestling Tournament Second Year In Row
PJ Media Is It Fair for Boys to Compete on Girls Sports Teams?
mrc tv Move Over Trans Folks, There's a New 'Expression' In Town: The 'Femme Trans Guy'

Gender - Changing Gender
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Sex Change Regret a site for people who regret changing genders
mrc tv New Research Finds 75% of Trans Women Can't Suppress Testosterone, Even With Hormone Therapy
mrc t Taxpayers Are Forking Out $1 Million To Study Transgender 3-Year-Olds
The Guardian Don't call me baby: the birth of the gender-neutral ‘theyby’ - Theybe is the hip new thing for parents who want to bring up their offspring in gender-neutral fashion. Bring on the theycare
Louder With Crowder CNN Celebrates ‘Fathers Day.’ Showcases Self-Absorbed Trans Douche.
Louder With Crowder Dear Trans People: If You Want to be Treated Normally, Stop Demanding Special Rights
Conservative Review Bozell & Graham: The mothers who can’t speak on the record
Louder With Crowder Transgenders ‘Detransitioning’ on the Rise. And the LGBTQ Community Isn’t Helping.
Louder With Crowder Former Transgender Regrets Her Transition, Files Legal Action Against NHS
Federalist All Adrian Wanted Was A Family. Transgender Doctors Left Him Despairing And Sterile
mrc tv New York Times FINALLY Acknowledges Puberty Blockers Are Harmful

Gender - Support - Privilege - Gender Identity Privilege
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
American Conservative Gender Madness Alienates Democratic Insider
Louder With Crowder Convicted Child Rapist Sues State For (Checks Notes) Not Providing Him With Breast Implants Fast Enough While In Prison

Gender - War On Police
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Louder With Crowder Transgender Activists Chastise Olympia, WA City Council For Allowing Police in Government Buildings

Gender - War On Gender
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
mrc tv ‘How Do You Know I Don’t Identify As Female?’ Portland PD Triggers Lefties During Pat Down
Federalist Airline Eliminates Sex-Specific Greetings To Passengers. Here’s Why It Matters
Louder With Crowder Prayer Opening 117th Congress Ends With Absurd, Politically Correct Version of 'Amen'
American Thinker Biden’s order about ‘transgender’ athletes is a great thing
Louder With Crowder Watch: You MUST affirm this specimen's identities and, whatever you do, DON'T assume she Is “greyromantic”

Gender - War On Native Americans
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
mrc tv Part of Your World: Disney Hosts Company Event Featuring a 'Two Spirit' Merman in Drag

Gender - Humor
Duffel Blog Coast Guard under fire for saving too many straight white males
Columbia Post Humanoid Sexbot Comes Out as Transgender
People's Cube Cis-lesbian fired for misgendering a trans-male rapist
Babylon Bee Man Identifies As Woman Just Long Enough To Voice Valid Opinion On Abortion
Babylon Bee Left Vows To Topple Patriarchy By Allowing Biological Males To Dominate Women's Sports
Babylon Bee California Mandates Conversion Therapy For Straight Kids
Babylon Bee Parents Allow 6-Year-Old Son To Begin Transitioning Into A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Per His Wishes
Babylon Bee A Biological Male Raced A Bunch Of Women—You Won't Believe What Happened Next!
Babylon Bee Man Identifying As 6-Year-Old Crushes Game-Winning Homer In Tee-Ball Championship
Babylon Bee Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record
Babylon Bee Dog Identifies As Genderfluid To Avoid Getting Neutered
Sacramento Brie Archaeologists ask Social Justice experts to identify 57 genders in Muslim burial site
Babylon Bee High School Runner Not Feeling Great About Her Chances Against The Girl With The Beard
Babylon Bee Progressive Parents Devastated After Son Comes Out As Straigh
Babylon Bee Hollywood Elites Rush To Normalize Pedophilia Before They're All Outed By Ghislaine Maxwell
Babylon Bee Dog Identifies As Genderfluid To Avoid Getting Neutered
Babylon Bee Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record
Babylon Bee Biden Promises Nationwide Mask Mandate And Womandate
Babylon Bee Girl Rushed To Hospital For Emergency Gender Reassignment Surgery After Showing Up To School With A G.I. Joe
Babylon Bee Arkansas Passes Controversial Bill To Ban Chopping Off Kids' Legs If They Think They're A Mermaid
American Thinker Coming Out as TranzCisTrumpGendered
Babylon Bee This Year’s Kabul Pride Parade Canceled Due To Low Turnout
Babylon Bee Leftists Announce They No Longer Support Strong, Independent Women
Babylon Bee Progressives Across Nation Locked Out Of Accounts After CAPTCHA Asks 'Select All Squares That Contain A Woman'
Babylon Bee Doctors Report Startling Rise In Testicular Injuries Among Woman Athletes

Genesius Times The Most Reliable Source of Fake News on the Planet

Genesius Times The Most Reliable Source Of Fake News On The Planet

Global Warming (which started as Global Cooling, became Global Warming, which became Global Climate Change, which became Global Climate Stasis, which became ... trust me, I know what I'm doing and this is too complicated for you to understand, which became Climate Justice)
What is the ideal average temperature of the Earth? - Selwyn Duke
In science, compromise is a betrayal of truth. - Ludwig von Mises
Global Warming is an invalid theory, based on faulty data, used to reach unreasonable conclusions.
The motto of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): We're correct 95% of the time, who cares about the other 25%.
It is useless to attempt to reason Global Warming Supporters out of a thing they were never reasoned into.
GloBull - GlowBull
Glowball Worming
Scientsts project that the Artic will be ice-free in the summer of 2013. Senator John F. Kerry, August 2009
Global Warming, Global Cooling, Climate Disruption, Climate Stasis Global something causes terrorism. If you are a Muslim. - Cynical Pessimist
Global Warming, Global Cooling, Climate Disruption, Climate Stasis, ...
greenocide - politically correct genocide because it pretends to care about the environment.
The threat posed by humans to the natural environment is nothing compared to the threat to humans posed by global environmental policy. - Fred L. Smith
I am sure that Obama and other politicians are peddling the climate change agenda ... because advocates provide them with the argument for central planning and curtailing of individual liberty. - Dr. Ivar Giaeve (former Obama supporter)
Climate change hysteria is a fraud to restrain the industrial development around the world including Russia. - Vladimir Putin, Russia President
Global Climate Crisis - FRAUD! links
50 Years of FAILED Climate Predictions in 15 Minutes (or Less!) | Louder With Crowder
American Thinker The Profound Junk Science of Climate
PJ Media Dutch Lawmaker Refutes the Claim that '97% of Scientists Agree on Manmade Global Warming'
Breitbart Nolte: Climate ‘Experts’ Are 0-41 with Their Doomsday Predictions *UPDATE 0-53*
Louder with Crowder We Only Have Two Years Left Before The Planet Explodes, Declares UN Official

Global Climate Crisis - Hysteria - Terrorism - Blackmail - Coercion - Destroy Civlilzation To Save The Climate
mrc tv Texas Businessman Testifies a Bank Tried to Use His Loan Application to Coerce Him to Publicly Promote ESG Ideology
mrc tv Boston Climate Cultists Slash Tires On Dozens of SUVs In High-End Residence Area
mrc tv Climate Nuts Target Priceless Sculpture In DC's National Gallery of Art
mrc tv What Happened, Greta? Five Years Ago Today Thunberg 'Predicted' the End of the World
Dan Bongino Show Democrat Donor Arrested for Allegedly Causing Massive Forest Fire Democrats Blamed on Climate Change
Louder With Crowder Here we go: Official calls for INDEFINITE driving ban to fight climate change

Global Warming - links
Truth In Energy and Climage
Climate Depot
Global Warming Hoax
Climate Realists
Plants Need CO2 Carbon Dioxide Is Green
Not Evil Just Wrong The True Cost Of Global Warming Hysteria
C3 Headlines Climate Cycles Change
Climate Etc.
Roy Spencer, Ph.D.
Watts Up With That (WUWT)
Ice Age Now not by fire, but by ice
YouTube Is There Really a Climate Emergency?
American Thinker Warming Causes Cooling, Says Climate Scientist
American Thinker Climate Scientists Admit Exaggerated Warming
American Thinker The Utter Uselessness of Climate Change 'Science'
American Thinker Climate-Alarmist Junk Science and the Base-Line Fallacy
Environmental Prograess On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare
Pluralist European Teen Emerges as the ‘Anti-Greta’ - Asks Climate Alarmists, ‘How Dare You?’
Dan Bongino Show Climate Related Deaths Down 99.9% Since 1932
Daily Wire WILLIAMS: Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?
Zero Hedge "There Is No Climate Emergency": Scientists Call For Reasoned Debate
Michael Smith News No Climate Emergency - 500 eminent climate scientists present declaration to the UN
Louder With Crowder Enough Already! Stop Blaming Bad Weather on "Climate Change"
What's Up With That? BOMBSHELL: audit of global warming data finds it riddled with errors
mrc tv Greenland Glacier Grows, Despite Al Gore's Claims of Melting Glaciers
American Thinker 4 Reasons Why 'Climate Change' Is a Flat-Out Hoax
Daily Wire UH-OH FOR ENVIRONMENTALISTS: U.N. Climate Change Group Implicitly Admits Extreme Weather Events Not Increasing, Not Caused By Greenhouse Gases
Powerline Today in Climate Follies
News Weekly CLIMATE SCIENCE - Temperature hasn't risen in 20 years: latest data
Climate Change Presentations
Pacific Standard On Climate Change, a Disconnect Between Attitudes and Behavior - A new study finds climate change skeptics are more likely to behave in eco-friendly ways than those who are highly concerned about the issue.
Gateway Pundit FOX Host Calls Out Al Gore on Failed ‘Global Warming’ Junk Science Predictions and Fear-Mongering (VIDEO) - THE BIGGEST HOAX IN HISTORY
Truth Revolt Actual Scientist Tells Bill Nye Paris Climate Agreement is 'Appeasement' - "I don’t think it makes any scientific sense."
Daily Wire Scientists: We Know What Really Causes Climate Change (And It Has Nothing To Do With Human Beings)
Daily Wire Global Quackery: Earth Has Not Warmed For Past 19 Years, New Study Finds
Zero Hedge U.N. Official Admits Global Warming Agenda Is Really About Destroying Capitalism
NBC News Climate change expert sentenced to 32 months for fraud, says lying was a 'rush'
YouTube Bombshell: Obama Caught In Final Lie To Force Climate Hoax On All Americans
Truth Revolt Sayet: Why I’m a Denier (Hint: Because It’s Crap) - In honor of Earth Day.
Truth Revolt Al Gore 10 Years Ago: Earth Will Reach Point of No Return in 10 Years - According to our calculations... that's now!
Climate Hustle a documentary on the climate change fraud / hoax
mrc tv Producer: Media on ‘Ideological Crusade’ to Impose Climate Agenda on Americans
mrc tv Filmmaker: U.N. Climate Agenda ‘Is Pure Astrology and Witchcraft’
mrc tv Climate Blog Predicts End of the World, Liberals Freak Out
mrc tv Special for Earth Day! Climate Scientists Find Antarctic Was WARMER a Century Ago
Breitbart Twelve Reasons Why The Paris Climate Talks Are A Total Waste
Evan Sayet Why I’m A Denier (Hint: Because It’s Crap)
Liberty News Online Why Won't The Global Warming Farce Go Away?
Lew Rockwell Global Warming Causes Global Cooling?
Personal Liberty Digest IPCC Takes A Small Step Back From Climate Change Gloom And Doom
Express 100 reasons why climate change is natural
Fores Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis
The New American Global Climate Warming Stopped 15 Years Ago, UK Met Office Admits
The New American The Link Between Eugenics & Global Warming Hype
The New American climategate
Climate Depot Climate Depot's Morano statement: 'It appears that Climategate 2.0 has arrived to drain what little life there was left in the man-made global warming movement', Morano: 'The new emails further expose the upper echelon of the UN IPCC as being more interested in crafting a careful narrative than following the evidence. The release of thousands of more emails is quite simply another victory for science'
Climate Depot Climate RIP as political issue?! First time climate ignored in debates since 1984 – Obama in 'climate denial'?! – Has 'Gore's Life Been in Vain'? -- Climate Depot's round up, Climate Depot's Morano: 'Global warming activists are justifiably outraged by Obama's climate silence...What happened? How did climate change get reduced to a comedic punch line in 2012? The answer is clear. The man-made global warming fear movement never overcame having a partisan figure like Al Gore being its public face and suffered from having the scandal ridden and distrusted UN IPCC as the source of its science'
reason Last Night's Presidential Debate Proves That Al Gore's Life Has Been In Vain
Number Watch A complete list of things caused by global warming
American Thinker Everything is Caused by Global Warming (600+ links)
American Thinker Prediction: Global Warming Will Cause Everything
American Thinker The Keys to the Climate Debate
American Thinker Climate Realism
American Thinker Global Warming Gone AWOL
American Thinker Ma Nature Proclaimed Earth's Worst Terrorist
American Thinker My Two Favorite Questions for Global Warmists
Jammie Wearing Fools Confirmed: Global Warming is Total BS
Mail Online Forget global warming - it's Cycle 25 we need to worry about (and if NASA scientists are right the Thames will be freezing over again)
American Thinker Global Warming's Killer: Critical Thinking
American Thinker Non-governmental climate scientists slam the UN's IPCC
National Post Rex Murphy: Global warming runs out of gas
Push Back Frightening Quotes from Environmentalists
Push Back Environmental Fraud
Mises Institute Dropping the Mask of Ecofascism
Mises Institute A Primer on Natural Resources and the Environment
Mises Institute The Ozone Scare: A Retrospective
Mises Institute A Credibility Meltdown for the World’s Leading Climate Scientists
Mises Institute Obama Investigates China for being too Green?
Watts Up With That? ClimateGate
Watts Up With That? AGW Bombshell? A new paper shows statistical tests for global warming fails to find statistically significantly anthropogenic forcing
American Spectator Dead Ringer Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'? Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation. Our hopelessly compromised scientific establishment cannot be allowed to get away with the Climategate whitewash.
statesman Hacked e-mails spur uproar over climate research
Toronto Sun 'Botch after botch after botch': Leaked 'climategate' documents show huge flaws in the backbone of climate change science
Fox News New Documentary Challenges Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' on Global Warming Cooking Up Global Warming
Freeman Climate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians, and Misguided Policies that Hurt the Poor
NewsBusters Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming 'Greatest Scam in History' The Global Warming Scam
Global None Dare Call It Fraud this site shows how the government places temperature measuring stations in inappropriate places to generate the invalid data to support the unverifiable claims of those who choose to participate in this.
Mises Institute Welcome to the new Ice Age Global Warming Is a Fraud WikiLeaks and Claim of Warmest Year On Record, Expose Climate Criminality
American Thinker Documenting the global warming fraud
Mail Online Genghis Khan the GREEN: Invader killed so many people that carbon levels plummeted
Digital Inspiration Music and Software Piracy Will Prevent Global Warming
Yahoo! News Cows With Gas: India's Contribution to Global Warming "Contraception cheapest way to combat climate change" Contraception is almost five times cheaper as a means of preventing climate change than conventional green technologies, according to research by the London School of Economics. Why we fight
pvbr Global Warming Fraud: Somebody Needs to Go to Jail
David Crowe My Position on Global Warming and Climate Change
Human Events Massive layoffs at another Obama stimulus company
Daily Express 100 Reasons Why Global Warming Is Natural
No Cap And Trade (Tax) ClimateGate
Judicial Watch Judicial Watch Uncovers NASA Documents Related to Global Warming Controversy
Telegraph Climate change is 'natural not man-made' Scam, Scam, Scam!: European Parliment Member Rips Global Warming Hysteria
American's For Prosperity Obama's new tax on...Rainwater!?
PowerLine Eco-Fascists Don Their Jackboots
L. Neil Smith's Down With Power Lysenko's Revenge
Prison Planet Eco-Fascists Call For Tyranny To Enforce Draconian Agenda
The Telegraph An open letter to the Rt Rev Michael Langrish, Bishop of Exeter, on the subject of his foiled wind farm scheme
YouTube Global Warming Hysteria. Scam, Scam, Scam!
YouTube ClimateGate, GlacierGate
YouTube Doug Stanhope: Voice of America - ABORTION IS GREEN
Red State I Do Not Like It, Uncle Sam! I Do Not Like Your Clean Green Scam!
akdart The Global Warming Page - News about global warming - and the associated media hype.
akdart The Global Cooling Page - Record snowfall, unusual icing and brutally cold weather.
akdart Global Warming is Blamed for Everything!
akdart Solar Activity and Other Natural Causes of Global Warming
Federal Observer Driessen: Facing a triple threat: Doha, EPA and Congress
pravda Global warming, the tool of the West
Canada Free Press Inaugural Lies and the Big Chill - To what "climate change" is Obama referring?
Canada Free Press Welcome To Green Europe - Greeks And Germans Raid Forests In Search Of Wood To Heat Homes
Canada Free Press Democrat Climate Caucus Reveals Its Stupidity - Climate Change
Canada Free Press Europe’s Green Suicide - Europe's Chemicals Industry Could Be Wiped Out In A Decade, Ineos Boss Warns
Canada Free Press Scaring the World about its Climate - The UN’s campaign of lies
Canada Free Press Base policies on reality, not deceit
Real Science Spectacularly Poor Climate Science At NASA
Mail Online Why I think we're wasting billions on global warming, by top British climate scientist
Canada Free Press The Green Enemies of Humanity, Science and the Truth - There’s real science and there’s the fulminations and lies of Friends of the Earth
Acting Man The Global Warming Check Is in the Mail
Right Wing News As Obama Whined About Drought In California, The Real Story Comes Out
Roy Spencer, PhD climatologist, author, former NASA scientist
Roy Spencer, PhD Time to push back against the global warming Nazis
Personal Liberty Digest Climate Science Abandons Science
reason Rape: The Real Menace Of Climate Change?
reason New IPCC Report: Cost of Unchecked Man-Made Climate Change Likely Minimal
The Daily Caller White House looks to regulate cow flatulence as part of climate agenda
Power Line Lying About Global Warming: It’s a Good Thing!
Personal Liberty Digest Earth Day Shrieking And Government Hypocrisy
Personal Liberty Digest The Real Weapon Of Mass Destruction: ‘Climate Change’ Or Barack Obama?
Personal Liberty Digest Kerry Raises ‘Global Warming Consensus’ To 99 Percent; Obama Compares Skeptics To Those Who Believe Moon Made Of Cheese
Forbes Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis
Watts Up With That? The 97% consensus myth - busted by a real survey
Canada Free Press Ignoring Statistical Significance to Promote Climate Alarmism - Associated Press publishes one of the most scientifically flawed analyses of American climate data
YouTube Andrew Klavan: Fake Climate Change
Fox News California drivers brace for costly new gas tax
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: The Crisis of Fake Global Warming
MRC News Busters NASA Scientists Admit Only 38% Chance 2014 Was Hottest Year on Record
City Journal The Scorching of California - How Green extremists made a bad drought worse
Truth Revolt New Study Undermines Key Global Warming Claim of Obama Admin - Univ of Houston study found "global warming" actually reduced ground-level ozone
Truth Revolt Sharpton on Texas Storms: "Is this a rebuke from God?" - "We’ve done it to ourselves."
Truth Revolt Government: Pumpkins Cause Climate Change - Boo!
Truth Revolt Oops! Antarctic Ice Growing, Slowing Sea Rise - But... but... but... global warming!!!
Truth Revolt France's Ousted Weatherman Finds 'Freedom' to Speak Against Climate Change on Russian TV - That's pretty sad.
Truth Revolt False Utopias and Their Victims - The eco-utopians want to eliminate fossil fuels.
Truth Revolt Gov. Brown's Water Restrictions Backfire, Killing Trees, Raising Taxes, Clogging Sewers - "But no one thinks about the consequences. It really is a double-edged sword."
Truth Revolt Majority of Americans Do Not Believe in Scientific 'Consensus' on Climate Change - Actually, most don't care about the topic at all.
Truth Revolt E-Book Debunking Gore’s Climate Claims Outselling ‘An Inconvenient Sequel’ - But the author doesn't have even ONE mansion to live in.
News Machete NUTTY Denmark wants to be 100% windmill and solar by 2050
American Thinker Global Warming: Making the Ruling Class into the Crackpot Class
Patriot Post NASA Finally Comes Clean About Antarctica
mrc tv NOAA Butchers Math in Report Claiming 2015 Was Hottest Year Ever
Climate Change Fraud
Daily Wire 9 Things You Need To Know About The Climate Change Hoax
Daily Wire The Latest Global Warming Narrative Fail
Federalist If You Think Communism Is Bad For People, Check Out What It Did To The Environment - And it's not a coincidence or accident of history
Forbes Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling
Ice Age Now Record Cold Recap January 5, 2018
SOTT New study finds climate models exaggerated global warming from CO2 emissions up to 45%
Louder With Crowder CLIMATE STRIKE PROPAGANDA: Jean-Guy Crashes ...
Louder With Crowder Crazy Climate Alarmists Accidentally Make the Case Maybe Humans Deserve Extinction
American Thinker The next wave of leftist propaganda is hitting America's shores
Canada Free Press Substituting real poison for fake poison
PJ Media Former Reuters Editor Says He Was Misled on Climate Change
Louder With Crowder These weirdo progressive climate cultists are now upset the Earth is TOO green: "Often, with dire consequences"

Global Warming - Fighting Global Warming
Daily Wire Man Decides To Fight Climate Change With Surgery For His Testicles
Washington Examiner California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws
Louder With Crowder Californians told not to charge their electric vehicles days after state announced a ban on gas-powered cars

Global Warming - Causing Global Warming
rumble New Study Reveals Solar Panel Farms Cause Massive 'Heat Island' Effect
Town Hall The Unintended Consequences of Declaring 'Climate Emergency'
mrc tv Eco-Nuts Aim To Prevent UK’s Grand National Horse Race
Louder With Crowder Scientists Have A New Think They Claim Causes Climate Change: Breathing
mrc tv Climate 'Experts' Now Say BREATHING Is Bad For the Planet

Global Warming - Symptoms
Truth Revolt Oops! Sea Levels Dropping Everywhere, According to NASA - So, Al Gore is a liar?! Say it ain't so!
Zero Hedge 'Global Warming' In The Sahara Desert: "We Woke Up To See Snow!"
Daily Caller Scientists Get Buried In Snow At Davos While Lecturing On Global Warming
Louder With Crowder CLIMATE CHANGE FAIL: Melting Glacier is Growing Again

Global Warming - Threat To Safety
mrc tv National Security Council Puts Climate Change Threat 'Front and Center'
Jewish World Review Earth Day Dopes

Global Warming - Other Causes
Truth Revolt MIT Asking the Tough Questions: 'Is Islamophobia Accelerating Global Warming?' - "The dominant form of racism today."
Truth Revolt CA Environmental Group Tries to Stop Cow Flatulence - Better They Explode Than Release Methane - California cows would no longer be "happy cows.
mrc tv Muslim Cleric: Immodest Women are Causing Climate Change
Powerline Fight Climate Change: Go to Jail
Jim's Blog Global Warming Scientists trapped in Antarctic Denial
New Atlas Is the humble sandwich a climate change culprit?
Louder With Crowder Researchers: Fat People are to Blame for Climate Change

Global Warming - Speaking Lies For Power - War on Truth - Falsifying Data - Criminalizing Dissent
Deplorable Climate Science Blog 100% Of US Warming Is Due To NOAA Data Tampering
mrc tv Mr. President, Here's Why That Claim of a 97% Climate Change Consensus Is Bunk
mrc tv Climatologist Resigns Over 'Craziness in Field of Climate Science,' 'Politicized' Reward System
mrc tv NOAA Accused of Fudging Climate Data - AGAIN! Truth Revolt NOAA Head Refuses to Turn Over Documents That May Show Manipulated Climate Data - "I am not engaged in or associated with any ‘politically correct agenda.'"
Truth Revolt Claim: Earth Hasn't Warmed for Last 58 Years - NOAA suppressing data.
Truth Revolt DOJ Considering Legal Action Against 'Climate Deniers' - This is dangerous ground.
Truth Revolt Science Guy Bill Nye: Let's Discuss Criminalizing 'Climate Deniers' - Scientists are the new Inquisition.
Truth Revolt Prager U: Do 97% of Climate Scientists Really Agree? -"So what did the 97 percent actually say?"
Truth Revolt Physicist Predicts Global Cooling, Warming Alarmists Want Research ‘Silenced’ - Nothing shall challenge the narrative.
American Thinker 300 scientists send letter to Congress accusing NOAA of cooking the books on climate change
American Thinker Climate Change: The Burden of Proof
American Thinker Why Skeptics are Losing the Climate Change Battle
American Thinker No, 150,000 Antarctic penguins did not die because of global warming
American Thinker Republican state AG's threaten to prosecute climate change alarmists
American Thinker Fake News: Global Warming Edition
American Thinker The global warming fraud explained in one simple chart
YouTube Paul Joseph Watson - 'Global Warming' is a Crock of Sh*t
mrc tv Liberal AGs Secretly Met w/ Climate Activists Before Launching Exxon Investigation
mrc tv Cruz Blasts DOJ for 'Ongoing Use of Law Enforcement' Against Dissenters on Climate Change
National Review The 97 Percent Solution
PJ Media New Research Calls Global Warming Data 'Not a Valid Representation of Reality'
mrc tv Sadness Redounds: John Kerry To Resign From 'Climate Czar' Post

Global Warming - Obama Declares War on Global Warming - Carbon Imperialism
mrc tv Obama: Climate Change Will Require 'Military Resources,' Not Just Economic
mrc tv Obama: Oceans to Swallow 1 in 5 Homes in Kerry’s Boston, a Quarter in My Hawaii
Truth Revolt Obama’s Trip to ‘Global Warming’ Summit Emits More CO2 Than 31 Homes' Energy Use for Whole Year - Or driving 72 cars for an entire year...
Truth Revolt As Climate Talks Commence, India Blasts Obama's 'Carbon Imperialism' - India is "not in the habit of taking any pressure from anybody"
Truth Revolt Obama Advocacy Group: Find the 'Climate Deniers' and Call Them Out - Gee, that doesn't sound totalitarian at ALL.

Global Warming - War on Free Speech
The Daily Signal California Joins the Effort to Persecute, Suppress Scientific Dissent on Climate Change
Ameriker Barack Goes Ballistic
Truth Revolt Al Gore Launches Coalition of Attorneys General to Assail Climate Deniers for 'Violating the Law' - This is "super cereal."
Truth Revolt Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’ - The Inquisition is back.

Global Cooling - The Science Is Settled
MRC - NewsBusted And That’s the Way It Was: In 1972, Cronkite Warned of ‘New Ice Age’
Truth Revolt Meteorologist Spears Obama's 'Absurd Climate Change Claim' - Slaps media for failing to counter with facts
Liberty News Now Global Warming Fake: USA In Tenth Year Of Cooling Trend
mrc tv Ice Age Is Approaching, New Study Warns
Canada Free Pess Excellent: Daily Signal destroys Obama’s doom-and-gloom global warmist speech in Alaska - "Obama continues to ignore science that doesn't fit his narrative . . ."
Canada Free Press Global Warming - 97% of Scientist, Consensus Myth - Anyone who thinks Global Warming is about the environment is deluding themselves
The Heartland Institute Research & Commentary: The Myth of a Global Warming Consensus
The Deplorable Climate Science Blog New York Times 1974 : Unanimous Consensus Global Cooling Threatens World’s Food Output

Global Climate Change - Fighting To Allow Migrants To Destroy The Environment
Louder With Crowder Biden Funds $1 Billion To Fight Climate Change At The Border During Migrant Crisis

Global Warming - The Science Is Settled
Watts Up With That? Four Climate Scientists Destroy Climate Change Alarmism
Forbea The Period Of No Global Warming Will Soon Be Longer Than the Period of Actual Global Warming
Steyn Online How the Science Got Settled
Truth Revolt Goracle Wrong Again on Global Warming and Arctic Ice - Arctic ice stops scientific expedition
Truth Revolt Being a Liberal, a Liar and a Horse’s Ass Means Never Having To Say You’re Sorry - Gore's convenient untruths, still untrue after all these years.
1) Kilimanjaro? Still Snowy
2) Global Warming? Not Happening
3) Storms Aren't Stronger
4) North Pole? Still Cold
5) New Ice Age? Also Not Happening
mrc tv Ship Abandons Global Warming Research Due to EXCESSIVE ICE
Tech Times Global warming is a big fat lie and the science behind it is fake: John Coleman
The Daily Signal The State of Our Planet Is Better Than Ever
NewsMax Finance Scientist Confesses: "Global Warming a $22 Billion Scam"
mrc tv A Decade After Katrina, Liberal Warnings Ring Hollow
mrc tv Flashback: 7 Years Ago, Al Gore Said North Pole Would be Ice-Free in 5 Years
mrc tv Ship Abandons Global Warming Research Due to EXCESSIVE ICE
mrc tv Rush’s Global Warming Armageddon Clock About to Hit Zero After 10 Years
American Thinker You won’t believe that latest warmist excuse for the failure of their prediction of doom
American Thinker More bad news for warmists: NASA finds no retreat of polar ice
Cato Institute Dilbert 1, Scientists 0.
The Truth Division JUST IN: Al Gore’s Phony Global Warming Narrative Melted By Record-Low Temps...
WND NASA senior scientist crushes Gore's new climate-change book - Point-by-point rebuttal outselling 'An Inconvenient Sequel' on Amazon

Global Warming - Fear Mongering
Chicks on the Right Al Gore Predicted The Arctic Ice Cap Would Be Gone By Now...
Gateway Pundit FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY ... Al Gore Predicted the North Pole Will Be Ice Free in 5 Years
Mail Online 50 days to save the world? I might listen to the doomsayers if they weren't such ludicrous hypocrites
Truth Revolt Kerry: Permafrost, Rising Sea Levels Will Cause ‘Millions of Climate Refugees’ - Good to know our Secretary of State has his priorities straight.
mrc tv Reports of the Death of the Polar Bears Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
mrc tv Towering Ignorance: NY Dems Pose With Banner Comparing Climate Change To 9/11

Global Warming - Studies
mrc tv Obama Administration Spends Millions to Study Climate Change....INDOORS

Global Warming - Leaders - Hypocrites
Media Research Center Hollywood Hypocrites and their Media Allies Exposed
mrc tv The Top 12 Celebrity Climate Hypocrites
mrc tv The 12 Most Hypocritical Environmentalists in Hollywood
Truth Revolt EPA Boss: Climate 'Deniers' Aren't Normal Humans
Truth Revolt MALKIN: Holy Hypocrisy and Hot Air - Pope Francis should refrain from blowing any more hot air unless he's willing to stew in his own.
Truth Revolt Globe Trotter and Multi-Mansion Dweller Leo DiCaprio Warns 'Climate Change is Real' - "It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species."
Truth Revolt DiCaprio Takes Private Jet 8,000 Miles to Receive Environmental Award - From Cannes to New York and back in 24 hours on Hypocrite Airlines.
Truth Revolt Two Pairs of HUGE Carbon Footprints Lecture About Climate Change - Their hypocrisy reaches higher into the atmosphere than their gaseous emissions.
Truth Revolt Celebs Leave Huge Carbon Footprints to Be on Telethon to Lecture Us About Global Warming - Imagine the sacrifice of leaving luxury behind to be in a room to answer phone calls from you.
Daily Mail Self declared environmentalist Jeremy Corbyn branded a hypocrite after it emerges he is chauffeur-driven to work in a gas-guzzling diesel car
mrc tv IRONY: Artist Ships Tons of Glacial Ice to London to Protest Climate Change
rumble Climate Conference Elites Will Use Oil-Based Generators To Charge Their Electric Cars
rumble Biden Brings 85-Car Caravan To G-20 In Rome, Prior To Climate Meeting
YouTube Tucker Carlson: Pete Buttigieg learned some roads are too racist to fix
rumble Greta Thunberg Arrogantly Laughs Off Reporters' Questions About Private Jets In Davos
Louder With Crowde UN Head Flies On Private Jet To Climate Conference ... Where He Calls For TOTAL Fossil Fuel Phaseout
Louder With Crowde UN Climate Summit Lectures You To Ditch The Meat As They Feed Themselves GOURMET Beef
Dan Bongino Show John Kerry Gets Furious When Confronted on Private Jet Hypocrisy

Global Warming - Crimes
Conservative Tribune VIDEO: Obama Threatens US Military Cadets With JAIL for Defying His Agenda
Conservative Tribune Famous Democrat Calls for Throwing "Global Warming" Deniers in PRISON [WATCH]

Global Warming - causes poverty, political instability, terrorism, and liberals to lie outrageously to justify their insane beliefs
Truth Revolt WH Doubles Down: Climate Change Enables Poverty, Terrorism - "Climate change will directly impact U.S. military readiness."
MRC TV Prostitution to List of Crazy Things Blamed on Climate Change
MRC TV Poll: Only 19% Believe Climate Change is Related to Terrorism

Global Warming - Religion
Daily Caller MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’
American Thinker Socialist Science in the Climate Science Neighborhood
Canada Free Press Global-warming ‘proof’ is evaporating - In war and in science, the bloodiest conflicts always seem to be the religious ones
4th St The sky is falling! The sky is falling
PJ Media We Are All Scientists
The Daily Caller Global warming now literally part of religion
Personal Liberty Digest Al Gore And The Church Of The Global Warmists
Personal Liberty Digest Obama Will Stop At Nothing To Become The Nation’s First Green President
Front Page Mag The Global Warming Cult and the Death of Science
Front Page Mag The Global Warming God Strikes Again
American Thinker Blue states looking to bypass Washington on climate chang

Global Warming - Green Energy
The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Reality check The Zero Emissions Vehicle Remains a Myth
Canada Free Press Hiding the slaughter - Big Wind hides evidence of turbine bird kills - and gets rewarded. Here’s how they do it.
Canada Free Press The Faults, Fallacies and Failures of Wind Power
Canada Free Press "Parasitic Consumption" - Wind-Farms - Wind turbines need a constant supply of electricity
Canada Free Press Wind turbines: Health Warning issued - Infrasound and low frequency noise (ILFN) emitted by wind turbines
Canada Free Press Green Energy Subsidies Drying Up In Many Places - The lessons of the green power debacle are clear
Pointman's The sun is setting on solar power, the money’s gone and nobody’s asking any questions.
Yahoo! News Study: Wind farms killed 67 eagles in 5 years
Yahoo! News The secret, dirty cost of Obama's green power push - AP Investigation: Obama's green energy drive comes with an unadvertised environmental cost
The Foundry President Obama’s Taxpayer-Backed Green Energy Failures
Bloomberg Business Week The secret, dirty cost of Obama's green power push
Sad Hill News Obama To Sign Rule Allowing Wind Farms To Kill Bald Eagles
4thg St8 Californians are waking up to the fact ‘green’ energy is a triple threat - to their wallets
Personal Liberty Digest Fiat Chrysler CEO: Please Don’t Buy The Electric Car The Government Makes Us Produce
Personal Liberty Digest Big Business Balks At Obama’s Forthcoming EPA Regulations
Personal Liberty Digest Several States Have Tons Of Sun But Rules That Prevent Harnessing Its Power
Truth Revolt Obama's 'Avian Genocide' - Thousands of eagles every year are just 'collateral damage.'
The Daily signal Solyndra Redux: Another Green Company May Lose Taxpayers Millions
American Tinker Here's how green activists affect poverty
YouTube Go Green, KILL PEOPLE! (Crowder Visits Mexico)
Power Line Reminder: Wind Power Blows-and Also Sucks
mrc tv Californians Told to Stop Charging EVs & Turn Down the A/C Amid Sweltering Heat Wave

Global Warming - Green Energy - Green Slaughter of Wildlife
Truth Revolt Where Are The Environmentalists? Giant Solar Panels Incinerating Birds Mid-Flight - Alert the animal rights activists.

Global Warming - Green Jobs
Ask Heritage Are "Green Jobs" the Answer?
The lies about Green Jobs.
reason Green Jobs Are No Match for Davis-Bacon
The Daily Caller Labor Dept. counts oil lobbyists, garbage men, bus drivers as ‘green jobs’ [VIDEO]
The Daily Caller Bankrupt Colo. solar firm sticks taxpayers for $68 million, doomed by poor quality
American Thinker Nevada geothermal company that received $98 million loan guarantee is failing
American Thinker Obama Campaign Video Touts Dubious Green Energy 'Success' Story
Canada Free Press The Green Job Myth
Human Events Your "green energy" bankruptcy of the day: SoloPower of Oregon
Red State Obamanomics: Spending $2.5 million per job created, losing half a million on each car sold
Natural News Economic insanity: Obama spends $11 million to create each 'green' job
Judicial Watch Second Obama Green Venture in Weeks Folds after Getting Millions
YouTube Andrew Klavan: The Green Jobs Answer Man
Fox News France protests and the 'yellow vests’ deep anger reveal the hypocrisy at the heart of the green agenda

Global Warming - Green - Protecting The Environment
Truth Revolt White House: Regs For Thee, Not For Me - White House to regulate plane emissions while buying 2nd biggest airliner ever.
American Thinker Study finds electric vehicles produce more pollution that internal combustion cars

Global Warming - Nuanced Response
Truth Revolt Environmentalists Love Picture of Beheaded Scott Walker - "Thought provoking... Is all I can say."

Global Warming - Menu Warnings
mrc tv New Study Serves Up Climate Change Warnings On Menus

Global Warming - Support For Starvation
Louder With Crowder Watch: Globalist World Health Org Head Declares War On FOOD, Farming To Fight "Climate Change"

Global Warming - Humor
Babylon Bee Experts Warn We Have Only 12 Years Left Until They Change The Timeline On Global Warming Again
Babylon Bee Experts Warn We Have Only 12 Years Left Until They Change The Timeline On Global Warming Again
Babylon Bee Global Warming Pinned On Kid Who Keeps Leaving The Front Door Wide Open While The Heater Is On
Babylon Bee All Democrats Drop Out Of Presidential Race Since The World Is Ending From Climate Change And There's No Point
Babylon Bee Climate Crisis Solved By New Jet That Runs On Liberal Hypocrisy
Babylon Bee With Energy Grid Unreliable, Governor Newsom Announces All Cars To Be Wind-Up By 2035
Babylon Bee Al Gore Again Warns The Earth Will Not Make It Past The Year 2012
Genesius Times BREAKING: Billionaires fly private jets to Davos to lecture everyone about reducing your emissions

Gold vs. Fiat Currency: (war on honest money / war on honesty)
Governments raise revenue in three ways:
- Taxation
- Borrowing
- Counterfeiting - Creating money out of thin air, printing paper
Gold is not necessary. I have no interest in gold. We’ll build a solid state, without an ounce of gold behind it. Anyone who sells above the set prices, let him be marched off to a concentration. That’s the bastion of money. - Adolf Hitler
Like Liberty, gold never stays where it is undervalued. - J.S. Morrill
The paper standard is self-destructive. - Hans F. Sennholz
The fate of the nation and the fate of the currency are one and the same. - Dr. Franz Pick
The history of paper money is an account of abuse, mismanagement, and financial disaster. - Richard M. Ebeling
Money is gold, and nothing else - J.P. Morgan
If you don’t trust gold, do you trust the logic of taking a beautiful pine tree, worth about $4,000 – $5,000, cutting it up, turning it into pulp and then paper, putting some ink on it and then calling it one billion dollars? - Kenneth J. Gerbino
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value ---- zero. - Voltaire
Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effective than that which deludes them with paper money. - Daniel Webster
The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise the truth, or to evade truth, NOT to reveal it. - John K. Galbraith
You have a choice between the natural stability of gold and the honesty and intelligence of the members of government. And with all due respect for those gentlemen, I advise you, as long as the capitalist system lasts, vote for gold. - George Bernard Shaw
A gold standard is to the moochers and looters in government what sunlight and garlic are to vampires. - Herman Cain
Paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice. - George Washington
With the exception only of the period of the gold standard, practically all governments of history have used their exclusive power to issue money to defraud and plunder the people. - Friedrich A. Hayek
This is the end of western civilization. - Lewis Douglas, FDR’s own budget director and key economic advisor, April 18, 1933
The surest way to destroy a country is to debase its currency. - Vladimir Lenin
Although there are countless maladies that are forever causing the decline of kingdoms, princedoms, and republics, the following ... the most serious: ... the debasement of coinage. - Nicolaus Copernicus
Gold vs. Fiat Currency: links FAME Why Gold-Backed Currencies Help Prevent Wars
The Gold Report The Life Cycle of Money
Mises Institute The Great Gold Robbery of 1933
Mises Institute Truth in the Coin Shop
Mises Institute Use the Dollar or Else
Mises Institute The "Crime" of Private Money
Mises Institute Fiat Money: The Root Cause of Our Financial Disaster
Mises Institute Withholding Consent from the Khan
Mises Institute From Loose Money to Fettered People
Mises Institute The Transition to Monetary Freedom
Mises Institute Laundered Money
Mises Institute Keynesianism vs. the Gold-Coin Standard
Mises Institute German Gold
Mises Institute The International War on Cash
Mises Institute The Simplicity of Sound Money
Mises Institute FDR: Sowing the Seeds of Chaos
Mises Institute The Revolutionary War and the Destruction of the Continental.
Mises Institute Japan’s Easy Money Tsunami
Mises Institute How Much Longer Will the Dollar be the Reserve Currency?
Mises Institute How the Paper Money Experiment Will End
Mises Institute We Will Be Told Hyperinflation is Necessary, Proper, Patriotic, and Ethical
Mises Institute Why the Fed Is Nothing to Celebrate
Mises Institute Confusing Capitalism with Fractional Reserve Banking
Mises Institute When Money Dies: Germany and Paper Money After 1910
Mises Institute The War On Cash: Why Now?
Mises Institute Gas Station Hold-Up: Thieves Seize $59,000
The Circle Bastiat Laundered Money
Mises Institute Biggest check ever
Mises Institute Zimbabwe: ruin to revival
Mises Institute Choice in Currency Saved Zimbabwe
Mises Institute Jim Grant is Ready
Mises Institute Law’s Millionaires, Bernanke’s Billionaires
Mises Institute The Cultural and Political Consequences of Fiat Money
Mises Institute How Money Disappears in a Fractional-Reserve Money System
Mises Institute Pennies And Nickels: More Expensive To Mint Than To Use
Mises Institute EU to Follow the US's Example by Abolishing the 500-euro Bill?
Mises Institute War on Cash: The Fix Is In
Mises Institute Cash Banned, Freedom Gone
Mises Institute Sound Money and Fiscal Policy
Mises Institute Rothbard: Essentials of Money and Inflation
Mises Institute Why Government Hates Cash
Mises Institute The Global Anti-Cash Axis Targets Australia
Mises Institute The War on Cash: Old and New
Mail Online Is this the biggest cheque EVER? For Zimbabwe $1,072,418,000,000,000 ... or about £2
the Future of Freedom Foundation Paper Money and the Constitution
Daily Reckoning By Gold
Daily Reckoning Gold, the States, and Federal Monetary Policy
Daily Reckoning Gold vs. The Fed: The Record Is Clear
Daily Reckoning The War on Money
Daily Reckoning Why the World’s Largest Bond Fund is Now Shorting Treasuries
Daily Reckoning Silver ... Still Precious
Daily Reckoning Gold, Silver to be Legal Currency in Utah
Daily Reckoning The War on Digital Currency
Daily Reckoning The Trickiest Characteristic of Sound Money
Daily Reckoning The Costs of Printing Money
Daily Reckoning Is Gold Money?
Daily Reckoning A Thousand Pictures Is Worth One Word
Daily Reckoning Monetary Reform: The Beginning of the Beginning
Daily Reckoning Why the Gold Bull Market Will Continue to Charge Ahead
Daily Reckoning The Greatest Trade of All Time
Daily Reckoning Why a Revolutionary Spirit is Targeting "Wall Street Greed"
Daily Reckoning Monetary Madness - Is the US Monetary System on the Verge of Collapse?
Daily Reckoning The Nearest Thing to a Permanent Thing
Daily Reckoning Why Buffett and Gartman are Wrong About Gold
Daily Reckoning The Long and Sordid History of Currency Debasement
Daily Reckoning Paper Money = Despotism
Daily Reckoning Gold: An Independent Money
Daily Reckoning Dominic Frisby - Why Gold is the Currency of the Free
Daily Reckoning Argentina’s "Dólar Blues"
Daily Reckoning The Real Story Behind Germany’s Gold Recall
Daily Reckoning Top Alternatives to Paper Money
Daily Reckoning "Sorry, No Gold Today ... We Sent It to China"
Daily Reckoning A Handful of Gold Owners Who Need Their Heads Examined
Daily Reckoning Trees Don’t Grow Gold
Daily Reckoning Argentina Sings the Dollar Blues
Daily Reckoning Prelude to Currency Wars
Daily Reckoning The Emperor Is Clothed, but Broke
Daily Reckoning Gono, but Not Forgotten
Daily Reckoning The Least Imperfect Monetary System
Daily Reckoning Have Credit-Based Money, Will Fail
Daily Reckoning Keynes and Copernicus: The Debasement of Money Overthrows the Social Order
Daily Reckoning When the Earth Stops Revolving Around the Dollar
Daily Reckoning Ben Bernanke We Hardly Knew Ye
Daily Reckoning A Fatal Disease: The Inevitable Result of Inflation
Daily Reckoning Money: A Concept No One Understands
Daily Reckoning Why a Return to Sound Money is Nearly Impossible
Daily Reckoning Currencies Depend on Faith, Gold Doesn’t
Daily Reckoning Why the Government Hates Gold
Daily Reckoning Central Bankers Are Upsetting God's Applecart
Daily Reckoning The Age of Instability
Daily Reckoning U.S. and Saudi Relations Are Cracking (So is the Petrodollar)
Daily Reckoning The Case for Gold Is Stronger Than Ever
Daily Reckoning How Governments Can Kill Cash
Daily Reckoning The Curse of Cash
Daily Reckoning Washington’s Money-Printers Betrayed American Workers
Daily Reckoning How Governments Can Kill Cash
Daily Reckoning The War on Cash Just Escalated
Daily Reckoning Elites Devastate India Define The Dollar Or Else
In Defense of Capitalism and Human Progress The Gold Standard and Monetary Freedom
Kitco Is Gold Money?
Kitco How Gold Has Measured Currency Performance ... Since 1971, When It Became a 'Barbarous Relic'
Kitco Soothsayers, Naysayers and Ostriches
Page Tutor What does one TRILLION dollars look like?
Zero Hedge A Thousand Pictures Is Worth One Word: Worthless
Casey Research A Thousand Pictures Is Worth One Word
Forbes Status Change: Gold Moves From Investment To Money
Forbes Linking The Dollar To Gold: Completing The Recipe For Restoring An Economic Boom For America China unveils gold vending machine
Yahoo! News China: US currency bill would have repercussions
Business Intelelligence In his gloomiest prediction yet, Marc Faber sees big financial bust leading to war Laundered Money Use the Dollar or Else
The Daily Caller Idaho GOP: End the Fed, bring back gold
Gold Money The currency debasement fallacy
Gary North Fiat Money Means Fiat Freedom: Greenback Dollars
Gary North - Tea Party Economist Gold and Silver Coins in Arizona May Become Legal Tender
Zero Hedge It Begins: Bundesbank To Commence Repatriating Gold From New York Fed
Zero Hedge Guest Post: World's Biggest Gold Storage Company Dumps US Citizens
Personal Liberty Digest Social And Moral Breakdown
Silver Doctors Ann Barnhardt: ‘If You’re Still in These Markets You’re Either Stupid or On Drugs!‘
Laissez Faire Today The "Domestic Terrorist" You Can Call a Hero
BBC HSBC imposes restrictions on large cash withdrawals
Fox Business JPMorgan Chase Denies New Capital Controls on Accounts
Demon - Ocracy Federal Reserve's Money Printing Failure
IRIN ZIMBABWE: Inflation at 6.5 quindecillion novemdecillion percent
Contra Corner The Last Bubble Standing——Amazon’s Same Day Trip Through The Casino
BBC News India currency bombshell
BBC News Why Zimbabweans are spending the night outside banks
Armstrong Economics Cash is for Criminals - Taxing Cash Withdrawals from ATMs
Radio Free Market Why Sound Money Does Not Need a Central Bank, Only the Rule of Law
Attack The System Wyoming Legislature Passes Bill to End All Taxation of Gold & Silver

Gold vs. Fiat Currency - ShadowCash: an attempt to create an honest, private money
Kitco News A Look Into The Future Of An Anonymous Economy
Shadow Project private economy
Shadow Buy, Sell, Trade, Chat - Leave nothing but a shadow
Shadow Talk
Reddit Shadow Project

Gold vs. Fiat Currency - States Rights: an attempt to create an honest, private money
mrc tv Tenn. Passes Resolution to Coin Its Own Money
mrc tv SC Joins Growing List of States Contemplating The Restoration Of Gold And Silver As Legal Tender

Gold vs. Fiat Currency - Liberal Logic: an attempt to create an honest money
Truth Revolt Feminists: Anything Short of a Woman on the $20 Bill 'Is an Affront' - Time for a lady on the "all-male pantheon of our paper money."

Gold vs. Fiat Currency - BitCoin - cryptocurreny: an attempt to create an honest money
Daily Reckoning The Death of Bitcoin
Daily Reckoning Bitcoin: The Whole Story
bitcoin digital currency, a protocol, and a software
Tech Crunch How To Mine Bitcoins
Business Insider Geeks Love The Bitcoin Phenomenon Like They Loved The Internet In 1995
Daily Reckoning Bitcoin’s Moment
Daily Reckoning Bitcoin for Beginners, Part II
Daily Reckoning What Bitcoin Is Teaching Us
Daily Reckoning Bumps on the Bitcoin Road
Mises Institute The Money-ness of Bitcoins
Forbes Goodbye Switzerland, Hello Bitcoins
Casey Research Bitcoin Is the New Napster... and That’s a Good Thing / Canada: Land of the Freer?
American Conservative Why Whiskey Was Money, and Bitcoins Might Be
Daily Reckoning 5 Cryptocurrencies that Could Rival Bitcoin
Liberty.Me How Progress Happens: The Case of Bitcoin
Mises Institute How the Blockchain and Gold Can Work Together

Google - once we promised to "do no evil." After selling out to tyrants, "we're "up to no good."
Google - protecting tyrants from inconvienient questions
google - because the truth needs to be censored
mrc tv YouTube Censors Watchdog Exposing Chinese Human Rights Violations

GPO Access

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Politicians Lies Matter - Cynical Pessimist
Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry. - Thomas Jefferson
NEVER trust any government that doesn't trust its citizens with guns.
When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves, in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it. - Frederic Bastiat
Government is good at one thing: It knows how to break your legs, hand you a crutch, and say, 'See, if it weren't for the government, you wouldn't be able to walk.
There is nothing so permanent as a temporary law.
I have certain rules I live by, My first rule I don't believe anything the government tells me, - George Carlin
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. - Alexis de Tocqueville
Government - The good it does, is done poorly; the harm it causes, is done very well.
Instead of fostering a system that enables people to help themselves, America is now saddled with a system that destroys value, raises costs, hinders innovation and relegates millions of citizens to a life of poverty, dependency and hopelessness. This is what happens when elected officials believe that people’s lives are better run by politicians and regulators than by the people themselves. Those in power fail to see that more government means less liberty, and liberty is the essence of what it means to be American. Love of liberty is the American ideal. - Charles Koch
Government exercises a monopoly on the power to steal and murder without going to jail.
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." - Ronald Reagan
Government interference always means either violent action or the threat of such action.… Government is in the last resort the employment of armed men, of policemen, gendarmes, soldiers, prison guards, and hangmen. The essential feature of government is the enforcement of its decrees by beating, killing, and imprisoning. Those who are asking for more government interference are asking ultimately for more compulsion and less freedom. - Ludwig von Mises
In all countries there are two classes of people, the parasites (rulers, predators, tax consumers) and the producers (slaves, taxpayers).
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil, in its worst state, an intolerable one. - Thomas Paine
To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. - Voltaire
If you want a vision of the future, picture a boot stamping on a human face ... forever. - George Orwell, 1984
From time to time we've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. Well, if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? - Ronald Reagan
The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, ... - H. L. Mencken
All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man: its one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him. - H. L. Mencken
... the American has grown so accustomed to the denial of his constitutional rights and to the minute regulation of his conduct by swarms of spies, letter-openers, informers and agents provocateurs that he no longer makes any serious protest. - H. L. Mencken
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. - H. L. Mencken
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right. - H. L. Mencken
I believe that all government is evil, and that trying to improve it is largely a waste of time. - H. L. Mencken
Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under. - H. L. Mencken
It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office. - H. L. Mencken
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.
Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage.
The political class has managed to subvert and convert the United States from "the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave" into "the Land of the Fee, Home of the Slave."
No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session. - Mark Twain
There is no distinctly native American criminal class save Congress. - Mark Twain
Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. - Mark Twain

When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist.
When the Nazis came for the socialists, I remained silent; I was not a socialists.
Then the Nazis came after the schools, the press, the jews, ... I remained silent.
When the Nazis came for me, there was no one left to speak out.
- Pastor Martin Niemöller

To paraphrase Pastor Martin Niemöller
When Barack Hussein Obama came for the wealthy, I remained silent; I was not wealthy.
When Barack Hussein Obama came for the job creators, I remained silent; I was not a job creator.
Then Barack Hussein Obama came after the gun owners, I remained silent; I was not a gun owner.
When Barack Hussein Obama came for me, there were no gun owners left to protect me.
- Cynical Pessimist

Successful Government Projects: NONE! - EVER!
1775 U.S. Post Service established. Bankrupt. Failure.
1913 Federal Reserve created to ensure gold remains at $10.00 per ounce. Epic Failure.
1913 Federal Reserve created to stabilize economy. More, larger and longer lasting depressions. Epic Failure.
1935 Social Security established. Bankrupt. Failure.
1938 Fannie Mae established to encourage home ownership. Bankrupt. Epic Failure.
1964 War on Poverty started. More poor people than ever. Epic Failure.
1965 Medicare and Medicaid established. Bankrupt. Failure.
1970 Freddie Mac established to encourage home ownership. Bankrupt. Epic Failure.
1977 Department of Energy created to lessen dependence on foreign oil. More dependent than ever. Epic Failure.

Bureaucracy is the epoxy that greases the wheels of progress. - Dr. Jim Boren
How strangely will the tools of a tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words! - Samuel Adams
All you have to do, is to see whether the law takes from some what belongs to them in order to give it to others to whom it does not belong. We must see whether the law performs, for the profit of one citizen and to the detriment of others, an act which that citizen could not perform himself without being guilty of a crime. Repeal such a law without delay. ... [I]f you don’t take care, what begins by being an exception tends to become general, to multiply itself, and to develop into a veritable system. - Frederic Bastiat
What, then, is the law? It is the collective organization of the individual right to lawful defense. ... since an individual cannot lawfully use force against the person, liberty, or property of another individual, then the common force -- for the same reason -- cannot lawfully be used to destroy the person, liberty, or property of individual groups. ... But, unfortunately, law by no means confines itself to its proper functions. And when it has exceeded its proper functions, it has not done so merely in some inconsequential and debatable matters. The law has gone further than this; it has acted in direct opposition to its own purpose. The law has been used to destroy its own objective: It has been applied to annihilating the justice that it was supposed to maintain; to limiting and destroying rights which its real purpose was to respect. The law has placed the collective force at the disposal of the unscrupulous who wish, without risk, to exploit the person, liberty, and property of others. It has converted plunder into a right, in order to protect plunder. And it has converted lawful defense into a crime, in order to punish lawful defense. - Frederic Bastiat
Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. - John Adams
Your children's children will live under communism. You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept Communism outright; but we'll keep feeding you small doses of Socialism until you will finally wake up and find that you already have Communism. We won't have to fight you; WE'LL SO WEAKEN YOUR ECONOMY, until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands. - Nikita Krushchev, 1959
War is peace. Freedom is Slavery. - George Orwell.
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. - Mao Tse-tung
The purpose of government is to rein in the rights of the people. - Bill Clinton, 42nd US President
Democracy is indispensable to Socialism. - V.I. Lenin
Democracy is the road to Socialism. - Karl Marx
... you never want a serious crisis to go to waste. - Rahm Emanuel, advisor to Barack Hussein Obama
The United States promotes freedom and liberty by enslaving everyone who isn't one of the elite masters.
Is there intelligent life in Washington, D.C.? - Robert Heinlein
A government is the most dangerous threat to man's rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. - Ayn Rand
The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. - Ayn Rand
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
Power attracts the already corrupted. - Lawrence W. Reed
Power corrupts and the corrupt seek power.
B.L.S. = Bureau of Lies and Subterfuge (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
G.D.P. = Government Destruction of Property (Gross Domestic Product)
there is nothing as permanent as a temporary government program. - Milton Friedman
Better to be uneducated than educated by your government. - Penn Jillette, God, No!: Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales
The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. - H. L. Mencken
Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies. - Groucho Marx
Politics I supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. - Ronald Reagan
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' - Ronald Reagan
Government's first duty is to protect people, not to run their lives. - Ronald Reagan
Government that is big enough to give you everything you want is more likely to simply take everything you’ve got. - Ronald Reagan
We have long since discovered that nothing lasts longer than a temporary government program. - Ronald Reagan
A government bureau is the nearest thiing we'll ever see to eternal life on this earth. - Ronald Reagan
Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. - Ronald Reagan
Individual liberty depends on keeping government under control. - Ronald Reagan
The governments view of the economy can be summed up in a few short phrases. If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. If it stops moving, subsidize it. - Ronald Reagan
Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws. - Plato
There is nothing so bad that politics cannot make it worse. - Thomas Sowe
If the government can't keep drugs away from inmates who are locked in steel cages, surrounded by barbed wire, watched by armed guards, drug-tested, strip-searched, X-rayed, and videotaped – how can it possibly stop the flow of drugs to an entire nation? - Ron Crickenberger
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves. - John Henry Boetker
If voting made a difference, they would make it illegal. - Donal Scannell
Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure - Robert LeFevre
Freedom is the absence of restraint. Government cannot give freedom, it can only take it away. The more power the government exercises the less freedom will the people enjoy. - Frank Chodorov
Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. - Mark Twain
Vote: the instrument and symbol of a freeman's power to make a fool of himself and a wreck of his country. - Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
The greatest danger to the State is independent intellectual criticism. - Murray N. Rothbard
leaders and gangsters have much in common - F.G. Bailey
the corrupt seek power and use it absolutely - Robert A. Sirico
The worst law is better than bureaucratic tyranny. - Ludwig von Mises
The ONLY function of any government is to oppress the people they claim to serve. - Cynical Pessimist
Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours. Recovery is when Barack Hussein Obama loses his. - Cynical Pessimist
The ultimate basis of an all around bureaucratic system is violence. - Ludwig von Mises
Rockwell's Law: Always believe the opposite of what state officials tell you, and the corollary, always do the opposite of what they advise you. - Lew Rockwell
You should not examine legislation in the light of the benefits it will convey if properly administered, but in the light of the wrongs it would do and the harm it would cause if improperly administered. - Lyndon Johnson, 36th President of the U.S.
... the State claims and exercises the monopoly of crime ... It forbids private murder, but itself organizes murder on a colossal scale. It punishes private theft, but itself lays unscrupulous hands on anything it wants, whether the property of citizen or of alien. - Albert Jay Nock
Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. - Tom Lehrer
Political satire became obsolete when Barack Hussein Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. - Cynical Pessimist
The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic. - H.L. Mencken
The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is hishonest, insane and intolerable ... H. L. Mencken
Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under. - H.L. Mencken
It is sobering to reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. - Charles A. Beard
... socialism is nothing more than a fancied-up excuse for stealing other people's property and killing them if they resist, that collectivism is just a shabby attempt to make theft and murder appear respectable. Later on, I came to understand that this is true of all "philosophies" of government. - L. Neil Smith
One of the sadder facts of human existence is that power will get you through times of no brains better than brains will get you through times of no power. - L. Neil Smith
How does the government convince the unsuspecting public that the government is doing a good job?
Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people: those who work to further the actual goals of the organization, and those who work for the organization itself. Examples in education would be teachers who work and sacrifice to teach children, vs. union representative who work to protect any teacher including the most incompetent. The Iron Law states that in all cases, the second type of person will always gain control of the organization, and will always write the rules under which the organization functions. - Jerry Pournelle
Political language ... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. - George Orwell
Nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. - Albert Einstein
Ever notice that when things go dreadfully wrong, and a threat to life and limb is eminent, amidst all the panic, all the confusion, someone steps forward who has all the right answers and knows EXACTLY what to do to rescue everyone? Ever notice how often that person is INSANE? - unknown
do not accept something as true until it has been officially denied.
when those in power speak incessantly of one thing, they invariably mean its opposite. - Butler Shaffer
one of the primary functions of societal institutions is to conceal the basic nature of the society, so that the individuals that make up the power structure can pursue the business of consolidating and increasing their power untroubled by the minor carpings of a dissatisfied peasantry. - David Bradley
It matters little which system I join; they all have the same character. - Jacques Ellul.
Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil. - Thomas Paine
There will never be concentration camps in America; they'll be called something else.
After hydrogen, stupidity is the most common thing in the universe. - Albert Einstein
Never believe anything the government tells you. - Butler Shaffer
Never believe anything the mainstream media tells you. - Butler Shaffer
... the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state. - Joseph Goebbels
I never believe anything the government tells me. - George Carlin
If the world should blow itself up, the last audible voice would be that of an expert saying it can't be done. - Sir Peter Ustinov
Stop tolerating in your leaders what you would not tolerate in your friends. - Michael Ventura
Washington D.C. has lawyers like New York City has rats. I guess New York got to pick first. - David Letterman
The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out ... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable. - H. L. Mencken
The truth is that the State is a conspiracy designed not only to exploit, but above all to corrupt its citizens. - Leo Tolstoy
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Government is good at one thing: It knows how to break your legs, hand you a crutch, and say, ‘See, if it weren’t for the government, you wouldn’t be able to walk. - Harry Brown
political gaffe: inadvertent and unscripted truth - Jeffrey Tucker
Government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods. - H.L. Mencken
No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session. - Mark Twain
All democratic governments owe their legitimacy to the same thing - the decision of delusional voters, based on fraudulent representations by dishonest leaders. - Bill Bonner
leadership is all about - solemn and pompous lying. - Bill Bonner
The United States is broke - fiscally, morally, intellectually - David Stockman
One of the underrated features of the free market is that it so readily separates fools from their money. In government, fools separate everyone else from their money. - Bill Bonner
Secrecy - the first refuge of incompetents
... the super states that preceded it, it has one iron rule: Logic is an enemy, and truth is a menace. - Rod Serling.
Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question. - Thomas Jefferson
Government is essentially immoral. The State employs evil weapons to subjugate evil, and is alike contaminated by the objects with which it deals, and the means by which it works. - Herbert Spencer - Social Statics (1851)
Physical violence is the basis of authority. - Leo Tolstoy - The Kingdom of God is Within You (1893)
Government is an association of men who do violence to the rest of us. - Leo Tolstoy - The Kingdom of God is Within You (1893)
Slavery results from laws, laws are made by governments, and, therefore people can only be freed from slavery by the abolition of governments.... And it is time for people to understand that governments not only are not necessary, but are harmful and most highly immoral institutions, in which a self-respecting, honest man cannot and must not take part. - Leo Tolstoy - The Slavery of Our Times (1900)
In general, the art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one class of citizens and to give it to the other. - Voltaire - Philosophical Dictionary (1764)
The U.S. Constitution poses no threat to our system of government. - Joseph Sobran
The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer. - Henry Kissenger
When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
Ancient Rome declined because it had a Senate; now what's going to happen to us with both a Senate and a House? - Will Rogers
Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for. - Will Rogers
I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat. - Will Rogers
There ought to be one day-- just one-- when there is open season on senators. - Will Rogers
There's no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government working for you. - Will Rogers
This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer. - Will Rogers
The more you read and observe about this Politics thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than the other. The one that's out always looks the best. - Will Rogers
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. - Will Rogers
Any sufficiently advanced bureaucracy is indistinguishable from molasses.
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but governments abuse the privilege.
If ego could be turned into electricity, Washington, D.C. would have electric power in unlimited levels and never have a power outage… - Mike Huckabee
Government doesn’t do things well even when it takes its sweet time. When it acts in haste, it can really screw things up. - Mike Huckabee
The state can steal and call it taxation, kidnap and call it conscription, kill and call it war. - Llewellyn H. Rockwell,Jr.
Government is a scam, and like other scams it relies on the gullibility of its victims. - Christopher Cantwell
In an effort to keep up with the times as well as display its honesty, the federal government is working on a new slogan:
- Our Government is Vampiric
- We’ll Tax You to Death

Government - links
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
YouTube Hillsdale College Online "Courses - Why the Ruling Elite Is Anti-American | Constitution 101 Highlight
Federalist The U.S. Left Has Become So Authoritarian, Even This North Korean Refugee Is Concerned
Town Hall The Coup We Never Knew
YouTube Officer's Message to Police: We Are Trampling People's Liberties
Monster Hunter Nation The DOFYJS
YouTube Steve Hilton rips ‘smug, entitled, arrogant’ Democrat elites
YouTube Steve Hilton: Reckless Democrats are putting the integrity of America at risk
American Thinker The Depravity of the Democrat Party, the American Left, and the Media
American Thinker Is D.C. using its ‘preemptive war’ doctrine against the states?
mrc tv Unity-Shmunity: Tulsi Gabbard Tells Joe Rogan Congress 'is like High School'
Louder With Crowder Tucker Carlson Delivers Powerful Monologue on Wednesday's Capitol Events
mrc tv New Poll Reveals Americans’ Most DISLIKED 'Company' Is The US Government
Miss Liberty Film & Documentary World Yes Minister: The Five Standard Excuses
Daily Reckoning The Banana Republic of America
Mises Institute Why Democracy Rewards Bad People
Mises Institute Spain Is without a National Government - And Spaniards Are Digging It
Mises Institute Federal Bureaucrat to the Public: Be Afraid!
Mises Institute How Not to Study the State
Mises Institute Is it a Crime to Support Government Aggression?
mrc tv Daily Reckoning One Indivisible System
Daily Reckoning 3 Essential Rules for Dealing With the Government
Mises Institute Four Centuries of Surveillance: From Privy Councils to FISA Courts
Mises Institute Why Democracy Rewards Bad People
American Thinker Real Americans Don't Trust the Government
Natural News IRS criminality proves big government is lawless, unrestrained and utterly out of control
FrontPage Magazione Rational People Fear Big Government, Not Big Business
Daily Reckoning The Day America Died
Mises Institute The Fascist Threat
Mises Institute Sam I’m Not
Free Advice It’s Official: Your President Can Kill You At Will
The Tenth Amendment Center Reclaiming the Jeffersonian Tradition (Nullification)
Mises Institute Nullify the War on Drugs
Mises Institute The Nature of the State
Mises Institute Anarchy in Somalia
Mises Institute Why Are People So Forgiving of Government Failure?
Mises Institute Burning Down the House
Mises Institute The Decivilizing Effects of Government
Mises Institute A 132-Year Payback on the All-Electric Car
Mises Institute Can Politicians Help Us?
Mises Institute A Theory of Bribes
Mises Institute The Praxeology and Ethics of Traffic Lights
Mises Institute The Real Reason for FDR's Popularity
Mises Institute How the Presidency Is Invading Your Home
Mises Institute Victims on Trial: The Everyday Business of Courts
Mises Institute How and Why the State Destroys Society
Mises Institute Terminus on the Road to Serfdom
Mises Institute What's So Great about Representative Government?
Mises Institute The New Deal and Prohibition
Mises Institute Keeping the Liberties of the People Safe
Mises Institute The Libyan People versus Muammar Gaddafi
Mises Institute The President's Own Dumb Rules
Mises Institute The Freedom to Cross a Border
Mises Institute Why Everything Is Dirtier
Mises Institute Consumer Advocate in Chief?
Mises Institute The Heat Is On!
Mises Institute Read Hoppe, Then Nothing Is the Same
Mises Institute Extortion, Private and Public: The Case of Chiquita Banana
Mises Institute Psychology of the Political Class
Mises Institute Consent of the Governed?
Mises Institute Forsaking Society for the State?
Mises Institute How Dinosaurs Were Made Extinct
Mises Institute Suddenly, It’s Back to the Stone Age
Mises Institute Public Choice and Political Leadership
Mises Institute Times Change, Principles Don't
Mises Institute In Praise of Government Gridlock
Mises Institute State of Incarceration: Spontaneous Order behind Bars
Mises Institute Regulatory-Industrial Complex
Mises Institute Military Spending and Bastiat's "Unseen"
Mises Institute Obsessed by Megalomania
Mises Institute The Tollkeepers on the Road to Serfdom
Mises Institute How the State Destroys Social Cooperation
Mises Institute Greedy-Bastard Economics
Mises Institute The Antifederalists Were Right
Mises Institute Mussolini’s Idea of the State and Its American Defenders
Mises Institute Mises, Kant, and Welfare Spending
Mises Institute Democracy and Government Spending: Extend and Pretend
Mises Institute Regulate It First, Learn About It Never
Mises Institute The War on Cars Is a War on Workers and the Poor
Mises Institute State Hypocrisy on Anti-Bribery Laws
Mises Institute The Fiscal and Moral Costs of Antitrust
Mises Institute So you want to work for government?
Mises Institute Government By the Numbers
Mises Institute Let me diet, but never make me starve
Mises Institute Why We Need the State, Bee Edition
Mises Institute Government Food Safety
Mises Institute The Deal Breaker
Mises Institute Heatballs beat the ban
Mises Institute Antisocial Government Disorder
Mises Institute High Comedy and Misdemeanors
Mises Institute So you want to work for government
Mises Institute Regulators Continue to Gorge Themselves
Mises Institute Hollywood Backs State Thuggery Over Free Speech
Mises Institute Why the state needs two parties
Mises Institute Prepare to Pay Royalties on Sunshine
Mises Institute Intellectual Properganda
Mises Institute A very bizarre chapter of history can teach us a lot.
Mises Institute The State Never Apologizes
Mises Institute Bleaching Ourselves to Death
Mises Institute Honor Among Thieves
Mises Institute The Cost of a Government Regulator
Mises Institute Bin Laden and Civilization-Suicide
Mises Institute No State, No Problem
Mises Institute The Thoroughly Rotten Central Planners and Their Wicked Ways
Mises Institute A Zillion Page Document to Bake and Sell a Cookie
Mises Institute Government Food Safety
Mises Institute Privately-repaired potholes: a good start
Mises Institute No Confidence
Mises Institute States, Cartels, and the Anarcho-Capitalist Opposition
Mises Institute Why Foreign Politicians Hate Your Freedom
Mises Institute Made-up Government Stats Inflame Contempt for Britain’s Obese
Mises Institute How the Feds Support Eco-Terrorism
Mises Institute The Government Won't Make America Great Again
Mises Institute White "Privilege" Has Nothing on State Privilege
The Circle Bastiat Don’t Let This Opportunity Pass You By
The Circle Bastiat The State is a Protection Racket
Mises Institute Five Laws to Repeal on Independence Day
Mises Institute Bernie, It’s Government That "Rigs" The Economy
Mises Institute Seven Changes Needed in Baltimore and Ferguson Right Now
Daily Reckoning Councilman Takes the Cake
Daily Reckoning The Absurdity of Central Planning
Daily Reckoning Yeah, Thanks A Lot!
Daily Reckoning Lies, Lies, Lies: The New Foundation of the Financial System
Daily Reckoning The Increasingly Complex Relationship Between Man and State
Daily Reckoning Societal Influences on the Creation of Wealth
Daily Reckoning The Growing Fiscal Disparity Between Insiders and Outsiders
Daily Reckoning Illinois is No Peter Pan
Daily Reckoning Lessons From Egypt For The American People
Daily Reckoning Regime Change, Hillary’s Head Fake
Daily Reckoning A War of Diminishing Returns
Daily Reckoning Never-Ending Government Lies About Markets
Daily Reckoning A Decade Later
Daily Reckoning From Bailouts to Bubbles in a Government-Centric America
Daily Reckoning At the Expense of Liberty
Daily Reckoning Correcting America’s Position in the Global Economy
Daily Reckoning No Return on Government Investments
Daily Reckoning The Eight Marks of Fascist Policy
Daily Reckoning Anarchy - An Investor's Best Friend
Daily Reckoning The Worst of States
Daily Reckoning What Government Really Is
Daily Reckoning Unattainable Government Goals
Daily Reckoning Tim Geithner Covers for Corruption on Pennsylvania Avenue
Daily Reckoning Hilarious Reasons for Why We Need the Government
Daily Reckoning Lysander Spooner vs. the USPS
Daily Reckoning Rearranging the New World Order
Daily Reckoning No Consent Required: How the State Exploits Ignorance and Complacency
Daily Reckoning The Government’s Plan to Steal Your Money
Daily Reckoning Fifty Shades of Government
Daily Reckoning Politics, Politics
Daily Reckoning The Truth Behind the Romney "Gaffe"
Daily Reckoning How Government "Works"
Daily Reckoning The State is Doomed ... and Other Reasons to be Optimistic
Daily Reckoning The Four Signs of a Collapsing State
Daily Reckoning Failure of Leadership
Daily Reckoning National Security and Your Digital Data
Daily Reckoning An Anarchist Squint at the Jobs Report
Daily Reckoning Beware of Government "Extras"
Daily Reckoning Coca-Capitulation
Daily Reckoning Downside: After the Returns Stop Diminishing
Daily Reckoning Democracy Is Inherently Broken
Daily Reckoning Not Yours To Give
Daily Reckoning Thank You, TSA, NSA, FBI, and CIA!
Daily Reckoning Defiling the Memory of President Eisenhower
Daily Reckoning The Goodfellas of Wall Street
Daily Reckoning Between Defunding and a Hard Place
Daily Reckoning A Healthcare Plan that Could Save the U.S. Billions
Daily Reckoning The Assault on Integrity
Daily Reckoning America’s Full Faith and Credit Card
Lew Rockwell The Absurdity of Central Planning
Lew Rockwell Sociopathy Is Running the US
Lew Rockwell David Koresh’s Revenge: Waco and 20 Years of State Terror
Berkeley Daily Planet Got Plants in Oakland? Watch Out!
reason All Your Economic Decisions Are Belong to Us
cnet Bill would give president emergency control of Internet
American Thinker The Congressional Follies, 111th Edition Adm. Mullen's Spinning vs. Prof. Hayek's Insight
Institute For Justice Want To Create Jobs? Remove Red Tape. Moral or Immoral Government
Christian Science Monitor European nations begin seizing private pensions
Washington Post U.S.-funded infrastructure deteriorates once under Afghan control, report says
Yahoo! News Seattle welfare recipient lives in million-dollar home
Yahoo! News Murtha Airport, brought to you by American taxpayers
Yahoo! News Congress Sets a New Record for Being Hated Bank on higher fees from Dodd-Frank
English Russian photos of centrally planned Russian roads
PowerLine Identification: It’s Good For Everything Except Voting
Whiskey and Gunpowder Despair and the State
The Daily Caller DOJ inspector general investigates retaliation against Fast and Furious whistle-blowers
Town Hall 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective Government
The Daily Caller Obama signs bill exempting presidential appointees from Senate confirmation
The Daily Caller GOP marks 1,200 days without Senate budget
Reality Blog California Government Hides Billions From Taxpayers
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education Tolls on the Road to Serfdom - U.S. Income Tax Policy Undermines Individual Liberty
Laissez Faire Today If You Have Nothing to Hide, Be Very Worried
Yahoo! News Feds: Military bribery cases show exchange of information for luxury perks, concert tickets
bookworm room The House’s refusal to fund Obamacare is entirely constitutional - and James Madison personally approves this message
bookworm room Leftists don’t believe in the constitution and they’re pretty sure a Democrat-run federal government is the People’s master, not their servant
Yahoo! News Democrats To America: We Own The Government!
National Review Online Harry Reid’s Nuclear Hypocrisy
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity A Tipping Point For Liberty Against Leviathan
Canada Free Press Equal Rights vs. Special Privileges - Government should not be in the business of conveying privileges and favors to anyone
Personal Liberty Digest And The Award For Biggest Government Liar Goes To...
Personal Liberty Digest Lawmaker’s Attempt To Increase Congressional Pay Quashed In House
Personal Liberty Digest The U.S. Is Not A Democracy But An Oligarchy, Study Concludes
Personal Liberty Digest Standing Up To Government Is Now Domestic Terrorism
Personal Liberty Digest Mises: With Government Roads, The Customer Is Always Wrong
Personal Liberty Digest The Beginning Of The End For The Leaders Of The ‘Free World’ ,,, Humanity Awakens!
Personal Liberty Digest Obama’s Hot Election-Year Issues Are Exactly The Ones Voters Don’t Care About
Personal Liberty Digest DOJ Will Inventory Bureaucratic Firepower
Personal Liberty Digest Obama Considered Deploying Military On Bundy Ranch
Personal Liberty Digest State Of The Nullification Movement
Breitbart CA Bill Demands Verbal or Written Consent for Sex on College Campuses
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education Unicorn Governance - Ever argued public policy with people whose State is in fantasyland?
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: Give Back the Senate
The Free Thought Project Feds Threaten D.C. Officials with Prison If they Go Through with Pot Legalization on Thursday
The Daily Signal Newt Gingrich: Choke Point ‘Is the Beginning of a Real Tyranny in the United States’
Lowering The Bar Mayor Complains That City Didn’t Train Him Not to Harass Women
Nestman You, an accidental terrorist? Thank Ted Cruz
Human Events Words Used to Mean Things - Then Came Government
Federalist We Are Watching A Slow-Motion Coup D’etat

Government - Saving Democracy By Destroying It
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Loudeer With Crowder Even CNN is calling bullsh*t on Maine SOS removing Trump from the ballot: "She based her ruling on YouTube clips"
Loudeer With Crowder Journalist catches CIA officer boasting about what they did to Alex Jones, on January 6th, and with fake social media posts

Government - Car Kill Switches Because Government Knows Best - Overreach - No Part Of Life Unregulated
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Louder With Crowder DC wants to mandate "kill switches" so they can disable your car, and one Republican is speaking out

Government - National Divorce
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Just The News MTG's 'national divorce’ comments caused a firestorm this week, Historian Shirley thinks this could be the reality in 20 years
Blaze Media Horowitz: We already have national divorce … it’s just one-sided

Government - War On The First Amendment - War On Free Speech - Department Of Truth - Department Of Lies - Disinformation Campaign - Misinformation Campaign - Propaganda Pushing - Suppressing The Truth
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Political Insider The Chinese Spy Balloon Revelations Leave us With Two Scary Scenarios
Washington Examiner Disinformation Inc: Government-backed group tried to punish sites boosting COVID lab leak theory
Just The News Before Biden laptop letter, ex-CIA boss intervened on Russia collusion in 2016, Benghazi in 2012
Fox News University program linking Christians, Republicans to Nazis granted DHS funds under 'anti-terror' initiative
Louder With Crowder "It has always been about power": Missouri AG blasts the Biden Admin's assault on Free Speech
Louder With Crowder Socialist Mayor orders police to shut down national conservatism conference featuring Viktor Orban, Nigel Farage

Government - War On The First Amendment - War On Free Speech - Department Of Truth - Department Of Lies - Dishonesty - Suppressing Free Speech - Suppressing The Truth - Election Interference - Disinformation Campaign - Propaganda Pushing - Attacking Free Speech
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Fox News FBI met weekly with Big Tech ahead of the 2020 election, agent testifies
NY Post FBI warned Twitter during ‘weekly’ meetings of Hunter Biden ‘hack-and-leak operation’ before censoring The Post
Just The News Concerns mount over media, government quashing election integrity efforts through intimidation
Breitbart Poll: 71% Say Accurate Reporting of Hunter’s Laptop Could Have Altered 2020 Election
New York Post Latest ‘Twitter Files’ reveal execs warned Dems of false Russian bot claims — but didn’t tell public
OAN The Cold, Hard Truth About The Intelligence Community
Washington Examiner Clapper says letter about Russian links to Hunter Biden laptop saga was 'distorted'
Federalist The FBI Isn’t The Only Guilty Party In The ‘Twitter Files,’ And It Isn’t ‘Partisan’ To Say So
Slay Elon Musk Warns Biden: ‘This Is a Serious Attack on the Constitution by a Federal Agency’
Fox News Twitter hearing uncovers Democrats' chilling message to journalists - Democrats attack journalists for covering Deep State’s censorship of Twitter
Washington Times Twitter Files journalists warn of social media’s censorship web ensnaring Americans
mrc tv 'You Can't Lie About the Facts!' MTG Not Allowed to Speak During Hearing After Calling Mayorkas a 'Liar'
mrc tv Thought The Biden Ministry of Truth Was Gone? They've Doubled the Fun
mrc tv Judiciary Chair Jordan Reveals MASSIVE Scope Of Biden-Facebook COVID Censorship
Federalist Viral Meme-Maker Who Joked About Hillary Clinton Sentenced To 7 Months In Prison For ‘Election Interference’

Government - Assisting Child Sex Trafficers - Unaccompanied Children Program
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
YouTube HHS Whistleblower Says Government Complicit in Trafficking; Child Admits Being ‘Pimped’ by S
mrc tv DOD Elementary Ed. Official Arrested for Pandering in Human Trafficking Sting

Government - Support For Child Mutilation
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Louder With Crowder Pentagon docs declare 7-year-olds can consent to sexual reassignment, because it's a human right or something

Government - Opposition To Free Elections - Interferring In Elections - War Against Election Integrity - Supporting Voter Fraud - Supporting Election Fraud
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Just The News Biden voter registration effort targets vulnerable Americans likely to vote Democrat, memos show
Federalist Twitter Files Overshadow The Bigger Scandal: FBI Lied To Tech Giants To Interfere In Election

Government - Police State - No Right To Privacy
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
YouTube Dan Bongino: Has America quietly become a police state?
Wired A Peek Inside the FBI’s Unprecedented January 6 Geofence Dragnet
Washington Times FBI reveals it uses CIA and NSA to spy on Americans
Reclaim The Net DHS Sought To Assign Social Credit Style “Risk Scores” To Social Media Users
mrc tv Jim Jordan Reveals Fed Gov't Advised Banks to Flag Transactions Including 'MAGA' & 'TRUMP,' Bible Purchases

Government - Police State - Medical Dictatorship
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
PJ Media Medical Tyranny! The Feds Are Tracking the Unvaccinated, and You Won't Believe 'WHO' Is Telling Them to Do It

Government - A Threat To American Citizens
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
OAN The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks Of An Authoritarian Regime
Daily Signal Guns of Washington: 5 Agencies With Gun Stockpiles
mrc tv Of Course They Did! DHS Awards Liberal Think Tank $750K To Fight 'Far-Right'
The Hill Maui residents who disobeyed barricade survived fires: AP

Government - Epic Dishonesty - Banana Republic Corruption - Democrat Threat To America
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Federalist Biden’s ‘Democracy’ Lecture Reminded Americans How Relentlessly Democrats Undermine It
rumble Lie After Lie: Distrust of the Government Isn’t a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Anymore
YouTube This is a double standard by the FBI and DOJ: Trey Gowdy
Louder With Crowder Now it makes sense: Joe Manchin sold out America over 'Inflation Reduction Act' after Bill Gates told him to
American Thinker Three Signs We’re in a Banana Republic
Washington Examiner Pompeo’s mockery of Hillary Clinton sparked IG’s retaliation
mrc tv TRUTH! Tucker Says Arresting Trump is 'Both Parties' Sending the Message Not to 'Criticize' Fed. Gov't
Federalist IRS Whistleblower Emails Suggest David Weiss Misled Congress In Letter Claiming Charging Authority
Louder With Crowder Watch: Even MSNBC lapdogs say Secret Service concluding their cocaine "investigation" is bullplop
Dan bongino Show Fulton County DA Fumbles When Confronted on Trump Charges Leaked Before Grand Jury Vote
Washington Times Network of current, former intel officials boosts leftist agendas, says ex-CIA agent

Government - Support For Treason
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Unz Review The Commie Colonization of America

Government - The Big Lie - J6 Committee - January 6 - War On Dissidents - Speaking Lies For Power - War On Truth - War on Integrity - Support For Treason - Witch Hunt - Show Trial
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Revolrer Darren Beattie: The “pipe bomber” unravels the whole J6 thing ...
Washington Times Jan. 6 footage released by Tucker Carlson shows a different side to the U.S. Capitol riot
Washington Times Jan. 6 committee chairman denies panel selectively edited Capitol footage
Dan Bongino Show New January 6 Footage Shows Media and Democrats Once Again Lied About Everything
mrc tv Rep. Scalise: ‘Pelosi Did Not Want All The Facts’ On Jan. 6th – Let’s Have ‘Transparency’
Human Events The J6 Insurrection Fable is the Democrats' Big Lie
Canada Free Press January 6 Committee Fading Into The Fog With No Media Attention
">Jewish World Review Trump Is No 'Insurrectionist'
Breitbart January 6
Revolver Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6
Federalist The J6 Inquisition Is An Obvious Soviet-Style Show Trial
American Thinker House January 6 Committee Is Failing but Doesn't Know Wh
American Thinker Does the J6 Committee threaten our democracy
Federalist J6 Committee Focuses On Election Fraud Claims While Ignoring Tactics Used To Rig The 2020 Election
American Thinker Gaslighting Committee Attempts Launch of Banana Republic
Federalist New J6 Narrative About Trump And Secret Service Collapses Hours After Tuesday Hearing
Epoch Times Former Meadows Aide’s Jan. 6 Testimony Denied by Trump, Secret Service
Epoch Times EXCLUSIVE: Key Figure in Jan. 6 Events Backs Claims That Cheney, January 6 Committee Lied
Epoch Times Congress’s Insulting Agenda
Epoch Times Rep. Gohmert: ‘Violations of American Rights’ of Jan. 6 Prisoners ‘Mind Blowing’
mrc tv No Bias Here: Kathy Griffin and Ex-DC Cop Michael Fanone Pose With 'F*** Trump' Mugs
Hillsdale College - Imprimis The January 6 Insurrection Hoax
Federalist 8 Times Left-Wing Protesters Broke Into Government Buildings And Assaulted Democracy
mrc tv Monster Hunter Nation Larry’s Twitter posts on the Jan 6 commission
twitter Larry Correia
Federalist Ginni Thomas Transcript From J6 Panel Reveals Witch Hunt Operation Without A Witch
mrc tv Sure it was! Fmr. Jan. 6 Committee Aide Says Leak of Trump Associated Social Security No.'s 'Inadvertent'
Dan Bongino Show Karine Jean-Pierre Responds to Tucker Carlson, Claims Jan 6 the Worst Thing to Happen to America Since Civil War
Bongino Report Sen. Schumer in Panic Mode Over New January 6 Footage
Washington Times Whistleblower: FBI threatened to fire agents who criticized emphasis on Jan. 6 investigations
Just The News Vanished! House panel chairman says J6 videotapes of witness interviews missin
Just The News Internal Secret Service records undercut another key J6 committee Democrat narrative
PBS National Archives asks Secret Service to probe deleted texts sent around Jan. 6
Daily Wire FBI Tied January 6 Pipe Bomber To Metro Card Of Ex-Gov Official, But Blocked Interview Of Him, Former Agent Say

Government - When Is An Insurrection NOT an Insurrection? When It's Democrats, Leftists, and the LGBTQ Mafia Violently Attack A Capitol
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
mrc tv Trans-surrection! Trans Activists Breach Okla. Capitol Building To Support Genital Mutilation of Minors
Human Events LIBBY EMMONS: Associated Press—who used capitol riot to redefine 'insurrection'—now OUTRAGED by GOP calling state capitol riots 'insurrections'
Louder With Crowder MugClub Exclusive! We Infiltrated The Pro-Hamas Insurrection In Washington DC: “Were you planning on getting arrested?”

Government - War On The Military
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Federalist Cotton: U.S. Army’s Affirmative Action For Women ‘Is Going To Get People Killed’ - Only 52 percent of active-duty enlisted women, compared to 92 percent of the men, were able to pass the Army Combat Fitness Test.
Epoch Times Concerned Graduates of West Point Challenge Leadership of Military Academy: Letter
Unz Review Sabotaging America's Military from Within
Louder With Crowder Ahead Of World War 3, Nearly 70% Of US troops Are Overweight Or Obese

Government - War On Free Speech - War On The First Amendment - War On 1st Amendment - Speaking Lies For Power - War On Truth - Ministry Of Propaganda - Ministry Of Truth
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
YouTube Judge Jeanine: DOJ 'threatens' parent protesters
mrc tv 'We're Not Gonna Let Biden Get Away With This': DeSantis Vows to Fight Biden's 'Ministry of Truth'
Louder With Crowder Jen Psaki Doesn't Understand Why People Oppose Joe Biden's 'Disinformation' Board, Here are Eleven Reasons
mrc tv Rep. Boebert Introduces Bill To Defund Biden's 'Ministry of Truth'
mrc tv 20 State AG's Warn They'll Sue Biden Admin To End DHS Ministry of Truth – Where Have They Been?
rumble 'Ministry of Truth' Co-Chair Revealed As Soros-Cozy
mrc tv Biden’s ‘Ministry Of Truth’ On Hold - Precocious Censorship Put On 'Pause'
mrc tv Biden's 'Ministry Of Truth': Docs Blow Whistle On Secret Plans To Monitor & Censor Speech
mrc tv NPR Forms Its Own 'Ministry of Truth,' Launches 'Disinformation Reporting Team'
Dan Bongino Show Revealed: DHS and State Department Used Private Entity to Target Millions of Social Media Posts for Censorship
Just The News Outsourced censorship: Feds used private entity to target millions of social posts in 2020
Just The News Enemies list? Fed-backed censorship machine targeted 20 news sites
Just The News Federally backed censorship machine raises separation of powers, election meddling questions
Dan Bongino Show Leaked Documents Expose DHS' Efforts to Police So-Called "Disinformat
Intercept Truth Cops - Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation
Red State Democrat Introduces Legislation to Make White People Criticizing Minorities a Federal Crime
Bongino Report IRS Visited Home of Journalist Matt Taibbi Same Day as His Congressional Testimony
Washington Examiner Actor Tim Robbins unloads on Democrats and media for abandoning free speech

Government - War On The First Amendment - War On Other Rights
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
mrc tv Sign Of Tyrannical Times: Maine Approves Right 'To Produce & Consume' Food

Government - Facism
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
mrc tv National School Boards Assoc. Labels Concerned Parents 'Domestic Terror' Threats
mrc tv Massachusetts Announces Planned BAN On Sale of Gas-Powered Cars By 2035
mrc tv Chuck Schumer Calls For Biden To Declare a Climate 'National Emergency' and Rule Like a Dictator
mrc tv Americans LOSE IT After Biden Says the Gov’t Will Go ‘Door-to-Door’ to Push COVID Vaccines
mrc tv Welcome to the U.S.S.A.: Jan. 6 Committee Requests 'All' 2020 Election-related Docs and Comms of Notable Trump Supporters
mrc tv White House Claims Jab Mandates On Businesses, Employees, Are 'Empowering'
mrc tv FCC Demands Racial/Gender Staff Demographics From Licensed Broadcasters

Government - Pay
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Conservative Review These government hack job$ come with outrageous $alaries
mrc tv Hakeem Jeffries Says Congress Getting Living Expenses Covered On Top of Salary Merely 'Reimbursement'

Government - Inauguration
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Mises Institute Taxpayers Footing the Bill for the Inauguration Junkets

Government - Support For Crime - Support For Criminals
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Hot Air Biden appointee refuses to enforce the law in Washington D.C.

Government - Enforcing The Laws - Enforcing The Rules - Enforcing The Regulations - Subjugating Citizens
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Here is a partial list of government agencies with Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams
- Internal Revenue Service
- Department of Agriculture
- Railroad Retirement Board
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- Office of Personnel Management
- Consumer Product Safety Commission
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- U.S. Department of Education
- Food and Drug Administration
- National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
- Social Security Administration
now do't you feel safer?
Town Hall Letting Hunter Biden Off Is A Message To Us Peasants
Truth Revolt Obama Admin Spending Billions on 'Military-Style' Weaponry for Non-Military Agencies - But you can't have any.
Truth Revolt Report: IRS Bureaucrats Stockpiling Military-Grade Weapons, Arming Agents With AR-15s - White House Dems staged their stunt - er, sit-in - to strip away citizens' right to bear arms.
mrc tv The Shocking Truth of How the Feds are Militarizing Domestic Agencies
mrc tv Obama Seized Enough Land and Water in 8 Years to Cover Texas Three Times
Miss Liberty Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree (2012)
YouTube Derrick J's Victimless Crime Spree (full length video)
Geller Report NYS Bill A416: Democrats Propose Nazi-Inspired Bill To Round Up, Institutionalize "Public Health Risks"
mrc tv House Passes 'Russia Sanctions' Bill That May Allow Biden To 'Sanction' Virtually Anyone

Government - Misinformation - Disinformation - Speaking Lies To The Powerless
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Truth Revolt US Government Now 2nd Largest PR Firm in the World - Federal government has spent $4 Billion selling itself since 2007.
Truth Revolt Wikileaks Reveals PR Firm Acts as De Facto DNC Office While CEO Oversees US Govt News Operations - "I love you too. No homo."
Fox News With Clinton at helm, State Dept. got 'prestigious' award for record-keeping
Breitbart Ex-Intelligence Officials Who Said Hunter Biden Laptop Story Was a Russian Operation Silent After Twitter Files Released
Red State Ex-Intel Officer Admits He Lied About Hunter Biden's Laptop
Dan Bongino Show James Clapper's Latest Lie Contradicted by His Own Past Statements
Daily Caller State Department Funded Foreign Think Tank Working To Censor Americans
Dan Bongion show Chaos Erupts on House Floor as Adam Schiff Is Censured Over Russiagate Falsehood
Free Press I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.

Government - Protection
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Mises Institute End Injustices Now, Not Later
Mises Institute Are Harsh Sentencing Laws Driving Up Homicide Rates?
Truth Revolt Baltimore Police Source: 'Damn Right' Mayor Told Us to Stand Down - Mayor: "You have to understand, it is not holding back. It is responding appropriately."
Truth Revolt Baltimore Cops Are Doing Less Out of Fear - "We are in a reactive mode."
Truth Revolt Homeland Security Loses Hundreds of Badges, Guns, Phones - Most of them are customs and border credentials. No big deal.
Truth Revolt CIA Left Explosives on Children's School Bus - Yikes!
Truth Revolt Malkin: Outsourcing Security Is Dumb and Deadly - If we can't look after our own people, we have no business sending them to look after the rest of the world's.
Truth Revolt Mayor of Baltimore Says Trump Doesn't Know How to Fight Crime - She "gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well."
Truth Revolt D.C. Transit Officer Charged With Aiding ISIS Was Under Surveillance For Six Years - He also planned to burn FBI agents in their cars and torture them.
Truth Revolt DHS: ‘Thousands of Green Cards Have Simply Gone Missing’ - Butterfingers!
The Economic Collapse It’s Official: Police Were Ordered To Stand Down And Let The Baltimore Riots Rage Out Of Control
Yahoo! News Pentagon: Military mistakenly shipped live anthrax samples
mrc tv DHS Plans to Cut Aerial Border Surveillance in Half
mrc tv Marine Titles Become 'Gender Neutral'
mc tv DC Cop Arrested for Allegedly Aiding ISIS
Daily Caller Six DC Metro Workers Fired After Falsifying Track Inspections Before Derailment
Zero Hedge Three Ridiculous Ways Congress Plans To Keep America Safe Again
ars Technica Former NSA contractor may have stolen 75% of TAO’s elite hacking tools

Government - Protection - FEMA - Protecting The Environment From People
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
mrc tv FEMA 'White Supremacy' Sensitivity Training Burns Tax Cash While Hawaiians Suffer

Government - Protection - FDA - Protecting The People - Trust The Science
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Louder With Crowder FDA Rules Popular OTC Cold Medicines Are, Suddenly, 'Not Effective'

Government - Military - Defending Our Enemies - Attacking Our Country
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
YouTube Tucker: This is one of the worst stories of our time
Fred On Everything A Petticoat Military: Comedy in Uniform
Fred On Everything Women in Combat: Unwelcome Facts from a Closet
Mises Institute Decentralize the Military: Why We Need Independent Militias
Truth Revolt Heartbreaking: Thousands of California Soldiers Forced to Repay Enlistment Bonuses After Combat Tours in Iraq, Afghanistan - This is the thanks they get.
American Thinker Something is very wrong with the US Navy
Zero Hedge Army Finds $830 Million In "Missing" Helicopters As First Ever Audit Beginsbr> American Thinker Afghanistan is not going down well in the U.S. military's ranks
American Thinker The military brass may regret firing Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller
mrc tv Woke US Military Salutes Pride Month
Unz Review Sabotaging America's Military from Within
mrc tv U.S. Navy Appoints Drag Queen For Help In Recruitment

Government - Military Humor
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Babylon Bee In Major Effort To Attract New Recruits, Navy Offering Unlimited Bud Light
Babylon Bee Navy Somehow Even Gayer
Babylon Bee Putin Retaliates For Assassination Attempt By Misgendering Admiral Levine

Government - Regulation Failure - Sypporting Bank Failures Again
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
mrc tv Gov. Newsom Drinks In Biden Bank Bailout Cash

Government - No Part Of Life Unregulated - Regulations
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
New York Post White House looking to creep into 401(k)s
News Max Supreme Court Weighs Bizarre Private Property Seizure
Mises Institute How to Reverse the Innovation Slowdown
Mises Institute Mises Daily Friday: Daylight Saving Time: A Government Annoyance
Mises Institute 3 Lessons Learned from Wisconsin's War on Foreign Butter
Mises Institute In a Stateless World, Can You Grow Veggies In Your Front Yard?
Truth Revolt AL Lawmaker Backs Off Bill That Would Train Teachers Not to Have Sex With Students
Truth Revolt Americans Can't Be Trusted to Control Salt, So Obama Will Do It for Us - Put down that salt shaker! I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
Truth Revolt Soda Tax Passes in Philly: Coming to a City Near You - "This is going to really provide momentum."
mrc tv Feds' Armed Raids on Milk Farmers Prompt States to Fight Back
mrc tv Reality Check: The Feds Want to Tax Our SODAS Now
mrc tv DOE: New Regulations For Wine Refrigerators
mrc tv California's New Law Could Halt Live Author Book Signings
mrc tv FLA Appeals Court Rules the Gov't Can Ban Private Veggie Gardens
mrc tv Native American Artist Could Be Fined For Selling Authentic Art, Because Government
mrc tv California Bill Mandates Companies Include At Least 1 Woman On Their Boards
Your News Wire Government Claims Ownership of Rain, Tells Couple To Destroy Pond
Daily Wire The Facebook Comments On Oregon's Decision To Allow Motorists To Pump Their Own Gas Will Make Your Day
mrc tv More Jersey Mandate Madness - This Time On Craft Brewers!
mrc tv Michigan Brothers Fined for Removing Trees on Their OWN Property; Now, They’re Fighting For Their Speech Rights As Well
Steadfast Clash New York State Is Now Requiring Permits for This Everyday Activity
mrc tv Cops Bust Newly Unemployed SC Man For Selling Veggies Out of His Yard
mrc tv Creepy: Microsoft, Other Big Tech Companies Working with Health Care Industry to Create Vaccine 'Digital Passport'
mrc tv DeSantis Tweaks Fatalistic Climate Fools, Offers Sales Tax Break For Gas Stoves

Government - Science - Loss Of Credibility
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
But when people are producing work in line with the scientific consensus there’s no reason to go on a witch hunt.
Breitbart Climate Scientist Targeted By Democrats For Global-Warming Apostasy
Wired Anti-GMO Activist Seeks to Expose Scientists’ Emails With Big Ag
Mises Institute The Washington Intellectual Gravy Train
Mises Institute Government Spending on "Innovation": The True Cost Is Higher Than You Think
mrc tv Feds Spend $1.4 Million to Sell Ice to Eskimos
mrc tv Feds Spend $250K To Learn If People Use the A/C When It's Hot
mrc tv Feds Pay $450K to Study if A/C Helps With Heat
mrc tv Reality Check: The Feds Just Spent $2M On a Broccoli Farm
mrc tv Gov. Spends $178k to Study Post-Terrorism Tweets
mrc tv Feds Spend Millions on Why Kids Don't Like Sneezed-On Food - and More, in 'The Federal Fumbles'
mrc tv Some Scientists Who Falsify Data Still Get Millions in Federal Grants
National Review Academic Article: Ski slopes Are Sexist
National Review Taxpayer-Funded Study Examins the Gender Politics of Glaciers
Truth Revolt Here Are a Few of the Most Absurd 'Academic Studies' of 2016 - Including the "appropriation of cupcakes from women."
American Thinker Report: Government agency refuses to discipline scientists caught cooking the books nature Political endorsements can affect scientific credibility

Government - Lawlessness - Criminality - Treason
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Normally Democrats commit treason. January 2021 the following Republicans In Name Only (RINO) commited treason.
Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah)
Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)
Senator Ben Sasse (R-Neb.)
Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine)
Senator Patrick Toomey (R-PA)
mrc tv The Five Republicans that Voted for Trump's 'Unconstitutional' Senate Impeachment Trial to Proceed
American Thinker A regime based on fraud and media collusion

Government - Eric Swalwell Lawlessness - Eric Swalwell Criminality - Eric Swalwell Corruption
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Fox News Swalwell affair with Chinese spy compromises US intel: Breitbart editor
Fox News Swalwell affair with Chinese spy compromises US intel: Breitbart editor

Government - Adam Schiff Lawlessness - Adam Schiff Criminality - Adam Schiff Corruption
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Dan Bongion Chaos Erupts on House Floor as Adam Schiff Is Censured Over Russiagate Falsehoods

Government - Lawlessness - Criminality - Corruption
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
American Thinker Is the whole government in on this fraudulent election?
mrc NewsBusters McCabe Says He’s 'Responsible' for FBI Misconduct in Russia Probe, Nets Ignore
Louder With Crowder Nancy Pelosi Doesn't Care that Protesters Are Committing Crimes, and Adam Carolla Has an Important Question
Daily Reckoning Financial Predators and Parasites
Daily Reckoning Collapse, Part 4: Loss of Faith in Public Institutions
Daily Reckoning Election Day 2014: The Constitution Has Lost All Its Meaning
reason New Assaults on American Law - In the name of safety, the feds have spied on lawyers negotiating with them, lied to lawyers whose clients they're prosecuting, and misrepresented their behavior to the Supreme Court.
Yahoo! News The 'most corrupt town in America' vows to clean up its act
Personal Liberty Digest Federal Cattle Rustlers At Work In Nevada
Personal Liberty Digest Ron Paul Straight Talk: Nevada Standoff A Symptom Of Increasing Authoritarianism
Personal Liberty Digest New Group Takes Aim At Obama Administration’s ‘Operation Choke Point’
Personal Liberty Digest EPA Challenging IRS In Its Oppressive Power Grab
Zero Hedge US Govt Admits Using Fake Vaccination Programs To Gather Intelligence; Swears It Won't Do It Again
A Lightning War For Liberty Conspiracy Fact - How the U.S. Government Covertly Invented a "Cuban Twitter" to Create Revolution
A Lightning War For Liberty Why the Collection of Metadata is a Very, Very Big Deal
A Lightning War For Liberty Why the Standoff at the Bundy Ranch is a Very Big Deal
Allen B. West Waivers and exemptions and delays - Oh my!
Response Action Network Another instance of gangster government
New American Trading Away Their Oaths
Response Action Network Homeland Security Secretary Utterly Ignorant of Fourth Amendment
Truth Revolt Malkin: Deadly D.C.: The Land of No Consequences - Accountability means consequences for bad behavior.
Truth Revolt Federal Report: One National Security Leak Per Day Under President Trump - "125 stories with leaked information potentially damaging to national security."
mrc tv Feds Steal 100 Million Acres of Alaska During Summer of 2016
mrc tv NRA Lawsuit: NY Gov. Engaged In ‘Selective Prosecution’
Mises Institute Largest Mass Execution in American History
Mises Institute The Non-Crime of "Lying to the FBI"
Real Clear Investigations Exclusive: CIA Ex-Director Brennan's Perjury Peril
Daily Wire Report: Newly-Released Texts Between FBI Agents May Indicate Obama Administration Coordinated With FBI And CIA Near Start Of Trump/Russia Investigation
Canada Free Press California’s Sanctuary Treason - Cities in California are not only correct to challenge California's sanctuary status, it is their national security obligation
Truth About Guns Hornady Won’t Sell to NY State Agencies After Comptroller Threatens Banks Over Gun Business
American Thinker Exposed: the Deep State's Authorship and Publication of the Dossier
Federalist The Silence Over A Potential Chinese Spy In Feinstein’s Office Is Deafening - From the start, this was a story the media had no interest in covering. Now it is apparent that our political class has no interest in probing it.
Project Veritas Deep State Unmasked: State Department on Hidden Cam, "Resist Everything," "I Have Nothing to Lose"
Project Veritas Deep State Unmasked: DOJ Official Resists "From Inside," "Can’t Get Fired"; Leaks at HHS
Project Veritas Deep State Unmasked, U.S. GAO Auditor Admits "I Break Rules Every Day"
Project Veritas BREAKING: Deep State Unmasked, IRS Officials - "You Should Give Increased Scrutiny" to Conservative Groups, "... I don’t give a s**t if that is a crime" Daily Wire Members Of Congress Will Now Have To Pay Out Of Pocket To Settle Sexual Harassment Claims American Thinker Gavin Newsom Doesn't Care about Crime Victims
PJ Media REPORT: Mueller Hid Evidence Exonerating Don Jr. Over Infamous Trump Tower Meeting
American thinker Every one of Trump's Russia hoax pardons corrected an injustice
Federalist Devin Nunes Tells The Truth Until It Hurts
Just The News Biden CIA chief met with Epstein several times after financier convicted of child sex crime
Federalist Feds Started A Dangerous Game With Hunter Biden’s Laptop, But GOP Lawmakers Can Finish It
Federalist Don’t Miss The Most Damning Durham Finding

Government - Corruption - Bribe Citizens
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
The only way to provide largesses for the unemployed, is to steal from the productive people.
The greater the largesses for the unemployed, the smaller the freedom for all.
Mises Institute How Government Buys Your Support

Government - Corruption - Bribe Politicians
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Mises Institute Clinton's Pay-to-Play Is the Natural Consequence of Big Government
WND Peter Schweizer: It's time to term-limit Congress - New form of massive Washington corruption exposed by investigative author
mrc tv Top 10 Most Corrupt U.S. Cities from 1976-2019 Run by Democrats 87% of the Time

Government - Support For Corruption - Support For Fraud - Support For Abuse - Support For Waste
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Citizens Against Government Waste
Citizens Against Government Waste 2016 Congressional Pig Book
Citizens Against Government Waste 2016 Congressional Pig Book - Pork Hall of Shame
Human Events Yet Again, Government Screws Up - And Tries to Blame the Private Sector
Open The Books Every Dime. Online. In Real Time. Government Spending Transparency.
The Motley Fool The 3 Most Corrupt Countries in the World
Canada Free Press Serendipity to the Rescue in California? Corruption and crime, mainstays of the Democrat Party in California as is the case all across the nation, finally caught up with liberal rascals in Sacramento
Yahoo! News Bootlegger to Congress: Meet the man who got members booze during Prohibition
Yahoo! Homes The most corrupt states in America
Yahoo! Homes Gallery: America's Most Corupt States
Zero Hedge Massive Fraud Has Been Unveiled At The EPA (Again)
Americans For Tax Reform EPA Bureaucrats Use Federal Charge Cards for Gym Memberships and Gift Cards
Personal Liberty Digest NSA Whistle-Blower Snowden Did Try Government Protocol First, But Also Took Steps To Avoid Being Abused Like His Predecessors
Personal Liberty Digest Playing The Reid Card
Personal Liberty Digest Porn In The EPA
Personal Liberty Digest Border Agency’s Watchdog Under Investigation For Cover-Up
Personal Liberty Digest Computer Crash: EPA Follows IRS Lead In Covering Up Wrongdoing
Personal Liberty Digest House GOP Slams CFPB Headquarters Renovation Costing More, Per Square Foot, Than Trump Tower
Personal Liberty Digest BLM To Re-educate Native Americans On How To Live With Nature; Mitigate Climate Change
Personal Liberty Digest Eric Holder Spends $14,000 In Public Funds To Fly His Kids Around In A Government Plane; Pays Only $1,000 In Reimbursement
Personal Liberty Digest Federal Work-From-Home Program Rife With Fraud As Employees Collect Checks For Doing Nothing
Jewish World Review To speak to a Nigerian prince about your health care, press '1' now
Daily News Corruption with a Capitol ‘C’ - Believe it or not, there's more bad political behavior than ever in Albany
Bloomberg U.S. House Says Staff Absolutely Immune in Answer to SEC
Tea Party Update When You Work for the Government, You Can Watch Porn and Falsify Documents - and Still Keep Your Job
Masters In Accounting Missing Money
NBC Washington Federal Government Made $20 Billion in Secret Purchases in Recent Months - I-Team review finds $30,000 in one agency’s Starbucks purchases kept confidential from public
Liberty news Now Porn Crisis Hits Government Agencie
Daily Kos Judge disqualifies all 250 prosecutors in Orange County, CA because of widespread corruption
Truth Revolt Malkin: Denver Corruptocrats' Chick-fil-A Smokescreen - Waging war on Chick-fil-A in the name of tolerance and diversity.
Truth Revolt Feds Build World's Most Expensive Gas Station ... In Afghanistan - Overspent by $42.5 million. That's all?!?
Truth Revolt Malkin: Vetting Obama's Witless Vetters at DHS - These hacks won't even vet each other.
Truth Revolt FCC: Taxpayers Footing $500M Bill for Obamaphone Fraud - "4.2 million duplicate recipients..."
Truth Revolt Malkin: Fonda & Redford: Hollywood's New Welfare Mooches - This whole stinking enterprise is a crime.
Truth Revolt Until Trump, Feds Were Still Doing Paperwork on Y2K Bug - Unbelievable.
mrc tv Feds Spend Millions on Dancing Raisins, Killer Snails, Robot Dressers...
mrc tv FEMA May Have Cost Taxpayers $3 Billion in Wasted Cash in 2016
mrc tv GAO Finds Medicaid Lost $36 BILLION in Improper Payments Last Year
mrc tv Millions in Federal Taxpayer Funds Paid for a Ferry That Doesn’t Exist
mrc tv Three Guys Stole $600M From Social Security Over 8 YEARS Before Being Caught
mrc tv UK Politicians Dodge Blame After Grenfell Tower Tragedy
mrc tv Killer Seaweed, Fancy Weddings, and Other Crap Congress Is Funding
mrc tv Social Security Paid Nearly $38 Million to Dead Veterans
mrc tv $52 Million For Chimp Housing, and Other Dumb Stuff the Government's Funding
mrc tv Happy Tax Day! Here's a $75,000 Puppet Show, Courtesy Of Your Paycheck
infowars Pentagon Buried D.O.D. Spending Report, Blew $125 Billion in Bureaucratic Waste - Bloated U.S. war machine grows fatter in wrong places
American Lookout REPORT: John Kerry’s State Department Funneled Millions to His Daughter’s Non-Profit
NBC News Climate change expert sentenced to 32 months for fraud, says lying was a 'rush'
American Thinker Justice Department declines to prosecute VA employees who defrauded $400K, and who still have jobs
Mises Institute Audit the Pentagon
Judical Watch Education Official Got Secret Cash Bonuses as Office Lost Billions to Fraud, Corruption
Mises Institute The Collapse of Penn Station: Another Failure of Government "Enterprise"
American Thinker How leftists run out of other people's money
American Thinker The Democrats's Job Corps blows another $11.9 billion
Daily Wire TAXPAYERS SCREWED: 'Drunk Judge' Shows Up 1 Of 214 Workdays, Gets Pay Raise. Defends It In Video Rant, Calls Media 'Racist'
Health Impact News HHS Sued for Not Upholding Vaccine Safety Testing Mandated by Law
Federalist Federal Employees Who Resist Elected Officials’ Orders Should Be Fired
mrc tv DOD Worker Scammed Taxpayers Out of $1.4 Million in Fake Overtime Payments - For 17 YEARS
Blaze Report: Govt wasted $114 million? studying quails on cocaine, daydreaming, Prince Harry opera, other projects
Louder With Crowder WATCH: John Stossel Exposes a Government Built Bathroom. Which Cost 2 Million Dollars.
Zero Hedge Here's Why 97% Of Congress Get Re-Elected Each Year
Daily Wire Hunter Biden’s Ukraine Gas Firm Urged Obama Admin To End Corruption Allegations, Report Says
Conservative Review Improper Medicaid payments top $75B: More than entire food stamp program
Zero Hedge Corruption Is Now Our Way Of Life
mrc tv Second COVID 'Relief' Bill Passes - Along With BILLIONS in Pork For Foreign Countries and Gov't Programs
mrc tv Report: U.S. Wasted More Than $2.4 Billion on Failed Cars and Buildings in Afghanistan
Louder With Crowder California to Spend Almost $1M Providing Menstrual Products ... To Men?
mrc tv 'What Is The Purpose?': Rep. Donalds Questions Gov't Investigating Washington Commanders
mrc tv Report: 75 Percent of the $800 Billion In PPP Cash Never Reached Workers
Washington Free Beacon Biden Admin Awards $80 Million Contract That Prohibits GPS Monitoring Of Illegal Immigrants - Experts say system will make it impossible to keep track of migrants released into US
mrc tv Report: Feds Didn’t Investigate MILLIONS of Potentially Fraudulent PPP Loans
mrc tv POOF! Money Gone: NIH Spent $118k Studying If Marvel's Thanos-Snap Would Work
mrc tv Pay Up, Suckers! Billion-Dollar Sports Teams Soak Up Taxpayer $$$
Daily Wire FBI Director Christopher Wray Summons Bureau’s Jet To D.C.-Area Airport To Dodge Traffic: Whistleblower
mrc tv Feds Wasted $247 BILLION Tax Dollars In Payment Errors Last Year Alone
mrc tv Sen. Paul’s Festivus Report Exposes $900B In Gov't Waste

Government - Corruption - Whistle-blowers - Whistleblowers - War On Whistleblowers
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Stopping leaks is a new form of censorship. - Julian Assange
Daily Reckoning A Tale of Two Whistleblowers
Guardian Snowden affair: the case for a pardon
Personal Liberty Digest Veterans Affairs Whistle-Blowers Likely Faced Retaliation From The Top
Just The News Is FBI using security clearances to muzzle critics? Whistleblower's lawyer says yes
NY Post 30 ex-FBI agents stand up to support whistleblower who exposed agency’s political bias
New York Post IRS removes investigative team from Hunter Biden probe in move whistleblower calls ‘clearly retaliatory’
Washington Times Whistleblowers accuse senior FBI officials of retaliating against agents for their political beliefs

Government - Fake Whistle-blowers - Fake Whistleblowers
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Louder With Crowder About Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen: Being Coached by Obama Alumni, Donates to Left-Wing Causes

Government - Corruption - How Are Laws Made?
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
L.A.Weekly The Worst Legislator in California
L.A.Weekly FBI Probes Ron Calderon, One of California's Worst Legislators
Canada Free Press Senators, Must Be Impeached NOW Before Obama is Crowned Emperor with Supreme Power and Dictatorship - Treasonous, Constitution Destroying U. S. Senators
Mises Institute How Smugglers Made America
Yahoo! News Capitol Hill Buzz: Who has time to read these bills we pass?
mrc tv Scalia: 'Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare,' 'Somersaults' of Logic Used to Uphold It
cns news Mark Levin: ‘Our Constitutional Process is Dead’
Truth Revolt Scalia's Dissent: This Court Is A 'Threat To American Democracy' - "Today’s decree says that my Ruler, and the Ruler of 320 million Americans coast-to-coast, is a majority of the nine lawyers on the Supreme Court."
cns news Judge Roy Moore: Impeach Ginsburg for Marrying Two Men Ahead of SCOTUS Ruling on Gay Marriage

Government - Corruption - Trust Me. I'm From The Government
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Daily Caller US Embassy official in Guyana removed in alleged sex-for-visas scandal Toddler Dies In CPS (Child Protective Services) Captivity After Being Taken from Marijuana-smoking Parents
Washington Times MILLER: Smoking gun exposed- D.C. police chief covers up giving Feinstein illegal ‘assault weapons’
Daily Reckoning The Big Banks Hiding Money For Elites
American Thinker The IG Report: They're Guilty, but It's Okay
Daily Wire Here's Why We Don't Trust Our Institutions
American Thinker South Africa Rife with Politicians Lying about Their Qualifications
Campaign For Freedom The Coronavirus Hoax
Federalist 5 Times The Anti-Trump FBI’s ‘Trust Us’ Promise Fell Apart

Government - Corruption - Other Crimes
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Louder With Crowder The FBI is Now Investigating the Cameras Outside of Epstein’s Cell

Government - Social Security
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Mises Institute Is Social Security a Ponzi Scheme?
Gary North's Specific Answers Social Security and Medicare: The Twin Disasters That Will "Break the Bank"
Yahoo! Finance Social Security Mistakenly Reports Thousands of Deaths
Yahoo! Finance 'Critical Failures' Lead to Social Security Overpayments
U.S.A. Today Gov't paid $600 million in benefits to dead people

Government - Budget - Economy - Financially Bankrupt - Morally Bankrupt
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
mrc tv Have Dems Read Spending Bill? $1.4B Per Page!
mrc tv Despite Heaping Praise on Himself for Lowering Fed Deficit, Biden Regime Spent $4 Bil. a Day in 2022
mrc tv Study Reveals Shocking Federal Spending In the 'Inflation-Fighting' Budget
Louder With Crowder Biden's HHS set to receive taxpayer-funded DEI training that was snuck into the $1.2 trillion spending package
mrc tv The 'Omnibus' Budget Is an 'OMINOUS Budget' – Filled With Pork

Government - Economy Employment Lies
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Dan Bongino Show Philly Fed: U.S. Economy Added Over One Million FEWER Jobs Than Government Statistics Claim

Government - War On The Economy - War On The Subjects - They Want To Hurt You
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Louder With Crowder Pete Buttigieg Praises High Gas Prices: The Pain's For 'Benefit' of People Who Can 'Access' Electric Vehicle

Government - War On The Economy
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
mrc tv It's Not Just Buttigieg Behind Shortages And Port Problems -- It's Collectivism
Fox Business GDP report reveals ominous Great Depression warning sign not seen since 1932 - Thursday's GDP report shows that real disposable income has fallen off a cliff

Government - War On The Economy - Economice Illiteracy Of Government
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Louder With Crowder Watch: Dave Ramsey's reaction to a 29-year-old government employee racking up $1 MILLION in debt is all of us

Government - Budget - Economy - Shutdown
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Daily Reckoning I.O.U.S.A.’s Leadership Deficit 5 Years On (Yawn ... stretch ... ho, hum)
Twitter #IfGovernmentShutsDown
Twitchy ‘Who’s going to write cowboy poetry?’ Predictions on what to expect #IfGovernmentShutsDown
Will Anyone Notice?
Who will spy on me, waste my money and have contempt for me?
How will drug cartels get their guns now? Won't someone please think of the cartels.
How will the government print billions of dollars every month?
How will the IRS be able to suppress political opponents?
Regular shipments of American guns to Mexican drug cartels will be disrupted.
Then who's going to read my emails before me?
Unregulated children's lemonade stands may proliferate!
Who will take away my hard earned money from me and send it to random governments in Egypt?
Several government agencies will be unable to investigate themselves for corruption.
Identity thieves will have to wait a few extra days to get at those ObamaCare databases.
Who will fondle us at the airport?
Roving bands of outlaws will take to the streets, selling incandescent light bulbs to our children
The Week Why other countries don't shut down their governments
USA Today Government? Who needs it: Column
Zero Hedge Protesting Veterans Tear Down DC Barricades, Chant "Shut Down The White House"
reason Nothing Left to Cut?
WND 'Schumer Shutdown' backfires on Dems - Blaming Republicans for starving kids is not working in 2018
Sultan Knish Government Shuts Down, Nation Descends into Riots, Looting and Cannibalism
Conservative Review Why is the main harm of a long shutdown the pay of the workers and not the actual work?
Powerline No one here gets out alive
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) Stand Up for Your Rights, says Professor Knut M. Wittkowski
Counter Globalist News Top UPS Exec Warns Supply Chain Disarray Will Leave Permanent Scar

Government - War On The Economy - War On Energy Production - War On Oil
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
mrc tv Biden Regime Indefinitely Blocking 16 Mil. Acres of Alaskan Land, Water from 'Future Fossil Fuel Drilling'

Government - Empire
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Daily Reckoning Keeping Pace With a Declining Empire
Daily Reckoning The Natural Course of the US Empire
Daily Reckoning The US Empire: A Tragic Comedy in Three Acts
Daily Reckoning Shifting Targets in a Declining Empire
Daily Reckoning Getting out of Dodge
Daily Reckoning Getting out of Dodge, Part II
Mises Institute A People's Uprising Against the Empire
Mises Institute The Snowball of Empire
Mises Institute How To Dismantle the American Empir
salon What collapsing empire looks like
The Cato Journal How Excessive Government Killed Ancient Rome
reuters Subculture of Americans prepares for civilization's collapse

Government - War
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
War is the health of the state - Randolph Bourne
Mises Institute War Making and Class Conflict
The Imaginatve Conservative Mass Murder and Modern Ideological Regimes

Government - Efficiency - Mismanagement - Incompetence
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
According To Hoyt As Good As It Gets
Mises Institute Obamacare’s Many Negative Side-Effects Should Surprise No One
Mises Institute The App Store Renders Government Irrelevant
Mises Institute Privatize: Governments Have Failed to Preserve Endangered Species
Mises Institute Why Decentralized Economic Planning Is So Important
Mises Institute California Wildfires Don’t Have to be the New Norma
The Circle Bastiat Private vs. Public Barbershop
Yahoo! News Retiring Public Employee to 500 Colleagues: I Haven’t Worked in 14 Years!
Washington Free Beacon GSA’s Hawaiian Vacation - Thanks, taxpayers
Yahoo! News Millions being wasted on vacant government buildings
Yahoo! News AP IMPACT: MIA work 'acutely dysfunctional'
Yahoo! News Improper payments by federal government top $100Billion
Daily Caller D’oh! US Postal Service wasted $1.2 million on ‘Simpsons’ stamps
Daily Reckoning The Moroccan Pottery Distraction
Daily Reckoning The Market for Squirrel Catchers
Daily Reckoning The Ballad of Sun Po Tai
Daily Reckoning How a Pacifist Accidentally Infused the FBI with Cash
Daily Reckoning Six Signs Your Government’s Too Big
Heritage Morning Bell: Should We Pay Government Employees More?
Canada Free Press New York Fires Auditor Who Found Abuse of Federal Hurricane Sandy Funds - "Lost accountability"
Canada Free Press Congress to Postal Service: Keep losing billions, we insist - Never solve a problem. Ever. This is Washington
Canada Free Press ObamaCare fiasco: Government-run health insurance working about as well as expected - Don't worry! They're working round the clock to fix it! Amateur Beats Gov't at Digitizing Newspapers: Tom Tryniski’s Weird, Wonderful Website
Yahoo! Finance Ships Costing U.S. $37 Billion Lack Firepower, Navy Told
Yahoo! News Fort Worth Couple's Home Mistakenly Demolished
Yahoo! Finance How Three 20-Somethings Can Help Obama Fix
Yahoo! News Gunman's employer sought Navy consulting work
Mises Institute Why This Gigantic "Intelligence" Apparatus?
Forbes There Is No Government Austerity, Not When The State Department Spends $630,000 Getting Facebook Likes
American Thinker Washington's Special Brand of Incompetence Laid Bare
American Thinker Why Call it Intelligence?
American Thinker Big-Government Foster Care
American Thinker Government Computer Failures are Normal
The Daily Sheeple Pentagon spends over $100,000,000 on unused military bases in Afghanistan
Judicial Watch Govt. Takes 11 Years to Respond to Records Request
Judicial Watch 82-Yr-Old Activist Breaches "Stringent Security" At U.S. Nuclear Weapons Lab
Larry Elder Obama Demonstrates the Evil of Big Government
Larry Elder Big Government: What does it take for America to Wake Up?
The Big Story AP IMPACT: Little restraint in military giveaways
Los Angeles Times College student held by DEA without food, water gets $4.1 million
Examiner Your tax dollars at work: The government’s $100,000 outhouse
Media Research Center The Ministry of Confusion
The Fiscal Times $2 Billion NSA Spy Center is Going Up in Flames
Digital Trends We paid over $500 million for the Obamacare sites and all we got was this lousy 404 [updated]
KSLA Walmart shelves in Springhill, Mansfield, cleared in EBT glitch
Wired NSA’s $1.5 Billion Data Center Waylaid by Electrical Nightmare
Mises Institute Government Can’t be Trusted With the Death Penalty
YouTube Rep. Duckworth Deplores Witness for Claiming Veterans Disability
cracked 5 Laws That Made Sense on Paper (And Disasters in Reality)
Bloomberg Congress Makes NASA Finish Useless $350 Million Structure
The Fiscal Times The Pentagon’s Incredible $1.5 Trillion Mistake
Buzz Flash Utah Grade School Rips Lunches From Students and Tosses Food in Garbage
Personal Liberty Digest Would You Pay $400,000 For A Fiberglass Camel In Pakistan? The State Department Would
Personal Liberty Digest State Department Misplaced $6 Billion In Taxpayer Money In Past Six Years
Personal Liberty Digest The VA Scandal Proves What We’ve Been Saying All Along
Personal Liberty Digest Bad News On Memorial Day: We Are All Veterans Now
Personal Liberty Digest But Who Will Neglect The Roads?
The Daily Beast Government Has Made America Inept
Breitbart Government Can’t Fire Employees Who Spend Six Hours a Day Watching Porn
Fscal Times Oh, No! Fed Workers Won’t Be Able to Watch Porn at Work Anymore!
Fred On Everything The Embassy in Bogotá: Into the Third World
MSN German Engineering Yields New Warship That Isn't Fit for Sea
Daily Wire Government LOST 1,500 Illegal Immigrant Children Last Year
Mises Institute Government Worker Napped Three Hours Per Day for Four Years
AP News DC clerk stalls marriage over ‘foreign’ New Mexico ID card
mrc tv Houston Public Library Permits Child Sex Offender to Read During 'Drag Queen Story Hour'
mrc tv The Largest Wildfire In New Mexico's History...Was Started By the Feds

Government - Support For Bank Failures - Efficiency - Mismanagement - Incompetence
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
mrc tv Behind the SVB Crash: Disaster Preceded By Bad Cramer Advice, Central Bank Inflation, Sketchy Bonuses and Sell-Offs

Government - Efficiency: Ebola protection
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Lew Rockwell CDC Liars Fail Miserably Again - CDC Fails Again. Are you Surprised? I Bet we Both aren't.
Underground Medic A Genuine Opinion of the UK/US Airport Ebola Checks: Bwhahahahahaha
Washington's Blog Doctors Nationwide Slam CDC Handling of Ebola - Infectious Disease Experts, Safety Experts, Doctors and Nurses All Say the CDC Has Been Messing Up the Ebola Response
Daily Reckoning Weaponized Ebola: Not as Far-Fetched As You May Think
Ann Coulter We'll Tell You How Dangerous Ebola Is After The Election
Yahoo! News Texas Ebola nurse says hospital failed her and her colleagues
Truth Revolt BUSTED: Megyn Kelly Destroys CDC Director's Ebola Safety Claim - What would you wear? Sorry, we can't hear you through that spacesuit.

Government - Efficiency: Anthrax protection
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
PJ Media Army: No Event, Person, Group 'Directly Responsible' for Anthrax Shipments Mistake

Government - Efficiency: - Postal Service - Post Office - Post Awful - Snail Mail
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Mises Institute Obama and the Post Office
Laissez Faire How the Post Office Killed Digital Mail What If They Made a State and No One Used It?
Daily Reckoning Why the Feds Killed Your Access to Efficient Mail Service
Mises Institute 40 Years of Pummeling the Postal Service
Geller Report ‘HUGE PILE’: Surveillance video captures rental truck DUMPING BAGS OF MAIL in California parking lot
Louder With Crowder Postal Service Running 'Covert' Operation That Monitors Your Social Media Posts: Report

Government - Efficiency: Securities and Exchange Commission
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
SEC = S.E.C. = Swindlers Encouragement Commission
Mises Institute The SEC Makes Wall Street More Fraudulent
Rolling Stone Why Didn't the SEC Catch Madoff? It Might Have Been Policy Not To
Daily Reckoning Naming the SEC in Your Lawsuits Against Bernie Madoff
Personal Liberty Digest Retiring Employee Describes SEC As Nothing More Than ‘A Tollbooth On The Bankster Turnpike
mrc tv Feds Ready Massive Surveillance of EVERY Stock Trade

Government - Efficiency: VA Hospital - Single Payer Medical Care
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Truth Revolt Prager U: We Already Have Single Payer Healthcare, and it's a Disaster - Just look at the VA
Jewish World Review We're deep-sixing America's veterans --- and nobody cares
Personal Liberty Digest Waiting Lists Just The Beginning: Texas VA Hospital A ‘Crime Syndicate,’ California Vet Allegedly Beat To Death By VA Cops
The Week Jon Stewart angrily slams the Obama administration over VA hospital malfeasance
American Thinker Government Bureaucracy Fails Veterans
American Thinker Get Rid of the VA
American Thinker Single payer is Root Cause of VA Deaths
American Thinker VA secretary lies about number of employees disciplined in wait time scandal
Star Advertiser VA: 80 percent of senior executives got bonuses
Truth Revolt Report: VA Lost 10,000 Applications for Health Care Services
Truth Revolt VA Suicide Hotline Calls Directed to Voicemail - Press '1' for ...
Truth Revolt Union President Turned Whistleblower Admits They Let Veterans Die Rather Than Talk to Republicans - This is a national disgrace
Truth Revolt Malkin: Requiem for a VA Victim - What does a suffering military veteran have to do to force an unresponsive government to change its ways?
Truth Revolt VA Secretary: Disneyland Doesn't Measure Wait Times So Neither Should VA - Because you know, getting to see Mickey and Goofy is no different from getting that life-saving medical care.
Truth Revolt VA Spent $20 Million on Art While Soldiers Died Waiting for Care - Sickening.
Truth Revolt 76-Year-Old Vet Commits Suicide Outside VA Hospital After Turned Away from ER - This is terrible.
Truth Revolt VA Hospitals Have a Disappearing Drug Problem - This is your government at "work."
YouTube Judge Jeanine rips Obama over VA scandal - "Welcome to Barack Obama's America!"
New York Post Vietnam vet hears back from VA hospital 2 years after death
Project Veritas VA Still "Dysfunctional" with "Unaccountability at Every Level" Say Insiders Caught on Hidden Cam
mrc tv One-Third of Pending VA Applications Are for Veterans Who Have Died
Conservative Daily Post Congress Releases Final Report, Shows Obama Took $2.6B From Vets To Give To Syrian Refugees
mrc tv New GAO Report Reveals Rampant Drug Policy Failures At the VA
USA Today VA conceals shoddy care and health workers' mistake

Government - Truth Deficiency - Untruth - Misspeak - Factually Incorrect - Fact Free - Disingenuous
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Daily Reckoning You’ve Been Glitched!

Government - Transparent
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Truth Revolt Baltimore Atty Mosby Seeks Order to Keep Freddie Gray Autopsy Secret - "There is something in that autopsy report that they are trying to hide."
Truth Revolt Obama Admin Hiding Emails Again - Keeping public and media off the paper trail
Truth Revolt CNN's Tapper Slams State Department Lies: 'It Should Outrage Every American' - "It’s literally someone at the State Department trying to bury something, hiding it from you."
Truth Revolt LOL: Here’s What the State Dept Really Thinks About Transparency - It’s written all over Toner’s face.
Dan Bongino Show Treasury Refuses to Turn Over Hunter Biden Records to House Oversight Committee

Government - Respect For Culture - Disrespect For Human Rights
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Truth Revolt Army Sacks Green Beret Who Confronted Afghan Child Rapist - This is Obama's America.

Government - Respect For Left Wing Ideology
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Truth Revolt Report: Feds Fund Plays About Lesbian Gun Control Activists, Feminist-Dance

Government - Support For Terrorists - Support For Terrorism - Jewish Lives Don't Matter
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Louder With Crowder 411 congressional staffers anonymously sign a letter demanding Israel ceasefire, and of course, The Squad supports them
mrc tv Okay...but Why? Chicago City Council Passes Resolution for Ceasefire in Gaza

Government - War On People - War On Everyone - No Lives Matter
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
mrc tv Globalist Economy Manipulating Governments Facing Farmer and Trucker Protests Around the World
The Hilll Maui residents who disobeyed barricade survived fires: AP

Government - War On Women
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Truth Revolt U.S. Army Tells Women to Give Transgender Men In Showers 'Dignity and Respect' - "This is a flat-out humiliation of women."

Government - War On Parents - Parents Have No Right To Protect Their Chidlren From Government Indoctrination
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
I don't have too much respect for people that are misbehaving in public and then acting as if they know what's right for kids. - Education Secretary Cardona
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden's education secretary just cut an ad for the GOP with these comments attacking parents
Louder With Crowder And There It Is: "There's No Such Thing As Parental Rights In Canada," Says Progressive Official

Government - War On Children - Support For Grooming - Children's Lives Don't Matter - War On Parents
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
mrc tv Okay, Groomers! Biden Regime Investigating Ban on Sexually Explicit Books in Schools
mrc tv Ed. Sec. Chastises Concerned Parents as 'People...Misbehaving in Public...Like They Know What's Right for Kids'

Government - War On Children - Support For The Slaughter Of Children. - Children Killers - Children's Lives Don't Matter
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Geller Report What if American Schools Were Protected Like Israeli Schools?
Ann Coulter It Wasn’t a Mistake. It Was Social Justice

Government - War On Children - Support For Prostitution
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Louder With Crowder Watch: CPS officer tells hungry teenager to prostitute herself if she wants food

Government - War On Children - Child Abuse
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Reality Blog Child Abuse Sponsored By Government
PJ Media American Horror Story: U.S. Parents Separated from Children by Abusive Government Agencies
Federalist State Bills Foreshadow Frightening Trend Of Considering Parents Guilty Until Proven Innocent
mrc tv Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Children Going Through Trans Process Akin to 'Frontal Lobotomies'
Daily Wire WALSH: Sex-Ed Program Teaches Six-Year-Olds How To ‘Self-Stimulate.’ This Is Why Sex-Ed Should Be Abolished.
mrc tv It Doesn't Add Up: Oregon Gov. Removes Math, Reading Requirements For Grads
Louder With Crowder 'We Cannot Count on Local Government to Look Out for Our Children:' NYC Houses Pedophiles Near Schools
New York Post Biden’s new Title IX rules deputize teachers to override parents on gender identity
My Northwest Rantz: Radical WA trans youth law legalized state-sanctioned kidnapping

Government - War On Dogs - Animal Abuse
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Louder With Crowder Bipartisan Legislators Demand Answers from Fauci Over Experimenting on Dogs. NIH Removed Their Vocal Cords?!?

Government - War On Business - War on Small Business
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Louder With Crowder Democrat Congressman Says Quiet Part Out Loud: 'I Don't Want Small Businesses ... '
Louder With Crowder Biden's America: Thieves Casually Walk Out with Multiple Flatscreens, Smuggly Dismiss Police Being Called

Government - Regulation
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Mises Institute How FDR Politicized Thanksgiving
Mises Institute Government Should Leave Bakers Alone
USA Politics Now BREAKING: U.S. Steel CEO Says 10,000 Jobs To Be Brought Back... All Because Of Trump
mrc tv As Pandemic Stirs Fears of Food Shortages, Wyoming Leads Nation Towards Food Liberty
Federalist Trump Admin Reins In Bureaucracy That Tried To Bill Distillers For Making Hand Sanitizer
mrc tv The Cali Gov't Says Bees Are Now Fish
Louder With Crowder City becomes first to ban meat advertisements to better control your behavior

Government - Welfare
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
mrc tv US 'Food Stamp' Spending Soars, Signaling More Economic Trouble

Government - If You Build It They Won't Come
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Mises Institute Florida's Government Built a Train - And It Didn’t Go Well

Government - Humor
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. - President Ronald Reagan
Babylon Bee Impeachment Committee Calls First Star Witness Greta Thunberg
Babylon Bee Government Accidentally Shuts Itself Down With Ban On Non-Essential Businesses
Glorious Americans CNN: Peaceful Protesters Lend Helping Hand To Keep Small Businesses Closed
Babylon Bee Americans Excited To Celebrate Their Liberty While Confined To Their Homes By The Government
Louder With Crowder JP Sears Prepares You for Being More Obedient to Your Government This Holiday Season
Glorious American FBI Asks Facebook To Add Disclaimer To All Trader Joe’s Signs
Genesius Times FBI Concerned About Outbreak of Free Speech on Twitter
Genesius Times BREAKING: FBI to investigate noose found in Biden’s garage as possible hate crime

Ground News Every news source in one place. Compare headlines. Check source bias and factuality

Gun Control: The liberal - progressive /democrat theory that We need more gun control because what man going out to rape and murder females wants to face armed victims.
disarming victims, thus leaving weapons in the hands of tyrants and criminals will make the victims safer.
A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition - Rudyard Kipling
Folks, I believe that love is the answer. But you oughta own a handgun just in case. - Senator John Kennedy
After a gay Democrat Hillary-supporting jihadist murdered 49 Americans in Orlando, Florida, Democrats know who to blame: law-abiding gun owners and Second Amendment advocates. - Ben Shapiro
Barack Hussein Obama has asked Americans to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few. We agree. We'd like to ask Barack Hussein Obama to extend that same courtesy to millions of law-abiding American gun owners.
We must ban all assault weapons because Federal background checks simply don't work. - Barack Hussein Obama
Don't worry about 100,000 Muslim refugees. They're all getting Federal background checks. - Barack Hussein Obama
On average, Democrats use guns for shooting the innocent. On average, the Republicans use guns for sporting purposes and self-defense. -Scott Adams
A man's rights rest in three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. - Fredrick Douglas
Police carry guns to protect themselves, not you.
Support Gun Control: These tyrants do.
  Mao Tse-tung (Zedong), Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Muammar Qaddafi, Idi Amin, Kim Jong-il, Barack Hussein Obama
  Mengistu Haile Mariam - slaughtered .4 - 1.5 million disarmed citizens
  Kim Il Sung - slaughtered 1.6 million disarmed citizens
  Ho Chi Minh - slaughtered 1.7 million disarmed citizens
  Saddam Hussein - slaughtered 2 million disarmed citizens
  Pol Pot - slaughtered 1.7 - 2.5 million disarmed citizens
  Ismail Enver Pasha - slaughtered 2.5 million disarmed citizens
  Vladimir Lenin - slaughtered 4 million disarmed citizens
  Chiang Kai-Shek - slaughtered 10 million disarmed citizens
  Adolf Hitler - slaughtered 17 - 20 million disarmed citizens
  Joseph Stalin - slaughtered 40 - 62 million disarmed citizens
  Mao Tse-tung (Zedong) - slaughtered 45 - 75 million disarmed citizens
500,000 to more than 3 million crimes per year are prevented by brivate gun ownership - Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
What Culture 8 World Leaders With The Highest Death Tolls
Pop Ten Top Ten Most Evil Dictators of All Time (in order of kill count)
The Daily Beast 13 Deadliest Dictators

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. - 2nd Amendment
It is useless to attempt to reason Gun Control Supporters out of a thing they were never reasoned into.
Gun Control: The theory that criminals have the right to mug, rape, burglarize, murder innocent victims.
Gun Control: The theory that you don't have a right to live or to protect your life.
Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.
Gun Control: Criminals think of it as a job-safety program for themselves.
Gun Control: Criminals think of it as victim disarmament.
Support Gun Control: Criminals need a safe workplace environment.
Gun Free Zones = Target Enrichment Zone, aka: a magnet for criminals
Gun Free Zones are hunting preserves for innocent people. - Larry Correia
Gun carrying criminals support gun control for innocent victims.
A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.
911: Government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer.
The liberal media continually complains that we need more and better background checks to prevent legal citizens from purchasing guns, but completely ignores Fast and Furious, an Obama Federal policy that forced gun stores to sell guns and ammunition to Mexican drug lords resulting in the deaths of hundreds of Mexican citizens.
thug hugger mentality - don't hurt the criminals.
Demanding law abiding citizens turn in their guns after a terrorist attack is like demanding mothers to not innoculate their children after the outbreak of a deadly virus.
If politicians believe strongly that guns are the problem, then they need to start by disarming their bodyguards and the police. - Cynical Pessimist
[W]hat is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials. - George Mason
The history of gun control is perfectly clear. Gun control enables killers.
An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
If individuals don't need guns because we have police, then individuals don't need fire extinguishers because we have firemen.
If you can't defend your rights, you don't have any.

Gun Control: success stories.
1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
1938, Germany established gun control. From 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
1935, China established gun control. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
1964, Guatemala established gun control. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
1970, Uganda established gun control. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
1956, Cambodia established gun control. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.

Gun Control: Australia
It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own Government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. The first year results are now in. Here is a list of 7 items:
Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent
Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent
Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!
In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent.
Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns!

If you believe you have the right to own property, then you must believe you have the right to protect that property. Gun ownership provides you with the ability to protect your right.
If you believe you have the right to life, then you must believe you have the right to protect your life. Gun ownership provides you with the ability to protect your right.
A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged.
The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.
What part of 'shall not be infringed' do you NOT understand?
Guns have only two enemies; rust and politicians.
64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
Know guns, know peace, know safety... No guns, no peace, no safety.
Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
Four out of five politicians surveyed prefer unarmed, ignorant peasants. - Unknown
I support gun control because it saves lives of murderers, rapists, kidnappers and other criminals. Innocent victims, not so much. - Cynical Pessimist
I support gun control because I believe that every woman should have an equal chance of being raped and murdered. - Cynical Pessimist
I support gun control because it is unfair that women that carry guns are raped and murdered less frequently than ones that don't. - Cynical Pessimist
We need gun control because most law enforcement personnel would prefer to be slaughtered by criminals than saved by citizens. - Cynical Pessimist
Preventing law abiding citizens from owning guns to prevent criminal violence is like banning lifeboats to prevent drowning. - Cynical Pessimist
Terrorist support gun control because it makes it easier to slaughter the sheeple. - Cynical Pessimist
Terrorist support gun control because who needs guns when you have edged weapons and bombs. - Cynical Pessimist
Terrorist support gun control because when seconds count, help is minutes away. - Cynical Pessimist
Every good communist should know that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. - Mao Tse-tung
To conquer a nation, first disarm it's citizens. - Adolph Hitler, 1933
The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so. - Adolf Hitler, Edict of March 18, 1938
This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future! - Adolph Hitler, April 15, 1935
One of the ordinary modes, by which tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance, is, by disarming the people, and making it an offense to keep arms. - Joseph Story
The right to buy weapons is the right to be free. - A. E. van Vogt
If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.
If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
If guns cause crime, then spoons cause obesity.
If guns cause crime, then food causes obesity.
If guns cause crime, then flys cause garbage. - L. Neil Smith
If guns cause crime, then automobiles cause accidents.
If guns cause crime, then women cause prostitution.
If guns cause crime, then men cause rape.
I guess I need to get my guns worked on. If all they do is kill people, mine must be broke. They haven’t shot or killed anyone since I bought them.
Taking my gun away because I might shoot someone is like cutting my tongue out just because I might yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater. - Peter Venetoklis
Owning an unloaded gun for protection from criminals is like owning an uncharged fire extinguisher to protect from fire.
A man with a gun is a citizen. A man without a gun is a slave.
Police Protection is an oxymoron.
Police do not protect you from crime, they usually just investigate the crime after it happens and then call someone in to clean up the mess.
To build a home, and scorn a weapon, is hypocrisy. It's also a good way to lose the home. - L. Neil Smith
Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? ... If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands? - Patrick Henry
The great object is that every man be armed... Everyone who is able may have a gun. - Patrick Henry
God made man but Sam Colt made them equal.
Despite what your momma told you, violence does solve problems. - Chris Kyle
After a shooting spree, they want to take the guns away from everyone who didn't do it. - William Burroughs
Call for a cop, call for an ambulance, and call for a pizza. See who shows up first.
To disarm the people [is] the best and most effective way to enslave them. - George Mason
To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them. - Richard Henry Lee
Before a standing army can rule, the [people must be disarmed. - Noah Webster
Expecting a carjacker or rapist or drug pusher to care that his possession or use of a gun is unlawful is like expecting a terrorist to care that his car bomb is taking up two parking spaces. - Joseph T. Chew, Usenet posting in talk.politics.guns
The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.
When did "To Protect and Serve" become "To Disarm and Enslave?"
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. - Thomas Jefferson
Gun control by definition affects only honest people. When a politician tells you he wants to forbid you from owning a firearm or force you to get a license, he is telling you he doesn’t trust you. That’s an insult. ... Gun control is not about guns or crime. It is about an elite that fears and despises the common people. - Syndicated columnist Charley Reese (1937-2013)
Note for non-American readers: Crime reports from America which describe an offender just as a "teen" or "teenager" almost invariably mean a BLACK teenager.
We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.
The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. - Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180)
A Government that does not trust it’s law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms, is itself, unworthy of trust. - James Madison
Any government that would attempt to disarm its people is despotic; and any people that would submit to it deserve to be slaves. - Stephen F. Austin, 1835
The historical reality of the Second Amendment’s protection of the right to keep and bear arms is not that it protects the right to shoot deer. It protects the right to shoot tyrants, and it protects the right to shoot at them effectively, with the same instruments they would use upon us. - Judge Andrew Napolitano
Never forget, even for an instant, that the one and only reason anybody has for taking your gun away is to make you weaker than he is, so he can do something to you that you wouldn’t let him do if you were equipped to prevent it. This goes for burglars, muggers, and rapists, and even more so for policemen, bureaucrats, and politicians. - Aaron Zelman
How odd that massacres mostly happen in "gun-free zones"! When will the brain-dead Left wake up and draw the obvious conclusion? Gun bans kill kids
Clearly, city slickers who are more afraid of guns than of the criminals who might use them have a serious mental condition rendering them incapable of critical thinking. - Mike Huckabee
The real gun nuts are the ones who know the least about firearms or freedom, but who most want to make sure the good guys are unarmed when the bad guys decide to murder a few. - Mike Huckabee
People who object to weapons aren't abolishing violence, they're begging for rule by brute force, when the biggest, strongest animals among men were always automatically 'right.' Guns ended that, and social democracy is a hollow farce without an armed populace to make it work. - L. Neil Smith
An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it. - Jeff Cooper
If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun. - Dalai Lama
Gun control has not worked in D.C. The only people who have guns are criminals. We have the strictest gun laws in the nation and one of the highest murder rates. It's quicker to pull your Smith and Wesson than to dial 911 if you're being robbed. - Lt. Lowell Duckett
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote! - Benjamin Franklin
They have gun control in Cuba. They have universal health care in Cuba. So why do they want to come here? - Paul Harvey
[W]hen the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, who was governor of Pennsylvania, to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them; but that they should not do it openly, but weaken them, and let them sink gradually, by totally disusing and neglecting the militia. - George Mason
To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them. - George Mason
The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's good-bye to the Bill of Rights. - H. L. Mencken
  When they took the 4th Amendment, I was quiet because I didn't deal drugs.
  When they took the 6th Amendment, I was quiet because I am innocent.
  When they took the 2nd Amendment, I was quiet because I don't own a gun.
  Now they have taken the 1st Amendment, and I can only be quiet.
  - Lyle Myhr
Any unarmed people are slaves, or are subject to slavery at any given moment. - Huey P. Newton
If gun control bore any relation to homicide rates, Washington, DC would be the safest place in the country. - Mark Steyn
You can do more with a kind word and a gun than with just a kind word. - Al Capone
International Dictators Inciting Oppresive Terrorist States - (IDIOTS) For Gun Control
Little-Known Gun Facts
01) Over the past 20 years, gun sales have absolutely exploded, but homicides with firearms are down 39 percent during that time and “other crimes with firearms” are down 69 percent.
02) Almost every mass shooting that has occurred in the United States since 1950 has taken place in a state with strict gun control laws. With just one exception, every public mass shooting in the USA since at least 1950 has taken place where citizens are banned from carrying guns.
03) The United States is Number 1 in the world in gun ownership, and yet it is only 28th in the world in gun murders per 100,000 people.
04) The violent crime rate in the United States actually fell from 757.7 per 100,000 in 1992 to 386.3 per 100,000 in 2011. During that same time period, the murder rate fell from 9.3 per 100,000 to 4.7 per 100,000.
05) Overall, guns in the United States are used 80 times more often to prevent crime than they are to take lives.
06) Despite the very strict ban on guns in the UK, the overall rate of violent crime in the UK is about 4 times higher than it is in the United States.
07) In one recent year, there were 2,034 violent crimes per 100,000 people in the UK.
08) In the United States, there were only 466 violent crimes per 100,000 people during that same year. Do we really want to be more like the UK?
09) The UK has approximately 125 percent more rape victims per 100,000 people each year than the United States does.
10) The UK has approximately 133 percent more assault victims per 100,000 people each year than the United States does. UK has the fourth highest burglary rate in the EU.
11) The UK has the second highest overall crime rate in the EU.
12) Down in Australia, gun murders increased by about 19 percent and armed robberies increased by about 69 percent after a gun ban was instituted.
13) The city of Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the United States. So has this reduced crime? The murder rate in Chicago was about 17 percent higher in 2012 than it was in 2011, and Chicago is now considered to be “the deadliest global city,”
14) After the city of Kennesaw, Georgia passed a law requiring every home to have a gun, the crime rate dropped by more than 50 percent over the course of the next 23 years and there was an 89 percent decline in burglaries.
15) According to Gun Owners of America, the governments of the world slaughtered more than 170 million of their own people during the 20th century. The vast majority of those people had been disarmed by their own governments. Why? It wasn’t to stop crime.

Gun Control: - Self Defense - Self-Defense
Federalist Why Anti-Gun Zealots Can’t Admit Concealed Carry Saves Lives
Louder With Crowder Children's Book Uses Three Little Pigs to Explain Stupid Things Liberals Believe About Guns
In Defense of Our Nation Without a Second Amendment
Louder With Crowder America Has a Second Amendment to Ensure it Never Becomes Venezuela
American Thinker The Natural Right of Self-Preservation and the Second Amendment
Town Hall Every Word Liberals Say About Guns Is A Lie
Del Arroz Friend Friday: Everyday Gun Safety by Mike Leon Arming Yourself: A Woman's Self-Defense Guide to Concealed Carry (CCW)
Market Ticker Logic, And The Lack Thereof*
Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership Raging Against Self Defense: A psychiatrist Examines The Anti-Gun Mentality
Keep and Bear Arms Letter from an ANGRY Reader
Breitbart Studies: 24 out of 25 Gun Uses for Self Defense, Not Crime
Gun Cite How Often Are Firearms Used in Self-Defense?
Chicks On The Right UK's Suggestions For Defending Yourself Against An Attacker Are Laughable
The Right To Bear Outrageous! Man Sentenced to Jail for Shooting in Self Defense
Truth Revolt Boston Globe: Christian Weapons Makers Are Not Hypocrites - A moral world requires moral violence, and the wisdom to know when to use it.
Truth Revolt Gun Sales Skyrocket Among Gays, Lesbians - When forced to choose between left-wing politics and preserving your life, life wins.
Truth Revolt LGBT Pro-Gun Group: 'If You Don’t Defend Yourself, No One Else Will' - "And a whistle isn’t going to cut it."
Truth Revolt Uh-oh! Concealed Carry Permit Instructor Killed MN Terrorist - That’s really going to mess with the anti-gun Left.
Truth Revolt Homeowner's Son Shoots, Kills 3 Burglars... With AR-15 - Wait, I thought people never used those for home defense?
Truth Revolt Violent Crimes with Guns Down, Washington Post Ignores Obvious Reason Why - It just wouldn’t fit the anti-gun narrative.
Truth Revolt Prager U: Gun Rights Are Women's Rights - Katie Pavlich explains why guns are the great equalizer between men and women.
Truth Revolt Mom, Daughter Use Firearms to Thwart Armed Robber - People have a better chance of staying alive when they can shoot back.
Truth Revolt Elder: How Many Lives Are Saved by Guns - and Why Don’t Gun Controllers Care? - Lost in the current debate about gun control are three important points.
Guns Save Lives Browse by State
Guns & Ammo CDC Gun Research Backfires on Obama
PJ Media Cops to Citizens: Self-Defense Begins with You
PJ Media How I Evolved on Guns After a Terrorist Attack
Monster Hunter Nation Self Defense is a Human Right
mrc tv Survey: 76% of Police Chiefs Say Armed Citizens 'REDUCE' Violent Crime
mrc tv Chicago Man Stops a Knife Attack With an AR-15
mrc tv Two HUGE California Court Rulings Target the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
American Thinker Arm the Innocent
Louder With Crowder Women With Guns SAve Lives
Intellectual Takeout Europeans Seek to Roll Back Gun Control Laws in Wake of Terror Wave - The Czech Republic, which already boasts 800,000 registered firearms and 300,000 licensed gun owners, is looking to liberalize its guns laws
reason Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch Blast SCOTUS for Refusing to Hear Major Second Amendment Case - "I find it extremely improbable that the Framers understood the Second Amendment to protect little more than carrying a gun from the bedroom to the kitchen."
mrc NewsBusters NBC Advises Shoppers to Throw Groceries at Robbers, No Mention of Guns
Young Conservatives Baltimore’s “Nobody Kill Anybody” Event Lasted 24 Hours Before Someone Was Shot And Killed
Gun Owners of America (scroll down to read) Fact Sheet: Guns Save Lives
Law & Crime WaPo Op-Ed Columnist Megan McArdle Wants Kids to ‘Gang Rush Shooters’
Jewish World Review How Many Lives Are Saved by Guns --- and Why Don't Gun Controllers Care?
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education How to Reduce Your Risk of Death by Gun Violence
Louth Crowder An Escaped Inmate Broke Into a Woman’s House. But She Had a Gun
Western Journal Homeowner Puts ‘Assault Rifle’ Controversy To Rest After Fighting off 5 Home Invaders
Louder With Crowder WATCH: Another Walmart Tragedy Prevented By Concealed Carry Holder
mrc tv Armed Off-Duty Firefighter Stops Heavily Armed Man in Tactical Gear at Missouri Walmart
mrc tv Good Guy With A Gun Stops Potential Mass Shooting
mrc tv Hero! 12-Year-Old Shot & Killed Burglary Intruder After Suspect Shot Boy's Grandmother
Louder With Crowder Chilling Video Captures Man Threatening to 'Rape and Kill' Woman Knowing She Was Home Alone
rumble FBI Stat: Armed Civilians Bring Down More Criminals Than Cops Do
Louder With Crowder Man Opens Fire Into Party Crowd, But a Guest Pulls Out Her Handgun and Saves the Day
American Thinker We need more guns to stop mass shootings
Federalist A Young Gun Owner In Indiana Did What Uvalde Police Wouldn’t
Blaze Media Democrat introduces bill to mandate armed security in every gas station, bank, grocery store, pawn shop in Chicago
mrc tv Crime Stats Expert Claims FBI, CDC Undercount Armed Civilians Who Stop Active Shooters
Dan Bongino show Study: Gun Violence Fell in Six of Ohio’s Eight Largest Cities Following Permitless Carry Law

Gun Control: - links
mrc tv Wild West?! NYC Mayor Rails – And FAILS – Attacking SCOTUS Gun Ruling
mrc tv ‘Shall Not Be Infringed’: Supreme Court Strikes Down N.Y. Concealed Carry Rule
mrc tv BEHOLD: The Craziest (and Dumbest) Takes From Libs Outraged Over SCOTUS' Gun Ruling
Gun Free Zone PDF Library (of 2A publications-for and against)
rumble The 5 Dumbest Things Lawmakers Have Said About Guns
PJ Media Go Ahead, Joe: Stop Virtue Signaling and Grab the Guns. And the Knives and the Blue Sedans While You're at It
American Thinker Gun Control Is Not about Crime Control
mrc tv Intellectual Ammunition Pt 3: Armed With Logic and A Mistake by SCOTUS
mrc tv Intellectual Ammunition Pt 2: The Constitution and Founders
mrc tv Intellectual Ammunition: Mythology v Facts of 'Gun Control'
PJ Media Gun Control Is a Pointless Debate... But Here We Go Again
Town Hall Nothing Makes Liberals Angrier Than Us Normals Insisting On Our Rights
YouTuber Top 5 Gun Control Myths Debunked! | Louder With Crowder
mrc tv Reality Check: Hey Liberals, Abortion Kills More Than Guns
Michael Z. Williamson It's amazing what one has to believe to believe in gun control.
US Chronicle Liberals Aren’t The First In History To Want To Disarm A Nation’s Citizens
Cato Institute The Costs and Consequences of Gun Control
Mises Institute Rothbard: Gun Regulation Explained
Armed and Dangerous Review: Gun Control in the Third Reich
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: Your Second Amendment
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: Number One With A Bullet
The Webley Page Why Did it Have to be ... Guns?
The Webley Page Books Banned like Guns Banned
Mises Institute The Why of Gun Ownership
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education Just Dial 911? The Myth of Police Protection - Most Police Have No Legal Duty to Protect Citizens from Criminal Attack
Breitbart Harvard Study: No Correlation Between Gun Control and Less Violent Crime
Human Events Fact-free gun control crusades
Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide?
Canada Free Press It’s Time We Had a Serious Discussion About Assault Vehicles - America is a great country, but we can be an even greater country if we just banned everything... for the children
Canada Free Press Violence in America: Ban all Guns, Knives, Bats, Bras, and Rocks! Rocks should be registered as to size, weight, color, and sharp edges and kept under lock and key by rock owners
Libertarian Petition Allow Schools to Use Fireams to Protect Students from Mass Murderers
The Burning Platform Reasonable Discussion About Guns
Human Events Coulter: We know how to stop school shootings
zee news Chinese man on stabbing spree hurts 22 kids (using gun control logic, we must outlaw knives to prevent more attacks)
A Nation Of Cowards
Just Facts Gun Control Facts
Town Hall Negroes With Guns
Town Hall How the Left Thinks Gun Control Actually Works
American Consrvative Daily Why I Carry A Gun
Reason Magazine Why Gun Control (Still) Won't Work
Reason Magazine Don’t Let the Aurora Shooting Curtail the Right of Self-Defense
Reason Magazine Life After the Aurora Shooting
Reason Magazine Outrage Is Not an Argument
Reason Magazine Who Cares What the Majority Wants on Guns?
cato institute Gun Control: Myths and Realities
Firearms And Liberty for research on firearm issues and the Second Amendment.
Keep And Bear Arms your second amendment right (or it used to be).
Keep And Bear Arms Of Possibilities and Potentialities
Mises Institute Gun Control: Lessons from European Violence
Mises Institute Gun Control - on the Government's Guns
Mises Institute Tyranny and the Monopoly of Arms
Mises Institute Anarchy, State, and Gun Ownership
Mises Institute A Handful of Cities Are Driving the Increase in Murder Rates
Munchkin Wrangler Why The Gun Is Civilization?
The Freeman Gun Control: An Economic Analysis
Canada Free Press Guns Don't Kill People - Communists Do
Canada Free Press Guns are not the Problem: Crooks Are!
Canada Free Press Growing Up Without Guns
Canada Free Press So That This Never Happens Again
Canada Free Press The Connecticut Tragedy and Safety in Schools
Canada Free Press Treat the Disease, Not the Symptoms? In microcosm, liberals simply adore causing problems, then proposing government solutions to the same problems
Canada Free Press The Chinese Want Gun Control - in America
Canada Free Press Obama misses target deliberately with anti-gun agenda - B.O.: The bad odor of his blame game
Canada Free Press Oregon Sheriff tells Biden he’ll refuse to enforce unconstitutional gun laws
Canada Free Press The Guns of Obamerica - America does not have a gun violence problem. Obamerica does
Canada Free Press History Repeating Itself - "To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens."
Canada Free Press Facts Another Fatality of Gun Violence Debate - Violent video games or blood-thirsty Hollywood movies or psychotropic drugs or de-institutionalization of mentally ill people
Canada Free Press Gun Crime Not Nearly So Serious When Committed by the Obama Administration? Obama's undiluted message: Illegal Gun violence MUST be stopped-unless it involves the federal government itself.
Canada Free Press Hacking shows why gun owners oppose registry, records keeping - Retaining records is a key ingredient of every background check proposal put forth by the gun prohibition lobby.
Canada Free Press Obama issues two new worthless gun control executive orders - Obama's new orders serve as evidence of his spectacular gun control defeat
Canada Free Press A Gun in Your Hand is Still the Best Protection - Americans are constantly being harangued over the issue of gun ownership. That issue was settled 226 years ago when our Constitution was enacted
Canada Free Press Lesson of Navy Yard shooting echoes lessons of Camp Liberty, Fort Hood - Spree shooters at military installations prey on Americans serving America, disarmed by America—but, not in the heavily armed neighborhoods of Washington
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership The Human Cost of "Gun Control" Ideas
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership An Open Letter to Meryl Streep
Daily Kos Why liberals should love the Second Amendment
HubPages Answers for those who think that "gun control" is the best for America
Daily Reckoning When They Come For Your Guns, You Will Turn Them Over
Daily Reckoning Mobile Gun-Free Zones Are Coming to America
Daily Reckoning On the Usefulness of the 2nd Amendment
World Net Daily Michael Savage is right!
A Human Right
Gun Cite
Girls Guide To Guns
National Shooting Sport Foundation
Gun Owners Of America
Bearing Arms
This Is Common Sense Who Gets to Get Guns?
Daily Caller Oops: Obama judicial appointee says we have right to keep arms, but not to bear them
Daily Caller Michelle Obama’s warning to gun owners
Yahoo! News Gun Sales Booming: Doomsday, Obama or Zombies?
L. Neil Smith's Down With Power The Right to Own and Carry Weapons
Human Events Trayvon and a history of gun rights
American Enterprise Institute A sneaky way to control guns
National Take Your Daughter To The Range Day
Libs Stink guns
Monster Hunter Nation An opinion on gun control
Monster Hunter Nation An opinion on gun control, repost
Monster Hunter Nation An opinion on gun control
Monster Hunter Nation Fisking a Gun Control Editorial
Monster Hunter Nation Fisking the University of Utah editorial page about guns ... again.
Monster Hunter Nation On College Students with guns - A blog response
Monster Hunter Nation Anti-gun letter to the editor at Brandeis U.
Monster Hunter Nation Fisking the Deseret News’ anti-CCW article
Monster Hunter Nation A Handy Guide For Liberals Who Are Suddenly Interested In Gun Ownership
American Spectator From Aurora to Chicago
The Daily Caller A Firearm Owner’s Response to the Attack in Denver
MyWay Police kill gunman outside Empire State Building (and shoot 9 innocent bystanders)
examiner BLM declares Burning Man Second Amendment-free zone
Whiskey and Gunpowder Own Guns, So I Don’t Have To
infowars Black Friday Gun Sales Hit New Record High
American Thinker Handgun Derangement Syndrome Grips Restaurateurs
American Thinker Disarming Americans?
American Thinker Am I a Threat?
American Thinker Whittling Away our Freedoms
American Thinker What if Vicki Soto Had Been Armed?
American Thinker Lindisfarne To Sandy Hook: The Tragedy of Wishful Thinking
American Thinker Bloomberg Should Demand Hand Control
American Thinker Confirmed: Diane Feinstein Doesn't Know Anything
American Thinker Why Does Anybody Need a 30-Round Magazine?
American Thinker The Fallacy of Gun Control
American Thinker Liberal Dilemma: When Gun Rights Meet Victim Groups
American Thinker The Children's Hour
American Thinker Gun Control: A Failed American Experiment
American Thinker Why do civilians need assault weapons?
American Thinker How Covering up Minority Crime Leads to Gun Control
American Thinker Gun Control and the Progressive Concept of Human Nature
American Thinker Guns Don't Kill People, Liberalism Does
American Thinker Gun-Free Zone Hypocrisy
American Thinker Stop Gun Violence? Stop Liberalism First
American Thinker Why a 53-Year-Old Big-City Lawyer Who Has Never Shot a Gun Joined the NRA
Yahoo! News Mom who shot intruder inspires gun control foes
Yahoo! News Kansas lawmakers OK bill to void local gun rules
Yahoo! Finance New Rifle Mimics Machine Gun's Rapid Fire -- and It's Legal
pravda Americans never give up your guns
Yahoo! News Rallies assail Obama's proposed gun curbs
The Daily Beast Gun Laws and the Fools of Chelm
The Commercial Appeal Rural lawmen take on Obama - Say gun control is illegal
Fox News Jamaica's Bloody Lesson On Guns
National Review Online Gun-Control Ignorance - How many times do the same arguments need to be refuted?
Wall Street Journal The Facts About Assault Weapons and Crime
Daily Reckoning When They Come For Your Guns, You Will Turn Them Over
Daily Reckoning Printed Protection and the Future of Defense
Daily Reckoning Gun Control Is Violence
Take A Newbie Shooting
The Blaze Massacre Survivor Tells Senate: I’m Not a Victim of Guns, But of Lawmakers Who ‘Legislated Me Out of the Right to Protect Myself and My Family’
Breitbart Why I Became a Gun Rights Advocate
Breitbart Moms Demand Action Chapter Kicked Out of Michigan Kroger Parking Lot
Opposiong Views National Institute of Justice: Assault Weapon Ban Would Have Virtually No Impact on Gun Murders
Your Daily Dose of Conservatism Gaining Momentum: Now 44 Gun Companies Have Stopped Selling To Law Enforcement In Anti-2nd Amendment States
Casey Research Doug Casey on Medications and Massacres
Hot Air Cuomo: That gun law I signed turned out to be utterly unworkable, huh?
Hot Air Colorado sheriffs: Sorry, but these new gun laws would be kind of unenforceable
Gary North - The Tea Party Economist Feinstein Gun Control Bill Will Shoot Down Senate Democrats’ Careers
The Armed Citizen Project
Tenth Amendment Center Checkmate on your "Military Type" Firearms Ban
Independent Journal Review 99.995% of Firearms Not Used for Gun Homicides Each Year
Is That Baloney Obama Loses Background Check Bill, Throws Major League Temper Tantrum (VIDEO)
The Independent Institute The Totalitarianism of Universal Background Checks
Guns Save Lives
Guns Save Lives Home Invaders Thought Disabled Vet Was an Easy Target - He Grabs a .45 and Proves Them Wrong
Mr. Conservative Letter From A Young Conservative Girl: Mr. Obama Your Gun Ban Failed Because YOU Lied To America
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education The Seen and Unseen in Gun Control - Widespread Gun Ownership Increases Personal Safety
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Vice President Shithead Doesn't Understand the Constitution
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Why Not Car Control?
Mr. Conservative [HILARIOUS VIDEO] Hitler reacts to Democrats’ failure to pass gun control bills
Mr. Conservative Missouri Passes Bill Nullifying Federal Gun Control Laws
Mr. Conservative Kansas Receives Threat From Attorney General Holder After Questioning Obama Birth Certificate
Mr. Conservative What I’d like to tell public school teachers who promote gun control in their classrooms
CNS News Co-Sponsor of Bill Banning Magazines Mistakes Them for Bullets
RT Indiana legalizes shooting cops
The Daily Sheeple Governor Arrests Florida Sheriff for Defending Right to Bear Arms
Guns Ted Nugent says lesson learned from Zimmerman verdict: ‘Teach your children not to attack people’ (AUDIO)
Larry Elder Gun Violence -- Let's Shift the Odds in Favor of the Good Guys!
WND Holder reveals his plan for your gun
WND Walker, Indiana Ranger
Gun Nuts Media The danger of fists
Biz Pac Nugent rips into ‘brain-dead’ Stevie Wonder for defending ‘hoodlum’ Trayvon
On Second Opinion Blog
Canada Free Press ‘Gun Appreciation Day was a phenomenal success’ - "America's gun owners stood united in the exercise of our Second Amendment rights"
Yahoo! News NRA's LaPierre on Navy Yard shootings: 'There weren't enough good guys with guns'
Vuurwapen Blog An Open Letter To Anti-Gun Politicians, Activists, and Citizens
Guns & Ammo CDC Gun Research Backfires on Obama
Daily Caller Another anti-gun mayor runs afoul of the law
Washington Times BERETTA: Maryland disrespects us and gun owners, so we expand in Tennessee
Yahoo! News Constitution Check: What does it mean that there is a right to "bear" guns?
Constitution Daily Constitution Check: What does it mean that there is a right to "bear" guns?
Houston Chronicle Wis. agent: Colleagues improperly modified guns
Reality Always Wins Every Anti-Gun Editorial You Have Ever Read
Washington Times HAMMOND: Obama’s gun-control dictate on ‘mental health’ threatens veterans’ rights - White House defies patient-privacy rules
Personal Liberty Digest The Guns And The Glory
The Federalist Papers Gun Shop Battles City Over AR-15 Sign: ‘I Will Be in Jail or Dead Before That Sign Comes Down’
The Federalist Papers The Real Reason Americans Oppose Gun Control - Obama, Pelosi, Boxer, and the rest have no right to strip us of our last line of defense from their incompetence.
The Federalist Papers Why Do Democrats Get Away With Lying About Guns? - Yes, it's a rhetorical question.
The Federalist Papers The Total Failure Of Gun Control Captured In One Photo
The Federalist Papers Mike Rowe Explains Why Obama’s Gun Control Push Won’t Stop Bad Guys
Personal Liberty Digest Make No Mistake: Vermont’s Proud To Be The Original ‘Guns Everywhere’ State
Personal Liberty Digest Playing Field: Your Pistol
Vermont Watchdog Make no mistake: Vermont’s proud to be original ‘guns everywhere’ state
Noisy Room Leland Yee – Gun Runner, Terrorist Enabler, Progressive Communist
Monster Hunter Nation Leland Yee, Super Villain
SacramentoBee VIDEO: Steinberg: No 'gun-running' in Senate ethics training
PJ Media ‘This Nonviolent Stuff’ll Get You Killed:’ Guns and the Civil Rights Movement - A new book explains how pivotal black gun ownership was to defeating the Klan.
The Rutherford Institute The Second Amendment: A Symbol of Freedom or An Invitation to Violence?
U.S.Concealed Carry Association I Don’t Love Guns. I Just LOVE What My Gun Protects ...
U.S.Concealed Carry Association "USCCA Member Arrested in New York City Airport ..."
Personal Liberty Digest Obama Administration Puts Money Squeeze On Gun Retailers
Personal Liberty Digest What Is Gun Violence?
Personal Liberty Digest Sexist Bloomberg Gun Control Ad Unintentionally Makes A Case For Gun Ownership
Personal Liberty Digest Dartmouth Student With A Stalker Problem Can’t Carry A Gun, According To School Officials
A Lightning War For Liberty The Department of Agriculture Launches Proposal to Purchase Submachine Guns
Media Research Center CBS Shocker: Network Promotes 'Gun-Toting Waitresses' Without Bias
Lew Rockwell Blaming the Gun, Not the Shooter - Especially if He’s a Cop
Lew Rockwell When Guns In Police Hands Spontaneously Fire Themselves
guns NJ couple changes stance on guns after violent home invasion, sexual assault (VIDEO)
Girls Just Wanna Have Guns
Sarah A. Hoyt Keep Calm and Have a Plan to Kill Everyone in the Room - Cedar Sanderson
The Right To Bear 6 Famous People Who Think You Should Own Guns - and 6 Who Think You Shouldn’t
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership Hitler was a Piker
The Liberty Doll VIDEO: Birth Control vs. Guns
WTKR Military surplus weapons sent to local college campuses
The Right To Bear Watch as 100+ Teenagers Attack Helpless Victims in a Shopping Center
The Right To Bear Arms 3 Armed Men Break in and Threaten to Kill 8 People. What Happened Next Was Exactly What Should Have Happened.
Forbes How Gun-Control Legislation Is Affecting This Election
Library of Economics and Liberty Crime
Liberty News Now Positives of Gun Ownership from a Nerd's Viewpoint
National Review Online Guns Against Tyranny - An armed citizenry could have prevented the Tiananmen Square massacre.
Truth Revolt Vince Vaughn: Yes! Guns In Schools - "You think the politicians that run my country... don't have guns in the schools their kids go to?"
News Machete Pentagon asks civilians to stop defending its unarmed soldiers
Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D., Attorney At Law The Right To Bear Arms
mrc tv Less than 0.00004 Percent Of All U.S. Guns Are Used In Homicides
The Liberty Zone What Your Reaction to My NRA Sticker Says About You
Keep and Bear Arms It's amazing what one has to believe to believe in gun control
Truth Revolt CAIR Denounces Florida Gunmaker's 'Crusader' Rifle - Three safety settings: Peace, War and God Wills It.
Truth Revolt Miss America Pageant Contestant Stands Up for the 2nd Amendment - "It starts with education."
Truth Revolt Prager: The Right Does Have Answers on Guns, Mr. President - "I would ask every politician who argues for more gun laws, and every anti-gun activist, just two questions."
Truth Revolt Coulter: The Problem Isn't Guns or White Men - Here's an idea: Why not force Democrats to defend the right of the dangerous mentally ill not to take their medicine?
Truth Revolt Obama Demands Background Checks for Responsible Gun Owners, But Not For Criminal Job Applicants - Because fairness.
Truth Revolt Detroit Police Chief: Terrorists and Carjackers Want Unarmed Citizens - Knowing that citizens will shoot back "makes extremists reluctant to target Detroit."
Truth Revolt Sheriff Clarke: Obama and Hillary 'Anti-Gun Bigots' - "I want as many law-abiding citizens to arm themselves in this country as we can get so I have the partner that I need."
Truth Revolt Europeans Stocking Up on Guns in Wake of Brutal NYE Attacks - There's irony for you.
Truth Revolt ELECTION PRIMER: Bill Whittle's 'Number One With A Bullet' - Bill Whittle preps you for the 2016 presidential election.
Truth Revolt 'Gun Free' Zone Tennessee Business Liable for Disarming Concealed Carry Holders - "This bill imposes a duty of care."
Truth Revolt Top Dems Set Out to Prove Illegal Online Gun Sales Big Problem, Found Out It’s Not - NRA calls the study an "embarrassment."
Armed and Dangerous Vox is wrong - we don’t have too many guns, we have too many criminals
beliefnet Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control - According to a study in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, which cites the Centers for Disease Control, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the United Nations International Study on Firearms Regulation, the more guns a nation has, the less criminal activity.
California Rifle & Pistol Association This article lays waste to one of the antis most treasured "facts"
California Rifle & Pistol Association Police Pay Price for Bad Advice from CA DOJ (when the DOJ was sued for telling police departments to break the law, it successfully got out of the case by arguing that it wasn’t legally liable because it merely advised the police to break the law, it was the police agencies’ fault for actually breaking the law)
The Buffalo News Lawsuit shines light on illogical state gun laws
Mises Institute With Mass Shootings, the State Makes Us Less Safe
Bookroom Worm What I learned from John Lott, author of "More Guns Less Crime"
mrc tv States Push Back Against Obama's Gun Policy With a Slew of Gun Rights Bills
Legal Insurrection My Family Fled Communism. Stop Pushing Soviet-Style Gun Control Here.
Bayou Renaissance Man Doofus Of The Day #929
The Writer In Black Home Defense Firearms
Self Defense & Security Store The Second Amendment as a Prophylactic
Bearing Arms Anti-Gun Sheriff Negligently Shoots His Own Hand
The Truth About Guns
Daily Wire The National Rifle Association Is The Jews' Safest Place
Liberty Island The Gun Debate: The Math Doesn’t Work... A Reflection on How Far We’ve Come In 50 Years
Being Libertarian The Truth About Gun Violence
mrc tv Study On School Shootings: ‘Not An Epidemic’ - Schools Safer Than In 90’s
Jewish Journal The Parkland Dilemma
Liberty Island From My Cold, Dead, Facts - Or Why I’m Joining the NRA
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Destroying Gun Control Myths, Part #3: Join the Military
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Destroying Gun Control Myths, Part 2: The Well-Regulated Militia
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Destroying Gun Control Myths, Part 1: "You Can't Fight Tanks And Planes With Rifles!"
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse How Gun Control Supporters Lie to Themselves, Each Other, and Us
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse We Only Want To Ban One Gun
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse I Want Liberals To Keep Cutting Up AR-15s.
Gun Mag It’s Time to Eliminate The Gun Control Laws: Yes, All Of Them
American Thinker Does Gun Control Lead to Genocide?
Hashtag Media - Burn The Boats Free Speech is Only for What We Say It’s For!
Breitbart More Colorado Counties Declare Themselves ‘2nd Amendment Sanctuaries’
mrc tv Australian Museum Says a New Gun Law Would Force Them to Destroy Their Own Collection
mrc tv BU Politicizes Gun Ownership, And Gets It Completely Wrong
Conservative Review Liberal website stumbles onto harsh truth about gun control in high-crime areas
Bearing Arms California Judge Upholds "Assault Weapons" Ban. Now What?
Conservative Review Schumer & Pelosi respond to Texas & Ohio shootings: Congress must come pass a bill that wouldn’t have prevented them
mrc tv No, The U.S. Does Not Lead The World In Mass Shootings
Conservative Review Is Trump headed for a post-shooting gun control fight with the NRA?
American Thinker Democrats Blame Guns. I Blame the Democrat Party
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse More Hysteria About ...Muzzle Loaders
YouTube Langley Fireaerms Academy Channel
Black Guns Matter
Fox News Gun industry cries foul after hundreds of gun dealers lose licenses amid Biden administration crackdown

Gun Control: - Government Support For Illegal Aliens Murdering American Citizens
Louder With Crowder Democrats, media looking to use Texas Shooter to push their anti-AR-15 narrative are going to hate finding out who he is

Gun Control: - Government Overreach
mrc tv Docs Reveal FBI, ATF Have Been Monitoring Law-Abiding Gun Buyers Through Federal Background Checks
Louder With Crowder Gun Rights Win? Federal Judge Orders $5.1 Million To Gun Owners Arrested Under Unconstitutional Laws
Louder With Crowder Watch: NM Gov suspends Second Amendment rights, causing... Steven Crowder to agree with David Hogg?
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Announce New Gun Control Office
My Stateline Biden to announce office of gun violence prevention, employing gun control activists
mrc tv Federal District Judge Rules MA Gun Ban 'Constitutional' – Seriously
mrc tv ATF 'Rules Change' Would Force ALL People Selling Guns To Register & Do Background Checks

Gun Control: - ATF - Corruption - Incompetence
Town Hall New Inspector General Report Shows How Thousands of Guns and Parts Were Stolen From ATF

Gun Control: - Ghost Gun Bans
Federalist Joe Biden’s Ghost Gun ‘Ban’ Lasted Less Than A Minute

Gun Control: - Fearmongering
mrc tv Matt Gaetz Blasts Dems' Latest Gun Bill: 'They Want You To Be Afraid'
Louder With Crowder Watch: Mayor makes claim about buying guns and buying apples for ridiculous, even the leftist AG is shocked

Gun Control: - Guns Protecting Children - Active School Security Saves Lives
Federalist A Would-Be School Invader In Alabama Failed When The Doors Were Locked And Police Weren’t Cowards

Gun Control: - Ignorance Of Guns And Gun Safety Is Deadly
If Hollywood spent less time attacking gun-rights activists and more time taking their safety training classes, a cinematographer would be alive right now.
YouTube Alec Baldwin Shooting Happened Because He Is Anti-Gun

Gun Control: - Save A life, Go To Prison
rmble Woman Faces Prison Time After Shooting a Home Invader While Pregnant

Gun Control: - New Zealand
NRA New Zealand’s Gun Confiscation Doesn’t Even Achieve Its Stated Goal

Gun Control: - California Bill SB-906 Because Only Criminals Should Be Allowed Own Guns
mrc tv
Gun Control: - California Assembly Bill AB-173 Because Only Criminals Should Be Allowed Own Guns
California Legislative Information Assembly Bill No. 173
YouTube Gun Owner Names and Addresses Now Public for "UCD Research Purposes" - CA AB173

Gun Control: - California Exposing Gun Owners Personal Information
NRA-ILA California: MASSIVE Data Breach and Significant Registration Problems with CA DOJ’s “Assault Weapon” Registration System
NRA-ILA California: California Department of Justice Inadvertently Discloses Personal Information of Firearm Safety Instructors

Gun Control: - Government Refusing To Enforce Existing Gun Laws When Democrats Are Guilty Of Gun Crimes
American Thinker Biden's Achilles heel in calling for new gun laws
Victory Girls Biden Demands Gun Control For You, Not Hunter
mrc tv There’s Nearly 5M First-Time Gun Owners in 2020
mrc tv Epic Market Stand: Ammo-Maker Tells Biden Voters To Shop Elsewhere

Gun Control: - Sanctuary Cities for Gun Ownership - Protecting the Second Amendment and the Citizens
Steadfast And Loyal Majority of New Mexico Counties are Declared Sanctuary for Gun Owners
mrc tv More Than Half of Colo County Sheriffs, Say They WON’T COMPLY With Unconstitutional State Gun Grab Bill
Liberty Conservative News Local Sheriffs are Leading the Revolt Against Gun Control Tyranny
mrc tv Numerous WA State Sheriffs Will NOT Enforce New Gun Bans
mrc tv AZ County Joins Growing List Of 'Second Amendment Sanctuaries'
mrc tv Second Amendment Sanctuaries Surge In Virginia
mrc tv VA County Sheriff Vows To Deputize Thousands of Citizens To Fight Potential State Gun Grabs
Power Line Blog 90% of Virginia’s Counties Are Gun Sanctuaries
mrbc tv NC Sheriff Defends Second Amendment in Speech: 'I Am Not Going to Enforce an Unconstitutional Law
mrc tv Missouri County Nullifies Federal Gun Statutes, Outlaws Enforcement Of 2A Infringements
OAN Mo. state lawmakers push forward 2nd Amendment protections
Louder with Crowder Iowa Governor Signs Pro-Gun Bill Into Law, Allows Permitless Purchase and Carry of Handguns
Louder with Crowder Arizona Signs Law Telling Joe Biden Where to Stick His Gun Control Agenda
PJ Media Montana Will Defend the Second Amendment Even if Biden Succeeds in Gutting It
mrc tv Many Oregon Sheriffs Vow NOT To Enforce New Anti-Gun Ballot Initiative
mrc tv Blue States Are Targeting Second Amendment Rights - and the People Are Pushing Back

Gun Control: - Supporters
instagram gun rights
Truth Revolt Guess Who Else Wants Guns Illegal in U.S.? Iran’s Supreme Leader - When you’ve got a terror sponsor on your side, you know you’re on the wrong side of history.
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse "Design Mom" Gabrielle Blair Lacks The Warmth And Depth To Be A Cunt
Ammoland Philadelphia ‘Gun Violence’ Counselor Reportedly Shoots Male Prostitute to Death

Gun Control: - Pretend Finger Gun Control
Louder With Crowder School Suspends Little Kid After Pointing FINGER GUN At Classmate And Saying "Bang Bang." They Were Playing Cops and Robbers

Gun Control: - Toy Gun Control
Louder With Crowder This 12-Year-Old Brought a Toy Gun to a VIRTUAL Class. The School Suspended Him ...
Louder With Crowder Watch: Police pull guns on girl dressed as Star Wars character because some Karen thought her toy gun was real

Gun Control: - Bow and Arrow Control
Western Journal Video: Horrific Bow-and-Arrow, Knife Attack Leaves 5 Dead, Proves Dem Schemes for Gun Control Don't Work

Gun Control: - Because Knives Are The Weapon Of Choice Of Democrat Politicians
Louder With Crowder Pro-gun control Democratic official arrested for stabb

Gun Control: - Knife Control (because when you can't blame the killer, you gotta blame something)
Truth Revolt Leftists Say Knives Aren’t as Deadly as Rifles, But More Are Killed by Them - Narrative busted.
mrc tv While Europe Lectures America on Guns, London’s Murder Rate Is Topping NYC’s...Because of STABBINGS
News Machete Two people murdered in Swedish IKEA to due weak knife control laws
mrc tv Fatal Stabbings Skyrocket In the U.K. After Gov't Slashes Police Forces
mrc tv UK Politician Wants All Knives To Include GPS Trackers To Minimize Stabbings
rumble While Europe Lectures America on Guns, London’s Murder Rate Is Topping NYC’s…Because of STABBINGS
YouTube Knife violence now 2x as common as “Gun Violence” in Cali… When are the knife bans?...

Gun Control: - Car Control (because when you can't blame the killer, you gotta blame something)
mrc tv London Mayor Seeks to Ban Cars After Terrorist Attack

Gun Control: - Milkshake Control (because when you can't blame the criminal, you gotta blame the innocent)
mrc tv UK Leftists Assault by Throwing Milkshakes! Police Answer? Milkshake Ban

Gun Control: - War On Guns - Take Your Guns - Opposition To The Second Amendment
mrc tv Lefty Journalist Claims Americans' Right to Own Guns Is 'Completely Made Up'
NRA-ILA Institute for Legislative Action
Daily Wire Justice Thomas RIPS Supreme Court For Ignoring Second Amendment: 'The Right To Keep And Bear Arms Is ... This Court's Constitutional Orphan'
Daily Wire Former Supreme Court Justice: 'Repeal The Second Amendment'
Daily Wire Justice Thomas RIPS Supreme Court For Ignoring Second Amendment: 'The Right To Keep And Bear Arms Is ... This Court's Constitutional Orphan'
mrc tv Australia Is Confiscating Bolt-Action Rifles Because They LOOK Like Assault Weapons
mrc tv Sen. Murphy: Right to Keep And Bear Arms Part of 'Imaginary' 2nd Amendment
Imperial Requiem Gun Control Was Never About Guns
Louder With Crowder VIDEO: Kamala Harris Says Second Amendment Rights Have No Place in Society
Louder With Crowder Dear Kamala Harris, You Anti-Gun, Opportunistic, Hypocritical Skank...
mrc tv New Jersey Gov. Looks to Increase Gun Ownership Fees By 20 TIMES the Current Cost
mrc tv Leftist State Hawaii Institutes Dangerous and Draconian New Anti-Gun Statutes
Louder With Crowder Reporter Tries Proving It’s Easy to Buy a Gun at Walmart. Does the Opposite
Daily Wire Beto: If Elected, I Am Going To Confiscate Your Semi-Auto Firearms
Daily Wire ‘NO COMPROMISE’: Biden Goes Extreme On Guns, Calls For Ban On All Magazines, Rips Texas For Allowing Worshipers To Defend Themselves
Conservative Review SCOTUS permits Sandy Hook parents to sue gunmaker
Sacred Cow Slaugherhouse A Realist's View of the Virginia Protest
Sacred Cow Slaugherhouse The Virginia Debacle, Summarized (And Why You Should Buy More Guns)
mrc tv St. Louis Cops Execute Search Warrant on McCloskeys - and Seize Their Rifle
American Wire ‘Unprecedented’: Missouri lawyer says political posturing is to blame for St. Louis couple’s gun seizure
Legal Insurrection In *totally* non-political move, anti-Trump NY Attorney General files lawsuit to dissolve NRA
NRA-ILA California: California AG Seeks Further Review of Ruling in Magazine Case
PJ Media Exclusive: Case of Portland Man Who Defended Himself Against Antifa Mob Heads to Supreme Court
Breitbart Feds Drop Homemade AR-15 Case for Fear of Hurting Wider Gun Control System
mrc tv House Democrats Launch an All-Out War On the Second Amendment With Two Mind-Blowing Bills
mrc tv 9th Circuit Court Rules People Have NO RIGHT To Openly Carry Firearms
American Thinker New Jersey's attorney general gets creative to crush 2nd Amendment rights
Louder With Crowder Knew It: Andrew Cuomo is Coming For Your Guns, and He's Using the Pandemic as His Excuse
mrc tv Biden Dept. of 'Justice' Sides With Gun-Grabbers In Court Battle Over Missouri 2A Preservation Act
mrc tv ATF Begins 'Zero Tolerance' Attack On Firearms Shops
Federalist The 14 Republicans Who Voted To Advance Democrats’ Gun Control Wish List Just Betrayed Their Base
Epoch Times Woke California AG Tells Gun-Permitting Officials to Deny Applicants Based on Politics
Louder With Crowder Watch: ATF agent arrested by local cops, immediately starts crying
Dan Bongino Show Biden Doubles Down on Gun Control Push
mrc tv Egg, Meet Face: Libs Rush To Blame 'White Supremacy,' 'Assault Pistols' For Monterey Park Shooting

Gun Control: - Common Sense Gun Control
Why do ALL Democrat "Common Sense" gun control suggestions lack any element of common sense? - Cynical Pessimist
Daily Wire WATCH: 'Common Sense Gun Control' Debunked
Daily Wire WATCH: Shapiro Fiercely SHREDS Kimmel's Gun Control Rant
Daily Wire Statistician Who Championed Stringent Gun Control Now Argues Against It After Studying Data
mrc tv Arguing With an Ignorant Gun-Grabber? Here Are Five Basic Facts to Help
mrc tv Revealed: CDC Hid Studies Showing Private Gun Use In Stopping Crime
Washington Post I used to think gun control was the answer. My research told me otherwise.
Homeland Security Vegas Gunman’s Use of Bump Stock Reduced Casualties
reason A Statistician Reconsiders Her Support for Gun Control After Looking at the Data - If only politicians were so open to contradiction by reality.
Ari Armstrong John Lott Defends "More Guns, Less Crime" Thesis
The Truth About Guns Editorial: Deconstructing Kellermann
steemit 3 Common GUN CONTROL MYTHS Debunked
Papa Pat Rambles Solving School Shootings: I Did It
Federalist We Can’t Have A Debate About Guns If Liberals Keep Lying About Them - The falsehoods or misleading statistics offered by gun-control advocates makes it virtually impossible to have a genuine discussion about violence.
Federalist 6 Reasons Your Right-Wing Friend Isn’t Coming To Your Side On Gun Control - There are several reasons Second Amendment advocates aren’t running to your side of the argument, and it might not be the ones you think.
Federalist If You Want Gun Control, Stop Calling The NRA A ‘Terrorist Organization’ - If gun control advocates ever want gun owners to come to the table, they need to stop mindless name-calling or risk further dividing the country and neutering their cause.
Hot Air New hot ticket for Ohio teachers: free concealed carry classes
Daily Wire The Parkland Massacre Debate Has Been Filled With Idiotically Inconsistent Arguments. Here Are Just A Few.
Jewish World Review Where's the Common Sense in 'Common Sense' Gun Laws?
Truth Revolt 'Stop Blaming Guns!' Howard Stern Eviscerates Gun Control Argument - "I can't believe these people come out...and their to take guns away from people."
PJ Media Top 10 Reasons Liberals Reflexively Blame the NRA for Shootings
mrc tv Some Teachers Are Being Trained For School Shootings- With Buckets
Federalist The Trump Administration’s New ‘Bump Stock’ Ban Is A Legal Abomination - If the government can get away with lawlessly declaring a piece of plastic to be a machine gun, then it can get away with saying your AR-15 is a machine gun, knocking in your door, confiscating your guns, and throwing you in prison.
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse What Everyone Needs To Know About The Bumpfire Stock Ban
Louder With Crowder Study Shows Most Gun Crimes Committed With Black Market Guns mrc tv Liz Warren Pushes Maxi-Sized Bill To Attack Right To Keep And Bear Arms
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden Uses Colorado to Officially Call for Gun Control
mrc tv We're Saved! CNN's Alisyn Camerota Suggests Gun Sellers Should Ask Customers If They're 'Hearing Voices'
Louder With Crowder Most Horrifying from Biden Anti-Gun Speech: 'No Constitutional Amendment Is Absolute'
Louder With Crowder Common Sense Gun Control Is Nonsense: Change My Mind
Monster Hunter Nation The A-Z guide to anti-gun vulture talking points on Facebook

Gun Control: - Politicians Lack Of Concern For The Lives Of Citizens
Democrats doing what they do best: sitting on their asses, getting paid, accomplishing nothing ... - James Woods (talking about Democratic sit in)
Dan Bongino Show No, Guns Are Not the "Leading Cause of Death for Children" in the U.S.
Red State SCAM: Dems CHOSE to Reject Forcing Gun Control Vote So They Could Run Sit-In Fundraising Scheme Instead
Red State 3 Things The Democrat 25 Hour "Sit-In" Revealed About Their True Intentions
Truth Revolt Enough is Enough: Dems End Gun Control Sit-In - "Don't give up" -- like we just did.
Truth Revolt TMZ Shames Dem Anti-Gun Sit-In... for Ordering Chick-fil-A - Because, you know, the company is "anti-gay" and a bunch of gays were just shot in Orlando.
Truth Revolt Big 'Shock': House Dem Gun Control 'Sit-In' a Fundraising Stunt - "If this is not a political stunt then why are they trying to raise money off of a tragedy?"
mrc tv New Anti-Rights Oregon Statute Mandates Trigger Locks, Gun Safes, More
Michael Shellenberger As Violence Arrives in Rich Neighborhoods, Liberals And Ex-Radicals Buy Guns And Mobilize To Oust Progressive D.A.s - A report from the frontlines of Beverly Hills
Town Hall Want to End Gun Violence? Change Society, Don't Ban Guns!

Gun Control: - War on Jews - War on Israel
Truth Revolt Greenfield: The Left's War on Jewish Self-Defense - "Our people must be possessed of arms to defend themselves and their honor."
Truth Revolt The Solution to School Shootings? Look to Israel - Israel's gun policy is living proof of the arguments the American gun lobby has been making for years.
Town Hall 'Never Again!' Belongs to the Holocaust— Not an Anti-gun Rights Book and Campaign
New York Post Jewish Americans are flocking to learn gun safety and buy firearms amid war in Israel

Gun Control: - prohibition
Mises Institute Gun Control: Fashionable Prohibition for Modern Lawmakers
Armed and Dangerous I’m not going to ‘take everyone’s guns away’
Truth Revolt Obama Going After Guns Without Congress - Progressive wishes he would just ban them all outright.
mfc tv VA AG Severs Concealed Carry Recognition with Other States -- And Here's How It Will Go
mrc tv Are Climate Skeptics Too ‘Mentally Ill’ to Buy Guns Under Obama’s New Rules
mrc tv GMU Says 2nd Amendment Doesn't Apply to Staff, Students for Obama's Gun Town Hall
Truth Revolt MSNBC Can't 'Stomach' the 'So-Called Right' to Bear Arms - "There is something kind of aggressively and inhumanly repetitive about this line that guns are essential to American liberties."
Truth Revolt CNN Analyst, NYT Columnist: Repeal Second Amendment - And there it is.

Gun Control: - successfully disarming criminals - Gun Buyback
mrc tv Boston's Gun Buyback Program Brings in a Total of ONE Gun
mrc tv San Bernardino Shooter May Have Acquired Guns Illegally
Truth Revolt Shocker: Criminals Tend to Get Their Guns Illegally - No way!
California Rifle & Pistol Association Why Gun Laws Miss the Mark
Truth Revolt Kansas Workplace Shooter Ex-Con Who Illegally Acquired Guns - Gun laws didn't save lives Thursday.
Louder With Crowder Anti-Gunners Use Toy Gun Buyback Program to Make Children ‘Say No’ to Guns
The Truth About Guns Decatur, Illinois Gun Buyback Ends Early With Lots of Disappointed People
Louder With Crowder Genius makes $21000 selling 3D printed guns at gun buyback and New York's Attorney General is PISSED

Gun Control: - 2nd Amendment - Second Amendment
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Ammoland In The U.S.A. It Is Your Right to Own Military Weapons
Truth Revolt The 2nd Amendment : Is It for Muskets Only?!
Truth Revolt Williams: Second Amendment Exists to Protect Us From Government - Not like Obama, who says it's for duck hunting
Truth Revolt Indiana Sheriff: I Enforce 2nd Amendment, Not Obama's Executive Actions on Guns - "I will not allow gun confiscation in my county."
Truth Revolt 82% Democrats Favor Banning All Semi-Autos, 44% Want All Guns Banned - Conservatives have been saying this a long time.
YouTube The 2nd Amendment : For Muskets Only?!
YouTube The 2nd Amendment: Liberal Edition!!
Patriot Post Journalist Explains the True Intent of the Second Amendment
Prager University Is Gun Ownership a Right?
mrc tv NJ Gov. Issues Exec Order Closing Gun Stores, Shuttering Background Check System: Shutting Down Second Amendment

Gun Control: - mass shootings - mass killings - Gun Free Zones = defenseless victim massacre zones
American Thinker Gun Control Kills People
Breitbart Report: 92 Percent of Mass Shootings Since 2009 Occurred in Gun-Free Zones
Classically Liberal A quick index to our articles on guns, gun control and gun free zones.
Classically Liberal When mass killers meet armed resistance.
The Liberty Crier Nearly Every Mass Shooting In The Last 20 Years Shares One Thing In Common, And It Isn’t Weapons
wikipedia Bath School disaster
Reason Magazine Futile Remedies for Mass Shootings
Canada Free Press Obama now king of the gun grabbers - The White House proposals, even officials there admit, are not a cure-all for mass shootings
Classically Liberal Gun free zones and mass shootings.
Canada Free Press Best way to stop school shootings is abolish 'Gun Free Zones'
American Thinker Rahm Emanuel's Gun Free Zones
American Thinker Santa Monica College is a gun free school
American Thinker The Evil of Gun-free Zones
Personal Liberty Digest ‘Gun Free’ Restaurant Robbed By Bad Guys With Guns
Truth Revolt Media Confounded by Ben Carson's View on Guns - "Are more guns really the answer?" - George Stephanopoulos
Truth Revolt Ben Carson Was Right about Guns and Jews - "If someone seeks to kill millions of Jews in ovens again, put me on the side of those with guns."
Truth Revolt Two Dead, Three Injured in Stabbing-Attack at Swedish School - "he was wearing a mask and had a sword."
Truth Revolt News Station Tests Whether 'Good Guy with a Gun' Actually Can Stop a Bad Guy - "Many Texans choose to arm themselves, but how would they would perform if a 'bad guy' with a gun starts shooting?"
Truth Revolt Eagles of Death Metal Frontman More Convinced Than Ever: Everybody Needs Guns - "Did your French gun control stop a single f***ing person from dying at the Bataclan?"
Truth Revolt Murders Spike 28% in Los Angeles - And a double-digit increase in assaults and robberies.
Truth Revolt Breitbart: 6 Pro-Gun Arguments Leftists Ignore - "Gun-Free Zones Are Killing Fields"
Truth Revolt Elementary School Shooter Admits He Picked Target With No Armed Security - Any more questions about the effectiveness of gun-free zones?
mrc tv Judge Napolitano: Gun-Free Zones are the ‘Most Dangerous Places on the Planet’
National Review The Facts about Mass Shootings
The Daily Signal Mass Shooters Prefer Gun-Free Zones
mrc tv With the U.K.'s Terror Alert at 'Severe,' 90% of Cops Are Still Unarmed
Conservative Review The Gilroy shooting is horrible reminder that gun-free zones are a dangerous illusion
American Spectator Mass Shootings in Gun-Free Zones - For good reason these self-congratulatory zones have become a way of death.
Conservative Review Sitting ducks: Why are our soldiers disarmed on our own bases?
PJ Media The New York Times Has an Embarrassing Epiphany About 'Gun-free Zones'

Gun Control: - ineffectiveness
PJ Media ‘Gun Control Fails,’ Say Statistics from ... Gun-Control Advocates
The Right To Bear Arms How the Left Is Creating Dangerous "Target Enrichment Zones"
The Right To Bear Arms Sonic Issues New "Anti-Gun Policy," Employee Robbed Same Day
The Right To Bear Arms Craigslist Criminal Arranges "Perfect Crime" in Gun-Free Zone - But He Never Expected This ...
Gun Nuts Media Don't bring a knife to a coffee fight
Mail Online Hero doctor stops hospital shooting rampage: Psychiatrist uses his own gun to shoot patient who killed caseworker in front of him
Personal Liberty Digest Robbers Use Gun On Gun-Free Campus To - What Else? - Rob Four Ohio Students
The RightTo Bear Can You Guess What the Increase in Gun Sales Has Done to Crime?
Tea Party News Network AWESOME: See what Happens When Armed Business Owners Stand Guard During a Riot...
YouTube Moron ATF Agent Seizes 30 Toy Guns! Says They can be Converted!
Conservative Tribune This Thug Pulled a Knife on a Veteran… Worst Mistake of His Life [DETAILS]
Alternative Media Syndicate Robber’s Famous Last Words: ‘I Thought You Couldn’t Own A Gun In New Jersey’
Liberty news Now Positives of Gun Ownership from a Nerd’s Viewpoint
Truth Revolt Dylann Roof Could Not Legally Carry a Firearm - "In order for laws to work, criminals must follow them"
Truth Revolt NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Spins, Credits Fewer Guns For More Subway Slashings and Stabbings - Huh?
Truth Revolt Good Guy With A Gun Stops Suspect Attacking Police Officer - Another CWP-holder to the rescue.
Truth Revolt NoCal Shooter was Prohibited to Own Guns, Made Illegal Guns at Home - But another law could’ve have stopped him, right?
Ozy Switzerland: Peaceful, With Guns
American Spotlight This Woman Was BRUTALLY Murdered While Waiting For a Gun Permit to Protect Herself
Rick Notes Gun deaths, Automobile deaths and Josh Sugarmann's attempt to manipulate you.
Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D., Attorney At Law The Darker Side of Gun Control
Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D., Attorney At Law Registration: The Nazi Paradigm
Classically Liberal The high cost of gun control.
American Thinker Clackamas -- the Oregon Massacre a Gun Stopped
American Thinker The Illogic of 'Gun free' Zones
mrc tv O’Reilly: ‘If Tough Gun Laws Don’t Work in Windy City, Why Should They Work Anywhere Else?’
mrc tv Man Carrying Concealed Gun Shot and Killed Hatchet-Wielding Attacker at 7-Eleven
YouTube Proof Gun Control is 100% BS
Daily Anarchist Auditing Shooting Rampage Statistics
Daily Wre Three DEMOCRAT-Run Cities Are Most Responsible For National Murder Rate Increase
Breitbart Gun Control Fail: California Firearm Homicides Up 18 Percent
Conservative Review Texas church shooter had massive rap sheet - with almost no prison time
Fox News Countries with strict gun control hit by recent mass shootings and gun violence - Denmark, South Africa, and Sweden have all attempted to combat gun violence despite strict restrictions

Gun Control: - Canada, aka: No Lives Matter - Criminals Right To Slaughter Canadians
Louder With Crowder Trudeau Tells Canadians They Have No Right to Use Guns for Self Defense: 'That Is Not a Right That You Have

Gun Control: - effectiveness - Chicago - aka: - No Lives Matter
PJ Media The Mayor of 'Murdertown, USA' Says Things Are Getting Better
Federalist Illinois Has All The Gun Laws Republican Senators Caved To Push States Into, And That Didn’t Stop The Highland Park Killer
Louder With Crowder Man Points Gun at Reporter's Head in Broad Daylight During Live Shot ... About Chicago Crime
Louder With Crowder As Crime Surges, Another Major Company Ditches Chicago to Make New HQ Home in a Red State
Hey Jackass
American Thinker Chicago official, on bagpipe mourning ritual for slain officer: 'We don't have time for this s---!'
Daily Caller Sen. John Kennedy: Chicago Is ‘Largest Outdoor Shooting Range In America’
Louder With Crowder Anti-Gun Illinois AG Candidate Held Up at Gun Point. In Gun Controlled Chicago. So ...
Breitbart Chicago Gun Deaths on Obama’s Watch Nearly Overtake Iraq War Deaths Under Bush
Hey Jackass! illustrating Chicago values
Personal Liberty Digest Gun Grabbing Chicago Policies Not Helping As Homicides Rise
Crime In Chicago (providing proof that no unarmed victim will ever prevent a criminal)
Biz Pac Nugent to hypocrite celebrities boycotting Fla: How about Chicago?
Rick Notes Chicago Police Chief says his cops will shoot legal concealed carry licensees
Truth Revolt Murderville: 21 People Shot in Chicago in 20 Hours - One person shot every 58 minutes
Truth Revolt 69 People Shot in Chicago over Memorial Day Weekend - Shootings were up, murders were down.
Personal Liberty Digest The Wild West: Gun Control, Chicago-Style
Truth Revolt Chicago Murder Rate 200% Higher Than This Time Last Year - Good work, Democrats.
Truth Revolt Welcome to Chicago: 600+ Shootings Three Months into 2016 - 32 with five fatalities this last weekend alone.
Truth Revolt Chicago Hits 300+ Murder Milestone for 2016 - "The cause of the violence traces back decades."
Truth Revolt Father's Day Weekend in Chicago: 11 Dead, 43 Wounded - One victim was a three-year-old boy.
Truth Revolt At Least 32 People Shot in Chicago over July 4th Holiday - 13 people were shot in a 17-hour window.
Truth Revolt 99 People Shot in Chicago in Less than a Week - Total number of shooting victims this year? More than 2,500.
Truth Revolt Chicago Has Most Violent Month in 20 Years - More than 400 people shot so far and the month isn't even over.
Truth Revolt Gun-Controlled Chicago Passes 500 Homicide Mark - Rahm's solution? Throwing money at the problem.
Truth Revolt Helloween in Chicago: 18 Dead, 58 Wounded - The weekend marks deadliest in the last three years.
Truth Revolt 10 More People Dead and Scores Wounded in Second Weekend of Chicago Violence - 1,000 more people shot so far this year than last.
Truth Revolt Rahm Emanuel to Illegals: You Are Safe in Sanctuary City Chicago - "You are secure in Chicago." Unless you get murdered.
Truth Revolt A Deadly Thanksgiving in Chicago: 8 Dead, 62 Wounded - Nearly double the shootings than the last two years of holiday weekends combined.
Truth Revolt 7 Killed, 20 Wounded by Gunfire in Chicago Over Christmas Weekend - How's that gun control working out for you?
Truth Revolt Chicago Backs Off Policing, Murder Rate Skyrockets - One person is shot every two hours.
Truth Revolt Chicago Finishes 2016 With Murder Rate Up 57% From 2015 - Police recovered 8,300 illegal guns in 2015, a 20 percent from the previous year.
Truth Revolt Chicagoland: Violence Continues Rising, 14 Shot Over the Weekend - Sounds like a wonderful place to grow up.
Truth Revolt Chicago Teen Gang-Raped On Facebook Live, 40 Viewers, NO ONE Called Police - She had been reported missing.
Truth Revolt Father’s Day in Chicago: 300th Homicide Recorded - Same as last year. Wow.
Truth Revolt 36 Shot in Chicago This Weekend: 4yo Shot in Arm, Mom Shot in Head - The city where black lives don’t seem to matter at all.
Truth Revolt Chicago Records 402nd Murder This Year, On Track to Outpace 2016 - What a delightful place to call home.
Truth Revolt Chicago Sees ‘Break’ in Murders This Weekend: 32 People Shot, 7 Dead - A week after the most violent weekend of the year.
Truth Revolt Labor Day Weekend in Chicago: 7 Dead, 35 Wounded - And that’s with confiscating over 100 guns.
Truth Revolt Chicago Approaching its 600th Homicide for the Year - Is the gun control crowd paying attention to this city’s weekly death toll?
Truth Revolt Another Violent Thanksgiving for Chicago - 44 Shot - The carnage continues in the strictly gun-controlled city.
Truth Revolt Chicagoland: Gangs Firing on Rival Members’ Funerals ‘Getting Out of Control’ - The gun "problem" in America doesn’t come from Second Amendment supporters.
Breitbart Gun-Controlled Chicago: More Shooting Victims Year-To-Date Than All Of 2015
mrc tv Deadly Chicago Weekend Despite Increased Law Enforcement Presence
mrc tv Chicago Weekend Shootings Down, Congressman's Grandson Among Victims
mrc tv Chicago Thanksgiving Shootings Up 3x From 2015
mrc tv Chicago Shooting Victims Nearly Double New York City and Los Angeles Combined
mrc tv Yet Another Deadly Weekend in Chicago, Nine Murdered
mrc tv Deadly Christmas Weekend in Chicago: 12 Dead, Dozens Injured
mrc tv Chicago Weekend Shootings Rise From Previous Weekend
mrc tv Chicago Shootings Rise for Second Straight Weekend
mrc tv Four Murdered, 24 Others Wounded in Chicago Over President's Day Weekend
mrc tv Number of Chicago Shooting Victims Up From Previous Weekend
mrc tv Chicago Shootings Reveal the Real Criminals: The Policy Makers
mrc tv Chicago Sees 78% Rise in Weekend Shootings, Largest Total in Two Months
mrc tv 13 People Murdered, At Least 17 Wounded Over Four-Day Span In Chicago
mrc tv A County Judge Was Among Those Murdered in Chicago's Bloody Weekend
mrc tv A Shocking 45 People Were Shot in Chicago Over Easter Weekend
mrc tv Chicago Genocide Continues, City Passes 200 Homicides in 2017
mrc tv Chicago Weekend Shootings Up 81 Percent As Residents Abandon the City
mrc tv Independence Night in Chicago: 7 Killed, 31 Wounded
mrc tv Never-Ending Violence in Chicago Continues: 2 Shot Dead, 32 Wounded
mrc tv Big Rise in Chicago Weekend Shootings, 10-Year-Old Among Victims
mrc tv Six Dead, 35 Wounded: No End in Sight for Chicago Violence
mrc tv 54 People Shot, 9 Killed in Chicago Over Father's Day Weekend
mrc tv 6 People Murdered, 38 Injured in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv 3-Year-Old Boy Among 60 Shot in Chicago's Second Bloodiest Weekend This Year
mrc tv Halloween Weekend Shootings in Chicago Up 30 Percent From Last Year
Daily Wire Christmas Weekend in Chicago: At Least 27 Shot, 7 Dead
Daily Wire Chicago Gun violence
Daily Wire 11 Things You Need To Know About The Chicago Murder Wave
American Military News Number of people shot in Chicago this year surpasses 1,400
American Thinker Chicago celebrates new 'Barack Obama Day' holiday weekend with four dead and dozens shot
American Thinker It's time to hold Democrats responsible for Chicago's violence
American Thinker Violence in Chicago raises serious questions about police reform plan
American Thinker Chicago's Blacks Turn against Rahmbo
mrc tv 'Unacceptable State of Affairs': At Least 42 People Shot During Memorial Day Weekend in Chicago, Despite 1,200 Extra Officers
mrc tv More People Shot in Chicago This Weekend Than Previous Three-Day Weekend: At Least 50 Shot, 10 Dead
mrc tv Chicago: At least 85 People Shot in 7-Day Span Despite Escalation in Illegal Gun Removal
mrc tv Chicago: 56 People Shot Over Weekend, Despite CPD Report Citing 'Four-Year' Shooting Low
mr tv No Holiday: Extended Independence Day Weekend in Chicago - 6 Killed, 63 Wounded
mrc tv Another Bloody Chicago Weekend: At Least 9 Dead, Another 32 Wounded in Shootings Across the City
mrc tv No End in Sight? Another 43 People Shot Over Weekend in Chicago, 2 Dead
mrc tv Another Deadly Weekend in Chicago: 7 Dead, 46 Wounded
mrc tv Chicago Weekend Shootings: 4 Dead, 43 Wounded After Mayor Calls For More Regulations
mrc tv Chicago: At Least 3 Dead, 24 Wounded Over the Weekend
mrc tv Anyone Paying Attention? Another 6 People Killed, 23 Others Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv The Bad & The Good: At Least 8 Dead, 19 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings Despite Rise in Illegal Gun Seizures
mrc tv Never-ending Story: At Least 5 People Killed, 21 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings, Total Shooting Victims Pass 2,000 Mark
mrc tv Tuesday Alone! 16 People Shot in Chicago in One Day, At Least 4 Dead
mrc tv Chicago Weekend Shootings: At Least 7 More Killed, Another 21 Wounded in Shootings Across the City
mrc tv Is Anyone Paying Attention? At Least 5 Dead, 35 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
Conservative Review Chicago is tough on guns and soft on crime, and the people suffer
mrc tv At Least 2 Dead, 16 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv Numbers Rise: At Least 1 Dead, 26 Others Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv Two Teenagers Among 3 Dead, Another 8 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv Anybody Care? Another Teenager Among 3 Dead in Chicago Weekend Shootings, At Least 13 More Wounded
mrc tv Numbers Rising: At Least 9 Killed, 14 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv 11 Children Among 26 Shot in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv At Least 1 Dead, 20 Others Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings, 2020 Shootings Continue to Outpace 2019
mrc tv Chicago Weekend Shootings Don't Slow Down, At Least 1 Dead, 17 Others Wounded
mrc tv Chicago Weekend Shootings See 142% Increase: At Least 4 Dead, Another 42 Wounded
mrc tv No Relief in Sight: At Least 6 Dead, Another 32 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv Chicago Sees Deadliest Memorial Day Weekend Since 2015: At Least 10 Dead, 38 Wounded in Shootings
mrc tv Chicago in Peril: At Least 19 Dead, 63 Wounded in Weekend Shootings
mrc tv Do These Lives Matter? At Least 5 Dead, 30 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv Where's Lightfoot? At Least 10 People Murdered, Another 60 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv While Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Spars with Trump, 25 More People Were Shot on Monday Alone
mrc tv Still Too High: At Least 3 Dead, 56 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings, Lowest Numbers in Over a Month
PJ Media The Slaughter of the Innocents in Chicago Continues With 9-Year Old Murdered
American Renaissance 9 Killed, 25 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv Do Kids Lives Matter? Chicago Kids 10 ∓ Younger Being Shot Up 200 Percent
mrc tv It Never Stops: Chicago Weekend Shootings See at Least 4 Dead, Another 36 Wounded
mrc tv Back to 'Normal': At Least 5 Dead, Another 59 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv Where's Lightfoot? At Least 5 People Killed, 61 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shooting
mrc tv Another Sad Weekend: 8-Year-Old Among 8 Killed, 48 Wounded in Chicago Shootings
mrc tv USPS in Chicago Threaten to Stop Delivering Mail to Dangerous Neighborhoods After Postal Worker Shot
mrc tv Another Deadly Chicago Weekend: At Least 5 Killed, Another 32 Wounded in Shootings
mrc tv Chicago Weekend Shootings: 14-Year-Old Among at Least 7 Killed, 26 Others Wounded
mrc tv Chicago Weekend Shootings: At Least 5 Dead, 34 Wounded
PJ Media The Increase in Chicago's Murder Rate Will Astound You
mrc tv Shooting Rampage Contributes to at Least 5 Dead, 28 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv Nothing Ever Changes: At Least 7 Dead, 23 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv 11-Year-Old Boy Among 20 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings, 2 Others Killed
mrc tv Are These Victims Not Important Enough for the Media? At Least 3 Dead, Another 32 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv All 7 Killed in Chicago Weekend Shootings Happened on Easter Sunday, At Least Another 27 Wounded Overal
mrc tv Chicago in Peril: At Least 11 Dead, 35 Wounded in Weekend Shootings
mrc tv Crime Rising While Silence Reigns: At Least 6 Dead, Another 42 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv Where's Lightfoot's Outrage? At Least 5 Dead, Another 47 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv It Just Keeps Getting Worse: At Least 5 Dead, 72 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv Most Violent Weekend of 2021: At Least 19 Dead, Another 85 Wounded in Chicago Shootings
mrc tv Chicago: At Least 10 Dead & 50 Wounded Over Weekend, Including Six Kids
mrc tv Tragic: 16-Year-Old Boy Among At Least 6 Dead in Chicago Weekend Shootings, 21 Others Wounded
mrc tv Is Lightfoot Failing Chicago? At Least 11 Dead, 61 Wounded in Weekend Shootings
American Thinker The headline says it all: ‘Over 1,000 victims, 126 dead, just 2 convictions: 6 years of mass shootings in Chicago’
mrc tv No One Seems to Care: At Least 8 Dead, 54 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings
mrc tv Chicago: Cook County, Ill. Eclipses 1,000 Homicides for First Time Since 1994
mrc tv You're on Your Own, Chicago: At Least 3 Dead, 24 Wounded in Weekend Shootings
Louder with Crowder Chicago Dad Beaten to Death While Hanging Up Christmas Lights With His Daughter
mrc tv 52 People Shot In Gun-Free Chicago Over Memorial Day Weekend
Louder with Crowder 8 Dead After At Least 71 Shot Over the Weekend in Chicago
mrc tv 6-Year-Old Among 34 Shot In Lori Lightfoot's Anti-Gun Chicago
The Hill TV news crew in Chicago robbed at gunpoint while reporting on robberies

Gun Control: - effectiveness - Portland - Police Control
American Renaissance Portland Records Highest Number of Monthly Murders in ‘Over 30 Years’ as City Slashes Police Budget

Gun Control: - effectiveness - Baltimore
Truth Revolt Baltimore Bests Last Year’s Homicides with 319 Killed - And there’s still the rest of December to go. Merry Christmas, Dems!
Truth Revolt Baltimore’s Climbing Murder Rate Blamed on Relaxed Police Presence - Brought to you by the Obama legacy.

Gun Control: - effectiveness - San Francisco
Louder with Crowder Watch: Armed thugs assault, pistol whip wedding photographer in broad daylight (guess the progressive city)

Gun Control: - effectiveness - Connecticut
mrc tv Study Claims CT Loses Millions Due To New Gun Laws

Gun Control: - effectiveness - Philadelphia
Breitbart Report: 100 Children Shot in Democrat-Controlled Philly in 2020

Gun Control: - effectiveness - Seattle
Bearing Arms Seattle Residents Voted For Gun Control. It’s Not Working

Gun Control: - effectiveness - Minneapolis - Murdereapolis
Federalist Radical Democrats Are Turning Minneapolis Into A Violent Wasteland - If you want to know what the real-time self-destruction of a city looks like under Democrats’ dangerous ideology, Minneapolis offers the perfect model.

Gun Control: - effectiveness - Venezuela
Fox News Venezuelans regret gun ban, 'a declaration of war against an unarmed population'

Gun Control: - confiscate guns, take your guns?
common sense gun legislation = repeal 2nd amendment.
The Federal Government wants to deny people of subnormal intelligence ownership of guns. Barack Hussein Obama wants people of subnormal intelligence defined as Republicans, people who want to own guns, people who don't believe in the fraud of global cooling or global warming, people who oppose any of his policies, .... Heck, as far as Barack Hussein Obama is concerned, anyone who doesn't bow down when he walks by has subnormal intelligence.
Liberals belive the right to bear arms refers to the ability to wear short sleve shirts, as long as the shirts weren't made using child labor, or using natural fibers modifed with GMOs, or ...
Iowa State Daily Snell: Waking the dragon — How Feinstein fiddled while America burned
Cold Servings Nobody wants to take your guns
Canada Free Press Ooops ... Hot mic reveals lawmakers intent to confiscate guns - New Jersey State Legislature
Red Flag News Leaked DOJ Memo: Outlaw And Confiscate All Guns ...
Personal Liberty Digest Obama Doubles Down On Confiscation By Praising Australia’s Gun Laws
The Dollar Vigilante The Two Faces of Gun Confiscation. Both Bite.
reason Human Sacrifices for Gun Control
Liberty News Now Feds Unveil New Weapon in War on Guns
Fox News Right to Bear Arms? Gun grabbing sweeping the nation
Truth Revolt Gun Control Bullying in California - "They singled me out to send a message to others in the gun community."
Truth Revolt College Students Sign Fake Petition to Place Registered Gun Owners In Concentration Camps - The college students don't hesitate.
Examiner Enemies of liberty tip their hand
Truth Revolt LA Bans Possession of Magazines Over 10 Rounds - Unanimous vote
Truth Revolt DNC Platform Committee Member: 'I Don't Think Anyone Should Have A Gun' - "Nothing is ever solved when you have a gun in your hand."
Truth Revolt Appeals Court: Second Amendment Doesn't Cover Concealed Carry Guns - Says it "threatens law enforcement officials and endangers the public."
Truth Revolt California Lt. Governor: 'Easier to Buy Gun Than Happy Meal' - "Would you like a Glock with those fries?"
mrc tv Thank God for the NRA
mrc tv The NRA Fires Back at Obama's Gun Control Measures
mrc tvFeds to Deny Gun Rights to People of 'Subnormal Intelligence,' Other Benefit Recipients
mrc tv Federal Court Rules There's No Second Amendment Right to Concealed Carry
mrc tv Hawaii Governor Degrades Gun Owners to Second Class Citizens
The Law Dog Files Gun Control compromise
Daily Caller Virgin Islands Allows National Guard To Seize Guns, Ammo Ahead Of Hurricane Irma
Free Thought Social Services Worker Fired, Escorted Out by Cops for Having a Gun Permit-NOT a GUN
Chicks On The Right Sorry Alyssa Milano. The Founding Fathers Were Right, And You’re Still An Ignorant Fool.
Activist Post Over One Million Gun Owners Refuse to Obey Ban, No One Turning in Magazines
Monster Hunter Nation The 2nd Amendment is Obsolete, Says Congressman Who Wants To Nuke Omaha
mrc tv First Two Weeks of New Jersey’s Red Flag Gun Statute: State Went After One Person Per Day
mrc tv Disgusting: Leftist Try To Shoehorn Their Gun Phobia Into DC Car-Knife Attack

Gun Control: - gun ownership = saves lives, reduces crime
Bearing Arms guns saving lives
Gun Owners Of America Self Defense Corner
akdart Cases in which guns saved lives
Gun Watch Monitoring people's right to effective self-defence.
Rationality Rebooted
The American Dream 18 Little-Known Gun Facts That Prove That Guns Make Us Safer
Gun Owners Of America Fact Sheet: Guns Save Lives
Crime Prevention Research Center Comparing murder rates and gun ownership across countries
Personal Liberty Digest Proof That Gun Control Actually Works
Personal Liberty Digest Detroit Police Chief Continues To Promote 2nd Amendment Rights As City’s Crime Rate Falls
Guns Save Lives [Video] Gun Owner Shows Poise During Assault and Holds His Fire Due to Downrange Children
Guns Save Lives SC Resident Uses Gun to Stop Possible Killing Spree of Recently Released Convict
Western Journalism Armed Patron Didn’t Hesitate To Stop This Sports Bar Shooter
Common Sense Gun Control of the Very Best Kind
examiner Atlanta mother uses gun to defend children, home, shoots intruder 5 times
Tea Party News Network Good Guy With a Gun’ Stops Second Beheading ... Leftstream Media Forgets to Mention That
The Federalist Papers Project Crime Plummets in Chicago as Conceal Carry Permits Rise
Truth Revolt Detroit Woman Fights Off 5 Home Invaders with Handgun - "If you break into our home, we’re going to kill you."
Truth Revolt Report: Concealed Gun Owner Delays Alleged Robbers
Truth Revolt Detroit Police Chief: Legal Gun Ownership Can Help Stop Crime - "More people have guns and it’s making burglars cautious."
Truth Revolt And This, My Friends, Is Why the Second Amendment Needs to Be Protected - These are the stories the left doesn't want you to hear.
Truth Revolt Dramatic Footage: Woman Uses Gun to Defend Against Armed Home Invasion - Now, that's exercising your Second Amendment rights!
mrc tv Violent Shooter Thwarted By Man Legally Carrying Concealed Handgun
Bearing Arms Unwilling To Abide Stupid Texas Gun Laws, Hero Kills 2 of 4 Armed Robbers
Daily Mail 'The second amendment saved my life': Ex-CNN anchor Lynne Russell speaks out in favor of gun rights after special forces husband shot dead an armed intruder
Extrano's Alley I Want My Right To Defend Myself, With A Gun
Mises Institute FBI: US Homicide Rate at 51-Year Low
mrc tv Ariz. State Trooper Saved by Good Samaritan After Being Shot, Suspect Dead
The Daily Signal These Gun Owners Are Least Likely Criminals, Report Finds
Daily Wire Who’s Doing The Killing In The U.S.? Scholar John Lott Pegs 51% of Murders To 2% Of Counties
Louder With Crowder Concealed Carrier Puts Down Armed Attacker at Peace Rally
mrc tv Armed Citizen Stops Stabbing Suspect
Washington Standard Study: Concealed Carry Permit Holders Break Laws Far Less Than Cops
Bongino Show Concealed Carry Law That Stopped Texas Church Shooting Just Took Effect Recently
Louder With Crowder Home Intruder Attacks 82-Year-Old Veteran's Wife, Gets Bludgeoned to Death by the Veteran
rumble (Not So) Shocking Study: Gun Ownership Leads to Lower Burglary Rates

Gun Control: - videos
YouTube Make Rifles Great Again - Jerone Dacison for Congress
Truth Revolt Whittle on Guns, Global Homicide Rates, and Gun Control - Whittle's words of wisdom.
Truth Revolt Powerful NRA Ad for Black Women: 'I Am Not the Victim You Need Me to Be' - Women all across America are choosing personal security rather than being victims.
The Federalist Papers The Most Effective Magazine System Ever Devised For Turning Gun Grabbing Politician’s Faces Purple With Rage!
YouTube Penn and Teller: Gun Control BS, Part 1
YouTube Penn and Teller: Gun Control BS, Part 2
YouTube Penn and Teller: Gun Control BS, Part 3
YouTube Penn & Teller: Gun Control and Columbine
YouTube Penn & Teller on the 2nd Amendment
YouTube Penn & Teller - Suzanna's Gun Encounter Story
YouTube 2nd Amendment Protection
YouTube Suzanna Gratia Hupp explains meaning of 2nd Amendment!
You Tube Texas Monthly Talks TED NUGENT
You Tube Rapper Ice T on US gun control
You Tube Gun Free Zones
You Tube Police Nationwide Say "You're On Your Own" @Project_Veritas
YouTube Gun Myths Gone in Five Minutes: ABC News 20/20
YouTube Probably the best 2nd Amendment speech ever
YouTube Hitler Survivor Condemns Gun Control 'KEEP YOUR GUNS, BUY MORE GUNS' - Katie Worthman
YouTube 15 year old girl leaves anti-gun politicians speechless
YouTube Anti-Gun Liberal News Anchor gets destroyed repeatedly during Interview with Keith Morgan
YouTube Ann Coulter Tears Into Liberal Gun Hypocrisy: Why Can't We Publish List Of Women Who Get Abortions?
YouTube NYS Assemblyman Mclaughins Closing Argument
YouTube Best 7 minutes on gun control I have ever seen!
YouTube The best pro Gun Spokesman ever
YouTube Ted Nugent on Gun Control - Some Of The best Words Ever Spoken
YouTube GUNS, GUNS, GUNS! (Featuring Michael Moore)
Reality Always Wins Senator McLaughlin Destroys The Gun Control Argument
Best Of Cain Politics: VIDEO: New Glock commercial sure to infuriate liberals everywhere
Reality Always Wins A Great Perspecive By A Naturalized American Originally From China
Guns Save Lives POWERFUL, MUST WATCH Public Service Announcement - Why Do You Need Full Capacity Magazines?
Guns Save Lives Fifteen Year Old Young Lady Leaves Maryland Anti Gun Politicians Speechless
YouTube Why Gun Control Laws Suck
YouTube GUN NUTS: "Your 2nd Amendment is Outdated!"
YouTube The "solution" to gun violence in America
Truth Revolt Dana Loesch Blasts Media's Crime Coverage In Powerful New NRA Ad - "Moms Like Me" Put Guns In Thugs Faces, Says Radio Host
YouTube Rogue Guns! Anti-Gun PSA
YouTube It Only Took This Army Vet 3 Minutes To Destroy Obama's Gun Control Plan
mrc tv Video: Ted Nugent Defends And Gives Great Argument For 2nd Amendment
YouTube Judge Jeanine: Stop blaming guns; start shooting terrorists
YouTube Judge Jeanine Nails It. Says Everyone Must Get Guns & Prepare To Defend Themselves!!
mrc tv Mic Drop: Why the NRA Is Awesome!
mrc tv Reality Check: That Time a Gun Store Derailed a Terrorist
PJ Media Former SEAL to Anti-AR-15 Politicians: STOP TALKING
YouTube Anti-Gun Host Gets OWNED On National Television!
rumble Biden’s Assault On The Right To Keep And Bear Arms
Epoch Times Over 90 Percent of Mass Shootings Happen in Gun-Free Zones | Facts Matter
YouTube AP tells journalist NOT to use made up term "Assault Rifle"... Hell freezing over yet AGAIN ...

Gun Control: - videos - mainstream media lies
YouTube Shots Fired: James O'Keefe Confronts Katie Couric's Deceptive Editing in Gun Documentary
Truth Revolt CNN Anchor Shut Down with Actual Gun Facts - "Well, um, I will check out your stats. I promise you."
mrc tv ABC News Claims Defensive Gun Uses Are 'Gun Violence'

Gun Control: - we need gun control because too many criminals are discouraged or injured when confronted with armed victims.
google search homeowner shoots kills home invader 5 Thugs vs One Gray-Haired Gun Owner (VIDEO) Gun Owner Saves Cop's Life by Shooting Deranged Gunman! (VIDEO)
Federal Observer Bender: BLACK HISTORY and the Second Amendment
Town Hall Good Girl with Gun Lives, Bad Guy with Knife Dies
Fox News Time to Put An End to Army Bases as Gun-Free Zones
Last Refuge The Gun Is Civilization
Breitbart Guns Used to Save Two Women from Attackers
ABC 4 Gun carrying man ends stabbing spree at Salt Lake grocery store
Guns Houston father fatally shoots armed intruders during home invasion, saves family (VIDEO)
mrc tv Media Blackout: Oregon Mall Shooting Stopped By Licensed Gun Carrier
Mail Online British hero of the mall massacre: Ex Royal Marine with a handgun saved 100 lives as terrorists ran amok
Yahoo! News NRA: 'Good guy with a gun,' not gun control, stopped Arapahoe High rampage
WSAZ3 News Channel UPDATE: Neighbor Stops Home Invaders by Shooting One and Holding Other at Gunpoint
Alabama's 13 WVTM-TV Birmingham woman shoots ex-boyfriend hiding in her basement
Komo News Police: Intruder shot dead by Pierce County homeowner
The Blade Wounded man accused of ties to burglary
Pilot Online Police: Hampton man, 76, shoots intruder in the arm
WDIO Sheriff: Suspects Looking for Painkillers in Home Invasion
Grand Forks Herald Grand Forks felon shot during alleged home invasion
Komo News Car thief caught in the act killed in gun battle with former Marine
6 South Florida Davie Man Shoots Armed Intruders With AK-47
Truth Revolt Uber Driver Stops Mass Shooting with Gun, Now Uber Bans Guns - "[T]o make sure riders and drivers feel comfortable."
Washington Post Do citizens (not police officers) with guns ever stop mass shootings?

Gun Control: - we need gun control because too many criminals are discouraged or injured when confronted with armed victims. - blame the victim, not the criminal
Bearing Arms "WELCOME TO ARIZONA!" Phoenix Gun Owner Thwarts Bank Robbery, Kills Suspect

Gun Control: - committing a crime is not an excuse for shooting at a criminal
Bearing Arms Mother of thug killed during armed robbery whines "it’s not fair."
Bearing Guns HE SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN HIS SQUAD CAR: Cop-Killer’s Family Blames The Police For Officer’s Death
Bearing Guns Family, Friends Of Dead Home Invaders Say "They Didn’t Deserve To Get Killed."
Bearing Arms Armed Robber’s Family Desperately Wants To Blame Others For His Demise
Bearing Arms Dead criminal’s family whines that Dallas homeowner didn’t warn home invader before shooting him
Bearing Guns Family, Friends Of Dead Home Invaders Say "They Didn’t Deserve To Get Killed."
Bearing Guns Alabama family is irate Good Samaritan shot their son... as he held a gun to an employee’s head during armed robbery
Bearing Guns The Parents Of This Dead Robber Are Really Mad His Victim Had A Gun
mrc tv Clerk Shoots Would-Be Armed Robber, Gets Suspended From Job

Gun Control: - Liberal Privilege - Guns Don't Kill People, Democrats With Guns Kill People
Project Veritas Congressional Gun Grabbers' Hypocrisy Exposed
The Truth About Guns Shannon Watts: The New Face of Gun Control Hypocrisy
mrc tv Guess What Virginia's Governor Brought to an Anti-Gun Rally
mrc tv CNN's Sally Kohn Blames 'AK-15s' for Mass Shootings
mrc tv Top 5 Dumb Things Lawmakers Have Said About Guns
American Thinker Hollywood's Hypocrisy on Guns, Drugs, and Breaking the Law
Mises Institute Guns Don't Cause Suicide
Truth Revolt AUDIO: Charlie Rangel 'Glad' Citizens Can't Carry Guns, But He 'Deserves' Protection - Once again, that's guns for me, not for thee.
NewsBusters CNN Gets Schooled By Guest With Actual Facts on Gun Violence in the U.S.
Louder With Crowder/a> Dear Anti-Gun Liberals: The NRA Isn’t the Problem. You Are...
Truth Revolt Millett: No Gun Ever Killed Anyone - Only the hand of a homicidal person kills.
National Review The Left Ignores Law Enforcement’s Failures in Parkland
Truth Revolt As Hollywood Feigns Outrage Over Gun Violence, Its Top Film Promotes It - "Most importantly, we simply need to put down the guns!"
Truth Revolt Student Faces Expulsion for Joking that Square Root Symbol Looks Like Gun - Things are out of control.
Daily Wire PARKLAND: Newly Released Sworn Statement By School Security Sparks More Outrage, Questions - "We had a meeting about him last year and we said if there's gonna be anybody whose gonna come to this school and shoot this school up, it's going to be that kid."
YouTube "Demand a Plan" Parody: Celebrity Hypocrites Spewing Gun Control Propaganda Out Of Both Ends
Louder With Crowder Dear Kamala Harris, You Anti-Gun, Opportunistic, Hypocritical Skank...
Gateway Pundit Panicked Leftists Surprised They Can’t Just Purchase a Gun Online Like They Were Told

Gun Control: - Liberal Facts = Lies
Rod Martin The New York Times Says Pro-Gun Folks "Hear Nothing"
Guns Save Lives CNN: Mass Shootings Not on the Rise
mrc tv Gun Store Owners Correct False Headlines About Man Accidentally Shot by Own Gun
mrc tv NRA Vice Pres. Shatters Anti-Gun Rights Arguments in One Video
The Truth About Guns Comparing Car and Gun Fatalities is Misleading and Irrelevant
Red State Steven Crowder Takes SkyNews Host to School, and Things Get a Little Heated
Truth Revolt America: More Guns than Ever, Never Been Safer - "The gulf between the facts about guns and the public’s perception is immense, and was created deliberately."
Mises Institute Terry McAuliffe's Fuzzy Math on Gun Homicid

Gun Control: - Liberal Hysterical Reaction - Blame Game
Monster Hunter Nation Guns and Vultures
Personal Liberty Digest Blaming The Constitution For A Meth Head’s Rampage
PJ Media How the 'New York Times' and Loretta Lynch Made Me Join the NRA
American Thinker Another Senseless Shooting; Another Senseless Response from the Anti-Gun Crowd
mrc tv Gov. McAuliffe: U.S. Gun Violence Kills '93 Million People a Day'
PJ Media Parkland Survivors Attack Dana Loesch's Children
Sultan Knish Who Runs March for Our Lives?
Louder With Crowder Dear David Hogg, You’re a Lying, Opportunistic, Insufferable Little Toe Rag
Louder With Crowder Dear Parkland Activists: You Admit to Bullying the Shooter, But Have the Gall to Blame Guns and the NRA?
Louder With Crowder David Hogg shows what a garbage human he is by attacking a GOP Senator who lost a friend in the Lousiville Shooting

Gun Control: - Liberal Hysterical Overreaction To Nonexistant Threats
Breitbart FBI: Nearly Three Times More People Stabbed to Death Than Kill
Bayou Renaissance Man Doofus Of The Day #759
AC News / Good Morning America/ Yahoo! News Kindergartner Suspended Over Bubble Gun Threat (because guns are evil, insane overreactions are required)
American Thinker Five year old girl suspended from school for making 'terrorist threat'
The Commentator Anti-gun hysteria sees 5 year old suspended from kindergarten for bubble gun remark
Washington Examiner MontCo school suspends 6-year-old for pretend gunshot
Daily Caller Oklahoma may legalize things that vaguely resemble guns but aren’t actually guns
Fox News School Confiscates Cupcakes Decorated with Toy Soldiers
Personal Liberty Digest Eeek! An Armed Citizen!
Personal Liberty Digest There’s No Winning: Conscientious Pennsylvania Kid Gets Suspended From School For Voluntarily Turning In Toy Gun
reason Teen Arrested, Suspended for Shooting a Dinosaur (In a Story He Wrote)
reason Hearing Examiner: School Was Right to Suspend Little Boy Who Chewed Pop-Tart Into Shape of Gun
KDFW Fo 4 Photo of teens before homecoming causing controversy
Truth Revolt Texas School Bans Star Wars T-shirt Because There Is a Gun on It - No "symbols oriented toward violence."
Truth Revolt NYPD Commissioner: Americans With Guns Bigger Threat Than Terrorism - There's a memorial in NYC that disagrees.
Truth Revolt Kindergartener Suspended for Bringing Bubble-Blowing 'Gun' to School - It's OK to brainwash 5-year-olds into thinking they're gender-fluid. But blow bubbles? Verboten!
Truth Revolt Four-Year-Old Suspended from Preschool for Bringing .22 Brass Casing to Class - Boys will be boys? Not in the house Obama built.
Truth Revolt 16-Year-Old Student Expelled for Entire Year Over Water Gun - When "zero tolerance" turns into extreme overreaction.
mrc tv New Jersey Actor Could Face Decade in Jail for Possessing BB Gun
mrc tv Kindergartener Suspended for Bringing a Bubble-Blowing Gun to School
mrc tv 12-Year-Old Girl Arrested & Handcuffed For Making a 'Finger Gun' At School

Gun Control: - Liberal Logic - Attitude - Death Threats (any excuse to take guns from future victims and leave them in the hands of criminals is fine with us)
Piers Morgan is the perfect poster boy to stand up for the things that make no sense at all to common sense people. - Ted Nugent
Story Leak Gun Control Logic: To Protect from North Korean Nukes, US Only Needs to Declare Itself ‘Nuke Free Zone’
Breitbart Piers Morgan: 'Of Course' I'm 'Gleeful Tragedy Happened'
Breitbart CNN's Piers Morgan Calls Pro-Gun Rights Guest 'Unbelievably Stupid Man'
Opposing Views Colorado State Representative Joe Salazar Claims Women Might Accidentally Shoot Someone if Armed (Video)
CNS News Colo. Lawmaker: Armed Women Might Shoot Someone Just Because 'You Feel Like You're Going To Be Raped'
The Truth About Guns Obama Pardons Gun Crime Convict...Why?
Fox News Colorado state senator criticized for remarks to rape victim at gun hearing
YouTube Colorado Legislator on guns: Defend yourself with ballpoint pens
American Thinker Colorado Democrats to Rape Victims: Lie Back and Enjoy It
American Thinker Never Let a Dead Child Go to Waste
American Thinker When You Have to Shoot, Shoot; Don't Talk
The Daily Sheeple Military Forces Must Be Deployed to Chicago to Combat Gun Crime, Demands Lawmaker
Tea Party Economist Holder Says: "Don’t Stand Your Ground. Run" (because it is so easy to outrun bullets)
reason Gun Expert Joe Biden Advises His Wife To Illegally Discharge a Shotgun
The Daily Caller Cuomo’s new gun law does not exempt New York cops, could prevent police from responding to school shootings
Bearing Arms - Saving Liberty and Lives The Best Example Yet of "Better Than You" Gun Control Hypocrisy
PJ Media Can We Credit the New Conceal Carry Law in Chicago for Reduced Homicide Rate?
TPNN Nine Months After Passing Concealed Carry, What has Happened to Chicago’s Murder Rate?
The Daley Gator New concealed carry reducing crime in Chicago
USCCA The Attack of the Man With No Brain!
Personal Liberty Digest Santa Barbara And The Blame Game
Personal Liberty Digest Uniformed Cop Told He Can’t Carry In Gun-Free Zone
Personal Liberty Digest Bloomberg Gives Colorado Governor Hickenlooper’s GOP Opponent An Unintended Gift
Gun Watch Illustrated Guide to Gun Control
Truth Revolt Pelosi Uses Murder Committed By Illegal Immigrant To Pitch ... Gun Control - Because the weapon did it.
Truth Revolt Gun used to Kill Katie Steinle Belonged to Federal Agent
Truth Revolt Anti-Gun Nut Fakes Video Of Dana Loesch Shooting Herself - Remember, they are the reasonable ones.

Gun Control: - Public Support or lack thereof
Truth Revolt POLL: Assault Weapons Ban Support Drops - Most in 20 years
Truth Revolt Who’s Behind Anti-Gun ‘March for Our Lives?’ Take a Wild Guess - HINT: It's not the bereaved high school shooting survivors.

Gun Control: - Cooking
Truth Revolt Senator Ted Cruz Makes Bacon ... with a Gun

Gun Control: - Analyzed
Rick Notes Thoughts on the current gun debate.
Rick Notes Thoughts on the gun debate part 2
Rick Notes Thoughts on the gun debate part 3
Rick Notes Thoughts on the gun debate part 4
Rick Notes Comparing England (or UK) murder rates with the US: More complex than you thought
Rick Notes Thoughts on the gun debate part six: A scholar's view of history.
Rick Notes Thoughts on the gun debate part seven: Treat guns like cars.
Rick Notes Thoughts on Gun Control - part eight. The Manchin-Toomey proposal. What went wrong?
Rick Notes Guns are bad. Evil Evil guns. Thoughts on gun control part nine: Summary

Gun Control: - opposition
WKYT Gov. Bevin signs permitless conceal carry bill into law

Gun Control: - humor
mrc tv VIDEO: The Gun Control Song
mrc tv If The Media Covered Planned Parenthood Like It Covers Guns
PowerLine Hope for California! Gun Yoga?
Babylon Bee Opinion: I Will Stop At Nothing To Take Away Your Constitutional Rights—Whoa Bro, Why Are You Attacking Me, I’m Just A Kid!
The People's Cube Ban Public Schools or Commonsense Public School Control?
YouTube It's Time: To give our guns to Hitler
YouTube Winning the Argument for Gun Control
Babylon Bee Opinion: We Are Not Coming For Your Guns—We Just Want A Sensible Ban On All Automatic, Semi-Automatic, Bolt-Action, Pump-Action, Lever-Action, Break-Action, And Muzzle-Loading Firearms
Babylon Bee Report: King George Really Regretted Not Imposing Red Flag Laws On Deranged American Colonists
Babylon Bee CNN Criticizes Pregnant Woman For Shooting Poor, Defenseless Man Who Was Simply Seeking Asylum In Her Home
Babylon Bee The Bee Explains: Assault Rifles
Babylon Bee Top 10 Reasons You Should Just Turn Your Guns Over To The Government TODAY
YouTube Law Abiding Criminals
YouTube 10 Reasons You Should Turn In Your Guns
YouTube The Three Little Pigs Learn About Gun Control (book reading)
YouTube The Big Bad Wolf Strikes Back - how gun control works (Book Reading)
YouTube Murderer Undecided On Whether He'll Follow New Gun Laws
YouTube If Women Had The Same Rights As Guns
Genesius Times New Zealand bans guns so citizens feel safer during the next mass shooting
Genesius Times BREAKING: Democrats promise to keep killing kids until you give up your guns
YouTube 7 Gun-Free Tactics To Defend Your Home
YouTube Liberty Doll: If Women Had the Same Rights as Guns

Gun Powder Magazine


SERIOUS LINKS (Economy, Liberty, Government, ...)
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Halt The Assault

Sean Hannity

Davis Jr. Five Counties Are Trying To Leave Left Wing Oregon And Become Part Of Idaho

Hate Crime Hoaxes

Ian aworth YAF Speech: How Do We “Liberate America From Wokeness”?

Heritage Foundation

Hillsdale College
Hillsdale College Imprimis - free monthly speech digest
Hillsdale College Imprimis - Thoughts on the Current Crisis

Homeland Stupidity

Homeless: - Homeless Industrial Complex - - Encouraging Homelessness
Louder With Crowder City hands out $2M of taxpayer money to the homeless, but only certain ‘marginalized’ homeless
Louder With Crowder 'I don't need help!': Homeless take over Los Angeles, throw feces at residents
Louder With Crowder Homeless Camp In Denver Features Pop-Up Bar With Rentable Prostitution Tents
Louder With Crowder Homeless Crisis So Bad In California, They're Found Living In Furnished Caves 20-Feet Below Ground
Louder With Crowder Blue State Calls For Ban Of Hostile Architecture That Prevents Homeless Encampments And... Wait, "Hostile Architecture?"

Honey Badger Brigade

Hoover Institution think tank on domestic policy and international affairs.

Hope N Change Cartoons

Ami Horowitz man on the street interviews

Hot Air Nonprofit launches ads against companies that opposed Georgia election for using woke politics to distract from their failings

According To Hoyt (Sarah A. Hoyt) I Come To Praise Unfairness
According To Hoyt (Sarah A. Hoyt) Smelling the Smoke
According To Hoyt (Sarah A. Hoyt) Stormy Weather
According To Hoyt (Sarah A. Hoyt) HAS EVERYONE LOST THEIR MIND?
According To Hoyt (Sarah A. Hoyt) Plan G? From Outer Space
According To Hoyt (Sarah A. Hoyt) We, Magnificent Bastards
According To Hoyt (Sarah A. Hoyt) The Thing And The Whole Of The Thing

Hudson Institute think tank and public policy research organization

Human Events

Human Waste were do people go when they want to go in the streets of San Francisco.
Daily Caller San Francisco Is A Literal S***hole, Public Defecation Map Reveals
Bold Italic Why Is There So Much Human Shit on the Streets?-The Bold Italic-San Francisco

SERIOUS LINKS (Economy, Liberty, Government, ...)
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I Hate The Media

IFL Science Many People Use Drugs - But Here’s Why Most Don’t Become Addicts

Immigration - Infiltration - Immigrants - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Barack Hussein Obama wants to change the motto on the Statue of Liberty to:
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to behead. Send me the wretched refuse of your teeming shore anxious to collect welfare and kill infidels.
Immigration without assimilation is not immigration, it's an invasion.
Every 12 days an American citizen dies at the hands of an illegal alien with a criminal record.
Come for the free health care, stay for the free welfare.
Illegal aliens are not immigrants, they are criminals.
If an illegal alien is an undocumented worker ... then a drug dealer is an unlicensed pharmacist.
If an illegal alien is an undocumented worker ... then a bank robber is an undocumented withdrawer.
A nation without [secure] borders is not a nation. - Ronald Reagan
If fences don’t work, why is there one around the White House? - Charles Krauthammer
... unrestricted open borders are unwise, unsafe and un-American. - Michelle Malkin
A country that doesn't value its own citizens and sovereignty first won't endure as a country for long. - Michelle Malkin
Instead of bringing all the Mexicans here, why don't all the Democrats just move to Mexico?
Immigration - links - Immigrants - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Unz Review They're All Open-Borders Hypocrites
YouTube Who Cares About Illegal Immigration?
American Thinker Illegal Immigration’s Consequences Are the Pits
Federalist A Drug Cartel Just Defeated The Mexican Military In Battle
Conservative Review Forget new border laws; federal judges say we can’t even enforce current ones
Conservative Review Here’s what a REAL emergency border plan would look like
Conservative Review Williams: Politics of immigration
Lew Rockwell Open Borders: A Libertarian Reappraisal
The Political Insider Syrian Refugee Myth
Truth Revolt Dalai Lama: There Are 'Too Many' Refugees in Europe - "Europe, for example Germany, cannot become an Arab country."
Lew Rockwell Open Borders: A Libertarian Reappraisal
Truth Revolt Coulter: Every Pro-Immigration Claim is a Lie - "Here's an idea: How about NOT taking in immigrants who are poor, uneducated, come from dysfunctional families and settle in disadvantaged environments?" The Coming of Mexifornia
Border Invasion Pics
Hillsdale College Imprimis: Practical Thoughts on Immigration
Dvorak Uncensored Feds Warn US Citizens off Interstate in Arizona, Controlled by Mexican Drug Gangs
Let's say I break into your house ...
National Review Online Dream On America's Choice: legal Arizona or illegal San Francisco
New York Times Why Arizona Drew a Line
Mail Online The outrageous truth slips out: Labour cynically plotted to transform the entire make-up of Britain without telling us
Mises Institute Sad End to the Immigration Issue
Mises Institute The Tragedy of Immigration Enforcement
Mises Institute Immigration Policy Must Be Decentralized
The Circle Bastiat Immigration Reform: The Monsters Under the Bed
New Zeal Obama File 95 Obama's Socialist Advisers Push Immigration Reform to "Create a Governing Coalition For the Long Term"
Daily Inter Lake Racial profiling: It's only cool if it DOESN'T save lives
Yahoo! News Migrants sell up and flee Arizona ahead of crackdown
Yahoo! News/AP Arizona sheriff not relenting after court ruling
Yahoo! News/AP Is your state considering an Arizona copycat law?
Ozark Sentinnel Missouri Ahead of the Game in Dealing with Illegal Immigrants
The Hemingway Report Arizona Law Having Toungue In Cheek Effect ...
American Thinker California Caves to Illegals
American Thinker Why Obama Challenged Arizona's Immigration Law
American Thinker The Drug Cartels Keep Arizona's Border Wide Open
American Thinker Filmmaker Dennis M. Lynch Exposes the Illusory Fence "Protecting" Our Border
American Thinker Precious U.S. Citizenship: Diminished and Given Away by Obama
American Thinker Border Security Promises Can Be Canceled
American Thinker Obama's Children's Crusade
American Thinker Is Anything Obama's Fault?
American Thinker Amnesty: The Death of America
American Thinker The brutal Obama policy that's really driving the Border Crisis
American Thinker 13 reasons why we should not admit Muslim 'refugees'
L. Neil Smith's Down With Power I Lift My Lamp Beside The Golden Door
Fox 8 Iowa Rep Suing President Obama Over New Immigration Plan
Christian Science Monitor Lamar Smith: Obama's amnesty for illegal immigrants is against the law
The Daily Caller Obama enacts semi-amnesty for Hispanic vote
The Daily Caller Obama administration tries to downplay impact, muffle public opposition to amnesty move
The Daily Caller Obama immigration amnesty to include middle school dropouts
The Daily Caller Arizona sheriff: Border is a mess, union rules hamper Border Patrol work
The Daily Caller Massachusetts college sets up scholarship program for illegal immigrants
The Daily Caller ICE agents sue Napolitano, Morton over immigration policies
The Daily Caller Border Meltdown: Obama Delivering 290,000 Illegals To U.S. Homes
World Net Daily Invasion USA: Obama grants immunity to young illegals
World Net Daily Nearly 1 million illegal aliens crossed border in 2016 - Sessions blows whistle on Obama for telling 'half the story' on immigration
Rush Limbaugh Obama Amnesty Plan: Catch, Release, Vote
Joshua Pundit This Week's Forum: Illegal Migration And What To Do About It
Montanans for Immigration Law Enforcement (MILE) LR-121
Montanans for Immigration Law Enforcement (MILE) Immigration Myths and Facts
YouTube Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - Updated 2010
YouTube Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - Canada Free Press Illegal Aliens and Federal Benefits
Human Events Demography is destiny
The Blaze Fed-Up Immigration Agents Sue Obama Admin. For Right to Do Their Jobs
Canada Free Press Criminal alien allegedly rapes, brutalizes 9-year-old in ‘Sanctuary City’
Canada Free Press Obama Obstruction of Immigration Law Results In "Urgent Humanitarian Crisis" at Border! - Defiant refusal to honor the rule of law
Canada Free Press Obama’s Secret Destruction of Our Immigration System - Hastening the "fundamental transformation" of our nation while there's still time
Canada Free Press Engineered Migration and Demographic Suicide - Will the massive engineered migration from third world countries, the demographic suicide of the west, the overall degradation of western society, and the mental disorder of liberalism eventually doom western civilization?
Judicial Watch Rise in Illegal Immigration Overwhelms Local Police
Judicial Watch Feds Warn Of Terrorists Sneaking Into U.S. Through Mexico
Washington Times Homeland Security helps smuggle illegal immigrant children into the U.S.
Media Research Center Immigration Officials Release Murderers, Sex Offenders and Drunk Drivers, Networks Ignore
mrc tv Obama Releases 160 Illegal Alien Kids Into The U.S PER DAY In August
mrc tv 2/3 Of Aliens Admitted Under Obama's 'Minor' Program Are Adults
mrc tv O’Reilly Slams ‘Hysterical’ Media Coverage of Immigration Raids: ‘That’s Not Press Bias - It’s Blatant Dishonesty’
Personal Liberty Digest Obama’s Refugee Crisis
Personal Liberty Digest America Being Transformed Before Our Eyes
Personal Liberty Digest ‘Illegal Immigration’ Is A PC Term; This Is An Invasion
Personal Liberty Digest Culture Shift: Obama Administration Rolls Out ‘Unlawful Migration’ To Replace ‘Illegal Immigration’
Personal Liberty Digest ICE And Border Patrol Representatives Tell Congress Illegal Children Are Clearing The Way For Cartels
Personal Liberty Digest Americans Want Jobs, Not Immigrants
Personal Liberty Digest Obama’s Underhanded Immigration Overhaul In Full Swing As American Frustration Grows
Personal Liberty Digest Ron Paul Explains What’s Missing In The Current Immigration ‘Crisis’ Debate
Personal Liberty Digest Reid: The Border Is Secure
Personal Liberty Digest DHS Expects To Spend Between $250 And $1,000 Per Day To House Illegal Immigrant Children
Personal Liberty Digest Here’s Your Get-Rich-Quick Scheme
Personal Liberty Digest Barack Obama, Child Abuser
Personal Liberty Digest Immigrants With Criminal Pasts Often Go Free In The U.S. When ICE Runs Out Of Options
Personal Liberty Digest Congressman Returns U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Award Over Chamber’s Pro-Amnesty Stance
Personal Liberty Digest Lawlessness At The Border Taking Inevitable Toll On U.S. Crime
Tea Party News Network Obama Unleashes his Wrath on Arizona Using Children as Pawns
New York Post Central American newspapers encouraging illegal immigration
Jewish World Review Send us your violent bigots, yearning to butcher our citizens
Breitbart EXCLUSIVE : USA Beacon for Illegal Immigration
Breitbart New York Times: Ugly for Americans Against Illegal Immigration to Wave American Flags, Chant 'USA'
Breitbart Leaked Border Crisis Intel Shreds Narrative from Media and Obama Admin
Breitbart LISTEN - Breitbart’s Aaron Klein: How Israel’s Border Barriers Stop Illegals from Infiltrating
Real Clear Politics Krauthammer: "If Fences Don't Work, Why Is There One Around The White House?"
The Weekly Standard Disorder at the Border - What Obama wrought.
National Review Online Obama’s ‘Man-Caused’ Disaster - The administration’s response to the border crisis is yet another misstep on immigration.
PowerLine At the Border, Contradictions Are Heightened
PowerLine Straw men at the border
NewsBusters Coulter Column: Happy 30th Anniversary, Central American Humanitarian Crisis
Jewish World Review Happy 30th birthday, Central American humanitarian crisis
Conservative Tribune WATCH: Sheriff Sends Mexican President a Bill for Housing Illegals [VIDEO]
Reason What's Happening to America in the Borderlands? Two thirds of Americans live within a hundred miles of a border or coast, where feds are allowed to violate more of their rights
Reason President Obama Says It's Someone Else's Fault Immigration Reform Hasn't Happened Yet, Will Do His Best to Pretend to Do Something
YouTube PJTV: America Gone Psycho: Why Do Liberals Resist Securing the Border?
Tea Party News Network When You Read What Sheriff Joe Said About Obama, You’ll Want to Pack Your Bags and Move to Arizona
Soda Head What if the illegals left?
Uncle Sam's Misguided Children What if All the Illegal Aliens Left the U.S.?
examiner Obama's planned post-election executive actions to radically transform America
Truth Revolt Ben Shapiro: Republicans Secretly Want Obama's Amnesty
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: Brass Tacks on Immigration
Chicks On The Right Every Liberal Argument About DREAMers And "Black Lives Matter" Just Got Demolished By This Grieving Father
Ann Coulter For Death By Isis You Have To Go Out; Illegal Aliens Deliver!
Truth Revolt Obama Rewrites Another Immigration Policy - Kicks open door for transfer visas
Truth Revolt Coulter on Fusion TV: Mexico's Culture Defficient - Tells Jorge Ramos that Americans should fear immigrants
Truth Revolt Coulter: Ramos Can Stay, But Matt Lauer Has to Go - 'Adios, America!' in bookstores next Monday, June 1.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Immigration - Hey, Look! A Cop Yelling at a Black Girl in a Bikini! - Don't Americans have a right to know about the cultures flooding into our country?
Truth Revolt Coulter: First Mary Jo Kepechne, Then America - If tolerance is so important, why aren't Third World immigrants asked to be tolerant of American laws and morals?
Truth Revolt Malkin: Is Your Church Abetting Sanctuary Nation? - Liberal "sanctuary" programs protect, harbor and enable criminal illegal aliens who disappear into the deportation abyss.
Truth Revolt Fiorina: Americans Are Right To Be Angry About Immigration - "we don't know who comes into the country, we don't know who leaves the country"
Truth Revolt Coulter: Voters to GOP: We're Just Not That Into Immigrants - All the donor money in the world isn't going to help you, Republicans, if the voters hate you.
Truth Revolt Coulter: 'Immigrant' - The New N-Word - Why were any of them in this country? What are we getting out of this?
Truth Revolt Coulter: Fox News Anchored in Stupidity on 14th Amendment - Fox News is using black people as a false flag to keep cheap Third World labor flowing.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Small But Honest Columnist Again Forced to Correct Highest-Rated Show on Cable TV - Bill O'Reilly is now taking job applications for the nonexistent Jeb! administration.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Refugees - Another One for the 'Not Our Problem' File - This country will soon be nothing more than another failed Latin American state.
Truth Revolt Pat Condell on 'The Invasion of Europe' - "What could possibly go wrong?"
Truth Revolt Coulter: The War on America Turns 50 - Post-1965-act immigrants are nothing like the people who already lived here.
Truth Revolt Has ISIS Tried to Cross the Border? Texas Official Gives Alarming Answer
Truth Revolt Epiphany: Hungary Erects Razor-Wire Wall That Keeps Out Refugees - "The border closure is working, it has effectively stopped illegal border-crossing."
Truth Revolt Coulter: The War on America Turns 50 - Post-1965-act immigrants are nothing like the people who already lived here.
Truth Revolt Coulter: When the Third World Attacks! - The insistent demand for an endless flow of Third World immigrants has become a mass psychosis.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Where Is America's 'Force Protection' from Refujihadis? - Get our own house in order first.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Happy Birthday to Me! - We want remarkable Americans, not immigrants whose selling point is: "hasn't blown anything up yet."
Truth Revolt Horowitz: Who’s The Crazy One? - The 2016 election will be a referendum on the defense of this country and its survival. Let’s see who answers the call.
Truth Revolt Malkin: National Security Profiling Is a No-Brainer - It is not "un-American" to bar new religious visas for dangerous Muslim clerics or freeze visas to travelers from state sponsors of terrorism.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Immigration and Our Founding Fathers' Values - Open borders are unwise, unsafe and un-American.
Truth Revolt Coulter: The New York Times' Featured Syrian Refugee of the Week - "The Times is incredulous that Americans aren't leaping with ecstasy at the government's plan to continue dumping these sick, sadistic cultures on us."
Truth Revolt Europe's Jews Fleeing to Israel in Record Numbers - And not just from France but the UK, Belgium and Italy, too.
Truth Revolt Afghan Migrant Unloads on Swedish Bus Passengers: 'I'll Eat Humans' and 'Kill 10 People' - But we thought these migrants were just seeking a better life and grateful to their host countries.
Truth Revolt Refugees Continue to Burn 'Calais Jungle' Camp, Concerned Citizens Say Migrants Want 'War' - This should serve as a cautionary tale.
Truth Revolt Syrian Refugees Admitted into U.S. Since Paris Attacks: 525 Muslims, 1 Christian - "It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world." - ISIS
Truth Revolt Poland Says 'No' to Migrants Following Brussels - "This carefree attitude led to the problems that we have today."
Truth Revolt Rep. King to Angry Immigrant Activists: 'You're Supposed to be Demonstrating What Good Citizens You'd Make' - "Are you an example of the America we can expect?
Truth Revolt Feds Spend $564,231 on 'Culturally Appropriate' Farmers Markets for Refugees
Truth Revolt Illegals Crossing the Border So Far This Year Surpasses Last Year's Total - And they're being housed and fed by taxpayers.
Truth Revolt That Time Harry Reid Sounded Exactly Like Donald Trump on Illegal Immigration - Reid was right. There. We said it.
Truth Revolt Novel Idea: UK Building a Wall to Keep Out Refugees - Not such a bad idea after all, is it?
Truth Revolt Federal Judge to Immigrants: Don’t Like Trump, Go to Another Country - "He is your president."
Truth Revolt November Had Biggest Surge in Illegal Border Crossings - "The reality is they come to the borders and they are being released."
Truth Revolt Coulter: Give Me Your Tired Arguments - Until politicians can give us more government services for less money, they need to stop bringing in the poor of the world on our dime.
Truth Revolt Border Wall Gets Most Attention, But Visa Overstays the Real Problem - Illegal immigration isn’t a one-issue problem.
Truth Revolt Coulter: We Have Now Hit Full-On Crazy - The goal of liberals is for the poor of the world to have a constitutional right to come here whenever they want.
Truth Revolt Malkin: There Is No Such Thing As a 'Deserving DREAMer' - Since when did DACA become the Depression and Anxiety Cure for Amnesty-seekers?
Truth Revolt Coulter: No Amnesty is a Good Amnesty - Trump is the last president who will ever have a chance to make the right decision on immigration.
Truth Revolt Prager: 3 Reasons the Left Wants Evermore Immigrants - If any one of these reasons accurately describes the left's attitude toward America and immigration, America is headed for trouble. If all three are accurate, America is headed for an existential crisis.
Truth Revolt Elder: Take the ‘Racist Xenophobe’ Quiz–Who Said This About Illegal Immigration? - Not long ago, both Democrats and Republicans advocated safe, secure borders and an immigration policy of admitting immigrants who benefit, not burden, Americans.
mrc tv Trump: 'NBC and Macy's Support Illegal Immigration'
Jewish World Review Immigration advocates frightened by 99-pound blonde
The American Dream 19 Very Disturbing Facts About Illegal Immigration That Every American Should Know
Hillsdale College - Imprimis Practical Thoughts on Immigration
Hillsdale College - Imprimis Immigration and National Security
mrc tv Obama: U.S. 'Can Welcome Refugees' AND 'Ensure Our Own Security'
mrc tv CBP: Illegal Alien Family Units Up 179% in 1st Month of FY2016, Unaccompanied Minors Up 97%
mrc tv CBP Report Shows Current Illegal Alien Surge Could Surpass FY2014 Numbers
mr tv Islam Has No Place in German Culture, Says Two-Thirds of Germans
mrc tv FBI: Illegal Alien Gang Members Murdered Victims 30 Minutes From U.S. Immigration Headquarters
mrc tv Report: Sweden's Actually Paying Refugees to Go Home
Refugee Resettlement Watch
PJ Media 'Migrants' in Europe Rapidly Wearing Out Welcome
Jewish World Review The Emperor's Moral Narcissism
Daily Wire Over 30,000 Migrants From Terrorist Countries Entered U.S. In 2015
YouTube The Truth About Sweden
Steyn Online Dreams, Delusions and Duplicity
Breitbart Report: Middle East Refugees to Begin Arriving to U.S. from Australia
Sarah A. Hoyt Telling the Hard Truth - by Dave Freer
David L. Burkhead Immigration Policy Redux
Hot Air An army of illegal aliens is marching on America
Daily Wire Migrant Caravan Swells To As Many As 10,000, Resumes March Toward U.S.-Mexican Border
American Thinker The Second Caravan Sealed the Democrats' Fate
Federalist Why A Country That Accepts All Comers Isn’t A Country At All
mrc tv MSNBC Reporter Blows Lid Off Media's 'Caravan' Narrative: 64% Are Men
Fox News Migrant group demands Trump either let them in or pay them each $50G to turn around: report
Conservative Review Encouraging illegal immigration is not compassionate; it’s dangerous
Daily Wire WATCH: GOP Rep. Brooks Explains Why Democrats Want Open Borders
Conservative Review Poll finds most Americans don’t realize how bad the border crisis is. Here are the eye-popping numbers
mrc tv Report: New Major Influx of African Illegal Aliens As Border Crisis Continues
American Thinker Border enforcement: Mexicans left to do the job Biden won't do
mrc tv Crisis at the Border: 'Close to 15,000 Migrants' Camped Out Under Bridge in Del Rio, Texas
Hillsdale College Imprimis - The Disaster at Our Southern Border
Daily Signal Experts Offer Explanation
Dan bongino Show Biden Selling Off Unfinished Parts of Border Wall in Effort to Thwart Attempts at Restarting Construction
mrc tv 'Send Them Back': Polish MEP Praises Poland's Zero-Tolerance Illegal Immigration Policy
Louder With Crowder 'Uber For The Cartels': Cartels Using Social Media To Lure Teens To Help Smuggle Illegal Migrants
Louder With Crowder Eric Adams: Blame Illegal Migrants For Boom In NYC's Rise In Prostitution
Louder With Crowder People Who Came Here ILLEGALLY Are Already Heading Home, Claiming “the American Dream Doesn’t Exist”
mrc tv Video Shows Military-Aged Male Chinese Nationals Attempting to Enter U.S. Illegally
Louder With Crowder NYC Illegal Migrants Are Turning Down Food Because It Is THAT "Bad"
Louder With Crowder Watch: AWFL woke woman lets illegal migrants live with her, automatically turns them into her slaves
Louder With Crowder "The flow of migrants will continue": Mexican President has the stones to list his demands in order to stop Biden's border crisis
Louder With Crowder NYC is kicking out illegals in preparation for a “summer surge” of... more illegals

Immigrants - War On Americans - Immigrant Privilege
Louder With Crowder Tyson Foods Fires American Workers, Plans To Replace Them With 52,000 Migrants
Louder With Crowder "An ideology that would love to destroy our constitution”: Crowder GOES OFF on the West kowtowing to Islam, new Somali rep
Louder With Crowder Watch: Mayorkas has nothing to say after Josh Hawley goes scorched Earth over DHS's blame in Laken Riley’s murder
Louder With Crowder Watch: NYC Councilwoman goes bananas on entitled illegals always demanding "MORE MORE MORE" from American taxpayers
Louder With Crowder Watch: Illegals storm the Michigan state capital and DEMAND driver’s licenses
Louder With Crowder Watch: Denver illegals refuse to leave tent encampment, and here's their list of DEMANDS to the government

Immigrants - Support For Sex Trafficking Children
Louder With Crowder “Why Are You Laughing?”: GOP Rep Slams Immigration "Expert" Over Fake Migrant Families

Immigrants - Illegal Immigrant Privillege - Invading Alien Privilege - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Louder With Crowder 95-Year-Old Veteran Kicked Out Of Nursing Home To Make Way For Migrant Housing
Louder With Crowder Brooklyn congresswoman wants more migrants for "redistricting" purposes, now they're causing a high school to be shut down
Louder With Crowder Are Democrats forcing Americans to house illegals in their homes? Not yet, but...
Louder With Crowder Woke principal lashes out at parents upset she shut down school to house illegals. Yes, she's a white progressive. I know, right?!
Louder With Crowder Watch: Man goes BESZERK after Boston Mayor, MA Governor hand urban rec center over to illegal migrants and ban legal citizens
One America News Network (OANN) N.Y.C. Launches $53M Program To Provide Migrant Families With Pre-Paid Credit Cards
Louder With Crowder City announces they are laying off employees due to illegal migrants, but DON'T call it "laying off employees"

Immigrants - Federal Support For Pandemics - Support For Spreading Diseases - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Creeators Biden's Open Borders Bringing Diseases to Your Neighborhood

Immigrants - Federal Support For Terrorists - Support For Terrorism - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Law Enforcement Today Buried bombshell: Customs and Border Protection caught 12 illegal immigrants on terrorism watch list in November
Daily Wire+ The U.S. Gov’t Hired A Pro-Hamas PLO Spokeswoman To Handle Asylum Claims - "F*** Israel, the government, and its military. Are you ready for your downfall?" Department of Homeland Security officer Nejwa Ali said.
mrc tv Feel Better Yet? Border Jumper Allowed Into US Turns Out to Be Wanted Terrorism Suspect

Immigrants - Federal Support For Illegal Aliens - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Louder With Crowder Watch: Biden's border patrol opens gate for illegal migrants right after the Texas National Guard locked it
mrc tv Illegal Alien Bussed to VPs House: 'The Border Is Open...We Come In For Free'
Dan Bongino Show Schumer Admits "Ultimate Goal" Is Amnesty for All Illegal Alien
Town Hall The Sabotage of America’s Enforcement Agencies
Just The News Officials say Biden manipulating border stats, blinding agents to fleeing ali
Louder With Crowder Democrat Senator unloads on Biden Admin's Title 42 border chaos: "They had two years to prepare"
Louder With Crowder Migrant shocks reporter: We're coming BECAUSE of Biden, would never come under Trump
mrc tv Chinese Communist Party Reportedly Sending 'Military-Aged Men' Across U.S. Southern Border
Just The News DHS hides monthly number of illegal migrants released into U.S after interacting with border agents
Fox News Mass migrant releases begin in San Diego as border overwhelmed: 'You're free'
mrc tv Gov. Abbott: In A Border War With Biden - ‘Between Texas and the United States of America’
mrc tv Border Apprehensions Hit Record High, Top 2 MILLION For the Second Straight Year
Louder With Crowder Elon Musk exposes the truth about Biden's new "border security" bill and the open borders Democrats are gonna hate it
Tablet Our Open Border Policy Is Not an Accident
Louder With Crowder Watch: Elderly man's brain freezes up, needs a reporter to remind him what Hamas is
Louder With Crowder Watch: Democrat official says the quiet part out loud, wants illegals given priority over our veterans
Louder With Crowder Watch: As illegals overwhelm border patrol in El Paso, check out these insane new polls comparing Trump vs Biden on Immigration

Immigrants - Washington D.C. / Democrat / Liberal / Sanctuary City Hatred For Illegal Aliens - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
mrc tv Outraged DC Councilwoman: TX and AZ Governors 'Have Turned Us Into a Border Town'
Louder With Crowder Watch: Hispanic journalist exposes what Martha's Vineyard REALLY thinks of migrants when the camera is off
mrc tv Twitter Roasts Martha's Vineyard Meltdown Over 50 Illegal Aliens
Federalist Martha’s Vineyard Isn’t The First Time Democrats Failed To Live Up To Their Empty ‘Sanctuary’ Promises

Immigrants - Martha's Vineyard / Democrat / Liberal / Sanctuary City Hatred For Illegal Aliens - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Dan Bongino Show More Illegals Are Heading to Martha's Vineyard Soon
rumble DeSantis Critic Likens Migrants to 'Trash' Being Dumped In Someone Else's Home

Immigrants - New York City / Democrat / Liberal / Sanctuary City Hatred For Illegal Aliens - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Dan Bongino Show Sanctuary City Mayor Eric Adams Now Paying to Bus "Migrants" to Canada
New York Post Adams plays race card, accuses Abbott of hurting ‘Black-run cities’ with migrant buses

Immigrants - Illegal Alien Privilege - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
PJ Media Good News! Illegal Migrants Are Allowed to Fly Without ID
Louder With Crowder Sanctuary City Mayors Warn Cities Will Collapse Due To Biden Border Crisis, Are Now Begging For Help

Immigrants - Democrats Putting Chidlren In Cages And Laughing About It - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
mrc tv 'Not Today!' VP Harris Laughs When Asked If She'll Visit the Border Amid Migrant Crisis

Immigrants - Solutions - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Mises Institute How to Solve the Illegal Immigration Problem
mrc tv EXCLUSIVE: San Diego Border Patrol – Yes, A Border Fence DOES Bring Down Illegal Crossings, Crime
Daily Wire BORDER CONTROL: Mexico Cracks Down On Illegal Immigration By Shutting Border With Guatemala
BBC News Coronavirus: Mexicans demand crackdown on Americans crossing the border
Daily Wire WATCH: Sixth Bus Arrives From Texas As Abbott Continues Sending Migrants To D.C.
Louder With Crowder Biden Border Chief Issues Stern Warns To Agents... Don't Misgender Border Crossers

Immigrants - DisRespect for Laws - Law Breaking - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
United States Illegal Alien Crime Report
mrc tv Admin.: 88% of Illegal Alien Kids Ordered Removed Were No-Shows in Court
mrc tv EXCLUSIVE: New Report Shows 3/4 of Illegal Aliens w/ Children Don't Show Up to Court
mrc tv Border Agent Beaten By Illegal Alien as 'Use of Force' Drops
mrc tv CBP Reports 140 Assaults on Border Agents in 3 Months
mrc tv Rep. Clay Higgins Challenges Left-Wing Border Myths in a Brutally Honest New Video
mrc tv Domestic Violence Case Against Immigrant Dropped for 'Cultural Incompetence'
mrc tv The Most Frequently Deported Illegal Alien Has Been Booted 44 Times In 15 Years
mrc tv REPORT: 60,000 DACA Recipients Have Been Arrested At Least Once
mrc tv Illegal Alien Beheads 13-Year-Old Special Needs Girl Who Witnessed Grandmother's Murder
Truth Revolt Violent Migrant Teens Exploit German System, Flaunt Gangsta Rap Culture - They love Nike, wads of cash, selling drugs, and Allah.
Truth Revolt German Police: Migrants Involved in 69K Crimes in Last Three Months - Almost one-third of those crimes involved stealing.
Truth Revolt German Court Rules That 'Sharia Police' Are Not Illegal - The slow German national suicide continues.
Truth Revolt Pat Condell: A Word to the Criminal Migrant - We’ve had enough. The tide is turning.
Truth Revolt Illegal Alien Who Threatened to Kill Fellow Bus Passengers Had Been Deported 5 Times - The man also made threats to law enforcement as he was being transported to jail.
Truth Revolt More than 70 Percent of Terror-Related Convicts in U.S. Are Foreign-Born - "There were 549 individuals convicted of international terrorism-related offenses in U.S. federal court."
Express 'We are losing control of the streets' Merkel's Germany descends into lawlessness
Express Sweden on the brink? Police force pushed to breaking point by violence amid migrant influx
Pamela Geller Merkel’s Germany: Muslim migrants committed 142,500 CRIMES in Germany during the first six months of 2016 (equivalent to 780 crimes per day)
Breitbart REPORT: After Phoenix Dropped Sanctuary City Status, Crime Rate Fell
American Thinker Muslim 'Refugee' Called Integration Success - Then Slit His Boss’s Throat
WND Illegal alien charged with raping 12-year-old girl - 'His immigration status wasn't a priority for us,' says police chief
mrc tv Mexican Govt: Second Migrant Wave Armed With Molotov Cocktails and Other Weapons
mrc tv Border Patrol Arrests Convicted Murderer Who Crossed Illegally with Other Caravan Members
Daily Wire MASSIVE ICE Bust Of Illegal Aliens Nabs Child Abusers, MS-13 Member, Internationally Wanted Criminals
Louder With Crowder Report: MS-13 Planning to Kill NYPD Officers IN THEIR HOMES
mrc tv Previously Deported Illegal Alien Arrested On Over 100 Counts of Child Porn In Louisiana
mr tv ICE Arrests Convicted Illegal Alien Dog Rapist After Oregon Jail Ignores Their Detainer
Conservative Review Border crisis: Texas town overrun with crime & disease, and this mayor has had ENOUGH
Conservative Review Criminal illegal alien who avoided deportation in a CHURCH has now allegedly killed father of five
Conservative Review Feds charge illegal alien fake breastfeeding mother with identity theft of an American
Conservative Review Illegal alien deported 7 times racked up 6 DUI arrests while in the US
mrc tv Suspect In Texas Cop Killing Turns Out To Be an Illegal Alien From Mexico
Jihad Watch ICE deports Somalis accused of conspiring with jihadis, murder, rape, Ilhan Omar warns of ‘consequences for Somalia’
Louder With Crowder Watch: An illegal migrant can't speak English, so he uses a translator app to rob a bank

Immigrants - Rapefugees - Disrespect For Western Values - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Pamela Geller Muslim Invasion: HALF A MILLION cases of SEXUAL ATTACKS in 2015 in Sweden
Gatestone Institute Germany: Migrant Rape Crisis Worsens - Public spaces are becoming perilous for women and children
Truth Revolt The Refugee Hostel: Germany's Islamist Hell - A terrifying glimpse into Germany’s future.
Truth Revolt 60 Minutes Crew Attacked, Beaten in Sweden - "...they have never experienced anything like this anywhere."
Truth Revolt Watch as Migrant Tries to Throw a Baby at Greek Officers - "Barbaric."
Truth Revolt Report: Swedish Mother Opens Home to Refugee Who Sexually Assaults 10-Year Daughter - "You knew I was a snake when you took me in."
Truth Revolt Woman Working on Sex Abuse Documentary in Refugee Camp Raped by Migrants - A terrible irony.
Truth Revolt Afghan Migrant Rapes, Murders Daughter of Top EU Official in Germany - Ms Ladenburger reportedly worked in her spare time helping out in refugee homes.
Truth Revolt After Illegal Aliens Gang-Rape 9th Grader, Superintendent Says Allowing Them into School System ‘Beneficial’ to Other Students - Unfortunately, it’s the law of the land.
Truth Revolt Deported Criminal Alien Sneaks Back Into US, Rapes 9-Year-Old Girl - But tighter border security is a racist idea, says liberals.
Truth Revolt Illegal Alien Repeatedly Raped Young Girl, Has Lived in NY for 10 Years - Is deportation plus castration a possibility?
mrc tv Migrants Set Fires and Attacks Police for Trying to Move Them to Better Place
mrc tv Illegal Alien Arrested for Attempted Rape: 'If I'd Asked, She Would Have Said No'
mrc tv Germany: 26 Women Were Sexually Assaulted By Refugees This Past Weekend
American Thinker Enough with the Double Standards for Muslims
Twitchy Migrants burned down a refugee camp in Germany because they didn’t get woken up in time for Ramadan breakfast
Breitbart Migrant Sex Attacks Increased 133 Per Cent This Year
Breitbart Swedish Bråvalla Music Festival Permanently Cancelled After Wave of Sex Attacks
Gateway Pundit Somali Refugee Rapes Woman on Bus - Has Been in US for 3 Months
Louder With Crowder Illegal Crook Rapes Two After Sanctuary State Oregon Releases Him ...
Ann Coulter Teddy Kennedy's Surprise for Grandma
City Journal Mogadishu, Minnesota - A massive daycare fraud in America’s most welcoming state raises questions about the limits of assimilation.
mrc tv Twice-Deported Mexican Alien Convicted of Illegal Re-Entry - But Only After Raping a Woman
mrc tv Two Illegals Just Caught Crossing Border Have Sex Crime History
mrc tv DHS Busted 170 Fake Illegal Alien 'Families' In Just 5 Months, Even as More Migrant Men Cross With Children
mrc tv Illegal Alien DREAMer Arrested For Sexually Assaulting 2 Underage Girls
Defiant Amereica Omar Calls For Advertisers To Boycott Tucker Carlson - He Responds With A No-Holds-Barred Throttling (Video)
mrc tv Vile: 2 Illegal Immigrants Arrested for Raping 11-Year-Old Girl
Conservative Review Lawsuit: Public school district allowed an illegal alien now accused of child molestation to volunteer despite red flags
mrc tv Illegal Alien Arrested for Raping 16-Year-Old at Knifepoint
Conservative Review Trump immigration chief calls out Maryland sanctuary county as illegal alien rape charges stack up
mrc tv AGAIN: Honduran Native Arrested For Raping a 6-Year-Old Girl in Maryland
Conservative Review Illegal alien charged with raping 4-year-old girl in Baton Rouge
mrc tv 19-Year-Old Illegal Alien Arrested for Raping 12-Year-Old Alabama Girl
Conservative Review ICE exposes NYC officials lying about ignored immigration detainer in murder of 92-year-old
mrc tv 40-Year-Old Convicted Pedophile Caught Re-entering the U.S. Amid Massive Border Surge
Ann Coulter All the Presidents’ Insurrection
mrc tv Didn't Have to Happen: Illegal Immigrant Main Suspect in Rape of Two Females in Md., Including 15-Year-Old Girl
mrc tv 11 Illegals Found In House of Horrors Where Police Say 11-Year-Old Was Bound & Assaulted

Immigrants - Syrian Refugees - refujihadis - rapefugees - vetting - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
December 2, 2015,terrorist Tashfeen Malik, San Bernardino, California passed Counterterrorism Screening.
November 5, 2015, terrorist attack on Paris
July 16, 2015, terrorist Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, Chattanooga, Tennessee passed Counterterrorism Screening.
November 5, 2009, terrorist attack on Fort Hood.
Truth Revolt Poll: Third of Syrian Refugees Are ISIS Sympathizers - What could go wrong?
Truth Revolt Shocking New Video: Undercover With Syrian Refugees
Truth Revolt Report: 8 Syrians Apprehended at Texas-Mexico Border - You know where this is going.
Truth Revolt Criminals, ISIS Sympathizers Blending In With Syrian Refugees - "What we see here has nothing to do with seeking refuge and safety. It is nothing but opportunism."
Truth Revolt Chris Matthews: Why Aren't Syrians Willing to Fight for Their Country? - From our Credit Where Credit is Due Department.
Truth Revolt Five Syrians Headed to U.S. with Stolen Passports Arrested in Honduras - Was one of them a 3-year-old orphan?
Truth Revolt Jewish Teacher in Marseille Stabbed By ISIS Supporters - How's that Muslim immigration working out for you, France?
Truth Revolt Syrian-American Community Leader Warns: ISIS Already in US and More Will Come as 'Refugees' - "So when they tell you that [the refugees] are vetted, are you out of your mind?"
Truth Revolt On Syrian Refugees, Andrea Mitchell Lets the Mask Slip... Again - They all know it's not safe. They just don't care.
Truth Revolt Sen. Sessions Releases List of 12 Refugee-Jihadis Charged in 2015 - They were all "vetted."
Truth Revolt San Bernardino Shooter Passed DHS Counterterrorism Screening - "We are dealing with an enemy that is not only capable of bypassing U.S. screening, but of recruiting and radicalizing Muslim migrants after their entry."
Truth Revolt Classified Letter Reveals: ISIS Targeting U.S. Refugee Program. - But Republicans are just "afraid of orphan children."
Truth Revolt MUST WATCH: DHS Official Has No Clue What is Happening with Visa Waiver Program, Terrorism - Absolutely stunning to hear so many crickets.
Truth Revolt ISIS May Have Passport Printing Machine - "...a major security risk in the United States."
Truth Revolt Here Are the Two Afghan Pilots Still Missing from Georgia Air Force Base - Don't worry, they were thoroughly screened and "pose no threat."
Truth Revolt Malkin: Vetting Obama's Witless Vetters at DHS - These hacks won't even vet each other.
Truth Revolt Obama Admin Loses Potential Terrorists - Don't know the whereabouts of those kicked out over security.
Truth Revolt Iraqi Refugee Planned to Bomb Texas Malls - "I am against America."
Truth Revolt Oops! Germany Can't Account for 600,000 'Asylum Seekers' - And the country was using its patented "EASY" system. God help America.
Truth Revolt In Wake of 'Rapefugees,' Vigilante Group Forms to Protect Women - Soldiers of Odin now patrolling the streets of Finland.
Truth Revolt Women, Christians Flee Abuse and Assault at Muslim Refugee Centers in Germany - Torn Bibles, smashed crosses and even physical attacks.
Truth Revolt Boston Marathon Terrorist Passed Citizenship Test - A mere three months before the attack.
Truth Revolt Kerry at His Finest: State Dept. Staffed Syria Hotline With Non-Arabic Speakers - There's diplomacy for you.
Truth Revolt 'Islamic Refugee' With Gas Pipeline Plans Arrested Near Mexican Border - Gee, that doesn't sound suspicious at all.
Truth Revolt FBI: 7,700 Terrorist Encounters in One Year, Most Near Southern Border - Gee, if only someone would suggest building a wall...
Truth Revolt Obama Admin Fails to Check Immigrants Against FBI Databases, Approves Citizenship - Another embarrassment
Truth Revolt Undercover Video: U.S. Immigration Officer Unconcerned with Fake Syrian Passports - Bring us your poor, your tired, your fake passports. All jihadists are welcome.
Truth Revolt Good Riddance: Women's Strike Organizer, Convicted Terrorist Rasmea Odeh Agrees to Leave US
Red State Why We Can’t Trust Obama’s Bogus Refugee Screening Program
Red State Want to Know Why Homeland Security Lost Track of a Syrian Refugee?
mrc tv GAO Warns of Flaws in the U.S. Asylum System
mrc tv Krauthammer: Obama Admin's Visa Vetting Process 'Incomprehensible'
mrc tv State Dept. Admits 8K Syrians So Far in FY2016
mrc tv DOJ Discovers 'Refugee' Was Actually a Genocidal Maniac...After 15 YEARS in U.S.
mrc tv Illegal Alien Arrested After Officials Find His 'Daughter' Was His Rape Victim
American Thinker Scandinavia gets a clue about Muslim migrants
American Thinker U.S. visa form asks foreigners if they are terrorists. Seriously.
American Thinker Syrian colonizer in Germany would sell his parents to advance the Caliphate
American Thinker Outrage: Administration may have handed thousands of illegal alien kids over to human traffickers
American Thinker Following arraignment on food stamp fraud, deli owner Muslim immigrant’s wife and daughter flip the bird and yell ‘F**k America’
Louder With Crowder Top 5 Examples of Muslim Refugees Who Were Terrorists...
WND Leaked memo: Refugees vet themselves - Officials make astonishing admission about lack of screening
Daily Wire EXTREME VETTING: Leaker Reality Winner Expressed Sympathy For Iranian Government Days Before Working For Government Agency
mrc tv Illegal Alien in Virginia Arrested For Raping a 7-Year-Old Girl
mrc tv Captured Alleged Top ISIS Sniper Came to U.S. Via 'Diversity Visa Lottery'
mrc tv ICE Arrests Illegal Alien for ‘Sexual Abuse Against Children’ After Being Released TWICE by Sanctuary City
mrc tv Illegal Alien Arrested For Attacking a Female Jogger One Day After Being Released From Jail

Immigrants - acceptance - support - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Breitbart Texas Imam Agrees with Trump: Halt Syrian Refugees into America
Truth Revolt The Laugh's on Europe: Gulf States Refuse Syrian 'Refugees' - Let them go somewhere "cheap."
Truth Revolt Alabama Governor Refuses Syrian Refugees
Truth Revolt 400,000 Britons Sign Petition Demanding Government Close its Borders, Halt Immigration - The situation is reaching a fever pitch.
Truth Revolt Defiant: Tennessee GOP Leader Wants Syrian Refugees Gathered and Out of State - "If I err, it'll be on the side of not having another Paris, France."
Truth Revolt Refugee Aid Worker Reveals Rampant Sexual Harassment, Belligerence, Extreme Demands - "I went in high spirits my first day... Then the first refugees came to my office..."
Truth Revolt Let There Be Pork: Denmark Sends Message to Muslim Migrants - Did somebody say bacon?
Truth Revolt Dhimmi Nation: Germany Removing Pork From Menus So Refugees Aren't Offended - "The protection of minorities must not mean that the majority is overruled in their free decision by ill-conceived consideration."
State of Texas, Office of the Governor Governor Abbott To Refuse Syrian Refugees Relocating To Texas
The Washington Post Governors of Michigan, Alabama reject resettlement of Syrian refugees in their states
The Washington Post Governors rush to slam door on Syrian refugees
mrc tv DHS: Illegal Aliens Coached to Falsely Claim 'Credible Fear' to Gain Asylum
mrc tv Reality Check: Amnesty Isn't Compassionate When It Kills People
Breitbart Report: Outgoing President Shuts Down Border Aerial Surveillance Program
Daily Mail Oregon governor tells Trump she'll REFUSE to send National Guard troops to the Mexican border if he calls them up - and she's allowed to say no
BuzzFeed The Racist Backlash To The Migrant Caravan Is Building In WhatsApp Groups In Mexico
Conservative Review Congress won’t fund the one thing we need to enforce CURRENT law
mrc tv Hirono: ICE Enforcing Law Is To Portray Illegals As Deserving ‘Cruelty And Hatred’

Immigrants - deportation? - catch and release - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
mrc tv U.S. Border Protection Agcy. Advertises SAFE ZONES for Illegal Aliens
American Thinker On Deportation: A Modest Proposal
American Thinker 'We might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether': Border agent
American Thinker DHS 'catch and release' policy reaches a ludicrous high
American Thinker Border agent: 8 in 10 illegals released into US after capture
Truth Revolt Deportations Plummet - Even Criminal Immigrants Spared - Down 42% since Obama reelected
Truth Revolt Catch and Release Reinstated: Border Patrol Asked to Stand Down, Not Enforce Deportations - Why even have a Border Patrol at all? Or a border, for that matter.
Truth Revolt Half a Million Overstayed Their Visas Last Year, Feds Do Nothing - Adding to a total of about 5 million who've overstayed their visas.
Truth Revolt Obama Admin Forced ICE to Free More Than 5,000 Illegals Jailed for 'Terrorist Threats,' Drunk Driving, Sexual Assaults, Gun Possession... - This is political theater.
mrc tv Illegal Alien Accused of Attempted Rape Skips Court After Feds Fail to Detain Him
mrc tv Nearly Half of Unaccompanied Alien Children Were No-Shows for Final Court Hearing
mrc tv EOIR Dir.: ‘It Is Much More Complicated These Days’ to ‘Determine Whether Someone Is Deportable’
mrc tv Obama Admin. Deported 0.006% Of Illegal Aliens Living in the U.S. in FY2015
mrc tv Border Patrol Brags About Catching Illegal Aliens -- From Canada
mrc tv DHS Official: If You Overstay Your Visa and Aren't a Known Terrorist, We'll Leave You Alone
mrc tv Immigration Official Tells Congress, ‘We’re Not Going to Apologize’ For Enforcing Immigration Law
mrc tv ICE Detainers for Criminal Aliens Plummet 66 Percent Under Obama’s Executive Actions
mrc tv Admin. Releases More Illegal Alien Kids in Last 6 Mos. Than In Entire FY2015
mrc tv ORR: 123K Illegal Alien Kids Released Into U.S. So Far in FY2014-16
mrc tv Obama Admin. Conducted 'Home Studies' For Only 6 Percent of Illegal Alien Kids
mrc tv ICE Deported Less Than 1 Percent Of All Illegal Aliens in FY2016
mrc tv Deportations Drop 73% Under Obama, Hit 43-Year Annual Low
mrc tv GAO: Border Patrol Misclassified More Than 15,000 Criminal Aliens in FY2013-15
mrc tv ICE Deports Illegal Alien Wanted For Murder - After LEGALLY Admitting Him
mrc tv Parting Gifts: Obama Released A Flood of Illegal Alien Kids in His Final Month
mrc tv Report: NYC 'Sanctuary City' Freed a 3-Times Removed Alien With a Felony Record
mrc tv The Feds Caught and Released Another 6,551 Illegal Alien Kids in January
mrc tv ICE: 40 Criminal Illegal Aliens Released in Sanctuary City New York Re-Arrested for Committing New Crimes
Canada Free Press The Death of Europe - Europe is drinking rat poison to cure a cold. Instead of changing its values, it’s trying to maintain them by killing itself. The Mohammed retirement plan won’t save European Socialism. It will bury it.
Canada Free Press Poster Child for Progressive Policy of Illegal Immigration - The enemy is already inside the proverbial gate, and the gate remains open for more criminals and terrorists to enter unmolested
Truth Revolt Sex Criminal Claims He's A Syrian Refugee, Now Britain Can't Deport Him - It's costing so much, he may be released to hunt down more women.
Truth Revolt Illegal Alien Drunk Driving Killer Back in U.S. Four Days After Deportation - Arrested where hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants have entered the country.
Truth Revolt Illegal Alien Deported Over 4 Times is Back in Delaware… Again - How is this even possible?
Truth Revolt Damning Report: Illegals to Border Agents: 'Obama Said it Was Okay to Come' - 9 out of 10 illegal immigrants released back on the streets in San Diego
Conservative Review Senator reveals heinous criminals released via ‘catch-and-release’ at border
mrc tv Report: Alleged Rapist Illegal Alien Released Despite Detainer Request, Goes Straight to Alleged Victim's Home
Louder With Crowder Joe Biden's Secretly Flying Migrant Children in the Dead of Night to Other States: Report
Louder With Crowder Illegal Immigrants Secretly Flown From Texas to Pennsylvania Under Cover of Darkness
National Pulse REPORT: U.S. Govt Chartered Christmas ‘Ghost Flights’ to Carry Illegal Migrants into Pennsylvania.

Immigrants - anchor babies - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
The Federalist Don’t Like ‘Anchor Babies’? Try ‘Products of Deception’ - The term ‘anchor babies’ isn’t the problem. The practice of granting birthright citizenship to illegal aliens is.
PJ Media What Would King Solomon Do with Immigrant Children?

Immigrants - Insecure Border - Tunnel - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Informed American Border Patrol Just Made An Absolutely Terrifying Underground Discovery...

Immigrants - Secure Border - Wall - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Daily Wire Illegal Immigrants Block Entrance To Disneyland To Protest For DACA
Daily Wire WATCH: Students Slam 'Trump' Wall Quotes, Then They Learn Who Actually Said Them
Louder With Crowder Steven Crowder’s Top 5 Reasons to Build the Wall!
Dan Bongino Show Nation's First Gen-Z Congressman Makes History With Dumbest Anti-Border Wall Argument of All Time

Immigrants - Secure Border - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Truth Revolt Norway Builds a Wall, Because Migrants - "The gate and the fence are responsible measures."
Breitbart Harry Reid: Our Southern Border Is Secure
Last Resistance Harry Reid Says Border is Secure
The Blaze Texas Gov. Rick Perry to Take on Border Crisis Without the Feds: ‘Our Citizens Are Under Assault’
Hot Air Perry to deploy 1000 National Guard troops to the border
American Thinker Rick Perry reportedly sending 1000 National Guard troops to border
YouTube James O’Keefe as Osama bin Laden crosses border from Mexico to US
Breitbart James O'Keefe trots across the southern border dressed as Osama bin Laden
WND 'Osama bin Laden' issues challenge to Obama - 'How is he addressing the issue of terrorists sneaking across the border?'
Project Veritas Can ISIS Enter America Through Canada?
Project Veritas Do You Feel Safe?
Truth Revolt Hilarious Petition Calling For Obama To Grant Amnesty To White House Intruder - "End Unfair And Demeaning White House Entry Laws! Justice For Omar Gonzalez And All White House Migrants!"
Truth Revolt East African Man Caught Trying to Cross Texas-Mexico Border - Border Patrol warns of Ebola risk posed by unsecured border
Truth Revolt WATCH: Cartel Smugglers Easily Scale Border Fence - And this section is one of the more "fortified" segments of the fence.
Truth Revolt Hungary Vows it Won't Take a 'Single Syrian Refugee,' Slovenia Erects Razor-Wire Fence - At least some European countries are showing evidence of a spine.
Truth Revolt REPORT: ISIS Camp Near Mexican Border - Just eight miles from Texas
Truth Revolt Middle Eastern Woman Caught Surveilling U.S. Point of Entry at Mexican Border - Found drawing sketches detailing placement of security cameras.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Yes, We Need a Canadian Border Wall - America's looming national security nightmare.
Truth Revolt Hypocrisy Alert: Mexico Wants to Build Wall to Keep Out Central American Illegals - "Many of these migrants turn to robberies, kidnappings, extortion, and join the ranks of organized crime."
Yahoo! News Health worker 2nd in US to test positive for Ebola
Conservative Tribune BREAKING: Sheriffs Across America Issue Dire Warning About What Obama’s About to Do
examiner Obama disarms border patrol agents
Liberty News Now Fraud-Infested Visa Program Grows 700%
Truth Revolt Coulter: Immigration Advocates Frightened by 99-Pound Blonde
Truth Revolt Coulter: Importing Terrorism and Other American Values - "Waiting" is not "vetting." What is 24 months to people who can hold a grudge for a thousand years?
mrc tv Border Agent: 60% of Illegals Getting Into U.S. Uncaught
mrc tv Pokémon GO Players Wander Into the U.S. Illegally
mrc tv Border Agents Caught Some Guatemalans...At The VERMONT BORDER
mrc tv Report: 60% Of Illegals Coming Through Ports of Entry Are Admitted
American Thinker Convicted terrorist found among migrant 'refugees'
Express Mass immigration is on the verge of DESTROYING Europe, blasts LEO MCKINSTRY
Daily Wire What Trump Needs To Know About Israel's Border Fence And Why It Works

Immigrants - Sanctuary City - Hypocrisy - Sanctuary Cities - Pretend - Virtue Signal - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
mrc tv Trudeau's Canada Demands NYC 'Immediately' Stop Bussing Illegals To Their Border
mrc tv Welcoming, Loving NYC Is Now Bussing Out Migrants...To Canada
mrc tv Dem NYC Mayor Ships Migrants Across Globe - Then Criticizes GOP For Busing Migrants Elsewhere
mrc tv Sanctuary Mayor Eric Adams Whines NYC's Migrant Crisis 'Is Just Not Sustainable'
Red State Flying Pigs Alert: Chuck Todd Admits Greg Abbott Was Right That Blue Cities Would Turn on Biden Over Busing of
Dan Bongino Show Pro-Sanctuary City Mayor Eric Adams Complains Migrant Crisis Will "Decimate" NYC
Louder With Crowder Watch: The shrill harpies from The View validate everything conservatives have said about leftists and illegal immigration
Louder With Crowder Leftist writer slams Eric Adams As 'Black Trump' For Saying Migrant Crisis Destroying NYC... Will Destroy NYC
Dan Bongino Show Los Angeles Mayor Says She Fears Illegals Being Flown to Her City Next
Louder With Crowder Watch: Kathy Hochul wants illegals to go to another country. Hey, remember when she begged them to come here?

Immigrants - Sanctuary City - Sanctuary Cities - Death Trap For Citizens - Lawlessnes - Criminality - Federal Crime - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Sanctuary Cities
Center for Immigration Studies Map: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States - 340 sanctuaries release 9,295 criminals
Truth Revolt Map: Over 200 'Sanctuary Cities' in U.S.
Truth Revolt Poll: Punish Sanctuary Cities - Most want feds to crack down
Truth Revolt AZ Sheriff Calls USA "Sanctuary Nation" - Blames Obama for not enforcing the law
Truth Revolt Jindal: Arrest Sanctuary Mayors - Governor and GOP hopeful wants action against sanctuary cities
Truth Revolt ICE Arrests Over 240 Criminal Immigrants in 4 Days - "...more individuals who are potentially deportable with significant criminal histories are being released onto the street..."
Truth Revolt Number of Sanctuary Cities Climbs to 340; Thousands of Illegals Released to Commit Crimes - Between January and June localities released more than 16,000 illegal immigrants that Homeland Security had wanted held for deportation.
Truth Revolt San Francisco Politicians Vote to Remain Sanctuary City - Unanimously.
Truth Revolt The Swedish Town Destroyed by 'Refugee' Crisis - "What the f*** were they thinking, opening our doors to everyone?"
Truth Revolt ICE 'Grossly Misrepresented' Crimes Committed by Released Illegal Aliens - The Obama administration continues to provide sanctuary for criminal aliens.
Truth Revolt More Cities Go ‘Sanctuary’ in Rush to Defy Trump, Shield Illegal Aliens - Number reaches nearly 500.
Truth Revolt Worst Sanctuary Cities Ranked, Starting with Chicago - And -- surprise -- other progressive paradises.
American Thinker Report: More than 8,000 illegal alien criminals released by sanctuary cities in 8 months
Daily Signal See How Your Senators Voted on Sanctuary Cities
mrc tv Sanctuary City Releases Criminal Alien Arrested For 'Terroristic Threats'
mrc tv Illegal Alien Rapes Young Woman In a Ditch As Border Apprehensions Surge
mrc tv CA State Senate President Files Bill to Create Illegal Immigrant ‘Safe Zones’
mrc tv L.A. County Pledges $3M To Fight Deportations, While Local Schools See $333M Shortfall
mrc tv California Votes to Become a 'Sanctuary State,' Putting Illegals Ahead of Citizens
The Hill Sheriff David Clarke: Sanctuary cities are havens for crime and defy the Constitution
World Net Daily Sanctuary cities free 253 illegal-alien criminals in 2 weeks - Outlaws becoming 'main beneficiaries' of non-cooperation policies
Daily Caller No, Acquitting Kate Steinle's Killer Wasn't Reasonable. Here's Why.
mrc tv Baltimore to Approve $200,000 for Lawyers to Defend Illegal Immigrants Against Deportation
Steadfast Clash Trump-Hating Open Borders Advocate Killed by Criminal Illegal Alien (VIDEO)
mrc tdv Visa Violator Kills Four, Including Two Children, During a Family Vacation In Florida
mrc tv Biden Admin Creates More ‘Protected Areas’ For Illegals – Where They Cannot Be Arrested
mrc tv First Bus Full Of Illegals from Texas Arrives In Chicago

Immigrants - Sanctuary City - Sanctuary Cities - Death Trap For Citizens - Lawlessnes - Criminality - State Responsibility - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
mrc tv Sen. Tillis Introduces 'Justice For Victims Of Sanctuary Cities Act' - Allowing Crime Victims to Sue Citie

Immigrants - Health Benefits - reducing global overpopulation - creating new jobs for the illegal aliens (by removing Americans-and removing others from the job market and gene pool) - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Every time a little thing like this happens (the slaughter of United States citizens by an illegal aliens), they use the most extreme example to say it (illegal alien invasion) must be eliminated. - Congressman Luis Gutierrez, D-Illinois
Foreign National Crime Information Center - Victims of Illegal Alien Crime memorial
The Rememberance Project advocates for families whose loved ones were killed by illegal aliens
Ann Coulter How Does Immigration Reduce Mass Shootings? - How are our current immigration policies making our country better, stronger, safer?
mrc tv Rep. Luis Gutiérrez Calls Murder of Kate Steinle a 'Little Thing' on Telemundo
Personal Liberty Digest DHS Report: Immigration Officials Being Exposed To Diseases
examiner Proof: Virus leaving U.S. children paralyzed did come from Central America
Truth Revolt Coulter: We'll Tell You How Dangerous Ebola Is After the Election
Ann Coulter You Have To Go Out; Illegal Aliens Deliver!
Ann coulter For Death By Isis You Have To Go Out; Illegal Aliens Deliver!
Truth Revolt Murder Suspect Deported Several Times Before Latest Crime - Out on probation as well
Truth Revolt CDC Official After Influx of Illegal Alien Minors: Obama Worst Pres Ever, Amateur, Marxist - "Leave No Child on the other Side of the Border Policy"
Truth Revolt All Four Democratic Prez Candidates Support Sanctuary Cities - "Where are the other candidates now that this tragic murder has taken place b/c of our unsafe border?"
Truth Revolt Steinle's Killer Says He Knew San Francisco Was a Sanctuary City - Thanks to Jerry Brown's 'Trust Act'
Truth Revolt Illegal Immigrant Deported Six Times Charged in Felony Hit-and-Run - Five-year-old and two-year-old taken to hospital
Truth Revolt Violent 4th of July Wkend for Another Sanctuary City: New Orleans - City coroner starts weekend: "4 homicides in 6 hours"
Truth Revolt Coulter: ISIS: 0; Ted Kennedy: Too Many to Count - Mexico really is sending us its best people!
Truth Revolt Parents of Teen Murdered By Illegal Immigrant Speak Out, Back Trump For President
Truth Revolt Allen West Defends Trump - "It's not a very hard thing to understand: we need a Congress that upholds our laws and sovereignty
Truth Revolt Nolte: Media Willingly Ignores Illegal Alien Sex Crimes Against Children - Thousands convicted in Texas alone
Truth Revolt Report: Sanctuary Cities Freed Over 8,000 Illegal Offenders in Just 8 Months - Resulted in almost 7,500 new charges, including child sex abuse
Truth Revolt Illegal Found With Missing 13 Year-Old Girl - Sexually assaulted girl
Truth Revolt Father of Teen Killed by Illegal Hails Trump - Says too many politicians won't do anything
Truth Revolt Obama Commutes Sentences of 46 Criminals With Records Like Katie Steinle's Killer - Writes them all letters of encouragement, silence for the Steinle family.
Truth Revolt Gowdy Shreds DHS Sec. Johnson Over Sanctuary Cities - "[San Francisco] sure as hell was not a sanctuary for a young woman walking with her father."
Truth Revolt DHS Sec Doesn't Know Who Katie Steinle Is - Who?
Truth Revolt Obama Commutes Sentences of 46 Criminals With Records Like Katie Steinle's Killer - Writes them all letters of encouragement, silence for the Steinle family.
Truth Revolt Report: Illegals Committed 600,000 Crimes in Texas in 6 Yrs - Nearly 3,000 homicides, 8,000 sexual assaults
Truth Revolt Cruz Grills ICE Director About Release of Thousands Of Criminal Illegal Aliens - "This administration refuses to follow the law, and that is altogether unacceptable."
Truth Revolt Kate Steinle's Dad: 'Take These Undocumented Immigrant Felons Off Our Streets for Good' - Kate's final words: "Help me, dad."
Truth Revolt Family Hit By High Illegal Driver Lashes Out - Mom and two young kids injured
Truth Revolt Illegals That Should Have Been Deported Suspected in Murder of Grandmother - Revolving door for Dominican nationals
Truth Revolt Feds Refused to Arrest Illegal lmmigrant Shooter - Gave "full confession" to deputies of murder, attempted rape
Truth Revolt Judge Blasts Illegal in His Court After Crime Spree - Murder, attempted murder, rape just some of the charges
Truth Revolt Feds Refused to Arrest Illegal lmmigrant Shooter - Gave "full confession" to deputies of murder, attempted rape
Truth Revolt NBC & ABC Ignore Murder, Rape by Illegal Immigrant - Instead covered Cincinnati cop murder
Truth Revolt Coulter: Donald Trump - STILL Right About Mexican Rapists - No wonder they hate Trump.
Truth Revolt CA Sheriff: A 'Blood Trail' Runs from D.C. to Victim's Bedroom - Illegal alien had been arrested six times in the last 15 months.
Truth Revolt Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Triple Homicide in Florida - Had criminal record in Bolivia, illegally crossed Texas border
Truth Revolt Pro-Refugee Activist Stabbed by Refugees - This one sort of wrote itself.
Truth Revolt Spencer: The Migrant Jihad Has Begun in Paris - At least one jihad attacker was a "refugee." Will European leaders reconsider their migrant policy?
Truth Revolt Man Who Ran Over Cop in Sanctuary City Three-Time Deported Illegal Alien - So glad our immigration system works.
Truth Revolt NYE In Germany: More Than 1,000 Migrants Molest, Brawl, Rape and Rob - Of course the MSM is downplaying the men's origins and Germany's reaction to the savagery.
Truth Revolt Young Swedish Woman Stabbed to Death by Child Refugee - Police say the EU can't keep up with the migrant crime wave.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Chicken Little Chuckie Schumer: America's Disease-Fighting Phony - Latin America's Zika virus is the latest undocumented immigrant to hit our shores.
Truth Revolt Once-Deported Mexican Illegal Alien Murders Five in Missouri - ICE "regrets" that he got back in the country.
Truth Revolt Border Patrol Refused Detainer for Illegal Who Then Attempted Rape, Shot a Woman, Murdered Another - "Allegedly."
Truth Revolt DHS Says Even Vehicular Homicide Not Enough to Detain Illegal Immigrants: - Those policies mean that more than 9 million of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. have little fear of being kicked out.
Truth Revolt Report: Child-Rape on the Rise Among Syrian Migrants in Greece, Europe - Tell us again, Obama, about the new three-month vetting process.
Truth Revolt Happy World Refugee Day: 6 Diseases Making a Comeback in America - Who's ready for some Bubonic Plague?
Truth Revolt Once-Deported Mexican Illegal Alien Murders Five in Missouri - ICE "regrets" that he got back in the country.
Truth Revolt Sweden Protecting Asylum Seekers After One Allegedly Beheads Victim Inside IKEA - IKEA responds by stopping knife sales
Truth Revolt Daily Mail: 62 People in America Launched or Plotted ISIS Attacks, More Than Half Immigrants or Children of Immigrants - 64 people murdered and at least 121 wounded.
Truth Revolt Good Samaritan Shot Trying to Stop Kidnapping by Illegal Alien - "After I made contact with him he said, 'Oh you want shot too,' and he pulled the trigger."
Truth Revolt Coulter: 'Immigrant Privilege' Drives Child Rape Epidemic - I'm pretty sure our media is opposed to rape. But evidently, not as opposed as they are to America.
Truth Revolt Malkin: 'Dreamers' and Demons - Platitudes whitewash bloody reality.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Amazing Breakthrough to Reduce Mass Shootings! - First- and second-generation immigrants have committed more than 40 percent of all mass shootings since 2000. Coulter: Amazing Breakthrough to Reduce Mass Shootings!
Breitbart Rape Deniers: 9 Facts About Illegal Alien Crime The Media Covers Up
1) Any Number Involving LEGAL Immigrants and Crime Is Besides the Point
2) "Illegals Do the Jobs Americans Don’t" - While Black Teen Unemployment Sits at 30%
3) Illegal Traffickers Are Responsible for More Than 90% of the Heroin In America
4) Local and State Prisons Don’t Track Legal Status ... Ah, But the Feds Do!
5) Nearly Half of Federal Crimes Occur In Just 5 of 94 Districts Along the Mexican Border
6) More Than 2,000 Sex Offenders Deported By ICE Every Year In Texas Alone
7) Nearly a Thousand Texas Children Sexually Assaulted By Illegals Over Last 3 Years
8) In 2013, Obama Administration Released 36,007 Illegals with 88,000 Criminal Convictions
9) The Number of Criminal Illegals Deported Has Jumped From 7,000 to 79,000
mrc tv Border Reports Back Up Trump's 'Rapists' Claim
mrc tv VIDEO-Sen. Sessions: Obama to Blame for San Fran Victim's Death
mrc tv Charge: Illegal Immigrant Killed Three and Unborn Baby, Left Behind 'Almost Unimaginable' Scene
mrc tv New Report Shows Obama Admin. Releasing Illegal Alien Murderers into the U.S.
mrc tv CBS, NBC Bury Arrest of Illegal Immigrant Charged with Killing Five American
mrc tv Illegal Alien Dubbed 'Taliban' Convicted of Killing Teen Outside Barack Obama Academy
mrc tv Former Smuggler Claims Poor Migrants Are Sold to Organ Harvesters
mrc tv Illegal Alien Gang Member Pleads Guilty To Helping Kill 14-Year-Old Boy
mrc tv Reality Check: Here Are the Victims Of All That ‘Compassionate’ Amnesty
mrc tv Illegal Alien Convicted of Murdering High School Student Gets Life in Prison
mrc tv Illegal Alien Who Killed Two in Drunken Hit-and-Run Had Been Deported 8 Times
mrc tv This Illegal Alien Killed a Man 6 Weeks After Denver Police Released Him
mrc tv DREAMer At Large After Killing a Father of Two In a Grocery Store Parking Lot
mrc tv Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Charged With Murdering a Homeless Woman in New York
mrc tv MS-13 Members Plead Guilty In Virginia To Murdering, & Dismembering Man With a Machete
mrc tv Illegal Alien Deported 6 Times Is Suspected of Brutally Killing Homeless Men in California
mrc tv ICE: 'Detainer Was Ignored'- Illegal Alien Now Charged In 3 Murders
Town Hall ISIS: 0; Ted Kennedy: Too Many To Count
American Thinker Illegal Aliens Murder at a Much Higher Rate Than US Citizens Do
American Thinker 124 illegal aliens released by DHS in the last 5 years charged with murder
American Thinker 4 illegal aliens charged with rape of woman and beating of boyfriend
Jewish World Review ISIS: 0; Ted Kennedy: Too many to count
Breitbart Kansas killing, abduction suspect living in US illegally
Breitbart Nigerian Migrant Arrested for Stabbing Female ‘Refugee Helper’ to Death
Politico Sweden’s violent reality is undoing a peaceful self-image - Shootings have become so common that they don’t make top headlines anymore.
Daily Wire Police Arrest 7 For Helping Illegal Alien Cop-Killer, All 7 Are Illegal Aliens: Report
Conservative Review MUST READ from Rep. Chip Roy: Americans are suffering while Democrats throw ‘temper tantrums'
mrc tv Criminal Alien Arrested 10 Times Charged With Murdering a 59-Year-Old California Woman
Conservative Review Sanctuary state California aids in another brutal murder of an American
mrc tv FIVE-Time Deported Illegal Alien Beats 4-Month-Old Baby to Death
mrc tv Previously-Arrested MS-13 Members Charged With Killing a Maryland Teen Entered the U.S. Illegally as Minors, ICE Says
Daily Wire CNN Refuses To Report On Illegal Alien Serial Killer Allegedly Murdering 12 Elderly Women In Texas
Conservative Review Illegal alien with prior criminal history allegedly kills motorist while illegally driving forklift
Louder With Crowder Honduran Man, Twice Deported, Charged With Murders After Bodies Found In Nashville
mrc tv Illegal Alien Nabbed For the Murder of 16-Year-Old Texas Cheerleader
mrc tv Migrant Crime Wave Is Proving Trump's Claims About Migrants Were True

Immigrants - Health Benefits - revitializing the medical profession - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Truth Revolt Southern Europe Turns Into Tropical Disease 'Hot-Zone' - Vaccines are hardly a realistic course of action to an already besieged Europe.
Truth Revolt Minnesota Diagnosed 296 Refugees with Active Tuberculosis - That’s 10 times more than any other state. Comforting.

Immigrants - Health Benefits - reducing global overpopulation by dying while coming to America - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
mrc tv CBP Reports 850 Unidentified Illegal Alien Bodies in One Morgue
mrc tv Border Agents Fish a 3-Year-Old's Corpse Out of the River At Biden's Border

Immigrants - Good For The Environment - Infiltration - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists- Good For The Environment

Immigrants - Good For The Economy - Economic Benefits - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Truth Revolt Report: 76% of Immigrant Households with Children on Welfare - Far above the percent of native-born families.
Truth Revolt Report: Sweden's Pro-Refugee Policies Aren't Working Out So Well - Open borders + welfare state = bad news for Europe's most "welcoming" country
Truth Revolt Disney Sacks American Employees, Makes Them Train Foreign Replacements - Now the Not-So-Happiest Place on Earth.
Truth Revolt DREAMers Getting Millions in Taxpayer-Funded Loans to Attend Univ of California - "We are committed to continuing a path forward for undocumented students."
Truth Revolt Germany: Lowest Oktoberfest Since 9/11 Due to Terrorism Concerns and Migrant Sexual Assaults - "Down 300,000 since last year"
Truth Revolt Merkel's Economic Disaster: Only 1 in 10K New Migrants Employed - "The employment of refugees is no solution for the skills shortage."
Truth Revolt Report: Total Cost Of Illegal Immigration is $135 Billion - It concludes that illegal immigration is a "staggering and crippling" drain on the public treasury.
mrc tv REPORT: European Migrant Crisis Costs UK More Than $1B In Trade Losses
mrc tv Sessions: 10K Syrian Refugees Will Cost Taxpayers $6.5B
mrc tv Report: Taxpayers Paid $19.4 Billion Welfare to Illegal Immigrant Households in 2012 Alone
mrc tv One Illegal Alien Inmate Has Cost This Utah County Jail $1 MILLION In Medical Bills
mrc tv The Government Spends $2.5 BILLION Annually On Illegal Alien Inmates
patheos Sweden took 162,000 refugees last year - guess how many got jobs?
mrc tv Sen. Ted Cruz Films Human Smugglers Taunting Border Patrol Across the Southwest Border
mrc tv WHAT? Trucking Company Fined $700K By Biden Admin For Checking Green Cards Of Job Seekers

Immigrants - Freeloaders Rights - Rights - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Truth Revolt Malkin: Obamnesty Falls Apart. American Workers Win. - Do we have an office of president or an office of Caesar?
Truth Report Poor Immigrants Get Full Ride to Ivy League Schools, Still Complain Everything's Not Free - We're sorry for the inconvenience.
Truth Revolt 'We Are Afraid': Swedish Schoolchildren Beg Principal to Save Them From Violent Migrants - "Try to understand" them...
mrc tv Jobless Immigrants Feel 'Neglected' In Great Britain After Being Offered 5-Bedroom Home
mrc tv School System Sued For Not Accepting Illegal Immigrants
Louder With Crowder Illegal Immigrant Caravan Members Attack Trump, Call Him the Antichrist

Immigrants - Relocation - New York - Washington D.C. - Martha's Vineyard - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Personal Liberty Digest Watch D.C.-Area Residents Support Bringing In Illegal Immigrant Children, Then Decline To House Them
Truth Revolt Germany Loses 130,000 Refugees - And watch how easy it is for any of them to obtain fake passports and other ID documents.
Epoch Times Washington Mayor Decries Illegal Immigrants Being Bused Into City
mrc tv 'We Need Help:' Mayor Eric Adams Begs For Aid As Busses of Migrants Arrive in NYC
mrc tv Is There a Border Crisis Now? Texas Gov. Abbott Sends Two Buses of Illegal Aliens Outside Kamala Harris' D.C. Residence
mrc tv Martha's Vineyard Cries 'Urgent Humanitarian Situation' After DeSantis Sends Two Planeloads of Illegal Aliens
Louder With Crowder 'Their virtue signaling is a fraud': Ron DeSantis LEVELS critics of him redistributing migrants to blue areas
Fox News Illinois mayor blasts Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot's 'hypocrisy' after migrants shipped to 'Republican suburb'
Fox News Adams denies 'reassessing' NYC 'right to shelter' amid influx of 11,000 migrants, Martha's Vineyard planes

Immigrants - Only Terrorist Need Apply - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Breitbart Sen. Sessions Reveals 12 Refugee-Jihadis Charged this Year, Hopes to Shrink Obama’s 2016 Refugee Budget
mrc tv Senator Lists Terrorists Who Were Granted Entry into U.S. by Lax Visa Policy
Truth Revolt Criminals, ISIS Sympathizers Blending In With Syrian Refugees - "What we see here has nothing to do with seeking refuge and safety. It is nothing but opportunism."

Immigrants - Only Criminals Need Apply - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Just The News Rep. Nehls says Homeland Security confirmed Venezuela 'sends violent criminals' to U.S.

Immigrants - Inadequate Welcome - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
Truth Revolt Refugees Buy One-Way Ticket Home, Find Germany 'Intolerable' - "The food was disgusting."

Immigrants - Protecting Americans - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
mrc tv CBP Detains Passenger for Bringing 14 Times The Legal Amount of Seahorses

Immigrants - Democrat Hypocrisy - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
YouTube Dear Virtue Signalling Celebrities
Truth Revolt Actor: ‘We Did Look Into’ Housing Syrian Refugees, Decided Against It - ‘You’ve got a home, why don’t you house refugees?’
Louder With Crowder Mayor Angry Too Many Illegal Immigrants Coming to Washington, DC, Gets Wrecked by Reporter on the Hypocrisy
mrc tv Funny How That Works: NYC Mayor Says Increase in Illegal Migrants 'Real Burden on New Yorkers,' Calls on Biden for Help
Washington Examiner Big-city Democrats beg Biden for help amid mass migrant releases
mrc tv Oh, Sweet Irony! L.A. Times Pens Tone Deaf Article About How Mexicans in Mexico Want 'Foreigners' to Leave

Immigrants - Humor - Infiltration - Invaders - Invasion - Colonists
The Daily Rash Obama Sends Troops to Border After Learning Illegals Deny Climate Change
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Country Without Borders
YouTube Andrew Klavan: Imagine There's No Border
The Daily Currant Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 220 Million Undocumented White
Stuppid Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites
YouTube Illegal Immigrant Song, by The Cigar Wrappers
Babylon Bee 23 Things More Secure Than The Southern Border
Babylon Bee Genius: Vacationing Family Poses As Illegal Immigrants To Get Free Hotel Room In New York City

In Defense Of Our Nation To resist tyranny, you must recognize the propaganda

Individualist libertarian podcast

Information Liberation

infowars Ted Turner: I Think It’s "Good" U.S. Troops are Killing Themselves

Institute for Justice litigates nationwide on behalf of individuals whose rights are being violated by government.

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. - Isaac Asimov
No matter how outrageous a lie may be, it will be accepted if stated loudly enough and often enough. - Isaac Asimov
If you want to know how stupid people really are, just think how stupid the average person is and realize that half of them are stupider. - George Carlin
The men the American public admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth. - H. L. Mencken
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. - L. Mencken
Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. - Terry Pratchett
You can never underestimate the stupidity of the general public. - Scott Adams
You live and learn. At any rate, you live. - Douglas Adams
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. - Douglas Adams
Laissez Fair Today Kids: Smarter Than Adults
Daily Reckoning The Failure of Common Knowledge
Mises Institute The Intelligentsia Takes a Hit

Islam: the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, .... Where it is open season on anyone who is not an adult Muslim male (ie. legitimate targets are Muslim women and children as well as all females and males of any other religion).
Islam: Offended by everything, ashamed of nothing.
Islam: a despotic socio-political system based on the incoherent and pseudo-religious ravings of a warring tyrant who, as even the Quran concedes, was a murderous anti-Semite and anti-Christian misogynist and pedophile, hell-bent on world domination (Islamic caliphate).
Slay the idolaters wherever you find them (Koran 9:5)
Strike upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip (Koran 8:12)
Fight them until there is no unbelief and the religion, all of it, is for Allah (Koran 8:39)
Those who study jihad will understand why Islam wants to conquer the whole world - Ayatollah Khomeini
ISIS = Islamist Savagery Inspired by Satan
There are 13 nations where an atheist can be executed for non-belief or religious skepticism. All 13 are Islamic States.
If Islam is a religion and Mecca is the holy city, then why can't Mein Kampf be a holy book and the Fuhrerbunker a holy place?
ISLAM IS THE CREATION of a psychopath, so call what Muhammad started a religion at your own risk.
Islam is as American as the KKK, Nazis, Joseph Stalin and every other nutjob that believes in the slaughter of anyone who doesn't have their beliefs.
The only religion I respect is Islam. The only prophet I admire is the Prophet Muhammad. - Adolf Hitler
Where Islam grows, freedom dies.
killing infidels is culture too
Islam is Nazism with a god. - Eric Allen Bell
Islam is the enemy of free speech, of human rights and of Liberty. - Eric Allen Bell
Islam has been at war for 1,400 years with freedom and all that is good. - Eric Allen Bell
Islam is anti-human rights, anti-reason, anti-liberty and anti-free speech. - Eric Allen Bell
Islam is a religion of blood for infidels but a religion of guidance for other people. - Ayatollah Khomeini
Approximately 10 percent of world Muslims have a favorable opinion of the Islamic State and terror against civilians. That’s more than 100 million people. - Pew Research
Followers of Islam fight for the right to rape and murder non-muslims.
the sword of Mahomet, and the Koran, are the most fatal enemies of civilization, liberty, and truth, which the world has yet known. - William Muir
Quran is the big book of jihad
Islam is a religion of peace if you ignore them exectuting gays, executing women for appearing in public alone or dressed immodestly or killing apostates.
In 2011 Muslims were responsible for 94 percent of the fatalities in terrorist attacks.
In 2013 Muslims were responsible for 100 percent of the fatalities in terrorist attacks.
It is time we admitted that we are not at war with terrorism. We are at war with Islam. - Sam Harris
Islam, the only religion that believes that you must convert or die.
Islam is a religion of piece. When they are done with you there will be pieces of you all over the place.
It's said only 5-10% of Muslims are extremists. In 1940, only 7% of Germans were Nazis. How'd that go?
Everything I ever needed to know about Islam, I learned on September 11, 2001.
Islam is as dangerous in a man as rabies in a dog. - Sir Winston Churchill
When Muslims are in theminority they are4 very concerned with minority rights, when they are in the maajority there are no minority rights. - Winston Churchill
The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. - Sir Winston Churchill, The River War, Vol. II, pp. 248-50, London: Longman, Green & Co., 1899)
A woman is nothing but a shame. Her husband will cover up 1/10th of her shame and her grave will cover up the rest of it. - Muhammad
Sharia Law states
- A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
- A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
- A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
- A man can beat his wife for insubordination.
- Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
- A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
- A woman is prohibited from driving a car or speaking alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
- The Quran says that Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
Islamic Terrorism the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Islam - Links the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
YouTube THE PROOF IS IN THE QURAN: Islam is not a religion of peace
Informed American U.S. Imam: ‘Islamists Have The RIGHT To Take The Property Of Christians And Jews’
Truth Revolt Confessions of an Islamophobe - Robert Spencer’s courageous personal declaration.
Time In Interview, Top Indonesian Muslim Scholar Says Stop Pretending That Orthodox Islam and Violence Aren't Linked
Fellowship Of The Minds Half of world’s Muslims are inbred due to generations of incest
Canada Free Press First Assumptions: Islam Compatible with the West - Until this government can point to the similarities and compatibility between the West and Islam as practiced in the 22 Muslims countries, their First Assumption is wrong
Counter Jihad 5 Things We Know About Sharia Law (But the Washington Post Won’t Tell You)
American Thinker Islam and the First Amendment
American Thinker You Better Believe 'Islam Hates Us'
American Thinker ISIS magazine calls on Muslims on Australia to slaughter non-believers in lone wolf attacks
Victory Girls ISIS Wants All of Us Dead
Political Islam Political Islam has subjugated civilizations for 1,400 years
Political Islam Politically Correct Jihad
YouTube Bill Warner, PhD: Jihad vs Crusades
akdart Islam is not a "Religion of Peace" - for every tree is known by his own fruit
Middle East Forum Beheading in the Name of Islam
Islam: The Religion Of Peace (and a big stack of bodies).
Jihad Watch
Political Islam
Clarion Project dedicated to educating both policy makers and the public about the growing phenomenon of Islamic extremism.
Geller Report
Pamela Geller Book condoning sex-slaves, stoning handed out at Ontario Islamic Heritage Month event
Geller Report Muslim migrants RIOT, set camp ablaze, Greeks attacked with EXPLOSIVES by mobs in terrifying night of violence
Geller Report Muslim clerics demand DEATH for blogger who criticized Muhammad’s treatment of Jews
Geller Report France: Muslim baby named for jihadi who slaughtered Jewish children at day school in Toulouse
Geller Report Arabic translator: Muslim migrants display ‘pure hatred’ of Christians
Geller Report Arson jihad: Muslim migrant sets crowded bank ABLAZE, 27 injured, children burned
Geller Report The Total Collapse of France
Counter Jihad articles and videos by Eric Allen Bell
Counter Jihad Video: Information Age will be the Death of Islam
Counter Jihad Infidel Lives Matter
Counter Jihad 6 Sure Signs Someone You Know is an Islamophobe – And What you can DO about it!
Creeping Sharia
The Atlantic What ISIS Really Wants
The Atlantic What ISIS Really Wants
Islam Watch Telling the truth about Islam.
Radical Islam Watch
akdart Islam is not a "Religion of Peace"
Islam Threat
It's All About Muhammed
Israel News Ahmadinejad's Imam: Islam Allows Raping, Torturing Prisoners
A German's View on Islam
No Compromise When You're Right! Obama Speaks About Ramadan Islam vs. Free Speech State Department Endorses Islamic Law Taxpayer Funded Terrorism
Human Events Islamic Jizya: Fact vs. Fiction I Intend to Protest Your Protest What I Saw at the (Muslim Prayer) Revolution
Escape From An Arab Marriage
Yahoo News Kadhafi says Palestinians should have nuclear weapons
telegraph Barack Obama adviser says Sharia Law is misunderstood
American Thinker Obama's State Department Submits to Islam
American Thinker Flying the Terrorist Flag in Washington
American Thinker Why Muslims Must Hate Jews
American Thinker Cleaning Islam of its Murderers
Atlas Shrugs Muslim kills soldier, wounds another at Arkansas military recruiting center UPDATE: Jihad Murderer Studied With Islamic Scholar In Yemen
Atlas Shrugs Friday Sermon: Egyptian Cleric Calls On Allah To Annihilate Jews "Oh Allah, Destroy The Accursed Jews... Disperse Them And Kill Them All, Turn Their Children Into Orphans And Their Wives Into Widows"
American Thinker You might be a jihadi if ...
American Thinker Muslim Brotherhood Wants to Re-Elect Barack Hussein Obama
American Thinker Hillary Cheered Broadway's Book of Mormon, Condemns Innocence of Muslims
American Thinker The Fatal Fallacy of Muslim Outreach Home-grown terrorism: our values are not optional for minority groups Obama's terror policy: Funny if not so scary
American Thinker President Obama Must Choose Sides
Gary Bauer Welfare For Jihadists
Yahoo! News Merkel says German multi-cultural society has failed
ABC News Quran Burning at U.S. Base Sparks Afghan Protests (violent-life threatening)
Yahoo! News ‘Innocence of Muslims’: The film that may have sparked deadly U.S. Embassy attacks
Patriot Post Islam's Hijackers and Hijackees
Pajama Media Why It’s OK for the U.S. Govt. to Burn Bibles But Condemn Burning the Koran
PJ Media So, Washington Post, How Does One Determine the Motive of a Muslim Man Who Shouts "Allahu Ackbar" While Shooting US Landmarks?
Washington Free Beacon Revisionist History - Education consultants working to whitewash history of Islam in public schools
YouTube Abrogation Explained The lies of ISLAM
The Daily Caller Muslim-American think tank chief: ‘There is no greater threat to the world right now than political Islam’
American Thinker Under Allah with Sharia for All
The Daily Caller Islamic world must have nuclear weapons, says Iran
A Time To Betray Ayatollah: Kill All Jews, Annihilate Israel
American Thinker Save the children
American Thinker Shariaphobia
American Thinker RIP: Free Speech about Islam
American Thinker Why I'm Boycotting the Olympics: IOC Admits Muslims Prevented the Honoring of Murdered Israeli Athletes
American Thinker A Mosque Is Not Like a Church or a Synagogue
American Thinker Perpetually Outraged Muslims storm embassies in Yemen, Tunisia
American Thinker Mrs. Clinton and American Sensibilities
American Thinker The Hamas Plan
American Thinker Dhimmitude and Trump
American Thinker Islam: Not Just a Religion
American Thinker The Madness of Frau Merkel
American Thinker Islam: At war with the world (and itself)
Legal Insurrection Don’t let the facts on Huma Abedin’s family get in the way of attacking Michele Bachmann
Gateway Pundit Muslim Activist Who Fought Against Islamophobia Arrested on Terrorism & Gun-Running Charges
Atlas Shrugs
Act! For America
Canada Free Press The Murderous Christian Horde Must Be Stopped
Canada Free Press 9/11’s Aftermath of Lethal Tolerance (The lesson of 9/11 is that Islam cannot be tolerated)
Canada Free Press Surprise! Surprise! They HATE US! (Democracy and Islam do not mix)
Canada Free Press War is the Answer - Behind the peace agreement and the ceasefire is another war that will be worse than the last.
Canada Free Press Islamic lying - Jihad, the Great Struggle, (war) is to subjugate all who are not of Islam.
Canada Free Press Muslimsplaining Islamic Terrorism Away - The Muslimsplainers insult our intelligence and the countless victims of the Jihad from Africa to Asia, across the Middle East and in Europe and the United States, with their lies
Sydney Morning Herald An open letter
imgur an open letter to the Islamic protestors in Australia Pakistani Government Minister Offers $100,000 Bounty to Kill Filmmakers; State Dept. Responds by Calling Video 'offensive, disgusting, and reprehensible'
World Daily News Ex-Muslim: Islam 'scares the hell out of me' 'My culture of origin is infecting America with fear of speaking the truth'
Business Insider CBS' Lara Logan Slams US Government And Says The Taliban Is As Strong As Ever
Faith Freedom
Faith Freedom Why Arabs are so Easily Offended
Faith Freedom Violent And Hateful Misfits Get Attracted To Islam
Radical Islam Six Things the $450 Million Aid to Egypt Will Pay For
Radical Islam NYC Muslim Day Parade: "This is My Country"
Victor Davis Hanson - Private Papers 'Religious Defamation' Laws Would Ban Islam
Warning Signs Islam's Many Murders of Americans
Warning Signs On NOT Understanding Muslims
End Time Truth Those Peaceful Muslims At It Again
Personal Liberty Digest Islam And Immigration
Stand For Israel Islamic Leader Calls for U.S. and European Destruction from Temple Mount
Vinienco The Truth on the Encroachment of Global Islamism
Vinienco N.C. Senate Passes Bill Blocking Sharia Law
Sharia Unveiled
WND Offended Muslim chokes atheist, and then ...
Bare Naked Islam It isn't Islamophobia when they really are trying to kill you.
YouTube Ann Coulter on Muslims
Dennis Prager Muslims Need to Confront Muslim Evil
Jan Morgan Media Muslims in America Chant: Jews Back in the Ovens, NUKE Israel
Young Conservatives A giant teddy bear on Palestinian TV encourages children to do the unthinkable ...
Amrican Thinker Amazing Answer to 'Peaceful Muslims' Concern Gets Standing Ovation
Tea Party Tribune Miami HAMAS ATTACKS Jewish Reporter!
Arutz Sheva 7 Italian Reporter Reveals Hamas Cover-Up Over Misfired Rockets - Journalist backs IDF version of missile strike on school playground, says Hamas rockets went astray. But it's just the tip of the iceberg.
Allen B. West Shocking: Arab mother hopes her baby will become a suicide bomber [VIDEO]
Young Conservatives 5 points that anti-Israel activists ignore
The Blaze A CNN Host Let a Muslim Cleric Speak Freely. What He Said about Journalism, Terrorism and Sharia Law in America Left the Host Speechless
Yahoo! News British 'jihadist' mum threatens to behead Christians: reports
Truth Revolt Media Silent on Pro-Terror Muslim Day Parade in NYC - Ignores mock hangings/torture, young "virgin" girls in cages...
Truth Revolt Ben Shapiro: The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority
Truth Revolt SHAPIRO: Politifact Thinks There's No Such Thing As a Radical Muslim
Truth Revolt Al Jazeera Poll: 81% of Arabs Support ISIS
Truth Revolt VIDEO: America or Somalia - You Might Be Surprised - America or Somalia? American law or sharia law?
Truth Revolt US Church Website Hacked with ISIS Threat: 'We Will Break Your Crosses and Enslave Your Women' - "You have realized the threat of the Islamic State."
Truth Revolt ISIS Tells Jihadis to Target ‘Christian Tourists’ - "[T]urn holiday hot-spots in Egypt into bloodbaths by murdering "Christian" tourists."
Mercatornet The castle of backwardness - A Saudi scholar laments his culture’s aversion to rational discourse.
Jan Morgan Media Why I Want My Range to be a Muslim Free Zone
Bookworm Room Comparing and contrasting immigration and assimilation in the Middle East
Advice Goddess blog Criticizing Islam: The Ben Affleck Fallacy
Truth Revolt ARFA: Why Facebook Banned Satire Of Palestinian Propaganda
New York Observer A Million Muslim March - Followers of Islam should organize a global day of public campaigning to denounce violence in the name of their religion
Truth Revolt Franklin Graham: The 'Cancer' of Anti-Semitism Imported by Muslim Immigrants - By way of "their hatred of Jews and Christians."
Truth Revolt Iran Giving Hamas Tens Of Millions For Terror Tunnels
Truth Revolt ISIS Crucifies Two Children for Eating During Ramadan - Boys younger than 18
Truth Revolt ISIS Releases Execution Video, Drown Prisoners in Cage - Films with underwater cameras
Truth Revolt Majority of American Muslims Choose Sharia - Poll of 600 Muslims nationwide
Truth Revolt Afghan Scholars from Religion of Peace Issue Fatwa Against... Peace Talks - "Such peace process has no Islamic validity in Islamic Sharia."
Truth Revolt 'Greatest Arabic Poet' Says Islam 'Can't Be Modernized' - He also noted that Islam does not contribute intellectually or artistically to the world.
Truth Revolt Iran Test-Fires Missiles Marked 'Israel Must Be Wiped Out' - "The 1,240-mile range of our missiles is to confront the Zionist regime."
Truth Revolt Former UK Official Who Invented Term 'Islamophobia': I Got Everything Wrong - He is now trying to make amends. Too little, too late.
Truth Revolt Prager U: Is Islam a Religion of Peace? - "Islam is at a crossroads of reformation or self-destruction."
Truth Revolt Muslim Reformer: We Muslims Are Totally Self-Unaware Cry-Bullies - "It is precisely this lack of internal criticism that is allowing Muslim-majority societies to fall apartwhile we insist everyone else is worse."
New York Post ‘In Islam, they are all rotten apples’: Activist ex-Muslim
Yahoo! News Police: Muslims threw Christians overboard during Med voyage
YouTube Moderate Islam: A MYTH! (Featuring Dana Loesch)
Truth Revolt Majority of American Muslims Choose Sharia - Poll of 600 Muslims nationwide
Vlad Tepes Graph of Muslim population by % and what to expect.
Daily Surge POLL: Over 50 Percent of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia Law in America
Center for Security Policy Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists’ Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad
Gatestone Institute Saudi Arabia: World's Human Rights Sewer
The Muslim Issue
The Muslim Issue Muslims have massacred over 590 million non-Muslims since 622AD
Perspective: Think the Spanish inquisition was bad?
- More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined.
Think the KKK has been bad since 1950?
- Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years.
Think the KKK was bad from 1865-1965?
- Islamists killed more Buddhists in Thailand since 9/11 than the KKK killed in the 100 YEARS from 1865 to 1965.
Think the IRA’s terror campaign and the sectarian violence in Northern Ireland was bad?
- More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland.
Think capital punishment in the USA is barbaric?
- The 19 Muslim hijackers killed more innocents in two hours on September 11th than the number of American criminals executed in the last 65 years.
Muslim Statistics Germany: Muslim ‘Migrants’ Swell Crime by 65%
mrc tv Can We Talk About This International Religious Freedom Report?
Truth Revolt ISIS Posting Pics of Babies with Knives to Celebrate Jewish Stabbings - #SlaughterTheJews
Truth Revolt Saudi-Born Singer Defends U.S. Constitution & Laws on Arab Television - "Why do we pin all our problems on the West?"
Truth Revolt Priest Invites ISIS Leaders to Dinner, They RSVP: We'll Chop Off Your Head - Well, there's dialogue for you.
Truth Revolt Wake Up World: Video Shows Palestinian Woman Stabbing Israeli Guard
Truth Revolt Report: Majority of Arab-Israelis Support ISIS, Radical Islamic Movements - The enemy within.
Truth Revolt Man Behind 'Hug a Muslim' Campaign Arrested for Bomb Threat Against British MP - And the rubes came out in droves to give this man a big bear hug.
Truth Revolt Canadian Imam: Jerusalem Only Regained Through Blood, Peace Deals Are Garbage - What was that about Muslims in North America being assimilated?
Truth Revolt Prager University: What ISIS Wants - What does ISIS want? What does it believe? Where did it come from? And can it be stopped?
Truth Revolt The Black American Imam the MSM Will NOT Tell You About - This interview needs to be shared as widely as possible.
Truth Revolt Ibrahim: The Ugly Truth about Muslim Grievances - How do you define "grievance"?
Truth Revolt CAIR Director Deletes Tweet Wishing 100 More Russians Died in Plane Crash - And he calls himself a human rights activist?
Truth Revolt Bawer: Confessions of an Islamophobe - A jolt of truth from Robert Spencer.
American Thinker Syrians love ISIS
Pamela Geller 1 in 5 British Muslims sympathize with jihadists, 1 in 4 Young Muslims Love ISIS
Human Events For a Possible Preview of Their Future, Western Christians Should Consider the Mideast
YourTube Muslim woman asks a question and probably wishes she didn't
YouTube Center for the Study of Political Islam
YouTube NEW: Milo Yiannopoulos "Muslims DESTROYED Europe"
Daily Wire Researchers: Study of Views of British Muslims Produced 'Deeply Worrying' Results
muslim statistics
The Muslim Issue Dutch research professor: More than 50 million Muslims support terror attacks
FrontPage Mag The Devastating Cost Of ‘Blaspheming’ Against Muhammad - If the mob doesn’t get you, the "authorities" will.
Ali Sina The Sound, Sane and Rational Quran that Makes You Laugh
Daily Mail I'm sick of politicians pussy footing around. As they won't say it, I will - we ARE at war, writes RICHARD LITTLEJOHN
Crisis Magazine "Family-Friendly" Islam Comes to Europe
Jihad Watch
fitnaphobia exposing the Muslims who kill, expell and fight disbelievers
dotinfo24 A Female Doctor Working in Germany Warns the World
Federalist Christians Need To Stop Being So Naive About Muslim Immigration
Louder With Crowder French Teacher Beheaded for Allegedly Showing Mohammed Cartoon, Turns Out His Accuser Lied

Islam - No-Go Zones - No Go Zones - non-Muslims NOT allowed the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
mrc tv One Million Refugees Later, Merkel Finally Admits There Are Now 'No-Go Areas' In Germany

Islam - Support For Slavery the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Truth Revolt Georgetown Prof Says Slavery Under Islamic Law Not As Bad as U.S. - "Slaves in Islamic civilizations were mostly investments."
American Thinker The Islamic Brew of Racism, Apartheid, and Slavery

Islam - Peaceful Muslims the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Peaceful Muslims are irrelevant - Brigitte Gabriel
Truth Revolt In Wake of Recent Terrorism, Rewatch This: Peaceful Muslims Irrelevant - Because the radicals are hundreds of millions strong!
Truth Revolt Famous Swedish TV Chef Attacked by Muslims Over Resemblance to Trump - Brought to you by the Religion of Peace.
Truth Revolt Prager U: Where Are the Moderate Muslims? - How moderate are moderate Muslims?
Truth Revolt Anni Cyrus Video: "Non-Devout" Muslims and the Threat They Pose - The minefield of cherry-picking when and where you choose to follow Sharia.
Pamela Geller ‘We’re Somalis, We Don’t Pay’: Muslim Migrants Smash Bistro with Iron Bars
mrc tv CAIR Leader Calls for Overthrow of U.S. Government
Truth Feed Norway Deported 824 Radical Muslims .... Guess What Happens Next?

Islam - Sharia Law the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Death Penalty (beheadings, stoned to death, ...) applies to:
anyone who insults Islam or the Prophet Muhammad
anyone who converts from Islam to any other religion
anyone who commites adultery or homosexuality
anyone who makes a false accusation of rape (although a woman needs 4 male witnesses to be believed)
anyone who dishonors you
YouTube Inside Sharia Law Exposed and Clarified
Gaqestone Institute Sentenced to Death for "Insulting Islam"

Islam - War on Muslims the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
mrc tv ISIS Fighters Boiled Alive After Fleeing Battlefield
Truth Revolt Saudi Arabia Hit by Three Suicide Bomber Attacks
Jihad Watch Hugh Fitzgerald: Those Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes "Soaring to Their Highest Levels" Since 2001
National Review The Ohio State Terrorist Saw Himself As A Victim Of Islamophobia

Islam - Innovation the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
100 Percent Fed Up "MODERATE" MUSLIMS GATHER AROUND To Watch New Way ISIS Will Publicly Slaughter Infidels

Islam - Islamophobia the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Killing infidels to combat Islamophobia.
Truth Revolt Another Day, Another Hate Crime Hoax: Muslim Woman Lied About Being Slashed and Called Terrorist - We're shocked, shocked.
mrc tv Ohio State Attacker Was Concerned Over Portrayal of Muslims in 'The Media'
American Thinker Why Are American Muslims So Islamophobic?

Islam - Murder List the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
PH Media Here Are al-Qaeda's Guidelines for Which 'Blasphemers' to Assassinate
YouTube Protecting Muslims from Anti-Muslim Bigotry and Violence (David Wood)
YouTube Three Questions for Moderate Muslims (David Wood)
Truth Revolt Australian Teachers Receiving Death Threats From Muslim Elementary School Students - "Some students would act out beheadings with their fingers across their necks."

Islam - unreligious the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Truth Revolt Islamists Attack Radiohead Fans in Turkey - "Are you not ashamed doing this in Ramadan?"

Islam - War On Refugees the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
YouTube Why Are There Still Palestinian Refugees?

Islam - Preparing For a Bright Future the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Truth Revolt 'The Car Is in Reverse!': Jordanian Writer Admits Arab, Muslims Lag Behind Rest of World - He says Muslim societies lag behind the rest of the world, which has bested them by "perhaps millennia."

Islam - Quality of Life the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
BBC News Inside Mosul: What's life like under Islamic State?
CNS News Leader: ISIS is ‘Systematically Beheading Children' in 'Christian Genocide'
Sharia Unveiled Media Silent as Muslims Ethnically Cleanse 60,000 Christians in Philippines
The Daily Caller Radical Islamists stone couple to death in northern Mali
CNN Egyptian Copts, reeling from violence, want protection
American Thinker Muslims in the hospital, Muslims on the train, as Europe hands over the keys to the kingdom

Islam - World Wide Caliphate - Jihad - Dawa the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Truth Revolt Brussels ISIS Fighter: My Dream is to Live in Europe Under Islamic Caliphate - "I think they are already in Europe. Because ISIS is not a group, it's an ideology."
Truth Revolt Fox & Friends: Robert Spencer on Jihad in Brussels and America - "There is no challenge being made to the underlying ideology."
Truth Revolt New Video Proves ISIS Knows History, West Does Not - They keep telling you who they are and what drives them, but the West refuses to believe.
Wall Street Journal Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Islam’s Most Eloquent Apostate - The West’s obsession with ‘terror’ has been a mistake, she argues. Dawa, the ideology behind it, is a broader threat.
WND 'Ignorant infidels' in U.S. may have to be 'forced' to accept Islam - Dire warning given at Islamist conference in Virginia

Islam - Fort Hood, Major Hasan the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
akdart The Fort Hood Terrorist Attack
The Opinionator Muslim Major Shouts 'Allahu Akbar' as he Massacres 13 soldiers Injures 38
New York Post Hood massacre report gutless and shameful
Fox News Fort Hood Suspect Warned of Muslim Threat Within Military
N.Y.Times Pentagon Report on Fort Hood Details Failures
Time The Fort Hood Report: Why No Mention of Islam?
Wall Street Journal Major Hasan and Holy War: A domestic Islamic threat is real, and the FBI is unprepared to fight it.

Islam - Benghazi the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
akdart Lies about the Benghazi terrorist attack - followed by months of deception, delay and cover-up

Islam - Boston Bombers, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Truth Revolt Boston Bomber's Family Still Thinks It's All A Big Conspiracy - "This was all fabricated by the American special services."
Truth Revolt Boston Bomber’s Mother: Americans Will Burn - Sends raging messages to supporters after son sentenced to death
Mail Online 'Terrorista#1': Bragging license plate on BMW belonging to friends of captured Boston bomber who were arrested along with another woman in dramatic raid

Islam - Other Terrorist Actions the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
mrc tv ISIS Sympathizer Tries to Detonate WMD in Key West
Truth Revolt German Journalist: ISIS Plans 'Nuclear Tsunami' - "The largest religious cleansing in history."
Truth Revolt Israeli Intelligence Reports Takedown of First Known ISIS Attack on Israel - Israeli Police Inspector: "They were close enough."
Truth Revolt Hamas Praises 'Heroic' Murder of Israeli Parents in West Bank - "Zionists will pay the price for Netanyahu's criminal policies everywhere."
Truth Revolt Brother Charged With Acid Attack Is Islamic Convert, UK Media Ignores - Acid attacks in the UK have doubled in the last ten years.
Truth Revolt Kansas Mosque Invites Hamas-Linked Speaker to Address Congregation, Cancels Only After Protests Threatened - But all Muslim communities in the U.S. are pro-Western, right?

Islam - War On Americans - Ameriphobia the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Truth Revolt CAIR Official Slanders American Troops Three Memorial Days Running - Something about them participating in an "unjust war."
Truth Revolt Franklin Graham: Over 100,000 Muslim Americans Approve Jihad - "Trust us - we’re mostly peaceful."
Truth Revolt Iran: Hundreds of Thousands Chant 'Death to America' on Anniversary of Iranian Revolution - Fortunately Obama stopped them from acquiring nukes. Oh, wait...
Louder With Crowder "An ideology that would love to destroy our constitution”: Crowder GOES OFF on the West kowtowing to Islam, new Somali rep

Islam - War On Easter the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
mrc tv Man Arrested for Alleged Murder of Muslim Shopkeeper Who Wished a Happy Easter to Christians

Islam - War On Valentines Day the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Truth Revolt Glazov: Hating Valentine’s - Why Islamists and the radical Left loathe the Day of Love.
Truth Revolt Hating Valentine’s - Why Islamists and the radical Left loathe the Day of Love.

Islam - War On Halloween the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Pamela Geller Muslims order non-Muslims not to trick-or-treat in their neighborhood Blackburn, England

Islam - War On Christmas the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Breitbart War on Christmas: Saudis Ban International Schools from Observing Non-Islamic Holidays

Islam - War On Human Rights the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
mrc tv ISIS Desperate for Cash, Sells Organs from Injured Fighters
muslim statistics Saudi Arabia: 92% approve of ISIS representation of Islam and Sharia law – Poll
Truth Revolt The Springfield Country Club Should Cancel CAIR-Philadelphia's Fundraising Banquet - No H8.

Islam - War On Women - Women's Rights the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Rape Culture
Breitbart Boko Haram Jihadists Teach Boy Soldiers How to Rape Women
Pamela Geller Muslim Invasion: HALF A MILLION cases of SEXUAL ATTACKS in 2015 in Sweden
Jihad Watch Top 10 Innocent Women Executed in Iran - An Anni Cyrus Video
New York Times ISIS Enshrines a Theology of Rape - Claiming the Quran’s support, the Islamic State codifies sex slavery in conquered regions of Iraq and Syria and uses the practice as a recruiting tool.
Counter Jihad "Virgin. Beautiful. 12 years old…. Her price has reached $12,500 and she will be sold soon."
American Thinker Iran arrests at least 8 women for the crime of modeling online without headscarf
American Thinker Muslims Beat, Strip Naked, and Parade 70-Year-Old Christian Woman
Truth Revolt Iran Arrests Models for 'Un-Islamic' Modeling - "...spreading immoral and un-Islamic culture and promiscuity."
Truth Revolt Turkey's Erdogan: Women Who Choose Careers Over Motherhood 'Deficient Half Persons' - Where's the feminist outrage?
Truth Revolt Glazov: Why 17-Year-Old Mayar Mohamed Mousa Had to Die - A young Egyptian girl dies during female genital mutilation surgery. Where are the cries from Women's Studies Departments?
Truth Revolt Malkin: Horror and Hush-Up in Twin Falls, Idaho - A social media groundswell, unconstrained by political correctness, forced authorities to respond.
Truth Revolt Muslim Migrant Boys Sexually Assault 5-Year-Old Idaho Girl - CAIR upset with the anti-Muslim, anti-refugee sentiment resulting from this incident.
Truth Revolt Syrian Migrant Men Placed in Canadian High School, Sexually Harassing Young Girls - Sharia is creeping in North America.
Truth Revolt Report Leaked: More Than 2,000 Migrants Sexually Assaulted Women in Germany on NYE - And only 120 have been identified thus far.
Truth Revolt Former Iranian Child Bride: 'When I Speak Islam or Sharia, I Speak Life Experience' - "I was put in prison for such crimes as having nail polish on, singing publicly, my hair accidentally showing."
Truth Revolt Pro-American Arab Refugee Unloads About Trump, Milo, Islam and Feminism - "If you're planning to bring the Muslims I fled to the land I found, meet me in the next 15 minutes for an ass-kicking."
Truth Revolt Report: Polygamy ‘Commonplace’ In Britain's Muslim Communities - "May each have up to 20 children"
Truth Revolt Saudi Arabia Launches Council for Girls, ZERO Girls on Panel - Give ‘em time. They’ll come around... or not.
Pamela Geller AUDIO: Eyewitness confirms Muslim migrants raped, urinated in mouth of special needs five-year-old Idaho girl
mrc tv ISIS Members Are Using Facebook To Sell Women
mrc tv Pakisanti Council Proposes That Men 'Lightly Beat' Wife If They Refuse Sex
mrc tv Pakistani Schoolteacher Murdered For Refusing Marriage Proposal
mrc tv ISIS Continues Genocide of Yazidi as 19 Girls Are Burned to Death
mrc tv You Will Become Muslims When We Rape You, ISIS Told Yazidi Girls
mrc tv Qatari Court Convicts Dutch Tourist Who Reported She Was Raped
mrc tv Pakistani Senator Threatens Woman with Rape on TV
mrc tv ISIS Sex Slave Business: Expanding & Prevailing
mrc tv New Video Shows Muslim Woman Beaten Publicly; 'Women's March' Is Silent
mrc tv Female Suicide Bomber Detonates Her Vest While Holding Her Child
YouTube Three Quran Verses Every Woman Should Know (David Wood)
Egypt Streets Egypt MP Says Women Must Accept Female Genital Mutilation Due to Country’s ‘Sexually Weak’ Men
Louder With Crowder Topless Feminists Protest Muslim Conference. Guess How the Muslims React...
Front Page Mag Iranian Fatwa: Women May Not Ride Bicycles - Another surreal turn in the Islamic Republic's war on women.
Jihad Watch Turkey: 5 jihadists who tortured and murdered Christians finally sentenced to jail - but walk out of court free men
Freedom Daily Muslim Father Rapes His Daughter As Punishment Because She Had Become ‘Too Westernised’
muslim statistics Sweden: est 77% of rapes committed by 2% Muslim male population - Crime statistics
Mad World News Muslims Beat White Girl Unconscious, Now She Has One Question For Liberals
Daily Wire Woman Beheaded In Afghanistan Because She Left The House Without Her Husband
Daily Wire Muslim Women's March Organizer Attacks Female Genital Mutilation Survivor Hirsi Ali: I Would Take Her 'Vagina Away'
Geller Report<>/a> "I had no Idea how bad Islam was until I dated a Muslim..."
Ali Sina Why You Should Not Marry a Muslim
Ali Sina I was in a relationship with a muslim
Ali Sina What to Do with My Muslim Boyfriend?
Ali Sina Fallen Angel
Ali Sina Marrying a Muslim Man Winds of Jihad Muslim Woman
Street News Burqa-Clad Muslims Try To Force Woman To Wear Hijab, She Makes Them Deeply Regret It
NZ Times Islamist terrorists suspected in murder of Scandinavian tourists in Morocco
mrc tv The Real War On Women: Gruesome Video Shows Mob Stoning a Woman In Afghanistan
American Thinker/a> Muslim wives expose dirty secrets of CAIR leaders

Islam - War On Women - Genital Mutilation the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Breitbart Female Genital Mutilation in U.S. Up More than 200 Percent Since 1990
Jihad Watch Maine: Democratic Senate candidate Sara Gideon repeatedly killed ‘racist’ bills to outlaw female genital mutilation

Islam - War On Women - Honor Killing the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Atlas Shrugged Honor Killings Grow in the West: Islam's Gruesome Gallery
BBC News Shafilea Ahmed murder trial: Parents guilty of killing
Atlas Shurgs Honor killing: Muslim "repeatedly ran over" his sister to make sure she was dead, over her alleged "suspicious behavior"
Advice Goddess How Western Technology Helps Muslim Men Keep Their Women Down
Progessives Today American progressives strangely silent about mistreatment of women in Muslim cultures
Truth Revolt A Growing Problem: Number of Honor Killings in the U.S. Buried in Stats, DOJ Says - But the Christian Right is the "real threat" to American life.

Islam - War On Children - Children's Rights - Child Warriors the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Women are for children, boys are for pleasure.
PJ Media ISIS Shows Preschooler Killing Victim Tied to Carnival Ball Pit
Raymond Ibrahim Muslims Sexually Enslaving Children: A Global Phenomenon
Truth Revolt ISIS Training 10-Year-Olds How to Behead - Terrorist group training 10-year-olds for the front lines
Truth Revolt ISIS Teaching Children to Behead Dolls
Truth Revolt Palestinian TV: Boys Share Their Ambition to Kill Jews - "Keep waging Jihad, and Allah willing, when you grow up, you will wage resistance against the Jews."
Truth Revolt Amnesty International: Iran World's Leading Executioner of Children - Yet the civilized world is bending over backwards for the Islamic Republic.
Truth Revolt Boko Haram Burns Children Alive
Truth Revolt ISIS Beheads 14-Year-Old 'Apostate' - Islam teaches peace, right?
Truth Revolt Muslim Woman Walks Around Moscow Holding Child's Severed Head - "I am your death."
Truth Revolt Palestinians Admit Their TV Programs Create Child-Terrorists
Truth Revolt Arabic 'Educational' Video Teaches Girls That Not Wearing Hijab 'Brings You Closer to Satan' - The indoctrination is elaborate and starts early -- and this is what the West doesn't understand.
Truth Revolt SHOCK VIDEO: Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony in Gaza Looks Like Terrorists in Training - "Stab! Kill the occupier with stones and knives."
Truth Revolt Glazov: Boys of the Taliban - The taboo pathology that fuels Islamic rage.
Truth Revolt Terror Show at Gaza Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony - In addition to all the economic aid we send to the Palestinians, looks like we need to throw in some "Coexist" bumper stickers.
Truth Revolt Disturbing Islamic State Video: Little Girl Practices Beheading Techniques on Baby Doll - They grow up so fast.
Truth Revolt Palestinian Textbooks Tell Children 'Women are Witches' - "The lesson they are being taught is that the first half of society is Muslim, while the second half is infidel."
Truth Revolt Palestinian Summer Camps' 'Role Models' for Kids - murderer of three, Baha Alyan.
Truth Revolt Guess What Happened to Swedish School That Took the Most Migrants? - It's now a hellhole.
Truth Revolt ISIS Terrorist Tried to Create ‘Army of Children’ in London - "[H]e secretly groomed children as young as 11 through terrorism role play and exercises."
Star Tribune Joel Brinkley: The lost boys of Afghanistan
Mirror ISIS savages gun down 200 Syrian children in horrifying mass execution video
American Thinker ISIS's Slaughter of Innocent Children
American Thinker Tens of thousands of women carrying Islamic State babies
mrc tv Taliban Reportedly Using Child Sex Slaves to Infiltrate Afghan Police
Daily Wire Why Do Jihadists Use Their Children As Suicide Bombers?
Breitbart Islamic State Uses Welding Gear to Execute Six Youths in Mosul
Sharia Unveiled 95% of Child Rape and Molestation Convictions in the UK Were Committed by Muslims
Daily Mail A last kiss for mama: Jihadi parents bid young daughters goodbye... before one walks into a Damascus police station and is blown up by remote detonator
Freedom Outpost CAIR Leader Ahmad Saleem Arrested in Major Child Sex Trafficking Ring Bust, Sex with Children as Young as 10
WATCH: Kids In Philadelphia Muslim Society: ‘We Will Chop Off Their Heads’ For Allah">Daily Wire WATCH: Kids In Philadelphia Muslim Society: ‘We Will Chop Off Their Heads’ For Allah

Islam - War on Christians the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Truth Revolt Fueling the Fire of Genocide: ISIS Video Shows Bible Bonfire - What if Christians were burning Qurans?
Truth Revolt Greenfield: Muslim Terror for Christmas - Save Christmas by ending Islamic immigration.
mrc tv Islamic Extremists Torch 80 Christian Homes
Pamela Geller Sharia Justice: Muslim Gang ACQUITTED in BEATING DEATH of Christian woman accused of "blasphemy" in Nigeria
Express 'Ethnic cleansing' attacks by Muslim clan on Christians leaves 45 dead and scores injured
WND NATO ally now 'considers sharing Gospel an act of terrorism'

Islam - War on Jews - War On Israel - Jewish Rights the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
The only religion I respect is Islam. The only prophet I admire is the Prophet Muhammad. - Adolf Hitler
The PLO and other Islamic terrorist organizations have the human right to torture and murder Jews and any Arabs who do business with Jews.
The Muslim Issue Islam - Mein Kampf (My Jihad) versus the Koran
American Thinker Farook family values
Truth Revolt Group Posts Photoshop Of Jews In Concentration Camps Protesting Israel
Truth Revolt Is Israel the Problem, or Are Jews the Problem?
Truth Revolt Violence Expected as Palestinians Protest 'Catastrophe' of Jewish State - Dedicated as the annual "Nakba Day"
Truth Revolt Palestinian Children's Show Indoctrinates with Jew-Hatred - "Oh Sons of Zion, oh most evil among creations"
Truth Revolt Muslim Cleric Tells Palestinians To Stab Jews, 'Cut Them Into Body Parts' - Several fatal stabbings have already taken place.
Truth Revolt New Wave of Palestinian Terrorism Forces East Jerusalem Closure - Shooting and knife-attacks claimed the lives of three innocent Israelis and seriously injured at least 17 others.
Truth Revolt Al-Aqsa Preacher: Jews Will Worship the Devil, Then be Exterminated by Muslims - "The Children of Israel will all be exterminated, the Anti-Christ will be killed and the Muslims will live in comfort for a long time."
Truth Revolt Knife-Wielding Palestinian Girl: 'I Want to Stab a Jew' - This is what we're up against.
Truth Revolt Qatari Foreign Minister: Israel 'is Offending 1.5 billion Muslims' - Too bad.
Truth Revolt Cutting-Edge Palestinian Fashion: Gaza Store Displays Mannequins with Knives - What the well-dressed Arab terrorist will be wearing this season.
Truth Revolt Palestinian University Erects Christmas...Wait, 'Martyr Tree' - Tis the season.
Truth Revolt Poll: Two-Thirds of Palestinians Support Knife Attacks and Intifada - Coexist.
Truth Revolt Israel Endures 2,225 Rock Attacks in Last Three Months, Media Silent - Israel "can't see the end of the terror wave."
Truth Revolt Report: French Jews Fleeing to Israel in Record Numbers - i9,000 this year alone.
Truth Revolt Israeli Doctor: Stabbings in Israel 'Not Random,' Palestinian Terrorists Know Where to Plunge the Knife - "They read the manual."
Truth Revolt Michigan Muslim Woman: Not Even Animals Would Object to Stabbing Jews
Truth Revolt Netanyahu: Source of Conflict is Refusal to Accept Jewish State - "I want us to stand up for this truth, because in the end, the truth will win, and so will we."
Truth Revolt Fatah Leader: Hitler Was 'Not Morally Corrupt,' He Was 'Daring' - They are nothing if not honest.
Truth Revolt Muslim With Machete Attacks Christians and Jews... In OHIO - Headlines from the Middle East come to the Heartland.
Truth Revolt Another Deadly Terror-Wave Hits Israel: Palestinian Gunmen Killed After Opening Fire on Israeli Police - Stabbing and shooting sprees hit Israel in a deadly terror wave on Sunday
Truth Revolt Update: Arabic-Language Educational Video Teaches Children to 'Vanquish' The Jews - More Jew-hatred indoctrination.
Truth Revolt Fired: This Turkish Official Wished Death on Wounded Israelis - What a sweetheart!
Truth Revolt Woman Tears Up Israeli Flag at Brussels Memorial [Video]
Truth Revolt ISIS Planning 'Imminent' Attack on Jewish Schools and Islam Has Everything to do With It - There is nothing indiscriminate here.
Truth Revolt More Anti-Semitism From...You Guessed Who - "Kill the Jews!"
Truth Revolt Video Captures Palestinians Hailing Jerusalem Bomber
Truth Revolt Poll: Majority of Palestinian Youths Support Knife Attacks on Israelis - Two-thirds of Gazans polled said the attacks serve the Palestinian cause.
Truth Revolt Muslim Media Darling Hails Hitler: 'He Spared a Few Jews So We'd Know Why He Killed Them' - Charming.
Truth Revolt Prager: Moral People Cannot Support the Palestinians - There is something wrong with the moral compass of anyone who sides with the Palestinians.
Truth Revolt Palestinian Father Encourages Toddler to Throw Stones at Israeli Officers, Urges Them to ‘Shoot Him and Kill Him!’ - This is why a two-state solution is a fantasy.
Truth Revolt Olympics: Saudi Athlete Forfeits Match to Avoid Facing Israeli - So much for the Olympics bringing all peoples together in an apolitical spirit of competition.
Truth Revolt Palestinian Terrorists Now Creating Weapons With Rat Poison to Maximize Israeli Casualties - Tell us again how they deserve financial aid and the international community's sympathy.
Truth Revolt Spain: Muslim Burns Marian Statues - "One of the side chapels was completely destroyed."
Truth Revolt US 'Partner in Peace' Iran Threatens to Turn Israel to Dust - This is right before Rouhani addresses the UN, no less.
Truth Revolt Two Killed, 4 Wounded in Jerusalem Terrorist Shooting, Palestinians Celebrate - The attacker was a member of an outlawed group of Muslim civilian guards that regularly confronts police and Jews on the Temple Mount.
Truth Revolt Prager U: Born to Hate Jews - How do devout Muslims born in the West feel about Jews?
Truth Revolt How Turks React to Islamic Terrorism: It's a Jewish Plot - Here we go.
Truth Revolt Palestinian TV: Promised Land Is Where 'Jews Will Be Exterminated By Divine Decree' - "I believe that Allah will gather them so we can kill them."
The Blaze What Happened Before Her Live Shot in Paris Left This Israeli Reporter ‘Shaking’
Morsi’s Anti-Semitic ‘Apes and Pigs’ Comment Wasn’t Taken Out of Context, It Was Taken Out of the Quran
My Jewish Learning Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century - Taboo no longer?
mrc tv Palestinians Destroying and Desecrating Christian Ties to Holy Land
mrc tv Are French Jews Facing Their Most Dangerous Threat Since WWII?
Daily Wire Incidents of Anti-Semitism in Rio: Distressing but Surprisingly Common
Daily Wire Do Palestinians Want Peace? Here Are 5 Facts That Say No.
Louder With Crowder Michigan Muslim Woman Openly Defends The Stabbing of Jews. Yes, All Jews...
Daily Wire Linda Sarsour Calls For People To Stop 'Humanizing' Jews, Report Says

Islam - War on Gays the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
100 Percent Fed Up SHARIA LAW: ISIS Throws Gay Man Off Building In Front Of Dozens Of Children And Then They Do This!
Truth Revolt Organization of 51 Muslim States Blocks Gays from UN AIDS Meeting - The left's ally in tolerance.
Truth Revolt Orlando Mosque's Guest Imam Weeks Before Terror Attack: Gays Must Die - "Out of compassion, let’s get rid of them now."
Truth Revolt Milo Yiannopoulos: Islam Kills Gays, Christianity Doesn't - "We don’t have that in Christianity"
Truth Revolt Canada: Islamic School Textbooks Teach Death to Fire - This is being taught in the West, not the Middle East...
Truth Revolt 'Moderate' Indonesia Says 'No Room' For LGBT Movement - Where art thou, bleeding hearts?

Islam - War on Animals - Animal Rights the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
The Federalist Iran’s War On Dogs
American Thinker Muslim Uber driver allegedly slammed passenger’s service dog to pavement, injuring it

Islam - War On Drinking - War on Alcohol the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
mrc tv French Bartender Assaulted for Serving Alcohol During Ramadan

Islam - Religious Tolerance the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Yahoo! News Islamists said to execute 15-year-old Syrian boy for heresy
Yahoo! News Iraq Catholic leader says Islamic State worse than Genghis Khan
Yahoo! News Iraqi woman activist killed by Islamic State
Personal Liberty Digest Living And Dying Under Radical Islam
Truth Revolt 'Coexist' Street Artist Beaten By Muslims in Paris - Injuries: dislocated shoulder and multiple bruises
Truth Revolt New ISIS Video Shows Ethiopian Christians Slaughtered
Truth Revolt Blogger Critical of Islam Hacked to Death in India
Truth Revolt ISIS Fears One Army - and It Isn't America's - German journalist spent ten days with ISIS fighters.
Truth Revolt While Left Frets Over 'Islamophobia' Christian Persecution Reaches All-Time High - "...this persecution ranged from imprisonment, torture, beheadings and rape to the loss of home and assets, the loss of a job, or even rejection from a community.
The Federalist What Happens When A Palestinian Doesn’t Hate Israel Enough?
Truth Revolt ISIS Jihadist Tweets Pamela Geller's Home Address, Urges Followers to '#GoForth' - "I'm not worried about taking a risk. It's more important to defend our way of life."
Gatestone Institute "Wake Up!": Muslim Persecution of Christians, July 2015
mrc tv Somalia Bans Christmas as Threat to Islam
Louder With Crowder Dear PC Leftists: Actually, ‘Islamophobia’ is an Entirely Logical ‘Phobia’...
PJ Media Can Muslims in the West Ever Really Be De-Radicalized?
PJ Media What's Wrong With Britain?

Islam - Osama bin Laden the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, .... Doug Casey on Obama Killing Osama The Agendas Behind the bin Laden News Event Springtime for the Regime
The Independent Institute Killing a Man Does Not Testify to National Greatness

Islam - Media Bias the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Washington Post HarperCollins omits Israel from maps for Mideast schools, citing ‘local preferences’
Truth Revolt Middle East Expert Debunks 'Poverty and Ignorance' Excuse for Radicalism - "It is not poverty and misery that creates religious extremism. It is religious extremism that creates poverty and misery. And death."
Truth Revolt US Professor in Gaza: Shocked by Wealth of City, Notes 900 Mosques Only 2 Libraries - Perhaps that'll teach you to rely on propaganda as your basis for knowledge.
Truth Revolt Jonah Goldberg: NYT Editorial 'Single Dumbest' Ever - "It's like a piñata."
mrc tv Saudi Newspaper Claims U.S. Carried Out 9/11 Attacks
Legal Insurrection Victory: YouTube restores video of vile BDS harassment of pro-Israel Professor

Islam - Justice the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Truth Revolt Help Wanted: Saudi Arabia Advertises for Executioners
mrc tv Saudis May Lash UK Cancer Patient 360 Times For Possessing Wine

Islam - Respect For History the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Truth Revolt ISIS Sells Stolen Priceless Artifacts on Facebook
Truth Revolt ISIS Beheads 82-Year Old Antiquities Scholar, Hangs His Body From Ancient Roman Column
Truth Revolt Jewish Origin of Temple Mount Proved Through Ancient Artifacts, Despite Muslim Efforts to Destroy Them
Truth Revolt ISIS Blows Up Palmyra's Arch of Triumph - Other antiquities have been booby-trapped with explosives.
Truth Revolt Palestinians Set Fire to Joseph's Tomb - "A blatant violation of the basic value of freedom of worship."
Truth Revolt 1,400 Year Old Christian Monastery Destroyed in Iraq - 'Pulverized' and reduced to 'pretty well dust'

Islam - War On Free Speech the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Foward Progressives Saudi Arabian Liberal Blogger Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison and 1000 Lashes for Insulting Islam
Truth Revolt Former Miss Turkey Gets 14-Month Suspended Sentence for Insulting President Erdogan - "Guilty of insulting a public official"
Truth Revolt Human Rights Group: Palestinian Authorities Abuse Journalists, Activists - "...even physically abusing activists and journalists who express criticism on important public issues."
Truth Revolt French Author, Son Attacked by Jihadists Over Novel - "We don’t forgive, we don’t forget!"
Truth Revolt Jordanian Writer Accused of Blasphemy Gunned Down - "The government will strike with an iron hand all those who exploit this crime to broadcast speeches of hatred to our community."

Islam - Protection From the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
mrc tv Fla. Gun Shop Owner Declares His Store a 'Muslim-Free Zone'

Islam - Fake Hate Crimes the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
Truth Revolt Houston Mosque Arsonist is - You Guessed it - Muslim - Yet ANOTHER hate crime hoax. Will the Muslim Islamophobia never end?
Truth Revolt Police: Bacon Wrapped on Mosque Door 'Possible Hate Crime' - Now, that's just a waste of good bacon.
Truth Revolt Delta's Islamophobia Controversy Another Hoax - Another day, another fake Islamophobia story.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Never Forget: Muslim Hate Crime Hoaxes - For every rare act of "Islamophobia," there are multiple acts of Islamo-faux-bia ginned up to milk public compassion and generate unfounded>
Islam - Humor the religion of rape, torture, murder, suicide bombers, female subservience, clitoridectomies, death for homosexuals, ....
The Onion No One Murdered Because Of This Image
The Onion Non-Denominational Terrorist Organization Welcomes Extremists Of All Faiths
Truth Revolt Louder with Crowder: Ding Dong! Jihadi Witnesses! - What would it be like if Jihadi Witnesses came to your door?
YouTube Owen Benjamin - It's Time: TO SUBMIT TO ISLAMIC "TOLERANCE"
Age Of Shitlords Saudi Arabia will now allow women to drive to their own floggings and beheadings
Duh Progressive "Things Simply Haven’t Been the Same Between My Muslim Girlfriend and Me Since Her Honor Killing"
Duh Progressive Dianne Feinstein: "Maybe All These Terrorists Need Is Just a Big Old Bear Hug"

Israel: Jews, Jewish, Judaism
If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more war. If Israel put down her weapons, there would be no more Israel. - Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel.
Hufington Post Ten Basic Facts about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
YouTube Dennis Prager: Why are Israel and Palestine fighting?
PJ TV FLASHBACK--Klavan's One-State Solution: Give the Middle East to the Jews
PJ TV Israel! How Dare You Fight Back!
Israel Ministry of Foregin Affairs Address by PM Netanyahu to the UN General Assembly.
Jerusalem Post Analysis: Obama's press on Gilo shows a continued misread of Israel
Robert Ringer The Truth About the Israeli "Occupiers"
The Pilot Shooting Yourself in the Foot
ynet news Israel Can’t Trust Obama
Jewish World Review An Administration Ready to Blame Israel for Everything ... Including Anti-Semitism
Israel National News Former Mossad Head Yatom: Israel Can't Afford Not to Strike Iran
Israel National News Netanyahu: I Will Attack Iran Alone if Necessary
Ask Heritage How Is the Obama Administration Falling Short on Israel?
France 24 Ahmadinejad's Holocaust denial sparks outrage
American Thinker Wash. Post's glaring omissions underscore anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian agenda
American Thinker Middle East Exploding, and Obama Nowhere to Be Found
Wall Street Journal Israel Must Be 'Eliminated' (Netanyahu has to take Iran's words seriously. Why doesn't Obama?)
American Thinker One Industry That Will Never Boycott Israel
American Thinker Death, Taxes, and Anti-Semitism
Canada Free Press Middle East crumbles as Obama kow-tows to Islamists and pursues "peace dividend"
Canada Free Press The United Nations’ Year-End Message To Israel: Stop Building - Hamas threatens Israel with extinction, Hezbollah has amassed at least 50,000 deadly missiles and will likely access to Syria's chemical and germ weapons
Canada Free Press The Left Against Zion - Hating Israel has become part of the Left's catechism
YouTube Prager University: The Middle East Problem
Breitbart Canadian Prime Minister Condemns Obama, West for Not Supporting Israel
The Times of Israel Shalom, motherf****r.
The Times of Israel A letter to friends who want to understand what is happening in Gaza
Huffington Post I'm Done Apologizing for Israel
Breitbart Muslims in Miami Scream: 'We Are Hamas'
Conservative Tribune WATCH: Israel’s Ambassador DESTROYS Liberal CNN Host for Lying About Israel
Conservative Tribune WATCH: Actor Jon Voight Publicly Destroys Obama for Betraying Israel
Conservative Tribune Howard Stern: "If You’re Anti-Israel, You’re Anti-American" [Language Warning]
Conservative Tribune WATCH: Joan Rivers Gives EPIC Speech in Defense of Israel
Yahoo! News Israel army in 'detective' hunt for Gaza tunnels
Yahoo! News Egypt army destroys 13 more Gaza tunnels
Sam Harris Why Don’t I Criticize Israel?
Tablet To the Students for Justice in Palestine, a Letter From an Angry Black Woman - ‘You do not have the right to invoke my people’s struggle for your shoddy purposes’
Advice Goddess Let's Keep In Mind The Hamas Charter - You can't have peace with people whose goal (expressed in writing) is exterminating you.
Bookworm Room J’Accuse! The Western media has the blood of Gazan children on its hands
The Razor American Jews Need to Wake Up
Personal Liberty Digest Israel, Hamas And The Real SOBs
Wall Street Journal What Happens to Palestinian Moderates - Shot in the streets with a pistol to the head after midday prayers.
National Review Online Now It All Makes Sense
Truth Revolt GOLDSTEIN: Barbarism Doesn’t Deserve to be Humanized at The Met - The Nazis are laughing at America from their graves right now, laughing at the Metropolitan opera because it has been duped and played a fool.
Truth Revolt Rutgers SJP Hosts Jew-Hating 'Die-In'
Truth Revolt Amnesty International Rejects Motion to Combat Anti-Semitism - Human rights org shuts down antisemitism campaign in Britain, the only resolution rejected at the conference
Truth Revolt American Jews Who Shamefully Support A Boycott of Israel - Israel Social TV is an NGO often used to convey anti-Israel ideologies.
Truth Revolt Thousands of Iranians Chant 'Down with America,' 'Death to Israel' - Iranian politician: "Iran's nuclear staff are ready to accelerate nuclear technology at a higher speed than before."
Truth Revolt Showbiz Superstars Stand Up for Israel - Hollywood isn't entirely a lost cause.
Truth Revolt Israel Justice Minister Condemns Israeli Arabs - "I promise you that Israel will end up the victor in the struggle that has been forced upon it."
Truth Revolt Prager: Why I Am in Israel - and Why You Should Be - "When it comes to fighting for good and against evil, we can either play it safe or we can we do good."
Truth Revolt EU to Label Products From Israeli 'Settlements,' Israel Fights Back - Anti-Semitism no matter how you slice it.
Truth Revolt Alternate Universe: Jews Not Invited to Swedish Holocaust Commemoration - Because anti-Semites show up instead.
Truth Revolt Paris Muslims: Terrorists 'Not Muslim,' ISIS Is a 'Jewish Organization' - This tells you everything you need to know.
Truth Revolt Where Are The Solidarity Hashtags?: Israel Sustained 620 Terror Attacks in OCTOBER ALONE - 11 lives were claimed including two Americans.
Truth Revolt Prager: Farook Was Obsessed With Israel –What Else Do We Need to Know? - Those obsessed with the Jews in a negative way have a moral compass whose pointer points South.
Truth Revolt Khamenei Posts Holocaust Denial Video - On Holocaust Memorial Day - But let that not interrupt the West's ongoing lovefest with the regime.
Truth Revolt How to Really Boycott Israel - "Tell me, what are some Palestinian inventions for the world? Because unfortunately, I wasn't able to find any."
Truth Revolt UK Justice Minister Delivers Powerful Anti-BDS Speech - "Any country in which anti-Semitism is growing, is a country moving into the dark."
Truth Revolt A Chilling Reminder on Holocaust Remembrance Day - This is why we must "never forget."
Truth Revolt Glick: Israel Rises in the East - The failure of France’s "peace" conference on the one hand, and the success of Netanyahu’s fourth visit to Moscow on the other hand, were poetic bookends of the week.
Truth Revolt 70% of European Jews Too Afraid to Go to Synagogue for High Holidays - Europe traded its peaceful Jewish population for a violent immigrant community bent on everyone's destruction.
Liberty News Now Did Barack Obama just blame Iran sanctions on the Jews?
L.A.Times Op-Ed: Michael Douglas finds Judaism and faces anti-Semitism
Jewish World Review Jewish self-loathing
Legal Insurrection Linda Sarsour is only the 2nd Most Inappropriate speaker at New School antisemitism event
Geller Report Western Wall excavations yield First Temple Hebrew-inscribed message a thousand years before Muhammad beheaded his first Jew
Jewish Journal Not All Anti-Semitism Is Created Equal
Daily Wire NEVER AGAIN? On Yom Hashoah, Poll Shows Two Thirds Of Millennials Don't Know What Auschwitz Was
Daily nCaller VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The New, New Antisemitism

Israel - Refugees
YouTube Why Are There Still Palestinian Refugees?

Israel - Oppression Jews, Jewish, Judaism
Louder With Crowder Israeli Hospitals Help Palestinian Children. Leftist Brains Short Circuit...
Truth Revolt Gay Iranian Poet Seeks Asylum in Israel, The Country He 'Fell in Love With' - But we thought Israel was a "human rights violating" apartheid-state...
Truth Revolt 'Oppressive' Israel Hosts Annual LGBT Pride Parade - How about those "human rights abuses"?
Truth Revolt Prager: Bernie Sanders, the Non-Jewish Jew and Non-American American - If you want to understand Sen. Bernie Sanders, this is what you need to know.
The Times Of Israel Facing death chants and hate crimes, Sweden’s Jews live in a climate of fear - ‘A lot of Jews are scared’ in this Nordic community of 15,000, as lines blur between criticism of Israel and anti-Semitism
Fox News Opinion 'Time for Jews to leave Europe?' Is Barcelona's chief rabbi right?
Jewish Journal Why Israel?
City Journal Delusions of Justice - American Jews should wake up to which side their most dangerous enemies are on.
Jewish Journal Don’t Give Anti-Semites What They Seek

Israel - self-hatred Jews, Jewish, Judaism
Truth Revolt New CEO of Largest Jewish History Museum in US Supports Israel Boycott - The Center for Jewish History has hired someone who is a radical leftist.
Daily Wire Radical Left Jews DEFEND Anti-Semitic Women's March Leaders

Israel - Humor Jews, Jewish, Judaism
Babylon Bee Women Who Don't Believe Israel Has Right To Exist Not Sure Why They Got Banned From Israel

iTarget home firearm training devices

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Jefferson Declaration split California into two states

Jexodus Jews leaving the bvondage of the Democrat> Daily Wire JEXODUS: Jewish Millennials Launch A ‘Liberation Movement’ From The Democratic Party

Jewish World Review
Jewish World Review Random Thoughts
Jewish World Review Dennis Prager archives
Jewish World Review Larry Elder archives
Jewish World Review Ann Coulter archives
Jewish World Review Mark Steyn Archives
Jewish World Review Thomas Sowell Archives
Jewish World Review Walter Williams Archives

Joe For America

Josie The Outlaw when freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will be free.
Josie The Outlaw YouTube channel

Journalists' New Math and Lap Dancing

Judicial Watch Blog - Corruption Chronicles

Junk Science

Just A Regular Guy

Justia Building Codes, State Codes & Regulations from Carl Malamud &

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The "Kick Them All Out" Project

KFI AM 640
John and Ken

Konstantin Kisin co-host of TRIGGERnometry

Kitco America's Impending Master Class Dictatorship
Kitco Lemmings, Investors and Gold
Kitco Lemmings, Investors and Gold - Part Two

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Laissez Faire Books

Langley Outdoors Academy YouTube channel

Last Great Stand

Law - Regulation - Courts - ...
Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law breaker, it breeds contempt for the law. - Justice Louis D. Brandeis (1856-1941) US Supreme Court Justice
born free, regulated to death
the more laws the more corruption - Roman historian Tacitus
We have a criminal jury system which is superior to any in the world; and its efficiency is only marred by the difficulty of finding twelve men every day who don't know anything and can't read. - Mark Twain
... the federal system has become a legal system that exists of the prosecutors, by the prosecutors, and for the prosecutors. - William Anderson
... federal prosecutors in New York when Rudy Giuliani was US Attorney for the Southern District of New York regularly played a game in which they would see if various celebrities and others, including Mother Theresa, had broken federal criminal law. The result, unfortunately, was that for each person no matter how good his or her public character, a federal statue existed that would place them in prison. - William Anderson
Law - Regulation - Courts - ... - links
Town Hall Do Not Fall for the Normalcy Presumption - Nothing Is Normal Anymore
Big Government. Small Brains. Dumb Laws. largest collection of stupid laws available anywhere
Idiot Laws Find Stupid Laws & Dumb Laws in Your State Real Funny Dumb Laws in the United States
Mises Institute The Myth of the Rule of Law
Mises Institute The Coming Corporate "Crime Wave"
Mises Institute Police Dept. to Lawmakers: Stop Making New Drug Laws
Hillsdale College - Imprimis Justice and the Obama Justice Department
American Thinker Who are the Lawbreakers?
Response Action Network You are breaking the law
Yahoo! News OK to sell widow's home over $6 bill, judge rules
io9 10 Real-Life Laws That Regulate The Supernatural World
National Review Online A Dagger at the Heart of Justice - The Zimmerman case has achieved its sublime reductio ad absurdum.
S.F.Gate California readies for 900 new laws
Liberty News Now 468,500 Pages of New Rules & Regulations so far under Obama
Lowering The Bar Legal Humor: Seriously
City Journal The Dead Constitution - Philip Hamburger’s indictment of the regulatory state is profound and sobering.
Response Action Network "10,000 Commandments"
News Max Obama Admin. Releases 2,300 Regs Before Memorial Day Weekend
Human Events Is System Tilted In Favor of Prosecutors?
Daily Wire HOT: 'Cosmo' Features '9 Reasons Constitutional Originalism Is Bulls***.' It's Idiotic.
Daily Wire JUDICIAL TYRANNY: Fourth Circuit Upholds National Stay On Trump Travel Ban Executive Order; Blames Trump's 'Religious Intolerance, Animus, And Discrimination'
Sarah A. Hoyt Without Law
YouTube twitchy Justice Gorsuch goes into beast mode over COVID restrictions

Law - War On Women - War on Vagina People
Louder With Crowder Sorority Sisters File Appeal Over Trans-identifying "Sister," Demand Court Clearly Define What A "Woman" Is
Louder With Crowder Canadian Supreme Court Judge To Lower Court Judge: Using The Term “Woman” To Refer To A Rape Victim Is Too “Confusing"

Law - War On Children
Louder With Crowder Watch: Parents Silenced By Judge After Accusing State Of Kidnapping Teen Daughter Who Began Identifying As Trans Male

Law - Defense Support For The Guilty - Defense Contempt For Victims
mrc tv Federal Court Considers Dismissing Death Sentence For Marathon Bomber
Louder With Crowder Welcome to 2023, where a transwoman was found not guilty of exposing her penis because she's too fat for it to be visible
Washington Examiner 'A riot is the language of the unheard'

Law - Support For Mediocrity - Opposition To Competence
Just The News Bar association under fire for proposal to abandon LSAT after study shows minorities score lower

Law - Judicial Insanity - Support For Criminals
Louder With Crowder Judge Rules It's No Big Deal That a Teacher Drove With Her Son in Trunk of Her Car to Avoid Catching COVID
Louder With Crowder Judge Rules Geico Must Pay $5M Settlement to Woman Injured in Car While Having Sex and Catching an STD
rumble The Cali Government Says Bees Are Now Fish
l Louder With Crowder State Supreme Court launches judicial coup, declares GOP-led assembly 'illegitimate'
Unz Review Our UN-American 'Justice' System
American Thinker A Massachusetts court unwittingly makes the case for pulling children out of public schools
Louder With Crowder Woke Judge Attacks Parents As ‘Clear And Present Danger’ For Expecting To Know Child's Gender Identity In School
Louder With Crowder Woman Deemed ‘Moderate Risk’ After Beating Man With Metal Pole Released Without Bail, Kills Mom Of 8
Louder With Crowder Watch: Serial Car Thief Arrested After Breaking Into Car And Getting Blasted With Fart Cannon That Sprays Pink Glitter
mrc tv SCOTUS Rules Border Agents Can Cut Texas Border Barriers - and They're Wrong

Law - Prosecutors (Persecutors) Contempt For The Law - Prosecutal Misconduct
American Thinker Consequences Needed for Rittenhouse Prosecutors
New York Post Alvin Bragg’s indictment of Donald Trump might open a Pandora’s box for Democrats
Louder With Crowder Elon Musk exposes Biden Admin hypocrisy after DOJ sues SpaceX for not hiring illegals
New York Post Democrats weaponized justice system to punish Trump in business case

Law - Politicians Contempt For The Law - Politicians Collusion With Special Interest Groups To Violate The Law
mrc tv Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey Says Chauvin Killed Floyd 'Regardless of the Outcome of This Trial'
mrc tv California Ordered To Pay Churches $1.4M After Judges Strike Down Abortion Coverage Mandate

Law - Supreme Court of the United States (SOCTUS) Contempt For The Truth - Supreme Court of the United States (SOCTUS) Contempt For The Law
PJ Media Justice Sotomayor Told a Huge Whopper About Kids and COVID
rumble SCOTUS Justices Make Baseless Claims About COVID, Jabs, and the Constitution
mrc tv Colorado Court Rules Against Masterpiece Cakeshop's Jack Phillips - AGAIN - For Refusing To Make a 'Gender Transition' Cake
OAN One America News Ted Frank: Justice Brown Jackson’s Shocking Bad Math In Race Case

Law - Supreme Court of the United States (SOCTUS) Contempt For The Law
American Thinker Is the Supreme Court gaslighting us?
FLASHBACK: Liberals Celebrated the Death of Conservative Justice Antonin Scalia
American Thinker Yes, SCOTUS, it was personal
American Thinker The Supreme Court: Cowards, Crooks, or Compromised?
American Thinker Supreme Court's failures are putting America on a path to tyranny
American Thinker The Supreme Court: Cowards, Crooks, or Compromised?

Law - Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) BIAS - Breaking The Law - Promoting Violence Against People With Different Opinions
Daily Wire Ruth Bader Ginsburg Gets Political, Trump STOMPS Her, Media Praise 'Notorious RBG'
Daily Wire Justice Sotomayor: I Fantasized About Hitting Scalia With A Baseball Bat
cns news SCOTUS Sweeps Away Constitutional Liberties, Creates Nonexistent Right
Mises Institute Congress Should "Pack" the Supreme Court
Conservative Review Supreme Court agrees to constitutional right to camp on city streets
Conservative Review Horowitz: Supreme Court declines to intervene ... where it actually belongs
American Thinker Ginsburg's loyalty to leftism meant she was often intellectually dishonest
YouTube The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Supreme Court (Starring Tom Woods & Michael Malice!)

Law - Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) BIAS - Corruption
Daily Wire Liberal SCOTUS Justice Took $3M From Book Publisher, Didn’t Recuse From Its Cases

Law - Judicial Lawlessness
American Thinker Our Supreme Court Goes Full Nicaragua in PA Election Case
Conservative Review Horowitz: Time for Trump and conservatives to crush judicial supremacy: Here’s how
Breitbart Sen. Tom Cotton to Chief SCOTUS Judge: ‘Resign … and Get Elected’
Daily Wire JUDICIAL TYRANNY: 5 Biggest Legal Stupidities In The Ninth Circuit's Decision To Stop Trump's Executive Order
Daily Wire BREAKING: Ninth Circuit Upholds Stay Against Trump's Executive Order, Trump FIRES BACK
Daily Wire Federal Judge Rules That Trump Must Reinstate DACA Program
Truth Revolt Judge Helps Criminal Alien Escape, Slips Him Through Private Door - Many are asking, "sanctuary courtrooms?"
Jonathan Turley Five Ninth Circuit Judges Issue Rare Dissent Rebuking The Panel In Immigration Ruling
The Standard Fake Law - How Trump-hatred warps the judiciary.
American Thinker California Supreme Court rules that a law that’s impossible to comply with still can be constitutional
mrc tv CA Supreme Court Ruling Upholds Impossible-to-Comply Gun Laws
mrc tv Ninth District Court Rules Trump Can't Defund Sanctuary Cities
Conservative Review Where does the Constitution say that California judges control our border policy?
Conservative Review Mike Pence announces Trump administration will fight back against lower court nationwide injunctions
Liberty Beacon Massachusetts judge faces federal charges for blocking immigration arrest
Conservative Review Lawless: Court rules that law enforcement CANNOT enforce immigration laws
Conservative Review Judge whose sister heads La Raza rules 130-year law against encouraging illegal immigrants is unconstitutional
Conservative Review AG Barr is getting better at fighting rogue judges, but more is needed
Conservative Review Could US courts make animals into humans?
Power Line We now know: FISA court must go (3)
Conservative Review Horowitz: Litigation invasion: Losing our border one lawsuit at a time
Conservative Review Horowitz: While Americans are locked up without judicial review, courts grant new rights to criminal aliens!
Conservative Review Horowitz: Conservatives get massacred by fake ‘conservative’ SCOTUS
PJ Media Ted Cruz Completely DESTROYS John Roberts on Senate Floor Over DACA Decision
Power Line Supreme Court, per Neil Gorsuch, invents new LGBT rights
American Greatness The Smart Boy Sophistry of Neil Gorsuch
Front Page Magazine The Supreme Court Won't Save America, But It Can Destroy It
Gateway Pundit General Michael Flynn’s Persecution Continues: Corrupt DC Judge Sullivan and His Accomplice Gleeson to Hold Court September 29
Governing Why So Many Attorneys General Are Getting Into Trouble
American Thinker Emmet Sullivan’s Kangaroo Court
American Greatness Kavanaugh and Barrett’s Share of the Shame
American Thinker Ashli Babbitt, Daunte Wright, two different standards of justice
mrc tv 9th Circuit Fed Court UPHOLDS CA Suspension of Trials, Contrary to Bill of Rights
American Thinker An inspector general for the Judiciary is needed
mrc tv Judge Overlooks Constitution, Reinstates Obama-Era Coal Mining Ban On 'Federal Lands'
Unz Review Our UN-American 'Justice' System
Louder With Crowder Obama campaign manager brags: Throwing Trump off CO ballot all about unifying Dems around "Biden campaign message"

Law - Judicial Lawlessness - Judicial Racism - Judicial Contempt For The Law
American Renaissance Race-Blind Criminal Law Is Officially Over - Whites to get harsher treatment.

Law - Department of Justice - Department of Injustice
mrc tv Feds Protect Muslims Fired for Not Doing Their Jobs
mrc tv D'Souza Schools Ayers on Justice System
mrc tvCalif. DOJ Raids Home of David Daleiden, Leader of Group That Exposed Planned Parenthood Baby Parts
mrc tv FBI Director Swears: 'I DON'T REMEMBER Reviewing' Clinton's Sworn Testimony
Truth Revolt DoJ Urging Courts to Stop Jailing Low-Income People Over Unpaid Fines - It "erode[s] trust between local governments and their constituents."
Truth Revolt Gowdy Rips FBI Director Comey On 'Intent' - This is no average person"
Truth Revolt NR's McCarthy: 'FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook' - The feds protected Clinton with a little prestidigitation.
Truth Revolt Ambassador Bolton on Hillary: 'I'd Be in Jail' - "Comey has harmed the FBI in a very serious way."
Mises Institute Why Hillary Clinton Wasn't Indicted
American Thinker Justice Department declines to prosecute VA employees who defrauded $400K, and who still have jobs
Gateway Pundit EXCLUSIVE: Ethics Complaints Filed Against Controversial Assistant US Attorney Aaron Zelinsky Day Prior to Congressional Testimony Before Rep. Nadler
American Thinker It's time to send a message: Hold unethical prosecutors accountable
Sara Carter Show FBI Lawyer Pleads Guilty To Altering FISA Warrant Could Face Up To Six Month Prison Sentence. You Would Never Get This Deal.
Federalist Report Reveals Shocking Double Standards For Bringing U.S. Rioters To Justice
Louder With Crowder Famous rapper got three years for same gun crime Hunter Biden's pleading guilty to, and his lawyer is pissed
New York Post Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss was an inside job
Just The News Jack Smith admits he included inaccurate info when asking judge to hide Trump Twitter warrant
mrc tv Biden's DOJ Told D.C. Medical Examiner to Destroy Criminal Evidence of Infanticide

Law - frivolous litigation
New York Post Sharpton’s daughter hiked up mountain on ‘sprained’ ankle
Truth Revolt Sharpton’s Daughter Sprains Ankle, Sues NYC for $5 Mil - Her recent hike up a mountain in Bali may not help her case.
mrc tv Judge Mocks Plaintiffs in Starbucks Underfilling Lawsuit
mrc tv NH Bureaucrats Try to Crush Heroic 'Robin Hoods' Who Pay Expired Parking Meters

Law - Government Approved Lawlessness
Truth Revolt CA Issues 605,000 Driver's Licenses to Illegal Immigrants - In one year! That's "driving change" for sure.
Mises Institute Federal Prosecutors Are Running Amok

Law - Pond Regulations
mrc tv A 78-Year-Old Veteran Was Jailed For Digging Ponds on His Own Land - Now, His Widow May Have to Pay His Fines

Law - Sitting Regulations
mrc tv San Francisco Subway Will Now Fine 'Manspreaders' Up to $500

Law - Hot Cocoa Regulations
mrc tv CHILLING: Police Called on 11 YEAR-OLD for Selling Hot Cocoa

Law - Lemonade Sales Regulation
mrc tv Country Time Serves 'Legal-Aid' As Local Gov't Fines Kids’ Lemonade Stands
Lemonade Freedom
Forbes The Inexplicable War on Lemonade Stands
KCRG Coralville Police Shutdown Several Children's Lemonade Stands
American Thinker Obama Era Economic Stagnation Explained by Lemonade and Cookies
American Thinker Lemonade Freedom Day
mrc tv Police Release Video Demanding Permit for Little Girls' Lemonade Stand
mrc tv Austin Regulations Are Putting the Squeeze On Young Entrepreneurs
mrc tv UK Police Fined a 5-Year-Old Girl $200 For Selling Lemonade Without a Permit
mrc tv Denver Government Shuts Down Kids' Lemonade Stand For Not Having a License
News Machete How to teach kids about socialism
Daily Wire Government Shuts Down Little Girl's Lemonade Stand. Again.
Daily Signal How Your Child’s Lemonade Stand Could Land You in Jail
mrc tv How Benevolent: Two States Just Decriminalized Kids' Lemonade Stands
How Benevolent: Two States Just Decriminalized Kids' Lemonade Stands

Law - Cookie Baking and Sales Regulation
Long Island Lwayer Blog Kids Busted In New York For Selling Cookies Without a License
Mises Institute A Zillion Page Document to Bake and Sell a Cookie
Yahoo! News Cupcake Business Run By 11-Year-Old Shuttered By Illinois Health Officials

Law - Hotdog Sales Regulation
reasoon Kid's Hot Dog Stand Shut Down by City Officials Before It Even Opens

Law - Bunny Regulations
National Post Magician ordered to pull rabbit disaster plan out of his hat after he was forced to buy special bunny licence

Law - Straw Regulations
mrc tv Santa Barbara Threatens Waiters With 6 Months in Jail, $1,000 Fine For Giving Out Straws
Louder With Crowder Paper Straws Are Toxic, Could Be Worse Than Plastic: Report

Law - Snowball Regulations
mrc tv 9-Year-Old Boy Convinces His Colorado Town To Overturn Its 100-Year-Old Ban on Snowball Fights

Law - Furry Regulations
Louder With Crowder Bill Would Require Schools To Call Animal Control On Students Who Identify As Furries

Law - Micromanaging Businesses
Louder With Crowder Democrats Introduce Bill, Would DEMAND Chick-fil-A Open On Sundays

Law - Lawfare
Hashtag Media Lawfare in an Age of Snowflakes
Federalist The Most Important Thing About Michael Flynn Is Not His Guilt, But His Politicized Prosecution - For many, the criminal case against Flynn was never about Flynn; it was about our country abandoning the precept of equal justice under the law.
Breitbart ‘See you in court’: ACLU files nearly 400 cases versus Trump
mrc tv Progressives Don't Want Your Tolerance - They Want Your Submission

Law - Lawfare - Attacks on Free Speech
Jonathan Turley Big League Censorship? Michigan Attorney General Threatens Criminal Prosecution Over Posting Of Video Alleging Voter Fraud

Law - Humor
Babylon Bee ‘We Can't Just Overturn Precedent,’ Says Supreme Court Justice Of Nation Where Slavery Was Once Legal
Babylon Bee In Dangerous Decision, SCOTUS Rules First Amendment Can Stay
American Thinker How would you prove you're getting robbed?

Learn Liberty

Legal Insurrection Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion
Legal Insurrection RNC Report - 100 pages and not a single word about bloggers
Legal Insurrection The Bloodletting and Wilding Is Part of An Agenda To Tear Down The Country

amazon The Democrat Party Hates America, by Mark Levin

Liberalism, Leftism, Lunacy, Wokeism...
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
YouTube What Radical Islam and the Woke Have In Common
Evie Magazine Over 50% Of Liberal, White Women Under 30 Have A Mental Health Issue. Are We Worried Yet?
Power Line Does Liberalism Cause Mental Illness? YES!!!
Economic Job Market Rumors Funniest retraction I've ever seen
Conservatives believe what they see; liberals see what they believe.
Liberalism is all about appearances, not outcomes.
At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisified, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats. - P.J.O'Rourke What matters to liberals is how a program makes them FEEL about themselves, not whether it works or not.
O’Sullivan’s First Law: Any institution that is not explicitly right wing will become left wing over time.
One of the most important reasons for studying history is that virtually every stupid idea that is in vogue today has been tried befor and proved disaastrous before, time and again. - Thomas Sowell
The tragic truth is that America’s millennials are a bunch of phone-addicted, selfie-obsessed, hashtagging, snapchatting, kale-munching, twerking, lazy, whining, ill-informed, politically correct, cossetted narcissists who find absolutely everything mortally offensive and believe there are 165 ways to sexually identify. - Piers Morgan
It’s easy to be an American liberal. All that is required are hypocrisy and ignorance. - Matt Patterson
Quinn’s Laws of Liberalism (Leftism)
1. Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent.
2. If you want to know what liberals are up to, pay attention to what they accuse the conservatives of.
3. The amount of wealth in any given area is inversely proportional to the amount of Democrats running it.
4. Liberalism only succeeds when the public is scared into believing that it will not survive without it.
5. When liberalism conflicts with reality, reality must give way.
6. Facts are the enemy of liberalism.
7. Things are different when you are a Democrat [regarding his allegations of the media’s ignorance towards Democratic scandals and misconduct]. [Look at all the tax cheats exposed in the Democratic leadership since Obama took office - Editor]
8. A Liberal is any person for whom two thousand years of human experience and history means nothing now that they are here.
9. To liberals, intentions are more significant than the outcomes they achieve.
10. Liberals never think what they are doing is wrong, they only think they haven’t done enough of it yet or it is underfunded.
11. Profiling is what groups call bigotry when they have a problem they don’t want to talk about.
12. Democrats and liberals do not engage in debate, they try to silence you. If they engaged in debate, they’d lose.
13. Democrats are political opportunists.
14. Liberalism is based on unproved and/or disproved theory.
15. Every culture is unquestionable except the West’s.
16. Liberals view the world the way they think it should be, not the way it is.
17. Being a liberal is the art of standing on ones own head and telling the rest of the world that they are upside down.

4 Principals of Leftism - Ben Shapiro
1) equality of outcome is more important than equality of opportunity
2) group justice is significantly more important than individual justice
3) truth absolutely does not matter
4) force itself, when used in the service of these other things, is praiseworthy

The Left is never right.
In a battle of wits, the liberal is always unarmed.
Liberalism - born of ignorance, bred on immorality
Liberalism is based on deception and keeping the ignorant fooled to convince them to voluntarily submit to tyranny.
Liberals will always misrepresent the facts to stifle the truth.
A liberal is someone who’s so open-minded that their brains have fallen out.
New Liberal Motto: Congress! We don’t need no stinkin’ Congress! We don’t need no stinkin’ courts! Or laws! Or constitutions! Or public approval! Or any of that antiquated, democratic garbage! - Marvin J. Folkertsma
The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s that they know so much that isn’t so. - Ronald Reagan
To a liberal, an accusation is the same thing as a conviction, unless it's directed against one of their own, in which case evidence is the same thing as conspiracy.
It is useless to attempt to reason Liberalism Supporters out of a thing they were never reasoned into.
Liberalism is a suicidal political philosophy that focuses on non-problems and ignores real problems. - Larry Correia
A liberal who’s been mugged, becomes a conservative.
Liberals never let a crisis go to waste.
Liberals believe in nothing so they fall for everything.
All liberal leadrs are hypocrits because they refuse to live the way they are trying to force other people to live.
Liberalism is a progressive disease.
Little children have imaginary friends. Modern liberalism has imaginary enemies. - Bret Stephens
Liberal Logic
People are not illegal immigrants, they're unauthorized immigrants.
People are not drug dealers, they're unlicensed pharmacists.
People are not home invaders, they're uninvited house guests.
People are not burglars, they're unrequested property movers.
People are not bank robbers, they're undocumented loan recipients.

Liberals believe that a tax on cigarettes deters smoking, but a tax on work encourages working.
Liberalism is a mental disorder - Michael Savage
Liberalism: Moochers Electing Looters to Steal from Producers
Annoy a politician: Defend the Constitution.
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
If you're not a liberal at 20, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative at 40, you have no brain. - attrib. Winston Churchill
If you're a liberal at any age you have no brain. - Cynical Pessimist
Facts are to Democrats and Liberals as Kryptonite is to Superman. - Larry Elder
CONSERVATIVE, n. A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others. - Ambrose Bierce
When you educate someone with good natural instincts, you get a leader. When you educate someone with poor natural instincts, you get a liberal. - Kevin Burget
It's not that liberals are stupid. It's just that they know so much that isn't so. - Ronald Reagan
Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face. - Thomas Sowell
Liberals seem to assume that, if you don't believe in their particular political solutions, then you don't really care about the people that they claim to want to help. - Thomas Sowell
I think it’s good (that U.S. soldiers are killing themselves) - Ted Turner, founder of CNN
A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal. - Ted Turner, founder of CNN
It is a general popular error to imagine the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare. - Edmund Burke
You will smile here at the consistency of those democratists who, when they are not on their guard, treat the humbler part of the community with the greatest contempt, whilst, at the same time they pretend to make them the depositories of all power. - Edmund Burke
...frothing-at-the-mouth liberals venting their spleens made me chuckle. There's nobody more intolerant and narrow-minded than a tolerant and open-minded liberal, is there? - Brian Francoeur
Liberals aren't always so liberal when people disapprove of their point of view. - Clint Eastwood
LIBERALS: their willful ignorance is rivaled only by their catastrophic stupidity!
It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into. - Jonathan Swift
People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs.
But you can’t teach the men who are inclined to rape NOT to rape, anymore than you can teach a leftist not to spout tripe. - Sarah A. Hoyt
Doublethink is the capacity to hold in one’s mind two contradictory beliefs at the same time. Liberalism is the capacity to hold in one's mind multiple contradictory beliefs at the same time.
There’s a lesson here that liberals apparently need to learn over and over: Good intentions without proper administration can undermine even the most noble of goals. - E.J. Dionne
to a liberal, freedom is whatever the government allows an individual to do.
As is to be expected from progressives, who thanks to their liberal arts educations generally have vivid imaginations yet lack any real ability to understand mathematics, logic, or facts ... - Mendicant Bias
liberals are oikophobia = self hatred
Wherever the revolutionary left has triumphed, its triumph has meant economic backwardness and social poverty, cultural deprivation and the loss of political freedom for all those unfortunate peoples under its yoke. This is the real legacy of the left of which you and I were a part. We called ourselves progressives; but we were the true reactionaries of the modern world. - David Horowitz
Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals (liberals) believe them. - George Orwell
Liberals live in a thought free zone.
Liberal - Links
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
American Thinker If Leftists Hate America So Much, Why Don't They Leave?
American Thinker Yes, the Left is that Stupid
American Thinker The Commonalities Between the Rise of the Nazis and the Tactics of the American Left Cannot be Ignored
American Thinker The Left Is an Existential Threat
Conservative Review Limbaugh: Liberalism is dehumanizing
Town Hall The Left Hates You. Act Accordingly.
Town Hall Defeating The Top Five Obnoxious Liberal Argument Cheats
Armed and Dangerous Suicidalism
Truth Justice Hope for Bleeding Heart Social Justice Warriors
American Thinker A Liberal Version of the Ten Commandments
American Thinker Stealing America: What My Experience with Criminal Gangs Taught Me About Obama, Hillary, and the Democratic Party
Truth Revolt STUDY: Liberals Use More Curse Words on Twitter
Young Conservatives The 12 Unspoken Rules For Being A Liberal
Town Hall 20 Questions Liberals Can't Answer
Town Hall 12 Unspoken Rules For Being A Liberal
Paul Roebling Why Are Liberals Called Useful Idiots?
Paul Roebling Why Liberals Are Like Nazis
Paul Roebling The Mass Murderers of Our Time: Hippies, Environmentalists and Animal "Rights" Activists
Right Wing News The 25 Best Quotes About Liberals
Liberal Logic (Yes, they are that stupid.)
How To Be A Good Liberal
World Net Daily Liberalism: A religion or a cult?
American Thinker Liberalism's Ugly Face
American Thinker Inside the Mind of a Liberal
American Thinker The Liberal Creed: Punish the Innocent and Reward the Guilty
American Thinker Is America Too Far Gone?
The Patriot Post Liberalism Is a Progressive Disease
The Patriot Post Slaughtering the Left's Sacred Cows
Retroactive Liberty The Religion of Liberalism
PJ Media The Suicide Club
PJ Media Who Are These "People's State of the Union" People?
American Thinker The End of Obama Liberalism as an Intellectual Movement
Town Hall 20 Obvious Truths That Will Shock Liberals
Town Hall 5 Ways Liberalism Destroys Virtue
American Thinker Are Liberals Immoral?
American Thinker The Road to Hell
American Thinker They
American Thinker The Specious Logic of the Left
American Thinker Will American Liberals Ever Wake Up?
American Thinker Libs Say the Darndest Things
American Thinker The Narcissistic Style in Liberal Politics
American Thinker What Would Che Think of Same-Sex Marriage?
American Thinker Liberal Decay
American Thinker The Childishness of the American Left
American Thinker Shut Up or Die, the Muslim Protesters Explained
American Thinker Hating Breitbart - A Fitting Film Tribute to a Unique Political Warrior
American Thinker Outing the Gun Owners and the Left's New Savagery
American Thinker There was a time when I was a liberal
American Thinker Progressivism as a Weapon of Mass Destruction
American Thinker Are Liberals Less Selfish Than Other People?
American Thinker The Profound Arrogant Ignorance and Stupidity of Liberals in Charge
American Thinker No, Obama Isn't 'Worse Than We Thought'
American Thinker The Left’s Endgame Hits the Wall
American Thinker How to Be a Liberal
Dean Stockton Liberal Nonsense Of The Day: Opposing Obama Is Treason! Edition
Big Lizards Conservatism 101: Big vs. Big
American Thinker Liberalism Drives Men to Madness
American Thinker The Theater Shooter Is Caught, but the Real Joker Keeps Laughing
American Thinker Thank Allah For Democrats
American Thinker Weekend Must-Read: Ten Reasons Why I Am No Longer a Leftis
American Thinker The Liberal Christmas from Hell
American Thinker The Problem with Liberal Activism Culture
Sooper Mexican Death Threat Tweeting Liberal Harasses Businessman Who Appeared in Romney Video
Washington Post Top five cliches that liberals use to avoid real arguments
Virginia Right 8 Simple Rules Liberals Use For Arguments
akdart Liberalism in General
akdart Liberalism in General - Why Don't Liberals Just Say What They Mean? A handy translation table from Liberal P.C. Doublespeak and code words to plain English
Small Craft Advisory Obama Agenda-100 Years In the Making
Hill Buzz The Tolerant Left
CTV Indoctrinated liberal 'zombie-children' sing about Obama's potential loss
Victor Davis Hanson - Private Papers Why Liberals Think What They Do
Human Events David Axelrod’s Pattern of Sexual Misbehavior
Human Events Obama bullies a girl
Power Line A Liberal Comes Clean: We Hate the Constitution
Canada Free Press You Cannot Be More Liberal Than a Liberal - Arguing with an idiot, trying to win a values contest with someone who has no values
Canada Free Press Protest Political Correctness on July 3, 2013: Announcing Freedom of Conscience Day! - Only by Allowing Free Expression Can America's Rich Legacy of Liberty be Kept Alive
Canada Free Press Why ObamaCare could burn liberalism to the ground - ObamaCare is the proof that big-government liberalism does not work
Wall Street Journal McGurn: Sandy and the Failures of Blue-Statism - Of all the vulnerabilities exposed by this storm, the biggest hit may have been to Blue State Liberalism.
infowars How "kill the pigs" became "only the police should have guns"
Sacred Cow The Post in Which I Piss Off EVERYBODY.
According To Hoyt The Seeds Of Our Discontent
The Official Blog Of The Peter Heck Radio Show Liberal Rockers Take Their Songs and Go Home The Mindset of the Left
Blogs For Victory Mark Steyn, NRO, Liberal Fascism and the Conservative Coward
Breitbart Country Singer Bobby Bare Cancels School Gig Over 'Beer' Lyric
The Atlantic The Genuine Conflict Being Ignored in the Duck Dynasty Debate
Matt Walsh Blog But seriously, why is polygamy still illegal?
Monster Hunter Nation This one will probably get me hate mail from both sides, Gay Marriage
Monster Hunter Nation Angsty Emo Outrage and Ducks
Personal Liberty Digest Ben Crystal’s Guide to Liberal-Watching
Personal Liberty Digest Watchdog Takes A Look Inside The Secret Leftist Billionaire Club
Personal Liberty Digest New Meme: Liberty Movement More Dangerous Than Al-Qaida
Sarah A. Hoyt The Roll and Flail
Every Joe Leftists Can’t Handle the Truth
Lew Rockwell The Mindset of the Left
Ace Of Spades HQ Dear Emptyheaded Left Wing Writers
Dennis Prager Why the Left’s Preoccupation with the Redskins?
Dennis Prager Why the Left Doesn’t Care about Bad Economic News
Dennis Prager What the Left Did Last Week
Dennis Prager The Midas Touch and the Leftist Touch
Dennis Prager The Left Learned Wrong Lessons from Nazism
Personal Liberty Digest Send The Invasion Of Illegals To Beverly Hills And Georgetown
Young Conservatives Awesome: The Most Anti-Liberal license plate of all time ...
Young Conservatives These are easily the top ten questions to ask a liberal ...
YouTube Andrew Klavan, Liberalism Exposed: Beyond the Elitist, Preening America-Hating Stereotypes
The Daily Caller Rush Limbaugh’s Call Screener: ‘What Liberalism Has Done To Black Communities Is Horrific’
According To Hoyt The Future Must Belong to Those Who Question
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: You're Not A Liberal!
Young Conservatives White liberal UCLA student lectures black cop about racism, cop’s response is AMAZING
Leftists as Elitists Liberals Are Elitists In Denial
Truth Revolt MEDVED: Lesson From Santa: Reward The Nice, Not The Naughty
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: The Road to Hell
Truth Revolt Stand Up for Baltimore’s Real Victims - Sympathize with victims, not criminals.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Starving on the Prosciutto-and-Brie Poverty Diet - Snivel, moan, repeat.
Truth Revolt Prager: Why the Left Hates Referendums - The left loves power, not people.
American Thinker The Rich Liberals of Academe
Truth Revolt Ben Shapiro: Why Jews Vote Leftist?
Truth Revolt SHAPIRO: The Fascist Left and Same-Sex Marriage
The Federalist The Era of Male Guilt: Three Lessons from #ShirtStorm
The Federalist What Liberals Condemn As "Cultural Appropriation" Is Actually Called "Learning"
Armed and Dangerous Kafkatrapping
Christopherb Cantwell Optimistic Libertarians Are Delusional and/or Lying
The Spectator Hating the Daily Mail is a substitute for doing good - Want to be virtuous? Saying the right things violently on Twitter is much easier than real kindness
American Thinker Why Liberals are Dangerous
Truth Revolt Prager: They Really Hate Ben Carson - He is the left's worst nightmare: a black Republican who is brilliant, kind and widely admired.
Truth Revolt The Life and Work of David Horowitz - From red-diaper baby to New Leftist to the Left's most formidable enemy.
Truth Revolt Sheriff Clarke: 'Everything Is A**-Backwards in the Country Right Now' - Rioting = protesting, cops = bad, crooks = victims.
Truth Revolt Beware 'Democracy Spring' - The proper response to the left’s violent provocations must be zero tolerance.
Truth Revolt Prager: Why the Left Loathes Western Civilization - No one judges the left — neither man nor God.
Truth Revolt Prager: Why Don't Republicans Name the Enemy? - It's like going to your doctor and getting back a report that you are dying that doesn't even hint at why.
Truth Revolt Malkin: The Slacker Mandate and the Safety Pin Generation - Is it any wonder why we have a nation of dependent drool-stained crybabies on college campuses who are still bawling about the election results one week later?
Truth Revolt Thornton: The Progressive Disintegration - The self-destruction of so many failed progressive gods.
Truth Revolt Atbashian: We Know Something That Most Americans Don't - How I became a thought-criminal.
Truth Revolt NYC Taxpayers Billed $180K for Muslim Women Forced to Remove Hijabs for Mug Shot - I thought we were supposed to treat everyone equally?
Mad Genius Club Five thoughts, loosely connected
Mises Institute The Formlessness of Progressivism
mrc tv Swedish Youth Party Wants Incest and Necrophilia Legalized
YouTube Morons React To Trump Winning
Daily Wire Fidel's Colonial Massacre
Daily Wire WATCH: Comedian Owen Benjamin On Why He Hates ‘The Left’
Michael F. Martin The Establishment Is Testing For A Communist Style Revolution
Imperial Requiem Twitter is Not Your Friend
Louder With Crowder OPINION: The Left Isn’t Pro-Choice. They’re Pro-Force.
Louder With Crowder That Dystopia Everyone Fears? It’ll Come From the Left...
Daily Wire THANKS, RAHM: Chicago Named 'Rat Capital' Of America
Fron Page Mag Wise Giants and Arrogant Dwarves - The follies of our modern age.
Rasmussen Reports Ignorant Sanders
The Z Blog The Warning Signs
WSJ Why the Left Is Consumed With Hate - Lacking worthy menaces to fight, it is driven to find a replacement for racism. Failing this, what is left?
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse An Important Message To Liberals
Louder With Crowder Bryan Cranston Defends His Portrayal of a Disabled Character: "Actors Act!"
Canada Free Press Socialist Democratic Capitalist Pigs Living High On The Hog
Daily Wire WALSH: I Bought A Lamborghini But Now I Don't Want To Pay For It. I Demand Lamborghini Loan Forgiveness.
American Thinker The Left's last card
quillette L.A.’s Failed Homeless Policies Turned My Home Into a Prison
Common Sense with Bari Weiss America's True Believers and Their Gutless Enablers
PJ Media To My Sorrow, There Can Be No Common Ground With the Left
Ann Coulter How To Bribe The Supreme Court

Liberal - War On The Middle Class - War On Homeowners
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
You will own nothing, and be happy.
Louder With Crowder Leftist Publication Claims Owning A Home Is Not In Your "Best Interest," Wants You To Do This Instead

Liberal - Sanctuary State For Genital Mutilation - Sanctuary State For Child Abuse - Sanctuary State For Insanity
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Louder With Crowder Watch: Woke democrat gets savaged for claim "good parenting" means grown-ups believing whatever their kids tell them to

Liberal - Support For Corruption
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
American Spectator America Is Becoming a Corrupt Country

Liberal - Support For Lying To The Voters - Support For Disabled Abuse - Support For elder Abuse
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Louder With Crowder Fetterman campaign tries blaming closed captioning for disastrous debate, but the company hits back hard
mrc tv What's a 'Delegadation'? Fetterman's Latest Word Salad Leaves Audience Scratching Heads

Liberal - Mental Disorder - War On Sanity - War On Logic - Illogical
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Power Line Is Leftism an Actual Clinical Psychosis?
American Thinker
mrc tv MRCTV On The Street: If Walls Work At The The Capitol - How About The Border?
American Thinker Liberals do have more mental health issues
mrc tv 'WTF Did I just Watch?': 18 of the Craziest Leftists 'Libs Of Tik Tok' Exposed
Quillette Progressivism, Sexuality, and Mental Illness
American Greatness Dear Ex-Friends in #TheResistance
mrc tv Scientific Study Falsely Reported That Conservatives Have Psychotic Traits
NewsBusters Yes, Liberalism IS a Mental Disorder
WND Veteran psychiatrist calls liberals mentally ill
World Net Daily Veteran psychiatrist calls liberals mentally ill
Paul Roebling Are Liberal Beliefs a Form of Mental Illness?
Red State Liberalism is a mental illness or ya’ gotta be crazy
pravda Liberalism: Psychosis, evil or ignorance?
rare What these girls did to a boy with autism is sick, and so is this feminist’s response
Jewish World Review Mental health laws are trouble for Dems
Young Conservatives 6 signs that you’re a liberal who is out of touch with reality
Truth Revolt Michael Moore: Disarm the Racist Police - "Why do cops have tanks? Oh, right - the Enemy: The Black Man"
Response Action Network The Bill of Rights is on borrowed time
MRC TV The 5 Dumbest Tweets of the Week
MRC TV Texas Bishop: Deportation is 'Not Unlike' Facilitating Abortion
MRC TV Madonna: Clinton Lost Because 'Women Hate Women'
MRC TV Former Clinton Spox Claims Democrats Are the Real Victims of Media Bias
MRC TV Columbia Students Say They're Scared Of a Mean Thomas Jefferson Statue
Truth Revolt Today's Climate Change Doom is Yesterday's Overpopulation Hysteria - "Whatever became of the population bomb?"
Truth Revolt CNN: Recruiters Aren't Armed Because You Wouldn't Expect Terror To Take Place At Shopping Malls - Seriously?
Truth Revolt Reporter Calls Out Obama Admin for Living in Foreign Policy 'Fantasy World' - For once, someone in the media doing his job.
Truth Revolt Watson: Absolute Proof Liberalism is a Mental Disorder [Video] - Put a fork in Sweden. She's done.
Truth Revolt Man on the Street Interview: Should Trump's Sons be Allowed to Hunt Endangered Triceratops? - "A saber-toothed tiger is a beautiful animal."
Truth Revolt OSU Student: Left is More Scared of Trump and Republicans Than of ISIS - It’s sickening to me because I feel like they are gambling with my life in order to reach this multiculturalism lie that they worship in all of my classes."
Truth Revolt Mike Rowe Expertly Devastates Whiny Troll Who Links Him to White Nationalism - Put your hardhats on. Here come some truth bombs.
American Thinker Sean Penn Sums Up the Left (I’m just another asshole trying to feel good about himself)
YouTube Absolute Proof Liberalism is a Mental Disorder
reason America Called Bullshit on the Cult of Clinton - The one good thing about Trump’s win? It shows a willingness among Americans to blaspheme against saints and reject the religion of hollow progressiveness.
American Spectator The Left’s Breaking Point? - We might have found it with the transgender movement.
Daily Wire America's Left In The Grip Of Insanity
Daily Wire HOAX: Leftists Fall For Parody Story About Trump Watching 'The Gorilla Channel' 17 Hours Per Day
YouTube "Liberals Are Insane. I'll Never Go Back" - Red Black Pill On Watter's World
YouTube Why Social Justice Warriors Are So DEMENTED
PoliZette How About Accountability for Those Who Failed Parkland School Shooting Victims? - Instead of Republicans and the NRA, the #NeverAgain chorus should demand consequences for officials who don't do their jobs
PJ Media Death by Entitlement
PJ Media Democrats' Gratuitous Awards and Questionable Accomplishments: Time's 'Person of the Year' Edition
mrc tv James Carville Says Dems Lost VA Because of ‘Stupid Wokeness’
Louder With Crowder Therapist Says Patriarchy Is to Blame for Mass Shootings in Ridiculous TikTok Rant
Louder With Crowder Leftist Blames White Women Giving Birth to White Men for America's Problems: 'We Raise the Tyrants'
Louder With Crowder Elon Musk blasts Wikipedia for recession definition change, they also changed the definition of 'definition'
American Thinkier The Psychopathology of Liberalism
mrc tv NY Bans Teens From Buying Whipped Cream - But Not Abortions or Hormone Therapy
Louder With Crowder Car theft is skyrocketing in liberal cities, so of course liberal leaders are blaming car companies
mrc tv Norwegian Media Puffs Able-Bodied Guy Identifying as Disabled Woma
Louder With Crowder New Survey Shows Over Half Of Young Liberal White Women Have A Mental Illness And We Have An Idea As To Why
American Affairs Journal How to Understand the Well-Being Gap between Liberals and Conservative
mrc tv Study Finds Liberal Teen Girls Are Far More Depressed Than Conservative Ones
Towen Hall The Mental Health Crisis In Today’s Kids; Who’s to Blame?
New York Post Left-wing extremism linked to psychopathy and narcissism: study
Louder With Crowder Watch: Democrat claims restricting what books are available in school libraries is "castrating" our kids
mrc tv Boo Hoo! Trans Starbucks Barista Weeps About Working a Whole 8 Hours in a Single Day!
Louder With Crowder Boston University LAW students need counseling, therapy over recent Supreme Court decisions
mrc tv Biological Male Fantasizes About Getting a Uterus Transplant So He Can Have an Abortion
mrc tv REPORT: Mental Illness & Behavioral Disorder Diagnoses Are Skyrocketing In the UK
Louder With Crowder Progressive official declares latest cause du joir: letting dead people change their gender
Louder With Crowder Shocker! Woke people are more likely to be unhappy and depressed according to new study
Louder With Crowder The Guardian asks: “How Has climate change affected your relationships?”
Louder With Crowder Robots Must Now Get Sundays Off To Rest, German Court Rules
PsyPost Study: “Woke” attitudes linked to anxiety, depression, and a lack of happiness
Louder With Crowder Watch: Women are going viral for their "rage ritual" temper tantrums, and as ridiculous as you think this is? It's worse.

Liberal - Victim
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Epoch Times Victim Olympics: You Lose if You Win

Liberal - Great Reset - War On Humanity - War On Freedom
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Mises Wire The Great Reset: Turning Back the Clock on Civilization
Louder With Crowder JP Morgan Chase cancels Ye from using their bank with no reason given (but you can guess)
Louder With Crowder Guess what? An alarming number of Democrats think YOU have too much freedom as an American

Liberal - War On Health
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Federalist How The Left Has Poisoned What It Means To Be Healthy, And Why It Matters

Liberal - War On Health - Suicide By Fork
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Federalist Heart Failure Kills ‘Body Positivity’ Activist At 37
Louder With Crowder 400lb Student Sues School, Claims He Was Discriminated Against And Prevented From Becoming A GYM Teacher

Liberal - War On Disabled
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
mrc tv IPC Official: Fake Paralympians Destroying Integrity Of Disabled Sports

Liberal - War On Religion
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Michael Shellenberger Why Wokeism Is A Religion - Introducing the Taxonomy of Woke Religion
American Thinker Tucker Carlson Calls Out the ‘Professional Christians’
Louder With Crowdeer Los Angeles Dodgers tells Catholics to drop dead, get bullied into reinstating drag nuns to Pride Night festivities
Louder With Crowder Justin Trudeau thinks Canadian Muslims are stupid, blames American right-wingers for their anger at gender issues

Liberal - Speaking Lies For Power - War On Truth - Media Bias - Corruption - Suppress Truth
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Zero Hedga CouPTuBE...
Media Research Center NewsBusters Explainer Video: How Fact Checkers Abuse Their Role To Boost Democrat Causes
Inquisitr President-Elect Donald Trump: 'Donnie Ceiling' Exposes Media Hoaxers And Failed Pollsters And Pundits
mrc newsbusters Crooked Media: The Elite's Hopelessly Biased Against Trump
Washington Examiner The fact-checkers keep destroying fact-checking
Investors Business Daily Media To Voters: Drop Dead, We're Getting Hillary Elected
Zero Hedge Something Odd Emerges When Fact Checking The "Fact Checkers"
New York Post American journalism is collapsing before our eyes
When the media cover up high crimes and misdemeanors of Democrats, it is scandal fatigue. When the media lie to smear Republicans, that is investigative reporting.
Breitbart Scandal Rap Sheet: 48 Reasons to Distrust & Despise the Media
01 NBC News: ‘Dateline’ Stages General Motors Explosion - 1992
02 Newsweek: Clinton’s Lewinsky Scandal Buried - January 1998
03 New Republic: Stephen Glass Blisters Republicans with Lies - May 1998
04 CNN: In Exchange for Access, Saddam Hussein’s Human Rights Atrocities Covered Up - April 2003
05 New York Times: Maureen Dowd Intentionally Misquotes George W. Bush - May 2003
06 New York Times: Jayson Blair’s Serial Lies and Plagiarism - May 2003
07 LA Times: Timed Hit On Schwarzenegge, Opponent’s History Buried - October 2003
08 Boston Globe: Fake Photos of U.S. Troops Gang Raping Iraqi Women - May 2004
09 CBS News: Anchor Dan Rather Pushes Forged Anti-Bush Documents - September 2004
10 NBC News: Brian Williams’ Faked Tales from Katrina - August 2005
11 LA Times Buries Barack Obama’s ‘Khalidi Tapes’ - 2008
12 NBC News: Anchors Edits Inconvenient Black Man Out of Tea Party Photo - August 2009
13 Ezra Klein’s JournoList Exposed - July 2010
14 Entire MSM: Sarah Palin Blamed for Shooting Congresswoman - January 2011
15 CNN: Anchor Blames Sarah Palin for Giffords’ Shooting - January 2011
16 Washington Post: Tea Party Falsely Blamed for Gabby Giffords Shooting - January 2011
17 Atlantic: Tea Party Falsely Blamed for Gabby Giffords’ Shooting - January 2011
18 New York Times: Republicans Falsely Blamed for Gabby Giffords’ Shooting - January 2011
19 NBC News: MSNBC’s Ed Schultz Calls Laura Ingraham a ‘Slut’ - May 2011
20 NBC News: MSNBC’s Ed Schultz Smears Rick Perry as Racist with Deceptive Edit - August 2011
21 Washington Post: Rubio Hit Piece Secretly Scrubbed of Serial Inaccuracies - October 2011
22 Entire MSM: Tea Party Falsely Accused of Hurling N-Word During ObamaCare Protest - March 2010
23 CNN: Evidence Fabricated Against George Zimmerman - March 2012
24 NBC News: Evidence Fabricated Against George Zimmerman - March 2012
25 ABC News: Evidence Fabricated Against George Zimmerman - March 2012
26 Washington Post: Mitt Romney Falsely Accused of Being Homophobic Bully - May 2012
27 NBC News: Andrea Mitchell Fabricates a Romney Gaffe - June 2012
28 Politico: Reporter Claims Mitt Romney Only Comfortable Around Whites - June 2012
29 ABC News: Stephanopoulos, Brian Ross Blame Tea Partier for Mass Shooting - July 2012
30 Yahoo News: Reporter Claims Romney Likes to See Black People Drown - August 2012
31 CNN: Candy Crowley Violates Debate Rules to Lie for Barack Obama - October 2012
32 CNN: Fareed Zakaria’s Serial Plagiarism - 2013 to 2014
33 NBC News: Gun Rights Advocates Falsely Accused of Heckling Grieving Father - January 2013
34 CNN: Memo Reveals Open Push for More Gun Control - April 2013
35 CNN: Nancy Grace Taunts Hispanic George Zimmerman with ‘Taco Bell’ Attack - July 2013
36 CNN: Jeff Zucker’s 15 Year-Old Son Sits On Top-Dem’s Board of Directors - August 2013
37 NBC News: MSNBC’s Martin Bashir Wants Someone to ‘Sh*t’ in Sarah Palin’s Mouth - November 2013
38 NBC News: David Gregory Violates DC Gun Laws to Demagogue Gun Control - December 2013
39 Washington Post: Conservatives Falsely Accused of Bullying Muslim Woman - June 2014
40 Entire MSM: Premised On a Media Lie, Riots Burn Out Black Neighborhood - August 2014
41 CNN: Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Aired Without Authentication - August 2014
42 CNN: Carol Costello Asks Viewers to Enjoy Audio of Bristol Palin’s Assault - October 2014
43 NBC News: Dr. Nancy Snyderman Violates Ebola Quarantine - October 2014
44 Rolling Stone: Gang Rape Hoax Fabricated Against University of Virginia Fraternity - November 2014
45 NBC News: Brian Williams Exposed as Serial Fabricator
46 CNN: Brian Stelter’s Fraudulent Attempt to Rescue Brian Williams - February 2015
47 NBC News: Four MSNBC Anchors Don’t Pay Their Taxes - April 2015
48 ABC News: George Stephanopoulos Lies About Clinton Foundation Investment - May 2015
Melania Trump caught saying meaningless twaddle previously spewed by Michelle Obama. All the left wing propaganda organizations that pretend to be news organizations go ballistic while ignoring the fact that these words spoken by Melania were NOT original with Michelo, but were previously spoken by other politicians.
It looks like Russian hackers exposed the nefarious doings of the DNC. The mainstream media is upset. Not about the nefarious doings, as that pretty much describes mainstream media. They are upset that anyone would expose the actions of the DNC.
mrc tv Bozell: MSNBC's Harris-Perry Is the 'Crown Jewel in the Liberal Media’s Year of Abject Failure'
Truth Revolt CNBC Biggest Loser at GOP Debate, Says Everybody - A rare moment of agreement between the left and right.
Truth Revolt VIDEO: Cruz BLASTS Media, Crowd Goes Wild - Big moment for Senator Cruz.
Truth Revolt Scarborough Rails Against Liberal Bias: 'Name One Republican in Major Media Position' - "You can't do it."
Truth Revolt Broadcasting Board of Governors Says Anti-American Comments Acceptable - After the terror attacks in Paris, comments also include hate speech toward France.
Truth Revolt Trump Was Right About Muslims Celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey: CBS Report Emerges - 100% vindicated, says Breitbart.
Truth Revolt Jewish Journalist Highlights Media Bias Against Israel by Focusing on Paris Terrorists Instead of Victims - And the French people did not appreciate it AT ALL.
Truth Revolt NYT Disappears Report of Unflattering Obama Admission - Well, you've got a double negative here, and a negative angle here. Fix both.
Truth Revolt Media: 'Today' Host Refers To Clinton-Lewinsky Affair As 'Alleged' - Donald Trump does not let her sneak it by.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Defining Political Child Abuse: A Tale of Two Cruz Families - Imagine if a conservative political cartoonist had depicted Sophie Cruz as an organ grinder monkey on a leash held by her illegal immigrant parents.
Truth Revolt Steyn: Why Celebrate Bill Clinton and Charge Bill Cosby? - One faces charges, the other campaigns
Truth Revolt Media Double-Standard in Charlie Hebdo Coverage - Publications censored Hebdo's cartoon of Mohammed but showcase bloodstained God
Truth Revolt New York Daily News to Ted Cruz: Drop Dead - Journalism!
Truth Revolt Malkin: A Tale of Two Tapes: Teen Cruz and Terror-Coddler Obama - Transparency, liberal media-style: Teen Cruz video goes viral. Terror-coddler Obama video gets deep-sixed.
Truth Revolt Thornton: The Cure for Media Bias - Breaking the monopoly of the progressive gospel.
Truth Revolt Networks Blame Trump for Rally Violence, Ignore Protesters - By a 46-3 margin.
Truth Revolt More Media-Contrived Hysteria Over Trump Campaign, Rallies - Where is the responsible reporting from both Right and Left?
Truth Revolt NYT Fail: Overestimates Hillary's Honesty by a Mere 45% - Correction: "This column misstated some of the percentages..."
Truth Revolt MSNBC Calls Bill Clinton's Affairs 'Alleged' - "Alleged misconduct."
Truth Revolt Google Honors a Terrorist-Supporting Marxist, Maoist Admirer of Bin Laden - "I consider Osama bin Laden as one of the people that I admire."
Truth Revolt Camille Paglia: 'PC Feminists Misfire' on Donald Trump - "Jail him now!"
Truth Revolt Katie Couric's New Anti-Gun Documentary Deceptively Edited Interview with Pro-Gun Group - "I know how you all are going to answer this..."
Truth Revolt CBS News Political Director: 'Our Job' to Steer Away from the Clintons' Past - "Elections are supposed to be about the future."
Truth Revolt Tapper on Fire: Slams 'Sycophantic' Media for Fawning Over Hillary - "I get so teary when I think about a woman nominee..."
Truth Revolt Coulter: Did Anyone Talking About Trump's Speech Actually Hear it? - The media have lost their minds after Trump's magnificent speech on Monday.
Truth Revolt CNN Reporter Begins to Criticize Hillary Clinton, Feed Goes Black - Another "glitch" at the Clinton News Network.
Truth Revolt That's Rich: Hillary Attacks Pro-Hillary Media for 'Dividing the Nation' - Better not bite the hand that feeds you, Hillary.
Truth Revolt Leftist Excuses Plagiarized Speeches by Obama, Biden - "It’s one thing to be a plagiarist. It’s another thing to be a moronic plagiarist."
Truth Revolt If Melania 'Plagiarized' Michelle's 2008 Speech, Then Michelle Plagiarized Hers Too - Here is the only fair analysis you'll get.
Truth Revolt More Leftwing Hyperbole: Maddow Says RNC 'Gateway Drug' to KKK, Melissa Harris-Perry Fled RNC for Her Life - But you know, the Left isn't about hysteria.
Truth Revolt Lilley: Media Obsession with Melania’s Speech a Distraction from Hillary’s Lies - Can we talk about what really matters?
Truth Revolt Coulter: Michelle's Speech Was Trite, Too - MSNBC covered the banal sayings as if Melania had been caught selling secrets to the Soviets.
Truth Revolt Most Blatant Bias Yet: Trump Missing From Google Search of Presidential Candidates - Tell us again how the "system" isn't rigged.
Truth Revolt MSNBC Spin Factory: Wasserman Schultz Received 'Cheers' at DNC Breakfast! - Because that's what being relentlessly booed off the stage means.
Truth Revolt How The Media Spin Grieving Parents Based on Political Party - It doesn't get any more blatant.
Truth Revolt More Media Bias: Khizr Khan Receives 50 TIMES MORE Media Coverage Than Pat Smith - Shameful.
Truth Revolt Media Pretend Democrats Weren't Violent at Rallies - Continue to turn a blind eye ...
Truth Revolt WATCH: 10 Minutes of Media Silencing Hillary Critics - "Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop." - Don Lemon
Truth Revolt Coulter: How the Media Work - My entire career has been a test-run for the hounds of hell they're unleashing against Trump on a daily basis right now.
Truth Revolt Major Networks Give Lying Olympic Swimmers 6 Times More Coverage Than Iran Ransom Payment - Well you know, priorities....
Truth Revolt Columnist: Media Assault on Trump Proves ’American Journalism is Collapsing’ - "The shameful display of naked partisanship by the elite media is unlike anything seen in modern America."
Truth Revolt ABC, NYT Ignore Latest Clinton Foundation Scandal - "All the News That's [Un]Fit to Print."
Truth Revolt HuffPo Terminates Contributor Over Post Questioning Hillary’s Health - Another one bites the dust.
Truth Revolt CNN Censors ‘Crooked’ From Trump Tweet About Hillary - The Clinton News Network becomes the Crooked News Network.
Truth Revolt Pro-Hillary Google Hides Searches on Candidate’s Health - "Hillary Clinton he-althy as a horse!"
Truth Revolt More Bias on Display: CNN Scrubs Word 'Crooked' From Trump's Tweet on Hillary - Here we go again...
Truth Revolt Coulter: Every Word, Including 'And' and 'The' - As with all things Trump, absolutely nothing you hear about him from our journalist friends is likely to be true.
Truth Revolt Daily Beast Urges Journalists to Abandon Balance in Countering Trump's 'Lies' - "With Trump we’ve been hauled into a parallel universe, and the old rules are dead."
Truth Revolt CNN, NBC Cuts Clinton Calling NYC Attack ‘Bombing’ to Slam Trump’s Strong Reaction - Deception is the name in the journalism game.
Truth Revolt MSNBC Ignores Looters, Complains of Violent Arrests - "We feel like we have seen police really springing into action, singling out individual protesters and arresting them."
Truth Revolt Moderator Bias Undermines First Presidential Debate - "Every question was shaped to frame a left-wing agenda."
Truth Revolt Watch CNN Claim There is No Evidence Hillary Chuckled About Her Child Rapist Client - "I don't know anything about that story."
Truth Revolt Google Results Claim Blacks Can’t Be Racist Against Whites - More "truth" from the world’s go-to information source.
Truth Revolt Prager U: Can You Trust the Press? - "This group is overwhelmingly on the political Left."
Truth Revolt Egregious: Moderator's Bias Shows as Kaine Interrupts Pence Over 70 Times During Debate - Even when Pence was sharing his 9/11 experience!
Truth Revolt BIAS ALERT: Journalists Donate $382,000 to Hillary Clinton Campaign - While Donald Trump got a paltry $14,000. BIG difference.
Truth Revolt Media Hall of Shame: Tom Brokaw: Trump is Hitler But There’s No ‘Liberal Media’ - Welcome to the hall, Brokaw.
Truth Revolt WATCH: CNN Called ‘Clinton News Network’ On Air by Fiery British Conservative - The implosion that followed is something to see.
Truth Revolt MSNBC Interview Bails on Black Trump Supporters When They Criticize Media - Oh, sorry! That’s all the time we have for today.
Truth Revolt Wikileaks Provides More Proof of Media Corruption: Clinton PAC Provided 372 Newsmakers With 80 Sets of Pro-Hillary, Anti-Trump Talking Points - 200 of these media "surrogates" have even attended Hillary SuperPAC's "training sessions."
Truth Revolt Clueless CNN Host Can’t Fathom that Voter Fraud Actually Occurred - This is why no one trusts the media.
Truth Revolt Google Redefines ‘Fascism’ To Smear Conservatives - "Extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice."
Truth Revolt Coulter: Why the Media Are in a Never-Ending Hunt For Right-Wing VIolence - We've heard this exact same story many, many times before.
Truth Revolt PROOF: Google Fact-Checks Only Conservative Websites - TruthRevolt gets reviewed by Google's "fact" checkers. Media Matters does not.
mrc tv Even Left-Wing Salon Thinks CNBC ‘Did a Terrible Job’
mrc tv Carl Bernstein Slams ‘Reprehensible’ CNBC Debate
mrc tv Bozell: CNBC Debate Moderators Were 'Clinton Operatives,' Not Journalists
mrc tv Cruz: ‘I Am Declaring War on the Liberal Media;' 'Join Me'
mrc tv GOP Candidate Revolt Brewing Because of Unfair CNBC Debate
mrc tv Facebook Censors Swedish Story About Rapes by Muslim Refugees
mrc tv Is Facebook Refusing To Say 'Gun Control'?
mrc tv NYT Slams Bush For Katrina, Justifies Obama After La. Floods
mrc tv Politico Co-Founder: There's a 'Scary' Amount of Media Bias
mrc tv Bias Alert: CNN Outright Changed Trump Quote On 'Profiling'
mrc tv Holt's Questioning and Interruptions Favor Clinton During Debate
mrc tv BuzzFeed Hilariously Edits Its Own Poll Showing Huge Support For Trump
mrc tv Bozell: NYT ‘Must Explain Themselves’ for Hypocritical Trump Tax Story
mrc tv Salon: Clinton Won Debate... Except If You Count White Men
mrc tv Media Completely Ignores Clinton Wall Street Transcripts
Policy Mic The Biggest Loser at CNBC's Republican Presidential Debate Wasn't Even On the Stage
Dail Mail Online MSNBC's Joe Scarborough calls sister network's debate a 'cluster' - while Fox folks promise to 'make debates great again' in the aftermath of last night's CNBC mess
Slate CNBC Was the Biggest Loser of Its Own Debate
Denver Post GOP presidential debate: the loser is CNBC
Patriot Post Republicans vs. The Media
Patriot Post RNC Rebukes Leftmedia Presstitutes
The Federalist Politico Admits Fabricating A Hit Piece On Ben Carson - Politico's editorial staff on Friday conceded that entire basis of attack on Carson was invented out of whole cloth.
American Thinker When 'Civility' Really Means 'Political Correctness'
American Thinker Media bias by the numbers
American Thinker The Media is Free, and is Everywhere Chained to a Narrative
American Thinker The President Who Fell From Grace
American Thinker Media meltdown coming over black Trump supporter stomping on KKK hood-wearing protestor?
Canada Free Press Carson Performs Brain Surgery on the Media - Carson is performing brain surgery on the media. It’s not intelligence he’s finding; it’s garbage
mrc tv Bozell: Fox Moderators 'Utterly Humiliated' and 'Completely Outclassed CNBC'
Honest Reporting defending Israel from Media Bias
mrc tv Unlike Cartoonist Who Mocked Cruz's Kids, Reporter Who Said Hillary Was Exploiting Chelsea Got Suspended
mrc tv Senior Newsweek Writer Tweets Ted Cruz/Nazi Comparison
Canada Free Press Why Do They Lie to Us Over and Over? - The major media has morphed from a watchdog to a lapdog barking on cue that everything is all right, there's nothing to see here, move along
Nick Cole's Books Banned by the Publisher
Michael Bunker SAMIZDAT: Thoughtcrime and Traditional Publishing
Monster Hunter Nation Left Wing Bias in Publishing: Your Wrongthink Will Be Punished!
Monster Hunter Nation The American News Media Sucks
Project Veritas James O’Keefe Confronts Katie Couric for Deceptively Editing Gun Video
Breitbart Explosive Video Claims Google Is Manipulating Search Results To Favor Hillary Clinton
Breitbart Amazon ‘Fixes’ Hillary Clinton Book Ratings After Scathing Reviews
Vox Popoli The media comes after the Alt-Right
Jewish World Review Jesse Williams' Rant --- Media Didn't Fact-Check His Lies
Daily Wire DNC Torn Apart By Hillary Corruption, Corrupt Leftist Media Cheer 'Passion' of Convention
Daily Wire Trump: 'I Hope' Putin Hacked Hillary's Emails. Media Hypocrites Lose Their Minds.
Daily Wire Trump Calls Hillary The Devil, Media Lose It. They’re Hypocrites.
Daily Wire Media Slam Speculation Over Hillary's Health, Question Trump's Mental Health Daily Wire See The Matrix: The Real Reason the MSM is Furious with Matt Lauer
Daily Wire Media RIP Lauer For Not Fact-Checking Trump. Here's Why.
Daily Wire Hillary's Health: Mark Twain Explains Chris Cillizza's Credibility Implosion
Daily Wire Media RIP Trump For Great Sin of Calling A Bombing A Bombing
Daily Wire Angry Press Pull Footage Of Trump Hotel Tour After He Trolls Them On Birtherism
Daily Wire Trump Trolling Master Class: 'Obama Was Born In The United States. Period.'
Daily Wire Police Group Accuses CNN of Dangerously Deceptive Edit in Charlotte Shooting Video
Daily Wire This One Email From An MSNBC Producer To Hillary’s Team Shows Everything You Need To Know About Media Bias
Jewish World Review Trump Speaks, Media Translates
Federalist It’s Time To Fight Until The Left Follows The Rules They Force On The Right - Samantha Bee and Roseanne Barr are only the latest example. Conservatives must get more vocal in holding leftists accountable to their own rules.
The Right Geek You Can't Bring About a More Just World by Lying
Louder With Crowder Latino and Former Democrat Asks at Trump Rally ‘Where Are the Racists?’ [VIDEO]
mrc tv Free Speech Assault: YouTube to Ban All Videos with What They Deem 'False Claims'
mrc tv Twitter: Calling Boulder Shooter a 'White Christian Terrorist' Does Not Violate Misinformation Policy
mrc tv Mayor Lori Lightfoot Claims Chicago Crime Is 'On the Decline'
mrc tv Twitter Suspends GOP Rep Who Correctly Cited Biden Appointee, 'Civilian Admiral,' As MALE
cns news Rep. Scalise Provides Examples of How Twitter Censors America’s Conservatives, But Not Its Enemies
Jewish World Review Big Tech Thugs and Their Allies
Jewish World Review The Conservative Surge in Twitter Followers -- The Elon Musk Effect?
mrc tv Journo Professor Blames Racism and 'Desperation' For USA Today Writer Caught Faking Sources
Louder With Crowder 'F*** You, Pelosi' — Crowder fact-checks Pelosi's absurd take on SCOTUS decision to overturn ROE
Louder With Crowder Legal Influencer exposes liberal dark money group paying TikTokers to promote anti-Trump Jan 6 disinformation
Louder With Crowder Mostly True: Politifact's latest 'fact' check on Ron DeSantis exposes them as partisan bullplop
Dan Bongino Show Dan Bongino: Liberals Are Using a "Retcon" Strategy to Push Their False Narrative
Dan Bongino Show Five Times the So-Called Fact-Checkers Tried to Fact-Check Ted Cruz and Failed Miserably
Breitbrt Exclusive — Andy Ngo: Big Tech Companies Compel Journalists to ‘Lie’
Jewish World Review Obama Warns About the 'Raw Sewage' of Disinformation -- Ignores Dems' Own Garbage
Red State Anatomy of a Media Hoax - The Desire for Book Bans Leads to Rampant Lies in the Press
Louder With Crowder Watch: Democrat claims restricting what books are available in school libraries is "castrating" our kids
Louder With Crowder Rumble Files Federal Defamation Lawsuit Against Co-Founders of Purported Watchdog Group

Liberal - Speaking Lies For Power - War On Truth - Media Bias - Support for Muslim Terrorists
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt Exposed: Society of Professional Journalists 'Guidebook' on Spinning Islamic Terror Stories - One look at this and it's clear to see through every mainstream media lie.
Truth Revolt German Activist Attacked by Refugees, Lied to Police to Avoid Sounding Racist - Didn't want her story to become fodder for anti-refugee sentiments.
Truth Revolt Walmart Forced to Take Down 9/11 Display Because Everything is Offensive - America is so backwards these days.
Counter Jihad CENSORED: YouTube Uses Anti-ISIS Policy to Pull CounterJihad Video. Watch it here. - A "hate speech" policy developed to counter the Islamic State's murderous propaganda is now being used to silence critics of radical Islamic terror.
mrc tv Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan Leads 'Death to America' Chants in Iran

Liberal - Moderate Liberals - Moderate Democrats
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Monster Hunter Nation Do I unfairly Paint the left with a broad brush?

Liberal - War On Merit - War On Competency
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
American Thinker No Standard, No Problem

Liberal - Heros
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
PJ Media Andrew Cuomo Rakes in Millions for Book on Crisis He Failed to Handle and Faces Impeachment For

Liberal - War On Military - Humor
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Babylon Bee Instead Of Traditional Warfare, Chinese Military Will Now Be Trained To Shout Wrong Pronouns At American Troops

Liberal - War On Military - War On The Military - Hatred Of The Military
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Maybe it’s better having a country that inspires patriots to defend it, rather than one that makes them want to throw up - Dave Reaboi, national security expert
Legal Insurrection Is U.S. Navy Sinking Under Weight of Diversity and Aversion to Bad Press? - "I guarantee you every unit in the Navy is up to speed on their diversity training. I’m sorry that I can’t say the same of their ship handling training."
American Thinker 'Failed miserably' — Pentagon's wargame failure signals that the wokester generals are fighting the last wars
Louder With Crowder Our Woke Military: Army Commander Relieved of Duty for Being Too ‘Old School’
Louder With Crowder 'Privilege Walks'?!: Dan Crenshaw's First Woke Military Whistleblower Testimony Is Insane
American Thinker/a> Generals, veterans, and citizens issue petition accusing sec of defense Austin of violating his oath to the US Constitution
American Thinker US Army to prioritize fight against climate change
Daily Wire British Commandos ‘Dominated’ American Soldiers In Combat Training Exercise, Forced Them To Surrender: Report
Daily Wire ‘More Pronouns, Less Recruits’: U.S. Military Facing ‘Unprecedented’ Recruiting Crisis Under Biden
Town Hall Challenges Are Mounting Our Woke Military
Canada Free Press A Weakened Military - I am saddened at the damage the progressive left has inflicted on our once proud and strong armed forces
American Thinker Abandoned U.S. military equipment now turning up on eBay
Conservative Review These Are The Top 7 Times The Military Went Woke In 2022
OAN U.S. Strategic Commander Warns The U.S. Military Is A Sinking Ship
Federalist Biden Pentagon Orders Military Chaplains To Bless Putting Male Soldiers In Female Showers And Bedrooms
Louder With Crowder US Military Service Members Who Refuse To Use Someone “Preferred Pronoun” Could Face Court Martial

Liberal - Support For Genocide
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
mrc tv ‘They’re Hypocrites’: Rubio Eviscerates Corporations For Denouncing Georgia Voter Laws, But Not China’s Genocide
Louder With Crowder Marco Rubio Drops Disney Over Laughable 'Don't Say Gay' Response: Hey, 'Member Those Uighur Genocide Camps?

Liberal - War On The Poor
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
American Thinker Long Beach turns itself into a food desert
Louder With Crowder Watch: Stephen Colbert Is Okay With You Paying $15 for Gasoline Because He Drives a Better Car Than You

Liberal - Resist
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
According To Hoyt Happy New Year

Liberal - Virtue Signaling
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
City Journal Heiresses on the Barricades - From Jane Fonda to Clara Kraebbe, spoiled rich children find it easy to play at rebellion.
mrc tv M&Ms Is Filled With Nuts: Candy Company Makes M&M Mascots More Inclusive, Less Sexy
Writing, Ascendant Virtue Signaling at its Worst: Punishing People for Things out of Their Control
Louder With Crowder Watch: Hipsters Take a Bite Out of Capitalism Paying $10 for 'Eat the Rich' Popsicles, Somehow Miss Iron
Unz Review The Cowardly American Corporation
Louder With Crowder Watch: Dwarf actor battling virtue-signaling idiot over "Snow White" is textbook progressivism
mrc tv Elon Musk Says Woke Companies Only 'Care About Looking Good While Doing Evil'
Louder With Crowder Teen Shot During Seattle's CHAZ-BLM "Autonomous Zone" Is Now Suing The City

Liberal - Cancel Culture - Woke Destruction Of Beloved Properties
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
New York Post Dr. Seuss’ works to be edited by ‘racially diverse’ team amid ‘woke’ backlash
Bounding Into Comics Star Trek Fan Launches Petition To Have Alex Kurtzman’s Star Trek Designated As Non-Canon
Federalist The Censorship Of Roald Dahl Shows The Left’s ‘Book Banning’ Accusations Are Utterly Disingenuous
mrc tv Titles Like ‘Snow White’ & ‘Cinderella’ CANCELED By ‘Sensitivity Readers’
mrc tv ‘Goosebumps’ Books Changed 100X For Kids ‘Mental Health,’ Author Unaware
mrc tv Then They Came for Poirot: Agatha Christie Censored
mrcc tv 'The French Connection' Edited For Apple+ To Remove Racial Slurs
mrc tv 'Punisher' - Punished To Death By Woke Marvel

Liberal - Cancel Culture - Blacklisting
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Louder With Crowder Comedian Calls Out Liberal Victims of Cancel Culture: 'This Is What You Idiots Wanted!'
Louder With Crowder Comedian Shows How YOU Can Be a Winner in the Game of Cancel Culture
Richard Paolinelli Just Call Me Sports-tradamus
Federalist It’s Time For Cancel Culture To Hit The Northeast
mrc tv Cancel Culture Eats Its Own: Eva Longoria Apologizes For Calling Latinas the 'Real Heroines' of the 2020 Election
mrc tv 'Bachelor' Host 'Canceled' For Not 'Canceling' a Contestant Over Antebellum Costume
mrc tv 'They Can't Cancel Us If We Don't Let Them': Gina Carano Teaming Up with Daily Wire to Make Movie
Monster Hunter Nation Publishing House Baen Books Attacked by Cancel Culture
Matthew Hopkins News Baen’s Bane: Jason Sanford of Ohio News Media Association (ONMA) and his Unethical "Journalism" The Controversy About Baen’s Bar
According To Hoyt The Left and the Mirror
Louder With Crowder Cancel Kermit? Disney Slaps Insane Warning on 'The Muppet Show'
Louder With Crowder Watch: Gina Carano Breaks Silence, Gives HER SIDE of Disney Firing in Full Detail
Louder With Crowder Pepe Le Pew Canceled from Upcoming 'Space Jam 2,' Details Make the Decision Even Dumber
Amereican Spectator Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head, Miss Piggy, and Their Enemies
Amereican Spectator Turner Classic Movies Surrenders to the Woke Vampires
Deseret News From J.K. Rowling to Josh Hawley, writers with unpopular beliefs are under siege. Now Amazon is on the battlefield
Louder With Crowder Twitter Suspends Steven Crowder Without Explanation, Increases Suspension Overnight Also Without Explanation
mrc tv Twitter's Assault on Free Speech Continues, Platform Suspends Steven Crowder's Account...Again
Louder With Crowder Theater Cancels 'Cinderella' Because Too Many White People Were In It
Louder With Crowder Actress Attacks 'The Office' Over Anti-Asian Stereotypes in Fourteen-Year-Old Episode
mrc tv John Cleese Strikes Wise And Reasoned Chord As He Mocks Hank Azaria's Apu Apology
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) Hollywood’s "Illiberal Left"
mrc tv Benched For Not Kneeling? Player Sues Soccer Coach For Forcing Her Off Team
Notes From The Bunker The truth about "Faith McClosky"
American Thinker Parents Canceled by Their Own Children
Red State PJ Media Stands Their Ground After Twitter Locks Account for "Misgendering" Rachel Levine
Louder With Crowder Blink 182 Drummer Accused of Using Hateful Slur 18 Years Ago on MTV, Except He Never Did
Louder With Crowder Audience Member Calls Cops on Comedian for Joke, Forces Comedian to Explain Context of Joke to Authorities
Hollywood In Toto Chelsea Handler Denies Cancel Culture Exists. Tell it to Tom Papa - Far-left comic ignores fellow (clean) comics punished by woke mob
Hollywood In Toto Right-leaning ‘Private American’ canceled by Kickstarter, Daily Kos (UPDATED) - Elon Musk's Twitter Files bombshell shows fraction of Left's censorship plans
Louder With Crowder Man shares terrifying warning of what happened to his entire Amazon smart home when they accused him of a racial slur
mrc tv Texas AG Opens Investigation into Far-Left Media Matters After Musk's X Corp Lawsuit
Dan Bongino Show Elon Musk Launches "Thermonuclear" Lawsuit Against Media Matters

Liberal - Privilege
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts while the stupid ones are full of confidence. - Charles Bukowski
Truly intelligent people realize how little they know, unlike "the intelligentsia," while the stupid ones are often arrogant.
American Thinker Is Nancy Pelosi trying to be the most hated woman in America?
YouTube Tucker: Stupid people took control of our country

Liberal - Activists - Terrorists
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Breitbart Targets of eBay Terror Campaign Speak Out Against Tech Giant
Louder With Crowder Dear Crazy, Hateful Leftist Trolls: Get Over Yourselves!
Daily Wire Leftists ENRAGED Over Congress Taking Back Power From Regulators
Daily Wire Most Left-Wing Protesters Live With Mom and Dad
Gateway Pundit Antifa Chick Goes to Turkey With Muslim Loverboy, Gets Raped and Beaten
FrontPage Mag Icelandic Leftist Poisons Robert Spencer - A new phase in the Left’s campaign of demonizing those whom it hates.
Truth Revolt Steven Crowder Goes Undercover, Exposes Violence, Weapons Inside Antifa - And not one media outlet wanted his story.
Daily Mail 92% of left-wing activists live with their parents and one in three is unemployed, study of Berlin protesters finds
American Wire AMERICAN RENEWAL: The Deep State Resistance Terrorized Innocent Americans, Including Me
Louder With Crowder Chicago Mayor Seizes on Roe v. Wade Fears, Uses Extreme Rhetoric in 'Call to Arms'
mrc tv Farrakhan: 'Mr. Trump Killed My Brother, Qasem Soleimani,' Defends Iranian Terrorist General's Actions
mrc tv 'Make Them Pay': Michigan Democrat Rep. Threatens Trump Supporters On Video

Liberal - Activists - Grass Roots Support (bought and paid for by wealthy liberals)
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
YouTube ASTROTURF JERKS!! (Crowder Goes Liberal)
Legal Insurrection NC GOP office firebombed - "Nazi Republicans leave town or else"
Truth Revolt Ferguson Protestors Protest Not Getting Paid - #CutTheChecks
Truth Revolt Ferguson Looters Were Promised $5000 a Month Each - Nice work if you can get it.

Liberal - Suicide Cult
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt The Left’s Embrace of Islamic Rape - Why progressives are sacrificing their own women on the altar of utopian ideals.
Truth Revolt Lawmaker: ISIS Should Be Allowed to Recuit on College Campuses - "It’s just part of being exposed to differing viewpoints."
Truth Revolt Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair Blames 'Flabby Liberalism' For Spread of Terrorism - "We concede far too much."
Truth Revolt Watson: The Islamic State of Sweden - A case study in a country that is obliterating itself.
Truth Revolt Prager: Why the Left Opposes Arming Teachers - Fighting evil is the left's Achilles heel.
Jihad Watch Leftists’ misguided love affair with Islam
YouTube What They're NOT Telling You About London
Daily Wire The Suicide Of Europe
New York Post Liberal Jews are destroying their own religion
mrc tv Great American Cities Are Crumbling Under the Oppression of the Left
Federalist The Riots In France Aren’t Just About Gas Taxes, But About The West’s Decline
Blade Of Perseus Life Among the Ruins

Liberal - Support For Socialism - Support For Communism - Support For Oppression - Support For Repression
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Daily Wire Venezuela And The Myth Of Kinder, Gentler Socialism
Louder With Crowder Bloomberg Savages Bernie: ‘You’re a Socialist Who Owns Three Homes’ [VIDEO]
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education No, Fidel Castro Didn't Improve Health Care or Education in Cuba
mrc tv Cuba's Communist Party Newspaper Gives Sanders a Glowing Review
Town Hall Why America Is in Real Danger
mrc tv The Facts About Marxism: Can You Pass The Collectivism Quiz?
mrc tv Blumenthal Claims Ignorance After Repulsive Speech To Communist Group
Town Hall Apple Again Comes to Aid of Chinese Communist Party Amid Protest

Liberal - Support For Violence - Support For Crime - Support For Criminals - the first/last/only resort of the leftists
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
If you can’t beat the narrative, just beat people.
Town Hall The Twisted, Racist Logic Behind The Left's Soft On Crime Agenda
Louder With Crowder Violent Leftist Pulls Gun on the Cops, They Shoot Him Dead
Louder With Crowder Antifa Protesters Now Say ‘Violence is Necessary...’
mrc tv Conservative Leaders: Facebook Is 'Encouraging Violence' By Letting Antifa Maintain Accounts
Daily Wire POLL: Majority Concerned That Trump Opponents ‘Will Resort To Violence’
Gateway Pundit Reports: Women for Trump Group Attacked at DC’s Willard Hotel-By Democrat Wedding Party
Conserevative Review Back to the pre-Giuliani era: Serious crime up 31% in NYC’s Central Park this year
Daily Wire Powerful Nevada Union Says Its Members Were ‘Viciously Attacked’ By Bernie Supporters
American Thinker Americans' systemic prejudice that just won't die
American Thinker Crap that Twitter permits, truth that Twitter bans
American Thinker Chesa Boudin stands up for shoplifters and drug dealers
American Thinker With shoplifting 'legal,' organized crime has a field day in San Francisco
American Thinker Looting for Amusement and Luxury Goods
YouTube There's only one way to end this: Judge Jeanine
Louder With Crowder LAPD Warns People NOT to Visit During the Holidays: 'It's Like Purge,' 'We Can't Keep You Safe'
American Thinker What do migrant surges and smash-and-grab lootings have in common?
Louder With Crowder El Salvador President Looks at Democrat Agenda and Liberal Media, Asks if They're Trying to Destroy America
Neon Nettle Democrat NYC Mayor Admits Progressive Politics 'Responsible' for Soaring Crime Rates - 'Reforms of the progressive left' to blame for crime
Louder With Crowder Men Steal Puppy at Gunpoint, Shoot Two Men, Commit Robbery ... Yet Are Released Without Charges Being Filed
mrc tv Planned Parenthood Chair Boasts Husband Assaulted Trump Supporter
mrc tv Big Cities Tell the REAL Story as Philly DA's Claim Violent Crime is Higher in 'Trump States' Debunked
Ann Coulter For More Crime, Vote Democrat!
Louder With Crowder Watch: Progressive governor doesn't understand why locking up criminals is 'so important'
Ann Coulter Warning! Crime Deniers on the Ballot in All 50 States!
Ann Coulter There’s a 0.00002% Chance You’ve Got the Wrong Man
Daily Wire Crime Has Risen Under The Watch Of Soros-Backed Prosecutors In Six Major Cities
Post Millennial BREAKING: Seattle forced to pay $3.6 MILLION in 2020 CHAZ damages to business owners
Dan Bongino Show Judge Rules Soros-Backed Prosecutor Kim Gardner Will Go on Trial for Seven Counts of Neglect of Her Duties
Louder With Crowder Ron DeSantis helps raise money for Marine veteran Daniel Penny as an eyewitness steps forward to praise Penny's heroism
Louder With Crowder Watch: Lululemon fires two employees for calling the police on shoplifters and we think we know why
Louder With Crowder Circle K fires 75-year-old employee for shoving shoplifter who pulled a knife on her, so now she's suing
Louder With Crowder Supermarket employee gets fired for FILMING thieves running off with shopping cart full of merchandise
Louder With Crowder ACLU Supports Prostitutes Knowingly Spreading HIV, Sues Over Tennessee Law That "Disproportionately Affects Black And Trans"
mrc tv 'Like JFK?' 'Journalists' Caught on Hot Mic Contemplating Trump Assassination
Louder With Crowder Two Starbucks Employees Fought Robbers To Save Their Own Lives, So, Of Course, The Company Fired Them For it
Louder With Crowder Watch: Bath & Body Works employee gets pepper sprayed confronting shoplifters, so of course SHE gets fired
AMP America Petersen: The Violent Attack on a Child in Grand Central Station Symbolizes a Far More Sinister System

Liberal - Big Tech - War On Citizens
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Blaze Media Prominent bank abruptly cancels Kanye West, gives him just weeks to move accounts to another bank

Liberal - Support For Fascism - Support For Riots - War On Citizens
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt Horowitz on Fox: Anti-Trump 'Riots' Are 'American Fascism' - "They shouldn't be called protests. They're riots."
Truth Revolt Trump Supporter Stabbed 9 Times at ‘Free Speech’ Rally - "You’re getting the shank, white boy."
Truth Revolt Greenfield: Arrest the Editor of the Washington Post - Inciting violent riots should have consequences.
Daily Wire Berkeley Student Op-Ed: We Had To Get Violent In Self-Defense To People Saying Stuff
Ann Coulter When Liberals Club People, It’s With Love In Their Hearts
National Review Political Violence Is Not Okay
Washington Post Yes, antifa is the moral equivalent of neo-Nazis
Louder With Crowder Portland Police Chief Asks: Why isn’t Antifa EVER Held Accountable?
Bernard Goldberg When Liberals Behave Like Stalinists
Daily Wire NBA Coach Steve Kerr Ignores Brutal History Of Communist China, Attacks United States. Critics Shred Him Online.
reason The 1793 Project Unmasked - The campus left was just getting started.

Liberal - Support For Sex Abuse
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Breitbart Pope Francis Knew His Protégé Took Nude Selfies, Abused Seminarians; But Promoted Him to Top Vatican Post
mrc tv New Lawsuit Alleges Twitter Repeatedly Refused to Remove Images of Child Porn Until DHS Got Involved
American Thinker Sex (and Sobs) on the Set: Actresses Lay Bare Their Thoughts on Baring it All
Dan Bongino Show Dick Durbin Confronted After Blocking Subpoena for Epstein Flight Logs
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joy Reid Made To Look (More) Stupid By Moms For Liberty Co-Founder, Refuses To Condemn Book About Pedophilia

Liberal - Support For Slavery
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt The Slave Trade Is Alive and Well in Islamic Libya As West African Migrants Sold at Open Markets - Where are you, Black Lives Matter? Sharing a "plight" with Palestinians, perhaps?

Liberal - Support For Mass Slaughter
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Quillette Devastation and Denial: Cambodia and the Academic Left
Washington Post The New York Times keeps whitewashing communism’s crimes

Liberal - Support For Facism - Support For Hate Crimes - Support For Hate Speech - Support For Incivility - Support For Intolerance
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
if you don't support same-sex marriage, you're a homophobe
if you don't support Planned Parenthood, you are waging a war on women
if you cite black-on-black violence statistics, you're a racist
if you are leery of illegal immigration you're a bigot
if you are leery of radical Islam, you're an Islamophobe
if you don't support Hillary Clinton, you're a misogynistic
If you believe all of the above, then you need a long stay in a rubber room wearing a jacket with sleeves that tie in back. - Cynial Pessimist
National Review Liberals Are the New McCarthyites—and Theyre Proud of...
CBS Actress Out Of San Francisco Production After Endorsing Tea Party Candidate
National Review Online The Age of Intolerance - The forces of "tolerance" are intolerant of anything less than full-blown celebratory approval.
Washington Free Beacon Shirley Temple’s Horrible Thoughtcrime Against Jeffrey Wells
National Review Online The Liberal Gulag
Small Craft Advisory The Left's Religious Intolerance
Center For Individual Freedom (CFIF) Liberals’ Tyranny of Tolerance
Personal Liberty Digest The Liberal Bigots Strike Again
Personal Liberty Digest Another Low Attack On Black Conservatives From The Left
Xbiz Chase Bank Slams the Door on More Porn Stars
Personal Liberty Digest The Intolerance Of The Tolerance Crowd
Personal Liberty Digest Will Conservatives Soon Be Sent To Re-Education Camps?
Dennis Prager Mary Cheney, Liz Cheney and Left-Wing Hate
Dennis Prager "Tolerance" Now Means Government-Coerced Celebration
Huffington Post Dear Progressives, We're Not Doing It Right
MRC News Busters Breaking: NY Times Book Review Banishes David Limbaugh From Rightful Place on Best-Seller List
Response Action Network The left and its hate
Brad R. Torgersen Speech and Punishment
Examiner Blogger banned from left wing Daily Kos after questioning Islam
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Attack of the But-Heads!
Truth Revolt Black Actor Endorses Trump, Predictable Leftist Racism Ensues - "Already knew anthony mackie was an uncle tom but this is too much!!!!"
Truth Revolt Dem Voters Want to Jail Global Warming Skeptics
Truth Revolt Horowitz: An American Fascism - Calling the campus protests what they are.
Truth Revolt Spencer: Saint Anselm College - Most Unsafe Campus In the U.S.? - In a world of microaggressions, trigger warnings, safe spaces, mansplaining, and so on, private academia subverts the free exchange of ideas.
Truth Revolt ACLU Leader Quits after Threatening to Shoot Donald Trump Supporters - Tolerance.
Truth Revolt Madeleine Albright: 'Special Place in Hell' For Women Who Don't Vote for Hillary - Because Hillary will "always be there for you."
Truth Revolt Adam Baldwin Quits Twitter Over its Locking Down of Conservative Accounts - "They’re so afraid to hear people disagree with them."
Truth Revolt Latina Supported Trump, Now She, Her Family & Business Being Terrorized - Love that tolerance.
Truth Revolt Progressive Snowflakes Demand Amazon Stop Selling Trump Paraphernalia - Here we go again.
Truth Revolt Bisexual Latino Professor Abandons Tenured Role for Being... Too Conservative! - When it comes to Social Justice, you toe the line, or else.
Truth Revolt What it’s Like to be a Professor Who Supports Trump - On campus, it's led to hostility or silence.
Truth Revolt Kathy Griffin to Trump: 'F-ck Off You Piece of Sh-t' - "I go lower."
Truth Revolt Anatomy of a Liberal: NY Times Reporter Threatened to Disclose Montel Williams Home Address for Not Cooperating on Trump Hit-Piece - Bully, bully, threaten, bully...
Truth Revolt Anatomy of a Liberal: Esquire Mag Shames Celebrities Who Haven't Joined Anti-Trump Hate Mob
Truth Revolt Tech Giant, Trump Supporter Peter Thiel Doubles Down at Natl Press Club, Slams Liberal Intolerance - "If you don’t conform, then you don’t count as diverse, no matter what your personal background."
Truth Revolt As Usual 'Not My President' Protests Exemplify Why The Left Is Guilty of That Which It Claims to Rail Against - Funny, I don't recall conservatives rioting in the streets following Obama's victories in 2008 and 2012.
Truth Revolt High School Sophomore Viciously Beaten in Schoolyard for Supporting Trump - She's also receiving hate-mail online.
Truth Revolt Company CEO Sends Letter to Employees: If You Agree With Trump's Rhetoric Then Resign - Class action lawsuit, anyone?
Truth Revolt Georgetown Prof to Muslim Trump Voter: ‘F*** Off, Go to Hell’ - "His hate is on your fame-mongering shoulders."
American Thinker Adam Baldwin quits Twitter, cites censoring conservatives
Washington Examiner It's okay to victim blame if the perpetrator is a Muslim extremist
New York Post Liberals finally get a taste of Obama’s arrogance
Truth Revolt A Liberal Speaks Out About the Liberal Silencing of Free Speech - Kirsten Powers explains why she wrote her book
Truth Revolt CNN’s Lemon: Liberals and Progressives 'Most Easily Offended and the Least Tolerant' - "You are part of the political correctness run amuck problem"
Truth Revolt Louvre and a Gothic Chapel Refuse to Schedule Israeli Students' Visit - "What was the idea? That if we don’t see the 'Mona Lisa' then the occupation would end?"
Truth Revolt Clinton Spokesperson Tells Trump 'Go F**k Yourself"... Because Democrats 'Go High' - Where's the Left's pearl-clutching now?
Truth Revolt Bill Clinton 'Rape' Protesters Beaten by Hillary Supporters at Rallies - "When they go low, we go high."
Truth Revolt Prager: Disturbing Lessons from the Chicago Beating - Yet another way in which Democrats and the left have worsened the state of black America.
Chicks On The Right Wall of Shame (liberal hate mail)
Liberty News Now Public College Builds Gay-Only Study Lounge-For "Inclusion"
Truth Revolt Gina McCarthy and Obama’s Totalitarians - Shades of insane asylums for Soviet dissidents.
Truth Revolt Stacey Dash Angers Left After Becoming 'Licensed Gun Owner' - "Clueless and strapped"
Truth Revolt Hollywood Loves Diversity Unless You're Conservative - Even the tolerance of elitist leftists has its limits.
Truth Revolt Chris Rock Actually Exposed Hollywood to Its Own Hypocrisy and Hysterical Activism - "They don’t hire black people, and they’re the nicest, white people on earth! They’re liberals!"
Truth Revolt Caitlyn Jenner Supports Cruz, Tolerant Left Spews Hate - I like Ted Cruz. I think he’s very conservative and a great constitutionalist and a very articulate man."
Truth Revolt Tucson Police Officer Speaks Out About What Trump Rally Is REALLY Like - "The most hateful evil people I have ever seen."
Truth Revolt Firewall: American Fascists - Bill Whittle's new video.
Truth Revolt WATCH: Ferguson Film Tells You Exactly What Happened to Michael Brown - Filmed stage play of actual grand jury testimony "debunks the liars."
Truth Revolt Watch How Tolerant, Open-Minded Leftists Treat a Trump Supporter - Who's the aggressor now?
Truth Revolt Rapper Publicly Wishes Sarah Palin Gets Gang Raped - "Least she can do"
Truth Revolt Mickey Rourke: Trump 'Can S*ck My F*cking D*ck' - MAJOR language alert.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Beyonce's Beehive of Bombastic Buffoons - Stay classy, kids!
Truth Revolt Ten Times Progressive Racists Staged Hate Crimes - Driving the narrative one race hoax at a time.
01. Stick Figure Racism on College Campuses
02. Black Lives Matter and Bomb Threats
03. Profiting from Fake Racism
04. Hallucinations of Racism
05. Faked Racial Assault
06. Black Church Arson Hoax
07. Threatening to Kill "White Devils" Not That Big a Deal
08. "Whites Only"
09. "Public Figures" not Exempt from Playing Race Card
10. "Walking While Black" and Dashcam Truth
America Blog Sanders supporter publishes "hit list" of superdelegates, includes woman’s home address
Truth Revolt NYT Columnist Savaged by Fellow Liberals for Suggesting They're Intolerant - "No obvious empathy for conservative scholars facing discrimination."
Bookworm Room New York Times writer tries to open his mind; his readers try to slam it shut
Truth Revolt Gay 'Hate Cake' Hoax Pastor Drops Lawsuit - Truth Wins!
Truth Revolt After Endorsing Trump, NFL Legend Herschel Walker Finds Out Just How Tolerant Libs Are - He's been blackballed.
Truth Revolt Video: Democrats All About Peace Love and Understanding - Right? - Filmmaker Ami Horowitz tests the tolerance at the DNC.
Truth Revolt Bully Biden Wants to Beat Up Trump Behind the Gym - He wants more than his lunch money.
Truth Revolt Rosie to Trump: 'Hear Us Roar, Orange Muthaf-cka' - "U STUPID LYING ARROGANT ONE SENTENCE SNIFFER"
Truth Revolt Anatomy of a Liberal: I Stole 40 Trump Lawn Signs Because I Was 'Angry' - Because it's THEIR world -- we're just living in it.
Truth Revolt Pew: White, Educated Liberals Most Intolerant Population in 2016 - No surprises, there!
mrc tv Video-Protester: I'd 'Cut Off Donald Trump's Head!,' 'I'd Cut His F--king Goddamned Head Off!'
mrc tv 62-Year-Old Man Attacked with Crowbar Over Trump Shirt
mrc tv When Tolerance Attacks: Voters
mrc tv USA Today Claims That 'Whites Killed MLK'
mrc tv 'Anti-Fascist,' Anti-Trump Protesters Applaud Hitler Quotes
Prison Planet Business Owner Refuses Service to "Racist, Sexist, Fascist" Trump Supporters
Info Wars New Study Confirms Liberals Are Far More Intolerant of Other People’s Opinions - More than double number of Democrats block family & friends on social media
News Max Rep. Lewis Goes Too Far Calling Trump Win Illegitimate
National Review Why the Media is Fawning Over North Korea

Liberal - Support For Hate Speech - Acceptable Hate Speech
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
After being booed by for supporting Hillary Clinton at the DNC, Congresswoman Marcia Fudge responed by saying "We are all Democrats and we need to act like it!" Which is yet another lie, because that is how Democrats act.ALWAYS react when hearing something they don't like.
YouTube DEBUNKED: Why 'Hate Speech' Doesn't Exist!
National Review Online Tamera Mowry Is Not Alone - Leftists love to hate interracial couples - if they’re conservative.
American Thinker Liberal Bigotry
American Thinker The Left's Inability To Be Civil
Truth Revolt That's Twice Now Democrats Compared Republicans to Terrorists - In less than a month!
Truth Revolt Disgusting: Liberal Journos Revel in Scalia's Death on Twitter - We didn't expect anything less.
Truth Revolt Twitter Suspends Rapper's Acct for Muslim Insult, Not for Wishing Gang Rape on Sarah Palin - But remember - there is no bias against conservatives on social media.
Truth Revolt GQ Writer Said He Wanted to 'Beat' Benghazi Mom 'To Death' -- Then Apologizes - "I know that what I wrote is utterly indefensible..."
Truth Revolt Ann Coulter Responds to 'Ambush' Comedy Central Roast - "Trying to make me look bad and everyone else look good."
Truth Revolt Bill Maher Jokes Trump Assassination - "Why do you think they let Hinckley out?"
Truth Revolt No Racism Here: Senior Bill de Blasio Aide Poses Beside Sister's 'F-ck Whiteness' Poster - "No doubt the message was inartful."
Truth Revolt Actor Michael Shannon: 'If You Voted for Trump, Time for the Urn' - "No offense to the seniors out there."
Truth Revolt Anti-Trump Protester: 'Make the NRA Regret Giving Us Right to Bear Arms' - "Exercise your Second Amendment right."
Truth Revolt Malkin: On Fire - The Racist Anti-Racists at MTV News
Truth Revolt HuffPost Blogger: Trump Supporters Deserve to Die More Than I Do - Trump supporters "are the people who deserve to have their towns annihilated."
Truth Revolt Coulter: The Left Has One More Argument: Kill Them - To talk about "both sides" being guilty of provocative rhetoric is like talking about "both genders" being guilty of rape.
YouTube The Truth About Violent, Intolerant 'Liberals'
mrc tv Rapper Calls for Sarah Palin to be Gang Raped
mrc tv Video: Protesters Stomp American Flag at Trump Event, Confronted by Veteran Families
mrc tv Upworthy Writer: Trump Not Taking Salary Means He’s Like Hitler
Conservative Revival Now Liberals Have No Problem Calling For Someone’s Death If They Disagree - Wait Till You See Who br> cns news So Much for 'Unprecedented' Jail Talk
Canada Free Press SAF: SCALISE SHOOTING IS RESULT OF DEMOCRATIC HATE SPEECH - Maybe now the anti-gun rights Democrats will support everyone’s right to carry a firearm for self-defense
American Renaissance Anti-Trump Hate Map
Daily Wire THE PLOT THICKENS: SPLC’s Founder Was Fired Amid Employee Accusations Of Racism, Sexism
Federalist How Long Will Media Use SPLC’s Garbage Hate List To Smear People?
Louder With Crowder Jake Tapper Uses Farrakhan Tweet to Highlight Twitter’s Double Standards
Louder With Crowder Dan Crenshaw Unloads on Don Lemon's Claim That All Trump Voters Side with the Klan

Liberal - Civil War - Promoting Violence - Support For Violence
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt Prager: America's Second Civil War - Americans are more divided morally, ideologically and politically today than they were during the Civil War.
Truth Revolt 40 Instances of Violence or Violent Rhetoric from Left Since Trump Was Elected - But the mainstream media want you to think Republicans are dangerous.
American Thinker The second civil war is coming
Daily Wire CBS' Colbert Slaps Trump Advisor's Head On A Pike
American Renaissance The ‘Resistance’ Goes Live-fire - But the media still says Trump is the problem.
patheos A Definitive Guide to the Left’s Violent Tactics Since Trump’s Election
Federalist 14 Times Republican Officials Were Viciously Harassed, Threatened With Death - In the past couple of months, Republicans and government officials who work for President Trump have received death threats, been run out of restaurants and stores, and followed to their cars.
mrc tv Sen. Josh Hawley: Far-Left Extremists 'Vandalized' D.C. Home, 'Tried to Pound Open Our Door'

Liberal - History
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Breitbart Box Office: Flag-Free ‘First Man’ Flopped All over the World

Liberal - War On Sarcasm
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Caldron Pool Several Australian universities BAN sarcasm because it’s a "form of violence."

Liberal - War On Language
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
breitbart EXCLUSIVE: The Code Behind Google’s Woke Autocorrect

Liberal - War On The Law
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
mrc tv Few Americans Believe States Have the Right to Violate Federal Laws
Daily Wire New York Attorney General: Let's Prosecute People Twice For The Same Crime

Liberal - War On Capitalism - Support For Communism - Support For Socialism
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt Zuckerberg Calls for ‘New Social Contract, Universal Basic Income’ - Notice he didn’t offer redistributing his own money.
Louder With Crowder Bill De Blasio Claims the ‘Wrong People’ Have Too Much Money
mrc tv Poll: 1 In 3 Americans Under 30 Say Violence Against the Rich Is 'Justified'
mrc tv Hypocrisy Much? Millionaire Actor Mark Ruffalo Slams Capitalism, Calls For 'Economic Revolution'
Daily Wire WHO Advisor Zeke Emanuel Urges Feds To Bar Restaurant Dining, Concerts, Religious Services For At Least 18 Months
mrc tv Disney Censors ‘Simpsons’ Episode In Hong Kong Because It Mocks Communist China
Washington Free Beacon ‘Your Problem Now’: Illinois Gov J.B. Pritzker Celebrates GOP Billionaires Fleeing His State for Florida - Illinois set to lose hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue

Liberal - War On Capitalism - War on Business - Support For Crime - Support For Criminal Activity - Just Say To To Crime
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
mrc tv Facebook Creates ‘Stealing from Walmart’ Page Due to Popular Demand
Truth Revolt Finch: Is the Fall Inevitable? - We need to fight as if this is the last day.
Louder With Crowder Social service kiosks?: NYC announces new plan to "combat" shoplifting that's beyond parody

Liberal - War On Literature - War On Literacy - War On Language
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Conservatives read books, while Liberals read Twitter.
Conservatives read books, while Liberals ban books.
Truth Revolt Bloomberg's Halperin Can't Figure Out Why Anti-Hillary Books at Top of NYT Best Seller List - Because conservatives actually read books, while liberals read Twitter.
American Interest Zombie Lit - The Imagination Police. Imagination policing in publishing is rapidly getting out of hand.
Survival Blog Terms of Temerity: Why The Left Loathes The Words We Use
Survival Blog Incendiary Words: Of Detonations and Denotations
Survival Blog The Leftist Lexicon: Translating Statist Rhetoric Into Plain English, by Ray X
YouTube Why SJW Art Fails
Me, as a writer Story before identity-then, now, and forever
Publishers Weekly In the #MeToo Moment, Publishers Turn to Morality Clauses - Once an anomaly in author contracts, morality clauses are becoming a standard tool for publishers looking to protect themselves against misbehaving authors
Big League Politics Library Journal Pushes to Destroy Book Collections Because ‘They Promote and Proliferate Whiteness’ - Modern leftism will lead to a new dark age if it is not stopped, as all knowledge deemed ‘too white’ by the thought controllers will be destroyed.
mrc tv Leftist Journal Pushes Post Claiming Book Collections 'Proliferate Whiteness' and 'Take Up Space' in Libraries
American Thinker Democrats: America's Original Hate Group
Louder With Crowder University Slaps Trigger Warning on Orwell's '1984,' calls it Explicit Material Students May Find 'Offensiv

Liberal - War On Teachers
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt Van Jones: Arm Teachers and They’ll Just Start Shooting Black Kids - CNN peddles utter nonsense 24/7.

Liberal - War On Police - War On Cops - Black Lies Matter (Facts Don't Matter) (Blood Libel)
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Blue Lives Don't Matter
No justice, no peace. Take to the streets. [Expletive] the police.
LAPD what you say? How many people have you killed today? LAPD you can’t hide. We charge you with genocide.
Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon. - Black Lives Matter
What do want, shoot back, what do we want, dead cops, when do we want it, now? - Black Lives Matter
What do we want? Dead Cops. When do we want it? Now. - Al Sharpton, racist civil rights advisor to Barack Hussein Obama
I don't believe in marching, I believe in offing the pigs. - Al Sharpton, racist civil rights advisor to Barack Hussein Obama
We need 10,000 fearless men to rise up and kill those who kill us. - Louis Farrakhan, racist and race bating friend of Barack Hussein Obama
We don't need a Blue Lives Matter movement to assert that cops' lives matter (or to paraphrase, Blue Lives don't Matter) - Natasha Lennard Rolling Stone Magazine
President Obama is not a bystander in the war on cops. He is its commander-in-chief. - Daniel John Sobieski
mrc tv Bystander Films Himself Laughing, Mocking Police After Two Officers Were Gunned Down Ambush-Style In Compton
Louder With Crowder Two Black Lives Matter Speakers Declare 'Open Season' on Cops, Time to 'Put Them in Their Graves'
Jewish World Review Ignorance of Facts Fuels the Anti-Cop 'Movement'
Truth Revolt Prager: The New York Times and the Left Have Blood on Their Hands - The white-hating and cop-hating hysteria that fueled the Dallas shooting.
Truth Revolt Officer's Home Shot at by Suspect Who Yelled 'F*** the Police' - His T-shirt read, "Black Lives Matter."
Truth Revolt What Could Possibly Be the Motive for Baton Rouge Killer? - It's a real head-scratcher.
Truth Revolt Crowder: DEBUNKED: #BlackLivesMatter Propaganda Exposed Case-By-Case - Debunking the most common #BlackLivesMatter lies and memes with hard facts and as much context as possible.
Truth Revolt All Charges Dropped Against Police Officers in Freddie Gray Case - The trials cost Baltimore $7.4 million.
Truth Revolt Police Confirm: We Were Barred from Appearing in Uniform on DNC Convention Floor - "It’s because the Democratic Party delegates... hate the police."
Truth Revolt Two Teens Charged with Trying to Kill Police Officers - "I was shooting at you."
Truth Revolt Cops Say Taco Bell Employees Refuse to Serve Them - The employees wanted to "mess with them."
Truth Revolt Two Cops, Four Others Shot by Cop-Hating Gunman in West Philly - The gunman left a note saying he hated cops and probation officers.
Truth Revolt Report: Assaults on NYPD Officers Significantly Up' - We can't imagine why.
Truth Revolt L.A. Officer Shot in ‘Calculated Execution,’ Perp Stood Over Body Fired Four Extra Shots - Do blue lives matter?
Truth Revolt Blue Lives Matter: Suspect Arrested in Killing of Two SoCal Officers - "They put their life on the line for us, the community. And they get gunned down? I don't understand it."
Truth Revolt College Students: Blue Lives Don't Matter - "No justice, no peace. Take to the streets. [Expletive] the police."
Truth Revolt Police Officers are KKK Without the Hoods, Says Virginia Democrat - Another perversion of the truth birthed by the Black Lives Matter movement.
Truth Revolt Line of Fire: Ambush Killings of Police Reach 20-Year High - A gift from the Black Lives Matter movement.
Truth Revolt Cops Turn Backs to Mayor De Blasio at Murdered Officer’s Funeral (Again) - He doesn't deserve respect.
Truth Revolt Perazzo: Deadly Racism, Two Presidents, and the Lying "News" Media - Remember how the media praised Obama for not condemning Black Lives Matter after 5 cops were murdered?
A Short List of Black Lives Matters’ Cop-Killing Heroes
mrc tv La. Police Official: ‘No Doubt Whatsoever' Officers Were 'Specifically Targeted and Assassinated’
mrc tv 'Black Lives Matter' Shouts Desecrate Moment of Silence Dedicated to Fallen Cops
mrc tv Poll: Nearly Half of Americans Think Media Are Biased Against Police
mrc tv SPLC Lists White Lives Matter as Hate Group, But Not BLM
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: If Criminals Shoot Cops, Obama Loads the Gun
mrc tv Video: Mob Heckles Baltimore Police Trying to Make an Arrest
Daily Wire 3 Facts That Show There’s More Anti-Cop Hatred From Blacks Than Racism From Cops
Daily Wire Cop Beaten Brutally, Doesn't Draw Gun for Fear of Media Backlash
Daily Wire Prosecutors Shut Down False BLM Narrative In Keith Lamont Scott Shooting That Led To Violent Riots
Louder With Crowder Subway Employee Spikes Cop’s Drink... with Meth?!
Fox News BIAS ALERT: Police group accuses CNN of deceptive edit of Charlotte shooting
Breitbart Baltimore in ‘Crisis’ Due to Officer Shortage After Months of Anti-Police Policies
InfoWars Former ‘Black Lives Matter’ activist: Leaders wanted to burn MN gov’s mansion, capitol
Town Hall Report: Baltimore Police 'Afraid To Arrest Anyone' Out Of Fear Of Political Backlash
Daily Wire CA Governor Signs Bill Permitting Citizens To Ignore Police Calling For Help
mrc tv San Francisco Supervisor Chants 'F*** the [Police Officers Association]' During DA Candidate's Campaign Rall
Federalist I Lived in a Society That Had No Police
Federalist If You Want to Know What Dismantling the Police Looks Like, Look Across the Pond
Federalist One Nonsensical Comment From This Minneapolis Leader Shows Just How Dangerous Abolishing the Police Really Is
Power Line The Callousness of Liberals, Exemplified
Power Line No injustice, no peace
American Thinker Leftist elites and intellectuals cackle their approval of attempted murder on lowly cops
Louder With Crowder Tucker Carlson Goes There: Democrats Are to Blame for Police Being Attacked
Louder With Crowder Liberal Protester Finds Out the Hard Way What Happens When You Spit On NYPD
Power Line Report: Kristen Clarke organized conference that championed cop-killers
American Thinker Protect and serve: Why take that risk in 2021?
Louder with Crowder Idiot Joy Behar Suggests Columbus Cops Shoot 'Shot in the Air,' Police Union Slams Her for Being an Idiot
Louder with Crowder Welcome to NYC: Police Detective Attacked by Thug in Broad Daylight
American Thinker Press cranks up narrative of police racial injustice after Columbus cop stops a knife-wielding teen from stabbing another girl
PJ Media Minneapolis Area Cops May Want to 'Send Out Their Resumes' After Kim Potter Verdict
Louder With Crowder Widow of Slain Officer Hammers Progressive DA During Eulogy: 'I Hope He's Watching'
New York Post AOC, ‘squad’ spent $1.2M in campaign cash on private security despite calls to defund the police

Liberal - War On Police - War On Cops - Rewards For Supporting Criminals
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
American Thinker Lefty pols get a lesson in what 'defund the police' means
Louder With Crowder NYPD Reaches ‘Landmark Settlement’ Over Responses To BLM Riots, And It's Not Good
Louder With Crowder Watch: Kathy Hochul gets told to leave slain NYPD officer's wake, or she leaves on her own. Either way, good.

Liberal - War On Freedom
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
mrc tv Reddit, GameStop 'Flashmob' Stock Buy Exposes Dems' Anti-Free Speech Hypocrisy

Liberal - War On Free Speech - Censorship - Suppression - freedom from the first amendment
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
It is a sign of intellectual weakness to try to prevent conservative speakers from giving talks on college campuses. - Bernie Sanders
Stopping leaks is a new form of censorship. - Julian Assange
throttling, shadow banning, manipulated algorithms = all equal fascist censorship
Google - Goolag - new motto: Do No Good.
Google - Goolag - new motto: Censoring China Today, Censoring America Tomorrow.
Google - Goolag - new motto: Because Information Wants To Be Censored.
Google - Goolag - new motto: Because Information Wants To Be Suppessed.
Twitter: Free speech zone for anyone that aggrees with their leftist agenda.
Twitter: the echo chamber for the free exchange of the ideas that you agree with.
Twitter: say something negative about leftism and get banned for life. Threaten to kill right wing people, protected free speech.
Twitter: The safe space for Muslim terrorists, Black Lives Matter Activists (cop killers), CryBullies, Snowflakes, Social Justice Warriors and everyone else that hates American and freedom.
YouTube, ScrewTube
Twitter, Shitter, Twatter
FaceBook, FakeBook, FecesBook, FarceBook, FascistBook, ForceBook, FailBook, FuckedUpBook
Censor Track find out what YouTube, FaceBook, Google, Instagram, Amazon, Twitter, Reddit and other media are doing to suppress free speech.
Federalist Twitter Is The Enemy Of The American People
Federalist Twitter Just Nuked The Account Of The World’s Biggest Critic Of Big Tech And China
Federalist The Trump Purge Makes Living In America More Like Living In China
Federalist Reddit Bans Massive r/DonaldTrump Subreddit Page
mrc tv MRC's Free Speech Alliance Demands Answers From Google After Blacklisting Conservative Sites
Breitbart ‘THE GOOD CENSOR’: Leaked Google Briefing Admits Abandonment of Free Speech for ‘Safety And Civility’
Daily Wire YouTube Restricting Conservative Videos, PragerU Fights Back
Daily Wire Marquette U Staff Caught Sabotaging Shapiro Event
Daily Wire Twitter Argues It’s Not Shadowbanning Conservatives...And Accidentally Admits It’s Shadowbanning Conservatives
Truth Revolt YouTube Censoring 21 Prager U Videos - "We don't censor anyone."
Breitbart Twitter Does Nothing As Breitbart Contributor Is Flooded With Death Threats Christopherb Cantwell "Josie The Outlaw" Banned from Facebook
Christopherb Cantwell Adam Kokesh Banned from Facebook
Christopherb Cantwell Mark Dice Banned from YouTube - Why Was Mark Dice Banned from YouTube?
Christopherb Cantwell Stefan Molyneux Banned from YouTube
mrc tv Is State Dept. Trying to Stop Employees From Talking to Congress, Media, and Public?
Truth Revolt Chaos at Yale as Offended Students Struggle with First Amendment - They seem to have learned they have a right to personal space in public.
Truth Revolt Pew Poll: 40% of Millennials Want Offensive Speech Banned - "No free speech for racists!!!"
Truth Revolt Dershowitz: I Need Armed Guards When I Speak in Favor of Israel on Campuses - No "safe space" for pro-Israel speakers.
Truth Revolt Twitter Policing Content, Threatens Free Speech - Sure, they'll go after ISIS propaganda, but conservatives will fair no better.
Truth Revolt Commentary: Arrest the Thugs - The Left’s bullies cannot be allowed to hijack freedom of speech for an entire nation.
Truth Revolt Prager: The Left May Well Get Trump Nominated - Between the play-Fascism of Trump and the real Fascism of the left, most Americans will know which one to fear most.
Truth Revolt Chicago Police Officer: Anti-Trump Protesters More Destructive Than Reported - "Did no one see this coming?"
Truth Revolt London Man Arrested for 'Inciting Racial Hatred' on Twitter After Brussels Attack - Free speech is fast becoming a thing of the past.
Truth Revolt Conservative's Anti-Obama Film Targeted by FEC Dems - A pattern emerges: make a film against Barack Obama, become a target. It's that simple.
Truth Revolt Facebook Censoring Conservative Media AND Conservative Users - "We removed the post below because it doesn't follow the Facebook Community Standards."
Truth Revolt Clintons Succeed: All Networks Blacklist Clinton Exposé Author From Interviews - It's just "trash for cash."
Truth Revolt FCC, FEC Insiders Warn: Internet Regulations for Conservative Voices Very Near - "There is a cloud over your free speech."
Truth Revolt Censoring Conservative Press? FEC Tried to 'Punish' Fox News - Given the stakes for Democrats this election cycle, expect more of this.
Truth Revolt YouTube Hypocrisy: Removes Factual Video Critical of Jihad on Grounds of 'Hate Speech' - But countless jihadi propaganda videos are allowed to flourish.
Truth Revolt Twitter Bans Milo Yiannopoulos - "This is the end for Twitter."
Truth Revolt Facebook Admits it Blocked Wikileaks, DNC Emails - "It's been fixed." Oh, it was "fixed," all right.
Truth Revolt Facebook, Instagram Delete Pro-Second Amendment Pages - See: in cahoots.
Truth Revolt California Readies Bill Outlawing Sting Videos Against Planned Parenthood - Nobody backs Planned Parenthood in the corner.
Truth Revolt Sally Kohn: Intimidating and Suppressing Conservative Speech is Good - "If they feel like they can no longer speak against positive social change, good."
Truth Revolt Another Popular Conservative Suspended from Twitter - For telling Charlotte citizens to defend themselves from the mobs. Meanwhile, rape threats abound on Twitter.
Truth Revolt Prager: YouTube vs. Conservative Speech - Will YouTube do to the internet what the left has done to Prager University?
Truth Revolt Another Prager U Video Censored by YouTube - Ironically, About Censorship - Liberals continue the silencing of the Right
Truth Revolt Ex-Soviet Dissident: Why I Was Arrested and Thrown in Jail by George Mason U Police - We confronted ideological uniformity, also known as political correctness, which in today's American universities is as oppressive as racism was in Alabama in 1955.
Truth Revolt Prager: 10 Reasons Left-Wingers Cut Trump Voters From Their Lives - Why don't we hear about conservatives shunning friends and relatives who supported Hillary Clinton?
Truth Revolt Amazon Deletes Negative Reviews of Hillary's Book - "We have mechanisms in place to ensure that the voices of many do not drown out the voices of a few."
Truth Revolt Prager U: What Happens When Google Disagrees With You? - Former Google software engineer James Damore shares his story.
Truth Revolt Ex-Muslim, Anti-Islam Cartoonist Bosch Fawstin Banned on Twitter - "Social(ist) Media"
Truth Revolt Greenfield: Undercover Videos Expose Twitter’s Dirty Secrets - "So you would mostly just get rid of Conservatives?"
mrc tv Facebook May Be Censoring Conservative News
mrc tv Whiny BLM Protesters Wreck College Repub Event at DePaul University
mrc tv Milo Yiannopoulos Thrown Off Twitter For Criticizing An Actress
mrc tv Lights Mysteriously Go Dark Above Peace Protesters at DNC
mrc tv Twitter Embarks on Mass Purge of Those Expressing 'Extremist' Ideas
mrc tv NPR, Other Leftist Websites Ban Comments to Create 'Safe Zones' for Liberal Readers
mrc tv BuzzFeed: Ban Men for Giving Their Opinions
mrc tv Students Cite Freedom of Speech - While Tearing Down 'Offensive' Fliers
mrc tv Twitter Locks Account of Actor James Woods - He Will Not Bow To Them
News Busters Bozell & Graham Column: The Left vs. Free Speech
Breitbart No Action Taken by Twitter After Rapper Calls Black Breitbart Reporter ‘Coon’
Breitbart Double Standards: Leslie Jones’ Racist Twitter History
Heat Street Chat Logs Expose Crash Override Network as Online Bullies
Project Veritas Why James O’Keefe Isn’t Verified On Twitter
NY Post Clint Eastwood’ Twitter account suspended after praising Trump
Information Liberation Twitter User Replaces Word 'White' With 'Black,' Gets Banned
Breitbart Rebels of Google: ‘Senior Leaders Focus on Diversity First and Technology Second’
City Journal First Amendment in Peril? - The Google/Apple duopoly on the mobile Internet seems unconcerned with free expression.
Daily Wire FAKE NEWS: Google Targets Daily Wire, Other Conservative Sites With Left-Wing Fact Checks, Immunizes Left-Wing Sites
Daily Wire FRANKEL: The Latest Example Of Liberal Tolerance: Blacklisting The Children’s Book "President Donald Trump" - Leftism ALWAYS leads to totalitarianism in the end.
YouTube HIDDEN CAMERA: Twitter Engineers To "Ban a Way of Talking" Through "Shadow Banning"
WND Google knows everything, but ... Exclusive: Joseph Farah reveals 1 question that's seriously stumping world's search giantbr> PowerLine South Dakota Moves to Protect Free Speech and Intellectual Diversity On Campus
PJ Media Massive Overnight Twitter Purge Outrages Conservatives
PJ Media Sadistic YouTube Deletes Channels, Demonetizes and Censors Content and Refuses to Respond to Press
PJ Media Alternative Start-Ups Cut Off from Financial Services in Overnight Political Purge by Stripe
National Review California Progressives Launch (Another) Attack on Free Speech
Canada Free Press Diamond & Silk Righteously Rain Fire & Brimstone on Congress - Our freedom of speech is unquestionably under attack. We must not remain silent. We must fight against the tyranny of the political Left to protect our liberties. If we don’t do it now, it is unlikely that we’ll have another chance
Federalist Mob Attempts To Strangle YouTuber’s Breakout Success Upon Ditching SJW-Infested Comics - Antarctic Press was hit by a storm of industry professionals colluding to try to force conservative-authored competition out of the business.
National Review How My Review of The $18-Billion Prize Got Spiked
American Thinker They're calling you stupid. That's right: you.
Conservative Libertarian Fiction Alliance CLFA Stands Against Big Tech De-Platforming and Censorship
Wall Street Journal The ACLU Retreats From Free Expression - The organization declares that speech it doesn’t like can ‘inflict serious harms’ and ‘impede progress.’
PJ Media The Owners of The Red Hen in Virginia Are the Real Bigots. Not the Christian Bakers
Richard Paolinelli A Historian Weeps
Commentary Transgression à la Mode - The thirst for power.
PJ Media President Trump Puts Big Tech on Notice for Discriminating Against Conservatives
Daily Caller EXCLUSIVE: Facebook, Amazon, Google And Twitter All Work With Left-Wing SPLC
Federalist These Screenshots Show How Google Shadowbans Conservative And Pro-Trump Content - New membership on my Facebook page has stopped dead. My best YouTube videos cannot be found. All because I posted videos of myself going on Fox News.
Washington Free Beacon Amazon Bans Gun Book - Retail giant says book violated guidelines, won’t say how
Daily Wire WATCH: Trump Releases Video Showing Google's Bias Against Him
Western Journal New Poll Shows Exodus from Facebook Is Real
quillette When Censorship Is Crowdsourced
reason British Lawmaker Wants to Ban Your Private Facebook Groups Because She Worries You're Using Hate Speech - Bill also calls for holding forum moderators legally liable for extreme speech.
Conservative Firing Line Facebook bans #WalkAway founder Brandon Straka for mentioning interview with Alex Jones, linking to Infowars
boing boing Europe just voted to wreck the internet, spying on everything and censoring vast swathes of our communications
Mises Institute The Social Media Purge: Is the Mises Institute Next?
Intercept Leaked Transcript of Private Meeting Contradicts Google’s Official Story on China
mrc tv Twitter Locks Well-Known Feminist's Account For Tweeting 'Men Aren't Women'
Federalist What Kind Of Speech Will Ultimately Be Acceptable On Twitter?
Federalist Top House Committee Reviewing Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s Testimony For False Statements
Fox News Facebook doesn't really believe in free speech. What they believe in (and actively practice) is censorship
mrc tv New Reports Indicate Google-Youtube Manipulation of Search Results
Louder With Crowder Project Veritas: Facebook Engineers Regularly ‘Deboost’ Conservative Pages, Including Steven Crowder [VIDEO]
Quilette Why I’m Suing Twitte
mrc tv PayPal to Work with Hardcore Leftist Southern Poverty Law Center to Vet Users
PJ Media Amazon Bans Tommy Robinson’s Book, ‘Mohammed’s Koran’
Zero Hedge Facebook Bans Zero Hedge
The Hill Conservatives face a tough fight as Big Tech's censorship expands
mrc tv Twitter Suspended Me Over Keith Olbermann, and I'll Wear It Like a Badge of Honor
Daily Wire Efforts To Censor Pro-Life Film ‘Unplanned’ BACKFIRE In Major Way
mrc tv Paul Joseph Watson Reacts to Facebook Banishment: 'I Gave You A Little Too Much Truth'
mrc tv PragerU's Candace Owens Suspended From Facebook For 'Liberal Supremacy' Post
Federalist How Greg Gutfeld’s Success Exposes The Media’s Cultural Blindspots
mrc tv 'Bring Out the Guillotine' -Leftist Threats Lead to Cancellations of Jordan Peterson Documentary
PJ Media PayPal De-Platforms Conservative Street Artist Sabo, Holds His Funds for Six Months
Zero Hedge YouTube To Delete All Accounts That Aren't "Commercially Viable" Starting Dec. 10th
mrc tv Free Speech Alliance: Facebook Oversight Board Is Packed With Liberals
mrc tv ‘Close Them Down’: Trump Threatens Gov’t Action After Twitter ‘Fact Checks’ His Tweets
Louder With Crowder Ted Cruz Calls Out Leftists Wanting to Censor 'Blazing Saddles'
Louder With Crowder SJWs Now Want To Ban Mel Brooks Films
Louder With Crowder Patricia Heaton UNLOADS on Jack Dorsey Over Twitter's Censoring of Movie
mrc tv It’s Happened: The Speech Police Have Come for John Cleese – His Response Is Perfect
EraseBook The Case Against Facebook - Facebook is evil.
EraseBook Is Facebook Evil? Just listen to the experts.
mrc tv Filmmakers Claim Twitter Is Silencing #ObamaGate
Louder With Crowder Facebook Threatens to De-platform Louder with Crowder
Louder With Crowder Former Facebook Employees SPECIFICALLY NAME 'Steven Crowder' As Blacklisted News Site
Louder With Crowder Steven Crowder Officially Files Legal Motion Against Facebook Requesting Information
mrc tv More Excuses from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Latest Mass Censorship, Says Lack of Explanation 'Unacceptable'
FEE - Foundation for Economic Education Big Tech Tried to Censor the NY Post’s Hunter Biden Story. They Made it Huge Instead
mrc tv Twitter Quickly Changes Its Rules After Lawmakers Raise Questions of FEC Violations After Biden Bombshell Censorship
mrc tv Twitter Suspends White House Scientist For Saying a Universal Mask Mandate Won't Help Against COVID
mrc tv Facebook Exec For 'Election Integrity' Was Biden’s 'Policy Advisor' To Europe (Including Ukraine)!
mrc tv MRC’s Bozell/Sen. Cruz: Media & Big Tech Are Terrified of Questions On Biden Email Story
Whoops: Twitter, Facebook Censorship of the Biden Bombshell Likely Helped the Story to Go Viral, Tech Firm Finds
Washington Times Facebook moves to demonetize Christian satirical site The Babylon Bee
mrc tv Twitter Suspends User For 'Hateful Conduct' After Tweeting That 'Only Females Get Cervical Cancer'
mrc tv CNN Cancels Piers Morgan Appearance After Morgan Slams Net For Not Covering Hunter Biden Revelations
mrc tv Cruz Torches Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: Who the Hell Elected You?!
Louder With Crowder Senator Challenges Big Tech CEOs to Name a Single Liberal Who Has Been Censored. They Can't.
Jon Del Arroz YouTube Competitor Deplatformed On Election Eve - What Are The Elites Hiding?
Jon Del Arroz What A Wild Week
Monster Hunter Nation George orwell would have thought this week’s plot is too far fetched
mrc tv ‘March For Trump’ Event Page Removed By Big Tech
Federalist Mailchimp Deplatforming A Local Tea Party Is A Hallmark Of Fascism
PJ Media Twitter CEO's Shocking Excuse for Censoring NY Post on Biden While Allowing NYT’s Trump Tax Returns
Loudere With Crowder Cruz Shreds Big Tech CEOs for Their ‘Fact’ Checking of Voter Fraud Stories
Federalist What Big Tech Didn’t Want You To See On The Federalist In 2020
American Thinker The leftist tech monopolists and billionaires continue their purge
mrc NewsBusters Tucker Carlson SLAMS Big Tech’s ‘Unprecedented Crackdown’ on Free Speech
mrc tv Twitter Permanently Bans MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell For Violations of Their 'Civic Integrity Policy'
newsbusters Brent Bozell Slams Facebook for Abandoning Free Speech
mrc tv Twitter Account Locked For Calling Trans Dr. Levine 'A Biological Man'
YouTube Woman fired from job for using Parler speaks out on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'
mrc tv Twitter Trolled Dems With Maxine Waters' Own Quote Calling For Violence Against Trump - and Liberals LOST IT
Louder With Crowder YouTube Suspends Rand Paul for This Video Agreeing with Biden Adviser, CNN Expert About Cloth Masks
mrc tv Big Tech Censorship: YouTube Suspends Sen. Rand Paul for 'Misinformation'
Federalist How The Amazon Web Hosting Crackdown Threatens Patreon, Substack, And You
Louder With Crowder YouTube Bans Rapper's 'Let's Go Brandon' Song Claiming it Violated Policy on 'Misinformation'
mrc tv YouTube Deletes ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Rap From Platform, Cites ‘Medical Misinformation’
rumble Dan Bongino PERMANENTLY Banned from YouTube, Left Celebrates - TechShark
Louder With Crowder Watch: Protester Is Big Mad Matt Walsh Is Speaking On His Campus, Yet Can't Name Anything Walsh Has Said
Louder With Crowder Twitter Suspends Babylon Bee Over Satirical Tweet About Biden Admin Official, Says Tweet Is 'Hateful'
rumble TechShark: Tulsi Gabbard ROASTS Big Tech, Says They Censored Her Anti-War Commentary
Louder With Crowder Twitter Suspends Popular Conservative Account After Criticizing the Bird App's Hypocritical Policies
Louder With Crowder Those Left-Wing Orgs Calling for Companies to Boycott Twitter Over Elon Musk? Several are Funded by Bill Gates
Louder With Crowder Elon Musk Offers One Word Response to Report Bill Gates is Funding Opposition to Twitter Purchase
mrc tv MRC’s Bozell Slams Google For Burying GOP Campaign Sites in 83% of Top Senate Races
mrc tv Hollywood Hates Conservatives -- Carano Vs. Sarandon Edition
Louder With Crowder YouTube suspended Louder with Crowder for our episode about Elon Musk's Twitter takeover
Jonathan Turley Censor or Else: Democratic Members Warn Facebiik Not to "Backslide" on Censorship
twitchy YouTube insider leaks ‘urgent guidance’ for employees on how to ‘handle’ Project Veritas Pfizer video
Washington Examiner Disinformation Inc: Meet the groups hauling in cash to secretly blacklist conservative news
Reclaim The Net Democrats Call on YouTube To Bring Back Its Election Censorship Rules
Louder "With Crowder YouTube INTERFERES in police investigation, shut down LAPD's account over video attempting to help a victim
mrc tv Cowards! Instagram Latest Platform to Censor Nashville Manifesto
mrc tv They Don't Want You to Know: YouTube Pulls Crowder's Nashville Manifesto Video
Louder With Crowder "It’s a pretty sh*tty platform": Libs of TikTok SUSPENDED by Facebook over unclear community standards excuse
Louder With Crowder YouTube just gave us a strike for a freakin' SONG PARODY! No, really...

Liberal - Outrage Industry - Grievance Industry - Offense Industry - Hysteria
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
mrc tv Feminist Blows Up Over Target 'Gendered' Toys
mrc tv Liberal Snowflakes Are Triggered When Fallon Ruffles Trump's Hair
mrc tv PC Police Offended That American Model Isn't Offended
mrc tv Disability Organization Upset Non-Blind Actor Plays Blind Character in ‘Blind’
mrc tv Maryland University Bans a Song No One Even Knows, Because It’s Confederate
Liberals Think Backwards The Eternal Doomsdays of the anti-American lunatic Left
The Wall Street Journal Liberalism’s Imaginary Enemies - In Paris, it’s easier to battle a climate crisis than confront jihadists on the streets.
Truth Revolt College Student Says Disney Animated Film 'Call to Arms for White People' - "Disney tried to pull a fast one with 'Zootopia.'"
Truth Revolt Anti-Trump Protesters Have No Idea Why They're Protesting - And some of them are just drunk.
Truth Revolt CA College Students Object to 'White Feminist' Madeline Albright as Commencement Speaker - "White feminist and repeated genocide enabler."
Truth Revolt 9 out of 10 Native Americans Give Big Thumbs Up to 'Redskins' Name - "People who are not Native American object to the 'Redskins' name more than twice as much as actual Native Americans."
Truth Revolt Leftists Think Raising Your Hand is a Nazi Salute - To them, this is an open-and-shut case.
Truth Revolt Prager: Trump's Comments: The Latest Left-Wing Hysteria - We are regularly forced to endure a new left-wing manufactured, media-supercharged hysteria.
Truth Revolt Faux Problems in 2016: ‘White Girls, Stop Wearing Nameplate Necklaces’ - You big, bad cultural appropriationists! "This sh*t is for us!"
Truth Revolt Women's Studies Organization Exposes its Activism, Fear-mongers About Trump - "We recognize that none of us are [sic] entirely safe."
Truth Revolt Election Overreaction: Woman Stops Looking for Husband Because of Trump
Truth Revolt WaPo Writer: 'Trump’s Election Stole My Desire to Look for a Partner' - "I’ve lost the desire to attempt the courtship phase"
Truth Revolt Peter Beinart: My Holiday Card Will Say 'F*ck You America' - "Despicable... God bless America and forgive those who speak like this."
Truth Revolt ‘Liberal Elitist’ Glad Gatlinburg Burned Down Since It’s Full of Trump Supporters
News Busters Snowflake Alert: WashPost Touts Lefties Skipping Work, Having Acupuncture to Relieve Election Stress
Daily Wire This Leftist Got Scared Of His Plumber Because Of Trump. This Is Why They Lose.
Daily Wire HILARIOUS: White Leftist Women Protesters Learn That Black Leftist Women Protesters Hate Them
Daily Wire This Professor Had The Gall To Say That Transgenderism And Transracialism Are The Same. Now She’s Being Destroyed By Leftist Academia.
American Thinker The Handmaidens of Hatred
Scott Adams' Blog How To Know You’re In a Mass Hysteria Bubble
Medium Pundits And Politicians Are Tacitly Admitting That They Lied About Russia
Dail Caller Academics Discover New Way To Get Offended: ‘Invisibility Microaggressions'
Bounding Into Comics Pro-Trump Satire Comic ‘My Hero Magademia’ Comes Under Attack
Imperial Requiem The Left, their Ongoing Cultural Freakout, and the Midterm elections.
Bounding Into Comics Star Wars Author Chuck Wendig Breaks Down After Calling Star Wars Fans White Supremacists
PJ Media Star Wars Writer Chuck Wendig Insults his Audience
Louder With Crowder Dear Victims of Internet Outrage Mobs: NEVER Apologize!
DelArroz The SJW Book Mob Came For An Innocent Asian Girl
True Pundit Media Played The ‘Hate Card’ With Covington Students And It Backfired, Says Michelle Malkin
Daily Wire WATCH: Students Sign Petition To Ban ‘Oppressive’ White Stick Figure In ‘Walk’ Signals
YouTube Oppression Obsession
mrc tv Stupid: People Upset with Disneyland's 'Snow White' Ride Because 'Prince Charming' Kisses Her 'Without Her Consent'

Liberal - Not Liberal Enough
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
PowerLine O’Sullivan’s First Law in Action
Daily Wire Lady Gaga Shuns Politics At Super Bowl, So The Left SLAMS Her
Truth Revolt Just Desserts: Farm Workers, Activists March on Ben & Jerry's - Don't you love it when the Left eats its own?
Truth Revolt ‘Deplorable’ Professor Fights Back Against Campus Totalitarians - An interview with the "Anti-PC NYU Prof."
National Review Mob Rule in the Book World
Daily Wire Harvard Professor Steven Pinker Points Out How Political Correctness Drives The Alt-Right. The Idiot Left Responds By Using Political Correctness To Rip Him.
Truth Report Man’s Democrat Family Cheered When He Came Out Gay, Shunned Him for Turning Republican - "When I publicly opposed my dad’s support of the Iran deal, I was admonished."
Truth Report Rose McGowan Loses Her Mind When Transgender Calls Her ‘White Cis Feminist’ - This whole exchange exposes the true heart of leftism.
Truth Report Chicago Community Organizer Slams Obama - "He forgot the community got him where he is."
Prager U Why I left The Left
Daily Wire NYT Columnist Says Leftists Keep Calling Non-Leftists 'Alt-Right.' So A Salon Columnist Calls Her Alt-Right.
Daily Wire THE STUPID PARTY: California Democrats Reject Hard-Line Leftist Senator Dianne Feinstein For Insufficient Radicalism
mrc tv Florida DNC Member Resigns After Using ‘Colored People’ Instead of ‘People of Color’
Federalist Mob Gets Filmmaker To Apologize For Suggesting Lefties Read Ben Shapiro - The latest Twitter outrage moment reinforces just how dysfunctional political discourse has become in this country, at least on social media.
Hot Air Wil Wheaton driven off social media by ‘very, very angry’ social justice warriors
Louder With Crowder CBS News Under Fire From Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Over Lack of Diversity
NewsTarget Facebook is now flat-out censoring Tucker Carlson… total election interference and criminal activity against America

Liberal - The Science Is Settled
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
American Thinker Scientists undercount trees by 2.6 trillion, but assure us animals going extinct
Care2 Causes 10 Animals We Thought Were Extinct But Aren’t
Louder With Crowder Top 5 Idiotic Moments From the Left’s March for ‘Science’
Daily Wire You Know Those Studies That Say Conservatives Are More Authoritarian Than Leftists? They’re Basically Garbage.
mrc tv New York Magazine Editor Predicts a Spike in 'Murder Rates and Rape, Domestic Assault' Thanks to Climate Change

Liberal - Support For Violence - Encourage Violnce - Tolerance For Violence - War On Civility - Hate Speech - Death Threats And Other Forms Of Leftist Tolerance
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Louder With Crowder Three Examples of Media Already
What's Wrong With The World Shrieking Harpies of Tolerance, Superhero Edition
John C. Wright Come to the Dark Side, Joss! We have Cookies!
Liberty Island The Fable of Sarah and the Little Red Hen - Or Peddling Chickenshit and Claiming It’s Chicken Salad
Daily Wire Maxine Waters' Harassment Policy Is About To Make The United States A Hell Of A Lot Worse
Hashtag Media Mad as an Old Red Hen
YouTube So, You Think You're Tolerant?
Quillette I Was the Mob Until the Mob Came for Me
Federalist After My Social Justice Friends Dropped Me For Not Being PC Enough, Conservatives Took Me In
">Fox News Top Tennessee Dem Party official snubs 'reaching out' to Trump voters, calls them 'idiots'
American Greatness The Elites’ War on the Deplorable
Daily Signal Why Leftists Feel Entitled to Block Highways, Shut Down Speakers, and Harass Public Officials
Monster Hunter Nation Wait. I got Black Listed from what now?
mrc tv LTC West: SNL Skit Mocking Vets Is 'Repulsive'
Louder With Crowder Communist Student From Viral Video Arrested for Battery
mrc tv Fox News Contributor Forced to Flee a Brooklyn Bar Because of Where She Works
D'Souza Hollywood Reporter: Hollywood conservatives shy from stage, but back Trump
Fox News Susan Collins reveals critics' personal attacks over Kavanaugh vote, in Fox News interview
Louder With Crowder Vape Store Clerk has Meltdown Over Customer’s Trump Hat
Louder With Crowder Top 5 Insane Leftist Meltdowns of 2018
Daily Wire 2019: Year Of The Wokescolds
Daily Wire Venue Tells White ‘Gender Fluid’ Comedian That He Can’t Perform Because His Dreadlocks Are A Form Of ‘Cultural Appropriation’
Daily Wire WATCH: Oklahoma High School Student Encounters Boy Wearing MAGA Hat And Trump 2020 Flag. Then This Happens.
mrc tv Woman Slashes SUV Tire After Being Triggered by MAGA Hat
Louder With Crowder ‘Another Day in Trump’s America’ Video Illustrates Leftist Hysteria and Hate Against Conservatives
YouTube The Intolerance of Tolerance
Jewish World Review Actor Antonio Sabato Jr. -- A Hollywood Pro-Trump Casualty?
Jewish World Review Report from the 'cultural' frontlines: 'Tolerant' people who love everybody will destroy you if you disagree with them
Daily Wire ‘I Have Left The Plantation’: Dem Rep Who Endorsed Trump Steps Down Over Democrats’ ‘Harassment,’ Slams Party For ‘Bigotry’ Against ‘Independent’ ‘Black People’
American Wire Man allegedly ran over Marine veteran and former police officer for being white
mrc tv Bath And Body Works Manager Yells 'F--- Donald Trump' At Customer Wearing Pro-Trump Mask
Classically Liberal Thoughts This Wajahat Ali Schmuck "Tried" to Talk to Us
American Thinker More intolerance from the people who preach tolerance
mrc tv Maxine Waters Says She Won't Support COVID Relief Because She Doesn't Want to Work With Republicans
rumble The 'Tolerant' Don't Understand Civility Anymore
mrc tv Sick: Leftists Celebrate Clarence Thomas' Hospitalization, Hope For Death
mrc tv Spider-Man’s Andrew Garfield Slams Woke Casting as ‘Death’ of Acting
mrc tv FLASHBACK: Chuck Schumer Threatens Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh Over Roe v. Wade, 'You Will Pay the Price!'
Unz Review The Hunting of Texas Campus Conservative Kelly Neidert
Human Events LIBS OF TIKTOK: I Exposed the Progressive Left With Their Own Words and Actions, and They're Furious
mrc tv Evil People: Lefty Harassment Forces Kavanaugh to Leave Restaurant By Back
Unz Review Why Some of Us Can't Dine in Peace
Louder With Crowder GOP Congressman Attacked With Weapon Hours After Democrat Governor Told Supporters to Disrupt His Rallies
Unz Why Some of Us Can't Dine in Peace
Creators CBS Hates Talk Radio -- And Its Fans
Louder With Crowder Watch: Sisters spray mother with water every time she 'misgenders,' somehow don't think they're the bad guys
Jewish World Review The Violent Attack on Paul Pelosi: Bring on the Left-Wing Hypocrisy
mrc tv TOTAL CHAOS: Female Swimmer Riley Gaines Physically Assaulted By Trans Activists At SFSU
Louder With Crowder Watch: Crazed left-wing college professor threatens a reporter with her machete, chases after him

Liberal - Double Standards
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
mrc tv Don't Like Racist Tweets? Check Out What Trevor Noah Said About Jews
Hashtag Media - Burn The Boats On Double Standards
mrc tv Sports Are No Longer A Political Escape - Thanks, Colin Kaepernick
Daily Wire CNN's Kaitlan Collins' Ugly Past Resurfaces, Network Refuses To Respond
Matthew Hopkins Twitter’s Del Harvey / Alison Shea and Vijay Gadde Openly Back Child Rape Stalker and Anti-Semite Racist

Liberal - War On Republicans - War On Conservatives
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt Anti-Trump Protester: 'Make the NRA Regret Giving Us Right to Bear Arms' - "Exercise your Second Amendment right."
mrc tv Celebs Rage Against Trump at AMAs
YouTube Dear Blacks, Latinos & Gays
Red State Hilarious Anti-Trump Meltdown Lands Loony Leftist in the Psych Ward
Daily Wire WATCH 'Tolerant' Liberals Bully Man For Wearing #BuildTheWall T-Shirt In His Own Building
Daily Wire 11 Hollywood Conservatives Who Have Faced Discrimination
American Thinker Influential lefty journo admits 'internal sickness' of Dems
Truth Revolt Prager: Conservatives in America - Like Marranos in Medieval Spain - Many fear that coming out as conservative or pro-Trump is not worth the persecution.
Truth Revolt Left 'Jokes' About Wanting Rand Paul Hurt - "Where’s Rand Paul’s neighbor when we need him?"
Federalist 19 Insane Tidbits From James Damore’s Lawsuit About Google’s Office Environment
Federalist ComicCon Bans Actor Kevin Sorbo Because He’s A Conservative - Instead of quietly discriminating as they’ve done in the past, now the Left is pushing to publicly shame artists and actors, including blacklisting people like Kevin Sorbo from public appearances.
PJ Media Left-Wing Blogger Calls for Drowning of Conservative Students
Liberty Unbound In Our Guts, We Know They’re Nuts
Fox News ABC doesn't hate Roseanne -- The network hates her viewers
WND Editors, CEOs warned against relying on SPLC leftists - 'Repeating its misrepresentations' makes them 'complicit in defamation'
Daily Wire 10 Serious Problems With New Accusations Against Kavanaugh
PJ Media Five Big Problems with Christine Blasey Ford's Testimony at the Kavanaugh Hearings
YouTube Malkin: 'Sincere' Christine Blasey Ford or Sincere BULLCRAP?
PJ Media Why Is YouTube Protecting the Southern Poverty Law Center?
City Journal The Silent Nasty - Blame the Left for the deteriorating tone of our political discourse.
Truth Revolt Tapson: The Left's Obsession With Obscenity - What really lies behind the Left's love of vulgarity? Town Hall The Left Hates You. Act Accordingly.
Daily Wire Samantha Bee Apologizes To Ivanka Trump. So Does TBS. They're Totally Full Of It.
Daily Wire Here's The Proof Samantha Bee's Apology Was Utterly Fake
Daily Wire Many In Hollywood, Media Defend Bee's Vile Comments About Ivanka Trump
The Right Geek Spare Me Your Lectures on Civility, Blue Checks

Liberal - War On White People - White Skin Racism - Black Privilige - Reparations
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Reparations: People who were never slaveowners must give money to those who were never slaves
Truth Revolt FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Black Skin Privilege - "What reality is there to the claim that white skin is privileged and black is not?"
Truth Revolt College Students Sell Anti-White, Anti-Police Hoodies - "All White People Are Racist"
Truth Revolt Racist Texas A&M Professor Advocates Violence Against Whites - "in order to be equal, in order to be liberated, some white people may have to die."
mrc tv 'F*** White People' Deemed Not Racist or Hate Speech by S. African Judge
Quillette The High Price of Stale Grievances
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Liberals Who Threaten To Move To Canada Are Racist
Daily Wire A Couple Tried To Destroy The Wrong Person’s Career. Then They Refused To Apologize For Their Mistake.
Louder With Crowder ACLU Executive Criticizes Democrats for Demanding Reparations with Al Sharpton
PJ Media Liberal's Tweet Goes Viral: 'White People Love Dogs Because They Miss Owning Slaves'
American Thinker Muslim Leader Demands 'Reparations' for Spanish Inquisition
Fox News San Fran's reparations committee proposes $5 million to each Black longtime resident, total debt forgiveness - San Francisco's reparations committee also proposes supplementing lower-income recipients’ income for 250 years
mrc tv San Fran Committee Proposes Paying $5 Million Per 'Eligible' Black Resident in 'Reparations'
mrc tv CA 'Reparations Activist' Claims $223K Per-Person Handouts Aren’t Enough
Daily Mail California panel approves reparations proposal of up to $1.2 million EACH for black residents... but activists demand more than $200 million at heated public meeting
Dan Bongino Show California Reparations Task Force's Demands So Crazy Even Gov. Newsom Isn't Endorsing Them
mrc tv Ilhan Omar: ‘Our Country Should Be More Fearful of White Men’
Loudeer With Crowdere NY Governor Ignores State's Real Problems, Signs Virtue Signaling Bill On Reparations Instead
Louder With Crowder Watch: We ran more AI tests on Gemini and can confirm that Google hates white people
Louder With Crowder Woke city's "reparations commission" released their demands, among them... free checks

Liberal - War On Actors
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Louder With Crowder Dove battles weight-inclusive "doctor" over worst woke attack on Brendan Fraiser for not actually being morbidly obese

Liberal - Support For Islam
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
YouTube Ex-Liberal Eric Allen Bell tells the truth about Islam and Liberalism on Fox News (all segments)
Truth Revolt Female Chess Players Must Wear Hijab for World Championship in Iran - "This violates all what sports means. Sport should be free of discrimination by sex, religion and sexual orientation."
Truth Revolt American Woman to Skip Chess Championship in Iran: 'I Will Not Wear a Hijab' - "I am not anti-Islam or any other religion."
PJ Media Checkmate? U.S. Women's Chess Champ Says She Won't Don Hijab in Iran
Stream ‘Islamophobia’ and Other Dung Beetles of the Brain
Daily Wire Why the Left Protects Islam
Conservative Review Levin: ‘Why don’t the media honestly tell us about CAIR?’
Daily Wire The Left Capitalizes On Terrorism To Target Political Opponents
YouTube Israelis or Palestinians: Who’s More Tolerant?

Liberal - Support For Islam's War on LGBT
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
mrc tv Liberals Silent as Indonesia Cracks Down on LGBT Community

Liberal - War On Islam - Islamaphobic
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
mrc tv Is SXSW Islamaphobic for Making Muslim-American Olympiad Remove Hijab?

Liberal - Opposition To Islam - War On Islam - Islamaphobic
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Louder With Crowder Justin Trudeau thinks Canadian Muslims are stupid, blames American right-wingers for their anger at gender issues

Liberal - War on Old People
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
mrc tv Yale Professor Says Japan's Elderly Should Be Forced To Kill Themselves

Liberal - War on Males - War on White Males - open season on whites
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt Myth Busted: White Male Privilege Is Not A Thing - "I love being made to feel collective white guilt for the slave trade even though whites were the first in the world to end the slave trade."
Truth Revolt NY Mag: 'White Men Ruin It for the Rest of Us' - Racist, Sexist, Bigots!
Truth Revolt 'Hamilton' Boasts Diversity to Mike Pence After 'Whites Need Not Apply' Casting Call - "I stand by it and believe it to be legal."
mrc tv MTV Video Attacking ‘White Guys’ Removed From YouTube, Facebook
WND Juicy details revealed as lawsuit says Google firing conservatives - Tech giant fosters 'protected, distorted bubble of groupthink'
Federalist Why A Good Father Prepares His Sons For War
Daily Wire She Claimed He Raped Her. A Medical Examination Showed No Sex. He Was Expelled And Is Suing Her For Defamation.

Liberal - War on Women - Support For Porn - support For Prostitution
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
mrc tv THINK ABOUT THE SEX WORKERS! Slate Slams Billie Eilish’s Critique of Pornography
mrc tv Man Rapes Two Women, 'Transitions,' Then Is Sent To Women’s Prison
Louder With Crowder Twitter explodes when Gavin Newsom claims to visit a bookstore that sells "banned" books (think about it)
Louder With Crowder Belgium Becomes First Country To Give Prostitutes Benefits, Now Entitled To Health Insurance And Pensions... and Maternity Leave

Liberal - War on Women - Support For Raping Women - Support For Raping Children - Support For Sexual Harrassment of Women
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Victory Girls Women Should Never Vote For A Democrat Candidate
mrc tv Girl Scouts Delete Tweet Congratulating Amy Coney Barrett After Leftists Lose Their Minds
mrc tv Ex-Staffer Accuses Gov. Andrew Cuomo of Sexual Harassment and Abuse
American Thinker Progressive white women are crazy because the left makes them that way
American Thinker Gross: Another Democrat governor and Joe Biden ally, accused of grabbing a staffer's crotch American Thinker Birth control for California female prisons as 'trans women' move in
mrc tv N.Y. AG: Probe Finds Gov. Andrew Cuomo 'Sexually Harassed Multiple Women'
mrc tv AZ State Sen. Tells Sexual Assault Victims To 'Stay Home' Rather Than Carry a Gun If You Feel Unsafe
rumble AZ State Sen. Tells Sexual Assault Victims To 'Stay Home' Rather Than Carry a Gun If You Feel Unsafe
Ann Coulter Actually, Our Culture Is Better
mrc tv Just Did it! ‘Boys Club’ Nike Sued For Abusing Female Employees
mrc tv Another Girl Assaulted By Trans Student In HS Bathroom, Media Quiet
Loudeer With Crowdeer Watch: Student speaks out after transwoman whipped out her penis in girls bathroom, assaulted smaller girl who disagreed
Louder With Crowder ACLU defends convicted child murderer, claims "she" didn't get the gender-affirming care she needed in prison

Liberal - War on People
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Summit News Survey: Two in Five New Yorkers Want to Leave the City - Because it’s turning into a sh*thole.
fake hate crimes hate crime hoiaqxes in the USA
Breibart Media Fabricated Evidence to Smear GOP Three Times In One Day
Power Line The Washington Post Responds To Me, and I Reply to the Post
Personal Liberty Digest Harry Reid Declares That Democrats Don’t Have Billionaire Donors
Personal Liberty Digest Code Words
Personal Liberty Digest More Code Words
Personal Liberty Digest Lies, Damned Lies And Liberal Statistics
Personal Liberty Digest Sheila Jackson Lee Cries Over Obama Impeachment Talk: We Never Tried To Impeach Bush! (Even Though She Did)
Personal Liberty Digest Sheila Jackson Lee Grateful For 400-Year-Old Constitution
Genetic Literacy Project Madagascar student prank shows March Against Monsanto has heartless agenda
Patterico's Pontifications When You Have Run Out of Winning Arguments [Updated]
Dennis Prager We Live in a World of Lies
Washington Times Michael Moore, movie-making critic of capitalism, has nine homes
PJ TV Underwood Award: Nine Houses and One of America's Biggest Hypocrites!
YouTube Andrew Klavan: Shut Up.
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: How To Speak Leftist
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: How to Speak Leftist, Part II
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: The Debate is Over
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Democrats at War
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: Lena Dunham, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder and the New Barbarism
Truth Revolt Brian Williams: ‘I Have Seen Thousands of Dead People’
Truth Revolt Rolling Stone Will Not Discipline People Involved in Discredited Rape Story
Truth Revolt Ed Helms Blasts Rolling Stone At UVA Commencement - That's gonna leave a mark.
Truth Revolt Sarah Silverman Caught in Wage Gap Lie - "It’s pretty effed up of Silverman to have left that information out of her video."
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: Progressivism: Empire of Lies
Truth Revolt Michelle Obama Worth About $45 on Slave Market, ISIS Estimates - "A third of a dinar is too much for her!"
Truth Revolt NY Times Attacks Rubio for Student Loans, Mortgage Debt - "The Rubio campaign is thrilled."
Truth Revolt Spokane NAACP Leader May Have Faked Racial Identity, Hate Crimes - "There’s a lot of complexities"
Truth Revolt MALKIN: Fanning the Flames of Another Black Church Arson Hoax - Where there's smoke, there's fire. But is it just the self-immolation of agenda-driven journalism?
Truth Revolt Prager: The Left and the Attack on Paris - This was not an "attack on all humanity." It was an attack on Western liberal values.
Truth Revolt 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot' Ranked One of the Biggest Lies of 2015 - Forty witnesses could not confirm the statement.
Truth Revolt Malkin: How to Manufacture an Anti-Muslim Hate-Crime 'Epidemic' - The radical left-wing SPLC brazenly declared that its mission is to "destroy" its political opponents.
Truth Revolt Williams: Reality 'Optional' for the Left - "Thus, if one finds a particular reality offensive or inconvenient, he just 'changes' it."
Truth Revolt ELECTION PRIMER: Bill Whittle's 'Progressivism: Empire of Lies' - Bill Whittle preps you for the 2016 presidential election.
Truth Revolt Prager: Judge Garland and the Left’s Disdain for Truth - Truth is not a leftist value. Everything the left believes in is more important than truth.
Truth Revolt Thornton: Distracting Ourselves to Death - Political spectacles take center stage while the country's real problems fester.
Truth Revolt Scientist Blocked From Researching Reverse Gender Surgery, Might Be Offensive - "Engaging in potentially politically incorrect research carries a risk to the university."
Truth Revolt Prager: Who's Divisive -- the President or the Players? - How the left has twisted the NFL kneeling controversy.
Truth Revolt Frmr Press Sec Josh Earnest on Obama: ‘Most Transparent President in History’ - He was transparent, all right. We could see right through him.
Truth Revolt Prager: The Greatest Libel Since the Blood Libel - It is a great lie. But it is the dominant narrative of our society.
Truth Revolt Michael Wolff Asked to Prove Discredited Claims in Anti-Trump Book: ‘My Evidence is the Book’ - If you think it’s true, it IS true!
American Thinker Biggest Liar of 2015: The Washington Post and Its Pinocchios
Lynn R. Mitchell Bernie Goldberg: ‘What the media left out of the phony Rolling Stone story’
American Thinker What I Have Learned From Debating Young Liberals
Ann Coulter Can The Left Come Up With One True Story?
Ann Coulter Sanctimony And Grandstanding Are More Fun Than Free Speech
mrc newsbusters MSNBC Gets ‘Headache’ When Facts Refute Police Racial Bias
Daily Wire Lemon Collapses When Challenged By Clarke
Daily Wire Sanders Says Trumpcare Will Kill Millions. Here Are 3 Reasons That's A Lie.
Conservative Crusader Stopping Truth at the Border: Banning Michael Savage from Britain
Louder With Crowder Dear Liberals: Face it, You’re Anti-Science ‘Realityphobes’...
Town Hall Liberal Lies And Slanders Are A Slippery Slope To Trouble
mrc tv PC Academics 'Memory Hole' Important Paper on Gender, IQ, and Performance
mrc tv UK Schools Approve Guidelines to Teach Kids That Boys Can Have Periods
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse "Liberals Are Innately Logical And Deductive, Unlike Conservatives."
New Conservative Movement ‘I Reject Your Facts’ Pelosi Tells Homeland Security!
Daily Wire Washington Post 'Fact-Checker' Declines To Give AOC Pinocchios After She Lies About Her Idiotic Green New Deal FAQ...But Dings Trump
Daily Wire Christine Blasey Ford’s Dad Supported Kavanaugh After She Made Accusation
City Journal This Article Is "Partly False" - Supposedly engaged in a struggle against misinformation, Facebook and its fact-checking partner spread their own.
PJ Media Fact-Blockers
Federalist My Twitter Ban Proves Twitter Manipulates Its Platform to Silence Conservatives
Louder With Crowder 'The nail in the coffin': Allegedly scientific publication ends scientific inquiry at the behest of the woke

Liberal - Speaking Lies For Power - War on Truth - Fact Checkers Dishonesty because lies and liars need all the help the left and big tech can provide
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
v">Dan Bongino Show Introducing: Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers
Dan Bongino Show Inside the Sorosification of the So-Called "Fact Checking" Industry
Dan Bongino Show Newsweek Fact Checker Mocked for Denying Sen. Ted Cruz's Obviously True Claim About Antifa Riots
Dan Bongino Show Some More Fact-Checker Fails
Dan Bongino Show Sen. Ted Cruz Fires Back At BS Washington Post "Fact-Check"
Dan Bongino Show The "Fact-Checkers" Humiliate Themselves Again

Liberal - Twitter Community Notes - Fact Checking Dishonest Politicians because liars need to be called out
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Louder With Crowder Nancy Pelosi gets fact-checked into oblivion over ignorant Trump indictment tweet

Liberal - Speaking Lies For Power - War on Truth - Politifact because lies and liars need all the help the left and big tech can provide
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move! bears the same relationsip to truth that poison bears to health food.
Media Research Center NewsBusters Explainer Video: How Fact Checkers Abuse Their Role To Boost Democrat Causes
Daily Wire FAKE NEWS: Trump Says Something True About Obamacare. So, Naturally, Politifact Lies About It.
Legal Insurrection Candace Owens Takes On Facebook “Fact Checker” PolitFact And Wins
Dan Bongino Show Fact Checkers: VP Harris Definitely Didn't Say What You Heard Her Say With Your Own Ears
Dan Bongino Show Is This the Dumbest Fact Check of the Year?
Louder With Crowder Politifact changes definition of a "book ban" to claim Ron DeSantis bans books
Dan bongino Show PolitiFact Defends VP Harris’ Absurd Lie That Florida Will Teach “Benefits of Slavery”

Liberal - Speaking Lies For Power - War on Truth - Snopes Snopes Is For Dopes - because lies and liars need all the help the left and big tech can provide
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move! bears the same relationsip to truth that poison bears to health food.
YouTube RETRACTION #329: Snopes "Fact-Checker" Bethania Palma forced to print retraction!
Front Page Mag Fake Fact Checker Snopes Meltdown Continues
Tom O'Halloraan Snopes NO MORE The Self-proclaimed Debunker Of Urban Legend has been debunked
Free Patriot Military Purge Underway; We Just Snoped Snopes!
100 Percent Fed Up BUSTED! Main Political "Fact" Checker For SNOPES Is FINALLY EXPOSED As Liberal Hack
Truth Revolt The People's Cube: Snopes Embezzling: Life Imitates The People's Cube Big Time! - Life has surpassed our wildest satirical fantasies. (snopes)
Truth Revolt Definitive Proof: Conservatives Can't Trust Snopes Anymore - Should we create a website that debunks popular Snopes myths?
Truth Revolt Christian Satire Site Pokes Fun at CNN, Gets Fact-Checked by Facebook - Zuckerberg is out of control.
Just One Minute Don't Know Much About History, Snopes Edition
mrc tv Snopes Defends Planned Parenthood; We Rate Them 'Mostly False'
mrc tv Snopes Actually Fact-Checked Babylon Bee's Story About CNN's 'Fake News' Washing Machine
Louder With Crowder Snopes Just Changed a Rating After Being Fact-Checked by YOU! Take a Bow, Crowder Fans!

Liberal - War on Truth - Snopes - Humor because lies and liars need all the help the left and big tech can provide
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
The People's Cube CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption
Babylon Bee Snopes Introduces New 'Factually Inaccurate But Morally Right' Fact Check Result
Babylon Bee Snopes Rates Biden's Claim That 2+2=5 As 'Mostly True'
Babylon Bee 10 Times Snopes Fact-Checked The Babylon Bee
Babylon Bee Snopes Introduces New Rating: 'False For Now'

Liberal - War on Truth - Fact Checkers because lies and liars need all the help the left and big tech can provide
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Louder With Crowder Attempting to claim the Left doesn't want porn in schools, a "fact" checker accidentally admits there's porn in schools

Liberal - War on Science
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
The Globe and Mail The progressive war on science
City Journal The Real War on Science - The Left has done far more than the Right to set back progress.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Ultrasound: The Anti-Science Left's Bugaboo - Abortion extremists are the new Luddites.
Daily Wire A Brown University Researcher Released A Study About Teens Imitating Their Peers By Turning Trans. The Left Went Insane. So Brown Caved.
Daily Wire Shapiro at 'Newsweek': A Genius Academy Hoax Exposed That Liberal Arts Colleges Don't Care About The Truth
quillette Academic Activists Send a Published Paper Down the Memory Hole
NewsWeek Ben Shapiro: A Genius Academic Hoax Exposed That Liberal Arts Colleges Don't Care About Truth | Opinion

Liberal - War on Christians - War on Christmas
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt Prager: What If the Orlando Murderer Were a Christian? - Christians must be portrayed as villains, not victims.
Truth Revolt Prager U: Just Say Merry Christmas - "Of course it's a war on Christmas."
Truth Revolt One Complaint and an ACLU Lawsuit Forced Town to Remove Cross from Christmas Tree - Tyranny by the minority.
Truth Revolt WaPo: Virgin Mary's Purity Offends Rape Victims - War on Christmas
Truth Revolt Salon: 'A Christmas Story' is White Racist Nostalgia - We thought color-blindness was supposed to be a good thing.
Truth Revolt Human Rights Org Places U.S. In 'Hall of Shame' for Christian Persecution - "Worrying Trends"
mrc tv Neighbors Display Their Inner Grinch, Call Cops on Santa Claus
mrc tv POLL: Majority of Americans Say Freedom of Speech is Dead as Christmas Faces Political Correctness Brigade
mrc tv People are Dumb: Over 25 Pct. Think Santa Claus Should Be Female or Gender Neutral
Federalist Rebuilding Notre Dame Requires Rebuilding The Culture That Created It
Daily Wire WALSH: Yes, 'Easter Worshipper' Was Intentional. Yes, It Matters. Here's Why.
Louder With Crowder Some Liberals Are Now Saying Santa Claus Should be Female or Gender-Neutral. We Need a New Plague.
Foundation for Ecoomic Education (FEE) How the Soviets Stole Christmas
mrc tv DUH! 'The Office' Star Rainn Wilson Calls Out Hollywood's ‘Anti-Christian’ Bias
Federalist Corporate America Has Launched A Religious War. It’s Time To Choose Your Side
Louder With Crowder Woke Wisconsin City Demand Staff Avoid Christmas Holiday Decorations: “Snowpeople” Not “Snowmen”
Louder With Crowder Pastor Sues Mayor After Being Removed From Board Over His Christian Beliefs, Refusal To Condemn "Transphobia"
Louder With Crowder Canadian Government: Celebrating Christmas And Easter Amounts To “Systemic Religious Discrimination”
Catholic Vote Tracker: Over 400 Attacks on U.S. Catholic Churches Since May 2020

Liberal - War on Holidays
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Daily Wire Millennials Want To Ban Secret Santa Because It Gives Them Anxiety

Liberal - War on Gays
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Sputnick International Charlotte Pride Rejects ‘Gays for Trump’ Float, Right-Wing Gays Vow to Sue

Liberal - War on Thanksgiving
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt Here We Go Again: Historian Says Thanksgiving About 'Genocide' - "The beginning of genocide"
mrc tv No Turkey for You! N.Y. Gov. Cuomo Cancels Thanksgiving with 89-Year-Old Mother After Backlash

Liberal - War on Religion
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt Atheist On Why He Doesn't Criticize Islam: 'Straight Up Fear' - "I would never write the same kind of stuff that I do about certain religions as I would about Islam."
Truth Revolt Islam Attacks, Left Blames All Religion - "Imagine All the Stupid People"
Truth Revolt Rutgers Removes Jesus on a Dart Board 'Art' - "It is surprising that a state university would allow this." Actually, it's not.
Patriot Post Religious Accommodation, or Political Favoritism?
American Thinker Tis the Season to be Offended
Daily Wire How Much Do The Editors At The Washington Post Hate Religion? A Lot, And This Headline Proves It.
Federalist Left Opens War On All Religious Schools By Targeting Where Karen Pence Works
National Review No One Expects the Secular Inquisition
Daily Wire A Harvard Conference Keynote Speaker Has Written That Religious Jews And Christians ‘Deserve To Be Locked Up’
Federalist Violent Threats, Hate Mail Hit Raleigh Church For Holding Services With Under 10 People
Federalist The NFL Just Declared War On Church
Power Line Burning Bibles In Portland
PJ Media Calif. COVID Bullies Tried to Slap Pastor John MacArthur With Contempt. It Backfired.
Power Line God? Who’s That?
Federalist Judge Grants Injunction Barring Grace Community Church From Constitutional Right To Worship
mrc tv Chief Justice Roberts Takes the Wrong Side Again As SCOTUS Strikes Down Cali's Church Restrictions

Liberal - War on Atheists
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt 'Islamophobe' Richard Dawkins Storms Out of Interview, Calls Muslim Journalist 'Pathetic' for Belief in Winged-Horse - "If you believe you're Napoleon or a poached egg, you're in an asylum. If you believe in winged horses you're a New Statesman journalist."

Liberal - War on Minorities - Racism
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt Democrat Campaigns Pay Black Staffers 30% Less - More evidence that the Democratic party is bad for blacks.
Truth Revolt Unsurprising Report: Diversity Policies Increasing Discrimination - "The most commonly used diversity programs do little to increase representation of minorities and women."
Truth Revolt Van Jones Won't Hear Jeffrey Lord's Truth Bomb on Racist Democrats - "The same old formula: racism to fuel progressivism..."
Truth Revolt Despair: Poverty and Crime Skyrocket Among African-Americans in Democrat-Controlled Chicago' - This is what 85 years of Democrat control will do.
Truth Revolt Candace Owens Video: The Left Thinks Black People Are Stupid - The top 3 reasons how.
Mises Institute The Minimum Wage and Progressive Eugenics, Again
YouTube How Liberals really feel about black people.
Louder With Crowder Will Smith is Not “Black Enough” To Play Black Man Richard Williams
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Most "Liberals" Are Racists And I Can Prove It.

Liberal - War On Parents
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Federalist If The Left Ends Parent Rights, You Might Need A License To Raise Your Own Child
mrc tv AZ Teachers Union: Parents 'Drama Queens' For Demanding Transparency
mrc tv VA Democrat Introduces Bill Criminalizing Parents Who Don't Affirm Their Child's Gender Identity
mrc tv Maryland Court Rules Parents Have No Say in Child’s Education

Liberal - Support For Pedophilia
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
mrc tv KY Democrat Slammed For Comments On Child Sex Dolls Giving Pedos ‘Release’

Liberal - Support For Pedophilia - Opposition to Sound Of Freedom
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
twitchy BUSTED! Bloomberg writer TRASHING 'Sound of Freedom' as a QAnon film connected to pedo group
Yahoo Unlikely hit 'Sound of Freedom' opens new front in US culture wars
Red State To Understand the Media Attacks on 'Sound of Freedom' You Need to Understand de Sade and Nietzsche

Liberal - Facebook Loves Your Children - Support For Pedophilia
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Louder With Crowder Instagram's shocking pedophile network exposed in new report

Liberal - Disney Loves Your Children - Support For Pedophilia
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
mrc tv Disgusting: Disney Actor to Serve Two Years for Soliciting Minor
American News Disney employees busted in child trafficking sting just days after corporation opposed anti-grooming law

Liberal - Arizona Loves Your Children - Keep Porn In The Classroom - Support For Child Abuse - Support For Sexualizing Children - Support for Pedophilia - Support For Grooming - Suppport For Adults Having Sex With Children
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Louder With Crowder Democrat governor VETOES bill that would have banned teachers from filming porn in their classrooms

Liberal - War On Children - War On Kids - Support For Child Abuse - Support For Sexualizing Children - Support for Pedophilia - Support For Grooming - Suppport For Adults Having Sex With Children
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
mrc tv Perverted YouTuber Admits He Finds 11-Year-Old 'Cuties' Stars 'Pretty Hot': 'I Think It's a Good Thing'
Louder With Crowder 'Cuties' is a Clear Case of Sexualizing Children and its Filmmakers Should be Ashamed
Louder With Crowder ">Netflix Doubles DOWN, Releases Reprehensible Statement on 'Cuties'
mrc tv CA Passes Law Relaxing Penalty For Gay Adults Who Have Sex With Teens
American Thinker Would you let your 12-year-old daughter sleep in a tent with an 18-year-old boy?
American Thinker The Big Lie: Leftists Care about Children
mrc tv Salon Writer Defends His Pedophilia: 'I'm Not the Monster You Think'
mrc tv The Top 5 Times Kids Have Been Exploited by Liberals
mrc tv Planned Parenthood Admits: 'We Don't Offer Prenatal Care'
mrc tv Peter Fonda Says Barron Trump Should Be Caged With Pedophiles Over Trump's Border Policy
mrc tv American Academy of Pediatrics Urges Parents To Accept Their Kids' 'Preferred Gender'
Truth Revolt Salon Pushes Pedophile Sympathy...Again - "I'm a pedophile, not a monster"
Daily Wire Leftists Pushing Gender-Neutral Toys For Christmas. Because They're Irritating.
Daily Wire Flashback Video: Barbara Walters Scolds Corey Feldman For Calling Out Hollywood Pedophilia - "You're damaging an entire industry!"
Daily Wire The Media’s Coverage Of Pope Francis' Alleged Sex Abuse Cover-Up Is Insanely Despicable
Town Hall Tale of Two Babies
Washington Post A father’s desperate - but dangerous - strategy to keep his ‘brain dead’ son on life support
reason The Fragile Generation - Bad policy and paranoid parenting are making kids too safe to succeed.
PJ Media Disney Under Fire for Hiring Convicted Pedophiles to Work on Kids Shows
PJ Media American Children Terrorized by CPS While Lawmakers Cry About Border Children
Louder With Crowder Democrats Don’t Care About Kids. Why is This So Hard to Understand?
steemit Netflix & Director Diego Kaplan Caught Redhanded
mrc 11-Year-Old Bullied Simply Because His Last Name is Trump
Louder With Crowder Transkids: A Website to Buy a Fake Penis for Your Child
Louder With Crowder No, Extreme Leftists: Children Are Not Sex Objects! You Sick, Evil, Twisted Freaks.
mrc tv Cops Question Mother for Allowing Her Daughter To Do Chores for Cash
Louder With Crowder OPINION: Leftists Hate Children... Who Don’t Advance Their Agenda
Louder With Crowder Jesse Watters Points Out the Left’s Hypocrisy on the Covington School Kids
Louder With Crowder Covington Catholic School Receives HUNDREDS of Threats
Daily Wire WALSH: The Horrifying Case That Proves Our Parental Rights Are Under Serious Attack In This Country
Louder With Crowder WATCH: Christine Quinn on CNN Says Women Aren’t Pregnant with Human Beings
Louder With Crowder SLOPE SLIPPED: #AgeGapLove TV Show Glorifies Pedophile Relationship
mrc tv The Media Keeps Sexualizing Kids To Push Their Agenda, and It's Not Okay
Louder With Crowder VICE Canada Promotes Child Drag Queens
Daily Wire WALSH: How The Left Is Normalizing Pedophilia Right In Front Of Our Eyes
mrc tv Teen Vogue Promotes Prostitution to 13-Year-Old Girls In a New 'Article'
Louder With Crowder Dear ‘Parents’: Stop Whoring Your Kids to LGBTQ Perverts
mrc tv Children Can Handle Kink' At Gay Pride Parades, Says HuffPo Writer
Federalist Teen Vogue Encourages Children To Explore Prostitution As A Career
Louder with Crowder Kansas Library Board Divided Over Banning Pedophiles from Reading to Kids
Louder With Crowder If You Support Greta Thunberg’s Exploitation, You’re a Monster
Daily Wire WALSH: Greta Thunberg Is A Child Abuse Victim
Daily Wire Transgender Puberty Blocking Drug Linked To Thousands Of Deaths, FDA Data Reveals
P.J.Media The Left to America's Children: Your Past Is Terrible, and Your Future Is Terrible
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Greta: Nazi Propagandist Or Stockholm Syndrome Victim?
Louder With Crowder OPINION: Children Can’t Consent to Sex But It’s Okay to Sex Change Them?
Louder With Crowder Pediatrician Smacks Down Leftists Pushing Transgenderism on Kids
Louder With Crowder What Letting Your 3-Year-Old Choose Their Gender REALLY Looks Like [VIDEO]
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Greta: Nazi Propagandist Or Stockholm Syndrome Victim?
Daily Wire Man Arrested For Attacking 15-Year-Old Trump Supporter In New Hampshire, Police Say
American Thinker Q names pedophile politicians vulnerable to blackmail
Liz Cronkin Investigative Journalist Trump Takes Down Over Two Dozen Elite Pedophiles Including Celebrities & Politicians
Louder With Crowder Seattle Teacher Berates 10-Year-Old for Admiring Donald Trump, and the Kid's Mother Caught it On Video
Rebel News BREAKING: Netflix indicted over Cuties, sexual exploitation of minors
mrc tv So Much for Childhood: 30 Kids Shows, Toys Push LGBTQ Agenda Over A Year
mrc tv CT Public Schools Show 2nd Graders a Video With Cartoon Images of Pedophilia
Louder With Crowder Bill Gates is Asked What 'Lesson' He Learned from Epstein Association. His Stuttering Answer is Telling...
Federalist Therapists Have Betrayed The Parents Of Gender-Confused Kids, And There’ll Be Hell To Pay
Federalist Defending Pedophilia Is The Logical Conclusion Of Queer Theory
Louder With Crowder ‘Sexy Summer Camp’ Teaches Kids About Prostitution, Sex on Drugs, and ‘Hands On’ Instruction in Masturbation
mrc tv SEND IN THE ‘NAT’L GUARD!’ Hollywood Hates That Kids Won’t Be Exposed To Trans Curricula In Red States
Louder With Crowder Watch: Ilhan Omar Proclaims No One 'Understands the Needs of Our Children' Like Teachers' Unions Do
Louder With Crowder Is Disney the New CNN? Pedo Employees Caught in Massive Human Trafficking Sting Operation
Not The Bee Josh Hawley Drops Megathread On SCOTUS Nominee Jackson's Record Of Leniency To Pedophiles
Louder With Crowder Pixar Puts Same-Sex Kiss Back in 'Buzz Lightyear' Movie in Protest of Ron DeSantis for Some Silly Reason
Louder With Crowder Chris Rufo Puts Disney on Blast! Drops List of Disney Employees Arrested for Child Molestation, Pornography
Daily Wire DANIEL: The Florida Education Bill Reveals The Left’s True Motivations Toward America’s Kids
Louder With Crowder Theater Troupe Announces Nude 'Family Sex Show' for Kids as Young as Five-Years-Old (But Don't Say 'Groomer')
mrc tv Disney Heir(ess?) Comes Out as Trans As 'Woke' Company Pushes Further Left
Louder With Crowder Pedophile Organization Forces Academic Journal to Retract Paper Calling Pedophilia Bad
Unz Review GLSEN's Groomers in Plain Sight
mrc tv State Farm: Sorry You Noticed Us Helping to Groom Children
Louder With Crowder Man Wearing Fake Boobs Bounces Around Family Restaurant While Little Kids Give Him Money
mrc tv What are You Telling Us, Twitter? Social Media Platform Suspends 'Gays Against Groomers' Account
Louder With Crowder Watch: MMA fighter calls out Jimmy Kimmel and the other 'mainstream media pedophiles' in viral interview
Daily Wire Google Won’t Let Trump’s App On Its Store — Here’s What It Does Allow
Federalist ‘Woke Homophobia Is Real’: Paypal, Gmail, Twitter Lock Out LGBT Nonprofit That Opposes Sexualizing Kids
mrc tv Hello, Child Abuse: Drag Group Pairs Grown Men With Little Boys To Teach Them The 'Art' of Crossdressing
Daiy Mail EXCLUSIVE: 'It's frightening for society.' Thousands of convicted pedophiles in California are being released from prison in less than a year for horrific acts, including rape, sodomy and sexual abuse of kids under 14, investigation reveals
rumble Loudoun County Public Schools Won’t Remove Sexually Explicit Books From Libraries
Louder With Crowder 'This type of behavior...": Talk show host takes out earpiece before GOING OFF on Balenciaga kiddie scandal
mrc tv Former Twitter Exec's Pro-Groomer Tweets Resurface As Musk Tackles Platform's Child Exploitation
Louder With Crowder The next Balenciaga? Critics accuse Harry Styles of 'giving off pedo vibes' in new Gucci ad
mrc tv Dallas Kids, Pols at ‘All-Ages’ Drag Show: Learn About Bl**J**s
Federalist Virginia Teen Sex-Trafficked Twice After School Hides Gender Identity From Her Parents
Louder With Crowder So, a new Minnesota bill might make "minor attracted person" a sexual orientation
Louder With Crowdeer Chelsea Clinton expresses support for allowing pornography in schools, according to fact-checkers
Louder With Crowder Watch: Official sides with sex offender over his disabled Marine victim, claims sex offenders "among our most vulnerable"
Dan Bongino Show Democrat Rep. Stacey Plaskett Called Out for Taking Money From Jeffrey Epstein
Red State Democrats Froth and Seethe After John Kennedy Reads 'Gender Queer' During Senate Hearing
Louder With Crowder Watch: Non-binary influencer uses the mall and the holidays to influence kids to abandon their families
mrc tv 'Libs of TikTok' Meets Crybaby Doxxer Taylor Lorenz, and Utterly Destroys Her
Louder With Crowder Democrat attempts to find common ground with pedos, suggests giving them sex dolls: "It gives them a release"

Liberal - Support For Democrat Criminals
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Daily Wire BOMBSHELL: ABC News Killed Epstein-Clinton Story, Says Anchor In Hot Mic Video

Liberal - War On Women - Birthing Persons
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
The only position for women in SNCC is prone - Stokely Carmichael, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee conference, November 1964
P.J.Media Forcing Congenital Females to Compete Against 'Trans-Women' Will Destroy Women's Sports and Everyone Knows It
Canada Free Press Liberalism’s War on Women - In the Democratic Party, as with American Express, membership has its privileges
Yahoo! News Rand Paul: Bill Clinton's 'predatory' affair with Monica Lewinsky predates 'war on women'
Yahoo! News Hillary Clinton Dogged by 1975 Rape Case
Huff Post San Diego To Pay $250,000 To Settle (Democrat) Bob Filner Lawsuit
American Thinker War on Women Chronicles: Alan Grayson under investigation in domestic violence complaint
American Thinker The Democratic Party's War On Women
American Thinker Take Back Your Diamonds, Take Back Your Pearls, What Makes You Think I Was One of Weinstein's Girls?
The Daily Caller Tapes Reveal Hillary Clinton Discussing Her Defense Of Child Rapist [VIDEO]
Jewish World Review The Left's continuing war on women
The Daily Dot WisCon's flaky response to harassment incident sparks Internet uproar
Truth Revolt Ben Shapiro: Women Are Winning the War on Women
Truth Revolt Biden Lectured Ayaan Hirsi Ali On Islam - "I wasn’t used to arguing with vice presidents."
Truth Revolt Shock: NYT Finds 'Family-Friendly' Policies Can 'Backfire' - "For employers, it becomes much easier to justify discrimination."
Truth Revolt Cruz and Fiorina Crush 'War On Women' Themed Debate Question - Hillary's talk about empowering women is the "height of hypocrisy,' says Fiorina.
Truth Revolt Fiorina: Nothing More Threatening to Liberal Media Than A Conservative Woman - "Of course there's a double standard."
Truth Revolt Malkin: You're Doing It Wrong, 'The View' - Heckuva job, feminism!
Truth Revolt United Flight Makes Woman Switch Seats After Pakistani Monks Complain - "I thought I lived in a culture where females were equal to men."
Truth Revolt Media Interrogate Clintons' Accusers, Debate Commission Bumped Them Out of Trump Family Box Seats - But please, do continue to lecture us on how women -- sexual assault victims no less -- deserve to be treated.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Our New Country - Women and Minorities Hit Hardest - The sad irony is that the only people who will be better off in our new country are mostly white plutocrats.
Truth Revolt Blacks Complain Women’s March Too White, Cop Friendly - The Left is never satisfied.
Truth Revolt Elizabeth Warren Silent on 'Equal Pay Day' for the First Time in Her Political Career - Who knows? Maybe it's just a Native American custom to treat women poorly.
Truth Revolt Hollywood Elitists Go Silent on Serial Sex Predator Weinstein - With the spotlight on Tinsel Town’s rampant sexual abuse, Hollywood has some ’splainin to do.
Truth Revolt Elder: Yes, Weinstein Accusers Are Brave - So Were Jones, Willey and Broaddrick - Where were Hollywood’s social justice warriors the last 30 years?
Truth Revolt Facebook Cool With Group Dedicated to Burning Christian Woman Alive - “So a page named 'I Will Find Activist Mommy And Burn Whoever Runs It Alive' does NOT go against Facebook’s community standards?
National Review Online Losing Men - That’s where the war is.
Liberty News Online The Honesty Gap
Freedom's Back The Honesty Gap
L.A.Weekly How Hollywood Keeps Out Women
MRC TV Sen. Bernie Sanders' Essay: Women 'Fantasize About Being Raped'
MRC TV Real War On Women: 100% of Job Gains by Women Since 2007 Went to Foreign-Born Women
mrc tv Joy Behar Calls Alleged Clinton Rape Victims 'Tramps'
mrc tv Oops! Elizabeth Warren Pays Her Female Staffers FAR Less Than the Guys
mrc tv Canadian Elementary School Cancels Mother’s Day Celebration Because of ‘Diversity’
mrc tv Samantha Bee Apologizes For Calling Ivanka Trump a 'Feckless C**t'
mrc tv Candace Owens to Dems: Have Some Respect for Sexual Assault Victims
Observer Why Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Criticism of Islam Angers Western Liberals - She courageously battles the Left's comfortable narrative of the Muslim world
YouTube Bill Maher to Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Why Do Liberals ‘Blame the Victim’ When It Comes to Islam?
Breitbart Raped German Politician Lied About Attackers’ Nationality To ‘Stop Racism’
Bre Faucheux Conservative women under fire
InfoWars Video: Columbia University Students Support Female Genital Mutilation - Endorse Planned Parenthood funding of barbaric practice
Michelle Malkin The Four Stages of Conservative Female Abuse
PJ Media Hollywood Actors Who Condemn Trump but Were Silent on Weinstein
PJ Media Harvey Weinstein Has Destroyed Hollywood -- Now What?
Louder With Crowder Dear Hollywood: Your Reaction to Weinstein Proves You’re Disgusting, Amoral Hypocrites...
Louder With Crowder Um, What?! Harvey Weinstein’s TWC Contract Allowed for Sexual Harassment...
Daily Wire Kate Beckinsale: Weinstein Sexually Harassed Me When I Was SEVENTEEN - Offered her alcohol; couldn't even remember later if he had tried anything on her.
mrc tv Weinstein Reportedly Had Contract Clause Allowing Him to Sexually Harass Women - If He Paid the Lawsuits
National Review Hollywood's Diseased Culture
BuzzFeed At DC Comics, An Editor Rose Through The Ranks Even After Being Accused Of Sexual Harassment - At least two female employees at the publishing giant DC Comics accused a top editor of trying to forcibly kiss or grope them. He was promoted anyway. Two years later, he was accused of doing it again.
PowerLine #MeToo Becomes "Hey, Wait a Minute!"
Independent Women's Forum Study: Describing Breastfeeding as ‘Natural’ Is Unethical Because It Reinforces Gender Roles
mrc tv Authors: DON'T Call Breastfeeding 'Natural'! That's Gender-Stereotyping!
Louder With Crowder SHOCK! Planned Parenthood Accused of Mistreating Pregnant Employees
Daily Wire WALSH: 3 Reasons Why Gillette's 'Toxic Masculinity' Ad Is Incredibly Stupid And Degrading
Fox News Why the Women's March saddens (and outrages) this long-time feminist and women's rights activist
mrc tv Yes, Liberals, Trump’s Right About Illegal Alien Girls Taking Birth Control to Avoid Getting Pregnant From Rape
100 Percent Fed Up BREAKING: ANOTHER FAKE #MeToo Presidential Candidate BUSTED For Reportedly Ignoring Aide’s Sexual Harassment Claim
mrc tv Report: #MeToo 'Champion' Sen. Gillibrand Refused to Fire a Male Staffer For Sexual Harassment - Until the Press Got Involved
Daily Wire WATCH: Rapper 'The Game' Launches Sexist Attack On Tomi Lahren. Tomi Hits Back
mrc tv In a New Documentary, CBS Praises Human Smugglers 'Helping Migrants' Cross the U.S. Border Illegally
Louder With Crowder OPINION: The Epstein Coverup is Media Protecting Powerful, Corrupt Men

Liberal - War On Men
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Reaxxion Men Are Considered Sexist No Matter How They Treat A Woman
Daily Wire Absurd Accusations Against Aziz Ansari Completely Undermine The #MeToo Movement
Truth Revolt Prager: Male Sexual Nature - A Primer for the College-Educated - Few subjects elicit as much confused, or even nonsensical, commentary as sex.
New York Post Deadbeat son is a sign of America’s failure to raise boys
American Thinker Mean girls and stupid bureaucrats. What could go wrong?

Liberal - War On Jews - Support For Anti-Semitism - Support For Genocide
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt UCLA Prof: Leave ISIS Alone, They'll Go Away
Truth Revolt Coulter: Bryan Cranston: From Meth Cook To Hitler Apologist
Truth Revolt Liberal Columnist: Anti-Semitism Shifting Ever More to the Left - Most evident on college campuses.
Truth Revolt Muslim Cleric Tells Palestinians To Stab Jews, 'Cut Them Into Body Parts' - Several fatal stabbings have already taken place.
Truth Revolt CNN Publishes Middle East Map Without Israel - "Palestina" instead.
Truth Revolt Hall of Shame: Daily News Columnist Implies San Bernardino Victim Got What He Deserved - This is what passes for journalism in today's world warped by moral equivalence.
Truth Revolt Lieberman: YouTube Suspends Account of Palestinian Media Watchdog - What happens when you expose Palestinian Jew hatred.
Truth Revolt Bernie Sanders Lies: Israel 'Indiscriminately' Killed 10,000 Palestinians - This is what happens when leftist ideology trumps everything.
Truth Revolt Facebook Told Me Anti-Semitism Does Not Violate its 'Community Standards' - And it's telling the same to others, everyday.
Truth Revolt Glick: Moral Equivalence Has Become a Moral Atrocity - "Cycle of violence," means that there is no moral distinction between a murderer and a policeman, between a society geared toward annihilating its victim and its victim’s actions to prevent that from happening.
Truth Revolt 'Wonder Woman' Star Very Pro-Israel and Social Justice Warriors Can't Stand It - What a predicament! Strong, female character on one hand, "Zionist" on the other.
Truth Revolt Israel-Themed Party Abolished at ... Jewish Affiliated School! - But the Left is really concerned about anti-Semitism. Uh Huh.
Canada Free Press Jew hating and Jew denial: Israel fighting Palestinian terror and the Western media - Deliberate Palestinian policy to incite their followers to attack Israeli Jews and deny them any rights, not to sovereignty, not to heritage in Jerusalem, not even to life
Chicks On The Right Famous Actress And Comedian Discovers What Kind Of Bigots Hang Out On The Left
Breitbart Five Anti-Israel Offenses In Paris ‘Peace’ Summit Final Declaration
Daily Wire German Court: Burning Down A Synagogue Isn’t Anti-Semitism, It’s Just Anti-Israel
Daily Wire The New York Times Just Made A STUNNING Admission About Why Leftists Often Refuse To Call Out Anti-Semitism
National ReviewVoting for Democrats Isn’t Going to Curb Anti-Semitism
Daily Wire AirBNB Goes Anti-Semitic, Targets Jewish Businesses In Judea, Samaria
National Review The Left Lends Cover to Anti-Semitism
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Given Long Enough, Liberals Always Prove They're Bigots
Louder With Crowder ‘Los Angeles Times’ Columnist Makes Excuses for Feminists Who Support Anti-Semites
Daily Wire Democrats Say They're Stopping A Pro-Israel Bill So They Can Reopen The Government. They're Doing It Because Democrats Have Soured On Israel And Warmed To Anti-Semitism.
Conservative Review Levin: Why isn’t Congress rejecting anti-Semitism?
National Review The New, New Anti-Semitism
Jewish Journal Hijacking Holocaust Remembrance Day
Jewish Journal Why Downplay Hate Crimes Against Jews?
Conservative Review Dems postpone anti-Semitism resolution after complaints from ... anti-Semites
Federalist The Democratic Party Has Normalized Anti-Semitism
Daily Wire Democrat James Clyburn Utters Most INSANE Defense Yet Of Ilhan Omar
Daily Wire Leftist Economist Krugman Excuses Dems' Anti-Semitism: Only Anti-Semitism From The Right Frightens Me
Daily Wire Every Democratic Excuse For Ilhan Omar's Anti-Semitism Is More Vile Than The Last
Washington Free Beacon Pelosi Defends Omar: ‘She Has a Different Experience In the Use of Words’
American Thinker When They Come for the Jews, They Won't Ask Questions
Washington Free Beacon Author of NYT Anti-Israel Piece Works for Group Funded by Qatar - Critics call foul on anti-Israel advocacy masquerading as objective journalism
Federalist Skyrocketing Attacks On NYC Jews Ignored Because Of Race
Federalist Rashida Tlaib’s Lies Remind Us Why Israel Must Exist
Louder With Crowder Dear Democrats: For the Love of God, Enough with the Holocaust Comparisons
Geller Report The Democrat Party Is Purging the Jews
American Thinker The Prevalence of Antisemitism
Louder With Crowder Disgusting: Thug Out on Bail After Beating Jewish Man Unconscious is Given Hero's Welcome
American Thinker No Matter Their Location, Jews Are The Scapegoat
Louder With Crowder Ilhan Omar Doubles Down on Anti-Semitism During CNN Appearance. Then, She Triples Down.
mrc tv Choosing Sides? Facebook Shuts Down Pro-Israel Prayer Page with Over 75 Mil. Followers
Louder With Crowder Jewish students get barricaded in school library by pro-Hamas protestors, yet the behind-the-scenes details are WORSE
Louder With Crowder Rashida Tlaib goes bananas accusing Joe Biden of genocide in video calling for the elimination of Israel
Dan bongino Show Head of Org That Partnered With Biden Admin to “Fight Antisemitism” Praises October 7 Hamas Terror Attack
Louder With Crowder Watch: Instead of arresting pro-Hamas activists blocking traffic in Jewish neighborhood, police deliver them coffee

Liberal - War On Americans - War on America - Hatred Of America
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Red State The American Left Hates Americans More Than They Hate ISIS
Truth Revolt Prager: The Atlantic Publishes All You Need to Know About the Left - To the Atlantic writers, defending Western civilization is nothing more than a defense of white racism.
Spouting Off Category: Weird Thoughts About Reclaiming Modernism
Conservative Review Levin: ‘The hate-America Democrats passed a resolution telling you that America sucks’
Breitbart ‘Anarchy and Chaos’: Violent Antifa Protests Break Out in Portland
Conservative Brief College Snowflakes BAN Pledge of Allegiance
WSJ It’s a Travesty to Compare the Capitol Siege to 9/11
American Thinker It’s Outright War on Conservatives
PJ Media Third Worldizing America
Louder With Crowder Ye exposes what Adidas did to his ApplePay: 'If this can happen to me, this can happen to other Americans'

Liberal - War On Unbelievers - Death To Unbelievers - War On Conservatives killing anmyone who disagrees with you is acceptable to the liberals
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt Pulitzer Prize-Winning Leftist Wishes Murder on Republican Lawmakers - "Isn’t that what the Romans or Greeks or some other early practitioners of democracy used to do with solicitous and unprincipled public officials?"
Westen Free Press The Top Three Reasons Why Liberals Hate Conservatives
American Thinker Liberals Don't Care about Character
American Greatness They Don’t Hate Donald Trump-They Hate You

Liberal - War On Halloween
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt SJWs Flood Retailers with Negative Reviews of 'Culturally Appropriated' Halloween Costumes - "Wow! I bought this costume last year and realized it was completely inappropriate and problematic."
Truth Revolt Progressive Parents Use Halloween to Shame Children About Their ‘White Privilege’ - "White parents [must] check their entitlement on Halloween-and make sure that their children’s costume choices are not reinforcing a culture of racism."
Daily Wire Here Is Your Only Approved Halloween Costume, According To The Left
Louder With Crowder Woke School Cancels Halloween, Ruins Fun In The Name Of "Equity" And "Inclusion"

Liberal - Support For Criminals - Support of War On Police - Support of Immigrants Slaughtering of Americans
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt Coulter: Smart Policing: Lock Up Liberals
Truth Revolt Baltimore Has Highest Monthly Murder Rate since 1972
mrc NewsBusters Fox's Hannity Shares Media Research Center's ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Report
Truth Revolt Mosby: 'Absurd' That Baltimore Officers Think I Don't Have Their Backs - Happy to tout achievements, not so happy to discuss strained relationship with officers
Yahoo! News CNN's Fredricka Whitfield says she 'misspoke' when she called Dallas PD gunman 'courageous and brave'
Truth Revolt The Progressive Crime Wave Grows - Murder, murder, everywhere, but Obama's not to blame.
Truth Revolt Coulter: San Bernardino Shooters Unknown - Here Are Some Past Mass Shooters - Mostly white men???
Truth Revolt MSNBC: Chicago Protest Leader Demands That Police Be Defunded - Yeah, that'll make Chicago safer.
American thinker Why Liberals Identify with Criminals
not the bee San Francisco Bicycle Coalition says not to call police when your bike is stolen because it hurts "Black and brown" people

Liberal - Support For Idiots
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Louder With Crowder Dear Ocasio-Cortez: It’s Not Because You’re a Woman of Color. It’s Because You’re an Idiot.

Liberal - Political Correctness
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Political correctness is tyranny with manners. - Charlton Heston Americans Sign Petition To Let Illegals Out Of Prison, No Matter What Crimes They Committed
Daily Caller Greg Gutfeld slams media: ‘A dead Australian is just the price you pay to be politically correct’
The College Fix All-You-Can-Eat Taco Bars Deemed Offensive, Face Campus Extinction
Rocket News 24 Were Japanese soccer fans ‘wrong’ to clean up after themselves at the World Cup?
IJReview These Charts Show How Gender Bias May Have Played A Role In The White House Secret Service Breaches
Allen B. West Zero women pass Marine Combat Endurance test; Army allowing women in Ranger School
Western Journalism The Problems of Women in Combat - From a Female Combat Vet
MRC TV HIDDEN CAMERA: Steven Crowder Trying To Buy A Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries
MRC TV Woman Fails FDNY Physical SIX TIMES, Fix Is In For 7th Try
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, 'Thought Police'
YouTube Bill Whittle on The Narrative: The origins of Political Correctness
Truth Revolt John Rhys-Davies, Adam Carolla Skewer Political Correctness, Islamic Terror - "We have lost our moral compass completely, and, unless we find it, we’re going to lose our civilization."
Mises Institute PC Is About Control, Not Etiquette
Daily Wire This New Study About The Unpopularity Of Political Correctness Will Shock You

Liberal - Liberal Logic - Liberal Thought
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
National Review The On-Again, Off-Again Arguments about ‘Dangerous Rhetoric’ Leading to Violence
Vox I'm a liberal professor, and my liberal students terrify me
Truth Revolt PRAGER: Differences Between Left and Right, Part I - "If you can’t explain both sides, how do you know you’re right?"
Truth Revolt PRAGER: Differences Between Left and Right, Part II: Battling Society vs. Battling Yourself - "Fundamentally transforming any but the worst society can only make the society worse."
Truth Revolt DENNIS PRAGER: ‘Does It Do Good?’ vs. ‘Does It Feel Good?’ Left-Right Differences: Part III - Reason asks: "Does it do good?" Liberalism asks, "Does it feel good?"
Truth Revolt PRAGER: The Left Rejects Painful Truths: Left-Right Differences, Part IV - Leftism appeals to those who wish to remain innocent children.
Truth Revolt Prager: It’s All About Big Government Left-Right Differences: Part V - Clarity is a conservative's best friend.
Truth Revolt Prager: The Left’s Contempt for America: Left-Right Differences, Part VI - The Left’s attitude toward America betrays a broken moral compass, historical ignorance and, worst of all, ingratitude.
Truth Revolt Prager: How Do You Know What’s Right and Wrong? Left-Right Differences, Part VII - How do most secular people arrive at moral decisions?
Truth Revolt Prager: Why the Left Loves "Change" - Left-Right Differences: Part VIII - If only things would "change," leftists convince themselves, they would finally be happy.
Truth Revolt Prager: Is a National Identity Necessary? Left-Right Differences, Part IX - Superman has renounced his American citizenship.
Truth Revolt CDC: More Heroin Deaths Than Gun Homicides, Dems Want Drugs Legalized - Their logic is mystifying.
Truth Revolt Prager: Some on the Left Now Criticize the Students They Created - Until they take responsibility for it, they are not to be taken seriously.
Truth Revolt MUST-WATCH: Mock PSA Ad Ruthlessly Destroys Leftist ‘Tolerance’ - This is really good.
YouTube Andrew Klavan: How to Behave During an Islamic Massacre
American Thinker Unions screwed by Obamacare
American Thinker College Republicans refused entry to Obama's speech; labled 'security threat
American Thinker A Lesson in Liberal/Democratic Party Hypocrisy
American Thinker Killing Christians and Jews
American Thinker The Left's Problem with Nature and Logic
Larry Elder If Paula Deen is Out, Please Explain Maher and Sharpton
BostInno Harvard Finds the Mere Mention of Money Makes Good People Do Bad Things
Since this is a "Liberal" study, they refused to take the next logical step and consider the effect of money on politicians.
On the other hand, if politicians are not people, or are not good people, then that might be why Harvard refused to think about politicians and money.
politico Bill Clinton named 'Father of the Year'
Only liberals can believe that a man that will screw anything in a skirt and lied to the American Public is a good example of how a father should behave.
They talk about his many contributions, but neglected to mention his contribution of sperm to every female (intern, co-worker, ...) within his reach.
YouTube How Liberals Argue
John C. Wright's Journal Restless Heart of Darkness - Part Two
Wall Street Journal Sounds Familiar - A Beltway cliché becomes an ObamaCare excuse.
Monster Hunter Nation Fisking the HuffPo because JK Rowling is nice and I’m not
reason The Lovecraftian World of Obamacare - Facts are easy. You can check facts. But supporters of the health law are warping reality to such a debauched degree it looks like something out of a tale by H.P. Lovecraft.
Elder Statement - Larry Elder FLASHBACK: Australian Muslim Cleric Calls For Beheading--Who Cares?
Monster Hunter Nation The Internet Arguing Checklist
Canada Free Press Breaking: Liberals Believe Racial Bias is Natural and Good
Monster Hunter Nation Operation Pouty Face
IJReview ‘Fantastic!’: Watch This Army Colonel’s Takedown of ‘White Privilege’ Leave Fox Anchor Speechless
Project Veritas Project Veritas’ Newest Video (where Hollywood elite show their support for anything that is anti-American)
Young Conservatives Liberals passed a bill to change this fish’s name because it is "hurtful" and "offensive"
Young Conservatives College student forced to go to "diversity training" and is called a racist, his response is legendary
Hot Air Milbank: Why would GOP want Secret Service to protect Obama?
Truth Revolt MEDVED: Musical Establishment Compares "Brutality" Of Talk Radio To Islamic Extremism
Truth Revolt This Week In Progressive Lunacy: Bus Slogan Read Backwards is Racist - Only a progressive would go through the mental contortions necessary to find a misspelled, backwards bus slogan racist.
MRC TV Judge Napolitano: Baltimore D.A. Is 'Just a Two-Bit Political Hack Who Happens to Have Gotten Elected as a Prosecutor'
mrc tv The 5 Dumbest Tweets of the Week
mrc tv Stealing From Wal-Mart Is Not a Crime, UW Relations Director Declares
Truth Revolt Trigger Warning: Don't Say 'American' - It's Offensive - Where does that leave 'African-American'?
Truth Revolt University Prez Blasts School's Language Guide that Suggests 'American' is Offensive - Defends free speech
YouTube Absolute Proof Liberalism is a Mental Disorder
Liberals Think Backward The 4D Nutwork of liberal debate - deride, distract, deny, demonize
Daily Wire Ladies, Remember Men Are Dangerous. Now Share A Bathroom With Them And Don't Carry A Gun.
Monster Hunter International Fisking the "Stop Telling Poor People to Cook" Doofus, with Special Guest, My Mom Spurious Correlations
American Thinker The Awful Unintended Consequences of Virtue-Signaling Liberals
Imogene Nix Is this the best we can be?
The Right Geek The Left Needs to Retire These Rhetorical Tics
John C. Wright The Seven Sacraments of the Religious Left
Victory Girls Warren: Invest in Our Children And Practice Infanticide

Liberal - Liberal Logic - Why Hillary Clinton Lost - Blame Game
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Hillary Clinton didn't lose because of her genitals, but because of her character and her contempt for America and Americans.
mrc tv Clinton Camp: White Women Didn't Vote for Clinton Due to 'Internalized Misogyny'
mrc tv Bill Clinton Blames Hillary Loss on Russians, Comey, 'Angry, White Men'
Breitbart Teachers Union Leaders Devastated that So Many Members Voted Trump
Breitbart Schweizer: Hillary Lost Because ‘Corruption Has Consequences’

Liberal - Plagiarism - Support For Plagiarism
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
NewsBusters MSNBC Defends Past Plagiarism of Biden, Obama; Condemns Melania’s ‘Moronic Plagiarism’
NewsBusters Cosmo Writer Says Defending Melania Is A Sign of White Privilege NewsBusters Nets Keep Hammering Melania Trump, Went Easy on Obama Plagiarism in ’08
mrc tv Ebony Magazine Blames Melania Trump Plagiarism on... Racism
Daily Wire 7 Democrats Who Were Caught For Plagiarism, Including Obama And Biden

Liberal - Parenting - Child Care
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt Neglect Ruling Against "Free Range" Maryland Parents Overturned

Liberal - Intelligence Or Lack
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
YouTube Hank Johnson (Congress D-GA) - Warns Guam May Capsize
YouTube Obama Supporters are Idiots!
Personal Liberty Digest April Fooled? You Must Be A Liberal
YouTube Understanding How Modern Liberals Think
Daily Wire HILARIOUS: Leftists Fall For Mock Petition Blasting Israel For Not Letting Palestinians Fish In The DEAD SEA
Louder With Crowder Liberal Stupidity Drives Up Rental Costs Around the Country, Upsetting Stupid Liberals

Liberal - Social Justice Warrior (SJW)
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Social Justice Warriors are snivelling little weak-ass narcissists - Bret Easton Ellis
Justice means finding the truth. Social Justice means subverting the truth.
Social Justice has nothing to do with justice.
Three Laws of SJW, by Vox Day
1. SJWs Always Lie
2. SJWs Always Double Down
3. SJWs Always Project
medium On Leaving the SJW Cult and Finding Myself
YouTube What is Social Justice?
Christopher Cantwell Every SJW Is Suicidal
Reaxxion Where The Ideology Of Fanatical Social Justice Warriors Comes From
Reaxxion Why It’s Important To Hold The Line Against Social Justice Warriors - How to combat SJW idiocy
Monster Hunter Nation Correia uses a bad word, and it is the Worst Thing Ever: SJW Outrage of the Week
Monster Hunter Nation SJW Cannibal Feeding Frenzy
Vox Popoli Social Justice Warriors (SJW)
American Thinker Fighting Back Against the SJWs
Breitbart Feminists Are Trying To Frame Linus Torvalds For Sexual Assault, Claims Open Source Industry Veteran
Armed and Dangerous From kafkatrap to honeytrap
Tangent Jousting with Straw Puppies
Video: This Is What a Social Justice Warrior Looks Like
National Review South Park Shows How to Defeat the Social-Justice Warriors
John C. Wright Barbarian, Troglodyte, Morlock
Trut Revolt Harvard Apologizes for Social Justice 'Holiday Placemat'
Truth Revolt Firewall: Appropriate This! [Video] - "Why don’t you grow up, you whiny little crybabies?"
Truth Revolt Epic! Steven Crowder Goes Batty on SJW Hecklers - "Oh, I’m a racist...that’s a new one."
Independent Read Bret Easton Ellis' excoriating monologue on social justice warriors and political correctness
Monster Hunter Nation Fisking the Latest Diversity in Sci-Fi Freak Out
Monster Hunter Nation The Social Justice Warrior Racist Reading Challenge, A Fisking.
Monster Hunter Nation Fisking NPR about Latinos in the movies
Monster Hunter Nation No,, GenCon Isn’t Racist. A Fisking.
Monster Hunter Nation Writers should be Cultural Appropriating all the Awesome Stuff
Town Hall Conservatives Reject Unilateral Disarmament In The Face Of Liberal Social Fascism
Front Page Mag Springtime for Snowflakes - A professor’s memoir of the closing of the American mind.

Liberal - Cultural Appropriation
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Bookworm Room If cultural appropriation had existed in 1852, blacks might still be slaves - Black Progressives who decry cultural appropriation might want to remember that a white woman’s empathetic rendering of slavery helped spark the Civil War.
National Review How a Pretty Prom Dress Helped Reveal Rot in the American Soul
Louder With Crowder Top 10 Hilarious Reactions to Elizabeth Warren’s DNA Test Results
Louder With Crowder Cherokee Nation Responds to Elizabeth Warren’s DNA Report with Scathing Statement
mrc tv Woke Professor Says ‘Peter Rabbit’ Culturally Appropriated African-American Slave Culture

Liberal - Concern For The Handicapped
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt That Time Obama Made Fun of the Disabled - Just a little reminder.

Liberal - Concern For The Poor
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Digital Music News An Open Letter to Oprah, Whose ‘The Life You Want’ Tour Asked Me to Work for Free...
Truth Revolt SHAPIRO: The Romance of Poverty
American Thinker Michael Moore, stiffing the little guy?
Daily Signal San Francisco’s Liberal Policies Have Made It a Slum

Liberal - Concern For Oppressed
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt Torossian: The Gaza Flotilla and the Double Standard Against Israel - "Where is your humanitarian flotilla to Syria, Erdogan?"

Liberal - Concern For Religious Sensibilities
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Truth Revolt NY Times: Charlie Hebdo Cartoons Are Hate, but 'Condom Pope' is Art - "We really don't want to gratuitously offend anyone's deeply held beliefs."
Truth Revolt So Much for 'Je Suis Charlie': Swedish Artist Investigated for Satire of Muslim Refugees - So much for championing freedom of speech.
Truth Revolt Media Shamed Lack of Diversity at RNC, Ignored Religions Represented - Including Muslim, Sikh, Christian, and Jew.

Liberal - Concern For Diversity
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Liberal Definition of Diversity: not white, not male and not heterosexual
benefits of diversity include: terrorism, crime, rape, honor killng, genital mutilation
Truth Revolt Dems Talk Diversity, Lack It In Presidential Field - Five old white folks running.
Jewsih News Service Want diversity and tolerance? Stop demonizing conservative
Gateway Pundit Equifax Put a Music Major In Charge of Security Before Breach on 143 Million Americans

Liberal - Multi-Culturalism
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Sarah A. Hoyt THAT Global Village

Liberal - Danger To America and Americans
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Lew Rockwel Political Correctness Kills: Ebola, Ideology and Common Sense
mrc tv Rutgers Prof Says U.S. Is More 'Brutal' Than ISIS, Protested Condoleezza Rice Commencement Speech
Truth Revolt Prager: From Johnny Carson to Stephen Colbert - Whatever the left touches, it ruins.
American Thinker Can America Survive the Latest Plague?
Sarah A. Hoyt Doing Evil by Doing "Good"
L.A.Times Is it just me, or does Los Angeles feel a lot less safe these days?
Canada Free Press If you don't like America, Democrats, you should just clear out

Liberal - Hypocrisy
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Washington Examiner Grandma. Killer. Pelosi's hypocritical hair appointment matters, even though the media wishes it didn't
Truth Revolt Without Irony Michelle Obama Says: 'Don't Let Anybody Ever Tell You This Country Isn't Great' - Coming from the lady who until eight years ago had never been proud of her country.
Liberty News Now UCLA Whines: Hollywood 96% White
Truth Revolt Santorum: Tim Cook 'Should Get Up And Give An Apology' To Indiana
Truth Revolt Biden Warns of 'Absolute Chaos in America' if New Justice Not Confirmed Now - White House propaganda at its finest.
Truth Revolt Mizzou Hunger Strike Student Outed for Stealing, Making Fun of Women and Poor - A day in the life of a left-wing hypocrite.
Truth Revolt Black Poverty, 'Racial Justice' Expert Coates Ditches $2.1M Mansion After Media Scrutiny - Liberal hypocrisy at its most lavish.
Truth Revolt Report: Elizabeth Warren Vilifies Housing Market 'Predators' Yet Flipped Several Homes for Profit Herself - "Do as I say, not as I do." The liberal mantra.
Truth Revolt Maroon 5 Cancels NC Shows, But Heading to Anti-LGBT Russia - Virtue-signaling at its finest.
Truth Revolt Mark Zuckerberg Building Wall Around 700-Acre Hawaii Property - "Instead of building walls, we can help build bridges," the Facebook creator once said.
Truth Revolt UC Berkeley Income Inequality Experts Raking in $300K + Salaries - Classic liberal hypocrisy.
Truth Revolt Out of Touch Celebs Launch #UnitedAgainstHate -- We'll Give You Two Guesses Whose 'Hate' They Stand Against - If you guessed Islamic terrorists, you don't know Hollywood.
Truth Revolt U.S. Marine Blasts Khizr Khan's 'Hypocrisy' for Aligning With Anti-Military Democrats - And says it's ironic because Trump is trying to protect Americans from the very people who killed Khan's son.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Leo DiCaprio's Dirty Dollars - Dirty birds of a feather flock together.
Truth Revolt Kaepernick Protests Oppression Then Wears Castro Shirt - Tone deaf.
Truth Revolt Liberal Hypocrites: Low-Income, Hispanic Residents of Silicon Valley Apartment Evicted to Make Room for Facebook Staff - "There’s no understanding of the real human cost."
Truth Revolt Like Mother, Like Daughter: Chelsea Jets to ‘Clean Energy’ Conference - Democrats continue their love/hate relationship with the environment.
Truth Revolt Exactly Zero Hollywood Actors Took Robert Davi’s Oscar Challenge to Admit Refugees - Wait a minute, that can’t be true!
Truth Revolt Gov. Jerry Brown Leaves Behind HUGE Carbon Footprint Traveling to Hype Climate Change - Somebody's got to get the message out!
Breitbart Panic Mode: Khizr Khan Deletes Law Firm Website that Specialized in Muslim Immigration
Truth Revolt Adam Carolla: Why We Can't Roast Lena Dunham - "You would be run out of this town."
Truth Revolt Hollywood's Closeted Trump Community Afraid to Speak Out - They say Hollywood liberals have made the climate particularly "toxic" this election cycle.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Casting Call for Another Anita Hill - Cut the crap, media.
Truth Revolt Christiane Amanpour Brags About Bias: ‘I Insist on Being Truthful, Not Neutral’ - We’ve noticed!
Truth Revolt Hypocrisy: Feminists Condemn Trump's Vulgarity While Celebrating Sexual Exhibitionism - The Left is consistently inconsistent.
Truth Revolt When a Monster Dies - The blood of innocents Castro leaves in his wake.
Truth Revolt Horowitz Responds to Tufts' Suppression of Freedom Center Anti-Terrorism Posters - "If you had a shred of integrity you would invite me to your campus to debate this issue."
Truth Revolt Video Prankster Asks Anti-Trump Protesters if They Would Personally House Refugees - Guess what their response is.
Truth Revolt Conservative Actor Challenges Oscars to Open its Doors to Illegals and Refugees - "We in Hollywood want to show Islamic extremists we have love in our hearts. What better way than by inviting them to our most important night?"
Truth Revolt Malkin: A Day Without American Tech Workers - Our own best and brightest are vanishing in plain sight. It has been going on for decades -- and it's all legal.
Truth Revolt Paul Joseph Watson: George Clooney is a Complete Idiot - We knew that. But Watson drives the point home hilariously.
Truth Revolt Guess Who Tips Even Better Than Bleeding Heart Liberals? Republicans - Libs just talk about being generous to the working class.
Truth Revolt Malkin: NFL Pigskins at the Public Trough - You wanna raise your fists on the field? Get your grubby hands out of our pockets first.
Breitbart ‘I Was Just Joking’: Media Apoplectic as Khizr Khan Attack on Donald Trump Goes Down in Flames
MRC TV Geraldo Blasts Stephanopoulos Double Standard: if It Was Fox Host, 'Liberal Wolves Would Be Howling'
mrc tv VIDEO: Liberal Hypocrisy Exposed at 'Democracy Spring' Rally
mrc tv Ben & Jerry Scooped Up by Police While Protesting Money in Politics
mrc tv George Clooney Throws $353K Per Couple Hillary Fundraiser - Then Complains About Money in Politics
mrc tv Nancy Pelosi's Arrogance: Rules Are for Thee and Not for Me
mrc tv New Black Panther Party Leader Was Robbed And Immediately Dialed 911
mrc tv Kerry, UN Meet in Morocco to 'Save the Climate' as Moroccan Women Told to Hide Their Beaten Faces
mrc tv A New Report Says Facebook Pays Filipinos $2.33 an Hour to Check For 'Offensive' Content
mrc tv Survey Finds 94% of Hollywood Women Say They've Been Sexually Harassed or Assaulted
Response Action Network Stephanopoulos and the Pedophile
Response Action Network In the tank for Hillary
Truth Revolt Biden Bashes Biden Rule - Also forgets that he once opposed presidential appointment to the Supreme Court.
American Thinker George Clooney denounces ‘obscene’ big money in politics after hosting Hillary fundraiser where seats at head table sold for $343,400
American Thinker Liberals to Roseanne: Do as I Say, Not as I Do
American Thinker Kavanaugh circus underlined the hypocrisy of the left
Jewish World Review ESPN Fires Curt Schilling --- What About Liberal Offenders?
Daily Wire Cosby's Lawyer Calls Out Media Double Standard -- And He's Half-Right
Daily Wire NCAA: Bathrooms Must Be Integrated, Sports Must Remain Separate But Equal
Daily Wire The Astounding Hypocrisy of Hollywood, the Media and the Democrats on the Trump Tape
Daily Wire On Illegal Immigration, Dems Suddenly Discover Federalism Is Fabulous!
Daily Wire Why Does the Left Go Easy on Dictators?
Daily Wire In Wake of Trump, Democrats Suddenly Discover Freedom of Association
Daily Wire 5 Reasons Meryl Streep's A Hypocrite About Hollywood & Immigration
Daily Wire A Few Thoughts On Hollywood's 'Stunning Bravery' At The Golden Globes
Daily Wire Trump Just Proved Democrats Don't Care About DREAMers
National Review The Left's Hypocrisy Shines Brghtest After Terrorist Attacks
YouTube Michael Moore is a Sack of Shit
InfoWars Tim Allen: Hollywood Calls Trump a Bully, Then Bullies Anyone Who Supports Him - Home Improvement star calls out 'tolerant left' on their own intolerance
YouTube Jill Stein is a Complete Idiot
YouTube Michael Moore is a Sack of Shit
Daily Caller Good News, America! Nobody Cares What Celebrities Think
Daily Wire David Schwimmer Did Something Awesome To Make A Female Critic Feel Comfortable. The Media Cheer Him. So Why Did They Target Mike Pence?
D C Statesman After Hillary Clinton Denounces Guns, This 1 Pict
Louder With Crowder HYPOCRITES: 5 Things Liberals Don’t Actually Believe
Daily Wire MASTER TROLL: Trump Points Out The Obamas Have A 10-Foot Wall Around Their House
Daily Wire WATCH: Laura Loomer Brings Illegal Immigrants To Nancy Pelosi's Home. Pelosi Has Police Remove Them.
mrc tv IRONY: Elizabeth Warren Says She Has 'Zero' Sympathy For Parents Who Cheat to Get Their Kids Into College
Conservative Review Progressivism destroys the true and beautiful to normalize its own blighted life
Conservative Review Malkin: Nancy Pelosi’s perv problem
Louder With Crowder FLASHBACK: How Media & Biden Supporters Handled Kavanaugh Rape Accusations
Western Journal Ex-ESPN Reporter Cheered for Burning Housing Unit, But Called Cops When His Neighborhood Was Threatened
Breitbart Democrat L.A. City Council Member Pushed to Cut LAPD Funding While Having Private LAPD Detail at Home
Federalist Sen. Marco Rubio Shreds Ruling Class Hypocrisy: ‘Why Would People Trust You?’
American Thinker Chicago Mayor Lightfoot takes hypocrisy to a new level
mrc tv 'On a Public Street?' Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Using Officers as Personal Security to Stop the Press
American Thinker Speaker 'Marie Antoinette' Pelosi reminds us lockdowns are for the little people
Zero Hedge Surprise! Politicians aren’t following their own COVID rules ...
mrc tv Ginsberg's Death Exposes Washington Post's Hypocrisy, and NY Gov. Cuomo's Double-Standards
mrc tv Millionaire Celebs Beg DC Politicians To Bail Out Movie Theaters With Taxpayer Money
Louder With Crowder MMA Fighter Unloads on the Left's Sudden 'Concern' for Police Officers
Louder With Crowder MSNBC Suddenly Pushes Back on Greta Thunberg When She Dares Criticize Joe Biden
mrc tv Socialism-Supporting TikTok Star Gets Lit Up After Showing Off $2M Apartment - and Defends Herself In the Dumbest Way
mrc tv Independent Hip-Hop Star Tom MacDonald Releases Viral Single Calling Out 'Snowflakes'mrc tv Five Cringe-worthiest Moments From Texas Dems' Publicity Stunt
PJ edia Daily Dose of Downey: 5 Examples of Hypocrisy That Make It Impossible to Take Liberals Seriously
mrc tv Disney Admonishes Russia, But What About China?
Ann Coulter California’s Homelessness Magnates
Epoch Times Gavin Newsom’s Weird Idea of ‘Freedom’
Louder With Crowder Watch: CNN Delivers Devastating Takedown To Chicago Teachers Union President Over Her School Choice Hypocrisy
mrc tv Just Don't Do It? Activist Calls for Nike Boycott...While Wearing Nike Shoes
Louder With Crowder WATCH: John Fetterman Breaks Hearts On "The View" Dismissing George Santos For Democrat Colleague He Says Is WORSE

Liberal - Nightmares
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Western Rifle Shooters Association Bracken: What I Saw At The Coup

Liberal - Hoaxes - False Accusations - Fake Crime
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Hate Crime Hoaxes
Truth Revolt We're Shocked, Shocked: Whole Foods 'Hate Cake' a Hoax - Bakery fakery.
mrc tv 5 Hate Hoaxes Blamed on Trump Since Election Night
mrc tv BGSU Student Lies About Being Attacked By Trump Supporters
mrc tv Muslim Student Made Up Hate Crime Hoax Because She Missed Curfew
mrc tv Racist Letter at St. Olaf Was a Hoax, College President Admits
mrc tv Black Former UMD Employee Charged With Drawing a Swastika on Campus
mrc tv Kansas State Student Faked Racist Note on His Apartment Door
Truth Revolt Texas Hate Hoax: Man Writes 'N–gger Lovers' on His Own Home - "David confessed to spray painting our garage door."
Gateway Pundit HATE HOAX EPIDEMIC: At Least 17 Faked Trump Hate Crimes Reported Since November Election
American Thinker Explosive Packages a False Flag?
American Thinker Sayoc Accusation Doesn't Pass the Smell Test
Quillette Hate Crime Hoaxes are More Common than You Think
Federalist ‘I’m... At A Loss For Words’: The Unraveling Narrative Behind The Atlantic’s Defund-The-Police ‘Shooting’ Tale
Info Wars COVID HOAX: Arizona LGBTQ Professor Who "Died of Coronavirus" Never Existed - Liberal assistant professor takes responsibility for fake Twitter account
Federalist Fake Florida Whistleblower Rebekah Jones Admits Entire Operation Was A Hoax

Liberal - escaping from the SJW cult - Blacks With Brains - Escape From The Democrat Plantation
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
mrc tv Black Americans Proclaim 'Black Conservatism is the New Punk Rock!'

Liberal - escaping from the SJW cult - WalkAway - #WalkAway
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Real Great American Brandon Straka Launches #WalkAway March on Washington! Be There! October 26-28, 2018
medium On Leaving the SJW Cult and Finding Myself
reddit Good Raw Stats, Subpar WE. What are my Chances?
Truth Revolt Ex-Cal State Prof Says She ‘Escaped’ Addiction to Political Correctness - Freedom!
YouTube #WalkAway - Brandon Straka, "Why I left the Democratic Party"
YouTube Leaving The Left, My #WalkAway Story
YouTube #WalkAway "All my life I voted Democrat. I'm disillusioned."
YouTube #walkaway I walked away after I ran for City Council in California
Red State Here’s Why I Chose to #WalkAway From Liberalism
USA Today The Democratic Party left me behind - and I'm not alone
Men Of The West Why I’m voting Republican this year
Gateway Pundit BIG NEWS! Top Hollywood Actor Isaiah Washington Joins #WalkAway Panel Event in Los Angeles – Big Announcement Coming!
medium After Attending a Trump Rally, I Realized Democrats Are Not Ready For 2020 - I’ve been a Democrat for 20 years, but my experience made me realize just how out of touch my party is with the country at large
Louder With Crowder Lesbian YouTuber Announces She’s Leaving the Crazy Left. Her Rant is Awesome!
Louder With Crowder Black Democrat Voting for Trump: ‘I Don’t Like Him, But...’ [VIDEO]
mrc tv Civil Rights Attorney & Former Democrat 'Shunned' : The Party 'Has Been Hijacked by Black Lives Matter'
PowerLine Georgia H walks away

Liberal - Heros
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Daily Wire Now That Manson's Dead, Don't Forget The Radical Leftists Who Cheered His Evil

Liberal - Reaction To Liberalism
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Town Hall Liberals Are Shocked To Find We’re Starting To Hate Them Right Back
mrc tv Billionaire Hedge Fund CEO & Harvard Grad. Calls Out DEI Poisoning of College Campuses

Liberal - Cities
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
American Thinker Tucker Carlson looks at the horrors in Pelosi's own district of San Francisco

Liberal - Pets / Animals - Politization of Animal Training
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Louder With Crowder “I Will Not Project Colonial Concepts On My Dog”: Trainers Debate If Disciplining Your Pet Is “Systemic Oppression”

Liberal - Humor (actually this is conservative humor because liberals have no sense of humor)
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
YouTube The Boy Who Cried Wolf - Modernized (Book Reading)
Louder With Crowder Comedian Explains How Amazing It Feels for People to Admit They're Actually Conservative
Save The Snowflakes
Monster Hunter Nation ASK KUNTZMAN!
MRC TV Video: Song Mocking Millennials Going Viral
mrc tv Happy 'Tell a Fairy Tale' Day, Snowflakes! This One's For You
PJ Media Hilarious 'Sponsor a Millennial' Parody
YouTube The First Amendment: Liberal Edition
YouTube The 2nd Amendment: Liberal Edition
YouTube Mom, Dad....I'm a Conservative.
YouTube Being a Social Justice Warrior - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 88
YouTube Impotent Rage: The Liberal Superhero
YouTube What Firing A Comedian For Old Jokes Is Like
Daily Wire Video Hilariously Mocks Liberals Suddenly Concerned With Reining In Executive Power
Crisis Magazine A Memo to Google Employees on the Recent Outrage
Town Hall Christmas Is the Perfect Time to Mock Liberals, and Other Random Thoughts
Babylon Bee Trump Supporter Executed Live On Stage At Grammy Awards
Babylon Bee Mark Zuckerberg Finishes Another Long Day Of Deciding What People Should Believe
Babylon Bee How To Argue On The Internet: A Step-By-Step Guide
Babylon Bee Scarlett Johansson Under Fire For Agreeing To Play Giant Sandworm In Upcoming ‘Dune’ Adaptation
Monster Hunter Nation Fisking the New Yorker in Defense of Delicious Chicken
YouTube It's Time: Listen to the Children - Owen Benjamin (and the unbearables)
Hollywood In Toto We the Internet Shreds ‘Truth to Power’ Liberal Comics
YouTube How to spot a Social Justice Warrior
Chicago Tribune Commentary: My nephew tried to school me on cultural appropriation. It didn't end well.
Louder With Crowder Hysterical! How to Tweet Like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in Five Easy Steps
Babylon Bee Progressive Immediately Attacked By Online Mob After Suggesting Liberals Should Be More Civil
YouTube 3 Steps for Dealing with Hate Speech - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 144
Babylon Bee Democratic Socialist Convention Forced To Communicate Via Interpretive Dance To Avoid Offending Any Attendees
Babylon Bee Radical, Far-Right Library Just Has Books, No Drag Queens
Babylon Bee Ellen Outed As Conservative After She Treats Others With Respect
Babylon Bee Bernie Sanders: 'We Must Pay Off Student Debt To Stay True To Our Liberal Values Of Not Taking Personal Responsibility For Anything'
Babylon Bee Dems Change Mind On Border Wall After Realizing It Will Keep People From Leaving When We Switch To Socialism
Babylon Bee Progressive Immediately Attacked By Online Mob After Suggesting Liberals Should Be More Civil
Babylon Bee Democrats Call For Flags To Be Flown At Half-Mast To Grieve Death Of Soleimani
Babylon Bee Nation's Wealthy, Privileged Gather To Lecture Nation On Evils Of Wealth, Privilege
Babylon Bee Authorities Investigating Dangerous Breach In Hollywood Bubble
Babylon Bee New Law Would Allow Millennials To Stay On Their Parents' Netflix Account Until They're 35
Babylon Bee Hollywood Confirms Plans To Continue Saying Conservatives Hate Women
Daily Wire New York Times Issues Guidelines On How To Not Cover Sexual Assault [Satire]
Daily Wire Times Explains Why Biden Is Not As Bad As Kavanaugh Even Though He Killed A Hooker And Is Now In A Shootout With Police [Satire]
Glorious American Bill Maher Hopes Democrats Stop Acting So Stupid So He Can Go Back To Calling Republicans Stupid
Babylon Bee Huffington Post Criticizes Reality For Not Having As Many LGBTQ People As Netflix Shows
Babylon Bee Hollywood Actors Pledge Never To Take A Role Where They Have To Pretend To Be Someone Else
Babylon Bee Equality At Last: Disney Confirms Winnie The Pooh Will Now Be Voiced By An Actual Bear
Glorious American Despite Pressure, Local Business Owner Refuses To Release Statement On Black Lives Matter
Louder With Crowder Meet the World's First Morbidly Obese Fashion Photographer
Glorous American How Can You Call Me A ‘Limousine Liberal’ If I Drive The Audi Q8 My Dad Bought Me?
YouTube Doctors Diagnose Liberal
YouTube The Boy Who Cried Adolf (Book Reading)
Babylon Bee Progressives Furious At Alien Bringing Message of Peace And Unity
YouTube It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Fascism (a Christmas Carol)

Liberal - Go Woke, Go Broke - Get Woke, Go Broke - BudLight Effect
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
With great wokeness comes great brokeness
News Max 'MAGA' Fund Outperforming Biden-Endorsed ESG Investments by Wide Margin
Louder With Crowder Elon Musk Denounces Rising Wokeness Infecting American Companies: ‘Been Twisted to Insanity
Last Treehouse Actions Have Consequences - Red Hen Restaurant Refusal to Serve Press Secretary Leads To Drop in Town Tourism ...
Louder With Crowder Levi Strauss Partners with Gun Control Groups
mrc tv Dick’s Sporting Goods 'Gets Woke' With PC Decision on Guns, May Now Face Layoffs
Daily Wire Get Woke, Go Broke: ‘Charlie’s Angels’ Bombs At The Box Office
ijr Study: Starbucks’ Open-To-All Bathroom Policy Cost It Customers
Breitbart NBA Playoff Ratings Crash by 23%, Lowest Watched in 5 Years
PJ Media Fans Not Woke Enough to Watch the NBA Finals
American Thinker NBA caves! No 'Black Lives Matter' on courts and jerseys next year
Breitbart Pro Sports Suffer Ratings Disasters, Lose Billions in Revenue in 202
mrc tv Cancel Commercials: Super Bowl Ad Regulars Avoid Game Over Fear of Offending
American Thinker Nickelodeon is paying a price for its LGBT proselytizing
newsbusters CNN Continues to Circle the Drain, Hemorrhaging Viewers in Ugly 2nd Quarter
Turley Talks Woke Colleges are CLOSING DOWN PERMANENTLY Throughout the Nation while Conservative Colleges are FLOURISHING!!!
American Thinker Wokester wake-up call: NBC Olympics ratings plunge 49%
Turley Talks Massive BACKLASH Against WOKE CULTURE Will DESTROY the Left!!!
YouTube Woke & Broke another Charity bites the Dust !
We Love Trump A Year After Dropping MyPillow, Company Closes 37 Stores — “Lack Of Inventory” Cost Them $100 Million?
mrc tv Woke is Kryptonite for Superman Reader
mrc tv One More NBA Disaster: All-star Game Lapped by Daytona 500 TV Ratings
mrc tv Audiences Reject Woke Television: Many Leftist Shows Cancelled in 2022
mrc tv Netflix Stocks Plunge After Quarterly Report Reveals Subscriber Exodus
Louder With Crowder Florida House Revokes Disney's Special Tax Breaks, Disney CEO Could Be Fired
mrc tv Hollywoke Crumbling? April was a Disaster for Disney, Netflix & More
mrc tv Too Woke! More TV Viewers Watched College Softball Than MLB
mrc tv Go Woke, Go Broke: Disney's 'Positive' Rating Plummets to 33%
Louder With Crowder Ron DeSantis Plans to Veto $35 Million Deal Over Sports Franchise's Decision to Pander to Woke Politics
mrc tv Disney's Woke 'Lightyear' Bombs At the Box Office
Louder With Crowder Dave Chappelle Challenged Fans and Haters to Donate to a School, Discovers His Haters Are Cheap Losers
Town Halll More Disney Problems as 'Lightyear' Crashes and the Press Ignores the Woke Agenda Behind It
Epoch Times More Companies Join the ‘Great Migration’ to Red States
Louder With Crowder Queer Cafe Closes After Employees Accuse Owners of Being 'Gentrifiers' and Attempted a Woke Hostile Takeover
mrc tv The Left Eats Its Own: Woke 'Queer-Owned' Cafe Closes After Employees Rage About 'Gentrification and Anti-Blackness'
Louder With Crowder Portland Lesbian Bar Forced to Close After 5 Days Because It Wasn't Woke Enough to Be a Portland Lesbian Bar
Breitbart Netflix Carnage: Loses 1 Million Subscribers, Largest Loss of Customers in Company History
mrc tv Woke Baseball’s All-Star Game Draws Worst TV Audience Ever
Wrap Trump’s Right: Drudge Report’s Audience Is Down Nearly 40% From Last Year
Post Millennial US Army FAILS recruitment targets by 25 percent, enlistment plummets after going woke
Red State Louisiana Pulls $794 Million From BlackRock to Protest Its Radical Environmental Policies
mrc tv Facebook Is Laying Off 11,000 Employees As Meta's Value Tanks
Post Millennial Briefing: Starbucks shutters another Seattle location citing safety isssues
mrc tv Despite Diminishing Returns, NBA Wants $72 Billion For Broadcast Rights
PJ Media Woke Comic Books
Breitbart Woke Fail: Netflix Shares Plummet More Than 50 Percent in 2022 — Worst Year in More than a Decade
Breitbart Woke Fail: Disney Lost $123 Billion in Market Value in 2022 as Shares Drop 44 Percent — Worst Year Since 1974
mrc tv HBO Max's Scooby Doo Reboot 'Velma' is a Woke, Anti-White Train Wreck
mrc tv Former VT Soccer Player Who Won $100k Settlement Explains Why She Stood For Anthem
mrc tv Boycott Backfire: San Fran Rethinking Its Red State Ban After It Turns Out No One Noticed
New York Post While Silicon Valley Bank collapsed, top executive pushed ‘woke’ programs
Just The News As losses mounted, Silicon Valley Bank doubled down on woke investments and left-wing rhetoric
mrc tv NBA To Trim Spending, Hiring Due To ‘Economic Headwinds’
mrc tv Nordstrom Follows Other Companies, Closing San Francisco Stores
Louder With Crowder Anheuser-Busch takes another massive hit when major bank downgrades the company's stock
PJ Media Now EVERYBODY Hates Bud Light
mrc tv Bud Light to Buy Back Unsold Expired Beer As Sales Continue to Tank
Fox Business Target loses $9 billion amid Pride merchandising controversy
mrc tv Westfield Abandons San Francisco Location Due to ‘Challenging Operating Conditions’
Louder With Crowder South Korean dude rejects being called racist for hating Little Mermaid: "You keep asking us to watch sh*tty movies"
Upstream Reviews High Republic, Low Sales - Sales of DisneyWars' High Republic novels have seen a huge decrease in sales since the franchise's big 2021 launch
mrc tv Box Office Bombers: Disney's Woke Movies Are Losing MILLIONS
mrc tv Costco Awards Bud Light the 'Black Star of Death'?
Louder With Crowder Anheuser-Busch now forced to sell off several brands in wake of Dylan Mulvaney disaster
mrc tv Berkeley Law Professor Urges Employers Not To Hire Terrorism-Shilling College Grads
Louder With Crowder Victoria's Secret learns lesson about going broke by getting woke, pledges to bring back attractive models instead
mrc tv Victoria's Secret To Bring Back Angels After Obese & Trans 'Women' Fail To Sell Lingerie
Louder With Crowder Sheriff goes viral exposing shocking ways Target refuses to let them prevent shoplifting
mrc tv Disney's Latest Film Tanks At the Box Office As the House of Mouse Crumbles
mrc tv Disney Admits Woke Approach is Not Connecting with Audiences, Financial Docs Reveal
mrc tv Daily Wire: Disney's Mad Scramble Proves Conservative Pressure Is Working
Louder With Crowder Watch: Why does Disney keep making everything lame and gay?

Liberal - Get Woke, or Get Fired - Go Woke, or Get Fired
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
InfoWars Red Bull Fires ‘Woke’ Diversity Directors Who Tried to Push For BLM Support
Louder With Crowder Watch: Target’s Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer's comments are what will turn retailer into the next Bud Light
Louder With Crowder Woman Claims She Was Fired From Starbucks Over Her Christian Values

Liberal - Get Woke, Get Attacked
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
American Thinker Antifa mob attacks Starbucks in Seattle
Town Hall D.C. Activist Who Pushed for City's Soft-on-Crime Bill Shot and Killed

Liberal - Fight Back Against Liberals
How can you tell when a liberal lies? Its lips move!
Town Hall Shoving Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals Right Back in the Left’s Ugly Face
Truth Revolt Horowitz to Conservatives: Stop Being Nice, This Is a Street Fight - "Republicans have to get in their faces."
Truth Revolt Katie Hopkins: Get Furious and Fight Back - "This is our time. Do not become like Britain."
Grunt Works Media A Message to ANTIFA from an American Infantryman - Iron Mike

Liberals Think Backwards

Liberal Media BS

Libertarian Country buy swag to show your thoughts.

A Libertarian is a person who believes that no one has the right, under any circumstances, to initiate force against another human being, or to advocate or delegate its initiation. Those who act consistently with this principle are Libertarians whether they realize it or not. Those who fail to act consistently with it are not Libertarians, regardless of what they may claim. - L. Neil Smith
Live and let live.
That government is best which governs least.
Libertarian Party, a political party that believes in freedom and minimizing government.
American Revival Libertarian Quotes
Mises Institute Is This the Libertarian Moment?
Lew Rockwell The Rothbard-Paul Message
Glenn Beck Why I’m a Libertarian Nut Instead of Just a Nut, By Penn Jillette
Punk Rockers - Blog Least Resistance Why I’m a Libertarian Nut Instead of Just a Nut, By Penn Jillette
Miss Liberty Film & Documentary World
The Advocates The Original Internet Political Quit

Libertarian - reading - fiction
Ars Gratia Libertatism (Art For Liberty) The 10 Best Libertarian Books for Beginners
Ars Gratia Libertatism (Art For Liberty) Libertarian Fiction
Libertarian Futurist Society Prometheus Awards
gizmodo 10 Greatest Libertarian Science Fiction Stories

Liberty CVlassroom An Introduction to Sound Money

The Liberty Doll
The Liberty Doll Meet the Woman Who Wants to Reduce The Male Population by 90% "For Peace"

Liberty Island let your right brain run free

Liberty Legal Foundation strategically challenging flawed court precedent to restore our Constitution and our individual liberties.

Liberty On The Rocks

Liberty Pen Advocating the moral superiority of liberty and reason
Liberty Pen Research Tools

Lindell Offense Fund fighting back against the leftist woke agenda.

Long Island Audit Exercising our First Amendment rights in a respectful manner.

Louder With Crowder
Louder With Crowder podcasts
Louder With Crowder columns
Louder With Crowder Crowder Goes Nuclear On Islamic Apologists/Cowards
Louder With Crowder OPINION: Actually, No Not all "Love" is Good Love
Louder With Crowder The Chinese Government Wasn’t Happy with This Reporter, so He Doubled Down [VIDEO]
Louder With Crowder Self-Professed "Dummy" Demands Answers on COVID Relief Bill. They're Fantastic.
Louder With Crowder SHOW NOTES: We AGREE with the CDC! Why Tucker Carlson Is Right About Masking Kids
Louder With Crowder Blackrock recruiter caught on video bragging how cheap it is to "buy" senators, who the "real" president is
Louder With Crowder Watch: Viral Blackrock recruiter gets confronted over saying he buys politicians, winds up hiding in police station
Louder With Crowder More States Are Severing Ties With The American Library Association Over Its Marxist Propaganda
Louder With Crowder Artist Ordered To Pay Museum Back $77,000 After Submitting Two Blank Canvases Literally Called ‘Take The Money And Run’
Louder With Crowder Watch: Farmer uses his chickens to illustrate the globalist utopia of a 15-minute city, and it looks miserable

Lowering The Bar News Salon

Lying Liar Fact Checking Al Franken

SERIOUS LINKS (Economy, Liberty, Government, ...)
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z
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Mad Genius club A cultural revolution in the usa?

Michelle Malkin author of book Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies

mandatory 10 Things 'Idiocracy' Predicted Would Happen, and Sadly Already Have

Market Skeptics 2010 Food Crisis For Dummies

Media Research Center bring balance to the news media.
mrc tv podcast
mrc tv VIDEO: A Conservative Interviews Katie Couric
mrc tv 'Brexit' Explained: Escape from Economic Poison Based on Deception, Saving Taxpayers 35 Million Pounds Per Day
mrc tv ‘Clown Lives Matter’ March Planned For October 15
mrc tv Collateral Damage - forgotten casualties of the left's war on coal
MRC NewsBusters blog
mrc tv
mrc tv Human Rights Campaign Has Major Diversity Problem, Leaked Internal Report Finds
mrc tv 10 Thomas Sowell Quotes Liberals Will Not Understand
mrc tv Single Dad Hit with Lawsuit for Asking Gender, Age of a Potential Babysitter
mrc tv Minnesota Non-Profit Touted By Kamala Harris Has Bailed Out an Accused Murderer and a Violent Rapist
mrc tv 'Greater Idaho' Closer to Becoming Reality? Five Oregon Counties to Vote on Leaving State
mrc tv Texas Sheriff Puts Cop Critics On Blast: 'It's Not the Job of the Officer To Raise Your Kid'
rumble GoFundMe to Refund Freedom Trucker Donations After Public Backlash
rumble TechShark: Rachel Bovard On Debanking, Canada, And The Future Of The Right
mrc tv Dude In a Trash Bag Crashes NYC Fashion Week Catwalk - and No One Even Noticed
mrc tv Poll Finds 3 in 10 Young Americans Say Bin Laden Was a 'Force For Good'

Truth Revolt Polygamists Apply for Marriage License in Montana
Truth Revolt Limbaugh: 'No Intellectually Honest Way' To Ban Polygamy Now - And don’t look to feminism to stop it
Truth Revolt Madonna's Openly Gay Brother Defends Kim Davis - "Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners."
Mises Institute An Unhappy Union: Marriage and the State
mrc tv The Latest Trend in Strange Marriages: Sologamy (Marrying Yourself)

Medical - Health Care (with and without ObamaCare = Health Care Deform)
ObamaCrap, ObamaClunker, ObamaScam
Obama Lies, Grandma Dies
Obama lied, my health plan died.
In the time it took for the United States to enter and win World War II, Barack Hussein Obama and his cronys, thugs, minions, sycophants, ... were unable to build a working website for signing up for health care.
There are two ways a government can rip off its citizens - force and/or fraud. Health care uses both.- Bill Bonner
Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) = death panel
It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it. - Thomas Sowell
O.U.C.H. = Obama Universal Coverage for Health
Medical Care - Links
American Thinker ‘Woke’ medicine is coming to a hospital near you
The World Bank dat: Physicians (per 1,000 people)
Yahoo! Finance The Obamacare ‘Shotgun Wedding’ - Marry or Lose Your Home
Natural News U.S. lawmakers secretly negotiating to exempt themselves from Obamacare
Monster Hunter Nation Shut up and eat your poop cake
Capitalism Magazine ObamaCare is America's Fault
ABC News Va. Judge Strikes Down Key Part of Obama Health Care Law
Obamacare Class Action Lawsuit
reuters States joined in suit against healthcare reform
Wall Street Journal No, You Can't Keep Your Health Plan
Patriot Post A Post-Mortem of ObamaCare
Patriot Post Pelosi's Final Tall Tale as Speaker
Conservative Punk Solutions: Then and Now
Hot Air A Critique of "10 Myths About Canadian Health Care, Busted".
the Future of Freedom Foundation The Second-Best Solution to Health Care: Do Nothing
chron Insurers escalate criticism of health overhaul
Los Angeles Times Opinion: Medicare for all $44,000 a year for health insurance? Healthy lifestyle helps fiscal fitness, too
Wall Street Journal Sorting Fact From Fiction on Health Care
Wall Street Journal ObamaCare's Tax on Work
Wall Street Journal The Worst Bill Ever. Epic new spending and taxes, pricier insurance, rationed care, dishonest accounting: The Pelosi health bill has it all.
Mises Institute A Free-Market Guide to Healthcare
Mises Institute What Motley Crue Can Teach Us About Drug Legalization.
Mises Institute The Drugs of John Gray
Mises Institute Free the Clogged-Nose 25!
Mises Institute Socialized Healthcare vs. The Laws of Economics
Mises Institute Sweden: Poorer Than You Think
Mises Institute Obamacare is a Devastating Tax on the Working Class
Mises Institute What Soviet Medicine Teaches Us
Mises Institute Time as a Price
Mises Institute What Explains Crystal Meth?
Mises Institute The Myth of Free-Market Healthcare
Mises Institute How the Experts Are Wrecking Healthcare
Mises Institute Hospital of Cards
Mises Institute The Devilish Principles of Hillarycare
Mises Institute Government Medical "Insurance"
Mises Institute Drugs: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Mises Institute The slippery slope of interventions
Mises Institute Update: Patents Kill: Compulsory Licenses and Genzyme’s Life Saving Drug
Mises Institute Healthcare Is Not Immune to the Laws of Economics
Mises Institute Republican Healthcare Plan Fails the "Jimmy Kimmel Test"
Freeman Arrogance By John Stossel, October 2009, Volume: 59, Issue: 8
Yahoo News House health care bill exceeds $1 trillion
National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) Bad Medicine Grim Prognosis From Doctors Opposed To Health Care Plan
Wall Street Journal Fact-Checking the President on Health Insurance: His tales of abuse don't stand scrutiny.
Wall Street Journal Why the Health-Care Bills Are Unconstitutional
The Washington Post Obamacare: Buy now, pay later
American Thinker Subsidized Health Care: a view from the exam room
American Thinker The Real Problems with U.S. Health Care
The American Spectator We've Figured Him Out. Why is President Barack Obama in such a hurry to get his socialized medicine bill passed?
Carpe Diem Profit Margin: Health Insurance Industry Ranks #86
Human Events Liberal Lies About National Health Care: Third in a Series (Commemorative Plates On Sale Now!)
American Vision Blog Swedish Meatballs
Washington Post Passing health reform could be a nightmare for Obama
American Council on Science and Health Stop the (Health Reform) Juggernaut (from The Pelosi bill will hurt not only drugmakers but patients too.
Rasmussen Reports Support for Congressional Health Care Reform Falls to New Low
TideWaterNewsDotCom Let's tell the truth about health-care reform
Defend Your Health Care
Yahoo! News Dozens charged with largest Medicare scam ever
Heritage Foundation What is Obamacare Costing Us?
Cato Institute Give Market Forces Room to Breathe, and Costs Will Decrease
reason The Remy Report: Health Care Mandates vs Pizza Toppings
American Thinker The Movie on Health Care That Obama Doesn't Want You to See
Daily Caller Southern Baptist Convention’s Richard Land: ‘How dumb does [Obama] think we are?’
Daily Caller Democratic leaders praise Obamacare ruling but won’t call mandate a tax [VIDEO]
Daily Caller Walter E. Williams: States should nullify Obamacare — won’t lead to military action against states [AUDIO]
The Daily Caller Report: Thousands fled Canada for health care in 2011
The Daily Caller Report: 83 percent of doctors have considered quitting over Obamacare
The Daily Caller Book: Obamacare law designed to unionize 21 million health care workers
The Daily Caller Need health care coverage? Just dial 1-800-F**KYO to reach Obamacare’s national hotline
The Daily Caller White House adviser: Obamacare didn’t kill jobs because people have been hired since it passed
Breitbart 47 Years Later, Medicare and Medicaid Are Financial Disasters
Whiskey and Gunpowder American Medical Care Is Terminal
Whiskey and Gunpowder Expat, Meet Obamacare
The Weekly Standard CBO: Obamacare to Cost $1.930 Trillion, Leave 30 Million Uninsured
Joshua Pundit The 'Ending Medicare' Myth And How It Turns The Issue In Favor Of The GOP
No Third Solution There’s No Such Thing as Free Obamacare
Small Craft Advisory How Government Destroys Health Care
Capitalism Institute Doctor Radically Lowers Costs ... Gets Attacked By Liberals
Natural News South Carolina to criminalize implementation of Obamacare; showdown with feds inevitable
Daily Reckoning Obamacare: "Let’s Just Make Sure It’s Not A Third World Experience"
Daily Reckoning How to Use Public Health to Control Everything
Daily Reckoning Mission Accomplished: Obamacare is Not "A Third World Experience"
Daily Reckoning Free Markets: Just What the Doctor Ordered
Weekly Standard Most Popular Question at How to Get Exemption From Lack-of-Coverage Penalty Fee?
Heritage Foundation - The Foundry Family Doctor: I Want to Take Care of My Patients
Canada Free Press DMV Doctors - Stay healthy, my fellow Americans.
The Foundry Obama Becoming a Punchline, but Obamacare Is No Joke
Watchdog Obamacare: A welcome mat for IRS horrors
Fox News Al Qaeda terrorists at Guantanamo treated better than our vets
cNBC First case of Obamacare ID theft? Data found in Conn. backpack
IJ Review It Gets Real Intense, Real Fast When A Democrat Senator Accuses Obamacare Opponents Of Being Racist
Reason Government Watchdog Takes Harsh Look at Rollout, Warns of More Problems to Come
Reason The Sad Story Of Obamacare
Reason Obamacare's Phony Success Story
National Review Online Thus Spake Obama - The incompetence of our neo-monarchy
Liberty News Now Another One Bites the Dust, Vermont Ditches Universal Healthcare
Powell Center for Medical Ethics
Lew Rockwell Obamacare: The Camel is in the Tent Now
Truth Revolt Coulter: How to Provide Universal Healthcare Using This One Weird Trick - "I've just solved the health insurance crisis for 90 percent of Americans."
Truth Revolt Prager U: Government Can't Fix Healthcare - They’ve been at it for seventy-five years and still can’t get it right.
YouTube The TRUTH About Universal Healthcare! (from a Canadian)
American Thinker Paying for illegals' 'free' health care by fining Californians who can't afford Obamacare
Louder With CrowderBiden Admin: Let's label more black veterans "mentally disabled" in the name of equity!

Medical Care - Support For Incompetence - Opposition to Competence
Daily Caller ‘Dangerous Trend’: Medical Schools Are Ditching Standardized Tests In The Name Of ‘Diversity’
Ann Coulter No Biggie, Just the End of Civilization
Louder With Crowder Hospital Demands All New Cancer Surgeons Take An Oath Dedicated To DEI

Medical Care - Medical Malpractice Profit Is More Important Than Health - Government Protection For Dangerious Medicine
Conservative Review Horowitz: Death, injury, no liability, and now a part of the child vaccination schedule

Medical Care - Rationing - Socialized Health Care - Universal Health Care - Deathcare - Death Care
Federalist Universal Health Care Ends With The Government Telling You To Kill Yourself
Daily Wire SOCIALIST PARADISE: British National Health Service Cancels 50,000 Surgeries - British single-payer system forced to ration care for tens of thousands.
Daily Mail Former paratrooper died alone after he waited 90 minutes for an ambulance when he called 999 complaining of chest pains
Truth Revolt Canadian Baby Dies at Home While Hospital Over Capacity - "The hospital said there was no room - for my dying baby."
Louder With Cowder Parents of Ill Toddler Fight UK Government for Right to Save Son’s Life
Guardian NHS wields the axe on 17 'unnecessary procedures'
Guardian Shock figures from top thinktank reveal extent of NHS crisis - Health service has one of the lowest levels of doctors, nurses and beds in the western world
BBC News NHS 'poor’ on treating deadly illnesses
Guardian NHS 'worse than average in treating eight common causes of death' - Major study compared UK health service with that of 18 other developed countries
The King's Fund Spending on and availability of health care resources: how does the UK compare to other countries?
Louder With Crowder SOCIALIZED MEDICINE: Britain’s NHS Forces People to Go Blind in Order to Cut Costs
Conservative Review WATCH: Former Army & ER doc-turned-congressman shares experiences that changed his mind about socialist health care
Collectivist UK Medical System Now Ready to Deny Aid to Those Deemed 'Racist' or 'Sexist'
Canada Free Press Canada’s health-care wait times eclipsed 20 weeks in 2019; second-longest wait ever recorded
American Thinker A Decade of Obamacare
Mirror Some NHS patients waiting 1,000 days for routine surgery, damning figures show
Washington Examiner States are turning to the public healthcare option. They shouldn't

Medical Care - Support For Child Abuse - CDC Support For Political Science
mrc tv Children's Hospital Worker Admits Facility Performed 'Gender-Affirming' Hysterectomies on Children

Medical Care - Support For Child Abuse - Support For Child Mutilation
mrc tv Oh Gay-be! Harvard University Class Focuses on Gay, Trans, and Queer BABIES

Medical Care - Facism - Medical Dictator - CDC Support For Political Science
">National Pulse SCALP: NY’s ‘Indefinite Detention’ Lawmaker Rescinds Authoritarian Bill After National Pulse Exposé.

Medical Care - CDC Support For Grooming - CDC Support For Political Science
mrc tv Eight GOP Reps Write to CDC Demanding They Stop Promoting Groomer LGBT Chat Rooms

Medical Care - CDC Support For Gender Derangement Syndrome - CDC Support For Political Science
mrc tv Gender Scrub: CDC Changes Flu Guidance Terms From ‘Pregnant Women’ To ‘Pregnant People’

Medical Care - Political Science - Junk Science - Woke Science - Distrust Your Doctor
Epoch Times Do You Trust Your Doctor Anymore?
American Thinker A peer-reviewed psychoanalytic journal publishes a grotesque anti-White screed
American Thinker Nation's largest doctor group recommends removing 'male,' 'female' from birth certs
PJ Media The Woke AMA
Washington Examiner 'Social justice' schools: Medical association praises diversity efforts in doctor educatio
Louder With Crowder "The Science" Now Wants Us Scared About "Arctic Zombie Viruses" In Siberia, Because Of Global Warming Or Something
Louder With Crowder "Medical" Board Announces Goal To Eradicate "Transphobia" And Those Who Disagree With Gender Ideology

Medical Care - Government Programs
Mises Institute The Tuskegee Experiment at 45: Have Public-Health Programs Been Vindicated?
Federalist Hospital Kept Patients On Life Support For Months To Meet Government Targets

Medical Care - A Right or a Commodity?
If health care is a right, I have the right to put a gun to your head to force you to give me health care.
National Review Health Care Is A Commodity, Not A Right.
Daily Wire How Is Single-Payer Healthcare Different Than Paying For The Police?
Truth Revolt British Healthcare System Considers Plan to Ban Surgery for Smokers and Obese Indefinitely - "Those who can afford services will buy them and those who cannot will go without."

Medical Care - Creating New Illnesses
mrc tv Psychologists Now Claim People Are Suffering PTSD From Climate Change
Daily Wire WALSH: Kids Aren’t Suffering From ‘Video Game Addiction.’ They’re Suffering From A Lack Of Parenting.

Medical Care - Injury By Turtle
Lowering The Bar Injury Code W59.22XA: Struck by Turtle
Lowering The Bar More on the Risk of Death by Turtle
Lowering The Bar Further Reactions to the Turtle Code Controversy

Medical Care - Drug Addiction
Huffington Post The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think

Medical Care - RinoCare - Republican In Name Only (because Republicans want to take credit for the success of Obamacare)
RINOcare, It's not like Obamacare, except for where it is exactly the same.
Daily Wire 5 Thoughts On The Botched Trumpcare Rollout
Daily Wire Why Republicans Lose No Matter What With Trumpcare
Daily Wire BREAKING: Republican Senate Refuses To Pass Same Repeal Bill It Passed In 2015
Daily Reckoning The GOP's Obamacare Lite: Retreat, Retweak, Rename, Renege
Truth Revolt Coulter: GOP Rallies Behind Idiotic Bill - Instead of squandering this moment, Trump the businessman should seize it to trumpet the free market.

Medical Care - ObamaCare - Supporters
Truth Revolt Bill Clinton Bashes Obamacare as ‘Craziest Thing in the World’ - Where was this talk right before it was passed into law?
mrc tv Video: Crowd Laughs When Candidate Compliments Obamacare
mrc tv Gallup: Most Americans Disapprove of Obamacare, Want Major Changes
Federalist Why Doesn’t The Senate Make Obamacare Exchange Heads Purchase Obamacare Coverage? - As with the principle that members of Congress should enroll in the Obamacare health insurance exchanges, so too should the CEOs running them.

Medical Care - ObamaCare - Fraud media cover-up of unworkable program
Truth Revolt WaPo Deception: Calls Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber ’An Economist’ - As if he had nothing to do with the failing program.
mrc tv This New Gallup Report Trashes Obamacare's Bragging Rights
Mises Institute Obamacare? Trumpcare? Get Rid of it All

Medical Care - ObamaCare - Fraud you can't keep your job
ACA = Act for Controlling Americans
Truth Revolt Workers Ask For Their Hours Back After Obamacare Cuts - The employer mandate killing wages and jobs
American Thinker Obamacare's catastrophic effect on small business

Medical Care - ObamaCare - Fraud you can't keep your insurance, your doctor, your life, ... no matter what I said.
ACA = Act for Controlling American
Obama lied and our health care plan died.
Dail 11 Biggest Problems With Obamacare
CNS News The Verdict Is Already In; By Almost Any Measure, Obamacare Is a Failure
Hot Air Besieged by stupid Americans, Media circles the wagons around Gruber
reason Yes, Jonathan Gruber Is An Obamacare "Architect" - The health law’s allies are trying to distance themselves from the economist’s remarks about the deception involved in passing the law. But they’re only proving him right.
The Blaze Obamacare Architect: We Passed the Law Thanks to the ‘Stupidity of the American Voter’
Obamacare Watch
YouTube CAUGHT ON TAPE: Obamacare Navigators Counsel Applicants to "Lie"
YouTube Obamacare Navigator Fraud Rampant, Not "Isolated Incident"
YouTube Obamacare, Deconstructed
YouTube Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement - The Obamacare Scams 11-10-2013
Yahoo! News Obamacare Will Insure Fewer People, Cost More Jobs: CBO
Canada Free Press ObamaCare: One big mistake defines a presidency - An entire presidency, and indeed an entire era of this nation’s history, has come to be defined by one huge mistake and the refusal of those who made the mistake to correct it
Yahoo! Finance Obamacare: Taxpayers in the Hole for $1.5 Trillion
Personal Liberty Digest White House Touts Obamacare Numbers, Doesn’t Elaborate
Personal Liberty Digest Obamacare Is Still A Fraud!
Personal Liberty Digest Obamacare Is A Success
Examiner Latest news on Obamacare shows deeper problems
Forbes New McKinsey Survey: 74% Of Obamacare Sign-Ups Were Previously Insured
Jewish World Review New Obama promise: If you like your life, you can keep it
Reason Obamacare Advisor Caught In His Own Video of Lies
Hot Air Not a conspiracy anymore: The left cheers as employers scale back health coverage
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Is Obamacare Working, Or Are We All Going to Die?
examiner Obamacare architect: We ripped off the feds for about 400 million a year
Fox News Insider 'Stupid Is as Stupid Does': Judge Jeanine Slams Obama, Pelosi and Gruber
examiner Exploding the 'we deceived the people' myth
examiner Nancy Pelosi, Jonathan Gruber and the New York Times
examiner Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber and systemic dishonesty
Response Action Network Obamacare and the doctor shortage
Truth Revolt Malkin: Obama Lied, My Health Plan Died ... Twice! - The destruction of the private health insurance market is going exactly according to plan.
Truth Revolt Confirmed: If You Like Your Doctor, You CAN'T Keep Your Doctor - PPOs off the Obamacare list in 2016.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Obama Lied. My Third Health Plan Just Died. - It's a nationwide implosion.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Obama Lied: My FOURTH Health Plan Died - Is pathological lying covered under the Affordable Care Act?
mrc Businessman ‘Stunned’ by Obamacare: ‘I Could No Longer Help Employees with Health Care Expenses’
Business Insurance State health care exchange to fold after 3-year run
Chicago Tribune Obamacare company shutdown leaves customers in a lurch, facing higher costs
Breitbart More Than 1 Million Will Lose Healthcare Insurance in 2017 as Companies Flee Obamacare
American Spectator One Million Reasons Obamacare Made Things Worse - At least that many people will lose their health plans in January.
Daily Wire Thanks, Obama! Increased Number of Adults Going Without Health Care Due to Costs

Medical Care - ObamaCare - Fraud regulations
ACA = Act for Controlling American
Truth Revolt Malkin: Doctors Agree: Obama's Electronic Medical Records Mandate Sucks! - Prescription: Butt out, Washington.
American Thinker Primary care physicians becoming extinct partly due to Obamacare
Mises Institute Has "Market Failure" Caused High Health-Care Prices?

Medical Care - ObamaCare - Fraud even the dead can sign up for medical care
ACA = Act for Controlling American
Truth Revolt Audit: Obamacare Exchange Enrolled Hundreds Of Dead People in Medicaid - Because turning out the vote with them wasn't enough...

Medical Care - ObamaCare - Fraud even illegal aliens can sign up for medical care
ACA = Act for Controlling American
There are also those who claim that our reform efforts would insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false. The reforms -- the reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. - Barack Hussein Obama
mrc tv California Pushing to Extend Obamacare to Illegal Aliens

Medical Care - ObamaCare - Successful Implimentation (ObamaCare Death Spiral)
Chicago Tribune Blue Cross parent lost $1.5 billion on individual health plans last year
Breitbart Return of the Death Spiral: ObamaCare Faces ‘Meltdown’ in 2017
mrc tv Surprise! ANOTHER Insurance Co. Just Bailed Out of Obamacare
mrc tv Six Years After Obamacare, 21% of Low-Income Americans Still Uninsured
mrc tv Anthem Blue Cross Predicted to Flee Obamacare
mrc tv Obamacare Just Received Another Blow As Anthem Leaves Ohio Market
mrc tv Revealed: Obamacare Fines Slam the 'Working Class' Hardest
Truth Revolt Obamacare Exchange ‘Very Near Collapse’ in Tennessee - Blue Cross Blue Shield is suffering "unsustainable" losses.
Truth Revolt Report: Obamacare in Big Trouble, Some States Will Be Left With Only One Insurer in 2017 - ...and county in Arizona is faced with no exchange plans at all.
Truth Revolt Insurer Pulls out of Obamacare in Missouri, Stranding 19,000 People - If you like your health care plan, you can forget it.
Truth Revolt Obamacare to Leave 49 Counties Without Insurance, 1,300 Counties to Have One Provider - Well, looks like we found what was in the bill since it’s been passed.
mrc newsbusters Nets Cover for Failing ObamaCare, Silent on Missed Enrollment Forecast
Daily Wire 7 Signs Obamacare Is Melting Down
Daily Wire Obamacare's Collapsing. That Was Always The Plan.
Daily Wire Two More Insurance Companies Drop Out Of Failing Obamacare Exchanges
Daily Wire Yet Another Massive Insurance Company Completely Withdraws From Obamacare

Medical Care - ObamaCare - Higher Costs
Everyone will have lower rates, better quality care and better access. - Nancy Pelosi 2012
I don't remember saying that everybody would have a lower premium. - Nancy Pelosi 2013
I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it.
CBO = Complete B*llsh*t Obfuscation - the government agency that supported Obama's lise about the cost of health care.
Charles Hugh Smith - of two minds The "Impossible" Healthcare Solution: Go Back to Cash
The Week Don't believe the liberal spin. ObamaCare is sputtering.
Reality Always Wins Coffeecare: The Affordable Coffee Act
Wall St. Cheat Sheet Here’s Why Federal Workers Don’t Want Obamacare
Wall St. Cheat Sheet Education Officials: Schools Fear Obamacare Costs
Yahoo! Finance Obamacare Will Become Reality: What Does it Mean for You?
Yahoo! Finance The Coming Obamacare Shock for 170 Million Americans
Yahoo! Finance Thanks to Obamacare, more companies are likely to dump health benefits
Yahoo! News Penalty could keep smokers out of health overhaul
Yahoo! Finance The Hidden Impact of Obamacare and the Economy
Canada Free Press Papa John’s Pizza to Cut Worker’s Hours Due to Obamacare - Papa John's isn't the only company considering such layoffs
Canada Free Press Illegal aliens make commercial demanding free healthcare - Because California has so much extra cash!
Canada Free Press Taxpayers shouldn’t have to cover losses insurers incur under ObamaCare - Repeal the risk corridor program
Freedom Works Mourning in America - Here's Those Layoffs We Voted For Last Night
The Western Center For Journalism How Obamacare Affected My Mother
American Thinker Health insurers jacking up rates by double digits in advance of Obamacare
American Thinker Educators Hit by ObamaCare
American Thinker Like the IRS Scandal? You'll Love ObamaCare
American Thinker The Chicago Way comes to Obamacare
American Thinker The Real ObamaCare Horror Story
American Thinker Another non-profit Obamacare insurer bites the dust
American Thinker Insurance companies: Obamacare losses are unsustainable
American Thinker Surprise! Obamacare enrollees much sicker and costlier than ‘expected’
True / Slant Don’t believe the numbers, Obamacare is a financial disaster
Legal Insurrection Obamacare harms colleges, jobs and wages
NewsMaxx Congressional Report: Obamacare Leads to Skyrocketing Premiums, 200 Percent Possible
reason The Obamacare Revolt: Physicians Fight Back Against the Bureaucratization of Health Care Sebelius Tries To Blame GOP For Coming ObamaCare Failures
Forbes Rate Shock: In California, Obamacare To Increase Individual Health Insurance Premiums By 64-146%
Forbes Democrats' New Argument: It's A Good Thing That Obamacare Doubles Individual Health Insurance Premiums
Forbes A War on Sis? In California, Single Women Will Also Face A Doubling of Health Insurance Premiums Due To Obamacare
Forbes Forget 'Keep Your Plan' And The Website, Obamacare Taxes Are Worse
Forbes A Labor Union Prepares To Strike, As Obamacare Ups Health Insurance Costs By 5.0-12.5%
The Ulsterman Report WARNING!! - Obama’s Government Healthcare Friday Doc Dump - UNBELIEVABLE
Washington Examiner 74% of small businesses will fire workers, cut hours under Obamacare
Clash Daily Hobby Lobby Granted Temporary Exemption From ObamaCare
Accuracy In Media Obama’s Misleading Obamacare Claims
Daily Caller Obamacare architect: Expect steep increase in health care premiums
Daily Caller Obamacare hurts parents of special-needs children
Capitalism Institute Obama Just Exempted Congress From Part of Obamacare
Laissez Faire Today Obama’s 2009 Promise of Cheaper Health Care Has Morphed Into 2013 Price Hikes
Chicago Tribune Editorial: Why Obamacare is a mess
Daily Reckoning Obamacare: A Parasite Intent on Killing Its Host
Daily Reckoning wo Little Headlines and the End of Health Care
Daily Reckoning The New Shackle of Serfdom: Clinging to Healthcare Insurance
Charles Hugh Smith - of two minds The New Shackle of Serfdom: Clinging to Healthcare Insurance
New York Times Drug Goes From $13.50 a Tablet to $750, Overnight
NBC News Investigations Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance
Wall Street Cheat Sheet Here’s Evidence Obamacare Isn’t Lowering Healthcare Costs
The Blaze Obamacare ‘Cheerleader’ Now Realizes She Can’t Afford Health Insurance for Herself and Young Son
Washington Examiner Surprise! Walmart health plan is cheaper, offers more coverage than Obamacare
Motley Fool Obamacare's Hidden Penalty That Could Wallop Your Wallet
The Fiscal Times Health Care Sticker Shock: An Employee Reality
Washington Free Beacon Report: ‘Avalanche’ of Regulations Still to Come Under Obamacare
Yahoo! Finance Good reason to question Obamacare enrollment tally
Huffington Post President Obama's Health Care Wipeout
Before It's News #Obamacare: If you like your medications, you can keep them - but only if you can afford to pay for them
Media Research Center American Horror Story: Tales of ObamaCare Victims Untold by the Big Three Networks
mrc tv CBS Admits Many Obamacare Enrollees Want the ACA Gone
Power Line Voters Still Hate Obamacare
Personal Liberty Digest Obamacare Patients In SoCal Go To Tijuana To Get Affordable Care
Personal Liberty Digest Old CBO: Obamacare Will Save $120 Billion. New CBO: We Have No Idea
Personal Liberty Digest The Gross Injustice Of Obamacare
Personal Liberty Digest Employers Pessimistic About Obamacare’s Effect On The Bottom Line
Fox Nation Obama Administration Just Got Caught in a Massive Lie ...
National Review Online A Phalanx of Lies - Remember that health insurance you could keep?
National Review Online Obamacare’s Hierarchy of Privilege - No one who favors the law wants to be bound by it.
Wall Street Journal Health Care and the $20,000 Bruise - How to fight an outrageous hospital bill in 10 easy steps. First: Be a doctor or nurse.Then learn about upcoding.
Yahoo! Finance Obamacare Could Face Large Numbers of Dropouts
New York Post When ObamaCare came to Harvard
Mises Institute The Rise of the Medical Bureaucrat and Centralized Health Care
Mises Institute Nowadays, Health Insurance Isn’t Really Insurance
Truth Revolt Almost Every Obamacare Co-op Losing Money - 21 out of 23 lost money, owe $2.4 billion in federal loans
Truth Revolt Obamacare Premiums to Increase for 2016
Truth Revolt UnitedHealthCare CEO: Entering Obamacare Was a 'Bad Decision' - We could see this coming from a mile away.
Truth Revolt U.S.'s Largest Insurer Reconsidering Obamacare Participation After Near Billion Losses - Brought to you by the Non-Affordable Care Act.
Truth Revolt Billions in Obamacare Subsidies Probably Fraudulent - No "effective process for resolving inconsistencies for individual applicants for the federal Health Insurance Marketplace."
Truth Revolt Obamacare Premiums Rising Because There's No Competition - Cue the choruses of "We told you so!"
Truth Revolt Double-Digit Premium Hikes for Obamacare Customers Expected Next Year - Hope and change, they said...
Truth Revolt Insurers Request Double-Digit Premium Hikes For Next Year's Obamacare Plans Time Snake Bite Costs North Carolina Couple $89,000 Hospital Bill
mrc tv Penalty For Lacking Health Insurance Will Rise Dramatically in 2016
mrc tv Admin. Lowballs Obamacare Price Increases for Unsubsidized Americans
mrc tv HHS: 'Explore OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDING' to Cover Obamacare Losses
mrc tv Businesses Told ObamaCare Incentive 'Not Worth the Extra Costs' by Tax Pros
mrc tv Obamacare Premiums in Illinois Could Rise as Much as 45 Percent
mrc tv ObamaScare: 10 Senators Share Healthcare Horror Stories from Home States
mrc tv Reality Check: Obamacare's Tanking, Just Like the President Planned
PJ Media Your ObamaCare!!! Fail of the Day
Breitbart Age of Obamacare: Texas’ Largest Insurer to Hike Rates 60 Percent

Medical Care - ObamaCare - Choice
More people have walked on the moon than have signed up for Obamacare - Jay Leno
If Barack Hussein Obama 'Didn't Intentionally' Lie About ObamaCare then Adolf Hitler 'Didn't Intentionally' start World War II. - Cynical Pessimist
Barack Hussein Obama wants you to know how upset he is that Republican Politicians unfairly attacked him and caused the misunderstanding of his intention that some people would be allowed to keep their health plans. - Cynical Pessimist Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
Wall Stret Journal Obama Repeals ObamaCare - Under pressure from Senate Democrats, the President partly suspends the individual mandate. This is what "If you like your plan you can keep your plan" looks like.
Hot Air The only Congressional leader to exempt staffers from ObamaCare is ...
Pajamas Media Is Your Doctor Getting Ready to Quit? A new poll shows that 45 percent of doctors would consider leaving their profession if ObamaCare legislation passes.
CNN Money Rx for money woes: Doctors quit medicine: Some physicians, fed up with the costs of their practice, are ready to hang up their stethoscopes and shift careers. 45% Of Doctors Would Consider Quitting If Congress Passes Health Care Overhaul
American Thinker Poll: 83% of doctors have considered quitting because of Obamacare
Yahoo! Finance More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Some Doctors Opt Out of Program, Frustrated With Payment Rates and Mounting Rules
Yahoo! News The new ObamaCare rescue plan: Just don't use
Yahoo! News Even the healthy locked out of 2014 policies now
Forbes Obama To Labor Unions With Multi-Employer Health Plans: Drop Dead
The Wall Street Journal You Can Keep Your Health Plan* - President Obama's promise had a secret footnote. Who knew?
The Wall Street Journal The ObamaCare Awakening - Americans are losing their coverage by political design.
The Wall Street Journal You Also Can't Keep Your Doctor
Dot Tech 20-year-old programmers build healthcare website in just three days, show the government how it is done
American Thinker Obama announces he will allow subpar or junk policies to be sold by bad apple insurance companies
American Thinker Obamacare's Gruesome Fiscal Logic
American Thinker Latest Obamacare accomplishment: 'Medical Homelessness'
The Foundry Has Your Health Insurance Plan Been Canceled?
The Foundry More Obamacare Heartache: Tally Rises for Americans Losing Their Health Insurance
The Foundry How Obamacare Discourages Work and Marriage
reason No Such Thing As Free Health Benefits - Obama refuses to acknowledge the tradeoffs imposed by the Affordable Care Act.
Yahoo! News Oregon healthcare exchange website never worked, has no subscribers
Yahoo! Finance Patients Cram In Tests Before Health-Law Start
Media Research Center Time Magazine Cover Now? 'Broken Promise' Then? 'Paging Dr. Obama'
The Daily Caller Expert: At least 129 million will ‘not be able to keep’ health care plan if Obamacare fully implemented
The Daily Caller Fourth Georgia hospital closes due to Obamacare payment cuts
The Daily Caller Obamacare architect: Law will cause ‘the end of employer-sponsored insurance’
Fox News Almost 80 million with employer health care plans could have coverage canceled, experts predict
Yoour Daily Dose of Conservatism [WATCH] No Surprise Here, Obamacare Website ‘New Version’ Crashes On Live CNN
Front Page Mag Obama’s Pointless Dog and Pony Show
Town Hall A Doctor Finally Sues on Obamacare
Joe For America More Americans Have Done These 25 Things Than Have Signed Up for Obamacare
Forbes No, You Can't Keep Your Drugs Either Under Obamacare
Wall Street Journal ObamaCare's Troubles Are Only Beginning - Be prepared for eligibility, payment and information protection debacles-and longer waits for care.
OC Register Obamacare: Kill or cure?
New York Times With Affordable Care Act, Canceled Policies for New York Professionals
Mises Institute Why Are Obamacare Exchange Policies So Bad?
American Thinker Delay of mandate is the 14th change to Obamacare without consulting Congress
Yahoo! News 11 GOP Attorneys General Say Obamacare Fix Is Illegal
Mail Online 'How nakedly political can you get?': Obamacare year-two signups delayed until after 2014 election
Canada Free Press White House pulls another last-minute ObamaCare ‘fix’ out of its butt - Much to the dismay, once again, of the insurers
Wall Street Journal What to Do When ObamaCare Unravels
Washington Examiner One brave doctor stands up to Obamacare
Canada Free Press HHS not even trying to find out if the uninsured are signing up for ObamaCare - Which, by the way, they're not.
Yahoo! News Screw You, Mickey Kaus
The Texas Tribune Giving Up on Red Tape, Doctors Turn to Cash-Based Model
Personal Libery Digest More Selective Enforcement Of Obamacare As States See Key Provision Delayed
Personal Libery Digest Obamacare Website Stumped ‘Highly Educated’ Millennials, Study Shows
Personal Libery Digest What Choice?
Personal Liberty Digest Obamacare Incentivizes Doctors To Deny Treatment To Patients Covered Under ACA
Huffington Post Do the Math: Obamacare Won't Change the Number of Uninsured
The Daily Caller Colorado Obamacare Exchange Expects A Quarter Of Sign-ups To Drop Coverage
The Daily Caller Doctors Begin To Refuse Obamacare Patients
Young Conservatives Seriously, this is the best deconstruction of Obamacare you will ever see
Young Conservatives Wow: Alabama mom writes an amazing open letter to Obama and the American people about Obamacare
Daily Reckoning How to Escape Obamacare in One Bold Move
Jewish World Review SCOTUS: Congress Doesn't Want to 'Destroy' Our Health-Care System? Oh, Yes, It Does
National Right To Life News Report claiming US health care worse than abroad distorts facts but ObamaCare may soon make it a reality
Truth Revolt More Than Half of Obamacare Co-Ops Closing - This was not predictable.
mrc tv Major Insurance Company Abandons Obamacare
mrc tv Humana Reports 69 Percent Drop in Obamacare Enrollment, Half a Billion in Losses

Medical Care - ObamaCare - Doctor Shortage
Truth Revolt 'Medical Meltdown:' Obamacare Ushers in Doctor Shortages - "[T]he medical care you’ve enjoyed in the past in your life is simply not going to be there in the future."
Truth Revolt Future of Obamacare? Britain's Doctors Strike Over Contracts, Patients Left Without Care - "Risks the safety of many patients."

Medical Care - Other Death Panels - Assisted Suicide
Louder With Crowder Government forced to halt assisted suicide program, not enough doctors were ghoulish enough to do it

Medical Care - ObamaCare - Death Panels - Assisted Suicide
There won't need to be medical death panels. There will be life panels and there will be unfortunate people who don't qualify for life. - Cynical Pessimist
There won't need to be medical death panels. There will be life panels and there will be unfortunate people who don't qualify for medical care. - Cynical Pessimist
There won't need to be medical death panels. Barack Hussein Obama will just declare the individuals to be terrorists and he will send drones to kill them. - Cynical Pessimist
"... where someone lives and someone dies." - Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius (responding to a request to allow a 10 year old girl have life saving surgery)
Daily Reckoning "Hurry up and Die"
Daily Reckoning A Cure for Obamacare: From Canada With Love
Dvorak Uncensored Portland Hospital Lets Man Die in Its Parking Lot, Tells Cops to Call 911
Mises Institute Yes, Virginia, there will be death panels
Mises Institute Socialist Medicine = License to Kill
Mises Institute The Truth About SwedenCare
Mises Institute Health care: the government is the problem
Yahoo News It's alive! End-of-life counseling in health bill
Red State Did Obama Say We Should Kill the Old Folks to Save Money Last Night?
New York Times Obama Returns to End-of-Life Plan That Caused Stir
Mail Online Doctors back demands to deny NHS treatment for smokers and the obese
Mail Online Top doctor's chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year
Mail Online Starved by the NHS: 242 patients die from malnutrition in a single year
Mail Online Sentenced to death for being old: The NHS denies life-saving treatment to the elderly, as one man's chilling story reveals
Mail Online How hundreds of patients are dying of thirst in hospital: The story of a 22-year-old who died in hospital from dehydration shocked Britain. But his tragedy is horrifyingly common
Mail Online 'Chaotic and substandard' care at Great Ormond Street Hospital led to agonising death of boy, 13, who needed half-hour operation
Mail Online People are dying from lack of care. The NHS must be held to account
CBC News Wait times for surgery in Canada at all-time high: study
N Y Post CanadaCare May Have Killed Natasha
American Thinker The Valley of the Shadow of Death Panels
American Thinker Coming to a hospital near you
American Thinker ObamaCare Is Shovel-Ready for You
American Thinker Dancing Nurses and Dead Brits
American Thinker Just don't call them death panels
The Daily Caller Army under fire for denying veterans health benefits
WND How liberalism kills - Exclusive: Joseph Farah calls Secretary Sebelius 'cold-blooded executioner'
Rush Limbaugh Show Death Panel: Secretary Sebelius Denies Lung Transplant for 10-Year-Old Girl
Mental Recession Obama’s First Death Panel? Sebelius Responds to Dying Girl ‘Someone Lives and Someone Dies’
Canada Free Press R.I.P. Britain’s Patient-Killing ‘Pathway to Death’ - And how ObamaCare will bring it to America
Yahoo! News Exclusive: AIDS patients in Obamacare limbo as insurers reject checks
Truth Revolt Obamacare Soaring in Kentucky, Hospitals Bleeding to Death - Billions of dollars in cuts, layoffs, and closed doors
Life News Different Kind of Death Panel: Access to Top Doctors and Hospitals is Dwindling Under Obamacare
National Right To Life News Tax dollars could be spent to "nudge" older people to agree to premature death under Senate bill
National Right To Life News Obamacare Rationing "Excess Benefits" tax threatens health care plans of state and city workers?
National Right To Life News In California access to top docs and hospitals dwindles under Obamacare
National Right To Life News They may not be Death Panels, but they are Death Advocates, and they are back
mrc tv U.K. Socialized Medicine Thought Saving This Little Girl Was Too Expensive
mrc tv U.K. Woman Dies After Fundraising for Treatment Falters
mrc tv UK Socialist Health System Proposes Surgery Ban for Obese and Smokers
mrc tv New Survey Reveals Increasing Wait Periods for Doctor Appointments Under Obamacare
mrc tv Court Orders Another British Infant Be Taken Off Life Support Against His Parents' Wishes
Daily Wire EVIL: European Court Of Human Rights Sentences 10-Month-Old Sick Baby To Die, Won't Let Parents Come To US For Possible Life-Saving Treatment
Daily Wire Who Controls Your Kids' Lives? American Spectator Bernie, Why Do You Want Little Babies To Die? - The depravity of single-payer health care
A Pius Geek Let Europe Burn: The Murder of Alfie Evans
Daily Wire SAVED FROM SOCIALISM: U.S. Saves Baby Oliver After U.K. Doctors Said His Heart Couldn’t Be Fixed
Front Page Mag Organized Death in the Netherlands - When "the time is right" for assisted suicide.
Observer A Man Died Because He Didn’t Have $20—And US Health Care Is to Blame
mrc tv Court Rules UK Parents Can’t Keep Son Alive Even Though He’s Breathing
Louder With Crowder Court rules hospital can condemn teen with rare disorder to death, even though the teen wants to "try to live"
Louder With ?Crowder Liberal Party Blocks Bill That Would Have Prevented Canada From Euthanizing Mentally Ill
Louder With Crowder An Infant Was Being Denied Life-Saving Care By The UK, So Another Country Granted Her Citizenship
Louder With Crowder Watch: Canada's Assisted Suicide Program Is Disturbing And Worse Than You Thought

Medical Care - ObamaCare - Website Functionality
Putting things in perspective: March 21st 2010 to October 1 2013 is 3 years, 6 months, 10 days. December 7, 1941 to May 8, 1945 is 3 years, 5 months, 1 day. What this means is that in the time we were attacked at Pearl Harbor to the day Germany surrendered is not enough time for this progressive federal government to build a working webpage. Mobilization of millions, building tens of thousands of tanks, planes, jeeps, subs, cruisers, destroyers, torpedoes, millions upon millions of guns, bombs, ammo, etc. Turning the tide in North Africa, Invading Italy, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, Race to Berlin - all while we were also fighting the Japanese in the Pacific!! And in that amount of time - this administration can’t build a working webpage. - Bill, from Kentucky
Canada Free Press DON’T sign up for the exchanges and DON’T give out your personal info
Canada Free Press Can Obamacare Survive Obama? A technological failure of epic proportions
Canada Free Press Even with my early-‘70s computer science degree, I can see the problems with
Canada Free Press Obama administration knew days before launch that the federal exchange would fail - Didn't care, pushed ahead anyway
Canada Free Press MSNBC: Obama administration ‘outright lying’ about Obamacare enrollment numbers; government ‘in crisis - MSNBC continues to tear into their messiah's train wreck
Canada Free Press "Glitches" in ObamaCare Indicative of Greater Problems Ahead - Excruciatingly embarrassing for the White House and for the Department of Health and Human Services.
The Heritage Network - The Foundry Obama Said This with a Straight Face
American Thinker ObamaCare's Rose Garden Band-Aid
American Thinker The Onion: 'New, Improved Obamacare Program Released On 35 Floppy Disks'
American Thinker Americans Must Suffer
American Thinker More Fun With ObamaCare
Daily Reckoning Affordable Care Act: So Far, So Good
Daily Reckoning Why Obamacare’s Failure Has Been Fast and Furious
Washington Post What went wrong with
The Foundry Top 10 Reasons Why I Didn't Sign Up on
Forbes Rep. Diane Black: Obamacare Is A 'Hacker's Dream'
Wall Street Cheat Sheet Obamacare Website Problems Have Become Insurance Problems
Washington Post Md. officials explore options for health insurance exchange
Personal Liberty Digest Harry Reid: You Fools Don’t Know How To Use The Internet And Sign Up For Obamacare
Personal Liberty Digest Nevada Trashes Its Failed Obamacare Website
Personal Liberty Digest Two Months Ahead Of Sign-Up Start, Obamacare Website Still Doesn’t Work

Medical Care - misdiagnosis - Medical Malpractice
World Public Union Inventor Of ADHD's Deathbed Confession: "ADHD Is A Fictitious Disease"
Mises Institute Gupta Mea Culpa
Forbes How ObamaCare Creates Ethical Conflicts For Physicians And How Patients Can Protect Themselves
Collective Evolution Non-Conformity & Creativity Now Listed As A Mental Illness By Psychiatrists
mrc tv American College of Pediatricians Calls Gender Transitioning ‘Child Abuse
Truth Revolt Malkin: The Brutal Battle Against Medical Kidnappers - Is anyone in Washington listening?
Daily Wire Doctors Are Now Giving 8-Year-Old Girls Testosterone, Claiming They're 'Transgender'

Medical Care vs. FDA Frequently Delinquent Administrators, Frequently Deceptive Administration
Daily Reckoning The "Shadow Pharmaceutical" Sector
Daily Reckoning The Government Regulation That’s Been Killing for 50 Years
Wall Street Journal The FDA Rejects Another Good Cancer Drug. No wonder people are worried about bureaucrats controlling health care.
Mises Institute A housewife (my housewife) on FDA and salt ...
Mises Institute When the FDA Declared War on a Texas AIDS Patient
Truth Revolt Amish Man Sentenced to 6 Years in Prison for Improper FDA Labeling - Good news! The Feds are finally protecting you from a scary religious sect.
City Journal The FDA Graveyard - Absurd bureaucratic strictures are hindering efforts to fight Covid-19.
mrc tv Minnesota's Democrat Governor Flips Stance on Hydroxychloroquine

Medical Care - National Institutes of Health Style - or - what do they think is more important than finding a cure for Ebola
Washington Free Beacon $39,643,352 Worth of NIH Funding That Could Have Gone to the Ebola Vaccine - Agency spends millions on Origami condoms, fat lesbians, texting drunks
Washington Free Beacon Taxpayers Paid $2.4 Million to Develop ‘Origami’ Condoms - Male, Female, and Anal Versions
Washington Free Beacon Feds Still Studying Why Lesbians Are Obese - Update: Total government funding now $2.87 million
Washington Free Beacon Feds Wonder Why Fat Girls Can’t Get Dates - NIH spends $466,642 to determine if it’s all about that bass
Washington Free Beacon Feds Spend $2 Million to Get Old People to Join Choirs - ‘Culturally diverse older adults’ studied in San Francisco

Medical Care - humor
The Onion Obama: Health Care Plan Would Give Seniors Right To Choose How They Are Killed
Doug Ross @ Journal Cash for Codgers: a Practical, Final Solution to the Health Care Crisis
The Spoof Cash For Codgers
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Obamacare - Lies or Crap?
YouTube Andrew Klavan - Barack Obama, Talking Crap II: This Time It's Crap
Babylon Bee 'My Healthcare Is None Of Your Business,' Says Woman Who Demands That You Pay For Her Healthcare
You Tube What the FDA is Like ...

Memes for Shitposters

Daily Caller The killing-for-organs pushers

Metallicman Ode to Diabolical Cretin John McCain

OAN Red States See Population Growth As Residents Leave Blue States

Milo Watch: Tucker Carlson Owns Anti-Trump Protester Who Supports Open Borders
Milo Female Trump Supporter Crashes Live MSNBC Interview: "F*ck You! You’re Gonna Edit That Out of Context!"

Misery Index = unemployment rate + inflation rate

Ludwig von Mises Institute
Mises Institute The Mises Reader: Why Ludwig von Mises Stands Apart
Mises Institute Mises: An Audacious Champion of Freedom
Mises Institute Ludwig von Mises Is Winning
Mises Institute We Win the NY Times Prize
Mises Institute A Note from the Editor - you too can write for
Mises Institute Murray N. Rothbard Literature Archive - PDF versions of many books and articles for reading online or download.
Mises Institute Flooding the World with Truth
Mises Institute Literature - online library of Austrian School of Economics and libertarian ideas.
Mises Institute A Publishing Atrocity
Mises Institute Why Are Jurors Expected to Work for Below-Market Wages?
Mises Institute Welcome To The New Ice Age
Mises Institute Good Kids, Bad Kids
Mises Institute State = Death and Poverty
Mises Institute Where new money comes from.
Mises Institute The Bailout they Finally Bought.
Mises Institute There is a point to getting the word out
Mises Institute What’s Wrong With the U.S.?
Mises Institute The Seen, the Unseen, and the Hidden Costs of Statism Money And Politics: Illumination The Connection - Financial Bailout Vote: House Members Voting 'Yes' Received 54% More Money from Banks and Securities
Mises Institute Economic Outlook 2008: Darkening Clouds
Mises Institute What Motley Crue Can Teach Us About Drug Legalization
Mises Institute The Next American Revolution Won't Be Like the First
Mises Institute What Radicalism?
Mises Institute Four Policies: The Original Intent
Mises Institute Bootlegging Built Jazz
Mises Institute Responsibility and Private Property
Mises Institute Lincoln's Inversion of the American Union
Mises Institute Judge Napolitano on the Worst Supreme Court Decisions
Mises Institute Largest Mass Execution in American History
Mises Institute The Essence of Society Is Peacemaking
Mises Institute Don't Fall for "Free"
Mises Institute Quote of the Day
Mises Institute Declare Detroit a Free City
Mises Institute Bootleggers and Baptists on the Beach
Mises Institute Liberty Delivers a Better World While Utopians Promise a Perfect One
Mises Institute Walter Block Is Still Defending the Undefendable
Mises Institute How Government Forces the Poor Into Black Marke
Mises Institute Hollywood and the State: A Longtime Partnership
Mises Institute When State-Subsidized Industries Attack
Mises Institute Police States and Inner-City Economics
Mises Institute The Ethics of Entrepreneurship and Profit
Mises Institute The NCAA Racket
Mises Institute How Truly Free Markets Help the Poor
Mises Institute Capitalism at the Farm Stand
Mises Institute Our Miracle of Pentecost
Mises Institute Election 2016: Liberty Loses No Matter Who Wins
Mises Institute 5 Reasons Why Austrian Economics Is Better than the Mainstream
Mises Institute The Intelligentsia Takes a Hit

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Mises Institute Quotable Mises - Welfare

Mish Talk Law of Bad Ideas
Law of Bad Ideas: Bad ideas don’t go away until they have been tried and failed multiple times, and generally not even then.
Corollary Number One: Left alone, bad ideas get worse over time.
Corollary Number Two: The overwhelming desire to implement bad ideas leads to compromises guaranteed to make things worse.
Corollary Number Three: Those in positions of political power not only have the worst ideas, they also have the means to see those ideas are implemented.
Corollary Number Four: The worse the idea, the more likely it is to be embraced by academia and political opportunists.
Corollary Number Five: No idea is so bad it cannot be made worse.
Corollary Number Six: Bad ideas lead to more bad ideas to fix problems caused by previous bad ideas.

Miss Liberty Libertarian Movies for Students: Top Ten

Monster Hunter Nation
Monster Hunter Nation Understanding terrorism is as easy as understanding racism!
Monster Hunter Nation Congratulations, Obama voters
Monster Hunter Nation There I go, offending people again ...
Monster Hunter Nation Ms. Magazine vs. Iron Man 2
Monster Hunter Nation On Profiling and Stand Your Ground
Monster Hunter Nation Publisher cancels book contract because the writer is gay
Monster Hunter Nation Elizabeth Warren’s 11 Commandments
Monster Hunter Nation Why I don’t like Social Justice Warriors
Monster Hunter Nation Fisking the Guardian again, this time for HP Lovecraft.
Monster Hunter Nation Arguing with Moral Relativists on Twitter
Monster Hunter Nation The Social Justice Warrior Racist Reading Challenge, A Fisking.


Mother Jones The Shockingly Simple, Surprisingly Cost-Effective Way to End Homelessness

Murderpedia The Encyclopedia of Murderers

multiculturalism war on women, religion, free peech, life, ...
Louis Beam Multiculturalism - As A Tool To Divide And Conquer - The Layman's Primer

Truth Revolt German Police Commissioner Speaks Out: Muslim Migrants Live in 'Parallel Societies' Where Rules Don't Apply - "Whoever tells the truth in these matters is quickly labelled as a Nazi."

Musing of the Angry Webmaster What is Washington's spending costing you?

MyWay news without advertising.

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National Antitrust Hall of Fame spotlight abuses of power by the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission.
Mises Institute It's Not Exactly Cooperstown ... (first five inductees into the Hall of Fame).
Mises Institute Where Google Gets Its Power

National Report satire at its best!

National Republican Congressional Committee

National Rifle Association
National Rifle Association - Institute for Legislative Action
YouTube NRA Channel

New Age Bullshit Generator

The New American

New Discourses Translations from the Wokish

New York Times Many Psychology Findings Not as Strong as Claimed, Study Says
New York Times Science, Now Under Scrutiny Itself

New York Nadia YouTube channel

New Tolerance Campaign fight to uphold real tolerance

News or what passes for news from the left wing, biased media. otherwise known as: Speaking Lies To The Powerless, Providing Cover For The Powerful, Propaganda Purveyors, FakeNews. Misinformation Mavens, Media Morons
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Modern Mainstream Journalism Motto: The narrative must be defended, no matter what the cost.
Modern Mainstream Journalism Motto: We are the enemy of the people and the enemy of the country
Modern Mainstream Journalism Motto: Be Cowardly, Do Nothing
Modern Mainstream Journalism Motto: Lie, Deny and Alibi.

Modern Mainstream Journalism Motto: All the news that's fit to suppress.
Modern Mainstream Journalism Motto: Information wants to be censored.
Modern Mainstream Journalism Motto: Fact free news at its best. - Cynical Pessimist
Modern Mainstream Journalism Motto: All The News That's Fit To Fake
Modern Mainstream Journalism Motto: Facts are meaningless and left-wing propaganda rules.
Modern Mainstream Journalists are Lapdogs to Power
Modern Mainstream Journalists don't speak truth to power, they speak lies to the powerless masses - Cynical Pessimist
There is no evidence of widespread journalist integrity.
The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods & errors. - Thomas Jefferson, 1807
Journalism is about covering the important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving.
... there is no such thing as Objective Journalism. The phrase itself is a pompous contradiction in terms. - Hunter S. Thompson
When it comes to arrogance, power, and lack of accountability, journalists are probably the only people on the planet who make lawyers look good. - Steven Brill
We're entertainers, not journalists. Answer to question why reporters lie to the public.
Media lies. Honest Journalism is dead.
14% of Americans believe Big Foot exists. 6% of Americans believe journalists tell the truth.
Journalists, like all good Democrats, lie all the time to the public because they believe that people they dislike deserve to be lied about and to.
Newsman Chris Wallace in a recent interview explained that it is not the job of reporters to tell the truth.
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
... journalism is the clown college of writing ... - Larry Correia
The first rule of journalism; If it's too good to be true, run the story anyway.
Modern journalists believe their job is to lie to the public, cover up for their friends and slander their enemies.
It’s my goal to get to and through Election Day without learning the truth. - Frank Bruni, New York Times columnist
April 19, 2016 a recent poll reported that 6% of the people have "a great deal of confidence" in the press.
If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're misinformed.
A newsman interested in the truth is like a whore interested in chaste romance.
If the Fox network is "fair and balanced," then the rest of the networks are "unfair and unbalanced." - Cynical Pessimist
Based on the uselessness and bias of the "Main Stream" media, I have come to believe the initials of the major networks actually mean the following:
MS-NBC = Mean-Spirited, Nasty, Belligerent Chumps
MS-NBC = More Snotty Nonsense By Communists
NBC = No Benghazi Coverage
NBC = Numbskulls Broadcasting Crap
NBC = Never Been Correct
NBC = Naive Bloodthirsty Collaborators
CBS = Crap Broadcasting Sleazeballs
ABC = Abhorrent Behavior Condoners
ABC = Assholes Broadcasting Crap
ABC = All the Bolsheviks' Children
ABC = Above and Beyond Caring
ABC = Anything But Credible
PBS = Propaganda Broadcast Service
News - links
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Ann Coulter How to be a New York Times Reporter
YouTube Russian Collusion and the Death of Journalism
YouTube Lying Liars
Hot Air BOOM! 59% of voters think MSM is a "major threat" to Democracy: NYT/Siena Poll
American Thinker Dear Media: You got what you wanted and what you worked for. Happy now?
American Thinker The Depravity of the Democrat Party, the American Left, and the Media
MRC NewsBusters Tour de Force: Here Are the Top Ten Kayleigh McEnany Smackdowns of 2020
American Thinker Time to Bury the Corpse
American Thinker Evidence Shows the Media Doesn’t Really Care About Evidence
Sectator USA Blaming Trump for the riots is a Democratic disaster - Support for Black Lives Matter has plummeted in swing states
American Thinker The Democrats' hairpin turns of narrative are only doable with the press in their back seat
American Thinker As Biden falls in the polls, the media's lies get bigger
Federalist The Media Are Lying To You About Everything, Including The Riots
substack The American Press Is Destroying Itself - A flurry of newsroom revolts has transformed the American press
Federalist The Media Are Lying To You About Everything, Including The Riots
National Sentinel White House adviser Stephen Miller destroys fake news media jackals with truth bombs about the Bidens: ‘It’s substantiated!’ (Video)
Project Veritas TIP OF THE SPEAR: Veritas Insiders Take On Next Tech Giant
Richard Paolinelli dear ...
Truth Revolt James O'Keefe: The Mainstream Media Is Dead. We Won. - Project Veritas President recounts his fight against the Clinton machine and her media enablers.
Newsmax Polls Show Americans Don't Trust Biased Media
Truth Revolt Good News: 70% of Voters Distrust the Media - More Americans have finally clued in!
Breitbart Scandal Rap Sheet: 48 Reasons to Distrust & Despise the Media
01 NBC News: ‘Dateline’ Stages General Motors Explosion - 1992
02 Newsweek: Clinton’s Lewinsky Scandal Buried - January 1998
03 New Republic: Stephen Glass Blisters Republicans with Lies - May 1998
04 CNN: In Exchange for Access, Saddam Hussein’s Human Rights Atrocities Covered Up - April 2003
05 New York Times: Maureen Dowd Intentionally Misquotes George W. Bush - May 2003
06 New York Times: Jayson Blair’s Serial Lies and Plagiarism - May 2003
07 LA Times: Timed Hit On Schwarzenegge, Opponent’s History Buried - October 2003
08 Boston Globe: Fake Photos of U.S. Troops Gang Raping Iraqi Women - May 2004
09 CBS News: Anchor Dan Rather Pushes Forged Anti-Bush Documents - September 2004
10 NBC News: Brian Williams’ Faked Tales from Katrina - August 2005
11 LA Times Buries Barack Obama’s ‘Khalidi Tapes’ - 2008
12 NBC News: Anchors Edits Inconvenient Black Man Out of Tea Party Photo - August 2009
13 Ezra Klein’s JournoList Exposed - July 2010
14 Entire MSM: Sarah Palin Blamed for Shooting Congresswoman - January 2011
15 CNN: Anchor Blames Sarah Palin for Giffords’ Shooting - January 2011
16 Washington Post: Tea Party Falsely Blamed for Gabby Giffords Shooting - January 2011
17 Atlantic: Tea Party Falsely Blamed for Gabby Giffords’ Shooting - January 2011
18 New York Times: Republicans Falsely Blamed for Gabby Giffords’ Shooting - January 2011
19 NBC News: MSNBC’s Ed Schultz Calls Laura Ingraham a ‘Slut’ - May 2011
20 NBC News: MSNBC’s Ed Schultz Smears Rick Perry as Racist with Deceptive Edit - August 2011
21 Washington Post: Rubio Hit Piece Secretly Scrubbed of Serial Inaccuracies - October 2011
22 Entire MSM: Tea Party Falsely Accused of Hurling N-Word During ObamaCare Protest - March 2010
23 CNN: Evidence Fabricated Against George Zimmerman - March 2012
24 NBC News: Evidence Fabricated Against George Zimmerman - March 2012
25 ABC News: Evidence Fabricated Against George Zimmerman - March 2012
26 Washington Post: Mitt Romney Falsely Accused of Being Homophobic Bully - May 2012
27 NBC News: Andrea Mitchell Fabricates a Romney Gaffe - June 2012
28 Politico: Reporter Claims Mitt Romney Only Comfortable Around Whites - June 2012
29 ABC News: Stephanopoulos, Brian Ross Blame Tea Partier for Mass Shooting - July 2012
30 Yahoo News: Reporter Claims Romney Likes to See Black People Drown - August 2012
31 CNN: Candy Crowley Violates Debate Rules to Lie for Barack Obama - October 2012
32 CNN: Fareed Zakaria’s Serial Plagiarism - 2013 to 2014
33 NBC News: Gun Rights Advocates Falsely Accused of Heckling Grieving Father - January 2013
34 CNN: Memo Reveals Open Push for More Gun Control - April 2013
35 CNN: Nancy Grace Taunts Hispanic George Zimmerman with ‘Taco Bell’ Attack - July 2013
36 CNN: Jeff Zucker’s 15 Year-Old Son Sits On Top-Dem’s Board of Directors - August 2013
37 NBC News: MSNBC’s Martin Bashir Wants Someone to ‘Sh*t’ in Sarah Palin’s Mouth - November 2013
38 NBC News: David Gregory Violates DC Gun Laws to Demagogue Gun Control - December 2013
39 Washington Post: Conservatives Falsely Accused of Bullying Muslim Woman - June 2014
40 Entire MSM: Premised On a Media Lie, Riots Burn Out Black Neighborhood - August 2014
41 CNN: Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Aired Without Authentication - August 2014
42 CNN: Carol Costello Asks Viewers to Enjoy Audio of Bristol Palin’s Assault - October 2014
43 NBC News: Dr. Nancy Snyderman Violates Ebola Quarantine - October 2014
44 Rolling Stone: Gang Rape Hoax Fabricated Against University of Virginia Fraternity - November 2014
45 NBC News: Brian Williams Exposed as Serial Fabricator
46 CNN: Brian Stelter’s Fraudulent Attempt to Rescue Brian Williams - February 2015
47 NBC News: Four MSNBC Anchors Don’t Pay Their Taxes - April 2015
48 ABC News: George Stephanopoulos Lies About Clinton Foundation Investment - May 2015
Jewish World Review Who will lose this election? Journalists
Mad As Hell Boycott
Rolf Dobelli Why you should stay away from news. [PDF]
Daily Reckoning Lose the News
Yahoo! News Trayvon Martin case exposes worst in media
Media Research Center The Notable Quotes of 2013 - The Twenty-Sixth Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting
Media Research Center The Notable Quotes of 2012 - The Twenty-Fifth Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting
Media Research Center Media Bias 101: What Journalists Really Think -- and What the Public Thinks About Them
Personal Liberty Digest Canadian Newspaper Takes A Stand Against Granting Mass Murderer Celebrity Status
MRC TV Video: Crazy MSNBC Talking-Head Is Totally Unhinged
MRC TV Journalist Exposed Fabricating Quotes About Charleston Shooter, Trump Supporters
MRC TV Americans Don’t Trust Media to Be Accurate, Honest or Impartial
PJ Media Pulitzer Prize Winner Hawks ‘Protocols of the Elders of the Anti-Islam Movement’ in the New Yorker
Truth Revolt Former NY Times Writer's Dismissal of Key Brotherhood Document is 'Journalistic Malpractice' - "We can only conclude that he’s being duplicitous, or really, really thick."
Truth Revolt Black Suspect Sees News Camera, Falls to the Ground: 'My Back! My Back!'
American Thinker The Journalists' Handbook: How to Write any Story Without Working At It
Ann Coulter Media Hide Facts, Call Everyone Else A Liar
Truth ?Revolt Busted: Major Media Outlets Fall for Fake Ammon Bundy Tweet Comparing Himself to Rosa Parks - After all, major media outlets don't have to fact check.
Truth Revolt News Vet: 'Affirmative Action' Needed to Balance 'Overwhelmingly Progressive' Newsrooms - "Most of these journalists seem to come down on the same side of the political spectrum every time."
Truth Revolt NY Times Heads Allegedly Warn Management: Meet Diversity Goals or Be Fired - "There was a full dialogue around hiring, promotion, retention and career development as well as other programs to support diversity and inclusion."
Truth Revolt You Know That Brexit 'Do-Over' Petition MSM Reports Has '3+ Million Signatures'? Well, It's a Hacker-Prank - "Signatories" came from Ghana, Vietnam, Uganda and Turkmenistan.
Truth Revolt Mike Rowe Schools Liberal Journalist, Rewrites Hit Piece - "The 'Raw Story' does not appear to be terribly concerned with the facts."
Truth Revolt U.S. Government News Agencies Continue Attacking Trump - BBG leader uses Facebook to brand Trump a liar and a clown.
Truth Revolt Coulter: GOP Blames Victim of Media Rape - Sissy conservatives who have never faced one minute of press hostility blame Trump for giving the media openings to twist his words.
Truth Revolt Thornton: We Citizens Have to Guard the Media 'Guardians' - Mainstream media journalists rationalize their war on Trump.
Truth Revolt Chris Wallace on Moderating Debate: 'Not My Job to Be the Truth Squad' - "It’s up to the other person to catch them on that."
Truth Revolt Most Blatant Pro-Hillary Lies Yet as MSM Cites Oppressive Weather, Pantsuit for Collapse - Watch this video and behold proof that journalism is dead.
Truth Revolt Pillars of Integrity: NY Times, WaPo Heads Say They Would 'Risk Jail Time' To Publish Trump Tax Returns - Because they have a "duty" to tell the truth...
Truth Revolt LA Times Admits: Hillary Polling 'Leads' Meant to Discourage Trump Supporters; Take Them With a Grain of Salt - This race won't be over until November 8, no matter what you might read or hear.
Truth Revolt BUSTED: CNN Interviewed ‘Protester’ - No, Wait, It Was Cameraman - Well, that was embarrassing!
Truth Revolt Slate Hysteria: All Trump Voters Are Racists
Truth Revolt Adam Carolla Tells NY Times 'No One Gives a Sh*t About You' - "I like the message, which is - CNN and New York Times, you don’t get to dictate outcomes.
WND Why they call it 'Communist News Network' - Exclusive: Joseph Farah is flabbergasted at latest example of media apparatchik
MRC NewsBusters Dana Loesch: 'Protecting' Obama Is to Blame for Lack of Trust in Media's Vetting of Trump
MRC NewsBusters Missing Mateen: Top Newspapers Even WORSE Than TV In Hillary v. Trump Controversy Coverage
Facebook Mike Row response to hit piece by what passes as journalism these days.
iowahawk Bylines of Brutality - As Casualties Mount, Some Question The Emotional Stability of Media Vets
mrc tv Reality Check: The REAL RNC Protesters
mrc tv NBC: Trump Claim That Clinton Emails Were 'Acid Washed' False Because She Didn't Use Actual Acid
Breitbart Pat Caddell on ‘Cooked’ Reuters Poll: ‘Never in My Life Have I Seen a News Organization Do Something So Dishonest’
Daily Wire Ten Minutes of CNN Cutting Off People Who Dare Criticize Hillary
Ann Coulter Media Invented Lie About Trump Mocking Disabled Reporter
Ann Coulter How The Media Work
Ann Coulter GOP Blames Victim Of Media Rape
Daily Wire The Washington Post Declares Hillary’s Email Scandal Off Limits
Daily Wire Hillary's Health: Reality Decimates Media's Protection Racket
Daily Wire Jake Tapper Tells the Biggest Lie 'In the History of the World'
Daily Wire WATCH: Shapiro SHREDS CNN's Stelter, Media's Anti-Trump Bias
Daily Wire New Evidence Points to CNN Helping Hillary Cheat at Debate
Daily Wire If You Need Proof CNN Wants Trump and His Supporters Assassinated — Here It Is
Daily Wire Russia, Bribes & Sex: 19 MASSIVE Democrat Scandals the MSM Is Covering Up - If these were Republican scandals, they would consume the news cycle.
American Thinker Watch as Tucker Carlson reams MSM reporter for acting as DNC stenographer attacking Jeff Sessions
Daily Caller The Simple Reasons Americans No Longer Listen To Reporters
YouTube American Pravda, NYT Part I - Slanting the News & A Bizarre Comey Connection
YouTube American Pravda, NYT Part II - Exploiting Social Media & Manipulating the News
Daily Brief The Dogs Don’t Like It
medium Shenzhen Tech Girl Naomi Wu: My experience with Sarah Jeong, Jason Koebler, and Vice Magazine
Louder With Crowder WATCH: Man Raises $1 Million for Charity, Media Ruins It Over Old Tweets
American Wire Sacha Baron Cohen Goes After Big Tech, Says They Spread White Supremacy And Hatred
Louder With Crowder MSNBC Claims #MinnesotaRiot is Mostly Peaceful While Standing In Front of a Burning Building
Mrc NewsBusters A Tale of Two Protests: Minnesota Rioters Vs. Anti-Lockdown Protesters
Federalist">Federalist Media Falsely Claimed Violent Riots Were Peaceful And That Tear Gas Was Used Against Rioters
Ann Coulter America’s Most Gullible Journalist: ‘visit Portland!’
Louder With Crowder 'Roblox' Gamer Infiltrates White House Press Corps, Gets Jen Psaki to Answer Questions
Glenn Geenwald Journalists Attack the Powerless, Then Self-Victimize to Bar Criticisms of Themselves
Amercan Thinker Today’s journalists are often little more than left-wing thugs
Not The Bee The New York Times updated their Babylon Bee smear aaaand it's still hot garbage
PJ Media New York Times Scrambles After Babylon Bee Sics Its Lawyers on Them
Federalist CBS’s Refusal To Even Explain Itself Is The New, Shameless Reality For Republicans And Conservatives
Louder With Crowder GOP senator TORCHES media for ignoring border crisis in must-watch video
Louder With Crowder Liberal Braintrust Says To Stop Blaming Inflation. Instead, Blame High Prices (hey, wait a second...)
Louder With Crowder Watch: Canadian conservative wrecks reporter's smug face over media reports on the Niagra Falls "terrorist" car explosion
Louder With Crowder Report: A New York Times Staffer Allegedly Appeared Naked On A Zoom Call With "Top Editors"
Atlantic Is American Journalism Headed Toward an ‘Extinction-Level Event’?
Louder With Crowder Moms for Liberty founders bring ALL the receipts after "60 Minutes" hit piece airs
Louder With Crowder “I had to lie a lot about things that I didn’t agree with": Sage Steel exposes how ESPN forbid her from questioning "The Science"
Louder With Crowder “I had to lie a lot about things that I didn’t agree with": Sage Steele exposes how ESPN forbid her from questioning "The Science"
Louder With Crowder WSJ to Americans: The problem is YOU, not the Joe Biden economy
Louder With Crowder Media claims FBI investigating "hoax" threats against Catholic Schools, yet this email to parents says NOTHING about a "hoax"

News - Public Appreciation for being Lied To
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Washington Examiner Trust in media at all-time low
Hot Air BOOM! 59% of voters think MSM is a "major threat" to Democracy: NYT/Siena Poll
Fox News US has lowest levels of public trust in media among 46 countries: Reuters survey
Media Research Center Poll Shows Public Confidence in News Media Sinking to Record Low
mrc tv Americans’ Trust in Mass Media Reaches All-Time-Low, Poll Shows
Daily Wire The Media Go Insane Over Trump In Every Way. That’s Why We Don’t Trust Them.
Canada Free Press WHY I HATE THE LYING, STINKING MEDIA - Have you had enough of them, yet? I have
Geller Report Trump Calls in Top Media Figures for ‘Meeting’... ‘It was like a f---ing firing squad’
Truth Revolt Poll: Most Voters Don't Trust Major Media Outlets - "People have been turning away from major newspapers and network news for years."
Twn Hall The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Deserve Our Respect or Our Trust
Louder With Crowder BuzzFeed to Lay Off 15% of Staff After Crappy Reporting on Mueller/Trump
mrc tv Media Ranks Dead Last in Confidence Among U.S. Institutions - Even Below Congress
Louder With Crowder Now Nick Sandmann is Suing the Crap out of CNN to the Tune of $275 Million
mrc tv WATCH: Covington Student’s Legal Team Makes Powerful Video Statement
Conservative Review Levin: ‘Human souls were slaughtered ... and they’re attacking our president
American Thinker Blankenship Is Right: Sue the Mainstream Media Out of Existence
mrc tv Record High of Americans Believe Reporters Out to ‘Block the President’
PJ Media Americans Who Can't Agree on Anything Agree Our Media Sucks
mrc tv '#WaPoDeathNotices' Trends After Washington Post Hails Dead ISIS Leader As 'Austere Religious Scholar'
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Time's "Person of the Year" Dishonesty
100 Percent Fed Up BREAKING: OAN Reporter Writes Blistering Letter To “Anonymous” Journalist Who Left Cowardly Note After She Called Out Leftist White House Press Pool
American Thinker COVID-19 Probably Won't Destroy Society, but the Government's Reaction Might
YouTube The Mentalist S02E08 - His Right Red Hand
mrc tv Victory! Washington Post Settles Defamation Suit with Covington Student Nick Sandmann
Louder with Crowder Actress Kirstie Alley Slams CNN Reporter for Clear Trump Hatred
Louder with Crowder American Hero Goes Viral for Perfect Three-Word Answer to CNN Asking: 'What's Your Name?'
mrc tv Ala. Rep. Mo Brooks Denies CNN's Jim Acosta an Interview: 'I Do Not Trust CNN to be Honorable or Truthful'
mrc tv rumble Rep. Nunes files defamation suit against Maddow, MSNBC
YouTube ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ chant a ‘complete indictment’ of the US media
Louder with Crowder Mike Rowe Sounds Off on What 'Hysterical' Let's Go Brandon Chant Means: 'People Have Become Sick & Tired...'
Zero Hedge The Mainstream Media Is Losing The Fight Of Its Life...All Thanks To Joe Rogan
American Thinker American journalism is just about done
Louder With Crowder Watch: Kari Lake bodies reporter who claimed she's 'dividing the country' over questioning the election
Reclaim The Net Americans’ Trust In News Media Falls To New Lows
Louder With Crowder "Dumbest, know-nothing motherf***ers": Enjoy Dana White's latest EPIC rant on how useless the media is and why
Louder With Crowder Watch: Reporter thinks he can play "gotcha" with UFC's Sean Strickland over a three-year-old tweet. The champ ENDED him.
Louder With Crowder Watch: Elderly Millennial Taylor Lorenz Is Freaking Out Because Of Mass Media Layoffs, And It's Hilarious
Louder With Crowder Watch: LSU coach goes BEAST MODE on WaPo reporter, preemptively calls them out for upcoming hit piece

News - Liars - Dishonest - Corrupt - Evil - Immoral - Unethical - Because the narrative is more important than the truth
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
rumble The Media’s Most Outrageous Lies of 2021
American Thinker Project Veritas scores a significant victory over the New York Times
American Thinker AP offers staggering example of media's dishonest spin
American Thinker It is no wonder most people don't trust the media since they frequently bury truthful stories while endlessly running false stories
Louder With Crowder WATCH: NYT Reporter Ridicules, Exposes Colleagues Overreaction to January 6, Claims 'Ton of FBI Informants'
rumble VINDICATED! Conservatives SLAM Big Tech after NYT Admits Hunter Biden Laptop Legit
rumble Journalists Have Learned Nothing From the Laptop Fiasco, and They’re Not Sorry
Louder With Crowder Elon Musk Torches MSNBC for 'Basically' Calling Republicans Nazis, Shares Three News Stories They Covered Up
Louder With Crowder Des Moines Register refuses to run Governor's OpEd unless she bends the knee to their woke language
Real Clear Politics The “Crazy, Right-Wing Shooter” Myth
YouTube Tucker Carlson: 2022 was the year of lying
American Thinker Attack of the Megalomaniacal News Media
Red State The Washington Post Makes a Big Admission About 'Russian Interference' in the 2016 Election
Breitbart Nolte: Far-left NY Times Angry at DeSantis for Ignoring Fake Media Like NY Times
Federalist 6 Reasons The NYT’s Hit Job On John Durham’s Imminent Report Instantly Unravels
Ann Coulter Magical Thinking at The New York Times
American Thinker Another Pulitzer Prize discredited as propaganda
Federalist For Five Straight Years, The Pulitzer Prizes Have Rewarded Misinformation
Town Hall The Reality of a Trans School Shooter Has Journalists Shaming Themselves As Unreal Explanations Backfire
mrc tv CBS Execs Ban the Word 'Transgender' From Network's Covenant Massacre Reporting
Louder With Crowder WaPo's "fact-checker" gets fact-checked hard by Twitter, then gets fact-checked AGAIN when he whines about it
Louder mWith Crowder Elon Musk exposes what's "odd" and "very strange" about media coverage of the Allen Texas shooter
Red State Washington Post Rushes to Call Texas Mall Shooter a White Supremacist, Shoots Itself in the Foot
Louder With Crowder Kevin McCarthy smacks down AP reporter's "no evidence for impeachment" claim, gets her to admit all the evidence
Louder With Crowder WaPo released their anti-Dave Portnoy hit piece after being called out, one part is unintentionally hilarious
Louder With Crowder Keith Olbermann lashes out at reporter for accurately reporting the accusations against Trevor Bauer were bullplop
Federalist Poll: More Americans Than Ever Have Zero Trust In Media
Louder With Crowder WaPo's word choice to water down Hamas kidnapping Jews looks worse after what they did next
Louder With Crowder Did Elon Musk Strip NYT's Verification Badge Over Their Fake News And Anti-Israel Misinformation?
mrc tv Babies and Babies That 'Were Found Headless'
Vanity Fair< “You Don’t Want to Hedge It?”: Inside the New York Times Debate Over Its Gaza Hospital Bombing Coverage
mrc tv NBC Tries Fact-Checking 'DeSantis Airlines' Claim - and BOMBS
Louder With Crowder Scarborough Loses His Mind, Claims Trump Will “Execute” Anyone “He Is Allowed To” If Reelected
Louder With Crowder "Scary, damage is already done": Young Chiefs fan, who's Native American, speaks out on Deadspin trying to ruin his life
Louder With Crowder WaPo Workers, Who Lecture Us That "Biden’s Economy Is Booming," Go On Strike Because Of Inflation
Louder With Crowder Wow! MSNBC stooge claims you only THINK Trump's economy was good because you fell for propaganda about jobs, more money
Louder With Crowder ABC News finds sick new way to attack Speaker Johnson's Christianity: not wanting his 13-year-old daughter to have sex
Louder With Crowder UK Paper: so let's chat about how climate change is hitting vulnerable Indonesian trans sex workers

News - Support for Terrorists - Support for Hamas - Support For Killing Jews - Support For Ant-semitism - Fake News - FakeNews - Lies - Dishonests
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Honest Reproting Broken Borders: AP & Reuters Pictures of Hamas Atrocities Raise Ethical Questions
Louder With Crowder Watch: Woke Sky News reporter asks dumbest question in history of journalism over Israel-Hamas hostage exchange
Washington Times New York Times comes under fire after publishing op-ed from Hamas member

News - Tennessee Insurrection Cover Up - Fake News - FakeNews - Lies - Dishonests
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Red State 'Reporter' Goes Full Baghdad Bob in Disgraceful Display During Tennessee Transurrection

News - Fake News - FakeNews - Lies - Dishonests
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
fake news was birthed by the Mainstream Media back in August 2014 when they "propagated the hands up, don’t shoot lie" after the justified shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri
rumble In Defamation Suit, Maddow’s Legal Team Admits: She Should Not Be Thought To Be Presenting FACTS
Canada Free Press Live by the Lie, Die by the Lie
PragerU What Is Fake News?
YouTube PragerU: American Media, Soviet Tactics
YouTube PragerU: Why No One Trusts the Mainstream Media
mrc tv MSNBC's Brzezinski: Controlling What People Think Is 'Our Job'
mrc tv Washington Post Accidentally Cites Satire Website In Their Haste to Mock Trump
News Ninja Director of Natl Intel Just Handed CNN, Buzzfeed A Blistering SMACKDOWN!!
Affluent Christian Investor The Real Agenda Behind the Fake News
Info Wars The Ultimate "Fake News" List - The mainstream media is the primary source of the most harmful, most inaccurate news ever
Info Wars Facebook Already Blocking Links to "Fake News" - Despite Washington Post admitting its "fake news" exposé was based on shoddy research
mrc tv Reality Check: It's Time To Call Out the Media On This 'Fake News' Crap
Truth Revolt LA Times Lists Several Reliable Conservative Outlets as Fake News Sites to Avoid - Notably absent from its "not-reliable news sites" MSNBC, Huffington Post, LA Times, etc.
Truth Revolt ‘Today’ Show Deceives With Image of Freddie Gray Protests to Urge Calm After S. Carolina Mistrial - Next, they’ll be telling us what "fake news" to watch out for.
Truth Revolt Lyin' Brian: 'Fake News' Responsible for Trump Win - Oh the Irony!
Truth Revolt Report: WaPo Columnist Cites 'Fake News' After Complaining About 'Fake News' - More "Do as I say, not as I do" from the Left.
Truth Revolt Malkin: The Messy Truth About Van Jones - This goes beyond the sin of "fake news."
Truth Revolt Sheriff Clarke: Liberal Media Created 'Fake News' Pushing Ferguson Lie, 'Hand's Up, Don't Shoot' - Pot, meet kettle.
Truth Revolt Greenfield: Stop Fake News With the RealNews™ Revolution - You have nothing to lose but reality.
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle's Firewall: Fake News - Bill Whittle picks apart this nonsense and places the blame squarely where it belongs.
Truth Revolt National Review: ‘Gullible News’ Far Worse Than ‘Fake News’ - "If anyone ever tells you that any part of America is worse than North Korea, you don’t need a Harvard degree to know that’s nonsense. You only need a brain."
Truth Revolt Buzzfeed Digs Own Grave, Publishes Unverified, Error-Laden Allegations Against Trump - Buzzfake is more like it.
Truth Revolt Klein: Fake News Media Go To War With Trump - CNN and Buzzfeed go all in on unsubstantiated dossier of anti-Trump "intelligence."
Truth Revolt No one believes the media anymore. Greenfield: Why the Media’s Trump Lie Machine is Failing - No one believes the media anymore.
Truth Revolt Sharyl Attkisson: Media Will Never Get Back to Reporting Facts Without Bias - That’s a cold, hard fact right there.
Truth Revolt Weiss: The Ten Worst Cases Of 'Very Fake News' - A lying press is the enemy of the people.
Truth Revolt Washington Examiner: Trump Hit With 33 ‘Fake News’ Stories, 1 a Day - "This list shows that false and fabricated information is an epidemic in the snooty liberal newsrooms."
Truth Revolt Lib Columnist Wrote About ‘Dangerous’ Police Stop, Dashcam Video Proved Him Wrong - "I’m lucky I didn’t get shot."
Truth Revolt Report: Fake News Manipulates.... Fake Ratings - They misspell their program titles to manipulate the ratings-algorithms.
Truth Revolt Prager: How the Mainstream Media Operate - When a story has a left-wing interest, the media abandon straight news reporting and take on the role of advocates.
Truth Revolt Prager U: What is Fake News - The Three Rules of Mainstream Media Journalism.
Truth Revolt Greenfield: Story Laundering - Fusion GPS, Fake News, Russians and Reporters - The media’s real business is ‘story laundering.'
Truth Revolt Prager U: Why No One Trusts the Mainstream Media - Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson explains it all.
Truth Revolt Glenn Greenwald Attacks CNN, Mainstream Media For Fake News - "Major media outlets have made humiliating, breathtaking errors on the Trump/Russia story, always in the same direction, toward the same political goals."
Truth Revolt Elder: Had ‘News’ Media Done Its Job, Obama Would Not Have Become President - The suppression of the Obama-Farrakhan photo is just the latest example of the degree to which Obama benefited from extraordinarily special treatment.
Truth Revolt JROTC Student Given Scripted Question by CNN for Town Hall Gun Debate - Network claims it NEVER gives out scripted questions. WRONG.
Truth Revolt WATCH: CNN Anti-Gun Town Hall a Firing Range for Targets Loesch, Rubio - This was a well-orchestrated bloodbath.
Truth Revolt CBS News’ Deceptive Headline Pegs Grocery Store as Major Firearms Dealer - Yes, Kroger is KNOWN for its fine selection of Keebler cookies and Sig Sauers.
Truth Revolt NYT Given Journalism Award for Debunked Russia/Trump Story - That’s what happens in our "everyone gets a trophy" society.
Daily Wire 6 Things You Need To Know About 'Fake News'
Daily Wire Worst Liar In Senate Tells Democrats To Police 'Fake' News
Daily Wire Trump Derangement Syndrome: HuffPo Tries To Link Trump Team With Nazi Party
Daily Wire The New York Times Thinks Trump 'Stole' A Supreme Court Seat. Because They're Stupid.
Daily Wire CNN Is Furious Fox News Covered Illegals' Alleged Gang Rape of 14 Year-Old Girl Daily Wire Undercover Video: CNN Producer Says #TrumpRussia Hoax Is 'Mostly Bull****'
Daily Wire 5 Statistics That Show Media Bias Is Real
Daily Wire Trump Set A Trap For The Self-Obsessed Media In Phoenix. They Fell Right Into It.
Daily Wire Democrats Know They Can Always Count on the Media
Daily Wire Klavan: Members Of The Press, Your Defense Of Jim Acosta Is Why Everyone Hates You - "Jim Acosta is a bad version of bad journalism that the Left has been elevating all this time."
Canada Fre Press Want to talk about ‘fake news?’ Let’s talk about The Daily Show, CNN, NBC, and The Politico.
Buzz Feed News Renegade Facebook Employees Form Task Force To Battle Fake News - The group is hoping to challenge the position by CEO Mark Zuckerberg that the platform has no responsibility to address the issue following the election of Donald Trump.
Daily Caller ‘Fake News’ Outrage Is All About Restoring Power To Elites
The Intercept A Clinton Fan Manufactured Fake News That MSNBC Personalities Spread to Discredit WikiLeaks Docs
Current Affairs The Necessity of Credibility - Ridding ourselves of fake news requires having media outlets that are actually worth listening to...
The Daily Liberator The Epitome of Fake News
Daily Reckoning "Fake News," Censorship and Democracy
YouTube Top 10 Fake News Stories of 2016 from Mainstream Media
Daily Wire The 11 Worst Fact-Checks By Facebook's New Fact-Checkers
mrc tv BuzzFeed: Publish Now, Verify Later on Trump-Russia Allegations
Truth Feed Former CNN Reporter Exposes the Truth - OBAMA PAID THEM TO LIE
Washington Times Press coverage of Trump in first month of office: 88 percent ‘hostile,’ says new study
Power Line fake news from the Associated Press
Jewsih World Review Great Moments in Fake News 'Journalism'
mrc tv CNN's Van Jones Caught: 'The Russia Thing is Just a Big Nothing Burger'
mrc tv CNN: Deporting Illegal Aliens Is Exactly Like the Holocaust
mrc tv Self-Serving AP and Yahoo! Say 'Hatred' of Journalists Is Rising
Project Veritas American Pravda Part III: CNN Selectively Edits, Hates Trump and Thinks Voters Are Stupid
Zero Hedge Exposing The 9 Fakest Fake-News Checkers
Daily Inter Lake COLUMN: A finger in the dike holding back the fake news
Daily Inter Lake COLUMN: Dishonest media 101: ‘Your bias is showing’
Save The West STW video: "HuffPost’s lies, hate speech, and incitement to violence exposed"
PJ Media American Journalists Are Hysterical Knuckleheads
Town Hall The Liberal Press Rebelled Against Reality - and Lost
Louder With Crowder FACT CHECKING WaPo’s Anti-Trump ‘Fact-Checks’! (With Lee Doren)
Federalist If You Want To Know Why Conservatives Don’t Trust Media, Watch CNN - Trump’s hyperbole has currency because the media often live up to conservatives' worst expectations.
CDP Was The Times Duped By A USC Student To Run Hoax Op-Ed?
American Thinker NYT smears Nikki Haley over Obama's $53,000 UN curtains purchase
Daily Wire Warren Releases Study Showing She's Supremely White. Media Then Pretend She's Native American.
Louder With Crowder TIME Article Defending Elizabeth Warren is Proof of Fake News
American Thinker NBC hid exculpatory information that would have cleared Kavanaugh of gang rape accusation
Daily Wire Media Tout 'Jewish Leaders' In Pittsburgh Telling Trump He's Not Welcome. They're Lying. Those 'Jewish Leaders' Are Professional Progressive Activists.
Federalist Manafort/Assange Drama Proves Media Will Buy Any Russia Conspiracy Story, No Matter Its Flaws - If this story had been true, it would have been proof of the conspiracy theory the Resistance/Media/NeverTrump has peddled without evidence for years, but being upset about it being false means that you're also guilty!
Louder With Crowder Dear Media: Your Migrant Caravan Story is a Steaming Pile of Crap
Federalist NPR Blatantly Lies About Donald Trump Jr.’s 2017 Senate Testimony
mrc tv Real Fake News! Former CNN 'Journalist of the Year' Admits to Fabricating Stories
Gateway Pundit CAUGHT: The AP Is Actively Rewriting History in Order to Bash Trump and Defend Failed President Obama
Security Studies Group Anatomy of a Smear: Ad Hoc Propaganda
mrc tv Huh?! Fake News Media Concerned About Being Called Fake News for Reporting Fake News
Daily Wire This Weekend, The Media Demonstrated Why Conservatives Can't Trust Them
Liberty Nation Bloated Media Pretenders Due For a Day of Reckoning
Michelle Malkin The MAGA-phobic manure-spreaders of media sensationalism [UPDATED]; Smollett refuses to turn over phone
Daily Wire WATCH: CBS' Lara Logan Calls Out Media For Propaganda-Like Coverage: 'This Interview Is Professional Suicide For Me' - "We've become political activists, some could argue propagandists."
Daily Wire On January 29, Two Hate Crimes Occurred. The Media Only Covered The Fake One. Here's Why.
Daily Wire CBS' Lara Logan Just Exposed Leftist Media Bias. Again. So Why Do So Many Media Members Ignore The Criticism?
National Review Fake Newspeople
Conservative Review Bozell & Graham: Smollett and the ‘Fakes First’ media
Louder With Crowder Time Magazine Columnist Creates Fake Trump Quote, Presents it as Fact
Louder With Crowder Naomi Wolf has Factual Inaccuracies from Book Exposed During Interview
Louder With Crowder Dear Media: Your Failure to Condemn Antifa Proves Donald Trump is Right About You ...
Daily Wire NBC Smears AG Barr, Book About Campus Sexual Assault
Ann Coulter Why the New York Times is Unreformable and Must Die
mr tv ‘Let Me Educate Your Oblivious, Deranged Newspaper’: Hannity Goes Off on WaPo for ISIS Leader ‘Obituary’
Power Line Blog Media/Academic Ignorance Turned up to 11
mrc tv ABC News' David Wright Suspended After Comments in Veritas Video
mrc tv NPR Displays Virus Double Standard in Separate Articles Published 14 Mins. Apart
Breitbart ‘Gutter Level Smear’: CBS Falsely Claims Don Jr. Appeared in ‘Promotion’ for ‘Polygamous Sect’ Member’s Rifle Company
Louder With Crowder CNN Absolutely Embarrasses Itself with This Chyron Excusing Violent Riots in Kenosha
Illicit Info CNN & MSM Destroy Their Last Shred Of Credibility After Condemning Trump Rallies Then Fawning Over Shoulder To Shoulder Screaming Democrats
American Thinker The Washington Post confessed to a very big lie
Louder With Crowder Ron DeSantis Unloads Over 'Debunked' Hit Piece, Provides Facts '60 Minutes' Refused To
Louder With Crowder '60 Minutes' Busted Deceptively Editing Ron DeSantis in Hit Piece
Federalist The Media Didn’t ‘Get It Wrong’ On Lafayette Park, They Lied To America — And They’re Still Lying
Louder With Crowder CNN Encourages Donations to 'Mother of Three' About to be Evicted. Turns Out, the Woman Was Lying ...
rumble DERP State? MSNBC 'Nat. Security Expert' Thinks Chernobyl Is 'Supplying Energy' to Ukraine
Louder With Crowder Brian Stelter Gets Torched By College Student Who Lists Off All the 'Fake News' Promoted By CNN
Federalist Corrupt Media’s Lies About Clarence Thomas Aren’t Just Bad Journalism, They Are A Deliberate Smear Attempt
Post Millennial Influencer says he was offered money to spread anti-Trump Jan 6 lies on TikTok, brings receipts - "I was just offered $400 to make an anti-Donald Trump propaganda post related to the January 6 investigation that is completely not true," Preston Moore, Esq. said in the video.
Commentary How Disinformation Journalists Practice Disinformation
Federalist Team DeSantis Shows The Only Way To Beat The Lying Media Is To Cut Them Off
Louder With Crowder Watch as Elon Musk ends the career and dismantles every smear from this pro-censorship BBC reporter

News - Support For White Genocide
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder Elon Musk savages NYT making excuses for a viral song calling for the killing of white people

News - Support For Rapists - Support For Rape
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Red State CNN Went to Bat for a Pedophile, Then the Community Note Dropped

News - Support For Pedophiles
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder NBC News defends LGBTQ activists chanting "we're coming for your children," says they've been chanting it for years
Louder With Crowder Watch: Ashton Kutcher's passionate testimony against child sex trafficking goes viral

News - Support For Violence Against Republicans - Covering Up Democrat Violence
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Town Hall The Flood of Political Violence the Press Refuses to Cover

News - Racist - Racism
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
rumble Trump Was Right: Racist Media Are The Enemy of the People

News - CNN - Because You Can't Handle The Truth - Post Truth Network - Because Dishonesty Is The Best/Only Policy
CNN Motto: If it lies, it flies.
Counterfeit News Network (CNN)
Coverup News Network (CNN)
Chaos Nuturing Network (CNN)
Contrived News Network (CNN)
Corrupt Negligent Network (CNN)
Clown News Network (CNN)
Crumbling News Network (CNN)
Crying News Ninnies (CNN)
Certainly Not News (CNN)
Cretinous Numbskull Network (CNN)
Caliphate News Network (CNN)
Creates News Network (CNN)
Clearly Not News (CNN)
Competence Not Needed (CNN)
Current Narrative Network (CNN)
Crazy Nazi Network (CNN)
Cosa Nostra Network (CNN)
Criminal News Network (CNN)
Communist News Network (CNN)
Clinton News Network (CNN)
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder 'It's Beautiful': Top 10 Reactions to CNN+ Shutting Down
Louder With Crowder CNN guru shocked about 'huge gap' between what Americans care about and what CNN wants them to
Louder With Crowder Disgraced CNN producer pleads guilty to despicable child sex crime
Red State CNN Finally Reports on Biden Family Corruption, and Everyone Should Be Asking Why
Dan Bongino Show CNN Ratings Fall to 9-Year-Low Due to Being Completely Unwatchable
mrc tv CNN's Ex-Prez Zucker Ordered Employees to Ignore 'Lab Leak,' Because it was 'Trump Talking Point'
Jewish World Review 'Evil' Fox News Versus 'Trusted CNN,' Part 1
Jewish World Review 'Evil' Fox News Versus 'Trusted CNN,' Part 2
Fox News CNN has smallest weekly primetime audience in advertiser-coveted demo in over 30 years
Breitbart Nolte: Zombie Network CNN Lost 61% of Viewers in March

News - Support For Democrat Racism
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
American Thinker White racist leftist in ape mask assaults Larry Elder and just look at how the LA Times covered it

News - Liars and Accomplices - Rittenhouse
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
New York Post 10 heinous lies about Kyle Rittenhouse debunked: Devine
Monster Hunter Nation Fisking one of the many Dumb Hot Takes on The Rittenhouse Case

News - Why Lie When You Can Ignore Or Cover Up an Inconvienient Truth
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
rumble TV Media Desperately Conceal Biden’s Gaffes from Viewers
Federalist Andrew Cuomo Isn’t The Problem
mrc tv Antifa Beats Reporters While Media Ignores Violence
rumble Media Hypes Racism (But Only The Types They Love)
American Greatness A Tale of Two Cities: Kenosha vs. Waukesha - The media’s blatant lies amount to racial arson.
rumble Behold All the Nonsense that Networks Covered Instead of Durham
Louder With Crowder News outlet deletes article on girls' locker room controversy because LGBTQ advocates complained about it
Red State Journalist Rushes to Delete Inconvenient Truth About John Fetterman and His Wife
Jewish World Review Twitter Files: The Real News Is That the Left/Dems/Media Do Not Care
Federalist ABC, CBS, And Other Corporate Media Black Out Coverage Of ‘Twitter Files’ Story
The Hill America’s state media: The blackout on Biden corruption is truly ‘Pulitzer-level stuff’
mrc tv In The Dark! MRC Poll Finds CNN & MSNBC Voters Are Blank On Biden Scandals
mrc tv Media Won’t Mention Democrat Gay Sex Video - Loved Non-Existent Trump ‘Pee Tape’
Loudeer With Crowder Watch: TMZ manages to prove Ann Coulter's shocking claim RIGHT that the Super Bowl parade shooters weren't "white males"

News - Support For Tyranny - Support For Government Oppression
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
mrc tv The Mask Slips: NYT Says Demanding 'Freedom' Is 'Anti-Government'
newsbusters FLASHBACK: Media Enabled Castro’s Brutal Communist Regime

News - Protecting Criminals
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder Newspaper Suppresses Identity of Mass Shooting Suspect Claiming it Would 'Perpetuate Stereotypes'
News Busters Column: Tortilla-Tossing Teens -- Bigger News Than Murder?
newsbusters BLACKOUT: As Cuomo’s Many Scandals Live On, TV News Goes Silent
Louder With Crowder Brian Stelter Embarrasses Himself Defending Chris Cuomo, CNN's 'Journalistic' 'Integrity'

News - War On Women
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
mrc tv Woke Wordplay: USA Today CHANGES Word 'Male' As 'Hurtful Language' - In Female Track Star’s Op-Ed
rumble The Left Believed All Women...Until They Didn't Serve A Purpose Anymore
mrc tv Conservatives Slam Wash Post Reporter For 'Victim Shaming’ Loudoun County School Rape Victim
Louder With Crowder Watch: Megyn Kelly, Mary Katherine Ham discuss their issues with Jeffrey Toobin's penis and CNN

News - War On Children - Support For Pedophiles
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder New York Times capes for pedos, claims YOU'RE the conspiracy theorist for thinking Balenciaga ad was gross
Louder With Crowder As corporate media lashes out at anti-child trafficking film "Sound of Freedom," UFC's Dana White calls on fans to see it

News - Propaganda - Government Funded Propaganda - Government Supported Propaganda
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder Elon Musk continues war on corporate media, changes way NPR is classified on Twitter

News - Propaganda - Participation In Voter Fraud - Support For Voter Fraud - Support For The Elite - Support For the Ruling Class
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Louder with Crowder CNN Director Confronted After Admitting 'Propaganda' Network Got Joe Biden Elected
Louder with Crowder CNN Director Caught on Camera Admitting Network's Pro-Biden Bias: 'That's Propaganda'
Dan Bongino Show New York Times Fact Check Backfires Hilariously Within 24-Hours

News - Leftist Media Support For Censorship
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
mrc NewsBusters VIDEO: Lefty Journalists Demand Censorship, 'Deprogramming' for Conservatives
Town Hall The Associated Press Tried to Bring Down Rumble and the GOP Debate in Lame Fashion

News - Support for Murdering Political Enemies
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
mrc tv ABC News Political Director Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters

News - Covering Up The Nursing Home Murders by Democrat Politicians
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
MRC NewsBusters Janice Dean Pens Scorching Op-Ed on Liberal Darling Andrew Cuomo’s Deadly COVID Cover-Up

News - Dishonest - Corrupt - Incompetent - Evil - Speaking Lies For Power - War On Truth - Speaking Lies To The Powerless - Supporting Lies
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
YouTube Project Veritas channel
YouTube Project Veritas - Wall Of Shame (retractions from media that don't believe in telling the truth)
YouTube SEARCH: Project Veritas Retraction
Youtube SEARCH: Project Veritas Wall Of Shame
Youtube UPDATE: Washington Post Prints Correction After Falsely Claiming Veritas Videos Fake
Youtube Wall of Shame Retraction #301- Jordan Fenster, The Hour
Youtube Wall of Shame Retraction #302 - Nick Jack Pappas
Youtube Wall Of Shame #307 WaPo’s Dave Weigel’s MEGA Retraction that PV Portrays Subjects "Untruthfully"
Youtube Wall Of Shame #308 Dave Weigel's BACK TO BACK RETRACTION!
Youtube RETRACTION #309: The Washington Post's Paul Waldman
Youtube RETRACTION #310: LGBTQ Nation's Bil Browning
Youtube RETRACTION #311: The New York Times' Front Page FAILED Hit Piece On Project Veritas
Youtube RETRACTION #312 - Caitlin Oprysko, Politico
Youtube RETRACTION #313: RETRACTION #313: Robert Marchant, Stamford Advocate - Hearst Media
Youtube RETRACTION #314: CBS News prints MASSIVE correction after FAKE testing line airs on CBS This ...
Youtube RETRACTION #315: The Young Turks DELETE their own YouTube show!
Youtube RETRACTION #316: David McAfee - Law 360
Youtube RETRACTION #317: Stephen Rex Brown of the New York Daily News
Youtube RETRACTION #318: Washington Post's Cat Zakrzewski Claims Veritas Facebook story "Unsubstantiated"
Youtube RETRACTION #319: Daily Mail's Megan Sheets DELETES multiple paragraphs in libelous article
Youtube RETRACTION #320: "Independent Journalist" Wendy Siegelman forced to DELETE tweet!
Youtube RETRACTION #321: Business Insider's Sonam Sheth Updates Defamatory Article About Project Veritas
Youtube RETRACTION #323: Newsweek’s Darragh Roche corrects fact that ballot harvesting shown was illegal!
Youtube RETRACTION #324: Business Insider's Brennan Weiss Earns His Spot On The Veritas 'Wall of Shame'
Youtube RETRACTION #325 "" reporter Judd Legum will forever be remembered on the 'Wall of Shame'
Youtube RETRACTION #326: Salon’s Jake Johnson forced to print retraction after LYING about Project Veritas
Youtube RETRACTION #327: William LeGate forced to RETRACT claim that we paid USPS Whistleblower
Youtube RETRACTION #328: By the Fire w/ James O’Keefe: Retraction episode #328
YouTube RETRACTION #329: Snopes "Fact-Checker" Bethania Palma forced to print retraction!
YouTube RETRACTION #330: Bloomberg "Journalist" William Turton's ENDLESS Retraction
YouTube RETRACTION #331: Yahoo News "Reporter" Jon Ward Prints BIG FAT JUICY CORRECTION!
YouTube RETRACTION #332: Raw Story DELETES ENTIRE ARTICLE SECTION after ‘Penrose Stairs’ ANTIFA/Veritas lie
YouTube RETRACTION #333: Daily Beast "Breaking News Intern" Arya Hodjat UPDATES False Claims Against Veritas
YouTube RETRACTION #334: Bloomberg's Bill Turton Makes Wall of Shame History In FIRST EVER 2x Retraction In SAME ARTICLE
YouTube RETRACTION #335: Former Daily Beast Breaking News Intern Arya Hodjat Prints yet ANOTHER Retraction
YouTube RETRACTION #336: Former Huffington Post "Journalist" Luke O'Brien Forced to Print Correction
YouTube RETRACTO #337: HuffPost Reporter Christopher Mathias Enshrined on WALL OF SHAME for UPDATED Story
YouTube SPECIAL EDITION RETRACTO 338: Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon Forces New York Times to "update" article
YouTube RETRACTION #339: Tech Crunch Reporter Devin Coldewey FORCED to Update Article After Printing Lies
YouTube RETRACTION #340: Politico’s ‘Breaking News’ INTERN Benjamin Din Inducted to Veritas' Wall of Shame
YouTube RETRACTION #341: Hill Reporter's Editor-In-Chief DELETES ENTIRE ARTICLE Following Lies About Veritas
YouTube RETRACTION #342: RETRACTO: New York Times Reporters Contradict Their Own Newspaper On Live Television
YouTube RETRACTION #343: ‘Media Bias / Fact Check’ inducted to the Wall of Shame
YouTube RETRACTION #344: New York Times Issues SECOND CORRECTION About Babylon Bee
YouTube MEGA RETRACTO #345: Hill Reporter DELETES FOUR ARTICLES - Managing Editor Denies Own Existence
YouTube RETRACTO #346: Prints Multiple Corrections; DELETES ARTICLE After Lying About Veritas
YouTube RETRACTION #347: American Independent inducted to the Wall of Shame
YouTube RETRACTION #348: Multiple time ‘Wall of Shame’ inductee Hill Reporter RETRACTS 5 MORE times!
American Thinker Project Veritas Pulled Some Stunning Admissions Out of the New York Times
Savage Takes Mainstream Media Outlets Forced to Eat Crow, Issue Embarrassing Corrections After Pouring Gas on Phony Border Patrol Story
YouTube DEFAMATION BY IMPLICATION: The Associated Press 'Strawmans' Project Veritas
Hot Air CNN sneers: Joe Rogan deserved our false report about him taking horse dewormer to treat COVID
Louder With Crowder WaPo Forced to Issue 'Greatest Correction in History of Journalism' in Their Let's Go Brandon Hit Piece
Louder With Crowder CNN's Bakari Sellers Lies About Kyle Rittenhouse 4 TIMES in 14 Seconds. It's Impressive, Really
YouTube RETRACTO 350: New York Daily News' Rocco Parascandola forced to RETRACT claim of ‘false reports’
Professor Ornery Dragon A-Fisking We Will Go!
YouTube RETRACTO 352: Charlottesville Weekly DELETES article claiming Veritas publishes “misinformation”
YouTube RETRACTO 353 & 354: Independent & Kansas City Star retract false statements on #ExposeFauci report
YouTube RETRACTION #355: People Magazine's Aaron Parsley retracted not ONE but FOUR false claims about Project Veritas
Louder With Crowder Couple Goes to Freedom Convoy To See for Themselves, Discover Mainstream Media Narrative is Complete Garbage
YouTube Newsweek Daniel Villarreal admits Veritas is a "journalism enterprise" after retracting false claim (356:)
YouTube RETRACTO 356: Newsweek Daniel Villarreal says Veritas is a "journalism enterprise" after false claim
YouTube Retracto 357: Brookings Institute Deletes Article Linking Veritas Video to Destruction of Democracy
YouTube RETRACTO #358: AlterNet’s David Badash Falsely Labels Veritas “Deception Activists”
YouTube RETRACTO #360: The Sun US Reporter Forced to DELETE Defamatory Article about Project Veritas
YouTube RETRACTO #364: Time Magazine's Vera Bergengruen & Chris Wilson Correct Mistake
YouTube RETRACTO #365: Tech Crunch Reporter Corrects Doctored Article About Veritas Twitter Suspensions
YouTube RETRACTO #366: Business Insider’s Kelsey Vlamis Retracts False Claim About PV Legal Battle With NYT
YouTube RETRACTO #368: NPR Affiliate RETRACTS False Claim LIVE ON AIR Following Reporting on Curtis Campaign
YouTube RETRACTO #369: Sublette Examiner RETRACTS false claim that Veritas is a "white supremacist gr
YouTube RETRACTO #370: Gizmodo Reporter Tom McKay RETRACTS Multiple False Statements About Project Veritas
YouTube RETRACTO #371: Daily News Joseph Wilkinson RETRACTS Claim Of Twitter Banning PV For "Misinformation"
YouTube RETRACTO #372: Salon's Matthew Chapman RETRACTS Claim That Veritas Targets "Liberal Organizations"

News - Protecting The Guilty And Attacking The Innocent
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
American Wire NBC, ABC And CBS Now Appear To Have Run Cover For World’s Most Powerful Rape Rings
Daily Wire WALSH: ABC And CBS Just Colluded To Fire A Whistleblower. The Hypocrisy Is Breathtaking.
Post Millennial EPSTEIN, WEINSTEIN, KAVANAUGH: Conspiracy, cover-up, and catastrophe
mrc NewsBusters Study: Networks Bury Important Facts Corroborating Sex Assault Claim Against Biden
mrc NewsBusters Don Lemon Rants Over Trump Calling Rioters 'Thugs,' Cries Racism
mrc NewsBusters Friends of Antifa: NBC Scoffs at Claims 'Left-Wing' Mobs Causing Riots
mrc NewsBusters Carlson Savages ‘Ministry of Truth’ CNN, MSNBC as Pro-Riot ‘Revolutionary Organizations’
reason The Media's Role in Concealing Stalin's Evils Exposed in Mr. Jones
Louder With Crowder The Portland Man Whom Black Lives Matter Assaulted? The Media Is Attacking Him Over a Facebook Post ...
mrc tv Pop Media Misreport DC Protesters Accosting Rand Paul, Who Sponsored the Breonna Taylor Bill
Dan Bongino Show The Anatomy of a Washington Post Hit Piece
Louder With Crowder Ron DeSantis Goes Thug Life on '60 Minutes': 'Horse Manure,' 'There's Gonna Be Consequences
Louder With Crowder Tucker Carlson Accuses CNN of 'Misinformation,' Immediately Gets Proved Right by CNN
Louder With Crowder Creepy Porn Lawyer Michael Avenatti Sentenced to Prison. Here's a Montage of Liberal Media Singing His Praise

News - Bias
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
American Thinker Goodbye to journalism
Louder With Crowder WATCH: Project Veritas Confirms CNN Only Cares About Impeaching Trump
Gayle Trotter Press conferences show desperately biased media are no match for President Trump
American Thinker Reporters are not just biased, but incompetent
Bari Weiss Resignation Letter
mrc tv MSNBC Producer Quits Because The Job 'Forces Skilled Journalists To Make Bad Decisions On A Daily Basis'
PJ Media The Morning Briefing: Mainstream Media Hacks Are the Root of Most American Woes
American Thinker The Mainstream Media Is at the Point of No Return
mrc tv 'Not So Fast': Fox News' Neil Cavuto Cuts Off Kayleigh McEnany During Trump Campaign Press Conference
American Thinker In Exclusive Interview, Sharyl Attkisson Chronicles Decline and Fall of Media
PJ Media The Morning Briefing: The New York Times Is An Anti-Journalism Clown Car
PJ Media Is There More Than Anti-Trump Politics Behind a Reported New York Times Decision Not to Investigate COVID's Origins?

News - China - FakeNews most trusted dishonest source
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Blaze China is faking its recovery from the coronavirus outbreak: report - Can't trust much info from the Chinese government
Federalist There Is No Journalistic Defense For Not Answering Kayleigh McEnany’s Questions

News - Russian Collusion
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
mrc tv Russian Trolls Re-Tweeted MSNBC's Joy Reid More Than Any Other Pundit In 2016
The Markets Work A Compilation of DNC Media Collusion & Complicity
Conservative Review Levin: The media is ‘working with the government against this outsider Trump’
Hill Judge dismisses One America News defamation lawsuit against Rachel Maddow

News - Coverup Of Democrat Crimes
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
American Thinker Media covering (up) Dianne Feinstein’s major spy scandal
Newsweek Ben Shapiro: Why In The Name Of God Is The Media Protecting Pope Francis? | Opinion
Daily Wire The Media’s Coverage Of Pope Francis' Alleged Sex Abuse Cover-Up Is Insanely Despicable
Louder With Crowder HATE CRIME: Conservative Student Gets Decked by Leftist Student. Media?
mrc tv ZERO COVERAGE: Media Makes Sexual Allegations Against Biden Disappear
Power Line Washington Post fails to debunk sexual assault claim against Biden
Louder With Crowder Ted Cruz Goes NUCLEAR on CBS News Airing an Anti-Biden Story in Australia that They Censored in America
Federalist All The People Who Should Be Embarrassed About The Latest Hunter Biden News, Ranked
Louder With Crowder NBC News blames "conservative outlets" for video of male senate staffer getting banged by some dude in senate hearing room

News - helping public adjust to trauma of losing an election
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
mrc tv Media Helps Guide Snowflakes Through Thanksgiving Politics

News - helping themselves adjust to trauma of losing an election
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Rich Lieberman 415 Media 415 Media Exclusive: ABC Hires Mental Health Workers To Take Care of Its O and O TV Station Staffers on Election Night if Trump Were To Win

News - War On Christ - War On Christians
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder NBC Sports thought they could remove Texans QB CJ Stroud praising Jesus without the internet noticing: "This is why people hate the media"

News - fake news humor - humor
99.99% of the journalists give the rest a bad name.
The People's Cube Good News, Comrades! FCC Approves People's Cube as Non-Fake News Source
Babylon Bee Scientists Warn Of Possible Black Hole Forming As A Result Of CNN’s Violent Implosion
Babylon Bee Jussie Smollett Offered Job At CNN After Fabricating News Story Out Of Thin Air
Babylon Bee Nation's Liberals Devastated After Learning Hate Crime Didn't Actually Happen
Babylon Bee Jussie Smollett Offered Job At CNN After Fabricating News Story Out Of Thin Air
Babylon Bee Stopped Clock Named CNN's Most Accurate Reporter
Babylon Bee Media Horrified By Lack Of Violence At Joker Screenings
Babylon Bee 'We Are Not The Enemy Of The People,' Say Press Who Intentionally Deceive The People To Protect The Political Elite
Babylon Bee ABC News Claims Story On Epstein Was Accidentally Thrown Out Then Shredded Into Tiny Pieces And Incinerated
Babylon Bee New Emmy Category Announced: Best Covering For A Pedophile
Babylon Bee ABC Asks Viewers To Send In Evidence On Epstein So They Can Destroy It And Then Murder You
Babylon Bee CNN Attacks Babylon Bee: 'The Internet Is Only Big Enough For One Fake News Site'
Babylon Bee CNN Reporter Informs Iranian Protesters They're Supposed To Be Shouting 'Death To America'
Sacramento Brie Chinese Communist Party expels American journalists for comparing Trump to real dictator
Babylon Bee Brian Williams To Host New Game Show 'Are You Smarter Than A Journalist?'
Babylon Bee CNN: 'Death Star Destroys Alderaan In Mostly Peaceful Demonstration'
Sacramento Brie The unmasking of a President, but not by Woodward and Bernstein
Babylon Bee CNN Intern Dutifully Resets 'Days Without A Fake News Story' Counter Every Morning
Babylon Bee CNN Includes Trigger Warning Before Footage Of Patriotic Event At Mount Rushmore
YouTube Fake News Network Reacts to Pearl Harbor (1941, Colorized)
Babylon Bee Journalists Rush To Get Story Out Before It Can Be Ruined By The Facts
Babylon Bee Project Veritas Shunned By Journalists For Practicing Journalism
Babylon Bee Infographic: The Journalists' Guide To Reporting On Politicians
Babylon Bee The Babylon Bee's List Of Updated Terms For Journalists, Now That Biden Is President
Louder With Crowder Fox News Debates Who's the Biggest Idiot at CNN: Chris Cuomo or Don Lemon?
Babylon Bee Journalists Rush To Scene Of Shooting To Determine Whether It's Politically Useful
Babylon Bee CBS News Officially Confirms That Lincoln Has Been Shot
Babylon Bee Media Declining To Report On Major News Story Unsure Why Americans Going To Alternative Sources For News
Babylon Bee DNC, Media Collude To Suppress Story About DNC, Media Colluding To Suppress Story

News Machete

Media Research Center NewsBusted (political humor videos)
YouTube NewsBusted channel
YouTube NewsBusted channel (featured)

Newsbusters exposing and combating liberal media bias.

the newspaper politics of driving / Real News

Nobel Peace Prize now available for terrorists, repressive third world dictators and politicians capable of reading from a teleprompter.
Truth Revolt Fmr Nobel Director Regrets Giving Obama Peace Prize - Admits the committee was hoodwinked by "hope and change."
Muslim Barack Hussein Obama ordered attacks on 7 muslim nations, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya and Iraq after winning the Nobel Peace Prize.
(thanks to the drone program I'm) really good at killing people - Barack Hussein Obama
Slate Last Year, President Obama Reportedly Told His Aides That He's "Really Good at Killing People"
How many people do I need to kill to be eligible for the Nobel Peace Prize. - Cynical Pessimist
The American Spectator Revoke Obama’s Peace Prize
Mises Institute President Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize
Mises Institute Peace and the "Peace Prize"
Ron Paul Institute Will Congress Endorse Obama's War Plans? Does it Matter?
Palestine Facts Why did Yasser Arafat get the Nobel Peace Prize?
Yasser Arafat, terrorist, is world famous for suicide bombers and killing women and children.
L A Times Who Doesn't Have a Nobel Prize Nomination?
wikipedia other infamous nominees (who didn't win) include: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Fidel Castro
Al Gore, inventor of junk science won a Nobel Peace Prize for causing Global Warming, or was that Global Cooling, or maybe just Global Weather.
Andrew Breitbart's Big Hollywood Promising Pre-Med Wins Nobel Prize in Medicine
New York Times Nobel Committee Gives Peace Prize to European Union
Victor Davis Hanson - Private Papers The Nobel Committee and Its Orwellian Peace Prize
Truth Revolt Nobel Academy Takes 27 Years to Decide Death Fatwa Against Salman Rushdie a Bad Thing - And that it might be an assault on free speech.
Truth Revolt PA Seeks Nobel Peace Prize for Convicted Murderer of Israeli Jews - "The fighter Barghouti is a source of pride for the Palestinian people."
Steadfast Clash You'll Never Believe Who Was Just Nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize

Nobel Peace Prize - Humor now available for terrorists, repressive third world dictators and politicians capable of reading from a teleprompter.
Babylon Bee Nobel Peace Prize Committee Informs Trump He Has Not Launched Enough Drone Strikes To Qualify

Yahoo! News Secret Service on meeting with Ted Nugent over Obama comments: ‘The issue has been resolved’
Washington Times NUGENT: Mitt Romney was right about the 47 percent (Americans are too dependent on Fedzilla)

Michael Nugent 75 songs for atheists, agnostics and freethinkers

NYNadia first-generation Cuban-American writer, political vlogger. a voice of reason in a world of unreason

NY Post Conservative children’s publisher Brave Books debuts with ‘Elephants Are Not Birds’

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YouTube O’Keefe Media Group

Oathkeepers organization that believes in supporting the constitution rather than politicians.

Barack Hussein Obama - A man who has accomplished nothing, yet has managed to write 2 autobiographies and is setting an example as the most transparent presidency ever by spending millions to hide his past.
Obama Lied and Freedom Died
Obama Lied and Capitalism Died
The only thing we have to fear is Obama
We do not pay ransom for hostages. Except when we do. - Barack Hussein Obama
We don't negotiate with terrorists ... We finance them! - Barack Hussein Obama
I don't negotiate with terrorists. I just give them whatever they want. - Barack Hussein Obama
Let me lie perfectly clearly. ISIS is not Islamic. - Barack Hussein Obama
I’m not the strapping young Muslim socialist I used to be. - Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Obama has achieved his dream. America, as we once knew her, is circling the drain. We are now the nation of the outstretched palm. - James Woods
Obama isn't Obama. George Soros is Obama. Bill Ayers is Obama. Valerie Jarrett is Obama. Obama is a socialist meat puppet. - James Woods
Obama is a disaster because of the content of his character, not the color of his skin. - James Woods
53 police officers, one supreme court justice and a first lady have died in 2016. Obama has attended none of those funerals yet he has time for a trip to Cuba and tango in Argentina.
As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron. - H. L. Mencken
Yup. Barack Hussein Obama is that downright fool and complete narcissistic moron. - Cynical Pessimist
The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their President. - unknown
Vote For Me or You’re Racist - Barack Hussein Obama
You know, I actually believe my own bullshit - Barack Hussein Obama
I actually think I'm a pretty good president - Barack Hussein Obama
I hate that man Obama more than any man I’ve ever met, more than any man who ever lived. - Bill Clinton, former President of the United States
(Barack Hussein Obama) incompetent and feckless - Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State

Evidently Barack Hussein Obama is a fan of President Nixon.
When the President does it, that means it's not illegal. - President Nixon
If you can't lie, you'll never go anywhere. - President Nixon
Voters quickly forget what a man says. - President Nixon

(thanks to the drone program I'm) really good at killing people - Barack Hussein Obama
Slate Last Year, President Obama Reportedly Told His Aides That He's "Really Good at Killing People"

I am not a crook. - Richard Nixon
I did not have sexual relations with that woman. - Bill Clinton
I'm not the emperor of the United States. - Barack Hussein Obama
I am not a dictator. - Barack Hussein Obama
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. - Barack Hussein Obama
Actually, every thing out of the mouth of Barack Hussein Obamais a lie, so there is no point is listing everything he says. - Cynical Pessimist

I think if I ran again, I could win. But I can't ... the law is the law. - Barack Hussein Obama
We are not just going to be waiting for legislation. I've got a pen and I've got a phone. - Barack Hussein Obama

When did Hope and Change become Bait and Switch?
When did Hope and Change become Crash and Burn?
When did Hope and Change become Hype and Chains?
When did Hope and Change become Hosed and Chained?
When did Hope and Change become Dope and Chains? - Cynical Pessimist
When did Hope and Change become Divide and Conquer? - Florida Senator Marco Rubio

Barack Hussein Obama praised for acting in an exemplary fashion the multiple feuding, infighting, self serving, never share information, government security agencies of bureaucrats, by bureaucrats, for bureaucrats for their mishandling of the Boston bombing.
In other words, the same people who knew about and refused to act on the threats to the lives of the Americans in Benghazi acted in the same exact way when warned about the threat to the lives of the attendees of the Boston Marathon. They refused to act on the information. - Cynical Pessimist
or to paraphrase Barack Hussein Obama, this would have been much worse if I wasn't president and we didn't have all these agencies protecting us. - Cynical Pessimist

In honor of Barack Hussein Obama, I feel the need to update Paul Revere's warning signal for the threat to this country.
One, if by land,
two, if by sea,
and three, if by Presidency!
- Cynical Pessimist

In honor of Barack Hussein Obama, I feel the need to update the three greatest lies from:
1) I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
2) The check is in the mail.
3) I won't come in your mouth.
1) Spending his whole life surrounded by friends and mentors who are anti-American terrorists and in a church where the pastor preaches hate America and hate White Americans doesn't make Barack Hussein Obama a racist or an American hater. Nor does bowing to every foreign dignitary he meets.
2) Mischaracterizing Muslim terrorist attacks against Americans, apologizing for an obscure anti-Muslim YouTube videos and avoiding intelligence briefings for the week prior to the Mulim celebration of their victory over America with the 9-11 attacks doesn't prove that Barack Hussein Obama supports Muslim terrorists. Nor does responding to the murder of American diplomats by campaigning for reelection.
3) Avoiding meeting the Prime Minister of Israel by campaigning for reelection and going on a late night talk show doesn't mean that Barack Hussein Obama hates all Jews and hates Israel. Nor does inflaming class warfare against the wealthy.

The Audacity Of Dopes
If you voted for Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist then you need to vote against him to prove you aren't a moron.
Unfortunately, voting for Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 proved you were a racist, because what excuse is there for voting for a socialist who hates American and who never had any job experience?
Unfortunately, voting for Barack Hussein Obama in 2012 will prove not only that you are a racist, but also you are a moron because after the last four years Barack Hussein Obama has proved incapable of running the country or doing anything other than bowing to foreign dictators and apologizing for being an American.
otherwise you have no excuse for voting for a completely clueless socialist who hates america.
If you voted for Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist (unfortunately it did prove you were a racist) then you need to vote against him to prove you aren't a moron (unfortunately voting for Barack Hussein Obama also proved you were a moron).

To me, the biggest terrorist is Obama in the United States of America. - Lupe Fiasco, rapper
(Barack Hussein Obama) a master of disguise, expert at telling lies - Lowkey, british rapper

I can make a firm pledge - under my plan, no family making less that $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase, - Barack Hussein Obama, September 2008
(Obamacare) is absolutely not a tax increase. - Barack Hussein Obama, September 2009
Obamacare is a tax increase. - United States Supreme Court, June 2012

I guess shovel-ready jobs weren’t quite as shovel-ready as we thought. - Barack Hussein Obama
The private sector is doing fine. - Barack Hussein Obama, June 8, 2012

Barack Hussein Obama - The first president to be photographed smoking Marijuana (while it was still illegal)
maybe a little blow when you could afford it - Barack Hussein Obama
... if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. - Barack Hussein Obama
Obama, you didn’t really win the election. You, after all, drove on the public roads to your rallies, so you don’t deserve to be president. - Dinesh D’Souza

Barack Hussein Obama is protecting America and Americans the same way that Adolf Hitler protected Jews. - Cynical Pessimist
Putting Barack Hussein Obama in charge of fixing the economy is like appointing Adolf Hitler to protect the rights of the Jews. - Cynical Pessimist
Putting Barack Hussein Obama in charge of fixing the economy is like appointing Jack The Ripper to investigate the Whitechapel Murders. - Cynical Pessimist
Putting Barack Hussein Obama in charge of fixing the economy is like appointing Eric Holder to investigate the "Fast and Furious" gun running scandal. - Cynical Pessimist
Putting Barack Hussein Obama in charge of fixing the economy is like appointing Hillary Clinton to investigate the Benghazi slaughter. - Cynical Pessimist
Barack Hussein Obama has redefined failure as success, weakness as strength and a lack of ideas as transformational leadership.

Barack Hussein Obama - Hypocrisy
YouTube The stupidest Thing Obama Did To America
American Thinker PJ Media Barack Obama, Who Botched Two Pandemics, Criticizes Response to Coronavirus
Truth Revolt NBC Reporter Calls Out Obama Hypocrisy on SCOTUS Block - "Doesn’t he regret being part of that?"
Daily Wire Obama Just Said The Most Stunningly Hypocritical Thing Ever
Daily Wire Obama Says Presidents Must Not Retaliate Against Critics. Here Are 5 Times Obama Retaliated Against Critics.
Fox Business Obama’s $400,000 Cantor Speech Makes Him Wall Street's Newest Fat Cat
American Thinker Obama's white elitist Animal House

Barack Hussein Obama - Clueless
Truth Revolt WH Plays Dumb: Far Too Early To Tell What Message Voters Were Sending - Obama has no idea what could have motivated voters to reject him and his policies.
FreedomWorks Obama: Clueless and Wrong
Right Wing News Obama Is Clueless on the Economy
New York Post Obama was as clueless about 9/11 as he is about ISIS

Barack Hussein Obama - Legacy - Support For Politicalization
OAN Gentry: Obama’s Politicization Of CIA Led To Targeting Of Trump

Barack Hussein Obama - Legacy - Support For Islamic Terrorists
mrc tv Current Taliban Leader was Freed in Exchange for Deserter Bergdahl by Obama in 2014

Barack Hussein Obama - Legacy - accomplishments - Russiagate - Russian Collusion Fraud
Law Enforcement Today Declassified: Report suggests Obama-Biden administration knew of Hillary Clinton’s possible Russia-hoax involvement

Barack Hussein Obama - Legacy - accomplishments - Obamagate
Before my presidency there was no ISIS, Caliphate, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, war on police. I built that!
American Thinker Obama Defames 'Millions of Americans' as Racists in New Memoir Gateway Pundit BREAKING: Newly Released Documents Reveal FBI Agent on General Flynn Case Claims It Was Run from the Top and There Were No Crimes
American Thinker Obama is Responsible for Racial Tensions in America Today
American Thinker A $65-million publishing contract and Obama can't make a deadline?
The DC Patriot Does Anyone Have the Courage to Indict Former President Barack Obama?
Geller Report Obama spying ‘beyond what anybody ever thought even possible’
American Thinker The Unhinging of America
WND Sidney Powell: Obama 'takedown' prevented Flynn from exposing CIA corruption
Federalist Explosive New FBI Notes Confirm Obama Directed Anti-Flynn Operation
American Wire Strzok notes in Michael Flynn case make cryptic reference to Biden, Obama
Canada Free Press While Anarchists Fail, Americans Prevail
Canada Free Press Burning America Is On Barack Obama & His Rolling Coup - The Burning of America, which follows the seeds of dissension planted during your years in the Oval Office, four years that followed with you as a self-appointed “Resistance” leader and the destruction they caused—are ALL ON YOU!
Real Clear Politics What the 'Obamagate' Scandals Mean and Why They Matter
American Thinker Someone finally brings clarity to the Obamagate narrative
American Thinker Obamagate Must Result in Criminal Prosecutions
American Thinker Worse than Watergate
American Thinker Obama’s De Facto Russian Collusion Co-Conspirators
Ohio Star EXCLUSIVE: The Treasury Department Spied on Flynn, Manafort, and the Trump Family, Says Whistleblower
American Spectator Welcome to #Obamagate, Everybody! - Finally, at long last, the myth of a scandal-free Obama presidency has vanished.
mrc NewsBusters On Mask Shortage, CBS IGNORES That Obama Depleted Supply and Never Restocked
PJ Media It’s Barack Obama's Fault There’s a Shortage of N95 Respirator Masks
American Thinker Barack Obama: A Traitor for the Ages
American Thinker The corruption of Barack Obama
Victory Girls Workers of The World Unite, Obama Gives Two Thumbs Up
American Thinker Susan Rice Lies Again -- Obama and Soleimani
Daily Wire SHAPIRO: Trump’s Iran Policy Isn’t the Problem. Barack Obama’s Was.
Zero Hedge Zuesse: Russiagate Investigation Now Endangers Obama
American Thinker Obama gave Common Core contract to publisher, got $65-million book deal in return?
PJ Media Trump: 'Historic' Durham Investigation Will Implicate Obama in Spygate
Trending Politics HERE WE GO: Giuliani Says The Next Couple Weeks Will Be Huge, Goes After Obama
American Thinker So no one who worked for Obama should ever be investigated?
daily Wire Giuliani: ‘Pretty Close To Overwhelming Evidence’ That Obama Ordered Hillary, Democrats To Dig Up Dirt In Ukraine On Trump
PJ Media Biden Claims There Wasn’t A ‘Hint of a Scandal’ During the Obama-Biden Administration, Here are Ten
Gateway Pundit MEASURING PERFORMANCE: New Data Shows Absolute Economic Destruction During Obama Years
Daily Wire Obama DOJ Told FBI Not To Charge Hillary, Lisa Page Reveals What The 'Insurance Policy' Was
PJ Media Remember When Three of Obama's Former Secretaries of Defense Blasted Him?
Federalist Thanks, Obama! - Barack Obama reminds us why Donald Trump is president
Washington Examiner List: 200 reasons why Obama is ‘worst president in history’
Front Pgae Mag Trump Confronts Russia With the Fleet Obama ‘Sank’ - What real power and national greatness look like.
PJ Media Six Reasons Why Barack Obama Is the Worst President in History
News Lists A Complete Guide to the Scandals of the Obama Administration (all 773 of them)
Freeway Post Obama’s Smug Elitism at Nelson Mandela Lecture in Johannesburg, South Africa: A Conservative Review
Washington Times America really did have a Manchurian Candidate in the White House
American Thinker New poll ranks Obama as the worst president since World War II
National Review The Silencing of the Inspectors General
USA Today Poll: Obama 'worst president' since World War II
Daily Wire The Obama Administration LIED To The American People. Repeatedly. Here's The Proof.
American Greatness #Spygate: The Coming Storm
Washington Examiner LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide them
Gateway Pundit Former Deputy Assistant AG Toensing: There Is Evidence Obama Administration FISA Abuse Started As Early As 2012 (Video)
"yes we can" became "no we didn't".
perfected fact free speeches - aided and abetted by the mainstream media that covered up for every lie Obama spoke.
perfected economic recovery - featured negative job growth and reduced productivity.
perfected health care insurance - by discouraging doctors from caring for people with the new health care insurance.
perfected whistleblower culture - proscuting anyone who dared to reveal Obama's criminal activites.
perfected english - by changed the meaning of transparent to mean coverup of Obama's criminal activites.
doubled the size of the national debt - Barack Obama and the GOP Congress printed nearly as much debt in eight years as had the first 43 U.S. presidents during the preceding 240 years!
caused the credit rating of United States debt to be downgraded.
socialized health care - gave many citizens and illegal aliens health insurance, but convinced many doctors to no longer accept medical insurance.
released more federal inmates than the last nine presidents.
became the largest support of international terrorism by giving money to Iran
paid Iran ransom for release of American hostages
returned terrorists to terrorist nations
played more than 300 rounds of golf
Barack Hussein Obama - Legacy - proof that Barack Hussein Obama has made America safer:
Reagan: 11 mass shootings
Bush Sr.: 12 mass shootings
Clinton: 23 mass shootings
Bush Jr.: 16 mass shootings
Obama: 164 mass shootings

Barack Hussein Obama - Legacy - proof that Barack Hussein Obama is the great uniter:
2010 13 percent of Americans worried about race relations
2016 35 percent of Americans worried about race relations
If you believe we can rise together, if you believe we've finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us ... then you should vote for her - Bill Clinton explaining why you should vote for Hillary Clinton. Because somehow when she continues supporting Barack Hussein Obama's programs she will get different results than he did.
Barack Hussein Obama's legacy will be he set race relations back 50 years - James T. Harris
(Thanks to Barack Hussein Obama) If you like your race relations, you’ll get to keep your race relations. - Harry Khachatrian
Barack Hussein Obama's legacy will be as the worst president ever - James T. Harris
Barack Hussein Obama's legacy will be that Americans of European descent fled the democratic party - James T. Harris
American Thinker It's hard to write books about a blank presidency
Daily Wire BREAKING: Text Messages Between FBI Agents Show Obama 'Wants To Know Everything' About Ongoing Hillary Investigation
Gateway Pundit BREAKING: Uncovered Text Message from FBI Lovers Implicates "POTUS" Obama in Obamagate - VIDEO
Daily Wire HEAD OF THE SNAKE: How Obama Made Sure Hillary Was Not Indicted In Email Scandal - The corruption of the Obama administration continues to unravel ...
Daily Wire GAME CHANGER: FISA Memo To END Mueller’s Russia Investigation Into Trump, Sources Say - "I believe there are people who will go to jail. You don’t get to try to undermine our country, undermine our elections, and then simply get fired."
American Thinker Vowing to 'rip' Trump 'a new one,' Obama in his ex-presidency devolves into third-world coup-plotting
American Thinker The DOJ and FBI rot from the head down. So who's the head?
Legal Insurrection For Some Reason, Obama Officials Want People to Ignore Iran Protests
Reuters Iran's Khamenei blames U.S. for regional instability, creation of Islamic State
National Review Obama Shows His True Colors As He Leaves Office
Town Hall 5 Reasons Barack Obama Will Be Viewed As One Of The Worst Presidents of All Time
Canada Free Press The Civil War Known as the Deplorables Vs The Depraved - Obama’s legacy of hate is just beginning to show its hideous face. The worst is yet to come
American Thinker Obama's Disastrous Legacy
American Thinker Racist Obama Caused Dems' Downfall, Not Hillary
American Thinker Obama Was a State Sponsor of Terror
USA Politics Today BREAKING: WikiLeaks Just Exposed Obama’s Lies About Russia! Obama Is Trying To Sabotage Trump’s Presidency!
Daily Wire Obama Tries To Define Away Reality, But Reality Wins
Daily Wire Obama's Skewed Moral Universe
Daily Wire Obama Brags About His 'Remarkable Progress' On The Way Out
Daily Wire Valerie Jarrett Says Obama's Been Scandal-Free. Here Are His Top 13.
Daily Wire DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON THE WAY OUT: Obama Says Goodbye With 15 Big Fibs
Daily Wire Obama's Final Revenge: Screws Cuban Refugees
Daily Wire Democrats Say Obama’s An All-Time Great President. Where Does He Really Stack Up?
Daily Wire Coke Dealer Pardoned By Obama Now Charged... With Dealing Coke
Daily Wire BREAKING: Obama's FBI Passed Around Classified Information On American Citizens To People Outside Government
Daily Wire Emails Appear To Confirm That President Obama's DOJ Funneled 'Slush Fund' Money To Leftist Orgs - A $1 billion settlement with the "big banks" appeared to go directly to left-leaning activist organizations.
Daily Wire BOMBSHELL: Obama's DOJ Forced Deletion Of 500,000 Fugitives From Gun Background Check System
mrc tv Reality Check: CNN Thinks Obama's Legacy is Awesome. Let's Destroy That.
mrc tv The Hidden Legacy of Obamanomics: Fewer Self-Employed, Decreased Entrepreneurship
The Razon Obama Scandal Scorecard
American Thinker The 2016 SOTU: A Delusional Denial of Reality
American Thinker He's Not on Our Side
Truth Revolt Under Obama US Drops From 6th to 11th on Economic Freedom Index - But liberals love to tout the "success" of their economic policies.
Truth Revolt Gallup: Under Obama, Worries Over Race Relations Hit All-Time High - This is Obama's legacy.
Truth Revolt Glick: Obama's Political Legacy - To understand what he has wrought, a good place to start is with the man running to Obama’s left: Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Truth Revolt GQ: Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents - If by "one of the greatest," they mean "the worst," then we concur.
Truth Revolt Obama Continues to Empty Out Gitmo - "Outcomes are leaning heavily in prisoners' favor."
Truth Revolt Palin: Obama is a "Special Kind of Stupid" - "Exploiting a sick, evil, ideological-driven attack"
Truth Revolt Gall: Obama White House Says Federal Deficit Next President's Problem - ...because it's Republicans' "fault" anyway.
Truth Revolt Glick: Obama's Greatest Achievement - On August 4, during the course of a press conference, Obama gave his interim assessment of his nuclear agreement with Iran. "It worked," he insisted.
Truth Revolt The Cost for 9 of Obama’s Executive Actions: $31 Billion - "I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone" and a blank check signed by the taxpayers!
Truth Revolt Obama Angry: Tells Blacks, Don't Ruin My Legacy by Not Voting for Hillary - "My name may not be on the ballot, but our progress is on the ballot."
Truth Revolt Obama’s Legacy: Food Stamps Expanded for Use on Amazon, Online Retailers - It's going to be much easier to afford that new $60 Xbox game.
Truth Revolt Cuban-American Lawmakers Blast Obama For Ending Wet-Foot-Dry-Foot Policy - Unfettered illegal immigration, unprecedented numbers of Muslim migrants... but no Cuban asylum seekers.
Truth Revolt ‘Obama’s Biggest Whoppers’ According to The Washington Post - Great job, but it’s too late now!
Truth Revolt Obama Admin Approved Legal Permits for Criminal Alien Who Raped, Killed Stepdaughter - "This guy is the reason that Trump got elected... This is not a fringe case."
Truth Revolt Glazov Gang: Obama’s Top 10 Betrayals of the American People - The treacherous record of a Radical-in-Chief.
Truth Revolt FCC Kept ‘Obamaphone’ Fraud Secret Until After It Expanded the Expensive, Corrupt Program - Who ya gonna call? Apparently, not your federal government if you're looking for truth.
Truth Revolt Prager: Two Weeks of Great Clarity - These past weeks were some of the best in memory.
Truth Revolt Kevin Jackson: Black Man in Fresno Killing Whites ‘Legacy of Obama’ - And expect to see a lot more of it.
Truth Revolt FBI Report: Officers ‘De-Policing’ Due to Anti-Cop Hostility - The "Ferguson Effect" is real and making communities less safe.
Truth Revolt Baltimore’s Climbing Murder Rate Blamed on Relaxed Police Presence - Brought to you by the Obama legacy.
Truth Revolt Elder: Under the New Trump Standard, Why Wasn’t Obama Impeached? - In the era of President Donald Trump, Democrats think presidents should be impeached over policy differences.
Daily Reckoning How to Revive Good Ol’ American Know-How
mr tv Obama Requesting Huge Raise When He Leaves Office
mr tv Obama Wants Banks to Grant Mortgages to People With Weak Credit (Didn't That Cause Trouble in 2007?)
mrc tv Obama Commutes Sentence of 58 More People, Total 'More Than Last Six Presidents Combined'
mrc tv Obama Commutes Sentences of 10 Firearms Felons Among 42 Drug Convicts Released
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: President Obama's Legacy
mrc tv VIDEO-Obama Ignorant of Gun Felons He Freed, Cites False 'Hypotheticals'
mrc tv Obama: 'I'm Being Forced Out, I Didn't Quit'
mrc tv Two More Former Gitmo Prisoners Rejoin the Fight
mrc tv Taxpayers Pay $500 Million a Year For Obama's PR Machine
mrc tv W. Va. Households To Lose $14 Billion Under Obama's Paris Agreement
mrc tv Obama Commutations Reach Over 1,000
mrc tv Obama Enacted A Dangerous New Immigration Policy The Day Before Trump Took Office
4th St8 Obama economy and health care system worth bragging about?
PJ Media Obama Justice Department Laughed Off Armed New Black Panther Threat
PJ Media The Top Five Obama Administration Officials Who Used Secret Email Accounts
Daily Wire For Obama, Leftist Rhetoric Is Always Innocent and Conservatives Are Always Guilty
Daily Wire Iran Threatens American Ships AGAIN. Obama: Thank You Sir, May I Have Another?
Daily Wire Obama: Don't Blame Me! It's Not My Fault Trump Won!
Daily Wire Obama Won’t Go Away After He’s Done. That’s Good News.
Daily Wire Obama Blames Putin For Hillary Loss. Or 'Fake News' Or Racism. Or, Maybe Obama Was An Awful President.
Daily Wire How Barack Obama Destroyed Shame As A Political Tool
Daily Wire Obama Attempts To 'Shame' Russia, Syria, Iran Over Aleppo. He Should Be Ashamed.
Daily Wire A Complete Timeline of Race Relations Under Obama
Daily Wire BOMBSHELL REPORT: Obama National Security Advisor SUSAN RICE Behind Unmasking Of Trump Transition Team
Daily Wire BOMBSHELL: FBI, DHS Warned About Antifa In Early 2016. Obama Said Nothing.
Jewish World Review Trump Doesn't Threaten Obama's Legacy --- Clinton Does
Forbes Could Iran Use Its $1.7 Billion Cash Jackpot To Buy North Korean Nukes?
regated Dear Obama: It’s Not Us, It’s You
Independent Sentinel Five Absolutely Awful Actions Taken by Obama In His Last Days
Breitbart President Obama Increases U.S. Regulatory State by 12% in one Month
Daily Caller The Real Obama Legacy
Gateway Pundit Worst. President. Ever: Obama First President EVER to Not Reach 3% GDP Growth
Canada Free Press The Obama Legacy - Neutering of the news media has to rank as one of President Obama’s most enduring legacy items<>br> Truth and Action Ted Cruz Releases List of 76 Illegal Acts By Obama
WND 25 'impeachable' Obama scandals far more serious than Comey firing - Ex-president racked up BIG LIST of outrageous abuses of executive power
InfoWars 252 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, etc.
Powerline Bombshell Revelations about Russia and Obama’s Department of Justice
Gateway Pundit ‘SH*T IS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN’: Ex-Secret Service Agent Warns ‘Devastating’ FISA Memo Set To ‘Expose’ Obama
Matt Margolis Obama’s Legacy: 5 Failures the Media Won’t Tell You About
Canada Free Press When will the West Wake Up to the Clear and Present Danger that is Barack Obama? - When are the leaders of unsuspecting nations going to realize that if Obama would take down his own country, with no apology or shame that he will try the same thing on theirs?
Louder With Crowder Obama Says Americans Are "Shrouded with Hate, Racism with Mommy Issues"
Jewish World Review Barack Obama: Still a Racial Incendiary

Barack Hussein Obama - Patriotism
mrc tv American Flags Now Prohibited On White House Tours?
Truth Revolt Obama Made Statements on Muhammad Ali, Ramadan, None on D-Day - He tells us again, time and again, who he is and what he stands for.
Truth Revolt Obama Addresses Young Leaders in Laos: Americans Are 'Lazy' - Way to project strength...
Truth Revolt Conservative Documentary Filmmaker Discusses 'Russia-gate' at Natl Press Club - "Obama was under Putin's control right under our noses."
Daily Wire Obama Abroad: 'Lazy' Americans Responsible For Pollution, Ignorance Of Foreign Countries

Barack Hussein Obama - Hated the Wealthy Until He Became One
mrc tv Elitist Obama on Vaccines: 'Wealthy and Powerful' Getting Shots 'Means Everybody Should Know It's a Good Thing to Get'

Barack Hussein Obama - impeach Obama, save the United States of America.
Barack Hussein Obama loves the country of his birth. Unfortunately, that country is not America. - Cynical Pessimist
Barack Hussein Obama loves America the same way Adolf Hitler loved the Jews. - Cynical Pessimist
... if you had somebody as president who wanted to take America down, who wanted to fundamentally weaken our position in the world and reduce our capacity to influence events, turn our back on our allies and encourage our adversaries, it would look exactly like what Barack Obama’s doing. I think his actions are constituted in my mind those of the worst president we’ve ever had. - Dick Cheney, former Vice President
... hailing from the windy city of Chicago Illinois, selected by the Supreme Leader of Iran as his favorite infidel to out-negotiate, picked by ISIS as the most likely to cause deaths in his country by inviting in terrorists, he is the two-time winner of presidential election and holder of the record for adding more to the national debt than any any other president in history, ladies and gentleman, the President of the United States of America: Baaaarak Oooobama! - Jeff Dunetz
mrc tv West: The Case for Impeaching Barack Obama
Personal Liberty Digest Here’s How To Impeach Obama: For Consumer Fraud
Personal Liberty Digest The Case For Obama’s Impeachment
Tea Party Update No Friend of the President: TV Celebrity Cries "Impeach Obama"
YouTube Judge Jeanine: 'Demand Impeachment!'
Natural News Daniel Ellsberg says Obama should be impeached over NDAA
Know The Lies One Hundred Articles of Impeachment Against Obama
Mr. Conserative Senator Hints At Obama Impeachment ‘Most Egregious Cover-Up in American History’
American Thinker Can We Talk About Impeachment?
Canada Free Press Is Obama hiding the truth about Benghazi because the truth would impeach him? Executive order-wielding dictator
Red Flag News HAVE YOU SEEN THIS? Formal Articles of Impeachment of Obama Prepared for the Congress of the United States...
Right Wing News Michele Bachmann: Obama Has Committed "Impeachable Offenses"
examiner Fox News host Megyn Kelly: GOP has no choice but call out Obama's 'lawlessness'
Liberty News Online Barack Obama: America's First Anti-American President
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: 50 Shades of Barack Obama
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: 'Sir, I Will Not Obey that Order'
Truth Revolt Ben Shapiro: Obama's Executive Power Grab

Barack Hussein Obama - Treason
Natural News As Trump orders the complete declassification of all “Russia Hoax” documents, here’s a list of TRAITORS who should be arrested and tried for TREASON
American Thinker Now that 'treason' charges are in the air
American Thinker Birds of a Feather: Obama, the Left, and Islam
Truth Revolt Greenfield: Obama Wants to Defeat America, Not ISIS - His real enemy isn’t the Caliph of ISIS, but the ordinary American.
Truth Revolt White House: It’s ‘Entirely Likely’ and ‘Expected’ Iran Will Use Our Sanction Relief For Terrorism - We couldn't see this coming.
Truth Revolt Kerry Admits Iran Deal Could Fund Terrorists - Billions to flow to Mullahs as sanctions lifted.
USA Politics Now Breaking: Obama Has Just Violated U.s. Code 2388, Guilty Of U.s. War Crime
Daily Mail EXCLUSIVE: At least 18 MORE Guantanamo detainees to be freed within days as Obama starts mass transfer of fanatics who have threatened to bomb and behead Americans
Daily Wire BOMBSHELL Report: Entire Western World Helped Obama WIRETAP Trump
Daily Wire Lawyer: Obama Admin Threatened FBI Informant’s 'Reputation And Liberty' If He Talked During Election - "The Russians have threatened him, and up until just last night the U.S. government has threatened him."
Daily Reckoning The Walls Close in on Team Obama
Legal Insurrection Congressional Investigation Coming for Obama Shutdown of Hezbollah Investigation
Gateway Pundit HUGE! FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House – In the Executive Office of the President
Daily Wire Obama White House Sought Ukraine’s Help In Taking Down Trump: REPORT

Barack Hussein Obama - links
YouTube PJTV - Showtime: Obama. Evil or Stupid?
Town Hall 15 Reasons Why Barack Obama Is the Greatest President In American History!
Universal Free Press 12 Reasons Why Obama Sucks
St. Pete For Peace Obama Fact Sheet
The Atlantic Why I Refuse to Vote for Barack Obama - The case against casting a ballot for the president -- even if you think he's better than Mitt Romney
Human Events If You Like Obama’s Failed Policies, Vote for Him
American Thinker Will Obama Keep Power 'by Any Means Necessary'?
American Thinker Obama: Going Rogue
American Thinker Surviving Obama
American Thinker We Are Not As Rich As Obama
American Thinker The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House
American Thinker Obama Meets His Nemesis
American Thinker Obama 2012: Stealing Bush's Legacy
American Thinker Obama's Chicago-Style Campaign
American Thinker Whispering the Truth in Obama's America
American Thinker Obama's Moral Compass
American Thinker Why Wright Matters: Obama's on a Mission from God
American Thinker How to Write Democrat Autobiographies (or Naked Came the Kenyan Cherokee)
American Thinker Democrats inadvertenly open the door to Obama's past
American Thinker Our Plagiarizing President
American Thinker Obama, Messiah No More
American Thinker Obama's Patriotism
American Thinker Powered by Hate: Racist Content from Dreams from My Father
American Thinker Contempt: The Defining Characteristic of the Obama Presidency
American Thinker Obama's Unserious National Security Policy
American Thinker Obama, the Great Educator
American Thinker Shirking Responsibility
American Thinker Obama's Body Count
American Thinker The Obama Syndrome?
American Thinker Does High Unemployment Really Hurt Obama?
American Thinker Obama Campaign's Toxic Fundraising Letter
American Thinker Debate Questions Obama Won't Be Asked
American Thinker Narcissist in Chief Selfishly Shortens Soldiers' Holiday
American Thinker The Problem with Barack
American Thinker Obama in the Buff
American Thinker Iran Has Obama in a Headlock
American Thinker Obama's Ambition
American Thinker The Commonness of Barack Obama
American Thinker Obama Is Right
American Thinker Who Is Barack Hussein Obama? And What Is He Really Up To?
American Thinker Obama Nods to Putin
American Thinker Dangerous Times: Obama and the Crisis of Evil
American Thinker Barack Obama, Low Information President
American Thinker Obama's Glorious Ahead and Behind Leadership
American Thinker Obama Thinks You're Stupid, that's Why
American Thinker Obama Is Not Who We Are
American Thinker Obama's Chicken Little fascism
Canada Free Press Obama: "We’ve Begun to See What Change Looks Like" - America: "No Thanks, Barack!"
Canada Free Press Dictator Obama Issues New Threat to Supreme Court over ObamaCare
Canada Free Press Obama and His Serfs Wish to Keep America Impotent Until Socialism Rules
Canada Free Press Obama has Destroyed the American Dream (Never has a president been so divisive)
Canada Free Press The Tip of the Communist Iceberg in the Oval Office - America, and indeed the entire Western World, faces destruction if communist sympathizer Barack Obama is returned to office.
Canada Free Press Under Obama, "American Dream" Goes Missing: US No Longer Among Most Prosperous Nations!
Canada Free Press Obama’s appeal: clueless, entitlement addicts and racists - Barack Obama, your reign of lowering the bar of what it means to be an American is over
Canada Free Press America Won’t Exist With Four More Years of Obama - UN Rule Within Two Years
Canada Free Press Barack Obama’s open mockery of the Sign of the Cross
Canada Free Press Obama: the same man.... Obama is a leftist, you see-a purveyor of lies, deceit, corruption, malfeasance, demagoguery, and "legal plunder" for the purpose of power and political control
Canada Free Press No one Protecting American masses against ‘The Revenge of Obama’
Canada Free Press The Washington way: Do something that does nothing - But hey, they did something!
Canada Free Press Will You Celebrate or Mourn Obama’s Inauguration? Obama has presided over the decline of America
Canada Free Press Five Ways to While Away the Hours on a Dreadful Inauguration Day! Just like a 9.0 earthquake, killer storm, or other natural disaster: This (The Obama plague) TOO will pass!
Canada Free Press The Authenticity of Fake - Obama is truly fake. He is authentically unreal
Canada Free Press Obama: The American Chávez - The President Who Would Be Dictator
Canada Free Press The Audacity of Narcissism - Obama’s tyranny and acceleration in America’s downward spiral
Canada Free Press Eric Holder Investigating Eric Holder: What It Says About Barack Obama’s "Moral Authority" - Barack Obama is, and has been, a complete failure as president except to illegal aliens, sleeper cells, and socialists dreaming of ending capitalism in America.
Canada Free Press The Most Embarrassing President of My Lifetime - Obama is a symbol of much of today’s generation, which accepts no responsibility for anything
Canada Free Press Obama’s real killing fields - Obama the gunslinger, jobs, freedom, babies, healthcare
Canada Free Press American Deserve Real Obama Apology Tour - President Obama owes every American an apology
Canada Free Press Cut and Run: The Anatomy of Any Traitor - Being Barack Obama means doing whatever you want to your own people but never having to say you’re sorry
PJ Media The State of the Election Address
PJ Media As The State of the Union Speech Shows: The Problem with Obama Isn’t Just Political or Ideological, It’s Ignorance, Inexperience, Character, and Incompetence, Too,
PJ Media What We Do Not Want to Hear Anymore
PJ Media Dumb Jews
Human Events Deja Vu At the State of the Union - We’ve heard all this before.
Forbes How Obama Thinks
I Hate Obama The Fractally Wrong President - Fractally Wrong - The state of being wrong at every conceivable scale of resolution. That is, from a distance, a fractally wrong person's worldview is incorrect; and furthermore, if you zoom in on any small part of that person's worldview, that part is just as wrong as the whole worldview.
National Post Rex Murphy: The media’s love affair with a disastrous president
East Valley Tribune Obama Going Off The Deep End
Barack Hussein Obama Countdown Widget Now That's Change You Can Believe In
Obama Clock how long until Barack Hussein Obama leaves office.
Yahoo! News Analysis: The US moral conundrum in Egypt
Yahoo! News Polish prime minister demands Obama address Nazi gaffe
Yahoo! News Obama: (Insert Issue Here) 'It's the Right Thing to Do'
Yahoo! News Boehner: President Obama ‘has never had a real job, for God’s sake’
Yahoo! News Arizona lawmaker refers to Obama as 'De Fuhrer' on Facebook
American Thinker Obama Is America's First Post-Responsibility President
American Thinker Clarice's Pieces: Another Memo from Leni Riefenstahl
American Thinker Obama's Historical Fiction
Lew Rockwell Obama the Socialist Fascist Communist
American Conservative Daily According to Janet Napolitano, You Are a "Right Wing Extremist" If You-...
Steve Jackson Games SJ Games vs. the Secret Service
The Knight Shift Department of Homeland Security (DHS) halts Monsterpocalypse strategy guide publication! "Radical ideas" espoused by board game a terrorist threat?!
American Center for Law and Justice WorldNetDaily - Obama 'Snitch' Program Put on Notice; Law Firm Warns: White House Raising 'Significant First Amendment Concerns'
American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ 'Extremely Pleased' White House Email 'Flagging' Operation Disabled - Reports Indicate Citizen Reporting Program No Longer Operational
You Decide Politics Obama's first 100 days, first 100 mistakes (Update)
PJ Media It’s Time We Asked: How Stupid is President Obama?
Robert Ringer - A Voice Of Sanity In An Insane World The Justification for Lying, Part I - Obama is Chosen
The Ornery American Putting the Press in Their Place
The Ornery American One Party Rule Forever! Land of the "free", home of the czars
Dakota Voice A Dream Team to Tear Down the United States
Washington Examiner Congressional leaders fight against posting bills Online White House Move to Collect 'Fishy' Info May Be Illegal, Critics Say
CNS News White House Seeks to Capture and Archive Citizens' Comments on its Facebook, YouTube, MySpace Sites
Telegraph The UN loves Barack Obama because he is weak
Right Side News Obama Continues Apology Tour
Hot Air Obamateurism of the Day
Mail Online A million march to US Capitol to protest against 'Obama the socialist'
American Thinker The Sea Change: Obama's Confirmed Forgeries Are Not Going Away
World Net Daily Stunner! Balanced CBS report on Arpaio probe Obama's Policies Would Redistribute Nearly $1 Trillion in Wealth Every Year
Yahoo! News FACT CHECK: Obama uses iffy math on deficit pledge
The Glenn Beck Program List of Obama's Czars
American Thinker Obama, CEO Pay, and the Politics of Class Envy
American Thinker What Reagan thought his kids should know; what Obama thought his kids should know
American Vision Obama Hood and Obamanomics
C N A Obama's "punished with a baby" comment sparks protests
Heritage Foundation Morning Bell: Obama Admits He's "Not Familiar" With House Bill
Mackinac Center For Public Policy Seven Principles of Sound Public Policy
The Scoundrel Samaritans Scalawags Scoundrels Fleecing the Sheep
Patriot Update The Ten Commandments According to Obama Rep. Wilson Refuses to Apologize on House Floor for 'You Lie!' Outburst
Washington Times Ministry of Apology would cure all ills
World Net Daily Not just wrong, but downright evil
World Net Daily Obama White House war on Fox News
World Net Daily Obama, Dalai Lama and Israel
World Net Daily Barack's enemies list
World Net Daily White House 'gatecrashers' tied to terror sympathizer. Salahi served in same anti-Israel group as Obama's Palestinian professor pal
World Net Daily Why wasn't Obama in contempt of court?
Mises Institute Maoist in the White House
Mises Institute ACTA, Executive Agreements, and the Bricker Amendment
Atlas Shrugs Enriching Iran's Uranium: Obama Gives Iran's Nuke Program a Helping Hand
Russia Today Russia to enrich Iranian uranium
reuters TIMELINE: Iran's nuclear program
Anti Defamation League Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in his Own Words
Washington Times EDITORIAL: What would Mao do? White House press strategy is about absolute control
New York Times This I Believe
Human Events The Adversary President: Obama vs. America Blow to Barack Obama's strategy as Iranian lawmaker attacks UN nuclear deal. A powerful Iranian lawmaker has joined criticism of United Nations plans for Tehran to ship uranium abroad for enrichment in a new blow to Barack Obama's diplomatic approach. Barack Obama must stop campaigning and start governing. President Barack Obama still seems to be running for office, rather than running the country. Joe Biden: the worrying rise of Barack Obama's Mr Wrong. Vice-President Joe Biden has been on the wrong side of history on all the big questions.
Living Lake Country Barack Obama: Hypocrite-in-Chief
TPM - Talking Points Memo Full Text Of Newsmax Column Suggesting Military Coup Against Obama. Obama Risks a Domestic Military Intervention
The Wall Street Journal Why Obama Isn't Changing Washington. There is no way he can grow the government without attracting more lobbyists and more political acrimony.
The Wall Street Journal The Alien in the White House
The Wall Street Journal We the Government
The Wall Street Journal Stephens: Chuck Hagel's Courage - A brave soldier who knows how to be on the right side of conventional wisdom.
investors CNN Turns Blind Eye To Obama-Alinsky Ties
Los Angeles Global War on Terror ends - overseas contingency operation begins
Los Angeles Political correctness claims thirteen lives at Fort Hood
Los Angeles what if Bush had done that?
Fox Nation FBI Did Not Investigate Fort Hood Shooter Because of Political Correctness, Report Says Obama's system of bondage
National Review Online War? What War?
National Review Online Are Obama’s Advisers Unhinged?
Washington Examiner For Obama, terrorism is a four-letter word: Bush
telegraph The end of the road for Barack Obama?
American Thinker Ideologue-in-Chief Obama Will Continue to Be Bad for Business
Daily Reckoning Obama on Auto-Defrosting Refrigerators
Daily Reckoning Don’t Blame Obama (He Has No Power)
Commentary Magazine Poof goes the myth
Yahoo! News Obama's boneheaded health-care fight with Catholics
Daily Reckoning What a Business
Liberty Legal Foundation . com Obama Administration Ignores Dictatorship Accusation
Washington Times EDITORIAL: Obama missing: National Police Week
Town Hall The Absurdity Behind President Obama’s Non-Recess Appointments
Town Hall The Bank of (Democratic Party) America
Town Hall Barack Obama: Spending Czar
Washington Free Beacon Coming Up Empty - Obama deserves little credit for expanded energy production
Washington Free Beacon Barry’s Bank - Obama wants Congress to expand controversial Export-Import Bank tied to bankrupt green energy companies
Common Sense The Fickle Finger of Flexibility
Fox News Federal inmate makes strong showing against Obama in West Virginia primary
Daily Caller Ignore the spin: Wisconsin was a disaster for Democrats and President Obama
The Daily Caller Obama has golfed four times more than Bush did in eight years
The Daily Caller Charlie Daniels: Hillary would have been a better president than Obama
News Max Obama’s Betrayal of Oprah Winfrey
Media Malpractice - How Obama Got Elected (videos of Omamaspeak)
Socialism Is No Joke
Obama Is The New Bush
The Daily Caller Pawlenty: ‘Obama is the tattoo president’
The Daily Caller Obama praised Supreme Court affirmative action ruling in 2003, applauded racial ‘set aside plans’
The Daily Caller White House busted
The Daily Caller Obama aides say president now has personal ‘genuine disdain’ for Romney
Hey Barack Hussein Obama, most American's with brains have a genuine disdain for you and your socialist and Muslim supporters.
The Daily Caller Author: ‘Obama would have trouble getting a security clearance for an entry-level government job’
The Daily Caller Exclusive: In heated ’07 speech, Obama lavishes praise on Wright, says feds ‘don’t care’ about New Orleans [VIDEO]
White House Dossier Obama’s Remorseless Attacks Having Little Effect
Orange County Register Mark Steyn: Obama the great disabler
Expose Obama
The Daily Beast Obama’s Gotta Go
Breitbart To Honor Neil Armstrong, Obama Posts Photo of Himself
akdart President Barack H. Obama
akdart Questions asked about Barack H. Obama
New York Post Obama campaign accepted foreign Web donation -- and may be hiding more
Warning Signs The "Worst President Ever"
Independent Journal Review April Fool's Presidency: 10 Biggest Pranks Obama Pulled on America
Monster Hunter Nation That sure sounds trustworthy.
Before It's News Obama Serves 14-State Governors With Warnings of Arrest: And why is this not front page news? Can it all be coincidence? The Fraud that is Obama!
Red Pills Barack Obama, I have had it with your behavior and administration
Media Research Center NBC's Williams Ignores Obama Omitting 'Under God' From Gettysburg Address
WND U.S. general: Let's make Obama resign - Cites Nixon resignation, urges citizens 'to save republic' from Washington leadership
If Obama Had A Son, He Would Look Like Knockout Thugs / Cowards Attacking White People Without Warning.
The Blaze African-American Pastor: If the President Had a Son, He’d Look a Lot Like the ‘Knockout Game’ Perps
Victoria Jackson Mychal Massie says Obama is a Liar, a Racist and a Communist
Yahoo! News Bush speechwriter accuses Obama of plagiarism in State of the Union
Personal Liberty Digest Obama’s U.S. Is Starting To Look Like The Early Days Of Mao’s Communist China
Personal Liberty Digest Barack Obama Made America A Sick, Old Nation
Personal Liberty Digest Obama In Touch: Three Percent Of Americans Worried About Racism, The Environment And Other Presidential Obsessions
Personal Liberty Digest White House: Of Course Obama Knew Of Veteran Abuse ... He Saw It On The News
Personal Liberty Digest Do We Have A Sociopath In The White House?
WND Nero in the White House - Exclusive: Mychal Massie says O's lying makes Nixon, Clinton look like amateurs
YouTube Andrew Klavan: President Obama, Talking Crap
National Review Online Thus Spake Obama - The incompetence of our neo-monarchy
Truth Revolt You Call That a Salute, Mr. President? And with a cup??
Truth Revolt SHAPIRO: The Throat-Clearing President Versus the Throat-Cutting Terrorists
Truth Revolt Limbaugh: Obama’s ‘High Horse’ Speech Is Dangerous - "The president is directly and indirectly promoting religious beliefs that are hostile to Western values."
Truth Revolt Obama Conspiracy Theories Aren't As Bad As The Truth
Truth Revolt MUST WATCH: Louisiana Senator Tells Obama, 'History Will Remember You as a Weakling' - "Mr. President, the fear we fear has been created by you."
Truth Revolt Obama, Man of the People, Chooses Mansion for Next Home
Truth Revolt Obama Changes Tune on FBI Investigation... After Polls Tighten - The ol’ switcheroo.
Tea Party News Network VIDEO: Bill Maher Mocks Public Reaction to Obama’s Latte Salute; Marine Corp General SHREDS Him to Pieces
Conservcative Tribune BREAKING: Here’s the "Time Bomb" Obama Has Set For When He Leaves Office
Investor's Business Daily If It Bleeds, Obama Plays Another Round Of Golf
Investor's Business Daily Obama's Narcissistic Appeasement A Surrender To Aggressors
Truth Revolt 12-Year-Old Conservative RAGES About Obama's Love of Country - "I don't want to be politically correct..."
examiner Childhood friend: Obama a cocaine smoking, homosexual, pathological liar

Barack Hussein Obama - War On Americans - Spying On Americans
Truth Revolt Report: More Spying on Trump by Obama Admin Secret Order - Here we go again.

Barack Hussein Obama - War On Women - Sexual Harasment
Truth Revolt Obama Exposed His Erection to Female Reporters in 2008 - Move over Trump, now there’s something lewder.
Truth Revolt Report Shows Obama's Department of Justice Rife with Sexual Harassment - "An assistant FBI special agent in charge was in the habit of asking female employees if they 'wanted to see his balls.'"
Daily Wire A Closer Look at the Hypocrisy of the Obamas' Moral Outrage Over Trump

Barack Hussein Obama - Supporting Terrorists - Support For Terrorists - caving in to kidnappers - paying ransom to kidnappers - hostage negotiator
Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute. - Robert Goodloe Harper, American patriot
Millions for tribute, but not one cent for defense. - Barack Hussein Obama, American traitor
Breitbart Iran Takes Another American Hostage After Obama’s $400 Million ‘Side Deal’
Daily Wire SHOCKER: Hillary And Obama Lied About Iran Ransom. As Always
Daily Wire Obama Hands $400M To Iran For American Hostages, Declares Victory
Daily Wire Obama Says $400 Million Payment to Iran Wasn't Ransom. New Report Proves That It Was.
mrc tv Remember State Dept’s Snotty Response to Reporter’s Iran Hostage Plane Question?
Truth Revolt State Dept Issues New Advisory: Iran Seeking to Arrest, Detain U.S. Citizens - Gee, we're not sure what their motive could be.
PJ Media While Obama Was President, Your Tax Dollars Went to Al Qaeda-Linked Group

Barack Hussein Obama - Drug Use - Brain Damage - Lies
mrc tv Obama Not Sure if He Smoked Weed: ‘I DON’T KNOW if That’s True’
ABC News Obama and His Pot-Smoking 'Choom Gang'
Social Buzz Obama drug use book
American Thinker Is This Obama's Brain on Drugs?

Barack Hussein Obama - Protecting The World from America
mrc tv Obama: 'Crops Are Withering,' 'Sea Is Swallowing Villages,' 'Tundra Is Burning'...

Barack Hussein Obama - Protecting America from ...
Truth Revolt Say What? Obama Links Global Warming to Boko Haram, ISIS - "Smartest president ever." - SooperMexican
Truth Revolt White House Can Build a Fence - Just not on the border
Truth Revolt Obama Admin Releases 6,000 Drug Convicts, But Jails Man For Catching Too Many Fish - Because that makes a lot of sense.
Truth Revolt Secure the Border: White House to Get Taller Fence - A fence for me, but not for thee.
mrc tv WH: Obama Commuted More Sentences Than Past Six Presidents COMBINED, 4X Clinton
mrc tv Obama Admin. to Fine Landlords Who Reject Criminals
mrc tv U.S. Lets Spaniard Convicted of Immigration Fraud Settle in U.S. to Open Sex Trafficking Brothel
mrc tv Obama Commutes Sentences Of 102 Drug Dealers, 15 With Firearms Charges

Barack Hussein Obama - Contempt For The Constitution of the United States - Lawlessness - Executive Action
good thing as a president, I can do whatever I want. - Barack Hussein Obama
reason Obama's War on the Constitution - The president, who first campaigned on a claim to constitutional expertise, is now the document's biggest threat.
Democracy Now Daniel Ellsberg: NDAA Indefinite Detention Provision is Part of "Systematic Assault on Constitution"
American Thinker Obama Hurt My Feelings When He Destroyed the Constitution
American Thinker The U.S. Constitution has no Teeth
PowerLine Barack Obama, Constitutional Ignoramus
American Center for Law and Justice evidently, according to Barack Hussein Obama and his minions (Department of Homeland Security - (DHS), if you believe in the Constitution of the United States and / or the Bill of Rights, you are a greater threat to America than foreign nationals with guns and bombs who have promised to destroy America.
The Ornery American Obama Spits on the Constitution
BreitBart Obama's Target is Not Just Republicans, but the Constitution Itself
Canada Free Press The Constitution: A mere annoyance for Obama - Why let a dumb piece of paper get in the way?
Canada Free Press Treasonous Audacity! What the dictator-in-chief has actually done is commit treason against the United States and the American people
The Ornery American WorldWatch - Obama Spits on the Constitution
Ted Cruz Sen. Cruz Releases Inaugural Report on Obama Administration’s Unprecedented Attempts to Expand Federal Power
WND Lawmaker shreds Obama's 'imperial presidency'
Yahoo! Finance IRS Rides 1884 'Dead Horse' Law to Defense of Tax Preparer Rules
Washington Times KNIGHT: Trashing the Constitution
Tea Party Tribune Attorneys General Join Forces to Call Into Account Illegal Obama Administration Violations
Daily Caller President Obama’s top 10 constitutional violations
Canada Free Press Barack Obama: Using Tyranny to Undo Tyranny Before an Election! Does the rule of law mean nothing to this renegade president or to the Congressional Republicans
Yahoo! News Is Barack Obama an imperial president?
Yahoo! Finance Obama’s Unilateral Presidency Crashes Into the Constitution
Washington Times MILLER: Tyrant Obama will force liberalism on America - A lame duck is ruling by decree and violating the Constitution
Washington Times NAPOLITANO: Executive order tyranny - Obama would govern by pen, phone and whim
Personal Liberty Digest Obama’s Continuing Constitutional Assault
Personal Liberty Digest Only A Dictator: Obamacare Delays Tell The Story Of A Too-Powerful Executive
Personal Liberty Digest Obamacare V. The First Freedom
Personal Liberty Digest Law Professor: Obama Has Undoubtedly Set The Nation On Course To Crown Government
Personal Liberty Digest The Greatest Scam Artist In History
Newsmax Obama's Immigration Overreach Isolates Him
Biz Pac Review ‘You sold out your nation’: A scathing letter to President Obama
Truth Revolt Obama Admits He 'Changed Law' With Executive Order
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: Obama's Black Skin Privilege
Truth Revolt Obama to Raise Taxes Without Congress? WH won't rule out executive action on taxes
New York Post The president rewrites the ObamaCare law - again
CNN Lynch Disqualifies Herself by Acquiescing to Obama’s Executive Amnesty
Investor's Business Daily Obama Believes He Alone Is The Law In America
Fox Nation Greta Schools Obama on Constitutional Law: You Don't Have the Power to Go It Alone on Iran
Hillsdale College - Imprimis America’s War On Islamist Terror ... Or Is It?
Truth Revolt Obama Will Go Around Congress for Next Gun Control Measure - It's unlawful to purchase a weapon, but not for the president to ignore the Constitution.
cns news Obama Calls for Amendment Limiting Free-Speech Rights
mrc tv Cruz: Obama Has No Constitutional Authority to be 'Bathroom Police'
mrc tv President Obama Says U.S. Constitution ‘Just a Piece of Parchment’
Daily Wire 7 Times The Obama Administration Obstructed Justice
National Review It Wasn’t Comey’s Decision to Exonerate Hillary – It Was Obama’s

Barack Hussein Obama - re-election victory (aka: death knell of America)
American Thinker The Death of Ordinary Decency
American Thinker Victory of the Demagogue
American Thinker I am Embarrassed to be an American Today
Canada Free Press The End of an Empire - The Will of the People Has Spoken and America Died
Canada Free Press America Commits Suicide - Today, conservatives in America are wondering if the 2012 election was a vote to commit national suicide.
Canada Free Press Thank You, President Obama! - I am not alone in my disdain for your policies
American Thinker The Smoking Gun in Plain Sight
Forbes Obama To Americans: You Don't Deserve To Be Free
Commentary Magazine Obama Even Worse Than We Thought
Sarah A. Hoyt Assume the Crash Position

Barack Hussein Obama - War On The Military - Contempt For The American Military
YouTube Chattanooga Marine Veteran's Direct Address to Mr. Obama
mrc tv Charlie Daniels BLASTS Obama for Refusal to Acknowledge Muslim Extremist in Chattanooga
Truth Revolt WATCH: Blistering Review of Obama's Response to Chattanooga - "...our Commander in Chief is more concerned with Muslim sensitivity than the honor and sacrifice made by these Marines."
Truth Revolt Military's Frustration With Obama Reaches Fever Pitch - This is what we get from our Commander in Chief.
Truth Revolt Military Commanders Speak Out About Obama Admin's Ridiculously Restrictive (and Deadly) Rules of Engagement - Unfortunately, they're only deadly to OUR troops.
The Few, the Proud, the ‘Unconsciously Biased’
Truth Revolt Report: Marines Brace for Mandatory 'Sensitivity Training' - Obama turning "the greatest fighting force on the planet into a social engineering petri dish."
Truth Revolt Purple Heart Ceremony Held for Marines Slain by Terrorist - Guess Who Doesn't Show? - "Our brothers were taken from us; your sons, your husbands, your fathers, your brothers were taken from us."
YouTube Judge Jeanine: Chattanooga didn't need to happen
American Thinker Obama's Corrupt and Immoral Abuse of the Military
WND Obama wins his war on U.S. military - Exclusive: Joseph Farah says president 'has done what no foreign enemy could'
Truth Revolt Obama: As Commander in Chief I'm Tired of Folks Trash-Talking America's Military - Yes. He actually had the hubris to say that.
Daily Wire Obama: Trump Should Stop 'Trash Talking America's Military.' Here Are 6 Times Obama Trashed The Military.
Here are six times Obama slammed the military for no good reason:
1. Saying The Military Willy-Nilly Kills Civilians.
2. Saying Americans Wasted Their Lives In Iraq.
3. Not Listing Military Service As Public Service.
4. Blasting Military Solutions.
5. Slashing The Military.
6. Using The Troops As Photo-Ops.

Barack Hussein Obama - debate
American Thinker Why Obama Will Lose All Three Debates
American Thinker Things to Do in the Debate When You're Dead
American Thinker Obama campaign out of touch with reality
American Thinker The reason Obama may continue to be 'off his game'
American Thinker Obama's Mask Slips
Canada Free Press Petulant, Perturbed Obama Just Can’t Help Himself - Obama at times seemed small, largely because the president has a record to not run on
Victor Davis Hanson - Private Papers The Game Changes
Victor Davis Hanson - Private Papers Anatomy of a Disastrous Debate Performance
Warning Signs Obama's Top 5 Debate Excuses

Barack Hussein Obama - Obama’s America: 2016
The Daily Caller Dinesh D’Souza opens up about his upcoming documentary, ‘Obama’s America: 2016?
The Daily Caller Dinesh D’Souza’s Obama doc wins at the box office
American Thinker Obama: Love Him. Hate Him. You Haven't a Clue.
American Thinker Sick joke: Anti-Obama filmmaker indicted for election fraud
Yahoo! Movies Anti-Obama Pic #2 Political Documentary: Now Bigger Than 3 Michael Moore Movies
Political Palaver Bill Maher Outclassed and Outmatched by Dinesh D'Souza
Examiner Rush Limbaugh: Obama leading 'coup d'etat' to 'take over' the country

Barack Hussein Obama - Transformation
American Thinker Obama's Fundamental Transformation of a Nation He Despises
American Thinker Dems didn't do their Obamacare homework and now they are flunking
American Thinker Obama Is Not Hitler
The Liberty Crier The United States Is In Fact An Orwellian Tyranny-Obama Statements At The National Defense University
Conservative Tribune This General Just Made a Horrifying Revelation about What Obama’s REAL Plan Is [DETAILS]

Barack Hussein Obama - Immigration Policy
mrc tv President Obama Agreed To Ban Refugees In 2011
Truth Revolt Rep. King: 'Very Good Chance' Terrorists Will Be Among Syrian Refugees - "[T]here is absolutely no way - no real way of vetting, to any extent, these refugees coming in."
Truth Revolt Trey Gowdy: There Are More Illegal Immigrant Criminals in U.S. Than Population of Pittsburgh - "Can you imagine a city the size of Pittsburgh, comprised sole of people who are here unlawfully who have also committed another crime?"
American Thinker Obama embraces illegals with STDs
mrc tv Reality Check: We Take Down Obama's 'Immigration' Policy
mrc tv Obama: People ‘Shouldn’t Have to Move Someplace Else in Order to Prosper’

Barack Hussein Obama - Influences
Truth Revolt 1995 Video: Obama Praises Communist Mentor Frank Marshall Davis - "Schools me" on getting used to white privilege
Jewish World Review Had 'News' Media Done Its Job, Obama Would Not Have Become President

Barack Hussein Obama - Successes
Iran will continue to support terrorism - White House spokesman Josh Earnest (talking about the benefits of Iran Deal)
... some of it (the money) will end up in the hands of ... terrorists - Secretary of State John Kerry (talking about the benefits of Iran Deal)
Truth Revolt Obama Sends Out Fundraising Letter Listing His...Accomplishments - "I'm thankful for this progress."
American Thinker Obama's Real Legacy: Ten Ticking Time Bombs
Doug Ross @ Journal President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic First
National Review Online Obamacare Schadenfreudarama - It feels pretty good to watch the whole thing fail.
The Hill Obama’s failed presidency
World Net Daily 38 reasons why Obama should not be re-elected
American Thinker The Obama Way: Selling Failure as Success
Obama's Real Report Card - F for Failure: Economy, Bipartisanship, War on Terror, International Relations
American Thinker Report Card on Obama's First Two Years
American Thinker The Bloody Hands of Barack Obama
American Thinker Obama the Blamethrower
Canada Free Press Will the Failed & Angry Presidential Hoax Called ‘Barack Obama’ Finally Go Away? - Superstorm Reveals Limitations of Government Superpowers: Is Sandy Barack's Katrina?
The Wall Street Journal Henninger: Progressive Government Fails - Obama's ideology is the politics of the personal cram down.
CBS News 61 Percent Of Americans Disapprove Of Obamacare
Joe For America President Obama’s heroic new euphemism initiative
Huffington Post Disincentivizing Work and Hurting Seniors: The Reality of Obama's Agenda
Personal Liberty Digest ‘Decimated’ Al-Qaida Appears Emboldened In New Video
Personal Liberty Digest Allen West: Obama’s ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ Focus An Attempt To ‘Wag The Dog’
Yahoo! News In Obama’s White House, the Buck Stops Nowhere
Power Line Why Jimmy Carter Is Smiling Right Now
The Fiscal Times Relentless Incompetence: Americans Are Giving Up on Obama
Truth Revolt President Ebola: Incompetence With A Side of 'All Is Well'
Truth Revolt Peterson: Obama Is Good...At Spreading Evil
Truth Revolt Ben Shapiro: Obama's Broken Promises
Truth Revolt 27 Economic Facts Obama Should Avoid Mentioning In His SOTU
Gateway Pundit Are You Better Off Today? Here are the True Facts & Figures From the Obama Economy
Business Insider The Love Affair With Barack Obama Is Truly Over
Tea Party News Network Judge Jeanine: Same Government Who Said We Can Keep Our Plans Now Says They’re Handling the Ebola Crisis
Red Flag News Quit trashing Obama’s accomplishments. He has done more than any other President before him. Here is a list of his impressive accomplishments...
Investor's Business Daily ObamaCare's Frankenstein Tax Monster Awakens
Investor's Business Daily Obama Care - Shock Poll: Half The Uninsured Want ObamaCare Repealed
Fox News Krauthammer: 'With This Remark, You Have to Wonder What Planet Obama Is On'
Truth Revolt Obama: "I will never engage in a politics in which I’m trying to divide people" - "Excuse me, WHAT??? LOLOLOLOLOL"
Truth Revolt Obama Complains About Democracy, 'Terribly Unfair' Criticism - Compares himself to George Washington
Truth Revolt Obamacare Causing Double-Digit Rate Hikes - "The Obama administration doesn’t have much power to hold down rates."
Truth Revolt Obama: 'I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office.' - "For people to say that I am anti-Israel, or, even worse, anti-Semitic, it hurts."
mrc tv Food Stamp Users Near Record High Despite Low Unemployment Rate
Dailty Wire OBAMA FAIL: US To Increase Troop Presence In Iraq to 6,400

Barack Hussein Obama - Work Ethic (or lack thereof)
American Thinker How Obama Makes Decisions
American Thinker Obama's Work Ethic
American Thinker More evidence of Obama's poor work ethic
American Thinker Obama: AWOL as always when a crisis approaches
American Thinker President Obama: Working Hard or Hardly Working?
American Thinker Another Well-Deserved Obama ‘Work Your Butt Off’ Vacation
American Thinker The President Watches Too Much TV
Hot Air Urgent, impassioned campaign against gun violence interrupted for vacation and some golf lessons
Breitbart Report: Obama Spent Twice as Much Time on Vacation/Golf as Economy
Biz Pac Review Congressman to Obamas: Air Force One not your ‘personal toy’
Biz Pac Review Obamas set new record for vacation travel expenses; stonewalled documents finally released
Daily Mail Obama family 'costs taxpayers $1.4BILLION per year' (that's 20 times more expensive than British Royal Family)
The Telegraph First dog Bo is airlifted to Obama holiday home
Canada Free Press Our National Lampoon Goes On Vacation - It might be time for Congress to pass legislation to limit the funding we provide for such presidential vacations.
The Blaze President Obama, While on Hawaii Vacation, Lambastes GOP Who ‘Went Home for the Holidays’ and Abandoned Less Fortunate
Obama Golf Counter detailed list of every Barack Hussein Obama golf trip.
Judicial Watch First Family Vacations
The Daily Caller The Obamas Have Spent Over $44,351,777
Market Watch Right and left finally agree: Obama has checked out - Opinion: Mainstream media joins right-wing critics
Truth Revolt Report: Taxpayers Footed Over $3 Million Tab for Obama Golf Trip, Family Excursion to NYC - Paying our fair share for his vacations...
Truth Revolt Obama Family Heading To Hawaii for the Low, Low Price of $3.7 Million - The White House just isn't Christmasy enough this time of year.
Truth Revolt Remember When Obama Promised No Vacations? - "You don't make that decision unless you are prepared to make that sacrifice, that tradeoff, that bargain."
Truth Revolt Bombs Are Flying, Children Are Dying... Obama's Partying Late-Night on Martha's Vineyard - And getting in some tee time.
Truth Revolt Trump to Obama on Hillary's Campaign Trail: 'Shouldn't You be at Work?' - "Obama would rather campaign for Hillary than solve major problems facing the country."
Truth Revolt Taxpayers Sent Obama on Golf Outing with Tiger Woods for $4 Million - "Thanks, America!" - POTUS
mrc tv WATCH: Uncommon Sense, 'Obama's Convenient Vacations'

Barack Hussein Obama - Climate Change - Truth Deficit - Truth Reduction - Factually Incorrect - Misspoke - Lacked Clarity - Wasn't Clear - Inaccuracies - Not True - You Misunderstood /... (war on honesty)
Truth Revolt House Report: Obama Admin Attacked Own Scientists to Advance Climate Change Agenda - To the Left, the ends always justify the means.

Barack Hussein Obama - Truth Deficit - Truth Reduction - Factually Incorrect - Misspoke - Lacked Clarity - Wasn't Clear - Inaccuracies - Not True - You Misunderstood /... (war on honesty)
He continues to spend millions of dollars perpetuating falsehoods. So shame on you, Barack Obama. - Hillary Clinton
... real challenge is to find anything the Obama campaign is saying that’s truthful. - Newt Gingrich
When you think about it, Barack Hussein Obama complaining that Mitt Romney at the debates is not honest, is like Adolf Hitler proclaiming the concentration camps and gas chambers are for the benefit of the Jews. - Cynical Pessimist
Barack Hussein Obama is a pyromaniac in a field of straw men.
USSA News 22 Obama Lies That Mainstream Media Mostly Ignored (About 25% Of His Total)
Freedom Outpost 252 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, etc.
New York Post 5 lies that have shaped the Obama presidency
Obama Lies
Obama Lies List of Lies
End All Disease 21 Blatant Lies Obama has Told you Directly to your Face
American Thinker Who Was That Guy?
American Thinker Here's what 'constitutional scholar' Obama really taught at law school
The Examiner Obama's poker tells
Bookworm Room How to tell when Obama’s about to lie during the upcoming presidential debates
The Daily Caller That’s a crock, Barack
The Daily Caller Obama rewrites history, claims he had less cash than 2004, 2008 rivals
The Daily Caller Romney: White House behind Reid’s claim he paid no federal income taxes for 10 years [AUDIO]
The Daily Caller The solipsist-in-chief built that
The Daily Caller Obama’s path to victory: Change the subject, change history
The Daily Caller The lying game
The Daily Caller Gingrich: Obama campaign the ‘most methodically systematic dishonest team we’ve ever seen’ [VIDEO]
The Daily Caller Two in ‘Republican women for Obama’ ad exposed as Democrats
Obama Lies - Exposing The Lies of those Around President Barack Obama Conservative March On Washington
Audacity Of Hypocrisy Obama Laundry List Of Lies
Theo Sparks video: 7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes
American Thinker Why Do We Elect People Who So Clearly Lack Character?
American Thinker Obama and the Ethics of Public Speaking
New York Times Obama's Credibility Gap
American Thinker The Morphing Obama Biography and the Skeptics
American Thinker Secrets Revealed
American Thinker One More Dubious Story in the Obama Family Saga
American Thinker Why Obama Thought Going Toxic Was a No-Lose Strategy
American Thinker Obama, Holder Sledgehammer the First Amendment
American Thinker Barack Obama, Pants on Fire
American Thinker So This Is What "God D*mn America" Looks Like
American Thinker Obama thinks liberals are stupid
American Thinker The Pinocchio Presidency
American Thinker Obamacare: Hypocrisy on Outsourcing.
American Thinker Obama's 'I didn't set no stinkin' red line' assertion leads to near universal incredulity
American Thinker Obama offers fauxpology for 'situation'
American Thinker 25 Obama Whoppers for the Media to Chew On
World Net Daily Obama's ludicrous self-portrait as a budget hawk
The Daily Caller Krauthammer rips Obama ‘gibberish’ and the biggest ‘decline in U.S. influence’ since World War II
Modern Consrvative Numbers Don’t Lie, Liberals Do
The Washington Post - The Fact Checker 4 Pinocchios for Obama’s newest anti-Romney ad
American Thinker New Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Proof in the Layers
Red State Was Barack Obama Lying Then or Now?
American Enterprise Institute The president's Internet blunder
American Thinker Obama's Regulation Con
American Thinker Obama Keeps on Conning America
American Thinker Obama's Demeaning Commencement Address
American Thinker The Global Impact of the Obamacare Lie
American Thinker If Obama were a corporate executive, he'd be prosecuted for fraud
Expose Obama Obama’s Filthiest Lie Ever?
reason The Health-Care Spending Claim That Made Obamacare Possible Was a Lie
reason Obamacare Debacle Derails President’s Credibility - Further evidence that government that governs best governs least.
The Daily Caller Obama campaign finally tells truth on misleading super PAC ad
Monster Hunter Nation Vote for Mitt Romney and he will murder your wife with cancer
the onion 'Romney Murdered JonBenét Ramsey,' New Obama Campaign Ad Alleges
The Blaze Contributors Obama’s College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’
Joshua Pundit Romney To Obama: 'Take Your Campaign Of Division, Anger And Hate Back to Chicago'
Joshua Pundit Mitt Romney: Tax Cheat, Felon, Murderer And Now SLAVE TRADER
Forbes President Obama: The Biggest Government Spender In World History
Human Events President Obama finally talks to the press, lies furiously
Yahoo! News Military-style tactics seen in US Consulate siege
Although Barack Hussein Obama and his loyal minions continue to propagandize that this is a spontaneous protest for a movie that no Muslim had seen or heard of.
Yahoo! News Obama Administration Found Nearly 25 Percent Chance of Ebola Spread to USA ... BEFORE Obama Said Obama's Fact-Challenged Tax Claim
Weekly Standard Our Fearless Misleader Lies, Damned Lies, And Obama's Energy Statistics
Monster Hunter Nation See, I told you so time.
The Blaze October Surprise: Unemployment Aid Surges to Four-Month High
Small Craft Advisory The Obama War On The Free Market
akdart Smoke and mirrors
The Ornery American World Watch - "Barrage of Lies"
Canada Free Press Obama Arrogant and Narcisstic As Usual - Fiscal Cliff, Taxes, Majority of Americans
Canada Free Press A Tsunami of Lies - Obama administration: Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Obamacare
Canada Free Press Translating ‘Obama Speak’ on Syria - We need to translate what Barack Obama says into ordinary plain English
Canada Free Press Only the Obama-Morons Believe Him Now - When will the Obama Morons figure out that a man who identifies so strongly with Muslims is no friend to America?
Canada Free Press ABC News: Obama lied again. Phone and mail signups aren’t working either - I'm sorry, perhaps he 'misspoke' or 'lacked clarity' - clearly he doesn't lie
Canada Free Press Obama’s Tsunami of Lies - Is Obama a dupe or a totalitarian, megalomaniacal liar?
Canada Free Press Obama’s Tour of Lies - Faced with a choice of admitting he lied and apologizing to the public, or doubling down on thoroughly documented lie, he chose to double down
Canada Free Press Maybe you don’t know anything about cancer, Mr. President; I do - While Obama's propaganda goons attack a cancer patient who lost her insurance, he comes up with an even more outlandish lie to cover up what he did to her.
Canada Free Press Obama: I Am Sorry.... That You Did Not Grasp What I Said! - ObamaCare: "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. Period!" lie
Canada Free Press Lying Liberal Liars - Media and Obama's big health care lie
Canada Free Press Is Our President A Compulsive Liar? - Pseudologia Fantastica
Canada Free Press Obama’s Tsunami of Lies - Is Obama a dupe or a totalitarian, megalomaniacal liar?
Canada Free Press Barack Obama is a Liar - Benghazi Gate, Racial Grievance 101
Canada Free Press The Perfect Explanation - Ukraine: Obama's Blame Game
Rush Limbaugh Understanding the Limbaugh Theorem: Obama Inflicts Pain for Political Gain
Hot Air Video: Jon Stewart blasts Obama on IRS scandal
Mediaite Stewart Tears Apart Obama: You Can’t Keep Saying You Found Out About News At The Same Time As Us!
Mediaite Jon Stewart Slams Obama, GOP, And Media For Big DC Scandals: ‘Can Anybody Do Their Jobs In That Town?!’
The Daily Show That Custom-Tailored Obama Scandal You Ordered Is Finally Here - Solyndra's failure doesn't discredit the entire idea of a green energy economy, but some might take it as a sign of the Obama administration's incompetence.
The Dubuque Town Crier Benghazi, IRS, AP Scandals: Our Bystander President
Before It's News The Buck Stops Where? What Buck? All We Get Are Excuses
Moonbattery Jeanine Pirro Lays Utter Waste to Obama
Fox News Judge Jeanine: Another false narrative from the White House?
Fox News Judge Jeanine: ‘Obama’s Relentless Pursuit of Power’
Natural News Obama blames Mexican gun violence on Second Amendment; fails to mention Eric Holder ran Fast and Furious
Natural News Liar! Obama blames Americans for 'violence in Mexico' - but no mention of Fast and Furious
Tea Party News Network Obama’s Paid Liar Jay Carney Says Immigration Reform Will ‘Raise Wages’ as Press Busts Out in Laughter
Market Watch 10 missteps Obama made at Knox
Mr. Conservative PSYCHOPATH? Rush Limbaugh Questions Obama’s Mental Health
Laissez Faire Club The Untrustables
New York Mag Video: President Obama Promising That You Can Keep Your Health-Care Plan, Again and Again
Capitalism Institute Judge Jeanine to Obama: "No One Believes You Anymore" (Video)
Washington Times NAPOLITANO: Is Obama a dupe or a totalitarian, megalomaniacal liar?
Personal Liberty Digest Sharyl Attkisson: Obama Administration Intends ‘Chilling Effect’ On Journalism With Aggressive Pressure Campaign
Personal Liberty Digest Surprise: Obama Lied ... Again! Insurance Bailout Coming (Told You So)
Freedom Outpost A List Of 23 Famous Obama Quotes That Turned Out To Be Broken Promises Or Cold-Hearted Lies
YouTube Andrew Klavan's Talking Crap 3: ABSOLUTE CRAP!!!
PolitiFact Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
PolitiFact What Obama said about Islamic State as a 'JV' team
Yahoo! Finance BUSTED: Obama Gets Caught Spinning His Most Embarrassing Statement About ISIS
National Review Online The Adolescent President - The rhetorical excesses of Barack Obama.
Liberty News Now Another Obama Fanatic Wakes Up, Burns Shirt
Truth Revolt Megyn Kelly Rips Obama For His Duplicity About Accountability - Hell hath no fury like Megyn Kelly pissed off
Breitbart Top 10 Lies in Obama’s Cuba Speech
Breitbart Line By Line: Every Empty Promise in Obama’s Cuba Speech
Truth Revolt Imam Choudary: Obama Is 'Lying' About The True Nature Of Islam - "He’s only inventing Islam according to what his own foreign policy is."
Truth Revolt Outrageous: White House Blames Republicans for Steinle Murder - The murder of Kate Steinle can be laid directly on the doorstep of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Truth Revolt WFB Video: 12 Times Obama Admin Caved to Iran
Truth Revolt Obama Blames Congress for IRS Scandal - Congress' "crummy law" led to IRS acting "poorly and stupidly." Or something
mrc tv Coulter: Kate Steinle Was Killed ‘As a Result of Obama’s Policies’
Liberty News Now Obama Compares ISIS to Christians
Huffington Post Obama's Trade War Against Warren Wounds His Party -- and His Legacy
Fox News Judge Jeanine: Is President Obama delusional?
Human Events Debunking Obama’s Bilious Baltimore Babble
mrc tv Obama Claims Illegal Immigration at its Lowest Level Since 1970s Despite Data
Daily Wire Desperate Obama RIPS Comey: 'We Don't Operate On Innuendo'
Daily Wire Obama Administration Admits They Lied About Iran Deal, 'Ventriloquized' The Media
Daily Wire BREAKING: Alleged Traitor Hailed As American Hero By Obama Administration Pleads Guilty To Desertion
InfoWars 252 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, etc.

Barack Hussein Obama - Truth Deficit - Four Dead In Benghazi (war on honesty) - murder of American Ambassador in Benghazi, Libya (Benghazigate) (aid and comfort to the enemy)
Osama is dead and so is our ambassador. - Ann Coulter
Obama Lied and Americans Died - Cynical Pessimist
Truth Revolt 'My Jaw Hit The Floor': Emails Reveal How Obama Officials Reacted Following Susan Rice's Post-Benghazi TV Appearances - Following the Benghazi siege, Rice was briefed not by the CIA or State Dept, but by Obama's campaign manager.
mrc tv Benghazi Report SHOCKERS: Rescue Delayed by Wardrobe Worries, Cover-up Preceded Victims' Deaths
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: President Coward
WND Benghazi guards refused to protect fleeing Americans
KFI AM 640 Senate Committee: Benghazi Attack Was Preventable
Breitbart CBS, '60 Minutes' Try to Atone for Benghazi Cover-Up
Foreign Policy Biden contradicts State Department on Benghazi security
National Review Online Disgrace in Benghazi
Yahoo! News US officials: We didn't link Libya attack to video
American Thinker State Department said it never linked video to Libya attacks
American Thinker State Department bureaucracy versus Obama administration
American Thinker Benghazi: Osama's Revenge on Obama
American Thinker The Malignant Narcissist and the Benghazi 'Snuff Film'
American Thinker Administration threatens Benghazi whistleblowers
American Thinker It's the character, stupid
American Thinker Is Benghazi Obama's Watergate?
American Thinker Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Serve This President
American Thinker Benghazi Coverup Uncovered
American Thinker Mother of Benghazi victim asks how her son's death could be considered 'phony'?
American Thinker Benghazi: Murder and Treachery Most Foul?
American Thinker Oversight committee releases report on Benghazi faulting Hillary for letting top officials off the hook
American Thinker Left to Die in Benghazi
American Thinker Israeli rabbi responds to Obama on Islamist threat
Irish Examiner A Scandal Worse Than Watergate Is Being Covered Up By Media
Joshua Pundit Shoot The Messenger - State Dept Blasts CNN For Revealing Its Misrepresentations On Libya Attack
National Review Online Bowing to the Mob
Simply Jews Lying again, Ms Clinton?
Rhymes With Right Where Obama Got It Wrong At The UN
Rhymes With Right Obama Adminstration Surrenders To Islamists On 9/11 Anniversary As Muslims Murder American Diplomatic Personnel!
The Western Center For Journalism Benghazi Cover-up About Moving Arms To Syrian Rebels
Canada Free Press A weak, impotent, feckless Obama allowed Benghazi and Cairo to happen
Canada Free Press More 9/11s to come
Canada Free Press Campaign $$ More Important Than Safety of Americans As Obama Flees to Las Vegas!
Canada Free Press Apologizing to Our Enemies
Canada Free Press The Canvas
Canada Free Press Attack show Obama as unprepared and perceived as weak says pro-troop group
Canada Free Press The Girly Man and the Sheriff?
Canada Free Press The Big Bang in Benghazi
Canada Free Press Benghazi, Libya-Biopsy From a Malignant, Failed Presidency - Leading From Behind: Dazed & Confused Barack Dragging USA Into Swirl of Chaos
Canada Free Press Sex, lies and Obama Ben Ghazi - A Shakespearian tragedy
Canada Free Press Cover-up at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue - Obama, was aware of the CIA director's indiscretions "long before" the November 6, 2012 elections, and knew about the FBI's investigative findings weeks before the election
Canada Free Press Hillary’s Benghazi Report (ARB) Blames Amb. Christopher Stevens
Canada Free Press Benghazi Lies - All Americans should find the Benghazi attack and the total lack of response and seeming indifference to it at the highest levels of our government deeply troubling.
Canada Free Press Benghazi and Boston: Maintaining the Momentum - Obama administration’s criminal culpability in that tragedy, Absolute treason of the press
Canada Free Press Obama team not exactly going all out to capture Benghazi attackers - Stand down
Canada Free Press The Benghazi deception - Benghazi, we have a Commander-in-Chief who, while acting in that capacity, fits the very definition of MIA
Canada Free Press Crocodile Tear during Benghazi Cover up Smear - Tears of a Clown
Canada Free Press Question over missing time deepens - Where was Obama? Sex, Lies and Murder
Canada Free Press What About Benghazi, Barack? - Syria: 120,000 victims that Obama has chosen to ignore for the past two years
Canada Free Press Benghazi: One Year Later - Who, then, will be held accountable for the Administration’s failures in Benghazi?
akdart Lies about the Benghazi terrorist attack
Real Clear Politics Cutter Concedes $5 Trillion Attack On Romney Is Not True
Breitbart Exclusive: No Record of Intel Briefings for Obama Week Before Embassy Attacks The Arab Spring Becomes a Western Winter
Victor Davis Hanson - Private Papers Sophocles in Benghazi
Victor Davis Hanson - Private Papers The Wages of Libya
The Ornery American Civilization Watch - Obama Dithered, Americans Died, And Then Obama Lied and Lied
Hot Air Confirmed: Obama made no calls, took no action during Benghazi attack
Judicial Watch JW Sues Obama State Department for Benghazi Attack Videos and Photographs
National Review Online The Benghazi Lie - A failure of character of this magnitude corrodes the integrity of the state.
National Journal Scrubbing the Truth from Benghazi - Caught playing politics with tragedy, what's next for the Obama administration and GOP investigators?
Mr. Conservative Judge: Hillary May Face Prosecution On Benghazi
Capitalism Institute Surreal: Hillary Hired Islamic Radical Group to "Defend" Benghazi
Legal Insurrection 60 Minutes confirms Benghazi is a real scandal, and you’ve been lied to
CBS News - 60 Minutes 60 Minutes: Benghazi
Personal Liberty Digest Email Shows Blaming Benghazi Attack On ‘The Video’ Was Obama Administration’s Idea
Personal Liberty Digest This ‘Smoking Gun’ Could Doom The Democrats
Personal Liberty Digest Issa: Classified State Department Email Shows Obama Administration In Benghazi Damage Control Mode Before Attack Was Even Finished
reason Former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson: Emails Reveal White House Hid Truths About Benghazi Attack
mrc tv Benghazi Email From DOD Offered to Send Force To Save Mission During Attack
Truth Revolt Air Force Whistleblower: We Could Have Saved Benghazi Victims - "That's a horrible feeling to have when you can help someone, especially when you... hear that people actually died."

Barack Hussein Obama - Truth Deficit - Sequester - Shutdown
j Breitbart BREAKING: Obama Proposes $129M Cut From 'Embassy Security, Construction, and Maintenance' Obama's Phony Sequester Outrage If You Can Read This, You're Surviving the Sequester Cuts "Devastating" Sequester Cuts Cost a Total of One (1) Federal Job!
newsmax White House Easter Egg Roll Cancelled Because of Sequester Cuts?
Washington Post Could a government shutdown doom the White House Easter Egg Roll?
Fox News White House cancels tours over sequester cuts, as lawmakers call decision political
Rush Limbaugh The Limbaugh Theorem! Obama Denies Responsibility for White House Tour Cancellation, But Says He's Trying to Fix It
American Thinker Senator Harry Reid implied the sequester killed the Marines
Gary North - Tea Party Economist Sequestration Pain: Biden Loses $13,200 Weekly Free Flight Home (100 Miles)
Examiner Sequester fraud in one picture - updated
Yahoo! News House Spent About $2M of Taxpayers' Money on Coffee, Pastries
Daily Caller Monuments and memorials remained open during previous shutdown
Daily Caller Seven stupid things the gov’t spent money on during the shutdown
Daily Reckoning Rooting for a Lengthy Government Shutdown
politics is about rewarding your friends and punishing your enemies - Barack Hussein Obama
Therefore Barack Hussein Obama's orders to his thugs and minions to hurt American Citizens as much as possible during the government shutdown, means that American Citizens are Barack Hussein Obama's enemies. - Cynical Pessimist
Barack Hussein Obama should be thanking the Republicans for the government shutdown. Barack Hussein Obama has created more jobs for jackbooted thugs to harass and prevent American Citizens from visiting National Parks and Monuments than all his prior economic stimulus plans combined. - Cynical Pessimist
L.A. Times Obama is ducking a leader's duty
Gateway Pundit Obama Eviscerates Troops’ 1st Amendment Rights: Threatens Catholic Priests With Arrest If They Minister To Them
Breitbart Feds Try to Close the OCEAN Because of Shutdown
Washington Times National Park rangers ordered to keep visitors out of privately run businesses
Daily News 'Gestapo' tactics meet senior citizens at Yellowstone
Canada Free Press Coming soon Obama’s way: Grassroots’ ‘Drawing a Red Line 101’ - A bully boy president, who will be remembered long after he’s gone as the despicable ‘Poster Boy of Petty and Mean’
American Thinker Shutdown: The Audacity of Bureaucrats
American Thinker The Obama Administration Opens the National Mall - for Pro Illegal Immigration Rally
American Thinker National Park Service Gone Wild (updated)
Jewish World Review The dirty little secret about the government 'shutdown'
Jewish World Review Shutdown Theater
Jewish World Review The Washington Monument Syndrome
Jewish World Review Occupy America! Park Visitors Storm the Barrycades
The Foundry Storming the Barricades in Washington
PJ Media Shutdown Theater: Lord Obama Moves Against Florida and the Fish of the Sea
KTNV Action News Lake Mead property owners forced out until shutdown ends
In The Capital Do Federal Government Websites Really Have to Shutdown?
Personal Liberty Digest Final Tally Of Job Losses From The Federal Sequester: One

Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim (aid and comfort to the enemy)
Mr. Obama’s Middle East policy is "Praise Islam, ignore Christians, blame Jews." - Lt. Col. Ralph Peters
#01 The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam - Barack Hussein Obama
#02 The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer - Barack Hussein Obama
#03 We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world - including in my own country. - Barack Hussein Obama
#04 As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam. - Barack Hussein Obama
#05 Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. - Barack Hussein Obama
#06 Islam has always been part of America - Barack Hussein Obama
#07 we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities - Barack Hussein Obama
#08 These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings. - Barack Hussein Obama
#09 America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings. - Barack Hussein Obama
#10 I made clear that America is not - and never will be - at war with Islam. - Barack Hussein Obama
#11 Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism - it is an important part of promoting peace. - Barack Hussein Obama
#12 So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed - Barack Hussein Obama
#13 In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education. - Barack Hussein Obama
#14 Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality. - Barack Hussein Obama
#15 Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality - Barack Hussein Obama
#16 The Holy Koran tells us, ‘O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.’ - Barack Hussein Obama
#17 I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month. - Barack Hussein Obama
#18 We’ve seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants - farmers and factory workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities, the Muslim innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped unlock the secrets of our universe. - Barack Hussein Obama
#19 That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear. - Barack Hussein Obama
#20 I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story. - Barack Hussein Obama
After escaping life as a sex slave twice, Nadia Murad, who was once held by ISIS made an incisive observation on the U.S. response to radical Islamic terrorism. "If a country as strong as your country cannot protect its citizens in Orlando, or in Belgium or in France," Murad asked, "how come a small minority like us can protect ourselves while we are in the heart of the land where the radicals are?"
WND 8 years under our '1st Muslim president'
Washington Examiner Wartime admiral: Obama is 'anti-American, pro-Islamic'
Young Conservatives 40 mind-blowing quotes from Barack Obama about Islam and Christianity
Victoria Jackson 20 Quotes by Obama about Islam
American Thinker Why Not Admit the Obvious: The President Won't Blame Them because He Agrees with Them
American Thinker Why So Many People Think Obama Is a Muslim
American Thinker Report: Obama said 'I Am a Muslim'
American Thinker Obama, 'the Prophet of Islam,' and Slander
American Thinker How Obama Misunderstands Freedom, and How He Failed It
American Thinker The Obama Doctrine: American Lives Are Expendable
American Thinker Disturbing Pattern: Obama Puts Our Enemies above Us
Truth Revolt Exposed: Obama's Love for Jihadis and Hate for Christians
American Thinker Rebuking Obama's Folly
American Thinker Opening the White House to the Muslim Brotherhood
American Spectator Obama's Islamophilia Week
The Daily Caller Book bombshell: Obama canceled Bin Laden ‘kill’ raid three times at Jarrett’s urging
The Blaze Want to Know Just How Close the Muslim Brotherhood Is to the Obama Admin?
Joshua Pundit The 'Democratic' Muslim Brotherhood Reveals Its True Colors.
Godfather Politics Obama Rides to the Defense of Radical Islam Against Free Speech
Breitbart The Audacity of Cronyism: Jarrett, Plouffe, and Donilon
IsraPundit Political correctness regarding Islam is America’s biggest mistake
akdart Obama and the Muslims
Judicial Watch Corruption Chronicles: State Dept. Recruits Muslim Foreign Service Officers at Jihadist Conf.
The Minority Report How's that Arab Spring thingy working out for you Mr. President?
Canada Free Press Islamists on the march? Move along; nothing to see here ...?
Canada Free Press Obama’s leadership in worldwide Jihad hits a snag - Egyptians March against Obama
Canada Free Press Off with their heads! Obama decapitated our country's armed forces
Canada Free Press Of Course Obama is a Muslim! - Obama: My Muslim Faith. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. Obama is a Muslim.
Conservative Political Forum Why Michelle returns home when Hussein travels to Arab Countries
Free Republic Why Michelle Came Home
Free Republic Why Michelle Came Home
Personal Liberty Digest Obama Signs Bill Barring Iranian Terrorist From Entering U.S., Then Says He Won’t Enforce It
Personal Liberty Digest Is Barack Obama Aiding And Abetting ISIS?
Young Conservative Obama went to a mosque in Malaysia on Sunday, and what he said there is very, very disturbing
The Examiner This week, Lieutenant Colonel Allen West calls President Obama an Islamist
The Examiner CIA now admits that President Obama is a radical Islamic enemy of America
Allen West Six (only six?) examples Obama is purposefully enabling the Islamist cause
The Blaze The difference between Bush and Obama’s response to terrorism PERFECTLY illustrated ...
Fox News Judge Jeanine to Obama: If Your Goal Isn’t to Destroy ISIS, ‘You Need to Leave the White House’
Truth Revolt Muslim Activist To President Obama: Stop Telling Us What Is Islamic! "ISIS is a by-product of those ideologies."
Truth Revolt Obama Administration Refuses to Back Egypt's Attacks on ISIS - "The Egyptian military, in particular, is very frustrated with us. It is mutual frustration."
Atlas Shurgs Obama Sends Special Note of Thanks to Oklahoma Beheader’s Terror Mosque
Truth Revolt Obama Doesn't Blame Taliban In Statement On School Massacre
Truth Revolt Obama Chose Football Over Historic Anti-Terror Rally
Truth Revolt SHAPIRO: Shut Up, Because The Crusades
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: The Obama Conspiracy Conspiracy
Truth Revolt Obama: America Must Make Muslims Feel More Comfortable
Truth Revolt Comparing Obama's Response To Other Western Leaders Regarding ISIS Massacre Of Christians
Truth Revolt Flashback: Obama Turns NASA Into Muslim Outreach Program - Crash and Burn
Truth Revolt Ben Shapiro: First They Came for the Jews
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: The Leader of the Free World isn't Obama
Truth Revolt US Intel Report Drops Iran From Terror Threat List
Truth Revolt White House Dismisses Ayatollah's 'Death to America' Rhetoric: 'Intended For A Domestic Political Audience' - Surrender.
Truth Revolt Ben Shapiro: Obama's Faith in Iran
Truth Revolt Michelle to British Muslim Girls: When I Look At You, 'I See Myself' - Praises "strong values" of community known for being "hotbed of Islamist activity and sympathy
Truth Revolt 'Scared Of Orphans' - Obama Saves Tough Talk for Republicans, not ISIS, in APEC Remarks - Because his critics are the real enemy.
Truth Revolt In Wake of Obama's 'Historic' Nuclear Deal Iran Sentences American Journalist to 'Undefined' Prison Term - How's that diplomacy working for you, Obama?
Truth Revolt Obama Shows ISIS He Is 'Not Afraid' Attending Paris Climate Conference - "A handful of killers does not stop the world from doing vital business."
Truth Revolt Wut? Obama Says Climate Conference Will Be A 'Powerful Rebuke' of Terrorism
Truth Revolt Prager: You Don’t Know What Obama Said at the Mosque - When you read Obama's speeches you realize how often what he says is morally and intellectually confused and even untrue.
Truth Revolt Even Mainstream Media Wake Up - CNN Panel Unloads on Obama Optics Following Brussels Attack - Obama's over there "eating peanuts and going to the baseball game like if he was Walt Disney."
Truth Revolt Ohio Israeli Who's Restaurant Suffered Machete Attack Blasts Obama Over Islam - "I didn’t come to America to have the president preach about Islam."
Truth Revolt Islam in America, Before and After Obama - Before Obama there was virtually no outlandish presence of Islam in America. Then, all of a sudden...
Truth Revolt Obama Taps Yet Another Muslim Brotherhood-Linked Official to Prominent WH Role - His grandfather "was a founder and/or senior official in virtually every group identified as a Muslim Brotherhood front in America."
Truth Revolt CIA Boss War Hasn't Dented ISIS Reach - Says terror group remains strong
Truth Revolt Glick: Obama and the Moderate Muslims - In the 15 years since September 11, first under Bush, and to a more extreme degree under Obama, the US has refused to name the enemy that fights America with the expressed aim of destroying it.
Truth Revolt Obama Sleeps Through Response to Terrorist Attack in Istanbul - Yawn, "terrible event" by "vicious organization," blah, blah, blah. Next question.
Truth Revolt American Teen Stabbed to Death in Israel by Terrorist, Obama Silent - Once again, PM Benjamin Netanyahu sends loud and clear message.
Truth Revolt Reason # 237 Why We're in This Mess: CAIR Met With Congress 325 Times Since 2016 Began - These are our leaders' priorities.
Truth Revolt Reason # 238 Why We're in This Mess: Authorities Ignore Reports That Muslim Refugees Support ISIS - And they've abandoned Christian refugees in the process.
Truth Revolt Reason # 239 Why We're in This Mess: When Islam Kills Sound The Alarm About Israel, Far-Right
Truth Revolt Reason # 240 Why We're in This Mess: Obama Never Met Once With Director of Defense Intelligence Agency - "I'm done trying to convince [Obama] to really recognize what it is that we are facing."
Truth Revolt Obama-Backed Syrian Rebels Behead Child, Financed by YOU - "And these are the 'good guys,'" says Daily Mail.
Breitbart Obama Calls Terror Attack on Paris Jews ‘Random’ Shooting
Investor's Business Daily Why Did Obama Invite Extremists To Summit On Fighting Extremists?
Western Journalism Uncovered Muslim Brotherhood Documents Could Put Obama in Prison
New York Post Israel: Beware of Obama
Front Page Mag Obama and the Brotherhood: The Ties that Bind
Breitbart Ahmed Mohamed and the ‘Islamophobia’ Clock
Front Page Obama Spied on Israel to Stop it from Taking Out Iran's Nukes - If only Obama had put in as much effort into spying on America's enemies as he did on its allies.
One News Now So the U.S. will help Iran fight...Israel?
PJ Media Obama Names Hamas Sympathizer as New ISIS Czar
Human Events Exposed: Obama’s Love for Jihadis and Hate for Christians
YouTube Judge Jeanine: Barack Obama defends Islam by shaming Christianity
Vounter Jihad What Would a Muslim American President Do?
Liberals Think Backwards Success of Obama’s Islamist agenda
The Blaze Even if Obama Never Said ‘I Will Stand With Muslims,’ It’s Exactly What He Meant
mrc tv CIA Director's Testimony Contradicts Obama: Our Efforts Have Not Reduced ISIS Capabilities And Global Reach
mrc tv Obama Transfers 15 More Gitmo Detainees Despite High Risk Warnings
mrc tv Former Gitmo Detainee Arrested as Top ISIS Recruiter
Front Page Magazine How Hillary and Obama Caused the Orlando ISIS Attack - Obama ignored ISIS, Americans died.
Front Page Magazine Bill Whittle's Firewall: Guns, Islam and Orlando - WARNING! Extremely Graphic Content!
Daily Wire Trump Declares Obama Founder Of ISIS. He's Partly Right.
Daily Wire Trump Is Half-Right About Obama And ISIS, Even If He Doesn’t Know Why
Daily Wire Obama: If You See Something, Say Something (Unless It's A Muslim With A Clock That Looks Like A Bomb)
Daily Wire BOMBSHELL REPORT: Obama Colluded With Putin To Release Lebanese Terrorist Responsible For Targeting Americans
Daily Wire BREAKING: Obama Knowingly Funded Designated Al-Qaeda Affiliate
Powerline A slobbering love affair, 60 Minutes style
Daily Wire BOMBSHELL: Mattis Says Obama Refused To Respond To Iran’s ‘Act Of War’ Because Of Nuclear Deal

Barack Hussein Obama - Racist - Racism - anti-white
Dear Barack Obama: Don't Ban Guns, Ban Niggaz!!! @TjSotomayor
Independent Journal 9 Ways President Obama Failed to Improve Race Relations in America
1) Trayvon Martin
2) Michael Brown
3) Cambridge, MA, Police
4) Grandmother comments
5) Black Panther Voter Intimidation
6) Obama’s Spanish Language TV Ad
7) Rev. Jeremiah Wright
8) Interview with "Essence" magazine
9) Response to Police Shootings
Truth Revolt Obama: New Orleans Can't Fully Recover from Katrina Because of Racial Inequality - "[A] failure of government to look out for its own citizens."
Truth Revolt Sheriff Clarke: Obama 'Delusional' to Believe He has Improved Race Relations in America - Rev. Jeremiah Right. Case closed.
Truth Revolt Obama: ‘I Certainly Have Not Contributed To’ Dividing The Country - What planet is he living on?
Truth Revolt Video: Why is Everyone Afraid to Discuss Black Violence? - Warning: This video contains inconvenient truths. Also many N-words.
Daily Wire No Need For Evidence: Minnesota Governor Declares Shooting Racist, Obama Declares Justice System Racist
mrc tv WATCH: Black Radio Host Posts EPIC Takedown of Obama and the Media

Barack Hussein Obama - Affordable Health Care - ObamaCare - You Can't Keep Your Doctor - You Can't keep Your Insurance - You Can't Keep Your Life
Trut Revolt Obama Exploits One Republican's Thanks for Obamacare - But it's not working out for millions of others.
mrc tv Obama Targets Millennials To Prop Up Failing Healthcare Law

Barack Hussein Obama - War on the Second Amendment - Take Away Your Guns
Truth Revolt Watch Cruz and Rubio Explain Exactly How You Know Obama Wants to Confiscate Your Guns - It's not rocket science.

Barack Hussein Obama - War on Jews - War on Israel - anti-semitism - hate speech
YouTube Brigitte Gabriel's Israel Response to John Kerry
Daily Wire Do Palestinians Want Peace? Here Are 5 Facts That Say No.
Daily Wire YES: Trump BLASTS Obama's Anti-Israel Resolution: Change Is Coming To The UN
Daily Wire Happy Chanukah, From Obama: Obama-Backed UN Resolution Says Temple Mount Isn't Jewish [UPDATE: Resolution Passes, US Abstains]
Daily Wire Report: Obama Administration Not Done Yet: Wants Israel Back At Suicidal Pre-1967 Borders
Daily Wire 5 Results Of The Obama Anti-Jewish UN Resolution
Daily Wire 10 Lies Secretary of State Kerry Told During His Big Middle East Peace Speech
Daily Wire The Obama Administration Lied About Pushing The Anti-Israel UN Resolution. Over And Over And Over Again.
Daily Wire Obama's 'Pro-Israel' Presidency Is Fake News
American Thinker Obama's Animus toward Israel May Lead to War
Truth Revolt Tablet Magazine: Obama 'Jew-Baiting' to Push Iran Deal - "It's the kind of dark, nasty stuff we might expect to hear at a white power rally, not from the President of the United States..."
Truth Revolt WATCH: State Dept Can't Reconcile Past Criticisms of Israel with Afghan Bombing - Uhhhhhhhhhhh ...
Truth Revolt WATCH: Obama Admin Will Not Condemn Palestinian Terrorism - Contempt for Israel, and nothing but contempt.
Truth Revolt Netanyahu Fires Back Against Kerry's 'Settlement' Comments - With friends like this, who needs enemies?
Truth Revolt Obama Endorses EU Labeling of Israeli Products: Doesn't 'Consider Settlements to Be Part of Israel' Anyway - Big shock, there.
Truth Revolt Dylan Song Makes Perfect Commentary on State Dept’s Policy Toward Israel - "His enemies say he’s on their land / They got him outnumbered about a million to one."
Truth Revolt Mike Huckabee Wants to Know Why Obama Doesn't Care About Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes - Backlash against Islam? Think again, Mr. President.
Truth Revolt Glick: Hope is Not a Strategy - Since Israel is going to be attacked no matter what it does, we might as well do things that advance our interests.
Truth Revolt Hoekstra: Obama's Reckless Foreign Policy Has Put Israel in Dire Jeopardy - "The Iranian agreement steers the region closer to doomsday by legitimizing the Islamic Republic's pursuit of a deployable nuclear weapon."
Truth Revolt Biden Panders to Far-Left J Street, Slams Netanyahu Street Hours After Israel Bus Bombing - "The systematic expansion of settlements, the legalization of outposts, land seizures -- they're moving us and... Israel in the wrong direction."
Truth Revolt Senate Report: State Department Funded Effort to Overthrow Netanyahu - Shocking to no one.
Truth Revolt White House Refuses To Call Jerusalem Part Of Israel - "Wow. Obama Gets Rid of Israel."
Truth Revolt Glick: Obama's Hostile Eulogy - Obama was not merely wrong when he accused Peres’s detractors of support for slavery, he was maliciously wrong.
Truth Revolt Glick: Checkmating Obama - Obama has waited eight years to exact his revenge on Israel for not supporting his hostile, strategically irrational policies. And he has no interest in letting bygones be bygones.
Truth Revolt Lt. Col. Ralph Peters Sums Up Obama’s Mid-East Policy: ‘Praise Islam, Ignore Christians, Blame Jews’
Truth Revolt Greenfield: John Kerry, Obstacle to Peace - Kerry believes that peace is what happens when the bad guys win.
Truth Revolt Glick: Obama's Transparent Presidency - Obama and his followers in the US and around the world refuse to see the connection between the policies borne of that ideology and their destructive consequences.
Truth Revolt Sneaky: Obama Slips Palestinian Authority $221 Million on His Way Out the Door - Despicable.
mrc tv Obama Claims 'Not a Smidgen of Evidence' of Anti-Semitism Despite His Record
mrc tv Ben Carson: 'Divider-in-Chief' Used Anti-Semitic Rhetoric to Defend Iran Deal
mrc tv Nets Actually Cover Obama Being 'Blasted' for U.S. Absence at Anti-Terror March
mrc tv Despite Supporting His Israel Policies, Wasserman Schultz Almost Attacked Obama for Being Anti-Semitic
mrc tv SHOCKER! In 2012 Obama Moved U.S. Warship To Prevent Israeli Attack On Iran
mrc tv Iran Approved to Import 260,000 'Additional' Pounds of Uranium
Canada Free Press Nothing Personal About Obama’s Consistent Hostility Toward Israel - The only question left is how much more blood the president can extract from Israel in his last twelve months
Canada Free Press Obama’s Treachery Exposed - Mr. Obama's Middle East Policy: "Praise Islam, ignore Christians, blame Jews."
Daily Wire Obama: Israel Loves My Iran Deal! Israel: Your Iran Deal Is Worse Than Cancer.
Breitbart A Complete Timeline of Obama’s Anti-Israel Hatred
Fox News Diplomatic terrorism at the UN, courtesy President Obama
Gateway Pundit COMING SOON: Samantha Power’s Unmasking Campaign Linked to Obama’s Deep Hatred of Israe

Barack Hussein Obama - War on Christians
Truth Revolt Obama's Refugees Almost Entirely Muslim - Three were Christians. Not 3%. Three total.

Barack Hussein Obama - War on Gays
mrc tv Dep. of State: Indonesia Attacks Gays, But Maintains 'Strong Ties' With U.S.

Barack Hussein Obama - Corruption - Scandals
AFF - America's Freedom Fighters Juicial Watch Just Blew The Roof Off The Benghazi Cover Up With Breaking FOIA
Daily Wire Obama Says He's Had A Scandal-Free Administration. Here Are 11 of His Scandals.
Truth Revolt NYT's Brooks: I'll Miss Obama's 'Integrity, Humanity, Good Manners, Elegance' - What planet is he living on?
mrc tv NY Times Columnist Claims Obama's Presidency Has Been Scandal-Free
01 Going to war in Libya without first seeking congressional approval.
02 Bypassing Congress to issue an illegal executive order granting amnesty to illegal aliens, and ignoring the court order not to implement the order.
03 Canceling the border fence and other border security programs.
04 The administration’s betrayal of the primary GM investors so he could give the company to his buddies in the UAW.
05 Offering Joe Sestak a White House job to drop out of the Senate race against Arlen Specter.
06 The IRS targeting of conservative/tea party groups.
07 Offering Andrew Romanoff a White House job to drop out of the Senate Race against Michael Bennett.
08 Dropping an already already-won case against the New Black Panthers.
09 Refusing to prosecute African Americans for Civil Rights violations.
10 Ignoring a court order to ease up on restrictions against deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and, instead, issuing tougher restrictions.
11 Circumventing the Senate by setting up a “shadow cabinet” of Czars.
12 Lying about the safety of admitting refugees into the country.
13 Obama’s Justice Department’s refusal to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), thus ignoring his constitutional responsibility to defend laws passed by Congress.
14 Firing (and slandering) AmeriCorps inspector general Gerald Walpin after because he was investigating Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson a friend of the Obamas.
15 Practicing crony capitalism and wasting taxpayer money with Green energy loans to Solyndra and other failing companies.
16 A No-bid contract given to a company owned by a major Obama donor for a small pox vaccine that doesn’t work.
17 Fast and Furious: Giving guns to Mexican drug cartels in an attempt to take away guns from law-abiding Americans.
18 Lying to America and the world by claiming a YouTube video caused the Benghazi attack.
19 Receiving foreign donations for his 2012 campaign.
20 Slashing the pensions of Delphi’s non-union employees leaving the UAW employees‘ pensions alone.
21 Purchasing bullets to drive up costs/empty supply.
22 Prosecuting Thomas Drake, an NSA whistle-blower who leaked unclassified information about government waste and fraud.
23 Trading five Taliban "generals" for Bowe Bergdahl without giving Congress the 30 days notice required by law.
24 Ignoring ISIS in 2012, because it didn’t fit his reelection theme.
25 Using the NSA to spy on congressional discussions with Israeli PM Netanyahu.
Judicial Watch Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2009 (including Barack Hussein Obama)
American Thinker Prince of Handouts
American Thinker Bystander President?
American Thinker The Administration: Scarier Than You Could Imagine
Joshua Pundit Wanna Get Away With Stealing $1.2 Billion? Be A Well Connected Dem And Obama Bundler
Canada Free Press The Die is Cast? - The vitriol, misrepresentation, and outright lies emanating from the Obama camp and liberal Super PACs surpasses anything I have previously witnessed
Canada Free Press Third World Corruption and the 2012 Election - Barack Obama has gotten away with murder, figuratively and literally, thus far. The media has enabled this, through their sins of omission and commission
Canada Free Press IRS Scandal Reaches the White House - While Obama may continue to claim he had no personal knowledge of the targeting that took place by the IRS, it is now clear that his White House counsel and chief-of-staff did
Canada Free Press Hold Obama Accountable for Benghazi Scandal - Lies and Coverups
Canada Free Press Now Fact: All aspects ObamaGov Completely Corrupt/Criminal - Obama syndicate most corrupt, criminal and openly tyrannical
Canada Free Press Obama and the "Official Truth" - Obama's thuggish creation and corrupt defense of his "official truth" will anger, disgust - and frighten - all Americans
Canada Free Press Last Week’s Conspiracy Theories are This Week’s Reality - Obama and his co-conspirators aren't liberals; they're Maoist-Leninists. Comprehending what that means will be the difference between life and death
Canada Free Press Obama’s thug administration - Obama’s administration most criminally corrupt administration in this nation’s vaunted history
Wall Street Journal Obama's Scandalous Legacy - He has given Americans new reason to distrust the government.
Breitbart Dem Consultant: No IRS Scandal, Obama is Just Incompetent--Like Carter
New York Post O’s scandals take nation by storm
Commentary Magazine Obama’s Defenders: He’s Not Corrupt, Just Dishonest and Incompetent
Washington Post Even liberals can’t ignore Obama’s ineptitude
Washington Post Ten ways you know Obama scandal-management is a bust
New York Post Scandalpalooza - Is Team O trying to tire us out?
Natural News Obama Commerce Secretary nominee 'accidentally' forgets to disclose $80 million in investment income
Natural News Obama Administration a 'culture of intimidation and cover-ups'
Moonbattery Michelle Obama’s Princeton Classmate Is Top Exec at CGI, Which Received No-Bid Contract for
ABC News What It Takes to Get Fired From the Obama Administration
Personal Liberty Digest How High Does It Go?: New Emails Could Implicate Holder’s DOJ In IRS Targeting Of Conservatives Iowa congressman urged IRS to investigate nonprofits
Judicial Watch JW Obtains IRS Documents Showing Lerner in Contact With DOJ about Potential Prosecution of Tax-Exempt Groups
Committee On Oversight & Government Reform Oversight Committee Probes Justice Department Role in IRS Targeting
Yahoo! News When Is a Scandal Not a Scandal?
Tea Party News Network The Latest Admission from the Obama IRS is Not Only Maddening, It’s Criminal
examiner Citizens jailed on trumped up charges a foretaste of coming woes
examiner DHS to intensify attacks on freedom oriented citizens
Truth Revolt Judicial Watch: Docs Show DOJ, FBI Involved in IRS Scandal - "The Obama IRS scandal is also an Obama DOJ and FBI scandal."
Breitbart FBI Agents Angered By Obama’s Attempt to Influence Hillary Clinton Investigation
Observer WikiLeaks’ Guccifer 2.0: Obama Sold Off Public Offices to Donors - Corruption doesn't start or end with Hillary
Newsbusters The Seven Most Undercovered Obama Scandals
Mises Institute Watergate Redux?
Daily Wire 'Silenced' FBI Informant Called To Testify On Corrupt Russian Bribery Scheme Involving Hillary
PJ Media Remember When Obama Offered Access and Jobs for Big Inauguration Donations?
PJ Media Why Allegations of Campaign Finance Violations Won’t Bring Down Trump
PJ Media It Was Obama Who Nominated Partisan Hacks to Head the DOJ, Not Trump
PJ Media Obama Was Accused of Offering Hush Money to Jeremiah Wright... and No One Cared
Breitbart James Comer Believes Barack Obama Knew of Biden Family’s Foreign Deals

Barack Hussein Obama - Transparent - Transparency
I will be the most transparent President in American history. Except when Congress or anyone else asks for information I don't want them to know or someone wants to say something I disagree with. - Barack Hussein Obama
Holder Lied and People Died - Selwyn Duke
Holder Lied and Americans Died - Cynical Pessimist
Obama Lied and Americans Died - Cynical Pessimist
Barack Hussein Obama version of transparency - hide information, obfuscate details, and deny answers to Congress and the American people.
Breitbart Top Ten Things Obama Has Not Released
The Patriot Update BORN TO LIE: New Book Released on President Obama's birth certificate and other Issues of Transparency and Trust
The Daily Caller Watchdog group sues for transparency on Michelle Obama vacation expenses
The Daily Caller Newt says conservatives should press for Obama college records
The Daily Caller SHOCK REPORT: Obama Hid 470,000 Documents From Bin Laden Raid To Ensure His Reelection
Americans for Legal Immigration Obama spent over 1.5 million dollars to hide records, passport, ...
American Thinker What Is Obama Hiding?
American Thinker Obama Stonewalling Gulf Oil Spill Disclosure
American Thinker Grifters on Parade
American Thinker Arrest Eric Holder
American Thinker AG Lynch refuses to answer questions about Iran ransom payment
The Daily Caller Formal complaint seeks disbarment of Eric Holder in DC
Yahoo! News Obama invokes executive privilege as Holder faces contempt vote
Yahoo! News The top 9,486 ways Jay Carney won’t answer your questions (interactive)
Monster Hunter Nation Why Eric Holder should be in jail and the WaPo sucks balls
BadBlue It Begins ... Democrats Introduce Bill to Seal Obama’s Presidential Records
Daily Pundit Just A Reminder
Judicial Watch JW Sues Obama State Department for Benghazi Attack Videos and Photographs
Judicial Watch Top Obama Officials Flout Transparency Laws Using Secret Email
Conservative Angle Imposter Proof: Occidental College Recalls ‘Barry’ Obama with Records to Prove it
Personal Liberty Digest Dozens Of Media Outlets Call On Obama To Stop Stifling Free Expression
Personal Liberty Digest ‘Transparent’ Obama Administration Blocks Inspectors General From Conducting Investigations
Examples Of Interference With Reporting
Society of Professional Journalists Letter urges President Obama to be more transparent
Response Action Network So much for transparency
Truth Revolt Malkin: Stop Obama's War On Watchdogs - It's transparently clear: Obama loathes and fears them.
Truth Revolt State Dept Caught Censoring Video to Cover Lie, Calls it a 'Glitch' - "There are times where diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress."
Truth Revolt State Dept Admits Deliberately Deleting Footage of Iran Deal Presser - The most transparent administration in history, promised President Obama.
Truth Revolt Fox Journo: Obama Admin Exhibits 'Authoritarian Impulse' Towards the Press - The most (non) transparent administration in history.
Truth Revolt FBI Instructions During Private Clinton/Lynch Meeting: 'No Pictures, No Cell Phones' - Remember, it was just a meeting about grandchildren and golf.
mrc tv Administration’s Censorship of State Dept. Video Mirrors Deletion of Hollande’s ‘Islamist’ Remark
mrc tv Third Censorship Exposed in White House Whitewash Scandal
mrc tv 2014: Obama Blasts Censorship, Says Some People 'NEED TO BE OFFENDED'
mrc tv Video: State Dept. Official Literally Laughs at Idea of 'Transparency and Democracy'
MRC NewsBusters Jake Tapper Unloads on Obama: You’re in No Position to Lecture
cns news The Truth Has Been (Omitted)
Free Beacon Congress: Attorney General Lynch ‘Pleads Fifth’ on Secret Iran ‘Ransom’ Payments - Obama admin blocking congressional probe into cash payments to Iran

Barack Hussein Obama - Transparency - War On Journalists - War On First Amendment
Huffington Post Obama Administration Has Gone To Unprecedented Lengths To Thwart Journalists, Report Finds
PJ Media CNN Anchor: ‘Nasty’ Obama People ‘Threaten’ Reporters
Washington Free Beacon Journalists: Obama the Worst Since Nixon - Report says ‘control-freak’ Obama administration is chilling journalism
Truth Revolt Top Obama Aide: We are the Ventriloquists that 'Shape the News' - "They call us to explain to them what’s happening ..."

Barack Hussein Obama - War On Free Speech
Truth Revolt @POTUS Blocks Young Black Conservative on Twitter - "The leader of the free world doesn't stifle free speech -- or at least, that's what I thought."
YouTube Obama Lies
The Patriot Nation Liberal Messiah Obama Caught Admitting To Violent Assault!
mrc tv Obama Attacks Free Speech: 'We Have to Take Steps to Detoxify Our Discourse'

Barack Hussein Obama - Kenya
American Thinker Barack Obama: The Original Birther
breitbart The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'
infowars Breaking: Smoking Gun Evidence Obama Born in Kenya
American Thinker Obama the Inchoate Kenyan
American Thinker Why Kenyan Birth Claim Was No 'Fact Checking Error'
American Overlook VIDEO: Michelle Obama Finally Admits Where Her Husband Was Born
Daily Wire Hillary Invented Birtherism: 11 Things the Media Won't Tell You
Truth Revolt Hillary Insider Admits to Starting Birther Conspiracy, MSM Still Blames Trump - The fingers are pointing in every direction.

Barack Hussein Obama - War on The Economy - Economics
... if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. - Barack Hussein Obama
If you are a failure, you didn't get there on your own. Your government did it to you. - Cynical Pessimist
While 90 million Americans are still out of the workforce, President Barack Obama hailed Friday's jobs numbers as "pretty darn great."
Jewish World Review Why the Anger? Obamanomics has Failed
Safe Haven President Obama is the One Peddling Fiction
Wall Street Journal An Economy Built to Stall
Town Hall Presidential Nonsense
American Thinker Obama's Epic Green Fail
The Daily Caller Obama’s early Chicago rise brought African-Americans foreclosures, bankruptcies
The Daily Caller Monica Crowley: Obama an economic fascist
The Daily Caller Obama campaign uses company with operations in India and China to book travel
The Daily Caller The great Obama auto dealer job shaft
The Daily Caller Why politicians make bad farmers
The Daily Caller Solyndra: Obama’s theory of success debunked
The Daily Caller CNBC host Kudlow: Obama would rather ‘punish’ the wealthy than ‘fix the economy’ [VIDEO]
The Daily Caller With landmark lawsuit, Barack Obama pushed banks to give subprime loans to Chicago’s African-Americans
The Oval Obama jokes about 'shovel-ready projects'
The Blaze Obama Cracks Jobs Joke: ‘Shovel-Ready Was Not as Shovel-Ready as We Expected’
Politico President Obama's jobs panel missing in action
Washington Post Obama's White House jobs council fraud
Breitbart REPORT: Obama Spends More Time on Golf Than Economy
Town Hall Six Signs Obama Doesn’t Understand the Economy
Town Hall Why 'It Worked' May Damage Obama More Than 'You Didn't Build That'
Right Wing News Our Business-Hating President
The Weekly Standard Senator: Obama's Tax Hikes 'Would Leave 94% of This Year's Deficit Intact'
American Spectator Failing Downward
Mental Recession Good News! Obamacare to Slam the Economy with $1 Trillion in New Taxes
Breitbart Census Shows 200,000 Small Businesses Shut Down From 2008-2010
Breitbart Government Plays Big Role in Business, Just Not How Obama Meant It
reason Where are the Jobs? The Parallels Between Today and the Great Depression
American Thinker The Cold Hard Facts of Obama's Economy
Canada Free Press Twenty-three Million Americans Under/Unemployed, Yet Obama Pushes Work Permits for Illegal Aliens!
Canada Free Press Economy stagnant because Obama is hostile to business - Cause and effect
Canada Free Press To distract from Obamacare, Obama ‘pivots to the economy’ - for the first time this week! - If you're keeping track, this is at least pivot number 20
Canada Free Press Obama’s Economy: Wall Street Thrives, Main Street Dies - The backdoor bailout of the financial industry revealed
Canada Free Press Obama’s War on America is His Top Priority - We strive to survive Obama’s war on the U.S. economy and the current havoc resulting from ObamaCare
bailout cost
Reuters American Airlines issues layoff notices, cuts flight schedule
L.A.Times FedEx's gloomy outlook signals more bad news from U.S. companies (FedEx, considered a bellwether of the global economy, slashes its profit projections for 2012 after another weak quarter.)
Washington Post Fed’s latest stimulus may have little impact on mortgage borrowers
American Thinker Obama's Quasi-Tax Increases
The American Dream Thanks Obama - Here Are 24 Stats That Show How Much You Have Royally Messed Up Our Economy
pravda Obama's Soviet Mistake
reason Obama’s Bogus Budget - Our long national austerity nightmare is finally over.
Conservative Tribune BREAKING: These Major Retailers Are Closing Stores, Laying Off Thousands [FULL LIST]
Truth Revolt Americans Have No Money To Save
Truth Revolt Obama Oversees Rise in Childhood Poverty - More kids in poverty now than during recession
Truth Revolt Obama Won't Choose Between Capitalism and Socialism - Tells young people, you choose.
Truth Revolt Obama's America: One-Third of Millennials Broke, Single, Living at Home - Highest among black and Hispanic Americans.
Canada Free Press Why Obama’s Keystone XL rejection excuses are a complete load of crap - From one who specializes in it.
Daily Reckoning Obama: "America’s Pretty Darn Great Right Now"...
mrc tv As Obama Praises ‘Earth Day,’ Unemployment Soars in Coal Towns
World Jewish Review Why the Anger? Obamanomics has Failed

Barack Hussein Obama - Economics - Economy - You Didn’t Build That
The Hill New Romney ad hits Obama on 'you didn't build that' remark
Town Hall Who Built the Brooklyn Bridge?
PJ Media ‘You Didn’t Build That!’ ... Oh Yeah?
PJ Media The Ultimate Takedown of Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Speech
Munchkin Wrangler you didn’t build that.
Sharpoo As A Marble Great news - You will be receiving an Olympic medal soon
The Daily CAller Obama ’08: Yes We Can! Obama ’12: No You Didn’t.
reason How "You didn't build that" became "He didn't say that"
reason Government Did Not Build Your Business
Red State You Know Something, Barack? You’re an Ass.
American Thinker Washington's Message to Americans: 'We Own You'
American Thinker 'You Didn't Build That.' Boston Globing for Obama
Canada Free Press Marxist Obama Doubling and Tripling Attacks Against Small Business Builders
Breitbart Obama Campaign Panics over ‘You Didn't Build That’ Remark
Mises Institute You Didn't Build That
TribLive Crowding out private-sector success
Mises Institute You Didn't Build That
Truth Revolt Louder with Crowder: Obama's Absurd 'Poverty Summit' Remarks

Barack Hussein Obama - Economics - Economy - The Economy Is Doing Just Fine
National Review Online Obama: ‘Private Sector Is Doing Fine’
Reason Obama Beyond Clueless: "The Private Sector is Doing Fine"
Hawaii News Daily The U.S. Economy By The Numbers: 70 Facts That Barack Obama Does Not Want You To See
Hot Air Say, just how "fine" is the private sector doing, anyway?
Town Hall Obama: Yeah, the Private Sector is Doing Fine
Bloomberg Business Week US economic outlook worsens after jobs report
Power Line Is Obama Introducing National Socialism to the United States?
Small Craft Advisory Economy Is Fine-In Obama's World
Small Craft Advisory Obama's Success is Our Failure

Barack Hussein Obama - Fast and Furious - Arming Criminals - Arming Terrorists
The Daily Caller David Brooks: Obama’s use of executive privilege politically ‘stupid,’ ‘a winner’ for the GOP
The Daily Caller Issa’s committee passes contempt resolution for Holder over Fast and Furious
The Daily Caller Mexico upset by Fast and Furious as revelation surfaces that Obama accepts killing as part of presidency
The Daily Caller He’s in contempt: House votes to hold Holder in contempt of Congress
The Daily Caller TF official resigns after Issa, Grassley nail him in congressional Fast and Furious report
The Daily Caller Fast and Furious report: Gunwalking idea came from top Holder deputies in 2009
The Daily Caller Jackie Mason rips Obama for not visiting Israel
The Daily Caller Report: Drug cartel used Fast and Furious weapon in failed assassination plot
The Daily Caller Book: Holder went on ‘Reefer Madness’-like campaign to distract from Fast and Furious
The Daily Caller House GOP to file civil contempt suit Monday against Holder over ‘Fast and Furious’ documents
Canada Free Press Is Fast and Furious the Next Watergate?
Canada Free Press Obama promulgates lie about Fast and Furious snafu, police say
New York Post A Fast & Furious fib - Holes in Holder’s testimony?
American Thinker Trayvon: 46 Days; Fast and Furious: 527 Days and Counting
Liberty News The Fast And Furious Tyranny Of Those That Would Disarm Americans
Monster Hunter Nation Why Eric Holder should be in jail and the WaPo sucks balls
Canada Free Press Speaking of Reducing Gun Violence, What About Fast and Furious, Mr. President?
Breitbart Napolitano Doesn't Know If Touted Weapon Seizures Include Guns from Fast and Furious
American Thinker Taking Down the Second Amendment: The Connection between Fast and Furious and the Trayvon Martin Case
Univision Fast and Furious Scandal: New Details Emerge on How the U.S. Government Armed Mexican Drug Cartels
mrc tv Terrorist Who Attacked 'Draw Mohammed' Contest in Garland, Texas Had Gun From 'Fast and Furious'
mrc tv Judicial Watch: Paris Attacker's Gun May Be Linked to 'Fast and Furious

Barack Hussein Obama - Great Thinker - Great Orator
reason Barack Obama, the Not-So-Great American Storyteller
American Thinker The Alienator-in-Chief
American Thinker How stupid does the Obama campaign think Americans are?
American Thinker The Dumbest President...EVER!
American Thinker In Obama's World, There Is No You
American Thinker Using Obama's own words against him
American Thinker The Commander in Chief's Lack of Military Awareness
American Thinker The Impostor President Gets Caught
American Thinker Obama: the Revolutionary as Halfwit
American Thinker Obama: The Most Dangerous of Morons
Canada Free Press Affirmative Action reaches the Presidential Level
Canada Free Press ‘El Obamabore The Hypocrite’ comes to "México" - Obama in Mexico
Canada Free Press Is Barack Mentally Malnourished? A Reasonable Explanation for Obama’s Mind - Could a Practical Ignoramus Make it to the Highest Rungs of Power in America?
Canada Free Press Obama can’t spell but he can spend taxpayer money - For Barack Obama, it must be nice to be treated like a king, just don’t ask him to spell the word
Canada Free Press MY WTF moment - Shameless Obama
Mascmind Case Closed, The First Termer Obama, the Dumbest, Most Inept President EVAH!
akdart Barack Obama's greatly overrated intellect
Mr. Conservative Is Barack Obama Mentally Unstable?
NRCC The Complete List of Things Obama Doesn’t Know About
Ann Coulter Barack Obama: A Man For The Ages!
Truth Revolt Scarborough Utterly RIPS Obama: 'Sole Arbiter of What is Right and Just?' - Adds arrogant, self-righteous, embarrassing ...
Truth Revolt The Idea Of Defeating Ideologies With Ideas Is A Bad Idea

Barack Hussein Obama - Foreign Policy (aid and comfort to the enemy)
The Barack Hussein Obama Foreign Policy in a nutshell: weakness is strength, enemies are friends, betraying friends is strategic, capitulation is winning. - Cynical Pessimist
The Barack Hussein Obama Foreign Policy can be easily summed up with the following words: the enemy of my friend is my friend. - Cynical Pessimist
Barack Hussein Obama is so upset about the man caused disaster that created a bump in the road to peace by a not optimal occurance that he is setting a special investigative team of elementary school crossing guards to investigate this situation. Results are promised before the end of this century. - Cynical Pessimist
When a treasonous, race baiting, hate filled Muslim apologist calls the brutal, organized slaughter of American citizens a man caused disaster creating a bump in the road to peace by a not optimal occurance you know you are in trouble. - Cynical Pessimist
if four Americans get killed it is not optimal. - Barack Hussein Obama
Hey Barack Hussein Obama, if four Americans being slaughtered by foreign enemies is not optimal, what is the optimal number of Americans you want slaughtered the enemy? - Cynical Pessimist
I wasn't confused about the fact that we were going to hunt down whoever did it and bring them to justice. - Barack Hussein Obama
Just like O.J.Simpson looked for his wife's killers on golf courses throughout the country, Barack Hussein Obama looked for justice for dead Americans at a Las Vegas fundraising event. - Cynical Pessimist
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle's Firewall: President Failure's Smart Diplomacy - Obama and his "Smart Diplomacy" have been an absolute catastrophe for the US and her allies, and a huge boon to those who wish us harm.
American Thinker Obama seeking political cover by asking for a Congressional vote on Syria intervention
American Thinker Mr. Flexible's Inflexible Stance on Syria
American Thinker Sarah Palin mocks Obama on Syria dithering
American Thinker Tyrants Looming: Obama and the Dictators of South America
American Thinker Sorry your feelings were hurt, you stalwarts of religious tolerance.
American Thinker US Cairo Embassy delete fail
American Thinker Springtime for Arab Mobs
American Thinker The Two 9/11s
American Thinker Middle East a Tinderbox, American Leadership Absent
American Thinker The 'Security Leak Administration' and the Deaths in Libya
American Thinker Obama in Denial on the War against America
American Thinker No Apologies
American Thinker Was Obama's Illegal War in Libya A Trial Run to Attack Israel?
American Thinker Obama in Denial on the War against America
American Thinker Military Families are Outing Obama
American Thinker Benghazi: Osama's Revenge on Obama
American Thinker Checkpoint Scandal Would Catch Obama Off-Guard in Third Debate
American Thinker How to Abandon Our Bravest Citizens in a War Zone
American Thinker Romney should point out that Obama even botched killing bin Laden
American Thinker Waiting for Obama. And Waiting. And Waiting...
American Thinker Obama the Imperialist
American Thinker A Tale of Two Red Lines
American Thinker The Syrian Fiasco Laid Bare
American Thinker Why can't the community organizer organize a community?
American Thinker The Legacy of Iraq: America's Credibility Was Lost Years Ago
American Thinker Another Obama 'smart diplomacy' belly-flop
American Thinker America Speaks ... and Who Cares?
American Thinker No Mr. President, You are the 'Serious Threat to Everybody's Future'
American Thinker Barry and the Pirates
American Thinker Obama reflects on his foreign policy...successes? - Somewhere in Hawaii, a village truly is missing its idiot.
American Tinker CIA-backed rebels fight Pentagon-backed rebels in Syria
telegraph Barack Obama's Top Ten Foreign Policy Follies
PJ Media Obama in Foreign Policy Hell
PJ Media Does Obama Actually Care About Israel’s Struggle to Survive?
PJ Media Obama Doesn’t Understand Latin America
PJ Media Obama’s Middle East Delusions
Hudson Institute Obama Doesn’t Understand Latin America
Hudson Institute Obama Lets the UN Tie His Hands on Syria
PowerLine Obama Liberates Poland?
The Weekly Standard 'Where's Obama? Anywhere but Israel.
American Thinker Grading Obama's Foreign Policy
American Thinker Politics of Racial Division: Hillary and Obama Ignoring Genocide against Whites
American Thinker Ahmadinejad at the U.N.: Sympathy for the Devil?
American Thinker Wake Up, Jews!
American Thinker Obama Chose Dishonor
Small Craft Advisory The Lessons of Benghazi
Hill Buzz Ambassador Murdered. Obama Goes To Vegas.
breitbart Ambassador Murdered, Obama Going to Vegas for Fundraiser
Hot Air Ramirez on "bumps in the road"
Hot Air Obama: Sacked consulate and dead ambassador "bumps in the road"
Daily Caller Murdered Libyan ambassador Chris Stevens is a "bump in the road," says Greatest President in History
The Blaze Krauthammer Lambastes Obama’s ‘Bumps in the Road’ Comment: ‘If Romney Had Said That ... It Would Be a 3-Day Headline’
Fox News On Muslim Uprising, Obama Mirrors Answer on Economy: A Bump in the Road
IsraPundit Anatomy of a failed foreign policy
Canada Free Press Obama’s real record on Israel
Canada Free Press Islam’s Many Murders of Americans - Presidency that encourages Islamic militancy, sinking further into an abyss of national poverty, loss of our position in the world as a power for freedom and democracy
Canada Free Press Palestinian rockets no surprise - It's not surprising at all that these attacks have come in the wake of Obama’s election victory
Canada Free Press Obama: Israel vs. Palestine, U.S. vs Canada ... whatever, It’s all the same - Canada and the U.S. are just like Palestine and Israel!
Canada Free Press Treasonous Obama Strikes Again - What Obama is guilty of here is nothing less than treason
Canada Free Press National Security at Risk with Left at Helm - White House's warped convictions
Canada Free Press Looking for Love in the Muslim World
Canada Free Press Obama’s bread and circuses
Canada Free Press Believing His Own BS - Commander-in-Chief who has suddenly found himself backed into a corner by his own rhetoric
Canada Free Press The Case of Obama’s Missing Pants - Obama's political palace corps still insists on selling Americans on the myth of his competence
Canada Free Press Welcome to the ‘United States of al-Qaeda’ - Big question on Syria should not be why America is going into Syria, but who America is sending into Syria
Canada Free Press Our Never Ending Obama Nightmare - It is a sad day in this country when the former leader of the KGB is more persuasive than our own President.
Canada Free Press Obama, Kerry capitulation to Iran condemned by just about everybody - Neville Kerry waves the piece of paper
Canada Free Press World "More Stable Than Five Years Ago," Mr. President? Egypt, Libya, Arab Spring, Syria, North Korea, Ukraine
Canada Free Press Pattern: Obama warns of consequences; there are none - Feckless.
Canada Free Press When Metrosexual Marxists Rule - Democrats and their Greatest President of All Time
Canada Free Press Surviving Obama - Obama’s newfound courage to begin abandoning his pretense of supporting Israel presents Israel with a new challenge
The Wall Street Journal A Cold-Blooded Foreign Policy. No despot fears the president, and no demonstrator in Tehran expects him to ride to the rescue.
Time Senator Rand Paul: Why I’m Voting No on Syria - If American interests are at stake, then our goal should not be stalemate
Personal Liberty Digest Obama Administration Waffles On U.N. Nominee Who Helped Take U.S. Hostages In 1979
Personal Liberty Digest Crisis With Russia Moving Closer To War
Personal Liberty Digest Talking To The Taliban: A Crisis Of Leadership
Personal Liberty Digest Obama’s Illegal Prisoner Exchange
Personal Liberty Digest Talking To The Taliban: A Crisis Of Leadership
Personal Liberty Digest Iraq In Big Trouble, U.S. Poised To Make Situation More Volatile
Personal Liberty Digest Cruz: Obama Can’t Beat Radical Islamic Terrorism Until He’s Willing to Utter The Words ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism’
Western Journalism This Is Why Judge Jeanine Is Worried (And Thinks You Should Be Afraid)
Wall Street Journal The Collapsing Obama Doctrine - Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.
Power Line Obama continues to give ISIS a free pass
The Fiscal Times How Obama Lost Friends in Europe and Influence Globally
Business Insider Ex-Administration Official Destroys Obama's Argument For Not Helping Syrian Rebels
Allen B. West ISIS is beheading children, and Obama drops two bombs
Allen B. West Why I’m utterly disgusted Obama is sending 130 military personnel to Mt. Sinjar
Tea Party News Network Video: Obama REPEATEDLY Claims Iraq Departure was HIS Decision
Truth Revolt TOROSSIAN: Obama Cares More About Stopping Israel's Weapons Than Stopping Iran's Weapons
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Is ISIS Islamic?
Truth Revolt HOROWITZ: Hold Obama and the Democrats Accountable for the Terrorist Threat
Truth Revolt HOROWITZ: The Blood on Obama’s Hands
Truth Revolt Dick Cheney Eviscerates Obama's Foreign Policy - If A President Was Trying To Take America Down 'It Would Look Exactly Like What Barack Obama’s Doing'
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Smart Diplomacy For Dummies
Truth Revolt Obama Removes Terror-Supporting Cuba from List of Terror Supporters
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Obama's Nuclear Disaster
Truth Revolt Pentagon Officials Call Out Obama's 'Pathetic' ISIS Strategy - "What strategy?"
Truth Revolt MALKIN: Why America Hates the GOP-Obamatrade Deal - What part of "Stop selling out America!" does D.C. not understand?
Truth Revolt Iran Truth's Devastating 'Don't Trust Us' Video - It's like a time lapse of cowardice.
Truth Revolt Pollack: How to Commit National Suicide - To capitulate to the largest purveyor of worldwide terror is itself terrifying.
Truth Revolt McCain: Obama's ISIS Remarks Display 'Disturbing Degree of Self-Delusion'
Truth Revolt Iran Deadline Passes, Talks Continue
Truth Revolt While Obama Cozies Up to Castro, Cubans Suffer - "Castroism has won."
Truth Revolt Santorum: Iran Deal the "Greatest Betrayal" of US National Security in Our History - Would walk away from the deal on "day one" if he's elected.
Truth Revolt Watch Weak DoS Express Only 'Concern' That More Americans are Being Imprisoned in Iran - Consequences? What consequences?
Truth Revolt Iran Celebrates Anniversary of U.S. Embassy Siege by ... Burning Obama in Effigy - Happy Anniversary!
Truth Revolt Gates: Obama Ignored National Security Team's Advice So He Could 'Be On the Right Side of History' - "The president took the advice of three junior backbenchers.
Truth Revolt Glick: The Obama Doctrine, Unplugged - Reading Obama’s view of Putin the same day the Russian leader surprised the US in announcing his decision to immediately withdraw Russian forces from Syria was instructive.
Truth Revolt Cuba Doubles Down on Insults, Calls Obama's Visit an 'Attack' - Because when you bend over backwards to please thugs...
Yahoo! Finance Here's Why Obama's Middle East Allies Don't Trust Him Against ISIS
Yahoo! Finance A former top adviser destroyed Obama's Iraq policy in one sentence
Red State Didn’t Barack Obama Declare the War on Terror Over?
Western Journalism Watch: Ronald Reagan’s Son Just Put A Smack Down On Obama That Would Make His Dad Proud
Young Conservatives WTF: Obama actually imagined he’s an ISIS terrorist and then gives them advice
Lew Rockwell Obama Attacks Syria, Flouts Constitution and International Law
Joshua Pundit Obama Soils Himself At The UN With Weakness, Appeasement And Israel Bashing
Conservatve Tribune BREAKING: Obama SKIPS Holocaust Ceremony... Look Where He’s Going Instead
Liberty News Now U.S. Honors Murderous, Human Rights-Violating Despot
Liberty News Now Will Hashtag Diplomacy Hurt America?
PJ Media Day After Obama Removes Cuba from Terror Sponsor List, Terror Group Sponsored by Cuba Kills 10
Allen B. West The absolutely inane reason Cuba was taken off the terror list
YouTube Tomi's Red, White, Blue & Unfiltered Final Thoughts the Slaughter of 4 Marines by Another "Mohammad"
YouTube Islamaphobia v Islamreality: Pam Geller is 'On Point with Tomi Lahren'
Daily Wire Obama To Send Official Delegation To Castro Funeral After All

Barack Hussein Obama - Foreign Policy - providing nuclear bombs to terrorists - supporting Muslim terrorists (aid and comfort to the enemy)
NYC restaurants subject to tougher inspections than Iran under nuclear deal - Jackie Mason
If President Obama doesn't like the rhetoric that he is the world's leading global financier of radical Islamic terrorism then he should stop financing radical Islamic terrorism! - Ted Cruz
Barack Hussein Obama says we can trust the word of the Iranian Muslims who dance in the streets and sing Death To America while negotiating for enhanced freedom to create nuclear bombs with which to kill Jews.
Maybe Barack Hussein Obama is right and the whole rest of the world is wrong.

I'm anxious to support religious freedom the way Muslims do, by slaughtering Christians.
I'm anxious to support gay rights the way Muslims do, by slaughtering gays.
I'm anxious to support womens rights the way Muslims do, by buying and selling 10 year old girls as wives.
Hey Barack Hussein Obama, how much would you charge to sell both your daughters to me?
- Cynical Pessimist
Any person who believes the lies Barack Hussein Obama spoke about his negotiations with Iran, is suicidial and stupid. - Cynical Pessimist
Truth Revolt Director Zucker Releases Satirical Ad on the Iran Deal - "Obama is clearly the worst president in 200 years."
Truth Revolt General of Iran's Army: We Are Going to Destroy Israel - "Iran’s military establishment neither fears nor respects the U.S. anymore."
mrc tv Iran's Supreme Leader Says Israel Will Not Exist in 25 Years, Calls America 'Great Satan'
Washington Post Retired generals and admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal
Truth Revolt Cruz Slams PolitiFact for Missing the Truth About Iran Deal - Yellow journalism, "where liberal reporters dress up their opinions as facts."
Truth Revolt Ayatollah Khamenei: Israel Won't Exist in 25 Years - "You will not be around in 25 years... and during this period, the spirit of jihad will keep you worried every moment."
Truth Revolt Iranian Military Leader: We'll 'Annihilate' U.S., Israeli Forces - Vows to take "every opportunity to set fire to all their economic and political interests if they do a wrong deed."
Truth Revolt AP Bombshell: Side Deal with Iran Lets It Inspect Its Own Nuclear Site - Secret agreement essentially cedes UN's investigative authority to Iran
mrc tv Krauthammer: Iran Deal to Allow for Self-Inspections ‘Scandalous, Farcical’
Obama and the Muslims
Town Hall A Historic Catastrophe
American Thinker We May as Well Learn to Love the Bomb
Truth Revolt Fmr Top Military Officials Release Damning Report on Iran Deal - Makes war more likely, threatens American interests
Truth Revolt Prager: Responses to the President’s Arguments for the Nuclear Deal - The bottom line is that Iran will cheat and we won’t always catch them.
Truth Revolt Democrat Sen. Schumer Details His Opposition to Iran Deal
Truth Revolt Another Democrat Comes Out Against Iran Deal
Truth Revolt Obama Defends Iran Deal, His Criticism of Israel - Yes, Iran is anti-Semitic, but we can trust the deal because his name is on it.
Truth Revolt If There Is An Iran Deal, Why Are Iran's Leaders Trashing Obama's Description? - Iran's top leaders make it clear there was no "meeting of the minds" between the rogue regime and the American negotiators.
Truth Revolt Limbaugh: Iran Banking On Obama’s Narcissism - "The Iranians know this guy better than he knows himself."
Truth Revolt Kristol: Iran Deal Worse Than We Imagined Possible - Congress must "rise to the occasion" and override Obama's bad deal
Truth Revolt Greenfield: Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are: Traitors - We have met the enemy and he is in the White House.
Truth Revolt 'It's a Lie': Cheney Rips Obama's Iran Deal Claim - No, we haven't "stopped the proliferation of nuclear weapons"
Truth Revolt Rabbi Wolpe: Iran Deal a 'Win for Anti-Semitism' - "This is no time for celebration."
Truth Revolt Pollak: What We Get, What Iran Gets
Truth Revolt Netanyahu On Risk To America From Iran Deal: We Are The Little Satan, You Are The Great Satan
Truth Revolt Sen Tim Scott: Obama Veto Threat Sign of Weakness
Truth Revolt TruthRevolt Dissects Pelosi's Statement on the Iran Deal - Wait - was she serious?
Truth Revolt Nuke Deal Could Allow U.S. to Protect Iran From Israel - "The United States and its partners have just become the international protectors of the Iranian nuclear program."
Truth Revolt Kerry: We Brought Up Captive Americans in Every Meeting with Iran - "Not one meeting that took place" didn't include requests for release
Truth Revolt Netanyahu's Last-Minute Warning on Iran: 'No Agreement Is Better Than a Bad Agreement' - "This agreement is fundamentally flawed."
Truth Revolt Allen West Rips Obama Over Iran Deal Along With 10,000 Protesters - "This great nation is a nation of lions that is currently being led by the greatest of sheep ..."
Truth Revolt GOP: Obama Hiding Parts of Iran Deal from Congress - "Even members of Congress who are sympathetic to this deal cannot and must not accept a deal we aren’t even aware of."
Truth Revolt Prager: 1938 and 2015: Only the Names Are Different - We say that evil is dark. But it is actually so painfully bright, people look away from it.
Truth Revolt Netanyahu: Those Praising Iran Deal Already Proven Wrong - "If someone thought that the extraordinary concessions to Iran would lead to a change in its policy, they received an unequivocal answer over the weekend..."
Truth Revolt Huckabee: Obama Marching Israelis to 'the Door of the Oven' - DNC chair demands apology
Truth Revolt CNN Poll: Majority Wants Congress to Reject Iran Deal
Truth Revolt Kerry Unsure if Iran Has "A Specific Plan" to Destroy U.S. - "I think they’ve said ‘Death to America,’ in their chants, but I have not seen this specific."
Truth Revolt Sen. Cotton Grills Kerry On Secret Iran Deals, Arming Terrorists - "The Ayatollahs will know what they agreed to, but not the American people."
Truth Revolt Cruz and Kerry Spar Over Iran Deal 'Apology' - "Secretary Kerry, it is duly noted that you do not apologize to the families of the service members who were murdered by the Iranian military."
Truth Revolt Kerry Unsure if Iran Has "A Specific Plan" to Destroy U.S. - "I think they’ve said ‘Death to America,’ in their chants, but I have not seen this specific."
Truth Revolt Iran Dictates Terms on Inspections - Says who can and cannot take part in inspections
Truth Revolt Report: Iran Details Plan to Thwart 'American Great Satan,' Destroy Israel - NY Post obtains copy of Iran's "416-page screed against the Jewish state"
Truth Revolt Cruz: Obama Admin 'Responsible' if Iran-Backed Jihadists Kill Americans - If Iran sends billions to terrorists "to murder Americans, to murder Israelis, to murder Europeans, then the administration is responsible"
Truth Revolt At RedState, Cruz Tells Obama: Stop Financing Radical Islamic Terrorism
Truth Revolt So Iran Is Now Flying Drone Missions Directly Over U.S. Navy Vessels As Obama Does Nothing [VIDEO] - Oh yeah, this deal is working out great.
Truth Revolt Obama Criticized Iran for Not Following 'Spirit' of Nuclear Deal - The president is actually surprised by this?
Truth Revolt Glick: Obama's Nuclear Contrition - Then and now, Obama and his advisers argued that ballistic missiles are not part of the mullahs’ nuclear project. This claim, which made little sense at the time, makes no sense whatsoever today.
Truth Revolt Obama Administration Awards $270K to Terror-Linked Islamic Charity - ore evidence of treason
Fiscal Times Here’s Why Obama Panders to Iran, Throws Israel Under the Bus
The Federalist Obama’s Nuke Deal Makes Israel The Enemy And Iran Our Ally - You can pick the Islamic Republic or the Jewish State. You can't pick both.
WND 'Sheer insanity': Iran-deal critics go nuclear on Obama - Leading state sponsor of terror now free of global financial sanctions
CNS News Gaffney on Iran Deal: ‘We’re Dealing With National Security Fraud on the Part of the Obama Administration’
U.S.News & World Report Obama's Unforgivable Betrayal - The president's nuclear accommodation of radical Islamist theocrats threatens Israel's survival.
New York Post Why Obama’s Iran deal is a path to war
Western Journalism Watch: Reporter Scolded By Obama Fires Back In A Huge Way That Obama Will Hate
American Thinker Ben Stein explains Obama-Kerry's genocidal danger
mrc tv Obama: Iranians Just Kidding About 'Death to America!' Chants
mrc tv Ayatollah's Letter Challenges Obama's Iran Deal
mrc tv Obama Admin: ‘We Don’t Know’ If Iran Used Iran Deal Cash to Fund Terror
Canada Free Press How Obama and Kerry Caused the Stabbing Terror Spree in Israel
Daily Wire 3 Female Jihadists Tried to Blow Up Notre Dame Cathedral. FLASHBACK: Obama Mocks Republicans for Fearing 'Widows'

Barack Hussein Obama - Foreign Policy - Lawlessness (trade terrorists masterminds for deserter) - Free Terrorists - Treason - Bowe Bergdahl (aid and comfort to the enemy)
Truth Revolt Bowe Bergdahl Charged With Desertion - Could recieve life in prison
Truth Revolt Steyn: President Knew Truth on Bergdahl - Facts were there for Obama to see
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: American Deserter
Truth Revolt Obama Revels in Nuke Deal While 3 Americans Remain Imprisoned in Iran - I thought we didn't leave Americans behind...
Steyn Online Bowe Jest
American Thinker Obama's Bad Trade
American Thinker An odd coincidence in the Bergdahl release?
American Thinker Dems run for cover as details emerge about Bergdahl
American Thinker Bergdahl Court Martial also Indicts Obama
Canada Free Press Uh oh: Bergdahl’s father tweeted to Taliban he wants all Gitmo detainees released - And one of Bergdahl's colleagues thought he deserved the firing squad.
Canada Free Press Taliban Rising - Why the terrorist organization is so elated over the Bergdahl exchange.
Canada Free Press White House calls Bergdahl’s Fellow Soldiers Liars - The White House Officially Turns Against the Soldiers Obama Commands
CBS Houston Gun Store Sign: ‘Will Trade Obama To Mexico For Sgt. Tahmooressi’
Personal Liberty Digest Obama Makes Worst Trade Since American Indians Sold Manhattan For $24
examiner Hillary Clinton: It 'doesn't matter' if Bowe Bergdahl deserted his unit
GOP USA Treason: Obama's 'Gitmo Five'
CNN Officials: Detainee swapped for Bergdahl suspected of militant activities
The Blaze Report: Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl to Be Charged for Desertion - Here Are the Details
Tuth Revolt Obama Admin Moves 6 Gitmo Prisoners to Oman
The Federalist The Left Is Terrified Right Now About The Bowe Bergdahl Story

Barack Hussein Obama - Respect from Foreign People - Making Friends with Dictators Who Oppress Their Own People (aid and comfort to the enemy)
Smoking kills more people than Obama, although he kills lots and lots of people. Don't smoke, don't be like Obama. - Russian anti-smoking campaign.
mrc tv New Moscow Ad: 'Smoking Kills More People Than Obama'
mrc tv London Mayor Calls for Obama to Mind His Own Business
Truth Revolt Cuban Rights Groups Blast Obama: Never Imagined Democratic World Would Legitimize Castros - Neither did we.
Truth Revolt Cuba Arrests, Jails Dissidents Before Obama Visit - "...the incident was embarrassing..."
Truth Revolt A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words - What more needs to be said?
Truth Revolt Sports Radio Host Knocks ESPN and Obama: Sorry, I'm Not 'In the Mood to Play Ball with a Dictator' - "President Barack Obama, Derek Jeter and ESPN head toward communism like it is another cruise port..."
Truth Revolt New 'Tourist Attraction' in Iran: Statue of Captured US Sailors - The same regime John Kerry thanked for treating our soldiers so well.
Truth Revolt POTUS Commands Respect - That's Why Third World Pres Just Told Him to 'Go to Hell' - Because nothing projects strength like a U.S. president getting slapped around by a banana republic dictator. Repeatedly.
American Thinker Obama embarrasses himself, US in Cuba
American Thinker Philippine president calls Obama an SOB

Barack Hussein Obama - Foreign Policy - Send A Message To The World (aid and comfort to the enemy)
Truth Revolt Go to Disneyland Instead: Greta Blasts Obama for 'Fun' Cuba Trip - This is a terrible signal to send to the world.

Barack Hussein Obama - Official Support for Terrorist Wannabes (Clock Kid aka: Bomb Hoax Kid, Bomb Boy, Clock Boy) (aid and comfort to the enemy)
Truth Revolt Video: Black Teen Schools Obama On Muslim Clock Student - "I think you’re incompetent, and I don’t think you understand reality."
Truth Revolt Ahmed's Parents Silencing School From Telling Their Side of Clock/Bomb Story - Looks more like a setup every day.
Truth Revolt Clock-Kid Ahmed's 9/11 ‘Truther’ Dad
Truth Revolt Truth Revolt Non-Muslim Student Suspended for Bringing Homemade Phone Charger to School, NO White House Invite - There must’ve been something different about "Clock Boy" Ahmed. What could that have been?
infoWars Video: Man Debunks "Clock Kid" by Recreating Ahmed’s Clock - in 20 Seconds! - Video exposes "clock kid" story as a deceptive stunt
mrc tv VIDEO: Students Say Ahmed Mohamed's Clock Actually DOES Look Like a Bomb
Sooper Mexican We’ve Been HAD!! Muslim Kid Definitely Didn’t Make That Clock!
Young Conservatives Engineer Claims Ahmed Mohamed Didn’t Invent Digital Clock, Just Transferred it to Pencil Case
Breitbart Ahmed Mohamed Hugs Sudan’s Genocidal Theocrat Omer Hassan al-Bashir
Daily Wire Here's All The Crazy Anti-American Crap 'Clock Boy' Has Been Posting Lately

Barack Hussein Obama - War Crimes - Civilian Deaths - Drone Strikes
Blacklisted News Obama Picks Terrorist War Criminal To Head Department Of Homeland Security
Washington Post Bill Ayers: Obama should be tried for war crimes
Policy Mic Predator Drone 'Double-Taps' Highlight Possible War Crimes By Obama
Canada Free Press Reports: Obama administration grossly under reporting civilian deaths in drone strikes - The numbers are troubling, but take them with a big grain of salt...

Barack Hussein Obama - Lawlessness
Committee For Justice 25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration
Real Clear Politics Obamacare Whac-A-Mole Why Barack Obama Should Resign
American Thinker Governing by Presidential Decree Should Scare the You-Know-What out of Hispanics
American Thinker Obama: Against the Law
American Thinker America's First Anarchist President
American Thinker Obama Lurching Toward Tyranny
American Thinker 32 Grieving Parents with Absolute Moral Authority over Obama
American Thinker Obama's Problem Obeying the Law
American Thinker Ensuring a Recurrence
American Thinker The Transformational Tyrant
American Thinker To Hell with the Law; Re-Election Is More Important
American Thinker Reining in America's Greatest Lawbreaker, President Obama
American Thinker The Felon in the White House
The Daily Caller Rush Limbaugh: Obama is living out ‘a dictator’s wet dream’
The Daily Caller GOP bills take aim at Obama’s attempt to ‘circumvent Congress’
The Daily Caller Rush Limbaugh: Obama has gone ‘Soviet’ on Arizona [AUDIO]
The Daily Caller Ariz. congressmen: Administration has declared war against Arizona
The Daily Caller Quayle: Obama ‘behaving as an emperor,’ Napolitano as his ‘court jester’
The Daily Caller Homeland Security announces Ariz. immigration enforcement cutback
The Daily Caller Inhofe: Obama urging defense contractors ‘to disobey the law’ by not warning of layoffs
The Daily Caller O’Reilly: Recent New Black Panther revelations ‘very bad news’ for Holder, Obama
The Daily Caller Report: Cronyism, political donations likely behind Obama, Holder failure to charge any bankers after 2008 financial meltdown
The Daily Caller Arrested illegals who were released charged with 16,226 subsequent crimes
The Daily Caller Former SEAL: Obama administration leaks ‘a personal insult,’ will ‘get Americans killed’
Yahoo! News Jimmy Carter Accuses U.S. of 'Widespread Abuse of Human Rights'
Wall Street Journal Strassel: Obama's Imperial Presidency
Weekly Standard Anti-Obama Ad: 'Smoke'
American Conservative Daily Where’s the Justice?
American Conservative Daily The Obama Nullification Doctrine
Breitbart REVEALED: Corzine’s MF Global Was Client of Eric Holder’s Law Firm
Breitbart New Data Prove Obama Defying Immigration Laws
Western Center For Journalism A Comprehensive List Of Obama’s Worst Executive Orders
1461 Days Current List of President Obama's Executive Orders (900+ and counting)
Small Craft Advisory The Obamagate Scandals
Small Craft Advisory The Outlaw Barrack Obama
Canada Free Press Obama’s First-Term Track Record on Civil Liberties - Unless President Obama changes course-and drastically so-freedom as we have known it will become extinct.
Canada Free Press Attorney General Eric Holder: If the President Does It, It’s Legal - The highlights of the dangerous philosophies embraced and advanced by Holder and his Justice Department
Canada Free Press Barack Hussein Obama Legacy: Enemy to Humankind - Obama didn’t release 5 Islamic terrorists. It appears that he freed 6
Daly Reckoning
Daly Reckoning The NSA Speech: Obama Accepts the Logic of Staying Terrorized
National Review Online The Budget Fight and Obama’s Vindictive Streak
Hot Air Park Service ranger: "We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting."
Legal Insurrection Democrats trapped by their seething hatred of Tea Party
The Guardian Bradley Manning's treatment was cruel and inhuman, UN torture chief rules - UN special rapporteur on torture's findings likely to reignite criticism of US government's treatment of WikiLeaks suspect
Personal Liberty Digest Government Watchdog: Obama Administration Released Hundreds Of Illegal Immigrants With Criminal Convictions
Truth Revolt House Report: Obama Admin Misled Public on Bergdahl Swap - The administration "broke the law."
Truth Revolt Glick: Obama's Constitutional Overreach... and Israel - To advance its diplomatic opening to Iran, the administration spied on both law-abiding US citizens and on US lawmakers.
Truth Revolt Abbott On 'Dictator' Obama: Compassion Doesn't Trump Constitution - "I've got compassion for everyone, but ..."
Truth Revolt House Report: Obama Admin Misled Public on Bergdahl Swap - The administration "broke the law."
Truth Revolt Report: Obama’s Justice Department Refused to Hire Military Veterans - A real Commander-in-Chief, that one.
Washington Times The Constitution, the president and guns
Afluent Investor The Actions of a King, Not a President
mrc tv Judge Rules Obama Administration's Obamacare Spending Unconstitutional

Barack Hussein Obama - Lawlessness - Email - National Security Scandal
National Review Obama's Conflict Tanked The Clinton E-Mail Investigation - As Predicted
American Thinker Obama used fake name in emailing Clinton
American Thinker Clinton vs. Cartwright: Much Worse than a Mere Double Standard
Truth Revolt Obama 'Didn’t Know' About Hillary’s Private E-Mail but Sent Messages Under Pseudonym - From the "most transparent administration in history."
Truth Revolt Clinton Camp Panicked When Obama Lied About E-Mails: ‘We Need to Clean This Up’ - From the "most transparent administration in history."
Washington Examiner White House indicates Obama still uses a pseudonym in emails
Daily Wire Report: Loretta Lynch Pressured Comey To Keep Voters In Dark About FBI's Hillary Investigation

Barack Hussein Obama - War On Poverty
come for the free healthcare, stay for the free welfare - Cynial Pessimist
Barack Hussein Obama wants to close the income inequity. He wants congress to take $50,000 from every employed Amerian and give it to every unemployed american. - Cynical Pessimist
Truth Revolt Obama Wants to Close the 'Diaper Gap:' Make Them 'More Accessible and Affordable' - "The President’s budget has called for $10 million to test effective ways to get diapers to families in need."

Barack Hussein Obama - War On Women
Washington Free Beacon Hostile Workplace - Obama White House pays women less than men, records show
Washington Free Beacon Follow the Beater - Obama Campaign Staffer: Defender of Women, Follower of Misogynists
American Thinker Obama's War on Women Backfires
American Thinker Democratic 'Equal Pay' Hypocrisy
Mises Institute Obama's Economic War on Women
The Western Center For Journalism Obama’s Global War On Women
American Thinker ObamaCare's Real 'War on Women'
AEIdeas Gender wage gap in Obama’s White House: Female staffers earn less than 87 cents on the dollar compared to men
Washington Free Beacon Hostile Workplace - Obama White House pays women less than men, records show
Elder Statement - Larry Elder The 77% Lie - And Why Obama Keeps Telling It
Personal Liberty Digest Will Women Buy This Obama Lie?
Personal Liberty Digest Obama White House Can’t Even Make Its Own Policy Initiatives Work In Hous
mrc tv Michelle Obama ‘Unites’ Women By Criticizing Them For Voting Trump

Barack Hussein Obama - War On White Americans
Truth Revolt Obama: The Country Is Not Cured of Racism - Slavery is still part of our DNA."

Barack Hussein Obama - War On The Middle Class
Response Action Network The working class turns against Obama

Barack Hussein Obama - Concern For Americans
Daily Wire Trump Visits Louisiana, Obama Golfs, Hillary Stays Home, Media Shrug [UPDATE: Obama Shamed Into Going!]

Barack Hussein Obama - War On Police - War On Cops - Blue Lives Don't Matter
Oink Oink Bang Bang
Blue Lives Don't Matter
No justice, no peace. Take to the streets. [Expletive] the police.
LAPD what you say? How many people have you killed today? LAPD you can’t hide. We charge you with genocide.
Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon. - Black Lives Matter
What do want, shoot back, what do we want, dead cops, when do we want it, now? - Black Lives Matter
What do we want? Dead Cops. When do we want it? Now. - Al Sharpton, racist civil rights advisor to Barack Hussein Obama
I don't believe in marching, I believe in offing the pigs. - Al Sharpton, racist civil rights advisor to Barack Hussein Obama
We need 10,000 fearless men to rise up and kill those who kill us. - Louis Farrakhan, racist and race bating friend of Barack Hussein Obama
We don't need a Blue Lives Matter movement to assert that cops' lives matter (or to paraphrase, Blue Lives don't Matter) - Natasha Lennard Rolling Stone Magazine
President Obama is not a bystander in the war on cops. He is its commander-in-chief. - Daniel John Sobieski
American Thinker Baton Rouge Latest Battle in Obama's War on Cops
Daily Wire Is Barack Obama Responsible For The Dallas Anti-Cop Terror Attack?
Daily Wire Why Dallas Cops Should Turn Their Backs on President Obama
Daily Wire 7 Disgusting Things Obama Said While Hijacking Memorial For Slain Dallas Police
Daily Wire Obama Hijacks Officer Memorial, Lies: It's Easier To Buy A 'Glock Than A Computer, Or Even A Book!'
Truth Revolt WaPo Admits 'Vast Majority' of Police Shootings Justified - And only ONE QUARTER of perpetrators shot by police are BLACK.
Truth Revolt Sheriff Clarke: Obama Started 'War on Police'
Truth Revolt Cruz: Obama Admin Creates Environment for Attacks on Cops - Says tone set at top
Truth Revolt Video: New Black Panthers Had Threatened to 'Creep Up on' Texas Cops 'in the Darkness' - "Oink oink, bang bang!"
Truth Revolt Suspect Arrested and Charged in Murder of Texas Deputy - "Deputy Goforth had no previous contact with the suspect and it appears... to be clearly unprovoked."
Truth Revolt Female Officer Assaulted, Thrown Down Embankment 35 Feet - "War on Cops" continues...
Truth Revolt Sheriff Clarke to Obama: 'Stop Trying to Fix Police, Fix the Ghetto' - "President Obama has breathed life into this ugly movement."
Truth Revolt Arby's Fires Manager for Refusing to Serve Police Officer
Truth Revolt Whataburger Employee Who Refused to Serve Cops Fired
Truth Revolt NC Police Chief Fired for 'Black Lives Matter' Rant - "If that means shoot a thug, then do it and answer for it while you are still alive not dead"
Truth Revolt Also in Sacramento… Police Officer Ambushed in Anti-Cop Attack - Welcome to sunny, liberal California.
Truth Revolt Rahm: Baltimore and Ferguson Have Caused My Police to Go 'Fetal' - September was Chicago's deadliest month in over a decade.
Truth Revolt Paper: Police Ambushes on the Rise
Truth Revolt Ohio Police Officer Assassinated, Suspect Was Armed and 'Looking to Kill' Cops - Police officers are now the targeted victims.
Truth Revolt Cop 'Escorted' From Class Because His Gun Made Professor 'Uncomfortable' - Yeah, that will make you safer, genius.
Truth Revolt Five Police Officers Shot Dead in Four Days - Do blue lives matter?
Truth Revolt Sheriff Cites Beyonce Video for Inspiring Shots Fired Outside Home - "We all know, as soon as you put your uniform on, you’re a target."
Truth Revolt Maryland Police Officer Shot, Killed in Unprovoked Ambush - A four-year veteran of the police department.
Truth Revolt Media Ignore Cop-Hating Assassin, Blame Gun Laws, NRA - Also prefer to report it as a "bus station shooting" rather than an "attack on police training session."
Truth Revolt Report: Crime Spikes in Wake of Black Lives Matter - They always hurt the people they claim to champion.
Truth Revolt Vadum: Black Lives Matter Terrorists Murder Dallas Cops - Is the race war Barack Obama wanted breaking out in Dallas and across America?
Truth Revolt So Far No Solidarity Hashtags for Fallen Police Officers, Twitter Rife With Calls to Kill Cops - Where is the left's condemnation of this blatant incitement?
Truth Revolt Black Lives Matter Activist Celebrates Dallas Massacre - "Thank you, Micah!!"
Truth Revolt Biden: 'Institutional Racism' Still Exists Among Police - "A great deal of fear as well as anxiety"
Truth Revolt Three Arrested in Louisiana for Alleged Plot to Harm Police Officers - A "substantial, credible threat" to police.
Truth Revolt DOJ Warns: Street Gangs Are Targeting Police Officers - "The effect could be overwhelming."
Truth Revolt Another Restaurant Employee Refuses to Serve a Police Officer - The cashier and cook laughed at the officer.
Truth Revolt Savages Target Four Police Officers in 24-Hour Period, One Dead - Law and order better come swiftly and with a vengeance.
Truth Revolt Austin Protesters Chant 'What's Better Than Dead Cops? More Dead Cops' - Wearing red face masks with Soviet hammer and sickles printed on them.
Truth Revolt Report: 60 Law Enforcement Officers Fatally Shot in 2016, Multiple Ambushes - This marks a 67 percent increase from last year.
Truth Revolt Obama Sics Lynch on Chicago Police: Yep, Guilty of ’Excessive Force’ - The president is not going away quietly.
Breitbart Twitter Takes No Action As Calls For Cop-Killing Sweep Platform
Breitbart Cleveland Police Officer on Baton Rouge Shooting: Obama ‘Has Blood on His Hands’
Breitbart ‘F*ck the Police, N**ga’: Mob Attacks CHP Officer in Vehicle
Louder With Crowder OPINION: This is What Happens when You Malign Cops
mrc tv Obama Blasted by Md. Sheriff for Ignoring Deaths of Slain Officers While Vilifying Police
mrc tv Washington Post: 'America's Police Still Have an Ally in the Oval Office'
mrc tv AG Lynch: Are Cops 'Even People?'
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: The Hatred of Police and Thoughts on Dallas
mrc tv Thursday's Shooting Marks 26 Cops Shot to Death This Year
mrc tv Obama: Media Ignore Police Shootings When They're 'NOT PART OF THE NARRATIVE'
mrc tv Officer Deaths By Shooting Are Up 54 Percent From 2015
mrc tv A Black Man Shoots a White Cop Dead in Georgia, and No One Says a Word
Conservative Revival Even Cops Being Shot Can’t Keep Obama From the Links
cns news Enough Is Enough in Baltimore
Daily Wire Black Lives Matter Sympathizers Respond To Dallas Attack By TRASHING COPS
Daily Wire It's Open Season On Police As Cops Hit in Tennessee, Missouri And Georgia
Daily Wire Barack Obama Says Cops Are Racists, Predicts Violence Against Cops, Ignores Violence Against Cops, Is SHOCKED When People Shoot Cops
Daily Wire Restaurant Cook Refuses Service to Female Cop: 'I Ain't Serving That'
Milo Professor Reportedly Calls 911 On Off-Duty Cop After His Uniform Triggers Classmates

Barack Hussein Obama - War On Citizens - War on Victims - Set Criminals Free - Support For Criminals
American Thinker Obama vs. the Nation
Truth Revolt AZ Sheriff: 'Obama Has Led The Largest Prison Break In U.S. History' - Murderers and rapists set free to roam the streets.
Truth Revolt Obama Commutes Sentences of 46 Criminals With Records Like Katie Steinle's Killer - Writes them all letters of encouragement, silence for the Steinle family.
Truth Revolt Convicted Crack Dealer Freed Under Obama Plan Kills Woman, 2 Children - And on top of that, these freed convicts are receiving taxpayer assistance.
Truth Revolt Obama Demands Background Checks for Responsible Gun Owners, But Not For Criminal Job Applicants - Because fairness.
Truth Revolt Obama Commutes Sentences for 214 Prisoners - "Obama has commuted 562 sentences during his presidency - more than the past nine presidents combined."
Truth Revolt Obama Grants Most Pardons in a Single Day of Any President - Why can't he just stay on vacation?
mrc tv Obama Frees 56 Gun Convicts - While Calling for TOUGHER Gun Laws
mrc tv WH: Obama Sets Single-Month Record for Releasing Convicted Criminals
YouTube BREAKING: The NRA Just Sent Obama A BRUTAL Warning That He Will Never Forget
Daily Wire Obama Just Commuted the Sentences for an Absurd Number of Prisoners
National Review Obama Continues His Crusade against a Criminal-Justice System He Derides as Racist
Salt Lake Tribune Chaffetz scolds Obama administration for failure to deport undocumented criminals

Barack Hussein Obama - Contempt for ...
Obama would attend Justice Scalia's funeral but ... he wasn't killed by the police.
Obama would attend Justice Scalia's funeral but ... Beyonce wasn't performing.
Obama would attend Justice Scalia's funeral but ... he didn't see the story on the nightly news.
Obama would attend Justice Scalia's funeral but ... he would rather play golf than honor an American who upheld the law.
Obama would attend Justice Scalia's funeral but ... he decided that a hash tag salute was more appropriate.
Obama would attend Justice Scalia's funeral but ... his advisors told him to stand down.
Truth Revolt Obama Skipping Justice Scalia's Funeral, WH Won't Deny Golf Plans - #ObamaWouldAttendBUT
mrc tv Obama Absence At Scalia Funeral Unprecedented in Modern History
Truth Revolt Obama Will Skip Nancy Reagan Funeral to Attend... Music Festival - Keeping it classy.

Barack Hussein Obama - First Children (just like us, if we were elite millionaires)
Truth Revolt Obama Daughters Wear $40,000 in Dresses to State Dinner - The party of the people. They're just like us.

Barack Hussein Obama - First Lady (Michelle "Marie Antoinette" Obama, Michelle "Let Them Eat Lunch" Obama)
PJ Media Has Michelle Obama Ever Met A Human Woman?
Jammie Wearing Fools Queen Michelle Closes Madison Avenue for $50K Shopping Spree
Canada Free Press First Lady requires more than twenty attendants
Canada Free Press The ‘Obama Fat Head Syndrome’ (Michelle: American obesity being the 'Number One National Security')
Canada Free Press Michelle’s Last Four Years - Lest We Forget
Mises Institute Should you take Michelle Obama’s Career Advice?
American Thinker First Ladies Shouldn't Tell Girls to Shake Their Booties for the Bucks
American Thinker Michelle Obama Shares Her Supermarket Savvy, Or Something
American Thinker Michelle Obama Tired of Living in a 'Prison'
Hill Buzz Class vs. Crass
Washington Times Irony alert: Michelle bemoans money in politics, asks donors for ‘big, fat check’
Inquisitr For Michelle Obama, 2014 Has Been A Year Of Racial Stirring
Truth Revolt Obama, Wife Fly To L.A. On Same Day -- Different Planes
Yahoo! News The Return of Obama's Hoax-Spreading Bitter Half
Louder With Crowder Please Don’t Take Michelle Obama’s "Fitness" Advice. You’ll Hurt Yourself...

Barack Hussein Obama - Supporters (Joe Biden, Eric "The Red" Holder, John "Fraud" Kerry, Julia "Disney World" Pierson, Loretta "Sharia Law" Lynch, Al "kill the cops and the whites" Sharpton, ...)
Barack Hussein Obama doesn’t know how to be president and is incompetent. - former President Bill Clinton
I believe in in ofing the pigs. Well they got pigs out here. I'll off the man. Well off him. Plenty of crackers walking right around here tonight. - Al Sharpton
YouTube Al Sharpton says Kill white people and cops
Truth Report Report: Obama’s Kenyan Family Has Disowned Him
Power Line The New York Times’ revisionist account of Benghazi
U.S.News Poll Finds Obama Surging Among Pornographers
YouTube Obama Supporters are Idiots!
gawker Obama Won Because You're Stupid
American Thinker No More 'Reaching across the Aisle,' Please
American Thinker A captive audience watching Biden's boorishness
American Thinker BFD: Biden's Failed Debate
American Thinker Biden's Bully Pulpit
American Thinker Bizarre Biden Frightens Me
American Thinker Paul Ryan's Time in the Hyena's Den
American Thinker John Fraud Kerry: Leading the Charge of the Lie Brigade
American Thinker The Elites Stumble on Syria
American Thinker Articles of Impeachment against Eric Holder slated to be introduced today
American Thinker Obama and His Jayvee Team of Tweeting Twits
American Thinker Why not charge 'Hands up, don't shoot' liars with perjury?
American Thinker 'Smoking gun' email claimed found in Eric Holder DOJ scandal
The Daily Caller Obama Energy Dept. awards $2 million grant to solar company linked with Van Jones
Yahoo! News Obama Megadonor Indicted For Manslaughter And Other Stuff
Washington Times EDITORIAL: Obama's buggery czar, Jennings' group made sex between children and adults look normal
Dakota Voice The Latest Member of Obama's Undermining-America Team
Dakota Voice Obama's Black Red Green Czar
The Daily Caller Obama labor agency nominee sent her kids to Communist-rooted summer camp
The Daily Caller Unions target hotel chain owned by Obama supporters with ‘global boycott’
The Daily Caller Rudy Giuliani: Biden lacks ‘mental capacity’ to hold office
The Daily Caller Navy SEAL responds after Media Matters staffer says Obama-critical SEALs ‘don’t have guts’
The Daily Caller Coulter: Biden’s gaffes a welcome distraction for Obama, expect a ‘foreign policy October surprise’
The Daily Caller Sandra Fluke chickening out on women’s issues debate with Breitbart’s Dana Loesch?
Reuters Chavez to Obama: I'd vote for you, and you for me
Weasel Zippers Number Of Times Biden Interrupted Ryan During 90-Minute Debate: 82
Washington Examiner RNC: Biden interrupted Ryan 82 times
Fox News Wallace: 'Most Disrespectful Debate Performance In My Lifetime'
Sooper Mexican Despicable Stephanie Cutter Blames Romney for Benghazi Uproar After Mother of Murdered Official Demands Answers
Monster Hunter Nation The VP Debate
Canada Free Press Obama, the Choice of Marxists, Dictators! Clearly, enemies of the United States prefer a weak, anti-American wussie in the Oval Office--one who hates America as much as they do
Canada Free Press Reid: ‘Get over it. It’s the law. It’s the legacy of Barack Obama and always will be’ - Let's get over this and stop the mischievous, misfortunate speeches out here every day about how bad it is."
Breitbart Dems Ignore Rice's Record of Failure, Deem Her 'American Treasure'
Breitbart Pamela Geller: If Loretta Lynch Wants to Ban ‘Violent Talk,’ She Should Ban the Quran
Independent Journal Review CBS' Schieffer: Obama Losing Credibility, Shortchanging Nation
Warning Signs Who is Susan Rice?
Warning Signs Eric Holder and Occam's Razor
YouTube Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Repeal the BILL OF RIGHTS to Support the President
Judicial Watch Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Detail Role of Justice Department in Organizing Trayvon Martin Protests
YouTube Obama Supporters are Idiots!
Yahoo! News What It Takes to Get Fired From the Obama Administration
Twitchy Despicable: WH smears cancer survivor who lost her insurance plan due to Obamacare
CBS - Las Vegas Legalized Prostitutes At Nevada’s Bunny Ranch Back Obamacare why am I not surprised that women who get scr3w3d on a regular basis support Obamacare?
Yahoo! News Cruel, heartless Obama mocks his most loyal, unquestioning supporters
Personal Liberty Digest Pelosi Is No Longer Even Trying To Appear Sane
Personal Liberty Digest Obamacare Is So Rotten That HHS Secretary Sebelius Is Speechless
Personal Liberty Digest The Price Of Sharpton
Tea Party News Network Holder to State AGs: It’s Okay to Ignore the Law, You Don’t Have to Defend Gay Marriage Bans
Tea Party News Network New Evidence in Fast and Furious Scandal Reveals Why Eric Holder and Valerie Jarrett Should Both be in Jail
The Political Insider Poor Sandra Fluke Can’t Afford Birth Control, But She Just Spent $100,000 on ...
Examiner Actor James Woods: Nancy Pelosi 'may actually be mentally ill'
National Review Online Eric Holder, Racial Profiler - The investigation of Darren Wilson is solely based on his race.
Truth Revolt Napolitano Excoriates Holder: The Least Faithful To The Constitution Of Any AG, And Doesn't Regret It
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Eric Holder: Federal Dick
Truth Revolt Report: Outgoing Director Wanted Secret Service Friendly, Inviting, 'More Like Disney World' - 'She doesn’t know anything about security planning in a post-9/11 world.'
Truth Revolt WATCH: Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Nuke Russia - "This is the one way we can maintain our superiority."
Truth Revolt Report: FBI Files Show 'Hardcore Communists' in Valerie Jarrett's Family - Father, father-in-law, and maternal grandfather of Obama's top adviser "hardcore communists"
Truth Revolt Longtime Dem Congressman and Obama Pal Indicted on Corruption Charges - "This is not Deflate-Gate, alright?"
Truth Revolt Reason TV: Top 5 Ways Jon Stewart Was 'Full of Sh*t' - "He liked to take down the powerful-at least, when his head wasn’t shoved up Uncle Sam’s ass."
Truth Revolt Malkin: What Is Obama's Top Population-Control Freak Hiding? - It's time to turn up the heat.
examiner Networks fail to report reason for Holder resignation
News Max WaPo Fact Checker: Giuliani Right on Sharpton Visits to WH
News Max NYT's James Risen: Holder's Legacy Is a 'Wrecked First Amendment'
Fox Business Fox Isn't the Problem, Mr. Holder. You Are
Lowering The Bar Eric Holder Begins New Career in Comedy
mrc tv VIDEO: Obama Supporters Back Crazy Fake Obama Policies
YouTube World Leaders Disrespect Obama

Barack Hussein Obama - Supporters (Loretta 'Democrats don't have to obey the law' Lynch)
mrc tv AG Lynch 'Made an Improper Statement,' Rep. Gohmert Charges in House Hearing
Truth Revolt AG Lynch Isn't Even Sure if Speeding is Against the Law - Can anyone in power answer a simple question?

Barack Hussein Obama - Supporters - Hillary "What Difference Does It Make If Americans Die" Clinton
Hillary Lied and Americans Died - Cynical Pessimist
YouTube PJTV - Afterburner: Hillary Clinton: What Difference Does It Make?
American Thinker Hillary Clinton: America's Worst Secretary of State
American Thinker MSM protecting Hillary from scandal taint
American Thinker Hillary's damage control (of her political career)
American Thinker Hillary! Because What Difference Does it Make?
Personal Liberty Digest Hillary Can’t Remember A Single Accomplishment From Her State Department Tenure
Personal Liberty Digest Hillary Clinton Is Radioactive
Personal Liberty Digest State Department Can’t Name Hillary’s Accomplishments, Either
Personal Liberty Digest Journalist: Hillary Is ‘Banal, Corrupted, Drained Of Vibrancy’ And ‘A F*cking Hawk And Like A Neocon’
Truth Revolt Trump: Bill Clinton Meeting AG Loretta Lynch 'So Horrible' - "I think it’s the biggest story"

Barack Hussein Obama - Supporters - Harry Reid
The Daily Caller Limbaugh: ‘If anybody ought to be investigated by government agents, it’s Harry Reid’ [AUDIO]
The Daily Caller Lindsey Graham: Harry Reid is a liar
The Daily Caller New Urban Dictionary entry pegs Harry Reid as child molester
Washington Times Communities Harry Reid must come clean if that's possible
CNN Money Calling BS on Reid's Bain tax claims
Pirate's Cove Will GOP Get Personal With Pederast Harry Reid Over Tax Comments?
Hot Air Flashback: Questions Harry Reid won’t answer, part I
American Thinker Harry Reid and Alinsky's Thirteenth Rule
American Thinker Liars, Damned Liars, and Harry Reid Reid Worries About Olympic Uniforms, Not Budgets
Personal Liberty Digest How Do You Deny Saying Something When It’s On Video? Ask Harry Reid

Barack Hussein Obama - Popularity continues soaring downward
Virginia Right Gallup Polls Have Been Compromised by the White House and are No Longer Credible
The Daily Caller Obama losing favor with African-American voters
American Thinker Obama's Lost Face
American Thinker More bad polling news for Obama
Daily Caller Poll finds Obama’s approval among Muslims reaches new lows
Yahoo! News How Barack Obama Became Mr. Unpopular
Yahoo! News More Americans say Obama can't manage government: poll
Yahoo! Finance Obama Is Now Holding Back Democratic Congressional Candidates
Yahoo! Finance Relentless Incompetence: Americans Are Giving Up on Obama
Yahoo! Finance New Poll Is A Disaster For Obama
Commentary Magazine The Once-Appealing Barack Obama
Rasmussen Reports 45% Rate Obama Good or Excellent As A Leader, Down 19 Points From January
telegraph Barack Obama sees worst poll rating drop in 50 years (October 22, 2009)
Yahoo! News Majority of Americans lack faith in Obama: poll (July 13, 2010)
American Thinker Obama's Speech: Epic failure
Politicker President Obama’s Speech Gets A Thumbs Down From Political Press Corps
The Daily Caller Pro-Obama online merchandise sales plummet, compared to ’08 election
The Daily Caller 55 percent of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake
Outside The Beltway Business Owners And Farmers Have Lowest Opinion Of Obama
Publius' Forum This Jewish Democrat Won’t Vote for Obama Again and There are More Just Like Him!
Breitbart CBS News: Blacks Unsatisfied with Obama Does billboard comparing Obama to alleged shooter go too far?
Weekly Standard Trust in Obama's Ability to Handle International Affairs Plummets Among Independents
Canada Free Press Harvard poll: Young people don’t like ObamaCare, want Obama recalled - Hey, Obama! Leave them kids alone!
Personal Liberty Digest Not Just For Conspiracy Theorists Anymore: Fear Of Federal Government Goes Mainstream
Personal Liberty Digest Obama’s Popularity Drops In U.S. As It Increases In The Arab World
Personal Liberty Digest Majority Believes Obama Administration ‘Less Competent’ Than Bush, Clinton
Personal Liberty Digest Polls: Americans Increasingly Fed Up With Obama
Personal Liberty Digest Public Approval Of Obama Dropping Again Amid Iraq Fears
Personal Liberty Digest New Lows: Americans Fed Up With All Three Federal Branches
The Daily Caller Rick Perry Admirably Refuses To Shake Obama’s Hand At Airport
Personal Liberty Digest Obama Dinner Fire Sale: Price Of Seats Slashed At President’s California Fundraisers
The Hill Obama the pariah
Truth Revolt More Now Blame Obama than Bush for Iraq Problems - "Bush's mess" no more
Truth Revolt Majority View Democratic Party Unfavorably for First Time in 30 Years - Obama’s performance helps drag down Dems
Louder With Crowder 'Whoever Did This Is a Legend:' Trolls Get Spot Biden Fell Off Bike Marked as Historical Landmark on Google

Barack Hussein Obama - Humor
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Which Scandal is Which?
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Who Still Supports Barack Obama?
Truth Revolt VIDEO: Muslim World Reacts to Obama's Latest Speech - "Is he insane???"
Breitbart Outrage over Outhouse Labeled 'Obama's Presidential Library
Natural News Obama erects national defense against North Korean nukes with network of 'Nuke Free Zone' signs
Obama Forwards what the e-mails are saying about Obama.
the onion asha Obama Asks Father Why He Was Acting Like Such A Pussy During Debate
The Onion Media Having Trouble Finding Right Angle On Obama's Double-Homicide
The Onion What The Hell Am I Supposed To Do With All These Constitutional Rights?
The Onion bama Blanks On What He's Ineffectually Urging Congress To Take Action On Now
Canda Free Press Obama orders Jewish and Muslim restaurants to serve pork
Canda Free Press Obama: All Religions Are Equal ... But Some Are More Equal Than Others .....
Canda Free Press Barack Obama, the Pinocchio President! Misrepresentations, denials, fabricated stories, exaggerations and out-and-out lies promulgated by President Obama, DOJ boss Eric Holder, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
Canda Free Press He Shall Be Called Barack, the Anointed One, Allah Willing! And his name shall be BARACK, and he shall be Allah's gift to the Faithful
Arizona Consrvative JOHN SEMMENS: Semi-News -- A Satirical Look at Recent News
The Astute Bloggers GALLERY: If Obama Bumper-stickers Were Truthful...
Obama Jokes
YouTube Johnny Cashless Sings The Obama Blues
YouTube A Song To Obama- Don't Be President (funny anti Obama song)
YouTube Barack Obama Song (Call Me Maybe) SOOO FUNNY
YouTube Ray Stevens - Obama Budget Plan
YouTube Ray Stevens - Obama Nation
YouTube The Day ObamaCare Died - American Pie Parody
YouTube OBAMACARE-Money for Nothing (spoof)
YouTube obama Ring of Fire
YouTube The Devil Went Down To Washington
YouTube I'm a Good Ole' American (Anti-Obama song)
YouTube The 12 Days Of Obama
YouTube Grandma got ran over by obama
YouTube The Obama Christmas Song for Liberals
YouTube Xmas 2014 - Barack O'Claus is Comin' to Town
YouTube Barack Obama Admits he was born in Kenya Speech
Babylon Bee Obama Tells Crowd It's Way Too Easy For Americans To Get Hands On Constitution
Babylon Bee Obamas Promise To Spread Their Wealth Around New $15 Million Estate
Babylon Bee Obama Continues To Caution Against Labeling 9/11 Attacks 'Terrorism' Too Quickly
Sacramento Brie Disney Havana to open with Communist maze honoring Barack Obama’s legacy
Glorious American Obama Authors 'The Art Of Giving $150 Billion To Terrorists'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Alexandria Ocasio Nina Pinta Santa Maria Cortez, Allegra Ornament-Cervix, Orenthal-Coprophage, Arabella Oreo-Courvoisier, All Out Communist, Another Odd Communist, All Out Crazy, Occasional-Cortex, ...
morality outweighs dishonesty - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Facts don't matter, because I'm better than you. - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Louder With Crowder 'She's a narcissistic sociopath': Crowder drags AOC after sycophantic GQ fluff piece
Louder With Crowder Study Shows AOC is Horrible at Her Job, Among 'Least Effective Members' of Congress
Casey Research Doug Casey on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Louder With Crowder Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Goes Bananas When Called Out for Lying About the Bronx
Louder With Crowder Top 5 Dumbest Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Moments of 2018
Daily Wire WATCH: Ocasio-Cortez Gets Asked How She'll Pay For Her Programs. It Was A Disaster.
Daily Wire Ocasio-Cortez Gets Nasty With Steve Scalise, Her Supporters Threaten Him. His Response Is Perfect.
Louder With Crowder Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Puts Being ‘Morally Right’ Over Factual Accuracy
Fox News Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the voice of an ignorant generation
mrc tv Ocasio-Cortez Claims 'The World Is Gonna End In 12 Years If We Don't Address Climate Change'
Daily Wire Ocasio-Cortez Gets In Twitter Feud With WaPo Fact-Checker; Facts Win, But AOC Claims Victory Anyhow
Daily Wire Ocasio-Cortez Attacks Howard Schultz, Embarrasses Herself With Major Mistake
Louder With Crowder Oh Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. You and Your Massive Ego REALLY Screwed Up...
Louder With Crowder Amazon Cites Ocasio-Cortez, Other Democrats for :Never Amazon" in New York
Canada Free Press Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - The Democrats’ Frankenstein
Powerline How Dumb Is Ocasio-Cortez?
Daily Wire AOC Declares That She's The Boss. James Woods Creams Her.
Daily Wire AOC Declares Herself 'The Boss' Thanks To Climate Change. This Is Wrong, Stupid, And Dangerous.
Daily Wire AOC Rants After WSJ Writer Says She Leads Young People 'To Take Pride In Their Ignorance.' She Ends Up Proving Their Point.
Daily Wire 'POMPOUS LITTLE TWIT': Greenpeace Co-Founder Unloads On Ocasio-Cortez
Daily Wire Ocasio-Cortez Explodes After Learning Her 'Unfavorable' Rating Has Skyrocketed
Daily Wire Ocasio-Cortez Continues To Melt Down Over High 'Unfavorable' Ratings
Louder With Crowder Anti-Gun Tweet Proves Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Ignorance on Gun Laws
Daily Wire 'A DISGRACE': Ocasio-Cortez Angered After McConnell Allows Vote On Green New Deal
Daily Wire TINFOIL HAT: Ocasio-Cortez Convinced 'Far-Right' Conspiracy Is Ruining Her
Louder With Crowder Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Claims Climate Change Prediction was ‘Dry Humor’
mrc tv Drama Queen? AOC Claims Her 'Life has been in Danger Since the Moment' She Won Primary in 2018
Louder With Crowder Watch: Video exposes Rep. AOC's district being turned into a "third world country" by the illegals she fights for

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Epic Stupidity
Louder With Crowder Ocasio-Cortez Tries Grilling Wells Fargo CEO. He Wrecks Her Bug-Eyed Face!Ocasio-Cortez Tries Grilling Wells Fargo CEO. He Wrecks Her Bug-Eyed Face!
Daily Wire Ocasio-Cortez Reveals She’s Cutting Back On Social Media For Her Health, Says It’s A ‘Public Health Risk’
mrc tv AOC Accuses the GOP of Sexism For 'Posing' Beside Her Likeness - Except It Was a Democrat
Daily Wire Ocasio-Cortez Tries To Attack ‘GOP’ Lawmaker As Being Creepy, Backfires Big-Time
Louder With Crowder Guys, AOC Doesn’t Know What a Garbage Disposal Is
mrc tv Really? AOC Says White Communities 'Don't Know How to Cook' Plantains, 'Your Palette [sic] Isn't Accustomed to' It
mrc tv MRCTV Podcast: A Collection Of AOC's Mind-Numbing Moments
Louder With Crowder NY Jewish Assemblyman Dov Hikind Educates AOC with Facts About REAL Concentration Camps
Daily Wire Ocasio-Cortez Caught Lying While Defending Her ‘Concentration Camp’ Comments
Daily Wire Ocasio-Cortez: Fight Climate Change By ‘Combating White Supremacy,’ Clothing Everyone, Educating Everyone, Paying Everyone Living Wage
Louder With Crowder AOC Made Excuses for NYC's Crime Rate Going Up. Yes, They're Silly.
mrc tv AOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a BartenderAOC Lectures Military Combat Vets in Congress About Her 'Physically Difficult' Job as a Bartender
Louder with Crowder Here's a New One: AOC Claims Racism Causes Climate Change
mrc tv Fmr. ICE Director Homan Says 'AOC is the Least Smart Congresswoman in the History of Congress'
American Thinker OC steps on a rake trying to score points against Trump using her grandmother in Puerto Rico as an example
Louder with Crowder AOC: I Have Student Loan Debt, That’s Not Fair, The Government Should Cancel My Debt!
Louder with Crowder Move over David Hogg, AOC now has the dumbest take on Musk charging for blue checkmarks (UPDATE: Elon responds)
mrc tv Oops: AOC Accidentally Admits Boys and Girls Are Different
Louder with Crowder Watch: AOC's fix for Biden's border crisis is so dumb, it's even remarkable by typical dumb AOC standards
Dan bongino show AOC Suffers Mother of All Meltdowns as Ex-Hunter Biz Partner Tony Bobulinski Lays Out the Facts on the Biden Crime Family
Louder with Crowder 'Shark Tank' star reignites feud with AOC: "I wouldn't let her manage a candy store"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Dishonest - Liar - Factually Incorrect - Fact Free
Daily Wire BACKLASH: Ocasio-Cortez Gets Roasted For Promoting False Attacks On CPAC
mrc tv Duh! AOC Didn't Know Presidential Term Limits Were Passed After FDR's Death
Daily Wire WATCH: Ocasio-Cortez Doubles Down On Cow Farts, Makes Multiple False Claims During MSNBC Town Hall
Daily Wire HYPOCRISY: Ocasio-Cortez Again Holds Democrats And Republicans To Different Standards
mrc tv Ocasio-Cortez Claims: It's Policy To 'Cage Children At The Border and Inject Them With Drugs'
Daily Wire KNOWLES: Ocasio-Cortez Is A Fraud Through And Through
Federalist Left Wing Media Hacks Rush To Defend AOC’s Absurd Nazi Comparison
Louder With Crowder Those AOC Photos of Her Crying for Detained Children are Completely Staged
American Wire Inconsistencies Emerge After Ocasio-Cortez Said Migrants Were Told To Drink Water Out Of Toilets
Conservative Review Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez should shut up and legislate
Louder With Crowder WATCH: Rep. Crenshaw UNLOADS on AOC’s "Bold Lies" at the Border
Louder With Crowder The Jig is Up, AOC. You’re an Overdramatic Fraud!
mrc tv LIE: AOC Claims Virginia 2A Supporters Were 'Carrying Confederate Flags' At Monday's Pro-Gun Rally
Red State AOC Picks Fight With Ted Cruz on 'Racist History' of Democrat Party, He Finishes It
mrc tv AOC Wrecked For Claiming Illegal Aliens Are Here 'Legally'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Steal From The Poor and Keep For Herself - Corrupt
American Thinker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hadn't been paying the help
PJ Media Ocasio-Cortez Boyfriend Troubles Reveal the Corruption at the Heart of Her Campaign
mrc tv AOC Facing Ethics Questions After Giving Boyfriend a Congressional Email Account
Daily Wire Ocasio-Cortez Hit With Complaint Alleging She Laundered Money To Boyfriend
Daily Wire Ocasio-Cortez De-Listed From Justice Democrats’ Board After Ethics Complaint

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Tax Cheat
mrc tv 'Tax the Rich' Princess AOC Owes $2,500 In Back Taxes - From FIVE YEARS AGO

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - War On Women
Louder With Crowder Riley Gaines smacks the virtue-signalling stupidity out of AOC over which party is pro-women

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - War On Political Enemies - War On Patriots - War On Free Speech
Louder With Crowder Congresswoman AOC DEMANDS the Resignation of Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - War On Capitalism
Louder With Crowder AOC Encourages Rent Strike, Blames Capitalism for People Owning Property
Louder With Crowder AOC Says the Working Class Doesn't Need Billionaires
Louder With Crowder AOC Says You SHOULDN'T Go Back to Work. Here's Her Dumb Reason ... [VIDEO]
Louder With Crowder 'Shark Tank' Star Buys AOC Sweatshirt Just to Troll Her on Socialism and It's Awesome
Louder With Crowder AOC's 'Tax the Rich' Dress? The Designer Owes $100k in Taxes, Allegedly Runs Sweatshop of Unpaid Interns
Louder With Crowder Rep. AOC Denounces Capitalism, Proves Her Economics Degree Was a Waste of Money

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Popularity - Unpopularity
Daily Wire ‘NOT A TYPO’: Democrat Poll Shows What Voters Think Of Omar, Ocasio-Cortez
Louder With Crowder "All you care about is illegal aliens": AOC gets ROASTED by her own constituents

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Job Qualifications
Daily Wire Ocasio-Cortez Complains About Ivanka Trump’s Job Credentials, Gets Mocked In Response

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Bigotry
Daily wire 'UGLY RACIST TWEET': Ocasio-Cortez Slammed For Promoting Bigotry
mrc tv AOC Proposes Bill that will Focus on Making Political Appointments Based on Identity, Like 'Race' and 'Sexual Orientation'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Hatred Of Religion
What good are your thoughts and prayers when they don't even keep the pews safe? - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
the appropriate response is:
What good are your laws and police when they don't even keep the pews safe?
Daily Wire Ocasio-Cortez Gets Slammed For Politicizing Terror Attack, Mocking Prayer, Blaming NRA
mrc tv AOC Mocks Prayer After a Gunman Kills 49 People In New Zealand Mosques

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Economic Illiteracy Green New Deal or Green Nude Heel?
Daily Wire AOC's Green New Deal Proposal Is One Of The Stupidest Documents Ever Written
Daily Wire WALSH: The 5 Most Hilarious And Insane Things In Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal' Proposal
Louder With Crowder Here’re 8 STUPID Things You Need to Know about the Idiotic Green New Deal
mrc tv Someone Had To Say It: Ben Stein On AOC’s Green Deal - ‘She Doesn’t Know Her A** From Her Elbow’
Daily Wire WSJ Writer Has Absolute Blast Shredding Ocasio-Cortez's Idiotic Green New Deal
Daily Wire Media Runs Interference For Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez After Massive 'Green New Deal' Disaster
Fox News Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Green New Deal’ accidentally exposes the left’s big lie
Louder With Crowder MY GOD! AOC is Taking the Green New Deal a 15-CITY TOUR!
Sara A. Carter "THANKS FOR NOTHING AOC" Billboard Lights Up Times Square
Daily Wire Government Isn't The Social Fabric
Daily Wire More New Yorkers View Ocasio-Cortez As Villain Rather Than Hero After Sabotaging Amazon Deal
Louder With Crowder Hodgetwins Take Turns Mocking AOC's Lack of Intelligence on the Economy

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Class Warfare - Economic Illiteracy
Daily Wire WATCH: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Talks Tax Rates, Suggests ‘$10 Million’ Is ‘Enough’

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Support For Criminals - Support For Crime
American Wire Ocasio-Cortez Says America Needs ‘To Have A Real Conversation’ About Abolishing Prisons
mrc tv AOC Dismisses Concern Over Violent Urban Crime as 'Hysterics'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Support For Pedophiles - Support For Sexualizing Children
Louder With Crowder Watch: AOC gives her full support for exposing children to drag shows, claims cisgender men are the REAL problem

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Support For Terrorists - Hatred Of Americans
Daily Wire Ocasio-Cortez Cries ‘Racism’ After Being Called Ayatollah Sympathizer, Spreading Iranian Propaganda
Louder With Crowder Watch: Silly little AOC demands an Israel ceasefire on CNN, yet can't explain what ceasefire means

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - War on Police - Support For Criminals
Louder With Crowder The Hodgetwins Blast AOC's 'A World without the Police' Stupidity

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Support For Spying On Citizens
Red State AOC Simped for TikTok, and Walked Right Into an Unbelievable Corruption Scandal

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Hypocrit
mrc tv Social Justice Hypocrite AOC Attends Met Gala With ‘Tax the Rich’ Dress
Louder with Crowder Watch: AOC Called Out On Her Non-Union Made Tesla While Supporting UAW Strike, Her Excuse Is Derpy

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Humor
Babylon Bee VhatGPT AOC Story Generator
Babylon Bee 'It Is More Important To Be Morally Right Than Factually Correct,' Says Woman Who Is Neither
Babylon Bee Legislators Propose Replacing All Spacecraft With High-Speed Trains By 2030
Babylon Bee Nation Unsurprised As Ocasio-Cortez Comes Out Against Thoughts
Babylon Bee Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Economics Degree Recalled
Blaze WATCH: Young girl brutally mocks socialist AOC in hilarious impersonation video
Babylon Bee Ocasio-Cortez Appears On 'The Price Is Right,' Guesses Everything Is Free
Babylon Bee Twitter Bans Official AOC Account After Mistaking It For Satire
Babylon Bee An Exclusive Look At The New Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Comic Book
Babylon Bee Ocasio-Cortez Calls For Boycott Of 'Sesame Street' After Discovering Show Is Sponsored By Numbers
mrc tv 'Mini-AOC' Releases Another Video Mocking Ocasio-Cortez: 'Cauliflower is the Ship That Pilgrims Came O
Babylon Bee Ocasio-Cortez: 'Everyone's Pay Should Be Equal, But My Pay Should Be More Equal Than Others''
Babylon Bee Ocasio-Cortez Warns Nation She's Making An Extensive List Of Failed Socialist Policies She Plans To Implement
Babylon Bee Bored Right-Wing Satirist Checks To See If AOC Said Anything Recently
Babylon Bee AOC Pulls An All-Nighter Studying For Covid Test
Babylon Bee Ocasio-Cortez Gets Head Stuck In Bucket, Journalists Rush To Explain Why It Was Actually A Genius Move
Glorious American AOC Recounts Surviving Titanic On Instagram Live
Babylon Bee AOC Tearfully Recounts How DeSantis Yanked Her From Her Venezuelan Home And Human Trafficked Her To Martha’s Vineyard Where She Died
Babylon Bee AOC Lays Wreath At Her Grave On January 6th
Genesius Times AOC defends Biden money laundering because ‘there’s so many germs on money’
Glorious American AOC Recounts Surviving Titanic On Instagram Live

Occupy Wall Street - Occupy (bowel) Movement
Don't let the facts get in the way of a good protest. President Obama Endorses Occupy Wall Street Protesters; Looking to Politicize Anger?
Communist Party USA Solidarity with "Occupy Wall Street"
Human Events Nazi Party and Communist Party Support Occupy Wall Street
Ameroican Nazi Party ANP Report for October 16, 2011
Gateway Pundit Donald Trump on #OWS: “This Is Class Warfare, and Is Probably the Only Way Obama Thinks He Can Get Elected Because He’s Done a Lousy Job” (Video)
Daily Reckoning Making Sense of Revolution
PJ Media Occupy Pledge of Allegiance: "... and to the plutocracy for which it stands, the privately owned central bank, under the Jews ..."
PJ Media Occupy Oakland: "Now is the time to spread hate"
PJ Media Summer 2012: Yes, They’re Planning To Riot
Monster Hunter Nation A legitimate political movement
The Daily Caller Film: Occupy wasn’t spontaneous, it was a scheme
The Daily Caller Former union boss at Occupy event: Our goal is to ‘overthrow the capitalist system and build communism’ [VIDEO]
Yahoo! Shine Flash Mob Robbers Steal $3,000 from Chicago Store. What Happened to Happy Dancing? (the newest version of the Occupy movement?)
Small Craft Advisory Occupy Wallstreet. Occupy Some Facts.
Larry Elder The Black Occupy Protester -- Missing in Action
Larry Elder Hey, Occupy Wall Street: Wealth Isn't a Civil Right
YouTube Andrew Klavan on Occupy Wall Street
mrc tv Occupy Activist Shoots Three Cops, Killing One
Louder With Crowder Former ICE Director Thomas Homan Responds to Ocasio-Cortez, Calls Her an "Embarrassment"

Off Grid Quest Volkswagens New 300 Mpg Car Not Allowed In America

Old Glory Bank a bank for people who love America and respect laws and law enforcement. keep you informed on the issues.

100p fed up VIETNAM VET, MILITARY "Lifer" DESTROYS Crybaby Democrats In Scathing Letter: "I sometimes wonder if I’ll get to heaven, but if I go to hell, I’m sure I’ll still be a few hundred floors above that bastard..."

Center for Responsive Politics ( the online source for money in politics data

The Ornery American political commentary from Orson Scott Card and guests.

Overlawyered Chronicling the high cost of our legal system

SERIOUS LINKS (Economy, Liberty, Government, ...)
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PJ Media
PJ Media InstaPundit
PJ Media When You Appease Tyrants, They Just Hate You Even More
PJ Media Why Read Old Books?
PJ Media Over 600 People Walk by Two Lost Girls: Can You Blame Them?
PJ Media Future Fear - Is America on the brink of economic and social collapse?
PJ Media Greedy Corporation Stops Ebola Spread in Liberia
PJ Media YouTube channel
PJ Media Insanity Wrap #17: Bill Gates Demands, 'Silence, Disgusting Peasant!'
PJ Media Your Job From Now on Is to Stay Silent and Follow Orders
PJ Media What CNN Won't Tell You in 'The People v. The Klan'
PJ Media What Do 'Men Give Birth' and 'Defund the Police' Have in Common?

Richard Paolinelli The Generation We Deserve, Not The One We Need

The Patriot Post Voice Of Essential Liberty

Rand Paul
Rand Paul general news
Rand Paul issues.

Ron Paul Ron Paul issues.
Mises Institute Ron Paul archive of articles
Mises Institute The Utopian Myth of the Good State
Mises Institute Ron Paul on Peace's archives of articles written by Ron Paul.
Gary North's Specific Answers Ron Paul's Age-Gap Politics of "No"
Daily Reckoning Opportunity in the Dollar Collapse

Pause For A Moment - Out Of Left Field - Things That Need To Be Said - Nick Kangadis
mrc tv Pause for a Moment: Pedophilia at Sundance Film Festival & Bad Social Justice Punchlines
mrc tv WATCH: The Left Talks Non-Stop About Kavanaugh, But Is Silent on Keith Ellison
mrc tv WATCH: Take a Selfie With Tommy Robinson? The British Army Doesn't Have Room For You
mrc tv Leftists Keep Crying Wolf: How 'Racist' Has Lost All Meaning
mrc tv WATCH: Leftists Hate On White House Pic Just In Time For Christmas
mrc tv WATCH: If the Left Actually Cares, Why Don't They Want to Keep Americans Safe?
mrc tv WATCH: The State of the Union Upset Socialists, And I Couldn't Be Happier About It
mrc tv WATCH: Global Warning - It's the End of the World as THEY Know It & I Feel Fine
mrc tv WATCH: Is $250 Million Enough? Covington Student's Lawyer to Sue CNN
mrc tv WATCH: Not Sure How You Measure Up As A Man? Group Says Answer Is Cuddling With Other Men
mrc tv WATCH: Cyber Security Summit With Hillary Clinton...Register By Email?!
mrc tv WATCH: The 'Tolerant' Don't Understand Civility Anymore
mrc tv WATCH: Leftists Punch Trump-Supporting Football Player - Out Of Left Field
mrc tv WATCH: Nike Sucks...Aaaaand They Just Gave Us Another Reason Why - OLF
mrc tv WATCH: The Left Has Run Out Of Virus Arguments, So They're Calling Trump A Racist...Again
rumble Biden's Border + Afghanistan = Disaster
rumble Things That Need to Be Said: Biden's Either Incompetent or a Liar...Or Both
rumble How Often Can Biden Be Wrong? Let’s Give it Another ‘Shot’ – Things That Need To Be Said
rumble Things That Need to Be Said: Mandate Merchants Don't Buy Their Own Edicts
rumble WE WILL NOT COMPLY - Things That Need To Be Said
rumble The Establishment Wants Us All To Think Similarly...Like Racists -- Things That Need To Be Said
rumble Fake Sets Can't Mask Reality Of Biden/Harris Regime -- Things That Need To Be Said
rumble 'Oppressed' Leftists Love Oppression...When It Suits Their Agenda -- Things That Need To Be Said
rumble Biden's Mistruths On Afghanistan Don't Add Up
rumble Virginia Has Leftists Crying Like It's 2016 -- Things That Need To Be Said
rumble Rittenhouse Trial Shows Us The Media Is Blind, Deaf & Dumb -- Things That Need To Be Said
rumble Political Power Play: The COVID Crackdowns
rumble Trump Was Right: Racist Media Are The Enemy of the People
rumble Out Of Touch Politicians Openly Detest You
rumble Why Does Anyone Still Listen To 'Dr.' Fauci?
rumble Ladies and Gentlemen...THIS is Biden's America
rumble Biden Will Protect Ukraine's Border, But Not Our Own
rumble Things That Need To Be Said:The Cancel Train Can’t Take Us All Down
rumble Things That Need To Be Said: Is That You, Hunter? Put That In Your Pipe And Smoke It
rumble Don’t Trudeau On Me: Canadians Start Worldwide Freedom Revolution – Things That Need To Be Said
rumble Things That Need To Be Said: Biden Hates Militarized Police, So He’s Using The Military Instead
rumble Biden’s SOTU Didn’t ‘Have The Time’ To Acknowledge 13 Very Specific People
rumble When Non-Binary Shirts Only Come In Men's & Women's Sizes...
rumble Biden Is Putin His Climate Agenda Into Action | Things That Need To Be Said
rumble LGBTQ and the Tramp -- The Woke World of Disney
rumble Disney Wants To 'Reimagine' How You Raise Your Kids – Things That Need To Be Said
rumble ‘They’ Don’t Want You To Talk About These Things That Need To Be Said
rumble Things That Need To Be Said: NY Suspect Shows Us ‘Supremacy’ Isn't Exclusive To One Color
rumble Things That I'm Allowed To Say
rumble When It Comes To Musk, Adam Is Full Of His Usual Schiff
rumble 'Punch'line: Chappelle Attack Shows How Unfunny Our Society Has Become
rumble CBS, NBC, ABC...Abortion Lovers Unite!!! Things That Need To Be Said
rumble Where Are the Fact-Checkers? The View’s Views on Ideology Easily Debunked
rumble Until Trans People Can Take A Joke, Keep Telling Them
rumble Things That Need To Be Said: I Got Some ‘Pride’ For ya
rumble The Slow Drip: Biden Regime Is Not My Cup Of Joe
rumble Taking The 'Sexual Orientation Exercise' Designed For Kids! | Things That Need To Be Said
rumble What The Hell Is Even That?! Things That Need To Be Said
rumble HHS Advocates To 'Trans'form Your Kids
rumble Hell No, Why Won’t They Go? Celebs Threaten To Leave, But Never Do - Things That Need To Be Said
rumble Stupidity Goes Nuclear: NYC Is The Bomb! | Things That Need To Be Said
rumble Fraud 'Squad' Uses Communist Fists to Break Imaginary Handcuffs
rumble Guess Who Runs The Cities Everyone Is Dying To Leave?
mrc tv Is YOUR Government Targeting YOU by Labeling Patriotic Symbols as 'Extremist?'
rumble If The FBI Raided Trump, Are These People Above The Law?
rumble Trump Drained The Swamp: No More Bushes, Clintons, And Now... Cheneys
rumble Is OUR Government Intentionally Deceiving Us, Their Boss
rumble Fauci vs. PETA: Battle of the Braindead - Things That Need To Be Said
rumble NEVER FORGET What Benghazi Taught Us...Always Question Your Government
rumble American Soldiers Told To Go On Food Stamps While Biden Funds The Rest Of The World
rumble Do We Get to Laugh and Call Them Conspiracy Theorists Now? Things That Need To Be Said
rumble Death is Big Business for Big Government
rumble It Takes More Than Backtracking To Earn Our Forgiveness
rumble Hey Atlantic, Let Me Tell You What You Can Do With Your Forgiveness...
rumble The List Of Media Lies Never Ends
rumble Lies & Propaganda Overfill Our Culture, When Does The Dam Break?rumble When Are We Not Lied To? Things That Need To Be Said
rumble Unmasking The Truth About COVID...Too Little, Too Late?
rumble Does Mitch McConnell Speak For You? He Thinks He Does - Things That Need To Be Said
rumble OUR Government Has Decided Who Has Rights and Who Doesn't
rumble We're Straight! It's Great! Get Over It, Trannies!
rumble Classified Document Obsession Keeping Real Conversations Classified
rumble Big Tech Grooms Kids With Celebrity Perversions
rumble Lies Are The Currency OUR Government Is Dealing In
rumble UFOs & Buttigieg: Are We Supposed To Buy All This?
rumble Identity Politics Not An Excuse For Incompetence: The Biden Regime
rumble Ding Dong Lightfoot's Gone, But Democrats Still Remain
rumble Tucker Carlson's Doing Something Right If The Establishment Uni-Party Is This Scared
rumble Let Them Fail! Maybe They'll Learn Somethin
rumble Biden's America: How Do You Get Ahead When The Game Is Rigged? | Things That Need To Be Said
rumble You Deserve It! Chicago Hated Lightfoot, So They Went Further Left!
rumble Politicians & Media Imprison Your Mind, While The Truth Shall Set Us Free
rumble Tucker Carlson: His Fox News Exit Is A Game Changer
rumble They Actually Want You To Believe This Crap
rumble U of C: 'Assume' Everyone's Trans
runble Time's Up For TikTok: Video Platform Profits Off Criminal Activity
mrc tv WATCH: Even The Media Can't Silence The 'Sound of Freedom - Things That Need To Be Said
mrc tv The Left's Shutting Up To Stick It To Elon...Where's The Problem?
mrc tv Crime & No Punishment: The Current State of 'Justice'
rumble Biden's Lack Of Leadership Affects Us All - Part I: The Border
rumble Biden's Lack Of Leadership Affects Us All - Part II: Inflation
mrc tv WATCH: It's Your Tax Money, But They Waste It On Everything But You
mrc tv OUR Government's Greed Has Americans Paying For It In More Ways Than One
mrc tv Why Are The Only Borders That Don't Matter Our Own?
YouTube Nashville Shooter's Manifesto - Words From The Woke Left | Things That Need To Be Said
mrc tv He's Baaack! Elon Stands Up For Free Speech - Things That Need To Be Said
mrc tv WATCH: Black Coaches, Bullies & Taking Our Border Back | Things That Need To Be Said
mrc tv Super Bowl Reality, George Floyd Jokes & Media Beatdown | Things That Need To Be Said
YouTube The Establishment, Anti-Americans & Evil...What's The Difference? | Things That Need To Be Said
mrc tv Tyson Foods Fires Americans for Criminal Invaders | Things That Need To Be Said payment processing company

CJ Pearson young, black, conservative
YouTube C.J.Pearson
Truth Revolt Video: Black Teen Schools Obama On Muslim Clock Student - "I think you’re incompetent, and I don’t think you understand reality."

The People's Cube We cure liberalism with strong communism
The People's Cube Obama signs 'Anti Cultural Appropriation Act'
The People's Cube Columbia University honors Hitler's economic policies
The People's Cube Supreme Court strikes down State Homicide laws
The People's Cube European Cultural Suicide Awards

Personal Liberty Digest
Personal Liberty Digest Why Elites And Psychopaths Are Useless To Society
Personal Liberty Digest What Difference Does It Make?
Personal Liberty Digest American Everyman: The Ballad Of John Q. Public
Personal Liberty Digest Report: Department Of Justice, Homeland Security Must Go On Offensive Against Growing Right-Wing Threat
Personal Liberty Digest Why Do Our Media Support Palestinian Terrorists?
Personal Liberty Digest When ‘Anti-Government’ Violence Erupts, Who Is Really At Fault?

Pets - Animals:
Truth Revolt Prager: It's a Lion - Secular society inevitably produces moral confusion.
Truth Revolt Vandals Desecrate Lion Hunter's Home - "Lion Killer!"
Truth Revolt PETA: Eating Turkey Cannibalism - "It's a matter of choice"
mrc tv Zimbabwean Reminds the Left that Life in Africa Is Nothing Like 'The Lion King'
mrc tv University Hires Animal-Rights Law Professor Who Advocates 'Personhood' for Chimps
American thinker Kate Steinle and the untimely passing of Cecil the Lion
Mises Institute Activists Seek to Impoverish Thai Villagers to Save Monkeys from "Slavery"

Pets - Animals - Emotional Support Animals
Daily Wire ‘Emotional Support Animal’ Mauls 5-Year-Old Girl At Airport, Lawsuit Claims

PJ Media
PJ Media A San Francisco Journalist Wanted to Debunk Horror Stories About Her City. She Got Kinda Sidetracked by the Truth

Plants Need CO2

Photography is Not a Crime

Police Misconduct Reporting Project

Police State News

Politichicks The voice of conservative women and men.

Political Correctness
Political Correctness is tyranny with manners. - Charlton Heston
Political correctness is America's newest form of intolerance, and it is especially pernicious because it comes disguised as tolerance. - George Carlin
Political Correctness is a way to feel good about yourself while doing mean and hateful things to people who disagree with you.
Political Correctness is a way for the intellectually repressed and unwilling to think to feel superior to anyone capable of independent thought.
Political Correctness is the smug entitled, elitist, privileged leftist looking down on their inferiors.
People who support Political Correctness display condescension, arrogance, and rudeness to everyone who doesn't agree with them.
I want to make a heartfelt apology for whatever it is I end up accidentally saying - Chris Pratt
Pamela Geller Trump Won Because Leftist Political Correctness Inspired a Terrifying Backlash
The American Dream 19 Shocking Examples Of How Political Correctness Is Destroying America
National Review White Author: Editor Told Me My Fictional Book Shouldn’t Have a Black Protagonist Because I’m White
National Review Authors Are Employing ‘Sensitivity Readers’ To Problematic-Proof Their Novels
Daily Wire PC RUN AMOK: 'Peter Rabbit' Creators Apologize For Depicting Villain's Blackberry Allergy
Federalist How The Diversity Industrial Complex Dominated Everything And Fixed Nothing

Political Correctness - Humor
Babylon Bee Cracker Jack Changes Name To More Politically Correct Caucasian Jack

Politics (issues, candidates and politicians-parasite class): oppressing the citizens, committing crimes, accepting bribes, ...
If you're old enough to have sex, you're old enough to screw the country.
You don't have to be insane to be a Democrat, but it helps.
Democrats - the party of treason
No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems--of which getting elected and re-elected are number one and number two. Whatever is number three is far behind. - Thomas Sowell
Democratic Party = Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Civil Right’s have got to go - The Peoples Cube
Democratic Party = loud, proud, and stupid.
Democratic Party = the party of single digit IQs.
Democratic Policy = Promise Everything, Deliver Nothing, Blame Others
Democratic Motto = Strength Through Failure
Democratic Policy = homophobia, anti-Semitism, the subjugation of women, amputating and stoning the guilty, and killing unbelievers is okay as long as it is a Muslim doing it.
The Democratic Party is the party of voter fraud and political violence and their candidates are all corrupt.
At present, the Democratic party is the most successful example of a criminal enterprise that we have in this country. - Jeffrey T. Brown
I don't approve of political jokes; I have seen too many of them get elected.
I wouldn't call it fascism exactly, but a political system nominally controlled by an irresponsible, dumbed down electorate who are manipulated by dishonest, cynical, controlled mass media that dispense the propaganda of a corrupt political establishment can hardly be described as democracy either. - Edward Zehr, (1936-2001) Columnist
Our country is in free-fall to mediocrity and Congress is leading the way. - Congressman X
Numbers don't lie. Politicians do.
Discussing the Democrats and Republicans is not about discussing the Left and the Right but the Wrong and the Right. - Cynical Pessimist
Politicians, like lawyers, have only one enemy! The truth.
Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself. - Mark Twain
Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing often and for the same reason. - Mark Twain
On any issue, all the right cares about is: does this solution make the situation better.
On any issue, all the left cares about is: does their solution make them feel good about themselves. So, if they feel good about themselves, it doesn't matter that they made the situation worse..
On any issue Republicans can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. - Cynical Pessimist
On any economic issue, Democrats can snatch poverty and failure from the jaws of economic success. - Cynical Pessimist
Demopublicans vs. Republicrats
An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought. - Simon Cameron
It is frankly sad to me that politics has become a fact-free zone. - Carly Fiorina
... our political system has selected exclusively for evil, stupid, and crazy bastards who can't draw a breath without telling a lie. - L. Neil Smith
There is only one political party, the government party. The Democrats and Republicans are the two heads of the one hydra.
America is a 2 party system, the Corrupt Party and the Stupid Party.
a political gaffe: inadvertent and unscripted truth. - Jeffrey Tucker
All politicians should be limited to two terms. One in office, and one in prison.
Only the vicious or stupid can accord total loyalty to a party. - George Orwell
The first concern of a politician is to be elected, the second is to be reelected. - Frank Chodorov
No matter how disastrously some policy has turned out, anyone who criticizes it can expect to hear: "But what would you replace it with?" When you put out a fire, what do you replace it with. - Thomas Sowell
The only way a reporter should look at a politician is down. - H.L.Mencken
The average American legislator is not only an ass, but also an oblique, sinister, depraved, and knavish fellow. - H.L.Mencken
Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. - George Orwell
All political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies. - John Arbuthnot
What matters in politics is what you can get the voters to believe, whether it bears any resemblance to reality or not. - Thomas Sowell
... conservatives tend to think all individuals are just a little bit evil, whereas liberals tend to think all individuals are just a little bit stupid. - L. Neil Smith
As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron. - H. L. Mencken
For if experience teaches us anything at all it teaches us this: that a good politician, under democracy, is quite as unthinkable as an honest burglar. - H. L. Mencken
It is [a politician's] business to get and hold his job at all costs. If he can hold it by lying, he will hold it by lying; if lying peters out, he will try to hold it by embracing new truths. His ear is ever close to the ground. - H. L. Mencken
In the present case it is a little inaccurate to say I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible to any public office of trust or profit in the Republic. - H. L. Mencken
A professional politician is a professionally dishonorable man. In order to get anywhere near high office he has to make so many compromises and submit to so many humiliations that he becomes indistinguishable from a streetwalker. - H. L. Mencken
All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia. - George Orwell
Democrats are not always right. - Bernie Sanders, candidate for President
I agree with Bernie Sanders when he says Democrats are not always right. But he doesn't go far enough, because Democrats are always wrong. - Cynical Pessimist, canidate for nothing
Democrats are the party of hate and character assassination. - David Horowitz
Politics - Links
All politicians support: harming subjects, stealing from subjects, lying to subjects
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) Legal Mafias and Moral Asymmetries
Town Hall Why the Left Truly Is Evil, (Not Stupid!)
American Thinker They Hate Us, They Really Hate Us
American Thinker Death by Politics
American Thinker Because They Are Evil
Monster Hunter Nation This Week in Politics – It’s all Bullshit and we’re Fucked
Aerican Thinker Afghanistan was a failure of our elites
YouTube Tucker: We are led by buffoons, everything they touch turns to chaos
New York Post Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic
True Pundit EXCLUSIVE: FEDS Leak Explosive Details of Players in Massive Clinton Global Heist; Biden’s Implicated in "Organized crime at the highest level"
American Thinker The GOP Needs to Stop Being the Stupid Party
Federalist Our Culture War Is Between People Who Get Results And Empty Suits With Pristine Credentials
Truth Revolt Condell: America's Moment Of Truth - Finally a real choice: the American way, or the European way?
Truth Revolt Where Clinton and Trump Stand on Every Major Issue - Spelling out the huge policy differences between the two candidates.
National Review Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Proves Political Corruption - Our Political Masters Show Their Hand
Turth Revolt Prager: Calls for American Unity Are Either Dishonest or Naive - It's time to grow up. The gap between the left and right is unbridgeable.
YouTube Congressmen's Warehouse
facebook An Open Letter to Congress - Charlie's Soapbox 8/24/15
google supreme court rules politicians are allowed to lie
Seattle PI State's highest court backs lying in politics
Yahoo! News White candidate pretends to be black to win election
Natural News Why I totally support background checks... for members of Congress and the Obama administration
Daily Reckoning Obamney vs. Robama
Daily Reckoning Politics In One Lesson
Daily Reckoning Honest Politicians ... And Other Oxymorons
Daily Reckoning The Donald - the Good and the Bad of It
Daily Reckoning The Establishment’s Been Unmasked
The Daily Caller Ask Matt Labash: Dare not to dream - an anti-political rant
American Thinker Political Fallacies
American Thinker The Real Danger of the Obama Campaign Strategy
American Thinker It's Over
American Thinker Bimbo Politics don't let any of the crooks (all politicians) get relected.
Judicial Watch Because No One Is Above The Law.
Free Republic gathering place for independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web.
downsize DC
Judicial Watch Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2009
Washington Times Congressional leaders fight against posting bills Online
American Institute for Economi Research Obama Thanks His Friends: Government Spending and Union Support
Mises Institute Inexcusable Unintended Consequences
Mises Institute Halloween: A Case Study in Unintended Consequences
Mises Institute Sour Grapes: Politicians launch scorched earth campaign against own city in bid to raise taxes
Mises Institute The worst rise to the top
Mises Institute A Farmer Fights for Freedom
Mises Institute A Penchant for Controlling Others
Mises Institute The Government's Campaign: Kahlúa Kills
Mises Institute Patriotism as a Threat to Capitalism
Mises Institute Hank Hill vs. the Bureaucrats
Mises Institute More Politics Means More Conflict
Mises Institute The Truth About Politics
Mises Institute Clinton and Trump Embody Plunder and Paternalism On Weasels and the Removal Thereof Through Unified Action
Daily Reckoning Man for All Seasons
politico Report: 237 millionaires in Congress
Carpe Diem - Mark J. Perry's Blog for Economics and Finance High Stakes Test: Can Big Government Successfully Organize the Dynamic, Information Age Economy?
Yahoo! News Who’s dumber: Congress or Martin Luther King Jr.? The dumb report on congressional dumbness
Yahoo! News As hero finally gets Medal of Honor, some question the delay
Political Gifts show your support for your favorite party
The Onion Senate Ethics Committee To Meet In New Ethics Committee Mansion
Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion Hundreds of Cherokees form new group to challenge Elizabeth Warren
American Thinker Voting with My Feet in Massachusetts
The Daily Caller Mark Levin: Time for Supreme Court justice term limits [VIDEO]
The Daily Caller Poll: Supreme Court seen as too liberal and political
The Daily Caller Congressional bully pushes anti-bullying legislation
The Daily Caller Republican congressman wants to dock pay for members who miss votes
American Thinker The Supreme Court Is Not Our Friend
American Thinker Sign #4,682 that the Senate and Obama aren't serious about entitlement reform
Wall Street Journal Noonan: A Nation That Believes Nothing
Fox News Insider Judge Jeanine: 'Americans Are Being Played By Losers in Congress'
Canada Free Press You can’t Handle the Truth! Please stop insulting our intelligences as if it will actually matter if the Republicans get the senate in 2014 as the likes of their latest 'undercover communist' Paul Ryan
Vizual Statistix Average Net Worth of Congress Members 2013
Personal Liberty Digest More Than Half Believe Neither Party Is For The People
Personal Liberty Digest Is John Boehner Stupid, Bought, Or On The Other Side?
Personal Liberty Digest The Magical World Of Political Speech
Personal Liberty Digest ‘None Of The Above’ Wins Nevada Democratic Gubernatorial Primary
Personal Liberty Digest Term Limits: Congressional Whac-A-Mole
The Washington Times Operation American Spring to hit D.C. to oust Obama, Biden, Boehner, Holder
reason Weaponizing the IRS - New IRS rules will restrict free speech.
Chicago Sun-Times Under the gun in petition challenges
Truth Revolt SHAPIRO: Why Rudy and Walker Were Right
Truth Revolt Horowitz: The Never-Trump Murder-Suicide Pact - Democrat betrayers of America are on the attack while Republican leaders who claim to be patriots are on the run.
Ann Coulter Useless Idiots
Truth Revolt Trump Delivers Most Powerful Speech Yet, Shames Clinton for Having 'Blood on Her Hands' - She is "now announcing that she is willing to put each and every one of our lives in harm's way."
Breitbart Exclusive-Phyllis Schlafly Makes the Case for President Trump: ‘Only Hope to Defeat the Kingmakers’
The Federalist The Persistence Of Washington Delusion - We have breakdown, chaos, and upheaval in our politics today not because the people are 'insane'. . . but because they are sane.
Monster Hunter Nnation I’m Glad That’s Over With!
Gay Patriot The Ideological Turing Test
mrc tv Rep. Speier Claims House Has Paid $15 Million to Congressional Sexual Harassment Victims
Daily Wire A New Kind Of Gridlock
Daily Wire For The Love Of Decency, Stop The Gaslighting About Inflammatory Rhetoric
mrc tv Dead Brothel Owner Wins Nevada State Assembly Seat
Louder With Crowder WATCH: Seattle Man Scolds Rude, Elitist City Council "What a Sad Commentary..." Politically Short America’s Ruling Class vs. All
PJ Media Four Republicans, One Democrat Caught Up in Ballooning Senate Insider Trading Scandal
American Thinker Time to change the way Congress writes bills
mrc tv $1.5 TRILLION House Spending Bill Includes 21% Pay Hike For House, Senate Staff

Politics - Walk Away From The Democrat Party (UnDemocrats, DummyCrats, DumboRats, DumboCraps, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, DemoTards, Demorrhoids, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, Lying, ...
Washington Examiner Why Hispanics are leaving the Democratic Party
YouTube Tulsi Gabbard Show: 001: Why I'm leaving the Democratic Part
Louder With Crowder Former Dem presidential candidate shocker: 'I'm leaving the cabal of elitists known as today's Democratic Party'
Louder With Crowder 'I've had it with them': SNL Alum exposes what Democrat finally caused him to leave the party
Fox News Democrats dealt another blow: third lawmaker leaves party, switches to Republican within a month
Louder With Crowder Black mayor says American cities NEED Republican leadership, so he's becoming one

Politics - Democrats (UnDemocrats, DummyCrats, DumboRats, DumboCraps, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, DemoTards, Demorrhoids, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, Lying, ...
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Americans are so f------ dumb. You know, most people are dumb. - Michael Beller, high level attorney for PBS (Propaganda Broadcast Service)
There Is No Such Thing As An Intellectually Honest Democrat. There Cannot Ever Be, Because The Root Philosophy Is Based On Dishonesty And Greed. - Michael Z. Williamson
The modern Demcratic Party: Black Lives Matter, New Black Panthers, Occupy Wall Street, stripping God from their party platform, transgender bathroom advocates, pro-death panels in health care, baby butchers at Planned Parenthood, a candidate who violated the Espionage Act thousands of times, pedophiles, illegal immigrants, Sharia law Muslims, Marxists! - Rush Limbaugh
Democrats care about the inner city when it’s election time. After election time, what do you get? Zero. - Brunell Donald-Kyei, vice-chair of Diversity Outreach at the National Diversity Coalition for Trump
If Democrats didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.
Did anybody notice the Political Elite at the DNC standing behind walls and armed bodyguards tell the useful idiot followers they don't need guns or walls for protection?
The Democratic Party is more upset that their dishonest activity has been exposed, than their dishonest activity.
The world is fighting Islamic terrorism, starvation, and disease, but Democrats are fighting for men to pee in the ladies' room. Insanity. - James Woods
Under Reagan we had trickle-down economics. Under this gang we have trickle-down entitlements. - James Woods
All Democrats are not racists, just because:
Democrats supported slavery
Democrats founded the KKK
Democrats support abortion, which targets blacks
Democrats oppose school choice, which would let inner-city blacks get a decent education
Democrats oppose enterprise zones, which would bring jobs into the inner city
Washington Examiner The world is watching as Democrats undermine America from within
Canada Free Press What Democrats Think of America
American Thinker Ten Reasons to Vote Democrat
Town Hall Democrats Really Do Ruin Everything
Town Hall Examples of the Utter, Blatant Hypocrisy of the Democratic Party and its Adherents
YouTube PragerU: The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
Federalist Biden Says Trumpism Is America’s Sickness, But Leftist Cancer Is What’s Really Killing Us
mrc tv Aaron Lewis Absolutely Nukes Dems: They're 'Responsible for Every F**king Scar that Exists on this Country'
Quora What was the breaking point for you with the "progressive" left?
American Thinker The Three Horsemen of the Bidenapocalypse
American Thinker Isn't it time that the media and other Democrats stop pretending they care about facts?
American Thinker Democrats: Killing with misinformation since 1840
American Thinker The Depravity of the Democrat Party, the American Left, and the Media
Daniel Greenfield The Democrat Model for the Future is the Worst City in America
mrc tv Rep. Lauren Boebert: 'The Democrat Party is the Greatest Threat America Faces'
American Thinker PBS fires its chief counsel for saying what Democrats really think
American Thinker Why do Democrats cheat?
American Thinker No Rational Person Can Vote Democratic in 2020
Sara Carter Show Sara Carter: It’s Now The ‘Democratic Marxist Party’
PJ Media Joe Biden: Unfit to Serve by Any and Every Measure
Power Line How Does Pelosi Get Away With It?
American Thinker The Democrats: A Corrupt, Insane Posse Masquerading as a Political Party
Federalist Every Time Democrats Talk, I Want To Vote For Trump Twice
American Thinker A Brief Survey of 2020's Psychotic Democratic Roster
American Thinker The Ocasio-Omar-Tlaib triumvirate: The new face of the Democratic Party
Truth Revolt Greenfield: Elites Protest a New Revolution - "We deserve to be in in charge."
The Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse We Need To Eliminate The Cause Of Violence in America
Truth Revolt 71% of Democrats Say Clinton Should Continue Campaign Even if Indicted - This pretty much sums up Democrats' values.
Truth Revolt Confessions of a House Dem: Doesn't Read Bills, Told How to Vote, Reelection Top Priority - "Voters are incredibly ignorant and know little about our form of government and how it works."
Human Events The War on America Turns 50
Truth Revolt Horowitz: Treasons of the Democrats - Our country is at a perilous crossroads, one made immeasurably more dangerous by a treacherous national party.
Truth Revolt DNC Chair Can't, or Won't, Explain Difference Between Democrat and Socialist - "The real question is what’s the difference between being a Democrat and being a Republican..."
Truth Revolt Democrat Super-Delegate is a Convicted Felon - The Party doesn't seem to be bothered.
Truth Revolt Lena Dunham Shocked to Find Liberals More Hostile to Her for Supporting Hillary Than Any Criticism She's Received From the Right - We all get our wake-up calls sooner or later.
Truth Revolt Report: John Kerry and Teresa Heinz Hiding Millions in Offshore Tax Havens - Not spreading the wealth?
Truth Revolt Kengor: Communist Party Feels the Bern - U.S. communists couldn’t be happier about the Democratic Party’s direction than Bernie himself.
Truth Revolt More Democrat Corruption: Flint Mayor Sued for Diverting Water-Crisis Funds to Personal PAC - Welcome to Michigan's Democrat machine.
Truth Revolt Black Poverty, 'Racial Justice' Expert Coates Ditches $2.1M Mansion After Media Scrutiny - Liberal hypocrisy at its most lavish.
Truth Revolt Bernie Sanders' Wife Led Burlington College into Massive Debt, Now It's Closing - Like any good socialist, she ran out of other people's money.
Truth Revolt Shock: Univision Grills Sanders on Latin America's Failed Socialism - The Socialist senator clammed up.
Truth Revolt New Mexico Trump Rally Turns Violent - "Go home to Mommy."
Truth Revolt Comic Relief: Two Groups of Sanders Supporters Brawl, Each Thinking the Other Supports Trump - Stupid is as stupid does.
Truth Revolt DNC Hypocrisy: Donor List Reveals Big Pharma, Bain Capital, Big Banks - But it's the "people's party."
Truth Revolt Leaked DNC E-Mails Reveal Plot to Sabotage Sanders, Control Media Narrative - "No s***."
Truth Revolt Flags Finally Show Up At Dem Convention - Absent from the stage on Monday.
Truth Revolt Sheriff Clarke: DNC 'Embracing Criminality' - "Donald Trump is the law and order candidate"
Truth Revolt More Bridge, I Mean Wall Building at DNC -- New 'No Scale' Wall Erected Outside, Another Wall Erected Around Speaker's Podium Inside! - Democrats love walls when it suits them.
Truth Revolt DNC Day 1: 61 Speakers - NOT ONE Mention of ISIS - The contrast between the two conventions, and ideologies, is breathtaking.
Truth Revolt Prager: Columns Trump’s Speech Wasn’t ‘Dark’ Enough - And until Republicans identify America’s domestic enemy, the left, the darkness won’t recede.
Truth Revolt VIDEO: DNC Installed White Noise Machines to Drown Out Sanders-Supporters, Gave Away Their Seats to DNC Fillers - DNC no longer has a need for its "useful idiots."
Truth Revolt Democrat for 20+ Years Goes All-In for Trump, Wants to Put Americans First - "We’ve got to stop thinking as black and white and purple and Arab. We’ve got to start thinking as Americans."
Truth Revolt Trump Supporter Spat On at Anti-Media Bias Protest - Another day, another leftist assault on Trump supporters.
Truth Revolt Podesta Emails Confirm Dems Rigged Polling Samples to Ensure Hillary's 'Lead' - Oversampling Democrats, Hispanics, African Americans and Native Americans are among the methods.
Truth Revolt Donna Brazile’s E-Mails Weren’t ‘Doctored’ As She Claimed - No surprises, here.
Truth Revolt Biden Admits Democrats Have Turned on White Middle Class in Favor of Elites
Truth Revolt Elder: Democrats and the Nazi Card - How the Left's "I'm right; you're evil" brand of politics helped Donald Trump.
Truth Revolt Atbashian: Democrats Must Dig Faster and Use Bigger Shovels - Things the Democratic elites should do in order to live up to their party principles.
Truth Revolt Ted Cruz Eviscerates Democrats for Hypocrisy - "Thank God we have him in the senate."
Truth Revolt Horowitz: The Inauguration War - The Left prepares its counter-attack on American democracy.
Truth Revolt Chairman Candidates Bash Whites at DNC Forum - These are the people who want to lead the Democratic Party.
Truth Revolt Ami on the Loose: Game Show! Dem Party Platform or Communist Manifesto? - "That sounds like the Communist Manifesto, so I'm gonna go with 'Democratic party platform.'"
Truth Revolt Coulter: Democrats Boo America - This is what the Democratic Party has become.
The American Presidency Project Political Party Platforms
World Net Daily Democrats 'plan to steal the vote' If you thought health-care bill was scary, check out universal-registration scheme
World Net Daily KKK's 1st targets were Republicans: Democrats credited with starting group that attacked both blacks, whites.
World Net Daily The turning point for the Dems' demise
WND Trump SOTU reveals bankruptcy of Democratic Party - Left has been crowing about 'blue wave' in November, but 'they'll be eating crow'
Washington Post Democrats Are Jarred by Drop In Fundraising
Legal Insurrection Convention-dodging now the official strategy of Congressional Democrats
The Daily Caller Whistle-blower, documents: Ill. state workers forced to attend Pelosi, Jesse Jackson Jr. event on taxpayer dime
Last Refuge Sneak Peek DNC Convention Schedule, Partial Schedule — Charlotte, N.C.2012 Democratic National Convention
Red State Radical Islam Joins the DNC
The Daily Callre Steinem, NOW chapters slam DNC for ‘discrimination against mothers’ during Charlotte convention
Human Events The Democratic National Convention: A Fairy Tale
American Thinker Hope And Chains
American Thinker The great global governing elite scam
American Thinker Jihadi Doublespeak/Democrat Doublespeak
American Thinker Anti-Trump protesters moving undecideds to Trump column
American Thinker On Arguing with Young Regressives
American Thinker What if an Anti-American Cult Had a Convention?
American Thinker A Sporting Event Where Only One Team Obeys the Rules
American Thinker Why isn't Hillary Clinton 50 points behind?
American Thinker Dems Done In by the Politics of Hate
American Thinker Is Hypocrisy a Character Trait of the Left?
American Thinker The Democrats' Pathology
American Thinker There Is Nothing More Despicable Than a Democrat
American Thinker Here's the proof: Democrat policies fail
American Thinker The Left's Strategy: When All Else Fails, Return to Race Hatred
American Thinker Stuck on Stupid
American Thinker Democrats: The Party of the Super-Duper (Mostly White) Gazillionaires
American Thinker Democrat Ladies of the Lie
Front Page Mag Sheila Jackson-Lee: Constitution Gives Me Immunity to Discriminate Against the Disabled
Town Hall Conservatives Must Break the Establishment’s Rules
Town Hall The Heroism of Wendy Davis
Personal Liberty Digest Democrats Are The Real Rich Man’s Politicians
Personal Liberty Digest Are Democrats In A Political Party Or An Organized Crime Gang?
Personal Liberty Digest Another Senate Ethics Complaint Against Harry Reid
Washington Examiner It turns out the 'Evil' Koch Bros. are only the 59th biggest donors in American politics. Can you guess who is number one?
The Federalist Papers Project The Real Difference Between the Koch and Clinton Foundations, Perfectly Illustrated
Preserve Freedom Democrats Who Support Wendy Davis Can’t Name Even One of Her Legislative Achievements
Biz Pac Review Wasserman Schultz slips up, tells truth about lazy Obama pathetic work ethic
Allen B. West Democrats’ 2014 campaign strategy revealed: sound conservative
National Review Online Why Liberals Are Panicking
Yahoo! News Party of the rich: In Congress, it's the Democrats
Tea Party News Network Elizabeth Warren Got REALLY Rich In The System She Calls ‘Rigged’
Chicago Tribune Obama and 'the stupidity of the American voter'
Liberty News Now Muck City Mayhem: Meet America’s Most Pathetic Congressman
The Federalist Ted Kennedy Secretly Asked The Soviets To Intervene In The 1984 Elections
The Federalist Democrats Prove Happy To See America Fail If It Dings President Trump Too - Democrats, both in Congress and in the media, were all too happy to see President Trump pull the plug on a meeting that would be good for America, and wish for an economic recession.
Truth Revolt Dems To U.S.: 'Don't Interrupt While We're Lying!'
Truth Revolt VIDEO: Rep. Eleanor Norton Parks Like A Democrat - Worst. Parking. Ever.
Truth Revolt GREENFIELD: Ban the Racist Democratic Party - Democrats act like they own black people. Their founder really did.
Truth Revolt Cruz Shreds Feinstein Over Human Rights And China - "We should not be troubled by embarrassing communist oppressors."
Truth Revolt DNC Vice Chair Slams Party And Debbie Wasserman Schultz Again For Debate Shenanigans - "The issue here is one of democracy and of freedom of speech.'
Truth Revolt Monica Crowley on Today's Totalitarian Left - "Most Republicans don't understand that the Democrats of today are not the Democrats of the past."
Truth Revolt Dems Understand the Poor, Nancy Pelosi Owns a Vineyard! - She is the fourth-richest Californian in Congress.
Truth Revolt Minnesota Democrat's Shocking ISIS Tweet: They're Just Doing What They Think Is Best - Much like the Rotary Club or those guys who wear fezzes at parades.
Truth Revolt Hillary Fields 'Staged' Question From 9-Year-Old About Gender Pay Gap, Parents Come Under Fire - They took their then 6-year-old twins to an anti-Mitt Romney event.
Truth Revolt Missouri Gov Bureaucrat Faces Charges for Stealing $52K in Food Stamps, Going on Walmart Shopping Sprees - And Democrats want to put more power in the hands of government workers.
Truth Revolt Matthews to Schumer: What's the Difference Between Democrat and Socialist? - Yet another Democrat who can't - or won't - define the difference.
Truth Revolt AP's Devastating Fact Check of Democrat Debate Claims - Just over a minute to dismantle half the debate.
Truth Revolt D'Souza Worried New Hillary Film Could Earn Him 'Life in Prison' - "What if the goal of the Democrat Party is to steal America?"
Truth Revolt Trump Rally Ends with 20 Arrested, Cop Car Vandalised - "Build that wall! Build that wall!"
Truth Revolt More Mayhem in CA: Thugs Pepper Spray 5 Trump Supporters Including Women, Children, Elderly - Bloodied. Battered. Pepper-sprayed. Tasered. Shouted down... This is the Left's legacy.
Truth Revolt L.A. Times Frets That Mexican Flags at Anti-Trump Protest Will Have 'Unintended Consequences' - Please try to keep the Mexican flags on the down-low in your next riot, OK?
Truth Revolt Prominent Democrats Now Scared of Bernie Sanders Supporters, Fear Convention - What's good for the goose...
Truth Revolt Mayor De Blasio Under Investigation, Tells Staffers to Shut Up or Else - That really helps you appear innocent.
Truth Revolt And Here's a Look at Bernie's Largest Donor Group - Because sometimes a graph is worth a thousand words...
Truth Revolt Clinton Under Criminal Investigation, Says White House - Comes on the same day as endorsement.
Truth Revolt House Dems Hit With Ethics Complaint Over 'Sit-In' Fundraising Stunt - Their response? "Rules are stupid."
examiner Charleston, control freaks and Democrats
Christopher Cantwell Bernie Sanders Is The Most Dangerous Man In America
mrc tv What's The Difference Between a Democrat and a Socialist? Don't Ask the DNC Chair!
mrc itv DNC Chair STILL Can't Name a Difference Between Dems and Socialists
mrc tv New Report Shows Nancy Pelosi's District Seat Is Piled High With Dirty Needles and Human Feces
Jewish World Review Dems: They're All Socialists Now
American Thinker The 'Differences' between Democrats and Socialists
American Thinker The Democratic Party's Betrayal of Jewish Voters
American Thinker Rahmbo's Murdergate Scandal
Red State Nancy Pelosi Can See Iran’s 57th Stat
mrc tv Hypocritical Democrats Demanding GOP Allow Vote On Scalia's Replacement
mrc tv Poll: Most Dems Admit Free College and Healthcare are Socialist
mrc tv Scott Brown Calls for Elizabeth Warren to ‘Take a DNA Test’ to Prove Heritage
mrc tv DNC Chair Ousted from Convention, Pushed to Resign Because of Wikileaks Release
mrc tv Elitist DNC Border Fence Stormed by Have-Nots With Bolt Cutters
mrc tv Schumer Reneges on ‘Moral Obligation’ to ‘Avoid Gridlock,’ ‘Get Things Done’
mrc tv SICK: Extreme Leftists Celebrate Deadly Train Crash That Left 1 Dead
Daily Reckoning Why the Corporate Media Hates Sanders
Daily Reckoning Bernie Sanders - The Best of a Bad Bunch?
PJ Media Inside the Anti-Trump Circus: Here Comes the Summer of Hate
Last Refuge Guess Who? - The Albuquerque Trump Protests Were 100% Organized Political Astroturf...
American Thinker Wikileaks emails reveal DNC conspiracy in anti-Trump protest
Daily Wire 6 Figures Speaking At The DNC Who Will Make You Sick
Daily Wire 7 Ways The DNC Shows Democrats Are WAAAAY More Extreme Than Republicans
Daily Wire ISIS Beheads 86-Year-Old Priest in France. Democrats Mention ISIS ZERO Times At DNC.
Daily Wire Wasserman Schultz Won't Gavel In The Convention. The Woman Replacing Her Is Even More Ridiculous.
Daily Wire Democrats, Stop Chortling About Your Unearned Moral Superiority: Hillary’s As Bad As Trump
1. Hillary Is Worse Than Trump.
2. Trump Is Our Black Swan. You Guys Wanted Hillary.
3. You Guys Are Still Backing Hillary.
Daily Wire Biden: Trump 'Woulda Loved Stalin!' Actually, The Democrats Loved Stalin.
Daily Wire Transparency! Sanders Refuses To Turn Over Campaign Financial Report
Daily Wire The Democratic Normal Shouldn't Be Normal
Daily Wire MORON ALERT: Kamala Harris Says Transportation Is a Human Right
Daily Wire 9 Hints: How Democrats Can Learn To Talk To 'Real People'
Daily Wire Troll Level 100: Blank Book Called 'Reasons To Vote For Democrats' Becomes Amazon Bestseller
Daily Wire Law Student Says Gorsuch Made Sexist Statement In Class. Her Classmates SHRED Her Claim.
Daily Wire The Unbridgeable Gap Between Left And Right Over Human Evil
Daily Wire 4 Dumbest Democratic Reactions To Their Stunning Defeat In The Georgia 6th
Canada Free Press DEMOCRATS REMAIN STUCK ON STUPID - Democrats are no longer the party of the working class, but the party of radical progressives, illegal aliens and special interests.
Canada Free Press Are all Liberals Stupid or Are all Stupid People Liberals? - If I offended you by calling you stupid, I’m really sorry, but I thought you already knew!
mtracey Russian "Hackers" Provided Vital Information To American Voters
Patriot Report Tough guy John Lewis ain’t so tough after all
Daily Signal The Left Holds Itself to Lower Standards of Behavior
Jewish World Review Trump's 'Divisive' Tweets --- More Left-Wing Hypocrisy
Breitbart Twelve Memorials That Must Be Removed If Democrats Are Serious About Erasing Racism
TownHall WSJ: The Democratic Party Is Rooting Against The American Worker And Our Country’s Success
YouTube Spite of the Union: A Rant
National Review Why Conservatives Don’t Become Democrats
Sultan Knish Did the Russians Hack the DNC to Help the Left Take Over the Democrats?
mrc tv 5 Of the Stupidest Things Elizabeth Warren's Ever Said
mrc tv Stormy Daniels' Lawyer Suggests Kavanaugh Ran a Gang Rape Ring In High School
Daily Wire WATCH: This MSNBC Commentator Just Said The Most Disgusting Thing Anyone Has Yet Said About The Kavanaugh Allegations
National Review No Hearing; Just Vote on Kavanaugh Nomination
Men Of The West Kavanaugh Confirmation MVP - Harry Reid
Daily Wire Trump's Superpower: Making His Opponents Do The Stupidest Possible Thing
Federalist Charging Trump Over Hush Money Payouts Implicates Congress In The Same Behavior
American Mirror 2020 contenders Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris among ‘worst ethics violators of 2018’
New York Post Democrats keep proving how detached they are from reality
mrc tv Faux-a-hontas? Sen. Warren Caught Claiming American Indian Status on Bar Association Doc
Conservative Review Confronting evil with the fellowship we have
Louder With Crowder TOP 4 Extreme Leftist Agendas That will Re-Elect Trump!
American Thinker The Democrats Embrace Not Making Sense
NY Post Senate rejects Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal in 57-0 vote blasted as a ‘sham’ by Dems
Louder With Crowder WATCH: RNC Drops BRUTAL Video on 2020 Democrats
Louder With Crowder Dear Elizabeth Warren: You’re a Fraud, a Phony and a Loser
Daily Wire WALSH: The Democrats Put Their Scientific Illiteracy And Moral Depravity On Display Last Night. That's Good News For Trump.
Daily Wire WATCH: Democrat Baltimore Mayor Caught On Camera Complaining About ‘Rats, Dead Animals’ Last Year
Daily Wire WATCH: Sen. Bernie Sanders Trashed ‘Third World’ Baltimore Years Before Trump Did
Conservative Review Levin: ‘Democrats must defend each other’ on Baltimore because they’re destroying America’s cities
American Thinker Elizabeth Warren: Leading Liar in the Party of Liars
Daily Wire GOP Senator Argues Impeachment Is Dem Leadership’s Way Of Telling The American People ‘You’re Stupid’
Louder With Crowder Bill Maher Craps All Over Democrats Still Clueless About Election Day Losses
Federalist Democrats Claim They Want ‘Unity’ But Keep Calling Me A Nazi
American Thinker You Will Be Made to Believe Implausible Things
Professor Ornery Dragon They Think You’re Stupid
YouTube Judge Jeanine: The country is going to hell in a handbasket
Turley Talks Biden COLLAPSING as Dem Governor Declares Pandemic OVER!!!
Dan Bongino Show Florida Democrat Party Leader Calls It Quits, Admits Party Is in Shambles
mrc tv Uh, What?! Ayanna Pressley Blames Racism for Her Vote Against Bipartisan China Committee
mrc tv Not Kidding: Democrat Rep. Suggests Someone May Have 'Planted' Classified Docs In Biden's Garage
American Thinker 'Democrat Leadership' is an Oxymoron
Red State Matt Taibbi Embarrasses Democrat With His Credentials After She Attacks His Credibility
Fox News Twitter hearing uncovers Democrats' chilling message to journalists - Democrats attack journalists for covering Deep State’s censorship of Twitter
American Thinker Democrats lack compassion for the powerless
Louder With Crowder San Francisco Mayor attacks DeSantis for calling city a cesspool, claims the drugs and poop are only a "snapshot"
mrc tv Virginia Dem Candidate Has a History of Live-Streaming Sex Acts on a Porn Site For Money
Louder With Crowder Democrat staffer busted filming gay porn in Senate hearing room, turns out he's an antisemite too

Politics - Democrat War On Women (UnDemocrats, DummyCrats, DumboRats, DumboCraps, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, DemoTards, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, Lying, ...
Louder With Crowder Watch: Woke Democrat says biological men in girls school sports are okay since female athletes won't amount to much anyway
Dan Bongino show Zero House Democrats Vote in Favor of Banning Dudes From Women's Sports

Politics - Democrat Support For Slavery - Democrat Opposition To Human Rights (UnDemocrats, DummyCrats, DumboRats, DumboCraps, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, DemoTards, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, Lying, ...
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Washington Free Beacon Senate Dems Blocking Measure To Prohibit Imports Made With Chinese Slave Labor

Politics - Democrat Treason (UnDemocrats, DummyCrats, DumboRats, DumboCraps, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, DemoTards, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, Lying, ...
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder General Milley Promised the Chinese He'd Warn if President Trump Would Attack. Yep, That's Treason. Big Time!
Right Wing 130-year-old Tombstone Has a CHILLING WARNING Etched Into It About the Democrat Party
mrc tv BREAKING: Bob Menendez Facing New Charges of 'Acting as a Foreign Agent,' Aiding Egyptian Gov't

Politics - Democrat Extravagant Lifestyle (UnDemocrats, DummyCrats, DumboRats, DumboCraps, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, DemoTards, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, Lying, ...
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
rc tv Buttigieg Roasted After His Husband Whines About Den-less $4,500 Apartment

Politics - Democrats War On All Citizens - Democrats Support For Criminals- Democrats Support For Murdering Innocent Victims (UnDemocrats, DummyCrats, DumboRats, DumboCraps, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, DemoTards, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, Lying, ...
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Federalist Exodus From Blue States And Schools Sends Clear Message: Voters Don’t Share Democrats’ Vision For America
Louder With Crowder 'Stop the left-wing love affair with criminals': New ad destroys the left for pro-crime policies, crime surge
Ann Coulter Dems: A Killer on Every Block and Two Rapists in Every Backyard
Just The News Red state murder problem? Crime expert dissects Democrat narrative du jour

Politics - Democrats War On San Francisco Citizens (UnDemocrats, DummyCrats, DumboRats, DumboCraps, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, DemoTards, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, Lying, ...
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
American Thinker The Bay Area has descended into a post-apocalyptic hellscape
American Thinker City of thugs: SF's busted poop patrol boss Mohammed Nuru pulls knife on food-bank worker -- and skates

Politics - Democrats War On New York Citizens (aka: slaves) (UnDemocrats, DummyCrats, DumboRats, DumboCraps, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, DemoTards, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, Lying, ...
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder Andrew Cuomo Demands $15 Billion from Federal Government ... or Else?
mrc tv NYC Mayor's Partner in Anti-Violence Initiative Busted for Illegal Guns and Drugs

Politics - Democrats War On Jews (UnDemocrats, DummyCrats, DumboRats, DumboCraps, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, DemoTards, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, Lying, ...
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Daily Wire Bipartisan Condemnation Erupts Over Ilhan Omar's Anti-Semitism
Jewish Journal Why Democrats Missed the Boat in Jerusalem
Daily Wire Intersectionality Is All About Protecting Minority Groups. Except Jews, Of Course.
Truth Revolt Sanders: Respect the Palestinian People Who Vote 100% for Genocidal Terrorists
Truth Revolt Leftwing Protesters Burn Israeli Flag, Call for Intifada, Intimidate Reporters, Brawl, Scale DNC Wall - The true colors of the Left.
Truth Revolt Dem Congressman Compares Jewish Settlers in Israel to Termites - Perhaps he's concerned that too many Jewish settlers will cause Israel to tip over.
mrc tv Democratic D.C. Lawmaker Used Aid For the Poor To Fund Louis Farrakhan's Anti-Jew Conference
Daily Wire Ilhan Omar Promotes Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories, Retweets 'Hook-Nosed' Tweet
Daily Wire The Democratic Party Has Become The Party Of Anti-Semitism. Here's Why.
Daily Wire Stop Treating Ilhan Omar Like A Child. Her Anti-Semitism Isn't 'Sad.' It's Consistent, Vicious, And Vile.
Louder with Crowder Dear Ilhan Omar: It’s Not Because You’re Muslim. It’s Because You’re a Hateful Sh*t Stick
Daily Wire Ilhan Omar Attacks Israel. Liz Cheney Demolishes Her With One Tweet.
Daily Wire BRYEN: At The Risk Of Further Upsetting Ms. Tlaib

Politics - Democrats War On Unvaxxed - Democrat Support For Concentration Camps (UnDemocrats, DummyCrats, DumboRats, DumboCraps, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, DemoTards, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, Lying, ...
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder Watch: New Poll Shows Democrats Literally Want You Arrested, Put Into Camps for COVID Opinions

Politics - Democrats War On Parents (UnDemocrats, DummyCrats, DumboRats, DumboCraps, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, DemoTards, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, Lying, ...
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder Watch Dems Refuse to Applaud When Governor Celebrates Parents Say in Child's 'Upbringing, Education and Care'
Louder With Crowder Put this Democrat rant attacking angry parents as 'MAGA Republican' insurrectionists in every GOP ad

Politics - Democrats War On Women (UnDemocrats, DummyCrats, DumboRats, DumboCraps, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, DemoTards, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, Lying, ...
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Canada Free Press The Anti-Women Democratic Party
Canada Free Press Obama White House Official Guilty of Voyeurism Got Many Rapid Promotions, Pay Hikes - The bad behavior earned Beale the ultimate reward, a promotion as White House "Senior Policy Advisor."
Canada Free Press Accused Women Abuser Eric Schneiderman a Prime Mueller Team Member
Canada Free Press Sleeping with the enemy - American politics has become so toxic, so corrupt and so single-mindedly partisan on the part of the Democrats, as to border on treason
PJ Media Four Reasons the New Accusations Against Kavanaugh Are Weaker Than Ford's
Louder With Crowder Democrats Dismiss Keith Ellison Accusations Due to Lack of Evidence
Louder With Crowder How Can Republican Women Oppose Christine Ford? Let’s Ask One ...
Daily Wire WAR ON WOMEN: Democratic Representative Reportedly Drops Oral Sex Joke About Kellyanne Conway
Ameriocan Thinker More than a million paid out in California state sex harassment suits, and Kamala Harris recalls nothing
Daily Wire WATCH: Biden Forcefully Grabs Girl After Being Asked How Many Genders There Are

Politics - Democrats War On Children (UnDemocrats, DummyCrats, DumboRats, DumboCraps, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, DemoTards, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, Lying, ...
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder Democrats Are the Party of Evil
Thread Reader Thread by @HNIJohnMiller: "1) So, I want to slip on the red ring of rage for a moment, and talk about kids from South America. ..
Daily Wire WALSH: You Can No Longer Be A Decent Person And A Democrat
Louder With Crowder Liberal Columnist: Your Kids Should Be Taken Away From You in the Name of ‘Equity’
Louder With Crowder After a rise in child deaths, this state rep GOES OFF on the Democrat-passed law allowing drug addicts to maintain custody

Politics - Democrat Support For Killing Americans (DemoTards, DummyCrats, DumboCrats, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, ...
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Democrats Motto: Illegal Aliens have as much right to murder Americans as American citizens.
mrc tv Senate Democrats Block Two Anti-ILLEGAL Immigration Bills: Kate's Law, Anti-Sanctuary City Law
Daily Caller Twitter Erupts With Calls For Donald Trump To Be Assassinated
Geller Report Michigan Electors Say Clinton Supporters Sending Them Death Threats, Vicious Emails
Truth Revolt Malkin: The Return of Assassination Fascination - The naked hypocrisy of the "love and peace" left is on full display.
Truth Revolt Electoral College Voters Getting Death Threats - "Even the non-threatening-my-life emails are very aggressive."
Truth Revolt Black Female Broadway Star Called ‘Uncle Tom’ Over Singing for Trump - Another one hit with tolerance from the Left.
InfoWars Maxine Waters Encourages ‘Resistance’ to "Knock Off" Trump - Unhinged Congresswoman spews more incendiary rhetoric
Daily Wire WATCH: Democrat Rep Calls For Death Of GOP Rep's Family, Gets Destroyed
mrc tv 'Blow Your F-- Head Clean Off': Rep. Matt Gaetz Receives Death Threats Following Antifa Assault
Town Hall Jerry Nadler's Troubling Histor
Breitbart Andrew Pollack: Democrats Care More About Power than Murdered Parkland Kids
Daily Wire No Senate Democrats Support Measure Praising Military For Killing Soleimani. All GOP Senators Supported Same Resolution About Bin Laden During Obama Years.
mrc tv WATCH: Leftist Media Defends 'Death To America' Chants
Daily Wire BREAKING: Bernie Staffer: Kill Political Opponents, Burn People In Streets, Cops To Be ‘Beaten’ If Bernie Loses
Daily Wire Democrats Block Resolution Condemning Iran For Murdering Protesters, Shooting Down Plane
American Thinker The Dems are the Virus Threatening America
American Thinker Some deaths clearly don't matter
Dan bongino Show Multiple Democrat Reps. Refuse to Condemn “Death to America” Chants, Burning of American Flag

Politics - Democrat Support For and Participation In Other Crimes (corruptocrats, DemoTards, DummyCrats, DumboCrats, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, ...)
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Federalist How Many Other Andrew Cuomos Are Elites Covering For?
Federalist Andrew Cuomo Isn’t The Problem
Canada Free Press Nancy Pelosi and Democrat Leaders Mock the Bill of Rights & Constitution
Truth Revolt New York Dem's 40-Year Political Career Ends with Federal Conviction of Corruption - One down, many to go.
Truth Revolt Longtime Dem Congressman and Obama Pal Indicted on Corruption Charges - "This is not Deflate-Gate, alright?"
Truth Revolt Law Enforcement: California City Officials Allegedly Skimmed $43M from City - "They victimized the entire city."
Truth Revolt Black Lives Matter Leader Caught Sex Trafficking 17-Year-Old Girl - And somehow blames conservatives!
Truth Revolt Democrat Ex-Lawmaker from California Pleads Guilty to Corruption - "...two dozen counts of bribery, fraud, money laundering and other charges..."
Truth Revolt Democrat Rep. Chaka Fattah Guilty on Federal Corruption Charges - Guilty on 29 separate federal charges.
Truth Revolt Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown Indicted on Fraud - The perfect liberal.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Congressional Black Corruption - You can't blame righty or whitey this time, Crooked Corrine.
Truth Revolt DNC Emails Here: Staff Staged 'Fake' Anti-Trump Protests, Used Bernie's Jewish Faith to Discredit Him, Colluded With MSM, More... - And there will likely be more to come.
Truth Revolt Trump Supporter Beaten with Crowbar - "Police have no suspect in custody."
Truth Revolt Malkin: Hillary's Headhunter, Sleazeball Ken Salazar - A job-killing, truth-sabotaging, law-skirting, media-bullying corruptocrat who just won't let go of power.
Truth Revolt Kerry’s State Dept Funneled $9 Million to Daughter’s Nonprofit - Keep it all in the family.
Truth Revolt Trump’s Hollywood Walk Of Fame Star Vandalized By Sledgehammer - Expect 4 years of angry progressive violence and vandalism if Trump wins.
Truth Revolt White Man Viciously Beaten, Robbed in the Street as Mob Cries ‘Don’t Vote Trump’ - "This is what happens when you vote Trump, dummy."
Truth Revolt Malkin: Sponsors of Anarchy - Hoodlums will be out in full force this Inauguration Day weekend. Count on it.
Truth Revolt Vile, Violent Protesters Attack 'Deploraball' Guests - "There’s blood on my Trump hat."
Truth Revolt D.C. Police Arrest 217 Rioters; Windows Smashed, Cars Burnt, Cops Attacked - The tolerant Left really stuck it to the Man this time!
Truth Revolt Watch: Leftist Activist Attacks Conservative Students - "That’s real inclusive."
Truth Revolt Walter Williams: ‘The Left Holds Itself to Lower Standards of Behavior’ - The vast majority of murderers, rapists, and prisoners would identify as liberal.
Truth Revolt Anti-Trump Protesters in California Turn Violent - What?! That NEVER happens.
Truth Revolt Democrat Philadelphia D.A. Pleads Guilty in Federal Corruption Trial - Why is Philadelphia such a cesspool of corruption?
Truth Revolt Donors File Lawsuit Against DNC for Rigging Election Against Sanders - But Hillary was such a good candidate....
Truth Revolt Maxine Waters Can Afford $4 Million Mansion Doing Gov’t Work? - And lives in 1950s-level segregation to boot.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Silence on Sleaze-Bob Menendez - "The Resistance" can't and won't resist a crapweasel when Democratic Party coffers and the balance of power in Washington are at stake.
mrc tv Cities Run By Democrats Could Be Distorting Drinking Water Tests
mrc tv Chris Matthews Fails To Mention A.G. Kathleen Kane Is A Democrat
mrc tv Berkeley Battles Over Trump
mrc tv A Tale of Two Senate Seats: Sexual Abuse Is Fine, If You're a Liberal
mrc tv Democratic Sen. Charged With Accepting Coffee Kickbacks
mrc tv No Jail Time For Democrat Mayor Who Stole Taxpayer Cash To Fund Her Affair
Fox News Dem who opposed welfare fraud measure indicted - for food stamp fraud
Fox News Jane Sanders land deal: Federal probe reportedly seeking grand jury testimony
Daily Wire WATCH: Black Lives Matter Protesters Push Around Trump Supporter
Daily Wire In Wake Of Hillary Implosion, Democrats Demonstrate They Have No Principles Other Than Winning
Daily Wire Protests Erupt In Major Cities Over Election of Trump: 'People Have to Die'! [VIDEO]
Daily Wire Video: Trump Voter Dragged from His Car, Brutally Beaten, and Robbed by Gang of Hillary Supporters Daily Wire The Left’s Ridiculous Response to Trump Election Is Why He Was Elected
Daily Wire Anti-Trump Hysteria Seizes Santa Monica College: School Brings In Immigration Attorneys, Bilingual Psychologists
Daily Wire The Left Won't Stop Threatening Violence Against Trump
Daily Wire ">Daily Wire WATCH: 'Anti-Fascist' Rioters Shut Down Milo Event, Destroy Berkeley
Daily Wire Time For A Full-Scale Investigation - Maybe Even A Special Counsel - On Hillary, Obama, and Comey
Daily Wire Democrat Mega-Donor Harvey Weinstein Accused Of 'Decades' Of Sexual Harassment - Hollywood producer gave thousands to Obama, Clintons.
Daily Wire DEMOCRAT NEWS NETWORK: CNN Fails To Report These 24 Democrat Sex Scandals - All of the Democrat sex scandals that CNN has failed to report on have made news in 2017, with 19 of the 24 making news within the last month.
Daily Wire SO MUCH FOR THE MORAL HIGH GROUND: Top Democrats Change Their Minds On Franken, Want Him Not To Resign
Daily Wire WATCH: Warren First Learns Of Ethics Complaint Against Her Over Kavanaugh Fundraising In Middle Of Debate
Breitbart VIDEO: Trump Supporter’s Truck Torched Because of Bumper Sticker
Breitbart Inaugural Rioters Urged to ‘Go Hard’ in ‘Only Chance’ to ‘Rove the City’ Under ‘Protocol of the Obama Era’
Geller Report Hillary supporters RIOT, burn Trump in effigy, BURN FLAG
Geller Report George Soros Exposed as Money Behind Anti-Trump Protests
Geller Report Democrat Rioters Set Pro-Trump Cars ABLAZE
YouTube To the barbarians protesting Trump in the streets: GROW UP
Zero Hedge A 'Deplorable' Speaks Out: "Sorry Snowflake, But It's Not Over"
Zero Hedge Who's Behind The Portland Riots? 60% Of Arrested Anti-Trump Protesters Were From Out Of State, Didn't Vote
Daily Wire Personally, I'm Enjoying the Crybully Riots
Daily Wire Insane Anti-Trump Protesters Demonstrate Why So Many Hate The Left
Daily Wire INSANE: Watch Anti-Trump Rioters Turn On Themselves
Daily Wire Chris Matthews Says What Everyone's Thinking About the Left's Hysterical Protests
YouTube The Truth About the Trump Protests
Market Ticker Should You Let Bygones Be Bygones?
American Thinker Democrats insult their way to a loss
American Thinker Love 'n' peace in Portland, Oregon
American Thinker Dear Progressives, Thank You for Reminding Us of the Real Reasons We Fight You
American Thinker What counts as treason differs depending on the letter after your name
American Thinker Another Rahm Emanuel boondoggle proves to be useless (and expensive)
American Thinker No One Ever Drowned in Roy Moore's Car
American Thinker IRS Tea Party persecutor Lois Lerner had help all along: John McCain
regated Dear Liberals: It’s Not Just About You
reason There Is No Violent Hate-Crimewave in 'Trump's America' - Please stop spreading unsubstantiated stories of Trump-induced terror.
ETF News BRUTAL! Real Cherokee Indians Respond To Elizabeth Warren [Video]
Elizabeth Warren - Offensive, Dishonest, Wrong.
Senator Elizabeth Warren lives in a $5.4M mansion, claimed "Native American" status to score a Harvard gig paying $350K to teach one class, and now lectures us that "the system is rigged to benefit the rich."
Breitbart The Democrats Are Officially the Anti-Israel Party
Project Veritas Part I: Undercover investigation exposes groups plotting criminal activity and violence at Trump inauguration
Project Veritas Part II: NEW Investigation Uncovers Plots to Chain the Trains and Shut Down DC During Trump Inauguration
Project Veritas O'Keefe Confronts Wisconsin AG's Unfounded Attack on PVA’s Credibility
Truth Feed BREAKING : UFC Fighter Rescues Innocent Victim Beaten by Liberal Rioters in Berkeley
Power Line Liberals Embrace Violence
Washington Examiner Indicted Democrat partied with Pelosi, flew with Obama, and campaigned for Clinton
The People's Cube Southern Poverty Law Center is a hate group
Louder With Crowder Dear Violent Liberal Rioters: YOU Are the Fascist Nazis!
WND Trump vs. Waters: Who should be impeached? - Larry Elder offers historical look at congresswoman's 'toxic' words, actions
WND Why Monica Lewinsky mattered - Exclusive: Rep. James Rogan on how Clinton scandal changed our very culture
WND How the Democratic Party is killing itself - Exclusive: Craige McMillan notes at one time, both sides wanted America to succeed
WND 'Worst government abuse scandal in a generation' - Now Judicial Watch demands all docs used to obtain spy warrant
Ann Coulter New Democratic Spin Cycle: Launders Money, Gets Out The Toughest Sleaze!
Daily Caller Top Clinton Aides Face No Charges After Making False Statements To FBI
Blunt Force Truth There Is Nothing More Despicable Than a Democrat
Doss @ Journal Is there a single Democrat anywhere who gives a damn about America?
L'Ombre de l'Olivier The Recursive Custard Problem
Sarah A. Hoyt The Secrets of Every Heart
YouTube Didn't You Get The Memo? (A Rant)
American Lookout Dem Congressional Candidate Turns Out To Be A Fugitive, Arrested In Wisconsin
Jewish World Review Comey Tells Ex-Clinton Aide Stephanopoulos That Trump Is 'Morally Unfit'. Seriously
PJ Media Dems Cutting Their Own Throats by Calling for Abolishing ICE
American Thinker How to Survive a Character Assassination
YouTube #SecretsAndLies: Oregon Governor Kate Brown, Fmr Campaign Manger Details "Graft & Corruption"
Daily Wire 'AN UNHINGED MOB': RNC Releases Brutal Ad Slamming Political Left
The Shad Olson Show Cesar Sayoc: ‘MAGA Bomber’ Facebook Betrays Democrat Trump Infiltrator, Anti-GOP Posts
mrc tv Maxine Waters Justifies Violent Protests: 'Protest is About Making You Feel Uncomfortable'
Breitbart Report: Rashida Tlaib Paid Herself $17,500 in Campaign Funds Post-Electio
Conservative Review Levin: ‘The immediate threat that we face in this country is from the Democrat party’
Conservative Review The Dossier: Obama officials collude with Iran to thwart US foreign policy
mrc tv Staffer for Buttigieg Calls for Congressman to Be Assaulted With Bottles of Urine
mrc tv Dem Presidential Candidates & Media Refuse To Condemn Antifa
Conservative Review Levin: ‘There’s not a single Democrat who’s interested’ in Hunter Biden’s suspicious business history
Daily Wire Report: Newly Revealed Documents Blow Up Biden’s Ukraine Story
True Pundit Clinton WhistleBlower: FEDS Investigating Adam Schiff’s Disturbing Behavior at Ed Buck’s Meth & Sex House
Power Line How Evil Is the Left? This Evil
Breitbart Andrew Pollack: Democrats Care More About Power than Murdered Parkland Kids
mrc tv New Reports Indicate Possible Joe Biden Influence On Behalf of Hunter
Daily Wire Rudy Giuliani Claims He’s Found ‘Smoking Gun’ On Hunter Biden
Daily Wire WATCH: Protesters Destroy College Republicans’ Info Table, Reportedly Spit On U.S. Flag
Daily Wire Senator To Bring Motion To Censure Schumer, Democrat Suggests He Step Down
Louder With Crowder Ted Cruz: This Many People Died While Pelosi Holds Coronavirus Aid Hostage [VIDEO]
American Thinker The Democratic Party: A Robbery in Progress
American Thinker Bill de Blasio vies with Jacob Frey for title of America's worst mayor
mrc tv De Blasio Says He's 'Proud' Of His Daughter Following Her Arrest During NYC Protest
American Thinker A Black Responds to Democrats' Insane Vow to Disband Police
mrc tv WaPo Tries - and FAILS - to Debunk Trump’s Claim That America’s Most Dangerous Cities Are Run By Dems
PJMedia The Real Reason Behind Allowing the Protests During COVID-19
PJ Media Seattle Mayor Again Blames Trump After Rioters Blew Open a Police Station Using a Van Full of Explosives
American Thinker Dems starting to panic that voters will blame them for riots
mrc tv 25,183: That's the Number of Felony Cases Reportedly Dropped by Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx
mrc tv CNN's Don Lemon: 'We're Gonna Have To Blow Up the Entire System' To Keep Trump From Getting Re-Elected
mrc tv ‘He Accused The President Of Everything He Did’ - McCarthy Says Swalwell Should Step Down Over Chinese Spy Connection
mrc tv Warden Gruesome's hand picked yes men just gave him a raise.
YouTube Judge Jeanine: A 'Christmas Carol' to Nancy Pelosi
American Thinker Illinois is a great example of why people are running from blue states
mrc tv Newsom Somehow Shocked By LA Train Theft: 'We Look Like a Third World Country'

Politics - Democrat Support For and Participation In Character Assassination (corruptocrats, DemoTards, DummyCrats, DumboCrats, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, ...)
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Gateway Pundit LIST: The Top 20 Inaccuracies and Flaws in Christina Ford’s Letter to Senator Feinstein
Front Page Mag Jeff Flake’s Confirmation Circus - Outgoing senator earns a place in infamy as he betrays justice -- and fellow Republicans.
American Thinker Judiciary Committee to investigate Feinstein for leaking confidential Ford letter
Daily Wire Prosecutor Who Questioned Ford Shreds Her Case In Five-Page Memo Daily Wire WALSH: The Single Biggest Hole In Christine Ford's Story
Daily Wire WATCH: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick Walks Back Some Of Her Explosive Allegations - NBC can't verify any of her claims.
Daily Wire WALSH: How We Know That Christine Ford Is A Liar

Politics - Democrat Support For Socialism and other Insanity - Support For Fascism (corruptocrats, DemoTards, DummyCrats, DumboCrats, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, ...)
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Daily Wire Democrats Taking Over House Plan Massive Government Expansion, Higher Taxes, While Promising Free Everything For Everybody
Federalist The Only Difference Between Ocasio-Cortez And Nancy Pelosi Is Honesty
Daily Wire RUTHLESS: McConnell Seizes the Moment, Calls For A Vote On 'Green New Deal'
American Thinker Bernie blows his big chance to explain socialism in Venezuela
Conservative Review Limbaugh: Trump is a threat to the Constitution? Nice try, Nancy
Daily Wire WALSH: Rep. Rashida Tlaib's Loyalties Do Not Lie With America. She Just Made That Explicitly Clear.
Louder With Crowder OPINION: Sorry Democrats, It’s Not the Republicans Who Are Nazis
Dan Bongino Show Dan Bongino Conducts a "Fascism Check" on Democrat
Louder With Crowder 'It's terrifying': Crowder skewers Kamala Harris for her party's actual fascism

Politics - Democrat Support For Racism (corruptocrats, DemoTards, DummyCrats, DumboCrats, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, ...)
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder UNEDITED VIDEO: NAACP Calls DNC a Racist Organization

Politics - Democrat - Corruption - Hypocrisy - Lawlessness - Dishonesty (corruptocrats, DemoTards, DummyCrats, DumboCrats, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, ...)
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Geller Report Pelosi’s hair-pocrisy reflects Dems’ hypocrisy
Right Wing Tribune AG Barr Indicts 8 For Funneling Millions in Foreign Donations to Schiff, Clinton and Top Senate Democrats [Update]
mrc tv ‘I Call Bull Crap’ – Rep. Boebert On Impeachment: Democrats ‘Only Unified In Hate’
Dan Bongino Show Adam Schiff Says He May Ignore Potential GOP Subpoena
mrc tv NYC Mayor Eric Adams Fined Over Rat Infestation At His Property
American Thinker Democrat candidates lied, Democrat party is tongue-tied
Red State BOMBSHELL: James O'Keefe Uncovers Massive Potential Political Money Laundering to Democrat Campaigns
Federalist D.C. Democrats Have Gone Full ‘Weekend At Bernie’s’

Politics - Resist Democrats (corruptocrats, DemoTards, DummyCrats, DumboCrats, DemonCrats, DemoCraps, Progressives, Regressives, Communists, Socialists, Leftists, Marxists, ... hypocritical, Anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, Racist, American Hating, Freedom Hating, Liberty Hating, ...)
YouTube 'Madam Speaker, You Are Not God!': Watch Madison Cawthorn's Most Notable Moments | 2021 REWIND

Politics - Tea Party - Republican - or - cuckservatives - or - Republocrat - or - Republicrats and Demopublicans - or - Rebloodicans and Democrips - military/industrial/surveillance complex
TEA = Taxed Enough Already
By refusing to vote for a real "Repeal" bill, the Republican Party just proved they are the Repulsive Party.
American Thinker The GOP Is Doing Its Best To Lose The November Election
Federalist America Won’t Survive If Only The Left Is Playing To Win
American Thinker What to Do with Feckless Republicans?
Federlist Vaccine And Mask Coercion Is A Purge Of Republican Voters, And Republicans Are Letting It Happen
American Thinker It's Republicans Who Are a Threat to Democracy
Classically Liberal Thoughts A Letter to Republican Squishes in the Senate
Truth Revolt Horowitz: Trump Derangement Syndrome - The greatest obstacle to a Republican victory in November is the fratricidal war now being waged by the "Never Trump" crowd.
Breitbart Mark Levin: The Republican Party Won Its Majority on a Lie
Forbes Jesse Ventura Explains Why Governments Are Like Gangs
The Daily Caller Tea party favorite Cruz wins Texas Republican Senate primary
ABC World News Tea Party Activists Gaining Steam Across the Country
Personal Liberty Digest Further Proof The Establishment Still Doesn’t Get The Tea Party
Freedom's Back GOP Double-Crossing Traitors
Truth Revolt Coulter: What Will the G.O.P. Cave on Next? "How about Republicans try surprising us by taking the side of ordinary Americans?"
Freedom Outpost Republican Support for Trans Pacific Partnership Treaty Shows Their True Colors
Truth Revolt Cruz: McConnell Told Us 'Flat-Out Lie' - "We keep winning elections and then we keep getting leaders who don't do anything they promised."
Truth Revolt Cruz Stands By 'Way Over the Line' Obama Terrorism Comment - "Describing the actual facts is not using rhetoric, it is called speaking the truth."
Truth Revolt 'This is Real': Pollster Stunned by Trump Focus Group Results - Republicans "don’t realize how the grassroots have abandoned them."
Truth Revolt Coulter: Useless Idiots - Trump, Carson and Fiorina are soaring in the polls not because they're "outsiders," but because they're not dumb.
Truth Revolt Prager: Why Don’t Republicans Identify What They Are Fighting? - Only conservatism and the Republican Party can stop the left.
Truth Revolt Coulter: It's Time for the Other 13 Candidates to Drop Out - At what pointdo you figure the GOP establishment will finally grasp what's been happening?
Truth Revolt Coulter: Talking Head Twit of the Year Contest - Chimps throwing darts at a dictionary would be right more often.
Truth Revolt Coulter: I Was Hoping For a Taller Honest Man - Everything we've been begging politicians to talk about for the past decade, Donald Trump has brought up with a roar.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Trump Wins 'Disavowal' Game, Then Super Tuesday - The ritualistic demand for "disavowals" is a game played exclusively with Republicans.
Truth Revolt Horowitz: Gang Rape - Why the attacks on Trump are increasing his support.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Voters Deliver Subtle Message - Die, Donor Scum - One would have to search the history books to find a party establishment so emphatically rejected by the voters as today's Republican Party.
Truth Revolt Prager: A Response to My Conservative #NeverTrump Friends - Nine reasons why a conservative should prefer a Trump presidency to a Democrat presidency.
Truth Revolt Watch: Latinos Make Impassioned Pro-Trump Video - Well this won't fit the media's narrative...
Truth Revolt Hannity: GOP Establishment at Fault if Trump Loses - "They did nothing, nothing."
Truth Revolt Mark Levin Decides to Vote Trump - "I’m gonna wind up voting for Donald Trump on election day."
Truth Revolt Thornton: How Trump Happened - How the #NeverTrumpers sunk themselves.
Truth Revolt Nick Searcy: Why I Voted for Donald Trump - 'Justified' standout Nick Searcy, a feisty conservative, breaks down why he voted for the GOP presidential candidate.
Truth Revolt Coulter: The Silence of the Lambs Congress - They're utterly silent, emerging from the House gym or their three-hour lunches only to scream to the press about Trump.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Swamp People 47, Trump 0 - That has become the GOP's official motto: "Next time!"
Conversations about the obvious Why McConnell is bad for America
American Thinker RIP Republican Party
American Thinker House Republicans Declare Independence
National Review The Disappointing Omnibus Bill
Rush Limbaugh GOP Sells America Down the River
Daily Reckoning Republicans for Hillary
Mises Institute Rubio’s Failure: How Our Broken Economy Fuels Voter Rage
YouTube MRC's Bozell Reacts To GOP Benghazi Report
Daily Wire Republicans Prepare To Cave On Budget...Again
Daily Wire What The Hell Is The Republican Congress Doing Besides Twiddling Its Thumbs?
Daily Wire This Congressman Just Humiliated Speaker Ryan By Filing A One-Sentence Bill To Repeal Obamacare. Naturally, It Went Nowhere.
Daily Wire 3 Things You Need To Know About Paul Ryan’s Budget Betrayal
Daily Wire If Republicans Don't Make A Move, They Deserve To Lose
Independent Journal Review Trump Won Because He Listened To The American People. It's Really That Simple.
Town Hall Is There Nothing Republicans Can’t Screw Up?
YouTube Black, Millennial, Female and... Conservative Town Hall
History Lesson: On Judicial Nominations, GOP Must Punish Democrats for Decades of Unprecedented Escalations
Daily Wire WALSH: The Republican Party's Greatest Betrayal
Federalist Jeff Flake Isn’t A Truth-Seeker, He’s A Coward - Here lies the problem with Jeff Flake and Republicans like him: Desiring civility is a fine thing, but it cannot replace your desire for liberty.
Conservative Review The Weekly Watchman: ‘Twas the week of surrender all through the House...
Conservative Review Republicans should jump to push for our security and self-defense
American Greatness The Senate Needs to Stop Sniveling
Town Hall Your Betters For Biden
Conservative Review Horowitz: Republicans won’t even fight for self-defense
Gateway Pundit Rachel Bovard at American Greatness: The GOP Senate Is Asleep at the Wheel
Dan Bongino Show Rand Paul Blasts Congress Over "Monstrous" Relief Bill
Federalist GOP’s Old Guard Out Of Touch With Their Voters On Election Integrity
Federalist If The Republican Party Refuses To Learn From The Trump Era, Winning In 2022 Will Mean Nothing
Unz Review Lie Down with McChao and You'll Get Bit
Red State EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of RNC Spending Since 2017 Shows Millions Were Spent on Private Jets, Limousines, Luxury Retreats, Broadway Shows
New York Post It’s not just Democrats — Republicans are breaking the bank too
PJ Media A Significant Majority of Republican Voters Agree With the GOP Rebels

Politics - State Of The Union My State of the Union Address, by John Stossel
Daily Reckoning Celente on the State of the Union as Political Theater
Human Events State of the Union Grade: F State of the Union: Barack Obama gets an F for world leadership
In Defense of Capitalism and Human Progress The Address Obama Should Have Given - For a Change to Freedom by Richard M. Ebeling

Politics - Work Ethic
Personal Liberty Digest Border Crisis Continues As Congressional Recess Looms

Politics - Jurisdiction Interference
Truth Revolt 'His Highness' Cuomo Hinders Search for Escaped Killers - Cuomo's meddling outrages law enforcement

Politics - Supreme Court Appointments
Outside The Beltway Supreme Court Appointments And Lame Duck Presidents: Yes, Both Sides Do It
Truth Revolt Reid: Blocking SCOTUS Nominee Will Haunt Republicans - "A radical effort to obstruct and delegitimize the president."

Politics - Public Disgust With Impeachment
U S Liberty Wire Georgia Woman’s Petition To Impeach Nancy Pelosi For Treason Surges Past Quarter-Million Signature Mark

Politics - Libertarian?
Libertarian? You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means.
Truth Revolt Paul Joseph Watson: 'Gary Johnson is a Complete Idiot' - "Hello, I'm an idiot."

Politics - Humor
Mad Mike for World Dictator in 2016! vote for the greater evil because voting for the lesser evil has failed.
Truth Revolt Cruz Reads 'Christmas Classics' - Cruz parody a takeoff on classic books.
Truth Revolt Experiencing an Uncontrollable Desire to Vote Hillary? You May Be Suffering From Low T - One FL doctor's joke has angered the Left.
Babylon Bee Nation’s Moral High Ground Discovered At Bottom Of Pacific Ocean
Babylon Bee GOP Announces Sweeping New Plan To Lose All Senate Seats By 2022
Babylon Bee Entirety Of Congress To Preemptively Resign Over Sexual Improprieties
Babylon Bee Senate To Be Replaced With Room Full Of Monkeys Throwing Feces
Sultan Knish Government Shuts Down, Nation Descends into Riots, Looting and Cannibalism
Daily Wire KLAVAN: Democrats Defend Their Long-Standing Tradition: Utter Hypocrisy
Daily Wire MUST WATCH: Conservative Allie Stuckey Delivers Perfect Parody Ad For Democrats
Babylon Bee Ilhan Omar Withdraws Support From Bill To Save The Earth After Learning That’s Where Israel Is
Babylon Bee Bernie Sanders Arrives In Hong Kong To Lecture Protesters On How Good They Have It Under Communism
Babylon Bee Women Who Don't Believe Israel Has Right To Exist Not Sure Why They Got Banned From Israel
Babylon Bee Dems Worried If Impeachment Fails They'll Have To Nominate Electable Candidate
Babylon Bee Elizabeth Warren's Plan To Pay For Medicare For All: Spend So Much The National Debt Clock Rolls Over To Zero
Babylon Bee Study: People Tend To Tune Out By The Fifth Threat To Our Democracy Per Day
Babylon Bee Pinky, Brain Announce 2020 Run
Babylon Bee Bernie Sanders Praises China For Eradicating Poverty By Killing All The Poor People
Glorious American Democrats Reach Herd Immunity Against Common Decency
Babylon Bee Pelosi Confused By Strange Word 'Laws' These Peasants Keep Using
Babylon Bee Democrats Prepare To Celebrate Dependence Day
YouTube New Democrat Campaign "Ad"
YouTube An Honest Ad From Your Democratic Party Spokesperson

Post Millennial

PowerLine Anti-Romney/Koch Brothers Demonstration Is An Epic Failure
PowerLine Trust Us, We’re Scientists
PowerLine Epic Correction of the Decade

Dennis Prager Truth Revolt Prager: Europe Is Making a Fatal Mistake - When good intentions trump experience and wisdom, you’re asking for trouble - in this case, civilization-threatening trouble.
Truth Revolt Prager: The World Is Getting Worse, But This Time America Won’t Save It - So, who can save the world now?
Truth Revolt Prager: A Dark Time in America - Every distinctive value on which America was founded is in jeopardy.
Truth Revolt Prager: The Scariest Reason Trump Won - Thanks to leftism and America's taken-for-granted success, most Americans no longer understand what it means to be American.
Truth Revolt Prager: Pope Francis and the Decline of the West - The most dynamic religion of the last hundred years has been leftism.
Truth Revolt Prager U: Every High School Principal Should Say This - "To the students and faculty of our high school."
Truth Revolt Prager: A Guide to Basic Differences Between Left and Right
Truth Revolt Prager: Note to the Left: Four Years Ago, Conservatives Were Just as Depressed - Unlike much of the left, most conservatives handle despair like mature adults.
Truth Revolt Prager: A Response to My Conservative Critics About Trump - If the left wins, America loses. And if America loses, evil will engulf the world.
Truth Revolt Prager: Nukes Threaten People; Ideas Threaten Civilizations - The real threat to Western civilization is Western civilization ceasing to believe in itself.
Truth Revolt Video: Dennis Prager on the Left's Threat to Western Civilization - A conservative titan speaks at the Freedom Center's evening honoring Dr. Robert Shillman.
Truth Revolt Prager: Those Who Don't Fight Evil Fight Statues - Why the left's enemies list does not include any real evils.
Truth Revolt Prager U: Does Israel Discriminate Against Arabs? - Is it today's version of apartheid South Africa?
Truth Revolt In Case You Missed It: Why the Left and Right Clash Over National Identity - Conservatives believe a sense of national unity is essential to the political and social health of the country.
Jewish World Review Dennis Prager Archives
Jewish World Review Why Don't Republicans Name the Enemy?
Jewish World Review Why the Left Loathes Western Civilization
Town Hall I Now Better Understand the 'Good German'
YouTube Bill Maher: Americans NEED Perspective
YouTube A World without Fossil Fuels

NSA = Naughty Surveillance Army
NSA = Never Say Anything
NSA = No Such Agency
Arguing that you don't care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say. - Edward Snowden
1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual.
Welcome to 1984 where the laws are made up and the constitution doesn't matter.
Truth Revolt Massive Snooping Hasn't Solved Any Cases: Report - DOJ Inspector General report questions need for snooping
YouTube The NSA is Coming to Town
Daily Reckoning The Secrets of Room 641A
Daily Reckoning Automated License Plate Readers Threaten Our Privacy
Daily Reckoning How You’re Attracting Unwanted Government Attention
Daily Reckoning Never Mind the Nude Celebrities. Your Photos Could Be Next.
Daily Reckoning Infographic: The Cybersecurity Boom
Daily Reckoning Your Health Data Is At Risk
Wired The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)
Wired U.S. to China: We Hacked Your Internet Gear We Told You Not to Hack
Wired Court Upholds Willy-Nilly Gadget Searches Along U.S. Border
Yahoo! News Pressure builds for civilian drone flights at home
Yahoo! News US hit by new spying row amid anger in France, Mexico
DotTech US government asks Google to turn over more and more private user data
DotTech Can Microsoft spy on Skype calls? According to reports, yes it can
DotTech Warrantless surveillance by American government has increased by 662% since 2001
CNET RIAA chief: ISPs to start policing copyright by July 1
Office of Inadequate Security
Office of Inadequate Security Missing backup tapes reported to TD Bank customers
Office of Inadequate Security Almost 280,000 to be notified of hack at Northwest Florida State College; ID theft reported
Office of Inadequate Security Anatomy Of A Brokerage IT Meltdown
The Washington Times Court curbs laptop searches at U.S. border
Pat Dollard Report: DHS Sent Memo To Banks Saying It Can Seize All Customer Accounts Without Warrant, Announcing Random And Warrantless Searches Of Safe Deposit Boxes With Eye Toward Guns And Gold
Mercury News Privacy advocates wary of push to mandate auto 'black boxes'
Electronic Frontier Foundation NSA Spying On Americans
Torrent Freak How The Copyright Industry Pushed For Internet Surveillance
The Daily Sheeple Obama’s Insider Threat Program Resembles Nazi Gestapo
California Civil Liberties Advocacy Driving somewhere? There’s a gov’t record of that
The Raw Story Former Sen. Wyden staffer: ‘Most members of Congress have not even seen the secret legal interpretations’ behind FISA
Washington Post Edward Snowden, patriot
Tech Dirt Jennifer Hoelzer's Insider's View Of The Administration's Response To NSA Surveillance Leaks
Capitalism Institute Obama Admits Stealing Emails, Search History, FB Messages, and More
Yahoo! News Report: NSA spying broke privacy rules many times
Yahoo! News Spy claims send allies complaining to Obama
Washington Post NSA broke privacy rules thousands of times per year, audit finds
Laissez Faire Today The Phony Trade-Off Between Privacy and Security
Laissez Faire Today We’re All Edward Snowden Now
Laissez Faire 3 Important Lessons from a Canadian Border Crossing
Mises Institute The NSA and Its "Compliance Problems"
Mises Institute FISA, the NSA, and America’s Secret Court System
Escape Tyranny 48 Alarming Facts That Tell Us America Has Become a Gigantic Prison
The Guardian Revealed: how US and UK spy agencies defeat internet privacy and security
Laissez Faire Today You Don’t Deserve Your Privacy
Canada Free Press World Governments hijacking Information Highway with Spy Networks - Governments no longer have to worry about door-to-door consensus when they have operations like at their fingertips
ars technica Report: NSA-planted malware spans five continents, 50,000 computer networks
The Guardian US and UK struck secret deal to allow NSA to 'unmask' Britons' personal data
The Verge NSA reportedly intercepting laptops purchased online to install spy malware
The Verge Merry Christmas! The NSA's gift is a list of all the times it wrongly spied on you - A little present from Big Brother
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity You Can't Opt Out: 10 NSA Myths Debunked
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Obama's NSA Speech: What Reform?
Leak Source NSA’s ANT Division Catalog of Exploits for Nearly Every Major Software/Hardware/Firmware
The Futureof Freedom Foundation Don’t Forget Financial Privacy
The Daily Caller Citizen Steinfein to Senator Feinstein: Welcome to my world
Personal Liberty Digest NSA Officials Finally Admit To Spying On Americans As Propaganda Campaign Hits Full Speed
Personal Liberty Digest Why Does The IRS Need To Track License Plates?
Personal Liberty Digest Tech Giants Defy Government Demands For Secret Electronic Data Mining
Personal Liberty Digest NSA Defenders Ought To Stop Making These Five Claims If They Wish To Remain Credible
Personal Liberty Digest FBI Director Doesn’t Think Agency Will Spy On Americans, Fails To Mention It Already Is
Personal Liberty Digest Here’s One Way To Land On The NSA’s Watch List
Personal Liberty Digest NSA Spying: Now It’s Personal
Personal Liberty Digest State Police Now Fingerprinting Every Texan
Personal Liberty Digest Snowden: Government Spies Routinely Gawk At Nude Photos While Sifting Through Communications Data
Personal Liberty Digest The CIA Fudges The Facts - Just Like Obama
Electronic Frontier Foundation Tea Party, Taxes and Why the Original Patriots Would’ve Revolted Against the Surveillance State
The Rutherford Institute ‘Just Salute and Follow Orders’: When Secrecy and Surveillance Trump the Rule of Law
The Rutherford Institute Orwell’s Nightmare: The NSA and Google—Big Brother Meets Big Business
The Atlantic Eyes Over Compton: How Police Spied on a Whole City
Laissez Faire The Police’s License Plate Loophole
Legal Insurrection California Seeks to Redefine Consensual Campus Sex as Rape Snowden’s Cry for Freedom
Washington Post NSA: Our systems are so complex we can’t stop them from deleting data wanted for lawsuit
The Guardian James Clapper, EU play-acting, and political priorities - Fixations on denouncing Edward Snowden distract, by design, from the serious transgressions of those who are far more powerful
PBS United States of Secrets
Wired The Police Tool That Pervs Use to Steal Nude Pics From Apple’s iCloud
USA Today New police radars can 'see' inside homes
The Daily Beast Your Samsung SmartTV Is Spying on You, Basically
Truth Revolt Snowden Defends His Actions On HBO's 'Last Week Tonight' "You will never be completely free from risk if you're free."
Truth Revolt Malkin: Obama Cronyism + Your Personal Data = Trouble - Can you say "Epic fail"?
Truth Revolt Federal Surveillance Powers Just Expanded Unless Congress Acts - One warrant and the government can hack into millions of computers.
InfoWorld Windows 7, 8, and 10: Now all collecting user data for Microsoft
New York Times As Facebook Raised a Privacy Wall, It Carved an Opening for Tech Giants
Register Mark Zuckerberg did everything in his power to avoid Facebook becoming the next MySpace – but forgot one crucial detail ... No one likes a lying asshole
Salon After 20 years, it's time to repeal the Patriot Act and begin to dismantle the surveillance state
PC Linux OS Magazine Bill Gates' Evil Prophecy

Privacy - Twitter Style Privacy aka: Everyone Has Access To Your Information
To be totally frank, almost every conspiracy theory that people had about Twitter turned out to be true. - Elon Musk
Louder With Crowder Twitter whistleblower shocker: 4000 employees have access to your personal info, can dox users on a whim
Reclaim The Net A summary of the Peiter “Mudge” Zatko, Twitter whistleblower, hearing

Privacy - Business Protection of your Privacy or NOT
Prep For That Popular DNA Testing Company Signs $300 Million Deal With Big Pharmaceutical Company
Louder With Crowder Bank of America Sharing Private Info to FBI Without Customers' Knowledge: Report

Privacy - Government Protection of your Privacy
Truth Revolt OPM Hack Much Worse than Initially Reported
Global Guerrillas The OPM Infobomb Explodes
Nestman Are You Ready for the e-PATRIOT Act?
mrc tv Bombshell Doc Reveals Massive Breaches of 4th Amendment By Obama NSA, FBI

Privacy - email
Daily Reckoning How to Stop the NSA From Reading Your Email
Wired If You Used This Secure Webmail Site, the FBI Has Your Inbox

Privacy - Humor
ACLU Pizza Palace
Babylon Bee Mark Zuckerberg Promises To Do Better At Hiding Facebook’s Data Mining Activities

Progressives Today exposing the progressive / liberal mentality for who they really are.

Project Veritas expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society.
MottO: Be Brave, Do Somet6hing
Project Veritas Project Veritas Legal Victories
Project Veritas YouTube videos
YouTube Enroll America Director Conspires to Release Private Data
YouTube Obamacare Navigator Fraud Rampant, Not "Isolated Incident"
Project Veritas James O'Keefe Releases Raw Video Footage to NH Governor and Attorney General
YouTube We have received a death threat

PublicSQ America’s Marketplace - Connecting freedom-loving Americans with local community and the businesses that share their values.

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quillette Attraction Inequality and the Dating Economy

Prohibition goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes.
- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) 16th US President Source: Questionable. Supposedly from a speech, 18 Dec. 1840, to Illinois House of Representatives . No source has been confirmed. Believed to have been written by former Mayor of Atlanta, Anti-Prohibition campaign manager, Col. John B. Goodwin, 1887

Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property. Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property of another. Vices are simply the errors which a man makes in his search after his own happiness. Unlike crimes, they imply no malice toward others, and no interference with their persons or property. In vices, the very essence of crime-that is, the design to injure the person or property of another-is wanting. It is a maxim of the law that there can be no crime without criminal intent; that is, without the intent to invade the person or property of another. But no one ever practices a vice with any such criminal intent. He practices his vice for his own happiness solely, and not from any malice toward others. Unless this clear distinction between vices and crimes be made and recognized by the laws, there can be on earth no such thing as individual right, liberty, or property, and the corresponding coequal rights of another man to the control of his own person and property. - Lysander Spooner (1808-1887) Political theorist, activist, abolitionist Source: Vices are Not Crimes, A Vindication of Moral Liberty (1875)

It is precisely this clinging to victimhood as a means of demonstrating one’s virtue and advancing one’s well-being that has led us into a society in which welfare and quotas are "civil rights," government handouts are "entitlements," and payment to girls having babies out of wedlock are "compassionate," while hard-working, ambitious people are "greedy," punishment of crime is “oppression,” and an independent thinker who stands for courage and self-reliance is dismissed as an "Uncle Tom." - J. Tucker Alford

There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others. - Harry J. Anslinger

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Racism is not dead, but it is on life support-kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as 'racists.' - Thomas Sowell
Recognize that (all whites) you're still racist. No matter what. - United Church of Christ
American Thinker When Everything is Racist, Nothing Is
American Thinker Turns out everything I ever did my whole life was racist
Louder with Crowder BBC Diversity Chief Declares Idris Elba Character Not Black Enough to Be 'Authentic'
Louder with Crowder Jason Whitlock Goes There: White Liberals Are ACTUAL Bigots
American Thinker United Airlines goes there: Vows affirmative action for pilots
American Thinker Obama is Responsible for Racial Tensions in America Today
medium Here Are The Companies That Support Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Want You Dead
Truth Revolt Horowitz: The Biggest Racial Lie - How the Left defames America.
Monster Hunter Nation Let’s play SPOT THE RACIST!
Monster Hunter Nation No,, GenCon Isn’t Racist. A Fisking.
Monster Hunter Nation It doesn’t matter what we say anyway ...
Monster Hunter Nation Correia’s simple rules for understanding racism
Monster Hunter Nation Fisking NPR about Latinos in the movies
Commentary Magazine Liberal Racism Canard Won’t Work
Pat Dollard - The War Starts Here All Whites Are Racists (your tax dollars at work)
The Caller Allen West: Black caucus, liberals judged Holder ‘by color of his skin,’ not ‘content of his character’
The Daily Caller Ad accuses Obama of defending ‘racism against white folks’
The Daily Caller In Harvard essay, young Michelle Obama argued for race-based faculty hiring
The Daily Caller No Facts, No Peace
American Thinker The Dictator in the Black Iron Man Suit
American Thinker NAACP Furthers Mission of KKK
American Thinker Obama's Legacy on Black America
American Thinker Eric Holder, 'Hate Crimes,' and 'His People'
American Thinker Racial Unrest and the 'Duty to Retreat'
American Thinker Selective 'Race Baiting' Continues
American Thinker Changing the SAT for 'Social Justice'
American Thinker The Media, not Racism, Turned the South Republican
American Thinker Justice, Detroit Style
American Thinker The Beat Goes On: Opposing Obama Is Racist
American Thinker Please Tell Black Lives Matter to Shut Up and Go Away!
American thinker German Muslim Crime Denial Looks a lot like American Black Crime Denial
American Thinker The Black Redneck Version of Respect
This Is True "An Insult to Every Black Man in America"
Human Events Top 10 liberal race cards
Project 21 Eric Holder is the Coward - And an Embarrassment
akdart Eric Holder and the politicized Justice Department A Congressman's Racial Slur
Larry Elder Obama Re-elected 9-Year-Old Black Kid Can Breathe Easy
The Right Sphere An Honest Conversation About Race
Canada Free Press How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America - A legacy of race hatred
Canada Free Press If Obama had an employee, would he look like "hate-filled" Ayo Kimathi?
Canada Free Press For Hollywood Liberals, It’s Identity Politics Uber Alles - Hollywood and the mainstream media’s supersensitivity to racism and sexism only applies when it involves supporting liberal Democrats
Town Hall 11 Liberal Rules for Racism in America
Town Hall Progressives and Blacks
althouse White conservative male wins in an "overwhelmingly black" district after running a campaign that implied that he was black.
KHOU White guy wins after leading voters to believe he’s black
WND Black leader to Oprah: Put up or shut up! Challenges TV star's condemnation of America as racist nation
Front Page Mag Liberals Talk Race and Crime - And Hilarity Ensues!
Personal Liberty Digest Your Race Card Has Been Declined
Personal Liberty Digest Cliven Bundy And The Real Racists
Personal Liberty Digest Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Slams Media Culture Of Racial Sanctimony
Personal Liberty Digest Who Are The Real Racists, Eric Holder?
Personal Liberty Digest Race Baiters Destroyed In One Epic Rant [VIDEO]
Personal Liberty Digest Is Barack Obama Fueling A Race War?
The Princeton Tory Checking My Privilege: Character as the Basis of Privilege
The Blaze Going Viral: Princeton University Student’s Bold Response After Allegedly Being Told Repeatedly to ‘Check Your Privilege’
Yahoo! Shine Princeton Student's Essay on White Male Privilege Stirs Controversy
Progressives Today Powerful! ... Stacy Washington: An Open Letter to White Privilege 2014 Attendees (Video)
Jewish World Review Libs talk race and crime --- and hilarity ensues!
Allen B. West Is Bloomberg a racist because he targeted black Sheriff David Clarke?
Tea Party News Network Which Former NBA Star Called Al Sharpton a ‘Coon?’
YouTube Zo's Take on Ferguson: Democrat Cities are Dangerous Places to Live
YoungConservatives If conservatives are racist why are over 20 Black Republicans running for office in 2013-2014?
Top Right News MUST SEE: Morgan Freeman Dismisses ‘White Privilege’ in Just 7 Words to a Shocked CNN Anchor
Truth Revolt Ben Stein: Real Race Problem In America Is: 'Beaten-Down, Pathetic, Self-Defeating Black Underclass' - 'If you read the liberal mainstream media, that the main problem with race in America was poor innocent black people being set upon and mistreated by the police'
Young Conservatives One of the most powerful pictures about Obama’s priorities you’ll see
Political Insider WATCH: A Reporter Is OWNED After Calling Anti-Amnesty Protester a ‘Racist’
Political Insider Boom! It Took Morgan Freeman Just 2 Sentences To Destroy a Common Misconception About Race
National Review Online When Will Liberals Condemn African Nations’ Racist Travel Bans?
examiner Ben Stein: Obama 'most racist president there has ever been in America'
Truth Revolt DAVID HOROWITZ/JOHN PERAZZO: Black Skin Privilege And Ferguson
Truth Revolt VIDEO: 'Black People -- Take Some Personal Responsidamnbility' - "Everything is not somebody else's fault. Sometimes, it's just you."
Truth Revolt HOROWITZ: The Left’s War Against Justice And Peace: What Conservatives Still Must Understand About Progressives
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Black Leader Al Sharpton
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Which Black Lives Matter?
Truth Revolt Indian Man Pretended to Be Black, Got Accepted to Med School - Affirmative action!
Truth Revolt Uni Diversity Officer: An Ethnic Woman Can't Be Racist or Sexist To White Men - Her idea of diversity: "NO White Cis Men"
Truth Revolt Kentucky Sheriff on Shooting Victim: 'We Are Glad That He Is White...' - "...and we shouldn't have to worry about that."
Truth Revolt Milwaukee Sheriff Destroys 'Myth' That Police Target Blacks - "Instead, the conversation should be about transforming Black underclass subculture behavior."
Truth Revolt NYPD Commish: We'd Have More Black Cops if Fewer Blacks Were Criminals
Truth Revolt PRAGER: America, Not Dylann Roof, Should Be Forgiven - How is it that we can forgive an unrepentant mass murderer but not forgive a society that has repented and atoned?
Truth Revolt Professor: We Are a White Supremacist Society - We are shocked, shocked, that an academic would say such a thing.
Truth Revolt MALKIN: The Media's Vile Attacks on Conservative Assimilationists - Look in the mirror, media and academia bigots.
MRC Ann Coulter Goes Nuclear on Michelle Obama for Race Comments
Truth Revolt LA Times Wonders Why We Show More Blacks Dying Than Whites - Another example of the media's sick exploitation of murder victims for racial grievance-mongering.
Truth Revolt Limbaugh: Sanders' 'Racist' Founding Comment 'Explains All of Them' - "This explains Barack Hussein O, and it explains Valerie Jarrett, and it explains Michelle (My Belle) O. It explains all of them."
Truth Revolt U of Buffalo 'White Only' Hate Crime Actually a Hoax - Surprise, surprise.
Truth Revolt Hypocrisy to the Extreme: Chicago Allegedly 'Disappeared' Thousands at 'Gitmo' for African Americans - One would think that the president's home-city would live true to the black lives matter philosophy.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Melissa Harris-Perry Needs a Trip to Hard Work U - Caution: You may need a double dose of Excedrin to protect yourself from MHP's brain-splitting nonsense.
Truth Revolt Stacey Dash: Black History Month, BET Racist Double Standards - "Either we want to have segregation or integration..."
Truth Revolt Blue Lives Matter Billboard 'Disrespectful' to Black Lives Matter Movement - "It’s great that so many people want to recognize our law enforcement community and all first responders who put their lives on the line every day."
Truth Revolt Sheriff Clarke Denounces Beyonce's Super Bowl Black Panther Chic - "The Black Panthers are a subversive hate group in America."
Truth Revolt Louisiana Sheriff’s Captain: I'd Rather Resign Than Kneel to ‘Bureaucrats and a Wanna-Be Black Activist’ - I will not kneel to bureaucrats in Baton Rouge, Washington or anywhere else who have forgotten why they wear a badge and who have forgotten who they serve."
Truth Revolt MSNBC Host Cuts Feed of Black Man Wishing Everyone Would Stop Race Baiting - "That is one person we have chosen to cut the sound from."
Truth Revolt Progressive Racism - A review of David Horowitz's just-published collection of essays on the racist left.
Truth Revolt Networks Cover Gorilla Death 54 Times More Than Chicago Shootings - Ratings over reality.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Identity Politics in America - a Post-Mortem - Here is what eight years of President Obama's "post-racial" reign have wrought.
Truth Revolt Progressive Hate Watchdog Report Omits 2,000 Post-Election Anti-White Hate Crimes - "hey left that result out because it would not fit their ideological narrative."
Truth Revolt Horowitz: Identity Politics Are Anti-American - Why "people of color" is a racist term.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Where Is the Corporate Disavowal of Black Lives Matter? - The disavowal double standards beat goes on.
Yahoo! News Father Of Black Teenager Murdered By Illegal Alien Asks ‘Do Black Lives Really Matter?’
The Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Williamson's Fourth Law
Jewish World Review Are Facts Obsolete?
Chicks On The Right If You Didn't Already Love Bill Whittle, GET READY, Y'ALL. Because He Just Ripped Hollywood Celebrities To SHREDS.
Freedom's Back Going Bananas: A Case Study in Media-Manufactured Racism
Prager University Don't Judge Blacks Differently
Town Hall An Open Letter To Black Americans About The Mass Murder In Charleston
YouTube "All Cops Are Racist!" || Louder With Crowder
YouTube Is America Racist?
America's Freedom Fighters SIGN THE PETITION: Remove The African American Monument In South Carolina
Wesleyan Argus Why Black Lives Matter Isn’t What You Think
Breitbart Will Smith: ‘Everybody Is Prejudiced,’ But ‘Racism Is Actually Rare’
mrc tv Watch this Black Cop from Segregated South SCHOOL this Liberal UCLA Protestor on Racism
mrc tv Black Lives Matter Defaces Statue of Christopher Columbus
Natioal Review The Protected Classes Must Not Hear Harambe Jokes - Or Anything Else "Offensive"
American Thinker The racist subtext of Philly’s ban on convenience store protective glass barriers
American Thinker Virtue-Signaling Run Amok in America
The Daily Signal The Black Family Is Struggling, and It’s Not Because of Slavery
Newsweek Ben Shapiro: Stacey Abrams Wants A Divided America | Opinion
Jewish World Review Black Man Killed by Two White Men --- Cue the 'Race' Hysteria
American Thinker Our Honesty Crisis: How We Talk about Race
American Thinker Fixing Racism by Being Racist?
YouTube Morgan Freeman Silences '60 Minutes' Host By Insulting Black History Month | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report
Federalist Get Married. Have Kids. Stay Together. Mind Your Own Business.
PJ Media Scott Adams Says White People Should 'Get the Hell Away From Black People'
Louder With Crowder LOL: Ibram Kendi's 'Antiracism' Center Accused Of Perpetuating -- Wait For It -- Systemic Injustice
The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to prevent future discrimination is future discrimination.

Racism/Racist - Racism Of Low Expectations
Louder With Crowder Parents group sues woke public school over new policy that doesn't punish certain students based on skin color, identity
Louder With Crowder In the name of diversity and equity, a blue state will no longer require lawyers to take the bar exam
Louder With Crowder Watch: Kathy Hochul shows how AWFL she is with how little she thinks of black kids knowing how to use a computer

Racism/Racist - Affirmative Action - New Improved Form Of Racism
Dan Bongino Show Elizabeth Warren Trolled During SCOTUS Arguments on Affirmative Action
Breitbart AUDIO: Harvard Lawyer Struggles to Explain Why Asian Applicants Are Given Lower ‘Personal’ Scores
Ann Coulter A New Dawn: The End of Legal Discrimination?
mrc tv Actor, Director Baffled By Reporter's Question About Why a Film Set In 1700s Denmark Isn't More 'Diverse'
Louder With Crowder Insurance CEO Demands That She Must Sign Off Before ANY White Males Are Hired
Louder With Crowder To Assist In Healthcare Shortage, New Bill Would Fund... A DEI Program?

Racism/Racist - Facebook Support For Hatred of White Americans and Men
rumble Facebook Policy Change Greenlights Hate Speech Against ‘White People, Americans and Men’

Racism/Racist - Black Lies Matter - Black Lifestyles Matter
Louder With Crowder BLM Activist Is “Extremely Sorry” For Spending Donations To Fund Her Lavish Lifestyle As She Gets Sent To Prison
Daily Mail Black Lives Matter is headed for INSOLVENCY after plunging $8.5M into the red - but founder Patrisse Cullors' brother was still paid $1.6M for 'security services' in 2022, while sister of board member earned $1.1M for 'consulting'
Washington Free Beacon Black Lives Matter Hemorrhaged Cash in 2022, Tax Documents Show
New York Post Inside BLM co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors’ million-dollar real estate buying binge

Racism/Racist - Black Lies Matter - Anti-semetic
Federalist Your Black Lives Matter Donation May Have Helped Hamas

Racism/Racist - Black Lies Matter - Anti-American
American Thinker A Canadian view of Black Lives Matter
American Thinker The whitewashing of Black Lives Matter
Federalist What Did Black Lives Matter Really Accomplish In 2021?

Racism/Racist - CRT - Critical Race Theory - Creating Racial Tension - Hate Whites
YouTube CRT Banned After Dad's Speech To School Board
American Thinker Head of woke school admits Critical Race Theory has a serious problem
PJ Media There Are Already Laws on the Books That Ban Critical Theories in Schools: Time for Parents to Get Busy
mrc tv Student Sues Nevada High School For Teaching Critical Race Theory
City Journal Against Wokeness - Conservatives must understand the threat posed by critical race theory
mrc tv Critical Race Theory & BLM Condemned by Black Equalities Minister in British Parliament
Imprimis Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It
mrc tv Minnesota College Mandates All Faculty & Staff Attend Monthly Racial Bias Training Segregated By Race
Louder With Crowder 'Not with My Children': Dad and Daughter Make Best Case Against Critical Race Theory You'll Ever See
Louder With Crowder Black Mother Obliterates School Board Over Critical Race Theory: 'Look at Me!'
mrc tv Watch This Awesome Dad DESTROY Critical Race Theory In Under a Minute
Louder With Crowder Dude Quits School District Over 'White Privilege' Propoganda with Greatest Resignation Letter of All Time
Louder With Crowder Black Dad Hammers School District for Teaching Daughter Her White Mom's 'Evil' AND It Manages to Get Worse
Louder With Crowder You've Read About 'Privilege Walks?' Here's One Being Forced on High School Students
American Thinker When it comes to Critical Race Theory, we can fight fire with fire
American Thinker How much longer will parents let toxic school socialists ruin their children?
YouTube Teacher calls critical race theory 'dangerous,' says it's creating 'hostility'
PJ Media The Totalitarian Threat of Critical Race Theory Rears Its Ugly Head
American Thinker A new video with the best pushback yet against Critical Race Theory
Louder With Crowder Christian Teacher Quits in Epic Fashion Over Liberal Indoctrination, Being Expected to Snitch on Colleagues
mrc tv No Regrets: VA Teacher Resigns IN FRONT OF SCHOOL BOARD Over CRT
American Thinker I Am Not White: Obliterating Critical Race Theory
Federalist Why Won’t The Left Admit Schools Teach Critical Theory And Defend It On The Merits?
Louder With Crowder Professor Savages Critical Race Theory Proponents on the Dr. Phil Show in Only Two Minutes
mrc tv This Dad Just Dropped the Mic On His Local School Board While Slamming CRT, Trans Policies
Louder With Crowder Mother Gives Heartbreaking Testimony at School Board: My Son Killed Himself Because You Blamed Him for Racism
mrc tv Hatred of Whites Tolerated, Celebrated on Racist TikTok Account
Louder With Crowder Watch: Black mom puts white liberals on blast over "ethnic studies" bill they want to force on kindergarteners
Louder With Crowder Watch: Black dad hammers school for teaching daughter her white mom's 'evil' and somehow that's not the bad part

Racism/Racist - Black Lies Matter - Anti-Semitism because hating the Jews is as good as hating the police
Louder With Crowder Actor Says It's Okay That Black Lives Matter Organization Hates the Jews
mrc tv They Don't Mean It: BLM Chicago Backtracks, Deletes Hamas Tweet w/ No Apology

Racism/Racist - Cultural Appropriation
City News Writers' Union of Canada sorry for article encouraging cultural appropriation
Truth Revolt University Multicultural Director Proposes Black Women-Only Housing - Come home, relax, and process all those microaggressions from classmates.
Power Line The Latest in Leftist Fakery
PJ Media Indianapolis Social Activist Pretended to Be Both Black AND Gender-Neutral
American Thinker Latest white professor caught faking being black is hilarious

Racism/Racist - Segregation - Safe Spaces Are The New Improved Democrat Segregation
Truth Revolt 'Separate But Equal' - Harvard Has First Black Commencement - Now Harvard has resurrected the habits of the old Southern Confederacy.
Daily Wire Leftist Outlet Complains About ‘Brown Men Falling In Love With White Women’ On TV. The KKK Agrees.
PJ Media New Segregation Signs Pop Up in Leftist Establishments
Truth Revolt Blacks-Only Retreat Offers Women Place to Take ‘Break from White People’ - "They are here, they’re everywhere ... white people shouldn’t have passports."
mrc tv WATCH: Ami Horowitz's New Video Shows Liberal Students and the KKK Hold Similar Values
mrc tv L.A. School for the Elite Holding Segregated 'Dialogue' Sessions by Race to Promote 'Diversity, Equity, Anti-Racism, and Inclusion'
mrc tv Maher Slams ‘Black National Anthem’ at NFL Game: This is ‘SEGREGATION!’
Princeton Tory Princeton’s Forbes Residential College Starts “Melanin Mondays” Race-Themed Study Breaks
mrc tv Deck the Halls With Lots of Racism: Boston Mayor Throws No-Whites-Allowed Holiday Party
Louder With Crowder Columbia holding segregated graduation ceremonies for Latinx and lavender people... wait, what the deuce are "lavender people?"

Racism/Racist - Black Racism - Hatred Of Whites
Louder With Crowder HodgeTwins Wreck Oprah for her Recent "White Privilege" Comments
Truth Revolt Restaurant Asks White People to Pay More - "White customers can either pay $12 for lunch or the suggested price of $30."
Federalist The New York Times Must Explain Why Its Racial Double Standard Is Good For Society - In defending a new hire with a history of anti-white statements, The New York Times employs a clear double standard about denigrating racial rhetoric, and it is time for it to explain why.
mrc tv CNN's Don Lemon: 'The Biggest Terror Threat In This Country Is White Men,' Calls For a 'White Guy Ban'
Daily Wire HILARIOUS: CNN Analyst Accuses Radio Host Of 'White Privilege.' His Response Is Priceless.
Louder With Crowder VIDEO: Satirist Jonathan Pie Hits Leftists for Will Smith ‘Isn’t Black Enough’
mrc tv HBO Writer Calls Black Author a 'Coon' For Saying Reparations Are an 'Insult' to Black Americans
Daily Wire Jemele Hill: Black Athletes Should Leave White Colleges
mrc tv SEGREGATION 2.0: Seattle Protesters Demand the City Hire Black Doctors to Treat Black Patients
American Wire BLM silent after hundreds shot on Father’s Day weekend
Jewsih world Review Random Thoughts While NOT Out 'Protesting'
Federalist Oprah Joins Plot To Convince Americans Their Country Is Racist
mrc tv Trump Supporting Dem Fires Back at MSNBC Host for Insulting Him: 'I Don't Fit Your Narrative'
PJ Media Anti-Racist Racist
Louder With Crowder More BLM Activists Terrorize More Restaurant Goers: "F*** White People"
Gateway Pundit Black Georgia Man Who Stabbed Stranger Because He ‘Felt the Need to Find a White Male to Kill,’ Murders His White Cell Mate Following His Arrest
mrc tv CNN Analyst Calls Kentucky AG Cameron 'Uncle Tom,' Says 'Step & Fetch Negro'
mrc tv Maxine Waters Says She'll 'Never, Ever Forgive' Black Men Who 'Show Their Face' After Voting For Trump
Daily Caller ‘I Will Never, Ever Forgive Them’: Maxine Waters Blasts Black Voters Who Choose Trump
Louder With Crowder Georgia Senate Democrat Demands You 'Repent' for Your Whiteness
mrc tv Student Senator at American University Dubs White Students an 'Invasive Species' On Campus
mrc tv 'Racism is Racism' Parent Calls Out Elite Private School For Racist Video Against White Women
Louder With Crowder ASU Students Are Big Mad After Being Punished for Berating Their White Counterparts
Louder With Crowder Houston man ?sends message to 'White DEVILS'
mrc tv Broadway’s 'The Lion King' Fires Workers Over Skin Color
Jewish World News White Man Down: Frustration is Not Racis
Louder With Crowder Publicly Funded Gallery Launches New Anti-White Exhibit, Demands White People "Check Their Privilege"
Louder With Crowder Lawsuit: Wisconsin University Demoted Staff Member Over Color Of Her Skin... She Was "White"

Racism/Racist - Black Racism - Kill Whites - White Lives Don't Matter
Daily Wire BLM Leader Says Whites 'Sub-Human,' Should Be 'Wiped Out'
Daily Wire NYT Op-Ed: I'm Teaching My Black Child Not To Be Friends With White Kids Because Of Trump
Truth Revolt Horowitz: The Real Race War - (Not the fake one against "white supremacy.")
Truth Revolt Racist Nurse ‘No Longer Employee’ After Tweeting That White Sons Should Be Sacrificed - "Every son you had should be sacrificed to the wolves, Bitch."
mrc tv Black Man Who Vowed To 'Kill All White People' Shoots Six, But Police Won't I.D. a Motive
mrc tv NFL Coach Jack Del Rio to Leftist Twitter Trolls: 'I’m 100% for America, if You’re Not You Can Kiss My A$$'
Louder With Crowder Black Man Shoots White 5-Year-Old Boy in the Head. Liberal Media's Silence is Deafening...
PJ Media Black Man Stabbed 'Random' White AutoZone Employee in the Neck After Watching Police Shooting Videos
mrc tv Viral Video Shows White Man Knocked Out Cold On the Street By Black Man With a Brick
PJ Media Black Man Murders Four-Year-Old White Child in Targeted Attack. Does Anyone in the Media Care?
mrc tv Louisville Shop Owner Says He's Slept In His Store For 122 Nights to Protect It From Rioters
Daily Caller BLM Activists Cancel Protest For Police Shooting After Learning Suspect Was A White Guy
rumble SICK: Leftist Nuts Are Using Waukesha Victims to Mock Rittenhouse Verdict
Louder With Crowder Elon Musk savages NYT making excuses for a viral song calling for the killing of white people
Louder With Crowder Man stabs two teen tourists in NYC, screaming "I want all the white people dead"

Racism/Racist - Fraudulent Racism Because Racism Is So Important an Issue, Racism Hoaxes Must Be Created
rumble The Establishment Wants Us All To Think Similarly...Like Racists -- Things That Need To Be Said
Truth Revolt Horowitz: How Progressives Use Race as a Weapon Against Our Country - Freedom Center's new pamphlet analyzes the Democrats’ racist assault on America.
Truth Revolt Another Race Hoax: Salisbury University - "Reports of such acts are taken seriously." Sort of.
Truth Revolt Hate Crime Hoax Perpetrators Expelled from NY College - Defense attorney claims the testimony against his client was filled with "Trumpisms."
Truth Revolt Gorilla Killed to Protect Boy Because 'White Privilege' - Not an Onion Headline
Truth Revolt Watson: The Truth About 'Black Lives Matter' - BLM has completely betrayed the example set by Martin Luther King.
Truth Revolt Black Pastor: Black Babies Matter Too! - "You can’t say 'Black Lives Matter'"
Truth Revolt Williams: Academics, Media Wrong to Blame Crime on Poverty, Discrimination - "No one bothers to ask why crime was falling in the 1930s, ’40s, and ’50s, when blacks faced far greater poverty and discrimination."
Truth Revolt Horowitz: Anatomy of a Lynching - The political uses of race.
Truth Revolt More Fake Hate: ’Heil Trump,’ Swastika, Gay Slur Painted on Church... By Organist - Another inside job.
Truth Revolt The Truth About Police Violence against Black Men - Facts are stubborn things.
Truth Revolt Michigan State Prof: Americans Who Practice Yoga Contribute to White Supremacy - "White yoga practitioners and teachers can engage in yoga in a decolonizing way that reduces harm and seeks greater cultural accountability."
mrc tv Black Student Activist Receives 90 Days in Jail and $82,000 Fine for Fake Hate Tweets
mrc tv The ACLU says Trump Withdrawing From the Paris Agreement Is RACIST
mrc tv Jesse Jackson: Going From Slavery To the NFL Is 'Just a Lateral Move' For Blacks
mrc tv Black Man Who Vandalized His Own Car With Racist Graffiti Won't Face Charges For False Report
Daily Wire The Kaepernick-Beyonce-Hillary Axis of Racial Lies
Daily Wire HOAX: Muslim College Student Who Said Trump Supporters Assaulted Her Lied
Daily Wire The Atlantic Claims Monday's Solar Eclipse Is Racist - Essayist professor says that the solar system has an "implicit bias" against African-Americans
mrc tv Student Alarms Campus by Mistaking Lab Equipment for a KKK Hood
Jewish World Review When the Suspect Is an Armed Black Man -- and the Cop Is Black
Town Hall Is Race Baiting Finished?
Fox News NAACP leader's racial profiling claim challenged after bodycam footage released
Louder With Crowder Democrat Official Accuses Cop of Racial Profiling, but Bodycam Footage Exposes What REALLY Happened
mrc tv Leftist Media Go Silent After Police Debunk Duke Player's 'Racism' Claims
American Thinker Alzheimer's disease found to be racist!
Louder With Crowder Black athletic director arrested after using AI to FAKE a recording of his principal going on a racist rant

Racism/Racist - Imagined Racism Because Racism Is So Important an Issue It Must Be Found Everywhere
Having a black President, a black attorney general and blacks in high positions is proof that blacks are oppressed in this country.
Colin Kaepernick believes that his being paid $144 million to play football is proof of opression of blacks.
Truth Revolt Officers' Actions in Dallas Prove They Care About Black Lives - The notion that black lives DON'T matter to police needs to be shuttered forever.
Truth Revolt Harvard Law's Crest Displays Bundles of Wheat and That's Racist - "I #ReclaimHarvardLaw because HLS perpetuates the white supremacist patriarchy and silence isn't neutral."
Truth Revolt Guardian: Correct Grammar is a Racist Power Imbalance - "We should spend more time listening to what others have to say, and less focusing on the grammar what they say it with."
Truth Revolt Horowitz: Anti-White Racism - The hate that dares not speak its name.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Stunning New Development!!! Media Calls Trump Racist - Proving to voters that elected Republicans are pathetic, impotent media suck-ups is, surprisingly, not hurting Trump.
Truth Revolt ESPN Speaker Apologizes for Saying America Does Not Oppress Blacks - "My eyes are wider open today than they’ve ever been as a result."
Truth Revolt Lil Wayne Shocks Entire Race-Baiting Panel: I Thought Racism was Over - Defends white cop who saved his life.
Truth Revolt Michigan School District Calls Historic 'Betsy Ross' Flag Symbol of Hate - Because patriotism is racist hate these days, don't ya know.
Truth Revolt Diversity Coalition Director: Trump Has 'Never Ever' Said Anything Racially Derogatory - "You cannot find anything out there in the land, on this planet, or this universe of him saying anything racially derogatory towards African-American people, period."
Truth Revolt SJW Alert: HuffPo Pens 'Open Letter to Tim Burton From a Black Fangirl' - Burton is just another "willfully ignorant Hollywood disappointment of a man with a boner for whiteness and Eurocentrism."
Truth Revolt Judge Throws Out Black Lives Matter Lawsuit Against Ferguson - The protesters "have completely failed to present any credible evidence that any of the actions taken by these individuals were taken with malice or were committed in bad faith."
Truth Revolt Lil Wayne: Rich Rappers Prove ‘Black Motherf***ers Matter These Days’ - "I am young, black, rich... My life> Truth Revolt Oxford: Students Who Don't Make Eye Contact Might Be Racist - Hey, my eyes are up here, you racist.
Truth Revolt Study: Majority of Minorities Don't Face Discrimination - "When you have three quarters of the sample saying ‘no,’ that's an interesting finding."
Truth Revolt Elder: The National Anthem - Do Facts Matter? - Time for some perspective.
Truth Revolt GQ: Man Rescuing Bunny From Wildfire Reveals Whites' Hatred for Blacks - "I can’t help juxtaposing...with the feelings...when black people are in grave danger."
Truth Revolt Prager: 10 Thoughts on the President and the 'S---hole Countries' - The left's descriptions of America and its white majority are at least as offensive, less true, and not made in private or semi-private conversations but in the open.
mrc tv BuzzFeed Apologizes for ‘Questions Black People Have for Black People’ Video
mrc tv New York Times Conducts Witch Hunt for 'Whitewashing' at the Movies
mrc tv United Church of Christ: White People are Racist ‘No Matter What’
mrc tv Black Lives Matter Activist Charged With 'Lynching' Will Spend 90 Days In Jail
mrc tv Bon Appetit Magazine Apologizes for Featuring a White Chef Cooking Pho
mrc tv NJ School Apologizes After Serving Fried Chicken During Black History Month
mrc tv After Robert Lee, Here Are a Few Other Racist Things ESPN Should Probably Avoid
mrc tv Now Even Ice Cream is Racist
mrc tv CA University Uses Tax Cash to Run 'White Privilege' Summer Workshops
Daily Wire The Buzzword of ‘Systemic Racism’ Is BS That Hurts Black People
Daily Wire Leftists Calling Hurricane Racist Now
Daily Wire WUT: College Student Explains Why Milk Is Racist
Daily Wire U.S. Olympic Speed Skater: Coin Tosses Are Racist
Jewish World Review Worse Than Racists
For News John Stossel: Why so many are 'taking the red pill' (and discovering the truth about the mainstream media) TMJ4-TV PETA: Cow's milk a symbol of white supremacy
mrc tv Seriously? Christian Cartoon ‘VeggieTales’ Deemed Racist, ‘Dangerous’ for Kids
mrc tv NOT THE ONION: Utilities Worker Fired For Flashing a 'White Power' Sign Says He Was Cracking His Knuckles
mrc tv Yes, Really: Texas Realtors Association To Drop the Term 'Master Bedroom' Over Slavery Ties
Federalist NYC Councilwoman Freaks Out Over White Man Holding Black Child: ‘It Hurts People’
Red State Mowing Your Yard Just Might Be Racist, America; Yep, It Might Be Time to ‘Decolonize Your Lawn’
Powerline "Multiracial Whiteness"
Louder With Crowder Did You Know Fat Phobia Is Rooted in Racism? Let This White Lady Explain
City Journal Show Us Your Systemic Racism, Princeton - The Department of Education calls the university’s bluff.
Rebel News Mathematics Association: Math is racist!
mrc tv Oregon Dept. of Ed Warns Of 'White Supremacy' In Math
mrc tv Off Tune: Oxford’s Music Department Considers Canceling Sheet Music Due to Its Connections to 'White Supremacy'
Federalist A Nation Primed To See Racism In Everything Will Think Only About Race - Americans are now trained to see racism everywhere, even where it doesn't exist.
PJ Media The Truth About 'Papa John' Schnatter Finally Comes Out
mrc tv According to Northwestern University Opinion Editor, White People Walking on Sidewalks is Now Racist
mrc tv Air, Yoga, and Teaching Law Are Now 'Racist'
American Thinker Bird names are now racist
American Thinker 'Tree Inequity' plaguing
mrc tv CNN Op-Ed Suggests Fonts Are Racist - When Used By the Wrong People
Louder With Crowder Woke Scholar Robin DiAngelo Makes Insane Claim: 'Comedy Is Just an Excuse to Be Racist'
American Thinker Yale's medical school contributes to the racist rot destroying America
Louder With Crowder Ibram X. Kendi Proves He’s an Idiot, Shares Article Disproving Systemic Racism
mrc tv Tree Planting So White? Bizarre Racism at Vice
mrc tv CNN: Outdoor Activities Are Steeped In Institutional Racism
rumble CNN Says ‘Outdoor Recreation’ Is Racist - and Here’s the Real Reason Why
mrc tv Professor Punished For Not Seeing Racism In Music Theory, Sues University
mrc tv Mental Gymnastics: The Root Somehow Brings Race into Depp-Heard Verdict
Campus Reform Dog names are racist, according to scholars
Louder With Crowder Watch: Drew Barrymore is being race shamed for frolicking in the rain. No, really. This is a thing today.
Town Hall Roads Are Racist
Louder With Crowder Democrat refuses to reimburse taxpayers for luxury flights, it's too dangerous for black women to fly coach
mrc tv Stupid People Alert! TikTok Moron Blames 'White People' for Her Obesity & Inability to Lose Weight
Louder With Crowder John Fetterman's wife says swimming is very racist. Really. Watch her say these words with her mouth.
mrc tv Tim Burton’s New Netflix Show Deemed ‘Racist’ For Casting Black Actors As Bullies
Blaze Disney closes iconic 33-year-old theme park ride that it now calls racist
Louder With Crowder Watch: English teacher claims teaching kids to talk and write good is white supremacy, so she refuses to
mrc tv Workouts and White Supremacy: Exercise History According to TIME
mrc tv California College Replaces The Word 'Field' Due To 'Racist' Undertones
Dan Bongino Show Tucker Carlson Exposes Buttigieg's Priorities Amid Latest Airport Chaos
mrc tv vVanderbilt Ed Prof Says College Math is ‘White,’ ‘Cisheteropatriarchal’
mrc tv Identity Obsessed Canadian Prof. Says 'Not Masking is Racist, Ableist & Classist'
Louder Witrh Crowder White college professor declares keeping a neat and tidy pantry is -- you guessed it -- racist AF
Louder Witrh Crowder Drinking coffee is the new thing that makes you raaaaacist and even Elon Musk is all like WTF
Not The Bee Here's a hilarious thread of 28 everyday things that have now been labeled racist
Ann Coulter Expel Them Again
Dan Bongino Show Buttigieg Argues Disparities in Traffic Deaths Are Caused by Racism
Louder With Crowder The new sign you might be a white supremacist dropped, and it's if you wake up early in the morning
Louder With Crowder Watch: Vegans of color unite against the scourge of white veganism for some reason
mrc tv 'Community Organizer' Claims End of Tax-Funded 'College Debt Relief' Is 'White Supremacist'
mrc tv MRCTV on the Street: MSNBC Claims Physical Fitness Leads To Far-Right Extremism - Do You Agree?
mrc tv The 'C' is for Censorship: CMT Removes Jason Aldean's 'Try That in a Small Town' Music Video Because...Racism?
mrc tv Kentucky Nurses Take Mandated Training: 'White Silence is Racist'
Louder With Crowder Now leftists are giving Toby Keith the Jason Aldean treatment over a 21-year-old song about beer and horses
mrc tv British Media: English Women's Soccer Team is Too White
Louder With Crowder Leading Medical School Claims Your Body Mass Index is Racist (Which We Guess Makes Being Fat "Equity")
Louder With Crowder LA Times Reports That Birds Are Racist. Yes, Birds.
Louder With Crowder Dozens Of Birds To Be Renamed In The Name Of Equity, Their Old Names Were Too "Exclusionary And Harmful" For 2023
Louder With Crowder Public School Hires Consultants To Instruct Teachers On Alleged ‘White Supremacy’ In Math
Louder With Crowder The New Racist Thing Dropped. Turns Out It's The Bubonic Plague!
Louder With Crowder Philadelphia Votes To Ban Ski Masks In Public, Then Gets Accused Of Criminalizing Black Men
Louder With Crowder Left-wing rag has discovered something new that's super racist and needs to be more "inclusive": crossword puzzles
Louder With Crowder Rep. Cori Bush Vows To End 'Race-Based Hair Discrimination'
Louder With Crowder Whites, Christians, And English-Speaking People Among Those Who Are Guilty Of Privilege, Per John Hopkins (Updated)
mrc tv Didn't You Know?! Whites Complimenting Blacks at the Work Place is Now a Racist 'Microaggression'
Louder With Crowder Leftists have a new target for their hate: Board Games! They “uphold colonial narratives”
Louder With Crowder Watch: Squad member attacks Walgreens, calls it racist for them to close stores instead of letting people rob from them
Louder With Crowder Watch: Admiral Rachel Levine celebrates Black History Month by declaring climate change raaaaacist
Louder With Crowder Good news: if you're a Seattle student who loves reading or writing, it makes you a “white supremacist” according to one teacher
mrc tv Lily Gladstone Screams Racism Over Chiefs' and 49ers' Team Names
Louder With Crowder Watch: Advil Declares Pain Is Racist, Vows To Put An End To (Check Notes) “Systemic Pain Bias”
mrc tvGeorge Mason Prof Claims Marriage Promotes 'White Supremacy'

Racism/Racist - Diversity Program Benefits
Truth Revolt Unsurprising Report: Diversity Policies Increasing Discrimination - "The most commonly used diversity programs do little to increase representation of minorities and women."
Truth Revolt Dartmouth's 'Seemingly Endless Diversity Initiatives' Failing Badly - "Diversity" is fast becoming the new segregation.
Truth Revolt Study Reveals White Preschoolers Believe They Can Grow Up to Be Black Adults - This proves more than a bit problematic...
Advice Goddess Um, Duh: Affirmative Action Is Setting Students Up For Failure
Narrative Collapse Was murderous Somali cop an Affirmative Action hire?
Spectator When diversity means uniformity
American Thinker The Diversity Delusion and the Pursuit of Mediocrity
YouTube Students Support Diversity Quotas...Until It Comes to Football
Louder With Crowder A "Cultural Awareness And Diversity" Teacher Resigns After Accused Of Writing Slur Near Student's Seating Chart Photo

Racism/Racist - Worse Than Ever? Or Nonexistant?
Truth Revolt ESPN's Smith to University Students: 'Racism Doesn’t Exist' For You - NOT what they were expecting to hear.

Racism/Racist - Democrat Privilege - Democrat Racism
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
American Thinker A Racial Reckoning for the Democrats
Daily Wire Trump Slams Democrats As Party Of Slavery, Jim Crow. He's Right.
Daily Wire Democrats Continue to Stoke Racial Flames, Cities Explode
Daily Wire Democrats Say They're Deeply Concerned About Trump's 'Racism' On Immigration. That's A Lie.
Daily Wire Bernie Calls Trump ‘Most Racist President In History.’ He Forgot About These 3 Guys.
Truth Revolt Vadum: Black Racism Goes Mainstream - A movement based on race-hatred gets the thumbs up from the government, the media and the culture-at-large.
Truth Revolt Top Pick for DNC Chair Wanted Separate Country for Blacks, but Trump is the Racist? - That’s liberal logic for you.
Truth Revolt Senate Dems Shamed for 'Soft Bigotry' as Nearly All Top Staffers Are White - Classic left-wing hypocrisy.
Truth Revolt 'White Genocide' Professor Refuses Apology After University Chastises Him - "I sent a satirical tweet about an imaginary concept, 'white genocide.'"
Truth Revolt Liberal Talking Point about African Americans’ Views on Crime Just Debunked - Shock! Black people are sick of being victimized.
Truth Revolt Black Farmer: Richard Spencer Not Calling Cops on Me, It’s White Hillary Supporters - "It's nervous White women in yoga pants with ‘I’m with Her’ and ‘Coexist’ stickers on their German SUVs."
Truth Revolt NYU Librarian ‘Fatigued’ by White People: ‘I am Suffering’ - "Race fatigue is a real physical, mental, and emotional condition that people of color experience after spending a considerable amount of time… in the presence of white people."
Truth Revolt Greenfield: One Easy Way Democrats Can Stop Neo-Nazis - Charlottesville is what happens when the Left empowers extremists.
Truth Revolt Prager U: The Inconvenient Truth About the Repubican Party - When you think of the Republican Party, what comes to mind?
Truth Revolt Elder: The Great S-hole Hypocrisy - Breaking news: Presidents curse.
patheos Democrats are the party of racism, and this bill proves it
mrc tv TRIGGERED: Liberals Lose It On Twitter When Miss USA Gives Conservative Answers on Healthcare and Feminism
mrc tv Planned Parenthood Suggests Latinos Are Too Stupid To Get Healthcare On Their Own
mrc tv Chuck Schumer Says He Won't Confirm a Trump Judicial Pick Because the Guy's White
YouTube The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
AmericanThinker California's Judicial Council racial sensitivity bureaucrats dress up as black convicts for office party
American Thinker Millennial Conservative Candace Owens Ignites Snowflake Meltdown Nationwide
American Thinker Media Matters vs. Blacks
Federalist Asian-Americans Are Finally Cluing Into The Racism Underlying Identity Politics
Federalist Asian Americans Are The Tipping Point For Rejecting Affirmative Action - Progressives refuse to address the disproportionate harm done to Asian students by affirmative action policies. But everyone else is waking up to it.
Louder With Crowder WATCH: #AbolishICE Protesters Celebrate Love, Call Black Officer ’N*****’
mrc tv Is CNN Supporting Antifa?
Louder with Crowder Ellen Pompeo Calls on White People to Do More to Stop Racism with Actual Racist Video
Daily Wire Kanye West Ignites Social Media With Just 3 Words
Federalist Are The Only Racists The NYT Isn’t Sympathetic To White Racists?
mrc tv Institutional Racism? $90 Million Lawsuit Filed Against NYC Dept. of Ed. For Discrimination Against White Employees
Louder With Crowder Dear Race-Baiting Leftists: Only Racists See Racism Everywhere
Daily Wire Reporter Confronts Residents About Trump’s Baltimore Comments. They Demolish The Left’s Narrative, Heckle Al Sharpton.
mrc tv Portland 'Anti-Fascists' Display Their Racism: Call Black Officers 'Race Traitor' & 'Coon'
Daily Wire WATCH: White Liberals Lecture Candace Owens On White Supremacy. She Leaves Them In Tatters.
Canada Free Press America’s Race Problems. An Outsider’s Perspective
American Thinker Just when you thought white virtue-signalers could not abase themselves more
Breitbart Nolte: Black Lives Literally Don’t Matter to Democrats
William Katz: Urgent Agenda Truth Breakthrough? Maybe
Zero Hedge Anonymous Berkeley Professor Shreds BLM Injustice Narrative; Berkeley Responds
Louder With Crowder Aunt Jemima's Great-Grandson Is OUTRAGED Over White Liberals Canceling Her Legacy
Just The News BET Founder says 'black people laugh at white people' toppling statues
Louder With Crowder Tim Scott Says Democrats Are STILL Sending Him Racist Death Threats
Jewish World Review 10 Takeaways from the Anti-Police Brutality Protests
YouTube Hollywood Doesn't Want WHITE DUDES Anymore, Say Movie Execs.
Louder With Crowder This Portland Police Officer Confirms What We Know: The Real Problem Is White Liberals
PJ Media A Black Portland Cop Says Rioters Are Racist. Leftists Immediately Confirm It.
Power Line More Evidence of the Racism of Leftists
Louder With Crowder What the Resignation of the Seattle Police Chief Tells Us About Liberal Activism
mrc tv Civil Rights Atty. Leo Terrell: 'Democrats Have Destroyed Cities Where Black People Live'
Louder With Crowder SNL Allows Racist Attack on the Black Republican Attorney General of Kentucky
mrc tv Black GOP Candidate Says She Was Left With a Concussion and Fractured Leg After Being Attacked At a Trump Rally
American Thinker Black Trump-supporter wearing 'Black voices for Trump' hat booted from Southwest Airlines flight after lowering his MAGA mask to eat peanuts
Louder With Crowder White Actress Attacks 50 Cent for Trump Report, Says Rapper Should Be Reminded 'That He Is a Black Person'
PJ Media Black Man at Brown University Forced Out of His Job by Rich, White Leftists
YouTube Ami Horowitz: How white liberals really view black voters
PJ Media Biden Admin Sends Message That Some Racism Is Okay With Dropped Yale Lawsuit
Louder With Crowder Lt Gov of North Carolina - Who's Black - Lights Into Media Comparing Him
Power Line Is Race Discrimination Legal, Or Not? [with comment by Paul]
Louder With Crowder Man Launches Anti-Asian Tirade Against Asian Cop, but Claims He's Not Being Racist
Louder With Crowder Hunter Biden Hearts Systemic Racism? POTUS' Son Texts N-Bombs to White Lawyer
Louder With Crowder CNN Tried Questioning a Conservative Congressman's Credentials as a Black Man. Big Mistake.
Louder With Crowder Woke Democrat Senator Busted for Membership at All-White Beach Club (in 2021), Gives Pathetic Excuse
YouTube Who Are the Racists?
YouTube The Left Wants to Keep Racism Alive
American Thinker More news about White hypocrites selling 'anti-racism'
Savage Takes Here’s What Happened To The UCLA Professor Who Refused To Give Black Students Easier Final Exams Than White Students
mrc tv ‘House Slave’: Left Treated Colin Powell Back Then The Same Way They Treat Elder, Scott Today
Louder With Crowder Watch: Joe Biden Praises Governor He Once Accused of Racism, But It's Ok Because They're Both Democrats
YouTube The Plantation: Then and Now
PJ Media New York Covid Testing and Treatment: White People Need Not Apply
mrc tv Buttigieg Implies 'Build Back Better' Hiring Under Biden Regime will Discriminate Based on Race & Gender
Louder With Crowder Congressman Demands Proof Liberals Hate Clarence Thomas, Gets Blunt Reality Check
mrc tv The View's Sunny Hostin Says 'Black Republican' Is an Oxymoron
Louder With Crowder Black Priest Driven From Church After White Progressive Woman Claims He Doesn't Understand Racism
mrc tv Stephen Miller's America First Legal to Sue Dick's Sporting Goods for Allegedly 'Discriminating Against Moms, Using Racial Quotas'
Louder With Crowder Ted Cruz Summarizes Democrat Issues With Hispanic Voters in Four Words: 'Democrats Are Openly Racist'
Ann Coulter Sorry I Murdered You With My ‘Hate Speech’
mrc tv NYC Health Dept. Blames 'Structural Racism' as Reason Black People Suffer During Heat Waves
American Thinker American Blacks and the Wawa mob in Philadelphia
Jewish World Review (Racist) Lunacy in LA LA Land
mrc tv 'We Did This': White Woman Claims 'White Supremacy' Killed Tyre Nichols, Not Black Officers on Bodycam Footage
Louder With Crowder Limiting Applicants To 200-Words Is "Racist" Claims Harvard's Student Newspaper
mrc tv Deck the Halls With Lots of Racism: Boston Mayor Throws No-Whites-Allowed Holiday Party
Louder With Crowder New York says "no white men allowed" when it comes to bidding on new airport contract

Racism/Racist - Black Privilege
American Thinker Conservative black icon Candace Owens's uncompromising video critique of George Floyd creates a firestorm
mrc tv New Black Panther Party 'Will Bear Arms' at RNC Protests
mrc tv Student Selling 'All White People Are Racist' Hoodies
mrc tv Police: Livestreamed Torture of White Man Does Not Appear to Be Racially Motivated
Truth Revolt ‘Progressive Racism’: Horowitz’s New Book Unveils Left’s Assault on MLK’s Dream and American Social Contract - The timing for the recent release of the book could not be more propitious.
Truth Revolt NBA's Barkley: 'Brainwashed' Blacks, Not Whites, Are Keeping Blacks Down - "For some reason we are brainwashed to think if you’re not a thug or an idiot, you’re not black enough."
Truth Revolt Farrakhan Speech: 'Jews Are My Enemy,' 'White Folks Are Going Down' - “Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out."
?YouTube Top 10 Most Racist People of 2016
Daily Wire RACISM: Shaun King Says He ‘Won’t Fight For Justice’ For Disabled White Teen Tortured In Chicago
Daily Wire Chicago Hate Crime Proves Once Again That CNN Is Hitler
YouTube Kaepernick, Jay Z and Al Sharpton Are Frauds
Prager University Blacks in Power Don't Empower Blacks
American Thinker How to Fail Today's Starbucks Racial Sensitivity Training
American Thinker The Anti-Profiling Movement Is Killing Black Pedestrians
American Thinker Let's Talk about Black Privilege
mrc tv Wisc. Lt. Gov: 'We Don't Need an Investigation' To Know Jacob Blake's Shooting Was a Racist Crime
PJ Media Lori Lightfoot's Racist Policy Is a Terrifying Omen For America's Future
Louder With Crowder Chicago Mayor Sets Rules for Who Interviews Her: No White Reporters
Ann Coulter Fight Racism: Lock Up Criminals, Even Black One

Racism/Racist - White Privilege
Mises Institute White "Privilege" Has Nothing on State Privilege
Truth Revolt Prager: ‘White Privilege’: Part II in a Series of Widely Held Beliefs That Are Either Untrue or Meaningless - The political goal is to ensure that blacks continue to view America as racist.
Truth Revolt Flesh Colored Band-Aids are White Privilege, Says Race Survey - Clear people have it made!
American Thinker Multiculti education guru denounces showing up on time, hard work, and clear language as part of white oppression
IN Defense Of Our Nation Understanding the Deeper Methodologies Driving White Privilege Education.
Louder With Crowder Teachers Win $2 Million Discrimination Lawsuit After Being Demoted Because They Are White

Racism/Racist - I Feel Black - Racial Identity Theft - Cultural Appropriation
Truth Revolt Sharpton Questions Motives of Dolezal's Parents - "Where you been, mom and dad?"
Truth Revolt Exposed White NAACP Leader Steps Down - "[T]his is not about me. It's about justice."
Truth Revolt LISTEN: Rachel Dolezal Wanted To Boycott White Actors Playing Black African Roles - You can't make this stuff up.
Truth Revolt White NAACP Pretender Once Sued a Black University for Discrimination - Claimed Howard U. was "permeated with discriminatory intimidation, ridicule, and insult."
Truth Revolt Dolezal Also Plagiarized an 1840 Slave Ship Painting - AND made up her college major in art
Truth Revolt Dolezal: Pretending To Be Black Was About 'Survival' - Hopes her story will impact "core of definitions of race, ethnicity..."
Truth Revolt Rachel Dolezal Claimed Racist Marines Tried to Assassinate Her Fictional Black Father Three Times
Truth Revolt More Progressive Identity Theft: Top 'Cherokee Intellectual' Not Actually Cherokee - We have our new Elizabeth Warren.
Truth Revolt Fake Indian Prof Doubles Down on Critics - For this progressive professor, identity is fluid and the truth is whatever she feels it is.
Truth Revolt Is Key 'Black Lives Matter' Figure Pretending to be Black? - Meet Mr. Rachel Dolezal
Truth Revolt Yep, Shaun King is Definitely White, Says Family - "[M]y life, my past, my pain, my family, ARE VERY REAL TO ME."
mrc tv Black Students at Cornell Protest a Pro-Black Protest Led by White Students
mrc tv White African-American History Prof. Allegedly Admits to Pretending to be Black for Years
mrc tv White University Dean Resigns After Being Accused of Lying About Native American Ancestry

Racism/Racist - liberal racism - black racism = Hatred of Whites
black people don’t have the institutional power to be racist or to deploy racism - Lamont Hill
Truth Revolt Black Professor: 'Whiteness Is Terror' - "Stop whiteness once and for all."
Truth Revolt GREENFIELD: America's Black Racist Hypocrisy - There will be no progress until black leaders stop making excuses and start disowning black racists.
Truth Revolt GREENFIELD: Pulling Down the Slaver Flags of Islam and Africa - A few other things to ban besides the Confederate flag
Truth Revolt Greenfield: It's Time to Call Out Black Racism - If we remain silent, the racist left wins.
Truth Revolt Race Baiter: White Women Sporting Black Hairstyles 'Offensive' - Kill Afrowhitey!
Truth Revolt Black Republican Calls on Obama to Denounce #BlackLivesMatter - "In fact all black leaders need to denounce that movement..."
Truth Revolt Prager: The Left Sees Only White Evil - There is a lot of blood on the left’s hands. And there will be more.
Truth Revolt University Dean: Police Stopped Me for 'Walking While Black' - Courteous, routine safety check ... but RACISM!
Truth Revolt Sinking to New Depths: MSNBC Panelist Calls Carson 'Safe Negro' - Because they used the term "Uncle Tom" too many times in that segment already.
Truth Revolt 'Racist,' 'Anti-Woman' Conservatives Elect Black Woman as KY Lt. Governor - The FIRST to be elected to a statewide position.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Who's Burning Black Churches? Oh. - Another liberal narrative burned to a crisp.
Truth Revolt Suspect Behind Racist Threats at University Identified as... Black Activist - We're shocked, shocked.
Truth Revolt Oscar Voter to Academy President: 'Are You Saying I'm Racist?' - I am a gay man and my father is a Latino immigrant. Please explain to me how denying me my right to vote makes the Oscar nominees more diverse?
Truth Revolt Conservative Oscar-Winner Denounces Hollywood Brats Crying Racism - "Look to the next awards show for recognition - if you deserve it."
Truth Revolt Nashville BLM Barred From Meeting at Library Over BLM-Racism - BLM excludes whites from its meetings.
Truth Revolt We're Shocked, Shocked: NY College Students Charged in Hate Crime Hoax - "It was a racial crime. They were calling us [N-word] and all this stuff."
Truth Revolt Malkin: Who's Burning Black Churches? Oh. - Another liberal narrative burned to a crisp.
Truth Revolt Sharpton to Kelly: 'Calm Down,' Stop Reporting Facts About Ferguson - The "DoG" has no idea what it's talking about!
Truth Revolt The Smithsonian Celebrates an America-Hating Farrakhan Racist - "The Negro is going to take what he deserves from the white man."
Truth Revolt Jury: Black Superintendent Discriminated Against White-Owned Company - And awarded a $2.3 million judgement against the school district.
Truth Revolt Texas Most Wanted List Filled with 'White' Fugitives Who Aren't White At All - The George Zimmerman Effect?
Truth Revolt CNN Guest: Cops Shoot Black People For Sport - "You’re the one fomenting violence."
Truth Revolt Black Lives Matter Arrives in Israel to Protest 'Genocide' of Palestinians - "The Movement for Black Lives is committed to the global shared struggle of oppressed people."
Truth Revolt Confirmed: Black Lives Matter Anti-American, Marxist, Racist Organization - Duh! But it’s nice to have it in writing.
Truth Revolt WaPo Publishes Disgusting Racist Diatribe by Black ‘Poet’ - If the races were reversed, they’d never do that. Truth Revolt Brother of Black Man Shot by Black Cop: ‘All White People are F***ing Devils’ - You can quote him on that!
Truth Revolt Watch Jesse Jackson Prove Himself a Clueless Race-Baiter - Neil Cavuto takes the reverend to task.
Truth Revolt Whites, Blacks React Very Differently to Black Lives/All Lives Matter Signs - One group uses words, the other uses violence.
Truth Revolt Sheriff Clark Blasts ‘Jigaboo’ Marc Lamont Hill Over ‘Mediocre Negroes’ Comment - Shots fired on Twitter.
Truth Revolt Mother Kicked Out of ‘Multicultural Playgroup’ Because She’s Caucasian - Diversity: where every type of person is accepted but one.
Truth Revolt 'Black Lives Matter' Bans Whites from Attending Philly Event - The 'City of Brotherly Love' disproves its nickname once again.
Truth Revolt 'It's OK to be White' Signs Shine Light on Campus Bias - It is shameful that anyone would use these posters to promote a racist agenda.
Truth Revolt Another Race Hoax: Black Cadet Responsible for Writing Slurs at Air Force Academy - Surprise, surprise, surprise!
Truth Revolt Elder: Black-on-Black Racism at Cornell - The black immigrant culture rejects the victicrat mentality embraced by so many American blacks.
American Thinker The Democrats' Dilemma, Destroying a Remarkable Black Man
American Thinker Leftists Use Black Lives Matter to Exploit Blacks, Again
National Review Professor: White People Are Conditioned to Commit Mass Murder Like in Charleston
mrc tv Asian Woman in 'Safe Space' Shouted Down for Saying Blacks Can Be Racist
mrc tv South African Students Protest Tuition by Vandalizing School with ‘F--- White People’
mrc tv Portland Professor Wants a 'World Without Whiteness'
mrc tv Azealia Banks Doubles Down on Saying Sarah Palin ‘Needs’ to be Raped in Twitter Meltdown
mrc tv PAC Tells White Men Not to Run for Office
mrc tv Christian Black Woman: 'Black Lives Matter Is A Cult'
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: New Black Panther Party Wants to Make America Segregated Again
mrc tv BLM Protest: 'White People to the Back! Black People to the Front!'
mrc tv NAACP-Charlotte Leader Takes Racist Stance in Wake of Shooting
mrc tv DNC: Straight White Biological Males Need Not Apply for Tech Jobs
YouTube "Racist" Facts White People Daren't Talk About
Legal Insurrection #BlackLivesMatter Toronto Gets Police Ousted From Future Gay Pride Parades
Daily Wire Racist CNN Host: Impossible For Black People To Be Racist
Daily Wire Black Woman TEARS Into the Black Lives Matter Movement: 'ALL Lives Matter, Not Just Black Lives
Daily Wire Rush Limbaugh: Under First Black President, Rioting Is The New Normal
Daily Wire Shapiro Dismantles Michael Eric Dyson On Racism
Daily Wire RACISM: CNN’s Marc Lamont Hill Calls Open-To-Trump Blacks ‘Mediocre Negroes’
Daily Wire New 'Racism Simulator' Changes the Word 'White' to 'Black' in MSM Stories -- With Hilarious Results
Daily Wire RACISM IN ACTION: Schumer: I Won't Vote For This Judge Because He's White
Louder With Crowder Christian Black Woman Gives EPIC Rant Against #BlackLivesMatter Racism
Planck's Constant Thousands of Blacks are Murdered Each Year But Not By Cops and Not By Whites
ABCV News Hate graffiti spray-painted on wall and in yards
Daily Wire Smithsonian Black History Museum Cuts Out Clarence Thomas
cns news Smithsonian on Why Clarence Thomas is Not in New African American Museum: ‘We Cannot Tell Every Story’
Project Veritas Top Democratic Donor at Ross Fundraiser: Blacks Are "Seriously F***ed in The Head"
Real Cler Politics Former Sanders Spokeswoman: "We Don't Need White People Leading The Democratic Party"
Down Tren Unbelievable: Students Are Getting Bonus SAT Points For Being Black Or Hispanic
Louder With Crowder Music Festival Charges Higher Ticket Prices for White People
Post Millennial ANDY? NO: Antifa harass Asian man for looking like Andy Ngo
mrc tv HUH? Leftist Keith Olbermann Bizarrely Calls Trump a 'Whiny Little Kunta Kinte'
Louder With Crowder Hollywood Actress Loses It as Black Woman Testifies Against Ketanji Brown Jackson: 'Self-Hating Disgrace'
Louder With Crowder CBS Sued Over Allegations Of Anti-White Racial Discrimination In Hiring Process

Racism/Racist - race baiting hypocritical liberals _ Hypocrisy
Truth Revolt Van Jones Wants Media to Use "White Racist Terrorist" as Easily as "Muslim Terrorist" - Would this be the same media that cannot bring themselves to use the term "Muslim terrorist"?
Louder With Crowder The NAACP Chairman who called Florida unsafe for Black Americans? Three guesses where he lives

Racism/Racist - Democrat - liberal
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
democrat - the party that pretends to care
National Review Blacks Lose Ground under Obama
Gateway Pundit This Day in History ... Republicans Pass Anti-KKK Act - Outlawing Democratic Terrorist Groups
google search: racist democrat quotes
Free Repubic Top Racist Democrat Quotes
Media Trackers 6 Horribly Racist Comments from Obama Administration Officials, Top Democrats
Town Hall 25 Examples of Liberal Racism in Quotes
Yahoo! Voices The Democrat Plantation: Top Racist Quotes by Notable Left Wingers
Complex Pop Culture Left-Wing Knockouts: When Democrats Get Racist
Live Leak Top Racist Democrat Quotes
gather Racist Democrat Quotes, History, and Why Elite Democrats Need Racism to Win
Huffington Post The Democratic Party's Two-Facedness of Race Relations
Personal Liberty Digest Tolerance: EBONY Editor Attacks Black Conservatives And Anyone Else With Whom She Disagrees
Dennis Prager Who’s Racist?
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Why Democrats Call You Racist
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: Racial Racket Ball
Truth Revolt Sowell: The Cliche of America's 'Legacy of Slavery' - "A good catch phrase could stop thinking for fifty years."
Truth Revolt Police: 'Anti-White' Attack Not Racially Motivated - Say attack originally listed as "anti-white" on police report not a hate crime
Truth Revolt Klavan: Why Some Whites Have Become Allies of #BlackLivesMatter - #WhiteAllies
Truth Revolt Black Reporter Calls Out Sanders Supporters for Racism - White Bernie supporter to black reporter: "You need to be better informed on the needs of Black people."
Town Hall Do Blacks and the Left Really Believe This?
Tea Party Black Professor Says Mia Love’s Success Due To White Privilege
mrc tv Native Americans Who Oppose Redskins Name Change Give Supporters Taste of Own Medicine Tell the Mayor and City Council of Buffalo, New York, and Berkshire Hathaway, owner of Buffalo News, to change the racist titles of the municipality and the news outlets, respectively, to no longer include the word "Buffalo."
American Thinker Liberals blame slack black national park attendance on white racism
Daily Wire Leftists Distribute '10 Ways You Can Actively Reject Your White Privilege' List. I Actively Reject Their Stupidity.

Racism/Racist - Cops Shooting Black Criminals
Truth Revolt White St. Louis Officers Shoot & Kill Black Teen Who Aimed Handgun at Them - Point a gun at police, expect to get shot. Just FYI.
Truth Revolt WaPo Report: Vast Majority of Police Shootings Justified - This won't make the Black Lives Matter crowd happy.
Truth Revolt Teen Gang Member Points Gun at Cop, Protesters Target Police for Firing Back - What is their expectation in this scenario?
Truth Revolt A Dozen Charlotte Cops Injured in Protests After Black Cop Shoots Black Man - "Stop Killing Us"
mrc tv New Study: Police 20% Less Likely To Shoot Black Suspect
Daily Wire 8 Things You Need To Know About The Charlotte Shooting

Racism/Racist - Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman
American Thinker Zimmerman's Pointless Trial
American Thinker Fake Outrage in the Martin/Zimmerman Case
American Thinker Honor Trayvon by Ending the Black Genocide
Independent Journal Review In 513 Days Between Trayvon Shooting and Zimmerman Verdict, 11,106 Blacks Murdered by OTHER BLACKS
Biz Pac Review Coulter: Media, Obama needed Zimmerman as ‘sacrificial lamb’
Biz Pac Review Hey Sharpton, focus on this 17-year-old dead black child, not Trayvon
Right Scoop "I blacked out for about a minute" - Wisconsin man beaten by a dozen black teens over Trayvon Martin
Breitbart Obama Continues Racial Zimmerman Narrative While Hispanics Targeted
National Review Online The Post-Zimmerman Poison Pill
Atlas Shrugs The Truth about Trayvon
Freedom Outpost Trayvon Martin’s Involvement In Local Burglaries Covered Up By Media, School, Police, Prosecutors
Freedom Outpost So You Think You Know The Truth About George Zimmerman?
The Blaze ‘We Should Be Ashamed of Ourselves That Our Media is Convicting This Man’: Ted Nugent Speaks on Trayvon Martin, Whitney Houston
Power Line Obama, Trayvon Martin and the Democrats’ Race-Baiting

Racism/Racist - Michael Brown - Eric Garner
Daily Wire The Left Is Celebrating Michael Brown Again. Here Are 7 Things You Need To Know.
Truth Revolt FLASHBACK: The Myth of Ferguson and the Gentle Giant
Truth Revolt FLASHBACK: Ferguson and the Real Race War
Young Conservatives I am begging you to watch Bill Whittle’s take on Michael Brown and Ferguson
Truth Revolt Ben Shapiro: Debunking The Myth of Michael Brown, Gentle Giant
Truth Revolt SHAPIRO: Feelingstown, Missouri
Truth Revolt Shapiro Challenges Author Who Defended Ferguson Riots
Truth Revolt Giuliani: Michael Brown Case Should Not Have Gone to Grand Jury
Truth Revolt Ben Shapiro: Katy Perry, Cher and Macklemore All Lie About Ferguson
Truth Revolt SHAPIRO: The Real Racist Conspiracy In Ferguson
Top Right News Ted Nugent’s Blunt Response To the Ferguson Riots Has Liberals FURIOUS
Chris Hernandez, Author Ferguson, Idiot Cops, and Experts Who Know Nothing at All
PJ Media Eric Garner Sealed His Own Fate

Racism/Racist - Black Lives Matter, which is why they need to kill all cops - War On Police - War On Cops
I will keep loving him, because to me he ain’t do no wrong. He just shot a cop. - Stephanie King, friend of cop killer Najee Harmon
Affluent Investor Warning: Micro-Aggressive Statement To Follow
Truth Revolt It's Time to Designate Black Lives Matter a Terrorist Organization - Inciting a war against police is terrorism.
Truth Revolt Video Reveals a Violent Underside to 'Black Lives Matter' - "Avenge my death by any means necessary!"
Truth Revolt Hasselbeck: Black Lives Matter A 'Hate Group' - "They should do it."
Truth Revolt Scarborough: Cable News Ginning Up 'War on Cops' - "The focus on cops and sort of this 24/7 rush to just basically paint all cops with the same brush has led to this sort of anger."
Truth Revolt Black Lives Matter Leader Defends 'Pigs in a Blanket' Chant at Minnesota State Fair
Truth Revolt Black Lives Matter Radio Host Calls for Race War & Cop-Killing - "It’s open season on killing whites and police officers."
Truth Revolt Officer Surrounded, Choked, Punched by Angry Anti-Coppers - "We need to start killing these officers."
Truth Revolt FLASHBACK: In '92, Al Sharpton Screamed About 'Offing Pigs' and 'Crackers' - Crackers and pigs is NOT one of his favorite dishes. It's his racist heritage.
Truth Revolt First Black Miss Alabama: Dallas Cop-Killer a 'Martyr' - Crazy in Alabama
Truth Revolt Black Lives Matter Organizer Rejects BBQ Invitation From Police: 'I Eat Pigs, I Don't Eat With Them' - But let's continue honoring these haters at major political conventions (wink).
PJ Media Life Coach Jaxi West: Texas Cop Killing ‘Is What Justice Looks Like’
mrc tv Black Lives Matter DC Bashes Peaceful Wichita BBQ Between BLM and WPD
mrc tv Charlotte Police Chief: 'We Did Not Find a Book' After Scott Shooting
Louder With Crowder Police Officers Asked to Leave Starbucks After Customer Complains About Their Presence
Louder With Crowder Her Brother Was an Officer Killed in the Riots, and She Wants to Know: Did His Black Life Matter?

Racism/Racist - Asian Lives Matter - Asian Lives Don't Matter
Truth Revolt Asian-American Students Make New Demands at Cornell - Move over, Black Lives Matter.
American Thinker What the left ignores in all these anti-Asian hate crimes
Steadfast And Loyal Cindy Bass, a councilwoman from Philadelphia’s 8th District, has deemed bulletproof glass RACIST! She has filed a bill which could make store owners remove their bulletproof Plexiglas in certain areas of town.

Racism/Racist - Black Lives Matter - unless killed by lions in Africa
Truth Revolt Zimbabwean: 'We Don't Cry for Lions' - "One lion fewer to menace families like mine."

Racism/Racist - black on black crime - Black Lives Don't Matter - Black Lives Matter (The Klan With A Tan) - Black Thugs Matter - Black Lies Matter (Facts Don't Matter) (Blood Libel) - Black Lies Muttered - White Lives Don't Matter
It's amazing how black lives don't seem to matter when they are taken by black lives. - Bill Maher
between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2012 4,472 black men were killed by other black men. During that time, 112 black men were kill by police.
black-on-black crime is a myth - BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors
When anyone tells you "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" you should respond with "Pants Up, Don't Loot."
USA Crime Statistics - 2015
02% Blacks killed by whites
01% Blacks killed by police
03% Whites killed by police
16% Whites killed by whites
81% Whites killed by blacks
97% Blacks killed by blacks
Louder With Crowder CNN's Don Lemon Lectures Terry Crews: Black Lives Matter Doesn't Mean All Black Lives Matter
Jewish World Review Ignorance of Facts Fuels the Anti-Cop 'Movement'
Hillsdale College Imprimis - The Danger of the "Black Lives Matter" Movement
mrc tv Flashback: Ben Shapiro Smashes the Racism and 'Black Lives Matter' Narrative
akdart Black Mobs, Black Hate Crimes, and Black Racism
Yahoo! News High School Girl Taunted, Beaten At Bus Stop For Acting ‘Too Much Like A White Person’
National Review Online ‘There’s No Such Thing as Black-on-Black Crime’
Truth Revolt Baltimore Rioters Burn Down House & Medical Equipment of Severely Disabled Child - Apparently only SOME black lives matter
Truth Revolt A National Tragedy and a Partisan Response - How the president is exploiting the suffering of nine innocent victims of a racial assault to attack his country and launch a political campaign.
Truth Revolt Philadelphia, Detroit Suffer Mass Shootings Over the Weekend - National media? Crickets.
Truth Revolt ESPN's Smith: All Lives DO Matter - "I am fully aware of the fact that no one white can say what I’m about to say. But damn it, I’m going to say it!"
Truth Revolt Lilley: O'Malley Learns Democrat Activists Don't Believe All Lives Matter - Remember when the left told us we shouldn't judge people by their skin color?
Truth Revolt WATCH: Black Mom Destroys 'Black Lives Matter' for Ignoring Black-On-Black Crime Epidemic - NSFW language alert
Truth Revolt Black Minister Rips Black Lives Matter Movement - "When you look inside them, there is nothing there."
Truth Revolt Video: #BlackLivesDontMatter to Media -- or to Many Black Activists - The slogan has become degraded by its own activists.
Truth Revolt 'Black Lives Matter' Leader Defends Looting While Lecturing at Yale - Is the looter really acting selfishly?
Truth Revolt NFL's Richard Sherman: BLM Must Address Black-on-Black Crime - "Dealt with a best friend getting killed … it was two 35-year-old black men. Wasn’t no police officer involved, wasn't anybody else involved, and I didn't hear anybody shouting 'black lives matter' then..."
Truth Revolt Sowell on #BLM Movement: 'I'm Afraid No Lives Really Matter to Them' - "Logic doesn't mean much to them."
Truth Revolt While Mom Is Out Clubbing, 8-Year-Old Kills Toddler - Woman's attorney doesn't believe she is responsible.
Truth Revolt College #BlackLivesMatter Protests Turning Aggressive: 'F*** You, Filthy Whites' - Making "filthy white b****" cry, pushing, shoving, and storming the library.
Truth Revolt Mizzou Protesters Feel Dissed by Paris Terrorist Attacks - "Racist white people kill me, you want everyone to have sympathy for YOUR tragedy, but you have none for ours."
Truth Revolt Student Who Criticized Black Lives Matter Becomes a Target - On college campuses, not all free speech matters.
Truth Revolt Black Lives Matter Protesters Hurl Racist Abuse at Black Cop - Strong language alert.
Truth Revolt Black Student Who Threatened to Kill 'White Devils' Allowed Back on Campus - Guaranteed they would not do that if the roles were reversed.
Truth Revolt BLM Activist and City Council Candidate Charged With Theft in Baltimore - This is after he was charged with attempting to incite a riot over Freddie Gray...
Truth Revolt 120+ People Shot in Chicago Already in 2016 - Mostly due to "chronic gang conflicts."
Truth Revolt Report: Data Shows Black Lives Threatened by Violent Criminals in Own Community Not Police - But facts never matter to the Left.
Truth Revolt Black Lives Matter Co-Founder: 'All Lives Matter' is a Racial Slur - "What it’s gonna take to dismantle white supremacy is white folks actually gotta give up something."
Truth Revolt Judge: Black Lives Don’t Matter to Black People with Guns - A 'sad fact' in his courtroom.
Truth Revolt Award-Winning News Anchor Fired for Lamenting Black-on-Black Murders - Apparently the rule is never speak the truth in public.
Truth Revolt Police Shootings in Chicago Are Down This Year - Meanwhile, the murder rate in the city is up.
Truth Revolt Anti-Cop Left Making Crime Worse, Proving They Don't Care About Black Lives - "Will the anti-cop Left please figure out what it wants?"
Truth Revolt Police Union Leader: Black Lives Matter a 'Terrorist Organization’ - "I don’t see Black Lives Matter as a voice for the black community in Minneapolis."
Truth Revolt Baltimore: Son Shoots Dad at Murdered Brother's Memorial Service - Another day in crime-ridden Baltimore.
Truth Revolt Watch: Ferguson Native Puts Black Lives Matter, Al Sharpton to Shame - They are protesting for thugs, not the little boys and girls killed all the time in these communities.
Truth Revolt Three Black Men Shot Live on Camera, Black Lives Matter Ignores - To them, the only black lives that matter are the very few that are shot by police.
Truth Revolt Shocker: Black Lives Matter Comes Out in Defense of Castro - "Although no leader is without their flaws, we must push back against the rhetoric of the right and come to the defense of El Comandante."
Truth Revolt Pastor to Black Lives Matter: 'Stop Blaming Police' - " I am in far more danger from people of my own race than from any White police."
Truth Revolt Malkin: A New Victim in the War on Small-Biz Bakeries - It is time for real justice to prevail over truth-sabotaging, violence-stoking, thug-coddling social justice.
Truth Revolt Black Lives Matter Protest in Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People' - Nonstop language alert. NONSTOP.
Truth Revolt Rudy Giuliani: Black Lives Matter is 'Inherently Racist
Truth Revolt Four Dead, 39 Wounded in Deadly Chicago Weekend
mrc tv Reality Check: Which Black Lives Matter? No Rolling Mainstream Media Coverage Of Two OTHER Mass Shootings - 19 injured, including children, 1 dead Why You Shouldn’t Feel "White Guilt" Over the Charleston Shooting - There is no violent white hate crime spree targeting blacks
mrc tv Ben Carson Tells Harlem Black Lives Matter Activists Are 'Creating Strife'
mrc tv Petition Calls for SFSU to 'Remove' Bonita Tindle from Campus Due to 'Racism'
mrc tv Black Lives Matter's Activist Charged With 'Lynching'
mrc tv No Riots After Black Teens Shoot a Black Good Samaritan
mrc tv All You Need to Know About the Charlotte Riots
mrc tv Charlotte Police Chief: 'We Did Not Find a Book' After Scott Shooting
mrc tv Keith Scott Reportedly Had Stolen Gun, Temporary Restraining Order, Arrest Record
Jewish World Review Black Serial Killer: Why the Media Indifference?
Jewish World Review When the Suspect Is an Armed Black Man -- and the Cop Is Black
Daily Wire Some Black Lives Matter Activists Want To Abolish The Police. Here’s What Would Happen Next.
Daily Wire 7 Statistics You Need To Know About Black-On-Black Crime
National Review Black Lives Matter Puts Feelings First, Evidence Last
YouTube Trey Gowdy utterly demolishes Black Lives Matter & ethnic studies professor
Bill Whittle Black Lives Matter Kells People
American Thinker These black lives don’t matter, as far as the national media are concerned
Occidental Dissent Berkeley: White Lives Literally Don’t Matter
American Thinker Meanwhile, back in the 'hoods, everyday murder and violence continue
American Thinker Black lives in Chicago don't much matter to Maxine Waters
Ann Coulter Who Really Cares About Dead Kids?
Ann Coulter Apparently, Not All Black Lives Matter

Racism/Racist - Baltimore - Black Lives Matter (The Klan With A Tan) - Black Thugs Matter - Black Lies Matter (Facts Don't Matter) (Blood Libel) - Black Lies Muttered
American Thinker Now Baltimore activists want the police back

Racism/Racist - Milwaukee - Black Lives Matter (The Klan With A Tan) - Black Thugs Matter - Black Lies Matter (Facts Don't Matter) (Blood Libel) - Black Lies Muttered
Daily Wire Milwaukee: Police Reveal Officer Is Black, Shooting Justified; Riots Continue
Daily Wire 7 Things You Need To Know About The Milwaukee Riots
Daily Wire Watch As Rioter Tells Reporter: 'Rich People, They Got All This Money... Don't Give Us None'
Truth Revolt On-The-Ground Reporter Leaves Milwaukee: Not Safe for Whites - "I will no longer cover what is happening here."
mrc tv Reality Check: Because Torching Buildings and Looting Stores Helps
mrc tv Milwaukee Sheriff Blames Failed ‘Progressive Policies,’ Absent Fathers for Violent Protests
mrc tv MUST WATCH: Milwaukee Man Speaks Truth About the Riots
Daily Wire Why Doesn't It Matter to Rioters Whether Cops Are Black?
Daily Wire Why Are The Media Downplaying Milwaukee Riots?
Daily Wire Milwaukee: Police Reveal Officer Is Black, Shooting Justified; Riots Continue
Daily Wire Milwaukee In Flames: The Left Achieves Another Victory
Canada Free Press F-bombing anti-Trump Black Lives Matter agitator: "We need to start killing people" including President Trump
unz review The Great Replacement: Milwaukee

Racism/Racist - Black Thugs Lives Matter - black on white crime - blacks killing whites - Black Lives Matter, others lives, not so much - knockout game
American Thinker Panic in Pittsburgh: Media Struggling to Ignore Black Mob Violence
American Thinker Cops Fired For Telling the Truth about Black Violence
American Thinker Black Guns Are Easy to See. Black People, Not So Much
American Thinker Sympathy for the Devil... But None for White Victims of Violence
American Thinker Reporters Sleep as 60 Black People Rob a BART Train in Oakland
The Week Why isn't the media covering the killing of an unarmed white youth by a black police officer?
Violence Againsst Whites
New Nation News Black-on-White Crime
Town Hall Blacks Can Murder Whites, and It Won’t Make National News
American Free Press Media Covers Up Black Hate Crimes Against Whites
Kevin Jackson If Obama had another brother, this racist would be him
google search "4 people stabbed on Amtrak train in Michigan" About 2,990,000 results (0.29 seconds)
google search "4 people stabbed on Amtrak train in Michigan black" About 138,000 results (0.94 seconds)
Proof of media non-bias: a black man attacks 4 people with a knife. NO protests to ban knife ownership. There are 3 million more hits that DON'T mention the race of the attacker than do mention the race of the attacker.
Detroit News Man charged with attempted murder in Amtrak attack
Liberty News Now Do White Lives Matter?
Truth Revolt Mob of Black Teens Attacks White Family, Media Silent - "Get that white!" -- not considered a hate crime
Truth Revolt Black Panther Shabazz to Charleston: Finish the Mission of Killing Slave Masters - Yeah, that'll help.
Truth Revolt Another Black Mob Attacks White Family, Not a Hate Crime - Chicagoland
Truth Revolt Malkin: Straight Outta Whitewash - Heckuva job, Hollywood!
Truth Revolt SHOCK: 76-Year-Old Woman Sucker Punched, Robbed Inside Church - Two black suspects sought
Truth Revolt Here are the 'Racist Comments' That Caused WDBJ Shooter to Kill - Thanks, liberalism.
Truth Revolt Don Lemon: Yes, WDBJ Shooter Was Insane -- and Racist - "Flanagan killed the two young people because they were white."
Truth Revolt Black Kentucky Judge Keeps Dismissing White Jurors - "The concern is that the panel is not representative of the community."
Truth Revolt 'This is for Malcolm X, Cracka': Second Anti-White Attack in Brooklyn in One Week - Ah, yes, the knockout game has not gone away.
Truth Revolt Black Lives Matter Teens Knock Out, Rob Marine Corps Vet - Do veteran lives matter?
Truth Revolt No Hate Crime Charges for BLM Teens Who Allegedly Assaulted Marine - "They targeted me because of my skin color."
Truth Revolt Second Marine Attacked in D.C.: Knocked Out, Robbed, Left for Dead - On the SAME DAY that another Marine was knocked out and robbed by BLM activists.
Truth Revolt Judge Rules Punching Woman, Yelling 'I Hate White People' Not a Hate Crime - " evidence either way what the offender meant..."
Truth Revolt Parents, Sick Baby Blocked from Hospital by BLM Protestors - The ambulence had to go 25 minutes out of the way to get the sick baby to medical treatment.
Truth Revolt Black Teen on Probation Slaps 5-Year-Old Girl on School Bus - Where’s the outrage?
Truth Revolt 'Kill White People' Graffiti Vandalizes Florida Homes, Pro-Trump Signs - "It makes me sad."
Truth Revolt WATCH: Man Attacked by Mob for Wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ Hat - Jabro was there to support what he assumed would be a peaceful demonstration and to bridge the political gap through a show of solidarity.
Jewish World Review Not News: Unarmed White Teen Killed by Cop; Two White Cops Killed by Blacks
The American Dream The Knockout Game Is Just A Preview Of The Chaos That Is Coming To The Streets Of America
Daily Wire Men Chanting 'Black Lives Matter' Beat Up Seven White Males
Daily Wire Flash Mob of Black Teens Assault Whites, Media Silent On If It's A Hate Crime.
Louder With Crowder College Football Star Says He Raped Woman As Payback for ‘400 Years of Slavery’...
New York Post Bus driver allegedly does nothing while black teens attack white schoolgirls
Daily Caller ‘I Hate White People!’: Shocking Train Attack in NYC
mrc tv 'This Is Not Okay!': Black Woman Blasts BLM Protesters For Defending Her Alleged Attacker

Racism/Racist - Black Cops Killing Black Suspects Is White Racism
Jewish World Review Racializing the Death of a Black Man by the Police, Part I

Racism/Racist - white cops vs. black suspects
Truth Revolt Viral Selfie Proves 'Black Man' & 'Blue Police Officer' Can Get Along - "He was doing his job, and I had made a mistake."
Truth Revolt What Happens When a Black Man 'Wearing Hoodie and Strapped' Gets Pulled Over - "Maybe ... just maybe ... that notion is bunk."
Truth Revolt Chris Rock: What to Do When Pulled Over by the Police - WARNING: Language alert.
Truth Revolt Evidence: No Racial Bias Found in Police Shootings - In fact, white suspects were more likely to be shot by police than blacks.
Independent Journal Kids Were Waiting For Their Parents to Come Home. Instead of A Hello, They Hear the Doorbell Ring...
Daily Wire 5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks
Fox 61 Man’s Facebook post about traffic stop goes viral

Racism/Racist - whites killing blacks
Truth Revolt Coulter: There's a Reason We Hear Mostly About White Micro-Aggressions - White-on-black violence is freakishly rare everywhere in America, except liberal imaginations.

Racism/Racist - Brown Lives
Ann Coulter Hey! Where’d All the “Browns” Go?

Racism/Racist - humor
YouTube Racist Club Grows Membership Through Diversity Hires!
YouTube When Wokes and Racists Actually Agree on Everything
YouTube Racists Make A Comeback With All New Ways To Be Racist!
Louder with Crowder Cop Calls LeBron James for Policing Advice, Shows What an Idiot LeBron Is
The People's Cube BLM Police-Free Zone signs available!
Unverified Source KKK, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists Rally To Protest Incorrect Use Of The Word "Racist"
Babylon Bee Outrage After Obama Outed As White Supremacist
Babylon Bee Crest Introduces New More Socially Conscious Tooth Blackening Paste
Babylon Bee Man Horrified As Kids Give Him Noose For Father's Day
Babylon Bee Powerful: LeBron James Pulls Over To Lecture Homeless Man On His White Privilege
Babylon Bee Redskins Change Name To 'Lizard People' To Better Represent Population Of Washington, D.C.
Glorious American Kaepernick Suffers More Oppression As Private Jet Arrives With Cloth Interior
Babylon Bee 10 Signs You Might Be A Secret Racist
Miss Liberty When Wokes and Racists Actually Agree on Everything
Sacramento Brie Study: City finds crosswalks are 50% racist
Glorious American Portland Pet Adoption Centers Demand Citizens Exchange White Pets For More Inclusive Black Pets
Sacramento Brie Academics call for ban on white supremacist Indo-European languages
Glorious American Despite Pressure, Local Business Owner Refuses To Release Statement On Black Lives Matter
Louder With Crowder Comedian Exposes What Liberals Really 'Teach' Your Kids with Critical Race Theory
Babylon Bee Public School Student Can't Read But Is Already Racist At A 12th-Grade Level
Babylon Bee Asians Asked To Be Less Successful To Stop Ruining Racial Narrative
People's Cube Word 'Racism' is Getting Worn Out, Caution Experts
Babylon Bee KKK Disbands As Progressive Left Accomplishing All Their Goals
Glorious American Disney’s Indiana Jones Remake Features Black Man’s Improbable Quest To Get I.D.
Babylon Bee Scientists Warn That Within 6 Months Humanity Will Run Out Of Things To Call Racist

Radio Free Market

Rape - Rape Culture - War on Women
Women who don’t wear a headscarf are asking to be raped. - popular sticker where Muslims live
a British Muslim male is 170 time more likely to rape a women than and any other group of males.
in one British location, 6 other Muslim males either knew about, or were part of, a rape gang.
enslaving the families of the infidels and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Sharia, or Islamic law.
A Muslim is instructed to marry four women and beat his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34)
Gun free zones have worked so well to stop killings that we need to legislate rape free zones to stop rapes. - Cynical Pessimist
If progressive / liberal / leftists were really concerned with rape culture they would do something about the Muslim countries where a female rape victim needs four male witnesses to be allowed to bring charges in court and a woman who allows herself to be raped can be put to death for the crime of being raped.
Muslim men are taught that women are second-class citizens, little more than chattels or possessions over whom they have absolute authority
Islamic culture demands the subhuman treatment and sexual degradation of non-Muslim women and children
Christian girls are only meant for one thing, the sexual pleasure of Muslim men.
Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the community’s mentality it is not even a crime. Muslims regard them as spoils of war.
Muslim rapists tell their victims that it was all right for them to be passed around for sex with dozens of men ‘because it’s what we do in our country.
Muslim rapists tell their victims that being raped by devout Muslim men makes them Muslims.
The dehumanization of non-Muslims is Islamic so that even non-practicing Muslims-such as drunk and/or homosexual Muslims-are conditioned to look down upon Christian "infidels," deeming it their right to use and abuse them at will.
Rape - Rape Culture - links
Ann Coulter Actually, Our Culture Is Better
NCFIRE North Carolina for Immigration Reform and Enforcement - tracking illegal immigrants raping American citizens
Faith Freedom Why Muslim Rapists Prefer Blondes: A History
akdart Islam vs Women
Steyn Online Mark Steyn: This youth movement has women covered
Islam and Women
Radical Islam Women's Rights
Islam Watch Islam is a creed of apartheid, with women being its worst victim...
No Compromise When You're Right Oh goody, I can rape as long as I say my prayers! Iran's "Half-brained" View of Women
Escape From An Arab Marriage Horror Stories of Women Who Feld From Abusive Muslim Husbands.
Yahoo! News Saudi Woman Beheaded for 'Witchcraft'
Yahoo! News Taliban-style edict for women spreads alarm in Afghan district
Yahoo! News Jihadists stone Syria woman to death for 'adultery': NGO
Yahoo! News Women stoned to death in Syria for adultery
L.A.Weekly Lara Logan, CBS Reporter and Warzone 'It Girl,' Raped Repeatedly Amid Egypt Celebration
The Local Young woman beaten for being a 'bad Muslim' Muslim Woman Seeks to Revitalize the Institution of Sex-Slavery
Family Security Matters Women under Sharia Law:
The Telegraph Anger as Iran bans women from universities
Atlas Shrugs Muslim kidnaps estranged wife, tortures her with razor blade for refusing to convert to Islam
Yahoo! Shine Iranian Politician Deemed Too Pretty to Hold Office
American Overlook Islamic Country Forces 8-Year Old to Marry, Dies from Sex Injuries
Freedom Outpost California Muslim Hader Nasim: Run Over My Pregnant Wife and Park on Her Head to Make Sure She’s Dead
Mail Online Widow is gang-raped as 'punishment' for having an affair with a married man in Indonesia - and now she will be caned in public under Sharia law
Truth Revolt ISIS Fighters Raping 'Thousands' of Women to Populate New Caliphate
Truth Revolt Islamic State Brags About Selling Yazidi Girls As Sex Slaves - "One should remember that enslaving the families of the [nonbelievers] and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of Islamic law."
Truth Revolt Women in Iran Attacked with Acid for 'Bad Hijab'
Truth Revolt Report: ISIS Executes 19 Women for Refusing Sex
Truth Revolt Female Muslim Activist Exposes Honor Killing Problem, Labeled Propagandist - "Islamophobia industry exploits the weakness of white liberal guilt."
Truth Revolt Report: Austrian Jihadi Bride Beaten to Death by ISIS - We couldn't see this coming.
Truth Revolt Dalia Mogahed: Mainstreaming Islamic Oppression - Sharia advocate goes on the Daily Show to explain why Islamic oppression of women is, hey, really cool.
Truth Revolt No Joke: Finnish TV Spot Teaches Women How Not to Get Raped By Migrants - If this is how women are being taught to protect themselves, Europe is done.
Truth Revolt Saudi Arabia Police Demand Female Puppet Wear Veil
Truth Revolt Palestinian Imam Instructs How to Hit Your Wife - "This hitting is a kind of reminder that the love and friendship that Allah commanded, is still found between us."
Truth Revolt Pakistani Clerics Denounce Law Protecting Women From Sex Abuse as 'Un-Islamic' - Pray tell, liberals, what does Islam stand for again?
Truth Revolt More Sexual Assault Sprees Carried Out by Migrants Reported at Austrian Wine Festival - "The women reported that the men held them and grabbed between their legs."
Truth Revolt Professor So Triggered by Male's Paper, She Couldn't Distinguish Him from Her Rapist - It's time to put the grading pen down.
IJReview How Justice is Served in Even ‘Moderate’ Muslim Nations: Woman Beheaded in Broad Daylight While Police Watch
Allen B. West What Islamic militants did to this 9-yr-old girl solidifies my hate for them
Z News Watch: A scene at ISIS slave market; '$500' for green-eyed girl
American Thinker Female US hostage was repeatedly raped by ISIS leader while in captivity
American Thinker Muslim Women Must Be Emancipated
American Thinker As seen on Gaza TV: Tips on how to beat your wife
Gatestone Institute Sweden: Rape Capital of the West
Gatestone Institute Germany: Migrants' Rape Epidemic
Daniel Pipes - Middle East Forum Saudis Import Slaves to America
Mirror Teenage girl accused of 'premarital sex' with fiancé stoned to death by Taliban in sickening footage
American Thinker Woman falsely accused of burning Koran ripped apart by Afghan mob
The Guardia Egypt's women-only taxi service promises protection from male drivers
Fox 5 News Afghan woman has nose cut off by husband
Truth Revolt Coulter: Trump Opponents Take Nuanced View of Child Rape - Is Trump the only rich man in America who cares about rape?
Think Progress Elizabeth Smart: Abstinence Education Teaches Rape Victims They’re Worthless, Dirty, And Filthy
AP Left alone with a sex offender, a teacher is raped
Monster Hunter Nation The Naive Idiocy of Teaching Rapists Not To Rape
The Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Rape
Bayou Renaissance Man "Education for rapists" - don't believe the bull!
Gay Patriot Feminist Rants About "Rape Culture" Aren’t Really About Rape
Vox Popoli Anti-racism fosters rape, child abuse
Legal Insurrection Don’t let liberal feminist "rape culture" theory get in the way of stopping rapes
National Review Online 1,400 English Girls Raped by Multiculturalism - Political correctness kept authorities silent and whistleblowers ignored for a decade.
National Review Online An Ivy League Lynch Mob - A mattress witch hunt against "rape culture" says due process is just a "liberal paradigm" of justice.
Daily Camera Wes Morriston: No rape culture in department
Truth Revolt SHAPIRO: To The Left, Lying About Rape Is Just Dandy
Truth Revolt Gavin McInnes: The College Rape Myth that Won't Die
Truth Revolt Coulter: One In Five People Who Write For Rolling Stone Are Morons
Truth Revolt Malkin: Feminist Fabricator Lena Dunham Rides Again - Blame the messenger. Wallow in self-pity. Collect awards. Repeat.
Truth Revolt UVA Fraternity Files $25M Defamation Suit Against Rolling Stone - "Rolling Stone published the article with reckless disregard for the truth."
Truth Revolt Joy Behar: I'd Vote For A Rapist... So Long As They're Liberal - Refreshingly feminist
Truth Revolt Escaped ISIS Sex Slaves Speak About Horrific Torture, Rape - "I'd preferred to be killed by shelling than be captured by ISIS."
Truth Revolt In Swiss Schools, Students Shake Teachers' Hands Out of Respect; Muslims Now Exempt - Compromise, not assimilation.
Ann Coulter The College Rape Club
Shots In The Dark In the End, It’s All About Rape Culture-or the Lack Thereof
YouTube Real Rape vs "Rape Culture" (Featuring Lena Dunham!)
mrc tv Planned Parenthood Clinic Ignored Multiple Rapes of Same 14-Year-Old, Ala. Heath Dept. Reports
mrc tv ISIS Clerics Issue Fatwa #64: The 'Do's And 'Don't's Of Raping Female Captives
mrc tv ISIS Buying Viagra, ‘Kinky Underwear,’ and 1-9 Yr Old Slave Girls to Perform ‘Brutal, Abnormal Sex Acts’
mrc tv Video: German Mayor Downplays Migrant Violence: 'Don't Provoke Them'
mrc tv Not-So-Shocking Study Finds Refugee Crime In Germany Is Skyrocketing
YouTube Ann Coulter: Illustration of hoaxes, epidemic of false rape claims, and false statistics
The College Fix Lawsuit forces university to drop rape charge against student, but threats to other innocents loom
Breitbart Male Students: Do Not Go to Consent Classes
American Thinker Islam, rape, and the fate of Western women
American Thinker Islam and Rape: Joined at the Hip
American Thinker Sex: The Only Thing 'Infidel' Women Are Worth
InfoWars Facebook Censors Story About ‘Refugee’ Raping Swedish Woman
New York Times ISIS Enshrines a Theology of Rape - Claiming the Quran’s support, the Islamic State codifies sex slavery in conquered regions of Iraq and Syria and uses the practice as a recruiting tool.
The Telegraph ‘Imams promote grooming rings’, Muslim leader claims - The Oxford grooming ring was promoted by imams who encourage followers to think white women deserve to be "punished", an Islamic leader has claimed.
Raymond Ibrahim The Muslim Man’s Sexual "Rights" Over Non-Muslim Women
Raymond Ibrahim Pakistan: "Christian Girls Are Only Meant for the Pleasure of Muslim Men"
Raymond Ibrahim The Islamic Rape and Murder of Christian Boys
RT News ‘Survival of fittest’: Children sexually assaulted at EU’s official refugee camps
CBN News 'Easy Meat.' Britain's Muslim Rape Gang Cover-Up
Terror Scoop Norway: Muslim father rapes his daughter as punishment for being ‘too Westernised’
Mad World News Syrian Refugees Open Hookah Shop, Cops Discover Sick ‘Secret’ In Basement
Power Line Allahu Akbar!
Jews News Female muslim Professor Says It’s OK To Rape Girls To Humiliate Them
PJ Media UK Newspaper Whitewashes Religious Affiliation of Rotherham Muslim Grooming Gang
Daily Wire Young Mother Who Killed Her Rapist, Dragged Body Through Street Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison
Voice Of Europe Study: 83% of rapes in Denmark are committed by migrants or their descendants

Rape - Liberal/Democrat Support For Rape, Pedophilia, and Other Sex Crimes
Federalist New York Times Sympathizes With Adults Who Pursue Sex With 13-Year-Old Girls
Washington Examiner The Obamas and Susan Rice are silent on Netflix's Cuties
Federalist Michelle Obama Is Complicit In Netflix Child Porn Film ‘Cuties’
American Thinker Muslim Rape and Willful Blindness
mrc tv Parents Demand Loudoun County School Board Resign After Child Abuse Allegations Surface
Louder With Crowder Teen Girl RAPED at School by DUDE in a Skirt…But Cops Arrest HER DAD?
Louder With Crowder Watch: Father at Center of Loudoun County Rape Blasts Biden Admin 'Weaponzing' DOJ Against Parents
rumble Loudoun County Schools Won't Release Report on Sexual Assault Investigations
Louder With Crowder Judge in Loudoun County Rape Case Reverses Course, Won’t Make Rapist Register as a Sex Offender
Ann Coulter “Ohio Man” Rapes 10-Year-old
mrc tv Ex-Prisoner ‘Shaking With Fear’ Over Transgender Females In Women’s Prison
mrc tv 20-Year-Old Given 176 Days In County Jail For Raping Two Little Girls
mrc tv Crime Against Humanity: Winslow Cites CTE, Demands Reduced Rape Sentence
mrc tv The Internet Agrees: This Might Be the Babylon Bee's Greatest Headline Yet

Rape - How To Stop Rapes (the liberal way)
Truth Revolt Austrian Police to Distribute 6,000 Rape Alarms for New Years - "It’s a national campaign aimed primarily at women"
Truth Revolt Maryland Wants 7th Grade Boys to Know They’re Rapists If Consent Isn’t Constantly Given - Why not? California is already doing it.

Rape - Rape Hoaxes - War On Men
Louder With Crowder EXPOSED: Top 5 Rape Hoaxes of All Time!
Louder With Crowder rape hoaxes
Louder With Crowder Rape Culture? Woman Fakes Rape, Kidnapping to Con Boyfriend ...
Red State UVA Rape Hoax a Year Later: Innocents Smeared, Lawsuits, and a Missing Reporter
Truth Revolt NOW Ignores Confirmed Rape Hoax, Calls Student 'Sexual Assault Survivor' Anyway - Facts be damned.
Truth Revolt Malkin: The Northwestern University Rape Outbreak That Wasn't - Neeeeever miiiiind.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Rape Fakers Must Pay a Higher Price - Make them pay. Big time.
mrc tv We Created 'Rape Culture.' Now We Get To Live With It.
Federalist BUSTED: Jury Finds Rolling Stone Liable For Defamation ‘With Malice’ For Publishing Rape Hoax
Daily Wire 9 Things You Need To Know About The 'Campus Rape Epidemic' Myth
Daily Wire She Lied About Being Raped. Now The Men She Accused Are Suing Her.
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Yes, Women Lie About Rape, All The Fucking Time
Daily Wire She Claimed He Raped Her In A Public Place Yet No One Heard. An Appellate Judge Just Saved His Life.
Daily Wire NBC Smears AG Barr, Book About Campus Sexual Assault
Daily Wire She Verbally Consented To Sex But The School Determined He Committed Sexual Assault Because He ‘Cajoled’ Her With Flattery
Daily Wire She Claimed He Raped Her. A Medical Examination Showed No Sex. He Was Expelled And Is Suing Her For Defamation.

Rape - support for the rape of infidel women and children
Breitbart Pamela Geller: Twin Falls Newspaper Editor Calls Reporting on 5-Year-Old Rape Victim ‘Fairy Tales’
Daily Wire Muslim Refugee Raped A Boy, Said It Wasn’t A Crime Because It’s ‘Culturally Acceptable’ In Homeland
Truth Revolt Afghan Refugees in Sweden Gang Rape Woman for Three Hours on Facebook Live - This, your open borders.
100 Percent Fed Up Why Female Muslim Professor Says It’s OK To Rape Non-Muslim Women [Video]
Geller Report ‘Clothes are the reason’: Muslim Brotherhood leader justifies RAPE of little girls
Conservative Tribune Muslim Lawyer Says Raping Women Can Be Patriotic, Now He’s the One Dodging Rape
Neon Nettle Pedophile Who Raped Girl Spared Jail: My Religion Doesn't Condemn Child Sex
Sultan Knish Muslim Migration and Rape Statistics in Europe
Bare Naked Islam "It’s NOT rape in Islam because ‘captured’ women become ‘your property'"

Rape liberal definition of rape - assault
Truth Revolt This Week in Progressive Lunacy: Calling Your Daughter Princess Supports Rape Culture - Shut up, already.
Truth Revolt University to Treat Neck Rubs as Sexual Assault - Another University loses the plot completely.
mrc tv Goucher College Bans 'Unwelcome Flirtation' as 'Sexual Harassment'
mrc tv ‘Mattress Girl’ Breaks into Pornography, Accuses Viewers of 'Participating' in Rape

Rape - Muslim Rape Culture feminists, leftists, Barack Hussein Obama and United States Government Support For Rape
Truth Revolt Malkin: 'Bacha Bazi': Obama's Silence on Afghan Military's Child Rape - This is the price the innocents pay for blind multiculturalism.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Welcome to Wealthy Middle Eastern Thug Privilege - Celebrate diversity!
Truth Revolt German Teachers 'Racist' For Warning Female Students to Avoid Refugee Men Lest They Be Raped - Protecting young girls from rape is racist.
Truth Revolt Norway Teaching Muslim Immigrants Not To Rape - "We have to help them adapt to their new culture."
Truth Revolt European Feminists Divert Attention from Migrant Issue in New Year's Eve Sex Assaults - "German-born men also harass and rape."
Truth Revolt German Interior Minister: Right-Wing Chat Rooms 'At Least as Awful' as Arab Sex Assaults - "A completely new dimension of crime."
Truth Revolt Sweden Dealing with its Own Apparent Coverup of Mass Sexual Assaults - "We need to deal with such a serious problem."
Truth Revolt Prager: Multiculturalism Trumps Protecting Women from Rape - In the competition between multiculturalism and one of the most elementary instincts and obligations of higher civilization, higher civilization lost.
Truth Revolt Number of Reported New Years Eve Attacks in Cologne Now Tops 500 - "Nobody can tell me that this was not coordinated or prepared."
Truth Revolt German Imam: 'Half-Naked,' Perfumed Cologne Rape Victims Had it Coming - Where are the feminists now?
Truth Revolt Danish Girl Faces Charges For Fighting Off Rapist - Meanwhile, crime continues to skyrocket among Europe's refugee populations.
Truth Revolt European Left Honors Rape Victims - Unless The Rapist Is a Refugee - The victim was a 72-year-old pensioner. Her attacker will NOT be deported.
Truth Revolt German Journalists Under Orders to Report 'To Ms. Merkel's Liking' - "Today, one is not allowed to say anything negative about the refugees."
Truth Revolt German Authorities Knew Migrants Were Groping Young Girls as Early as 2013 - Yet they still allowed even more migrants entry.
Truth Revolt 'Unprecedented' Crime Wave in Cologne: Muslim Suspects Outrank Germans 70 to 3 - An "overwhelming majority" is an understatement.
Truth Revolt Norwegian Politician Raped by Migrant, Then Wonders if Attacker Should Be Deported - "I look at him as a product of an unjust world."
Truth Revolt Sweden: Wheelchair-Bound Woman Raped by Six Migrants - "This was going on for a couple of hours"
Truth Revolt Condell: Women, Defend Yourselves - "You need to wake up, and you need to do it now."
Truth Revolt Migrant Rapes Rise By 90 Percent In Bavaria - Criminal migrants on one side, female victims on the other - guess which side the German media took?
Breitbart CLAIM: ‘No Borders’ Activist Gang Raped By Migrants, Pressured Into Silence To Not ‘Damage Cause’
Breitbart Europe’s Rape Epidemic: Western Women Will Be Sacrificed At The Altar Of Mass Migration
Patriot Update Muslim Immigrants Viciously Raping Women & Children at Refugee Camps [Video]
InfoWars Report: Muslim Migrants Raping Women & Children at German Refugee Camp - Women allegedly forced into prostitution
D.C.Clothesline SHOCKING Document: Muslim ‘migrants’ raping women and children in camps in Germany
WND Muslim raping of women epidemic in refugee camps - Christians fear Islamic retribution
International Business Times Iraq: Yazidi girls 'raped in public' and sold to Isis fighters before release
WND 5-year-old Christian boy cut in half by ISIS - 'This little boy, he was called Andrew'
American Thinker Muslim Sacralized Rape and Feminized Sweden
American Thinker Europe finally waking up to the reality of Islamic sexual predation?
American Thinker Obama Tells a Rape Victim a Gun Won't Protect Her
American Thinker With the Muslim invasion of America comes rape
The Muslim Issue Norway deports record number of Muslims to reduce crime
The Muslim Issue Muslim got Swedish citizenship and immediately raped a woman because he ‘could no longer be deported’
The Muslim Issue Norway deports record number of immigrants - and already see falling crime rates
The Muslim Issue Sweden: 5% Muslim pop. commit nearly 77.6% of all rape crimes in Sweden
The Guardian Cologne attacks: mayor lambasted for telling women to keep men at arm's length
mrc tv Sexual Assault by Migrants Running Rampant in Europe
mrc tv ISIS Clerics Issue Fatwa #64: The 'Do's And 'Don't's Of Raping Female Captives
mrc tv Migrant Gangs Sexually Assault German Women...Again!
YouTube The Rape of Europe
YouTube Sweden Being Raped To Death By Muslim Migrants
YouTube How Feminists React to Rape
Front Page Mag Merkel Must Face Trial for War Crimes
cns news Multiculturalism Run Amuck at Georgetown: What’s Wrong with Slavery and Rape?
Daiy Mail 'Strict Muslim' raped four women at knifepoint to 'punish them for being on the streets at night'
Voice Of Europe European girls in Vienna are wearing headscarves to avoid assaults by male muslim migrants
Voice Of Europe Migrants banned from Finnish schools and daycare centers after multiple child rape cases

Rape - Liberal / Feminist Rape Culture
There is a rape culture, but it isn't on campus. It is where ever liberals and Democrats gather, in politics and the entertaiment industry. - Cynical Pessimist
Breitbart EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton Sex Assault Accusers To Anti-Trump Women’s Marchers: ‘Shame On All Of You’
Louder With Crowder Dear NBC: You’ve Been Protecting Sex Abusers for Too Long...

Rape - humor
The People's Cube Annual European Muslim Rape Capital Awards 2016
Babylon Bee Sea Level Rises Hundreds Of Feet Due To Sweat From Celebrities Waiting To Be Outed As Perverts
Babylon Bee Responding To Backlash, Netflix Clarifies Its Content Is 'Mostly Pedophilia-Free'

Rational Review libertarian web journal
Rational Review J. Neil Schulman

Real Clear Politics news, opinion, commentary ...

Reality Check (videos) from MRC TV - Brittany Hughes
mrc tv Reality Check: No, People, the Olympic Games Aren't Sexist
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mrc tv Reality Check: The Government Can't 'Fix' Black Men
mrc tv Reality Check: So Here's What 'Oppression' Means
mrc tv Reality Check: Here Are the FACTS on Illegal Immigration
mrc tv Reality Check: So Minorities Actually LIKE Voter I.D. Laws
mrc tv Reality Check: The Feds Want to Tax Our SODAS Now
mrc tv Reality Check: The Feds Just Spent $2M On a Broccoli Farm
mrc tv Reality Check: Hey Liberals, Abortion Kills More Than Guns
mrc tv Reality Check: That Time a Gun Store Derailed a Terrorist
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mrc tv Reality Check: We Take Down Obama's 'Immigration' Policy
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mrc tv Reality Check: Because Torching Buildings and Looting Stores Helps
mrc tv Reality Check: Here Are the Victims Of All That ‘Compassionate’ Amnesty
mrc tv Reality Check: When Obama Can't Blame Terrorism On Guns
mrc tv Reality Check: While Liberals Deny Fraud, Zombies and Aliens Vote in VA
mrc tv Reality Check: Obamacare's Tanking, Just Like the President Planned
mrc tv Reality Check: The Media Have LOST the Right to Call the Trump Camp Racists
mrc tv Reality Check: It's Time To Call Out the Media On This 'Fake News' Crap
mrc tv Reality Check: CNN Thinks Obama's Legacy is Awesome. Let's Destroy That.
mrc tv Reality Check: Special Snowflakes are Hilarious, Until They Aren't
mrc tv Reality Check: John Kerry's Flat-Out WRONG On Israel
mrc tv Reality Check: No, Russia Didn't 'Hack' Our Election
mrc tv Reality Check: Goodbye, Obama, and Good Riddance
mrc tv Reality Check: 'Nasty Women' Don't Speak For Me
mrc tv Reality Check: Trump, Refugees, and the Crazy Liberal Freakout
mrc tv Reality Check: Anti-Cop Morons 'Twerk' On a Cop Car, Because Racism?
mrc tv Reality Check: No, Tomi, You Cannot Be Pro-Choice and Conservative
mrc tv Reality Check: If You Think the American Flag is Too 'Political,' You Suck
mrc tv Reality Check: Berkeley Socialists Riot for Their Slice of Poverty Pie
mrc tv Reality Check: Obamacare Is Now Killing Planned Parenthood
mrc tv Reality Check: Apparently You’re Sexist, Even If You Vote For a Woman
mrc tv Reality Check: Turns Out CNN Is Even More Pathetic Than We Thought
mrc tv Reality Check: So Guess How Many People Are Still Uninsured, Post-Obamacare?
mrc tv Reality Check: Democrat Faces Fraud Charges and Tries to Flee the Country, So Where's the Outrage? Reality Check
mrc tv Hate Nazis, But Love Black Lives Matter? Yeah, You're a Hypocrite
mrc tv This Isn’t About Statues, It’s About the Left’s Need To Be Offended
mrc tv Reality Check: Hurricanes Aren’t Soapboxes For Your Political Opinions, You Morons
mrc tv We Swore We Would Never Forget 9/11. But We Did.
mrc tv Hillary Clinton Needs a Major Reality Check. Let’s Give Her One.
mrc tv Michelle O Says Women Who Voted Against Hillary Betrayed Themselves. What Sexist Bullcrap.
mrc tv Antifa’s Pushing a ‘Deface Columbus Day,’ Because It’s Too Hard To Learn History
mrc tv If Your Kid Goes As Moana For Halloween, You’re a Racist! - Reality Check
mrc tv Gun Control Activists Claim Praying Is Pointless. They Don’t Know My God.
mrc tv USA Today’s ‘Chainsaw Bayonet’ Is Exactly Why Gun Owners Don’t Take Gun Grabbers Seriously
mrc tv We Don’t Have a Men Problem, We Have a Morality Problem - Reality Check
mrc tv Turns Out the Trump-Russia Probe Might Be an FBI Hit Job. Surprised? Where Have You Been?
mrc tv SURPRISE! Donald Trump Didn’t Destroy the World in 2017 – In Fact, It’s Better
mrc tv Chicago Shooting Deaths Outnumber Military Casualties 18 to 1, and the Left Couldn’t Care Less
mrc tv Dear Oprah Winfrey: There’s No Such Thing As ‘Your Truth’
mrc tv Liberals Care More About Illegal Aliens Than Our Military, and They OWNED This Shutdown
mrc tv Liberal Lawmakers Don’t Just Hate Trump. They Hate America, and They Just Proved It.
mrc tv Democrats Want to Force Tide to Change Its Pods So People Won’t Eat Them - Because Government!
mrc tv CNN Gushes Over North Koreans Who Torture People to Death. But Yeah, Trump’s a Dictator
mrc tv If You’re For Banning Guns To Save Kids But Still Support Abortion, You’re a Liar
mrc tv The Left Is Exploiting Traumatized Teens To Push an Anti-Gun Agenda, and It’s Sick
mrc tv While Europe Lectures America on Guns, London’s Murder Rate Is Topping NYC’s...Because of STABBINGS
mrc tv The Left Really Cares About Mass Shootings...Unless The Shooter's an Iranian Vegan
mrc tv Forget Guns - London’s Now Pushing ‘Knife Control.’ This Is Not a Joke.
mrc tv Two Black Men Arrested In Starbucks? OUTRAGE! Two Cops Shot Inside a Diner? Silence.
mrc tv Dear Sane People: Stop Apologizing To the Liberal Lynch Mob
mrc tv A White Girl Wore a Chinese Dress To Prom - and If That Bothers You, Suck It Up
mrc tv The Left’s Silence On Eric Schneiderman Is Deafening - and Wildly Hypocritical
mrc tv HYPOCRISY: ‘Anti-NRA’ Hollywood Gives a Standing O to a Film About Shooting Kids and Mutilating Their Bodies
mrc tv No, Trump Isn’t ‘Losing’ Immigrant Kids Or Ripping Apart Families. Here Are the FACTS.
mrc tv The Left Whines About Racism and Bigotry While Calling People Monkeys and C*nts
mrc tv California’s Regulating How Often People Can Flush Their Toilets - Welcome to Life on Liberalism
mrc tv Screw Everyday Americans - Bill Maher’s Rooting For a Recession To ‘Get Rid Of Trump’
mrc tv So Liberals Suddenly Care About Children...Just Not America's
mrc tv Only 1 In 4 Liberals Say They’re Extremely Proud to Be Americans, So...Why Are They Still Here?
mrc tv Evicted Anti-ICE Protesters Left Behind Dirty Needles, Feces, and A WALL
mrc tv This One Illegal Alien Inmate Has Cost Taxpayers $1 MILLION In Medical Bills
mrc tv CNN’s Jim Acosta Can’t Figure Out Why Trump Voters Hate the Media. HERE’S WHY.
mrc tv ‘White Privilege’ Didn’t Just Kill 11 People in Chicago - LIBERAL POLICIES DID
mrc tv Liberals Claim ‘Toxic Masculinity' Killed Mollie Tibbetts
mrc tv Liberals: Don’t Call All Illegal Aliens Murderers! Also Liberals: All NRA Members Are Murderers!
mrc tv Protesters Topple a Confederate Statue In the Laziest ‘Anti-Racism’ Campaign Ever
mrc tv Democrats Aren’t Seeking Justice - They’re Stalling, and Republicans Are Falling For It
mrc tv Liberals Who Mocked Mike Pence For His Values Are Mad Over Kavanaugh Drinking Beer
mrc tv If You’re a Woman Who Supported Kavanaugh, You’re a Self-Hating Slave To Your Husband...or Something?
mrc tv If You Storm Our Border and Assault Our Agents, You’re Not An Immigrant - You’re An INVADER
mrc tv HILLARY 2.0: The Left Is Already Blaming ‘Misogyny’ If Elizabeth Warren Isn’t Elected President
mrc tv FACT: More People In the U.S. Are Killed By Criminal Aliens Each Year Than Are Shot to Death With AR-15s
mrc tv The Media’s Spreading Fake News About Trump and Smearing Catholic Kids - So Have We Had Enough Yet?
mrc tv NY’s Barbaric New Late-Term Abortion Law Isn’t About Women - It’s About Money
mrc tv Yes, Immigrants SHOULD Assimilate Into American Culture - Why? Because It’s Better
mrc tv Eight Illegal Alien Families Are Suing U.S. Taxpayers For $48 MILLION Over Border Detention Policies
mrc tv The Jussie Smollett Story Looks Like Another Fake ‘Hate Crime’ - and the Media Keep Peddling Them
mc tv The Media Fawned Over Jussie Smollett, But Ignored a 1-Year-Old Chicago Boy Shot in the Head
mrc tv Two Trans ‘Girls’ Just Dominated Connecticut’s Women’s Track and Field, Because 'Equality'
mrc tv Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says America’s Current Condition Is 'Garbage’
mrc tv While Dems ‘Resisted,' Police Say an Illegal Alien Arrested 10 TIMES Stabbed a Woman to Death
mrc tv The Left Hypes Mosque Massacre, But Ignores Thousands of Christians Killed By Militant Muslims
mrc tv AOC Blasts Republicans For Calling the Green New Deal ‘Elitist’ - But That’s EXACTLY What It Is
mrc tv Twitter ‘Glitches’ And Ad Rejections: ‘Unplanned’ Is the Movie the Left Doesn’t Want You to See
mrc tv An Elderly White Man Was Verbally Assaulted In a Starbucks For Wearing A MAGA Hat - Yes, Again
mrc tv Reality Check: Ilhan Omar Calls 9/11 Terrorists ‘Some People [Who] Did Something’
mrc tv No, Trump Didn’t Call All Illegal Aliens ‘Animals' - But Yes, Some Of Them Are
mrc tv Dear Liberals: You’ve Spent the Past THREE YEARS Inciting Violence, So Shove Off
mrc tv Reality Check: Border Agents Are Releasing 1,400 Illegal Aliens PER DAY Into the U.S.
mrc tv So Brave: This Pennsylvania State Rep. Filmed Himself Harassing Pro-Life Teens and Old Ladies
mrc tv AOC and Bernie Sanders Want to Open Up a Public Bank....In the Post Office
mrc tv Reality Check: Here Are Some of the Left’s Dumbest Abortion Arguments, and Why None of Them Make Sense
mrc tv College Grads Are Demanding Taxpayers #CancelMyDebt, and It’s Just As Dumb As It Sounds
mrc tv NYT 'Corrects' Their Kavanaugh 'Bombshell' After Internet Explodes
mrc tv Reality Check: Dems Target Trump (Again) While Illegal Alien Child Rapists Go Free
mrc tv Media: Trump Supporters Are Nazis, But Terrorists Are ‘Religious Scholars’
mrc tv Reality Check: California's Facing More Rolling Blackouts, But Thank God They've Saved Us From Plastic Straws
mrc tv Wrecked, Americans Are Losing Jobs, and the Media Are Still Whining About 'Racism'
mrc tv REALITY CHECK: $60M To NASA? Congress' New 'Aid' Bill For Struggling Americans Includes BILLIONS In Pork
mrc tv REALITY CHECK: Projections Were Way Off, But States Are Still Trampling Rights While the CDC Inflates Death Tolls
mrc tv REALITY CHECK: Bombshell Video On Biden Surfaces, But the Nets Still Ignore His Accuser - and Even Cover For Him
mrc tv REALITY CHECK: Rioters Burn Down Minneapolis, Because 'Black Lives Matter'...But No One Else's Does
mrc tv Have You Ever Rioted During a Pandemic? If So, You May Have Liberal Privilege
mrc tv REALITY CHECK: New Film on Netflix Features 11-Year-Old Girls ‘Twerking Their Way to Stardom’
mrc tv No, Police Aren't Targeting Innocent Black Men - They're Targeting Criminals, and the Left Hates It
mrc tv FAKE NEWS: 6 Whoppers Kamala Harris Dropped Last Night (That the Media Won't Call Her On)
YouTube Clearly the Left Does Not Truly Want Unity ... and Neither Do I
mrc tv Joe Biden Thinks Men and Women Are the Same – As a Woman, I Beg to Differ
mrc tv Leftists Say Georgia’s New Voter Law Is ‘Racist’ – and As Usual, They’re Lying
mrc tv White Cops Can't Even Save Black Girls From Being Stabbed Without Getting Called Racist Murderers
mrc tv Biden’s Found a Way Around the Border Crisis - By Flying More Illegal Alien Kids In On Your Dime
rumble Biden Says Americans Can’t Overthrow Gov’t Without Nukes – But Called Jan. 6 an ‘Insurrection’
rumble Yeah, Conservative Feminists Exist, And We Don't Need the Left's Permission
rumble Yes, We Still Have an Immigration Crisis - and You Won't Believe How Bad It's Become
rumble ‘Anti-NRA’ Hollywood Gives a Standing O to a Film About Shooting Kids and Mutilating Their Bodies
rumble Jen Psaki Blames the GOP For Defunding the Police – and She Thinks You’re Dumb Enough To Believe Her
rumble ‘Racist,’ ‘Nazi’ Border Agents Rescued a 6-Year-Old Migrant Child Abandoned In the Desert
rumble Liberals Claim ‘Toxic Masculinity,’ Not Illegal Immigration, Killed Mollie Tibbetts
rumble The Media Really Care About Mass Shootings…Unless the Gunman’s an Iranian Vegan
rumble Chicago Shooting Deaths Outnumber Military Casualties 18 to 1, and the Left Couldn’t Care Less
rumble Don’t Lecture Me On Gun Violence If You Support Dismembering Babies - Reality Check
rumble No One Cares About Ocasio-Cortez’s Dancing Videos – We Care About Her INSANE POLICIES
rumble Socialists Despise the American Dream, and Their Hatred of Walmart's CEO Proves It
rumble AOC Blasts Republicans For Calling the Green New Deal ‘Elitist’ – Except That’s EXACTLY What It Is
rumble The Left ‘Marched For Science’ Over the Weekend – So Let’s Talk a Little Science
rumble The Left Hypes Mosque Massacre, But Ignores Thousands of Christians Killed By Muslims
rumble The Economy's Crumbling, and President Pudding Cup Is Totally Lost
rumble SICK: Leftist Nuts Are Using Waukesha Victims to Mock Rittenhouse Verdict
rumble Mayor Pete Has a Solution To the Gas Crisis: Just Buy an Electric Car!
rumble Abortion Is Racist - and the Left's Finally Admitting It
rumble Rashida Tlaib Whines About Her Law School Loans – While Making $174k a Year Off Taxpayers
mrc tv Holy Fauscism: Fauci Says Vaccines 'Supersede Individual Choice' - and He's Dead Wrong
rumble The Media Are Still Obsessing Over Trump - Because Biden Is Such a Trainwreck
rumble CNN Says ‘Outdoor Recreation’ Is Racist - and Here’s the Real Reason Why
rumble Seriously? Liberals Who Screamed 'F*** Trump' Are Outraged Over 'Let's Go Brandon'
rumble Enjoy Your Covid Hysteria, Libs - But Leave The Rest Of Us Alone
rumble COVID Crazies Are Making KIDS Eat OUTSIDE In the WINTER To 'Protect' Paranoid Adults
rumble DC Democrats Will Require a Photo ID to Dine Indoors - But Not to Vote
rumble Leftists See Racism Everywhere - Except When an Islamic Terrorist Targets Jews
rumble Biden's Press Conference Was Almost As Embarrassing As His First Year In Office
rumble A BLM Supporter Was Arrested For Kneeling On a White Baby's Neck - But You Won't Hear It On the News
rumble Cops and Kids Are Dying As Vax-Obsessed Mayors Ignore Violent Crime Wave
rumble No One With a Brain Takes Climate Alarmists Seriously - and Here's Why
rumble Jen Psaki Thinks Being Soft On Crime Is Funny. It Isn't.
rumble LeBron James Built a School and His Critics Are Racist – Except He Didn’t, and They Aren’t
rumble Loudoun County Ignores Rape, But Cites Maskless Students For Trespassing
rumble Leftists Are Targeting Joe Rogan - Because Actual Problems Are Too Hard
rumble Dems Change Tune On COVID - And It's All About November
rumble The Media Want You To Ignore the Biggest Political Scandal In American History - Pay Attention
rumble What Do a Trans Swimmer and a Canadian Dictator Have In Common?
rumble Shameless: The Left's Using Russia's Bloody War To Push Their LGBTQ Agenda
rumble Biden's 'Putin's Price Hike' Line Is a Lie - and We Have the Receipts
rumble What Do You Do When Speaking Truth Comes With a Price? Say It Anyway.
rumble The Most Horrific Story You'll Ever Hear, and the Media Isn't Telling You
rumble Biden’s Overwhelming Border Crisis Is About To Get Worse...a Lot Worse
rumble Professional Victimhood: Activists Falsely Accused a Black DJ of ‘Blackface’
rumble Biden's Border: National Guardsman Dies Saving Drug Smugglers In the Rio Grande
Screw You, Taxpayer: Joe Biden Thinks Crippling Inflation Is Hilarious
rumble The Race-Baiting Media Seize on Buffalo Shooting to Smear Republicans – Again
rumble Race-Baiting Activists Fan the Flames of Hate – Because They Need It
rumble How ‘It’s Two Consenting Adults’ Became a War on Our Kids
rumble Screw Your Bills, Americans: Joe Says the Economy’s Fine While Kamala Pals With Drag Queens | RC
rumble Biden’s Record-Smashing Border Crisis Isn’t a Blunder – It’s a Plan
rumble Corporations Pay For Abortion…Because It’s Cheaper Than Supporting Moms | Reality Check
rumble The Left Is Using President Puddingcup’s Age As a Scapegoat For Their Crappy Policies | RC
rumble Woke Warriors Don’t Want a World Without Injustice – They Want a World Without Consequences
rumble Dear Leftists: Have You Tried Just Not Sleeping Around?
rumble This Economist Says Inflation Is Because the ‘Biden Economy Boomed Too Much’
rumble Hillary’s Got the Servers and Hunter’s Got the Blow, But Trump Gets the Raid
rumble Leftist Suggests Rural Americans Should Be Forced Into Cities to Conserve Gas
rumble Multi-Millionaire Lizzo Says America Is ‘Oppressing’ Rich Celebs Like Her
rumble Leftist Hacks Spent 9/11 Comparing Trump Supporters To Terrorists
rumble Leftists Are Getting a Taste of the Border, and Suddenly It’s a ‘Crisis
rumble A Girl’s Team Got Booted From Their Own Locker Room For Complaining About a Trans Student
rumble If Biden Spent Less Time Sniffing Little Girls, Maybe He Could Learn Economics | Reality Check
rumble All In: Biden Says Banning Gender Surgeries On Kids Is ‘Morally Wrong’
rumble Oh, the Irony: Hysterical Leftists Scream Musk‘s Twitter Takeover Will ‘Destroy Democracy’
rumble Left-wing Hissy Fits Don't Sway Elections - But Grocery Prices Do | Reality Check
rumble Dear Leftist ‘Educators’: My Kids Aren’t Yours, So Stuff It | REALITY CHECK
rumble China Fights For Freedom While American Leftists Throw Ours Away
rumble Disney's Closing 'Racist' Splash Mountain - and Their Virtue Signal Won't Change a Thing | RC
rumble 'Ye' Are Being Distracted - Things That Need To Be Said
rumble Thought Our Border Crisis Was Bad? Wait Until Biden Gets His Way
Biden’s Border Visit Was a Sham - Just Like His Border Crisis ‘Solution’ - Reality Check

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Mises Institute What the Turks Can Teach Us about Recycling
mrc tv Is Recycling Hurting the Environment? This NYT Columnist Seems to Think So
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Religion: - Thank God I'm An Athiest
What has been affirmed without proof can also be denied without proof. - Euclid
What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof. - Christopher Hitchens
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? - Epicurus
Faith means not wanting to know what is true. - Friedrich Nietzsche
... [Is] man one of God's blunders, or is God one of man's blunders? - Friedrich Nietzsche
Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one and it's fine to be proud of it, but please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around... and PLEASE don't try to shove it down my child's throat.
In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca the Younger
Properly read, the bible is the most potent force for Atheism ever conceived. - Isaac Asimov
There is no belief, however foolish, that will not gather its faithful adherents who will defend it to the death. - Isaac Asimov
Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up a God superior to themselves. Most Gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child. - Robert A. Heinlein
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal
God works in mysterious, inefficient, and breathtakingly cruel ways. - Penn Jillette
If every trace of any single religion were wiped out and nothing were passed on, it would never be created exactly that way again. There might be some other nonsense in its place, but not that exact nonsense. If all of science were wiped out, it would still be true and someone would find a way to figure it all out again. - Penn Jillette, God, No!: Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg
The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike. - Delos B. McKown
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours. - Stephen Roberts
I’m a polyatheist - there are many gods I don’t believe in. - Dan Fouts
To say that atheism requires faith is as dim-witted as saying that disbelief in pixies or leprechauns takes faith. Even if Einstein himself told me there was an elf on my shoulder, I would still ask for proof and I wouldn’t be wrong to ask. - Geoff Mather
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that dares not reason is a slave. - William Drummond
History teaches us that no other cause has brought more death than the word of god. - Giulian Buzila
An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support. - John Buchan
Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people. - David Viaene
I don’t believe in God because I don’t believe in Mother Goose - Clarence Darrow
Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions. - Frater Ravus
Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense. - Chapman Cohen
The inspiration of the bible depends on the ignorance of the person who reads it. - Robert G. Ingersoll
When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion. - Robert Pirsig
Religion is the opiate of the masses. - Karl Marx
Atheism is a non-prophet organization. - George Carlin
Faith may be defined briefly as an illogical belief in the occurrence of the improbable. - H. L. Mencken
For centuries, theologians have been explaining the unknowable in terms of the-not-worth-knowing. - H. L. Mencken
Too stupid to understand science? Try religion!
Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned. - Anonymous
Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer. - Anonymous
Blind faith is an ironic gift to return to the Creator of human intelligence. - Anonymous
Religion has caused more misery to all of mankind in every stage of human history than any other single idea. - Anonymous
I have no need for religion, I have a conscience. - Anonymous
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish. - Anonymous
There was once a time when all people believed in God and the church ruled. This time was called the Dark Ages. - Richard Lederer.
I’m not convinced that faith can move mountains, but I’ve seen what it can do to skyscrapers. - William Gascoyne
Gods don't like people not doing much work. People who aren't busy all the time might start to think. - Terry Pratchett
When I was a kid, I used to pray every night for a new bike. Then I realised, the Lord doesn't work that way. So I just stole one and asked Him to forgive me ... and I got it! - Emo Philipos
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
God made me an atheist. Who are you to question his wisdom?
I've got nothing against God. It's his fan club I can't stand.
So, these three guys walk into a bar: a Catholic priest, a pedophile, and a porn addict, and he's with two other men.
On going to war over religion: "You're basically killing each other to see who's got the better imaginary friend. - Rich Jeni
I'd rather have an ape for an ancestor than a bishop. - Thomas Henry Huxley
A Sunday school is a prison in which children do penance for the evil conscience of their parents. - H. L. Mencken
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal
If God intended you to think, he would have given you a brain.
I think, therefore I'm an atheist.
You found God? I didn't know he was lost!
You found God? If nobody claims him in 30 days he's yours.
With soap, baptism is a good thing. - Robert G. Ingersoll
God must love stupid people, he made so many.
Religion: - links - Thank God I'm An Athiest
Yahoo! News Religious people are less intelligent than atheists, study finds
Why Won't God Heal Amputees
God Is Imaginary
The Blasphemy Challenge The God Who Wasn't There
Freedom From Religion Foundation
Evil Bible fighting against immorality in religion
Secular Web a site courtesy of Internet Infidels
ink tank The 10 smartest Ricky Gervais tweets about religion
Stephen Law Letter from Sanal Edamaruka defence committee (Blasphemy)
YouTube How Do We Know That Christians Are Delusional?
YouTube Prove That Jesus Is Imaginary In Less Than 5 Minutes
YouTube Penn & Teller - The Bible Is Bullshit
YouTube Why Atheists Laugh at Religion
YouTube FULL Why Do People Laugh at Creationists
YouTube Top 25 Creationist Fallacies
YouTube Fvck the Pope
New York Times review: The Jewish Question: British Anti-Semitism
The Daily Beast Vatican Banker Running Scared: Gotti Tedeschi Could Turn Whistle-Blower
Gary North's Specific Answers The Day General Grant Expelled the Jews
Science Blogs Religion and quackery: Pure synergy
Evil Bible Why the Christian God is Impossible
Evil Bible Biblical Contradictions
Evil Bible Rape In The Bible
Evil Bible Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian
Evil Bible Slavery in the Bible
Evil Bible Murder in the Bible
Evil Bible Ritual Human Sacrifice in the Bible
Evil Bible Hitler Was a Christian - The Holocaust was caused by Christian fundamentalism
Dennis Prager Judaism, Christianity, Environmentalism
Spectator Hit the pope where it hurts

Religion: - Church Support For Child Abuse - Thank God I'm An Athiest
mrc tv Church of England Primary School Hid Trans Kid's Real Identity For YEARS, Until...

Religion: - Catholic Support For Drag Queens and other attacks on Women and Religion - Thank God I'm An Athiest
Louder With Crowder Notre Dame President Defends School-Sponsored Drag Show, Calls It "Academic Freedom"

Religion: - Catholic Support For Persecution of Catholics - Thank God I'm An Athiest
Federalist U.S. Bishops Silent After FBI Claims Conservative Catholics Are ‘White Supremacists’

Religion: - anti-christian - Thank God I'm An Athiest
Truth Revolt Report: Pope Ditched Two Refugees Once He Found Out They Were Christians - "They offered me my future on a plate, and then 24 hours later they took it away."

Religion: - Government Decides What Religion You Can Believe In - Thank God I'm An Athiest
mrc tv Court Finds Worship of Flying Spaghetti Monster Is Not a Real Religion

Religion: - Morality Of Established Religions - Thank God I'm An Athiest
Islam the religion of rape, torture, murder and suicide bombers. Where human rights only apply to humans, ie. anyone who isn't LGBT or isn't female or isn't a Muslim (and some who are Muslims).
Dead State Retired priest: ‘Hell’ was invented by the church to control people with fear
Belfast Telegraph Bishops 'not obliged' to report sexual abuse to police Vatican admits 'grave failures' in Ireland abuse scandal
Washington Post Pope tells 75,000 at Dublin stadium Mass that child abuse by priests ‘remains a mystery’
Independent Priest who molested 'maybe 20 boys' says he was ordered to pray as punishment - Church members knew about the abuse but did not tell him to stop, according to Mr Brouillard

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Right Take:
Truth Revolt THE RIGHT TAKE: What Makes America Exceptional - "We live in a celebrity-saturated culture, so it's necessary to push back against their ignorance and anti-Americanism."
Truth Revolt The Right Take: The Divided States of America - Who is really dividing America?

Rioting - Looting - Rioting - Civil Unrest: peaceful protest
Riot For Peace
Black Lives Matter. Abort Black Babies.
The next time someone says "Hands up don't shoot," reply, "Pants up, don't loot."
Because liberals in America believe that riots are a legitimate form of political protest, they believe that it is better to let the rioters loot than to shoot them.
Only the police should have guns. Defund the police.
American Thinker The Savages Among Us
Virginia Freeman's Society Inevitable
Daily Caller Why Are Hillary, Dem Leaders Silent As Base Descends Into Violence?
spiked London’s burning: a mob made by the welfare state
Daily Reckoning From Riches to Riots Down With Left-Wing Hypocrites of OWS
Canada Free Press Everyone Booze Up and Riot
Alex Jones' DHS Supplier Provides Shooting Targets of American Gun Owners
Truth Revolt FLASHBACK: O.J. Simpson Verdict Reactions - No Justice, No Rioting - No one else has ever been charged with the murders
Truth Revolt SHAPIRO: Feelingstown, Missouri
Truth Revolt Sheriff David Clarke on Charlotte Rioting: 'Primitive, Subhuman Behavior' - "What was on display last night was something you see in a third world nation."
Truth Revolt Vadum: Charlotte Burning - Soros-funded Black Lives Matter inflicts its terror in a sleepy Southern city.
Truth Revolt Charlotte Protesters Present Ludicrous List of 'Demands' - No. Just no.
Truth Revolt Black Lives Matter Protest at Indiana U Turns Violent - SASV is "an anti-capitalist student group building a movement against poverty and the systems that cause it."
Truth Revolt De Blasio Urges Anti-Trump Factions to Keep Rioting - I Mean Protesting - Says the man who painted a target on the NYPD's back.
Truth Revolt Over Half of Anti-Trump Supporters Arrested Didn’t Even Vote - And that’s just the ones in Oregon!
Truth Revolt Vadum: Berkeley Riots Provoked by Freedom Center Campaign - Berkeley fascists shut down Milo Yiannopoulos’s scheduled anti-sanctuary campus speech.
Truth Revolt Paul Joseph Watson: The Truth About the Berkeley Riot - The mainstream left is tacitly supporting a fascist group that is committing terrorism to crush civil rights in the U.S.
Truth Revolt Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin Member of Anti-Fascist Facebook Group - Well, this explains a lot.
Truth Revolt Prager: Will the Second Civil War Turn Violent? - If college presidents, mayors and police chiefs won't stop left-wing mobs, other Americans will.
Liberty News Now Whole Foods Looted in Berkeley Riots
National Review What Riots ARe Good For: Pay Up, or Else
Daily Wire Looting, Shooting and Assault: 13 Disturbing Videos from the Charlotte Riots [Warning: Graphic Content]
Daily Wire El Cajon Anti-Police Protest Turns Violent
Daily Wire Are We On The Verge Of Violence?
Zero Hedge Who Is Behind The Riots? Charlotte Police Says 70% Of Arrested Protesters Had Out Of State IDs
Breitbrat ‘Die Whites Die’: Anti-Trump Rioters Vandalize NOLA Monuments
Heat Street Study: 92% of ‘Anti-Fascist’ Protesters in Europe Still Live With Their Mom
patheos Sheriff Clarke: The final word on violent riots at universities
mrc tv MINNEAPOLIS: Black Business Owner Sobs As Looters Burglarize His Restaurant
Canada Free Press How to Make Your Own Race Riot - The answers to the rioting can’t be found in its streets. The problem didn’t come from there. It came from a corrupt political establishment that lights the fuse for its own power and profit.
American Thinker How do we explain the many thousands of Americans who believe they are entitled to steal?
Louder With Crowder L.A. Rioters Attack Car, Smash Windows. And There's a Dog in the Backseat...
NY Post My terrifying five-day stay inside Seattle’s cop-free CHAZ
mrc tv CHAZ Leader: 'I'm Not Here to Protest, I'm Here to Disrupt Until My Demands are Met'
Town Hall When the Mob Rules
mrc tv BLM Leader: 'If This Country Doesn't Give Us What We Want, Then We Will Burn Down the System and Replace It'
Louder with Crowder Terrified Mother Calls 911 When Protester Jumps on Her Car. The Dispatcher's Answer is Infuriating!
American Wire Tensions flare in Seattle’s autonomous zone
Ann Coulter Antifa’s A Laugh Riot - Until It Comes For You
PJ Media Antifa in Tears: The Fragility of the Woke
American Thinker Civil War 2.0 going hot in Portland, Oregon
PJ Media Police 'No-Go Zone' in Area Where George Floyd Died; Violence Spirals Out of Control
PJ Media Black Portlander Changes His Mind About the Nightly Protests After He Attends One
Louder With Crowder RIOTS BY THE NUMBERS: Police Casualties, People Killed During 'Peaceful Protests'
Power Line The "Abject Failure" Strikes Back [Updated]
Louder With Crowder Video Catches "Peaceful" Protesters Knocking a Man Out for Asking Them to Lower Their Voices
Louder With Crowder Portland Protesters Assaulted Two Old Ladies
Louder With Crowder Seattle Police Officer Speaks Out After Being Injured by Liberal Activists
mrc tv WATCH: Antifa Attacks a Street Preacher Outside Seattle City Hall
Speaking About News The Real World Reasserts Itself
mrc tv Chicago Looters Smash in Ronald McDonald House With Sick Children Inside
The Unz Review Fact Check: Yes, the Mob Is Coming for You
Louder With Crowder Portland Antifa Kicks Off the Democrat Convention by Pulling a Man from His Car and Beating Him
Breitbart Portland Rioters Threaten Homes: ‘Come Out, into Streets,’ ‘Stolen Land, Stolen People’
Geller Report Leftists Storm Suburb With Guillotine, Burn American Flags: ‘Get In The F***ing Streets!’
Louder With Crowder PEACEFUL: Black Lives Matter 'Protester' Points a Gun at Reporter
mrc tv BLM Rioters in Kenosha Beat Up an Elderly Store Owner Defending His Business - For 'Justice'
Louder With Crowder Rand Paul was Attacked By Protestors Outside of the White House
mrc tv Kenosha Store Owner Sobs While Watching Her 35-Year Business Burn After Rioters Set Blaze
Federalist Corporate Media Didn’t Report What It’s Really Like In Kenosha, Wisconsin, So I Will
mrc tv Man Shot Dead After Rioters Besiege Pro-Trump Caravan
Louder With Crowder A Friend of the Trump Supporter Executed in Portland Speaks: 'They Hunted Us Down'
Louder With Crowder Here are Joe Biden Supporters Chanting 'Death to America' in Oakland
mrc tv 'Peaceful Protesters?' Demonstrators in Oakland Chant 'Death to America'
Breitbart WATCH: ‘Protesters’ Set Man on Fire with Bomb Thrown at Portland Police
Louder With Crowder Peaceful Black Lives Matter Protestors Attack and Terrorize Restaurant Patrons in Upstate New York
Louder With Crowder Dan Crenshaw Brilliantly Defines Antifa in Only 40 Seconds
Red State Photojournalist Seeking to Expose White Supremacists During Riots Discovers Something Much Different
reason The Conservative Trans Woman Who Went Undercover With Antifa in Portland
American Thinker Is the United States in the Midst of an Insurgency?
mrc tv Philly Business Looted Again Just Weeks After Finally Recovering From May Riots
Louder With Crowder BLM Sends Message to Biden-Supporting Ally, Claims Being Peaceful Is 'White Supremacy'
mrc tv 'Imaginary' Antifa Terrorists Attack Seattle & Portland, Smashed Up Dem HQ and Burned American & Biden Flags
mrc tv Sick: Armed Antifa Traps, Assaults and Robs a Motorist In Portland In Broad Daylight

Rioting - Looting - Rioting - Civil Unrest: - Justification
Louder With Crowder Protests Erupt After Officer Shoots a Man. Except He Chased the Cop with a Knife!
American Thinker The left threatens death, destruction and fire if President Trump dares nominate a replacement for RBG on SCOTUS
Louder With Crowder Left threatens violence if Trump nominates SCOTUS judge
mrc tv Bloomberg Bizweek: Looted Target Got What It Deserved

Rioting - Looting - Rioting - Civil Unrest: - Censorship
reason 'You're Not Allowed To Film': The Fight To Control Who Reports From Portland
Louder With Crowder EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT: BLM Occupies Elizabeth City, NC. Residents in Fear...

Rioting - Looting - Rioting - Civil Unrest: - Blue Lives Matter
mrc tv Two Oregon Sheriffs Say They Won't Send Officers To Portland Per Gov. Brown's Request, Citing 'Unacceptable Risk'

Rioting - Looting - Rioting - Civil Unrest: - Defund The Police
as ye sow so shall ye reap
Red State Three Days After Seattle Police Chief Publishes Letter of Resignation ANTIFA Riots In Seattle — Police Are No Where To Be Found
Zero Hedge Chicago Shuts Down Its Business District Overnight This Weekend Due To Continued Riots And Looting
Gateway Pundit WATCH: Portland Black Lives Matter Whine About Police Not Saving Them As They Get Walloped By Patriots
Louder With Crowder Anti-cop Democrat calls for tougher crime laws after being assaulted, doesn't appreciate irony

Rioting - Looting - Rioting - Civil Unrest: - Supporters
PJ Media Smarter-Than-You NYT Award-Winning Columnist Says Antifa and BLM Riots Were a Right-Wing Fever Dream
Federalist 28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists - After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists all year, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative.
1. Kamala Harris Urges Followers to Cover Rioters’ Bail>br? 2. Chris Cuomo: Who Said Protests Were Supposed To Be Peaceful?
3. MSNBC Reporter Describes Fiery Scene ‘Mostly A Protest’
4. CNN Labels Burning Protest ‘Fiery But Mostly Peaceful’
5. Democratic National Convention Refuses To Condemn Riots
6. Pulitzer Prize-Winning New York Times Writer: Destroying Property Isn’t Violence
7. Government-Funded PBS Reporter Denies Anarchists Are ‘Anarchists’
8. CNN’s Don Lemon Compares Leftist Riots to Boston Tea Party
9. CNN’s Chris Cillizza Complains About the Term ‘Riot’
10. New York Times Columnist Finds Portland Anarchists In Piece Titled, ‘Help Me Find Trump’s ‘Anarchists’ In Portland’
11. MSNBS’s Joy Reid: BLM Riots Are Really Just Undercover White Nationalists Causing Trouble
12. Huffington Post Releases Video Outlining ‘How Riots Built America’
13. NBC News Allegedly Instructed Staff to Avoid the Term ‘Riot’
14. Seattle Mayor On Anarchists Taking Control of Downtown: Don’t Be Afraid of Democracy
15. Washington Governor Unaware of Seattle Occupation
16. Pelosi When Mobs Tore Down Statues: ‘People Will Do What They Do’
17. Rolling Stone Re-Publishes Article to ‘Rethink Property Destruction’
18. GQ Magazine: Violent Protests Work
19. Slate: Riots Are A ‘Proportionate Response’
20. Mother Jones: ‘Riots Aren’t Irrational’
21. TIME Magazine: The Term ‘Riot’ Is ‘Loaded’
22. Vox: Woke Riots Are Scary But Productive. Capitol Riots Were Devastating
23. New York Times Has Sympathy For BLM Riots, While Blaming Trump As Sole Perpetrator For Wednesday Mob
24. Jacobin Magazine: Looting Is Justified Only For Social Justice
25. AOC: The Whole Point of Protesting Is to Make People Uncomfortable
26. Author Writes Book Titled, ‘In Defense Of Looting’
27. NPR Guest: Floyd Demonstrations Are Acts Of Rebellion, Not Riots
28. NPR Makes Up Right-Wing Violence
Louder With Crowder Video Illustrates When Liberals and the Media Supported Political Violence in 2020
Sons Of Liberty Media A Complete List Of Companies Supporting ANTIFA & Black Lives Matter – Just In Case You Want To Know Who Wants You Dead & Overturn The Culture
Louder With Crowder Idiot Seattle Mayor Who Supported CHOP Is Outraged CHOP Showed Up at Her House
American Thinker Democrats Are Forcing a Civil War
PJ Media If Biden Is Elected, Residents Fleeing Chaotic Cities Like Seattle and Portland Are in for a Rude Awakening
Blaqze Ted Cruz challenges Democratic senator to condemn Antifa. She storms out of hearing instead.
PJ Media Is AOC's 'Squad' Running the Rioters? One Just Called for MORE 'Unrest In the Streets'
City Journal When Authority Vanishes - Chicago’s leaders have surrendered to vandals.
City Journal Chicago in Chaos - The solution is simple: police must arrest offenders, and the prosecutor must prosecute them.
The Unz Review One Nation Under Anarcho-Tyranny
PJ Media Chicago Mayor Defends Policing Double Standard: 'I Have a Right to Make Sure That My Home Is Secure'
Sentry Bugle Sheriff Refuses to Deputize Citizens to Restore Order in Kenosha
Federalist Six Days Later, Colorado’s John Hickenlooper And Sen. Michael Bennet Have Yet To Condemn Denver Riots
mrc tv ANTIFA Member Cries in Fetal Position Before Being Arrested
mrc tv Attempt To Justify Violence: Report Claims Over 90% Of Protests are 'Peaceful'
PJ Media Antifa/BLM Rioters Now Screaming ‘Death to America’
PJ Media 'This Is Where They House the Rioters!' City of Portland Houses Some Antifa Rioters Destroying the City
American Thinker Antifa and BLM, the Democrat party's stormtroopers
Federalist It Votes Biden Or It Gets The Riots Again
Federalist Chinese Organization With Communist Party Ties Funds Black Lives Matter Ventures
Federalist Study: Up To 95 Percent Of 2020 U.S. Riots Are Linked To Black Lives Matter
PJ Media Pelosi Finally Condemns Rioting
mrc tv Study Finds BLM Linked To 91 Percent of Riots In Last Three Months
Ann Coulter Is Chris Wallace a White Supremacist?
mrc tv Weren't They an 'Idea?' Antifa Allegedly Destroys Starbucks in Seattle
Louder with Crowder Michelle Obama Accuses Trump of Racism for Saying BLM is Violent
mrc tv Bozell to Congress: Facebook Tolerates Antifa, Leftist Militias
mrc tv Here Are the Companies That Funded the Movement Currently Wrecking Our Cities
Louder With Crowder Report: Police Chief Fired for Charging BLM Vandals with Vandalis
City Journal "Burn It Down" - Activists in Seattle want to abolish police, prisons, and courts.
PJ Media Twilight Zone: Has Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Realized That Antifa Violence Is Bad?
mrc NewsBusters Mollie Hemingway Calls Out Media’s Double Standard on Riots and Violence
Louder With Crowder FLASHBACK: Colin Kaepernick Celebrates Political Violence, Gets $3MILLION from Jack Dorsey
mrc tv Documents Prove CNN, NBC Paid Radical BLM Capitol Hill Rioter $35K APIECE For Footage Of Jan 6 Break-In
Louder with Crowder Ted Cruz Calls Out Maxine Waters for 'Encouraging Riots & Violence' After Minnesota Protest Comments
mrc tv Rep. Maxine Waters Tells Protesters To Get 'More Confrontational' If Derek Chauvin Isn't Found Guilty of Murder

Rioting - Looting - Rioting - Civil Unrest: - Opponents
Geller Report Due to Seattle’s unrest, billion-dollar investment firm moving to Phoenix
Louder With Crowder This Patriot Just Put His City Council ON BLAST Over the Shutdown, and It's Awesome!
Rundown Live Wisconsin Militia Recruiting Citizens to Patrol Kenosha After 2nd Night of Riots
News Target ENOUGH! It’s time for law enforcement to begin SHOOTING violent terrorists and rioters who are trying to burn America to the ground
Gateway Pundit Motorcycle Club Crashes Black Lives Matter Street Protest in Florida – Starts Chanting, “USA! USA!…” (Video)
American Thinker How Detroit's Police Chief Saved His City from Black Lives Matter
mrc tv Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld Puts Hypocritical Left On Notice After Capitol Break-In

Rioting - Looting - Rioting - Civil Unrest: - Self Defense
Louder With Crowder Rioters Attack Female Driver. She Drives Through Them, then Turns Back to Hit Them Again
Louder With Crowder Even More Rioters Attack a Driver in an SUV, and Even More Rioters Get Plowed
Louder With Crowder Rioters Block, Attack Truck and Horse Trailer, Driver Runs Them Over
Louder With Crowder Rioters Attack Cop Car. Cop Car Attacks Back!
Bearing Arms Driver Who Shot Protester In Austin Speaks Through Attorney
Louder With Crowder BLM Rioter Attacks Cop Car. He Gets Tossed Like a Noodle Salad!
Louder With Crowder Anti-Trump Protester Attacks Truck During Trump Rally, Protester Then Gets Creamed

Rioting - Looting - Rioting - Civil Unrest: - Protecting Yourself Is Now A Crime!
Ann Coulter Innocent Until Proven Trump Supporter

Rioting - Looting - Rioting - Civil Unrest: - Rewards
Daily Wire Oklahoma Authorities Charge Alleged Rioters With Terrorism: ‘This Is Not Seattle.’
American Wire Feds say no to Minnesota aid request for protest clean-up costs
mrc tv Poof! Federal Law Enforcement Seen Grabbing Suspected Rioters in Portland
American Wire Portland Mayor tear-gassed by police during protest photo op
Gateway Pundit Left Wing Governor Of Washington State Freaks Out As Boeing Moves Production To South Carolina

Rioting - Looting - Rioting - Civil Unrest: - Humor
Babylon Bee Governor Cuomo Orders Nursing Homes To Admit Rioters
Babylon Bee Government Jealous Of Rioters' Speed, Efficiency In Destroying Local Businesses
Babylon Bee Powerful: Protesters Spell Out 'Love' With Burning Homes And Businesses
Babylon Bee Nike Releases Commemorative Shoe To Honor Looters
Babylon Bee Nation's White Women Immediately Join Riots After Learning They Can Get Free Stuff At Target
Babylon Bee Rioters Decline To Sign Colin Kaepernick
Babylon Bee Antifa Member Lectures D-Day Veteran On How To Fight Fascism
Babylon Bee Celebrities Show Solidarity With Protesters By Burning Their Own Homes To The Ground
mrc tv CHOP (er, CHAZ?) Tourism: Where Anarchy Meets Family
Glorious American Local Man Devoured By Mostly Peaceful Shark California Officials Say
Babylon Bee Federal 'Secret Police' Disguise Selves As Rioters So Democrat Mayors Will Let Them Do Whatever They Want
Babylon Bee Orcs March On Minas Tirith In Mostly Peaceful Protest
Sacramento Brie Peaceful protesters file federal suit in courthouse they tried to burn down
Babylon Bee Riotous BLM Protesters Suddenly Realize They're All White People
Babylon Bee Chicago Mayor Drives Past Looters To Arrest 7-Year-Old Having A Birthday Party
Babylon Bee Aftermath Of Riots: Dozens Of Fires Started, Hundreds Of Buildings Burned Down, Thousands Of Trump Voters Created
Babylon Bee Leftists Fight Fascism By Marching Through Streets Forcing Everyone To Perform Their Special Salute
Babylon Bee Powerful: Protesters Spell Out 'Love' With Burning Homes And Businesses
Glorious American Democrats Install Warning Signs To Help Those Suffering From Riots
Glorious American Shock Poll: Trump Leads Big With People Who Just Got Their Ass Beat By Antifa
Babylon Bee Proud Mayor Lets His Entire City Burn To The Ground Just To Make Trump Look Bad
Babylon Bee Leftists Frantically Begin Rebuilding Everything They Burned Down So They Can Burn It Down Again
Babylon Bee Biden Campaign Holds Boat Parade But It's Just Biden Alone In A Paddleboat
Babylon Bee Pro Tip: Skip Out On Black Friday Deals And Just Hold Out For The Next Peaceful Protest
Glorious American Local Man Devoured By Mostly Peaceful Shark California Officials Say
Babylon Bee Minneapolis City Council To Offer Looting Passports
Babylon Bee Fisher-Price Releases 'My First Peaceful Protest' Playset With House You Can Actually Burn Down

Rock The Woke because woke has no place capitalism Government Science: An Oxymoron? Misleading Words

Rolling Stone Matt Taibbi Blog

Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

The Rutherford Institute dedicated to the defense of civil liberties and human rights.
The Rutherford Institute Why Are Americans Paying to Be Searched, Spied On, Shot At and Robbed Blind by the Government?
Gateway Pundit Peaceful Protester Arrested in Chicago After Filming Himself Handing Out Bombs at MN Riots and Posting on Facebook (VIDEO)

SERIOUS LINKS (Economy, Liberty, Government, ...)
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The Sacramento Brie with government cheese, everything is a wedge issue.

Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Did I Miss Anyone?
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse The Anti-Choice Crowd is Morally Identical to the Anti-Self Defense Crowd.

Salem Now conservative videos

Savage Takes


Evan Sayet conservative, political comedian

Science Fiction:
Shoplifting In The Marketplace Of Ideas The Science Fiction is Settled
The Federalist We Live In The Dystopia Young Adult Fiction Warns Us About - Young adult fiction is awash in projections of a dystopian future, yet we're still sliding into that future, and young adults are going along with it.
Casey Research Doug Casey on Speculator's Fiction Science Fiction and Libertarianism
nuketown Libertarian Science Fiction
Mises Institute Libertarianism and Science Fiction: What's the Connection?
Mises Institute Some Further Notes on Libertarian Science Fiction
Mises Institute Orwell’s Big Brother: Merely Fiction?
IO9 10 Greatest Libertarian Science Fiction Stories
Good Reads Libertarian Science Fiction
Libertarian Futurist Society Prometheus Awards (Libertarian Science Fiction)
Dirk Benedict Central Starbuck: Lost in Castration
The Writings of Jon Del Arroz The Sci-Fi Elite’s Insulting Attempt To Erase History At NYCC
The Writings of Jon Del Arroz Sci-Fi Sexism By The Numbers: It’s A Mean Girls’ Club
The Writings of Jon Del Arroz SciCon Carolinas Set A Dangerous Precedent For Sci-Fi Cons To Advocate Fascism
The Writings of Jon Del Arroz Fighting The Left And Their Lack Of Morals
The Federalist How Never-Satisfied Social Justice Mobs Are Ruining YA Book Publishing - As we’ve seen in Hollywood, television, and comics, young adult fiction audiences have been tuning out of the traditional platforms and seeking independent entertainment.
PJ Media Prominent Conservative Artists Blacklisted Because of Involvement with Alt*Hero Comics Series
PJ Media Robert A. Heinlein: The Man Who Loved Women
American Thinker Ten Great Conservative Novels and Why They Are Relevant Today
PJ Media Kevin Sorbo Banned from East Coast Comicon Because He's 'Pals with Sean Hannity'
PJ Media Conservative Hispanic Writer Jon Del Arroz Banned from Worldcon Sci-Fi Convention
PJ Media Of Conservatives And Convention
Dangerous Author John Ringo Responds to SJW Assault That Led to Sci-Fi Convention Ban
Hashtag Media Burn The Boats It’s OK When We Do It!
Jimbo's Awesome Science Fiction and Fantasy Reviews CONtroversies
Monster Hunter Nation Further Examples of why in my Opinion, Mike Glyer is a Scumbag and File 770 is Evil.
Monster Hunter Nation A Monster Hunter Nation Opinion Piece: Mike Glyer is a Scumbag
Monster Hunter Nation Statement Concerning My Being Disinvited as the Guest of Honor for Origins Game Fair
Monster Hunter Nation Origins sent out yet ANOTHER message about me, and my response
American Thinker Science fiction goes PC
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse SF Fandom and the Nazi Infiltration
Mad Genius Club There Are No Words
Mad Genius Club It is time to fight back
American Greatness Culture Wargames
Wombat Rampant I hate them because they're trying to erase the past.
Facebook David Weber
Sarah A. Hoyt Awards, Money and Writing, oh, My
Daily Wire No, 'Star Wars' Isn't Failing Because Of Hateful Trolls. It's Failing Because Kathleen Kennedy Has Done A Garbage Job.
Daily Wire 15 Conservative Fiction Books To Read This Summer
DelArroz Former Hugo Award Administrator Admits Anti-Conservative Discrimination By Worldcon
DelArroz The Train Wreck Of Identity Politics: Worldcon Edition
Federalist Crowdfunded Rebellion Against Identity Politics In Comics Nets $1.25 Million And Counting - If the successful crowdfunding trend continues, we could see a watershed moment in comics like the Amazon Kindle was to bookstores.
Vox Popoli This is what victory looks like
Quillette The Forgotten Story of How "Punching Up" Harmed the Science-Fiction/Fantasy World
PJ Media If This Goes On, It Still Won't Be the Handmaid's Tale
Del Arroz Never EVER Apologize to SJWs
Del Arroz Alterna Comics’ Peter Simeti Gets Swatted
Monster Hunter Nation To The Book Community: Go Fuck Yourself. An Anti-Apology.
Del Arroz Mainstream Publishing Has Changed A Lot - And For The Worse
Del Arroz I See The Same Mistakes In Every Culture War Battle
Del Arroz There’s A War On For Your Mind – Fighting The Real Battles
Del Arroz SJWs Can’t Help But Get Triggered By Everything
District Herald Sci-Fi Publisher Tor Books Harbors Extremists Who Advocate For Political Violence
Del Arroz At Least CONVergence Is An Appropriate Name
Richard Paolinelli First, They Came For ...
Richard Paolinelli Canceling The Cancel Culture. Or, I Broke My ‘Giv-A-Dam’
Cirsova SFWA is a Terrorist Organization
Cirsova Well, that was interesting...
Richard Paolinelli Subverting the Superversive Tolkien
Mad Genius Club Definitions of normal
Hollywood In Toto Rescuing Science Fiction from the Horde of ‘Woke Zombies’
Hollywood In Toto Sci-Fi Scribe Rejects PC Groupthink Via New Anthology
Jon Del Arroz D&D INSANITY: Wheelchair Accessible Dungeons? EVIL Must Be ADA Compliant From Now On!
Monster Hunter Nation An Open Letter To The Old Time Fans at WorldCon
MusinThe Angry Webmaster Baen’s Bar taken offline due to whiny Progressive totalitarian
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse The So-Called "World Science Fiction Convention" Endorses Terrorism
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Yet More WorldCon-Related Bigotry
PJ Media Worldcon Ordered to Apologize and Pay Conservative Author Jon Del Arroz for Banning Him and Calling Him 'Racist'
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse DragonCon: Racism, Lies, and Borderline Fraud
Monster Hunter Nation Let’s Play Privilege Bingo
Monster Hunter Nation Approaching Peak Woke
Eric Flint The Controversy About Baen's Bar
Fandom Pulse John Scalzi, Neil Gaiman, And Mary Robinette Kowal Caused The Hugo Awards Decline, And Now They’re Whining About Worldcon Unfairness
Fandom Pulse Leaked E-mails Reveal Hugo Awards Committee Spied On Writers On Behalf Of The Chinese Government For Chengdu WorldCon

Science Fiction: - speculation
AIER - American Institute for Economic Research Fat Orwell

Science Fiction: - Humor
Babylon Bee Tech Companies Continuing To Scour Classic Dystopian Sci-Fi Novels For Ideas

Secession: aka: American Spring
whenever any form of government becomes destructive of the ends for which it was established, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, - Declaration of Independence
USA stands for: welfare, warfare, and lawfare
Bonnie Blue Pubishing The Right of Secession Ron Paul: The Founders Believed in Secession
Canada Free POress Coming Soon: The American Spring - Secession Movements Blossoming
The Daily Caller Who wrote the secession petitions? [VIDEO]
WND Secession madness! Now 40 states join petition fray
Canada Free Press Secession: What’s In a Name? I no longer trust our electoral process; news venues; entertainment industry, schools or courts, and I darn sure do not trust our federal government
Daily Reckoning The Road to 7 Billion Secessionists
Lew Rockwell The Jeffersonian Secessionist Tradition
American Thinker The Time Has Come for 51

Second Amendment Processing payment processing for those who love liberty and freedom

Secrets Of The Fed Land of the fee, home of the slave: Should We Stay Or Should We Go?

America’s biggest national security problem is Barack Obama. - Former UN Ambassador John Bolton
The United States Government is providing the same protection to travelers inside the borders of the United States they are providing to American travellers and diplomats abroad. - Cynical Pessimist (following the slaughter of American diplomats, September 11, 2012) privacy news from around the world.
Office Of Inadequate Security data breaches.
The Daily Caller Report: Utilities focused on regulatory compliance instead of cybersecurity
The Daily Caller ‘Beleaguered’ Homeland Security agency wastes $57 million on failed computer contract
American Thinker Defenseless
American Thinker Drug Smugglers Are Driving Across the Arizona Border in Broad Daylight
American Thinker DHS tells border guards to run away from illegals who throw rocks at them
Yahoo! Finance 5 Places Where You Should Never Give Your Social Security Number
Yahoo! News Sen. Rubio, ‘You Know Nothing About Our Border’: Arizona Sheriff Hammers Immigration Bill Supporters and Offers Revealing Picture of the Border
wired Our Security Models Will Never Work - No Matter What We Do
Mises Institute Internet Fascism and the Surveillance State
The Atlantic Wire Google 'Pressure Cookers' and 'Backpacks,' Get a Visit from the Cops
medium pressure cookers, backpacks and quinoa, oh my!
Daily Reckoning The Cloud Belongs to the NSA
Daily Reckoning The Greatest National Security Challenge of the 21st Century
Washington Free Beacon HHS Cannot Find Belarus Malware in Obamacare Networks
The Week Why Obama's response to the Heartbleed bug is so troubling - The administration has denied exploiting the flaw for spying purposes. But that's not the end of the story.
Personal Liberty Digest Why Does USDA Need Submachine Guns?
Personal Liberty Digest Futility On The Border: Checkpoint Exchange Between Trucker, Patrol Agent Neatly Sums Up Obama’s Backward Immigration Policy
Survival Joe USDA Getting Submachine Guns… Goodbye Farm Animals?
Survival Joe Why in the World Is the U.S. Postal Service Stocking Up on Ammo?
Zero Hedge "A Man Of Many Perversions" - Federal Cybersecurity Head Convicted Of Child Porn Charges
Daily Mail Chinese hacker hides Wi-Fi testing tools inside her HEELS: 'SexyCyborg' reveals how the platforms help her bypass security
Truth Revolt Secret Service Gun, Badge Stolen in Washington - "In Broad Daylight."
mrc tv DHS Plans to Cut Aerial Border Surveillance in Half
Spouting Off Weird Thoughts About Russia, Crimea, and the CIA

Science - Junk Science - Fake Science - Woke Science - Pseudoscience - Science Deniers
America’s progressive elites have transitioned from “Follow the Science” to “Science is Violence.” - Benjamin Weingarten
97% of scientists agree with those who fund them.
Federalist Big Tech Is Censoring Science Because COVID-19 Panic Made Them Rich And Destroyed Their Competition
Daily Caller Social Justice Warriors Declare Battle On Colleague For Exposing Their ‘Research’
mrc tv The Feds Just Spent $600k to Study Fish Faces
mrc tv Gov’t Gives $229K For Study on Racial Microaggressions in Science
Junk Science All the junk that’s fit to debunk.
Mises Institute The Origins of the Crack-Baby Myth Fake Science Paper About 'Star Trek' and Warp 10 Was Accepted by 'Predatory Journals'
Phantom Soapbox Correlation causes cancer! YES IT DOES! YOU HAVE TO TRUST MEEEEEE!!!!!!
Quillette The Grievance Studies Scandal: Five Academics Respond
Washington Free Beacon NSF Has Spent $62.5 Million on ‘Intersectionality’ and STEM Under Current Director
Conservative Review Shapiro: The scientific experts who hate science
Daily Wire When The Scientific Experts Abandon Science For Politics
American Thinker Is political bias ruining science?
American Thinker Reflections on a Century of Junk Science
YouTube TRUTH: Seasonal FLU TWICE as Deadly as Coronavirus?
Breitbart France: Public’s Trust in Science Suffers ‘Significant Decline’ over Coronavirus
Zero Hedge How 'Expert' Worship Is Ruining Science
American Thinker Climate-Alarmist Junk Science and the Base-Line Fallacy
American Thinker Fake Science: COVID and Global Warming
rumble PC Academics 'Memory Hole' Important Paper on Gender and Performance
American Thinker It’s unbelievable what the American Medical Association wants to do
rumble Fed Gov't Drops $2.1M In Tax Dollars To 'Root Out Oppression' In...Plant Science
mrc tv Dartmouth Study Suggests Climate Change Explains Rise In Home Runs In MLB
mrc tv Feds Spend $700k To Study How Racism Makes Gay Black Men Use Meth
Louder With Crowder "You're just saying words": Congressman dares Yale professor to name a single study supporting sex changes for minors
Louder With Crowder Conference Cancels All-Female Panel Defending Biological Sex In Skeletons Over - You Guessed It - Transphobia Fears
Louder With Crowder Scientists Want Meat Labeled With ‘Cigarette-Style’ Warnings About Climate Change
Louder With Crowder CDC using YOUR tax dollars to fund anti-gun research, promote gun control: report
mrc tv Trans-asaurus Rex? Museum Goes Fact-Free & LGBT
Louder With Crowder Scientists blast particles in the air, hoping it will block the sun. Why? Because of climate change, obviously!
Louder With Crowder Fat Studies authors claim "Fatness" is too "Anglo-American," seek other fatty experts for study

Science - Junk Science - Fake Science - Woke Science - Science Deniers - Can We Trust Science?
Big Think Red meat is not a health risk. New study slams years of shoddy research
PJ Media American Journal of Medicine Says a Belief in Freedom Could Be Hazardous to Your Health
Louder With Crowder Watch: Girls sports advocate Riley Gaines stumps scientist on basic biology, crowd laughs as he pulls 'Ph.D' card
Louder With Crowder New "The Science" Suggests The More You Exercise... The Lazier You Are Throughout The Rest Of The Day
Louder With Crowder American pediatrician org wants your kids to rename their private parts, somehow "front hole" isn't most offensive example

Science - Junk Science - Fake Science - Woke Science - Science Deniers - Humor
Sacramento Brie National Academy of Sciences to eliminate 'most books' written by white scientists
Sacramento Brie Science: Menstruating men with toxic masculine shock syndrome benefit from higher levels of testosterone
Sacramento Brie Woke scientists make bold attempt to remove orange from color spectrum
Sacramento Brie Science: Make your own impeachment detector out of everyday household items
Sacramento Brie Scientist discovers ‘peak diversity’ in remote island archipelago
Glorious American Science: Only Cure For Virus Is Giving Democrat-Run States Federal Bailout
Babylon Bee Governor Newsom Orders Californians To Launch Fireworks Indoors This Year

mrc tv Art Exhibit, Causes $200K in Damage
mrc tv Selfie-Taker Falls Off Bridge

YouTube Ben Shapiro Thug Life

If a man can only obey and not disobey, he is a slave - Erich Fromm
rumble What The Left Won’t Tell You About The History Of Slavery
YouTube A Short History of Slavery
YouTube The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
Mises Institute The New Underground Railroad
Mises Institute Freedom Is Slavery
Mises Institute Ditch the Planners
Mises Institute No Treason, no. 1
Mises Institute The Myth of the Voluntary Military
Mises Institute Two Types of Abolitionism: IP and Chattel Slavery
Daily Reckoning Unnatural Forces
Daily Reckoning Knowing Your Role as an Obedient Citizen
Daily Reckoning Can Jury Slaves Say What’s True?
Town Hall A Legacy of Cliches
Truth Revolt Gohmert Reads to Congress from Greenfield Article on Islamic Racism - The hypocrisy of censoring Dukes of Hazzard while opening door to Islamic racism.
Truth Revolt Myth Busted: White Male Privilege Is Not A Thing - "I love being made to feel collective white guilt for the slave trade even though whites were the first in the world to end the slave trade."
mrc tv Poll: 2 Out Of 3 Americans Oppose Reparations For Slavery
Louder With Crowder Actually, Slavery Reparations are a TERRIBLE Idea. Here’s Why.
Louder With Crowder REBUTTAL: Why Slavery Reparations Will Never Happen
PJ Media Black History Month: Why Don't They Teach About the Arab-Muslim Slave Trade in Africa?
Jewish World Review Black History Month: Why Don't They Teach About the Arab-Muslim Slave Trade in Africa?
Conservative Review REPORT: Coca-Cola, Nike Push Back On Legislation That Would Crack Down On Forced Labor In China
Louder With Crowder Senator, Wife Arrested Transporting Their Slave to the UK to Harvest His Kidney in 2022. Read That Again.
Jewish World News Reparations: Blackwashing Slavery

Slavery: - Reparations
mrc tv Boston's Black Clergy Demand $15B In 'Reparations' From City, 'White Church'

Slavery: - California Promotes and Supports Slavery
rumble California's Mulling Over $220k 'Reparations' Payments For Black Residents

Slavery: - Imagined Slavery
Louder With Crowdeer Watch: ‘Athletes Are The New Slaves' Claims ESPN+'s New Anti-Racism Series

Slavery: - Humor
Babylon Bee Egypt Ordered To Pay Israel Reparations For Slavery

Sleuth Sayers Are the Sensitivity Police Coming to Get You?

L. Neil Smith's Down With Power The Genocide Agenda

Social Justice: The Musical
YouTube "We Didn't Start The SocJus" - Social Justice: The Musical
YouTube "The Times They Are A-Changing" - Social Justice: The Musical
YouTube "Ain't No Rest for the Triggered" - Social Justice: The Musical
YouTube "Come Be PC" - Social Justice: The Musical

Social Justice Blog and Argument Generator

Social Media - Conservative - Where Free Speech and the First Amendment are respected, not leftist censorship

Lewgal Insurection Parler Is Over The Target – Catching Flak From Mainstream Media And Twitter Trolls

Social Securiy Institute Land Of The Fee, Home Of The Slave

Socialism - Communism - Marxism: - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
Socialism debunked:
1) All of the socialists could meet up, gather all of their wealth together and then divide it equally among themselves.
2) This has never happened.

Six Miracles of Socialism:
1 There is no unemployment, but no one works.
2 No one works, but everyone gets paid.
3 Everyone gets paid, but there is nothing to buy with the money.
4 No one can buy anything, but everyone owns everything.
5 Everyone owns everything, but no one is satisfied.
6 No one is satisfied, but 99 percent of the people vote for the system.

Socialist: Someone who wants everything you have, except your job.
Stalin was just one great purge (killing millions of proletariat) from creating the communist utopia.
Do you trust the government? If your answer is no, then why do you want to make it bigger?
Communism is like prohibition, it's a good idea but it won't work. - Will Rogers
socialism: they pretend to pay us, while we pretend to work
champagne socialist - believes in socialism for everyone but themselves
The greatest good for the greatest number is a reasonable justification for cannibalism.
Equality for socialists is where everyone is vicitimized by the state.
Socialism is trickle down Tyranny
Socialism is theft. In order to redistribute wealth, you must steal it from whoever has it.
The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money. - Margaret Thatcher
Socialism is an alternative to capitalism in much the same way that slavery is an alternative to freedom. - Cynical Pessimist
Socialism is an alternative to capitalism in much the same way that poison is an alternative to health food. - Cynical Pessimist
socialism explained: promise the people everything, confiscate all they own, give them nothing. - Cynical Pessimist
Socialism Takes, Capitalism Creates
What's in your wallet must be redistributed to each according to his needs. - Das Kapital
you can vote yourself into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out
Capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth - but socialism is the equal distribution of poverty
Under capitalism, man oppresses man, but under socialism, it's the other way around.
socialism is "the exaltation of the executioner by the victims."
O’Sullivan’s Law: any organization not explicitly founded to be conservative will eventually become left-wing
Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it. - Thomas Sowell
"from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" means "if you need a bullet in the head, you'll get a bullet in the head" - Michael Rectenwald, former marxist
The real beauty of free market capitalism is that anyone who wants to voluntarily participate in a socialist/communist society is free to do so. The inverse does not hold true. - Jacob Leddy
The whole gospel of Karl Marx can be summed up in a single sentence: Hate the man who is better off than you are. Never under any circumstances admit that his success may be due to his own efforts, to the productive contribution he has made to the whole community. Always attribute his success to the exploitation, the cheating, the more or less open robbery of others. - Henry Hazlitt
useful idiots, in a broader sense, refers to Western journalists, travelers and intellectuals who gave their blessing - often with evangelistic fervor - to tyrannies and tyrants, thereby convincing politicians and public that utopias rather than Belsens thrived. - BBC definition
useful idiots: ...someone who doesn't think they're an idiot, who thinks they're highly intelligent, but is so easily persuaded by flattery from people in power; that they're prepared to serve their purposes and allow themselves to be duped. - Professor Donald Rayfield
The Soviet economy is proof that, contrary to what many skeptics had earlier believed, a socialist command economy can function and even thrive. - Paul Samuelson, Nobel Prize in Economics, talking about pre 1991 collapse of Soviet economy.
It’s capitalism that brought billions of people out of poverty in the 20th century. It’s socialism that enslaved them and impoverished them. - Gary Kasparov, former world chess champion
I'm enjoying the irony of American Sanders supporters lecturing me, a former Soviet citizen, on the glories of Socialism and what it really means! Socialism sounds great in speech soundbites and on Facebook, but please keep it there. In practice, it corrodes not only the economy but the human spirit itself, and the ambition and achievement that made modern capitalism possible and brought billions of people out of poverty. Talking about Socialism is a huge luxury, a luxury that was paid for by the successes of capitalism. Income inequality is a huge problem, absolutely. But the idea that the solution is more government, more regulation, more debt, and less risk is dangerously absurd. - Gary Kasparov

Winston Churchill
A young man who isn't a socialist hasn't got a heart; an old man who is a socialist hasn't got a head. - David Lloyd George or Winston Churchill
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. - Winston Churchill
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent vice of socialism is the equal sharing of misery. - Winston Churchill

Ludwig von Mises
Socialism is the abolition of rational economy. - Ludwig von Mises
Socialism and democracy are irreconcilable. - Ludwig von Mises
Every socialist is a disguised dictator. - Ludwig von Mises
If one rejects laissez faire on account of mans fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action. - Ludwig von Mises
For it is an essential difference between capitalist and socialist production that under capitalism men provide for themselves, while under Socialism they are provided for. - Ludwig von Mises
No one shall be idle if I have to work; no one shall be rich if I am poor. Thus we see, again and again, that resentment lies behind all socialist ideas. - Ludwig von Mises
The socialists of Eastern Germany, the self-styled German Democratic Republic, spectacularly admitted the bankruptcy of the Marxian dreams when they built a wall to prevent their comrades from fleeing into the non-socialist part of Germany. - Ludwig von Mises
A man who chooses between drinking a glass of milk and a glass of a solution of potassium cyanide does not choose between two beverages; he chooses between life and death. - Ludwig von Mises
A society that chooses between capitalism and socialism does not choose between two social systems; it chooses between social cooperation and the disintegration of society. - Ludwig von Mises
Socialism is not an alternative to capitalism; it is an alternative to any system under which men can live as human beings. - Ludwig von Mises
Capitalism and socialism are two distinct patterns of social organization. Private control of the means of production and public control are contradictory notions and not merely contrary notions. There is no such thing as a mixed economy, a system that would stand midway between capitalism and socialism. - Ludwig von Mises
Capitalism means free enterprise, sovereignty of the consumers in economic matters, and sovereignty of the voters in political matters. Socialism means full government control of every sphere of the individuals life and the unrestricted supremacy of the government in its capacity as central board of production management. - Ludwig von Mises
The social engineer is the reformer who is prepared to liquidate all those who do not fit into his plan for the arrangement of human affairs. - Ludwig von Mises
In fact Socialism is not in the least what it pretends to be. It is not the pioneer of a better and finer world, but the spoiler of what thousands of years of civilization have created. It does not build, it destroys. For destruction is the essence of it. - Ludwig von Mises

L. Neil Smith
One of those guises is socialism, a criminal scam masquerading cynically as a legitimate ideology that—at best—promises to enslave each and every one of us to one another, but which, in point of historical fact, merely enslaves us all to an aristocracy—the nomenklatura—as arrogant and privileged as any royal bloodline ever was, but which lacks the faintest redeeming shred of noblesse oblige. - L. Neil Smith

Socialism - quotes - great thinkers - Vladimir Lenin - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. - Vladimir Lenin
One man with a gun can control 100 without one. - Vladimir Lenin
A lie told often enough becomes the truth. - Vladimir Lenin
Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. - Vladimir Lenin
The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them in parliament. - Vladimir Lenin
The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency. - Vladimir Lenin
The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses. - Vladimir Lenin
Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism. - Vladimir Lenin
Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever. - Vladimir Lenin
There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel. - Vladimir Lenin
Democracy is indispensable to socialism. - Vladimir Lenin
It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed. - Vladimir Lenin

Socialism - quotes - great thinkers - Joseph Stalin - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. - Joseph Stalin
The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic. - Joseph Stalin
We don't let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns? - Joseph Stalin
Death solves all problems - no man, no problem. - Joseph Stalin
Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed. - Joseph Stalin
When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use. - Joseph Stalin
If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves. - Joseph Stalin
The only real power comes out of a long rifle. - Joseph Stalin

Socialism - quotes - great thinkers - Barack Hussein Obama - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times. - Barack Hussein Obama
Generally, the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. - Barack Hussein Obama
If you've got a business - you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. - Barack Hussein Obama
I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody. - Barack Hussein Obama
Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. - Barack Hussein Obama
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program. - Barack Hussein Obama
I think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution because I actually believe in redistribution... - Barack Hussein Obama
If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. - Barack Hussein Obama
...We're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us. - Barack Hussein Obama

Socialism - quotes - great thinkers - Hillary Clinton - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
We are going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good. - Hillary Clinton
It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, for the few, and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity. - Hillary Clinton
We can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people. - Hillary Clinton
We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own turf in order to create this common ground. - Hillary Clinton
I certainly think the free market has failed. - Hillary Clinton
I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in the entire economy, that they are being watched. - Hillary Clinton
What I want to do is take those profits and apply them to alternative energy. - Hillary Clinton
I really believe that it takes a village to raise a child. - Hillary Clinton
I also believe that every new handgun sale or transfer should be registered in a national registry... - Hillary Clinton

Socialism - Links - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
Federalist Just Like ‘Real’ Socialism, ‘Real Feudalism’ Has Never Been Tried
YouTube PragerU: Why Socialism Never Works: A Video Marathon
Federalist Jordan Peterson Destroys Theory 'Real Marxism Has Never Been Tried' in Under Sixty Seconds
American Thinker The Chinese may not be quite as successful as they appear
Dennis Prager The Left’s Moral Compass Isn’t Broken ...
Gold Money A critique of modern socialism
American Instititute for Economic Research (AIER) Yes, It Was "Real Socialism." No, We Shouldn’t Try Again.
Fillmore County Journal Socialism. It’s never worked. Let’s try it again.
Ann coulter We, Too, Can Be A Failed Latin American State!
Illinois Family Institute To Know Socialism is to Hate It
Louder With Crowder Sorry, Socialism is for Losers
Louder With Crowder DEBUNKED: TOP 5 Socialism Lies!
Conservative Review Socialism isn’t confusing
Conservative Review Bozell & Graham: Facts don’t favor socialism
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse We Still Need To Kill Commies For Mommy, And For The Children.
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Why We Should Still Be Talking About Killing Communists
Zero Hedge "Real Socialism" Has Indeed Been Tried... And It's Been A Disaster
Intellectual Takeout Why the Millennials are Socialists - 5 reasons that most folks aren't considering.
YouTube The Truth About Karl Marx
The People's Cube Why socialists need capitalism: best explanation so far
YouTube Democratic Socialism is Still Socialism
Mises Institute Millennials Love Free Markets, But Don't Understand Them
Affluent Investor Socialism vs. Capitalism
American Thinker Capitalism: the Worst System -- Except for all the Rest
Telegraph Leftists become incandescent when reminded of the socialist roots of Nazism
Telegraph So total is the Left's cultural ascendancy that no one likes to mention the socialist roots of fascism
Mises Institute How and How Not to Desocialize The Hitler Test
wikipedia Mass killings under Communist regimes
Mises Institute Requiem for Marx
Mises Institute Socialism in Practice: The Lethal Laboratory
Mises Institute Intellectual Roots of Terror
Mises Institute The Triumph of Socialism
Mises Institute Jesús Huerta de Soto on Really Existing Socialism
Mises Institute A Tale of Two Colonies
Mises Institute The Trojan Horse of "Happiness Research"
Mises Institute Laundry Detergent: A Socialist Failure
Mises Institute The Aristocratic Doctrine
Mises Institute Reactionary Socialism
Mises Institute What the Nazis Borrowed from Marx
Mises Institute Socialism and Decivilization
Mises Institute The Failure of Subsidized Production in the Massachusetts Theocracy
Mises Institute Native American Reservations: "Socialist Archipelago"
Mises Institute Layoffs, Socialist Style
Mises Institute Greece Illustrates 150 Years of Socialist Failure in Europe
Mises Institute Birthday of a Bloodbath
Daily Reckoning Why Central Planning Fails
Las Vegas Review Journal Socialism begets tyranny? Coincidence!
American Thinker The Socialism-Capitalism Science Experiment
American Thinker America's Useful Idiots
American Thinker Do Americans truly understand 'redistribution of wealth'?
American Thinker A Toast to Socialist Countries
American Thinker In Their Own Words: Lenin, Stalin, Obama, and Hillary Marxism In America
Museum Of Communism
American Thinker Reading the Contempt of Socialists
American Thinker Honoring a Venezuelan tyrant amid bloody protests
CBS News Students Sign Petition To 'Redistribute' GPAs, But Some Are Too 'Greedy' To Lower Their Grades For Others
Canada Free Press Obama and Redistribution of Your Wealth
Canada Free Press The Pilgrims Were Thankful They Abandoned Communism - And We Too Can Be Thankful
Canada Free Press Let’s talk real fascism - New fascism rising in America’s streets and pouring from its colleges and its ghettoes
Canada Free Press Why Socialism Survives - Socialism has survived only because of unchallenged false claims that "Socialism has never succeeded."
Canada Free Press The Tables Have Turned on "Useful Idiots"
Canada Free Press Communism Then and Now - At the end of the day, communism is still a form of totalitarianism no matter how you slice it
Canada Free Press Left Wing Fascist Anti-fascist Fascism - THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A RIGHT-WING FASCIST/NAZI. Such an animal simply cannot exist. Left-wing fascist/Nazis, on the other hand, are all over the d—n place
Monster Hunter Nation Hate Mail Response to my Hate Mail! (and I Godwin the hell out of this post)
Monster Hunter Nation Hate mail time!
Monster Hunter Nation A quick hate mail :)
L. Neil Smith's Down With Power Political Taxonomy
Yahoo! News UN: Food supply tenuous for 16 million North Koreans
American Thinker The Grim Logic of 'Fairness'
American Thinker Escape from a North Korean Prison Camp
Yahoo! News Leader's uncle rose to No. 2 in North Korea
American Thinker Supreme Court Helps Obama Fulfill Dreams from His Communist Mentor
FreedomWorks The Emporer Has No Clothes - Obama's Marxist Ideology Revealed Again
Yahoo! Finance 'Drink Less, Work More', Billionaire Tells Non-Rich
Bookwiorm Room In Lefty world, it matters not what’s being done; the only thing that matters is whether a Leftist does it
pravda Obama's Soviet Mistake
Daily Reckoning Why Central Planning Fails
Daily Reckoning The Problem With the "Income Inequality" Problem
Daily Reckoning A One-Way Ticket to Central Planning
Capitalism Institute The Simple Reason Socialism Always Fails
PJ Media Karl Marx Was a Tea Partier
Capitalism Institute The Simple Reason Socialism Always Fails
Financial Sense Archive he Sad Road to Socialism - What happens When Private Property is No Longer a Right
Yahoo! News Purge sends chilling message to North Korea's elite
Yahoo! News North Korea Still Opens Arms to US Tourists Despite Prosecutions
Acting Man Karl Marx Gets Resurrected at the Rolling Stone Magazine
Power Line Roots of totalitarian liberalism
Personal Liberty Digest Study: ‘Income Inequality’ Agenda Ignores The Truth About Economic Mobility In America
Personal Liberty Digest The Regime Uses Words And Phrases Designed To Bamboozle Us All
The National Review The Left’s Central Delusion - Its devotion to central planning has endured from the French Revolution to Obamacare.
The Imaginative Conservative The Left vs. Human Nature
Truth Revolt FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Walking into Mordor with Bill Whittle
Truth Revolt Spokesman For Head of UK Opposition Praises Communism and the 'Humanity' of Castro and Che - You've got it all wrong about Communism, people.
Truth Revolt Horowitz: Election Fog - Dispelling a key myth of the primary season.
Truth Revolt Matt Kibbe: 'Democratic Socialism is a Form of Dictatorship' - Democratic socialism vs. Karl Marx socialism
Truth Revolt Cuban-American Filmmaker: America is Gradually Accepting Communism - "'Progressive' is a mix of socialist, Communist, and fascist."
Truth Revolt Prager U: Income Inequality is Good - "This is simply because we’re all different."
Truth Revolt Prager U: Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism? - Dennis Prager on communism's horrific legacy.
Truth Revolt Tapson: The Nightmare Reality of the Communist Dream - Another communist fantasizes that ‘this time’ they’ll get it right.
Truth Revolt Greenfield: The Big Lie: Conservatives Opposing the Fascist Left are the Real Anti-Fascists - A review of Dinesh D’Souza’s new book taking on the real fascists of the Left.
mrc tv Former Soviet Union Chess Champ Gives Brutal Take Down of Socialism
mrc tv Tow Truck Driver Refuses to Tow Sanders Supporter
Forbes Ghastly Idiocy About The Rise Of China - It's The Chinese Workers Who Have Benefited
YouTube Karl Marx Rebuttal: Debunking Communism from 'The School of Life'
Gateway Pundit Report: Democrat Party More Destructive to Economy and Culture Than Modern Chinese Communist Party
Bookworm Room A broken kitchen sink explains everything that’s wrong with socialism - The wonders of a newly installed kitchen sink remind me how I learned that socialism is an irredeemably corrupt system that will always fail.
Acording To Hoyt Intro to State And Revolution - by Amanda S. Green
Daily Wire WaPo Columnist Pens FRIGHTENING Defense Of Marxism: 'It's Time To Give Socialism A Try'
Daily Wire HOW TO DESTROY A MAJOR CITY: One Week After Passing Massive Head Tax, Seattle Democrats Consider Huge Property Tax Increase
PJ Media How Socialism Can Ruin Your Life
Paris Review Forty-Five Things I Learned in the Gulag
Natural News 25 ways Silicon Valley resembles the former Soviet Union
Federalist Meghan McCain Is Right. Socialism Leads To Misery And Destitution - Don't let the democratic socialists whitewash history.
Federalist The New York Times’ Anti-White Hire Is Exactly What Western Education Trains People To Be - To understand where Sarah Jeong came from, look to the tax-funded activist departments within Western universities, which teach what Jeong preaches.
mrc tv Universal Basic Income is Basically Failing...Who Knew?
Federalist Here’s How To Successfully Debate A Democratic Socialist - As the democratic socialists become more prominent, both nationally and at our dinner tables, it’s very likely you will find yourself debating one, like I did recently.
mrc tv SHOCKER: Finland Finds ‘Free Money’ Programs Don’t Encourage People to Get Jobs
PJ Media We Teach Nothing, We Know Nothing-and That Could Cost the United States Everything
mrc tv Survey Finds 1 in 3 Millennials Say They Have a 'Favorable' View of Communism
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse Don't Fall For The "Not Real Socialism" Kafkatrap.
Everyman The Borg, Communism, and Voyager
Tablet The American Soviet Mentality - Collective demonization invades our culture
Tablet 100,000 Little Stalinists - A new book examines ‘The Tyranny of Virtue’ on campus and in the wider woke culture
A Song OF Joy, by Caroline Furlong Review: Pretending to Sleep: A Communism Survivor’s Short Story
Ann Coulter Venezuela’s Welfare Has Run Out. Now They Want Ours

Socialism - Rationing - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
Louder With Crowder EU proposes a mandatory reduction in personal electricity use to--wait for it--'flatten the curve'
Louder With Crowder Tesla sends government message to owners about conserving electricity and not charging their Teslas

Socialism - Heros - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
YouTube Who Celebrates Che Guevara?

Socialism - child care- Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
Atlantic 30 Years Ago, Romania Deprived Thousands of Babies of Human Contact

Socialism - exports - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
American Thinker Brits Deem Wuhan Virus Lab Origin Credible

Socialism - Speaking Lies For Power - War On Truth - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
American Thinker China's miserable bid to clean up its image falling flat

Socialism - trial run - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
Louder with Crowder OPINION: Coronavirus Panic is a Trojan Horse for Socialism
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) While You Slept, Government Created Internal Passports, Real ID

Socialism - war on individuality - war on freedom - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
Truth Revolt Glazov: Hating Valentine’s - Why Islamists and the radical Left loathe the Day of Love.
Truth Revolt Venzuela Plagued by Consequences of Socialism - Ahh, socialist utopia.
Daily Wire 5 Indicators The Left Gives Zero Damns About Freedom

Socialism - war on free speech - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
mrc tv Vietnamese Rapper's Brave Song Sparks Anti-Communist 'Zombie Movement'
Truth Revolt China Hunting Down Critics of Communist Party Line - "Worst crackdown since Tiananmen Square."
Truth Revolt Leftists' Favorite Country Caught Censoring People's Text Messages - "It shows how insecure and paranoid the government is."
Truth Revolt REMINDER: Children as Young as 8 Punished for Insulting Leaders in Communist China - In case you forgot you lived in the land of the free.
Truth Revolt Video: 'Take a Knee' is Total Bullsh*t - Paul Joseph Watson destroys the "take a knee" trend as only he can.
mrc tv New Poll of Socialists Shows Only 14% Support Free Speech
Unz Review The Cowardly American Corporation

Socialism - proof that socialism is better than capitalism - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
News With Views The Sad Road to Socialism
Truth Revolt Prager U: Socialism Makes People Selfish
Mises Institute The Great Thanksgiving Hoax
Mises Institute War Socialism and the Confederate Defeat
Louder With Crowder FEEL THE BERN: This ‘Pay Your Fair Share’ Cafe Proves Socialism is the Worst
The Local Sweden is deporting this entrepreneur for lowering his own salary
YouTube How to shut up a marxist (Jordan Peterson speech)
Zero Hedge If Socialism Is So Good, Why Are People Moving Away?

Socialism - Seattle is proof that socialism is better than capitalism - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
Red State The Seattle ‘Autonomous Zone’ Is Basically an Insurrection and It’s Time to Shut It Down
Red State Seattle’s Autonomous Zone Gets a Warlord and He’s Doing What the Cops Should’ve Done
Red State Hilarious Story of the Day: Radical Leftists in ‘Autonomous Zone’ in Seattle Already Have a Huge Problem

Socialism - Chicago is proof that socialism is better than capitalism - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
New York Post Rahm Emanuel’s failure is an ill omen for all Democrats

Socialism - North Korea is proof that socialism is better than capitalism - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
Mail Online The truth about North Korea's glittering 'Hotel Of Doom' built to symbolize country's supremacy: There's nothing but a derelict shell inside
dotTech North Korea gets pwned by DMCA, propaganda video is taken down for stealing footage from video game
Yahoo! News North Korea 'publicly executes 80 people' (for watching smuggled South Korean TV shows)
The Wire North Korea Is Still Expanding Its Largest Prison Camps
Personal Liberbty Digest Here’s Why America Fell Into The Hands Of Tyrants
Washington Post For North Korea’s Kims, it’s never too soon to start brainwashing
mrc tv N. Korea Kills Official w/ Anti-Aircraft Gun...For Falling Asleep in a Meeting

Socialism - Venezuela is proof that socialism is better than capitalism - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
Thanks to Hugo Chavez for showing that the poor matter and wealth can be shared. He made massive contributions to Venezuela and a very wide world.
Economics 21 How Socialism Destroyed Venezuela
Joel D. Hirst's Blog Venezuela’s Civilization is Over: What Lessons Have We Learned?
Joel D. Hirst's Blog The Suicide of Venezuela
Joel D. Hirst's Blog Venezuela’s Discovery of Hunger
WND 10 biggest signs of socialism's failure in Venezuela - Food shortages, power outages, pet-eating and more
Chicks on the Right Socialist Paradise: Look What People In Venezuela Are Doing With Their Cash
Truth Revolt Refrigerators Lose Power in Venezuela as Socialist Gov’t Conserves Energy - Maduro blames an "economic war" by capitalists.
Truth Revolt Venezuelans Forced to Dumpster Dive for Food - "...extreme poverty that would drive people to eat garbage."
Truth Revolt Socialist Venezuela Plagued by Daily Riots, Looting - "Behind all this is the president, the rat in his palace, eating riches while we fight to buy pasta."
Truth Revolt Coke Stops Production in Venezuela Due to Sugar Shortage - Ah, socialist Utopia.
Truth Revolt Looting, Arrests Skyrocket in Starving Venezuela - People are eating dogs and cats.
Truth Revolt Venezuelan Teachers Wait in Food Lines Rather than Teach Class - "By the time we see the full consequences, there will be no way to put it right."
Truth Revolt Nobel Prize-Winning Clinton Adviser Embraced Venezuelan Socialism - "Influential advisor to Hillary Clinton"
Truth Revolt Starving Venezuelan Women Push Through Columbian Border Controls Looking for Food - "We're desperate, we have nothing: no cooking oil, no sugar, no rice."
Truth Revolt 123,000 Venezuelans Cross Border into Columbia Looking for Food - "It's sad to be doing this, but we also know over there we'll find something."
Truth Revolt Starving Venezuelans Break into Zoo, Eat Horse - Vietnamese pigs and sheep also stolen.
Truth Revolt Ami Horowitz: Democrats Love Socialism - So let's see how much they like it in Venezuela...
Truth Revolt Prager U: How's Socialism Doing in Venezuela? - Venezuela is falling apart. Its economy? Ruined. Its people? Hungry. Its government? Corrupt. What happened?
mrc tv Leftist Media Icons Overlook the Economic Disaster of Venezuela
mrc tv Socialist Venezuelan Gov't to Starving Citizens: 'Let Them Eat Cake'
mrc tv Venezuelan Gov't Cracks Down on Dissent As Its People Revolt
mrc tv 'We're Being Ruthlessly Killed' - Desperate Woman Reveals the Truth Within Maduro's Venezuela
mrc tv Venezuelan Baseball Star Dies After Socialist-Run Hospital Runs Out of Drugs
mrc tv In Socialist Venezuela, Surgery Patients Are Having to Bring Their Own Scalpels
mrc tv Hollywood Mum While Desperately Ill Venezuelans Are Assaulted by Armed Police Near Socialist Health Ministry
mrc tv A Cup of Coffee In Venezuela Now Costs 1/5 the Monthly Minimum Wage
mrc tv Venezuela’s Capital is Running Out of Water
mrc tv Venezuelan Pres. Maduro Enjoys 'Salt Bae' Steak Dinner & Personalized Cigars While His People Starve
Bloomberg Chavez Risks Backlash After Venezuela Devalues Bolivar 32%
Contra Corner Venezuela’s Hyperinflation Crack-Up Boom on its Way to Outer Space
Canada Free Press The tragedy of Venezuela - Where leftist dreams have all come true.
Daily Reckoning Is the US Going the Way of Venezuela?
Daily Reckoning The Disaster of De-Industrialization
Daily Reckoning Hillary’s Economic Plan: Eat Your Pets for Food
American Thinker Foreign airlines stop selling tickets in Venezuelan currency
American Thinker New York Times reports on desperate hunger and starvation in Venezuela, but omits mention of ‘socialism’
American Thinker Venezuela's Chaos Is the Logical End of Democrats' Vision for America
American Thinker Even Venezuela's sugar daddies, Russia and China, are bailing out
American Thinker Venezuelan inflation rate now at 40,000%
American Thinker US charges Venezuela's socialist elites with stealing even the food
Jewish World News The Embrace of Socialism --- Despite Its Track Record
Mises Institute Venezuela Has But One Choice: Capitalism or Chaos
Mises Institute Why the Left Refuses to Talk About Venezuela
Jewish World Review Hey, Bernie Sanders Supporters --- All Roads Lead to Venezuela
Zero Hedge "Economy Shattered, Currency Collapsing": Venezuelans Wait In 6 ATM Lines For Enough To Buy Rice
Zero Hedge Venezuela Deploys National Guard As Venezuelans Protest Worthless Cash
Zero Hedge Letters From Venezuela: This Is What Life Is Really Like In A Post-Collapse Society
Daily Wire NEVER FORGET: Leftists Gushed Over Venezuela's Horrific Socialist Dictators
Louder With Crowder HORRIBLE: Starving Venezuelans Butcher Their DOGS So They Can Eat...
Sultan Knish What Happens When Socialists Run Out of Other People's Money
Zero Hedge Mass Exodus Begins: 1000s Flee Venezuela's Socialist Starvation Across Bridge To Colombia
BBC The bridge of desperation
PJ Media In Venezuela, Huge Hike in Minimum Wage Forces 40 Percent of Stores to Close
NY Times Venezuela Cuts to Fight Inflation (Zeroes From Its Currency, That Is)
American Thinker Murderous communists? Who knew? Take a look at what they are doing in Venezuela
Reuters Violence, attacks on doctors plague Venezuela hospitals: doctors survey
Strategy Page Potential Hot Spots: Chinese Republic Of Venezuela
Fox News Venezuelans regret gun ban, 'a declaration of war against an unarmed population'
Daily Wire Report: Girls As Young As 14 Sell Sex, Straight Men Sell Gay Sex To Escape Socialist Hellhole Venezuela
Daily Wire Venezuela Goes Dark In Worst Blackout In DECADES, At Least 17 People Dead
mrc tv Socialism On Parade: Maduro Announces 30-Day Electricity Rationing to Deal With Venezuela's Blackouts
Accuracy In Media Socialism Doesn’t Work, and Venezuela’s Paying the Price
Daily Wire DIMARTINO: How Venezuela Went From A Rich Nation Of Immigrants, To A Hungry Nation Of Refugees
Fox Business Chevron to stay in Venezuela as inflation tops 830,000%

Socialism - Cuba is proof that socialism is better than capitalism - Fidel Castro - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
Truth Revolt Castro’s Torture of American POWs in Vietnam - An untold story.

Socialism - England is proof that socialism is better than capitalism - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
American Thinker The Death Spiral of Socialism

Socialism - except for the priviliged white overlords - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
Legal Insurrection BREAKING – Small Democratic Socialist town in middle of nowhere 8th most expensive to raise family
Truth Revolt Liberal Utopia: Blacks Being Pushed Out of Austin by White, Progressive Hipsters - One of the fastest growing U.S. cities, just not for blacks.
Truth Revolt Champagne Socialist François Hollande Spends €10,000 a Month on Haircuts - CoiffeurGate
Louder With Crowder Bernie Ends His Socialist Campaign ... By Buying Expensive Third House.
Daily Wire Leftists Keep Saying The Richest People Are Wealthier Than Billions Of Other People Combined. Here’s Why That’s A Stupid Talking Point.
Daily Wire WATCH: Sanders, Warren, Michael Moore Hold Townhall On Inequality. Those Three Combined Own 13 Homes And Are Worth $61 Million.

Socialism - fighting back - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
National Review How Olivia de Havilland and Ronald Reagan Beat the Hollywood Communists

Socialism - humor - Socialism - Communism - Marxism - turning wealth into poverty since 1848
YouTube Jack and the Magic Socialist Beanstalk (Book Reading)
The People's Cube As Venezuela starves, celebrities to the rescue
Babylon Bee Fed Up With Oppressive Capitalism, Bernie Sanders Retires To Socialist Paradise Venezuela
Babylon Bee Strong Link Found Between Supporting Communism And Never Once Having Opened A History Book
Canada Free Press Mamas, Don’t Let Your Kids Grow Up To Be Marxist Morons! - Read it in a textbook; Saw it on Television:
Onion Report Suggests Stalin Was Just One Great Purge Away From Creating Communist Utopia
Babylon Bee Nazis Clarify They're Only Calling For 'Democratic Nazism'
International Liberty Socialism/Communism Humor
mrc tv Take My Money! Hasbro Releases 'Monopoly Socialism' Board Game, Pokes Fun at 'Socialist Utopia'
Babylon Bee Millennial Wishes There Were Some Historical Examples Of Socialism We Could Study To Have Some Idea How It Might Turn Out
Babylon Bee Bernie Sanders Promises Crowd He Will Lock Trump Up And Also Millions Of Others Once The Gulags Are Up And Running
Genesius Times Trump creates single-payer Dept. of Movies with a max actor salary of $50,000 a year
Sacramento Brie Experts: Socialist famines caused by Climate Change, people need Socialism to save planet
Babylon Bee Breaking: America Tests Positive For Socialism
Babylon Bee China Impressed By Michigan Governor's Totalitarian Policies
Babylon Bee CNN Apologizes To Stalin, Mao After Comparing Them To Trump
Babylon Bee Chinese Spy Assigned To Date Eric Swalwell Begs To Be Sent To Labor Camp Instead
YouTube Anti-Capitalist Cooking Show Teaches Authentic Soviet Union Recipe!
YouTube Jack and Beans (Book Reading)
Babylon Bee 10 Times Socialism Actually Worked
Babylon Bee New Communist Food Delivery Service Just Delivers You Empty Containers Then Shoots You

Society for Evidence based Gender Medicine (SEGM)

Sondraistan politically incorret humor

Sons Of Liberty Media
Sons Of Liberty Media Why Have AG Barr & Feds Not Arrested Actor Tom Arnold For Inciting Insurrection?
Sons Of Liberty Media 3 Reasons Why Prepared People Need Guns

Space Program:
Human Events Farewell, the New Frontier
USA Today Obama doesn't get it; space is last frontier
MS NBC Armstrong: Obama NASA plan 'devastating'. Astronauts warn plan would put U.S. on path to "mediocrity"

Speaking About News The Utopian Virus in Power

Sports - Support For Sexual Assault - Support For Drunk Drivers (Killing innocent victims)
rc tv NFL Softer On Sex Abusers, Drunk Drivers Than Mask Protocol Violators

Sports - Support For Hamas - Support For Killing Jews - support For terrrism
mrc tv Nazi Salute Flashed At Pro-Israel Crowd By Former Pro Soccer Player

Sports - MLB Support For Child Mutilation
mrc tv Baseball Called ‘Out’ For Promoting Child Sex Change Surgery

Sports - War On Women
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire
Democrats are proving the best woman for any job is a man.
Drag queens are to women as blackface is to blacks.
Males in titface are just as offensive as whites in blackface
New Democrat Mottto: if the chick's got a dick you must acquit - Brodigan, Louder With Crowder
Louder With Crowder TROLLMASTER: Rapper Mocks Leftists by Smashing Women’s Weightlifting Records... ‘As a Woman’!
Quillette Confronting a New Threat to Female Athletics
Louder With Crowder Male-to-Female Transgender Weightlifter Shatters Female World Records
Louder With Crowder WATCH: Female Athletes Speak Out Against Transgender Athletes in Powerful Video
American Thinker Democrats Toss Women Athletes Under the Bus
WND Female athletes crushed by 'women who were once men'
American Wire Study Finds Transgender Athletes Have Advantages In Women’s Sports, Even After 12 Months Of Hormone Therapy
American Wire Transgender Athletes Wreak Havoc In Women’s Rugby
Louder With Crowder WATCH: ‘Transwoman’ Admits Physical Advantage, Still Wants to Compete Against Women
Daily Wire Trans Athlete Wins Women’s World Cycling Competition, Again; Slams ‘Transphobic’ Critics
Louder With Crowder Okay Lady Athletes, Here’s How to Deal with Transwomen in Your Sport
Louder With Crowder Video of Australian Transgender Athlete Highlights Huge Differences Between Men and Women
Breitbart ‘Women’s Rights’ Groups Silent on Female Athletes Seeking to Preserve Women’s Sports
Federalist More Than 300 Female Athletes, Olympians Urge NCAA To Protect Women’s Sports
Federalist ‘Truly The End Of Female Sports’: Athletes And Congresswomen Fight Transgender Takeover - A man identifying as a female in sports doesn’t just steal first place — he takes away scholarships, college offers, compensation, and life-changing opportunities female athletes have fought for.
mrc tv Shocker: Study Shows Transgendered Female Athletes Have Edge On Real Female Athletes
mrc tv By Instagram Standards, Science Proving Male Athletes’ Advantages Over Women Is ‘Hate Speech’
YouTube 'A complete betrayal': New IOC transgender guidelines 'destroy women's sport'
mrc tv The Patriarchy Wins Again: A Biologically Male Swimmer Is Smashing Women's Records At UPenn
PJ Media Actual Female Swimmer at UPenn Says Team’s Support for Transgender Swimmer Is ‘Fake’
mrc tv Penn’s Man Of The Hour: Thomas Wiping Out Ivy League Women’s Competition
Louder With Crowder Female NCAA Swimmer Bravely Speaks Out Against Lia Thomas: 'You Don't Have a Chance'
Louder With Crowder Joe Rogan Declares Lia Thomas Is When Assault on Women's Sports Went Too Far: 'If Your Daughter’s Competing...'
mrc tv Harvard De-platforms Feminist Opposed to Males In Women’s Sports
mrc tv Male Wins Aussie Women’s Surfing Title; Uprising Against Trans Frauds Growing
Louder With Crowder Megan Rapinoe Tells Parents Upset That Girls' Opportunities are Being Stolen By Biological Boys: ‘Suck it Up’
Federalist Here’s How Letting Boys Compete As Girls Hurts Female Athletes Like Me
Breitbart Biological Male ‘Absolutely Demolishes’ Female Surfing Competitors in Australia
Louder With Crowder 29-Year-Old Biological Male Wins Women's Skateboarding Competition, Beating Out 2nd Place 13-Year-Old Girl
Federalist Papers Lia Thomas' Opponent Exposes Judges' Biased Response After They Precisely Tied
mrc tv NBA’s Hornets To Wildly Reward Player Who Allegedly Beat Up Girlfriend
mrc tv Women’s Soccer League Rocked By Sexual Misconduct Scandal
mrc tv Firestorm! NCAA, Incoming Prez Facing Fury Of Transgender Opponents
Louder With Crowder Megan Rapinoe opposes law protecting YOUR daughter from being forced to compete against biological boys in girls' sports
mrc tv Cycling Org Says Letting 'Transwomen' Compete Against Female Athletes Is 'Based on the Latest Scientific Knowledge'
Louder With Crowder "Way to cheat, bro:" Dude ranked 172nd in high school track is now the fastest sophomore girl in the region
Louder With Crowder 50-year-old "Melody Wiseheart" enters swimming contest for 13-year-old girls, yet still can't dominate them
Louder With Crowder "Listen to the screams:" Female field hockey player severely injured by male allowed to play on girls' high school team
Louder With Crowder USA Boxing announces new rules allowing men to hit women if they identify as trans
Louder With Crowder Watch: Below average high school male sprinter who turned female crushes TWO MORE college records competing against girls
Louder With Crowder Watch: High school sophomore shatters state's high jump record. Of course, she's a dude...
Louder With Crowder Man identifies as woman and SMASHES national women's weightlifting competition: "Thank you for such a supportive event"
Louder With Crowder High School Girl Beat by Transgender Athletes Speaks Out
mrc tv Female Shot Put Champ Fights Rule Change Allowing Men to Compete in Her Division

Sports - Support For Gun Control - Opposition to the Second Amendment
mrc tv Boston’s Brown Says Boycotting NBA Finals Effective Strategy For Gun Control

Sports - NBA and Players Support For Tyrants Gun Violence
mrc tv ‘Healing Process?’ Player Waves Gun Around Bar, NBA Team Pretends to Care

Sports - NBA and Players Support For Tyrants and Tyranny - Support For Slavery - Support For Genocide - Intolerance To Freedom - Close Minded
mrc tv New Book: Pats Players Nearly Rebelled Over Belichick's Trump Support
mrc tv China To Restrict All Foreigners From Attending Winter Olympics
mrc tv James, NBA Ignore Disappearance of Chinese Athlete, Denounce U.S. 'Vigilantism'
mrc tv NBA Demanded Kanter Freedom End Anti-China Crusade; He Refused
mrc tv Sen. Scott Wants Answers From NBA On Its ties to ‘Murderous’ China
mrc tv That Explains A Lot: Top NBA Investor Says He Doesn’t ‘Care About the Uyghurs’
mrc tv Costas Blasts 'Shameless' IOC For Allowing China To Host Winter Olympics
mrc tv Uyghurs Call For Viewer Boycott of ‘Genocide’ Olympics; NYT Aids China’s Propaganda
mrc tv NBA Wants No Part of Freedom: China Critic Bounced Out Of League
mrc tv China’s Government-run Media Cheers NBA’s Release Of Freedom ‘Virus’
breitbart Maher: Companies, Celebs Decided to Be ‘a Little Evil’ on China and Become Their ‘Bitch’
rumble Woke World Of Sports: ESPN Sheds Light On What The NBA And LeBron Crave More Than Basketball…China
mrc tv Tucker Carlson, Enes Kanter Freedom Expose NBA-China Relationship
mrc tv Enes Kanter Freedom: No Free Agency Offers Because of China Criticism
mrc tv Clueless In China: At Home, NBA has Weakening Product and PR Problems
mrc tv Nets Star Buddies With Genocide Denying CCP Diplomat
mrc tv Nets’ Simmons Praises Chinese Communist & Uyghur Camp Propagandist

Sports - NBA and Players Support For Perverts
mrc tv NFL Fully Supports Drag Queen Story Time, Additional Pride Perversions
mrc tv Project Veritas Exposes ‘Toxic, Racist’ Environment At

Sports - NBA Support For Rape, Genocide, Slave Labor and other features of Tyrants.
Louder With Crowder Here's the Anti-China Commercial Featuring NBA Star That NBC Refuses to Air During the Olympics

Sports - Support For Racism
Louder With Crowder NASCAR Pulls Anti-White Racial Requirements for Internships, But It's Not A Total Win
mrc tv Former NBA Star Gilbert Arenas Loves It When Draymond Green Assaults White NBA Players

Sports - Atheletes Inability To Discern The Difference Between Work And Slavery
mrc tv Thirsty for Attention, Colin Kaepernick Tweets He's Ready for an NFL Comeback After Comparing NFL to Slavery
mrc tv NFL HOFer Reed Repeats Ridiculous Slavery Comparison To NFL

Sports - Players Support For Slavery - Support For Slave Labor
mrc tv Kanter Blasts ‘LeChina’ James Ahead Of Tonight’s Celtics-Lakers Game

Sports - Support For Criminals - Support For Defund The Police - Support For Killing Police
mrc tv Fraternal Order Of Police Blast NFL For Supporting Defund Groups
mrc tv Despicable Wokeness! ESPN Tweet Celebrates Cop Killer On HBO Program

Sports - being paid millions to work is no different than slavery
Are all athletes morons, or only Colin Kaepernick
Louder With Crowder Watch: Colin Kaepernick Thinks Trying Out for the NFL is the Same as Slave Auctions

Sports - NFL Players Support Of Illegal Invaders Murdering Americans
Louder With Crowder Illegal Immigrant, That Was Bailed out by NFL Players for a Different Crime, is Now Wanted for Murder

Sports - NFL Support For Crime
mrc tv NFL Lowlights: Gang Arrests, Trafficking, Assault & Battery

Sports - Racist Anti-Racism
mrc tv Three Keys to a New Anti-Racist NBA
mrc tv NFL-Style Diversity Excludes Whites, Minorities From Networking Opportunity

Sports - Hypocrisy - NBA Hypocrisy - NFL Hypocrisy
mrc tv Raiders Fire Gruden for Comments ... Made 7 Years Ago?
mrc tv NFL Can’t Hide Its Shame Behind Departed Raiders Coach Gruden
mrc tv Nike Executive ‘Beloved’ Despite Hiding Murder Conviction
mrc tv NBA Set To Play Preseason Games In Anti-Woke UAE
mrc tv Marco Rubio Calls Out NBA's Lack Of Consistency In Social Issues

Sports - Black Lies Matter - Other Lives Don't Matter - Hypocrisy
Power Line NBA’s kowtowing to China pays off
Federalist Mark Cuban Tells Megyn Kelly China Is An NBA Customer: ‘I’m OK Doing Business With China’
Babylon Bee NBA Now Requiring All Players To Stand For Chinese National Anthem
mrc tv 'Build Barricades! Burn Precincts!' BLM Speaker Screams 'Power To the Looters' During Violent Tirade

Sports - Popularity for Supporting - Black Lies Matter - Other Lives Don't Matter - Hypocrisy
American Thinker Crashing NBA ratings predict Trump win
American Thinker Turned off and tuned out: Hollywood and pro sports viewerships plummet

Sports - War On Christians
Fox News Dodgers' latest reversal on anti-Catholic group's invite to Pride Night draws backlash: 'Disgraceful'

Sports - Humor
Babylon Bee Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record
Babylon Bee All-Star Game Moved From Atlanta To Uyghur Prison Camp Yard
Glorious American Feminist Sprinter Refuses To Take Baton On The Grounds It Looks Like A Penis
Glorous American Shark Who Identifies As Female Swimmer Poised To Compete In Summer Olympics
Glorious American LeBron: ‘We're At The Point Where A Girl Can't Even Stab Her Friends Anymore’
Babylon Bee Dodgers Wondering If They Should Have Spent More Time Training For Playoffs And Less Time Honoring Satanic Drag Nuns

Sprouts Schools Video Lessons

Stage Right Theatrics, Inc. Disagreement Does Not Equal Hate

Stella Awards Opportunists and self-described victims vs. any available deep pockets and the U.S. Justice system

Steyn Online
Steyn Online Holiday Memories You'll Cherish Forever
Steyn Online Chip Off the Old Block
Steyn Online Cigars, But Not Close
Steyn Online Winning Heads and Minds
World Jewish Review Don't Say I'm Violent, Or I'll Kill You
World Jewish Review Make Kellogg's Gr-rr-rr-rr-rreat Again

Statues: - War On Statues - War On History
mrc tv Boston 'Progressives' Remove 100-Year-Old Statue Commemorating the End of Slavery
Conservative Fighters WALSH: It’s Time To Tear Down The Statues Of These Three Monstrous Liberal Heroes
PJ Media New Orleans' Joan of Arc Statue Vandalized With 'Take It Down'
The Unz Review Lincoln Statue Burned in 98% Black Neighborhood in Chicago, Trump Blamed
the blaze Take down statue, remove name of slave-owning George Washington from Chicago park, pastor says
Tea Party Since We’re Tearing Down ‘Offensive’ Statues, Here Are 3 Communist Statues in America
mrc tv Antifa Rioters Defaced a Peace Monument Thinking It's a Confederate Statue. It's Not.
Puppet String News Alt-Left has yet to take down statue of KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd
Puppet String News Alt-Left hates statues as much as ISIS...What's next
Truth Revolt Oldest Christopher Columbus Monument in U.S. Smashed by ‘Resistance’ Vandals - "Racism: Tear it down."
Truth Revolt Elder: Why Stop at Reassessing Confederate Monuments? What About the Kennedy Brothers? - If evaluated by today's standards of social justice, would these left-wing icons hold up?
Truth Revolt California Catholic School Removes ‘Alienating’ Jesus and Mary Statues - "It is making an effort to be inclusive of all faiths."
Truth Revolt Christopher Columbus Statue Beheaded in New York City - Leftist headhunters have lost their minds.
Truth Revolt Gorilla Statue Removed from Playground After 19 Years, Suddenly ‘Racist’ - We told you they were coming after all statues!
PJ Media No, They’re Not Stupid: Why Leftists Destroyed A Statue of an Elk in Portland
PJ Media 'Little Mermaid' Statue in Copenhagen Branded 'Racist Fish'
mrc tv Ooh Say, Can You...Read? 10 Non-'Racist' Statues Targeted By Historically Illiterate Protesters
mrc tv Statue to Abolitionist Frederick Douglass Toppled in Rochester
mrc tv Americans Who Eagerly Signed Petition to Remove 'Slave Owner' George Washington Won't Sign to Remove 'Slave Owner' Muhammad
mrc tv De Blasio Removes Thomas Jefferson Statue From NYC City Hall
rumble Hong Kong U Removes Tiananmen Sq. Monument In Middle of the Night
mrc tv Arlington's Removing Its 110-Year-Old Confederate Statue
Statue Of Liberty Watch: Dem Lawmaker Proposes Bill To Tear Down Statue Of Liberty In Painful Attempt To "Own" Republicans all the news that stinks in print.

substack Glenn Greenwald - Author of the Mega-Viral Thread on MAGA Voters, Darryl Cooper, Explains His Thinking

Sultan Knish blog

SERIOUS LINKS (Economy, Liberty, Government, ...)
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Tarl Times January 6th: The Insurrection That Never Happened - It's Ashli Babbitt Remembrance Day for Me
YouTube January 6th Wasn't an Insurrection, and Ashli Babbitt Wasn't a Criminal

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
taxation is theft,
and inflation is too!
Taxes are the fines one pays for the crime of being useful and productive.
Taxation is theft, purely and simply, even though it is theft on a grand and colossal scale which no acknowledged criminals could hope to match. It is a compulsory seizure of the property of the State's inhabitants, or subjects. - Murray Rothbard, The Ethics of Liberty
The IRS saying that taxpayers are their "customers" is like a rapist calling his victims his "girlfriends."
The IRS saying that taxpayers are their "customers" is like a robber calling his victims his "contributors." - Cynical Pessimist
The IRS saying that taxpayers are their "customers" is like a Muslim terrorist calling his victims his "volunteers." - Cynical Pessimist
Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases. If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. - Ronald Reagan
sales tax is an outright and unequivocal permission-to-live price
... the IRS's targeting of conservatives "is absolutely not illegal" - IRS commissioner Steven Miller
We were NOT ‘targeting’ tea party groups, we were just using ‘inappropriate criteria’. - IRS Commissioner John Koskine
I have not done anything wrong. I have not broken any laws, I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations, and I have not provided false information to this or any other congressional committee. - Lois Lerner, IRS agent who refused to answer questions from the congressional committee and oversaw the harassment, threatening, intimidation, punishment and persecution of people on the White House and Barack Hussein Obama enemies list.
translation: It is okay for the United States Government to harass, threaten, intimidate, punish and persecute law abiding citizens whenever, whereever and however they want to. - Cynical Pessimist
... we provided horrible customer service here. ... We did horrible customer service. - I.R.S. commissioner Steven T. Miller
After all, when we make honest mistakes, the I.R.S. accepts our apology and treats us with dignity and respect. No wait. The I.R.S. NEVER treats anyone with dignity and respect. They treat all American Citizens as tax criminals who can NEVER prove their innocence. - Cynical Pessimist
I.R.S. We've got what it takes to take what you've got.
I.R.S. = Is Really Slimy!
I.R.S. = Is Really Stupid!
I.R.S. = Internal Revenge Service
I.R.S. = Infernal Revenue Service
I.R.S. = Infernal Reaming Service
I.R.S. = Insertion of the Royal Shaft
I.R.S. = Inquisition for Revenue Securement
I.R.S. = Intimidating Republican Supporters
I.R.S. = Inalienable Rights Saboteurs - Department of the Tyranny
Born Free ... Taxed To Death
The Income Tax: Root of all Evil - Frank Chodorov
Land of the fee, home of the slave. - Joel Bowman
Don't think of it as tax, think of it as government salary reclamation
... the Internal Revenue Bureau is a self-operating inquisitorial body. It has the means of harassing, intimidating, and crushing the citizen who falls into its disfavor. - Frank Chodorov
The one glaring governmental agency that constitutes a menace to the citizens is the Income Tax Bureau, which often goes outside the constitutional limitations and frequently harasses citizens by unjust extractions and by the oppressive conduct of its agents. - Senator Schall of Minnesota
The power to tax implies the power to destroy. - Chief Justice John Marshall
The concept behind the income tax, is that you have no right to own anything and the government has the right to confiscate everything you think own.
The best things in life are free until the government finds out and taxes them.
Some experts have declared that it is necessary to tax the people until it hurts. I disagree with these sadists. - Ludwig von Mises
Taxing profits is tantamount to taxing success. - Ludwig von Mises
Estate taxes of the height they have already attained for the upper brackets are no longer to be qualified as taxes. They are measures of expropriation. - Ludwig von Mises
The metamorphosis of taxes into weapons of destruction is the mark of present-day public finance. - Ludwig von Mises
A billion here, a billion there - pretty soon it adds up to real money. - Senator Everett Dirksen
A hundred trillion here, a hundred trillion there - pretty soon it adds up to real money. - Cynical Pessimist
The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin. - Mark Twain
The best way to put more money in people's wallets is to leave it there in the first place. - Edwin Feulner
The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Unquestionably, there is progress. The average American now pays out twice as much in taxes as he formerly got in wages. - H. L. Mencken
Three groups spend other people's money: children, thieves, politicians. All three need supervision. - Dick Armey
The difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets. - Will Rogers
The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf has. - Will Rogers
The chances of your being harmed by terrorists are mathematically minute. The chance of your being robbed by your own government? That’s easy: 100 per cent. - Joseph Sobran
Let us tax, let us tax again, let us tax until no one owns anything! - Emperor Nero

Taxes - links
After the IRS takes your money, they want to be able to take your life. - Cynical Pessimist
Gateway Pundit Leo Hohmann: Why is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns?
According To Hoyt Your Duty To Your Country
Louder With Crowder IRS is hiring some of those 87000 jobs, you just need to be comfortable with firearms and using deadly force
Independent Minute The IRS Has Been CAUGHT Destroying Millions Of Key Documents!
Louder With Crowder Elon Musk Blows Up on Joe Biden's Tax Scheme: When They're Done Taking His Money, They're Coming for OURS...
Louder With Crowder OPINION: Income Taxes Are the Real Rape Culture
Mises Institute Taxation Isn't Only Theft, It's Destruction
International Liberty A Very Depressing Picture of Tax Complexity and Political Corruption
International Liberty America’s Corporate Tax System Ranks a Miserable 94 out of 100 Nations in "Tax Attractiveness"
The Fiscal Times Can a New Team Reform Our 72,000-Page Tax Code?
Taxpayers For Common Sense
Future Freedom Foundation The Income Tax: Root of All Evil
American Thinker How Liberals Screw the 47 Percent
American Thinker Audit the IRS
American Thinker Brits 'bedroom tax' threatens eviction for tens of thousands How much taxation is enough?
Mises Institute UK Tax Boffins propose sending all paychecks to the State first, sorting out what you deserve later ...
Mises Institute An Infinitesimal Outrage
Mises Institute Quality and professional tax return preparation is on its way
Mises Institute Greece and America: the Taxman Wants More
Mises Institute Taxes Fail To Stimulate Growth
Mises Institute Limited vs. unlimited jurisdiction
Mises Institute The True Nature of Taxation
Mises Institute To Tax Is to Destroy
Mises Institute The Attack on Accidental Americans
Mises Institute The New Confusion about Taxes
Mises Institute Soak the Poor
Mises Institute Immense Discovery
Mises Institute Soak the Rich?
Mises Institute Long Live the Loophole
Mises Institute "Tax Expenditures": Not Taxing Is Allegedly Spending
Mises Institute Taxation is Robbery, Part 1
Mises Institute Taxation is Robbery, Part 2
Mises Institute Your Money or Your Life
Mises Institute Long Live the Loophole
Mises Institute FATCA and the End of Bank Secrecy
Mises Institute Democracy and Government Spending: Extend and Pretend
Mises Institute People Have More Money? Let’s Tax It!
Mises Institute Tax Cuts Without Spending Cuts Are Pointless
Mises Institute "Brutus" on Our Brutal Taxes
Mises Institute The EU vs. Apple vs. Ireland: Why Tax Competition Is a Good Thing
Mises Institute Trump’s Goldman Guys Are Dangerous
Mises Institute What Real Tax Reform Looks Like
The Circle Bastiat All Aboard For Singapore
The Circle Bastiat The Tax Was Most Popular Before It Was Laid
Yahoo! Finance 10 Tax-Unfriendly States for Retirees 2011
Yahoo! Finance Why Your Tax Bill Might Surge Next Year
Kiplinger Retiree Tax Heavens (and Hells) IRS used possibly risky wireless tech Personal data at risk in lost I.R.S. laptops Taxpayer protections lacking in I.R.S. private collection program
Heritage Foundation Federal Spending by the Numbers 2010
Whiskey and Gunpowder Why Theft Is Never OK, Even When the Government Does It
Whiskey and Gunpowder Time To Pay Your Taxes, Slaves
Town Hall Obama Administration Supports Rogue IRS Regulation in Order to Please Europeans
Daily Reckoning Higher Taxes to Appease the Zombies
Daily Reckoning Bashing Buffett ... Once Again With Feeling
Daily Reckoning Taxing the Rich to Fix the Economy
Daily Reckoning Santa Cracks Whip on Elves
Daily Reckoning The New Year’s First Heist
Daily Reckoning The Great Robbery of Wage-Earners
Daily Reckoning On Paying Our "Fair Share"
Daily Reckoning Taxed for Life
Daily Reckoning The IRS is Following Your Digital Tracks
Daily Reckoning If It Moves, Tax It
Daily Reckoning The $12 Billion - No, Make That $24 Billion - Tax Increase
Daily Reckoning Taxes: The Powder Keg to the Next Civil War
Daily Reckoning The Only Way to Stop Corporate Tax Inversion
Yahoo! Finance Facebook Co-Founder: America is OK. It’s the Rules That Are a Pain
Daily Economist Bill in Congress could suspend your passport if you own taxes to the IRS
CBS News Devious Taxation
L. Neil Smith's Down With Power The Curse of 1913
L. Neil Smith's Down With Power A Barbarous Relic of the Past
reason Yes, Actually, Obamacare Is the Biggest Tax Increase in History
The Daily Caller Obama tax hike would affect 1.2 million small businesses
Forbes What If the Rich Really Gave Back as Obama Wants?
Tax Foundation
Tax Foundation My Tax Burden Tax Policy Calculator
Daily Resource Hunter Uncle Sam Wants YOU ... to Pay Up!
The Foundry Taxmageddon
Associated Press IRS loses lawsuit in fight against tax preparers
National Review Online Taxing the Poor - Income taxes aren’t the only way for the government to take your money.
Human Events State and feds prefer scare tactics over real cuts
Personal Liberty Digest Stop Washington’s Latest Tax Grabs
American Thinker Retail Parasites and the Online Sales Tax
Associated Press New IRS head says taxpayers no longer trust agency
Laissez Faire Club Are We Rome? Not yet, but We’re Getting There
Canada Free Press How vindictive is a government that sentences a cancer patient to death and then sends the IRS after - Pretty vindictive.
Conservative Daily News Obama’s New IRS Regulations to Attack the Tea Party, Again!
Daily Caller Six-year-old puts the IRS in its place with this letter written in crayon
Americans For Tax Reform 10 Ways the IRS Lost Public Trust
Americans For Tax Reform Top Ten Most Ridiculous Items Purchased with IRS Credit Cards
Americans For Tax Reform Top 10 Reasons Your IRS Agent Deserves a Bonus (with GIFs)
Monster Hunter Nation Tax Day Customer Service
Monster Hunter Nation Happy Tax Day
Monster Hunter Nation A response to the Tax Day response
Washington Post IRS chief: No ‘targeting’ of tea party groups, just ‘inappropriate criteria’
Senator Jim Nielsen, California 4th District Nickeled and Dimed to Death
Personal Liberty Digest IRS Stalks Taxpayers On Social Media To Determine Whom To Audit
Personal Liberty Digest Watchdog: Tax Dodgers May Be Keeping The U.S. Economy Afloat
Personal Liberty Digest Breaking FATCA News: A Semi-Stay Of Execution For Americans’ Assets And The Dollar
Personal Liberty Digest Don’t Fall For This ‘Patriotic’ Smokescreen
Personal Liberty Digest The Relationship Between High Taxes And Revolutions
Acccounting Today IRS Eases FATCA Enforcement for 2014 and 2015
YouTube Andrew Klavan on the Culture: Night of the Living Government
YouTube Are Corporations People?
Yahoo! Finance Why more U.S. companies will flee to Canada
Tax Foundation 2014 International Tax Competitiveness Index
New York Times Tax Court Ruling Is Seen as a Victory for Artists
New York Times Documentary Filmmaker Wins Against I.R.S., Which Saw Her as a Hobbyist Pillage People Hold Lifetime Contract
U.S.News Working for the Tax Man - Americans aren't done paying off their 2015 tax burden yet.
Nestman "You? A Tax Evader?"
Nestman 1000s Of American Jobs Could Be Lost If This...
Truth Revolt The IRS's Secret 'Future State' Plan to Never Talk to You Again - But they still want your money.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Obamacare's Tax-Time Torment - "This is what it must be like dealing with a government agency in a third world country."
Truth Revolt Outrageous: Feds Collect Record-High Taxes, Still Can't Pay Off Deficit - The government knows best what to do with the money they take from you.
Miss Liberty's Film and Documentary World anti-taxation movies
mrc tv San Fran Politicians Want Business Rent Taxes Raised 460%, Socialists Say That’s Not Enough
mrc tv Money Wars: States Battle Local Governments Over Food Taxes
Louder With Crowder Aw, 14,000 IRS Workers Didn’t Show Up to Work This Week. Explain to Me Why I Should be Sad.
Louder With Crowder OPINION: Income Taxes Are the Real Rape Culture
Louder With Crowder PANIC: California Democrats Worry New Taxes ‘Might’ Cause Mass Exodus
Louder With Crowder ‘Wealth Tax’ Proposed by Elizabeth Warren to Chip Away at Rich People’s Money
Louder With Crowder This Kid is Excited for His First Paycheck...Until His First Lesson on Taxes
Monster Hunter Nation No, You Idiots. That’s Not How Taxes Work. - An Accountant’s Guide To Why You Are a Gullible Moron
rumble Americans Will Spend 6.5 BILLION Hours On Tax Compliance This Year
Epoch Times House Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Ban IRS From Buying Ammunition
Fox News IRS targeted poorest taxpayers while millionaires went mostly unscathed in 2022: report
Fox News California Democrats consider wealth tax — including for people who moved out of state
Washington Examiner Debunking the myth that the US once prospered despite extremely high taxes

Taxes - targeting, coercion, harassment, crimes against the American people, ...
American Thinker Seattle's Folly: Liberal Democrats weaponizing taxes
Truth Revolt IRS Finally Releases List of Targeted Conservative Groups - And it's a lot bigger than the IRS initially let on.
Truth Revolt Watchdog: IRS Buried Conservative Groups’ Tax-Exempt Applications - "Waited years to tell the truth."
Truth Revolt IRS Experts: Department 'Disproportionately' Targets Small, Mid-Size Businesses - They are preying on those they are supposed to help.
PJ Media Here's How the IRS Treated Me Because I'm a Conservative
Federalist Despite Investigations, Obama’s IRS Has Never Stopped Targeting Conservatives - The next Tea Party scandal is not only coming, it may already be happening. When it does, the charade will begin anew, and no one will pay a price.
mrc tv IRS Admits to Almost 7K 'Unreported' Documents in Targeting of Conservatives
Louder With Crowder Watch: Congressman shares video where IRS trains students to go not after billionaires, but landscapers
New York Post IRS opened Matt Taibbi tax probe on Christmas Eve following ‘Twitter Files’ document dump
Louder With Crowder "You’re gonna shoot like a hundred people": IRS official exposes SHOCKING details about their criminal investigations

Taxes - Lois Lerner - targeting, coercion, harassment, crimes against the American people, ...
American Thinker Lois Lerner Pleads the Fifth Again
CBS News IRS lost Lois Lerner's emails in tea party probe
The Blaze Veteran IT Professional Gives Six Reasons Why the IRS’ Claim That It ‘Lost’ Two Years of Lois Lerner’s Emails Is ‘Simply Not Feasible’
Personal Liberty Digest IRS Reveals More Crashed Computers With At Least One Thing In Common: Lois Lerner
Personal Liberty Digest Lois Lerner Dislikes Conservative ‘A**holes’ More Than Foreign Terrorists
Yahoo! News IRS says it has lost emails from 5 more employees
The Hill Judicial Watch: Lerner emails aren't missing
National Review Onine The Lois Lerner Defense
New York Post Miracle at the IRS?
Forbes Obama Justice Department Was Involved In IRS Targeting, Lerner Emails Reveal
Forbes Lois Lerner Emails Defend Targeting, Warn IRS Employees Emails Can Be Seen By Congress
Response Action Network IRS attack on tea party saved Obama's presidency
AP - The BIg Story IRS apologizes for targeting tea party groups
Conservative Daily News Bias Against Right Wing? IRS Says Sorry.
Washington Free Beacon IRS Crosses Green Line - Pro-Israel groups felt wrath of Obama IRS, WFB investigation reveals
Yahoo! News AP Exclusive: IRS knew tea party targeted in 2011
Fox Business IRS Finds 6,400 Lois Lerner Emails But Won't Hand Em Over
Truth Revolt Oops! IRS Says Employees Mistakenly Erased Tea Party Emails - Not a conspiracy, just incompetence...
Truth Revolt IRS Finds Lois Lerner Had Second Email Account
Truth Revolt No Charges for Lerner at IRS - Tea Party targeting not criminal, says DOJ.
News Busters From Cincinnati to Washington: How Lois Lerner's IRS Ruthlessly Targeted the Tea Party
mrc tv FBI Report Details IRS Targeting of Conservative Groups

Taxes - I.R.S. Corruption
Personal Liberty Digest Lawmaker Mocks IRS With ‘The Dog Ate My Tax Receipts Act’
The Foundation for Rational Economics and Education The IRS’s Job Is To Violate Our Liberties
Ricochet The Public Train Wreck that Is the IRS Scandal
breitbart Obama IRS Scandal Will Go Down in Infamy
The D.C. Clothesline IRS Exec Received $103,390 in Bonuses as Her Office Harassed Patriots ... Now Works for Obamacare
American Thinker The IRS: Destroying Liberty Since before You Were Born Sorry about that little IRS error
Canada Free Press The ObamaCare Meltdown Begins - IRS of stealing 60 million medical records belonging to 10 million Americans
Ace Of Spades HQ The IRS scandal as an example of runaway organizational culture
Town Hall The IRS I Know and Love
Hot Air IRS idea of "a few" turns out to be ... 88
Judicial Watch IRS Conservative Witch Hunt Just Latest of Many Offenses
Personal Liberty Digest If You Owe Back Taxes, Do You Get A Bonus? IRS Employees Do
Personal Liberty Digest Pressure From Democratic Senator Contributed To Washington-Led IRS Discrimination Against Conservatives
Personal Liberty Digest IRS Knew Lerner Emails Were ‘Missing’ From Computers, So Where Are The Paper Copies?
Personal Liberty Digest Paul Ryan Hammers IRS Chief Koskinen On Missing Lerner Emails: ‘Nobody Believes You’
Personal Liberty Digest Not Even Democrats Believe The IRS Accidentally Lost Lerner Emails
Personal Liberty Digest IRS Admits Wrongdoing In Settlement With Traditional Marriage Group Over Leaked Donor List
Personal Liberty Digest Criminality, Totalitarianism Of U.S. Government Evident In IRS Scandal
U.S.Representative from Texas, Steve Hockman Stockman bill allows taxpayers to use same lame excuses as IRS
The Fiscal Times IRS Gets a Dose of Its Own Medicine from the GOP
New York Post The Lois Lerner app
Response Action Network IRS re-hires deadbeats, criminals
Washington Examiner IRS rehired 141 former employees with issues paying their own taxes
Citizen Action IRS Ethics Lawyer Disbarred For Ethics Violations
Fox News - Gretawire Destruction of Evidence at the IRS - note from FNC’s Chad Pergram
Forbes IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes

Taxes - Born Free, Taxed To Death - Targeting Poor and Middle Class
City Journal The Empire of Fees - How charges and fines drive government growth
Louder With Crowder Billion-dollar MegaMillions winner gets harsh lesson in taxes when most of it goes back to the government
Louder With Crowder REPORT: Americans spent more on taxes than on food, clothing, and health care COMBINED!
Breitbart Waltz: IRS Agents Will Be Going After $600 Transactions, Not Rich
Breitbart GOP Rep. Cline: IRS Is Going After Regular People, They’re Policing $600 Transactions
reason In 2022, the IRS Went After the Very Poorest Taxpayers
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) IRS introduces new service industry tip reporting program
Louder With Crowder Watch: Media finally reports on IRS coming after your $600 side hustles, but leaves out an important fact

Taxes - Standards of I.R.S. Employees
Truth Revolt Obama Threatens to Veto Bill Meant to Improve Integrity of IRS - Another installment from the "most transparent administration in history."
Truth Revolt IRS Employee Promises to 'Go After and Target' Conservative Orgs - "You can bet every dollar you got..."
Truth Revolt IRS Spent $12 Million on E-Mail Archive System It Never Used During Lois Lerner Scandal - She walked away unpunished.
Louder With Crowder Watch: Here's how the IRS trains its armed agents. Yes, that's one dude in a wheelchair.
not the bee The Department of the Treasury is auditing the IRS after 1,250 IRS agents failed to pay their taxes.
Louder With Crowder Watch: Chaos And Riots Erput Outside Houston IRS Office After Only Staying Open For One Hour Just Days Before Tax Deadline

Taxes - absurd taxes
mrc tv Top Five Most Absurd State Taxes
mrc tv Already Drowning in Taxes, NJ Residents Could Get Soaked With Proposed 'Rain Tax'
mrc tv NJ Gov. Signs Bizarre 'Rain Tax' Money Grab Into Law
American Thinker Why Democrats' Scheme to Tax Unrealized Capital Gains Should Terrify You
Vox How did Democrats lose Maryland? Meet the rain tax.
Louder With Crowder Canadian freedom protestors are back and now protesting a CRIPPLING "carbon tax"

Taxes - death tax
Mises Institute Connecticut On Its Latest Cash Grab: It’s Not Greed When We Do It

Taxes - confidentiality of taxpayer data - integrity of taxpayer data - protection of taxpayer data - data loss - ...
USA Today Audits and reports warned of IRS computer safety risks
Response Action Network The IRS and hacker bait
Truth Revolt Illegal Immigrants Stole 1 Million Social Security Numbers, IRS Mum - Doesn’t bother to tell the taxpayers affected.
mrc tv Dem 'Budget' STILL Pushes Reporting $600 Bank Activity To IRS

Taxes - theft - asset forefiture ...
Mises Institute Taxation is Robbery, Part 1
Mises Institute A Tale about Taxes
Mises Institute Civil Asset Forfeiture: Another Stealth Tax
Vox The IRS seized $107,000 from this business owner for making too many small cash deposits
Hot Air How the IRS is seizing bank accounts with no criminal action charged
NewsMa IRS Seizing Bank Accounts of Innocent Americans
reason IRS Doesn't Care That You Haven't Committed a Crime-It Will Still Steal Your Money.
Response Action Network IRS steals money from small business owner

Taxes - Government Efficiency In Collecting and Paying Out
Fox News Geithner Touts Tackling Tax Evaders After Failing to Pay Own Taxes
gawker Timothy Geithner Our Tax-Cheat Treasury Secretary
twitchy Team Obama calls Romney a tax cheat while ignoring Tim ‘TurboTax’ Geithner
Washington Post Timothy Geithner's Tax Problems
Market Watch Some tax cheats work at the IRS
Liberty News $4.2 Billion (With a "B") Of Your Tax Money As Tax Credit Refund Goes to Illegal Immigrant Kids ... In MEXICO?
Yahoo! Finance Thousands of federal workers owe back taxes Feds say tax preparers claimed $70M in bogus deductions
Yahoo! News Tax Scam: IRS Pays Out Billions in Fraudulent Refunds
Yahoo! News Swiss village: pay your dog tax or Fido gets it
Yahoo! News IRS paid more than $110B in improper tax credits
Mises Institute Pay taxes or we kill your dog
Hot Air Hey, what if we fired federal employees seriously delinquent on taxes? Democrats: Nah.
CNS News IRS Sent $46,378,040 in Refunds to 23,994 ‘Unauthorized’ Aliens at 1 Atlanta Address
Boston Globe IRS is overwhelmed by identity theft fraud - Billions wrongly paid out as scammers find agency an easy target
Boston Globe IRS is America’s feared and failing agency - As demands set to rise, flaws evident
Truth Revolt Feds Find 6.5M Americans Are Aged 112 or Older -- 1 is 146! No death records on file
Truth Revolt Malkin: The $16 Billion Tax-Credit Black Hole - When the enormous costs of such tax code social engineering outweigh the benefits in an era of unfettered open borders, it's time to pull the plug.
mrc tv Because, Of Course: IRS Website Experiencing 'Technical Difficulties' on Tax Day
Blaze Media Audit finds IRS sent over $1.1 billion in child tax credit payments to ineligible taxpayers, failed to send $3.7 billion to eligible taxpayers

Taxes - Why Democrats Resist Cutting Taxes
YouTube Tax Cuts For Dummies

Taxes - Humor
Babylon Bee Breaking: Nation Furious Over Giving Government Less Of Their Money
Genesius Times LIFE HACK: How to claim Volodymyr Zelensky as a dependent on your 2022 tax return

Tax Revolt April 15
If you think your taxes are not high enough and you long for the day when the tax rate exceeds 100%, then all you need to do is sit around and do nothing. Otherwise, click below to find a tax revolt in your state.
Bostonian Tea Party No Taxation Without Representation (mission statement and events)
Sacramento Tea Party with links to all the California events.
Tax Day Tea Party with links to all the events around the country.
Tea Party Exprss

Tea Party News Network
Tea Party News Network Priorities….Where is Obama Jetting Off to So Quickly After Fort Hood Memorial?
Tea Party News Network More Lies from Eric Holder: What in the World is He Saying Now
Tea Party News Network WATCH: Trey Gowdy Blasts Democrat Claim that Congress is ‘Underpaid’

The Blaze After Hearing What a Tea Party Group Recently Did in Ferguson, You Likely Won’t Be Surprised That You Haven’t Heard About It

Official Tea Party USA

TED Ideas Worth Spreading

Terrorism - Terrorists or as the Muslim Terrorist apologist-in-chief Barack Hussein Obama along with the public relations arm of the White House (network news) calls it, workplace violence, depressed troubled unemployed youth, ...
Islamic Terrorism: The only activity that the progressive left doesn't think needs a trigger warning. - Cynical Pessimist
Candid Terrorism - Some day, when you least expect it, somebody will step up to you and shout "Allahu Akbar" and that is Candid Terrorism.
Barack Hussein Obama is patron saint of Islamic Terrorists. When he retires from being president, he will take an advisory position with Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, and all the other Islamic terrorist organizations.
Terrorists Lives Matter
Terrorists Lies Matter
Reasons we shouldn't blame all terrorist attacks on Muslims:
The September 7, 1972 Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims.
The June 27, 1976 Air France Entebee Hijackers were Muslims.
The November 4, 1979 Iranian Embassy Takover was by Muslims.
The April 18, 1983 Beruit U.S. Embassy Bombers were Muslims.
The October 23, 1983 Beirut Marine Barracks Bombers were Muslims.
The October 7, 1985 Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims.
The March 17, 1992 Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims.
The February 26, 1996 first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims.
The June 25, 1996 Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims.
The August 7, 1998 Kenyan U.S. Embassy Bombers were Muslims.
The December 21, 1988 Pan Am Flight #103 Over Lockerebie, Scotland Bombers were Muslims.
The October 12, 2000 U.S.S.Cole Bombers were Muslims.
The September 11, 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims.
The December 22, 2001 Shoe Bomber was a Muslim.
The October 2002 Beltway Snipers were Muslims.
The October 12, 2002 Bali Nightclub Bombers were Muslims.
The October 23, 2002 Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims.
The September 1, 2004 Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims.
The March 11, 2004 Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims.
The July 7, 2005 London Subway Bombers were Muslims.
The November 26, 2008 Bombay and Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims.
The November 5, 2009 Fort Hood, Texas Shooter was a Muslim.
The December 25 2009 Underwear Bomber was a Muslim.
The September 44, 2012 Benghazi, Libyan U.S. Embassy Attackers were Muslims.
The April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims.
The January 7, 2015 Charlie Hebdo Attackers were Muslims.
The July 16, 2015 Chattanooga, Tennessee Attacker was a Muslim.
The November 13, 2015 Paris Terrorist Attackers were Muslims.
The December 2, 2015 San Bernardino Terrorist Attackers were Muslims.
The March 22, 2016 Brussels Terrorist Attackers were Muslims.
The March 25, 2016 Baghdad Terrorist Attacker was Muslim.
The March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday Pakistan Suicide Bomber was Muslim.
The June 12, 2016 Pulse nightclub in Orlando Florida the shooter was Muslim.
The July 16, 2016 Nice, French Riviera attacker was Muslim.
The July 18, 2016 French resort attacker was Muslim.
The July 18, 2016 Wurzburg, Germany train attacker was Muslim.
(This is only a partial list of Muslim terrorist attacks. There are more than 28,000 Muslim terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001)
'To forgive the terrorists is up to god, but to send them to him is up to me. - Vladimir Putin
Terrorism - Terrorists - Links
Federalist Islamic Terrorism Remains The World’s Greatest Threat To Peace
Breitbart Islamic State Answers Pope Francis: Ours Is a Religious War and We Hate You
Tak's Magazine 10 Violent Koran Verses and the Terror They Spawned
American Thinker Muhammad and Terror
Truth Revolt Iran's Leader: America is the 'Great Satan' and Major Idolator - "Resistance against America is the main point of Iran’s prowess."
Truth Revolt Female Saudi Anchor Bravely Calls Out Fellow Muslims on Terrorism - "It is we who blow ourselves up. It is we who blow up others."
Mises Institute A Better Approach To Terrorism
Daily Reckoning The New Crusade
Truth Revolt Israeli PM Netanyahu Urges France to Pursue Peace and Restraint - An open, satirical letter from Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu to France's President François Hollande...
National Review Online The ISIS Threat to the United States, in Six Sentences
Bloomberg Warning to Americans: Be Afraid, Very Afraid
Personal Liberty Digest Bergdahl And How The Taliban Has Won
Personal Liberty Digest No Facts Or Evidence Needed For Obama To Deem You A Terrorist
Personal Liberty Digest Thanks To War On Terror, Islamic Extremists Have Everything They Need To Kill Americans
Personal Liberty Digest New Surveillance Leak Prompts Feds To Help Friendly Reporter Steal Scoop
Canada Free Press Freed terrorists arrive to hero’s welcome. Taliban overjoyed that U.S. has ‘officially recognized our status.’ Afghans slaughter goats in celebration of release....
Canada Free Press Obama’s views on Muslim terrorism fly in the face of reality: Report - Threat of Islamic terrorism isn't waning at all, but appears to be growing by leaps-and-bounds
Canada Free Press Terrorist Groups Rise 58% Since 2010 - A new report destroys the Obama administration’s claim that terrorism is "on the run."
Canada Free Press Rekindling 9/11-type terrorist attacks, Barack Obama style - The Mother of all Psyops
Commentary Magazine Israel’s Critics Wage War on Reality
Joshua Pundit Obama Betrays Israel In A Last Ditch Effort To Save Hamas
Independent Review 33 Things We Learned About the Oklahoma Beheading Suspect: What His Hand Signal Means Will Chill You
Liberty news Now Really? U.S. Offers $5 million Reward for Terrorist it Already Released
Monster Hunter Nation Thoughts on the Islamic Terrorist Attack in France
Investors U.S. Welcoming Islamic Immigrants France Now Regrets Welcoming
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: Terrorist Nation
Truth Revolt Limbaugh Unloads On State Department’s ‘Embarrassing’ ISIS Comments - "I feel like I'm still watching the Saturday Night Live 40th anniversary show..."
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Good News, Beheaded Christians
Truth Revolt Palestinian Network Honors Bomb Maker Who Killed 67 Israeli Citizens - Praises "heroic prisoner" currently serving 67 life sentences
Truth Revolt Greenfield, Horowitz: A Time to Confront Our Enemies at Home - "This is not the first attack, and won't be the last."
Truth Revolt UK Finally Charges Terror-Loving 'Cleric' With Crime - Anjem Choudary called out at last.
Truth Revolt Palestinian Leaders: Killing Jewish 'Settlers' is 'Legal' and Our 'National Duty' - "Every measure taken against them is legitimate and legal."
Truth Revolt Malkin: America's Reckless Refuge for Jihad - What could go wrong?
Truth Revolt $22,000 Funneled Through Ohio to Support Islamic Terrorism - In support of a senior-level al-Qaeda operative.
Truth Revolt Wake Up World II: New CCTV Footage Shows Young Palestinian Boys Stabbing Israeli Guard - "Critics of Israel" will surely find some way to justify it.
Truth Revolt Canadian Mag Cover Glorifies Smiling Gitmo Terrorist Who Murdered American Army Sgt. - He's a darling of the left.
Truth Revolt 30 Paris Muslims - Only 30 - Show Up to Mourn Attacks - Out of 224,000.
Truth Revolt Exposed: All Female British Muslim Cell Brainwashes Young Women Into Joining ISIS - But when it comes to refugees, the GOP is "afraid" of orphans and innocent women...
Truth Revolt ISIS Celebrates San Bernardino Attack With 'America Burning' Hashtag - "May god spread fear in the homes of the crusaders."
Truth Revolt Record Number of People in U.S. Charged With Terrorism-Linked Crimes This Year - "More than 55 percent of those charged are under 25 years old."
Truth Revolt GOP Senator Says What Obama Won't About Islamic Terrorism - And sounds more presidential, too.
Truth Revolt Refugees Arrested on Terror-Related Charges - "America will not isolate me from my Islamic duty."
Truth Revolt ISIS Terror Manual Instructs Jihadists: Avoid Mosques, Shave Beard, Wear Christian Cross - You know, to blend in better for lone-wolf operations.
Truth Revolt Commentary: What if Christian Terrorists Were Blowing Up Muslims? - Liberal Saudi Arabian pundit says that Donald Trump's popularity makes sense, after 'barbaric' terror acts by Muslims.
Truth Revolt Fresno Student Who Went on Stabbing Rampage Was Inspired by ISIS - He was 'self-radicalized.'
Truth Revolt Another ISIS Attack: Teen Suicide Bomber Kills 65 in Baghdad - Detonated his vest in the crowd at a local soccer game.
Truth Revolt Terrorism Toll 800% Higher Since 2010 - "I don’t think people have grasped how significant thesenumbers are."
Truth Revolt US Residents Linked to Terrorism Increased 200% in 2015 - What was that about not needing to monitor Muslim communities in the US?
Truth Revolt Platitudes and Hashtags Won’t Stop Terrorism - Time to break the cycle of mourning and take action.
Truth Revolt ISIS: ‘Let the Blood of Christians Flow, Kill Them Whenever You Find Them’ - Never forget they said this.
Truth Revolt Islamic State Terror Guide Offers Advice on Taking Hostages and Massacring Crowds - "One should then proceed to slaughter as many of them as he possibly can before the initial police response."
Truth Revolt Merry Christmas, Infidel - "These acts will continue until the Lions of Islam overtake you."
Daily Reckoning The Most Successful Speculation Ever: An Update
mrc tv How ISIS Keeps Hostages Calm in Their Beheading Videos
mrc tv Kerry: Your Home Is More of a Threat than Terrorism, 'The Odds' are Greater
mrc tv Stolen ISIS Documents Reveal Terrorist Network
Monster Hunter Nation Thoughts on ParisThe Muslim Issue 9 facts about American Muslims the media doesn’t want you to know
Chicks On The Right At Least 50 ISIS Sympathizers Work At Brussels Airport
Chicks On The Right Belgian Officials Cancel ‘March Against Fear’ Over Security Concerns
The Daily Caller 2/3rds Of British Muslims Wouldn’t Tell Government About A Terror Plot
Evening Standard Belmarsh prison: 'The jihadi training camp right in the heart of London'
Fox News Anatomy of the terror threat: Files show hundreds of US plots, refugee connection
Daily Mail Do you think ISIS gives two pins for your pathetic hashtags, prayers and candles? Stop waiting to be slaughtered and demand our leaders DO something!
Daily Wire French Prime Minister Says Terrorism Is The ‘New Normal.’ He’s Right - Unless The West Does These 3 Things.
Sultan Knish Stop Lone Wolf Terrorism by Ending Muslim Immigration
Express "Astonishing" two in three British Muslims would NOT give police terror tip-offs - TWO thirds of British Muslims would not inform the police if they thought that somebody close to them had become involved with terrorist sympathisers, according to a poll.
Daily Wire Islamophobic Saudi Arabia Deports 40,000 Muslim Pakistanis, Citing Terrorism Concerns
mrc tv Teen Joins Brother in Jail After Plotting to Bomb Elton John Concert on 9/11
mrc tv Supposed Hamas Terrorist Admits To Raping Women, Children and Babies

Terrorism - Terrorists - Trantifa - Real Terrorists
mrc tv Lia Thomas Supports Radical Trans Group With T-Shirt

Terrorism - Terrorists - Antifa - Real Terrorists
mrc tv The REAL White Domestic Terrorism Problem: Far-Left Group Antifa Riots in Atlanta
mrc tv Tucker Carlson: Antifa is 'the Biggest Armed Militia in the U.S.,' 'Aligned with the Democratic Party'

Terrorism - Terrorists - Widespread Support from the Government and media
France will simply have to learn to live with terrorism - Prime Minister of France, Manuel Valls (said after yet another Islamic terrorist attack)
Never Forget.: Twitter provides a safe space for Islamic terrorists, but bans Republican and conservative voices.
Gatestone Institute Terrorism Persists Because It Works
Truth Revolt Report: Belgian Muslims Refuse to Help Police Find Terrorists - And this is why terrorists can plot right underneath their victims' noses.
Truth Revolt Belgian Minister: A 'Significant' Number of 'Muslims Danced' After Terror Attacks - Sound familiar?
Truth Revolt Report: Israel Boycott Halted Security Deal That Could Have Thwarted Paris Attacks - "There was a higher-level instruction not to buy Israeli technology."
Truth Revolt Palestinians Celebrate 'Martyr' who Murdered U.S. Veteran - "Martyr Bashar Masalha, 22, ascended to Heaven..."
Truth Revolt Malkin: Florida - America's Jihad Playground - Omar Mateen may have worked alone. But he operated in the larger context of a teeming, terror-coddling paradise.
Truth Revolt Watson: Nice Terror Attack: What They're NOT Telling You - How many dead bodies on the streets of Europe will it take for leftists to realize that we are at war?
Truth Revolt Watch: Muslims Interrupt Memorial For Munich Victims, Chant 'Allah'hu Akbar!' - But you know, this has nothing to do with Islam.
Truth Revolt Footage You Haven't Seen: Muslims Fire Bomb Paris Bus, Scream 'Allah'hu Akbar!' - And no major media outlet has reported this.
Truth Revolt 'Balcony Man' Investigated for Insulting Munich Killer - "If I had a gun I would have shot him in the head."
Truth Revolt Spine of Steel: French PM Admits 15,000 Radicals on Terror Watch Who 'Will' Victimize Innocents, Yet Still Refuses Tough Measures - ...something about the rights of radicals.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Trump Busts Muslim Protection Racket - Trump is the only politician in 50 years to say, "Immigration security is national security." The media won't listen.
Truth Revolt Progressive Pundit: OSU Cop ‘Rushed To Judgment’ By Shooting Attacker
Truth Revolt In Wake of Horrific Berlin Terror Attack MSM Fears 'Far-Right' - This will "further whet the appetite of right-wing politicians and their supporters, feverish to return full control over their nation's security to their own security forces."
Truth Revolt Evidence Confirms the Obvious: Berlin Attacker Was No Lone Wolf - Another suicidal myth propagated by the Left.
Truth Revolt WATCH: New Yorkers Think ISIS Spreading in the U.S. is Fake News - That’s called being sitting ducks.
Truth Revolt Report: DHS Gave Somali Muslims Private Tours of Secure Areas at Major Airports - Perhaps the U.S. needs to rethink its community outreach program.
Truth Revolt Unbelievable: Associated Press Sympathizes With Berlin Jihadist - He was just looking for a better life. It’s not his fault.
Truth Revolt German Politician Refused to Share Berlin Terrorist Pics For Fear of Inciting Racial Hatred - "Hamburg's green lawmaker is more concerned about comments on Facebook."
Truth Revolt British Journo: ‘London Needs Muslim Mayor Now More Than Ever’ - Britain is under attack, but bring on the PC police.
Truth Revolt Mac Donald: The Left’s Unilateral Suicide Pact - After the Manchester bombing, liberals once again avoid the obvious-that Islamic terror in the West is an immigration problem.
Truth Revolt BBC Hides Islam in Report on Muslim Stabbing Attack - England has submitted to the caliphate.
Truth Revolt EU Anti-Terror Chief Reveals 1,500 ISIS Terrorists Back Home in Europe - EU hopes to "integrate" these terrorists back into society. Because that's worked so well thus far.
Truth Revolt EU Parliament Invites Palestinian Terrorist to Speak About ‘Women’s Rights’ - Convicted terrorist Leila Khaled hijacked 2 planes in Europe.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Florida Man Has Fender Bender in Manhattan - Going forward, our most urgent task as a country is to figure out how to defeat Islamophobia.
US Chronicle France Is Shutting Down Over 100 Mosques After They Started Finding These Items Inside Mosques
Daily Wire Senate Votes to Allow More Immigration from the Middle East
Daily Wire Pope Visits Auschwitz, Prays For 'Forgiveness For Cruelty.' Meanwhile, He Ignores Radical Islam.
Daily Wire Biden Shrugs At Jihadism: 'Terrorism Is Not An Existential Threat'
Daily Wire 3 Reasons Why Terrorist Attacks Boost Trump And Hurt Hillary
Daily Wire NYC Mayor Days After Radical Islamic Terror Attack: We Need More Muslim Migrants
Daily Wire Seven Islamic Terrorist Attacks On Obama's Watch
mrc tv London Man Arrested for Mock Pokemon Cards Criticizing Islamic Terrorism
mrc tv A Student Newspaper Editor Was Fired For Quoting a Muslim on the Quran
mrc tv CNN Terrorism Expert Says Manchester Attack Could Be 'Right-Wing False Flag
Daily Mail Girl gang who kicked woman in the head while yelling 'kill the white slag' freed after judge hears 'they weren't used to drinking because they're Muslims'
D.C.Whispers Democrat Congresswoman Declares To CNN It Was Obama & Clinton Who Armed ISIS....
FrontPage Mag Political Correctness Kills - The hazardous effects of our silence on ourselves.
rc tv Canada Gives $8 Million To a Convicted Terrorist Who Killed a U.S. Soldier
Geller Report France allows 100 jihad terror suspects to OWN FIREARMS
Mark Steyn Umbrellas in the Rain
YouTube Sadiq Khan is a Complete Idiot
Jewish Journal How Cheap Is Jewish Blood?
Louder With Crowder Suspects in New Mexico Compound Case Released, Against Sheriff’s Wishes
Jihad Watch Twitter warns foes of jihad terror and Sharia oppression that their tweets violate Pakistani blasphemy laws
Conservative Review civilization jihad, and it’s on our own shores
American Thinker Pathetic: Just 12 Democrats vote to condemn Ilhan Omar for equating U.S. military and Israel with Taliban
gab Big Tech’s Role In Helping The Taliban Capture Afghanistan
mrc tv What Happened to 'Never Forget?' AP Reporter Asks Austin & Milley if Taliban will Help U.S. Fight Terrorism
Louder With Crowder Check It Out: Palestinian Flag, Next To LGBTQ+ Flag, Remains Outside Congresswoman's Office Despite Hamas Attack
Louder With Crowder Watch: Democrat congresswoman refuses to admit that Hamas chopping off babies' heads is a bad thing
Louder With Crowder Watch: Is Hamas Sneaking Through Our Southern Border?!
Louder With Crowder Watch: Inside The Violent (And Stupid) Pro-Hamas Rallies On College Campuses

Terrorism - Terrorists - body count - attacks
Geller Report Terror-related deaths in the West surge by 650 per cent in just a year, more than half linked to Islamic State
American Thinker Weekend round of the religion of war
The Times of Israel 450 of 452 suicide attacks in 2015 were by Muslim extremists, study shows
The Daily Signal An Interactive Timeline of Islamist Terror Plots Since 9/11
Truth Revolt State Dept: Number Killed In Terror Attacks Nearly Doubled in 2014 - 35% spike in terror attacks in 2014 results in nearly twice as many people killed, three times as many kidnapped
Truth Revolt BREAKING: Explosions at Istanbul International Airport - At least 28 dead.
Truth Revolt Axe-wielding Jihadist Wounds 21 on German Train - "Shortly before he was shot by police, he shouted out an Islamic slogan."
Truth Revolt Another Attack by [Redacted] the MSM Will Not Report: Mother, 3 Daughters Stabbed at French Alps Resort for Being 'Scantily Dressed' - The mayor doesn't want to speculate on a motive, of course.
Truth Revolt Munich Terror: Gunman Shouts 'Allahu Akbar,' Executes Children - The religion of peace strikes again.
Truth Revolt ISIS Claims Responsibility for Belgium Machete Attack - The attacker shouted "Allahhu Akbar."
Truth Revolt Child Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 51 People in Turkey - "Nothing but body parts."
Truth Revolt Suspect Shouts 'Allahu Akbar' During Knife Attack in Virginia - Gee, we're not sure what his motive could have been.
Truth Revolt Greenfield: A Bloody Day of Muslim Refugee Terror - This weekend’s wave of terror is the result of our refugee policy. And that policy is getting worse.
Truth Revolt FBI Releases Video of Knife Jihad to Silence Conspiracies by Minnesota Somalians - Taking a cue from Black Lives Matters.>br> Truth Revolt Truck Rams into Berlin Christmas Market, Kills at Least 9 - Merry Christmas, infidels.
Truth Revolt Bawer: 2016: A Turning Point for Europe? - Western nations may have finally had enough of the slaughter.
Truth Revolt Istanbul Nightclub Terrorist Still at Large - "He rained bullets in a very cruel and merciless way on innocent people who were there to celebrate New Year's and have fun."
Truth Revolt New Year’s Eve Mob of 1000 Shout 'Allahu Akhbar,' Attack Police, Set Germany’s Oldest Church on Fire - Happy New Year, infidels!
Truth Revolt UPDATE: London Terror Attack Kills Five, Wounds Forty - Welcome to Londonistan.
Truth Revolt ISIS: Palm Sunday Blasts Kill Nearly 50 Christians in Egypt - Another offering from the religion of peace.
Truth Revolt As Ramadan Begins, Deadly Terror Attack on Copts in Egypt Claims At Least 26 - An 8-year-old girl is among the dead.
Truth Revolt Huge Blast Near U.S. Embassy in Kabul Kills at Least 80, 350 Injured - No hashtags or celebrity concert scheduled in solidarity just yet.
Truth Revolt Barcelona Terror Attack Leaves 13 Dead, 80 Injured - Ramming attack followed by shooting and hostage situation.
New York Post America has suffered a terror attack every year under Obama
Daily Wire MASSACRE IN SOUTHERN FRANCE: 10 Things You Need To Know
Daily Wire The 15 Most Recent Terrorist Attacks In France. Guess What They Have In Common.
mrc tv 'ISIS Solider" Injures Four with Axe in German Train Attack
mrc tv Syrian Migrant Attacks German Music Festival to Avenge Islam
mrc tv Lessons From Ohio State: When Does a 'Lone Wolf' Become a Pack?
mrc tv ISIS Claims Responsibility for Nearly 100 Dead, 300 Injured in Two Separate Attacks
West Monster 238 murdered in France by jihadists since 2015 - Huge scale of Islamic extremism exposed.
West Monster Belgium anti-terror list surges from 1,900 to 19,000 in 7 years - Ten-fold increase in less than a decade.
Echo Muslim gang rampaged through Liverpool attacking strangers because they were white "non-Muslims"
Daily Wire UPDATED: Terrorist Attack In Barcelona: Van Rams Into Crowd, At Least 13 Dead
mrc tv Suspected Islamic Terror Leaves 3 Dead, 1 Beheaded At a Cathedral In Nice, France

Terrorism - Terrorists - catch and release
American Thinker Released Taliban leader vows to kill Americans
American Thinker 5 released Gitmo detainees considered 'high risk' to return to terrorism
Truth Revolt Obama Releases Another Gitmo Prisoner -- This Time it's a Bomb Expert - We feel safer. Really.
Truth Revolt Kerry on Gitmo Detainee Who Rejoined Al Qaeda: ‘He’s Not Supposed to Be Doing That’ - Terrorists aren't supposed to be doing a lot of things, Mr. Kerry. That doesn't really stop them.
Truth Revolt Former Gitmo Prisoner Now al Qaeda Leader in Yemen - This comes as no surprise.
Truth Revolt Number of Ex-Gitmo Detainees Rejoining Jihad Doubles - No shock there.
Truth Revolt Number of Gitmo Detainees Released by Obama and Returning to Terrorism Doubles - Back to "strike terror into the hearts of the unbelievers." (Koran 8:12)
Truth Revolt Defense Dept Confirms Americans Killed by Released Gitmo Prisoners - "When anybody dies, it is a tragedy..."
Truth Revolt State Department: 'Very Few' Released Gitmo Prisoners Return to Terrorism - Except that's a proven lie.
mrc tv Released Gitmo Detainee Now the Face of Al Qaeda
mrc tv Obama Releases Nine More Gitmo Detainees
mrc tv Man Crashes Car Into Veteran 'In The Name of Allah'
Front Page Mag Obama Frees USS Cole Bombing Terrorist - American lives don’t matter.

Terrorism - Terrorists - progressive liberal belief in what causes terrorism - terrorists and what cures terrorism
causes of terrorism include: permafrost, rising sea levels, unemployment, lack of food, ...
Climate Change causes terrorism - Bernie Sanders, democratic presidental hopeful 2016
This name Syed Rarook, does that mean climate change in Arabic? - Rush Limbaugh
LibTurds proclaim that GloBull Climate Change causes joblessness and joblessness causes terrorism. Except in 1929 in the United States during the great depression when joblessness didn't cause terrorism.
CNN blamed the San Bernardino Muslim Terrorist massacre on postpartum depression.
Bill Nye blamed the latest Paris attacks on Global Warming.
Hillary Clinton claimed Benghazi was a movie review with artillery.
The State Department blamed Islamic terrorism on a lack of jobs.
Truth Revolt WaPo's Marcus: Trump Has 'Said Very Hurtful Things That Really Can Encourage People to Join ISIS' - Poor terrorists. If only we could give them a hug.
Truth Revolt Canada's Trudeau: 'Being Open and Respectful' Will Defuse Islamic Terrorism - Yeah, that should work.
Truth Revolt MSNBC Terror Analyst Blames Belgium for Terrorist Bombings - It Didn't Roll Out Red Carpet for Migrants - Of course he does.
Truth Revolt The View: Cruz's 'Hate Speech' Helps Recruit Terrorists - "I don't even know why they want to kill us."
Truth Revolt John Kerry's Latest Excuse for Terrorism? 'Human Rights Abuses' - Because it couldn't have anything to do with Islam.
Truth Revolt Kerry's Latest Moronic Excuse for Islamic Terrorism... - Lack of regular meals, trips to amusement parks.
Truth Revolt NY Daily News Blames NRA for Orlando Islamic Terror Attack - "Thanks, NRA"
Truth Revolt ACLU Subversives Blame 'Christian Conservatives' for Islamic Terrorism in Orlando - Christians created this "anti-queer climate."
Truth Revolt Sally Kohn Won't Blame Islam for Terror, Bashes Christians Instead - "Homophobia is homophobia is homophobia is homophobia ..."
Truth Revolt ABC Blames Orlando Terror on Guns, Election Rhetoric
Truth Revolt Muslim Students Association: Orlando Terror Attack About 'Homophobia' - The word "terrorism" absent.
Truth Revolt Egregious: MSM Went Out of Their Way to Blame Whites, Guns but Never Islam - "It's not really time for any sensational news and rushing to judgment."
Truth Revolt MSM Lies Again, Insinuates Christians to Blame for Orlando Terror Attack - The hypocrisy is so blatant at this point, you'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see it.
Truth Revolt Analysis: Political Correctness is the Handmaiden of Terrorism - There can be no doubt, in the aftermath of Orlando, that political correctness puts us in grave danger.
Truth Revolt Truck Attack!: MSNBC, NYT Blame Truck for France Terrorism - Is this The Onion, or do these headlines just stink?
Truth Revolt New Study Debunks Progressives' 'Lone Wolf' Jihadi Myth - Shockingly it turns out they're motivated by Islam, not dead-end jobs.
Truth Revolt Authorities: San Bernardino Terrorists May Have Been 'Triggered' By Christmas Decorations - Yes, that's what did it.
Truth Revolt British Muslim Actor: Lack of Diversity on TV Driving Young People to ISIS - "In the mind of the Isis recruit, he’s the next James Bond, right?"
Truth Revolt Swedish Editorial: Ban Cars to Reduce Terrorism - A solution only a liberal could take seriously.
Truth Revolt More Stupid Pills, Please! Author Jodi Picoult Compares ISIS To 'The Grinch' - "Fahoo fores"
Truth Revolt Denmark Combats Terrorism With 'Hug a Jihadi' Program - Good luck with that.
Truth Revolt UK Offers ‘Housing and Counseling’ to Returning ISIS Terrorists - Terrorists returning from Syria to be given "tax-payer funded council homes and counselling to stop them attacking the UK."
mrc tv State Dept. Unveils Tactics for Countering ISIS: 'Nuturing and Empowering...Positive Messengers'
mrc tv Athens Official: We Need to Build a Mosque to Protect Greece From Islamic Terrorism
mrc tv Planned Parenthood Blames ‘Toxic Masculinity’ for Orlando Attack
mrc tv Obama Attributes Orlando Mass Murder to ‘Hate,’ ‘Terror,’ Not Radical Islam
mrc tv ACLU Lawyer Blames 'Christian Right' for Orlando Shooting
mrc tv Obama Blames Republicans, Gun Rights Lobbyists for Orlando Terror Attack
mrc tv Warning Signs: 60% of U.S. Muslims Feared Rise of Islamic Extremism in 2011
mrc tv London Police: ‘We Remain Open-Minded to the Motive’ in Terrorist Attack
Legal Insurrection Help me solve the riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma of the Orlando terrorist’s motives
Ann Coulter This Hidden Fact Predicts Terrorism - Western governments have devoted incalculable resources to developing some diagnostic test other than "Muslim" to predict terrorism.
Canada Free Press - If We Don’t Let in Muslims to America, They’ll Kill Us - If keeping Muslim migrants out of America will make them kill us, why would we let them in?
National Review Pocketbook for Terrorists
Daily Wire Here Are the Five Dumbest Leftist Reactions to the Orlando Shooting
1. blame the shooting on "toxic masculinity.
2. blame the shooting on Christians and conservative Republicans.
3. blame the shooting on white men.
4. blame the shooting on the gun.
5. blame the shooting on Congress for not closing the mythical terror watch list loophole.

Terrorism - Terrorists - progressive liberal belief in how to stop terrorism - terrorists
dialogue and outreach will win the battle of workplace violence.
Obama uses Hashtags to fight terrorists.
National Review Fighting Terror With Stupidity
Truth Revolt Britain's Labour Party Suggests Having Tea with ISIS, Not Air Strikes - One grande Naive-a-TEA, please.
Truth Revolt They Never Learn -- Lynch Declares Love and Compassion Best Response to Terror - "We stand with you to say that the good in this world far outweighs the evil."
Truth Revolt Thornton: Fifteen Years After 9/11, and America Still Sleeps - How much worse will the destruction and death have to be to wake us up?
Truth Revolt Irony Alert: London Tube Bomber Was Enrolled in 'Deradicalization' Program - So, how'd that work out?
American Thinker We don’t need gun control. We need Quran control.
Terrorism Trends Bulletin Three Years Ago This Week: A Symbol of a Failed Presidency
Milo Swedish Newspaper Suggests Banning Cars To Prevent Future Terror Attacks
Daily Wire Shapiro Blasts Sally Kohn's Insistence That PC Will Defeat Terrorism

Terrorism - Terrorists - support and coverups of terrorism by authorities - leftists - democrats - liberals - moderate Muslims
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
If you see something, say nothing.
If you see something, say something and be mocked.
If you see something, say something and be arrested for Islamophobic hate speech.
Terrorist Lives Matter
Muslim Lies Matter
Muslim Lives Matter
Barack Hussein Obama blamed Islamic terrorism workplace violence on global warming.
Barack Hussein Obama blamed Islamic terrorism workplace violence on gun ownership by law abiding citizens.
Barack Hussein Obama claimed he did not see enough cable televison to understand fully appreciate the anxiety after the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino.
Barack Hussein Obama wants to fight ISIS with tweets and social media memes.
Barack Hussein Obama is winning the war on Islamic terrorism workplace violence with tweets, hashtags and social media memes.
The Daily Wire Media Blame Mysterious Driverless Truck For Jihadist Terror Massacre In Nice
The Daily Wire Media BAFFLED By Motives of Self-Declared Islamic Terrorist at Ohio State
Legal Insurrection Terrorists are Tired of Social Justice Warriors Hijacking Their Terror
mrc tv Nothing To Do With Islam? 450 Of 452 Suicide Attacks In 2015 Were Conducted By Muslim Terrorists
mrc tv Gallup: Americans’ Trust in Gov’t to Protect Against Terrorism at New Low
Truth Revolt Report: Obama Told NSC, FBI to ‘Downplay’ Terrorist Angle of San Bernardino Attack - Because after all, Obama "contained" ISIS.
The Right Scoop UC Merced attacker’s manifesto PRAISED ALLAH, cops say terrorism NOT A MOTIVATION!!
Truth Revolt Spines of Steel: During Debate Clinton, Other Dem Candidates Refused to Say 'Radical Islam' - Leadership at its finest.
Truth Revolt Moral Equivalence Negates Displays of Solidarity - Social media solidarity isn't enough.
Truth Revolt Hillary: There is No Radical Islam (Except for Radical Islam) - "Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism."
Truth Revolt New RNC Ad On Terror Is Everything The DNC's Wasn't: Effective, Timely, and Truthful - "Can Leaders Like These Keep Us Safe?"
Truth Revolt Obama in Paris: Mass Shootings Don't Happen In Other Countries - Oops.
Truth Revolt Suspicious Witness Kept Silent About Terrorists for Fear of Being Racist - But see something, say something, right?
Truth Revolt Malkin: The CAIR Effect: See Something, Do Nothing - Silence is complicity.
Truth Revolt AG Lynch: 'My Greatest Fear is Rise of Anti-Muslim Rhetoric' - The dreaded but mythic "anti-Muslim backlash."
Truth Revolt Horowitz: The President and Liberals Have a Lot to Answer For: San Bernardino Was Entirely Predictable - Liberals have a lot to answer for, and conservatives should get to work making sure they do. Before it’s too late.
Truth Revolt Glick: America’s Pathological Denial of Reality - In America of December 2015, natural conclusions are considered irresponsible, at best.
Truth Revolt Greenfield: Calling Out Islam Terrorism Truthers - Blame everything but Islam.
Truth Revolt Fear of Islamophobia Caused DHS to Pull Program That Might Have Prevented California Massacre - Nice work, feds.
Truth Revolt Visa Officers Can't Look at Social Media Postings - Jihadi sympathies in plain sight are off limits
Truth Revolt Obama Says Media to Blame For Power of ISIS Message - The President says "there's no reason to panic because groups like ISIS are not able to destroy the U.S." What a relief.
Truth Revolt ISIS Recruitment Video Features Bill Clinton and Barack Obama not Donald Trump - At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who the U.S. president is. Terrorism is about Islam. Period.
Truth Revolt Ibrahim: Islamic Jihad - Symptom of a Western Cause - The unwitting ally of terrorism.
Truth Revolt Muslim ACLU Director: 'I Emphatically Refuse' to Condemn Terrorism - Islamic terrorism is "just as foreign to me as the terror advanced by mostly white men."
Truth Revolt Prager: Yes, Muslims Should Be Asked to Condemn Islamic Terror - That is what civilized and moral people are expected to do - condemn those who murder in their name.
Truth Revolt Philly Suspect Shot Cop in the Name of Islam
Truth Revolt ISIS Fighter Executes His Own Mother in Public - ISIS accused her of apostasy after her son turned her in.
Truth Revolt More Foreign-Born Connected to Terror Plots - Is the Obama administration hiding the number of immigrants and refugees connected to terror plots in America?
Truth Revolt Obama in Paris: Mass Shootings Don't Happen In Other Countries - Oops.
Truth Revolt Dems to Host Terror-Linked CAIR Representatives at Tuesday's State of the Union Address - Because CAIR accurately represents the Muslim American community...
Truth Revolt Media Double-Standard in Charlie Hebdo Coverage - Publications censored Hebdo's cartoon of Mohammed but showcase bloodstained God
Truth Revolt Not Extremist, Just Religious: Is The Rap On Somali Bomb Hole Blower A Lesson? - Not Islamic? His friends beg to differ, Mr. President.
Truth Revolt Obama Cuts $300 Million From Anti-Terror Budget - This even made at least one Democrat mad!
Truth Revolt Sweden: Migrant Beat and Murdered Gay Man But Sentenced to Mere 4 Years in Prison - Where's the liberal outrage?
Truth Revolt 'Harmless Curiosity': Media Downplay Muslim Women Casing Florida Synagogues - "If you see something say something."
Truth Revolt Kerry Needs 'Additional Evaluation' to Determine If Slaughter of Mideast Christians Genocide - This should have been a no-brainer.
Truth Revolt WH Prefers Calling ISIS's Slaughter of Christians 'Tactics' Rather Than 'Genocide' - It just goes down easier.
Truth Revolt Boston Police Commissioner: ‘We’re All Muslims Deep Down’ - "We all yearn for peace."
Truth Revolt Nigeria Accuses American Government Media of Favoring Islamic Terrorists - Is the U.S. speaking out of both sides of its mouth?
Truth Revolt New Year's Tel Aviv Terrorist Hoped to Massacre Israeli Kindergartners - And the U.S. media ignored it.
Truth Revolt Islamic Arm of Intl Red Cross Honors Terrorists Who Killed 12 Children - How "humane."
Truth Revolt Israel Disappears from US Visa Service List of Countries - Otherwise Palestinians would be offended.
Truth Revolt Coulter: Hashtag: We Are Neville Chamberlain! - When people are killing in the name of their religion, it's not an irrelevancy to refuse to keep admitting more practitioners of that religion.
Truth Revolt Brussels Tourism Dept Regretting Grimly Ironic Ad - This is the kind of head-in-the-sand attitude that is leading to Europe's bloody demise.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Post-Jihad Gesture Theater: Je Suis Sick of It - #WesternCivilizationRIP
Truth Revolt Watson: The Truth About the Brussels Attack [VIDEO] - How many Europeans need to be slaughtered before we acknowledge that Islam is not a "religion of peace"?
Truth Revolt Ibrahim on CBN: Obama's Foreign Policy Empowers Jihadis, Kills Christians - With friends like Obama, Mideast Christians don’t need enemies.
Truth Revolt Watson: The Truth About Islam [Video] - "Islam is a violent, intolerant religion which, in its current form, has no place in supposedly liberal western democracies."
Truth Revolt Watson Video: The Truth About Islamophobia - Islamophobia is not a thing.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Nuclear Jihad: The Threats Are Inside Our Tent - We're doing ourselves in.
Truth Revolt Thornton: Europe Still Sleeps, and Europeans Still Die - And Europe can’t say it wasn’t warned.
Truth Revolt Did the WH Censor Audio of French President Saying 'Islamist Terrorism'? - An innocent glitch?
Truth Revolt UK Aid 'Rewards' Imprisoned Palestinian Terrorists £9,000 Per Year - This "blood money" is handed out by the Palestinian Authority.
Truth Revolt Sweden’s Deputy PM Describes 9/11 Attacks as 'Accidents' - Leaders like her are why Europe is falling to Islam.
Truth Revolt The Left Tries to Make a Point: Babies Shoot More People Than Islamic Terrorists, So There - "Don't criminalize an entire demographic based on the actions of a small few."
Truth Revolt Report: ISIS is Here and Growing - "More domestic terror-related arrests in the United States than at any time since the 9/11 attacks."
Truth Revolt Malkin: Twitter's Traitors - Twitter bigwigs turned their attention this week to the real threat to their ailing business: America's counterterrorism officials!
Truth Revolt Omar Mateen Told Us in His Own Words Why He Carried Out His Terror Attack... But Why Believe Him? - But you know, let's just keep saying this had nothing to do with Islamic terror.
Truth Revolt Guns Store Owner Alerted FBI About Orlando Shooter - "He slipped through the cracks."
Truth Revolt Obama Admin to Edit Islam and Terrorism From Orlando Calls - Transcript release will not include pledges of allegiance to ISS and others.
Truth Revolt Horowitz: How the Democrats are Disarming Us - Obama’s denial of the religious nature of the war that Islamic radicals have declared on America is why we are losing the war.
Truth Revolt Federally-Funded Video on Islamist Terror Labeled Dangerous for America and Civilians Abroad - "Corrupt journalism has proven to be the leverage tyranny relies upon to make evil confusing and tolerable."
Truth Revolt Krauthammer: Transcript Edits Par For Obama Course - Protecting Islamism.
Truth Revolt Cruz Grills DHS's Johnson on Scrubbing Radical Islam from Intelligence Materials
Truth Revolt Illinois Seeks Nation's First Muslim Advisory Council - To advise the governor on issues that affect Muslim-Americans.
Truth Revolt 100,000+ Sign WH Petition to Designate BLM as Terrorist Organization - "...on the grounds of principle, integrity, morality, and safety."
Truth Revolt Prager: Few in the West Are Serious About Islamic Terror - It is inconceivable that this situation will long endure.
Truth Revolt MSM Paints Muslim Suicide Bomber as 'Syrian Migrant Killed in German Blast' - WOW, missed it by THAT much.
Truth Revolt Attention Californians! August Is Officially Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month - ...and CAIR is right in the thick of it.
Truth Revolt Man Shouts 'Allahu Akbar,' Stabs Two at German Music Festival - Authorities are still trying to determine the attacker's motive.
Truth Revolt Kerry: Media Should Cover Terrorism Less So People Won't Know What's Going On - Let's keep the public ignorant...
Truth Revolt UPDATED: FBI Captures Suspect in NYC (And Now Elizabeth N.J.) Bombing ... and Guess What? - He's not Amish.
Truth Revolt Report: MSM Desperately Trying to Hide Muslim Faith of NYC Bombers - Because their name and deeds aren't big enough giveaways.
Truth Revolt FBI Secrecy Around Orlando Terror Attack Helped Push False Narrative - Leftists went wild with motives while official records were withheld.
Truth Revolt EU Wants Britain Not to Report When Terrorists are Muslims - Proof big government is a danger to everyone.
Truth Revolt Mainstream Media Not Reporting Boston Police Shooter’s Islamic ‘Rebirth’ - Not publishing his Muslim name and despite wearing body armor, are reporting it as "domestic disturbance."
Truth Revolt Orlando Terrorism One Year Later: MSM Still Think People Simply ‘Died’ - Died from what, exactly?
Truth Revolt Australia: Afghan Immigrant Plows ‘Deliberately’ Into Rush Hour Crowds, Authorities Deny Terrorist Motive - "Christmas carnage in city’s heart."
mrc tv Brace for Terrorist Nuns and Bar Mitzvah Boy Bombers if Sanders' Climate Claim Is Correct
mrc tv John Kerry Condemns Brussels Attacks, Never Mentions Islam
mrc tv Pew: Confidence in Gov’t Response to Terrorism Falls to Post-9/11 Low Pew: Confidence in Gov’t Response to Terrorism Falls to Post-9/11 Low
mrc tv Taliban Claim Bombing in Pakistan Targeted Christians, The Left Ignores It
mrc tv WH Blames 'Drop in Audio' for Loss of Hollande's 'ISLAMIST' Remark - Then Posts 'Complete Audio'
mrc tv Why the White House's 'Dropped Audio' Alibi Is Absurd
mrc tv Limbaugh Mocks WH's Excuse for Lost Audio of Hollande's 'Islamist Terrorism' Remark
mrc tv Is U.S. Foreign Aid Funding Terrorists?
mrc tv Kerry Panders to Islam After Terrorist Stabs Two in Virginia
American Thinker Mountain of evidence points to terror as law enforcement searches for motive
American Thinker Bitter Jihadists Cling to Guns and Religion
American Thinker Obama's Message To Terrorists
American Thinker Obama's former intel chief: The president's strategy us 'not working'
American Thinker Obama administration covering up some immigration histories of 41 suspects implicated in terrorism
American Thinker Philadelphia's Mayor Jim Kenney declares the sky is green
American Thinker Israel to Zuckerberg: Stop Killing Jews
American Thinker Doubling Down on Stupid: Islamic Terrorism at Home and Abroad
American Thinker An Up-close Look at the Liberal-Muslim Alliance
American Thinker Why the Orlando Victims were Defenseless
American Thinker Political Correctness puts Americans in Grave Danger
PJ Media PJTV's Afterburner with Bill Whittle on 'Failure of Intelligence: How Liberals Cause ISIS Terror Attacks'
PJ Media Obama’s Denial of Jihad’s Ideological Roots Gravely Endangers the Nation
Western Journalism Reports Just Exposed HUGE San Bernardino Cover Up That Comes Straight From The Top
Jewish World Review The Week in Nothing to do with Islam
Jewish World Review If You See Something ... Shut Up, Racist
Jewish World Review The Barbarians Are Inside, And There Are No Gates
breitbart Obama vs. Sun Tzu: The Deadly Price of Not Making a Threat Assessment
Fox News Al Qaeda urges lone wolves to target whites, to avoid 'hate crime' label
Daily Reckoning REVEALED: The Secret Pages of the 9/11 Report
JIhad Watch Despite mall shooter’s "SubhanAllah" post and admiration for ISIS caliph, police search for motive

Terrorism - Terrorists - Muslim Terrorist apologist-in-chief Barack Hussein Obama mandated High Level Supporter - Pandering To Terrorists
Barack Hussein Obama has a plan to stop future terrorist attacks.
1) Prevent innocent victims from buying guns (gun control) to protect themselves from terrorists.
2) Cure Global Warming, Cooling, stasis, something.
3) Give terrorists jobs.
4) Pretend there is no such thing as terrorism.
5) Welcome terrorists disguised as refugees into America.
Truth Revolt 'Revolt' in Intelligence Community Over Altered ISIS Reports - 50 intelligence analysts say ISIS reports changed to fit Obama administration's "JV team" narrative
Truth Revolt Obama's $500 Million Fail: Only 4 US-Trained Syrians Fighting ISIS - The president promised this to be "the best counterweight" to ISIS militants. Oops!
Truth Revolt ISIS is So Bad, Many Afghans Wish The Taliban Were in Power - They have "ushered in a new age of brutality."
Truth Revolt Obama Calls Terror Attack in Paris 'Setback' to His Awesome ISIS Strategy - What, not a 'man-caused disaster'?
Truth Revolt MSM Finally Clue In That Obama's ISIS Strategy is Terrible - He is getting called out left and right by the left!
Truth Revolt Global Terrorism Increased by 80% in 2014 - But it's Bush and Cheney's fault.
Truth Revolt Obama Frees Gitmo Detainee Who Said He Would 'Kill Americans' if Released - Just another terrorist in a long line freed.
Truth Revolt FBI Director: Rise of Islamophobia 'Worries Me' - "It’s a huge part of our responsibility that we take very seriously - to make sure people aren’t picked on, bullied..."
Truth Revolt Horowitz: Obama’s Question - What’s in a Name? - Obama is angry - but not at the terrorists.
Truth Revolt FLASHBACK: WH Scrubbed Islamic Expression from Official Transcript for Bowe Bergdahl - "In the name of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate."
Truth Revolt WH Response to OSU Terror: Don’t Be Suspicious of Muslims - Riiiiiight.
American Thinker Counter-Terrorism Advice from Someone Who Knows What He's Talking About
Victory Girls Obama: Four Things Using the Words "Radical Islam" Will Accomplish
Canada Free Press Obama's Crime Against the Victims of ISIS - Obama has left the victims of Islamic terror to rot while filling our towns and cities with its perpetrators.
Daily Wire Obama: I Won't Say Christian Terrorism, So I Won't Say Islamic Terrorism
mrc tv Obama Silent on OSU Attacks, Despite History of Rushing to Judgment
Pat Dollard Few Troops Clap As Obama Lies: "No Foreign Terror Attack On Our Homeland" While I Was Prez
Daily Wire Here Is Your Complete List Of Islamic Terror Attacks During The Obama Administration
Geller Report Obama Defends Islam, Blames America for Fueling ‘Terrorist Narrative’
Canada Free Press Of course: Furious Obama lashes out at Trump for withdrawing from Iran nuclear deal - So let Obama and Kerry have their snits. They negotiated a terrible deal and Trump is right to put it in the circular file and start over

Terrorism - Terrorists - celebrating the visit by American Supporters of Terrorist
mrc tv Israeli Stabbing Victim Pulls Knife From Own Neck to Kill Terrorist

Terrorism - Terrorists - terrorists right to enter America
Truth Revolt Report: U.S. Failing to Stop People from Joining ISIS - and several dozen have made it back to the U.S.
mrc tv Obama Admin. Let 1,500 People With Terrorist Ties into U.S. in 2014

Terrorism - Terrorists - Chattanooga Jihadist, or as the Muslim Terrorist apologist-in-chief Barack Hussein Obama along with the public relations arm of the White House (network news) calls it, workplace violence, depressed troubled youth, ...
Truth Revolt New Details: Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez's Father Was on Terrorist List - Donations to possible terror group
Truth Revolt Malkin: Jihad on U.S. Troops Is Not a 'Circumstance' - Do U.S. military lives matter?
Truth Revolt MSNBC's Mitchell: Was Chattanooga Shooter Just a Southern Gun Nut? - He was a devout Muslim waging violent jihad, and that doesn't fit MSNBC's agenda.
Truth Revolt Krauthammer Rips Obama's Response to Tennessee Attack - President once again deliberately "disconnected the dots"
Truth Revolt WH Sends Out Pro-Muslim Tweet After Marines Were Killed by Islamist - "Probably not the best time to post this."
Truth Revolt NYT Shows Sympathy for Chattanooga Jihadist - Poor Mr. Abdulazeez, a troubled, depressed young man
mrc tv FBI Admits Chattanooga Shooting an Act of Terror; Victims to Receive Purple Hearts

Terrorism - Terrorists - rights
Truth Revolt Malkin: No Means No - Keep Gitmo Jihadists Out of U.S.A. - The Obama administration is plotting to break a major promise made under oath -- and jeopardize our nation in the name of social justice.
American Thinker Belgian authorities questioned Paris attacker for only an hour over four days

Terrorism - Terrorists - solution
American Thinker How to Fight Terrorism the Russian Way
Prison Planet Islamic Terrorism: Why There Is None in Japan
Truth Revolt 'Homeland' Character Has a Strategy to Defeat ISIS - "Hit reset."

Terrorism - Terrorists - misinformation?
Truth Revolt American ISIS Fighter Defects After Witnessing 'Unexpected' Brutality - "The worst decision I've ever made in my life." Well, duh!
Truth Revolt Leftist Lies: No, White Extremists Aren’t a Bigger Threat than Islamic Terrorists - "Strangely, the same people who argue that terrorism isn't even remotely a threat also argue that we're all going to be killed by imaginary right-wing terrorists."

Terrorism - Terrorists - Islamic Threat
Truth Revolt Japan Supreme Court Upholds Government's Blanket Surveillance of Muslims - It's a necessary "safeguard" against terrorism.
U.S.Herald Poll Asks U.S. Muslims If MURDER In The Name Of Islam Is Justified – Their Response Is Horrifying

Terrorism - Terrorists - Leftist/Government Version of Terrorist Threat
runble DHS Labels Those Concerned With COVID Diktats Potential 'Terrorist Threats'
Worthy Politics [MUST-READ] EXCLUSIVE! General Michael Flynn Doesn’t Hold Back: ‘Since New DHS Alert… You’re A Potential Terrorist If You Oppose White House Lies’
Louder With Crowder Watch: MSNBC guest proclaims #BoycottTarget is "literal" economic terrorism

Terrorism - Terrorists - Humor
Truth Revolt The People's Cube: How the 9/11 Attacks Would Have Been Reported Today - "Series of completely unrelated incidents involving airplanes in America. Many Muslims among victims."
Duffel Blog ISIS condemns Kathy Griffin for cultural appropriation
Babylon Bee Democrats Call For Flags To Be Flown At Half-Mast To Grieve Death Of Soleimani
Babylon Bee Hamas Disappointed Liberals Don't Believe They Massacred Jews After They Went To All The Trouble To Livestream It
Babylon Bee Rashida Tlaib Urges Nation To Resist Commercialization Of Day Of Jihad And Remember The True Spirit Of The Holiday
Babylon Bee Ilhan Omar Wakes Up Early To See What Presents She Got For Global Day Of Jihad

Texas Nationalist Movement
Texas Secede FAQ

Randy Cassingham's This Is True truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense.

Thousand Reasons summaries and links to stories from 30+ news sites

TorrentFreak Pirate Party Launches ‘Facebook’ For Movies (Linking is Not a Crime)

Town Hall conservative news, commentary, ...
Town Hall The Poison of Postmodern Lying
Town Hall GOP Crafts Plan to Wreck the Country, Lose Voters
Town Hall 12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals Against Liberals
Town Hall Why My Friends and I Had More Wisdom When We Were 12 Than College Students and Faculty Have Today

TSA - DHS Transportation Security Administration - Department Of Homeland Security (don't you feel safer now)
USA - Under Surveillance Always

TSA - Total Security Abyss
TSA - Taking Sense Away
TSA - Three Stooges Assistance
TSA - Touch Some Ass
TSA - Touch Sex Army
TSA - Total Sexual Assault
TSA - Touches Sensitive Areas
TSA - Testicle Safety Assessors
TSA - Tracking Sexual Apendages
TSA - Truly Scandalous Actions
TSA - Thousands Standing Around
TSA - Thousands of Stupid Answers
TSA - Terrorists Screenings Amok
TSA - Terrorist Support Agency
TSA - Terrorist Sympathetic Agency
TSA - Theatrics Stupidity and Apathy
TSA - Take Something Always
TSA - Total Sh!thead A$$holes
TSA - Trampled States of America
TSA - Thieves and Sexual Assailants

DHS - Dunces Harassing Simpletons
DHS - Dunces Harassment Scheme
DHS - Dunces of Homeland Security
DHS - Department of Homeland Scams.

TSA - links
YouTube Why The TSA Doesn't Stop Terrorist Attacks - Adam Ruins Everything
The Week Confessions of a former TSA officer - Airport security is a farce. And yes, we laughed at your nude body scans.
gizmodo Notes From the Frontline: Well, Search Me!
Whiskey and Gunpowder Tiffany’s and the Problem of Security
Freedom Works Top 10 Reasons to Abolish the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
4th Amendment Underclothes
National Opt-Out Day
Cargo Collective 4th Amendment Underclothes - For When Unwarranted Searches Go Too Far
Thousands Standing Around
Stop Austin Scanners!
Travel Underground tracking what the T.S.A. has done.
Red State Another TSA Outrage
Wired National Opt-Out Day Called Against Invasive Body Scanners
The Freeman Online This Is America? Our Liberties Are Being Usurped by Petty Tyrants
Mises Institute God Bless the TSA!
Mises Institute Who is to Blame for 9-11?
Mises Institute TSA: Killing Us an Hour at a Time
Mises Institute The TSA's False Tradeoff
Mises Institute Liberalization of Airport Frisking: Federal versus Private Security Screeners
Mises Institute Fear and Control: The TSA Case
Mises Institute TSA and Unproductive Labor
salon In praise of Michael Roberts, body-scan rebel
insert title here TSA encounter at SAN
aclu ACLU Sues TSA for Unlawful Detention of Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty Treasurer
World Net Daily TSA checkpoints: Real-life horrors
American Thinker Why Air Security is the Issue
American Thinker Sitting Duck Syndrome
American Thinker Profile Muslims or Pat Down the Masses? The 'Israelification' of airports: High security, little bother
counterpunch False Choices and Airport Security, First a Hand on Your Crotch, Next a Boot in Your Face
U.S.A.Today India diplomat gets 'humiliating' pat-down at Mississippi airport
Yahoo! News Ex-Minn. governor sues over body scans, pat-downs
Capitalism Magazine The Perils of a Siege Mentality
Capitalism Magazine Another Victory for Islamic Jihad Courtesy of the TSA
Capitalism Magazine TSA Extortion Racket
The Consumerist Seattle-Area Restaurant Refuses To Serve TSA Agents
USA Today Body scanner makers doubled lobbying cash over 5 years
Vance Gilbert Racial Profiling First Hand
Washington Post Don’t let these Taliban leaders loose
Yahoo! News The Shocking List of Gitmo Detainees Obama Plans to Release in Deal with Taliban
Daily Reckoning Love in a TSA Line
Boing Boing Scientist: X-ray scanners deliver "20 times the average dose that is typically quoted by TSA."
TSA Abuse Blog If you want to know what to expect when flying and going through TSA security checkpoint you had better read this.
CBS News TSA child pat-down video spurs new legislation
CBN News Israeli Security Expert: TSA Procedures 'Hysterical'
CNN Opinion How the Israelis do airport security
Consumer Traveler Israeli security model proposed for TSA by former nominee
The Daily Caller TSA accused of racial profiling
tech dirt The TSA's True Focus Isn't 'Safety' - It's Self-Preservation
Fox News DHS questioned over decision to let Saudi passengers skip normal passport controls
This Ain't Hell (But You Can See It From Here) Well Now Isn’t That Special
Cop Block Virginia Man with 4th Amendment Written on Chest Wins Trial Over Airport Arrest
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity House 'Improves' TSA Instead of Ending It
Los Angeles Times Crime at LAX up 10% in 2013, outpacing growth in passenger volume
InfoWars "He’s Wearing a Diaper!": TSA Agent Humiliates Cancer Victim - Man with medical condition strip-searched during harrowing airport incident
Reuters TSA apologizes for searching elderly women
American Civil Liberties Union What You Should Know About America’s Secret Watchlists
Washington Post How Many Constitutional Violations Does It Take to Keep Our Planes Safe?
YouTube Don't Panic, DHS Is In Charge (PJTV)
Lew Rockwell Just When You Think the TSA Can’t Get Any More Ludicrous, Ebola Comes Along
Lew Rockwell Christmas Gropings-er, Greetings from the TSA
National Review Online Transportation Secrecy Administration - Federal air marshals say agency brass abuses its authority to hide evidence of wrongdoing.
TSA Out of Our Pants!
mrc tv TSA Official: TSA a Combination of 'Animal House' and 'Game of Thrones'
Truth Revolt Malkin: TSA's Union Power Grab: Thousands Slowing Down Airports - Obstruction is priority number one.
Amerian Thinker TSA admits commercial flights to Cuba don't have armed air marshals aboard

TSA - Illegal Alien Invaders
mrc tv TSA Instructs Illegals On Getting Through Airport Security Without ID

TSA - Protecting Criminals and Punishing The Innocent
mrc tv ‘It’s Totally Crazy’: TSA Accepts Criminal Warrants as ID for Illegals Boarding Flights

TSA - Protecting The Guilty and Punishing The Innocent
Truth Revolt Flashback: DHS Secretary Says Right Wing Extremists Pose Same Threat as Islamic Ones - This is why innocent people are losing their lives.
Truth Revolt 'If God Wants Fire it Will Become Fire': Muslim Woman Made Bomb Threats at LAX - She laughs at 9/11.

TSA - Who Will Watch The Watchers?
Truth Revolt Alleged War Criminal Found Working Security at DC Airport - Best of all, he got the job after being "vetted" by the FBI!
Truth Revolt French Security Now Spooked by Very Religious Muslim Airport Staff - They keep Qurans in their lockers. Doesn't everybody?
Truth Revolt Was DHS Employee Plotting Attack Against the Agency? - Workplace violence?
Truth Revolt Muslims Working in Federal Security Agencies Proving Troublesome - "A Muslim doesn’t record another Muslim."
Truth Revolt Hundreds of TSA workers Fail Drug and Alcohol Tests - Dear TSA, the first step to addiction recovery is admitting you have a problem.
One America News Network (OANN) Atlanta Airport TSA Manager Arrested After Warrant Discovery

TSA - harrassing the innocent and breaking the law
YouTube Uniformed TSA Agent Caught Drinking While Driving
YouTube O’Keefe Won’t Back Down as U.S. Customs Assaults First Amendment

TSA - effectiveness - ineffectiveness
Lowering The Bar FBI Counter-Terror Agent: TSA’s Incompetence "Frightens Me"
Gay Patriot The Real Lesson of 9-11
Steyn Online Fourteen Years On Forget the TSA, You Can Buy Bomb-Making Materials After Airport Security
Please Remove Your Shoes documentary about why T.S.A. is guaranteed to fail.
Yahoo! News TSA Detains Woman Due to 'Attitude'
Yahoo! News 16-year-old survives in wheel well of Maui flight
Whiskey and Gunpowder How Not to Stop a Terrorist
Jihad Watch Can we shut down the TSA now? Al-Qaeda doctors trained to implant bombs in humans
Bloomberg Underwear Bombers Show Limits of TSA’s Groping
Discover Magazine 5 Reasons Body Scanners May Not Solve Our Terrorism Problem
We Won't Fly Jacob: "I know for a fact that the TSA does NOTHING to protect our skies"
Corruption Chronicle, A Judicial Watch Blog Trusted Traveler Program Lets Mexicans Skip Airport Security
Corruption Chronicle, A Judicial Watch Blog $878 Mil Later TSA Behavior Program Can’t Spot Terrorists
Corruption Chronicle, A Judicial Watch Blog $1 Bil Later DHS Admits it Uses Wrong Bio Attack System
Corruption Chronicle, A Judicial Watch Blog DHS Loses Hundreds of Dangerous Foreigners with Expired Visas
Thoughts From A Conservative Mom Muslim women may be exempt from TSA 'pat downs'
TSA Out Of Our Pants $1B of TSA Nude Body Scanners Made Worthless By Blog — How Anyone Can Get Anything Past The Scanners
tech dirt Loaded Gun Falls Out Of Checked Bag. Feeling Secure At Airports Yet?
Boston Globe Russia alerted US repeatedly about suspect, senators say
Canada Free Press Airline Passenger Detained for Being a Jerk TSA agent confiscates sock monkey's pistol
Politico Dear America, I Saw You Naked - And yes, we were laughing. Confessions of an ex-TSA agent.
Salon Why airports’ "liquid and gels" rules are absurd - Once again, I'm reminded how the TSA focuses on nitpicky rules at the expense of actual security
Personal Liberty Digest Obama’s DHS Inspector On Leave For Fudging Reports
Personal Liberty Digest Why Would The Obama Administration Knowingly Let Terrorists In The U.S.?
Personal Liberty Digest Border Patrol Finally Detains Some Minors At Border
The Guardian I was a TSA agent, and the new airport cellphone rules wouldn't stop an iBomb - Why the latest ad hoc security directive might actually make us less safe
My Fox DC Orlando TSA agent who stopped DC man didn't know where "District of Columbia" was
WFTV Reporter stopped by TSA agent who didn't know District of Columbia is in US
Wonkette TSA Has Doubts About Driver’s License From Fakey ‘District Of Columbia’ Place
Flyer Talk TSA Agent Tries to Not Recognize NM Driver'se License as ID
Flyer Talk Hawaii is not a state according to the TSA agent
Tech Dirt TSA Not Sure If It Groped Man Before Flight, Demands To Grope Him After Flight Is Over
Tech Dirt Skies Safer Than Ever After TSA Prevents Passenger From Boarding Flight With Cartoonish Novelty 'Bomb'
Lowering The Bar Defendants Settle With Student Arrested for Possessing Arabic Flashcards
Vox The Department of Homeland Security is a total disaster. It's time to abolish it.
Truth Revolt What? Symbionese Liberation Army Terrorist Cleared by TSA for Pre-Check Program
Truth Revolt TSA Has No Idea If Airport Screening Equipment Works
Yahoo! News EXCLUSIVE: Undercover DHS Tests Find Security Failures at US Airports
Truth Revolt TSA Fails to Uncover Most Explosives, Weapons in Undercover Investigations
Truth Revolt A Fact Unknown to Obama's Refugee Chief: Boston Bombers Were Refugees - Kind of important to know that ...
Truth Revolt Watchdog: Weapons Easily Smuggled Past TSA - "It's horrific."
Truth Revolt Oops! 150 Passengers from Mexico Skip Customs at JFK - Tell me again how good that vetting process is going to be for refugees?
Truth Revolt DHS Admits It Hasn't Used 'Deception Detection' Technology to Vet Refugees - "I feel like we are moving at the speed of bureaucracy while the bad guys are moving at the speed of broadband."
Truth Revolt DHS Head Doesn't Know If People Mistakenly Granted Citizenship Hail From ISIS Strongholds - But he's certain they're not terrorists...
Truth Revolt FBI's Comey: A 'Terrorist Diaspora' Coming 'Like We've Never Seen Before' - You're the FBI. Maybe you could do something about that.
Truth Revolt Department of Homeland Insecurity: 11 Passengers Bypass Screening at Unmanned TSA Checkpoint - "No threat to the aviation transportation system," said TSA "confidently."
Truth Revolt TSA Agents Miss Most Weapons/Bombs in Baggage in Undercover Operation - But no way is that expensive bottle of hand cream getting by these eagle eyes.
Lowering The Bar New TSA Administrator to Explain How Agency Will Fail Differently From Now On
Lowering The Bar New TSA Administrator Explains, Part II
Lowering The Bar I Should Stress That TSA Detected Well Over Four Percent of The Fake Threats
Lowering The Bar TSA Successfully Passes Three Security Tests
The Verge TSA failed to detect weapons 95 percent of the time in security sting
Taking Sense Awat Confessions of a Former TSA Screener.
TSA Out of Our Pants $1B of TSA Nude Body Scanners Made Worthless By Blog - How Anyone Can Get Anything Past The Scanners
Jezebel TSA Forces Woman to Use Her Breast Pump Before She Can Take It Through Security Lawmakers, watchdog scold TSA for airport security gaps
Bae Naked Islam FLYING ANYWHERE SOON? Dozens of aviation workers at airports are on DHS terrorism watch lists
Rocket News 24 K-Pop group Oh My Girl mistaken for sex workers, detained at LA airport
Zero Hedge TSA Launches "Invasive" Pat-Downs With "More Intimate Contact Than Before"
Daily Wire Report: 300 Refugees In The U.S. Are Being Investigated For Terrorism
NY Post Serial plane stowaway foils TSA again
RT 'Quiet Skies' TSA surveillance team targets Americans on domestic flights without warrant - report
mrc tv Biden's $8B TSA Brags About Seizing a Pile of Banned Liquids - Here's the Terrifying Stuff They Nabbed

TSA - Total Sexual Assault (aka: full employment for pedophiles, rapists, sexual predators and other graduates of criminal institutes of higher learning (prison)
Urban Dictionary Gate Rape (TSA screening)
Molested By The TSA
The Raw Story Exclusive: TSA frisks groom children to cooperate with sex predators, abuse expert says
TSA Abuse Blog TSA patdown "game" a counterproductive lesson for children
1776 Coalition TSA agent accused of rape had criminal record ...
Human Events Don't Touch My Junk
The Advice Goddess Don't Give The TSA An Easy Time Of Violating Your Rights
Tech Dirt TSA Agent Threatens Woman With Defamation, Demands $500k For Calling Intrusive Search 'Rape'
Mises Institute To Boldly Grope Where No Man Has Groped Before
Mises Institute Former Secretary of Homeland Security: Use my company’s nude scanners or be sexually assaulted
The Daily Caller TSA hassles man for oversize package
TSA Watch Male TSA Workers Randomly Check Woman With Large Breasts
We Won't Fly Anon: Screener "said almost the same thing as my rapist"
Forbes Full Frontal Nudity Doesn't Make Us Safer: Abolish the TSA
Forbes Full Frontal Nudity Doesn't Make Us Safer: Abolish the TSA
gizmodo One Hundred Naked Citizens: One Hundred Leaked Body Scans
gizmodo The TSA’s Sense of Humor Makes Me Nervous
Dead Serious News Man arrested after ejaculating during TSA pat-down
We Won't Fly Young Woman Molested by TSA Shares Her Story
tech dirt TSA Insists That It Doesn't Pick Hot Women Out For Extra Scrutiny
tech dirt Woman Arrested For Not Letting TSA Grope Her Daughter
tech dirt TSA Force Breast Cancer Patient To Submit To Patdown, Refuse To Let Her Show ID Card About Implants
Red Dirt Report "Mom, they did bad things to me" - insider at OKC airport shares shocking info on alleged TSA abuses
Tech Dirt The Inevitable: Drunk Man Arrested For Impersonating Groping TSA Agent At Airport
Response Action Network TSA gropers fired
Truth Revolt 70+ Workers Hired By TSA Were On Terrorism Watchlists - TSA also lacked accurate info about criminal history, legal status of employees in restricted areas.
Uncut Morrissey alleges sexual assault by guard at American airport
Lowering The Bar Morrissey Claims TSA Officer Groped Him
Truth Revolt TSA Agent Charged with Luring, Molesting Woman in Airport Bathroom - "Hey ma'am, I need to scan your body and your luggage."

TSA - only criminals need apply. Bonus earnings plan.
reason TSA Agents at Louisville Airport Steal Deaf Man's Candy, Call Him "Fucking Deafie"
Prison Planet Epidemic Of TSA Criminality: More Agents Caught Stealing Cash From Luggage, Another Arrested For Assault
Bloomberg TSA Officers Will Lose Jobs Following Theft From Luggage at JFK
NY Daily News TSA agent Michael Arato admits to stealing from passengers during security checks, taking bribes
Market Watch How airline travelers can thwart rogue TSA thieves
infowars Top 20 airports where TSA thugs are most likely to steal your stuff
tech dirt How Do You Know If A TSA Agent Stole An iPad? There's An App For That

TSA - just being careful - threats
Raw Story Disabled woman beaten bloody by TSA agents after becoming confused and afraid at security checkpoint
Brittany Quinn TSA Agent Kruze: "Was the surgery worth the pain?"
Yahoo! News Florida teen detained by TSA for design on her purse
ABC Good Morning America 'Security Theater'? TSA Confiscates Woman's Frosted Cupcake
Washington Examiner TSA defends banning cupcake from airplane
The Consumerist Pregnant Passenger Says TSA Confiscated Her Insulin
Don't Tread On Mike The TSA is evil. Fortunately they’re also inept.
Yahoo! News 18-month-old baby pulled from flight, parents interviewed by TSA
Prison Planet DHS Terror Document Lists Yawning, Goose Bumps As Suspicious Behavior
The Daily Caller TSA agent spills grandpa’s ashes
Mail Online Father's outrage as TSA subjects his wheelchair-bound three-year-old son to humiliating search... on his way to Disney
Snarky Bytes Why The TSA Sucks - Reason 326
counterpunch A Greater Threat Than the Terrorists, TSA's Gestapo Empire
Daily Reckoning Paradise Turned Prison?
Yahoo! News ‘Inigo Montoya’ shirt upsets travelers, leads to awkward flight
Yahoo! News Man With Tourette's Syndrome Banned From Flight After Saying 'Bomb'
The Daily Sheeple TSA Harasses And Shames Yet Another Disabled Veteran
Fox News TSA screenings at Phoenix airport draw fire from disabled travelers
Survival Joe While Terrorists Sneak Across Our Borders, Homeland Security Goes After Who?
The Jazz Line Airport Security Damaged John Patitucci’s Bass
The Jazz Line Christian McBride’s Bow Stolen By TSA
ESPN Cricinfo US customs busts Simmons' 'drug bat'
Community of the Wrongly Accused The College Student Charged with Disorderly Conduct for Displaying the Words of the United States Constitution
Scene Lawsuit: TSA Agents Unscrewed Urn, Spilled Deceased Mother's Ashes In Cleveland Man's Suitcase
Lowering The Bar TSA Confiscates Ray-Gun-Shaped Belt Buckle
Lowering The Bar TSA Has Objected to Lightsabers Before
Lowering The Bar TSA Questions Chewbacca's Lightsaber
Salon What do cupcakes and lightsabers have in common?
Salon Hand over the fork, sir! TSA confiscations reach new levels of absurdity -- and the Hysteria Hall of Shame goes international
reason TSA Confiscates Raygun Belt Buckle BECAUSE TERRORISM!
Lowering The Bar TSA Saves Public From Air Pirates!
Lowering The Bar Although The TSA's Pants-bomb Detection Rate Leaves Something To Be Desired
Chicks on the Right What Airport Security Confiscated From A Three-Year-Old Boy Is LAUGHABLE
Lowering The Bar TSA: Terror Sorority Alert

TSA - the best security that Total Sh!thead A$$holes Can Provide.
In other words, more than 10 years after the 9/11 attack, the government is still promising to make airports secure.
Lowering The Bar TSA Can Improve Aviation Worker Vetting
Good Morning America-Yahoo! News Jet Skier Breaks Through JFK Airport's $100 Million Security System
The TSA Sucks Just walk onto the runway ...
ABC - The Blotter Gaping Holes in Airline Security: Loaded Gun Slips Past TSA Screeners
Discover Magazine Man Accidentally Carries Loaded Gun Onto Plane; TSA Failure Rate May Approach 70%
Missoulian Man gets through Bozeman airport security with gun in carry-on bag
The TSA Sucks Study finds TSA scanners don’t work
to which I replied At what point do the TSA failures add up to a conclusion?
consumerist Oops! I Made It Past The TSA Screeners With A 6-Inch Hunting Knife
ars technica Adam Savage: TSA saw my junk, missed 12" razor blades
Huffington Post John Mica Attacks TSA 'Chat-Downs' As 'Idiotic,' Says Screening Failures Are 'Off The Charts'
USA Today Travel: TSA under fire after box cutters make it on to NYC flight
New York Post Security misses 'point', Knife on jet to JFK
NBC DFW TSA Source: Armed Agent Slips Past DFW Body Scanner TSA officials confirm string of Newark airport security lapses
Business Week Parolee sneaks on San Diego plane before arrest
Judicial Watch Corruption Chronicles: Loaded Guns On Planes "Not A TSA Issue"
Conde Nast Traveler How a Bomber Breezed Through Security
Google News - AFP Airport body scanners useless: German police
New York Times Do Body Scanners Make Us Safer? Israel Doesn't Use Scanners
Yahoo! Nws Minneapolis Airport Baggage Handler Accused of Stealing $84,000 Worth of Belongings from Passengers
Info Wars Homeland Security is Now Regulating Live Entertainment
American Thinker 72 employees at DHS on terror watch list
Truth Revolt Dem Lawmaker Reveals: 72 Department of Homeland Security Employees on Terror Watchlist - That's reassuring.
Truth Revolt Malkin: TSA: Total Security Abyss - Who is screening the screeners?
Gizmodo TSA's Very Expensive App Takes About 10 Minutes to Build [Updated]

TSA - government knows best.
wikipedia Security Theater
Bruce Schneier Is Aviation Security Mostly for Show?
The Baltimore Sun TSA security: ineffective and unconstitutional
The Discriminatin Explorer Calling for TSA Reform
NBC Chicago Congressional Report: TSA Security at O'Hare, Elsewhere Outdated
Travel Agent Central Congressional Report Urges TSA Reform
Politics In The Zeros TSA security theater is reactive and ineffective
USA Today - Travel Congressional report slams TSA as bloated, ineffective
Homeland Security News Wire TSA Puffer machines pulled from service
kataphatic Shocking News: TSA Scanners Ineffective Study: TSA Whole Body Scanners Ineffective at Detecting Explosives
The Atlantic The Things He Carried, Airport security in America is a sham-"security theater" designed to make travelers feel better and catch stupid terrorists. Smart ones can get through security with fake boarding passes and all manner of prohibited items-as our correspondent did with ease.
New York Times Do Body Scanners Make Us Safer? A Waste of Money and Time Congressman: Secret Report On TSA Pat Downs, Body Scanner Failures Will "Knock Your Socks Off"
ABC News Rep. John Mica Calls TSA His 'Little Bastard Child'
reason "Dominate. Intimidate. Control." The sorry record of the Transportation Security Administration
Mises Institute Bureaucracy flops? What a shock
American Thinker Close Down the TSA!
Red State The TSA’s Humiliating and Ineffective Security Policies
Indiana University - News Room New TSA screening policies ineffective, possibly counterproductive, IU expert tells Congress
Boing Boing LAX TSA officer shames my 15-year-old daughter for her outfit
KOMO News Dying woman humiliated by revealing TSA pat-down
Citizen Scientsts League Risks to Public Health at Airport Security Checkpoints

TSA - Searching
Louder With Crowder Trans 'woman' posts sobbing selfie after TSA agent allegedly 'punched' their very-female testicles

TSA - Humor
YouTube Grandma Got Molested At The Airport
Truth Revolt TSA Agents X-Raying Passengers May Find Constitutional Warnings in Unexpected Places - Is that an amendment in your pocket or...

Donald Trump
Ann Coulter How Not To Be President
According To Hoyt Our Trump Card
American Thinker The Raid on Mar-A-Lago: A Desperate Act by the Deep State
American Thinker I was wrong about Trump
breitbart Exclusive — Sebastian Gorka: FBI Agents Told to Raid Mar-a-Lago Should Have Said, ‘No, Here’s My Badge
Breitbart Nolte: Republican Support for Trump Hits Record High After Fascist FBI Raid
Gateay Pundit MUST READ: One of America’s Greatest Patriots Disagrees With The Last Line In Trump’s Statement About The FBI Raid of Mar-a-Lago
rc tv Dan Bongino on Gestapo-Style FBI Raid on Trump's Home: 'This is Some Third World Bull$#it!'
PJ Media POLL: Mar-a-Lago Raid Backfires Spectacularly on Democrats
A nation without borders is not a nation - President Trump
Donald Trump's greatest accomplishment: Keeping Hillary Clinton from becoming President.
Linked In The mayor of Livermore California explains Trump’s popularity and success. This is perhaps the best explanation for Trump's popularity
American Greatness The Method to Trump’s ‘Madness’
100 percent fed up ‘TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE THE INAUGURATION…The Best Poem Of 2017!
Gateway Pundit Trump Fires All Obama Politically Appointed Ambassadors Effective Inauguration Day
Breitbart No, Trump’s Dismissal of Obama’s Ambassadors Is Not an Unprecedented Crisis
Daily Wire WATCH: Trump BULLDOZES CNN Reporter
Daily Wire Wednesday Was Trump's First Day As A Democratic President. Here Are 7 Things You Need To Know.
Daily Wire WATCH: Trump Just Shredded The Iran Deal. Here Are 5 Reasons He Was Absolutely Right To Do So.
Truth Revolt Trump Signs Executive Order on Border Wall - "Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders."
The Week Is Trumpism the new punk rock?
Truth Revolt Harvard Study Shows Media’s Coverage of Trump is 98% Negative - The evidence is clear. It’s not just bias, it’s agenda.
Truth Revolt Sarah Sanders Wrecks Leftist Hypocrisy: If Trump Racist, Why Did NBC, Chuck Schumer Pal Up? - Savage level = 100%
National Review Regime Change By Any Other Name? - Truth or consequences? Obama skated for far worse misdeeds.
reddit UPDATE: I was tired of liberals saying "Trump hasn't kept any of his promises," so I went and made a running list of things he has done so far.
Town Hall He Fights
American Thinker A Time for War: Deep State's Strike and Trump's Counter-Strike
City Journal Of Crudeness and Truth - Thoughts on President Trump’s latest verbal tempest
YouTube MILO: 'Trump is the First Real Black President'
YouTube Democrats are complicit for every murder by illegal immigrants - Pres. Trump's newest ad - 1/20/18
Fox News Trump fires back at Schumer: 'If there is no Wall, there is no DACA'
PJ Media The Hate Agenda of The Left
Front Page Mag Trump's 5 Rules for Ruling the World
American Spectator The Collapse of the Never-Trump Conservatives
Federalist NATO Is Sick, And Trump Is The Best Doctor It’s Likely To Get - If you don’t like the messenger or how he messages, fine, but don’t miss the real issue: Does NATO as it is functioning require a bit of scrutiny and reform? Obviously so.
Imperial Requiem The Russian Collusion Paradox
American Spectator Everyone Is Smart Except Trump
American Greatness Just How Far Will the Left Go
Political Insider Report: Trump Sent Plane to Retrieve Otto Warmbier Without North Korea’s Permission
Breitbart LEAKED VIDEO: Google Leadership’s Dismayed Reaction to Trump Election
NY Times For Once, I’m Grateful for Trump - In the president, one big bully stands up to others.
Ricochet Things I Did Not See Coming When PDT Was Elected
Real Clear Politics Trump 2020?
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse What Has Trump Done To Hurt You?
Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse The Boggling Retardery of the Impeachment Tantrum
American Wire Media melts down when faced with the truth
mrc tv President Trump Calls Obama Admin./Justice Dept. 'Human Scum,' Says They Committed 'Treason'
American Thinker The Economic Fallout of the Lockdown and Riots will not Diminish Support for Trump
American Thinker Pushing back against Biden's claim that Trump caused the violence
mrc tv Third Time Is The Charm? Trump Receives Yet Another Nobel Nomination
Louder With Crowder Trump’s New Ad NUKES Joe Biden Being Anti-Cop Using Actual Police Officers
Ann Coulter Transgender Nation

Donald Trump - Poor Judge Of Character
Louder With Crowder "He was always very nice to me": Donald Trump praises CA's progressive globalist governor Gavin Newsom

Donald Trump - Real Conspiracy and Treason - Hillary Clinton, FBI and Russia Collude to Smear Trump
Federalist BREAKING: DNI Declassifies Handwritten Notes From John Brennan, 2016 CIA Referral On Clinton Campaign’s Collusion Operation
Natural News As Trump orders the complete declassification of all “Russia Hoax” documents, here’s a list of TRAITORS who should be arrested and tried for TREASON
Federalist Sean Davis: If Nobody Goes To Prison For Russia Hoax, It Will Happen Again

Donald Trump - Supporters
Classically Liberal Thoughts Vote Trump for a Moral, Just Society
Gateway Pundit UH-OH! Great News For Trump Campaign – Trump Leads Biden by 10 Points Among Independents
Federalist One In Five Black Male College Students Support Trump In New Poll
Federalist Why This Ex-Never Trumper Wants Four More Years
PJ Media Glenn Beck Makes Stunning Recovery from Trump Derangement Syndrome
Gateway Pundit Six Mayors from the Iron Range in Minnesota, a Historically Democrat Stronghold, Endorse Donald J. Trump for President
mrc tv Six Minnesota Democrat Mayors Endorse Trump: 'We Didn't...Leave the Democratic Party, the Party Left Us'
Washington Free Beacon Amid Dem Push to Defund Police, N.H. Police Unions Flip to Back Republican
Louder With Crowder SHOCKER: 45% of Gay Men Plan to Vote for Donald Trump?!
Louder With Crowder Black Trump Supporters Go VIRAL for Awesome Pro-America Message
Louder With Crowder Latino and Former Democrat Asks at Trump Rally 'Where Are the Racists?' [VIDEO]
Red State ‘O.C.’ Actress Samaire Armstrong Backs Trump in Fiery Video: ‘Far-Left Mob’ Has Silenced Americans
PJ Media Are Experts Underestimating the Impact of the 'Enthusiasm Gap' on the Vote?
Federalist I Didn’t Vote For Trump In 2016, But I’d Crawl Over Broken Glass To Vote For Him Now
mrc tv Pop Culture Karens Try to Cancel Rocker John Lydon For Supporting Trump – and He Couldn’t Care Less
mrc tv Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Endorses Trump After 50 Years of Backing Democrat
Louder With Crowder Anti-Trump Hollywood actor lays out why he WON'T vote for Biden, and if Trump were smart he'd reach out

Donald Trump - Celebutard Death Threats
Canyon News Celebrity Death Threats Against President Trump
mrc tv Gov. Cuomo Says Trump 'Better Have an Army' To Protect Him If He Comes to NYC
National File Facebook Says Users Can Wish For Trump’s Death By COVID So Long As They Don’t Tag Him

Donald Trump - anti-Trump Derangement Syndrome - Trump Derangement Syndrome
Town Hall/a> The Never Ending Trump Witch Hunt
mrc NewsBusters VILE Sunny Hostin Agrees With AOC: Trump 'Sycophants' Must Go On Enemies List
mrc NewsBusters Column: CNN's Preposterous Call for Unity
mrc tv There’s Such a Thing as ‘Trump Anxiety Disorder’
Right-Wing Riot! The Infants’ Crusade
Liberty Expiring Minds Don’t Want to Know
mrc tv ‘Another Dinner Ruined’: Writer Bret Easton Ellis on Hollywood Elite - ‘Is the Left F---ing NUTS?’
mrc tv Hitler-era Survivor Debunks Liberal Claims that Trump, Conservatives are Nazis
mrc tv Anti-Trumpers Are Paying $80 an Hour To Be Professionally Cuddled
mrc tv Viral Facebook Post Claims Trump Created Hurricane Irma to Kill Blacks and Hispanics
mrc tv Rep. Green Wants To Impeach Trump Over NFL Comments
mrc tv Media Meltdown After Hearing Trump Is Healthy
mrc tv Kimmel: Swap Trump and Kim Jong-un, 'No Discernible Difference'
mrc tv VICE: If The New Joker Movie Sucks, It'll Be Trump's Fault
mrc tv Deeply Troubled Waters: Rep. Calls For Public Harassment Of Cabinet
mrc tv Allen West: Why You Can't The Take Left’s Trump Hysteria Seriousl
mrc tv WaPo Cartoonist Writes Op-Ed Blaming Trump for Hurricane Florence
mrc tv Wow: Joe Scarborough Actually Says Trump More Harmful to America than the 9/11 Terrorists
mrc tv Actor James Cromwell: 'Revolution,' 'Blood in the Streets' If Trump Isn't Stopped
Daily Wire Here Are The 11 Celebrities Going CRAZIEST Over Trump
Daily Wire HOLLYWEEP: 'Variety' Features Moore, Dunham, Handler With American Flag To Protest Trump Inauguration
Daily Wire Passenger Kicked Off Plane For Berating Trump Supporter. But The Other Passengers' Response Is Best Part.
Daily Wire 'Nasty' Ashley Judd Goes Off Deep End at #WomensMarch: 'I Feel Hitler in These Streets!'
Daily Wire Why Those Who Wear 'P***yhats' Will Help Re-Elect Trump
Daily Wire ‘Stranger Things’ Star: ‘We Will Punch Some People In The Face!’
Daily Wire Sarah Silverman: 'FASCISTS GET OVERTHROWN'
Daily Wire EXTREME VETTING: D.C. Leftists Only Want To Room With People Who Didn’t Vote For Trump
Daily Wire Why Are Leftists Actually Experiencing ‘Post-Election Stress Disorder’? Blame The Media.
Daily Wire Trump Shames 'Sick' Kathy Griffin. UPDATE: Barron Trump Thought It Was REALLY His Dad
Daily Wire CNN Got a Rodeo Clown Fired For Obama Mask. CNN Still Employs Kathy Griffin.
Daily Wire Jennifer Lawrence Says Hurricanes Are Punishment For Electing Trump
Daily Wire WATCH: Reporter Asks Women's Marchers What They're Protesting. Things Go Exactly How You'd Expect.
YouTube People Who Laughed at Trump and said he would never be President Trump - Donald Trump Compilation
YouTube Trump Derangement Syndrome: An American Epidemic
Truth Revolt Woman Has Random Sex to Cope with Trump Victory - "I’m surprised to find myself thoroughly enjoying this."
Truth Revolt Liberal Scared to Death of His White, Southern Plumber Who Might’ve Voted Trump - Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner for stupidest thing you’ll hear today.
Truth Revolt The Right Take: Celebrity Meltdown - Celebrities are feeling their influence slip through their grasp, and they can't handle it.
Truth Revolt Director Joss Whedon: 'I Want a Rhino to F-ck Paul Ryan to Death' - Mental Breakdown in 3...2...1
Truth Revolt New Katy Perry PSA: Warning! Trump Bringing Back Internment Camps - She can sing AND she's a history scholar? Is there nothing she can't do??
Truth Revolt Melanie Phillips: Projecting Fascism in the New Trump Era - The left's reaction to Trump is totalitarian in its instincts and incites hatred, paranoia and aggression.
Truth Revolt Heather Mac Donald: Trump’s Truth-Telling about ‘American Carnage’ - What is a better word for the more than 6,000 black men shot dead on the streets in 2015?
Truth Revolt James Franco 'Spiraled Into a Depression' After Trump Win - "I’ve been reacting really badly."
Truth Revolt Teacher Shoots Water Pistol at Trump Image, Screams 'Die!' - "Insane person, unfit to be a teacher."
Truth Revolt Jennifer Lawrence and James Cameron: Trump is Insane - "These people are insane."
Truth Revolt Sarah Silverman Calls for Military Coup of Trump Administration - "Mad king & his handlers go bye bye."
Truth Revolt NYU Prof's Psychotic Break: Verbally Abuses Police Officers, Calls For Them to 'Kick Nazi As*' - Melissa Click 2.0
Truth Revolt De Niro: We Need to Bully Trump Back - "Shut them up."
Truth Revolt Leftist Magazine Shows Trump In Crosshairs: 'Why Not' - "It’s not an incitement to anything." Riiight.
Truth Revolt Bill Maher Squares Off with Trump Supporter at Town Hall - "It’s a giant con, what he’s done."
Truth Revolt Young Liberals Assault Trump Supporters Gathered at Oscars Protest - Tolerance is the name, throwing punches is the game.
Truth Revolt NYT’s Friedman: ‘We Were Attacked on Nov. 8, 2016’ Just Like on 9/11 - "What Trump is doing is not o.k."
Truth Revolt Column So Over-the-Top with Trump Derangement, It (Almost) Seems Fake - Hyperbole shouldn't be the only tool in a writer's kit.
Truth Revolt Bajillionaire Cher: With Obamacare Repealed, How Will I Pay for My Asthma? - Too broke Cher.
Truth Revolt Senior Newsweek Writer Hopes GOP Families Experience Torture, Sickness, and Death - Mmmm, a nice hot cup of liberal tolerance.
Truth Revolt Princeton Prof Tells Graduates: Trump ‘a Racist, Sexist Megalomaniac’ - Tell us how you really feel.
Truth Revolt Jim Carrey Defends Kathy Griffin, Shares His Own Trump-Killing Fantasy - Comics today have forgotten that their job is not to cross a line, but to be funny.
Truth Revolt Professor Called For House Republicans To Be ‘Lined Up And Shot’ - "Republicans are a f***ing joke and their voting block runs the gamit [sic] from monstrous to ignorant."
Truth Revolt Democrat State Rep Threatens President Trump on Facebook - The love language of the Left.
Truth Revolt Hollywood Sounds Off on Trump Jr. Email: ‘U Are a ‘D-ck Junior’ - "Fredo needs a better lawyer."
Truth Revolt John Podesta Still Losing Sleep ‘Every Night’ Over Clinton Loss - Well, at least he can read her book "What Happened" to cure the insomnia.
Truth Revolt Missouri Democrat: ‘I Hope Trump is Assassinated’ - "Senator, it's the Secret Service on line one."
Truth Revolt Chef Anthony Bourdain Would Like to Serve Poison to President Trump - Taste the tolerance.
Truth Revolt Liberals Gather to Scream at the Sky - "Mark the one-year anniversary of the so-called 'election' of the so-called 'President' by joining the national primal scream."
Truth Revolt David Crosby Says Only Leftists Are Welcome at His Shows, Conservative Actor Adam Baldwin Strikes Back - "Don't come to my show, a**hole."
Truth Revolt MSNBC Nut Warns Mentally Ill Trump Headed Toward Violence - "What we’re seeing is someone mentally falling apart."
Truth Revolt Yale Expert: Trump Could Cause Extinction of Human Species - "As more time passes, we come closer to the greatest risk of danger."
Truth Revolt Outgoing Dem Gov Fantasizes About Punching Trump: ‘Have to Pick Him Off the Floor’ - They're always going high, aren't they?
Truth Revolt Prof Doesn’t Just Want Trump Impeached: ‘I Wouldn’t Mind Seeing Him Dead’ - Don't hold back, sir.
Right Wing Now 2nd California Student vows to remove penis if Trump builds wall
Acculturated Parents: Stop Scaring Your Kids About the Election
mrc tv Madonna: 'Express Yourself' Is 'Exactly What I Did' With 'Bombing the WH' Remark
mrc tv Leftist 'Comedians' Call Trump's 10 Year-Old Son 'Date-Rapist,' 'Homeschool Shooter,' Arsonist
mrc tv Limo Torched During Trump Protests Owned by Anti-Trump Muslim Immigrant
mrc tv Shia LaBeouf Arrested for Assaulting a Man at His Anti-Trump Display
mrc tv Canadian Women Refuse to Have Kids Because of Trump
mrc tv Barbra Streisand Blames Trump for Weight Gain
mrc tv HILARIOUS: Student Goes Bat$#!+ Crazy Over Trump Sign on Campus
mrc tv Cher Goes Berserk on Twitter: Trump is Nuts, Jeff Sessions is Racist, Senators ‘Bitches'
mrc tv The Boston Globe Claims the Solar Eclipse Is ‘Throwing Shade’ At Clinton Supporters
Conservative Revew This actually happened: Unhinged DeVos haters vow to never have children after education secretary vote
American Thinker Trump-hater Democrats losing the battle for hearts and minds
New York Post I’m a gay New Yorker - and I’m coming out as a conservative
Town Hall 100 Days of #TheResistance’s Humiliating Failure
Town Hall 20 Liberal Calls For Violence Against Conservatives in Quotes
PJ Media Here's What Happened When I Decided to Wear my MAGA Hat in Public
WND Why so many leftists are genuinely delusional - David Kupelian: Democrats' hysterical Trump 'narrative' is not just false - it's insane
WND 'Racist' Trump accused of creating hurricanes to kill blacks, Hispanics - Rants point finger at president, claim he is manipulating climate for evil
PJ Media WATCH: Liberals Gather to Scream at the Sky
D Street The White House Easter Egg Roll, 2017 ~ A Study of Hatred from Democrats.
PJ Media SCOTUS Protests Are as Salty and Ridiculous as We'd Hoped
PJ Media Top Six Unhinged Reactions to Kavanaugh Nomination
American Thinker Why the Mueller Windmill tilt-a-thon needs to continue unabated
Fox News Painting of Trump team 'Crossing the Swamp' touches off social media frenzy
mrc tv This Tweet Calling For Someone To Kill Trump Has 105,000 ‘Likes’ on Twitter
Daily Wire Hoover Asks Swalwell: 'Are You Allergic To Saying Anything Positive About Trump?'
Sara A. Carter Robert Francis O’Rourke: Trump Colluded Beyond the Shadow Of a Doubt
Louder With Crowder Democrat Judiciary Chairman Dismisses Mueller Report, Claims ‘Evidence’ of Trump Collusion
Louder With Crowder Paul Krugman Claims Donald Trump is Trying to Kill Everyone
Daily Wire Pro-Trump Home Depot Co-Founder, 90, After Trump-Haters Target Him: ‘It Sure As Hell Is Not Going To Stop Me’
Louder With Crowder Deranged Leftist Attacks Retired NYPD Over...Wrong MAGA Hat
mrc tv ‘Let's Call It TrumpVirus’: Liberals Blame Trump For Coronavirus Threat
Louder With Crowder A Cape Cod Man Tried to Run Over Someone Selling MAGA Swag. Then, He Dropped His Pants.
PJ Media The Morning Briefing: Never Trumpers Leg-Hump Every Leftist Narrative Just to Make Friends
PJ Media Woman Who Stole 7-Year-Old's Trump Hat Is Arrested For That and A Lot More
Louder With Crowder Watch These Biden Supporters Use a Guillotine to Chop Trump's Head Off in Effigy
Louder With Crowder This Crazy Lady Tried to Steal a MAGA Flag. It Didn't Work Out for Her ...
Louder With Crowder Police Hunt for This Biden Supporter Who Leaves Dog Poop in Trump Supporters' Mailboxes
Louder With Crowder This Unhinged 'Karen' Went Bananas at Trump Fans. The Cops Had to Get Involved...
mrc tv Report: 77 Year-Old Veteran Attacked Over MAGA Hat
mrc tv Leftist College Profs Do the Expected: Revel In Trump’s COVID19 Diagnosis
mrc tv New Hampshire Police Investigating Anonymous Letters Threatening to Burn Trump Supporters' Homes
mrc tv ‘Tolerant’ Leftists Target Nodding Trump Supporter’s Business
mrc tv Bruce Springsteen Calls For an 'Exorcism' To 'Throw Out' Trump On Election Day
mrc newsusters Celebrities Can’t Wait to Kick Trump Out of the White House
mrc tv GSA Admin. Emily Murphy Received Threats Against Her Family, Staff, Pets & Life
Louder With Crowder NFL star announces he was forced to cancel a charity golf tourney, sponsors pulled out because it was at a Trump club
mrc tv Don Jr. Receives Death Threat Letter Laden with 'White Powder'

Donald Trump - Innocent Until Framed by Democrats - Democrat Persecution
PJ Media REPORT: Mueller Hid Evidence Exonerating Don Jr. Over Infamous Trump Tower Meeting
Geller Report COUP: Comey’s FBI FORCED Trump hoax dossier into intelligence community’s election assessment
mrc tv Uh, WHAT? Foreperson of Grand Jury Investigating Trump Said She Wanted to Subpoena Trump Because Swearing Him In 'Would Be Really Cool'
Louder With Crowder LOL: Someone on the grand jury indicting Trump may have just committed a felony of their own
New York Post Is that really all there is to the Trump indictment? How pathetic
Washington Times FEC: Trump-Stormy case ‘not a campaign finance violation’
Louder With Crowder Watch: Trump Says Trial Is “Single Greatest Witch Hunt Of All Time”
Breitbart Donald Trump Says $454M Bond Could Force Real Estate Fire Sale: ‘ELECTION INTERFERENCE’
Louder With Crowder "I'm not sure what the Trump trials are about": John Fetterman finds new way to trigger his (former) progressive supporters

Donald Trump - Adam Schiff, House Intelligence Committee Impeachment Hearings
New York Post Adam Schiff is wasting the nation’s time with impeachment hearings
New York Post Goodwin: Adam Schiff’s dull impeachment hearings are a flop
New York Post The Democrats bungled the first day of public impeachment hearings

Donald Trump - House Judiciary Committee Impeachment Hearings
mrc tv WATCH: Expert Testimony - Impeachment Case Is 'Inadequate' Lacks 'Compelling Evidence'
mrc tv Devin Nunes: ‘Most Americans Did Not See How Badly…Democrats Falsified Evidence’ During Trump Impeachment Trial

Donald Trump - Other Impeachment Hearings
PJ Media Dems Who Impeached Trump as Coronavirus Spread Now Want to Investigate His Coronavirus Response
Louder With Crowder Ted Cruz Presents Five Hysterical Questions that SHOULD Have Been Asked at Impeachment Trial

Donald Trump - Leftist Attacks - Leftist Smear Campaigns
Sharyl Attkisson Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List
Daily Wire REPORT: Remember How Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Had No Social Media Footprint? Here's Why.
American Thinker Why COVID-19 Is a Product of the Left
American Thinker A Real-Life Story of How Coronavirus Hysteria Oppresses People
PJ Media The Left Approved of Obama Granting Clemency to Terrorists and Traitors, But Is Triggered by Flynn's Pardon

Donald Trump - Democrat Coup - Deep State Coup
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
My Legal Help USA Pelosi Admits that Impeachment Began ‘Two and a Half Years Ago
Gateway Pundit The News Friday on US Attorney Huber Proves Jeff Sessions Was Not Compromised But Was Part of the Coup
Daily Wire Limbaugh: Everything Media’s Telling You About Trump Impeachment Is A Lie
Sara A Carter FBI Agents Manipulated Flynn 302 Interview. His Case Must Be Dismissed. It Was A Setup.
Conservative Review They’re trying to take out your president, and they don’t want you to know who the whistleblower is
Conservative Review They’re trying to take out your president, and they don’t want you to know who the whistleblower is
New York Post Goodwin: Trickster Adam Schiff conjuring ‘guilt’ out of thin air
Canada Free Press After Four Years of Democrat Treachery, I Smell a Corona Virus Rat
American Wire CDC employees made more than 8,000 federal contributions to PACs and politicians since 2015. Only 5 went to Republican causes, FEC records show
Federalist How Michael Flynn Got Caught In The Crossfire Between Two Obama Agencies Looking To Get Trump
Federalist 10 Major DC ‘Consensus’ Lies President Trump Has Shattered Forever

Donald Trump - Impeachment - Other Hoaxes
mrc tv House Democrat Leading Impeachment Efforts Against Trump Voted Against Certification In 201

Donald Trump - Impeachment - Russian Collusion Hoax
After tens of millions of dollars and two years of investigation by incredibly biased prosecutors - the lack of proof is stunningly apparent to everyone except Democrats.
2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, 230 orders for communication records, 50 orders authorizing use of pen registers, 13 requests to foreign governments for evidence, interviewed approximately 500 witnesses and the Democrats refuse to admit that their treasons scheme to overthrow the government of the United States failed.
Federalist The Biden Emails Prove Impeachment Was A Sham - The New York Post story shows once and for all that Trump's impeachment was all based on a lie.
Just The News 'It's treason': Trump blasts Obama, abuses in discredited collusion probe
Daily Wire 5 Big Takeaways From The Mueller Conclusions Exonerating Trump
Sara A Carter Bongino: Mueller Never Charged Anyone in Relation To Russian Collusion Scandal
NY Post Mueller Madness: The media pundits who got it most wrong
Rolling Stone Taibbi: As the Mueller Probe Ends, New Russiagate Myths Begin
Power Line Beyond his purview
Federalist All The Russia Collusion Clues Are Beginning To Point Back To John Brennan
Business Insider Exclusive: Former top FBI official involved in Trump-Russia investigation under scrutiny by federal prosecutors for his own ties to Russia

Donald Trump - Destroyers of Justice (DOJ) - Prosecutorial Misconduct
Federalist Inspector General Report Shows Special Counsel Replicated FBI Abuses
Daily Wire BOMBSHELL: Federal Judge Accuses Mueller's Team Of 'Lying,' Trying To Ruin Trump
Daily Wire Mueller Credibility Plunges, Trump Probe Imploding
American Thinker Mueller goes over the cliff
Legal Insurrection Mueller tactics and staffing "have created the appearance that this is not an up-and-up investigation"
Daily Wire DISASTER: The FBI’s War On Trump Has Just Reached DEFCON 1
National Review The Trump Land Mine
Law and Crime Judge Ellis Loses Patience with Mueller Prosecutors and Ends Court Early Over Screw-Up
Fox News Tomi Lahren: Russia merry go ‘round
Western Journal It’s Not 1 or Even 2 Scandals... Here’s a List of Jaw-Dropping Scandals While Mueller Was at the White House
Conservative Review WATCH: Former prosecutor scolds Mueller for violating justice system’s ‘most sacred of traditions’ in Russia probe
Daily Wire WATCH: GOP Lawmaker Presses Mueller Into Admitting He Held Trump To A Different Standard

Donald Trump - Sh*thole?
Truth Revolt Paul Joseph Watson: The Truth About 'Sh*thole Countries' - Trump was right. Some countries are sh*tholes.
American Thinker What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right

Donald Trump - Campagn Ads - Joe Biden or Kamala Harris (including videos)
Joe "Walking Dead" Biden and Kamala "Walking Red" Harris.
Sleepy Joe and the Ho.
If Joe Biden can't complete a sentence, he shouldn't be president.
Antifa, Black Lies Matter, as well as other violent rioters and looters support Joe Biden.
YouTube Donald J Trump channel
YouTube Trump Train, Donald J. Trump 2020 Campaign Ad
YouTube What Happened to Joe Biden?
YouTube Trump Campaign Pulls No Punches In 'Brutal' Ad Hitting Joe Biden On China
Louder With Crowder Donald Trump Just Dropped Attack Ad Against Kamala Harris. It's Brutal!
Powerline Joe Biden’s America
Powerline Videos for a Holiday Weekend
Louder With Crowder New Trump Ad: Biden Will NEVER Oppose the Radical Left
Louder With Crowder New Trump Ad Sends POWERFUL Message to Secret Trump Supporters Afraid to Speak Out
Louder With Crowder Just In time for VP Debate, Trump Drops Brutal Attack Ad Against ‘Phony’ Kamala Harris
Louder With Crowder New Ad Cinematically Ties Biden-Harris to Non-Peaceful Protesters
Louder With Crowder Trump Campaign Drops Ad Showing Biden’s Temper Over Questions About Hunter
Louder With Crowder Trump Campaign Drops Hilarious Ad, Compares Biden to Brain-Dead Zombie
Louder With Crowder New Trump Ad Parodies a Ford Trucks Commercial
Louder With Crowder Trump Destroys Biden’s Decades of Lying to Americans, Using Biden’s Own Words

Donald Trump - Humor
Onion FBI Reveals Maria Butina Traded Sex In Exchange For All 62,984,828 Votes Trump Received In 2016
Babylon Bee Demanding To Know Why He Allowed President Trump To Get Elected, Dems Subpoena God
Babylon Bee Democrats Propose Creation Of National Trump Voter Registry
Babylon Bee Mueller Reminds Congress Report Doesn't Exonerate Trump From Assassination Of President Lincoln
Babylon Bee Dems Get Started On Trump's Next Impeachment
Babylon Bee Doctor Strange Searches 14,000,605 Futures But Doesn't Find Any Where Trump Gets Removed From Office
Babylon Bee Survey Finds More People Would Support Impeachment If They Knew What Crime Trump Was Supposed To Have Committed
Babylon Bee Articles Of Impeachment Updated To Read 'Orange Man Bad'
Babylon Bee In Genius Move, Trump Supports Impeachment, Forcing Democrats To Oppose
Babylon Bee Vicious Tyrant Trump Wants To Let People Leave Their Homes
Babylon Bee Democrats Warn We Shouldn’t Reopen The Country Until We Can Be Safe From Trump Getting Credit For A Good Economy
Glorious American Media: Donald Trump In Hot Water For Joe Biden's Racist Comments
Glorious American Media: We Cannot Open Economy Until Models Show Trump Cannot Restore It
Glorious American Suburban Woman Narrowly Avoids Gun Fire On Way To Tell Pollster Trump’s Not Nice
Babylon Bee Donald The Orange Returns Triumphantly As Donald The White
Democrats to impeach Trump for inciting riots in Cuba
Babylon Bee Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

TrumpTown social media that promises NOT to censor republicans / vatives

Truth - Lies
Truth is not the halfway point between two untruths. - Ludwig von Mises
Yet the criterion of truth is that it works even if nobody is prepared to acknowledge it. - Ludwig von Mises
Never believe anything until it has been officially denied. - Otto von Bismarck
How can you tell if something is the truth? The government denies it.
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer
A lie is a truth told to government specifications. - Cynical Pessimist
TGP Fact Check Fact-Checking The Media: Because The Truth Matters
PJ Media Social Media Bias Just Got Even More Orwellian
Mises Institute The Voice of Tyranny
Mises Institute World War I on the Home Front
Canada Free Press Lying for the Good of Society - Data Manipulation
Yahoo! News You Bet This Is Swiftboating
Liberty News Now Politicians Refuse to be Questioned

Truth - Lies - Scientific Truth
Michael R. Eades, M.D. Animal protein worse than smoking?!?!
Robb Wolf Meat: As bad a cigarettes?!

Truth Revolt
Truth Revolt State Dept. Spox: 'We Can't Kill Our Way Out of War' With ISIS
Truth Revolt
PJ Media
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Thanks, Christian White Men!
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: I'm Make-Believe Outraged!
YouTube PJTV's Andrew Klavan: Are You A Racist? A Frank Conversation
YouTube Andrew Klavan: The Highway to Hell, Leftist Remix Edition
YouTube Andrew Klavan: Barack the Magic Suit, A Political Fairy Tale.
YouTube Andrew Klavan: Obama's Beach Blanket Recovery: It's Happy, Snappy & Incredibly Crappy.
YouTube Andrew Klavan: Lies! Deceit! Treachery! You Too Can Be a Mainstream Media Reporter
YouTube PJTV's Andrew Klavan: Political Correctness Kills
YouTube Andrew Klavan: What's the Matter With America? (Soros, Huffington, Maher, & Olbermann Can't Be Wrong)
YouTube Andrew Klavan: Limbaugh and Coulter and Beck, Oh My! (PJTV)
YouTube Andrew Klavan: Fun With Anti-Semitism
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Whatever Leftists Say, It's Opposite Day!
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: #GamerGate Forever!
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Defend Cancer Against the Jews!
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: A Beheading in Oklahoma
Truth Revolt Bill Whittle: We're Number Two
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Republicans Are Smarter than Democrats - and More Liberal Too!
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: Should Waterboarding Jihadis Be An Olympic Sport?
Truth Revolt Andrew Klavan: The Magic Box of Leftism
Truth Revolt D.C. PR Agency for Sharia Law - Qatar funds Hamas and supports the Muslim Brotherhood.
Truth Revolt Prager: The Pope and the Hammer and Sickle - "There could not have been a gift that more accurately represents this pope’s value system than Christ crucified on a hammer and sickle."
Truth Revolt This Week in Progressive Lunacy: Maddow on the Iran Deal - The only peace Obama's deal will bring us is of the Neville Chamberlain sort.
Truth Revolt Sheriff Clarke: Blacks Can No Longer Claim Victim Status, Except to Democrats - Democrats "created this monster."
Truth Revolt Zis is Crazy: UT Urging Gender-Neutral Pronouns - "We should not assume someone’s gender by their appearance, nor by what is listed on a roster or in student information systems."
Truth Revolt Malkin: Eric Cantor, Poster Boy of the Beltway GOP Crapweasels - Helping Jeb navigate his same path to loserdom.
Truth Revolt Hilarious 'Ad' Brilliantly Spoofs Triggering and Safe Spaces - Helps keep reality at bay!
Truth Revolt Russia Declares Soros Groups 'Undesirable,' Bans Participation - A threat to the foundations of Constitutional order and national security.
Truth Revolt FrontPage Magazine's Man of the Year: America's Sheriff - One man stands tall against Obama and the Left.
Truth Revolt Gay Flight Attendants Fight Air France: Don't Make Us Fly to Our Deaths in Iran - Corporate inclusivity is all the rage except when it comes to Islam.
Truth Revolt Watson: Why Social Justice Warriors Are So DEMENTED - Why social justice warriors behave like aggressive escaped mental patients: ANSWERED!
Truth Revolt Video: Hillary Clinton is an Ameriphobe - Here's what Ameriphobes believe.
Truth Revolt Jimmy Kimmel Gets Debate Opinions From People Who Don't Know the Debate Hadn't Happened Yet - "I liked Hillary's poise. She was very... poiseful."
Truth Revolt Candace Owens: Dear Celebrities: NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU THINK!!! - Can you please go back to just thanking God at award shows?

Tundra Tabloids keeping tabs on the most ourtrgeous happenings in the Middle East, Islamic jihad and Islamic hegemony in Scandinavia and on the political correctness that allows them to flourish.

SERIOUS LINKS (Economy, Liberty, Government, ...)
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Uncommon Sense golden jackass award from MRC TV - Nick Kangadis
YouTube MRCTV's Uncommon Sense
YouTube Uncommon Sense: 'Clock Boy' Strikes Again
YouTube Uncommon Sense: Pres. Obama's Legacy
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: 'Sure, Let's Hire All the Refugees'
mrc tv WATCH: Uncommon Sense, 'Let's Ban All Words'
mrc tv WATCH: Uncommon Sense, 'Who Decided Beyonce was a Role Model?'
mrc tv WATCH: Uncommon Sense, 'YouTube Shows Its True Colors'
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Some Social Justice Warriors Desecrated a 9/11 Memorial
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Where Have You Gone, America the Beautiful?
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: If Criminals Shoot Cops, Obama Loads the Gun
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: George Soros is Driving the Anti-Trump Train
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Time For Anti-Trump Celebs to Pony Up and Leave
mrc tv WATCH! Uncommon Sense: Colin Kaepernick Sucks...Again!
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: The NY Times Thinks Election Rules Should Only Work for Them
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Guns Aren't Killing Chicago, Liberals Are
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Meryl Streep Proves Elitism Has No Cure
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Hillary Clinton Sucks In Stereo
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Protesters Show What Indoctrination Looks Like
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: The Liberal Mafia Are At It Again
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Politics Trump Profit? Stores Drop Ivanka Gear
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Black Lives Matter Leader Wants to Kill Whitey
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Liberals Fight 'Fascism' with Fascism
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Hey, Liberals! Trump Isn't Voldemort
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Michael Moore, Professional Hypocrite
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Feminists Say Trump's World is No Place for a Child
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: LBGT-Q? Chappelle Draws Liberal Ire
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Socialist Professor 'Vomits' at Kindness Toward Soldiers
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: World Leaders Allow Terrorism to Happen
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Now Congress Wants To Hold a Hearing Into United
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Forced Diversity is Not Diversity
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: It's About Time to Call Out the Religious Double Standard
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Republicans Lost the Budget/CR Battle
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Black Students at Harvard Bringing Back Segregation
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Olbermann Calls for Foreign Intel to Overthrow Trump
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Mainstream Media Misdirection
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: Virginia Shooting Confirms Division In This Country
mrc tv Uncommon Sense: CNN and the Campaign to 'Stop Apologizing'
rumble MRCTV's Uncommon Sense: New Black Panther Party Wants to Make America Segregated Again

Unions - because somebody needs to harm the population when the government isn't - because somebody needs to screw union members and others when the government doesn't have the time, energy or interest in screwing the citizens
We need unions because without them who would hold businesses hostage and force them to pay their staff more than they are worth and more than the business can afford? - Cynical Pessimist
PJ Media COVID-19 Has Exposed Teachers' Unions as the Shakedown Artists They Really Are
Capitalism Magazine Why State Licensed Unions are Legalized Thugs
Mises Institute More for Me Does Not Mean Better for Us
Mises Institute Union Solidarity: A View from Underneath
Mises Institute The Legacy of Cesar Chavez
Mises Institute Labor Unions and Freedom of Association
Mises Institute Labor Unions Are Anti-Labor
Mises Institute How Unions Used Licensing to Crush Ethnic Barbershops
Mises Institute Public-Sector Unions Keep the Gravy Train Flowing to Fire Departments
The Daily Caller Union woes ‘related to their own management issues,’ not labor laws
The Daily Caller Just a charade: Unionization as a ‘civil right’
The Daily Caller Teachers’ union threatens to sue private schools over voucher program
The Daily Caller Union leadership opposes bill that increases their members’ pay
American Thinker Public-Sector Unions In Charge
American Thinker Teachers' Unions in Action
American Thinker From 'We're Fired Up!' to 'We're Fired?'
American Thinker We now have the poster child for the government-union pension racket
Human Events Chicago teacher strike is not for the children Strangulation by Union
News Max 'Won’t Back Down' Movie Takes Aim at Teachers Unions
The Ornery American World Watch - Why Union Leaders Are Trying to Destroy Themselves
Wall Street Journal Twinkie Maker Hostess to Close
Daily Reckoning Hostess Shrugged
Daily Reckoning How to Fake a Fast Food Strike
The Blaze Shock Video: Alleged Union Activists Attack, Punch Conservative Outside Mich. Capitol
YouTube Teachers Unions explained
YouTube Andrew Klavan: Behold! Your Public Sector Unions at Work.
Truth Revolt CCNY Prof: How Big Unions Buy Politicians
Truth Revolt Teacher Expelled From Union For... Doing His Job - He chose his students instead. And we all know that's not a union priority.
Truth Revolt Sand: Tax-Free Teachers? - California school districts lay off teachers...then two legislators move to fix the "teacher shortage problem."
Truth Revolt Sand: Citizens Battle Union Entitlements - Through the courts and legislation, Americans are telling the unions where to stick their privilege.
Market Watch Opinion: White House’s summit on unions is a one-sided affair
mrc tv GAO: The VA Doesn't Know How Many Hours Employees Spend On Union Work
Daily Wire Meet The Los Angeles Firefighter Who Earned $300,000 In Overtime...By Working More Hours Than There Are In A Year
Daily Wire Why The Supreme Court Just Did The Right Thing In Smacking Down Public Sector Unions
Daily Wire Union Manages To Tick Off A Bunch Of UPS Holiday Employees
Conservative Review Happy Labor Day! A holiday born in violence
Miss Liberty Defund The Police Unions, Not The Police
>PJ Media Gigantic Teachers' Union Sues Mom for Asking What the Local Public School Is Teaching Her Daughter
Washington Examiner To understand why teachers stayed home last year, look at the New York Times union
Louder With Crowder Randi Weingarten tries rewriting history of her teachers' union thuggery during pandemic, gets DESTROYED by fact-checkers
mrc tv Teachers Union Encouragers Educators to Break Law Over Gender Identity Surveys
Louder With Crowder Watch: UAW union demands more pay, but Americans will be the ones who REALLY pay
Louder With Crowder Teachers' Union Demands Homeless Should (Checks Notes) Sleep In Its Public School Parking Lots?!
Louder With Crowder Watch: Hollywood Has The Nation's Only Unionized Strip Club, So Of Course The Strippers Just Went On Strike

United Nations (UN) Unspeakable Nitwits, Unsavory Nincompoops, Useless Nations, ...
Occupy Deplorables 'ENOUGH IS ENOUGH’: U.N. Ambassador Haley Withdraws America’s $500,000,000
Daily Wire The 7 Worst Things The UN Has Ever Done
Daily Wire Look At The New Members Of The UN Human Rights Council. What A Joke.
Daily Wire WATCH: Trump ROCKS The U.N., Blasts 'Rocket Man' Kim Jung Un
U.N. Me Is the United Nations living up to its founding ideals?
Daily Caller Film takes on horrors of UN corruption, Michael Moore-style
Scurity Dilemmas Why The UN Sucks
Town Hall The Deep, Virulent Evil of the United Nations
Democrats Against U.N. Agenda 21
The Weekly Standard You Can't Say That, At the UN, the Obama administration backs limits on free speech.
The New American Alabama Adopts First Official State Ban on UN Agenda 21
American Thinker Saudi Arabia to Lead UN Counter Terrorism Initiative
American Thinker A New Documentary Exposes the U.N.'s DNA
American Thinker Does Universal Human Rights Mean Anything Anymore?
American Thinker One Industry That Will Never Boycott Israel
American Thinker Defeating Israel with funny law Rwanda: Annan accepts blame for genocide
pravda 2013: What is the United Nations Organization for?
The Blaze ‘Bad Sh**’: Epic Hot Mic Moment Catches Translator Saying What Some (Including TheBlaze) Have Noticed
The Guardian Why it's a good time to be a dictator like Kim Jong-un - Horrors like those detailed in the UN report into North Korea aren't enough to get the world to do something. The response is shock, but then a collective shrug
Weasel Zippers UN Official Blames Israel For Palestinians Beating Their Wives ...
The Federalist Chelsea To Mom And Dad: The United Nations Sucks
Truth Revolt UN Chief Condemns Killings of 'Palestinians' - No Mention of Israeli Terror Victims - Further evidence of the UN's moral blindness.
Truth Revolt Video: The UN is Crazy, Just Not Crazy Enough for Me
Truth Revolt Islamic Prayer Taking Over UN General Assembly Area - Could you imagine if Christians or Jews did this?
Truth Revolt Malkin: Hey, UN Corruptocrats - Spare Us Refugee Sanctimony - Bug off, U.N. nitwits.
Truth Revolt Netanyahu Wallops UN: You Began as a "Moral Force" but Turned Into "Moral Farce" - Yet Bibi remains confident "Israel has a bright future at the UN."
Truth Revolt UN: US Owes Blacks Reparations for History of 'Racial Terrorism' - "Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching."
Truth Revolt UN’s Top Human Rights Body Holds Minute’s Silence For Fidel - "An inspiration for many dignified men and women who fought and still fight today to defend the principles of independence, sovereignty and equality."
Truth Revolt Greenfield: U.S. Should Not Only Defund UN But Withdraw From It - Let’s take our $3 billion and go.
Truth Revolt UN Makes Anti-Israel Deal with 'Palestine' for $65 Million - "Strategic Priority 1: Supporting Palestine's path to Independence"
mrc tv Following Obama's Speech, Netanyahu Gives Scathing Review of U.N.
mrc tv UN Pulls Wonder Woman Ambassadorship After Complaints She’s White
cns news ‘Despicable’: UN’s Top Human Rights Body Holds Minute’s Silence For Fidel Castro
Front Page Mag US Should Not Only Defund UN But Withdraw From It
Breitbart Hungarian Minister Declares Mass Migration a Threat to Humanity
mrc tv UN is Literally Looking to Hire Someone to Promote 'Gender Equality' in Taliban-Controlled Kabul
mrc tv UN Doesn't Want Accurate Reporting on Monkeypox to Reinforce 'Homophobic and Racist Stereotypes

United Nations (UN) - War on Science - Unspeakable Nitwits, Unsavory Nincompoops, ...
Zero Hedge "We Sent Them Samples Of A Goat, A Papaya & A Pheasant": Tanzanian President Catches WHO In Epic Lie

United Nations (UN) - support for slavery Unspeakable Nitwits, Unsavory Nincompoops, ...
American Thinker Why is the UN Human Rights Council Not Concerned About Slavery?

United Nations (UN) - support for anti-semitism - war on Jews Unspeakable Nitwits, Unsavory Nincompoops, ...
Truth Revolt In Response to Islamic Terror Wave, UN Adopts Six Resolutions - Against Israel
Truth Revolt UN Taps Rabid BDS Supporter to Investigate So-Called Israeli Human Rights Violations - Corrupt. Incestuous. Evil. That is the UN.
Truth Revolt New Short Film Documents 'The UNRWA Road to Terror: Palestinian Classroom Incitement' - "I want to fight against the Jews and defeat them in war."
Truth Revolt Israel's UN Ambassador: Jew-Hatred at 'Highest Level of Our Lifetime' - No kidding. And the UN has made sure of it.
Truth Revolt Dershowitz: Defund the U.N. of American Dollars - "Forty resolutions this year against Israel."
Canada Free Press Anti-Semitism, Brought to You by the United Nations - The use and abuse of the United Nations to broadcast and support modern antisemitism and its lethal consequences is part of a burgeoning global network of incitement to violent extremism
Daily Wire 6 Things You Need To Know About The UN's Israel-Hatred
Daily Wire WATCH: Defender Of Israel Blisters Arab States Into Silence At U.N. Human Rights Council: 'Where Are Your Jews?'
Legal Insurrection UNESCO to Jewish History: Drop Dead - Declares Jewish Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are buried, to be "Palestinian"
WND U.N. turns 'delusional' in latest Israel snub - Calling Hebron 'Islamic' 'denies thousands of years of Jewish history, Christian ties'
Louder With Crowder Nikki Haley Tells the UN Security Council Where to Stick Their Jerusalem Resolution
Legal Insurrection Nikki Haley: “US will be taking names” during General Assembly vote on Jerusalem Embassy move
WND U.N. council adopts 5 more anti-Israel resolutions - Triggers warning from U.S. that organization is losing credibility
Daily Wire The 'International Community' Isn't A Community. It's A Rogue's Gallery.
Conservative Review Israel’s right to build homes is settled ... under international law
PJ Media Today's Question: Is the United Nations a Circus or an Insane Asylum?
Geller Report As Israel leads the fight against COVID-19 the UN Treaty Body promotes Boycott of the Jews (BDS)
World Israel News UN ‘human rights’ investigator endorses ‘killing Israelis,’ NGO charges

United Nations (UN) - war on women - women's rights Unspeakable Nitwits, Unsavory Nincompoops, ...
ownTrend Guess Who The Dumb-As-Bricks U.N. Just Labeled The World’s #1 Violator of Women’s Rights ....
Truth Revolt UN Delegation Appalled by Treatment of Women in the U.S. - Reason #356,751 why the UN is worthless.
Truth Revolt U.N. 'Peacekeepers' in Africa Paying 13-Year-Olds for Sex - A "cancer" in the system, says an official.
Truth Revolt Report: UN, U.S. Embassy Ignored Multiple Calls for Help as South Sudanese Soldiers Gang Raped and Brutalized Americans - This pattern rings eerily familiar.
Truth Revolt UN: 'Palestinian Men Beat Their Wives' ....Because Israel - Israel made me do it.
YouTube UN to Censor the Internet to Save Feminists' Feelings
UN Watch Walk of shame: Sweden’s "first feminist government" don hijabs in Iran
mrc tv The UN Just Voted Saudi Arabia Into Women's Rights Commission
mrc tv UN Women Calls Motherhood a ‘Penalty’
mrc tv UN Honors Trans Lesbian Day As Hundreds of Israeli Women Are Killed

United Nations (UN) - war on children - children's rights - Support For Pedophiles Unspeakable Nitwits, Unsavory Nincompoops, ...
Truth Revolt United Nations Caught In Sex Abuse Scandal - "Investigations are mired in bureaucracy"
Disobedient Media U.N. Child Abuse Scandal Is Latest In History Of Sex Crimes Committed By Officials, Peacekeepers
American Thinker Hypocrisy and Sexual Predation at the United Nations
Canada Free Press UN Report Promotes Child Prostitution and Sexual Slavery - The United Nations has become one of the principle adversaries of the natural family
Express Starving children 'as young as NINE forced to give UN officials oral sex to get food'
Louder With Crowdeer New UN Report Calls For Decriminalization of Sex Between Minors And Adults, Claims It Can Be 'Consensual'
Free Beacon UN Says Minors Can Consent to Sex
Louder With Crowder Watch: Crowder Exposes Long History Of Sexual Abuse And Exploitation In The United Nations
mrc tv World Health Org Choose Trans Activists To Direct 'Child-Rearing Rules' Panel

United Nations (UN) - war on human rights Unspeakable Nitwits, Unsavory Nincompoops, ...
American Thinker Evil joke: China, Russia and Cuba join the UN's Human Rights Council
Raw Story Saudi Arabia stays on UN Human Rights Council despite 19 beheadings
AllGov Saudi Arabia Remains on U.N. Human Rights Council despite 19 Beheadings, including One for "Sorcery"
Response Action Network Stop wasting taxpayer money on the UN
Truth Revolt UN Resolution: Israel the World's Only Violator of Economic and Social Rights - You were expecting maybe Iran?
Truth Revolt Farce: Meet the UN's Human Rights Council of 2017 - If only it weren't a laughing matter.
mrc tv UN Tells US Lawmakers: No Such Thing 'As a Violent Protest’
mrc tv UN Votes to Admit Venezuela Into Its Human Rights Council

United Nations (UN) - supporting genocide Unspeakable Nitwits, Unsavory Nincompoops, ...
Truth Revolt Netanyahu's Powerful Moment of 'Deafening Silence' At U.N.
Truth Revolt Netanyahu Speaks The Brutal Truth To The UN - He began by announcing that his speech will address both the "the dangers we face" and "the brazen lies about my country and about the people who defend it."

United Nations (UN) - war on capitalism Unspeakable Nitwits, Unsavory Nincompoops, ...
Zero Hedge U.N. Official Admits Global Warming Agenda Is Really About Destroying Capitalism

United Nations (UN) - apologizing for ... Unspeakable Nitwits, Unsavory Nincompoops, ...
Michael Z. Williamson Dear United Nations

United Nations (UN) - humor Unspeakable Nitwits, Unsavory Nincompoops, ...
Babylon Bee UN Warns Climate Change Will Destroy Earth By 2005
Babylon Bee Nobel Peace Prize Committee Criticized For Selecting Winner Who Actually Did Something For World Peace

Unsavory Agents conservative street art

Upworthy It Took Studying 25,782,500 Kids To Begin To Undo The Damage Caused By 1 Doctor

unz review A Country Not Salvageable - Nor, Many Say Quietly, Worth Saving
unz review Crash the Economy, Burn the Cities, Infect the People: the Evil Plan to Remake America
unz review Seattle's Bolshevik Revolution
unz review It’s Gonna Blow - Be a Miracle if it Don't

SERIOUS LINKS (Economy, Liberty, Government, ...)
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Vanity Fair Generation Wuss, by Bret Easton Ellis

Vegan - Vegetarian - malnutrition - People Abuse - Animal Abuse
The Healthy Home Economist Baby Breastfed By Vegan Mother Dies
The Healthy Home Economist 12 Year Old Vegan Has the Degenerating Bones of 80 Year Old
Monsters and Critics French vegan couple get five-year sentence for causing baby's death
CBS Atlanta Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters
mrc tv Italian Politician Seeks to Jail Parents of Vegan Kids
Louder With Crowder Vegan Parents Arrested After Child Suffers from Debilitating Malnourishment
Louder With Crowder Famous Anti-Meat Vegan Who Climbed Mt. Everest? Yep, She Died...
Louder With Crowder Doctors Want Parents Prosecuted for Forcing Vegan Diets on Children
Louder With Crowder New Report: Vegans Take Twice as Many Sick Days as Meat-Eaters
Louder With Crowder Dear Militant Vegans: Keep Your Misery to Yourselves
mrc tv Australian Chef Bans Vegans From His Restaurant
Louder With Crowder Los Angeles Restaurant Goes "Unvegan," And The Vegans Are Going Feral With Rage Over It
Louder With Crowder Vegans Are Now Going After Your Pooches Food, Claims There Is “Compelling” Research For Dogs To Eat A Veg Diet

Vegan - Vegetarian - humor
Louder With Crowder Aubrey Plaza's "wood milk" ad mocking a plant-based lifestyle has leftists outraged, or are they?

Verge The Trauma Floor - The secret lives of Facebook moderators in America

Virtue Signalingor is that Vile Signaling?
mrc tv Time to Say Goodbye! Yelp to Begin Labeling Businesses with Complaints of Racism
Jon Del Arroz D&D Is Triggered By Their Own Game System

Virtue Signaling - Humor
Babylon Bee Kraft Changes Singles To Black Squares To Fight Inequality

V For Voluntary

Heritage Foundation Election Fraud Cases
Heritage Foundation Election Fraud Database - A Sampling of Recent Election Fraud Cases from Across the United States
Truth Revolt Greenfield: American Uprising - Everything is about to change.
Voter ID laws are racist against dead people.
The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. - Joseph Stalin
It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes. - Josef Stalin
Democratic Party Motto: It is unfair to prevent foreigners, criminals, dead people and fictious characters from voting in American elections. - Cynical Pessimist
Democratic Party Motto: If you didn't vote more than one time for the democratic platform, then there is something wrong with you. I agree, however I would go one step further, if you support or vote for the Democrat platform even once, there is something wrong with you. - Cynical Pessimist
voting = mobjority rules
Voter ID disenfranchises criminals
Voter ID disenfranchises the deceased
Voter ID disenfranchises fictious characters
Democracy means the opportunity to be everyone’s slave. - Karl Kraus
If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal. - Emma Goldman
If voting made a difference they wouldn’t let us do it. - Mark Twain
There comes a time in a person’s life when they should face the facts and stop believing in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and change through politics. - Douglas French
All the politicians are frauds. Vote for none of the above!
A rational individual should abstain from voting. - Patricia Funk
Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods - H.L. Mencken
Don’t vote! It just encourages the bastards. - P.J. O’Rourke
Vote/Voting - links
True The Vote fighting voter fraud
Canada Free Press Reality is a Hard and Heartless Mistress
Canada Free Press There is No Honor Among Thieves
My Move A State-by-State Guide to Mail-in Voting and Changing Your Voter Registration Address
Louder With Crowder 'Democrats Say Black Folks Don’t Know How to Get One': GOP Releases Ad Blasting Liberal Voter ID Lies
Louder With Crowder GA Legislator Introduces 'Joe Biden Jim Crow on Steroids Voting Act' in Response to Lies
mrc tv Florida Sheriff to New Residents After DeSantis Signs Anti-Riot Bill: 'Don't...Vote the Stupid Way You Did Up North'
American Thinker Tucker's magnificent statement about Democrats disenfranchising Americans
Blaze Republican congressman introduces bill requiring Americans to be alive to vote
Blaze Horowitz: 9 laws Republicans must pass to stop voter fraud
Legal Insurrection If the November election is close, expect bad things due to a surge of mail-in ballots
WND O'Keefe complaint to FEC cites Dems' 'criminal conspiracy' - Vote fraud, Trump-rally anarchy linked to Clinton campaign
American Thinker Voter Photo ID: North Carolina Proves it works Very Well, Indeed
None Of The Above give the voters a chance to reject ALL the candidates.
Gary North's Specific Answers The Silliest Political Prediction I have Ever Heard
Daily Reckoning Agitating for Apathy
Daily Reckoning What Congress Really Thinks of Voters
Mises Institute If We Quit Voting
Mises Institute 98% Of Voters Don't Support Virginia Nominee
Mises Institute How to Win an Election
Mises Institute Public Faith in Elections Falls as the State Grows
American Thinker Voting Democrat Causes Cancer
American Thinker The Ignorant, the Pets, and the Dead: That's the Plan
American Thinker Don't Dismiss ID
American Thinker The Sure Cure for Voter Fraud
American Thinker Was the 2012 Election Stolen?
American Thinker Why the Left Really is against Voter ID Laws
American Thinker Why Eric Holder needs Felons to Vote
American Thinker President Obama thinks mandatory voting a swell idea
American Thinker Could California’s illegal voter registration drive torpedo Hillary’s carefully laid plans for victory?
American Thinker Rhode Island's troubles highlight voter registration nightmare for states
Kitco The Real Vote
Town Hall Don't Trust Your Instincts
Town Hall Democrats' Ideal Voter: Illegal Alien, Single Mother, Convicted Felon
The Daily Caller New Hampshire legislature overrides governor’s voter ID veto
The Daily Caller Voter ID rules protect seniors, minorities from fraudsters, says new study
protein wisdom IDs, egos, superegos
The Foundry Morning Bell: Justice Department Blocks Voter ID at Every Turn
The Dubuque Town Crier Justice Department Insults Minorities with Voter ID Opposition
National Review Online The Reality of Voter Fraud
Michelle Malkin Archive: Voter Fraud
Virginia Right Virginia State Board of Elections Turns Blind Eye to Potential Voter Fraud
Virginia Right Va Republicans are Wrong to Fire Voting Registration Firm for Fraud. The SBE ENCOURAGES Bogus Registrations
Small Craft Advisory Voter ID Opposition Equals Citizen Disenfranchisment
Hot Air The "non problem" of voter fraud
World Net Daily News Mobil Rob The vote - Poll watcher sees Romney ballots changed, Witness to voting says he monitored as software redirected choices
World Net Daily News THE BIG LIST of vote fraud reports - 108% of voting population endorses Obama
Canada Free Press Calling a Spade a Spade - To the Progressives who fight voter ID I want say, "This voter fraud. Here it is? There was massive and systemic voter fraud!"
Warning Signs The Voter ID Thing
Daily Reckoning Promises Will be Broken
Daily Reckoning Vote or Die!
Daily Reckoning Election Day Advice: Vote With Your Feet
Natural News This is how Obama really got elected: Ohio voter casts six votes, fraud widespread
Project Veritas Major Update
Project Veritas Reverends in Gary, IN: We "Tell Them Who to Vote For"
YouTube Chaos in New York City Polls: Brooklyn Poll Worker Caught Committing Probable Voter Fraud Felony
New York Post The dead can vote in NYC
The Future of Freedom Foundation TGIF: The Cruel Joke of Sacralizing Voting
Legal Insurrection Voter fraud: is it "significant"?
YouTube Andrew Klavan: Why Do Blacks Vote for Democrats?
American Thinker GOP candidate in Cook County, IL discovers voting machine casts his vote for the Democrat he is running against
American Thinker Surveillance video captures man stuffing ballot box with hundreds of ballots
Project Veritas Illegals assisted in voting in North Carolina Election
Truth Revolt Why Not 12? Pelosi Wants to Lower the Voting Age to 16 - Whatever it takes to broaden the Democrat base with ignorant herds of voters.
Truth Revolt Malkin: Another Cynical Democratic 'Citizenship USA' Voter Drive - Suicidal Republicans who continue to hand over the open-borders keys to their hit-and-run opponents reap what they sow.
Truth Revolt Dems Override Veto to Give Felons Right to Vote in Maryland - "We have a month to register as many people as we can."
Truth Revolt Hundreds of Dead Voters Found in L.A. - What else is new?
Truth Revolt Clinton Surrogate: Superdelegates Intended to Tame the 'Raging Masses' - Well, at least she's telling the truth this time.
Truth Revolt 41% of Americans Believe Election Can Be Stolen From Trump - “Voters are increasingly losing confidence that votes will be counted accurately on Election Day." Duh.
Truth Revolt Idaho Electors Harassed With Vulgar Language, Threats to Cast Vote for Clinton - "It does feel intimidating."
Truth Revolt How Conservative Hollywood Helped Elect Trump - How a renegade group of conservatives working in showbiz beat liberal celebrities at their own political game.
Truth Revolt Here's Why Voter Fraud is So Difficult to Fight - True the Vote founder explains the problem and offers solutions.
Truth Revolt Report: ‘Substantial Evidence’ Over a Million Illegal Aliens Voted in 2016 - And that’s not counting instances of voter fraud and over-counting votes.
Truth Revolt Illegal Alien Who Voted in Five Elections Sentenced to Prison - Wait a minute... they say this doesn’t happen!
Truth Revolt Democrat Campaign Worker Recorded Bragging about His Voter Fraud Schemes - If you can't beat 'em...
Truth Revolt College Student Gets Jail for Registering Dead People to Vote Democrat - You'd have to be dead to vote Democrat and not have a pang of conscience.
mrc tv Reality Check: So Minorities Actually LIKE Voter I.D. Laws
mrc tv Reality Check: While Liberals Deny Fraud, Zombies and Aliens Vote in VA
mrc tv Double Trouble: 31 People in Michigan Found to Have Voted Twice
Daily Wire O'Keefe Undercover Videos, Part II: Massive Democratic Voter Fraud EXPOSED
Daily Wire REVEALED: Dems Engage in Voter Fraud, Stir Up Violence
Mises Institute 26 Percent of Eligible Voters Voted for Trump
Gateway Pundit BREAKING Michigan Recount Uncovers Serious Voter Fraud in Detroit- VOTES COUNTED UP TO 6 TIMES
Washigton Times Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote - Survey bolsters analysis by professors
Fox News Canvassers for Dem-tied group charged in voter registration fraud scheme
AP Canvassers charged in fake, fraudulent voter registrations
mrc tv Two States Just Made Some Big Arrests For Voter Fraud
mrc tv Let's Go to Prison! Democrat Va. Student Convicted of Voter Fraud
Intellectual Takeout 5.7 Million Noncitizens Voted in Past Presidential Elections, Study Finds - The study is based on data compiled from Harvard University’s Cooperative Congressional Election Study.
PJ Media How Long Will You Tolerate Having Your Franchise Deprecated and Nullified?
Red State Just Keep Telling Yourself Vote Fraud Does Not Exist: the OH-12 Edition
American Greatness Wisconsin Judge Orders 209,000 Names Purged from Voter Rolls
Washington Times Texas' discovery of 95,000 noncitizens on voter rolls lauded by election integrity hawks
YouTube Is Voter Fraud Real? Louder with Crowder Influencer Offered Nudes for Biden Votes, Now She’s Legally Exposed
American Thinker Stupid is as Stupid Votes

Vote/Voting - Democrat War On Elections - Democrat War On Voters - Democrat War On Democracy
New York Post It’s not just Trump: Democrats are moving to bar Republicans from ballots nationwide

Vote/Voting - Zombie Politicians - Zombie Voters
Louder With Crowder So, Pennsylvania elected a dead guy last night (no, not him... someone else)

Vote/Voting - Voter ID
Hillsdale College - Imprimis Is Ensuring Election Integrity Anti-Democratic?
Louder with Crowder Congresswoman Tricks Runaway Texas Democrat Into Admitting Voter ID's Aren't Oppression
rumble NYC: Voter ID Is Racist, But ID To Eat & Live Is Okay?
Louder with Crowder MSNBC declared voter ID laws are no longer 'racist' as much as they are 'transphobic' now

Vote/Voting - Election Tampering - Election Fraud - Voter Fraud - Democrat Support For Voter Fraud - Media Support For Voter Fraud
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Just The News Ex-top spy admits Hunter Biden laptop letter designed to influence 2020 election, Blinken involved
Heritage Foundation Election Fraud Database - A Sampling of Recent Election Fraud Cases from Across the United States
Just The News Bombshell Arizona report: Election Day problems in Maricopa far wider than county admitting
Federalist Maricopa County Made Arizona’s Elections Even More Of A Disaster Than People Realize
According To Hoyt Post-Mortem by Thomas Kendall
Time Magazine The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
Just The News Election deniers? 82 Democrats who called GOP election wins questionable, illegitimate or stolen
Federalist Democrats Are The Real Threat To Democracy — Just Ask The Green Party
Jewish World Review What About Dems Who 'Deny Elections?
We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. - Joe Biden
It’s not who votes that counts, it’s who counts the votes. - Joseph Stalin
After I die, don't let me vote Democrat.
locals 2000 mules (voter fraud documentary)
rumble 2000 mules (voter fraud documentary)
Gateway Pundit Former CIA Senior Operations Officer John Sipher Openly Brags About Swinging Election for Biden with Disinformation Campaign on Hunter Biden’s Laptop
Hillsdale College - Imprimis “Zuckerbucks” and the 2020 Election
rumble TechShark | NEW POLL: Over 50% of Voters Interviewed Say Big Tech Interfered in 2020 Election
YouTube Maricopa County admits they DELETED and moved the election data
Turley Talks Why the AZ AUDIT Changes EVERYTHING!!!
Louder With Crowder Voting Machines in CA Recall Show Votes Already Cast for Voters Who Haven't Yet Cast any VOTES!
Gateway Pundit BREAKING – HUGE: Results of Canvassing in Arizona Released – ELECTION STEAL IS NOW CONFIRMED
American Thinker/a> NY mayor's race in 'chaos' as 135,000 extra votes show up
American Thinker/a> NYC mayoral candidate Eric Adams sues over botched election count
American Thinker Legalizing election fraud, forever
American Tninker Mail-in ballot fraud -- in Mississippi, it's real
Monster Hunter Nation One of these things is not like the other
Louder With Crowder Flashback: The Media Doesn't Mind Electoral Objections When Democrats Are Doing It
Every Legal Vote
American Thinker Stunning turn of events in PA may lead to Trump victory
American thinker The man who said the election was the most secure ever didn't know about a massive government hack by foreign actors?
David Harris Jr. Antrim Co. Forensic Report BOMBSHELL Reveals Dominion Machines Were Set At 68.05% Error Rate… Giving Individuals Or Machines Ability To Change 68.05% Of Votes Through Adjudication
Amerian Thinker Sidney Powell has expanded on the scope of the Dominion scam
mrc tv Trump Legal Team To Media: We'll 'Prove' He Won - 'Most Of You Wouldn't Cover It'
American Gretness Dominion Voting Systems ‘Lawyers Up,’ Abruptly Backs Out of PA State House Fact-Finding Hearing
PJ Media FLASHBACK: Univ. of Michigan Computer Scientist Warned About Voting Machine Vulnerabilities in 2018
American Thinker Michigan professor demonstrates how easy it is to hack voting machines in 2018 New York Times video
American Thinker Sidney Powell gives details about the election fraud Kraken
American Thinker The Unintended Consequences of Voter Fraud
American Thinker This election, there's always more evidence of wrongdoing
Red Elephant There is Undeniable Mathematical Evidence the Election is Being Stolen
American Thinker Mathematical impossibilities may be what trips up Democrat plans
mrc tv Bozell Calls for Investigation Into Media's Election Tampering
Dan Bongino Show Three Election Oddities No One Can Deny
mrc tv FACT: Big Media and Big Tech Stole the 2020 Election
Louder with Crowder Hear Kayleigh McEnany's Full Statement Without Being Cut Off by Fox News
American Thinker The tide is already turning for President Trump
Detroit Free Press Fixed computer glitch turns losing Republican into a winner in Oakland County
American Thinker Biden's vote tallies and Benford's Law
Gateway Pundit ANOTHER “GLITCH” – Trump Loses 32,615 Votes in Pennsylvania In One Hour in AP Totals
Federalist First-Hand Account Of Election Fraud In Detroit: ‘They Did Not Want Us To See What Was Happening’
Gateway Pundit BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: System ‘Glitch’ Also Uncovered In Wisconsin – Reversal of Swapped Votes Removes Lead from Joe Biden
PJ Media Don’t Jump Off That Ledge. This Is Just a Blue Smokescreen
Monster Hunter Nation the 2020 election: fuckery is afoot
Monster Hunter Nation Election 2020: the more fuckery update
Monster Hunter Nation I asked one simple question to people who work with fraud
mrc tv MRC’s Bozell On Levin: How The Media & Big Tech Stole The Election
Last Refuge IT Contractor for Dominion Ballot Counting Software Co. Exposes Massive Ballot Fraud in Detroit Michigan...
American Thinker When computers cheat, they inevitably leave evidence behind
American Thinker Examining the code, internet geeks conclude 'Trump's win was yuuuge'
Federalist Reports Of Election Fraud Keep Piling Up In Michigan. What’s Going On?
Geller Report Suddenly 138,000 Michigan Ballots Appear This Morning ALL FOR BIDEN, ZERO FOR TRUMP
Geller Report VOTER FRAUD: Over 500 mail-in ballots for Trump found dumped at Marysville Precinct in Michigan
Federalist Yes, Media Are Rigging The Election Against Half The Country. Here’s How
American Thinker Big Data to the Rescue: The Electoral College Meets Data Pattern Science
gnews Joe Biden’s votes violate Benford’s Law (Mathematics)
Louder With Crowder BREAKING: Pennsylvania Judge Rules in Trump’s Favor, States Certain Ballots Should Not Be Counted
Coosa Valley News Nearly 3,000 Additional Votes Discovered in Hand Recount in Floyd County
Federalist 5 Historical Trends That Show It’s Utterly Shocking If Trump Lost In 2020
Louder With Crowder Georgia Recount 'Finds' Over 2,600 New Votes ... Because Someone Forgot to Upload Them
mrc tv Two California Men Charged With Submitting THOUSANDS of Fraudulent Voter Applications
Louder With Crowder SHOW NOTES: New Michigan Voter Data I Stumbled Across
Louder With Crowder SHOW NOTES: Democrat SCUM Dox to Silence New Proof of Michigan Fraud
Gateway PunditBOOM: Election Fraud Expert Russ Ramsland Files Affidavit Showing ‘PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY’ of Election Results in Michigan
Just The News In dramatic reversal, Wayne County election board Republicans rescind votes certifying results - In affidavits, GOP canvass board members claim they were bullied and say there are too many irregularities in Detroit vote to justify accepting election results.
Just The News Georgia recount witnesses swear to have seen votes for Trump counted for Biden
Just The News Georgia election audit leads to discovery of more than 3,000 uncounted ballots in two counties
Gateway Pundit "It’s Massive, Criminal Voter Fraud! - It’s Going to Blow the Mind of Everyone In This Country!" - Sidney Powell on Dominion Systems (VIDEO)
mrc tv PA Rejects Trump Lawsuit: Giuliani 'Thankful' Will Go ‘To Supreme Court’
mrc NewsBusters SPECIAL REPORT: The Stealing of the Presidency, 2020
mrc tv The Stealing of the 2020 Presidency: The Media Kept The Truth From Americans
PJ Media Sidney Powell Releases the 'Kraken' in Georgia with Explosive New Lawsuit
Federalist 5 More Ways Joe Biden Magically Outperformed Election Norms - Surely the journalist class should be intrigued by the historic implausibility of Joe Biden’s victory. That they are not is curious, to say the least.
National File DOMINOES: Georgia Announces Election Fraud Hearings After Pennsylvania, Arizona, And Michigan Bombshells - Two Georgia State Senate committees will hold hearings into claims of voting and tabulation irregularities from whistleblowers across the state
National Life VIDEO: Dominion Worker Allegedly Caught Manipulating Voter Data in Georgia - Shocking video footage shows data being downloaded from the central server onto a USB and apparently manipulated
American Thinker 2020 Election Integrity - A Snapshot Showing Where We Stand
American Thinker 2020 Election: I'm not mad, I'm furious
PJ Media 5 Reasons Why You're Not Crazy to Question the Election Results
Steadfast Clash BREAKING: Massive Error Found in Election Results for Pennsylvania - PA House Issues Statement
Geller Report Over 432,000 Votes Removed From President Trump in Pennsylvania, Data Scientists Say
Geller Report PROOF: Desperate Cover-Ups Prove Criminal Conspiracy to Overthrow Election
Gateway Pundit BREAKING: A Printer in Michigan Printed Tens of Thousands of Excess Pennsylvania Ballots Which Were Shipped to New York and Fraudulently Filled Out Before Being Delivered to Pennsylvania
Gateway Pundit REPORT: Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Neglected to Protect Georgians By Allowing Dominion Voting Machines in Elections – He Didn’t Prevent Fraud – He Provided for It
Federalist Uganda Just Nuked Facebook And Twitter For Election Interference, And Twitter Is Having A Meltdown Over It
mrc tv 'Absolute Proof': MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Releases Two-Hour Video About Alleged 2020 Election Fraud
American Greatness Why Do the Election’s Defenders Require My Agreement?
Charlie Kirk Michigan Ballot Signature-Matching Guidance Has Been Ruled Invalid By Judge
PJ Media Trump Vindicated as Judge Rules Michigan Secretary of State Violated Election Laws
mrc tv Man Made Famous for Waiting 6 Hours to Vote Arrested on 2 Counts of Voter Fraud
PJ Media If There Was No Election Fraud, Why Are Dems Trying to Stop Nationwide Audits?
mrc tv Over 300 Stolen Calif. Recall Ballots Found in Sleeping Felon's Vehicle
Federalist The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen, It Was Bought By Mark Zuckerberg
American Thinker Did Mark Zuckerberg Buy the Oval Office for Joe Biden?
Right Scoop Racine County Sheriff announces findings, says members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission committed election fraud
federalist Racine County Sheriff Calls For Felony Charges Against Wisconsin Election Commissioners
American Thinker Meet the Technology That's Uncovering 2020's Voter Fraud
Federalist Exclusive Whistleblower Video: Pennsylvania Election Workers Discuss Hiding ‘Derogatory’ Records
Federalist 5 Biggest Takeaways From The Latest Review Of Wisconsin’s Rigged 2020 Election
American Thinker There Was No Insurrection But There Was A Cou
rumble Exposing the Media’s Big Lie About Elections
rumble Exposing the Media's Big Lie About Elections
American Thinkner Fighters Are Uncovering 2020 Election Ugliness in Michigan
Trending Politics Wisconsin Assembly Sends Election Shockwaves by Voting to Withdraw 10 Biden Electors
Patriots Beacon CIA Officer ADMITS He Helped Swing Election For Biden!
mrc tv Former Dem Congressman Pleads Guilty to Ballot Stuffing in Philadelphia
Federalist J6 Committee Focuses On Election Fraud Claims While Ignoring Tactics Used To Rig The 2020 Election
Federalist NeverTrump’s Latest Attempt To Dismiss Election Concerns Is Particularly Dishonest
American Policy Center Settling the Confusion About ERIC
Epoch Times Pennsylvania Lawmaker Issues Report Detailing ‘Myriad of Election Issues’
mrc tv BLM Memphis Founder Sentenced to 6 Years For Illegally Voting As a Felon
Just The News Democrat blows whistle on alleged ballot harvesting scheme, Florida opens criminal probe - Former candidate for Orange County commissioner describes widespread vote trafficking operation in Orlando area, authorities see enough evidence to warrant criminal probe.
According To Hoyt Making Lemonade out of Nothing At All
Federalist ‘Candidate Quality’ Doesn’t Matter When You’ve Got A ‘D’ Next To Your Name
Just The News Zuckerbucks redux: Social media mogul funds recruitment of progressives to administer elections
Jewish World Review Dear Trump Haters: Can You Contain This Fire?
Just The News Before Biden laptop letter, ex-CIA boss intervened on Russia collusion in 2016, Benghazi in 2012
Just The News 'Premeditated and admitted lie': Intel pros slam Biden laptop letter after bombshell revelation
Just The News Investigators unearth evidence CIA, Antony Blinken played deceptive politics on Hunter Biden laptop
New York Post Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss was an inside job
Louder With Crowder Democrat Legislature Bans Hand-Counting In Most Elections, Intends To Target Conservative County
Gateway Pundit BIG: Halderman Report Reveals Georgia’s Dominion Voting Machines Can be Hacked, Votes Can Be Changed, Elections Can Be Altered! – SOS Raffensperger Hid the Report and Now Will Not Install Security Patches for 2024 Election
Kanekoa News< Google Rigged The 2020 Election
Louder With Crowder Flyers are being handed out to illegals crossing the border instructing them to vote for Joe Biden
Daily Fetched Top Democrat Arrested for Faking Signatures of Dead People on Election Petitio

Vote/Voting - War On Dead Voters
mrc tv Michigan Primary: 846 Absentee Ballots Rejected 'Because the Voter was Dead'
Breitbart Broward County Officials Expose Scheme to Register Dead People as Democrats

Vote/Voting - War On Illegal Alien Voters
Epoch Times New York Judge Strikes Down Law Allowing Noncitizens to Vote in Local Elections

Vote/Voting - Voter Fraud
WND Confessions of a vote fraudster
Hill Buzz The Voting Dead
American Thinker Voter Fraud: Coming to a Booth Near You?
Town Hall Oh My: Study Reveals Significant Number of Non-Citizens Vote in US Elections
Breitbart Dead Cat Receives Voter Registration Form by Mail; Would Have Voted ‘DemoCAT,’ Owner Says
Geller Report 28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last Four Elections
Breitbart Las Vegas: Over 223K Mail-In Ballots Bounced as ‘Undeliverable’ in Recent Primary Election
Breitbart 1 in 4 Vote-by-Mail Ballots Disqualified in New York City Democrat Primary
Gateway Pundit Vote by Mail Chaos: Liberal Group Sent Thousands of Illegal, Incorrect Pre-Filled Absentee Ballot Request Forms to Voters
Speaking About News Trump Is Right About Mail-in Ballots
Judicial Watch Mail-In Ballot Fraud in New Jersey Signals National Trouble
mrc tv Voter Fraud in GA: 1K Absentee Ballots Used In Illegal Voting
PJ Media Public Interest Legal Foundation Identifies 349,773 Dead People on Voter Rolls Nationwide
United States Department of Justice Statement Of U.S. Attorney Freed On Inquiry Into Reports Of Potential Issues With Mail-In Ballots
Public Intelligence Blog Hal Turner: Feds Seize 19,888 Fake State Driver Licenses (Made in China) in Chicago O’Hare Airport – ALL Registered to Vote — ALL Democrat
mrc tv Donald Trump Jr. Retweets Project Veritas Voting Video: 'Where's the DOJ?'
Louder With Crowder Report: Pennsylvania Postal Worker Alleges Potential Mail-In Ballot Fraud
Louder With Crowder Report: Michigan Postal Worker Alleges Potential Mail-In Ballot Fraud

Vote/Voting - Voter Fraud - Ballot Harvesting
YouTube Ilhan Omar connected Ballot Harvester in cash-for-ballots scheme: "Car is full" of absentee ballots
mrc tv Project Veritas Video Shows Alleged Ballot Harvesting Fraud Connected to Ilhan Omar
Louder With Crowder BOMBSHELL: Ballot Harvesting Voter Fraud Scam Tied to Rep. Ilhan Omar
mrc tv Second Project Veritas Video Shows Alleged Pay-For-Ballot Scheme Involving Ilhan Omar & Claims of 'Interpreters' Voting for People in Booths

Vote/Voting - Democrat Support For Election Denying
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
Louder With Crowder Watch: Kari Lake shuts down CNN and the entire Democratic Party in only two minutes
mrc tv Projection Much? Hillary Clinton Claims 'Right-wing Extremists...Plan to Literally Steal the Next Presidential Election'

Vote/Voting - Black Support For Voter ID
Truth Revolt VIDEO: How White Liberals REALLY View Blacks - And how everyday African Americans react...

Vote/Voting - Reasons To Avoid Voting
Daily Reckoning Your Vote Still Doesn’t Matter
Laissez Faire Today Your Vote Still Doesn’t Matter
Free Advice Why I Don't Vote
Mises Institute Why I Don't Vote
Mises Institute Why Vote?
New York Times Freakonomics - Why Vote?
Daily Reckoning Come Election Day, We're Staying Home
The Guardian Why I won't vote this year - or any year: Governments will continue to act regardless of popular approval - and certainly regardless of any approval of mine

Vote/Voting - Business Support For Voter Fraud
mrc tv Here Are The Big Businesses Scheming To Block Voter ID Laws
American thinker The woke corporations are coming for election integrity

Vote/Voting - Media Support For Voter Fraud
YouTube James O'Keefe goes NUCLEAR in debunking bogus Fox 9 report that defends illegal ballot harvesting

Vote/Voting - Courts Support For Voter Fraud
Daily Wire Federal Court Voids Texas Voter ID Law
Conservative Review Judge demands that Texas get his approval to stop non-citizens from voting
American Greatness In Michigan and Pennsylvania, the Democrats Plan to Cheat
David Harris Jr. Pennsylvania Poll Watchers Testified About Election Irregularities in 2020 Election – AG Special Agents Harassed Them and Now They’re Being Sued
Federalist Courts Repeatedly Refused To Consider Trump’s Election Claims On The Merits

Vote/Voting - Democrat Politicians / Government Officials Support For Voter Fraud and Breaking The Law
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
American Thinker The Sovereign Crime of Industrial Scale Vote Fraud
American Greatness California’s Rigged Election Process Is Coming to America
Pamela Geller Obama Encourages Illegals to Vote: It’s ‘Strictly Confidential’
Project Veritas Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies
Project Veritas Rigging the Election - Video II: Mass Voter Fraud
Project Veritas Rigging the Election - Video III: Creamer Confirms Hillary Clinton Involvement
Project Veritas Rigging the Election - Video IV: $20k Wire Transfer From Belize Returned
Project Veritas Undercover PV Journalist in Full Burka Is Offered Huma Abedin’s Ballot
Project Veritas Undercover: Chicago Democratic Election Judges Pretend to be Republican Judges
YouTube Out of state voters and non-residents offered ballots in New Hampshire presidential primary
American Thinker VA Gov. McAuliffe evades court order on felons voting
American Thinker The dead are voting in Colorado
American Thinker The election is being stolen right before our eyes
American Thinker Fear the Voting Dead
Observer Former Democratic Congressional Candidate Says Hillary Stole Nevada - Dan Rolle: Dems cooked voter files to rig Nevada win for Clinton
Truth Revolt Federal Immigration Officials Working OT to Swear In As Many 'Citizen Voters' as Possible - "This is a repeat of the Clinton election playbook. Then it was to help re-elect Bill, this time it is to help Hillary."
Truth Revolt Gov. Brown Allows Felons in County Jail to Vote in California Elections - "California will not stand for discrimination in voting"
Truth Revolt WA Mall Shooter Voted in Three Elections Despite Not Being a Citizen - "We don’t have a provision in state law that allows us officials to verify someone’s citizenship."
Truth Revolt Report: Coverup in Virginia on How Many Illegal Aliens Voting - Are you a U.S. citizen? Check "Yes" or "No." And remember, don’t lie!
Truth Revolt More Fraud Exposed in Battleground PA as Non-Citizens, Convicts Registered to Vote - "This is just the tip of the iceberg."
Truth Revolt Malkin: Will Illegal Foreign Voters Steal the Election? - Making American elections American again.
Truth Revolt Guiliani: 'Dead People Generally Vote for Democrats' - "Maybe if Republicans controlled the inner cities."
Truth Revolt REMINDER: Al Gore Didn’t Concede Election Until Month-Long Recount
Truth Revolt Media-Manufactured Narrative: Trump Remark on Accepting Election Results 'Horrifying,' Shows Contempt for American Electorate - Give us a break.
Truth Revolt Thug Exposed in Project Veritas Videos a HuffPo Contributor Who Covers... Voter Fraud! - The hypocrisy of the Left.
Truth Revolt Texas Voting Machines Changing Republican Votes to Democrat - "How many people didn't check their ballot?"
Truth Revolt WaPo Editorial Urges Giving Children the Right to Vote - Why not? We already let dead people and cartoon characters vote.
Truth Revolt Reports of Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania - "I believe that they are doing this so everybody will vote Democrat."
Truth Revolt Straight From the Alinksy Playbook: Hillary Clinton Joins Jill Stein's 'Recount' Efforts in Three States - This is the Left's attempt to delegitimize Trump any way it can.
Truth Revolt Report: Ukraine 'Interfered' In US Election... to Help Hillary - But Trump, Russia ...
Truth Revolt Report: Obama Never Told 21 States Russians Were Hacking Their Voting Systems - "We can’t find any secretaries of state who say they have been told."
Truth Revolt 20 Thousand Illegally Voted in 2016 Election in Chicago, New Hampshire - But there's no real voter fraud problem.
Truth Revolt Greenfield: The Memo Reveals the Coup against America - The memo has been released - now it’s time to release everything.
Truth Revolt Lawsuit Filed Against PA for Registering 100,000 Noncitizens to Vote - It was a "glitch" in the system.
mrc tv Virginia Registers 20 Zombie Voters
mrc tv California Allowing County Jail Felons to Vote in Future Elections
mrc tv Ind. Voter Fraud Investigation Now Spans Half the State
mrc tv IL Residents Report Being Offered Bribes For Voting Democrat
mrc tv Signs of Potential Voter Fraud Just Popped Up Across 37% of Detroit
mrc tv Nebraska Democrats 'Welcome' Refugees...With Voter Registration Forms
mrc tv Virginia, Kentucky and California Reject Trump's Voter Fraud Investigation
mrc tv Maryland Suburb Considers Letting Illegal Aliens Vote
mrc tv FOIA Request Reveals Evidence of Massive Voter Discrepancies In Chicago
mrc tv Voter Registration For Illegal Aliens Underway In San Fran
mrc tv New Hampshire Judge Rules the State Can't Require Proof of Residency For Last-Minute Voters
PJ Media Young Virginia Democrat Admits to Registering 19 Dead People to Vote
ars technica Meet the e-voting machine so easy to hack, it will take your breath away - Virginia decertifies device that used weak passwords and wasn't updated in 10 years.
Washington Free Beacon Report: Ineligible Aliens Voted in Philadelphia in Recent Years - Dozens have cast ballots in recent elections
Project Veritas HIDDEN CAMERA: NYC Democratic Election Commissioner "I Think There Is A lot of Voter Fraud"
Project Veritas CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Clinton Staffer Says I Could "Grab [Her] Ass" and Not Get Fired; Ripping Up Ballots is "Fine"
Zero Hedge Texas Rigged? Reports Of Voting Machines Switching Votes To Hillary In Texas
L.A.Times GOP dead zones: You won't find any Republicans to vote for in big areas of L.A. County
Gateway Pundit Breaking: Broward County, Florida Officials Caught Filling Out Absentee Ballots
Jander Research THERE WILL BE NO RECOUNT IN PENNSYLVANIA: Jill Stein Perpetrating Election Fraud.
Zero Hedge PA Judge Denies Recount And Blasts Stein's "Suspicions Of Hacking" That "Border On Irrational"
New Haven Register Bridgeport State Rep. Christina Ayala arrested on 19 voting fraud charges
One America News Network (OANN) Judicial Watch Warns Calif. to Clean Voter Registration Lists
WND Feds: Vote fraud scheme found at Massachusetts motor vehicles office - Puerto Rican birth certificates used to register illegal aliens
WND 11 California counties have more registered voters than eligible voters - 'An absolute mess that undermines the very idea of clean elections'
National Review Ghost Voters
National Review The Left Is Undermining Confidence in Our Elections
National Review The Obama Administration’s Ugly Legacy of Undermining American Electoral Integrity
National Review Why Are Democrats Afraid of the Election Integrity Commission?
Daily Wire REPORT: Voter Fraud May Have Tipped NH To Hillary In 2016
WND Heritage Foundation destroys claim vote fraud doesn't happen - Database proves felons, illegal aliens playing role in elections
The Mercury Commentary: If election fraud isn’t a problem, why obstruct investigations of it?
Daily Wire Who's Really Undermining Faith In Our Elections? Democrats, Mostly
Daily Wire THE CHICAGO WAY: Thousands Of Residents Commit Fraud To Keep College Student Off Ballot
Federalist How Ballot-Harvesting Became The New Way To Steal An Election
H.R. 1: Democrats Act to Strip State Powers Over Election
Conservative Review Don’t lower the voting age. Raise it
Investor's Business Daily U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults - A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud
Conservative Review There is no greater foreign influence than illegal immigration and those thwarting our laws
PBS An 11-year-old changed election results on a replica Florida state website in under 10 minutes
mrc tv Bunches of Mail - Including Mail-In Ballots - Found In a Rural Wisconsin Ditch
NewsTarget FBI refused to investigate ballots-for-cash scheme in Minneapolis, so Project Veritas did the job instead
mrc tv USPS Worker in NJ Arrested & Charged with Allegedly Dumping Mail, Including '99 General Election Ballots'
Federalist Gov. Gavin Newsom Tried To Own A Voter On Mail-In Ballot Fraud, But It Backfired
mrc tv California Man Reports Finding Piles Of Mail - Including Ballots - In an Alley Garbage Can
mrc tv S.C. Elections Chairman Resigns After Getting Caught Stealing and Vandalizing a Resident's Trump Signs
Gateway Pundit HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Michigan AG Dana Nessel Sends Cease and Desist Order to Journalist Demanding He Erase His #DetroitLeaks Video Showing Voter Fraud Training - OR FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION
Federalist I Was In Philadelphia Watching Fraud Happen. Here’s How It Went Down
American Thinker H.R. 1: It’s Worse Than You Think
American Thinker When “For the People” really means “for the politicians”

Vote/Voting - Democrat Support For Voter Fraud and Breaking The Law
99.99% of the Democrats give the rest a bad name.
PJ Media Recounts Rarely Change Elections Results, But When They Do, They Favor Dems
Federalist Nearly 58,000 Noncitizens Illegally Voted In Texas. How Many More Nationwide? Conservative Review Non-citizens voting in our elections is a huge problem
Daily Wire Democrat House Votes In Favor Of Illegal Immigrant Voting, Report Says
mrc tv House Dems Pass Measure Supporting Illegal Aliens Voting In Local Elections
mrc tv Poll: 75% of Americans Don't Agree With Bernie on Incarcerated Prisoners' Right to Vote
American Wire New Voter Fraud Scandal In Michigan Involves A Democrat
News Punch Award-Winning Democrat Official Arrested On 6 Felony Charges of Election Fraud
Gateway Pundit New NV Law Allows Democrats to Enter Nursing Homes, Vote for Dementia Patients without Their Signature (VIDEO)
American Thinker YouTube to end election 'interference' ... by interfering with the free press
News Bill Barr Indicts 8 For Illegally Funneling Foreign Money To Adam Schiff And Multiple Dem Senators
WND Trump Jr. crushes Dem's vote-by-mail dreams: 'If you can loot in person, you can vote in person'
Sentry Bugle Pennsylvania Judge Pleads Guilty for Taking Bribes in Exchange for Illegally Adding Democratic Votes
NY Post Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots
Legal Insurrection Democrats are telling us they will not accept a Donald Trump win. Are you listening?

Vote/Voting - Support For Corrupt Politicians
Truth Revolt One in Five Clinton Voters Want Her Charged - Dem voters see email scandal as real

Vote/Voting - George Soros Support For Voter Fraud
Truth Revolt Soros to Bankroll Lawsuits on Voter ID Laws - Hedgefund billionaire working with top Dem lawyers
Truth Revolt 16 States Using Voting Machines From George Soros-Linked Company
Truth Revolt Newly-Leaked Documents Expose How Soros Manipulates Federal Elections - How a "convicted felon moved hundreds of millions of dollars into often-secret efforts to change election laws, fuel litigation to attack election integrity measures..."
Truth Revolt Hungarian PM Gets It Right Again, Turns Screws on Soros-Backed NGOs - Making Hungary Great.
PJ Media Leaked Documents Reveal Expansive Soros Funding to Manipulate Federal Elections

Vote/Voting - Barack Hussein Obama Support For Voter Fraud
Why is an ID required for every function in the United States of America except voting?
DMV - ID required
Airport - ID required
Hospital - ID required
Pharmacy - ID required
Donating Blood - ID required
Bank - ID required
Buying A Gun - ID required
Writing A Check - ID required
Adoption Agency - ID required
Social Security - ID required
Welfare Benefits - ID required
Pawn Shop - ID required
Jail - ID required
Using A Credit Card - ID required
Court - ID required
Petition The Government - ID required
Meet With The Department Of Justice - ID required
Right Of Assembly - ID required
Right To Marry - ID required
Union Election - ID required
Freedom Of Movement / Travel - ID required
Public Accommodations (Hotels) - ID required
Voting - no ID required
Daily Signal Amid Voter ID Battles, Here Are 7 Things the Government Requires IDs For
Miami Herald Rep. Rooney to DOJ: Why are you allowing potential voter fraud?
The Daily Caller DeMint: ‘When our justice system is in question, everything is in question’ (Eric Holder)
Conservative HQ Eric Holder and Obama Fighting to Keep Illegals on Florida Voting Roles
Human Events The vote fraud crusade
Charleston Daily Mail Accept no excuses for tolerating vote fraud Shame On Attorney General Eric Holder For Racial Antagonism
Boston Herald Holder demeans office
Washington Times EDITORIAL: Justice thwarts Black Panther subpoenas, The Obama team is covering up voter-intimidation evidence
Yahoo! News U.S. sues Texas over voter ID law
Personal Liberty Digest One Thing Republicans, Democrats, Blacks, Whites, Rich And Poor Have In Common: Support For Voter ID
Personal Liberty Digest Feds Sue Another State Over Its Voter ID Law
Truth Revolt Harvard Study: Yes, Illegals Help Get Democrats Elected - "Turned the tide" for Democrats in 2008
Truth Revolt Canadian Man Votes While Wearing Niqab - Checked ID against covered face.

Vote/Voting - Other Leftists Support For Voter Fraud
Louder With Crowder Peter Fonda Calls For Voter Fraud to Stop Donald Trump
WND Forget Russia - Watch Big Tech!

Vote/Voting - Felons Votes Matter
Dan bongino Show Biden Admin Pushes Felon Voting Rights Because He Knows Most Will Vote for Him
mrc tv House Dems Overwhelmingly Vote Against Deporting Illegals Who Commit Crimes

Vote/Voting - Humor
New York restaurant adds voting booth so they can alllow people in without ID - Babylon Bee
Louder With Crowder GA Legislator Introduces 'Joe Biden Jim Crow on Steroids Voting Act' in Response to Lies
Louder With Crowder A Michigan Homeowner Is in Trouble for This (Hysterical) Mail-in Voting Display
Truth Revolt Hilarious Video Mocks Celebrities For Reminding Us to Vote for Hillary - What would we do without the Hollywood elite?
Louder With Crowder HILARIOUS: Jeff Dunham Mocks Election & Stupid Celebrity ‘Get Out the Vote’ Videos
People's Cube Russian hackers more numerous than previously thought
Babylon Bee Democratic Socialist Candidate’s Primary Win Revoked After All Her Votes Forcibly Redistributed
Babylon Bee Dems: 'Trump's Refusal To Admit Caravan Into Country Is An Egregious Act Of Voter Suppression'
People's Cube Comrades! Find your missing ballots!
Babylon Bee Candidates Propose Changes To Fix Flaw In Constitution That Allows Republicans To Be Elected
Babylon Bee Bernie Sanders Vows To Round Up Remaining ISIS Members, Allow Them To Vote
Babylon Bee Democrats Warn That American People May Tamper With Next Election
Babylon Bee Democrats Warn That American People May Tamper With Next Election
Glorious American Illinois Citizens Protest Local Graveyards For Voting In Democrats
Babylon Bee Veteran Mailman Phil R.E. Quinton Volunteers To Collect All The Mail-In Votes
Glorious American Scientists Anxious To Study The Majestic Nocturnal Ballot Which Only Comes Out At 4 am
Glorious American Philadelphia Election Officials: Poll Watchers Were Able To Watch Via Google Earth
Babylon Bee In National Survey Of Favorite Foods, Lukewarm Bowl Of Porridge Wins 80 Million Votes
Babylon Bee Mysterious Tower Of Missing Trump Votes Appears In Utah Desert
Glorious American Op-Ed: 2020 Election Results Show No Irregularities, By Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Babylon Bee 138,000 Kids Suddenly Added To Santa's Nice List In Middle Of Night
Glorious American New Video Of Trump Votes Fed Into Wood Chipper More Proof Of Clean Election
YouTube The dead people who voted in the election
Gious American New Video Of Trump Votes Fed Into Wood Chipper More Proof Of Clean Election
Glorous American Judge Rules Piles Of Street Poop Will Count As Votes For Gavin Newsom
Babylon Bee Democrats Worried Republicans May Take Lead Beyond Margin Of Cheating
Babylon Bee Katie Hobbs Projected To Win Arizona Governor’s Race With 108% Of Precincts Reporting
Genesius Times WARNING: Call your doctor if your election is painful or lasts longer than 4 days
Genesius Times BREAKING: Officials may need weeks after election to determine how much they need to cheat
Genesius Times BREAKING: McCarthy wins Speaker vote after finding 150,000 mail-in ballots at 2am
Babylon Bee 138,000 Points Suddenly Awarded To Losing Team At Halftime

Vote The R
YouTube Vote The R
YouTube CALIFORNIA FREEDOM - Walk Through Human Feces, Step On a Syringe

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American Thinker Even as Biden tears down our border, he's protecting himself and his friends

Want To Know Reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups

Praying for peace does nothing. If you want peace, prepare for violence.
... what the most important thing was that he learned from the war. Never believe your own government. - Kurt Vonnegut (from a friend)
War is the health of the state. - Randolph Bourne
In any war, the first casualty is common sense, and the second is free and open discussion. - James Reston
War on Poverty
- 1964 15% poverty rate
- 2010 15.1% poverty
War on Drugs
- 1971 ?%
- 2007 46% of the population over 12 years old have tried drugs
War on Crime
- Business Pundit 10 Richest Criminals of All Time
- Look at the above list and then try to tell me how sucessful the war on crime is.
I couldn’t have gotten so stinking rich without George Bush, George Bush Jr., Ronald Reagan, even El Presidente Obama, none of them have the cojones to stand up to all the big money that wants to keep this stuff illegal. From the bottom of my heart, I want to say, Gracias amigos, I owe my whole empire to you.- Joaqin "El Chapo" Guzman, head of Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel
War on Terror
- Due to Political Correctness, ALL the multiple agencies responsible for preventing terrorist acts refused to admit that Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a radical Muslim, was a potential terrorist and thus allowed him to kill 13 people and injure 30 more.
War on Cash
- despite inflation of 2,000% since 1913, the largest currency in circulation in the United States today is $100.00.
Daily Reckoning Strange New Enemies in an Ever-Changing War
Daily Reckoning How Empires Really Work
Daily Reckoning Should We Worry about the Class Divide? (class warfare)
Daily Reckoning A Game of Currency Wars
Daily Reckoning The Ethics of "Making the Empire Pay"
Mises Institute The Paradox of Imperialism
Mises Institute Rockwell on the State, the Military, and Propaganda
Mises Institute The War on Drugs Is Not Like The War on Poverty
Mises Institute Congress Will Make Sure Taxpayers Keep Sending Money to Terrorists
Mises Institute The American Way of War Is a Budget-Breaker
The Telegraph 'Offensive' Halloween costumes banned by US university
Chicks On The Right "We're A Culture, Not A Costume."
Personal Liberty Digest Ron Paul Straight Talk: Fort Hood Was An Avoidable Tragedy
PJ Media The World Is Returning to Normal
YouTube Andrew Klavan on Culture: Bumper Sticker Police

Warning Signs
Warning Signs America Commits Suicide
Warning Signs You Know You're a Moron If ...

Washington Post - Democray Dies in Darkness ... and we're doing our part to keep it in the dark.

Washington's Blog Fear of Terror Makes People Stupid

The Waste List your tax dollars squandered

Watcher Of Weasels
Watcher Of Weasels The Council Has Spoken!! This Week’s Watcher’s Council Results

Webley Page
Webley Page Lever Action Essays

The Weekly Standard conservative magazine and blog.

Welfare (for all)
The Daily Caller USDA combats ‘mountain pride,’ self-reliance to boost food stamp rolls
The Daily Caller Lottery winner using food stamps: ‘I thought maybe it was okay because I’m not working’
The Daily Caller USDA uses Spanish soap operas to push food stamps among non-citizens, citizens [AUDIO]
The Daily Caller Clinton, Napolitano mum on open-door immigrant welfare policy
Mises Institute Tariffs as Welfare-State Economics
Mises Institute The High Cost of "Free"
Mises Institute Decentralize the Welfare State
Weekly Standard Non-Citizens on Food Stamps Quadrupled Since 2001
Human Events "Poverty" pays better than middle-class employment
Human Events Welfare benefits for the Boston bombers
Independent Film, News and Media Thune: Food stamp participation has increased at 10 times the rate of job creation under Obama
Natural News Obama administration openly pushing food stamps to illegals; no citizenship required, no income status checked
Cato Institute Welfare Can Make More Sense than Work
Daily Reckoning Free Food for All at Wal-Mart!
International Liberty With Vermont Earning the Dubious Distinction of First Place, Northeastern States Dominate the Moocher Index
Canada Free Press Paul Ryan’s shocking notion: Maybe there are better ways to fight poverty - What? You mean it's not working?
The Heritage Foundation Air Conditioning, Cable TV, and an Xbox: What is Poverty in the United States Today?
Personal Liberty Digest Feds Report Historically High Proportion Of U.S. Population Is Now On Welfare
Gary North In the Welfare State, Beggars Learn to Be Choosers -- Very Picky Choosers
Young Conservatives College student becomes homeless on purpose, blogs about it, hilarious failure follows
Amereican Thinker The mathematics of ending the endless war on poverty
Truth Revolt Report: Hillary Potential VP Pick Plotting Section 8 Push to 'Punish' Suburbs for Being 'Too White' - The negative consequences of another Democratic presidency will be legion.
Truth Revolt THROWBACK VIDEO: How the Government Turns Minorities Into Freeloaders - "It’s all welfare, it’s all a con."

Allen B. West
Allen B. West Angela West: Am I "acting white" by asking why black people are looting their own neighborhood?

The Western Center For Journalism
The Western Center For Journalism What Now, You Ask? Political Insurgency
The Western Center For Journalism WATCH: Nancy Pelosi May Never Recover After This Incredible Megyn Kelly Beatdown

What Bubba Knows intolerant because some things are just too stupid to put up with.

Bill Whittle the common sense resistance

Dr. Lawrence Wilson Equal Justice Or Social Justice?

Worth It Or Woke?

Women Against Shariah

Tom Woods Show
Tom Woods Show The Tom Woods Show Library of Episodes
Tom Woods Show The Tom Woods Show Library of Episodes
Tom Woods Show Want to Understand the World? Read These Books
Tom Woods Show books
Tom Woods Show free books

Alliance For Worker Freedom combat anti-worker legislation and promote free and open markets.

World Net Daily
World Net Daily Klayman files for deportation of Barack Obama - 'Proceedings should be immediately commenced, an investigation undertaken'
World Net Daily An establishment in panic - Pat Buchanan: Ruling class fears the people won't accept its political legitimacy

Wounded American Warrior

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Yahoo! Finance Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires
Yahoo! News Kansas governor signs bill banning Islamic law
Yahoo! News Dental Assistant Fired For Being 'Irresistible' Is 'Devastated'
Yahoo! News Bomb Shelter Boom Sees Underground Pools, Basketball Courts
Yahoo! News What the hell’s the matter with Maryland? question/test your own morality

YouTube Milo Yiannopoulos
YouTube Milo Yiannopoulos - Milo Protestors

Young Conservatives
Young Conservatives If a conservative said this it would literally be the only thing you see on the news
Young Conservatives The 11 most ridiculous "hate-crime" accusations that ended up being complete lies
Young Conservatives This "Obama walks into a bank" joke is cracking me up
Young Conservatives Active Army Green Beret Writes a Scathing Message to America’s Politicians

YouTube The 2012 Pelosi GTxi SS/RT Sport Edition

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Zero Hedge Apocalypse On Broadway: Study Finds 78% Increase In Vacant Storefronts

YouTube Latest Example of Liberal Intolerance: Columnist Calls Black Conservatives 'Animals'
YouTube PJTV: Democrats Have No Right to Claim Lincoln's Legacy
YouTube PJTV: The Bully-crats: The Democrats Are Bigoted Bullies

20 Things I've Learned (Or Had Confirmed) About Humanity During The "Pandemic"
1. Most people would rather be in the majority, than be right.
2. At least 20% of the population has strong authoritarian tendencies, which will emerge under the right conditions.
3. Fear of death is only rivaled by the fear of social disapproval. The latter could be stronger.
4. Propaganda is just as effective in the modern day as it was 100 years ago. Access to limitless information has not made the average person any wiser.
5. Anything and everything can and will be politicized by the media, government, and those who trust them.
6. Many politicians and large corporations will gladly sacrifice human lives if it is conducive to their political and financial aspirations.
7. Most people believe the government acts in the best interests of the people. Even many who are vocal critics of the government.
8. Once they have made up their mind, most people would rather to commit to being wrong, than admit they were wrong.
9. Humans can be trained and conditioned quickly and relatively easily to significantly alter their behaviors -- for better or worse.
10. When sufficiently frightened, most people will not only accept authoritarianism, but demand it.
11. People who are dismissed as "conspiracy theorists" are often well researched and simply ahead of the mainstream narrative.
12. Most people value safety and security more than freedom and liberty, even if said "safety" is merely an illusion.
13. Hedonic adaptation occurs in both directions, and once inertia sets in, it is difficult to get people back to "normal."
14. A significant % of people thoroughly enjoy being subjugated.
15. "The Science" has evolved into a secular pseudo-religion for millions of people in the West. This religion has little to do with science itself.
16. Most people care more about looking like they are doing the right thing, rather than actually doing the right thing.
17. Politics, the media, science, and the healthcare industries are all corrupt, to varying degrees. Scientists and doctors can be bought as easily as politicians.
18. If you make people comfortable enough, they will not revolt. You can keep millions docile as you strip their rights, by giving them money, food, and entertainment.
19. Modern people are overly complacent and lack vigilance when it comes to defending their own freedoms from government overreach.
20. It's easier to fool a person than to convince them that they have been fooled.

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