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Last updated by Steven Libis & Associates on 07/26/2013
Yack!, the guide to live internet events and chats.
Yahoo! News 5 things you probably didn’t know could be hacked
Yahoo! Autos Hackers reveal nasty new car attacks--with me behind the wheel (video)
Ken Yap's Links how to get extra use out of older/slower hardware (DOS, Linux, ...)
Yeah Write or Yeah Write Win 3.1 or Win 95 word processor that only takes 1mb of hard drive space.
Year 2000 (Y2K)
Y2K problems (and date sensitive problems) defined.
September 9, 1999 = 9999, end of file marker
January 1, 2000 = systems with 2 digit years think is 1900, or 19100 or, ...
February 29, 2000 = possible leap year miscalculation.
April 1, 2000 = problems with systems that think it is 1900.
October 10, 2000 = first 8 digit date using 4 digit year (10-10-2000)
December 31, 2000 = problem for systems that think it is 1900
January 1, 2001 = month-day-year problem for 2 digit year (01-01-01)
September 9, 2001 = unix time function reaches 999,999,999
January 1, 2030 = pivot for Microsoft Office 97 and Windows 98
January 1, 2036 = rollover for Network Time Protocol (NTP)
January 19, 2038 = rollover for Unix time function (also used by C and C++).
February 6, 2040 = rollover for Apple Macintosh clock.
February 29, 2100 = possible leap year miscalculation.
December 31, 9999 = year now needs 5 digits
Year 2000 (Y2K) post Y2K analysis
Internet Week Y2K Survey
Internet Week Y2K News
Information Week Y2K Experience Survey
Year 2000 (Y2K) live updates
Zone2000 live Y2K updates from people in all 24 time zones.
New Zealand's Y2k monitoring system live Y2K updates
Y2K Global Status Watch live Y2K updates from government representatives world wide.
World Y2K Watch links to live Y2K sites
EarthCam watch the Y2K event via net cameras
CNN worldwide Y2K coverage
CNET Y2K coverage
PBS Y2K coverage
NewsNow News about Y2K updated every 5 minutes
Emergency News Network live Y2K coverage
Year 2000 (Y2K) information and other resources
Google Groups Computer Bugs In The Year 2000 (a 1985 discussion)
Client/Server Technologies, makers of Foundation/2000, software to test Y2K compliance of Linux systems.
PC Y2K Alliance
University of Nebraska List of PC software product compliance with links to vendor web sites.
Infomation Week Year 2000 coverage.
AtasiSoft DataKure, data file repair software.
Alpha One QWK Y2K info, and broken packets for testing.
Antrix Gear/2000, TestGear/2000 (testing and fixes for IBM minicomputers)
U.S.Army A searchable hardware and software compliance database.
Bindview Netinventory hardware and software testing over networks.
Blue Line Studios Y2K App Checker (for MAC)
Boxware, Inc. TF2000compliance tester, and software solution
Centennial International Centennial 2000 hardware and software testing.
Check 2000 Y2K software
Coetanian Systems Time Synchronization Server (grabs time from Global Positioning system (GPS) satellites)
Computer Information Centre collection of links to vendor statements, compliance lists, and related articles.
Year 2000 Revisited article from Computer Currents Magazine
Computer Experts Ltd. hardware / software solutions.
Computer Horizons Ager 2000
National Radio Astronomy Observatory, an essay summarizing the technical nuts and bols of the Y2K problem, including suggested test procedures.
Data Dimensions, Inc. Y2K compliance reports for 40,000+ products.
DBA Software Tracer 2000, code scanning tools
Dell Year 2000 problem info.
Duh-2000 ill-conceived quotes about the impact of the Y2K problem.
Department of Energy (DOE) Year 2000 site.
Electronic Mail & Guardian listing of selected Y2K sites (links)
EDS - Vendor 2000 listing of 129,000+ products from 3,400+ companies.
Elimar Soft makers of RTVIEW (DOS Y2K testing software)
University Y2K
Euy2k.com impact of the Y2K problem on embedded systems.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Year 2000 site.
Fernlink 2000 software
Business Continuity and Contingency Planning Guide
Dr. Gary North pessimistic view of Y2K.
Gateway Year 2000 problem info.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Check 2000 Client/Server software.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Check 2000 Client/Server software.
Greyware Domain Time Software (pull time from another server on your network, or a time server on the internet)(Windows NT)
U.S.Army Technical Integration Center PC testing of hardware platforms, BIOS, and operating systems.
IBM Year 2000 info and compliance data.
IBM Year 2000 Resources
IBM Year 2000 FAQ.
Infoliant Corp., a white paper (quick guideline for determining compliance in desktop and network systems) as well as Y2K compliance reports for 25,000+ products.
InfoWorld Year 2000 coverage.
Intelliquis Fix2000
Information Week and VARBusiness Y2K testing.
Information Week Year 2000 Resource Center.
IST Development IST Year 2000 Analysis Suite (test network servers)
ITAA links to lists of compliant products.
Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) Year 2000 (Y2K) news and info.
MBS2000 clearing house for year 2000 information.
Messaging System Y2K Readiness Center focusing on Y2K readiness of messaging vendors
Micro 2000 Inc. Micro 2000 (software), Centurion (hardware-8 bit ISA card that provides a year 2000 fix Y2K).
Microsoft Year 2000 FAQ (Y2K) legacy patch program.
Microsoft Year 2000 FAQ (Y2K) warranty (or lack thereof).
Microsoft Year 2000 Resource Center (Y2K) Type "TODAY - Jan. 2, 2000" into an Excel command line.
Microsoft Year 2000 Resource Center (Y2K)
Microsoft Year 2000 updates
Microsoft Year 2000 updates
Cassandra Project discussion forum for community preparedness groups
Mitre year 2000 (Y2K) vendor listing
Mitre searchable database of hardware and software compliance.
Network Associates Inc (NAI) 2000 ToolBox
New Art Technologies Naimpact
Novell Year 2000 Project
Novell Year 2000 Information Ferret
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Y2K site
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Conversion 2000: Y2K JumpStart Kit (free)
National Software Testing Laboratory (NSTL) has
YMark2000 test software.
YMark2000 software to examine 3 clock functions on PCs. (Y2K)
On Technologies CCM Y2K
Optixom Y2KView
Personal Computers 4 You consultant (also has Y2K testing software for download)
Viasoft OnMark 2000 BIOS year 2000 solution.
About Time Group EZcheck (diagnose problem), PCfix (fix problem).
PC Year 2000 Alliance
Deutsche Morgan Grenfell Investment Bank a free searchable database of year 2000 disclosure statements of the Standard & Poor's 500.
Pointe Technology PC-DC 2000
Right Time free Test2000 Year 2000 testing software.
TEST2000.ZIP, from Right Time
SafetyNet Yes2K
Colin Seymour free software: Y2K clock tester, RF programs and FAQ, ...
Shaman Enterprise Shaman
Small Business Administration (SBA) Y2K site and
links to useful sites
PC Tests for Y2K problems.
Small Business Year 2000 Readiness Act
ServerLogic SP/2000 (database analysis)
IBM PC DOS 7.0 support.
Solution-Soft Time Machine
Year 2000 Survival Newsletter.
PC Tests for Y2K problems.
Dan Stevens list of y2k compliant comanies, search engine, ...
Symantec Norton 2000
Symantec PC BIOS test and fix.
Symantec PC BIOS test and fix.
Tally Systems PC2000 Toolkit
Tava Technologies, Inc. Y2K compliance reports for 110,000+ products.
TechWeb 2000
2000 AD Year 2000 site.
Year 2000 Issues a law firm that specializes in Year 2000 problems.
Bricker and Eckler (law firm) monitor the progress of Y2K-related litigation in America.
Texas Tech University (TTU) Year 2000 resources with links to vendor compliance statements, articals, organizations and other material.
ViaSoft makers of software to check PC-and workstation-based applications to ensure that they are Y2K-compliant.
Vendor 2000 (EDS) listing of 125,000+ products from 3,000+ companies.
Vinca Y2K TimeLab software testing.
Washington State Compliance survey with vendor responses and web-site links.
Ken Holder pessimistec view of Y2K.
WRQ, Inc. Y2K compliance reports for ??,000+ products.
WRQ, Inc. Adapt/PC 2000, Express 2000 Software Manager
Y2000 Consultants freeware diagnostic software.
Presidents Council on Y2K Conversion
Presidents Council on Y2K Conversion Y2K Rumors page
Y2K Status links to worldwide government Y2K initiatives.
Y2K Alert searchable registry of companies with Y2K statements about their compliance.
Y2K Compliance Database
Y2K Food dehydrated, freeze dried food.
Year 2000 links to other Year 2000 sites.
Y2K News Magazine
Y2K Patch online, real-time Y2K tester.
Y2K.com links to other Year 2000 sites.
Westergaard Year 2000
Y2K Today
Y2K Resource Cennter
Yahoo! Year 2000 Problem articles, ...
Yahoo! Year 2000 Problem articles, ...
Year 2000 Information Center Peter de Jager, Year 2000 consultant.(clearinghouse, news archives, links, articles, ...)
Year 2000 Information Center Y2K articles.
Year 2000 Information Center Y2K User Groups.
Year 2000 Registry
Y2K info and programs.
Ed Yourdon slightly less pessimistic view of Y2K from a journalist.
Ziff-Davis Year 2000 site.
Computer Myths including Y2K.
ThoughtContagion.com one theory of Y2K bug and millennialism madness.
Year 2000 Computer Bug Hoax
Borderland Sciences Research Foundation Y2K Hysteria
Gary South Y2K Links and Forums (a Gary North parody site).
Millennium Madness buy your millennium novelties here.
YouHaveDownloaded.com proof of concept that torrent downloads are not private.
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